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tv   First Look  NBC  December 25, 2022 3:00am-3:31am PST

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. (singing)g) or the laland of e free andnd the home e of the br. playball!! [music plalaying] w water. the lilifeblood ofof civilizat. it's a a source ofof food, transportatation and c commere
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on whihich societities are bui. bubut when youou're 800 mimis fromom the nearerest oceaean, you've e got to m make do witith what youou. anand for chicicago, that't'se michigan, the largest body of water in the united states. so youou can do ququite a lo. and fifittingly, o one of the best w ways to explore chicago is by boboat as it f flows rit througugh the hearart of the c. chicacago is uniqique in the t that it's nonot just a l lake t, bubut it's alslso a ririver town, , as well. yeah,h, absolutely. and d when you l look at theher walk, there's recreation, ththere's kayayaking. wewe truly wanant to makeke this a papart of howow we live h here in chih. i i think thehe most imprpree thing thatat you do isis how you turn t this water r gr. absolutely. we know how to celebrate st. patty's day here and what better way to do it than to turn the river green. i i'll tell y you what better w way to do i it.
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to celebebrate the a arrival of johnny y bananas, yoyou should h have tuturned it yeyellow. (laughingng) ok. problblem is yellllow wateter doesn't t necessarily grab the right connotation. gogoing througugh this waterway, , i mean, it's like walklking througugh an a architecturure art galll. whwhich ones are some of the iconic buildings? this one, right over here. this is marina citity and you'l hearar chicagoanans refer to te asas the "cornrncob" buildldi. i can see why. this buililding is ththe wils tower, f formerly, s sears tow. itit held the e title of the worlrld's tallest bubuilding foror over 20 y ye. what is it about chicago that made it so famous and so synononymous witith architecec? of cocourse, we h have the chicago o fire of 181871. we had t to rebuild d an entie city a and that brbrought los of g great talenent to the c . and d from 1871, by 1885, , we've gott the e world's fifirst skyscraper here in chicagogo,
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and we have never r stopped. i'm no o architect,t, ok. bubut i don't t know whatt is keepiping that bubuilding from f falling ovever. you u know when n you play jen, and there's thatat jerk thatt pulls bothth blocks ouout so t the whole t tower's resting onon one at ththe bott? t the engineeeer could dodo . a lot of f times whenen you ththink of majajor bustlingng, metropololitan cicities they'y're usually y on one of f the coas. w we actuallyly call chicago "t"the third c coast" and i i never, actctually, thought i i could loveve a ci, but t then i camame to chicac. and justst walking a around,i couldn't't help but t fall in e with e everything g around m. yeah. a and falling in love is easy w when you vivisit chicags iconic navy pier, a wharf of wonder r that juts s out 3,300 feet onto lake michigan. today, it't's hosting g the anl race to o mackinac i island. a mararathon saililing competin ththat attractcts yacht teteams from a around the e w. ththe water wawas calm, anad it w was time toto sail.
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i just hadad to find the perfrfect boat.. w what is it t about chicago ththat makes thisis such a hahaven for bobo? well l access too the greaeat lakes. this is ththe center of the u united statates for r sailing anand for boata. i see boboats of all shapes and sizes.. and you u have sailolors of al shapes and sizeses, as well.. n no doubt. herere at the b burnham park yacht club wewe have a jujunior saililing prograram. eachch summer chchildren can come a and learn h how to sai. theyey spend a w week out t on the water and d enjoy the e wonderfull sailing g city of chchicago. a and after g graduating g sag school w with flyingng color, i was momore than reready to take on a a little lakake. my next ininstructor, , race o mackinac veteran megan stole. a lot o of people c come hehere and thehey say i didit knowow chicago w was on an o o. no, i i didn't eieither. w we can get t conditionss like a an ocean,
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but, a actually, a a little wo. we canan see waveses that wil crash ovover and comome all they to the back of the boat. we'rere going to be tacking and d jiving. exactly, tacking and jiving. i i just leararned aboutt tackining, but i'v've been talking jijive since ' '95. tackiking! what is the mackinac? arare we doingng the mamackinac rigight now? n no. it is the oldest freshwater race in the world. it's 333 nautical miles from chicago up to mackinac island, which is on lake huron. so o what does s that transne toto give or t take in houou? this boat we can finish it in 42 hours. 40 hoururs straightht? yeah. and you'u're saying,g, never ag. never again. and then next year you're like. i'm doing it again. yeah. i'm sailing ma! i never r would haveve thoughght that chihicago woud
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be c considered d a sailing g . the g great lakeses have fantastic c sailing. it is s quite a gogood backdr. you u know, we n never titire of the e skyline. who would win in a fight, a hurricane, or coach ditka? that's s silly.
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♪♪ my name isis austin jaj. as a mususician livg withth diabetes, fingerersticks canane a real c challeng. ththat's why i i e the freestyle librbre 2 system.
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with a p painle, one-e-second scan, i know m my glucose e nums withthout fingererstic. with a p painle, one-e-second scan, now, i'm'm managingy diabetes b bett, with a p painle, one-e-second scan, and i'i've lowered my a1c1c from 8.2 t to 6. and i'i've lowered my a1c1c tatake the mysystery t of m managing yoyour diabes and lower r your a1. now w you know. try y it for free at frereestylelibrbrs now w you know. walking a around the e windy cicity you can really feel a sense e of pride i in the a. chicagoaoans share a a deep pasn for their food, their music, and most of all,l, their r sports teaeams. chicagogo has alwayays been o one of thosose cities wherere sports are a fabric of the sociciety. i mean, the blackhawawks-- thre champipionships inin six year. the bulls-s-- six championshships in eigight yea. ththe '85 bearars, and then you h have the cucubs in 201016, the whihite sox in n.
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ththis is a cicity of chamamp. it realally is, manan. yet despitite all these chamampionships,s, chicagago is home e to one e of the most bitter rivalrlries in allll of sport. ththe battle f for basebalal braggiging rightss betweeeen the nortrth side cu. eveverybody isis either aa cubs or r a white sox fan. and therere's no inn between,n, right? and d the south h side whitete. are youou a cub fanan? or you'r're a white e sox fa. bubut it's no o gray, it's blackck or white. so to expxplore thiss duel on the diamond, i visisited the mamagical home turf f of the whihite sx at guaranteed rate field to talk with baseseball legenend ozzie gugu. thihis is the b banana maman [speakining spanish]h. as s well as ththe iconicic ivy wallsls of one of the l league's momost histoc ballllparks, wrigley field. toto take someme batting p prae from forormer white sox and cus outfielderer, ryan sweweeney. there goes. oh! it's kikind of funny. my grandparents were huge cubs fans. so when i got drafted by the whihite sox,
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theyey were realally happy f f. but theyey're like, , i willll cheer foror you but i i will not c cheer fofor the whitite sox. h how does ththat happen?? throw a strike. that's stays is easy. just throw a strikike. allll right. strikeke. some pepeople in chicago, man, ththey don't cacare about the seasonon, they make surure we beat the cubs. when i'm m managing ththe whitite sox, i s say, ok wewe win the g game, agagainst the e cubs, wewe have dinnnner in ththe restaurarant. yeah, we b beat the cucubs! if we lolose, mama h had to c cook in thehe house. was therere a side ththat resonanated more with you, anand the typepe of peperson that t you are? like, descscribe the t two difffferent fan n bases. well i justst think, lilike, sosouth side y you think g gr, you know. you think, like, coming out t there-- thehey are goining to play y hardbal. w well, southth side is aa bunch h of blue cocollars peop. blue e collar. hard working. h hard workining guys, yoyou . back in wrigigley fifield, it's s different.. y you almost t get that nostalgia, right. ththat historyry that you u e bebehind the c cubs, and y you, you'u're going t to have the experirience of wrwrigley fie. w wrigley fieield i always cl the biggest bar in chicago.
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fefew people c care about t the. they carare about ththey winning just to o celebrate.. here, , people sit down and wawatch the gagame, booingng people, c clap for pep. it's's a differerent expectata. listeten, you've e got the sox on t the south s side, you'u've got thehe cubs in the nororth side. even t though we'r're talking gt these two o divergent t fan ba, come the f fall, it doesn't mamatter-- because e the bears s are it. the beaears. i donon't care ifif the whie sox cubsbs win the n next 10 ye. nope, , we are a b bear. andnd if you'rere going to talk bears, what betetter place e than ririzzo's spororts bar andnd . the wrigleleyville stataple for over 75 years. - hey. - hey. hey, hohow are you u doing? and gracing the taproom today isis none otheher than bs hall of f famer, danan hampto. and the greatest b bear of all time, , coach mikeke ditk. coach, yoyou've been n quotd as saying a lot of things. yeyesterday's s history, tomorrow is a mystery. todaday is a gifift which isiy ththey call itit the presese. and d i got to s say today i a gigift for me e as a sportrts.
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soso i appreciciate you bebeing. i a appreciate e it. thank k you very m much. you know,w, coach, whwhen i fifirst got hehere to chicag, the legegendary taleles of yu guys plalaying acrososs the stt herere, in wriglgley. we had a a lot of funun. and d it made meme a cubs fa. i i was a st. . louis cardinals fan growing up becauause of stanan musia. bubut i becameme a cubs faf, i'llll always bebe a cubs fa. s so now we know. so c cubs. sox x or cubs? - sox. - sox. cubs. i mean n you got to be, you're right across the street. black h hawks. blalack-- (chucuckle). coach, f favorite memory a as a playerer. the '63 championship. i mean, , green bay,y, they we the bebest team inin footbal. i mean, how the hell we beat thehem that yeaear-- i don'n't know butut we did. h how about a as a coach?? supuper bowl '8'85. i thought you were going g to say y hanging ouout with me e . yeah, w well, that't's the e second thihing. i got toto talk to y you about . i'll be honest with you ththe yearar we made i it i was prpy surere we were g going to mama. and we kicked ass and we took no names. we're like the rolling stones. we'd go into indianapolis, there'd be 5,000 p people at t the hot. it was a amazing. i i used to sasay, we won n e susuper bowl, , we got rinin,
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he got a halo. while chicago f fans may have some e disagreemements onon where thehey live, what teaeams they roroot for,r, at the enend of the d - we're a all chicagogo. thehe greatest t fans on eae. welell, i think chicago is the greatesest spsports town in the world. pipittsburgh i is a grgreat sportsts town. i'm from pittsburgh. but t i'm a chicicagoan, pere. i mean cut and dry thatat's what i i am. oh! dodon't make m me charge the mound d ryan. stick to plalaying outfifield . whatat do you mimiss more, playing g or being a a manage? i've mimissing beining playi. so you makake a play i in the shortstop p to win thehe gam, people are leaving with a smsmile on theheir face. oh, , look at yoyou see whatate did a basese hit in ththe 9t. yeah, , then they y going to say, lolook at ozzie he wasas monitorining the 9t. one lasast questionon coach, who woululd win in a a fight? a hurricane e or coach d ditk? that's s silly. i haveve more hot t air than a- i lovove this guyuy.
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there's's so much t to exploe in this s beautiful l city. itit seems likike there's s somg to seeee around evevery turn. but to reaeally know chicago,o, you havee to learnrn about itsts histor. and d i think i i just founund the perfrfect guide. y yo, what's s up? it's your favorite neighborhood historian, dilla. s sherman "didilla" ththomas is teteaching the world about his beloved home one tiktok video at a time. on may 3, chicago got it's favorite skyscraper. today, i'm meeting dilla for a tour of chicago's south side. branded in the headlines for its high levels of cririme, ththe south siside is overerld for its contributions to the b birth of chchicago. and yeyet, it's hohome to s some of thehe city's mostst historicacal treasure. ththe man of t the hour. - johnnyny. - - you must b be dilla. - that's's me, baby.y. hey, gogood to meetet you ma. how arare you? welcocome to the e south sid.
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manan, it's as beautiful as i'd i imagined itit. yeah, absbsolutely. you know, , this is whwhere te true chicacago historyry is. you a are one of f these people thahat has takeken tikt, and insteaead of doingng these e viral dancnces, you'u're using i it to educac. i want to h highlight h histo. i want to highlight the city. i want t to show thahat we'r're more thahan what the national media displayays. s so tell me e a little b t abouout the signgnificance ofof the statue behind uss and thisis building g here. f formerly, t the regagal theater r was in this spot, where every performer under the sun was here. a a lot of thehe greats--- lou ararmstrong, n nat king co. now, i it's the haharold washinn culture centnter, chicagago's fifirst africacan-americanan m. and so i i thought w we can't start anany kind of f true soh side touour without t startig with the man himself harorold washingngton. the chicagago defenderer newspapaper is very imporortant-- notot just toto the city y of chicago, but to thehe country.. it's c chiefly responsiblble for whatat we calall the greaeat migrati. that's when african-n-americans in the m millions momoved from t the south u up h to varioious northerern citie.
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the million african-americans that ended up in new york, arrived there because they were reading job applications that were p published i in the chico dedefender, whwho's dissememid all aroundnd the countntry. so o what are w we lookoking at ovever here? sadadly, this i is the remams ofof pilgrim b baptist chuhur- chicagago's oldestst black, baptist t congregatition. fifire took plplace here i in , but the reason we'rere here is because it't's the birthplacece of gospelel musi. i knenew i was fefeeling a lie bibit of soul l standing h h. you k know, rightht. so thehey always w will tell u abouout the gangng banger tht comes out of chicago, but you u won't hear h how gospel l music, riright, praisising the lold cocomes from c chicago black soututh side. hallelulujah. praisise the lordrd. hallelulujah. new y york was a a thing befe america wawas america,a, righ. that's whyhy they're n new yo. same thingng with any big cicity that comes from the 13 cololonies. chicicago is thehe first majr cityty that comemes after tht.
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we're america's baby. and d you know w what you do with h your baby?y? you spoil l it. soso that's whwhy all the e l ststuff comes s from chicaca. listeten, i heardrd the barbee herere so good i it'll makee you wantnt to slap y your mam. this plplace is lemem's. ananother examample of howw you dodon't need t to go downtown to get finene cuisine. comeme right herere on the south sidede of chicagago-- get t some of ththe worlrld's best b barbecue. what made y you want toto becomeme such a hihistory buf? well, p primarily i it comemes from my y father. my father r was a chicago police offfficer for 3 30 yea. but he was a real big chicago history buff. so everywhere we went he kind of pointed out something. is this also a way fofor you to, , kind of, almost like, carry y on his legegacy and keep h his legacy y aliv? yeah,h, absolutelely. anand he left t his imimpact on ththe city by b being a chihicago popoliceman, b by touchingng l. and d so i want t to do t the same ththing. we're e in the neieighborhood calleded the back k of the yar. but i i wanted to o bring you e bebecause a lolot of times peoe think yoyounger afrirican-ameris dodon't care a about the p po, oror they don'n't care abobt the e fire deparartment.
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these mumurals pay h homage to e of the fallen n police offffics who dieded in the liline of du. bubut we have e amazing publc art all ththroughout t the ci. itit sprang upup in celebrbran ofof juneteenth this year. so it't's a new ininstallatio. one ofof my favorirites isis this piecece right here, "a way to build a a strong peoeople is t to teach ththeir histor. show them m their rootots." right. and d so it's exexactly what i'm trying to do on tiktok.. show peoplple the trueue roots ofof chicago and hopefully those roots sprout t to somethining beauti. and it tuturns out wewe weren'n't the onlyly ones enjoying these south siside murals,s, so wasas chicago m mayor loriri lightfootot. again, , if there's's anythig i can n do for my y city i'm nonot hard to o reach. i amam going to o keep doing only p positive chchicago stu. right. i really a appreciate e it. truly an n incrediblele ambassador to this city herere. what youou're doing g out her, on sococial media,a, communiy outreach, i can tell m man that you are e an absolutute pillr of this commmmunity. and i just want to sayay thank k you for shshowing me a around and d showing memet how colorful chicago can b be.
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if you wananted to hohold my handnd... [ gasps ]] all yoyou had to d do is ask. i am d down to my y last lif. when y you only have o one life..... that's's what makekes it speci. go get 'emem tiger.
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when i come to town i comome to party. anand the clubub scene here in chicago, is just what the doctor ordered. but on the north side of town is a different kind of club.
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there's s no dj herere but te music plplays all ninight lon. the musicic never stotops. it's got t two stages.s. yoyou can comeme here in t e summmmer-- the s sun's up and d when you leave-- - the suns u up. this ainin't for chihickens. - no, this ain't for chihicken. no.o. foundeded in 1968,, by dococ pellegrinino, kingstston mines w was one of the fifirst interrrracial blus clclubs in thehe city. a a proud legagacy thatat's still b being carried d on by doc'c's childn and granandchildren n today. h he wanted p people toto come togegether from allll walks of f life. ok.k. andnd have a gogood time. when you come herere and therere's only t two people, anand it's a t table of eieit or 1 10, other p people just come u up and sit t down with . it t just bringngs a lot of people together. they l listen to g good musi. stufuff that thehey normally wouldndn't listen n to. the w whole idea a was to make peoplple feel at t home. ththat this isis their home away y from home.e.
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what t is it abouout the blus that h has the abibility to, lilike, almost speak a commonon language e to so many dififferent walalks of li? i love e the honeststy of it, , the realneness of it,, ththe passion n of it. you u know, it's's great mumusic to letet things gog. it's grereat music to celebrat. as a one e single comommon bobond for allll these peoeop- the mumusic is heaealing. thisis is joannana connor! andnd tonight, , the healing handnds belong t to none othr ththan j the brbrooklyn natative, turnrned chicagogo shredder, never r fails to pack the hous. people e love her and she e plays guititar like no o other womaman i've s. when i plplay guitar,r, i get kikind of aggrgressive. i don'n't know, i i just gogo into thatat zone "i w want to kicick some bubutt," you k know. didid you likeke that?
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do you u ever get n nervous when you c come up herere? i i get nervovous every n ni. everyry time? when you can lose t that, it means yoyou lost youour passi. i'm a bitit nervous.. is this s normal? got to get that wine goining. all r right. hey. hey, man.n. to drinkingng red and playing g the blues.s. a are you feeeeling good,d, ch? [cheering]g] all right. are you feeling good, johnny bananas? hehe's still w worried. hehe's ready.. so we'rere going to o play a lilittle blueses for you.. how's that sound? [blues mususic] ( (singing) [ [inaudible]] turn y your light t down low. blues i in chicagoo is synynonymous. blues is a a gift to t the wor. anand it realllly laununched from m here. i usused to go s see all the chicago o blues bandnds when
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they'd come through i i lived. and i i was like, i'm moving to chicagago. (singiging) so sweweet and ni. hehey. hey. blues mususic is abouout whee you been, where yoyou're goingn, and wherere you're a at right . you w want to feeeel it, but not nenecessarilyy only i in your earardrums. you u want to feel it right her. e exactly. and that's's really whwhat musisic is all a about. [blueses music] yeah! the wine worked didn't it? we gogot to take e this shshow on the e road, joanan.
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[music playing] i'm sara gore and this is "open house." we are inside some stunners this week, including a miami getaway with cheryl eisen. and we're inside this stylish art deco inspired apartment in chelsea. we're with this entrepreneur and champagne connoisseur at her appropriately festive downtown abode. but first, we set it off with actor, producer, tv host, and, as it turns out, "open house" enthusiast vivica a. fox for a tour of her own la sanctuary. in life, i've been fortunate enough to have five homes, but i got to tell you this latest villa is my absolute favorite and a definite keeper. [music playing]


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