tv NBC News Daily NBC January 3, 2023 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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hi everyone. i'm kate snow. >> and i'm aaron gilchrist. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today tuesday january 3rd deadly winter storm. at least three killed by flooding and landslides across california. now there could be more historic flooding on the way. >> collapse on the field. buffalo bills player damar hamlin remains in critical condition after a devastating hit. speaker silenced. kevin mccarthy's bid to lead the house hits major road blocks
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after he fails to reach the vote threshold in multiple rounds. where the vote count stand now. and new you? may be one of the millions whose resolution is lose weight. how to make those goals stick. we begin with another round of dangerous severe weather hitting the country. >> two major storms on the move after severe weather rocked the south and california. in arkansas thousands without power now. a school in jessieville was decimated by a possible tornado. >> people on the west coast preparing for another major storm system vet to bring more heavy rain to northern california. a state yet to lean up after this past weekend's flooding that left more than three people dead. we bring in our reporter and meteorologist. how are they recovering from the last storm and getting ready for the next round? >> reporter: kate, the calm before the next storm. the national weather service in the bay area warning this is the
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last day to prepare for widespread flooding that it says will likely result in even more deaths. this upcoming storm could be worse than we saw a few days ago. likely one of the most impactful systems on a widespread scale seen in a long while. in the coming days, 12 million californians under flood watch. to get an idea how dire it was this past weekend, an entire highway here under water due to an atmospheric river. drivers rescued from submerged cars, widespread power outages, mudslides, and neighborhoods flooded leaving residents to get through on kayaks or even surfboards. now the bay area still recovering from that, more rain is expected starting tomorrow forecast to reach bomb cyclone status by the morning with rain possible through the weekend. in anticipation of this we've seen cities handing out free sandbags to homeowners, urging
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people to pack "go bags" and have insurance poemses ready. >> burn to bill karins. bill, walk us through your perspective on this. the threat in the south and the west. how concerned should people be? >> very concerned with both areas. active tornado warning north of montgomery alabama. through tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night, everything in california. including the mudslides, debris flows, roads washed out. high winds, power outages, you name it. radar indicated tornadoes. not confirmed on the ground. mostly because it's pouring rain. storm chasers can't see them. tornado watch for atlanta continues to 9:00 p.m. and areas of southern alabama and georgia, heavy rain tonight. tonight i-90 closed. 18 inches of snow in south dakota from this storm. snowing hard in minneapolis and
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15 million people, this is wednesday, tomorrow, guys, when all the heavy rain, snow and wind arrives in california. this is going to be quite the event. >> going to watch that. 'sala charles and bill karins, thanks. and a matchup between the bills and bengals. warning. we'll show you video from the game but only once. >> according to the buffalo bills 248-year-old safety damar hamlin suffered cardiac arrest in the first quarter. he stood up then immediately fell to the ground. an updated releases this afternoon bills say hamlin remains in critical condition. bring in nbc news correspondent sam brock and cardiology dr. bernard ashby. what do we hear from the nfl? >> reporter: significant developments in the last hour. first time in 12 hours buffalo bills updated condition of damar
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hamlin to say he's still in the icu and still in critical condition but at least there's been no back sliding here. perhaps looking to provide a level of assurance to all those worried about his condition. we don't know more than that. also we know this, however. the nfl came out, said it is not going to play this very important game, which now doesn't look all so important between the bengals and bills as they vie for top of the afc. not played this week and it's possible only one week left beyond that week 18 they don't play in week 18 either. it's not clear what's ultimately going to happen. roger goodell spoke with all involved and came to that conclusion. >> what about the players? so many in tears, shell shocked by what happened. what do we understand about the reaction today from nfl players and others? >> reporter: j.j. watt i think, aaron, sort of captured the feeling which is to say, he said the game is not important. damar hamlin's life is
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important. please, be okay. please -- be okay. that's just touches upon a cord now that struck all of these players. even tee higgins. the player hamlin tackled when this happened and tweeted out thoughts and prayers to damar hamlin and i am praying for you, bro. there's the tweet. a community, a sense of connectivity and one of the most terrifying thing seen in televised sports played before our very eyes without precedent. everybody's thoughts and prayers are with damar hamlin. >> universal. doctor, go to you. a lot we don't know. wa triggered a cardiac arrest yesterday, but what stands out to you as a doctor? >> well, a pleasure to be here, but definitely wish on better circumstances and i agree with all said, people praying and hoping damar hamlin pulls
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through. so basically in terms of what happened, a lot of doctors including myself were very concerned when we initially saw it, because of the way he collapsed, and it was in proximity to that hit in the chest and then him collapses why we thought it may have well been commodeio cordis. a small period of time, 10 and 20 milliseconds. freak accident. generally don't see it in football. more commonly see it in baseball when the baseball hits the chest. any blunt trauma can cause that including a car accident. my model here. the heart. see how it's supposed to look when beating normally. when you unveil the heart here and can see the electrical circuit controlled by your natural pacemaker. see here.
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just another -- version of that. when you go into something called ventricular fibrillation it causes your heart to stop. cardiac arrest, we all get that at some point meaning we pass away. it's important that he gets, got a defibrillator and cpr early on, because if he maintains oxygen to the brain and organs his chances of recovery of pretty good. >> could i ask one follow-up question? is it likely you can recover from something like this? >> yeah. that's why i mentioned earlier that it's so important. this is kind of a moment that folks know cpr, know importance of aed. the difference between life and death. pressing the heart, you're pushing -- the brain, appreciate a brain injury and defibrillator resets the heart causing it to pump on its own.
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only time will tell. >> doctor and sam brock, thanks to you both. breaking news on capitol hill. high drama in the house on the first day of the new congress. republican leader kevin mccarthy appears to have failed to get enough votes to become the new speaker in multiple rounds of voting. the first time in 100 years the speakership election took more than a single round of voting. nbc news capitol hill correspondent ali vitali joins us. a few hours into the new congress. off to a rocky start. take us through what's happened so far. >> reporter: technically, kate, can't even begin the new congress yet because they haven't elected a speaker. so that means everything is on hold until they figure out how kevin mccarthy is either going to get the votes he needs or someone else has to step forward as a sort of consensus candidate, because right now in finishing the second ballot or being very close to finishing it, the 19 people who were against kevin mccarthy are still against kevin mccarthy. they might have changed who they
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voted for in the second ballot series, but the person they voted for, jim jordan, and ally of kevin mccarthy urging people to vote for the top republican. at this point it's unclear what will shake these folks loose, but clearly something's going to have to happen here, because both sides vow to continue on these tracks which doesn't bring the house closer to electing a speaker. >> i used to cover where you are, cover capitol hill years ago and stand there. i wonder, horse trading going on right now? do you expect maybe some, hey, if you do this for me, i'll do this for you? >> reporter: look, it's the house. that's how this place works. look, kevin mccarthy has also been playing that game for weeks now. he has made many concessions to the conservative members in his caucus on everything from how the rules are done, how long it takes before a bill can be voted on, who can be chair people what it takes to be on a committee. most importantly this idea of ousting a speaker. he's made concessions making
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that easier. not what conservatives want exactly but further than kevin mccarthy wanted to go. he's running out of things to trade at this point. >> ali vitali watching it all for us. thank you. following breaking news in new york city. sam bankman-fried the founder of the collapsed cryptocurrency exchange ftx appearing in fraught court this afternoon and bleeding not guilty to fraud charges. nbc news investigative correspondent tom winter following this and joins what hn court? >> reporter: exactly what we thought would happen. a brief appearance probably more action than you're seeing right there with sam bankman-fried entering the court of 500 pearl street. basically what happened an opportunity for sam bankman-fried to appear before the judge enter a plea of not guilty, expected, and a trial date in october set by the judge as well. you're looking at the whole host of charges that he faces shortly
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before this hearing began, the u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york, damian williams, announced a task force he said from his top prosecutors in his office focused on the entire collapse of ftx, the assets that it had, the customer funds and trying to get that money back to what they describe as the victims of this entire ordeal, including the office's top money hunter. people who know where to find money to track money and, of course, all in the background of the fact that it involves blockchain and cryptocurrency which can present its own challenges. that's going to be ongoing. this case is ongoing. probably a lot more details to come out. >> thank you. coming up, the new details being released ahead of retired pope benedict's funeral pope benedict's funeral i have mododerate to severe p plaque psororiasis. now,w, there's s skyrizi. ♪ththings are g getting clele♪ ♪i i feel free e to bare mymy ♪ ♪♪yeah, thatat's all mee♪
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♪♪nothing g and me go hand inin hand♪♪ ♪nothining on my skskin♪ ♪♪nothing g and me go hand inin hand♪♪ ♪that's's my new plplan♪ ♪♪nothing g and me go hand inin hand♪♪ ♪noththing is eveverything♪♪ achihieve clearerer skin with s skyrizi. ♪noththing is eveverything♪♪ 3 out of 4 4 people acachied 90% clclearer skinin at 4 mont. inin another s study, mostst pe had d 90% clearerer skin, 3 out of 4 4 people acachied 90% clclearer skinin at 4 mont. evenen at 4 yearars. and d skyrizi isis just 4 dos a year, , after 2 ststarter d. ♪♪it's my momoment, so i j just gotta a say♪ and d skyrizi isis just 4 dos a year, , after 2 ststarter d. ♪♪nothing is eveverything♪♪ seserious allelergic reactcts and an incncreased ririsk of infefections seserious allelergic reactcts or a a lower abibility to f fight them m may oc. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue anan infectionon or symptoto, had a vavaccine or p plan t. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue anan infectionon or symptoto, ♪nothining is everyrything♪♪ nonow's the titime to askk your dococtor about t skyri, ♪nothining is everyrything♪♪ the numberer one dermamatolt presescribed bioiologic. ♪nothining is everyrything♪♪ lelearn how ababbvie coululd help youou save. ♪nothining is everyrything♪♪ sosometimes, t the lows of bipololar depressssion lelearn how ababbvie coululd help youou save. feel darkekest before e dawn. with caplylyta, there's s a chance t to let ththe light shshine througu. and lilight tomorrrrow, with the hopepe from todaday.
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ththis is a chchance toto let in ththe lyte. caplytyta is a oncnce-daily pl that is prproven to dedeliver significanant relief acroross bipolarar depressio. unlike s some medicicines ththat only trtreat bipolala, caplplyta treatsts both bipopoi and bipolalar ii depreression. and in clilinical triaials, movevement disororders and weight g gain were n not comm. cacall your dodoctor aboutt suddenen mood chananges, bebehaviors, o or suicicidal thougughts. antitidepressantnts may incrce ththese risks s in young a ad. elelderly demementia patieies hahave increasased risk o of death oror stroke. report f fever, confnfusion, stiff or u uncontrollalable mumuscle movemements which may y be life threatenening or perermanent. these araren't alall the serious siside effectsts. inin the darknkness of bipolar i i and ii depepressi, caplyta a can help you let t in the lytyte. ask yourur doctor about cacaplyta todaday. fifind savingsgs and supppport at
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at the vatican today thousands of mourners once again paid respects to pope emeritus benedict. the former pontiff is lying in state inside st. peter's basilica ahead of his funeral thursday. nbc news foreign correspondent is joining us from outside vatican city. claudio, another day of large crowds there. what are you seeing and hearing from people there? >> reporter: hey, aaron. well, the vatican said today about 70,000 people paid
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tribute. pretty much same as yesterday and twice as many as the number expected a couple days ago meaning a lot more people were fond of the pope than was expected. let's listen to what of the mourners today said, to me, i loved him. almost like a people's grandfather. very humble. very simple. not the big evidence -- biggest personal at but more, like, caring. >> reporter: that feeling was probably shared by many of the people who are cues outside the vatican city today, aaron. >> i understand learning particulars about the funeral thursday. what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, we know that after the funeral on thursday, pope emeritus will be buried under the basilica in the vatican crypt. also learning about the people will attend. apart from pope francis, of course, there will be the vatican said 400 bishops, 4,000
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priests, 60,000 people at least attending the funeral. delegations from officials invited from germany and italy and i'm sure many other dignitaries from around the world, aaron. >> from the vatican. claudio, thank you. learning more about the accident that put academy award nominee jeremy renner in the hospital. renner is in intensive care after undergoing surgery following a snow plowing sent new year's day. here's nbc news correspondent erin mclaughlin. >> reporter: family and friends continuing rally around the actor as he remains hospitalized and this morning learning more about the rescue from the scene of the accident. the snow so deep dispatchers weren't sure if the emergency flight would be able to reach him. video obtained tmz appears to show the aftermath of jeremy renner's new year's day snow plow accident. a helicopter airlifting the actor to a hospital near his home in lake tahoe, nevada. >> currently breathing.
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clee flight overhead. >> reporter: now he's in intensive care unit critical but stable condition after undergoing surgery according to his rep. his rep adding on new year's day renner suffered blunt chest trauma and orthopedic injuries, result of a weather-related accident while plowing the snow. authorities continue to investigate the incident but say renner was the only party involved. the region saw heavy snowfall over the holiday weekend. some areas buried in several feet of powder. renner often shares images of a snow-covered ranch near the lake tahoe ski resort on the nevada-california border, what he calms his "happy place." including videos that appear to show the 51-year-old operating a snow plow. posting h his just last week wi the w words "nearly done with sledding hill for the kids." while renner spent much of the past decade in starring roles on both the big and small screen, in his personal life he's
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passionate about collecting and restoring trucks and large vehicles and spending time in nature. >> it's a beautiful morning walk. >> reporter: now some famous friends sending hem well-wishes online as the actor best known for playing the "avenger's" hawkeye fights to get back on his feet. in a statement from his rep the family expressed gratitude to the incredible doctors and nurses looking after him as well as the multiple agencies who assisteds in his rescue. the chinese government threatening countermeasures for people traveling from china to have a negative covid test before boarding a flights. other countries including canada and australia are doing the same thing. china easing protocols of covid in past weeks and covid up there amp public protesters wanted
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policy poses to go away. china says the new rules lack scien if -well, i i'm not 10000% sol. -okay, havave you consnside- it's's fine, flolo. she's not t interestede. i geget it. not t everyone wantnts to save e money. it's's fine, flolo. she's not t interestede. -what's shshe doing? -i d don't know.w. renterers and homemeowners can bubundle and s save. for r what? a tripip to bora b bora? bora bororing. okay, , you know w what? i'm in.. shshe's all yoyours. wawant some tatacos? -eh, i'm'm not realllly in the . -yeah, y you're righght. so m messy, all l the napkin, thosose differenent topping. -actualllly, i'm in.n. -y-yeah, you a are.
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kerendndia is provoven to rede the e risk of kikidney failul, whicich can leadad to diaialysis. kererendia is aa once-d-daily tablelet that treatats ckd difffferenty ththan type 22 diabetetes medicatations toto help slowow the progrgren ofof kidney dadamage anand reduce t the risk of cardidiovascular r events, such as s heart attatacks. dodo not take e kerendia if youou have proboblems withth your adrerenal glands or take cecertain medidicatios called c cyp3a4 inhihibitors. kererendia can cause hyhyperkalemiaia, which isis high potatassium levels in n your bloodod. ask yoyour doctor r before takg prododucts contataining potatas. kerendndia can alslso cause low blooood pressurere and low sosodium levelels. so n now that yoyou know your abcs,s, reremember, k k is for kididn, and d if you neeeed help slowing kikidney damagage, asask your dococtor abouout kerendiaia. stephanic. this is the fast forward on nbc news daly. are you ready? there's another storm rolling
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in. here's what to expect in terms of potential flooding. >> we are getting a brief break from rain before the next storm system comes in. we already have a flood watch that has been issued for the entire bay area. we're going to see this go into effect for wednesday into thursday. all of this new round of rain is going to come on top of the saturated ground, and that could cause a quick rise in creeks, rivers and streams as well as street flooding heading into wednesday. the timing of the rain starts very early in the morning and gets heavier as we go into the afternoon to evening. we'll continue to see waves of rain in the forecast through thursday before this tapers off. i'll have a look at what to expect in the seven-day forecast as we are expecting three storms in seven days. coming up in 30 minutes. >> all right. thank you. with that major storm coming in tomorrow, people are doing what they can to prep for the problems. for many, that means getting sandbags. but as nbc bay area's bob redell shows us, it is getting more
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challenging. >> reporter: it has been a surprisingly very busy morning, and sandbag locations throughout san mateo valley. there is the second pile of sand. there was another one this morning. these people are here to get their free sand and sandbags. you have to bring your own shovel but the sand and the bags are free but you have to fill them. we think many people, the reason there are so many. they're surprised by how much rain we received saturday. we saw the creeks rise, the storm drains back up. some of the water came really close to the inside of their homes. one man this morning was picking up 75 to 80 sandbags for his sister's garage which flooded. another man was getting 14 sandbags for his neighbor's cheese cake business that flooded saturday. in spite of the sandbags that he had placed around her business a few days ago and this was the scene yesterday in san francisco, courtesy of my colleague, pete suratos, where he saw a long line of people
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waiting for sandbags. again, the sense we are getting is that people have heard how bad tomorrow's storm will be and they don't want to be caught off guard. here in menlo park. >> we hahave a running list of where y you can find sandbags i your neighborhood. just to go and click on the the link on our trending bar. and be sure to download our free nbc bay area app. you can track the storm all t t way down too yourr specicific neighborhohoods. veryry helpful. all righght. ththere are relatatively m mino showers overnighght, being bla for n new issues alolong bay a roadwaways. you'u're lookingng at t the roan the sananta c cruz momountains. it shohows the new rocock slidi. it t took a a lot to clear it b the roaoad was back o open by t morning'ss commmmute. thee slides are a b big concer. not only in ththe santata cruz momountains b but alsoo in thee bay.y. ththat's w where crews arere cod with keepiping t the w water awm
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thee burn scars. they are a high risk location for landslides when the rain picks up. >> cities and counties throughout the bay area do a lot of work year round to m make su the water we're expecting flows through our storm drarain syste like it t is supposesed to. that's relying on residents doing their part. we're urgingg residents to do ththeir partt today to makake s they're surveying the properties, clearing the storm drains. >> and here are some other headlines we're tracking. police are expanding their hunt for a child who may have been taken by her father. we'll have more on that in a moment. first, a closer look at how much these storms have boosted local reservoirs. this is the lexington reservoir this morning. recent rain has brought water levels up significantly. at last check, it was 58% of capacity, or 628 feet. that's a jump of more than 10% since just last week. so now to that search for a 3-year-old from millbrae. it is expanding into southern california.
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you're looking at a photo of andrea flores. she's three feet tall, brown braided hair and blue eyes. she was last seen in millbrae on sunday. police believe she was taken by her father during a scheduled visit. the sheriff's office said he didn't return her as expected and could be taking her to mexico. they believe the two might be in san diego at this moment. police there are now helping in the search. all right. thank you for joining us. that does it for this edition of "fast forward." i'll be back in 30 minutes with much more news. some things are good to know. like, where to find the cheapest gas in town. and which supermarket gives you the most bang for your buck. something else that's good to know? if you have medicare and medicaid, you may be able to get more healthcare benefits through a humana medicare
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bottom of the hour. some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." >> 22 people hurt after an suv crashed into a new york city sports bar overnight. police say that suv was rear-ended hard enough to jump the curb and crash into the bar's front window. none of the injuries is life threatening and police are still searching for the other driver. four people rescued after a tesla plunged 250 feet off a cliff in california. the car carrying two children and two adults. it was traveling down the pacific coast highway when it went over the cliff landing near the water below. helicopters were able to lift the survivors out of the car and
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transport them to the hospital. the children were unharmed, while the two adults suffered non-life threatening injuries but remain in critical condition. and spacex, a landmarked 200th flight. the falcon 9 orbit sent into space this morning carrying 114 satellites onboard. after the launch the rocket's boosters successfully touches down back on earth. happening today, an extradition hearing for the suspect charged in connection with the murders of four university of idaho students. cameras rolling at bryan kohberger was led into a pennsylvania courthouse earlier today. arrested last week at his parents home. today's hearing is about sending kohberger to idaho to face murder charges. nbc news correspondent dana griffin is in moscow, idaho for us again today. kohberger is not expected to fight too extradition to idaho. what are the next stech s intep? >> reporter: the next step,
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likely to sign papers to waive extradition at that hearing that's taking place in pennsylvania, and once that's done, idaho law enforcement are free to bring him back here to moscow, and that's where we will see an arraignment happen. we still are waiting to figure out when that's going to happen. what time what day. i spoke with the clerk here at the latah county courthouse. she has no information when he will appear but he will come here. kate? >> what are we hearing from kohberger's attorney? >> reporter: he's had several conversations with kohberger and kohberger thinks he will be exonerated in the case. he spoke a little more about that this morning on the "today" show with savannah guthrie. listen. >> has he reacted to the charges at ale? one can imagine being accused with something like this and wait. why are they coming after me?
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seen any kind of behavior from him? that kind? >> it is a little out of character. he said, this is not him. he believes he's going to be exonerated. >> what about his family. >> they don't believe it to be bryan. they can't believe this and are obviously shocked. this is certainly completely out of character. the allegations, and, really, they're just trying to be supportive with the understanding -- >> reporter: according to the public defender the family, kohberger's family, will be in court during that extradition hearing. kate? >> and dana, have we learned anything how police finally zeroed in on kohberger? i heard dna evidence played a part? >> reporter: you're right. we have confirmed that forensic genealogy was used to connect him, let's say, to these four murders, but exactly how police got that evidence and where it was pulled from we still have not been able to confirm that. i will say that using forensic genealogy is common in a lot of
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cases. you may remember the golden state killer case. they were able to find the suspect using that same kind of technology. so we're pretty certain, can't say for sure that that may have been a similar situation in how they were able to link this suspect to these murders. >> dana griffin, thank you. now to a frantic hunt for two dozen prisones after a deadly assault there. prisoners stormed the prison and in the chaos 29 prisoners escaped. what do we know? where are we in the search? >> reporter: appears authorities were outgunned. inmates two nor government angts killed, mexican government announced that detail today. that's on top of the 19 people who were killed in the initial assault on the prison. 10 officers, 7 prisoners 2
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attackers kills. a convoy of armed people connected to a brutal cartel rolled up to the prison and overwhelmed guards with heavy gunfire. right now 25 of those prisoners remain on the loose. they're there on your screen. among them a known gang leader. he's the one you see there with the eye patch, was serving more than 200 years on multiple charges including kidnappings and murders. so crowds of people gathered outside that prison after this attack unfolded and can westerned about the inmates inside and guards tooshs. they found a v.i.p. zone in that state-run for money inside. back in august of this past year 11 people were killed after a riot inside the prison.
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it spilled out into the surrounding neighborhood there. two inmates were killed and four members of a radio station were killed at a nearby restaurant. violence, frequent in several mexican prisons including in somewhere authorities only maintain barelily in semblance of control. clashes regularly erupt among inmates of rival gangs in prison there, all confined together. >> a lot of questions to answer once they find these guys. thanks. the 118th congress has officially convened in washington and a new class of lawmakers set to be sworn into office today once a new speaker is picked. among them controversial new york congressman-elect george santos. he will enter congress facing state and federal investigations after he admitted he lied about key parts of his background including his education and job history. he has since apologized for embellishing. nbc news reached out to george santos and received no response. out in mineola, new york, a
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community congressman-elect santos would represent. remind us about the investigations he faces and what impact those could have on his future? >> reporter: kate. mr. santos is in some legal hot water. right now prosecutors at the state and federal level are investigating him, and the new york attorney general's office is also investigating mr. santos. and while he has told all kinds of fibs and embellishments, what they're zeroing in are on campaign and financial filings. looking for discrepancies, irregularities and things that could lead to criminal charges. of course, his lies included remarks about his heritage, or remarks, claiming, for example, his mother died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. those are not the kinds of things that prosecutors are going to care that much about, until their maybe used to back up other evidence of potential fraud or discrepancies that are seen in those filings they're
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going to be more interested in. because he's a federal candidate he could be held accountable at a federal level. >> and at the train station, talking to commuters and people who live there. he represents them. you've talked to voters. what are you hearing? i'm curious if you've talked to some who voted for him, maybe? or maybe not. what are you hearing from voters? >> reporter: we talked to people on all sides including folks who did vote for him, but i can tell you i haven't yet met someone who is happy that he's going to become their congressman today. people are pretty disgusted, exhausted, turned off by this whole thing. i mean, honestly, a number of the conversations i've had have included people saying they understand that sometimes politicians don't tell the whole truth. that's not necessarily new to them, but the nature of these lice just go a step further. shocking on a deep level for people and they're alarred by the number of investigations and the criminal charges out of brazil. people are aware of all of this and frankly for the most part
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upset he's not going to represent them. take a listen. >> there's nothing we can do about it. >> you don't think voters will have his back end of two years? >> absolutely not. unless he doesn't something miraculous that really helps us. >> the system is really broke and we have to do a better job of screening the candidates has one for office are and not just on party lines. >> reporter: that idea you hear there, sort of defeatist sense, there's not much voters are able to do now is reflected in reality. there's no recall mechanism here in new york. voters themselves can't force santos out of office now. he's going to become a congressman and then up to the narrow majority. have to about two-thirds majority vote to expel him. that's rare. most voters expect he's going to get to serve two years and they patiently wait for the
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opportunity to vote him out in two years. >> thanks for being there. could be a rough year on capitol hill for so many reasons, and, of course, thanks to the split in congress. republicans coaled house with start of the new year. new session, rather, delayed as they work to pick a speaker. same time, democrats wield and expanded 51-seat majority in the senate and presidency. our reporter is joining us from his post. keeping lights on increasing debt ceiling, two of the big battles in the year ahead there in congress. how could these play out with this split on the hill? >> reporter: aaron, what we're seeing today is a preview of chaos still to come in the house republican majority over the next two years. remember, electing a speaker is the easy part. harder, what comes next. the speak hear to earn confidence of majority of the house every day lest he or potentially she get overthrown by majority of the chamber. this is kevin mccarthy's first big test. he's failed both of those tests
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with a right-ring revolt in his ranks. 19 republicans splitting from him, refuing to support him meaning nobody has majority to get elected speaker. upcoming legislation, keeping government open, avoid a shutdown this fall. we don't know when, a more consequential vote to lift the countries borrows authorities to pay its bills known as a debt limit. that needs to get signed into law to avoid a catastrophic debt default. of course, this house republican majority has to do this in conjunction with a democratic controlled senate. get signed into law by president biden. difficult to see how that all happens in a house republican caucus that is dominated by the right-ring members. >> before the election we heard so much about investigating the biden administration once republicans took control in the house. is there any talk about that
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now? is there a real plan to actually make those investigations happen? >> reporter: a lot of talk about that. the committees cannot officially get going on investigations until electing a speaker. antsiness among would-be chairs of committees, specifically james comer in line to share the oversight committee. a powerful one. has big plans to hold investigations, of the administration's handling of immigration and the border. he plans to hold a hearing on the covid response, eventually bring dr. anthony fauci for questioning, hut him in the hot seat and jim jordan, right-ring ravel rouser this time supporting kevin mccarthy as he is in line to chair the power fpful judicial committee. complaints regarding political, plit taization of those departments, there's a lot republicans want to do in terms of investigations and new subpoena power, but first they need to elect a speaker.
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hold on..... you're a a night mananager and d mom. and d the bill p payer, ba, and nightltlight makerer? ththat's a lotot. so, , adding “and studu”" might feelel daunting.g. bubut what if f a school c cd be t there for a all of ? carereer, familyly, financnces and menental heal. -hapappy birthdaday. -happy birirthday buddddy. wellll, it can.. nationonal universrsity. supportiting the whohole yo. nationonal universrsity.
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>> a lot of us need to and it can be difficult. here to help us, "today" show contributor stephanie. appreciate you being here. need the help. people make these decisions trying to stay healthy, be healthier in the new year. how do you stay on track or get on track for some folks? >> this is the time to can do it. we're all in that energy, yes! it's my time, i want to start the new year off right! one mpt biggest problems i see as a health ant fitness experts, we set the goals to high. set an all or nothing mentality. okay. i'm not going to, you know, eat carbs any day at all in january. >> i just told you that during the break! >> or we say -- we say we're going to exercise every single day of the week. you know, and when we go through 0 to 100 like that we set ourselves up for failure. tip one, set managerable goals for ourselves. >> i didn't say i wasn't going
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to eat any carbs. >> you didn't, kate. >> all the good stuff. >> bread, pasta, cut some of that. how do you figure out what a healthy eating plan is for you? >> i like to do habit stacking. already got a habit that you like and you're consistent with, say you eat breakfast every morning. right? if we can build on fop of that. maybe add more protein. maybe add more fiber. maybe add more greens, making a smoothie, throw spinach in there. or maybe you eat really healthy dinners and are great at cooking at night. why don't you make leftovers to have them for lunch the next day. add a habit on top of something already working for you and in terms of those carbs, if you are a carbo holic i was before getting into health and fitness, healthier carbs. sweet potatoes, quinoa. nuts can save you with carbs. don't make it feel like a
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punishment. >> and pure calories. cinnamon bread. finding a good brand that works for me. >> low-carb wraps are pretty good. >> love those, yeah. >> ways to do unhealthy things. unhealthy dieting, too. what do we avoid or look out for? >> first, calorie counting while it can be helpful sometimes is very detrimentdetrimental. so many people come to me want to lose weight, tracking calories, weight-loss is stagnant because of no nutrients bep have to fire things up inside of our bodies so our bodies don't get worried we're not going to feed them. instead our bodies, when's shez going to feed me again? burn more fuel? have more energy? that sets you up for success. looking at different diets i recommend to focus on something that sounds appealing to you. so whether that be, keto. if you like healthy fats, avocados, nuts, salmon. or maybe it's something like low-carb but still having the
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healthier carb options. i always tell people protein is king and protein is queen when it comes to stabilizing blood sugar levels and cutting those carb and sugar cravings. eating protein with a snack, and as a meal every three to four hours will help you have steady blood sugar levels so you don't drop too low and crave those sweets or crave that junk. >> really. >> tip. quickly, if you're a family and you want to eat healthier together, feeding a family, what's to do? >> one of my clients, love we set this up for her. every night was a different theme. meatball monday, taco tuesday. walk wednesday. in wok. making a sister fry. have a theme and pick flavors, maybe do zucchini noodles rather than pasta noodles, change it up and let your family know it has a theme, tastes good and look
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forward to t. still need to move? >> yes. go to the website you can register for our "today" show walking challenge for free. 20 minutes a day walking or five minutes of strength training >> saw. type y 2 diabetes? discovover the ozezempic® tri-zone.. in m my ozempicc® tri-zonon, i lolowered my a a1c, cv ris, and lost s some weightht. in studieses, the majority o of people reached d an a1c undnder 7 anand maintainined it. ozemempic® lowowers the rirk of majoror cardiovasascular evs such as ststroke, hearart atta, or deaeath in adulults alalso with knknown heart t di. and you u may lose w weight. adadults lost t up to 14 p po. ozozempic® i isn't fofor peoe with typype 1 diabetetes. don't share neneedles or p pe, oror reuse neeeedles. don't take ozezempic® if you or r your familily evever had mededullary ththyroid cancncer, oror have multltiple endococe neneoplasia sysyndrome typyp, oror if allergrgic to it.. stopop ozempic® and get medical l help rightht away if you getet a lump or swelllling in youour neck, sevevere stomachch pain, or n allelergic reactction. serious siside effectsts may ininclude pancncreatitis.. gallbladadder problelems may oc. tell y your providider about v n problems o or changes.s.
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tataking ozempmpic® with h a sulfononylurea or r insulin mamay increasese low blood sugagar risk. side effffects like e nausea, vomitingng, and diarrhrhea may leaead to dehehydration,, whicich may worsrsen kidneyey problems.s. join t the millionons already taking ozempmpic®. asask your heaealth care p pror ababout the ozozempic® t tri-. we reaeally had ouour hands fl wiwith our twowo-year-old.. so naturalally, we dououbled n wiwith a new p puppy. wiwith our twowo-year-old.. ththankfully, , we also hahe tide u ultra-oxi withth odor elimiminators. ththankfully, , we also hahe between n stains andnd od, ththankfully, , we also hahe it can h handle doububle trou. for the #1#1 stain figightr and d odor removover, it's s got to be e tide. for the #1#1 stain figightr and d odor removover, why do derermatologiststs choooose dove? the dove beauty bar, is gentle. it not only cleans, it hydrates my skin. as a dermatologist, i want what's best for our skin. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove is the #1 bar dermatologists use at home. mymy active pspsoriatic ararths can slowow me down.. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, now, skykyrizi helpsps me getet going by treatining my skinin and jointnts. along withth significacantly clclearer skinin, skskyrizi helplps me movee with less s joint painin, stiff, swelelling, and d fatigue.
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and skskyrizi is j just 4 dosea yeyear after t two starterer d. skyrizi i attaches to and r reduces a source o of excess inflammamation that canan lead to s skin anand joint sysymptoms. with skykyrizi, 90% % clearer n anand less joioint pain isis po. serious alallergic reaeactis and d an increasased ririsk of infefections oror a lower a ability too fighght them mayay occur. tellll your doctctor if you e an infectition or sympmptom, had a vaccccine, or plplan . with s skyrizi, ththere's nothing lilike the feeeeling of impmproving myy skin a and joints.s... ...a.and that memeans everytyt. now's s the time t to talklk to your d doctor about t how skyrizizi can help treat yoyour psoriatatic arthri- so you c can get goioing. learn hohow abbvie can helplp you save.e. this is fast forward on "nbc news daily." storms are on the way and people across the bay are in preparation mode.
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people in contra costa county flood zones are doing all they can to fill sandbags ahead of tomorrow's incoming storm and even more rain is expected after that. >> i didn't realize it was going to be a problem or i would have done this the other day. >> we are trying to be more prepared this time. i don't think we were as prepared last time. >> san ramon creek blew over its banks over the weekend. some streets turned into raging rivers we saw there. we saw road crews working into the night still cleaning up mudslides from new year's eaves. it is a week of heavy rain coming up and meteorologist kari hall has a look at the break in the rain. >> we will expect a mostly cloudy sky today in our seven-day forecast but we have three storms coming in over the course of seven days. the one wednesday into thursday may be the heaviest with another round of some very heavy downpours that could also cause a lot of flooding. we are watching out for that potential along with high winds that could bring down trees and power lines. make sure you are prepared for power outages. the rain will continue through
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thursday, and then taper off. we have a brief break on friday and then going into the day for saturday, the next storm system comes in and a third one on monday. taking a look at our san francisco forecast, also very soggy with highs in the 50s. >> kari, thank you. in sonoma county people there not only seeing rain but some snow as well. you are looking at the driving conditions on highway 29 in calistoga yesterday evening. there was enough snow some cars railroad getting stuck. snowplows have been able to clear the sno forw.
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shirt and white pants over blue shorts. he was arrested in november for possession of a stolen vehicle. authorities say if you see him call 911 immediately. a traumatic night for dub nation has includesed a touching tribute. the warriors honored the daughter of the man remembered as grandpa vicha. he died when he was shoved to the ground on a walk near his san francisco home. she has since become a spokesperson for the aapi community speaking out against hate. later in double overtime here is how last night's game ended. >> play for the lead, long. tipped. no. looney, yes! yes! >> did you see it? buzzer beating put back giving the warriors the win, 143-141. klay thompson led the way with 54 points. a lot of us are focused on rain falling from the sky, quite a few or maybe all of us are also dreaming of pennies from
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heaven. grand prize for the latest mega millions drawing is now up to $785 million. next drawing is set for tonight at 8:00. your chance of winning one in about 302 million. also no one won last night's powerball drawing so that jackpot tomorrow will reach just under r $300 millilion. good luck. and with a shortage with no end in sight, lx news takes a deeper look into the helium problems and how it impacts y y evenen if you arere n not getet balloons for a party. that's coming up in our 4:30 p.m. newscast. that does it for this edition of "the fast forward." we will see you at 4:30 with more news. sosometimes, t the lows of bipololar depressssion feel darkekest before e dawn. with caplylyta, there's s a chance t to let ththe light shshine througu. and lilight tomorrrrow, with the hopepe from todaday. ththis is a chchance toto let in ththe lyte. caplytyta is a oncnce-daily pl
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that is prproven to dedeliver significanant relief acroross bipolarar depressio. unlike s some medicicines ththat only trtreat bipolala, caplplyta treatsts both bipopoi and bipolalar ii depreression. and in clilinical triaials, movevement disororders and weight g gain were n not comm. cacall your dodoctor aboutt suddenen mood chananges, bebehaviors, o or suicicidal thougughts. antitidepressantnts may incrce ththese risks s in young a ad. elelderly demementia patieies hahave increasased risk o of death oror stroke. report f fever, confnfusion, stiff or u uncontrollalable mumuscle movemements which may y be life threatenening or perermanent. these araren't alall the serious siside effectsts. inin the darknkness of bipolar i i and ii depepressi, caplyta a can help you let t in the lytyte. ask yourur doctor about cacaplyta todaday. fifind savingsgs and supppport at i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. [ coughingng/sneezing g ] [ dodoor knockining ]
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today on "access daily," get your popcorn ready because it's a new year with new movies. >> and we've got an inside look at some of the big movies coming out this year. >> that's right, "access daily" starts right now. ♪♪ welcome to "access daily" from universal studios, hollywood. i'm loving the theater music right there. i'm mario lopez, kit hoover. a brand-new year, a lot of great movies are on the way from big box office action movie to sequels. 2023 has a lot in store. first up, you've got to have movie snacks. my go-to movie snack, i like the salty-sweet combo, popcorn and m&ms. that's how i roll. what about you, hoover? you like popcorn. >> similar.
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