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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  January 5, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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hi, everyone. i'm kate snow. >> i'm aaron gilchrist. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, thursday, january 5th, monster storm, a bomb cyclone slamming california with damaging wind and torrential rain. the destruction left behind and when another round of severe weather is going to hit. gavel battle, kevin mccarthy losing yet another house vote blocking his path to the speakership, the concessions that he's making aimed at ending this congressional deadlock. code blue, thousands of
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nurses across new york preparing to go on strike. the desperate measures being taken that could be putting lives at risk. how lasers and one strand of hair could possibly determine if your child has autism. we begin this hour with the weather emergency out in california. >> that state is in the middle of a dangerous days long rain event. already thousands of people are without power in northern california, wind gusts brought down power lines, trees, even a gas station overhang. >> the mess caused by an atmospheric river, a giant weather event bringing moisture from the hawaiian islands and dumping it on california. preparations happening now in anticipation of another round of rain tomorrow. >> let's bring in niela charles from san francisco and meteorologist bill karins as well. the rain is still coming down in some places there. how is the state getting ready for the next round of storms and
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cleaning up at the same time from the last round? >> reporter: hurricane level damage here at a gas station in san francisco. the winds strong enough to knock over the steel canopy. at this point the governor has declared a state of emergency and millions of dollars of damage not just from this storm but the latest one, so you can get an idea of how difficult this is for crews hours before the latest storm. crews were working to fix a levy breach from the last one. they've been working at this point to clean up the tree damage, which in one instance killed an infant. we've talked to an official about how difficult the damage is and what they're looking to ahead. >> would you say that's the biggest challenge, trees falling? >> yeah. it is. right now we're experiencing power outages. we've had residents with power outages since 5:00 last night. 8,000 households down to 3,000
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this morning but we're setting up a temporary evacuation point for those residents. >> reporter: here in california, hundreds of thousands of people still without power. with that more flooding is expected and possibly a lot more damage. >> let's get to bill. in california they call it a storm train. can you explain why and what we can expect? >> the weather pattern set up where the jet stream is aimed at the west coast, numerous ripples across the pacific. let me show you an example, calling this the pineapple express because this came from honolulu and the hawaiian islands through california. that's last night. that is over with. but the next one is right behind it. that's what's going to move in over the weekend and another possible river event monday to tuesday of next week. those bring the high amounts of rain. we have one last heavy batch from san francisco to san jose.
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flood warnings because of this. we have coastal flooding issues with the high tide cycle in santa cruise. in sonoma county trees down everywhere. a look at the flash flood warnings from the coastal areas and north of san jose. the rainfall additionally with the first storm not too impressive. 1 to 2 inches in the high mountains and northern california. as i went and added up the next seven days our computer models are saying the mountainous areas up to 10 to 12 inches. and northern california, expect a lot of stories with river flooding there in the days ahead. >> those are scary numbers. thank you. breaking news on capitol hill. the house still has not elected a new speaker. republican leader kevin mccarthy failing to get enough voits for a third straight day. it is unclear how the stalemate
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is going to be resolved. julie joins us from capitol hill. julie, bring us to speed on what's happened on the floor so far today. >> a lot of drama, aaron. now maybe entering our ninth speaker ballot, maybe ain our opinionin d -- adjourning. it's not clear, kevin mccarthy going down in all eight speaker ballots so far. there was a lot of negotiation going on right now. i was just outside of the rooms where mccarthy was meeting with allies, members of the leadership team. some of the allies trying to convince 20 or so defectors to come on board and vote for mccarthy. mccarthy fold me just the other hour that he still doesn't have the votes, they're working on it. he was asked when he will perhaps withdraw, he said he won't and it'll end when he wins. >> we lost sight of this is the people's work supposed to be happening in the house at this
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point of year. but until we get a speaker they can't do any work. do we have an understanding of what things are delayed as a result of the deadlock? >> reporter: i'm glad you asked that. for american people watching it, the whole fight, sure drama on the floor but the third branch of government is essentially not functioning right now. i spoke to key members, some on the intelligence committee, for example, congressman fitzpatrick, involved in these negotiations told me it's terrible he doesn't have clearance access to the room where they discuss these intelligence matters. they're also not getting paid right now. i spoke to one aide who was stressing out about not being able to form a committee, key committees where they decide laws and how to govern the american people's business. this is a huge deal here and we don't know how much longer it's going to go on for us. >> thank you, julie. cincinnati doctors are giving a dose of good news today
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saying the condition of buffalo bills safety damar hamlin is improving. they say he remains in critical condition in the icu but his progress marks a good turning point in his ongoing care. doctors say hoe suffered a cardiac arrest in the middle of monday night's game against the bengals. we have dr. vin gupta, but maura start with the good news, there was a lot of it out of the last briefing. >> reporter: absolutely. the best news of all is the fact that damar hamlin is now awake and communicating with his doctors, his family who has been by his bedside. he can't speak because he's still relying on that breathing tube, to an extent but not nearly what it was over the past few days because he was needing the ventilator in full capacity and the doctors had sedated him as he recovered from that cardiac arrest. doctors said he's communicating by shaking his head yes and no
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and writing notes to his doctor. the first note he wrote was a question saying did we win. i want you to hear what the doctor said their response was. >> when he asked did we win, the answer is yes, you won. you won the game of life. and that's probably the most important thing out of this. >> reporter: so the doctors highlighted that the cpr that damar hamlin received on the field so quickly after he suffered that cardiac arrest was absolutely a game changer and could have resulted in a much different outcome. they did say he has a long road to recovery ahead. but obviously very encouraging news when they say he's making steps in the right direction. the family, fans, teammates all relieved as well. guys? >> thank you. let's get a doctor check with dr. gupta. they highlighted so many things, neurologic recovery, good lung function, no cardiac dysfunction. in plain english, what's going
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on? >> kate, this is all fantastic news. it means that the chance of a meaningful recovery for mr. hamlin, potentially even resuming his professional sports career is within reach. the fact that he had early cpr, early defibrillation, that shock that restored his normal heart rhythm, is why we're talking about this today. for your viewers out there, expect that two is going to be removed shortly. his oxygen levels are at the point he doesn't need a ventilator. we look to see, is he protecting his airways but can he breathe on his own? it appears he can. so that's why that tube is going to come out and expect he'll be out of the icu in the next day or so. >> does the fact that he can write and communicate tell us that brain function wise he might be okay? >> absolutely. the fact he can write, communicate, knows his name, his
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date of birth, what city he's in, asking relevant questions all fantastic news, neurologically intact. >> thank you both. pope emeritus benedict xvi was laid to rest today. here's molly hunter. >> reporter: the funeral was simple, sober and solemn as the sad can said it would be. about 50,000 people filled st. peter's square united in silence and prayer until the casket carrying the body of pope emeritus benedict xvi came out of st. peter's square and welcomed by a round of applause from all the people in the square with some people chanting in italian, make him saint now. it was an iconic moment. certainly a historic moment
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because for the first time a pope, francis in this particular case, presided over a funeral of a retired pope. pope emeritus benedict xvi. at the end of the mass, pope francis laying a hand on the casket, closing his eyes, praying in silence, and then blessing the casket before it was taken back into the basilica where it was buried underneath in the vatican crypt or grotto in the same place where the predecessor of benedict xvi, john paul ii was buried in 2005, the last pope to die here before he was moved inside st. peter's basilica. >> that's claudio there. thank you. a surprising surge in job numbers and amazon announces it's cutting more jobs at their place. >> kristina partsinevelos joins us with today's cnbc money
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minute. let's start with the strong jobs numbers. according to adp, private payrolls rose by 235,000 in december, above the 153,000 economists estimated. and amazon announced they'll be cutting more than 18,000 jobs more than the 10,000 job layoff they were initially planning in november. so the cuts primarily hit the company's corporate workforce and won't affect hourly warehouse workers. the company admitted they hired too much, too fast during the pandemic. delta just announced they'll be the first u.s. airline to offer inflight wi-fi for free. the ceo believes free wi-fi will be key in the battle to attract customers. >> it's about time. >> i'm a happy customer. >> i've been paying for wi-fi for years. for years. why thousands of ♪ n
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. to you, it may just be an elevator. here goes nothing. but for a a young homemeownr becomiming their p parents, here goes nothing. it's a l learning opopportu. come on inin. [ chuckleses ] the more, , the merrieier. pariris, huh? the more, , the merrieier. bonjour! the more, , the merrieier. wewe got any o out-of-townws inin the elevavator? tom.m. it i is not easysy. 10th flooror, huh? it i is not easysy. must be a a heck of a a vie. it i is not easysy. okayay, see how w everyone ee is facining this waya? progogressive cacan't sau from b becoming yoyour par, but we canan save you u moy progogressive cacan't sau from b becoming yoyour par, when you b bundle hohome and aututo with us. okay, ththat was tererrible. okay, , let's hangng back. when you b bundle hohome and aututo with us. we're gogonna try ththat .
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it only y takes a sesecond for an e everyday ititem to becomome dangerouous. tide podods child-guguard k for an e everyday ititem to becomome dangerouous. helps keepep your launundry ps for an e everyday ititem to becomome dangerouous. in a s safe placee anand your chihild safer.. toto close, twist t until it c clicks. anand your chihild safer.. tidede pods child-guguard packagaging. avoididing triggerers but can't t keep migraraines awa? qulilipta® c can help prevevent migraiaines. you can't t always prerevent what's g going on ououtsi. qulilipta® c can help prevevent migraiaines. thatat's why qululipta® helplps what's g going on insi. qulilipta® c can help prevevent migraiaines. quliptpta® getets right toto . qulilipta® c can help prevevent migraiaines. inin a 3-monthth study, ququl® signgnificantly y reduced momoy migraiaine days inin a 3-monthth study, ququl® and ththe majorityty of peope rereduced themem by 50 to o 1. inin a 3-monthth study, ququl® quliptpta® blolocks cgrp inin a 3-monthth study, ququl® a prototein believeved to be a cacause of migigrai. inin a 3-monthth study, ququl® qulipta®® is a prpreventive treaeatment inin a 3-monthth study, ququl® for epepisodic migigraine. inin a 3-monthth study, ququl® most common siside effectsts e nauseaea, constipapation, and titiredness. most common siside effectsts e learn n how abbvieie could help y you save onon qulipta.
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more than 10,000 nurses at one of new york city's busiest hospital systems are preparing to go on strike. and the hospital system is now taking drastic measures to try to prevent potential disaster. raheem ellis joins us now. walk us through the talks happening right now and what they're asking for. >> reporter: their contract expired on december 31st and they've been in some heated
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negotiations. 12,000 nurses in seven private hospitals. you can see a full screen there, what they're asking for, often it's money. you see the hospitals that are concerned in all of this. maimonides and richmond u have come to a tentative agreement but five others still struggling to come to an agreement. what are they looking for? money. they feel they're overworked, underpaid, and they'd like to see some increased benefits. listen to what one of the representatives for the nurse's association had to say about all of this. >> nurses feel abandoned and disrespected by our bosses. we held the hands of dying patients and set up face time calls so the dying patients could say good-bye to their loved ones. >> they feel with that kind of care they've been giving they should get something in return. >> can we talk about what the mount sinai health system is
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doing here? i understand they're cutting services as a result of what's going on. >> they are. they're hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. they're diverting ambulances away from their facilities, cancelling elective surgeries, only emergency surgeries taking place. transferring some patients out of the facility if they can and discharging as many patients as appropriate. in addition they're asking for traveling nurses to come and help out if need be. >> hope they can resolve this soon. appreciate it, thank you. the consumer electronics show is back. the event which show cases the future of technology kicked off today in las vegas and this year more than 100,000 people are expected to attend. more than double last year's crowd. one of those in attendance is jake ward. you have the best assignments. he joins us from the ces floor. where are you sitting this time? what are you looking at? >> kate, this is the picture i want to paint for you.
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imagine you are riding a bus in the future. you are going from, i don't know, you know, some french city off to paris or you're, you know, headed to the wynn to the convention center from the las vegas hotel you're staying in. this could be the bus you're in. this is a level four autonomous vehicle that's the technical term for the highest functioning autonomous vehicle, no driver necessary whatsoever. it's interesting for so many reasons. it would be amazing to be in a city you can do that, first but an all electronic vehicle can service many routes because they're not limited by hours people can work, the maintenance is lower. that one made by a german company, zf, a parks manufacturer. also it's not the only one. there are booths through here, this one from hyundai showing off prototypes of this type of
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things. this is one of dozens along the lines. they're all over the place. one of the interesting pieces of tension here is some of them are dressed as the car you would own outright. but a lot are dressed up like a bus because why own it if it's self-driving. you could share the cost of it. some of these companies are advertising as something you get with the rent in your apartment building, in this case they're selling it to american municipalities as a bus service and they have a couple of partnerships already. really fascinating. in addition, all of this of course is a response to a geopolitical moment we are in which china has fallen off in attendance here because the participants here are encouraged to look at german, korean companies for partnerships in the future, go to vietnam, japan and pull yourself away from relying on china for the manufacturing because of the situation we are in and tensions
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with that country right now. so interesting to see the future of electronics and the future of geopolitics. >> yes. fascinating. thank you. still ahead, the evidence that led police to the arrest of a suspect a suspect [coughing] hi, susan. honey. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry.
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(police radio call) (sirens) (news report) (sirens) (news report) type 2 diabetes? discovover the ozezempic® tri-zone.. in m my ozempicc® tri-zonon, i lolowered my a a1c, cv ris, and lost s some weightht. in studieses, the majority o of people reached d an a1c undnder 7 anand maintainined it. ozemempic® lowowers the rirk of majoror cardiovasascular evs such as ststroke, hearart atta, or deaeath in adulults alalso with knknown heart t di. and you u may lose w weight. adadults lost t up to 14 p po. ozozempic® i isn't fofor peoe with typype 1 diabetetes. don't share neneedles or p pe, oror reuse neeeedles. don't take ozezempic® if you or r your familily
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evever had mededullary ththyroid cancncer, oror have multltiple endococe neneoplasia sysyndrome typyp, oror if allergrgic to it.. stopop ozempic® and get medical l help rightht away if you getet a lump or swelllling in youour neck, sevevere stomachch pain, or n allelergic reactction. serious siside effectsts may ininclude pancncreatitis.. gallbladadder problelems may oc. tell y your providider about v n problems o or changes.s. tataking ozempmpic® with h a sulfononylurea or r insulin mamay increasese low blood sugagar risk. side effffects like e nausea, vomitingng, and diarrhrhea may leaead to dehehydration,, whicich may worsrsen kidneyey problems.s. join t the millionons already taking ozempmpic®. asask your heaealth care p pror ababout the ozozempic® t tri-. second date, wish me luck buddy. mouth to mission control. we have a denture problem. over. roger that. with polident cleanser and polident adhesive refresh and secure for any close encounter. if your mouth could talk it would ask for polident and poligrip. this is the fast forward on nbc news daily. i'm chris chmura here in the nbc
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bay area newsroom. the storm is raging on around the bay area. major issues, trees down, power is out. many places flooded and poor road conditions. it looks like this wet weather will persist. don't trust me, though. let's ask meteorologist kari hall what's happening now and what's in her forecast. >> we've been talking about all of these big waves crashing up along the coastline, chris, and we're seeing 28-foot waves just off the coast of santa cruz and 24-foot waves coming off the coast of half moon bay. all of this being pushed up because of this storm system that is still producing some widespread heavy rain all across the bay area. now, we did see some lightning strikes, but so far we haven't seen a lot of those in the bay area. still that chance as we're getting a lot of energy coming in. also some pockets of some heavy downpours still rolling through. as we get a closer look at the peninsula, we are seeing still some widespread, steady rain. but where you see the yellows and the reds indicating some
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heavier rain also pushing through the tri-valley. right now livermore and over the hills getting some heavy rain, but it is getting a little bit lighter for san jose. a little bit of a break there as you make your way to morgan hill, but it has been quite intense for gilroy. for much of the east bay we have a flood advisory that continues for another 35, 45 minutes. now, we are still looking at the possibility of quickly rising creeks, streams and rivers and also the flood watch bay areawide. and so our winds have really gusted over the past 24 hours but are starting to relax just a little bit. in some of those heavier downpours, some of those stronger cells may still down some trees and have impacts on power. we're looking at the potential of more mudslides in the days and even weeks to come because of all of this heavy rain. also heavy sierra snow is now continuing. where we see the yellows and the reds here as we go toward the next hour show that we are going to see it becoming less widespread.
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it's going to start to break up a little bit more. a few more breaks gives that water a chance to soak in, but there still will be a couple of areas where we do get heavy rainfall again and there's much of a break in the north bay. i wanted to show you some of the conditions out there, just so sloppy you do have to watch out for the possibility of hydroplaning on those roads. also a steady rain over san jose. but lighter conditions in parts of the north bay. we're going to be watching several more storms coming in over the next few days, and of course we'll have all of the updates on that and how strong we're expecting them to be. chris. >> kari, thanks for keeping us safe. we have a weather-related tragedy in the north bay. a 2-year-old boy died inside his home last night in rural sonoma county. the toddler was on the couch in the living room when a tree smashed into his home. responders say they performed cpr but the boy did not survive. the parents, unharmed.
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the incident weighed extremely heavily on first responders. >> any time you have a situation like this, especially with a child, everybody's emotions are a lot higher. a lot of the people in our fire department have kids that age, and some of them were having a little distress about it. >> this is one of several downed trees in the neighborhood during the height of the storm. deputies say on a normal day up there, sonoma county 911 gets about 70 to 80 calls. yesterday, more than 400. the storm continues and is hitting the coast pretty hard. the chp is warning about driving on the roads. piers on the coast damaged, coastal roads flooded. let's talk about damage to homes. take a look, they are completely flooded. multiple storms heading toward the bay area this week and that gives little chance to clean out the water before we're hit with more bad weather. and the capitola pier took some hits. you can see major waves knocking out planks. officials are warning everyone
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to avoid the coast, please. the county says the pier is closed until further notice. another pier got wiped out, the aptos pier. a wave takes out the pier and it's now closed. another issue the storm creates, scary driving conditions. chp says yesterday at noon it had more than 1,000 calls in some way related to the weather. by midnight the calls tripled. chp says slow down. unsafe speed is the most common cause of rain-related crashes. when it gets bad, don't drive if you don't have to. all right, that does it for this edition of "the fast forward." we'll be back in 30 minutes with more news. we'll see you then. [ [ coughing/s/sneezing ]] [ dooror knocking g ] dude, you u coming? because e the only thing drdripping shouldld be your s style! plop plop p fizz fizz,z, wiwith alka-seseltzer pluss coldld & flu relelief. also t try for fizizzy fafast cough r relief!
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it's very common to have both sensitivity and gum issues. dentists and hygienists will want to recommend sensodyne sensitivity and gum. you get the sensitivity relief as well as improved gum health. all in one. mymy active pspsoriatic ararths ican slowow me down.. now, skykyrizi helpsps me getet going by treatining my skinin and jointnts. along withth significacantly clclearer skinin, skskyrizi helplps me movee with less s joint painin, stiff, swelelling, and d fatigue. and skskyrizi is j just 4 dosea yeyear after t two starterer d. skyrizi i attaches to and r reduces a source o of excess inflammamation that canan lead to s skin anand joint sysymptoms. with skykyrizi, 90% % clearer n anand less joioint pain isis po. serious alallergic reaeactis and d an increasased ririsk of infefections oror a lower a ability too fighght them mayay occur. tellll your doctctor if you e an infectition or sympmptom, had a vaccccine, or plplan . with s skyrizi, ththere's nothing lilike the feeeeling of impmproving myy skin a and joints.s...
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...a.and that memeans everytyt. now's s the time t to talklk to your d doctor about t how skyrizizi can help treat yoyour psoriatatic arthri- so you c can get goioing. learn hohow abbvie can helplp you save.e. whwhen you're e ready to g , but t static sayays “whwho”" try bouncece lasting f fr. more frereshness. momore soft. less static. lesess wrinkle. new bouncece lasting f fr. more frereshness. momore soft. less static. lesess wrinkle. yeah! ! it's the s sheet. more frereshness. momore soft. less static. lesess wrinkle. after r advil. let's s dive in. after r advil. but,t, what abouout your bac? it's s fine. but,t, what abouout your bac? befofore advil.. adadvil, duall acaction biteses, pain, twtwo . befofore advil.. advil tatargets papain at the e source. befofore advil.. acetaminopophen blocksks, pain signanals, advil, d dual actionon.
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bottom of the hour. >> the associated press reporting that the man charged in the fatal shooting of rapper takeoff has been released on a $1 million bond. 33-year-old clark was arrested after takeoff's death in houston, he was released in on tuesday and will wear a tracking device. all public schools in jackson, mississippi will go virtual this week due to the city's ongoing water crisis. 33 schools are experiencing low water pressure after a christmas day storm that left thousands
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without water due to frozen pipes. this is an ongoing issue in the city. jill biden will undergo surgery next week to remove a lesion under her eye that was found after a routine skin cancer screening and will be removed out of an abundance of caution. it'll take place next week in maryland. breaking news involving the murders of four university of idaho students the suspect in that case, bryan kohberger, just made his first court appearance in idaho after being extradited from pennsylvania. dana griffin is following the developments for us. we've been waiting for days for information that the investigators had against kohberger. we did get new details what do we know? >> reporter: a lot of information came from the affidavit released right before
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the hearing. >> we learned dna was collected from a knife sheathe collected next to one of the victims. and they collected dna evidence from bryan kohberger's parents' house in pennsylvania and that's how they got a match. the other key evidence released in the report was one of the roommates we know there were two roommates there during the time of the slayings, one came face-to-face with the killer in the affidavit. she heard enjoys and got up around 4:00 in the morning. she heard what she believed to be kaylee goncalves say someone is in the house and that also she heard a male voice say something to the effect of, it's okay i'm here to help you. she froze when he walked past her, described him as 5'10", athletic build, bushy eyebrows and investigators say that describes kohberger to a "t".
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>> you're saying that's one of the survive roommates that described him? >> reporter: yes. >> what's next? he he the one hearing, what happens now. >> reporter: the judge set is hearing for next week. we're in the administrative part of this. usually when defendants are brought into court for the first time they'll plead guilty or not guilty, but that hasn't happened yet. the public defender is asking for more time before deciding if this goes to trial. so hopefully next week we'll learn more. a shocking moment during a youth hockey game, a coach reaching out from the bench and grabbing a player from the opposing team. >> a teen hockey player yanked to the ice by his jersey. video capturing the act from the bench during a youth hockey tournament in new hampshire. the incident happened with just
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seconds left in the game. according to the coach of the player whose jersey was pulled, tama parsons. >> one of our players skated by and he reached over and grabbed him by the back. parson's squad, a team of 13 and 14-year-olds. >> thankfully our player got up. >> but retribution was swift. >> he did it right in front of the refs. the whistle blew right away. >> the teen's family considering pressing charges according to nbc boston. >> my son is a wonderful kid, great player, sweet, kind and the fact that he was assaulted, bullied by this man, it's just really eye opening and disappointing. >> the south windsor hockey association releasing this statement about their coach reading in part, quote, this type of action is not indicative of our organization and what we strive to be. the coach was terminated and
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forbidden from coaching in any and all south windsor youth hockey association events. but coach parsons wants the man berm permanently banned. >> i'm pushing for him to never be able to coach again. >> reporter: but parsons says the players on the other team were good sports throughout the incident. and good news for her team, they ended up winning that tournament. >> steven romo joins us now. any explanation as to why the coach did this in the first place? >> so many people have been asking what caused him to do this, the team was losing 8-0 at the time, there was no encounter with this young man. we tried reaching out directly to that coach to ask him why and we never heard back. as for the next steps, the connecticut hockey conference is investigating right now and they'll be the ones who ultimately decide what happens next. >> steven, thanks. it was an attack that shocked the nation last april, a
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gunman setting off smoke bombs inside a new york city subway before shooting ten people during rush now. we're getting a first look inside the subway car as passengers shot to survive. we have more and we should warn you the video is graphic. >> gun shots? >> oh my god. >>. >> reporter: the injured, the bleeding, they line the floor of the still-moving train. >> someone help me get off. >> i'll help you. >> my leg hurts a lot. >> reporter: the train approaches the 36th street station. >> put your weight on my shoulder. you're okay. go slow, don't let people bump into you. don't let people bump into you. you're okay. you're okay. you're okay. you're okay. >> reporter: the gunman not captured on this never before
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seen video but the gravity of what happened clear as new yorkers rushed to help the wounded. >> anybody see what happened? >> reporter: in about a minute an mta worker is there. >> there was an explosion bomb, black smoke, popping sounds. end of the train next to a construction worker with orange clothes on. >> minutes later an army of first responders seen arriving but not before the suspect, frank james, escaped. hopping on another train across the platform. additional video released shows some of what we've seen, the attacker james in the orange construction jacket carrying the guns and devices for the april attack. it would be 30 hours until he was caught and and waed for the first time as fbi agents and police pressed james to tell whether the public is still in danger. >> are there any more plans to
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hurt anyone else? >> i don't know what you were talking about. >> fireworks, anything -- >> i have no idea what you were talking about. >> reporter: james would later claim he had guns prior to the subway shooting but yes, he had a black bag of supplies on that train and he admitted driving the van used to bring the weapons from philadelphia to new york. >> renting the u haul? >> that's my vehicle. >> in the two hour tape at times he tried to nap. once he wet himself and he told investigators this. >> i'm a loner, i live by myself. >> reporter: and james explained why he finally decided to call police and give himself up. >> i get my phone, open youtube and there's video after video of me plastered all over the place as a suspect. >> jonathan dean from wnbc reporting there. president biden is meeting with his cabinet today after announcing a series of new immigration policies. the u.s. will admit 30,000
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migrants from haiti, cuba and anything nicaragua per month. julia ainsley is joining us now to explain what's happening. you first reported on this plan last month. it's now official. talk to us about what the new policy is. >> reporter: well, a lot of critics of this policy, including democrats say it's slamming a door and cracking a window. the biden administration is making it harder to claim asylum at the southern border even after the title 42 restrictions still in place by the supreme court eventually lift. they have now through a deal with mexico made it possible to remove 30,000 migrants from each of those three countries you named, cuba nicaragua and haiti per month while allowing people
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from those countries to apply from their home country if they have a sponsor. >> president biden announcing he's going to visit the southern border on sunday. republicans have been criticizing him for not going to the border even as we get the new rules now. what's the president saying about the trip coming up? >> that's right. he's under a lot of pressure because of the numbers at the border and because of people saying that this will be a curb to the asylum process and it's actually taking a page from former president trump's book in the fact it won't allow as many asylum seekers to be eligible. here's what he had to say about his policy and his plans to go to the border. >> i will visit the border myself this sunday in el paso to assess operations, meet with local and community leaders, and make it public what they conclude they need, they don't have to try to convince my republican colleagues they should do something. >> reporter: and the administration is bracing for
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blow back we heard from democratic senator robert menendez today who said this goes against the values etched on the statue of liberty. we're seeing more anger against these policies than we saw in the trump administration. >> thank you, julia. sam brock mentioned earlier this hour that hundreds of cuban and haitian migrants made their way to the florida keys in the past few days and local authorities there are struggling to keep up with the growing volume. cori coffin is here with that story. how do the new administration rules impact what's happening in florida? >> reporter: a lot of these migrants are arriving by goat to the florida keys now. while the president said that the federal government's policy aims to turn away migrants at the southern border, it is unclear what this means for the florida keys specifically. migrants are arriving to the sunshine state in numbers that have not been seen in nearly a decade.
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homeland security officials said today the coast guard took more than 300 migrants who will be processed, they're part of a larger group who arrived by boat on new year's weekend. at least 65 migrants have died since august as they tried to make the journey by sea to america. florida senator rick scott who's a republican spoke about current policies in the u.s. listen. >> i've been to the border quite a bit. it's not hard to figure out what you have to do. you have to enforce our asylum laws, say we have -- say and have a secure border. you have to make sure that you fund our border patrol. >> reporter: coast forward officials say cuban and haitian americans should discourage family members from attempting to enter because of how dangerous and deadly it can be. coming up an exclusive look at a first
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in today's modern parenting we are taking a closer look at the risks and rewards of letting kids play football. >> the debate which centers around brain injuries has gained renewed attention following damar hamlin's heart attack on the field monday.
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a 2018 poll found 46% of parents said they would encourage their kid to play a different sport other than football hp how has hamlin's collapse changing the discussion or drawing more interest right now? >> thank you for having me. it's great to see both of you. i don't think it's changing the discussion so much as giving it a renewed sense of urgency. this is something that parents have struggled with, football has been and will remain a dangerous sport. parents have issue with the culture, headlines made in the nfl regarding domestic abuse and sexual assault. and so for parents i talk to, they fall into two camps, parents whose children are already playing football. and there are parents who they don't want their children playing football at all. this is a reminder of the reasons why. and really kind of gave them another reason to say, you know, i was right. i need to try to steer my child
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in a different direction: we mentioned the fact the debate, conversation around this is focused on head injuries, brain injuries. what are doctors concerned about when it comes to young people playing football? >> that needs to be reiterated over and over what happened in this case is rare. i talked to a cardiologist, it's very rare. it happens to not just football players but can happen to someone hit with a baseball or hockey puck. they're concerned mainly with spine and brain injuries and the long and short term effects of both. researchers say they developed a new first of its kind for autism and uses a single strand of hair. >> they can find risks that can identify autism in young children before they miss developmental milestones. >> dr. john torres is joining us now. talk about how the test works and how accurate it is in
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finding awe schism risks. >> it uses a single strand of hair and analyzes that hair to find out if there's heavy metals in there, in particular the heavy metals associated with the higher risk of autism. it's looking for the markers of autism in the testing itself. they only tested 97 children so experts are saying more testing needs to be done. this is an early stage and has not looked to seek fda approval al though they're getting a fast track type of approval process when they get to that point. this is one tool in the tool box to help but we don't have the end all be all, the ability to early identify autism which is important. >> it's something as a parent who when my kids were little there's no way to know except watching for symptoms. so to be clear, this is about where they would fall on the
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spectrum, you might have a better sense from this test? >> potentially p. we know that heavy metal exposure, especially large heavy metal exposure can increase severity after autism. i say potentially because it's in theral. just because you have high cholesterol doesn't mean you have a heart attack. just because you have heavy metal doesn't mean you have autism. it's the first week of january and many americans are thinking about reducing drinking lion people with alcohol use disorder quicking can feel impossible. that's where this bar in maryland comes in. looks like a neighborhood bar with beer taps and shots. actually it's a lab at the national institute of help. researchers use it to test new medications that might with the.
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>> people may not realize there are medications that can be used. >> absolutely. there are medications that have been approved by the fda. and i think most americans aren't aware of that. >> scientists are study whether sosometimes, t the lows of bipololar depressssion feel darkekest before e dawn. with caplylyta, there's s a chance t to let ththe light shshine througu. and lilight tomorrrrow, with the hopepe from todaday. ththis is a chchance toto let in ththe lyte. caplytyta is a oncnce-daily pl that is prproven to dedeliver significanant relief acroross bipolarar depressio. unlike s some medicicines ththat only trtreat bipolala, caplplyta treatsts both bipopoi and bipolalar ii depreression. and in clilinical triaials, movevement disororders and weight g gain were n not comm. cacall your dodoctor aboutt suddenen mood chananges, bebehaviors, o or suicicidal thougughts. antitidepressantnts may incrce ththese risks s in young a ad. elelderly demementia patieies hahave increasased risk o of death oror stroke. report f fever, confnfusion, stiff or u uncontrollalable mumuscle movemements
12:51 pm
which may y be life threatenening or perermanent. these araren't alall the serious siside effectsts. inin the darknkness of bipolar i i and ii depepressi, caplyta a can help you let t in the lytyte. ask yourur doctor about cacaplyta todaday. fifind savingsgs and supppport at [ [ coughing/s/sneezing ]] dudede, you comiming? alka-seleltzer pluss powewermax gelss with moree concncentrated p power. because e the only t thing drdripping shohould be youour ! plop p plop fizz f fizz with alklka-seltzer r plus. alalso try foror fast sinus and d pain relieief! trelegy fofor copd. ♪♪birds flflyin' high,h, you knowow how i feeeel.♪ ♪brbreeze driftftin' on by.y♪ ♪ know w how i feel♪ yoyou don't hahave to takeke. [coughining] ...copd sisitting downwn. ♪it's a a new dawn,n,...♪ ♪♪'s a a new day,♪♪
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itit's time toto make a stst. ♪and d i'm feelinin' good.♪♪ ststart a new w day with t tre. ♪and d i'm feelinin' good.♪♪ nono once-dailily copd.... ...mededicine has s the power to trereat copd..... as manany waysys as trelegegy. withth three mededicines in onene inhaler,.,... ...trelegygy makes brereag easierer for a fulull 24 hour, improvoves lung fufunction, ...trelegygy makes brereag easierer for a fulull 24 hour, anand helps prprevent futurere flare-upsps. trelegy wowon't replacace a a rescue inhnhaler... trelegy wowon't replacace .....for suddeden breathing g problems.. tell y your doctoror if you havave a heart cocondition tell y your doctoror oror high blooood pressuree bebefore takining it. tell y your doctoror do n not take trtrelegy more t than prescrcribed. tell y your doctoror trtrelegy may y increase yourur risk of t thrush, tell y your doctoror pneumoninia, and oststeopor. call youour doctor i if word brbreathing, c chest pain,, momouth or tonongue swellili, problemsms urinatingng,... n changes, or e eye pain ococcur. take a a stand, anand start a nenew day withth trelegy.. asask your dococtor about ononce-daily t treleg. ...a.and save atat trelegy.c.. this is the fast forward on nbc news daily. i'm in nbc bay area newsroom.
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thank you for joining us, storm after storm after storm this week with barely any breaks to dry out in between. live with our weather time line. will we get a break? >> we'll get a break but more so tomorrow. today we have to deal with those lingering effects with yesterday's storms. dangerous waves out there through tomorrow morning. high surf warning that's what you see in the green right here, through the north bay along the basin coast. 25 feet around the santa cruz mountains over to san francisco where we have those waves a little bit less at 23 feet. just be careful for any reason you found yourself out on the coast. the last lingering storm system pushing on through the bay area the remnants of yesterday's storm and we have seen it move through the bay area right now the heavier intense rainfall is
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moving through the central valley and dumping feet of snow in see area yas. a little bit closer, storm ranger, a feature on the nbc bay area app you can see when the rain is moving into your neighborhood, right now heavier pockets of rain just south of half moon bay. a wider picture as we move in the south, santa cruz mountains just got hit with that intense rainfall there, santa cruz, what's moving through watsonville right now, along 101, in morgan hill as well this afternoon. be careful if you're on the roadways today. especially out on 580. livermore is getting hit with intense rainfall. evening commute could be tricky with those hit and miss showers and we're also under the flood advisory, the green on your screen here, quick rises to
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those creeks, streams and rivers, that flood watch continues until 4:00 for the entire bay area so even though there won't be that intense rainfall like we saw yesterday the problems continue and we'll see the flood watch for all of the bay area along with the wind gusts this afternoon upwards of 20 to 60 miles per hour with the possibility of downed trees, power lines just because the soil doesn't have any more storage of that water lingering problems could stick with us this weekend as another system rolls on through, heavier sierra snow will continue. i'll be back in a little bit. but back to you, chris. >> thank you very much. we'll be bacack in n one mi with m more news.. veteraran, dad, hahair stylis. so a adding a ststudent title might feelel daunting.g. nanational uniniversity isis e to supupport all y your title. nationonal universrsity. supppporting thehe whole you.
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last night the storm damaged a san francisco gas station and we have some new details on the canape over the gas pumps toppled. the station owner said it had been tilting a bit before the
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storm, the powerful wind gusts pushed it over and city officials agree. >> it's shocking to see something like this but i'm very grateful that there were no injuries, i mean it's very surprising that there were no customers here. >> this morning the vavalero owr submittedd a demolisish p permi remove that t canopy.. >> a downtown san jose sidewalk is under water, all right that's does it for this edition of fast forward. we'll have live updates at the top of each hour. join us at 4:30 when our evening newscaststs kick off. have a g great afterernoon. ent . you cacan't alwaways prevent what''s going g on outsidede. ...t.that's whwhy quliptaa® hs what's s going on i inside. quliptaa® gets right to w work. inin a 3-monthth study, qulipta® significacantly reduduced monthly mimigraine dayays...
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1:00 pm
♪♪ today on "access daily," we got the queen of country reba mcintyre stopping by. >> you won't believe snoop dogg's hilarious story about the time dionne warwick scolded him about his lyrics. >> "access daily" starts now. ♪♪ welcome to "access daily" from universal studios hollywood. i am mario lopez and kit hoover. we are looking at what to watch this weekend. check out reba mcintyre's "the hammer" over on lifetime. >> i i'm the new fifth district judgdge. if i i ever hearar you pull l yr weweapon on a a traffic ststop , you u and i willll have a prpro. >> yes, , ma'am. >> i'm'm replacingng the judgegt died. whwhen i'm spepeaking, youou zi.


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