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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 6, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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vianey is in for mike this week. let's start out with a look at our forecast. meteorologist kari hall is here. we get a little break in the rain today. especially for much of the bay area. as we look at where the next storm is coming in right now, it is just off the coast, and we are going to see this next storm system having a big impact in time for the weekend. but out ahead of that, we are seeing scattered showers moving through parts of the north bay. we've seen it's really not letting up there and there will still be that chance we could see wet weather in san francisco on northward while other areas get some times of sunshine today so really different weather from one participate of the bay area to the next. even at 4:30 it's raining heavily in santa rosa but then you head down to san francisco and it's like, okay, it's cloudy. we are going to continue to see the rain in the north bay as we go into this evening early tomorrow but then the rest of the bay area starts to see that activity spreading in as we go into late morning into the afternoon.
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we are going to see the brunt of the next storm hitting us late tomorrow night with heavier downpours, the potential of flooding that returns, and it continues into sunday before that activity becomes more scattered. we are still in with a lot more rain over the next few days with very little opportunity to dry out. notice how all of the bay area really starts to see widespread rainfall as well as the intensity as the next atmospheric river arrives on monday. we are going to be tracking the impacts of flooding, thunderstorms as well as a lot more going on with downed trees and impacts of power. i'll have more on that in a few minutes. vianey, you've been watching the roads. any issues popping up? the only thing i'm noticing so far thankfully the sig alerts have been canceled. they happened early morning in san francisco along 280. no stretches slowing down but the san mateo bridge is definitely starting to build up. i did check to see if there were
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any accidents or incidents reported. nothing on the chp traffic, which is good news here. we like to see things calm on the roads, but i did notice that, of course, a couple of spots will remain closed, so if you haven't been in the bay area all week and you're joining us right now, highway 9 is closed in both directions. santa cruz because of earlier mud slides and that will remain closed. it looks like a car may be blocking one of the lanes. >> thank you much. an apparent shooting in san francisco under investigation. this is new video of 18th and valencia just a few feet away from the mission district's police station. witnesses say they saw a car shooting into another car. so far investigators not confirming it, but you can just see bullet holes in the car window there. we are talking with police to try to find out more details. we'll bring you updates as soon as we get them. turning back to our weather coverage, a live look in capitola. it's still dark out there.
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believe me, boy, the area was pounded by waves yesterday morning. when the sun comes up, they can assess more damage. there are concerns more trouble is going to come later today with the return of high tide. now huge waves. look at what they did to the pier out there. flooded the historic waterfront area. a new look at some of the damage to capitola's wharf there. can you imagine? this was all overhead from a drone. a huge chunk washed away by all those waves and they keep on coming. new video to show you this morning. take a look. this is from inside zelda's restaurant, a very popular place there in the village. the interior was completely wiped out. businesses are facing major cleanup even as more storms line up in the pacific. >> i feel horrible. they got -- they're gone. zelda's is gone. >> i'm devastated. i'm heartbroken. i live right up the street here,
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and i've never seen anything like this. >> the high surf advisory remains in effect this morning. and today's high tide is expected to come some time around 9:00 a.m. also capitola leaders will hold a special meeting this afternoon to consider an emergency declaration. concerns still running high in parts of the bay area with the next storm getting closer. one richmond neighborhood under evacuation orders as engineers here monitor this hillside along seaview drive and sea cliff way. families in 15 homes under orders to stay away. meantime, evacuation orders in effect for low-lying areas along the russian river from healdsburg to jenner. one woman sent us these photos. the image on the right is from yesterday morning. the water may reach 40 feet on sunday, and that's well above flood level. many pg&e customers are still without power. here is a look at the point latest outage map. the orange symbol can represent
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thousands without power adding up to 55,000 pg&e customers in the dark statewide with the most impact right now in santa cruz county. 18,000 people without power, at least households. you can track the next incoming storm on our nbc bay area app. type in your city. we'll accepted you up-to-the-minute weather alerts straight to your phone. the app is free to download. a two-year anniversary for the attempted insurrection of the capitol, of course, on january 6. a live look at our u.s. capitol. police are ramping up security. there has been talk online. there could be protests later today. former president trump tried to challenge the 2020 election results. a group of trump supporters marched to the capitol to try to stop congress from certifying the election of president biden. that deadly riot caused the investigation into trump's motives and left the republican party in disarray. right now the republicans
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are on capitol hill still divided day after day kevin mccarthy has failed to secure enough votes to become house speaker. today lawmakers will head to the floor for the 12th time to cast their vote. "today in the bay's" brie jackson has been following all the drama in d.c. for us. brie? >> reporter: good morning, laura. kevin mccarthy is hoping the 12th time is the charm in his bid for speaker. lawmakers huddled behind closed doors again last night, and sources tell nbc news that a promising deal is close. >> mccarthy -- gaetz, trump. >> reporter: vote after vote -- >> donald. >> reporter: -- and vote, failing to reach the magic number of 218 for the 11th time
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thursday. still, he says he'll try and try again. >> who else gets 200 votes? >> reporter: roughly 90% of gop members support mccarthy's bid to become speaker, but a small group of rebel republicans say they never will, even voting for former president trump instead. >> i wouldn't be betting on my vote for kevin mccarthy under almost any circumstance. >> kevin will be the speaker. >> reporter: despite making concessions including a rule that a single house member could force a vote to remove the speaker, some hard-line holdouts refuse to budge. >> politics has become entertainment, it has become sport. >> reporter: the house can't function amid the fierce gop in-fighting, as frustrated democrats can only sit by and watch. >> literally a branch of the government is offline while we're waiting for this to get resolved. >> this is only an example of what we're likely to see the next couple of years. >> reporter: after days of chaos on the house floor, lawmakers
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hope to bring this lengthy process to an end. it's now the longest contest for the gavel since before the civil war. and the longest vote for house speaker in history lasted two months and 133 ballots. that happened back in 1855. laura? >> so interesting to follow all the drama as it continues. thank you, brie. all right, from the capitol to the sierra. take a look at this. a live -- this is some video taken not too long ago near palisades ski resort up in tahoe. a winter storm warning remains in effect but the area, like us right here in the bay area, will get a slight break from the recent storms. during the height of the action, cal trains called conditions very difficult to impossible for drivers. highway 50 near echo summit is closed for avalanche control. you'd better be careful if you
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are heading up there. there's a window of opportunity to go today? >> the weather is good but you do have to check and make sure the roads are open. >> and how do i come home? >> you might want to make sure your travel plans coming back are flexible. we'll see a lot of active weather there. i love this camera looking at the palisades resort. you can see how heavy the trees are bending but they're all lit up and we are seeing a break in the snow. we are starting to see scattered showers moving in here, but we are going to also see additional snowfall going into the weekend. here is a look at how the sierra snowpack is as of right now. more than double the amount in the southern sierra around the tahoe region, 186% of the normal amount of the snowpack for this date. now this weekend it will turn sloppy because we'll see at times rain coming down and a limb bit of snow, so as far as the snowfall totals 5 to 13 inches and there could be times we'll have the concern of flooding as the rain comes down on top of the snow.
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and then there's additional snowfall in the forecast for next week. altogether we could see another 60 or 70 inches of rainfall -- snowfall, i should say. there will be some rain in the mix as well. we'll continue to monitor that as we head over to vianey, a look at where we can find lower gas prices before you hit the road. having a full tank of gas in any emergency situation is critical, so take today's pause as a moment to breathe. now we have found gas under $4. the average gas price in california is $4.44. so if you are in concord, gas is at $3.49 at the arco on willow pass road. the south bay, san jose, gas for $3.73. and even in san francisco gas is $3.79 at the national petroleum. the one down below so a couple spots with gas less than $4 but, of course, take a look at your roads because as you head out this morning, one thing i did
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notice it appears to be friday light and, of course, with the improved conditions on the roads, things are doing okay. a couple of sig alerts that have cleared. no issues down through the south bay. we're doing okay there. in through the east bay, i did notice just a hazard pop up and this is along the westbound lanes near 880, the interchange right at oakland. it looks like there could be flooding on the on ramp near the on ramp you could encounter. there's still some cleanup going especially in the local streets. richmond right now a great shot that shows the traffic moving but of course we have some rain on the way for this weekend. i'll send it back to you. >> thanks so much, vianey. staying connected in the sky, next on "today in the bay," no more fees for wi-fi on one airline. find out where surfing the web at 30,000 feet will be free. we love our dogs. for this guy getting stuck on a cliff, we're going to show you the unusual steps to make it to
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safety. safety. you won't wanto miss it. t
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can i retuturn this lolove-e relalationship w with cookie? of c course! can i retuturn this lolove-e relalationship w with cookie? do y you want toto return themem both, or r just the h ? i i can just r return the e h? do y you want toto return themem both, or r just the h ? yep. with weight wawatchersrs, you n eat the e foods you love,, even c cookies, eat the e foods you love,, anand still lolose weight. ststart today y at ww.comm good friday morning. right now at 6:14 as you head out we are getting for the most part a chance to dry out. still some spotty showers, some light rain on your way to work especially in the north bay and the north bay is where i really have my focus for the weekend because there will be a bigger impact as the next storm system arrives. we'll talk about the time line and what we're watching coming
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up in a few minutes. and a live look right now at the bay bridge toll plaza. the cars are moving along. no metering lights on just yet. we do have a friday night commute, a closer look throughout the peninsula coming up. and take a look at this. the stock market ready to rocket ahead after big economic news of the day. the december jobs report released about 45 minutes ago, 223,000 new jobs added, the unemployment rate falls to 3.4% matching a 50-year low. that's the part wall street really likes. the numbers beat expectations. they call it the latest sign of an amazing amount of strength in the labor market despite high interest rates. even as some companies relax their work from home policies, apple doubling down on buying up office space.
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the company purchased what is known as the apple results way campus in cupertino. refirst leased that complex in 2011. it covers 400,000 square feet. delta airlines will start offering free wi-fi to all flyers starting next month. it will initially be available to about 80% of the domestic fleet with more planes being brought on line every week. eventually it will expand to all international and regional flights by the end of next year. passengers will be able to connect through their frequent flier account. trending this morning, a dog reunited with the family after getting stuck on a cliff in palm springs. police say the dog escaped her yard and wandered on to a nearby trail head. a park ranger called a rescue team after noticing big horned sheep acting strangely along a rocky cliff and grunting as they do when they feel threatened.
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well, it turns out the dog was the reason. sheep got stuck on the cliff. rescue team members scaled the cliff side to bring her back to safety. the dog was having fun. the big-horned sheep not so much. >> why do i think this is not the last time? >> an adventure. >> binx wouldn't have made it out there. let's get a check of your weather and traffic. >> we've been talking about the next storm systems coming in and all of the rain we've had recently. we'll check on the reservoirs in just a bit. a look at this storm system. it's really getting wound up out there as we can see the center of the storm, all of the moisture coming in and the scattered showers that we're already seeing out ahead of it. so our break is very short especially for the north bay where we're going to see much of the moisture coming through for today but as our reservoirs continue to go up just a little bit, we are making progress. notice that we do still have a lot of work to do here.
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the good thing it's still early january. we're at 33% of capacity for our largest reservoirs across northern california and some of them are still very low, but it does take time for them to fill up especially even with some heavy rain moving through. our smaller reservoirs fill up a lot faster, so we're already at 100% of capacity. uvas reservoir, just remember over the weekend it was overflowing its banks and caused some flooding in those areas. we've made huge improvements for mud storage and on average they're running about 86% of capacity. about a month ago the uvas reservoir was only at 17% of capacity and in all we've seen about 54% increase. the lexington reservoir had a 26% increase which is a larger one, and this is a look at how we're doing for our water year. no rainfall deficits now. we're all at a surplus as we've seen anywhere from nearly 6
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inches of rainfall in san jose to over 15 inches of rain since october 1 in oakland. we've gotten more than double the amount of rainfall for oakland as well as livermore and we've made progress in santa rosa that before this storm was actually in a deficit for rainfall, because we do typically see a lot more rain in the north bay. we'll continue to see it coming down there for santa rosa on northward going into this evening. but then early on saturday morning still raining up there along the coastline and then it spreads across much of the rest of the bay area by tomorrow morning. notice the pockets of the heavier rain continue there as well as over to napa and then as we go towards saturday afternoon there may be some breaks in the activity but the brunt of the storm will be hitting us saturday evening into sunday morning where we see more waves of widespread heavy rain. it does start to taper off at least for the tri-valley and south bay for sunday evening but
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it still will be raining in the north bay and then the next atmospheric river arrived on monday especially early in the morning and continuing into the afternoon. just this weekend we're looking at another 3 inches of rain plus for parts of the north bay and then it's going to be quite high for some areas like the santa cruz mountains and along the coastline. napa may have another 2 inches of rain and about an inch for the tri-valley as well as the south bay and that's the reason we do have a flood watch that's already been posted. it starts at 4:00 tomorrow morning. that goes all the way until 4:00 on tuesday afternoon. the storm systems will continue to come in. another atmospheric river in the forecast for early next week and then on wednesday we'll see another storm system come in that may only mostly affect the north bay but linger off the coast. that could give us a little bit of a break because there could be another big storm system coming in for next weekend so not a lot of breaks here. it will be very busy and we're, of course, focused on the
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impacts as we continue to see more of these storms coming in on an already saturated ground, the flooding risk increases as well as the risk of thunderstorms on sunday as well as more power impacts and downed trees. vianey, you've been watching the roads and only some minor issues popping up? the big ones have cleared out. i want to start you off as well with your mass transit because i know we've seen weather related delays throughout the week. no delays reported as of this morning. caltrain is back to normal service following the tree that fell on its tracks and overheadlines. everything is back to normal there. overall look at the bay area, aside from the niles canyon closure we have highway 9 is still closed. everywhere else we're doing okay. look at this map in san jose. green means go. no major slow spots. we're also doing good for the east bay. i'll send it back to you. >> vianey, thank you. 6:21 right now.
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stunning new allegations surrounding the royal family straight from the mouth of prince harry. coming up next on "today in the bay," the new revelations in an upcoming book on the rift between harry and brother william may go deeper than what you believe.
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busisiness can h happen anytime,e, anywhere.e. so h help yours s thrive ad stay c connected w with the comcasast businessss complee connnnectivity s solution. it's the l largest, fafaste, reliablele network.. adadvanced gigig speed wif. anand cyberthrhreat protecec. startingng at just $49.99 a a month. plusus, you can n save upup to 60% a a year whenen you add comcast t business m mobil. oror, ask how w to get upp to a $ $750 prepaiaid card. complelete connectctivity. one solulution, for r wherever b business takes s you. comcmcast busineness. popowering posossibilities. welcome back. developing this morning, the
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tell-all book from prince harry that includes a leak sure to stun the royal palace. the memoir to be released next week includes shocking allegations surrounding a physical altercation between prince harry and his brother william. nbc's keir simmons picks up the story from londthere, good morning to you. we have a copy of the book, albeit in spanish, after it was sold in spanish bookstores ahead of the official publication date next week. in it is a whole avalanche of accusations including, of course, that claim of a violent clash between william and prince harry. also in the book prince harry claims that william and kate laughed when they saw the nazi uniform he wore as a teenager to a party. afterwards he had to apologize. and there were many personal details including prince harry saying that at one point he took cocaine. we'll have all the details coming up on "today."
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>> thank you, keir. 6:25. up next the top stories we're following for you today including the race to clean and stabilize some areas after this week's powerful storm. and before the next storm arrives. >> reporter: the residents here in the east bay keeping an eye on a mudslide. i know it's hard to see, but behind me on this hillside another atmospheric river is about to drench the bay area. plus -- perhaps you remember the stories of shoplifting in san francisco that led to one major retailer closing its stores. the unusual new response to that
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♪3, 4 4♪ ♪ ♪hehey♪ ♪ ♪arare you readady for me♪ ♪are you reready♪ ♪are you u ready♪
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it's a race against time. right now at 6:30, the bay area between storms. the brief chance to clean up following the most recent powerful system. but will the break in the rain leave enough time? a new look at the damage left behind and what you need to know ahead of the next storm headed our way this is "today in the bay" streaming live on roku, amazon fire, apple tv and online. a very good morning to you. friday at last. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm scott garcia. it has been a brutally wet week in the bay area. it may be friday but that doesn't stop the rain. kari hall is leading our coverage as we await the next storm and then a storm after that. widen out the view so we can see the scale of the storm.
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it looks like the last one weep just saw and that's going to be coming in as we go into later today for the north bay, the rest of the bay area seeing that rain as we go into tomorrow. some light showers occurring tomorrow across parts of northern california, especially the north bay. but a lot of the showers moving out as the rest of us have a chance to let that water soak in. here is a look at what's ahead. we'll take it hour by hour for you. at 5:30 this evening, the rain returning on northward and it's going to be light to start. and then as we go into tonight the intensity picks up in the north bay. it will start out with some light rain for the rest of the bay area, kind of hit or miss. then we brace for the brunt of the storm set to move in late saturday evening and continue through sunday morning. we'll see wave after wave of rain. it starts to let up a little bit for sunday night. notice it's still raining in the north bay. widespread rain and the
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downpours continue. so just this weekend we're looking at the possibility of anywhere from one inch in palo alto to fremont to more than three inches in ukiah. the water levels already rising quickly, the russian river at guerneville is expected to reach flood stage. vianey, it looks like the roads are backed up. >> it looks like the camera may have frozen but, yes, slowing along the san mateo bridge, and we aren't noticing any accidents on there. i did check and see if there were any issues going on. overall your drive times are doing okay. no sig alerts in effect. the peninsula from venice avenue to sfo, looking at about 12 minutes. southbound 101 to highway 92, six minutes. let's check in on your south bay drive times. no delays along 101, 280, 85. you'll have a pretty smooth commute. east bay drive times, the usual
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suspects are 680. i'm not noticing any delays. 880 doing okay as well. some slowing along westbound 37 from sonoma boulevard. there's a little bit of ponding water still near there. back to you. >> thank you very much. you heard it from kari a short time ago, a small chance for the bay area to breathe following the latest storm but the next atmospheric river is on its way leaving little time for cleanup. >> "today in the bay's" bob redell is in fremont, one of many neighborhoods dealing with mud slides. >> reporter: correct. good morning to you, scott and laura. we're on pickering in fremont and you can see the hillside behind me, or hopefully you can. it's still dark out. you can see the dark shadows that go from left to right diagonally. those are part of a landslide or a mudslide that the soil and the grass is detaching from the hill and has started to send mud down to the street below. a viewer sent us this video in the daylight, gives you a better
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sense of what is going on. you can see several places where the ground is starting to cleave away from the hill. it's not clear how much of a threat this poses to the homes nearby. the cleanup continues across the bay in san mateo county, but it's been difficult for people who live in the city of san mateo's laurel wood neighborhood where there's been a lot of run-off from the hillsides. residents tell us it's the worst they've seen it when it comes to storms. >> filling sandbags for hours and hours. you have to do what you have to do to protect your house. >> reporter: pg&e tells us this break in storms has helped the roughly 3,000 workers they've deployed throughout the bay area to restore power to approximately 18,000 customers. those are the latest numbers. many are using this time to repair damage. san francisco public works, by the way, has replenished its
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stock of sandbags. you can take up to five per address at marin and kansas street yard while supplies last. thanks a lot, bob. several east oakland families still displaced from their apartment complex due to new year's eve flooding. some are starting to express their frustration. the coliseum connection parking garage on 71st flooded. some residents including a woman who lost two cars, believes the building was neglected for years. >> pg&e came out on saturday night and drained one of the pumps but then cut the power to the building after seeing how much water it was. after that then what do we do? now there's no power. >> many of the families are now being housed at a nearby hotel. so far the owners of the
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apartment complex have not commented. as the next storm approaches this weekend, if you're not home, you can watch us on the go. we have a streaming online system. we have our app, roku, apple tv all free to download and stream. 6:35. a follow-up on walgreens' response to theft. you may recall late 2021 the company closed five stores in san francisco citing organized theft as a major reason why. during its earnings call executives admitted concerns about theft may have been overblown. even saying, quote, maybe we tried too much last year. since that time walgreens' theft rates have stabilized. the company is considering reducing the number of private security guards at its stores because their data shows the presence of the guards did little to deter thieves. back when the closures were announced our investigative unit ran a series of stories looking deeper into the problem.
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you can watch all of those reports online. head to and click on the investigations tab. 6:35. back to capitola this morning. we're getting a slightly better look at it. so much damage from yesterday's pounding waves and high tide returns just a few hours from now. the latest storm created high surf up and down the coast. you can see what it looked like at stinson beach. waves battered the coast at a park in santa cruz, aptospier. >> we have the high surf warning still in effect until 9:00? >> 9:00 this morning. it was so sad to see that yesterday. >> it really was. >> a lot of our places to visit. people live in those areas having to deal with that. this high surf warning continues until 9:00. we were seeing 28-foot waves yesterday. we're still at 19-foot waves in that area. and once again it's going to
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gradually start to subside, but then the next storm system will be coming in pushing up the water, producing the rain we've seen and so it will be a soggy weekend as you are starting to make plans, even this morning we are getting a chance for most of us to dry out, and a good opportunity to hit the road if you will be going to south lake tahoe, anywhere around the tahoe area. we are not looking at any snow today but they've been closing some of the roads like highway 50 due to avalanche control and so there still may be some issues out there and you want to check ahead before you go. now be flexible with your travel plans coming back to the bay area. we'll see it changing over, back and forth, from rain to snow. temperatures will be very marginal here so rain will fall on top of the snow at times and then change over at night. and then looking at big sur, i know a lot of people want to look at the waves. make sure you're doing it from a very safe distance and also check ahead because we've had mud slides on highway 1 as well, but we're looking at a mix of sun and clouds today.
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the rain returns tomorrow and continues into sunday. if you're going to l.a., looks really nice. it's going to be a cool weekend, though. we're going to see a mix of sun and clouds, temperatures headed up for about 60 degrees, also heads up for the rain gear on sunday. if you're going to the 49ers game, it's going to be wet at times. we are expecting off-and-on showers, temperatures only in the low 60s, but it's going to be one definitely where we are watching the game and all talking about the weather as one of the main storylines to the game. now, vianey, you've been watching the roads. it looks like it's dried up for most of us. it has with the exception of a couple of areas of ponding water, the majority is leftover debris from the storms we've been seeing, but the highways, no big impacts in the south bay. 280, 17, it's moving along. i did notice it's looking like friday light traffic which is a good thing. speaking of the flooding a couple of spots you may encounter along highway 101 in
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san francisco, you see these little icons. they are surface streets, again, could be some debris they are going to actively continue to clear. you may encounter that on your commute this morning. i am starting to notice slowing along 84 if you're traveling in from tracy or livermore. no accidents to report. just the typical morning buildup in both directions. niles canyon through sunol remains closed. no impacts in the south bay. that one just popped up. i'll take a closer look. mass transit is on no delays. back to you. we'll check back with you in a bit. sinthalarm on extreme weather. and of course right here in california extreme weather is what we're seeing with these atmospheric rivers coming through. ahead on "today in the bay," a warning and advice from california's lieutenant governor ahead of this next round of wet weather. plus, rev up the engines. monster jam descending on the east bay. an up close look at the excitement you'll be able to
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enjoy with your family rage or shine. stay with us. you're watchin"today in the you're watchin"today in the g
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hi. is it t too early y to return these e diet resololutions? hi. arare they unrnrealistic or s soul crushihingly awful? doeses it matterer? nope, hohoney, it dodoes ! doeses it matterer? with weighght watchersrs, you can n eat the fofoods youe and stilill lose weieight. start t today at w and stilill lose weieight.
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good friday morning. the time is 6:42 as we take a look at san jose. upper 40s right now, cloudy. we'll see the sun peeking out today. this is our chance to dry out before the next storm system comes in and not as much of a break for the north bay. we'll go hour by hour for what you can expect where you live coming up in a few minutes. and chp is reporting a crash
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in the south bay this is along the northbound 880/101 interchange near exit 4. the number one lane is blocked. i'm starting to notice some delays. you can see the red on your map. a closer look at how much time this could impact your morning commute coming up. happening today, governor newsom will be sworn in on the steps of the skate capitol in sacramento following his re-election this november. also returning for four years in office, his second in command, lieutenant governor eleni kounalakis, who was the first woman elected and now re-elected to that office. she joins us now to talk more about some of the problems the state is facing and what she wants to achieve over her next four years. lieutenant governor, thanks so much for joining us. always good to see you. >> great to be with you, laura. >> one of the majorish ubs the state has dealt with in the past few years, covid-19 still lingering, numbers of infections tick up following all these
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holiday gatherings. where can we go from here into the future? >> making sure we have the ppe that is so important when you have an outbreak, those things are really important. and i also think what's come to a head for people in california is the issue of housing and homelessness. so we're going to see a lot of work over the next few years using the tools that we have in this state of the fact that our economy, though we have challenges now, i think it's clear we do have tools to combat those challenges and housing and homelessness will be a priority. >> the bay area has seen a lot of wet weather over the past week, rock slides, mud slides, flooding as the atmospheric river made its presence known in our state. meteorologists say more rain is on the way. what kind of support should californians expect from our state leaders?
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>> the bottom line is changing climate, a warming planet brought on by human activity and releasing too much carbon into the air, this is creating extreme weather, extreme weather in the world, extreme weather in the country and, of course, right here in california, extreme weather. that is what we're seeing with these atmospheric rivers coming through that are challenging our infrastructure in other ways. so there's a lot of work being done to shore up levees, to help get the word out, people should be absolutely watching the news and looking to see if there are predictions of flooding around them and getting prepared to stay as far away from those targeted, challenged areas as possible. watch the local news and get ready because extreme weather is here to stay. >> that was my favorite part. watch the local news. i did speak with the lieutenant
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governor a lot longer. we talked about her big priorities for the next four years especially when it comes to the state's economy. we've posted its entirety online. head to or you can also stream it on roku and apple tv. trending this morning something many describe as loud and dirty and also totally cool, monster jam returning to the bay area. a live look inside oakland coliseum where monster jam returns tomorrow and monster truck lovers will tell to you get ready for heated rivalries, the head-to-head right there. we're talking six ton vehicles competing in freestyle and skills and doughnuts and racing competitions. we spoke to the driver of the popular grave digger monster truck this morning. he says the event is fun for the whole family. >> the best part is,my opinion, at home the kids have the toy. they can come here live and in person to see them perform stunts they would create themselves, and now we re-create them to entertain the families.
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it's also a legit competition. >> monster jam gets under way at 7:00 tomorrow and that event will happen rain or shine. we have a monster truck fan here in our extended family. >> my son loves -- he has a remote control megladon and he loves when it rains and there's puddles in the park and we take it and run it into the puddles and over the hills. i think i know what we'll be doing. >> bob redell wants a play date, by the way. >> he can take kj to monster jam. that would be perfect. we're going to have that rain coming in. it will be splashing up a lot of mud. we've seen a lot of that rain coming through and really saturating our soils. a look at the next storm system that's coming in, looks impressive, too, as it continues with the center of the storm winding up and hitting the pacific northwest. that steady stream of moisture coming in so there's not much of a break in between as we are already start to go see some light showers coming in for the
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north bay. we'll continue to see the rain over the next couple of hours. santa rosa on northward we're start to go see off-and-on rain coming in and then it will thread into the rest of the bay area early tomorrow morning but then it gets heavier for the north bay while the rest of us start to see a break before the brunt of the storm hits us at about 8:00 tomorrow evening. this is when the winds are going to be kicking up, the rain will be the heaviest, and we'll quickly raise that concern of some street flooding as well as rising creeks and rivers. now notice that on sunday evening while much of the rest of the bay area is seeing lighter showers moving through or even just stops altogether, we're still seeing the rain in the north bay. so this is of high concern ahead of the next atmospheric rifrp that's going to be hitting the bay area early monday morning.v that's going to be hitting the bay area early monday morning. we're looking at the possibility of an inch of rain for the tri-valley up to 2 to 3, maybe even more inches of rain for the
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coastline and parts of the north bay and we already have these flood watches that we'll start again tomorrow morning at 4:00. and it has been extended all the way through 4:00 on tuesday. so we're looking at especially our local rivers, keeping an eye on the russian river at guerneville is a high concern. today it's at 26 feet and it's going to dip a little bit before the storm gets going. then we see it quickly rising past the moderate flood stage, and we're expecting it to hit between late sunday and early monday morning. you want to stay weather aware at that flood stage. we see flooding at parker resort and irabel trailer park as well as low-lying areas in the town could flood. highway 116 at neeley road typically closes once we get to that flood stage. those areas on high alert. we'll see another atmospheric river moving in on monday with more heavy rain, and we have a
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little bit of a break between late tuesday but then on wednesday there's another storm. right now it's keeping it a little bit farther to the north and maybe just off the coast. so that could give us a bit of a break. there are more storms lining up and could be hitting us as we head into next weekend. so a lot of storms to track here and we're going to be concerned about this weekend. a thunderstorm chance on sunday and monday the atmospheric river arriving with the potential of more flooding, downed trees, more power impacts. i mean, you name it, we'll possibly see it especially as we continue to see all of this rain coming through. vianey, watching the roads, you're only seeing a couple of minor issues. yes, so far it's been really nice to not see the pounding rain out there creating more issues for the roads. the bay bridge toll plaza has been seeing a lovely friday light commute. still no metering lights on. through the back end, though, the 80s stretch, a little bit of slowing. i want to get to the south bay
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crash earlier that popped up on my map. i was able to look at the chp traffic reports. it appears there is a crash along the northbound 101 interchange near exit 4. the number one lane is blocked. if you look at the sensors, i'm noticing some slowing on the 880 side and also on the 101 side. so if you encounter this, there's only one lane blocked. they do have two lanes open, which is great. i mentioned that slowing westbound 80 as you head to the toll plaza, a little bit of slowing, about ten minutes. and the dumbarton bridge is doing good. the south bay drive times no big impacts there despite that accident. back to you. >> thank you, vianey. 6:51. 30e police in concord need your help finding a man missing since new year's day. 19-year-old damond lazenby jr. his car was abandoned in concord near port chicago highway. if you have any information about his whereabouts, you are urged to call concord police.
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coming up next, a quick look at the top stories including an update on our breaking news. police investigating an overnight shooting. the latest on the unfolding investigation and the unanswered questions this morning. plus, from fears of landslides to flooding along the coast, we take a look at the damage left behind this week's strong storms and the rush to make repairs. first, here is hoda. >> coming up on "today," it's a special morning in studio 1a. al will be back for the first time in more than two months. we cannot wait to reunite with him, plus he'll talk about the health issues he faced and
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(steven) every time i come to see caremore, they go above and d beyond to o take care e . i feel a l lot better r now. i'm takiking medicatation for t i shshould have e been takining years agago. (vo) caremore h health provides a advanced prprimary e whereverer you need d it, in e hospitital, at homome, in our c clinics, oror virtual. (steven)n) so when i call them over a medicacal issue, they takake care of f it inststantaneouslsly. i'm not t afraid to o go to te doctoror anymore or put offff going to o the doc. (vo) call the n number on y your scn to learnrn more abouout medice plans inin your neigighborhoo that include caremore.
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6:55 on your friday morning. welcome back. we're moving you forward with a look at the top stories on "today in the bay." first, breaking overnight an apparent shooting in san francisco under investigation. video from 18th and valencia, just a few feet away actually, from the mission police station. a witness says he saw a car shooting into another car. and so far investigators are not confirming, but you can see the bullet holes for yourself in the car window. we've reached out to police to find out more details. we will bring you updates if they ever give us any. concerns are still running high in parts of the bay area where the next storm getting closer. one richmond neighborhood is under evacuation orders as they monitor an unstable hillside. families in 15 homes are now under orders to stay away. there are still slide concerns throughout the bay area. let's turn to "today in the bay's" bob redell this morning. he is off in free month. what are you seeing there? >> reporter: now that the sun is starting to come up, you can see
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that upside-down u in the hillside near morrison canyon, canyon heights and pickering is the intersection. that upside-down u is the start of a mudslide where parts of the ground has started to shift. if you look to the left you can see the lines going up diagonally against the hill. this, again, has been sending mud into the streets below. a viewer sent us there. you can get a better sense of what's going on. there are several places where this is happening. this is something people will be concerned about as the new atmospheric river will be getting reldy to dump on the bay area. not clear how much of a threat they pose to the homes below. pg&e tells us this break in storms has helped the roughly 3,000 workers deployed throughout the bay area to restore power to 18,000 still without electricity.
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they are clearing downed trees and repairing damage. they have replenished the stock of free sandbags. you can take up to five per address. they're at the marin and kansas street yard while supplies last. many places ran out and they had to replenish the sand. so many residents saw what happened saturday and were afraid the same thing would happen this past -- when was it, yesterday? the day before? which did happen in some parts. it's been a long week. >> it's all starting to blur. we just got a lot of rain -- >> next saturday and monday, too. bob, stay dry. >> you've been out there in the thick of it for us as well. evacuation orders in effect for low-lying areas from healdsburg to jenner. one woman sent us these photos. on the right the image from yesterday morning. the water may reach 40 feet on sunday well above flood level.
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one last look live in capitola. the sun finally coming up. boy, was it pounded by waves yesterday. look at the pier in fact. this morning lingering concerns about more trouble later today with the return of high tide. huge waves, some approaching 40 feet flooded the area. this is a look up close to that damage at the capitola wharf as seen from a drone overhead. it's just tragic. the village itself is just washed away. here is how it looked inside zelda's, a very popular restaurant, wiped it out inside. many homes and businesses are facing major cleanup and rebuilding. >> and the cute little homes, the brightly colored ones, a lot of windows were blown out. that's sad to see. we'll have more impacts here, more storms headed our way. we'll have more updates on that.
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and a final look at the commute? >> it's looking good. it looks like friday light. >> enjoy today. more rain is on the way. we appreciate you starting your morning with "today in the bay." the "today" show up next. good morning we're learning a lot more about the shocking murders in idaho. >> the new revelations and questions still to be answered good morning it is january 6th and this is "today." >> inside the case court documents revealing chilling details about the night four college students were stabbed to death in their own apartment. one survivor coming face to face with the killer moments after the crime. the suspect's phone near the house 12 times prior to the murders as the victims' loved ones face the accused in court. >> it's, obviously, an emotional time for the family seeing the defendant for the first time >> complete coverage and what's next for the suspect and


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