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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 10, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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it is tuesday morning. good morning to you. thank you for allowing us to be a participate of your morning. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. mike inouye has been tracking the roads. >> i just got a new flood report. >> we'll check in with mike in just a moment, but let's first check in with kari and a look at the latest storm and its path. it's been really windy this morning. that's been the main issue. we see scattered showers continue as we are tracking it all with our storm ranger on mobile doppler radar. we are seeing some of the rain return, southern sonoma around petaluma and moving over to napa as well as vacaville and down toward vallejo we're seeing scattered showers. it's going to be off and on today. where we see hit-or-miss rain and more water coming down on a ground that's already saturated. for the north bay a steady rain that's been moving through south san jose down to morgan hill as
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well as gilroy, so the rounds of rain will be with us. we'll see some breaks of rain in between. when we do get the breaks of rain today they'll pack more of a punch, more thunderstorms possible, more gusty winds and i'm also seeing more storms developing off the coast. well, that's going to be moving in within the next couple of hours. so here is what to expect today with lightning and small hail developing some of the storms eventually the rain will taper off this evening. but we could see about 1 to 3 inches of rainfall. the next storm comes in tomorrow morning with more potential of flooding and power outages likely and landslides also will be possible as we see hills and areas of rain sliding down, and we're going to have more sierra snow that's causing very difficult travel. so we'll continue to monitor all of this. in the south bay we're seeing power outages. kris sanchez is live in san
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jose. kris, you're seeing downed trees, a big problem there. >> reporter: kari, we felt some of the gusty winds you were talking about this morning and, inct, it's really still right now. just a few minutes before our last live report we lost our light because a gust came from out of nowhere. this is one of the trees that has come down in san jose. it's not the biggest tree but is something that could create a real hazard for drivers in the roadways as they try to make their way around trees like this and we know trees like this, no matter how big, they can bring down power lines and we're already experiencing a lot of dark neighborhoods around the bay area. the biggest impact is in the south bay right now where 65,000 customers are without power. 15,000 customers without power on the peninsula, in the east bay, 6,500 customers and about 6,000 customers are in the dark in the north bay. earlier this morning, we were in belmont where there was a mobile home park that experienced a lot
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of flooding earlier on in the storm. the water had receded but we saw about half a dozen dumpsters filled with material that people brought out from their homes. we saw appliances, refrigerators, coolers, barbecues, all kinds of things, and carpet ripped up from the homes there in belmont. this is near highway 101 and harbor boulevard. the good news in the south, the far south bay, the south county, is that highway 101 once again is open. you saw that massive flooding in gilroy. those folks are not going to get to normal for quite some time. and if you are hitting the roadway this morning, you're going to have to make sure you give yourself time or prepare to be late because things like this in the roadway all around the bay area. there's not a lot of place for that water to go as it starts to come down once again. mike inouye, we know you're tracking a sig aler i'm not surprised. there's lots of ponding on the roadway and we saw cars stalled
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out along parts of the freeway as well. absolutely, kris. one place the water has gone is southbound 280. chp is reporting flooding across all lanes of southbound 280. that will be a major factor. i saw some slowing and then it cleared up on the sensors. that may mean they've done a traffic break further back to highway 87. i will double-check on that. it could mean they've cleared it because perhaps the drain has been cleared. that's often the case the problem, drains and pumps are an issue. getting a little bit of a break in the rain. 101 north and 87 north showing the slower drive for the early commute. we're seeing that slowing and, again, south 280 at 87 reports of water across the entire freeway. there may be a closure coming up. the rest of the bay and that closure for highway 84 and
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winds, the highlighted yellow, wind kicking all around, the altamont pass. 580 moves smoothly out of the altamont. the toll plaza has a backup and we have slowing across the span. winds, we do have a warning from chp but the backup easing up the last few minutes. back to you. 6:05. a flood warning in effect near the russian river. around 2:00 this morning the national weather service reported the river was four feet below flood stage. by tonight the river is expected to cross the level for minor flooding that could potentially impact highway 175. the warning is expected to remain until tomorrow morning. some people who live close to the site say they've seen flooding for the last three days and they're preparing for the worst. the river is expected to crest or reach its highest level at 33 feet. the river has flooded before, three years ago in february. the russian river crested at 46
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feet. now a live look across the bay area this morning. as mike was mentioning, of course, a sheet of rain and wind. joining us is officer daniel jacowitz, thank you for joining us this morning. we've been talking about this rain, turn around, don't drown. you say be mindful when you're driving with other drivers and monitoring the cars around you. >> absolutely. first, i just learned about a 5-year-old swept away and i want to say our thoughts and prayers are with the family. i understand the search was called off. we're learning more and more as
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this storm has progressed, lots of flooding, lots of crazy conditions out there. keep your head on a swivel, allow a safe following distance with your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. in normal conditions it could take several hundred feet to stop your vehicle safely and if you add rain into the mix, ten feet off the bumper is not going to work. >> i want to talk to you about mud slides and rock slides. what would be up advice if someone should encounter a mudslide or a rock slide during the storm? >> great question. check with the department of transportation, caltrans, check our website to see if there are any roadway closures. if you're out there on your commute and you happen to see an active slide, try to stop your vehicle safely and get out of the situation as quickly as possible. if you can warn other motorists,
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that's great. your safety is key and avoid any potential dangerous situations. call 911 immediately and let them know your location and the gravity of the situation. >> all right, officer daniel jacowitz with chp, thank you for joining us. we talked about going to the sierra all the time, but what you need to keep in your car now with the rain and some possible flooding in the area, thanks so much. >> thank you, marcus. i appreciate it. >> meteorologist kari hall has been working hard keeping track of what's going on and the rain is still coming down. it's coming down with scattered activity. we've seen at times brief heavy downpours but calming down from this morning. 50 to 70-mile-per-hour winds, lightning and intense rainfall. thankfully now we're getting mo people up and heading out the door we're not seeing those
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kinds of conditions. but are still in the possibility of more thunderstorms today. you can see the hit-or-miss showers in the east bay and morgan hill with some lighter rain. we can see all the lightning strikes that developed over parts of the sacramento and central valley and then it moved over to the sierra where at least the lightning activity weakened but thatai changed over to snow. we are also tracking more of the lightning strikes off the coast that will be working into the bay area with more thunderstorms, small hail and, of course, as we get more rain, the impacts of flooding will continue to be our main threat here. as we go hour by hour i do think the next wave 7:00 to 8:00 with hit-or-miss storm continuing through today. mike, you're looking at the road conditions out there that have been sloppy. we, of course, get more reports, more reporters.
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down here in campbell, i just got word there are wires down right around bud. that will be a factor. they are possibly closing down that portion in campbell. locals will know what i'm talking about. the freeways are okay there. 280 in san jose still following this, the connector may have to shut down from 280 southbound on to 87 in either direction. you can exit on bird and get down to virginia. heading north, one of your other exits heading to downtown san jose on 87. the connector may be blocked because of flooding there. we still have the risk of some hill slippage as well as flooding. back to you. keep track of what's going on with the storm as it continues to move across the bay area. download our app.
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we will give you full access to our exclusive doppler radar and an alert sent straight to your phone as the storm continues to move through. storm coverage continues on "today in the bay." up next, some of the new damage in southern california where torrential rains in a short amount of time led to massive flooding. in some cases some unusual scenes. plus some news outside of the weather including some changes to the way people pay student loans. let's go out to the futures this morning where wall street is looking for mild losses. looking for mild losses.
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and now please welcome ana montoya.
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♪ hehello there,e, fefellow studedents... ♪ and it's's easier than ever to t your projects done right.. with a angi, you c can connect and see e ratings anand revie. and d when you b book and papayg you'u're covereded by our hahap check k out today. anangi... and d done. busisiness can h happen anytime,e, anywhere.e. so h help yours s thrive ad stay c connected w with the and d when you b book and papayg you'u're covereded by our hahap comcasast businessss complee connnnectivity s solution. it's the l largest, fafaste, reliablele network.. adadvanced gigig speed wif. anand cyberthrhreat protecec. startingng at just $49.99 a a month. plusus, you can n save upup to 60% a a year whenen you add comcast t business m mobil. oror, ask how w to get upp to a $ $750 prepaiaid card. complelete connectctivity. one solulution, for r wherever b business takes s you. comcmcast busineness. popowering posossibilities.
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right now at 6:13 on this tuesday morning our microclimate weather alert continues. rain is still scattered but we're still picking up on winds and looking at oakland where the winds are still gusting at 30 to 40 miles an hour. those are your driving conditions. still some storms possible as we go to late morning. we'l time it out hour by hour and the forecast coming up. the backup forming in the middle lanes. still slick roadways. you may see mist and drizzle or flooding in san jose. two alerts, one in campbell and one at the 280 interchange. good morning and a very
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happy if wet tuesday to you. i'm going to give you a shortened version of business news. tesla stock suffered its worst year ever last year had a good monday. disney telling its office staff they've got to come into the office at least four days a week. the white house will announce new rules today around student loans making them easier to pay back, income adjusted payments have been around a long time, but just about any student can tell you it's very difficult to use. the white house will make it easier for low-income students to make payments and easier for borrowers to quit paying earlier. the house voted to undo some of the funding that would be used to higher new irs employees. it won't do any good. not only is the measure unlikely to pass the senate, it's unlikely to even get a vote in the senate. the u.s. recently passed legislation to hire more than 80,000 new employees at the irs, not all of them agents.
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many will work had customer service which has been chronically underfunded and understaffed. many of the new hires would replace retiring employees over the course of ten years, and a lot of misinformation about the whole plan. so that satellite that crashed to earth without hurting anyone, we had reported yesterday that nasa estimated the chances of anyone getting hit with debris from the erb satellite 1 in 10,000. you know what, that seems like an actually really high chance. one viewer wrote in you're far more likely to get thunked on the head by a satellite than win the mega millions, in fact 30,000 times more likely than win the mega millions. 30,000 days is about the average human lifetime. you could do this, take 30,000 and buy lottery tickets with them and have even chances of winning the lottery or getting
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thunked on the head by a satellite. >> hoping for the win. >> i would not advise doing that. maybe one ticket would be okay. >> it only takes one. >> if you don't play, you can't win. let's turn back to our storm coverage. southern california dealing with their own set of problems there. evacuation orders are in effect in some of the burn zone areas in santa barbara county. look at what the storm damage did in downtown santa barbara compounding with the flood issues already in the area. and in neighboring goleta at least one person found a way to enjoy that, finding joy in the chaos, paddle boarding down the street. some locations in santa barbara county saw nearly a foot of rain over a 24-hour period ending
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early last night. >> one way to do it. there has been so much flooding. what about our breaks? they're very short and it's not enough time to let the ground dry out. we've seen more rain coming in although there are sometimes we see the rain letting up as we are going to see that continue for today. with this storm rolling in early this morning, we saw it really rocking the bay area with high winds and heavy rain. still gusty winds but the rain has definitely lightened up. san francisco right over close to the bay bridge and the chinatown area where the rain has really picked up there is moving across the bay bridge. that may cause driving conditions that will deteriorate as we go into the next few minutes. we've seen the showers moving through that have been heavier but once again all of this
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coming on an already saturated ground, so we will have flood issues and more downed trees with the gusty winds kicking up. i'm looking offshore because earlier we saw the lightning strikes that moved through the central valley, that even triggers a couple of tornado warnings and just what's happening to the west of us with more lightning that's going to be making its way into the bay area within the next couple of hours and more storms in the pacific. the next one by late tomorrow morning how has this impacted our reservoir? the uvas reservoir has been overflowing. we are sll at 108% of capacity. the east bay mud storage and the coyote reservoir at 93% of capacity. north bay reservoirs on average at 94% of capacity and the lexington reservoir come up
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significantly now at 73% of capacity. watching the san lorenzo river at felton yesterday was major flooding in those areas. it looks like as of now it will stay below the flood stage but very close to that action stage late this afternoon into early tomorrow. it will most likely stay in the action stage but some of the low lying areas are dealing with flooding and major flooding continues for the alameda creek near niles canyon. that is expected to fall but still minor flooding in that area through the next couple of days. waves of rain still in the forecast. here we are at 10:00, the bright reds and oranges moving through the north bay. this is intense rainfall. there may be small hail, gusty winds and more flooding issues.
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as you head to livermore there may be some sun peeking out. it's going to be very quickly changing as we go into today and one spot is experiencing is not what another area will be dealing with at the same time. if you do have the nbc bay area app you'll get alerts as the rain approaches your location, and you're also going to be able to view the same radar i'm using in the studio. tomorrow at noon targeting the north bay with the heaviest downpours. it looks like it lets up by tomorrow night and there may be a brief break. the wind is the other issue. wind gusts throughout the day into the day tomorrow, but with more storms ahead preparing for the accumulation of all of these impacts with the saturated ground, more high into the week wouldn't make any outdoor plans. more storms coming in at least
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through next monday and tuesday as well as more sierra snow that's already double its normal amount. we'll see more storms and more snow in the forecast going into the rest of the week. another 2 to 5 feet of snow will be possible. mike, now you have two alerts in the south bay? kari, we continue to follow these basically weather related alerts. the freeways look like they're just fine, 101 and 87 showing a little slowing. i expect to see minor slowing because it's just the connector that's flooded out. 280 southbound on 87, that connector reported with flooding across all lanes. it may not be a factor because locals know this is an area likely to flood so they're probably cruising by seeing the flashing lights. perhaps you heard about it like here off at bird and take the surface streets. we have wires down so locals in campbell, listen up between winchester and bud. you can use winchester and bud
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to get around that. wires down and we'll see more reports as kris sanchez has been talking about, trees down, wires down, hills that have come down on the roadway. the closure between 680 and mission. the yellow highlighting shows wind spread across the bay. so much going on out there, mike. one neighborhood mostly shut off this morning. yesterday's storm washed out, an update on that and other new problems from the deluge of rain in the santa cruz mountains. we have teams fanned out all tracking problems piling up from downed trees to flooding. we will continue to post updates throughout the day. follow us on twitter at nbc bay area and share your photos with
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welcome back. it is 6:26. we do have new drone video showing you some of that flooding in watsonville after the river overflowed yesterday forcing hundreds of people, these are strets now turned into riverways. there are schools there in the watsonville area will remain closed at least through tomorrow. surging creek water took out a
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neighborhood bridge nearby corralitos. the bridge right here separated. no injuries reported here. neighbors say when the bridge fell it took out gas service and now they have to rely on another bridge several miles away. >> it would be 50 homes more or less without the ability to exit. >> i want to give you a look at the surge in the san leandro river where it meets the ocean in santa cruz. evacuations in felton but you can see here, look at this, the river has knocked out a chunk of coastline near the santa cruz boardwalk. a big set of challenges leaving tens of thousands in the dark. neighborhoods feeling the most impact. meteorologist kari hall will give us an hour-by-hour
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forecast. >> reporter: i'm emma goss in marin county tracking where roads and rivers are flooded here a across the bay.nd
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6:30 on your tuesday morning. we are in yet another microclimate weather alert with a new powerful storm moving through the bay area. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington.
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you can also stream us live on roku, amazon fire tv, apple tv and online. we have crews spread out throughout the bay area. mike is tracking that sloppy commute and "today in the bay's" emma goss is in the north bay dealing with flood concerns. meteorologist kari hall, walk us through this new system. what do we need to know now? there may be breaks in between. we'll see off and on rain today. we are seeing some breaks in the north bay. as we zoom in on i-80 moving past emeryville into berkeley moving to the east. once again we are seeing it off and off but i'm still picking up on 20 to 30-mile-per-hour wind gusts and much heavier rain that
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will move over to the south county and also some lightning strikes off the coast that will be coming in over the next couple of hours with the potential of more thunderstorms. we were rocked by high winds and heavy rain. that spawned a couple of tornado warnings and intense lightning. now we are still under the threat of more isolated storms as we go into today. we'll talk more about that and will take it hour by hour. mike, you said there were wires down in campbell? we don't have the cause but maybe a branch or wind or another crash that was not reported. avoid santo mass. locals know that's off highway 17. the connector from 280 to 287 in
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san jose. i'll outline that more closely. the south bay commute builds on. highway 84 is still closed through niles canyon because of the flooding and the hillside slippage reported weeks ago. high winds out of the altamont pass and now slowing at the castro valley y. i will check on that. a lot of slowing in the areas. there may be crashes in both. back over to you. new video to show from you overnight showing some of the new storm damage in the santa cruz mountains, downed trees and power lines, most of these pictures come from felton. people are being asked to shelter in place this morning along with nearby scotts valley and ben lomond. this is mostly due to potentially live down power lines. the overnight rain causing flooding in parts of marin county right now making it very
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dangerous for anyone heading out the door. >> emma goss in mill valley, we can see the standing water and cars driving through the area. how bad is the flooding in the area? >> reporter: it's actually receded the last couple of hours. we've seen it go a lot further down and cars are having an easier time navigating. we're at the highway 1 and 101 in mill valley and there was this pool of standing water making it difficult, tires were partially submerged and now you can see traffic still hitting the water but so much smoother, more accessible and you can see the water has gone down significantly in the last couple of hours. over in guerneville, the russian river reached flood levels overnight. it's expected to recede over the course of the day. residents are relieved the storm did not produce the kind of major flooding they've experienced in the past.
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>> the last flood was probably one of the bigger ones at 46 feet. >> reporter: schools in sonoma county are closed because of storms. flooding is a concern and so are downed trees and road issues that could be dangerous for students trying to get to school. reporting live in mill valley, emma goss for "today in the bay." >> thank you very much, emma. we are keeping a close eye on highway 101 in gilroy this morning. this is with the new round of rain. all those lanes back open. here is how it looked yesterday afternoon when the flooding submerged the roadway and forced chp to close lanes snarling traffic for several hours. sky ranger saw several of the cars try to drive through the water, but an important reminder, chp saying you should always try to turn around.
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here is a look at the current pg&e outage map. in the bay area alone more than 90,000 customers are waking up in the dark. in the south bay some 65,000 are without power. in the east bay and north bay it's closer to 2,000 customers. a live look at the truckee bypass up in the sierra. a winter storm advisory remains in effect there. caltrans is telling anyone who can wait to avoid making the drive right now through the sierra. but if you do go, chains are required. meteorologist kari hall is here with us now. it looks like there's nowhere that they can actually go right now. the breaks are so short. when you try to go to the sierra or even hitting the road, you may encounter the rough weather. it's definitely going to be something we'll have to monitor here as we get a burst of heavy snow moving over the sierra now. that's after it moves through
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the bay area and climbs in elevation and changed over to snow. so now we're still looking at waves of active weather that will come in today. there was a lot more lightning this morning. at one time i did a query and saw about 193 lightning strikes as it moved over the sacramento valley. we are tracking isolated lightning off the coast, and that energy is going to be moving back into the bay area for later today. but look at the sierra snowpack. such a huge boost recently. in years previous, a good indicator we could go into the next couple of months with some good snowpack but we're going to continue to see the snow coming down for the week. we are looking good at the end of the month. you make your way across participates of the central
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sierra going through this week, but as we mentioned that makes it really difficult to get there to enjoy the snow and we're going to be seeing more active weather as we go into today. we'll talk about our hour-by-hour forecast and look ahead to the weekend coming up. a new crash you're tracking? it's a new crash and chp issued an alert. highway 4 at i-80, which is important for folks in this area, but it wane necessarily on the east shore freeway. it looks like things are visible. mild slowing but right there at the connection point we have traffic jamming up off of the carquinez bridge. this is the upper east shore freeway. highway 37 mild. we have the green highlighting, so we know there will be wet roadways. slowing to the benicia bridge which may be as a result of some folks hearing about this crash earlier. we talk about the ripple effect.
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you hear about a crash in one place, it pushes traffic to another. it looks like a crash south of the carquinez as well. this may be a factor at both bridges from the north bay. lighter traffic flow, still building highway 4, walnut creek interchange through the caldecott tunnel is smooth. of course the last 15 minutes we saw the lanes past the parking lot. no problems in the maze, still slick roadways of course. a little more traffic and much more slowing extending up through san jose and santa clara. speeds are still just below the limit where speeds are not going at the limit or at all the connector from southbound 280 getting on to 87. that connector is still closed because of reported flooding. the connector to 87 but 280 itself. thanks, mike. as the storm takes aim, you
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aren't alone. we are streaming online as well as on our app. >> back-to-back storms to start out our week creating some new concerns in the north bay from flooding to landslides and the concerns that are compounded in burn zone areas. just ahead we'll speak to someone with the santa rosa fire department and look at what's being done to try to keep people that live there safe. plus, a look at some of the news outside of the weather including the discovery of more nfidential
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busisiness can h happen anytime,e, anywhere.e. so h help yours s thrive ad stay c connected w with the comcasast businessss complee connnnectivity s solution. it's the l largest, fafaste, reliablele network.. adadvanced gigig speed wif. anand cyberthrhreat protecec. startingng at just $49.99 a a month. plusus, you can n save upup to 60% a a year
6:42 am
whenen you add comcast t business m mobil. oror, ask how w to get upp to a $ $750 prepaiaid card. complelete connectctivity. one solulution, for r wherever b business takes s you. comcmcast busineness. popowering posossibilities.
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right now at 6:43, we are seeing some pockets of some heavy rain. the national weather service picking up on some intense off the coast issuing a marine warning for storms moving closer to san francisco. it may take another 45 to 50 minutes to get there and hopefully they do weaken. we will continue to see thunderstorms in the forecast. santa rosa could see another round at 11:00 this morning. we're tracking it with an hour-by-hour forecast. we're tracking it in a few minutes. heading on the san mateo bridge, the camera trembles as the wind pushes it around on the hayward side.
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headlights coming eastbound equally as smooth. the issue off the carquinez bridge. that may be a bigger factor as chp issued an alert. the president meeting with the president of mexico and the prime minister of canada. >> i had to look up the forecast for mexico city. it's going to be sunny and 72. but the president taking our weather very seriously freeing up funds and working with fema so the feds can help us recover from these storms. in the meantime, president biden meeting with mexican president obrador to talk about border security and how to crack down on the movement of fentanyl which killed more than 100,000 americans. the justice department is investigating classified documents found at the penn biden center for diplomacy where president biden worked after he was vice president before he was president.
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it was the office itself that discovered the documents and they alerted the national archives. it says they found the documents the day before the midterms but we're only hearing about it now. the doj is investigating. in trump's case his team swore on paper it had turned over the documents. it had not and more were found by the fbi. in congress house republicans passed new rules controlling how they consider some bills to become law. members of congress will get more time to examine those bills. 72 hours. a lot of lawmakers criticized past practices like the omnibus bill, 4,000 pages. the rule change gives them three
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days. all of this crazy weather, on twitter you can find me at scott mcgrew. the bay area gets slammed with storm after storm. fire marshal paul lowenthal, we know your crews are busy and we thank you for taking the time for talking to us. what are your biggest challenges your crews are facing right now? >> for us now it's keeping up with the daily on call volume and mixing in the storm related incidents. it's departments all across the north bay right now. fortunately, it seems we're having a little bit of a break this morning. we're expecting some of the severe weather and thunderstorms to roll through the area today and can expect an uptick in storm-related incompetence incidents.
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>> what do you do to prepare for any potential mud slides? >> we've had crews that are staffed not just in swift water rescue teams but debris flows and mud slides. the risks associated vary around the county. there are departments that will typically respond to small scale mud slides and then on our side of the county, the glass fire burn scar. that burn scar has held up fairly well. we did have slippage. given how saturated, we haven't had major issues but have been doing a lot of outreach making sure they know the risk. have go bags ready, cell phones turned on and be ready to evacuate, the same residents we
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prepared for the event of mudslide, debris flows and flooding. >> it turns into year round activities from the fires to now the flooding that we're seeing in so many areas. thank you for joining us, santa rosa fire marshal paul lowenthal. best of luck to you and your crews as the storms continue. >> thank you. and they continue with a big punch, too. that wind is adding an extra force to it all. high wind gusts earlier this morning. looking at storm ranger and i know there's a lot of information, the green boxing coming up from the national weather service, storm tracker as we see really intense cells off the coast moving in the direction of marin county. a couple of them off the coast of san francisco, too, as well as marin county -- or san mateo county as we see some of the rain approaching half moon bay.
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very heavy rain, now that is pushing off to the east and has weakened as it moves over to contra costa county and concord as well as other parts of the east bay. for the south bay, some heavier rain moving over the santa cruz mountains moving over to the south county. more lightning strikes, more energy, air that forces the air to rise more quickly. it's tapping into a lot of moisture so we are getting some really intense rainfall where we do see it. but the activity is definitely more scattered compared to what we had just a couple of days ago. we are going to see some breaks and then the weather changes quickly. the next storm coming in we can see it off the coast that's going to be coming in by late tomorrow morning with more high winds and heavy rains. let's talk about what all of
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this rain has done for our reservoirs. looking at the uvas reservoir. the east bay mud as well as the coyote reservoir, 93% of capacity. about 73% of capacity, filling up quickly. all of this weather, today we're going to see more lightning and hail and the activity tapers off tonight with the possibility of about 1 to 3 inches of rainfall. tomorrow morning more of the possibility of power outages and flooding. we could see another 2 to 6 feet of snow. off and on rain as we see the intensity of the cells picking
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up by 8:30 to 9:00 in the north bay but it could be anywhere. hit or miss showers early in the afternoon. that all starts to push through the south. more widespread rain especially for the north bay into late tomorrow evening and for thursday much of the bay area may see a break in the rain and have a little bit of a chance to clean up. it's still going to be windy. winds gusting 30 to 50 miles an hour, calming down tonight. as we've mentioned we're not done with all of this wet weather yet. more storms in the pacific. more widespread rain continues into sunday and monday.
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we are very busy here for the next seven days. off and on rain, scattered showers, not much of a warm-up and then also the impacts of the flooding, power outages and mud slides will continue to add up as we get more of this wet weather over the next few days. it may get even more crowded soon because -- well, that was the bad news. the toll plaza will see more traffic. because the crash here on west 80 has cleared around highway 4. the backup continues to the carquinez bridge. there may be repair work going on. the bridge itself sounds like everything is just fine. remember, san tomas expressway,
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we still have wires down. back to you. >> thank you very much. it is 6:52. the stormy weather keeping a majority of east bay regional parks closed. closures have been in place since the start of the new year with concerns over flooding and mud slides. there is access to 15 minutes including coyote hills and martin luther king regional shoreline in san leandro. and a new round of that strong wind and rain. coming up an update on the new damage overnight, flooding, fallen trees and closures. we're tracking it all when we return. live coverage starts here on nbc bay area at 5:00.
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everyone is making room hm. *coughs* seriously? for the medicine cabinet's new essential. binaxnow -- with reliable covid-19 results in just 15 minutes.
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6:56 am
do we still need these pregnancy tests? everyone is making room (kids yell and giggle) yeah, no. for the medicine cabinet's new essential. binaxnow -- with the same technology doctors use to test for covid-19. it is 6:56 for you this morning. welcome back to you here on "today in the bay." this new storm is hitting the bay area hard this morning. we do have live team coverage for you. let's check in with kris sanchez live in san jose. we've been talking about how so
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many power outages are happening. you're standing in front of one reason why. >> reporter: big enough to bring down power lines, take a looj at the outage map. 15,000 on the peninsula, the east bay and north bay faring a little bit better. to belmont. water has receded, however, you see dumpsters with lots of belongings in the garbage that is a lot of damage there near 101 and harvard boulevard. it is open in gilroy for now. lots of flooding there and still a lot of water headed our way and not a lot of place for that water to go. we have emma goss who is in the north bay now tracking the routes up there. >> reporter: in mill valley the
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water has started to recede. we can see over highway 1 and 101 it's much easier tore cars to get through. over in guerneville, the russian river reached flood levels overnight but is expected to recede over the course of the day. residents are relieved this storm didn't produce the kind of flooding they experienced in the past. schools in sonoma county are closed bse of the storm. the education office says flooding is one of the concerns and so are downed trees and road issues. reporting live in mill valley, emma goss for "today in the bay." breaking news just coming in to our newsroom, san rafael police department issuing a shelter in place for mountain view avenue due to live wires on the ground about a block off of highway 101. currently there's no road access east towards grand avenue. pg&e crews are on the scene. there is no estimated time of when they're going to get that
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all cleaned up. seeing some rain picking up on the peninsula as well as across the bay. this system will bring in more thunderstorms. i'm seeing them off the coast. give it another hour or so and we can see thunderstorm activity really ramping up. we'll continue to track it with live updates throughout the morning. just as laura talked about, the wires down up in san rafael. we have wires down in campbell just north of winchester and water continues. the connector on 287. kari is talking about more rain coming. the breaks are not long enough. we are here for you all morning long and in the continuing hours and days. our storm coverage continues on nbc bay area online as well. coming up for you this morning the "today" show. we will come back if needed with thtorm moving through the bay area. have a good morning. >> stay safe.
7:00 am
good morning. it's tuesday and a rough one for millions on the west coast. >> dangerous flooding leading to a state of emergency and even more rain is on the way. it's january 10th and this is "today." under siege. the newest round of torrential rain and high winds triggering massive mudslides, power outages, and rescue missions. >> grab my hand. i got you. >> 90% of california now under flood watches. new emergency evacuations ordered, including a community home to stars like ellen degeneres. >> this is crazy. this creek next to our house


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