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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 24, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PST

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police custody and is believed to be cooperating with investigators. and we're just learning according to the actual docket he may appear in court as soon as this afternoon. >> and we're getting a better idea of the time line here, the first 911 calls came in around 2:20 in the afternoon from the first of two shooting locations. that was the mushroom farm where the workers work and live. deputies arrived to find five victims shot, one of them, who was still alive. three more bodies were discovered at a nursery some three miles away off highway 1. and then around 4:40 in the afternoon authorities detained the suspected gunman. that man, 67-year-old chunli zhou, was found parked in his car at the sheriff's substation on kelly avenue. the dramatic moment was captured on camera as authorities took him into custody. within the last half hour, we spoke with the mayor of half moon bay who was out of town but returning to her hometown this morning.
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>> 467 mass shootings last year. guns. too many guns. semiautomatic and automatic rifles need to be banned, period. there is no excuse. no excuse for it. >> "today in the bay's" pete suratos live for us in half moon bay this morning and, pete, talk to us about where things stand this morning. >> reporter: yeah, good morning to you, marcus. powerful words there by the mayor regarding all of this. we are still in front of that family reunification center in half moon bay just miles away from where those two deadly mass shootings took place. we did speak to someone just off camera who said, which is what we assume, it appears no one is inside of that center, so obviously they have relocated following all of this. we know it was a long day for investigators, because we're talking about two scenes when it
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comes to this shooting. the first scene taking place on san mateo road. the second scene over on cabrillo highway. both scenes were mushroom growing operations and the suspect reportedly worked at one of those farms. the impact of all of this especially for those victims. >> there were farmworkers affected, children on the scene at the incident. this is a truly heartbreaking incident in our community. >> reporter: now the suspect in all of this, 67-year-old chunli zhou was located at the sheriff's substation parking lot where he was in his suv. they believe he was there -- >> we are going to take over for pete because his microphone is out. that man was taken into custody and may appear in court as early as this afternoon, according to the court documents we just looked up in the newsroom.
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so many people are sending condolences to the half moon bay community, and within the last hour president joe biden released a statement in response to the shooting writing in part, quote, for the second time in recent days california communities are mourning the loss of loved ones in a senseless act of violence. following a briefing from my homeland security team i have directed my administration to ensure local authorities and the broader half moon bay community have the full support of the federal government in the wake of this heinous attack. a bay area congressional and state lead remembers tweeting out their thoughts, their prayers, their calls to action for the victims and for the half moon bay community. many are also once again calling for new action to end the cycle of mass shootings. governor newsom this morning said he is canceling a public appearance today in southern california out of respect to the victims of the mass shootings. last night he pointed out that in the short time span between the shooting in half moon bay and the dancehall shooting in southern california, it was so
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brief he tweeted at the hospital meeting with victims of a mass shooting when i get pulled away to be briefed about another shooting this time in half moon bay. tragedy upon tragedy. silicon valley state assemblyman evan low, chair of the asian american pacific islander, the aapi legislative caucus, he said he was attending a prayer vigil for the monterey park victims at the state capitol when he got word about what happened in half moon bay. he said he wants members of his community to feel safe during lunar new year celebrations and always. >> of course this has an impact on the psyche and the spirit of us as an aapi community, and the lingering notion will we be able to be safe and comfortable in the coming weeks with respect to lunar new year gatherings in the bay area, in oakland and san francisco and the south bay as well, too. i just hope members of our community can feel safe, can be rest assured members of law
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enforcement will be diligent. >> our investigative unit is looking deemer into the violence in half moon bay and how the violence in one of those shooting locations operated. you can watch that story on right now. just go to the website, click on the investigations tab. and we will continue to follow the latest on the shooting all morning long on "today in the bay" and will pass along any developments on air, on roku, amazon fire, and apple tv and you can find the latest 24/7 on our website, in southern california an outpouring of grief for the victims in saturday's dancehall mass shooting. mourners there gathering in monterey park for candlelight vigils to remember those killed. yesterday the number of dead rose to 11. california state senator josh becker tells us that he was at that vigil when he found out about the shooting in half moon bay. >> there was a vigil moments before and then this occurred.
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i was there consoling my colleagues who represent those areas. the next thing i know, they're consoling me because this happened in my community. it just made it more devastating. >> new surveillance video shows in monterey park the moment tragedy was averted at the second nearby ballroom. this happened in alhambra about 20 minutes after the first shooting. you can see that employee, 26-year-old brandon tsay, confronts the gunman and struggles over the gun. tsay gained control of the weapon. hours later the gunman would take his own life as authorities closed in on his van. also developing this morning an apparent shoot-out in oakland that left at least one person dead, and police say there are several other people now in the hospital. >> "today in the bay's" bob redell is in our newsroom this morning. are we getting any better sense of what led up to the shooting? >> reporter: there are unconfirmed reports the shooting happened during a music video shoot in oakland.
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we are waiting for oakland police to confirm that with us. oakland police told us after 6:00 p.m. last night several people started shooting at each other on the 5900 block of macarthur boulevard. the gunfire acted a shot spotter which alerted police to what was going on. >> upon arriving they located the shooting scene, casings, but no victims. shortly thereafter our communications division received notification of multiple gunshot wound victims who self-transported to local hospitals in the area. >> reporter: unfortunately, one of those people died. seven others were shot. according to police they are in stable condition. police are asking anyone, any witnesses or anyone with video of the shooting, to please come forward and share their information. reporting live in the newsroom, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> all right, thank you very much, bob. 6:07 now. leaders of oakland's naacp will hold a news conference
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later today to voice their support for police chief leronne armstrong of oakland who is now on administrative leave. a report last week from a bay area law firm alleges armstrong did not properly investigate or discipline officers involved in misconduct. the firm assists in the federal oversight of the department which has been going on for more than two decades and which is scheduled to end in june. armstrong made his first public comments since he was sidelined, called for his immediate reinstatement. the chief believes self-interest is playing a role and he didn't break any rules. this, to me, clearly is a last-ditch effort to destroy the credibility of me, destroy the credibility of this department, and to make the community believe that, again, opd is involved in some shady business. >> i've been through ten police shootings already, and it's been the monitor like they did this
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one to keep themselves employed. >> that was oakland councilmember voicing his support. new oakland mayor sheng thao placed chief armstrong on leave last week following the release of that report. it is still not clear when or if armstrong will be back in uniform. >> 6:09 and we want to take a live look here at the bay bridge as we get started on the day. san francisco in the background there. how is that forecast for us today? meteorologist kari hall has been tracking that and it is a cold start to the morning, kari. it is much colder than yesterday. some of us are starting out having to scrape frost off of the windshield. temperatures in the mid-30s but now it's freezing in morgan hill. we're down to 32 degrees there. 37 in san jose. we see low 40s in the north bay as the breezy wind kicks up. that makes it feel colder and you do want to make sure you're wearing those extra layers heading to work in fremont with
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some upper 30s to start. look at the trend throughout the late morning into the afternoon. it starts to head up and will be a nice and comfortable day as that sunshine continues. mike says overall the commute has been pretty good. the bay bridge toll plaza, no surprises at 6:10 that it's backed up. we've seen things lighten up and ebbing and flowing. we're showing the movement in the middle lanes which is great. the metering lights are on, doing their job, keeping traffic at a manageable volume and keeping that pace moving steadily towards san francisco. not really a backup at the berkeley curve but we do see more slowing past golden gate fields and starting back over in richmond and out of el cerrito as well. highway 37 shows light slowing but still a steady flow of traffic there and a steady build for highway 4. 242 shows some slowing. the early burst through walnut creek, those early drivers got through the caldecott tunnel
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just fine. now we're sorting ourselves back out. 880 does show some slowing and a new incident report pops up just south of the san mateo bridge. no major delays or injuries from what i understand. we'll continue to follow those reports. a build out of the tri-valley down vasco road to byron and 92 picks up the volume. it still moves steadily across the san mateo bridge. back to you. netflix is getting ready to roll out a new set of rules when it comes to sharing accounts. next on "today in the bay," users will have the option to sharon but at what price? elon musk is likely back in court today. yesterday he said 420 wasn't a joke. speaking of numbers, let's go out to the futures and see where wall street is headed. that's no good, marcus. >> no. and no surprise here, scott, the new "avatar" film one of the oscar nominees for best picture. but the full list of nominations does not contain a surprise or two. a look at some of the big names
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getting a lot of love this morning. you're watching "today in the bay." (steven) every time i come to see caremore, they go above and beyond to take care of me. i feel a lot better now. i'm taking medication for what i should have been taking years ago. (vo) caremore health provides advanced primary care
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wherever you need it, in the hospital, at home, in our clinics, or virtually. (steven) so when i call them over a medical issue, they take care of it instantaneously. i'm not afraid to go to the doctor anymore or put off going to the doctor. (vo) call the number on your screen to learn more about medicare plans in your neighborhood that include caremore.
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good tuesday morning. right now at 6:14 time to get up and out the door and you do want to make sure you're wearing extra layers because it is a cold start in brentwood as you're heading out for the commute, heater up. we're only at 34 degrees at 7:00. it warms up into the mid-50s for
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the afternoon. the sunshine helps out and we'll get a look at some warmer temperatures in our forecast coming up in a few minutes. and we're looking at a nice easy drive. the taillights southbound through san rafael passing by down toward lincoln over the hill. a smooth drive from santa rosa down across the golden gate bridge but that volume builds. we'll show you where there are some slower spots and developing bigger commutes coming up. good tuesday to you. it's 6:15. amazon starts a new prescription drug program today. 50 common medications for things like high blood pressure at a discount. the doj could sue google as soon as today over its dominance in digital ads. the ceo pictured here at an earlier event met company wide with employees to explain google's big layoffs. sundar pichai said they were rewarded for service and execs
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would take a cut in bonuses. elon musk facing another lawsuit, from the landlord of twitter headquarters. the struggling company has not been paying rent on the building. the san francisco business times the first to report twitter owes millions in back rent. twitter also has a big interest rate payment coming up. it's a private company so we don't have access to the financials but the calculations say that is due today. when i say twitter, i mean elon musk. musk owns twitter. the payment is on him. he was back in san francisco federal court monday defending his claim he would take tesla private for 420 a share. one of the plaintiff's lawyers asked him if 420 was a reference to marijuana. musk claimed it wasn't. musk often uses the number 420. he offered $54.20 a share for twitter. ticketmaster and live nation will be defending business
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practices. ticketmaster controls about 70% of the concert ticket sales in the united states. some senators say ticketmaster should be broken up. network plans to start its crackdown on shared pass words very soon. if you're using a password used by a different household, your parents or your ex-girlfriend, you're going to pay a small fee. >> ultimately decided we need to make sure we're back on that trajectory, subscriber growth, we are bringing as much profit as we can. so even though they had embraced password sharing for quite some time they reached a point where they said we have to pass on this extra cost to consumers. we can't stomach that anymore. >> they'll talk more about it on the "today" show at 7:00. you can go back way deep into somebody's twitter feed and find something they maybe didn't mean at the time. let's look at netflix. in 2017, love is sharing a
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password. >> we all grow. >> are we getting back together with our exes? do we still have to pay? >> is that worth it? >> i don't know. >> with so many cuts here and there, you can't blame them. >> this will probably come in march, probably $3, $4 if you're the person outside the household. >> the thing is we all look for a little cost savings but the rules have been so cloudy. >> they were encouraging it for many years. >> love is. >> they wanted the hook. i'm just saying. thanks, scott. trending right now an early look at hollywood's biggest night within just the past few minutes the academy of motion pictures, arts and sciences wrapped up its nominations announcement. we'll just cut to the chase this year's picture include nominees "all quiet on the western front," "avatar ", "the banshees
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of inisherin," "elvis," "everything everywhere all at once." the oscars happen on march 12. >> you'll need all 47 days to watch. there are a lot of nominations. >> that whole password thing. >> how can i watch all these? >> i'm looking forward to the cate blanchett about the conductor. i think it just came on netflix. >> that's the cool thing. you can watch on netflix and don't have to go to the movies. >> i love movies. i hate going to the movies. >> i love it. >> it was germy even before covid. >> you just hoped to have that strong immune system. >> okay, moving on.
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go outside. with a coat, of course. >> i'm thinking about "avatar." wouldn't you want to see that in 3d or a big screen? >> i haven't seen the first one. it's not my thing. >> okay. >> we have some talking to do. catching up. >> we have a lot of catching up. let's move on right now as we get a look at our forecast starting out as you get ready to head out the door, it is chilly but the sky is all clear. let's get a live look outside in san jose. we are starting out with cold temperatures. bundle the kids up as they get ready for school, as they head out in mountain view, temperatures in the upper 30s to start with a lot of sunshine but at pickup time it's going to be nice. they might want to hang out, go to the park. it's going to be 60 degrees and maybe just a light jacket will keep you comfortable. a high of 62 in san jose and 62 in morgan hill. we'll see low 60s for gilroy today and 60 in danville. cooler for parts of the interior east bay and then for the coastline we're in the low 60s
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this afternoon with redwood city reaching 61 degrees. also 61 in the mission district and for the north bay 62 in napa. look at santa rosa, ukiah 66 degrees. that's going to be nice but cold again tonight as we dip down into the upper 30s in the north bay. napa as well as hayward and fremont down to 41 degrees tomorrow morning. upper 30s for the south bay. the high pressure that's kept it dry and sunny is moving on and eventually it will make way for a cold front and an area of low pressure, more storm systems to dip down and bring us some rain starting on sunday and continuing into early monday. it looks like a decent amount of rainfall but then we go back to some dry weather and we'll see if that opens the door for more wane to come in over the next several days after that. but as far as initially how much rain we're expecting, parts of the north bay may see a lot less. the peninsula, south bay and the east bay could see about half an inch of rain or more.
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and it looks like definitely a lot heavier amounts of rain further off to the east. but let me show you how cold. once the system moves out of here, santa rosa taking in our temperatures in the mid to upper 60s over the next few days. and look at the dip this weekend from saturday all the way through much of next week only the low to mid-50s and that's what we'll see for our inland temperatures. a big cooldown coming our way. we can soak up that sunshine with the milder weather from now through friday. and, mike, you're starting to see the delay for the trains. it came in over the wire. 20 to 30-minute delay. i thought oh, no. but then it turns out they're waiting for union pacific train, assistance to check the track ahead. now they're moving again so all right. we're just 20 minutes delayed, which is great because the trains are moving. they made it through niles canyon for train number one, three, five and seven should have no problem. we'll follow that closely as we have been. that's right here through this area. we're looking at a build in that area for 680 southbound.
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84 holding steady and no drama through the altamont pass. there are reports of a car fire or a smoking vehicle. the slowing doesn't show up on those sensors. looking at the crash just south of 92 as you head down out of hayward into union city. a smooth flow elsewhere. back to you. >> thanks, mike. 6:23 this morning. leaving it all on the ice. next here on "today in the bay," the best figure skaters in the country will descend on san jose and the south bay. we'll take you to one ice skater who is hoping win
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it is 6:25 this morning and america's top figure skaters are in san jose this week. the shark tank playing host to the u.s. figure skating championships. >> those practices got under way yesterday but ahead of the big competition our own laura garcia got a chance to talk with starr andrews one of the stars hoping to score big. >> what kind of mind-set do you have to put yourself in prior to going into a championship, and what does your focus have to be? >> for me my focus is just running programs, consistency and keeping my training up and keeping my strength up and just really sticking to a schedule. i think that's important. just drilling my programs and making sure i don't have to think about it when i do go. >> we're excited because you'll
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be competing at the s.a.p. center in san jose. different rinks across the country. >> to me it doesn't matter. before i go there just thinking about this is a different competition, but once i step on the ice it's an ice rink, i ice skate there every day and, you know, that thought leaves my mind that i'm somewhere else and i'm there to do what i train and so for me, no, it doesn't really matter. that coverage on the mass shooting in half moon bay continues. we spoke with the mayor of half moon bay, so coming up her reaction to gun violence now
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everyone is making room mom? for the medicine cabinet's new essential. binaxnow -- with the same technology doctors use to test for covid-19.
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do we still need these pregnancy tests? everyone is making room (kids yell and giggle) yeah, no. for the medicine cabinet's new essential. binaxnow -- with the same technology doctors use to test for covid-19. our hearts are broken tonight. there were farmworkers affected. there were children on the scene at the incident. this is a truly heartbreaking tragedy in our community. >> right now at 6:30, heartbreak as authorities try to piece together the latest in the shooting rampage there. we are live there this morning where families are sheltering after enduring unfathomable tragedy. thank you for being with us this morning. i'm kris sanchez. >> and i'm marcus washington. of course this is a difficult day to bring you news, and we're
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going to do this together. we are doing our best to update you on the three unspeakable tragedies involving firearms and we're going to get to our coverage in just a moment. but you probably want to know what that forecast will look like for you that morning. meteorologist kari hall is monitoring those temperatures and a cold start to the morning. we've seen these temperatures dipping even lower than yesterday at this time. in fact, it's freezing in morgan hill and in san jose it's in the upper 30s right now. we're seeing mid-30s from brentwood to concord and low 40s in the north bay where there's more of a breeze there keeping those temperatures up. as we get started, it's a clear start to our tuesday morning in san jose. 38 degrees. very chilly temperatures but you can see the trend here. it will start to feel better going into the afternoon. eventually reaching up to about 62 in san jose as well as into hayward as over toward mountain view, 62 degrees. and some mid-60s for santa rosa and parts of the north bay. a little bit warmer these next few days. we'll talk about that and when
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we'll see rain coming up. mike, you have a look at the point east bay. typical slowing out of castro valley and down the east shore -- down the east bay for the nimitz. 680 builds, so does 84. the issue here, i told you i would follow up on that report of a car fire. it's an impala reported engulfed with flame there and west eastbound 580, counter your commute. no injuries but it has to be a distraction. nothing dramatic there. vasco road shows travel time over 35 minutes down from marsh creek down to 580 through the slow section. typical build for the rest of the bay. we do have metering lights activated in the backup. right back to you. thanks, mike. our top story more senseless violence starting with the city of half moon bay rocked by that shooting rampage.
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>> what we know seven people are dead, another victim is in critical condition, and the suspected gunman is now in police custody. he is said to be cooperating with investigators. also, according to the actual documents, the court docket, that man, the suspect, may appear in court as early as this afternoon. the tragedy unfolded yesterday afternoon at two locations in half moon bay and the victims are all tied to a local mushroom farm. some were shot at the location where they work, which is the same location where they live. the second location was a nearby nursery. >> the first calls came in around 2:30 p.m. deputies arrived at the first crime scene along highway 92 to find five victims, one of them still alive. three more bodies were found at the second location. a nursery off highway 1. then around 4:40 p.m. authorities managed to detain that suspected gunman. >> that man was found parked in his own car at the sheriff's substation on kelly avenue and
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cameras captured that dramatic moment when authorities took the man into custody. the suspect is identified as 67-year-old chunli zhou. numerous families waking up a at a nearby reunification center because they can't go home. they had to shelter there after the gunfire erupted and the investigation began. "today in the bay's" pete suratos is live there this morning. pete, how many people are unable to go home at this point? >> reporter: good morning to you, kris. initially this was set up as that reunification center for those that were impacted by these deadly mass shootings. i did speak to an individual associated with the center, the idef reunification center, and he says no one is inside at this point. there are some cots, some beds there for folks, but at least at this moment no one is inside. it was a much different scene last night where you had dozens of farmworkers and their families and children arriving here hoping to get some help at
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this reunification center in half moon bay. a lot of them were looking for answers. they wanted to get the health status on victims, of course, that were impacted by the shootings. we spoke to a man who did confirm that suspect did work at one of the farms where the shooting took place. now this really did shake up the whole community here in half moon bay and locals came out to help out some of the folks. here is what they had to say. >> a lot of tragedies hitting this country. to hit our small town it's very shocking. >> reporter: now we learned that about 25 people lived at one of the sites where the shooting took place, many had to relocate, some of them momentarily at this center. there's no one inside so they have relocated to another location. of course we'll monitor the situation and provide any updates as they come in. we're live here in half moon bay, pete suratos for "today in the bay." >> all right, pete, thank you. now the mayor of half moon
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bay is in hawaii right now, but she is coming back home. we talked to her this morning. we spoke to mayor deborah penrose when we came on air at 4:30. she says that she learned about that shooting from her city manager and is calling on the federal government to take action. >> we can only reassure people that we pull together and that we'll investigate this crime and we'll do whatever we can to make certain this fellow is prosecuted to the full extent of the law. but preventing tragedies like this has to come from the federal government who will do something to prevent semiautomatic and automatic weapons and weapons of any kind. >> penrose also says -- >> such easy availability. >> mayor penrose also says that it will take time for the city to work through this tragedy,
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but she calls half moon bay a loving and tight-knit community. former congresswoman gabrielle giffords herself a victim of gun violence released this statement t. reads in part, no community should have to experience the pain and trauma that comes from gun violence, and california has borne the brunt of this uniquely american epidemic twice in three days. now we must not accept this as status quo. this morning we also spoke with san jose mayor matt mahan. he hopes educating everyone, not just gun owners about gun violence, will prevent this in the future. >> it's an awful tragedy, a tragedy that occurs far too often in our country. locally one of the solutions that we've recently moved forward as a city, as you know, is requiring liability insurance for gun owners. i think we need to do a better job of educating our community about gun violence restraining orders and other tools available.
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>> our coverage of the latest mass shooting continues online. can you find those updates on our website, make sure you sign up for the push alerts to never miss an update. san francisco supervisors will consider a new ordinance allowing privately funded supervised injection sites. governor newsom vetoed a controversial state bill that would have allowed three cities including san francisco to open so-called safe injection sites. today mayor london breed and supervisor hillary rhonan will approve a new measure allowing nonprofits to operate the sites using private funding. no public dollars. new york city recently enacted a similar measure and there they say that in less than a year supporters have found that privately funded sites have prevented hundreds of overdoses. it is 6:38 for you this morning. i want to take a live lock at sfo where american airlines flight attendants are planning to picket. it comes as the union tries to
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negotiate a new contract. similar protests are also being organized at other major u.s. airports including boston, charlotte and washington, d.c. in a statement american airlines says that it hopes to reach a new contract agreement with flight attendants and today's picketing will have no impact on flights. a live look at the san mateo bridge. we can see traffic is picking up but i bet those folks have their heaters running this morning. kari, a xhilchilly start to the. very cold in many spots but still breezy in others like the north bay and san rafael, a breezy wind kicking up keeping those temperatures higher. for parts of the peninsula, the south bay, we are feeling those upper 30s right now as you get ready to get the kids ready for school. make sure they're wearing one of the warmer coats at least for the drop-off time. at pickup time they'll probably have the coat off, 60 degrees, and may want to spend more time out there at the park before heading home. we'll see some low 60s in the forecast for much of the south
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bay into the east bay. look at the interior east bay in the valleys. we make it up to 59 degrees there. 66 for a high in santa rosa. san francisco, 59 degrees. slightly warmer the next couple of days. we'll talk about that and when we'll see rain. mike says the commute is starting to build in some spots. we have two rail systems to talk about. ace train, we talked about how train number 1 was delayed through niles, moving again almost to -- almost to the end of the line for train number 1. train number 3 approaching the area. it looks like the track inspection went fine through niles. b.a.r.t. telling me the lafayette station has been closed, a major medical emergency. still waiting for confirmation but usually that means trains go through the lafayette station, they just don't board or disembark. the station does have action going on there. we'll track that. the rest of the systems for transit are moving smoothly. the tri-valley, we see a build west 580 at the dublin interchange.
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nothing dramatic. we see that build and expect a little bit more traffic so lighter traffic flow right now. eastbound across the high rise of the san mateo bridge reports of a disabled vehicle in one of the lanes. it does look like a smooth, steady flow of traffic. we'll watch for sleg or distraction for the westbound commute. you see the build coming off the hayward side. the build for 101, 87, 237 all showing that traditional trend as we head towards 6:40 in the morning. typically what we see on a tuesday. thank you, mike. 6:41 right now and tracking the unhoused population. still ahead, the coordination count to get a better idea how many people are struggling to make it in the bay. what do former presidents, vice presidents, bringing home confidential documents, no big deal. trying that one on for size.
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good tuesday morning as you get moving and out the door in brentwood. it's a cold start. we're right now in the mid-30s. it'll dip another degree or two around sunrise. for the rest of the day, we slowly make our way towards some milder temperatures. that sunshine continues and that makes it feel better. we will continue to warm up in the near term. we'll talk about a big cooldown in the distant forecast coming up in a few minutes. golden gate bridge, look at the flags flapping over here on the right. windy, obviously.
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we have the traffic building on the left side coming down. a smooth flow still out of santa rosa through san rafael and across the golden gate bridge to the city from the north bay and through the south bay out of fremont. headlights moving very smoothly but picking up the volume on the nimitz through san leandro, hayward and the tri-valley. 6:45 for you this morning. a new theory about confidential presidential records this morning. no big deal. >> scott mcgrew, that takes the president, the former president, the current president kind of out of the hot seat. >> everybody is off the hook. there's some appeal to this. it resonates with some people. they could see how somebody could inadvertently take a document home with them from the office. maybe it wane even them. maybe it was some staffer. here is kennedy trying that theory on for size. >> i don't think that most americans, again, most
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fair-minded americans, want to see the president of the united states or the former president of the united states, prosecuted for having classified documents unless it can be shown that those documents were being used in a way that would hurt america. and there's no evidence of that. >> now people who follow the news carefully realize there's a lot of detail, a difference between a few documents and boxes of documents, denying you have them, admitting you have them. kennedy and others this morning are saying maybe we just accept it happens. one has to wonder, are there other past presidents and vice presidents looking through their records seeing if they have anything they shouldn't? or maybe they're absolutely not looking through old boxes just so they can say they're not aware of any documents that they shun have.
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a judge in georgia will decide whether to release the records and testimony from the grand jury investigation into donald trump's alleged interference in elections in that state caught on tape. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes. >> trump was never subpoenaed to testify before that grand jury. the jurors voted to make their findings public. but it's going to be up to a judge today to decide whether to do that up to a prosecutor to decide whether to pursue charges. we'll be waiting on that. we'll be talking about it on social media. on facebook you can fine me at scott mcgrew tv. >> scott, thank you. happening now santa clara county is conducting its 2023 homeless count. last year teams counted about 10,000 countywide. san jose's new mayor matt mahan taking part to better comprehend
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the crisis. >> we can't develop common sense solutions if we don't understand the scope of the issue which is why it's so important that we are out here today counting very specifically how many people are out here and following up to understand who is here, why they're here, what kinds of support they need. >> all counties are required to conduct a count every two years. some do it every other year. contra costa county has it scheduled for tomorrow. >> i was with mayor liccardo last year. it will be interesting how the numbers have changed over the year. 6:48 this morning. new for you, vallejo restaurant week, this week, dozens of eateries are participating with special prices. >> doing what they could to help the economy from a prefixed three-course meal from $30 to a
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bottle of wine with dinner for about a penny. there are a lot of great deals and the ceo says whatever the you are craving, they have it. >> we have a wide range of foods, sushi, barbecue, formal dining or formal three-course meals, great italian food and filipino food. it's the diversity that i think attracts the folks here to our great city. >> that's a lot of flavor. restaurant week continues through next tuesday, january 31st. you can check out which is participating and what they're serving up. you don't have to cook dinner. >> that's always a plus. >> right? >> what i'm hungry for is that list that he read. >> everything. >> all of it. >> i would like a pu pu platter of all of it. we're getting started thinking about breakfast, dinner, all of that stuff but,
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yes, we have to get to work first and getting the kids ready for school. as you're stepping out right now temperatures in the mid-30s, brentwood at 35 degrees. morgan hill, the coldest temperature on the map now at 32 degrees. but it's a little bit milder in the north bay. probably doesn't feel like it. and that's because we have more of a breezy wind picking up that's keeping those temperatures from dipping too quickly this morning. but when you compare it to yesterday morning, yes, indeed, it is definitely colder right now compared to yesterday when you stepped out the door especially in livermore. we're 12 degrees lower and san jose 11 degrees lower. right now compared to yesterday at this time. then look at the high temperatures actually going to be a little bit warmer this afternoon. reaching 62 in east san jose as well as milpitas and then for the east bay we're headed up for 59 degrees in antioch, danville reaching 60 degrees and 62 in oakland. we'll see some low 60s up and down the peninsula from san mateo to palo alto and 60
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degrees downtown for the north bay we're headed for 63 in sonoma and 66 degrees in santa rosa, warmer there. but then for tonight into early tomorrow morning, we're beginning the day where we are now with some upper 30s in a lot of our inland valleys as well as also very cold temperatures where you may have to scrape frost off of the windshield before you get going. high pressure has kept it dry bus it's moving on and making way for an area of low pressure and rain moving in. a big change in the weather pattern but that will draw down some really cold air. it will be very chilly going into next week, but may also change the weather pattern that we've seen. and we'll see if we get more rain behind that going towards the end of next week. as of now that first storm system coming in brings us about a half to three-quarters of an inch of rain in these areas from yellow to orange that we're seeing in the peninsula. the south bay as well as the east bay. notice that it is a little bit lighter for the north bay.
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it may be much heavier for parts of the sierra that could see a lot of snow. let me show you these temperatures and what's ahead. if you don't have enough sweaters, you may want to make sure you're digging them out from the back of the closet. we're going from highs in livermore from the low 60s to about 50 degrees from sunday to monday and low 50s next week. it is going to be cold coming up. we thought what we are feeling this morning is cold, we are going to see more of that going into next week. it all kicks off with rain late on sunday. mike, you are looking at dublin. we're looking at 580. a lot of traffic through the dublin interchange and all the way up to dublin grade. the traffic flow is holding pretty steady through the area. there's a build for the rest of the east bay. the walnut creek area, 680 and westbound 24. up here in the north bay coming into novato we now see some slowing kick in which is about the right timing, the right area.
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overall we're seeing maybe a little bit lighter commute for other parts of the bay. kicking in for 680, 84, and a build for the east bay. the south bay holding steady with your same spots for slowing. more backup 87 heading to downtown. back to you. >> thank you, mike. happening now a second home is threatened in oorinda. a home is red tagged. the owners have lived there for 30 years. the city of orinda says the house that slid last week is moving several inches a day. two mass shootings in the bay area in the span of 24 hours. we are live in half moon bay with new developments. it targeted a mushroom farm and mushroom workers. in oakland what police are saying about the apparent deadly shoot-out and the latest on the search for that suspect. we're back in under three minutes.
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6:55 am
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half moon bay. >> seven people are confirmed dead. one person is in the hospital clinging it life in critical condition. the suspected shooter here on your screen is in custody and is believed to be cooperating with investigators. >> pete suratos has been following this story all morning long. so, pete, talk to us about where things stand right now. >> reporter: good morning. we're outside of that family reunification center following the deadly mass shootings that took place here in half moon bay. here is what we do know this hour. we know the shootings yesterday took place at two locations. both mushroom growing operations. he was arrested at a sheriff's substation where they located his suv and they believe he was actually there to surrender. so far we know that he acted alone when it comes to these shootings and at this hour the motive is unknown. live in half moon bay, pete
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suratos for "today in the bay." >> pete, thank you. >> you can find continuing coverage on roku, apple tv and amazon fire tv. another developing story for you out of oakland, also a shooting with multiple victims. this one police believe was a shoot-out at the gas station on macarthur and seminary. the victims self-transported to a nearby hospital. they are aware of at least eight victims. there are unconfirmed reports the shooting was a gun battle that erupted during the filming of a music video. leaders of the naacp will voice support for oakland police chief leronne armstrong. new mayor sheng thao placed armstrong on leave last week after the release of a report suggesting that armstrong and opd failed to properly investigate officer misconduct. he made his first public
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comments in plain clothes. he says he did not break any rules and it's not clear when or if armstrong might be allowed to return to his job and his uniform. a last look at the forecast this morning. >> waking up to sunrise, it's all clear and chilly temperatures. a lot of upper 30s for the inland area. we'll reach into the low 60s today. and it will be a little bit warmer as we go towards thursday and then a cooldown as rain arrives starting on sunday and very chilly temperatures will follow. we have tuesday traffic kicking in all around the bay. b.a.r.t. has the lafayette station closed right now. a major medical emergency reported on the tracks. we know trains are not stopping, embarking or disembarking there. the contra costa county transit are providing an option line 6 between lafayette and orinda with major delays. that is what's happening "today in the bay."
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join us for nbc bay area news at 11:00. we'll be back this about 30 minutes for a local news update. coming up next the "today" show. have a great morning. good morning, everybody. it's tuesday and it has happened again. california rocked by another mass shooting. >> the second in that state just this week. it's january 24th. this is "today." breaking overnight, at least seven people killed, this time outside san francisco. dramatic video showing the suspect being taken into custody. >> what a tragedy to see these innocent people lose their lives and right now we don't have the answers. >> while in southern california the community of monterey park comes together to remember the 11 people killed there.


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