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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 31, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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right now at 5:00, arctic air, freezing temperatures are blanketing the bay area at this hour. meteorologist kari hall is timing out your full forecast and when we will see some warming temperatures. >> and this cold weather comes with pain for many homeowners. natural gas bills spiking this winter. a live report on how much more you can expect to pay. >> plus -- [ crowd chanting ] >> calls for meaningful police reform are growing louder on capitol hill following the death of tyre nichols. why the latest push is facing big hurdles in washington. this is "today in the bay" streaming live on roku, amazon fire and online. a very good tuesday morning to you. thank you for starting your day with us.
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i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. grab that scarf and layer up this morning because that cold weather is here. we do have team coverage this morning on the freezing warning that we have in effect right now. bob redell is live for us in the east bay with more on the rising energy bill costs. >> we better get him a beanie. let's check in first with meteorologist kari hall with a closer look at the frost advisory and freeze warning in place. >> we've seen a lot of these very cold mornings throughout the season. since november we've had temperatures dipping down to the low 30s in our inland valleys and here we are at 30 degrees in santa rosa, 36 in fremont, we're below freezing for the south county right now. as you head out in the south bay, we are once again seeing temperatures very chilly and it is dangerous for unhoused people, as well as keeping any animals outside. as we go into today, we're going to see our temperatures reaching
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into the upper 50s, so it's still going to be a cool day, just slightly warmer than yesterday. and eventually we'll see some rain, so we'll talk more about that coming up in just a few minutes. >> thanks, kari. >> let's turn to nbc bay area's bob redell. as temperatures are dipping, the price of natural gas is surging, which means all of us can expect higher energy bills. >> reporter: well, we've already seen them in december. mine definitely jumped. the price of natural gas has doubled, and according to pg&e, homeowners and renters, they're using more natural gas this winter than the five-year historic average, and that's because the weather is just much more colder than it is normally. we don't usually see these temps this time of the year. the increased demand, entire supply has caused the price to spike. eric bond tells us he spent several hundred dollars in december to heat his home. he sets the thermostat at 64
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degrees and uses a blanket to keep warm and uses a space heater. >> it's about double what we normally expect. we norm mae see $300 for our townhome. but $620, man, winters like this, it does change some of the priorities we have for the given month. >> reporter: the utility reform network, t.u.r.n., the pushing for the utilities commission to change how and when it raises rates. it wants pg&e to spread these increased costs throughout the year instead of dumping them on consumers all at once during the wintertime. on thursday, they will decide whether to move up the annual climate credit to help customers on next month's bill, which could amount to roughly $91 on average. for now, to save on your next bill utility experts recommend dialing down the temperature of your water heater and thermostat and wash full loads of laundry in cold water. reporting live in san ramon, bob
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redell, "today in the bay." you can find out how cold it is in your neighborhood this morning by downloading our nbc bay area app. you're one press away from being in the know. it's free for apple and android users. 5:04 right now and a seventh police officer is relieved of duty following the deadly beating of tyre nichols. more law enforcement officers and emergency responders are also facing disciplinary action. the nichols family is expected to speak tonight in memphis, as lawmakers are feeling pressure to pass police reform. "today in the bay's" brie jackson is in washington live for us. there's not a clear path forward here. >> reporter: that's right. good morning, marcus. for the second time in three years, lawmakers are seeking to pass police reform, but they still remain divided on that path forward. >> what do we want? >> justice. >> reporter: as calls for justice for tyre nichols grow,
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so does the number of people being held responsible in connection with his death. the memphis fire department firing three emts who responded to the beating, citing an internal investigation. two more memphis police officers were also relieved of their duties, that's in addition to the five now fired officers facing charges related to the 29-year-old's death. >> i feel like my son was sacrificed for the greater good. >> reporter: the nichols family urging congress to pass the george floyd justice in policing act. president biden echoing that sentiment. >> i think we should do it right now. >> reporter: renewing talks about police reform on capitol hill. >> we owe it to all of the families who have lost loved ones in these horrible acts of brutality. >> reporter: senator tim scott, the lead gop negotiator, pleading with lawmakers to put differences aside and compromise. >> this is not an issue of republicans versus democrats, but as good people standing in the gaps elected to do a job
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that we all ran to do. >> reporter: others recognize new legislation is unlikely in a divided congress, leaving some senators to stress measures already passed that focus on de-escalation training. >> use of force should only come into play when absolutely necessary. >> reporter: mourners nationwide say congress must do something to prevent another family from losing a loved one at the hands of law enforcement. the funeral for tyre nichols is set for wednesday in memphis and several white house officials are scheduled to attend. >> brie jackson in washington, thank you. new this morning, a new round of federal funding will soon be on the way to improve the road connecting watsonville and santa cruz along highway 1. president biden's administration is allocating $30 million. it will add 2.5 miles of new lanes that reduce congestion when cars merge onto the
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highway. that new money will also fund the construction of a new bike lane or lanes and allow for the purchase of four zero emission buses. san francisco mayor london breed is expected to highlight a new housing project aimed at helping many make it in the bay. she'll speak about the village sf, a building that will be located in the mission district. the area is considered the heart of the american indian cultural district. among its many features are a gym, medical and dental clinic, and a rooftop farm for practice decisional foods and medicine. the village is scheduled to open in 2025. also today, california's first partner is coming to the bay area. she's the wife of california governor gavin newsom, at stanford university. her organization is working alongside the stanford graduate school of business to increase corporate diversity. they'll unveil a new corporate playbook and an on-campus event.
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this morning the power ball is growing. no one won last night. here were the numbers just in case you got something small. 1, 4, 12, 36, 49, with a power ball number of 5. if you had that, you would have received $613 million. one ticket purchased in southern california actually matched five of the numbers, which is worth $1 million. the next drawing is tomorrow. you're probably up and getting ready for work. we take a live look looking over to san francisco. beautiful shot this morning. looks nice and clear. >> it does, but we do need to bundle up. it's going to be a cold start to the day. tuesday morning even colder than yesterday morning, so that will snap you right up. >> you want to go back to bed. >> you want to stay under the covers this morning. we are under a freeze warning for these areas shaded in
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purple. this includes santa clara valley all the way up to the tri-valley, as well as napa and sonoma valleys and we see the possibility of frosty conditions in these areas shaded in blue, which includes some of our hills now that the wind is calming down for many spots. we don't have as much of a wind chill factor but it is definitely chilly and we're headed for the upper 50s and low 60s for the south bay today. east bay reaching up to 58 degrees and concord, walnut creek, as well as danville. we'll get a closer look at the microclimates and talk about what's ahead. mike has a look at where you can find lower gas prices. >> it's getting harder to find. i think gas prices are trending a little higher. definitely up toward the $4 range for almost all the counties we're looking at. san mateo county shows a few spots at $3.99. we'll call out a&a gas on holly street. now, the next two numbers, the daily double is $3.69 in
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cupertino, great gas. and then in concord at world gas on monument boulevard, the two best reported in the bay area and two of the best in the state. as reported by you guys, so thank you for helping out. the roadways, very smooth, and much of the construction has picked up. the sensors have been reactivated for northbound 680 on our maps, but caltrans says there's a crew there. we should see slowing where the arrow is before the crew is cleared. a new issue here, if you're entering off of humble street in richmond, you can use san pablo because there's a crash or activity impeding the on ramp for the time being. back to you. >> thank you, mike. it is 5:10. making sure your kid are ready for their financial futures. ahead on "today in the bay," the simple steps a bay area couple say you can take to make sure your kids are ready for the real world. some school kids are using ai to write essays.
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now a lawmaker did the same thing with a political speech. we'll show you. >> plus, the reason martha stewart is facing backlash after selfies that set off a viral firestorm. we're going to tell you how she's fendingde
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business can happen anytime, anywhere. so help yours thrive and stay connected with the comcast business complete connectivity solution. it's the largest, fastest, reliable network. advanced gig speed wifi. and cyberthreat protection. starting at just $49.99 a month. plus, you can save up to 60% a year when you add comcast business mobile. or, ask how to get up to a $750 prepaid card. complete connectivity. one solution, for wherever business takes you. comcast business. powering possibilities. good tuesday morning. you may have frost on the windshield in concord as you get ready to head out. temperatures in the upper 30s right now. we'll hold steady through about
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8:00. very cold start and kind of a chilly day, with sunshine. we'll take a look at some slightly milder weather in our forecast and when we'll get rain in a few minutes. a nice, mild drive on the peninsula. 101 moving smoothly. headlights going south san francisco all the way into silicon valley silicon valley. an easy drive. same thing for the northbound side. happy tuesday. markets were lower monday but as we close out january, it's been a very good start to the year on the stock market. intel, i gave you a heads-up about their problems late last week and i almost field like i undersold it. intel is is going to lay off workers in the sacramento area. tomorrow is february 1st. bed, bath & beyond has a big interest payment coming due. if you have a gift certificate from the holidays from bed, bath & beyond, use it now, like today. we're going to get data on the cost of labor in about 15
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minutes. this as the fed starts its interest rate meeting. lower labor costs mean wages aren't going up. that would be good news as higher wages are a sign of inflation. a federal judge has ruled the public has a right to know who put up the bond money to get sam bankman-fried out of jail. we know his parents did, but there were at least two others. we don't know. sbf was the head of the collapsed cryptocurrency system ftx. >> a lot going on with spacex today. the company is going to launch an unmanned rocket out of vandenberg in southern california to send more starlink satellites into orbit and later today the first two astronauts to ride the rocket to the iss will get medals the washington. we'll talk more about that as we talk about politics coming up. >> speaking of politics, a lawmaker from massachusetts has become the first to deliver a speech in congress written entirely by artificial
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intelligence. he used chat gpt to write the speech, which itself is about ai. he says he did it to help force lawmakers to start talking about the new technology now. millions of americans have tried chat gpt, including a lot of school kids. it is absolutely fascinating. if you haven't, it's free, i urge you to give it a shot. you can say, write me a love story about a goat and a goldfish or write me a love story that rhymes, or do it in the form of shake shakespeare. >> modern-day cliffsnotes. >> aren't they trying to design something to watch when that's used? >> i just did an interview that's an upcoming topic. it's a young kid out of princeton who has figured out how to identify it. >> which will be key. >> teachers have to run it through and see, did this kid really write this?
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>> you've got to learn as well. >> exactly. >> you're only hurting yourself. >> that's not what i used to say. >> now i would say that. >> that's the mom in me saying that. >> and the uncle, yes. >> there you go. >> thanks, scott. speaking of kids, new this morning, two bay area parents are trying to show others how to take an active role in their childrens' financial educations, so you might say they've coined a new term called money parenting. i think a lot of parents have been doing that for a long time. they say making sense of money matters is essential to a child's development process. they also developed an entire process to make it easier. >> what we did was work with the kids about setting values for different tasks that they would be performing. >> like an allowance. they also point out that there's a subscription service that can help you teach kid about saving and earning and charitable giving, and this might be a good time to talk to your kids about
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this, because january is considered financial wellness month. >> because you get all those bills from christmas. you're, like, what? you better get smart really fast. >> let me show you how to budget. it's 5:17 right now and a lot of people say she's the queen of selfies and the internet is buzzing again. >> we're talking about martha stewart. she posted selfies on instagram this weekend, but not without controversy. the 81-year-old credits great exercise and amazing facials for her look. but these were not the originals she posted. she first posted these photos online and received a lot of criticism from fans, saying she used filters. stewart posted more selfies throughout the day to show her unfiltered face. stewart is known for photos like this. this is one from 2020 showing her at a pool, and i guess she's got to do that lifted chin, a little bit of a pout. >> i did that when i wear my
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progressives. >> martha looks good, but some of those pictures, wait, that's martha stewart? >> she's 81. >> she looks good for 81, no matter how it happened. exercise or not, she looks good. well, what looks good is a nice coat, scarf that coordinates this morning. >> i didn't need a filter for this live view of this beautiful shot i'm going to show you as we take a look at the golden gate bridge this morning, and it is also all clear as we start out this morning. but it's very cold and our temperatures are dipping below freezing. i want to show you where we're headed for today. as we look ahead, we're in the upper 50s for a high in cupertino, as well as in san jose, 58 degrees. 60 in gilroy. it's not going to be as windy as yesterday in some spots, so we're headed for 58 degrees in danville, 57 in antioch and 57
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in livermore. and for the coastline, also upper 50s. we're not seeing a wide range in our temperatures from the coast to the inland areas. it's going to be overall a coolish day. you still need a jacket. we're going to see sunshine as our temperatures head for 60 in santa rosa and in napa. now, some of us will dip back to near freezing or even below freezing in some spots. concord heading down to 32 degrees, as we start out tomorrow morning. and 34 degrees in novato, san francisco, as well as san mateo, in the low 40s. it's all clear, but eventually we'll see rain coming back. we're expecting it on late thursday into early friday, and then another round of some rain coming in on sunday. and the models are kind of backing off, once again, on how much rain we'll see out of those systems, so it looks like as of now we could see about anywhere from about 1/4 to 1/2 inch of rainfall. sometimes as we get closer, the
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system kind of fizzles apart before it gets here. we're still doing really good with our water near. in fact, oakland, livermore, still at about a seasonal average and we're also going to see still our very high sierra snowpack continue, more than double the normal amount of sierra snow right now for even this time of year. looking ahead to the weekend, our temperatures don't change. upper 50s and that rain on friday and then again on sunday. mike, you were checking on the commute out of oakland. >> we're trying to get a feel for what we can expect for the volume on this tuesday. it looks like it's a steady, easy volume, a slight build at the toll plaza. we don't expect a big backup right now. we have one incident getting onto web 580 at humble street. there seems to be a fender bender. we're looking at no major slowing for 37, a little for
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highway 29 and a smooth drive, a little blip starting for highway 4. so the volume nothing major. there is a small crash also south 680 approaching mission. i'll get more detail on that. back to you. >> thanks, mike. 5:22 right now. next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> reporter: a batch of really bad used cars is about to hit the used car market. flooded cars. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. we'll explain why you don't want one and how to steer clear of a flooded car next. >> kris sanchez's daughter competed in her first senior swim meet over the weekend. they grow up so quickly. kris says she wishes the time would slow down. i agree. you can follow kris on facebook, twitter and instagram and, of course, every morning right here on nbc bay area. we'll be right back.
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welcome back. it's 5:25. the rash of recent rainstorms flooded many california cars. >> some of those lemons are expected to weasel their way onto used car lots. investigative reporter chris chmura says car buyers, beware. >> you do not want to buy a car that was in a flood, like we had here in california, or hurricane ian, which hit florida. >> they are literally rotting from the inside out.
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>> that's emily voss from car facts. emily recommends car buyers take three steps. first, spend 40 bucks and get the vehicle's full history. here's the thing, some sleazy car dealers can essentially wash a car's title. an in-person inspection is vital. first, sniff the interior. a foul or musty odor is a big red flag, so is an overly rosy smell. >> sometimes they put in a strong air freshener to cover the musty smell. >> peel back the floor mats and carpet, look for moisture, mold and mildew. check the lights. if they're foggy, you might have a flood car. when you pop the hood, look for signs rust is forming on exposed metal. hire a mechanic. emily says $100 is the going rate to hire a pro for an inspection. if a car dealer won't let you bring your own mechanic to
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inspect a car, stop, take your business elsewhere. >> thanks, chris. coming up next on "today in the bay," thousands of companies in california could be forced to make changes all in an effort to help our climate in crisis. what they may soon have to report and the pushback the report and the pushback the proposal is already receiving.
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i was hit by a car and needed help. report and the pushback the proi called the barnes firm.g. that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. right now at 5:30, a chilly start, frost and in some cases
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freezing temperatures blanketing the bay area. meteorologist kari hall is tracking that and the next round of rain on the horizon. >> change in the works. new commitment to workers following last week's mass shooting at the half moon bay mushroom farm. ahead, a live report on how people plan to remember the victims tonight. >> make sure that affordable housing advocacy groups can hold the city accountable. >> also, a new push to help those struggling to make it in the bay. tens of thousands of affordable new homes may soon be coming to san francisco. the controversial proposal one city leader is pushing to ensure those homes are built. this is "today in the bay," streaming live on roku, amazon fire and online. a very good tuesday morning to you. thanks so much for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. want to get you started with a look at the forecast this morning. it is chilly outside. it's just downright cold. meteorologist kari hall has a look at the frost advisory, too.
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>> we have frost advisories, freeze warnings, all because of the temperatures that are dipping as we start out this morning. where we see the purple, that's where the coldest temperatures are, and we'll see this continue until 9:00. as we go into the morning, another couple of degrees lower, we may see these temperatures come down. so we're down to 28 degrees in san martin, it is 30 in santa rosa and 32 in concord. over the next couple of hours it may also continue to dip. but we are going to see a little bit of a warm-up for the afternoon. mike, you're seeing two reasons for slowing in san jose. >> typically we see slowing right here and it's been starting earlier, a little more significant the last couple of weeks. but at that same area, north 101 and oakland road, take a look at the map. there's a crash that's appeared as far as the reports go. north 101 around oakland road. chp has reports of a hit and run. it sounds like everything is on the shoulder, but the
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distraction will add to the slowing. southbound 680, we told you we would check on a crash at mission. it is there and chp is not yet on scene. the slowing we saw has cleared over the last few. and the construction clearing for north 680, there's a traffic break to clear the crew through sunol. back to you. >> thank you very much. 5:32 right now. in the wake of the half moon bay shooting rampage, a day of action for farmworkers and their families. san mateo county supervisors will look at a plan in their first meeting since the deaths of seven people last week at two locations. >> "today in the bay's" kris sanchez is live at the memorial site in half moon bay. a lot of people agree something has to change. >> reporter: you know, this is my first time out here to this particular scene, and seeing the memorial behind me, it's clear that the half moon bay community is supporting those farmworkers and the victims of the shooting. but now it's time to turn the sentiment into action and that's where the county board of supervisors comes in.
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we got a look at how some of these folks were living and working at those farms when the deadly mass shooting happened. the farmworkers who live at the farms where they work were living in relative squalor. while investigators were gathering evidence, inspectors were uncovering code violations. people were living in shipping containers. california terra garden's owner said that he's beginning construction right away to build new housing units for the people who work for him. san mateo county supervisor says that state and federal governments have to pitch in, too. >> that investment is really going to have to be geared towards affordable housing, and so we realize that there's a problem, there was good news today. the property owner of one of the sites, it was announced they're going to do housing on that location. but this problem is such a big problem. it's a huge, huge problem.
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>> reporter: now, the county supervisor's meeting is at 9:00 this morning and you can attend in person or virtually. you can find that at the county board website. the supervisors may also proclaim the observation of the first week of february as national gun violence survivors' week. there are two remembrances happening in half moon bay. at 4:00 the boys and girls club is holding a memorial, along with our lady of the pillar church and the interfaith community. that is going to be at the boys and girls club at kelly avenue. there will be prayers and healing words. at 6:00, there is a march down kelly avenue to the i.d.e.s. hall and there's going to be a candlelight vigil there. certainly the community is trying to make sure their elected leaders don't forget what happened here. in half moon bay, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> that memorial behind you, astounding. we'll be monitoring today's
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meeting and bring you the latest updates on air and online. if you want to help those affected, we've set up a special wage on our website to help them. head to for more. 5:35, developing, the family of tyre nichols plans to speak out today ahead of the planned funeral. nichols will be laid to rest tomorrow in memphis. tonight, his family will speak alongside civil rights leaders at the historic mason temple where reverend martin luther king jr. delivered his final address the night before he was assassinated. in the meantime, shockwaves continue. a seventh officer has been relieved of duty by the memphis police department. at least five of those officers were fired. we're learning three emts have also been fired for their response on the night of the beating. nichols' mother hopes her son's death is the catalyst for even more change. >> i feel like my son was
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sacrificed for the greater good. >> nichols's mother and his stepfather have also been invited to attend president biden's state of the union address next week. san francisco city leaders are moving forward with plans to help people make it in the bay. today supervisors are expected to give final approval on a state housing plan that is going to require the city to build 82,000 homes over the next eight years. about half of those will be for moderate and low income residents. but one city supervisor wants to take it a step further. joining me to talk about that proposal is san francisco supervisor dean preston. i want to thank you for joining us. i want to start with the proposal allowing nonprofits to sue the city if they don't meet the housing requirement. talk to me about that and why you think that's so important. >> sure. well, we have some bold goals in this housing element. as you mentioned, 82,000 homes
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overall, 46,000 of them affordable. and we don't have a very good track record in san francisco about delivering on affordable housing. so in the last housing element in the eight-year cycle, we hit 150% of our goal on market rate housing, but only half of our goal on affordable housing. >> dealing with this, i think anyone who has done any construction in the past or even anyone who has watched the news, knows that building a house is not an easy task, whether it's the labor issues, supply problems, just some of the things that could really delay a process of building homes, especially affordable homes. how would your proposal ensure the city is not peenleized for things out of their control? >> the biggest is state funding. the state has been very aggressive about setting mandates about requiring cities to pass housing elements, to commit to all this new housing.
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but the state hasn't been there to help fund it. and at the end of the day, any real solution here in reaching our goal is going to require the state to step up and be a partner on affordable housing. i want to make sure we're doing everything we can locally, and that's really not the case right now. we need to move beyond some of the political games that have been played in san francisco, get serious about using every dollar we have. >> we did reach out to mayor london breed's office to comment about the proposal, but we have not heard back. you can watch that entire interview on our website and on our nbc bay area app or stream it on our roku channel for free. there's a new push in sacramento to hold large companies accountable when it comes to deepening our climate in crisis. senator scott wiener has introduced a new bill that would require largest companies to release carbon emissions data, if passed. supporters would argue it increases transparency for more
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than 5,000 companies, but critics argue emissions are difficult to calculate. wiener introduced a similar bill last year that stalled out in the assembly. let's take a live look outside. the glow of downtown san jose this morning. you would hope that would warm things up, but it is a clear, chilly start to the morning. meteorologist kari hall has been monitoring some of these frost advisories. >> we are still seeing temperatures in the upper 30s in san jose. they're going to dip a few more degrees as we go into the next couple of hours and that may produce frost on the windshield. we're monitoring for that around parts of the bay area. as we go into late morning, still jacket on as we're still mostly in the 40s throughout the early hours of the day. so you want to make sure as you're getting ready, you're standing in front of the closet, wear something in layers and also might want to coordinate a hat with your outfit. also, make sure that you're bringing pets inside, not only
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this morning but the next several days as cold weather continues. then i have a couple of plants on the back patio and i had to cover them up just because of the cold weather. also, if you have any exposed water pipes outside, you want to make sure you're keeping those wrapped and also you may want to make sure that you have enough pressure in your car. that car tire light may come on in this cold weather. we'll talk about what's ahead in the forecast. mike, you've been watching the roads. how is it looking for the drive? >> chilly. it feels chilly here in the studio. we're looking at more cloud going across the bay bridge. no problems, but we do see more volume. the metering lights will likely be turned on any second on the oakland side. look at that beautiful view. a light show at the salesforce tower. a smooth drive getting across, but a slower drive on the span. slowing through richmond typical, 37 and highway 4 kicking in over the last few. the tuesday commute a little
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heavier. volume with a little more slowing. some folks may be held up from vacaville. three lanes are reportedly blocked. chp has issued an alert. in the east bay, things have cleared up for 680 construction. for the next three weekends, they're slated to have that closed. increasingly common salon na new scrutiny. the new research suggesting potential dangers for using the ultraviolet technology. what experts say you need to know. >> plus, this is the end of the coronavirus pandemic. is the pandemic really over? congress seems to think so. >> and -- ♪ you've been hit by a smooth criminal ♪ >> a new movie about michael jackson in the works and the man playing the king of pop is no stranger to the famous singer.
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good tuesday morning. let's head over to the east bay where we're checking out martinez. it is freezing there and it's clear, the wind is calm. it stays cold throughout much of the morning. that sunshine doesn't really help us out much. it's going to be a chilly day and we'll talk about what's ahead and when we'll see rain in the microclimate forecast coming up. picking up the volume here,
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taillights through san rafael heading toward the golden gate bridge. you're pretty much at speed through that portion of the north bay. we are looking at the east bay, i found another reason for some slowing over near solano on the upper east shoreway. we'll talk about that coming up. >> thank you so much. it is a quarter until 6:00. long-time bay area law maker jackie speier looking at her career in politics. last night she appeared at san francisco's commonwealth club for a night billed as jackie spears' exit interview. she's turning the page after serving in congress for 14 years. last night she covered a wide range of topics, extending back to the life-changing moment when she was shot and nearly killed in 1978. assassins took the life of congress ryan. less than two weeks into her
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process, a bombshell dropped in the bay area. >> the doctor came up to me and said i don't know how to tell you this, but the mayor has just been assassinated. i'm in what looks like a lung machine and i'm thinking, the world is coming to an end. >> san francisco supervisor harvey milk died in the same attack. two years later, speier would win her first seat on the board of supervisors. a follow-up, more drama ahead for the oakland school board. this is all in regards to the battle over the election results between two candidates. initially nick resnick was named the winner but there was an error and mike hutchinson really should have won. the county has certified the results and only a judge can change the outcome. the move is a possibility because an alameda county judge
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has order a partial re-examination of the election results. if certain ballots are found to go his way, hutchinson could be declared the rightful winner by a judge. 5:46 right now. congress will vote as soon as today to end all pandemic spending, declaring the emergency over. >> and of course scott mcgrew, hundreds of americans die each day. >> is it over if it's over two airline crashes a day? the disease still a threat but congress feels there's no point in spending money like we did at the peak of the pandemic. congress is going to take the titled bill the pandemic is over act. now, hardly the first time someone in congress has tried to say that it's all over. the senate passed a bill as far back as november of last year. even president biden had to do some two-stepping to explain this statement on "60 minutes" last september. >> is the pandemic over? >> the pandemic is over. we still have a problem with
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covid, we're still doing a lot of work on it. but the pandemic is over. >> he later retracted that statement. the white house yesterday said it would call for an end to the emergency in may. it said it opposed the actions in congress to hurry this along. again, there's a difference between health and government funding. covid is still a worry. you should take the precautions that are right for you and your family, but at some point washington is going to stop spending money on it. u.s. secretary of state blinken met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu yesterday. he'll meet with palestinian leaders today. violence between the two sides has flared in the last few weeks. >> back here at home, two astronauts will be awarded medals at the white house today. they were the first astronauts to ride a private rocket, a spacex rocket into space. vice president harris will award them the congressional space medal of honor, reserved for astronauts who accomplish a major first.
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the last person to receive the award piloted the very first space shuttle into space way back in 1981. >> we'll certainly talk about that on social media. on twitter, you can follow me @scott mcgrew. >> it is 5:49 right now, and new this morning, a warning. manicures and pedicures that use uv dryers to speed up the drying process, and new research suggests that using uv dryers has a connection to skin cancer. one analyst says more research still needs to be done. >> what do people need to know about putting their fingers into those uv lights? >> that radiation of uva causes damage to the skin cells and that causes immature aging and increases our risk of skin cancer. how much of that uva exposure that's needed from the lamps, that we have yet to discover. >> nbc's vicky nguyen has more
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on the "today" show, including precautions that you can take coming up at 7:00 a.m. right after "today in the bay." 49ers offseason suddenly got more complicated. >> there will certainly be something for fans to follow, for at least the start of training camp. so quarterback brock purdy's elbow, he injured the elbow early in the nfc championship game loss to the eagles. yesterday the team learned that purdy may be out for six months. that injury is believed to be a torn ulnar collateral ligament, which experts say is critical for our elbow functioning normally. >> the first important thing to understand is that the ucl is a stabilizer of the elbow. it's important for activities such as throwing. it's a thick band of tissue that runs on the inside part of the elbow. it basically prevents the elbow from gapping open like this. >> so according to multiple reports, purdy is seeking a second opinion. if the elbow needs a full
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reconstruction, his recovery time is going to take a lot longer. >> what a way to spend the offseason. trending this morning, casting for the michael jackson bio is staying within the family. >> that's right. michael jackson's nephew will play the icon in the upcoming film "michael". the movie's director confirmed the decision in an instagram post. jamar jackson is 26 years old. the brothers rose to stardom as part of the jackson 5 in the '60s and '70s million michael carved out a successful solo career. jamar has been singing and dancing publicly since at least the age of 12. makes sense, right? >> yeah. the family is very talented. i think a lot of people have been waiting to see the next star with the next generation for the jacksons. >> i didn't get to see what he looked like. >> i've seen pictures. i think it's more the era of "off the wall".
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>> got you. >> if you know that era. ♪♪ >> take it away. >> let's move on. you're going to be singing all morning long. we are feeling temperatures more like what you feel on the moon, maybe, doing a moon walk this morning. it is going to be freezing for a lot of our inland areas, from napa and sonoma valley areas to the tri-valley, as well as santa clara valley. that's where we have areas shaded in purple where we will be dipping below freezing in the next couple of hours. and then as we go into today, we're headed for the mid to upper 50s, just a little warmer compared to yesterday. we will have a slight warming trend even in the overnight hours. by tomorrow we won't see as many areas dipping near or below freezing, but it will still be cold. we are seeing some spots where it is a little more breezy. it's mixing that air, that
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warmer air that's on the surface. but when you have cold air it sinks because it's more dense, it settles into the valleys. in those spots where we are seeing temperatures held up above freezing, it looks like it will be more windy there. we are going to eventually see rain coming in starting on friday. saturday is looking dry. then sunday, another wave of rain coming in. as of now, the models are backing off on how much rain we're going to see. there's still the possibility that we could get about 0.25 to 0.5 of rain. we are going to only see those chances of rain and sierra snow in the forecast, and other than that it's dry and chilly. more cold mornings ahead. mike has an update in the east bay. >> we have a buildup at the bay bridge toll plaza and that's pretty typical as we're approaching 6:00. there is this crash coming through richmond, backing up
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through san pablo as we're looking at the earlier crash reported around solano. it's at least visible as you pass the on ramp. san pablo area on ramp, if you're entering richmond. the rest of the bay is a typical pattern. the crash in san jose is on the shoulder, not impacting traffic for north 101. back to you. >> thanks, mike. happening now, san francisco approving a concealed weapons permit. it is the first one the san francisco sheriff's office has allowed since last year's supreme court ruling. last june the high court ruled a person doesn't have to show a reason for self-defense in order to get a concealed permit. prior to that, san francisco routinely denied applicants who couldn't show good cause. climate change that's impacting us here on earth. next on "today in the bay," the technology that nasa is using to track it all from space. >> then, ahead at 6:00 --
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>> days after video was released showing five police officers beating tyre nichols to death, lawmakers on capitol hill are facing pressure to pass legislation on police reform. legislation on police reform. i'm brie as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a one-second scan, i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. try it for free at
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welcome back. you're watching "today in the bay." in today's climate in crisis, you may think of nasa's mission involving rovers on mars or astronauts on the international space station. but recently nasa scientists have taken on the monumental task of tracking how climate change is impacting us right here on earth. they use satellites, computer models and ground observations at the observatory in southern california and they found about 10% of the water that percolates through the soil flows through the central valley each year. this is equivalent to 4 million acre feet of water moving into farmland that produces 40% of the nation's fruits, vegetables and nuts annually. scientists are finding that due to climate change, groundwater
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volume fluctuates widely between very dry and wet years. nasa's new research on groundwater levels will help in the future to modify watering restrictions and agriculture land, as well as monitor the impacts of a warmer climate. you can see more stories on our website,, or go to our climate in crisis page. >> thanks, kari. well, there's new video we have for you this morning of a moon eclipsing mars. this is referred to as an occulation that happens when the moon disappears and then reappears on the other side. it happens because all of the planets orbit roughly on the same plane as earth. the next is visible through most of the u.s. on january 13th, 2025. the more you know. >> you learned it right here on "today in the bay." quickly approaching 6:00 this morning. bundle up, because it is cold
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outside. a live look outside this morning. meteorologist kari hall, of course, tracking those temperatures, freezing temperatures that we have. the low temperatures that will greet you as you head out the door this morning and how the rest of the week is shaping up for us. >> plus -- >> it's the worst time of year for people to be hit with extremely high monthly utility bills. >> as temperatures are dropping, chances are your utility bill is doing just the opposite. ahead, the reason experts say your rates are surging and what's being done to reel it in. >> also, one bay area city aiming to widen everyone's chance of making it in the bay. the housing project in the works and the one group of people who may stand to benefit most. this is "today in the bay" live on amazon fire and online. good morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. all right, bundle up and layer up this morning if you're headed outdoors. if not, stay in a little longer. thol


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