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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  March 17, 2023 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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hi, everyone, i'm kate snow. >> so glad to be with you, and glad you could be with us. i'm vicky nguyen, and "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, friday, march 17th, 2023, breaking news. indictment coming? law enforcement agencies are telling nbc news that they are preparing for the possibility of a indictment of former president trump, and the time line they are preparing for. and wanted man, the russian president vladimir putin is wanted on charges of war crimes, and this is hours after the
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chinese president xi jinping is announcing his trip to russia. and president biden is calling for tougher punishments on the failed bank executives after one of the biggest banks needs rescuing. and scientists around the world are proposing a new origin of covid, not a lab but raccoons. we begin this hour with nbc learning that law enforcement agencies are preparing in case former president donald trump is indicted. >> they are preparing for the possibility that an indictment could come down as early as next week. t this is all connected to the alleged hush money payment made to adult film actress stormy daniels in the week before the presidential campaign.
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this is where we go to ken dilanian who is in mar-a-lago and mark who has more on this. >> that is right, they are taking precautionary measures in case former president donald trump is indicted, and they are planning that to happen as early as next week which involves taking the security measures around the manhattan courthouse where the proceedings could take place, and getting ready for any possible protests, and the secret service would be involved, because they accompany him wherever he goes, and accompany him to the district attorney's office or the courthouse if he is subjected to any charges or booked at all. and again, this is based on the reporting that everyone has done that the indictment appears to be imminent and we don't know whether it is going to happen,
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and we know that manhattan district attorney has given him one more chance to testify before the grand jury, and trump has declined and his former attorney michael cohen has been brought in. this involves the hush money to stormy daniels in the 2014 presidential campaign, and we are all reading the tea leaves at this point, but what is true and happening is that the security agencies are taking the precautionary measures to prepare that a indictment is forth coming, kate. >> that is a major development as we know it. i want to bring you n and you know that the trump team has been under threats for months now, and have you heard anything from trump or the lawyers, vaughan? >> from the lawyers no, we have not heard anything from the attorneys, because if a grand jury were to issue an indictment of the former president, at that point, the district attorney would reach out to trump's counsel.
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at this point in time, we have not heard that any such communication like that has taken place. as for the former president, himself, donald trump this morning posting several videos on his social media account online in which he derides the multiple investigations into him, including this manhattan district attorney's hush money investigation saying this is from the biden administration, and democrats in large, but these are state charges and not federal charges, and this is a democratic ploy to undermine his own presidential campaign, because he says that democrats do not want to face him again in a general election matchup. >> all right. vaughan hillyard and ken dilanian, thank you. now we want to move to other news in which president biden wants to hold the management of the banks that collapsed liable. >> and last night a lifeline thrown out to failing bank
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republic bank. we start with brian cheung and allie raffa. >> well, we heard president biden want to vow to hold these bank managers accountable. he wants to expand the fdic's authority to take things like stocks and bonuses away from the banking executives involved in the banking failures. the banking executives accused of mismanagement, and taking too many risks with the depositor's investments there. and he wants to call for a barring of the executives to hold a job in the industry after the banks have failed saying that if they were responsible
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for the banks that have failed, they should not be able to turn around and lead another bank. he is calling on congress to expand the fdic's authority to issue fines and to sue the banking executives involved in the failures, and whether or not this could come to fruition, because the president has to work with a divided congress for the next few years is still the question over all of this. >> and brian, 11 major banks had to rush in and essentially rescue first republic bank. what is that show of support meaning for the bankk industry, and what does it tell us? >> reminder that first republic bank is one of the banks floated over the weekend and there is a san francisco bank that got a lifeline from 11 peer banks including wells fargo and chase and jpmorgan chase, and others that put money to go into the bank to assure the customers at
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first republic that it is okay to keep your money there. we have seen the outflows that led to the concern that maybe first republic could meet the same fate as silicon valley bank and so we are noting that the stock is down, but the government appeared to have a hand in this though it came from the private sector, and we are learning that secretary treasury janet yellen did help initiate this conversation with jamie dimon. >> yes. and now, more news involving russia president vladimir putin. this is involving war crimes involving ukraine. this is days before chinese president xi jinping is due to visit russia.
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now, starting with the arrest warrant to do with his visit to russia, and the first thing is that the russian government does not recognize this court. >> right, russia does not recognize the icc, and they don't have any police of their own to enforce this. so if it were to be enforced, it would be up to the world to actually enforce it. that being said, it is not outside of the realm of possible that putin could be brought to justice in the icc but the reality is if it does happen, it is a long time coming, and this is coming days before vladimir putin is set to meet with chinese president xi jinping, and it is something that the entire world will be watching, because it is the first time they met since russia invaded ukraine a year ago, and the world is going to be waiting for any discussion or announcement with china providing any aid for
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ukraine. russia has been struggling to resupply themselves with ammo, and will china cross that line and provide lethal aid to russia for the war against ukraine. and it is particularly worrisome for the u.s., and the rest of the world to isolate themselves against this invasion in ukraine, and all eyes will be watching to see if anything comes from it. >> thank you, kate. the fbi on an urgent search for a u.s. citizen. they say that maria delcarmen lopez was kidnapped in mexico. they are looking for any information that leads to her whereabouts. >> the 63-year-old was taken from her home 36 days ago. she is a great grandmother who frequently goes back and forth
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from mexico the southern california. the daughter says that there were witnesses in the midday kidnapping and the ransom demand. this is how it went down. >> they got out of a truck with hoods on their heads, and we heard what sounded like to us a recording of her pleading for us to please help her and pay the money, because her life depended on it. we miss you, and we can't wait to have you home safe. >> reporter: the fbi is offering a $20,000 reward for information, and the agency has a long-standing policy of not paying ransoms however they do help to facilitate if a victim's family does choose to pay. now keep in mind that the u.s. travel department did issue a do
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not travel to six states, and this includes the area where she was taken. >> heartbreaking. and youtube is raising prices, and the fcc is cracking down on text scammers. >> that is music to my ears. and over the morgan. >> the price of youtube tv is going up from $63 to $73 a month, and they are changing the streaming service because of live content costs. and meanwhile, the fcc is going to be cracking down on the robo texts, and those text messages that are highly likely to be illegal such as texts from invalidated numbers, and they can be dangerous if they use
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phishing devices or hook up to malware. and the u.k. is funding research to put a nuclear reactor on the moon. rolls royce, the industrial maker wants to develop nuclear power for americans to live and work on the moon's surface. they are giving rolls royce $3 million for the goal of putting a nuclear reactor on the moon in 2025. >> i was going to say i thought it would be much farther into the future. and man is shot and killed and man is shot and killed after calling the pice forol if youou still havave symptoms o of moderatete to severere rheumatotoid arthris or active e psoriatic c arthrs after r a tnf blococker like h a to severere rheumatotoid arthris or active e psoriatic c arthrs oror enbrel, r rinvoq is dififferent andnd may hel. stand up t to your symymps with r rinvoq. oror enbrel, r rinvoq is dififferent andnd may hel. rinvoq is s a once-daiaily l oror enbrel, r rinvoq is dififferent andnd may hel. that tacklkles pain, oror enbrel, r rinvoq is dififferent andnd may hel. stififfness, swewelling. oror enbrel, r rinvoq is dififferent andnd may hel. for someme, rinvoq s significy reduces rara and psa f fati. oror enbrel, r rinvoq is dififferent andnd may hel.
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it can s stop furtheher irreversibible joint d da. oror enbrel, r rinvoq is dififferent andnd may hel. and rinvnvoq can leaeave n cleaear or almosost clear inin. oror enbrel, r rinvoq is dififferent andnd may hel. ththat's s rinvoq relelief. rinvnvoq can lowower your ababy toto fight infnfections, ththat's s rinvoq relelief. inincluding tbtb. seririous infectctions and d blood clotots, some fa; cancerers, includiding lympha and skskin cancer;r; death, h heart attacack, str, and tetears in thehe stoh or intestitines occurrrred. peopople 50 and d older h at leastst one heartrt disee and tetears in thehe stoh or intestitines occurrrred. risk facactor have h higher r. don't t take if allerergic to rininvoq asas serious r reactions c can. tell youour doctor i if you e or may b become pregegnant. asas serious r reactions c can. ask yoyour rheumatatologist for r rinvoq. asas serious r reactions c can. rinvoq. asas serious r reactions c can. make it yoyour missionon. lelearn how ababbvie could hehelp you savave. ♪3, 4♪ make it y♪your missionon. ♪heyy♪ ♪ ♪are e you ready y for me♪ ♪arare you readady♪ ♪are you reready♪ ♪ it's the m most wondererful time of ththe ye ♪ itit's spring!g! non-drdrowsy clariritin-d knocks o out
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yourur worst allergy sysymptoms includuding nasal l congesti, wiwithout knococking you o . feelel the claririty anand make tododay the most w wonderful time o of the yearar. claritin-d-d. ♪♪♪ whenever h heartburn s stri, get t fast relieief with tum. its s time to lolove food bab. ♪tum, t tum tum tumum, tums♪
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we have new body camera footage in the deadly police shooting of a community activist in new jersey and the video is raising new questions of what led to his death. national correspondent gabe gutierrez is joining us now. and we want people to know that we have edited the video released by the new jersey attorney general and blurred the faces of the people -- sorry i said that wrong. they blurred the faces of the people when they released it. so walk us through it. >> yes, kate, the members of the community were upset that some were blurred or some portions of the 911 calls were redacted which is leading to frustration
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within the community, but this is, these are body camera videos of an incident two weeks ago. naji seabrook there, you can see him playing, and several police officers in patterson, new jersey, standing around the apartment, and he was hallucinating and having a mental health episode. and play a portion of that where his mother yells at him through the apartment door. >> why are you doing that, naji? naji, i am your mother. >> reporter: and kate, you can tell that the situation is continuing to escalate, and the police officers are standing by for quite a while, and almost five hours this lasted and eventually, seabrooks lunged at them with a knife, and this is when they opened fire, but, kate, it is raising questions of
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why there were so many armed police officers there, and no mental health counselor, kate. >> it is begging that question, and where is the investigation into the shooting? >> well, the attorney general is continuing to investigate this h. and naji was an anti-gun violence activist in community, and this case is raising questions about law enforcement's use of force and whether the mental health counselors should have been at that location. the police union says that the officers had waited around several hours patiently trying to end this mental health crisis safely, and it did not end safely. >> thank you, gabe gutierrez. appreciate it. this is marking two years when people inside of an area spa were killed. six of those killed were asian women. and loved ones continue to act
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for justice and advocate for members of the asian community. blayne alexander is joining us. now, these shootings rocked the not just the atlanta area, but the asian area, because it gave rise to the asian hate crisis. >> yes, and going back two years, it was a cowardly rampage. and it was a gunman who was 21 years old at the time, and 23 now, and i won't name him here, but he drove to three asian s s in the atlanta metro area, and he shot six asian women, and this led to certainly a great deal of fear for so many people in the asian american community, and so many people around that community. now as to where things stand today, it happened over two
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different counties in atlanta. in cherokee county, he plead guilty there, and he was sentenced to life in prison for that. but here in fulton county, he is being charged with the death penalty. that case is still pending. >> how is the atlanta area commemorating those who were killed? >> what we saw were a number of people coming together and a rally and the aaip delegation of the georgia state capital held a rally yesterday, and we are hearing from some of the victims the left behind and we heard from the husband of the woman killed in the spa, and we also heard from the son of one of the people killed, and two years later, they want to hear the action, and thoughts and prayers are not enough. >> we are no longer satisfied with thoughts and prayers. we are demanding safety and
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justice for the change from our leaders. >> we heard in a statement from president joe biden who says that he hears the community and he feels them, and that the administration is committed to end the scourge t sosometimes, t the lows of bipololar depressssion feel darkekest before e dawn. with caplylyta, there's s a chance t to let ththe light shshine througu. and lilight tomorrrrow, with the hopepe from todaday. ththis is a chchance toto let in ththe lyte. caplytyta is a oncnce-daily pl that is prproven to dedeliver significanant relief acroross bipolarar depressio. unlike s some medicicines ththat only trtreat bipolala, caplplyta treatsts both bipopoi and bipolalar ii depreression. and in clilinical triaials, movevement disororders and weight g gain were n not comm. cacall your dodoctor aboutt suddenen mood chananges, bebehaviors, o or suicicidal thougughts. antitidepressantnts may incrce ththese risks s in young a ad. elelderly demementia patieies hahave increasased risk o of death oror stroke. report f fever, confnfusion, stiff or u uncontrollalable mumuscle movemements
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which may y be life threatenening or perermanent. these araren't alall the serious siside effectsts. inin the darknkness of bipolar i i and ii depepressi, caplyta a can help you let t in the lytyte. ask yourur doctor about cacaplyta todaday. fifind savingsgs and supppport at evever notice e how stiff f c can feelel rough on n your sk? for sosofter cloththes that e gegentle on yoyour s in, trtry downy frfree & ge tlte dodowny will s soften yourur s withouout dyes or r perfu es.. the towel l washed witith dows softfte , anand gentler r on your s sk. try dodowny free & & gen le. ♪ it's the m most wondererful time of ththe ye ♪ itit's spring!g! non-drdrowsy clariritin knocks outut symptomss from ovever 200 allelergens without knknocking youou ou. feel thehe clarity and mamake today ththe most wononderful time of f the year.. lilive clarititin clear. trelegy fofor copd. ♪♪birds flflyin' high,h, you knowow how i feeeel.♪ ♪brbreeze driftftin' on by.y♪ ♪ know w how i feel♪ yoyou don't hahave to takeke. [coughining] ...copd sisitting downwn. ♪it's a a new dawn,n,...♪ ♪♪'s a a new day,♪♪
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itit's time toto make a stst. ♪and d i'm feelinin' good.♪♪ ststart a new w day with t tre. ♪and d i'm feelinin' good.♪♪ nono once-dailily copd.... ...mededicine has s the power to trereat copd..... as manany waysys as trelegegy. withth three mededicines in onene inhaler,.,... ...trelegygy makes brereag easierer for a fulull 24 hour, improvoves lung fufunction, ...trelegygy makes brereag easierer for a fulull 24 hour, anand helps prprevent futurere flare-upsps. trelegy wowon't replacace a a rescue inhnhaler... trelegy wowon't replacace .....for suddeden breathing g problems.. tell y your doctoror if you havave a heart cocondition tell y your doctoror oror high blooood pressuree bebefore takining it. tell y your doctoror do n not take trtrelegy more t than prescrcribed. tell y your doctoror trtrelegy may y increase yourur risk of t thrush, tell y your doctoror pneumoninia, and oststeopor. call youour doctor i if word brbreathing, c chest pain,, momouth or tonongue swellili, problemsms urinatingng,... n changes, or e eye pain ococcur. take a a stand, anand start a nenew day withth trelegy.. asask your dococtor about ononce-daily t treleg. ...a.and save atat trelegy.c.. this is "the fast forward" on "nbc news daily." elizabeth holmes is in court
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today. nbc bay area's kris sanchez is at the federal forecast in downtown san jose with what's happened so far. >> reporter: hey, there, audrey. elizabeth holmes did not have to turn herself into federal custody until next month. she was afforded a little extra time in order to deliver her baby and bond with the baby before entering federal custody. but her lawyers argue she should be able to remain free while the appeals process plays out. she was at court with her partner, herrer pants, and some friends. the lawyers are asking she be allow to remain free, but they're also asking that -- or arguing she should not have to pay restitution to anyone who did not testify in the case in which she was convicted, and she should not have to pay restitution to anyone who lost money before the fraud took place. as holmes was walking into court, a woman tried to hand her these documents. holmes refused to take them, but they do appear to be related to
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a lawsuit. our colleague from cnbc was in the courtroom when a different person, a man, tried to approach elizabeth holmes as she was sitting with her lawyer and then tried to approach her mother. that man was removed from the court by the bailiff. meantime, her ex and ex-business parter in sunny balwani was supposed to report for his prison sentence on thursday. that didn't happen. a jury convicted balwani, the former theranos chief operating officer, of a dozen counts of fraud back in december. he was sentenced to 13 years in prison, but his lawyers have lodged another appeal, and that means balwani could remain free until the government responds. the government has ten days in total to do that. if his appeal is denied, he is expected to report to a federal prison in san pedro in southern california. elizabeth holmes' hearings are both expected to last most of today. our colleague, scott budman, is covering that for our later newscast. in san jose, kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. we have an update on that
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flooding in monterey county. you'll remember virtually every resident of pajaro was forced to evacuate after a levee broke during the recent storm. since then, the question has been when can they return? county leaders can't give a date just yet, but the picture is becoming a little clearer. >> earliest i could say is early next week or sometime next week, not early next week, but sometime next week, but i don't think it's going to be more than a month. >> officials are planning to section the community off, allow people back in on a zone-by-zone basis. for now, many are staying at the santa cruz fair grounds. others are paying out of pocket for hotels or even sleeping in their cars. other stories you need to know about today. yosemite national park is finally set to reopen. also, the city of oakley is remembering alexis gabe. but first, officials in san francisco are taking a closer look at falling glass. you probably saw this video by now. a window falling from the 43rd floor of the former bank of
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america building. the city isn't happy about the incident. thankfully, no one was hurt, but there were several pedestrians nearby. they or ordered a full inspection of the building and issued a citation. the city of oakley is setting up a monument to honor alexis gabe. she was believed to be killed by home run boyfriend and scattered her remains. oakland pd is donating a park bench and plaque in memory of gabe today unveiled at 6:00 tonight. finally, tourists and travelers can go back to yosemite. the park had been closed almost a month after it was buried under a record 15 feet of snow. it will partially open tomorrow just during the day. after that, it will be back to being open day and night. spring is just around the corner. the first day is monday. here's meteorologist kari hall with what it will be like out there. >> happy st. patrick's tay.
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hopefully, you're enjoying the sunshine and the milder weather. we're headed for the upper 60s for today for the south bay and mainly mid-60s elsewhere. on saturday, it's looking just about the same, but it may be slightly warmer for fremont, san jose, over toward mountain view. low 70s there. but then definitely cooler on sunday as we see more clouds and even some spotty showers coming in. so, yes, the rain will be returning starting out very late saturday night into early sunday morning. and we'll see off-and-on showers into sunday's forecast, and eventually more rain ahead. so, we will take a look at our seven-day forecast coming up in about 30 minutes. thanks for joining us. ♪♪ today m my friend y you did, yoyou did it, , you did itit.♪ goodod news! ♪♪ today m my friend y you did, yoyou did it, , you did itit.♪ a new clininical studydy showed t that centrurum silr ♪♪ today m my friend y you did, yoyou did it, , you did itit.♪ supppports cogninitive heah in oldlder adults.s. it's one m more step t towas takingng charge ofof your heal. soso every dayay, you can n s. it's one m more step t towas takingng charge ofof your heal. ♪ yououuu did it!t! ♪ it's one m more step t towas takingng charge ofof your heal. withth centrum s silver. it's one m more step t towas takingng charge ofof your heal.
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mom. canan we get a a puppy? pleaease? girls, p pets are a a big exp. aww. girls, p pets are a a big exp. [ auaudience cheheers ] girls, p pets are a a big exp. maybe trtry switchining your car ininsurance toto progress. yoyou could sasave hundrede. [ audiencece laughter r] thanks, tv dad. we'l'll think ababout it, ok? look whahat i found.d. -a puppy!! -a pupuppy! oh, nono, no. -a puppy!! -a pupuppy! i wishsh tv dad was s always in n charge. -a puppy!! -a pupuppy! [ dog babarks, audieience laugh] listen to o your tv dada. drivers whwho switch a and e withth progressisive save nearlrly $700 on n ave. drivers whwho switch a and e withth progressisive once upopon a time,, bebefore jill l said yes.. she leararned she hahad ibs-cd could treaeat it with h lin. that's w why some ththings help, but t her constitipation with belllly pain wouould often r re. that's w why some ththings help, maybe therere was anotother? or s something l left to leae? when herer doctor coconned the e belly painin, discomfof, and bloatiting to ibs-s-c, it made sesense to jilill. so did l learning and bloatiting to ibs-s-c, it made sesense to jilill. that s she could t treat it and bloatiting to ibs-s-c, it made sesense to jilill. with a a once-dailily pill. and bloatiting to ibs-s-c, it made sesense to jilill. and ththat's why s she said ys to adding g linzess. and bloatiting to ibs-s-c, it made sesense to jilill. linznzess is notot a laxativ. itit helps youou have more f frequent linznzess is notot a laxativ. and complelete bowel m moveme. and isis proven toto help relie overalall abdominanal symptoms-b-belly pain,n,
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discscomfort andnd bloating. do not g give linzesess to childreren less thahan. discscomfort andnd bloating. it may hararm them. discscomfort andnd bloating. dodo not take e linzess if y you have a a bowel blococ. discscomfort andnd bloating. get immedidiate help if y you developop unusual discscomfort andnd bloating. or s severe stomomach pain.. especialally with blbloody oror black stotools. the e most commomon side effft isis diarrhea,a, sometimeses se. especialally with blbloody oror black stotools. if it's s severe, stopop taking lilinzess especialally with blbloody oror black stotools. and d call your r doctor right t away. especialally with blbloody oror black stotools. otother side e effects includude gas, especialally with blbloody oror black stotools. ststomach areaea pain, and swswelling. especialally with blbloody oror black stotools. cocould your s story alsoo be abobout ibs-c?? talklk to your d doctor and say yeyess to linznzess. learn n how abbvieie and irond could d help you s save on linzezess. nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big.
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welcome back. bottom of the hour, and tease these are some of the stories making headlines. >> president of israel is being protested the rights of benjamin netanyahu. and now, a train derailed on
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to tribal land, and the same railroad company had another one of its trains carrying corn syrup in arizona. production was put on hold after the movie's cinematographer was shot and killed on set. alec baldwin who was holding gun, and the set's armorer is set to go on trial. and one of the biggest unanswered question is where did covid come from. >> and experts found more evidence suggesting that the virus was detected in a market in china, and stephanie gosk is here. what did those scientists find some >> well, anyone who is looking for definitive answers, it is
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not definitive, and probably going to anger people who are already anger. the genetic sequencing for the samp sampling, was put on a database, and they found that in some of the samples that were positive for covid-19, they found genetic sequencing for a raccoon dog in eastern asia that was told illegal any the market, and they believe with the strong evidence to believe it that dog might have been infected with covid-19, and that is as far as they can go, because the samples are not coming from the dog, but areas around it. >> i am stuck on the pictures of the raccoon dog. >> yeah, it is actually a ra koon and dog. >> and believe it or not, i have
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done a report on thatment and people did not believe the fur was real, but they are. why haven't we heard from this sooner? >> this was just posted to the public database, and interestingly it has been subsequently taken down, and a lot of people out there believe that the chinese government has taken it down, and why? because this theory of covid-19 being generated from this market is something that they are very sensitive about, because it is the illegal trade of animals, and also that illegal spread is perhaps that the scientists involved would read it and come to detract some theories. >> they don't want us to believe it came from a lab or anywhere from china at all. >> exactly right. >> you can catch more of
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stephanie's reporting on "nbc nightly news" tonight with lester holt. an overwhelming number of deaths in america that are opioid related are due to fentanyl. but there is no test to test for it when a patient is admitted, but now there is a new test to do that, and hopefully there is a new law to change that, and where did this law come from? >> well, the law took effect this year, and just in the last few months, doctors and labs have been seeing the increasing number of tests coming back positive. the reason it is important is because they are overdosed, they are tested for marijuana, pcp, amphetamines, but not for fentanyl if it is in their system. but we met someone who had come to the hospital with a suspected
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overdose, and they felt that he had taken fentanyl, but the tox screen came back clean. and he took another pill laced with fentanyl, and he passed away. so it is a pill that is maybe laced with fentanyl, and if they know, they can go to throw out the bad batch or be educated about what they are taking. the doctors i spoke with said that really there is no execution to not test for it given the epidemic in america. >> any hospital in america, any rural hospital, and anybody who says they don't have that test, it is because you didn't buy that test, buy it. you have the machine, and you have the infrastructure to test it. >> reporter: now dr. love partnered with juli to get that
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added to the test, and each test is 75 cents per test, and they have the machines in place, and it is just the extra level, and they are saying it is integral to have the scope of these tests added to it. >> just a quick note, was anybody opposed? >> the pushback from the hospital section said that in rural hospitals, it could be difficult to test. but most said that it is 75 cents per zest. you ku do it. and you have done it before. a miami hotel could have their license revoked after a drag show. they said that the show violated
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the hotel's policy on lewdness. now, ron desantis' administration filed a 17-page complaint about this. >> we have been down this road before, and the first time it was in a restaurant saying that the number of sexually explicit activity there, and what was simulated should not be exposed to children, and this is similar to what happened in december 27th in a venue over my shoulder, in downtown miami. so i wanted to use the exact language. the nature of show's performance specifically when conducted in the presence of young children, corrupts the public's morals and corrupts the public decency. that is how desantis is framing it.
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certainly, the performances have not been zeroed on, because it was marketed to everybody, but 18-plus should have been disclosed up front. >> and now the community there, and you live there, sam, and how are they responding? >> i have yet to have a conversation with anybody who says that our kids are seeing way too many drag performances, so obviously desantis is speaking to a base, and there is a large number of votes who sees it the way he does. so most people don't really care, and when i was out here i was explaining story, and she said, yes, of course, because you in florida. and most people believe it is divided along political lines. >> all right. sam brock, thank you. we appreciate it, sam. this sunday, former white
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house press secretary jen psaki is going to make her debut as a msnbc host. >> she sat down with gretchen whitmer to talk about gun safety and presidential politics. jen is joining us and congratulations on the new show. >> thank you. >> and so i work sundays, so i am right there with you. >> compare schedules. >> and governor whit mer is back backing the gun legislation, and she was the target of a kidnapping plot, but is she concerned about the gun bills to lead to more attacks against her? >> that is right, kate, because the people who would oppose these measures are the same people who threatened her life, the militia group, and they threatened life of other prominent officials in michigan, and it is important to press
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forward. we have some sound here from the interview. >> i would be lying if i said that i don't think about all of the threats that i have received or my family have received. it is so scary and so common in this country right now for someone to threaten someone who they disagree, and this is not what democracy is about, and we must take action where we need to look at the likelihood of these events. >> kate, she made it clear in the interview that she is not going to run the governor's mansion with someone who is governing from a point of fear, and that is why she is going forward with that and worker protection, and also, more protections for lgbtq clause just yesterday, and she is busy, and more on sunday. >> well, you can catch jen's brand-new show "inside with jen
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psaki" at noon sunday and also streaming on peacock. streaming on peacock. coming up, the disturbing
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♪♪♪ i'm m here for-- your annnnual eye exexam. bebecause i'm m having troubl- rereading? bebecause i'm m having troubl- exacactly. they sort t of make meme fe. exacactly. lilike i'm thehe most fabubus ththing you'veve ever seene? exactltly. i'll take e 'em.. ♪♪ i'll take e 'em..
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this hour, we are exposing a frightening blackmail scheme targeting teenager on snapchat.
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>> from our station here in new york, they investigated after one victim's family reached out to her for help. >> the realtime twist in the case is that i received an email from a mom who said that her teenaged son was being extorted at that time. normally, conversations on snapchat disappear within 24 hours but we told her how to preserve the evidence. we agreed not to identify the family. >> it is out of control. especially being blackmailed. >> reporter: it was terrifying when this 17-year-old pennsylvania teen awe this, an explicit photo sent to what he thought was a teenaged girl with a horrific caption added, to assault and rape a young girl, justice must be taken, and you must do blank or i will make your blank go viral. >> he was being extorted through
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snapchat, and the blackmailer was being demanded $500. he told his mom, and she began to investigate other types of blackmail. >> reporter: there was a similar story with a duchess teen, but the story had disappeared by the time he told his family. that is how snapchat work. >> i researched blackmailing and your interview and i watched it and i read it, and it is identical to my son's situation. >> and you reached out. >> and i reached out, yes. and it guided me 100% of how to go about what to do. >> we advised the family to grab the screen text and the compromised photo was sent to
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his older sister who started to email the blackmailer back. >> and the emails were more demanding. comply and i will delete it all, and i will upload your photo immediately. >> hi. >> reporter: and we tried to email and talk to the extortionist. because of laws, we can't air the audio. but the phone numbers goes to ohio, and so the specific link cannot come back. >> they are evil and cruel. >> you think that the companies need to be doing more? >> yes, it is the devil's playground. >> and so just worries me like
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what more damage can they do now? >> reporter: but he is glad that he confided in his family and police. >> first thing, screenshot, and screen record and possibly anything before you press that block button. >> reporter: and then tell somebody. >> yes. >> reporter: when we reached out, the spokesman told us they launched an immediate investigation, because it is immediately looking at their address. law enforcement agencies are using subpoenas on social media companies to track down the perpetrators terrorizing teens. sarah wallace, news 4, new york. >> what an incredible report. >> and thanks for the teen for speaking out. >> and the mental health check, we are talk about therapy. >> it can be hugely beneficial, but it is also vulnerable, and
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finding the right therapist for you is jennifer hartstein who is a family psychologist, and therapist, and glad to talk to you. you have a good rapport with the therapist, and what are the signs? >> there is a good click that i can be vulnerable, and open and share, and that is why you are in therapy, right? to come in to share all of that stuff? is there a nice balance of validation, and pushing you to change. and can i know the limits as a therapist, and the therapist saying, hey, if you want to talk about trauma, and that is not my wheelhouse, and let me find you somebody who can help you and know the boundaries and not sharing my life story with you. some self-disclosure is okay, but not when you are burdened with my problems. >> and i will be open, i have dealt with this with family
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members who have a therapist and they have to leave or it is not a right fit, and how do you know if you need to find somebody else. >> first and foremost, it is kind of like dating, and you have to be a similar consumer dating and finding a therapist. because if i am in there and i am not feeling it and judged or misunderstood in some way, it is not helpful. and if i feel like you are not seeing me and you are not seeing my vulnerabilities, then maybe it is not right. >> what should you do with the first three things that you need to do. >> find the things that you need, what are they approaching with, and expertise. what approach is working for you, active or passive, and then call a couple of them, and do the research, and see what feels good, but you need a couple of sessions before you can know whether it is working. >> so, give it a chance.
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>> try the therapists out, and decide it is not working, and give a switch. >> and a lot of people give you a 15-minute consultation, so take advantage of that. >> than you. >> you are watching "nbc news >> you are watching "nbc news dadaily." when y you have chchronic kidney disisease. therere are placaces you'd likeke to be. when y you have chchronic kidney disisease. like herere. and herere. and hehere. not t so much hehere. if you've e been diagngnosed h chronic c kidney disisease farxiga rereduces the e risk of k kidney faililure whicich can leadad to dialysy. fafarxiga can n cause seririoue effects s including g dehydra, urininary tract t or genl yeast ininfections fafarxiga can n cause seririoue effects s including g dehydra, inin women andnd men, anand low blooood sugar. fafarxiga can n cause seririoue effects s including g dehydra, ketoacacidosis isis a seriousus side effeft ththat may leaead to deatht. a rarare life-ththreateng bacteriaial infectioion in t the skin ofof the perinm coululd occur. a rarare life-ththreateng bacteriaial infectioion stop t taking farxrxiga and l your doctotor right awaway if y you have sysymptoms ofof this bactcterial infefec, stop t taking farxrxiga and l your doctotor right awaway anan allergic c reaction,, or ketoaoacidosis. stop t taking farxrxiga and l your doctotor right awaway anand don't tatake it ifif you are o on dialysisi.
12:51 pm
put yourself in thehe driver's s seat. mamake an appopointment too asask your dococtor for fafara for chroninic kidney d dise. if y you can't a afford your medicication, astrazeneneca may be a able to helelp. ♪♪far-xi-g-ga♪ astrazeneneca may be a able to helelp. ♪3, 4♪ ♪♪fa♪-xi-g-ga♪ ♪heyy♪ ♪ ♪are e you ready y for me♪ ♪arare you readady♪ ♪are you reready♪ shshe is fearlrless heart's on thehe line shshe is fearlrless dedepend silhohouette... shshe is fearlrless ...keeeeping leaksks off her m. cocomfortable e in shapewawe fabric.... ...shehe moves witith ease. cocomfortable e in shapewawe fabric.... confidident on nigights like thehese. depend sililhouette. confidident on nigights like thehese. the only t thing strononger ththan us, is s you. i have mododerate to severe p plaque psororiasis. now,w, there's s skyrizi. ♪ththings are g getting clele♪ ♪i i feel free e to bare mymy ♪ ♪♪yeah, thatat's all mee♪ ♪♪nothing g and me go hand inin hand♪♪ ♪nothining on my skskin♪ ♪♪nothing g and me go hand inin hand♪♪
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♪that's's my new plplan♪ ♪♪nothing g and me go hand inin hand♪♪ ♪noththing is eveverything♪♪ achihieve clearerer skin with s skyrizi. ♪noththing is eveverything♪♪ 3 out of 4 4 people acachied 90% clclearer skinin at 4 mont. inin another s study, mostst pe had d 90% clearerer skin, 3 out of 4 4 people acachied 90% clclearer skinin at 4 mont. evenen at 4 yearars. and d skyrizi isis just 4 dos a year, , after 2 ststarter d. ♪♪it's my momoment, so i j just gotta a say♪ and d skyrizi isis just 4 dos a year, , after 2 ststarter d. ♪♪nothing is eveverything♪♪ seserious allelergic reactcts and an incncreased ririsk of infefections seserious allelergic reactcts or a a lower abibility to f fight them m may oc. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue anan infectionon or symptoto, had a vavaccine or p plan t. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue anan infectionon or symptoto, ♪nothining is everyrything♪♪ nonow's the titime to askk your dococtor about t skyri, ♪nothining is everyrything♪♪ the numberer one dermamatolt presescribed bioiologic. ♪nothining is everyrything♪♪ lelearn how ababbvie coululd help youou save. ♪nothining is everyrything♪♪ thnchts is the fast forward. thousands of people are still without pow they are afternoon. but pg & e crews are making
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progress on restoring electricity. let's take a look at the latest outage map. we got new numbers this morning. across the bay area, 9,000 customers still have their lights off. that's down from more than half a mullon customers that lost power during the storm. today will mark day four without power or heat for a lot of people. last night conversations got heated at a town hall. >> we're really looking at this through the wrong lens. >> local and state leaders wanted to get people to talk about the situation and how to be better prepared. east palo alto, los altos has outages. here's what they say about the impact. >> you have to remember this is the 13th major storm that we've had this year. the soil is extremely saturated. when you get winds that strong, even healthy trees, huge pines came down and damaged our power equipment.
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>> the utility says this is the worst outage since 1995. san francisco is now ordering a full inspection of the high-rise after a window fell from the 43rd floor of the b of a building. they obtained the videos. you can see chunks of glass inside the frame where the window broke at 555 california. other photos show another window around the corner also cracked. window fell on during our windstorm. no one in the building or on the street below were hurt. >> of course, the weekend is upon us. meteorologist carrie hall has what we can expect including the first day of spring. >> the sunshine continues today as our high temperatures for the inland areas reach into the upper 60s. there will be more clouds coming on saturday. and the rest of the forecast looks much cooler. first day of spring on monday. the our temperatures continue to drop. we'll see off and off waves of
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rain potentially a stronger storm moving in on tuesday into wednesday. and the high temperatures only reach about 55 degrees. for san francisco, we do have a little while longer of the dry weather. today and most of the day tomorrow. then on sunday, once again, very early we'll see that next round of rain coming in. and our temperatures will reach into the mid 50s for the first day of spring. slightly cooler as that rain continues into wednesday. thank you,
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almost seven years ago, we got a nice pot of gold giving back more than $6 million for folks like you and pearl. she signed up for a software subscription service and canceled six months later. pearl tez the company kept charging her. barney. so she reached out to us to auto pay stopped and pearl got $210 back. next up, jason in santa rosa.
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he bought tickets for a concert but the show never happened. jason expected his money back. after not seeing it for 118 days, he con tablgted us. en with of us contacted the ticket company. they said they refunded jason and directed him to the account where they put his $373 bucks. you need not be green about jason and pearl's breakthroughs. maybe we can be your lucky charm too. snap this qr code to share your story with us. happy st. patrick's day. >> happy st. patrick's day to you as well, chris. that does it for this edition of "the fast forward." we'll see you here at 4:30 with more news. until then, take care. sosometimes, t the lows of b bipolar depepression s feelel darkest b before daw. with capaplyta, therere's a a e feelel darkest b before daw. to letet in the lylyte. caplyta a is proven n to delr signgnificant rerelief across b bipolar depepress. caplyta a is proven n to delr unlikeke some medidicines that o only treat t bipola, caplplyta treatsts both bipolalar i and iiii depress.
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1:00 pm
today on "access daily," happy st. patrick's day. we're getting you ready to celebrate with some tiktok favorites. >> and don't miss our brand-new interview with keanu reeves. >> "access daily" starts now. welcome to "access daily" universal studios hollywood. i'm kit hoover with mario lopez. happy st. patrick's day. >> happy st. patrick's day. >> someone did not get the memo to wear green. >> i got my green beads. you're coming in looking like a leprechaun. i think you represent enough. >> i am married to a -- so in my house, this is the biggest holiday. the milk is green, the butter is green. >> the river of chicago waking


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