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tv   Press Here  NBC  March 19, 2023 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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morere businesseses ththan anyone e else. cacall and statart saving g . comcmcast busineness. popowering posossibilities. good morning, everybody. i'm scott mcgrew. the tech world seems to have dodged a bullet after the bailout, not a bailout of silicon valley bank.
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the bank is open. the ceo says it's safe, arguably safer than any other bank really. and importantly, companies are making payroll. i have two guests this morning. chris dean is the ceo of treasury prime. and a former top executive at silicon valley bank. and we have the ceo of indoor labs and a customer of silicon valley bank. good morning. your company works with open-source software and the software supply chain, and the paycheck that you pay your employees come out of silicon valley bank, right? >> yes, scott. thanks for having me. we have 42 employees that are distributed globally. we do make payroll directly but silicon valley bank. until last week, 100% of our deposits were at silicon valley bank. >> take me back to that day in which you thought to yourself, oh, no. what went through your head,
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what convinced you to take your money out of silicon valley bank? >> i was interviewing candidates around 10:30 a.m. on thursday, when my feed had an article about reuters talking about silicon valley bank. my first reaction was, well, this is quite a normal reaction, and then my phone started exploding with text messages from other founders, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and the mood shifted from 10:30 in the morning being oh, seems like a normal reaction to by about 1:30 to, well, it sounds like everybody is making a run for their money, so i don't want to be the last person with my deposits sitting there.
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but i also very much believe in the silicon valley bank model. so by 2:30 p.m., we made a decision to move some of our assets out of silicon valley bank just in case of the short-term liquidity crisis. about 13 minutes before the wire cut out, we moved $5 million to first republic bank. >> it's absolutely fiscally responsible to protect your employees and investor's money, all of that as an individual. but as a group, it would have been better if everyone had left their money in. the bank was healthy and fine, as long as everyone agreed to that. >> that's right. i fundamentally feel that they're great people that supported us through the crisis.
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sit a moral dilemma, but i have the responsibility to make payroll come monday. we just decided on that day to do what we did. >> people outside of silicone valley that are not used to dealing with these large numbers, like ceos like you, you know, don't put $250,000 plus into a bank account. but you get startups in general, get these millions upon millions from venture capital. they've got to put it somewhere. >> that's right. when we are employees 42 people, payroll each month is more than $250,000. so this is a small company, i played by all of the rules. >> and the other thing is that this doesn't just -- i mean,
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obviously you would think of the employees first in the future of your company. but then, because silicon valley bank is so tightly knit, it was probably your vendors and customers, as well. >> it was all of them, scott. we were paying vendors and they were all emailing us. but the ecosystem is great. so everybody was scrambling. i was fortunate that we got our money out, simply because we had some past with first republic bank. but a lot of my friends that tried to create new accounting and ship lots of money off, they got stuck. they wouldn't have been able to make payroll. >> finally, what lesson do you take way from all of this? what have you learned from all
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this? >> we just can't have a single point of failure of how we run our company. traditionally, the structure works where you want to put everything in the bank, because then you get more services from them, better interest rates and stuff like that. but clearly that is a risk we're not willing to take moving forward. >> i appreciate you being with us this morning. thank you for joining us. let's turn now to another startup ceo. chris dean of treasury prime, and a former cto at silicon valley bank. good morning, chris. you know, he pulled his money out of silicon valley bank the moment he thought those funds were at risk, which is the fiscally responsible thing to do for your company. of course, that's also what causes a bank run, right? >> that's right. i mean, we have funds there too that we pulled out. but i heard rumors on tuesday,
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we talked about it endlessly on wednesday and even thursday. it sounds odd, the last thing we wanted was to be the last person left. >> it's my understanding that you will be made whole, that the funds for your company that you had there before will be there now. can you get access to them as we speak? >> we can. we moved almost all of our funds out any way out of an abundance of caution. but we've put some back since then, oddly, strangely, silicon valley bank isn't -- is the safest bank in the world right now. >> that's because the government is guarantees 100% of all deposits. so we're talking about a lot of money. you just had the $40 million series and raised $75 million. it certainly gives you a lot of
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runway, but it means that, you know, you take some risks. you can't sit around in cash at the office, and if it's in one account or one bank, you run risks there. >> sure. this is a banking thing. you don't want to have concentration risks in general. silicon valley bank's problems are partly related to their general concentration. for me as an individual company, we try to spread our money around as much as possible. i have a software company. >> what is the lessons that you have taken away from this? we're old enough to remember the run on washington mutual. i have now lived through two bank runs, which is very strange. you're much closer to the industry as a former svb executive and someone who has money -- startup money in those
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banks. what kind of lesson have you learned from this? what do you take away from this? >> just doubled down on what i already thought. banking is about two things, risk management and it's about customer relations. the best banks have great relationships with the big clients. i love my bankers. they're great. i think svb didn't do a great job. they have some risk problems for sure. but from my perspective, this is a trust problem. banking relationships are about trust. they lost the trust of their small startup community. everybody left, and you can't run a bank if you don't have deposits. none of the other risks matter. >> chris dean, thank you for joining us this morning. chris is formally witith silili vavalley bank. "press: : here" willll be back momement.
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♪ ♪ welcome back. let's take a look at the latest in medical technology. avail med systems in santa clara, doctors and nurses are perfecting telemedicine. at this point, we have grown used to telemedicine, making visits on our cell phones. but what avail is doing is much
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more. it's allowing surgeons to sit in on complex medical procedures from many miles away, perhaps a continent away. daniel hawkins is founder and ceo of avail medsystems. daniel, good morning. i want to be clear, we're not talking robots, but more cameras than scalpels. >> that's right, we are. i was involved in some of the earliest surgical robot technology. but we are doing cameras and computing equipment in the operating room to allow the collaboration that doctors need to be able to make every procedure as successful as possible. >> what jumps out at me immediately are rural doctors getting experts from, you know, some other doctors who are experts in their fields. they can be rural america or third world, right? >> absolutely could. and that is a use case.
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what is also true, no physician knows everything, and every physician has an opportunity to learn from other ones. some specialties often have expertise in ways that a more generalist cannot necessary appreciate for a given procedure. so that collaboration extends well past the rural application. but also extends frankly into everyday sort of down the street, across the street applications. and among -- in and among, i should say, other areas, as well. >> so a top hospital in cleveland could bring in a top expert from cincinnati right over the video system. >> absolutely. in fact, we have a partnership with a registry, a neuro vascular registry called the star registry. it's 72 locations around the country, all top experts. their whole goal is to
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collaborate and advance stroke and aneurysm care. it is experts speaking to experts. as we all say, it's a life-long learning experience. everybody can learn from other experts and learn their techniques to advance their own. >> how is a facility that's equipped with your equipment much different than say a tv studio? it's a lot of cameras, so what else is happening that makes it more than essentially a tv studio? >> so there is integrated cameras in our system. we also have an ability to bring in what's called intraprocedural images from laprascopes. so the person that's remote has an ability to see everything in the operating room from imaging systems. that gives them a very rich experience equivalent to being in the operating room.
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and frankly augmented because they're able to do things like split screens and draw on screens to ask questions or provide guidance and suggest shuns to the team in the room. >> can a doctor licensed in california help a doctor in alaska? >> absolutely. what we are doing is providing opinions. the ultimate clinical decision is always made by the local physician. for clarity, we are trying to bring the clinical community together to advance procedural care, and the ultimate decision is always in the hands of the local surgeon to be able to complete the procedure and treat the patient that's entrusted their care to that physician. >> when i talk to entrepreneurs who are getting into the med tech business, they always stress how much more difficult it is because of government regulation. the government is very serious about anything that has anything
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to do with patients and medicine. >> 100% true. i've been in the business more than 25, and i'll share that it's 30 years at this point. and anything that is what i would describe as in the care pathway, the government, meaning the food and drug administration, or fda, is going to get involved. my career up to avail has always been in those technologies that either directly touch a patient or go into a patient temporarily or permanently via implant, and all of that is heavily fda regulated. we at avail have chosen to work with the agency as a -- as a strategy, if you will, because we recognize that while we are in many respects a communications tool today, the platform that is in our system will allow things that will be a part of the care pathway.
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we are computing for the operating room, the nature of our equipment. that allows third party software to ride on our system as we host that software. that software will include clinical capability. that puts us in the care pathway. that care pathway is 100% fda regulated. i welcome the regulation. >> it can get as extreme as, you've got software version 2.0, and you go to 2.01. that might be an entirely different fda approval. >> it depends on what the 01 is. >> you probably saw the johnson & johnson made some cutbacks in the robotics surgery division. how is your business model holding up? >> our business mod sell fundamental to the core structure in the industry. my experience in the industry has made it really, really clear
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that the industry spends an extraordinary amount of time in procedure rooms. not just to support procedures. it's little known if you were to get a knee replacement, there is a 75% chance if not closer to 90%, there will be somebody from a medical device company with you in the room as a patient, helping the surgeon through that procedure. that is a small example of that. that is a heavy burden for the industry, that is structural. there are quite literally 100,000 people out in the medical device field, supporting procedures every day. in addition to that, engineers need to get into rooms. clinical trials need to be enrolled and products need to be launched. straining needs to happen. that creates an enormous burden for the industry to support their customers by being in the room. the challenge is that many years
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back in the start of my career, there might have been 5,000, 6,000 hospitals and maybe 500, 1,000 ambulatory surgery centers. now there is an extraordinary number of locations where industry needs to engage with customers. but structurally they can't keep adding people. so they need to provide ways for those folks trying to engage with customers to do so in a way that is, i'll say, leveraged. and our system provides that opportunity. >> we appreciate you being with us. daniel hawkins is the founder and ceo of avail memedsystems.. "press: : here" willll be back momement.
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welcome book "press: here." i'm going to be honest to you. i've been looking forward to this interview all week. adam is a brilliant engineer, a securities expert and hacker with all kinds of papers and credits to his name. but it was his newest publication that got my attention. what every engineer should learn from "star wars," cyberthreats may be serious, but adam is trying to make it fun. adam, i'm going to start with the most obvious, that is maybe don't built an exhaust board that goes right to the nuclear
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fusion engine, but maybe put a grate on top of the hole if you do? >> it's not hard engineering, right? we just need to think about this stuff in advance a little bit. >> so the whole movie starts with stolen data, when you think about "star wars." the chase that opens up the movie, princess laya has a tape that somebody has hacked, and the other guys are trying to get it back. >> it's funny. people talk about luke's journey. the whole movie is a data heist, and i don't know how the critics get it so wrong. >> it was clearly about hackers, right? so talk to me about how you are comparing security and "star wars," give me some examples. the one i read is that r2 does not give the whole-a-gram to
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luke skywalker. he waits for ben kenobe. >> he doesn't just wait for ben, he checks who ben kenobe is. on a first level, we can ask how does he do that? and the way in which ben kenobe is being authenticated is like the way we -- that gives us a way to start talking about this important concept in computer security of authenticationauthe everything on computer security has a light side and dark side. and we can play with these ideas to make them accessible and fun, and that's what i'm doing in the book.
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>> one of the ones that gave me a laugh was the idea of the ewoks' denial of service. they're the little teddy bears. they can't get much done by themselves, but there are a lot of them, that's different. >> i'm glad you're enjoying the book. you know, the idea, exactly as you say, the little folks who can't do very much, they don't have a lot of sophistication, but they're still effective. and a lot of times, every time there's a data breach in our world, people talk about it was a sophisticated attacker. well, ewoks are not sophisticated, but they sure are effective. and we can go with that. >> "star wars" is a good analogy for engineers, because the chances of an engineer having seen "star wars," secondly probably seen it several times.
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how many times have you seen it? >> oh, god. [ laughter ] a lot. >> how old are you? this would be 1977, right? >> i was 5 when i first saw nit the theater. >> i was 10. >> and when jeddai came out -- >> i lost count how many times. in 1977, i would have been 10. the tradition was to go to a birthday party and farrell's ice cream. i don't know if you had farrell's where you grew up. it was this giant bucket of ice cream. then you go to a movie after that or vice versa. "star wars" had been in the theater for like a year. it was forever. we went and we either saw "smoky and the bandit" or "star wars."
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i think i've seen it in the theater at least 16 times. >> i don't know that i've seen it in the theater that many times, but i certainly have the joyous burden of getting to watch all of the core three movies a couple of times for the project, and i thought about what analogies, what story do i want to use to teach people about security and any time you have to watch "star wars" for work, it's a good day. >> i'm going to have to do that too. that is a good day. going back to that analogy of the exhaust port that blows up the death star, what is the thing in computer security that worries you the most? what is the exhaust port in this analogy when it comes to american computer security? >> i think the biggest problem we have in computer security is that we have a culture in which
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people can't bring up problems or point out hey, you know, we've got an exhaust port over here without generating concern. if the empire really has a culture in which no one can ever admit to a problem, no one can ever admit to a mistake, and we have that system in our world as well, and it means we don't learn from our mistakes, we're still making the same mistakes, we still see the same problem day after day, year after year, and we're not getting better quickly enough. i think that problem worries me more than any specific issue. >> that makes absolute sense. adam, i enjoyed your book. i'm sure other people will, too. adam is one of the top figures in cybersecurity and the author of "what every engineer should
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learn from star wars." "press: here" will be right back.
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that'ss our show for t this weekek. n thank k you for m making uss pa your s sunday mororning and t t yoyou to my guguests.
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damian trujillo: hello, and welcome to "comunidad del valle." i'm damian trujillo, and today we're celebrating the legacy once again of cesar chavez on your "comunidad del valle." ♪♪♪ damian: we begin today with a very unique and special program out of the area of the mount diablo region. with me now is lidia gutierrez from the mount diablo region of meals on wheels. welcome to the show, ms. gutierrez. lidia gutierrez: thank you. thank you. it's a pleasure being here today. damian: thank you for being here. you guys have been busy. i see here that you delivered more than 600,000 meals last year and you're expecting a lot more this coming year. lidia: that's correct. during the pandemic we served an average of 600,000 meals last


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