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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  March 22, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ may, everyone. it is so great to be with you this wednesday. i'm vicky nguyen. >> and i'm ellis john barber.
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nbc "news daily" barber. nbc "news daily" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ today, wednesday, march 22nd, 2023. breaking news, called off. the new york grand jury investigating the donald trump hush money case told to stay home today. what that couould mean f for potenntial crimiminal charges. also breaking right now, rising concern. the federal reserve hiking interest rates once again. how much they're going up and what this means about the state of the economy. bomb cyclone. a powerful storm leaving a path of destruction across parts of california. the areas hardest hit and where that wild weather is headed next.. aand troububling trtrend. the e cdc renewingng an urgent warning after more deaths are linked to certain brands of eye drops. a major health alert you need to hear that has forced some patients to have their eyes removed. we start this hour with breaking news, breaking news that begins here in new york city. the grand jury considering
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whether to indict former president donald trump will not be meeting today. >> yeah, that means that any vote on whether to indict mr. trump will not come today. two sources familiar with the decision tell nbc news the jurors have been told to be on stand by tomorrow. >> it is unclear what charges the grand jury will consider when they reconvene, but the case is related to those hush money payments made before the 2016 presidential election. nbc news correspondent gabe gutierrez is in new york city for us this afternoon. gabe, what do you know about why this decision was made and what does that mean for the timeline? when could a decision come? >> reporter: well, vicky, the reason for this delay is unclear according to the two sources familiar with the matter, but you're right. we had been expecting the grand jury to reconvene this afternoon around 2:00 p.m. eastern, which is usually when the grand jury met, but two sources familiar with the decision tell nbc news, as you said, that they were told -- the grand jurors were told to stay home today and be
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on standby for tomorrow. again, unclear what it means for the timing of this case, but a big question looming over the course right now is could we potentially see another witness tomorrow or will the prosecution decide to bring this indictment up for a vote. 12 grand jurors, at least 12 would be necessary to hand down an indictment. then we would not immediately know, the indictment would be sealed and go before a judge. we likely would not know unless it was revealed by former president trump's legal team, if we even get to that point. again, vicky and ellison, a lot about the next step. the earliest we could find out is tomorrow. back to you. >> gabe, have we heard anything from former president trump? >> reporter: no immediate response yet from former president trump's campaign, but if this tracks with what his team has been saying over the last few days, they have been attacking this case as weak and trying to paint the manhattan
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d.a. alvin bragg as politically motivated. he has been joined -- echoed in those calls by many republicans across the country who say this case should not be brought, but many republicans have also been divided about how best to react to this, should there be protests. many prominent republicans including house speaker kevin mccarthy and congresswoman marjorie taylor greene have said protests are not necessary in this case. again, a lot is now up in the air. the timeline apparently delayed as we await any news from the grand jury as early as tomorrow. vicky and ellison. >> all right. gabe gutierrez live in new york city. thank you, gabe. there's more breaking news on the investigation into former president trump. this one involves the justice department probe into trump's handling of classified documents. nbc news has confirmed the u.s. district judge has ruled that the doj has enough evidence to establish that the former president committed a crime through his attorneys. that means trump's lawyer, evan
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corcoran, cannot invoke attorney/client privilege and must testify in front of the grand jury. the trump team is appealing the ruling. corcoran t respondnd to our request for comment. also breaking this hour, interest rates are rising once again. the fed done did it, ellison. >> yes, the federal reserve announcing it will raise rates by a quarter of a point. this is the same bump as we saw in february and the ninth hike in the past year. >> whew. >> it is also something nbc news business and data reporter brian cheung has been warning us about. he is back here with us here now. talk to us about why they went with this specific number. >> yeah, well, as expected and the reason why is because the federal reserve is trying to thread this needle. on the ehand they have to raise interest rates to make inflation go down, which is uncomfortable for americans, we are all feeling it at the store, but not raise interest rates so high it will break the banks.
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we heard the federal chairman update, it is the first time he has spoken publicly since the fall-out from the silicon valley bank collapse, about the state of the banking industry. here is his message. take a listen. >> the banking system is strong with liquidity. we too powerful action with the fdic which demonstrate all depositor's assets are safe. it has stabilized over the last week. i will say we have undertaken a thorough internal review to identify where we can strengthen regulations. >> what was interesting is that the federal reserve chairman, jay powell, who you just heard from, who is speaking by the way, who said issues with the banking system might have the impact of effectively tightening financial conditions further. translation, it actually serves as a type of rate hike, what happened in the banking industry, because as banks continue to reel from all of this they're going to pull back on lending. they're not going to as freely
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extend loans to people and it will make the economy contract more which might help inflation which doesn't help on the concerns we are seeing about the safety of banks. >> and the concern we may go into a recession as well. >> right. it certainly doesn't make it easier. >> brian cheung, as always, good to see you, friend. we are following breaking news out of colorado. an urgent manhunt is underway right now for a student gunman. investigators say the student shot two teachers at a school in denver. let's bring in nbc news correspondent maura barrett right now. maura, tell us, what do we know about the shooting and the search for the gunman? >> well, ellison, we do know that those two adult males who are victims in this shooting were luckily able to get medical attention right away. there were paramedics already at the school treating another student who was having an allergic reaction. so after the shooting occurred the two adult males were transferred to the hospital. one underwent surgery and is listed in critical condition. the other is in serious but
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stable condition. we heard from police in the last hour, shedding more details on how this all happened. we will hear from the police in the press conference just in the last hour. >> there was a student, as was alluded to, as part of a safety plan they were undergoing a search. during that search obviously a weapon was retrieved, a handgun was retrieved and several shots were fired, striking the two individuals. that individual then fled the school but we do know who that individual is and a search is underway. >> reporter: so at this hour the student is still on the run as far as we know, but, as you heard, police do know who the student is. they're looking through surveillance video to try to understand which direction he ran off in. but i want to elaborate more on the safety plan that the police chief talked about there. for whatever rereason, we don't have exact details, but due to the student's previous behave he was on a safety plan in which he was required to have a patdown each day he came into school. today is when the handgun was
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found and when the two victims, school administrators as we understand it, were shot. we don't know what previous behavior might have triggered this, for the student to be getting this patdown, but it is an interesting element to note in terms of how all of this went in of. in terms of the play by play students were not involved, they were not close to the shooting when it happened. the students have released kids for the day in an early dismissal and they said school is dismissed for the rest of the week. >> thank you, maura barrett. we appreciate it. 17 million people are under flood alerts across the west as this round of nasty and dangerous rain pounding california becomes one for the history books. check out what this storm, categorized as a bomb cyclone, did to trees in southern california. power is out for more than 100,000 people in the state, mostly in the san francisco bay area. in southern california, strong wind damaged more than two dozen mobile homes.
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in downtown l.a. a daily rainfall record was broken on tuesday with the most precipitation it has seen in 130 years. nbc news meteorologist bill karins is tracking it all for us. bill, when will our friends in california get a break and is there a chance the system is heading all the way to the east coast? >> it will eventually. vicky, this storm, the winds were the story. we are still gusty in the mountainous areas outside of san diego, occasional gusts, but yesterday san francisco airport gusted to 64 miles per hour. in the mountains of santa clara, went all the way up to 89-mile-per-hour winds. yesterday was one of the windiest days in california people have seen in quite a while, including some of the big storms we had earlier. as far as what we're going to deal with today, we will see things beginning to improve. along with the winds dying down, we will see areas of isolated showers. we will not be dealing with torrential rains and a lot of river flooding but we could see
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isolated thunderstorms, and that could cause mud and debris flows. that's probably the worst of it for the west coast and they get a break until monday or tuesday of next week. maybe southern california can finally experience that sunshine that they haven't seen in a while. >> yeah, we hope so. bill karins, thank you so much. well, the faa is issuing a safety alert for airlines and pilots, and starbucks debuting a new drink this season. so we have heard. >> joining us with more of today's money minute. hi, steve. >> let's start with the faa issuing a safety alert after a number of near collisions at -- pilots -- group -- incidents. >> all right. steve, my friend, i think we are having trouble with your signal. we can tell you a little bit about the starbucks. >> i was going to say we can't do the other stuff. >> we know the other one. >> but starbucks, a little bit of olive oil in your coffee
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apparently. >> we'll see. >> vicky is going to drink it. >> you know what? i will give anything a shot once. >> it is worth trying. >> you drink it. >> i have low standards. >> but you said something about iced lemonade inside your coffee. >> people can tell, that's a thing starbucks offers now. you do lemonade in cold brew. >> it works. i don't know how or why, i order it and i'm drinking it and i'm like -- >> no shame there. we have a mother's emotional plea after newly released video shows herer son's deaeath wwhil police custoody. youu are waatching nnbc "newws daaily." there'e's a chancece to let the light t shine throrough. and d light tomomorrow, with the hohope from totoday. this is a a chance to let in n the lyte.. caplplyta is a o once-daily yl that is s proven to o deliver significicant reliefef acacross bipololar depressss. unlikeke some medidicines that only y treat bipopolar , cacaplyta treaeats both bibipoi and bipopolar ii depepression.
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and in c clinical trtrials, momovement disisorders andd weightht gain werere not comm. call your r doctor abobout sudddden mood chchanges, behaviors,s, or susuicidal thohoughts. anantidepressasants may inince these risksks in youngng adul. elderly dedementia patatients have increreased risksk of death h or stroke. reportrt fever, coconfusion, stiff oror uncontrolollable muscle movovements which mamay be lifee threatatening or p permanent. these e aren't t all the serious s side effecects. in the dararkness of bipolar r i and ii d depressi, caplytyta can helplp you lelet in the l lyte. ask yoyour doctorr about t caplyta totoday. find savinings and susupport at c caplyta.como. ever noticice how stififf clo can fefeel rough o on your sk? for r softer clolothes that e gentle on n your ski ,n, try downy y free & gene tle downy willll soften yoyour cls withthout dyes o or perfu ese. the towewel washed w with dows sosofte , and gentleler on your r s in. try y downy freeee & gen le. she is feaearless heart't's on t the line she is feaearless depend sililhouette..... ...k.keeping leaeaks off herer. depend sililhouette..... comfortablble in shapepeware fabric..... ...s.she moves w with ease.. confnfident on n nights like t these. ...s.she moves w with ease..
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depend s silhouette.e. the onlyly thing strtronger than us, i is you. depend s silhouette.e. nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big.
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growing outrage in virginia after the public release of surveillance video showing the final moments ivo otieno who died in police custody at a hospital. we want to warn you, the video we are about to show you is incredibly difficult to watch. the video obtained by nbc news does not have audio. a grand jury has formally charged seven sheriff's deputies and three hospital workers with second degree murder for their involvement in otieno's death. nbc news correspondent marissa parra is following the case closely for us. she joins us live from outside the courthouse in virginia. marissa, what was the response from otieno's family in terms of this video being released? this is something that they actually wanted the public to see, right? >> reporter: exactly.
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i mean when we know that his family watched it for the very first time last week, they said that they were tortured by the sight of it, obviously watching their beloved family member take his last moments on this earth. but they said they felt it was something the public needed to see. >> i want justice for my son. i want those monsters, those animals that treated him so wrong and squeezed the life out of him, i want them brought to justice, and with every breath that i've got, as long as i have life in me i will work towards that. >> reporter: and you can hear the emotion in her voice, the range of emotion from hurt, anger, sadness, anguish, and she says she is using that on her quest to get justice for her son. ellison, yesterday when we talk
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about the reaction, we know that those indictments came down all at once, all ten people, seven deputies and three hospital staff indicted with second degree murder. ellison. >> what's the reaction been from the defendants in this case? >> reporter: yeah, so i mean you can imagine the defendants' attorneys have been arguing that -- at least what we have seen in bond court, they've been making the case that some of them saying that their clients had less culpability depending on the positioning of where they were on otieno's body, so saying they were only at the feet, some saying they only had minimal involvement. we know several that pointed to the psychiatric hospitality self. i want to take you to a statement released earlier this morning from the agency that oversees virginia psychiatric hospitals. they said the three hospital staff members have been placed on administrative leave pending result of the investigation. they said they're cooperating with virginia state police. there have been a lot of questions lobbed at the virginia
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psychiatric hospital here because of the intake process. the deputies, defendants have been saying it took longer than it should have for that process to happen, but a lot of questions that still need answering, ellison. >> marissa parra, thank you so much. we appreciate your reporting. police in colorado have arrested a dentist accused of poisoning his wife to death. investigators there calling this case a, quote, heinous, complex and calculated murder. here is nbc national correspondent miguel almaguer. >> reporter: this photo of a happy family may not be all that it seems as we learn disturbing new details in the arrest of a colorado dentist and father of six.. dr. jamames craig, who policece popoisoned andnd mmurderedd his angela. >> my name is dr. jim craig,d i practice at summer brook dental group. >> reporter: police allege craig laced his wife's protein shakes with potassium cyanide and arsenic which led to her death on saturday and craig's arrest
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the next day according to a newly released 52-page arrest affidavit. police say they found a troubling search history on craig's computer, including the top five undetectable poisons that show no signs of foul play and is arsenic detectable in autopsy. according to the affidavit, craig also ordered both arsenic and potassium cyanide online and had them delivered to his dental practice. legal experts say that could be damning. >> the toxicology results will be critical. you have the defendant in possession of cyanide. as long as you can link that up to the death, then you will have a strong case. >> reporter: angela craig's sister, tony covey, telling police there may have been marital issues between the couple calling their relationship tumultuous and accusing him of having multiple affairs. detectives believe james craig was hoping to start a new life with a woman from texas and say he was actually flying that
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woman to colorado while his wife was dying in the hospital. >> if there was an extramarital affair, that's not necessarily evidence that the defendant killed his wife, but it certainly could be evidence of motive to kill his wife. >> reporter: according to the affidavit, just days before her death angela craig complained of dizziness and nausea, texting her husband, "i feel drugged." his response, "given our history i know that must be triggering. just for the record, i didn't drug you." >> reporter: nbc news has reach out to james's attorney but we have not yet heard back. back to you coming up, why an unsolved death linked to alex murdaugh's son is being investigated as a homicide. stay with us. you arare watchining nbc "news daily." what if f all i do i is'? or w what if i c can do diaiabetes difffferently?
12:21 pm
(avo) now you cacan with oncnce-weey mounjaroro. moununjaro helpsps your body regulatete blood sugugar, and momounjaro canan help decre hohow much fooood you eat.t. 3 out of 4 4 people rereached ac of lesess than 7%.%. plplus people e taking mououno lost up toto 25 poundsds. momounjaro is s not for pepeoplh type 1 d diabetes oror children. don't t take mounjnjaro, if y'e allergic t to it, yoyou or your r family havave medudullary thyryroid cancer, or m multiple enendocrine neneoa syndrome t type 2. ststop mounjararo, and calall r doctor rigight away, i if you e an a allergic rereaction, a a lr swelling i in your nececk, sevee ststomach painin, vision c cha, or diabebetic retinonopathy. serious s side effecects may ininclude pancncreatitis anand gallbladadder problele. taking m mounjaro wiwith sulflfonylurea o or insulin n s lolow blood susugar risk.. tetell your dodoctor if yoy'e nursing, p pregnant, oror plan to b be. sidede effects i include naua, vovomiting, anand diarrheaea which can n cause dehyhydrationd may woworsen kidneney problemsm. (woman) i can dodo diabetes s differeny withth mounjaro.o.
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(avo) ) ask yoyour doctor r about once-weeklkly mounjaroro. she isis fearlesss heheart's s on the linine dependnd silhouetttte... ...keepingng leaks offff her . comfortablble in shapepeware fabric..... ...s.she moves w with ease.. confnfident on n nights like t these. ...s.she moves w with ease.. depend s silhouette.e. the onlyly thing strtronger than us, i is you. depend s silhouette.e. modederate to sesevere eczema ststill disrupupts my skini. despspite treatmtment it disisrupts my s skin with i . it d disrupts mymy skin withth . it disisrupts my s skin with i . but now, i i can disrurupt eca with rininvoq. rinvnvoq is not t a steroid, totopical, or r injection.. it's o one pill, o once a da. many takaking rinvoqoq sasaw clear it's o one pill, o once a da. or almost-t-clear skinin while sosome saw up p to 100%0% clear skikin. and, thehey felt draramatic and fafast itch rerelief someme as early y as 2 days. ththat's rinvovoq relief.. rinvoqoq can lowerer your abily to fightht infectionons, inincluding tbtb. seriouous infectioions and blood d clots, somome f, inincluding tbtb. cancerers includining lymphoa and skskin cancer,r, death, hearart attack, , stroke, cancerers includining lymphoa and skskin cancer,r, and tetears in thehe stomach or intesestines occucurred. cancerers includining lymphoa and skskin cancer,r, peopople 50 and d older withtt leleast one heheart diseasae
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ririsk factor r have higheher r. peopople 50 and d older withtt leleast one heheart diseasae dodon't take i if allergicc toto rinvoq, peopople 50 and d older withtt leleast one heheart diseasae asas serious r reactions can n occur. peopople 50 and d older withtt leleast one heheart diseasae tellll your doctctor if you ue oror may becomome pregnantn. disrupt t the itch and d rash of ececzema. tellll your doctctor if you ue oror may becomome pregnantn. talk to yoyour doctorr ababout rinvoqoq. learn hohow abbvie can n help you s save. ♪♪ this is "the fast forward." we are tracking a developing story. ao in a public area. look at video. if you looked up at the fence, hidden by the trees, you can see the mountain lion sitting there. it's been there since yesterday afternoon. hasn't really moved. the department of fish and wildlife is on the scene. they say if nothing changes, they are likely going to trang tranquilize the animal. we will have more in a later
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broadcast. the most recent storm is on its way out. we are under a flood advisory and more rain could be around the corner. here is vianey with what to expect. >> we are still seeing this powerful storm on satellite radar. you can see this will continue to dissipate into the afternoon, late evening tonight. a flood advisory will remain in place for the highlighted areas, including the santa cruz mountains. we can expect to see these flood warnings in san joaquin county through 9:00 a.m. forecasts high for today, it's cold out there, only in the upper 50s. good news out of today is less wind. we are expecting to see winds upwards of 20 plus, but nowhere near the wind gusts that we saw yesterday. we will see dry weather heading into thursday and friday. >> vianey, thank you. we are learning several people have died after trees fell l on their cars.s. 7:00 lalast night,t, a woman wa
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driiving downwn stanley dollarad whenn a largege treee fellll on car. the passenger in the car was killed. the woman survived with minor injuries. a tree fell on a car in san mateo county. this happened around 2:00 in the afternoon yesterday. chp said winds caused that tree to fall on a plumbing and sewer service van. the driver was alone in that van and was pronounced dead at the scene. trees keep falling all across the bay area as the rain loosens the soil. one town hit hard was montera. overnight, several trees came down, crushed at least three cars. we did speak with one woman whose cars were smashed. >> i heard this bang. i knew it was a tree. it was really, really loud and really close. three of our -- we have five cars in our driveway.
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three of them -- the tree on top of the cars, just smashed the cars.h6c >> chp people is warning people to stay off the roads in that area. more windows are cracking in san francisco high-rises. the pedestrian bridge by oracle park suffered serious damage. first, two cars rolled over in an accident. first responders arrived at northbound 280 a little after midnight. you can see one of the cars there. no word yet if anyone was hurt or what caused this accident. authorities are urging everyone to slow down on those wet roads. high winds whipped up waves so much in the san francisco bay that an industrial barge broke loose and crashed into the third street bridge across from oracle park. you can see the impact. no estimates yet on when that bridge will be repaired and the giants host the spring training game there this coming monday. finally, we are learning
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more about troubles with windows at san francisco high-rises. the city is clarifying that it was the salesforce east building that had damage to windows. crews discovered cracks or failed windows between the 11th and 30th floors along with one window at millennium tower. inspectors blame high winds for that damage. they say that stretch of mission will be closed until repairs are complete. y we are following. police in san jose are investigaing a shooting along south jackson avenue. not too far from capital park. officers say one victim suffered life-threatening injuries. so far, no arrests have been made. this is happening tonight. two of mexico's top football teams square off at the earthquake stadium.
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the game kicks off 7:30. a fan fest will be held outside the stadium. that event includes food vendors and live music. that does it for "the fast forward." i will be back in 30 minutes with more news. take care and stay safe out there. live.e. the neews contitinues riright a this.s. hey, man. . nice pace!e! clclearly, youou're a safe d driver. you coululd save hunundreds for sasafe drivingng withth liberty m mutual. you coululd save hunundreds for sasafe drivingng ththey customimize youour car insurarance so you o only pay for r what you n need! [sfx: lilimu squawksks] whoo!! wewe gotta go again.n. only pay for what you need. ♪♪ libertyty. liberty.y. liberty. liberty. ♪♪ sometimes,s, the lowss ofof bipolar d depressionn fefeel darkestst before dad. with c caplyta, ththere's s a e fefeel darkestst before dad. to l let in the e lyte. fefeel darkestst before dad. caplytyta is proveven to delr sisignificant t relief acrossss bipolar d depress. unlilike some memedicines thatat only treaeat bipolar ,
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cacaplyta treaeats both bipopolar i and d ii depresss. and in clilinical triaials, momovement disisorders cacaplyta treaeats both bipopolar i and d ii depresss. and d weight gaiain were notot common. cacaplyta treaeats both bipopolar i and d ii depresss. call youour doctor a about susudden mood d changes, cacaplyta treaeats both bipopolar i and d ii depresss. behaviors,s, oror suicidal l thoughts.. antitidepressantnts may incrce these ririsks in yououng adu. elderly y dementia p pats antitidepressantnts may incrce these ririsks in yououng adu. have i increased r risk of deathth or strokeke. reportrt fever, coconfus, have i increased r risk of deathth or strokeke. stiff f or uncontrtrollable muscscle movemenents whicich may be l life threatenening or pererma. stiff f or uncontrtrollable muscscle movemenents thesese aren't all ththe serious siside effectsts. caplplyta can hehelp you let inin the lyte.e. ask your d doctor abouout capl. find savinings and supupport atat somemetimes you'u're so busysy g care of f everyone e else ask your d doctor abouout capl. yoyou don't t do enough h fr yoururself, or y your mouth. but evenentually, it will l remind youou. when it t does, aspepen dentl is here fofor you. we offffer the cusustom dentl treatmtments you n need, all l under one e roof, right neararby.
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soso we can brbring more life to your smilele... and more smilele to your r life... affordabably. new patients without insurance can n get a freeee completete exam and x-raysys, and d 20 percentnt off trtreatment plplans. schedudule your apappointment t. bottom of the hour now. here are some of the stories making headlines here on nbc
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"news daily". six people are missing after a raging fire in montreal. several of those missing are americans. montreal police say the fire swept through a 130-year-old building which had several illegal airbnb units inside. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. the u.s. coast guard is conducting a search for macing person about six miles south of key west, florida. rescue crews have already saved more than two dozen people from a migrant vessel. it is not clear where they were coming from. coast guard air and surface crews searched throughout the night. they are continuing their search today. an idaho woman will not face the death penalty if she is convicted in the death of her two children. laurie vallow and her husband are accused of killing her 7-year-old son joshua as well as her 17-year-old daughter tylee. they pled guilty to murder and grand theft. the death penalty will apply to her husband's case.
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significant developments in this hour to a cold case with ties to the murdaugh family. south carolina investigators say they're now looking into the 2015 death of steven smith as a homicide. that is according to smith's family attorney. steven was a classmate of alex murdaugh's oldest son buster. his death was originally declared the result of a hit-and-run. the murders of paul and maggie murdaugh caused the case to be scrutinized more closely. here is nbc news correspondent catie beck. >> reporter: we are learning that the steven smith case is actually considered a homicide investigation. it was once classified a vehicular manslaughter. she believed whoever killed her son did so intentionally. smith calling for an independent review of the case and permission from a judge to do an exhumeation of smith's body to do an independent autopsy,
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perhaps finding out the real cause of death and the person who was behind it. she has hired a legal team to petition a judge for permission and hopes to have it within several weeks. in the meantime, sled again saying they're on the case and actively investigating, wanting to cooperate with smith to get to the bottom of it. here is what smith said to us in our interview. >> in my heart this was not hate and run. i think he was murdered and i just need the proof. to me it just felt like steven didn't matter yet. he didn't -- he was just a gay guy. he didn't matter. his life didn't matter, but it does matter to me and my family. it was all fishy from the beginning. i don't know who did it, but i want to know why you did it and i want to find out who you are, and then i want to talk to you as a mother. >> reporter: buster murdaugh
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also putting out a statement earlier this week, denying any involvement in anything having to do with what he calls smith's tragic death, even offering his sympathies to smith's family and saying he has been targeted with vicious rumors that are simply false, that he had nothing to do with this incident and that he wishes to maintain his privacy as he mourns for his mother and his brother that he misses terribly. back to you. >> catie beck reporting. thank you. sarasota police are searching for the driver of a stolen car who was caught on camera striking an officer, launching him into the air. the officer is okay, but we want to warn you, the video is disturbing. police were trying to stop a suspect who was allegedly breaking into another vehicle. the officers tried to block the only exit out of the neighborhood. they say that's when the suspect drove around the patrol car, striking one of their officers. sarasota police chief says the officer was hospitalized but is now home recovering. authorities are now searching
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for the suspect who did get away. they believe he lives in the south florida area and are asking anyone with information to come forward. >> we're glad he is okay. gwyneth paltrow is back in a park city, utah, courtroom. she isis accused of craashing i a skier at the deer valley ski resort in 2016. paltrow says she wasn't the one at fault. nbc news correspondent kathy park is following the trial for us. walk us through what happened in court today. > reporter: yeah, so it is still going on. we expect it to be a pretty full day. this is day two of what will likely be an eight-day-long trial. we have the third witness or expert on the stand right now. his name is dr. wendel gibby. he is a medical doctor who has reviewed the plaintiff's medical history and ultimately just a few moments ago he was saying, look, based on the pattern of injury that he has seen so far it appears that he was struck n the lleft side of his body,y, wh ultimately led him to crash, and
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he said if he -- terry sanderson, the plaintiff, actually crashed into gwyneth paltrow she would have softened the blow. based on what he has seen so far, it seems like, you know, it is the other way around. it is likely based on what he is saying that he was actually the one who was struck. so we're waiting for the cross-examination to take place, but right now court is in recess. >> who else are we expecting to hear from over the course of this trial? there were other witnesses who say they were there and they saw paltrow crashing into sanderson, but she maintains it was the othther way around.. is she going to take the stand? >> reporter: yeah. so yesterday was opening statements. we also had an opportunity to hear from two of the other witnesses, the first two witnesses. one of them was that eyewitness you mentioned who was out on the slopes with terry sanderson at the time of the crash. she is the only eyewitness and he said he witnessed gwyneth paltrow crashing into his friend. we heard from another woman, the ex-girlfriend of terry
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sanderson, and she said that after the crash he just never was the same. but looking ahead, we anticipate gwyneth paltrow's family members, her two kids, her husband to also take the stand as well, so a lot to come. >> all right. kathy park, thank you so much, kathy. school is out for a second day in los angeles. workers in the nation's second largest district are on strike. among them, custodians, bus drivers and cafeteria workers. they say they are all fighting for higher pay and better benefits. nbc's scott cohen joins us now. scott, where do things stand in terms of the negotiation? has there been any sort of progress or movement from either side? >> actually, yes, ellison. we are getting word just within the last hour from pretty much all sides now, from the school district, from the union and apparently with some involvement from mayor karen bass, that conversations have resumed now between the teachers union -- or the service employees union, i
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should say, and the school district. what exactly that means we don't know yet, but clearly this walk-out that started yesterday and is expected to continue through tomorrow has certainly had some impact. asyou can see,going into this there's a gulf in the demands from the union and what the district was offering. the union wanting a 30% pay raise over four years, saying that the average annual sary -- and it is important to note this ncludes part-time employees as well but it is just $25,000. the district had offered a 23% increase plus a cash-in-hand bonus. the union wanting additional raise for the lower paid workers to try to bring them up to $30,000 average a year salary which they hoped would improve the standard of living here. important to note as you look at the protests from earlier, the teachers' union was in
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solidarity with the service employees union. all of the folks in red are teachers. that with the service employees being out, all together combined to shut down the nation's largest school district. >> all of these workers out saying they're not being paid a liveable wage and that's why they have to do it, but you have the students that are out as well. what has been the impact on families in the district? >> reporter: ellison, it is a considerable impact. the majority of families in this district are low income. they depend on the schools for everything including -- including meals. so the district had given out some 125,000 meals yesterday and had set up some -- what they called supervision centers where kids can go. there also were other things made available in the city as well here to try to help the families. the strikers are saying that they're hoping that the kids will learn a lesson here about standing up for principles, and
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they hope that the families will understand that while they are suffering from hard times in this three-day walk out that the workers are as well. >> scott cohn. thank you so much. chinese leader xi jinping is back in beijing after meeting with russian leader vladimir putin. the three-day meeting in moscow underscores how china is working to assert its global influence by embracing u.s. adversaries. among the topics discussed, china's proposed peace settlement between russia and ukraine. u.s. officials have rejected that plan, saying it offers putin cover for his war crimes. nbc news foreign correspondent matt bradley is in kyiv for us this afternoon. matt, this meeting really wrapped up without any major announcements of support from china to russia, just a pronouncement of all of their shared goals. how are the folks in ukraine responding to the outcome of this three-day summit? >> reporter: yeah, i mean you said it. the fact is that the big news here is that there was no news, and that's why you can almost
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hear an audible sigh of relief from here in kyiv. i'm next to the foreign ministry right where all of the government meets. there was a lot of worry, and you know we didn't actually hear this but we could kind of assume and we heard it sort of off the record that there was a lot of concern, not about the peace plan that you just mentioned because it is something china actually mentioned last month and it had been kind of laughed off the table by both kyiv and washington and london and all of the nato capitals. you know, there have been peace plans that have come and gone, a lot favored moscow. they aren't taken seriously and they need the succession of kyiv in order to work. the real worry here, the nightmare that was averted was whether or not beijing would actually offer lethal weapons to russia to use to terrible, devastating affect here in ukraine because, as we know, the russian military's capabilities, their manpower and especially their material has been depleted in the more than a year since this invasion started. now everybody can look at this and say, all right, this meeting
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has come and gone. there hasn't been any major announcements. even if this peace plan was discussed, and now the ukrainians have the optics of having seen vladimir putin as the supplicant to xi jinping. that's something that must have been very satisfying to folks here in kyiv. gu. >> a lot of people watching that body language. matt bradley live in kyiv for us. matt, thank you. coming up, the renewed warning by the cdc after more deaths are linked to certain brands of eye drops. you are watching nbc "news daily". first, it is time for today's daily snapshot, capturing some of today's news in a single image. outrage as you can see there is still boiling over in france as protesters fill the streets in cities across the country night after night. they're furious over the french president's unilateral decision to raise retirement age from 62 to 64. >> last night some protesters fired off flares and set fires in the streets of
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in today's daily health, the cdc is putting out an urgent warning about contaminated eye drops. three people died, others suffered extensive vision loss. bottles of ezera care artificial tears were recalled earlier this year after the product was linked to rare bacterial infection. nbc news medical reporter erika
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edwards joins us with more on this. erika, this is pretty scary stuff. what do we know about these bacterial infections and how many people have been affected? >> yes. so these are infections of a rare bacterial strain that is antibiotic resistant, meaning it is very difficult to treat. so far the cdc has identified 68 patients in 16 states coast to coast. some -- eight people had vision loss, some had corneal transplants, sadly four others had to have their eyes removed all together and more than half were linked to outbreak it at health care facilities. ellison, i just heard back from the cdc. most of the cases occurred before their first warning that occurred in january, but they do anticipate uncovering more cases as their investigations continue. ellison. >> if you are watching this and you are someone who has been using ezricare eye drops and you check the date and you had it
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from that period of when these were recalled, what should you be watching for when, if you have been impacted by this, should you be seeking medical attention? >> so, first of all, these drops have been recalled. the cdc says no one should be using the ezri there. care artificial tears or another brand, delsom pharma artificial tears or eye ointment made by delsom pharma. it is an urgent matter. the cdc says if you have these symptoms you see on the screen, yellow, green or clear discharge, eye pain, discomfort or redness, increased sensitivity to light and blurry vision, call the doctor immediately, ellison. >> erika edwards, thank you so much for that. we have all heard the saying it takes a village to raise a child. these days it may be truer than ever. as the cost of child care rises more parents are leaning into their communities for support. according to a 2022 report, the
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national annual average cost of child care is around $10,000 a year. here with us is the editor and chief of "parents." there was another study that found 51% of families spend 20% or more of their entire annual household income on child care. we know inflation is an issue. what else is contributing to this rise in cost? >> well, thank you for having me, vicky. the pandemic really reduced the supply of child care when many facilities shut down. that, in turn, increased demand. add to that inflation, the rising cost of living and prices continue to escalate. i think you were thinking about the cost-of-care survey. yes, over 50% of parents are spending 20% of their household income on child care. so the knock-on effect is that families are still struggling to
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find available, affordable and quality child care and they're leaning on their communities more than ever. there isn't a one-size-fits-approach. >> sure. >> to finding a support system, but when you find a network of people to lean on you can ease the strain until we have systemic change. >> we were lucky. when we moved into a community they actually had families assigned to help our kids ease into school. what are some ways, let's say you are new to a neighborhood or a community, how do you start building that village with other parents? >> well, the first thing you want to do is you want to build a village, your proverbial village, is be okay accepting help. ask yourself, what help do i need, how am i struggling, and how can i in turn help and support another parent in a similar situation, and then you can band together with a neighborhood family and take turns caring for each other's kids. that's an informal co-op situation.
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the benefits is they're nearby, they know your children's schedule, their needs, and it is a really nice arrangement. of course, if you live near family, definitely ask them for help. >> yes. >> they love your children already. it is a great way for grandparents and kids to bond. and if you are a stay-at-home parent, form a new mom or dad group and really get involved, plan excursions, play dates so that you are involved. and if you need help in a pinch, someone comes to your rescue. >> i think that goes for single parents too. i saw you mentioned on the graphic, leaning into social media groups and make sure you find that support you need. thank you so much for joining. >> thank you. there is more news ahead. you are watching nbc "news daily." whwhen you havave chronicc kidneyey disease.. there are e places you'd d like to bebe. likeke here. and d here. anand here.
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not so mucuch here. if youou've been d diagnososedh chroronic kidneyey disease farxigiga reduces s the risk of kidney y failure which can n lead to didialy. farxiga a can cause serious se effefects includuding dehydrdr, urinary trtract or genenitl yeasast infectioions in womenen and men,, and low w blood sugagar. keketoacidosisis is a sererious side e effet in womenen and men,, and low w blood sugagar. that mayay lead to d death. in womenen and men,, and low w blood sugagar. a rare lifife-threatenening bactcterial infefection in womenen and men,, and low w blood sugagar. in the skikin of the p perinm could occucur. ststop taking g farxiga anandl your d doctor righght away in the skikin of the p perinm could occucur. if you havave symptomsms of this s bacterial l infect, an allerergic reactition, or k ketoacidosisis. and don'n't take itt if you a are on dialalysis. an allerergic reactition, or k ketoacidosisis. put yoyourselflf inin the drivever's seat.. make an n appointmenent to ask yourur doctor fofor fara for chchronic kidndney diseas. if you canan't affordd your m medication,n, astrtrazeneca may y be able toto help. if you canan't affordd your m medication,n, ♪far-r-xi-ga♪♪ ♪♪♪ "if you've had sensitivity, those zingers can really cause some of that jolty pain. there is one great solution out there with sensodyne. it createses a protecective barririer, and now ththey get to o feel , 'oh, , this is a a product thatat actually y works.'"
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wewe really hahad our handndsl with ourur two-year-r-old. so nataturally, wewe doubled dn with a n new puppy.. thankfulully, we alslso have so nataturally, wewe doubled dn with a n new puppy.. titide ultra-o-oxi with odor eliminatators. betwtween stainsns and odors, it c can handle e double troro. betwtween stainsns and odors, for ththe #1 stainin figr and odor remover, it's got to be tide. sometimemes, the lowows of b bipolar depepression feel d darkest befefore dawn. for ththe #1 stainin figr and odor remover, with c caplyta, therere's a chanance to lett the lighght shine ththrough. anand light totomorrow, wiwh the e hope from m today. this is s a chance to let i in the lytete. cacaplyta is a a once-daililyl that i is proven t to deliver signifificant relilief across bipipolar depreressio. unlilike some memedicines that onlnly treat bibipolar , caplyta trtreats both h bipolai and bibipolar ii d depression. and inin clinical l trials, movement d disorders a and weigight gain wewere not como. call youour doctor a about susudden mood d changes, behaviorors, or suicidal t thoughts. antidepresessants may y incree these ririsks in yououng adul. elderly y dementia p patients have incncreased ririsk of deatath or stroko.
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repoport fever, , confusion, stiff f or uncontrtrollable muscle m movements which h may be lifife threreatening oror permanent. thesese aren't all thee seriouous side effffects. in the d darkness ofof bipolalar i and iiii depressi, caplplyta can hehelp you u let in thehe lyte. ask k your doctotor abouout caplyta a today. find savavings and support atat ♪♪ this is "the fast forward." let's get to the weather. a lot of you are dealing with the aftermath. vianey has your forecast. >> you can see the storm spinning right over the bay area. we will see rain, periods of heavy rain at times for the santa cruz mountains, the storm makes its exit. we will see winds 15 to 20 plus, but nowhere near as gusty as yesterday. because we still got rain coming down at this point, we are seeing saturated ground and a
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flood advisory will be ineffect until 2:30. we are still seeing warnings for the san joaquin valley through saturday. better conditions for thursday and friday. we will dry out for the weekend. today, it's chilly with temperatures reaching only the 50s. >> thank you. the governor will be holding a virtual conference in less than two hours to recap his most recent tour of the state. topics he is expected to talk about include the proposed san quinton prison transformation, modernize the behavioral health system and building 1,200 tiny homes. 200 will be in san how day. it will start at 2:30. the man accused of attacking paul pelosi had another hearing. dates were set for the federal case. the trial will begin october 23.
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this was actually pushed to the fall so it wouldn't overlap with the trial for the state charges against him. that will happen this summer. we will be back in one minute with more news.
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nbc bay area responds to a man who says someone else used up a present he bought his fiancee before she even opened it. we stepped in to unwrap this mystery. >> good morning. a man bought a nike gift card at a grocery store. this one right here. a christmas present for his fiancee. she tried to use it the next week. nike said there was no money on it. he complained to the grocery store, which referred him back to nike. nike told him someone spent the balance on his fiancee's card four days before she unwrapped it. he wanted a refund. nike wouldn't just do it. he turned to us. we reached out to nike.
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swoosh, it gave him a $200 gift certificate as a replacement. they would only tell us they resolved the matter. when you buy a gift card, police beware. we showed you ways thieves are hijacking the bar codes to steal the money on them. see how they are scamming people and learn how to protect yourself on our website, scroll down to the story that says how to avoid gift card fraud. >> thank you. the san francisco police department is about to receive a big boost in funding. the board of supervisors granted the department $25 million for police overtime pay. the mayor says this money is vital to keeping more officers on the streets and is part of a long-term plan to address the spike in crime and the explosion of open air drug markets. that does it for "the fast
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forward." see you here once again at 4:30 with more news. impressive alre. >> it does. ii'm vickyy nnguyen.. >> i'm'm ellisonon barrber. yoyou are waatching g nbc "newe dailily." fabricic... .....she moveses with eases. coconfident onon nights likeke these. .....she moveses with eases. dependnd silhouetttte. the ononly thing s stronger than us,s, is you. dependnd silhouetttte. (m(man) whwhat if my t type 2 diababs tatakes over?? (womoman) what i if all i dodo isn't t e? the ononly thing s stronger than us,s, is you. oror what if i i can do d diabetes didifferently? (avo) now you u can with o once-weey mounjajaro. momounjaro helelps your boby regulalate blood s sugar, and d mounjaro c can help dedee how much f food you eaeat. 3 out ofof 4 people e reached ac of l less than 7 7%.
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plus peoplple taking m mounjao lost up p to 25 poununds. mounjaro i is not for r people h type 1 1 diabetes s or childrer. don't take mouounjaro, if f y'e allergicic to it, you or youour family h have memedullary ththyroid cancnc, oror multiple e endocrine e neoa syndromeme type 2. stop mounjnjaro, and c call yor doctor r right away,y, if you e anan allergic c reaction, , a lr swellingng in your n neck, sevee stomach papain, visionon chang, or diaiabetic retitinopathy. seriouous side effffects may include papancreatitisis and gallblbladder proboblems. takingng mounjaro o with susulfonylureaea or insulilin s low blood d sugar risksk. tell your r doctor if f you'e nursing,g, pregnant,t, or plan toto be. siside effectsts include n na, vomiting, , and diarrhrhea which cacan cause dedehydrationd may y worsen kididney problelem. (woman)) i can n do diabetetes differeny wiwith mounjararo. (avovo) ask k your doctotor about once-weeeekly mounjajaro.
1:00 pm
day on access daily, succession is back. it's the final season. we're talking to the cast. and we've got all the details about the big menudo announcement. access daily starts now. [theme music]


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