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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 2, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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good morning. it is sunday, april 2, 7:00, as we take this live look outside
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at a quiet and cool morning. looking across the bay on the peninsula, on this palm sunday for all who celebrate. thank you so much for starting your sunday morning. the first sunday of the month with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel joins us with a quick look at our microclimate forecast. yesterday, it turned out to be so beautiful. >> oh, my goodness. >> i was surprised to see the rain this morning. >> i know. some people yesterday were taking advantage of the pool in my apartment complex. today, a little different story as we start this morning with a live look over san jose. we do have the overcast skies. there is drizzle out there, so if you are headed out the door, drive safesafely. temperatures are a little warmer than 24 hours ago. 48 in concord, 49 in palo alto, and 42 in santa rosa. anywhere from about i would say 7 to 10 degrees warmer compared to where we were on saturday. that's really going to make the
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difference as we go through the day today. coming up in the full forecast in about ten minutes, we'll talk about your sunday and monday forecast. we're tracking breezy and cooldown conditions as we go through the day. but then a warming trend during the next couple of seven days. i'll have a look at that. >> i like the sound of that, cinthia. thanks. we begin with breaking news. former arkansas governor asa hutchinson announced his plans to run for president in 2024. he is adding himself to the gop mix with donald trump and nikki haley. he will announce later in april in arkansas. locally, baseball is returning to the bay area. but this year fans are talking about what happened off the field more than what happened on the field. yesterday morning, video of anthony rendon grabbing an a's
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fan, grabbing him and swinging at him has gone viral. here is tom jensen. >> reporter: fans are about the only ones commenting on the heated and physical exchange with a a's fan as baseball and police launch investigations. he was tight lipped about the incident before and after today's game, the same from angels management who said this is in major leg baseball's hands for the time being and won't comment about what happened. >> there's an investigation going on, and we just can't, with anything that involves the legal stuff. >> reporter: the a's did not address his actions directly, but the manager says he knows the coliseum fans can be tough on players, and emotions run high on opening day. >> it's hard not to say something back. >> reporter: fans are talking
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about the now viral video. a heated back and forth between rendon and an a's fan after the a's beat the angels thursday night. [ inaudible ] >> leave your hands off the fans. >> to be honest, we're all human. just because somebody is in a higher position, sometimes they do have a responsibility to know their position and how it could affect the public. >> reporter: it's not clear what led to the altercation, but rendon says the fan was being vulgar towards him, something the fan denies. major league baseball is looking into what happened. it could face a fine or suspension. >> i understand guys can get upset. but you're making $240 million, you have to let that roll off your back. >> reporter: and police say they're investigating after watching the video, even though the fan has not come forward to
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file charges. tom general zone, "today in the bay." ♪ ♪ night. the band is donating a portion of the proceeds from the concert to groups that help california farm workers. the band has become so synonymous with generosity, they've gained a reputation as the voice of the immigrant community. last night's show follows the mass shooting in half moon bay in january, which left seven farm workers dead, and the flooding in a monterey county farm town. >> they're using the money for a good cause. they're using it for other people. i think that's a good thing. >> nonprofit groups on the receiving end plan to put it toward mental health care,
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housing and food. another benefit concert last night to help the victims of the devastating earthquake in turkey and syria. ♪ ♪ the church of the redeemer hosted the event. performers donated time and talent to raise money for those struggling in the aftermath of the 7.8 earthquake, and its many aftershocks that rocked turkey and syria last month. more than 54,000 people died, including the mother of one of the church's members. >> we just did a memorial service for her, and also our church got destroyed by fire 21 years ago. it was april 7, 2002. we feel for the people, and we now how hard it is to rebuild and to restart from nothing. >> organizers asked for a $20 donation. many ended up donating more.
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a series of small earthquakes rattled the east bay yesterday. you may have felt them. the first hit at 9:24 yesterday morning with a magnitude of 3.2, downgraded to a 3.0. three smaller quakes followed. people across the bay, though, reported feeling the shaking. seismologists say that's likely because these were shallow quakes. [ inaudible ] >> there were no reports of damage or injuries. a geophysicist with the earthquake information center tells us they are not that unusual. >> when we see a small swarm like this, it happens more common hi than you think. it's just that a lot of times you can't feel them. so seeing a small swarm like this in a short period of time doesn't cause any significant cause for concern. >> if you feel shaking and want to know exact hi how strong it
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was, we have a realtime quake tracker that you can access 24/7. it will tell you the immediate magnitude right after the quake hits. find it on in san francisco, police are investigating a deadly shooting in broad daylight that happened yesterday after 1:00 p.m. officers found a man shot in the golden gate avenue in the tender loin district. the victim vas taken to the hospital and died. he was 52 years old. anyone with information is asked to call police. new video of a growing memorial in the wake of a deadly dirt bike crash that killed a teenager in the east bay. it happened around noon on friday in pittsburgh. police say a 15-year-old was riding a dirt bake on railroad avenue and crashed and died at the hospital. it's still not clear what led to
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the crash. no cars were involved. we're going to turn now to buying a home in the bay area. it can be stressful, especially for first-time home buyers trying to make it in the bay. well, california is now lending a helping hand to help a down payment on a home. the state financing agency launched the california dream for all program. it will give qualified buyers a loan up to 20% of the purchase price, which in turn could help lower the monthly payment. to qualify, borrowers must make less than a certain amount of money, depending on the county with which you live and must plan to live in the home rather than try to flip it for a profit. if you want to move, the state says you need to keep this in mind -- >> when you do sell the house in the future, if your home goes up in price, you pay back not only the initial down payment but 20% of that appreciation price. we use those funds to help fund the next round of future home
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buyers. >> california has set aside $300 million to help about 2,000 buyers. at 7:09 on this sunday morning, we have much more ahead. coming up, we take you live to washington, d.c. for our weekly interview with chuck todd who has a your brarain is an a amazing th. but as y you get oldlder, it naturalally begins s to ch, cacausing a lalack of sharar, or even n trouble wiwith rec. ththankfully, , the breaktkthron prevevagen helpsps your bran and actutually improroves mem. the sesecret is anan ingredit origiginally disiscovered.. in jellylyfish. inin clinical l trials, prevagenen has been n shown to impmprove shortrt-term mem. prprevagen. atat stores evevee without t a prescripiption.
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welcome back. please join me in welcoming nbc news political director and moderator of "meet the press" chuck todd who has a preview of today's show. thanks for joining us this morning, as always. i kind of want to set this one up for the viewers, as we await tuesday's unsealing of former president donald trump's indictment, which will outline the charges against him. i want to note that one year ago, we might not all have remembered that manhattan district attorney alvin bragg who brought these charges, he decided not to charge trump one year ago. bragg had become the manhattan
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d.a., he inherited the investigation from the former d.a. cy vance. over the course of last year, they came to this conclusion to indict. but my question is, you have cy vance as a guest this morning. what is he saying about how this has all played out since he left, is it any indication on how his investigation went? >> well, look, he is careful. obviously, he doesn't know what is in the indictment yet. but he did engage with us, if we assume that the indictment is focused mostly on the hush money payments of what that would look like. just to clarify, what alvin bragg declined to pursue is this larger case that also included misdeeds and perhaps even a felony charge on having to do with how he handled these hush money payments, that it was part of a larger case.
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the problem with that is, while michael cohen was the trump person that essentially agreed to cooperate with the prosecution to narrate how the hush money scheme worked, they didn't get that out of allen weisselberg, who has been convicted with the trump organization, but refused to essentially cooperate with the prosecution to, what they might call narrate how the scheme worked inside the trump organization for everything else. this had to do with valuations and getting loans to buy insurance and things like that. so one of the challenges that both bragg and vance have had, they were looking to find more witnesses inside the trump organization to cooperate and they never found it. so if you don't have the witnesses, you don't have a case. and not being able to essentially flip allen weisselberg has held them back from doing the larger case.
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>> and we ran out of time, but i wanted to ask you about the judge who oversaw the previous trial in relation to the trump organization and allen weisselberg. so it will be interesting to see how this unfolds on tuesday. we look forward to your show today, chuck. thank you for that preview. >> thanks, kira. >> join chuck for this morning's "meet the press." we'll have that interview with former manhattan d.a. cy vance and he will have an interview with the ncaa president charlie baker about allowing college athletes to make money off their name, image and likeness. "meet the press" is right after this news cast. coming up in 30 minutes, we'll talk to larry gerston and take a deeper look at the possible charges against former president donald trump, and his chances of creating a successful presidential campaign. as more americans buy
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preowned cars, more scammers are pulling out an old trick to try to get more money. it's called odometer fraud, and it's on the rise. that's a fraud which criminals roll back the miles on a car to sell it for more money. every year, nearly 500,000 vehicles are sold with fake odometer readings, costing americans more than $1 billion. nbc news spoke with one woman who thought she was getting a car with less than 90,000 miles on it. >> my husband is driving the vehicle. he immediately gets out, says something is wrong with this car. it resets, reads 210,000 miles. >> yikes! if you're on the market for a used car, experts say there are two tips you can follow to protect yourself. first, buy from a dealership, which ensures miles are correct. or get a third party vehicle report and make sure the mileage history matches what is on the dash.
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the bay area got a glimpse into the past nearly a century later thanks to a boy scout troop. we told you that troop 88 was going to dig up a time capsule buried at the foot of mt. davidson cross in san francisco. in 1933, members oh of that same boy scout troop buried the box. in honor of the troop's 100th anniversary, they opened it. inside was a bible more than 100 years old, and even an olive branch from jerusalem. a new time capsule was placed in the ground to be opened 100 years from now. turning this morning, cup of noodles has cornered the lunch and dinner market for people looking to dine on a dime. now it's setting sights on breakfast. the iconic ramen brand is out with cup noodle breakfast. they are offering the flavor with mapl syrup pancakes,
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sausage and eggs. they are designed to be prepared in that styrofoam packaging. however, these are soft-based rather than a soup. it's now on sale at walmart for $1.18. i, umm -- >> hard pass. >> yeah, no thank you. my older son is a big fan of lunch -- breakfast for lunch, breakfast for dinner. i might buy it for him to try. but i suspect he won't like it either. >> if he doesn't like it, we're not trying it. he is very adventuadventurous. >> he is, for a 6-year-old. >> we'll take the pancakes with some coffee this morning. that will help to deal with the chilly temperatures. good morning in san rafael. 48 degrees right now as we see the sun rise over there. it looks like there's a carnival going on. if you're going out there, send some pictures. would love to see what's going
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on. we are in store for a little cooldown compared to yesterday. yesterday is similar around the bay area. in the south bay, it was warm. today, temperatures from about two to five degrees cooler, and also on monday, watch what happens as we take this a little further. we're only going to warm up into the upper 50s. that's because we are tracking some changes ahead, and we'll get to that in a second. if you want to venture out on this sunday, of course, feel free. but keep in mind those allergies for you, especially when it comes to the tree pollen. going to be very high today. what i think could wash out the allergies is this low pressure system that will make its way into the bay area, impacting our areas to the north. in the north coast, it will start to move in here, in the bay area. let's track it hour by hour for you. by 8:30, in an hour or so, we're still looking at cloud cover down here in the south bay. possibly a few spotty showers as we make your way out into the
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coastline. but as we go throughout the day, notice how more activity pops up in the north bay. that's where the rain chance also be higher throughout the day. as we take it on extended into the afternoon, mostly around the coastline, bodega bay, the northern portions of marin county and sonoma county and the east bay valley, too. on the day monday, wind will pick up, as well. notice what happens as we take it into the inland valleys. yes, that's where we will see more of that cloud cover. a chance of spotty showers. and even bringing back the snow levels around the diablo range and mt. hamilton, because this is a little bit of a colder system. with that, maybe a tenth of an inch right there around diablo range. what's really impressive are going to be the winds. if you have anything on the patio this morning, once the news cast is done, bring it inside, because gusts are going
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to be very strong, especially along the coastline where we see those purples there. the mt. hamilton area, and the santa cruz mountains. as we make our way into the concord area, as well. now, we do have just that to get over today and tomorrow. possibly on tuesday, with a little bit of a chilly start. look at that seven-day forecast. we put warm back on our description for saturday. temperatures feel like average, if not a little bit above that. >> 73. wow. i'll believe it when i see it. it is just shy of 7:21. a buzzer beater sends a cinderella team to the championship in march madness. coming up on "today in the bay," who hit the shot and who is moving on to monday's title game? sports is next.
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good morning, everyone. san diego state's cinderella run
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continues at the big dance. they are headed to the championship game for the first time in school history after a buzzer beater in the final four. >> it's butler, with two seconds. and it's good! >> lamont butler with the game winner at the buzzer. san diego state beats florida atlantic 72-71. they will face uconn, who beat miami in monday's championship game. darren tremel on butler's big shot. >> that's what he does. every time he shoots it, it looks like it's going in. >> it's definitely march madness in full effect. >> absolutely. that's what it is. to baseball. the giants get their first runs and win of the season. down 2-0 in the 4th inning to the yankees, peterson with the
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solo home run, cutting the lead in half. a few batters later, crawford with a two-run shot. the giants win 7-5. the japanese pitcher making his major league debut with the a's. he was cruising through the first two innings. he had four strikeouts. then comes the 3rd inning, and he got roughed up. shohei ohtani with the single off the fall in left. it's part of an 11-running in for the angels. l.a. wins 13-1. fuji gives up eight earned runs in less than three innings of work. >> we look at the positives and focus on that. you know, we'll go through that 3rd inning with him and, you know, we'll look at pitch selection and execution of pitches. we saw a little of this in spring training, where it seems to unwind for him. and unfortunately, that happened today.
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on the ice, the sharks with a breakout performance in the valley of the sun. san jose scored a season high seven goals. gregor with three of them for his first nhl hat trick. the sharks win 7-2. she doesn't get a green jacket, but she will be forever known as the champion at augusta national. she began the final round with a five-stroke lead. on the par 5, 15th, the lead was down to two. she's having an animated conversation with her dad, also her caddie. she's 226 yards out. she decides to go for it instead of laying up. not a good shot. goes into the water, leads to a bogey. the lead is down to one. then jenny bay from georgia with a beautiful approach on 17. leads to a tap-in birdie and forces a playoff tied at 9 under par. the second playoff hole, rose taps in for par and the win.
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despite shooting a final round 76, the number one ranked amateur in the world wins the augusta national women's amateur championship in a two-hole playoff. >> just so, so thankful, so, so blessed to even be able to participate in these events, let alone win. i'm just so grateful to be in this moment and see that trophy in front of me. back here at home, espinoza penalizes houston. he scores two penalty kicks, including the go ahead goal in the 65th minute. the earthquakes win, final score 2-1. that's a look at your morning sports. >> thanks, anthony. it is 7:27 right now. still to come on "today in the bay," a new program in california to give a helping hand to home buyers trying to make it in the bay. plus, anthony rendon back in action in the bay area and the
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a's took on the l.a. angels after this baseball star took a swing and a miss after a fan. what police aredoing about the
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good morning. it is sunday, april 2, 7:29. as we take this live look from spacex's aircraft launching here in california. the mission will bring a new layered network of satellite in low-earth orbit. supporting elements will provide global military communication and missile warning indication and tracking capabilities. wow, good luck to that launch. thank you so much for starting your sunday morning with us. palm sunday for all those who celebrate. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel joins us with a quick look at the forecast. all i could see was clouds there.
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>> it was so cool. and a fun fact, i always wanted to be an astronaut when i was younger, before i decided to change a little bit and then go back to meteorology. so here we are this morning. greeting you with yes, some cloud cover out in san francisco. it's more along the coastline, you might be seeing some drizzle out there, as well. let's swing it on over, say good morning to you in livermore. we'll see that cloud cover as we go through your morning. if you are venturing out to get some coffee or to go to mass for palm sunday. temperatures pop out there in the mid to upper 50s. another place that we'll go to this morning, beautiful lake tahoe, 34 degrees, overlooking the lake. conditions might be tricky as you go back to the bay area later today and into tomorrow. coming up in my forecast, we'll talk about some incredible statistics with the sierra snow pack and exciting announcement coming this week. >> thanks. breaking news. in the last hour, now former
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arkansas governor asa hutchinson announced his plans to run for president in 2024. he made the announcement this morning on abc. he is the third official candidate, with donald trump and nikki haley. he said he'll make a formal announcement from arkansas later this month. back here locally, the los angeles angels and oakland a's were back in action yesterday where thursday's opening day came, produced some drama in the stands. you may have seen it. an a's fan and the angels third baseman anthony rendon got into a heated and physical showdown. at the end of thursday's game won by the a's, the angels rendon got into a heated discussion, replete with swearing, near the visiting team's dugout. it ended when he took a swing at the fan, missed, and walked off. major league baseball and the oakland police department have
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opened up an investigation. we caught up with fans to get their reaction. >> he should be respectful. >> i understand things are said but when you are making $240 million, you have to let that roll off your back. >> the angels won yesterday's game 13-1. rendon was in the lineup batting cleanup. managers from both teams avoided addressing the actions, and rendon himself had no comment. the a's manager acknowledges his coliseum fans can be tough on visiting players. the two teams wrap up their series at 1:00 this afternoon. new this morning, pope francis presided at the mass for palm sunday today. this, of course you know, his first public appearance after being discharged from the hospital where he stayed for three nights, he was admitted for breathing issues and treated
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for bronchitis. 60,000 faithful took part in the mass today. ♪ ♪ >> they took to the stage last night, the band donating a portion of the proceeds from the concerts to groups that help california farm workers. the band has become synonymous with their generosity. they gained a reputation as the voice of the immigrant community. last night's show follows the mass shooting in half moon bay back in january, which left seven farm workers dead, and the flooding in a monterey county farm town. >> they are using the money for a good cause. that's what they should be doing. i mean, it's their money but they are using it for other people. that's a good thing. >> non-profit groups who will receive the money plan to put it towards mental health care, housing, and food.
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a followup to a story we brought to you yesterday morning. at least 25 people are declared dead after a major storm system ripped through several states in the midwest and the south. the storm brought tornadoes and severe thunderstorms late friday night, into yesterday. in arkansas, at least five people were killed but that number is expected to grow. the national weather service says an ef-3 tornado tore through the state with wind speeds up to 165 miles per hour. it was on the ground for about 25 miles. more than 30,000 people are now without power. >> i've had the opportunity over the last couple of hours to speak with both the homeland security secretary, as well as joe biden who have offered a tremendous amount of support, anything that arkansas needs. they have assured us that those resources will be here and on the ground, and we really appreciate their willingness to help arkansas out. >> other deaths were reported in
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tennessee, as well as indiana and illinois, where at least one person died and dozens of others were injured, when a roof collapsed at a concert venue. more damage and survey will continue today. all eyes ahead of president trump's upcoming arraignment on tuesday. there are still many details being worked out, like a mugshot, hand cuffs. here is the latest from mar-a-lago. >> reporter: trump supporters gathering around his florida golf course, showing their backing of the former president, who left without taking questions about the indictment. this, as he prepares to fly on monday evening to new york city, where he will stay overnight at his old residence on 5th avenue. tuesday, he'll take his motorcade to the criminal courthouse for his arraignment. he will be fingerprinted, but
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whether he takes a mugshot is yet to be determined. nbc has joined other news organizations to allow camera access for the trial. cameras inside are not normally allowed in new york. today, the potential 2024 rival ron desantis coming to his defense. >> the law has been weaponized for political purposes. >> reporter: the charges alleging from a 2016 hush money payment to stormy daniels weeks before the 2016 election, an arrangement trump has denied initially knowing about. sources tell nbc news, there are at least 30 counts related to document fraud, but the specific charges are still secret, until tuesday, when the indictment is unsealed. >> this has never happened before. we was the secret service involved in an arraignment. when have you seen that before? never. >> reporter: trump's attorney says he will not make a plea
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deal, meaning the case will go to trial, likely to bring key witnesses to the stand, including stormy daniels, who spoke out for the first time. >> i made it cheer that i was willing to go on the stand and tell my story if they needed me. >> that was von hilliard reporting for us this morning. we have new video of this growing memorial after a deadly dirt bike crash in the east bay. it happened around noon on friday in pittsburgh, and left a teenager dead. police say the 15-year-old was riding a dirt bike on railroad avenue. he somehow crashed and later died at the hospital. it's still not clear what led to the crash. police say no cars were involved. buying a home can surely be stressful, especially for first-time home buyers trying to make it in the bay. california is now lending a helping hand to help with down payments on a new home.
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in this housing market, the statehousing finance agency has launched the california dream for all program. it will give qualified home buyers a loan up to 20% of the purchase price, which could lower the monthly payment. to qualify, borrowers must make less than a certain amount of money depending on the county with which they live and must plan to live in the home rather than flip it for a profit. if you want to move, the state says you need to keep this in mind. >> when you do sell the house in the future, if your home goes up in price, you pay back not only that initial down payment, but 20% of that appreciation price. we use those funds to help fund the next round of future home buyers. >> california has set aside $300 million to help about 2,000 home buyers. moving you forward this morning, as california lifts its covid masking requirements and health care settings. two bay area counties will enact
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their own rules. the state masking mandate expires tomorrow. at the same time, contra costa county's new health order goes into effect, extending the masking requirement for staff in nursing homes. it is 7:39 on this sunday morning. crabbing season ending early. still to come, the reason why.
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welcome back. the first sunday of april here. maybe you've decided to kick up your workout this morning in campbell. make sure you wear a sweater out there, because that cloud cover and chilly temperatures will be with us through the middle of the morning, continuing on by the middle of the day. only topping out in the upper 50s. sunday, you might want to head out to the ballpark. i hear that's another home game in oakland. the angels and the a's, temperatures will also be in the mid to upper 50s with that mix
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of sun and clouds. wear the sun screen, but also hold onto your hat, because if you notice there, the wind will start to pick up. the gusts anywhere from 20 to 25 miles per hour. another place that will be gusty, and a little tricky to come back down from or head up to today will be tahoe. look at that, from two to maybe ten inches of fresh powder. not that they need it. we have seen a remarkable snow season this winter. now, yesterday, that april 1st average is 236%, the number we are at statewide, just 1% behind that. north, central, and southern parts of the sierra doing spectacular. we are expecting another snow pack survey to come tomorrow and we'll tell you what comes out of that tomorrow on our news cast. let's talk about what is in store with that cloud cover and chances of sprinkles that we were talking about earlier in the show. spotty around the north bay.
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anywhere from northern marin county, northern sonoma county as you make your way into mendocino county. windy conditions as we go through the day today, especially along the coastline and the interior north bay valley, east bay valley, and the santa cruz mountains. keep that in mind as you venture outside today and we'll see the potential right there for snow levels to drop once again. we start out the day with chilly temperatures monday, tuesday, and wednesday as the storm system makes its exit from the bay area and ahead from that, we have much better conditions in the long-range outlook. high pressure starts to build back in, and we get temperatures that start to look a little more like the seasonal averages, kira, with our inland forecast warming up as we head into next
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weekend. we'll be here to make sure the numbers stick as we go through our forecast. >> i cannot wait to see that. >> i'm so excited. >> cinthia, thanks. it is 7:44 right now. we do have much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, larry gerston joins us to break down the new criminal charges against former president donald trump
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welcome back. after delays pushed back part of this year's crab season, it's coming to a close earlier than expected. the decision is an effort to protect whales off the california coast. the season got off to a late start this year because of price negotiation delays. now, the california department of fish and wildlife says the commercial season will end on saturday, april 15th, at noon. it's all because humpback wheels are returning to coastal waters and they can get tangled in
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crabbing gear. this applies to fishing zones from the county line all the way to the mexico border. you likely have heard by now an unprecedented indictment against the former president has been lodged by a new york grand jury. on tuesday, former president donald trump is expected in new york city to be arraigned by the manhattan district attorney. it's expected the indictment will evolve around hush money payments to stormy daniels. larry gerston joins us. as always, good morning. >> good morning. >> my understanding is this is more about hush money, the hush money could be a misdemeanor, but charges need to be tied to a felony to proceed. >> that's what makes this unique, andma cockamamy as far republicans are concerned. we are talking about the idea perhaps campaign funds being
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laundered, business accounts being pummelled in some way or another. in some way, something led that money to go in a direction that it should not have gone without being accounted for. that's why people are worked up over whether this is a felony, and that is what is with the 30 odd counts. >> this has been going on for seven years now, authorities have been investigating this. since he was in office, as our president. so why now? and how could that pose a problem for the prosecution? >> it's a very fair question. democrats don't like to hear that question, but it's a fair question. look, the feds dropped the case after five years, for crying out loud. then it was picked up by the manhattan d.a. but look, there could be some reasons here. it could be they found new information that they didn't have earlier in this whole thing. some people say the whole thing was canceled because of attorney general william barr, who said let's play this down.
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regardless, trump lawyers will press that this is really, you know the words, a witch hunt that we often hear about this and other investigations. democrats are going to say something like, well, nobody is above the law. not even the former president of the united states. so we're setting a tone here, we're setting the tone for this outcome. what happens in georgia, what happens in washington with those big investigations done by jack smith, the special counsel. all these things, the january 6th cases, are waiting for the first domino to drop. >> i have to ask what about his presidential campaign, although i did hear that since the announcement of the indictment, he raised something like $4 million from first-time donors. >> look, president trump is a smart guy, former president trump, excuse me. he's a very smart guy.
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he is the nation's leading marketer, if you can say that, of himself. so he's going to milk this, as he should in his case, so be sure he will use this as a major fund raising effort will go past that $4 million. if he loses, this could be the opening that ron desantis has been looking at for the longest, longest time. and if that happens, this could make a much closer race between the two for now. of course, it could also open the curtain for others. >> interesting. speaking of others, we mentioned this morning that now former arkansas governor asa hutchinson announced he will be running for president. you know, do you think he could be a contender against donald trump? is his name known well enough? >> imagine ron desantis and trump going at it like crazy, both very similar in their
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attitudes. desantis perhaps a bit more polished. then walks in asa, i'm a different kind of guy. i'm not going to be dealing with small issues, not name calling. he is a conservative. think of george w. bush. you're now talking about asa hutchinson. the same kind of guy. for that reason, you wonder, you know, is this the guy, if everything goes and two big guys are clashing, is this the guy that can say, be an adult. >> let's not forget nikki haley, as well. all right, thanks for your insight this morning. it is just shy of 7:52. up next, a look at the top stories we are following, including anthony rendon back in action as the a's took on the angels just two days after he took this swing and a miss. we'll be right back.
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welcome back. here's a quick look at the top stories we are following on this sunday morning. the los angeles angels of anaheim and the oakland a's were back for game two yesterday, where thursday's opening day game produced some drama off the field. you've likely seen it by now at the end of thursday's game, won by the a's. angels third baseman anthony rendon got into a heated discussion with swearing and a swing and a miss at an a's fan.
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major league baseball and the oakland police department both have opened investigations into the incident. we spoke with some fans yesterday after the a's crushing loss, 13-1. [ inaudible ] >> i understand that guys can get upset and things are said, but when you are making $240 million, you've got to let a got go. >> both managers avoided addressing rendon's actions. the a's manager said he's aware coliseum fans can be tough on visiting players. the two teams wrap up their two-game series this afternoon at 1:00. we have this video of a growing memorial in the wake of a dirt bike crash that killed a teenager in the east bay at noon on friday in pittsburg. the 15-year-old was riding on a dirt bike on railroad avenue, crashed and died at the
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hospital. police do know that no cars were involved. and we are moving you forward this morning as california lifted covid masking requirements in health care settings. this as two bay area counties will enact their own rules. the state masking mandate expires tomorrow. at the same time, contra costa county's health order extends the masking requirement for staff in nursing homes, alameda county, as well. before we go, cinthia has one last check of the forecast. >> as you step out the door this morning, you might notice some drizzle. a mix of sun and clouds sunday and monday, as well. then there are changes. as we go through the week, we'll say goodbye to that unsettled weather and hello to sunshine. i hear it's opening day for the giants. we'll be there to tell you all about it, and we'll be right
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here to tell you about that warmup coming ahead as we go into next weekend. temperatures will go above average, getting into the swing of spring, kira, as temperatures warm up into the upper 60s by friday. and saturday, looking at maybe some 70s. possibly some spots going mid 70s. i did see some 80s. but we'll have to wait to verify those as we get closer to that. >> it is nice that the weather is cooperating, now that we'll be outside again watching baseball. thanks for that. and thank you for making us a part of your sunday this morning. we'll have more local news at 5:00, 6:00, and 11:00. we are always on at enjoy your palm sunday, as we approa
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in l las vegas, , the most popular r food is brbroccoli. yeah, , that's s the only f f. ththey have brbroccoli smoothies,s, and brococcoli pancacakes, and brococcoli ice c cream, anand broccolili hotdogs,, anand of coursrse, they hahavw ununseasoned b broccoli..... with stetems. -dadaddy, i don'n't want t o gogo to las vevegas with y u and d mommy tomomorrow. oh, are yoyou sure? arare you surere you dodon't wantnt to go, itit will be s so muchch fun!
8:00 am
♪♪ ♪♪ this sunday, trump indicted. >> it's been a long time coming. >> a manhattan grand jury


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