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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 8, 2023 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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good morning. it is saturday, april 8th. 7:00 as we take a live look outside at the golden gate bridge on this saturday morning. holy saturday and passover. thank you so much for starting your weekend with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel joins us with a quick look at our microclimate forecast. we were both talking about how nice it actually was. >> yeah. >> we didn't have to run to our cars this morning. >> i just got a little bit of drizzle on the windshield, so the automatic wipers finally went, as they should. we're starting in the south bay with a little cloud cover over san jose, keeping the temperatures a touch warmer. 52 in san jose and san martin. we have upper 40s as we make our way into the inland valleys, concord and dublin at 49. 47 to start the day out on sonoma. we are seeing some drizzle on
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storm ranger. don't be fooled. it is very, very light amounts. some might even be evaporating as it makes its way into the ground along the coastline and inland valleys. stick ahead, we'll be back in ten minutes for your full forecast. talk about the brief warmup this holiday weekend and some minor changes next week. >> cinthia, thanks. we'll see you soon. we have new audio recordings and chilling surveillance video footage that now shows the moments after tech executive bob lee was stabbed on the streets of san francisco. he was heard pleading for help. "today in the bay's" stephanie magallon has more on how lee's death and other recent attacks are reigniting outrage over safety in the city. the images can be hard to watch. >> streaming "help," saying "someone stabbed me." >> reporter: chilling dispatch audio posted online shows how lee was pleading for help after getting stabbed early tuesday.
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>> he is not -- this is the cell phone location. he is bleeding out. medics en route. >> reporter: this call went out to emergency personnel around the same time as these images obtained exclusively by the here, we sealy staggering and collapsing near a call box outside of san francisco's portside condos. it is 2:35 a.m. he lays motionless for a few moments, then gets back up on his hands and knees before walking out of the frame. >> he is outside on the street. >> reporter: first responders rushed lee to a hospital where he later died. according to someone who works nearby, police collected a 4 to 5-inch knife from the cal trance transyard. during a press conference, nancy pelosi offered her condolences to bob lee's family. >> on this good friday, we mourn with his family. so bad in the season of passover and easter, that that family suffers that tragedy.
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>> reporter: police are still searching for suspects in that case. all while piecing together another high-profile attack. this time, against former city fire commissioner, on the left here. >> he was beat with a metal pipe. a homeless person who wouldn't leave his parents' home. >> catherine stefani said he was hit over the head with a metal bar and was hospitalized with major injuries to his skull and face. 24-year-old garrett dotti is facing charges, including assault with a deadly weapon. both cases are fueling the debate of safety in the city and the need for more officers. stephanie magallon for "today in the bay." we turn to video of a break-in at a cannabis dispensary in san francisco around 2:30 yesterday morning on 13th street near van ness. police arrived after the break-in began, but they haven't said whether anyone was
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arrested. this all comes just after cannabis leaders held a news conference, calling for more security at their facilities. a world champion bicyclist is being remembered after he was hit and killed in san francisco earlier this week. now, his death is sparking calls for change in the city. more than 100 cyclists and friends gathered to remember ethan boyes on arguelo and washington boulevards last night. boyes was hit by a driver who crossed into oncoming traffic. that's where the ghost bike now stands for boyes. people in the crowd shared stories, hugs and shed tears for their friend who worked his way up from being a bike messenger in the city for 15 years and to a u.s. cycle champion. >> i've been trying to think of the really good times and funny things. i went through all my photos yesterday. oh, my gosh, like, so many funny
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times. he's such a goofball. >> advocates for sustainable transportation are calling on the trust, the agency that helps manage the area, to put in inexpensive barriers that would fully separate and protect the bike lane. they could not be reached for comment. meanwhile, the driver of the car was transported to the hospital on tuesday. no word on any arrest. one bay area community is now putting more on the line to attract new police recruits. this as police departments across the nation are struggling to fill vacant positions. the city of alameda thinks it has the solution to fill an officer vacancy of nearly 30%. "today in the bay's" thom jensen reports, a signing bonus is their idea. >> if it's not the largest, it's one of the largest police recruitment signing bonuses. the recruits will get $25,000 after being sworn in, then
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another $50,000 after they complete a 19-week field training program. >> reporter: in its first few days, the new signing bonus incentive in alameda pd is already getting a lot of attention. >> people from across the country have reached out to our recruitment, inquiring about the opportunity. >> reporter: alameda's police chief says the department isn't looking for new recruits only. they're also hiring police academy graduates and lateral transfers from other departments. but they're also not accepting just anyone. >> we are looking for the best. we recruit for character and train for skill. most importantly, we're looking for someone who wants to help others. >> reporter: the city's budgeted for 88 sworn officers. right now, there are only 64 on the streets. there are two does positions available. it is 15 times more than the sfpd recruits are getting and 2.5 times the next bay area
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recruit bonus of $30,000 in san mateo. money well spent, according to one downtown merchant and alameda city council board member. >> it is important to have a strong police force. security is important. i'm a business owner, and it is important to me to have my security. >> reporter: others have concerns about who will be hired, how they'll be used, and whether the new recruits will be able to afford to live here. >> there's no place for people to live, you know? the rent around here is sky high. >> i'm one for de-funding the police, so having a big recruiting pull-in is not -- i'm not a fan of that as a voter. >> some areas get less services than others, and i'd really like to see it equitable across the city. also, i'd like to see better relations between the citizens and the police officers. >> reporter: the police chief said by filling these vacancies, he'll be able to hire a more diverse force and do some of his
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reform efforts, like the community policing, where he is able to get officers out to individual neighborhoods and in the downtown, building relationships with neighbors and merchants. thom jensen, "today in the bay." san francisco state university is in the middle of the debate and ensuing controversy over transgender athletes competing in women's sports. that's because an outspoken critic says she was assaulted during an appearance on the sf state campus thursday night. that speaker is college swimmer riley gaines. gaines became the national face of the push to ban transgender athletes after tying with leah thomas, a transgender swimmer, during an ncaa championship meet last year. gaines was invited to speak at sf state by a non-profit organization that backs conservative issues. dozens of protesters showed up, both outside and inside the event. they held signs and chanted, "trans rights are human rights."
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gaines says she was ambushed and physically hit by protesters as she attempted to leave. both gaines and the student-run newspaper, "the golden gate express," posted video showing her being escorted to another room and later escorted off campus. the videos show loud crowds but do not specifically show gaines being struck. the police department said, quote, we are conducting an ongoing investigation into the situation. there were no arrests related to the event. the disruption occurred after the conclusion of the event, which made it necessary for upd officers to move the event speaker from the room to a different, safe location. house speaker kevin mccarthy tweeted, this is an appalling attack on free speech on a college campus. happening today, a call to action by the bay area drag community. the group will hold a rally called drag up, fight back.
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it'll be at san francisco's city hall at 11:00 a.m. the group will march to union square, where there will be a live drag show. organizers are protesting recent bills across the nation that have been targeting the lgbtq plus community. they're concerned the new legislation will restrict people's freedom of expression, cut access to health care, and endanger the safety of transgender people. a fire by the freeway in san jose leads to an unusual discovery. coming up on "today in the bay," what crews found here and see what crews found here and see what happened we are grocery outlet
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you know and love,
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but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale going on now till april 11 we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering. so act now because these deals won't last long. stop in and save today ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪
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welcome back. this week saw another ruling impacting abortion rights. in an unprecedented move, a u.s. district judge suspended the fda's approval of a key abortion pill. it's called misoprostol. the fda approved it more than 20 years ago to be used in combination with a second drug to terminate pregnancies at up to ten weeks. back in november, a coalition of anti-abortion groups sued the fda. they argued the government didn't adequately assess the drug's safety and should not have made it accessible during the pandemic. the texas judge halted the use of the drug while this case plays out. the government has one week to appeal the judge's decision. in a statement, bay area lawmaker barbara lee said she's
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working to respond to the ruling and preserve access to the medication nationwide. a disturbing sight near the san leandro marina. you are looking at a dead whale that washed ashore yesterday. our nbc bay area sky ranger got this video. you can see people were gathering around to take photos. experts from the california academy of sciences will figure out what killed the whale and what's next for the carcass. now to a fire along 880 in san jose yesterday that revealed a puzzling discovery. firefighters down an underground bunker and tunnel system that was built, stocked and occupied by unhoused residents. the fire ignited around 6:00 a.m. yesterday morning off the freeway near coleman avenue. the underground bunker was about 1,000 square feet. it was stocked with propane tanks and batteries that eventually exploded. luckily, no one was inside. >> the main part of the
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underground structure has collapsed, but there's multiple access points. you go down, and it's built out of two-by-fours, four-by-fours, covered in plywood, dirt and plastic. >> the shelter is on caltrans property, so that agency will handle the cleanup. they're expected to bring in heavy equipment to dig up whatever is underneath once it is safe to do so. she is out of a job officially. the san jose police officers association officially fired its executive director segovia. segovia was charged with drug trafficking last month. that's when the association launched its first phase of its internal investigation. segovia is accused of getting 60 shipments of fentanyl to her home and distributing the drugs across the country. segovia has worked for the police officers association for 20 years. >> the hardest working men and women in law enforcement.
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who go out every single day, lay it on the line with a commitment and dedication to our communities. then, my disbelief and shock has turned to anger. >> in the next phase of the internal investigation, the police association says it is going to look into allegations that segovia used police union resources to do illegal business. she'll be back in court in two weeks. bay area fishermen are still reeling from the shutdown of the salmon season, and now they, along with lawmakers, are calling for federal relief. fishermen say they can deal with most disasters, but they can't solve a lack of fish. former speaker of the house nancy pelosi said when this happened in 2008, disaster relief included federal funds. this time, though, she wants it to come faster. if you're looking to go outside and enjoy this passover and easter weekend, our mike
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inouye has ideas in the weekend calendar. >> good morning, kira. today is the 8th of april, so happy san jose day, right? 4/08. the area code for san jose. there is a free family-friendly event at mexican heritage plaza. it integrated local live music, dance, poetry, food and a classic car show. right, traffic guy. the goal is to inspire collaboration across communities, reinforcing san jose's culture of celebrating cultures. today, the 78th annual egg hunt is at hayward's kennedy park. the day is not just about colorful eggs. it's about showing off your colorful headwear. the 78th annual egg hunt and bonnet parade. bonnets must be homemade and worn by contestants to qualify for the competition. i'm sure everyone is going to look great because everyone's head looks better with blue bonnet on it. on to belmont. they're hiding 13,000 eggs. that's the grand total across all four different age
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divisions. it's still over 3,000 eggs per hunt. i don't know if you can tell from this map, but twin pines park doesn't have the biggest of footprints right here. chances of finding eggs sound pretty good at this location. if you're worried about your weekday commute, no need to walk on eggshells. i'll watch out for you. weekdays here on "today in the bay." >> thanks, mike, as always. trending this morning, easter is tomorrow. you may have seen all the candy displays popping up at your local stores. turns out your favorite easter candy may be polarizing, depending on where you live. we have a map of america's favorite candy by state. i mean, that's hard to look at. to help you out, people in california prefer the cad bury mini eggs, followed by foil wrapped mini eggs. nationally, the cadbury egg may not be so popular. the cadbury cream egg was the number one worst candy. i agree with that. the marshmallow peeps and oreo eggs are not doing well either.
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at nine, ccheetos, i don't know about that. i love the cadbury eggs. coming in rainbow this year. >> oh, easter bunny. >> i shouldn't say that stuff on tv because they watch. >> i like the resee's candies they've made into -- >> eggs, right? >> i shouldn't be eating more of this because i've had girl scout cookies, cake, and so many treats today. hey, remember when mike was talking about san jose day? what a fun day to be outside. today, 4/08. mexican heritage plaza today at noon through 6:00. if you're getting out there to set up this morning, it'll be just a little chilly. we are seeing those cloudy skies. look as we go through the afternoon. mid 60s with some breaks from the clouds and that sunshine
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peeking through. it is a holiday weekend. let's go up to benicia, where they'll be having an eggstravaganza for the kids and families. clouds mixing out to sunshine this afternoon. throughout the day today, that's what we'll see based on this rain and cloud-covered graphic here. heavy clouds especially along the coastline and in the north bay, but then it clears out for you to get outside and enjoy your day around the bay area. maybe get those easter baskets ready to go. we could see drizzle along the coastline, but nothing too bad in the way of of our holiday weekend. clearing out again and warming up a little bit as we go into your holiday sunday. our temperatures today going to stay pretty cool along the coastline, in the upper 50s. widespread mid to upper 60s as we make our way inland. 66 in dublin. we have 68 in san jose. just a touch warmer as you make your way into morgan hill and san martin. as we go through the day tomorrow, most of the activity is going to stay around the bay
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area. notice that rain and the activity going on into parts of crescent city and up toward oregon. we will clear up and warm up for our sunday. 60s at the home. 70s inland. nothing getting in the way of you heading out to do any of those easter egg hunts. enjoy. have a great time. this will be short lived. enjoy it while it lasts. as we go into monday, we will see that warm weather, but look at that dip as we go on into the middle of the week. then some models are making that return as we go on into the second half of the work week. just a little bit to get through as we go through your seven-day forecast. enjoy your holiday weekend. be careful of cooler weather midweek with return of the breezy conditions. >> i don't remember the last >> i don't remember the last time we saw that many dancncing is eveverything. soccer i is the bestst. but her momoderate to severe e eczema soccer i is the bestst.
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could d make it hahard for he. nonow i'm stayaying ahead d o. could d make it hahard for he. dudupixent helelps heal yoyourn from withihin. soso they can n have cleararern dudupixent helelps heal yoyourn from withihin. and less i itch. seserious allelergic reactcts can occucur that canan be sev. tetell your dodoctor aboutut nr worsrsening eye e problems seserious allelergic reactcts can occucur that canan be sev. such as eyeye pain oror vision chchanges seserious allelergic reactcts can occucur that canan be sev. inclcluding blururred visi, joint achehes and painin, or a a parasiticic infecti. don't chchange or ststop asthmama medicineses wiwithout talklking to y your doctoror. ask k your doctotor about dupipixent. wiwithout talklking to y your doctoror.
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april is distracted driving awareness month. hopefully drivers will pay more attention behind the wheel. abby fernandez joins us with more on the push for safety. >> distracting driving claims roughly eight lives every day in the u.s. according to the national highway traffic safety administration, over 3,500 people were killed by distracted driving in 2021 across the united states. that number has been going up
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since 2018. take a look at this graphic here. 2,628 people died in 2018. 3,119 in 2019. 3,142 in 2020. 106 deaths alone in california in 2020. state and local officials held a press conference earlier this week in san jose to kick off the month long push, and also to remind people of the risks and consequences of driving while being distracted. >> i want to think about the guy who keeps coming back to the emergency room because the pain in his lower back never goes away. or think about the mom who is never going to be able to hug her child again. these tragedies, they're really all the same story of regret. >> everybody thinks it's a dangerous behavior, and everybody thinks it is somebody else who is the problem. human nature, i'm afraid. that's what today is about, to say, we all have to make a commitment to make sure we are
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not part of the problem, but we are part of the solution. >> a survey shows nearly 75% of participants in california say distracted driving is their biggest safety concern. a huge number there. there are many distractions that can happen while driving. the most, being on the phone, of course, texting, talking, checking emails or maybe social media. also, eating or drinking. maybe drinking a cup of coffee can also be a distraction. checking on the kids through th makeup, grabbing something from the backseat. anything that takes your eyes away from the road is considered distracted driving. with that many mind, i want to know and ask you, i posted this to my social media at abbey nbc on instagram. what are you doing to limit distractions while driving? we like to know the tips, too. i'll send it back to you. >> thanks so much. it is 7:27.
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coming up on "today in the bay," a sudden increase in infant deaths. a new warning for parents to stop unsafe s le maman: i'm not slowowing down anytitime soon. stop unsafe s that's why i tatake osteo o bi-flex evevery day. le maman: i'm not slowowing down anytitime soon. stop unsafe s it''s clininically shohown to improrove joint comforort in 7 dayays, and contntinues to improvove over timime. kinda likeke us. osteo bi-f-flex. because i'i'm madede to m.
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good morning. it is saturday, april 8th. 7:30. as we take a live look outside. a heavenly sunrise over san jose on this passover and easter weekend. thank you so much for starting it with us.
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i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel joins us with a peek at your microclimate forecast. it was a beautiful glow as the sun was trying to break through the clouds. a lot of cloud cover this morning. >> a lot of cloud cover. a few seconds ago, kira, on the golden gate bridge camera, the sun was peeking right through the clouds right there as you make your way over belvedere and tiburon. good morning, everyone. it is saturday, april 8th. we are getting this beautiful look over the golden gate bridge. starting the temperatures out in the 40s and the 50s as we make our way out the door.chillier a the coastline. san francisco, half moon bay, and areas in palo alto, because we've seen the drizzle and cloud cover push through. beautiful day. maybe head out to the cherry blossom festival in san francisco. bundle up for the early morning hours, but then we'll see the peeks of sunshine through the afternoon. i'll be back in a little bit with a look at your saturday forecast, holiday sunday and extended look ahead. >> thanks, cinthia.
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in san francisco, a world champion cyclist is being remembered. san francisco native ethan boyes was hit and killed while riding earlier this week. his friends gathered to sell rate his life and called for better safety for cyclists. gia vang takes us there. >> he is invincible. >> reporter: there isn't supposed to be a group of more than 100 standing here on the boulevard, but the road is closed by u.s. park police for a vigil for u.s. cycling champion ethan boyes. some in the crowd taking turns. >> he was right there. >> reporter: to share stories and tears about their friend. >> i just have been trying to think of all the really good times and all the, like, funny things. i went through any photos yesterday. oh, my god, like, so many funny times. he's such a goofball. >> great to see. >> reporter: to ohothers, he waa
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mentor. >> he was the only person i knew who raced bikes. we knew him, he was a larger-than-life figure. i'm 14 when i'm first meeting him. >> reporter: police say boyes was hit by a driver who crossed into oncoming traffic. it's where this ghost bike now sits. >> ethan didn't deserve to go out like this. nobody deserves to die like this. it was a wholly preventable death. >> reporter: friends say this gathering was meant by celebrate boyes. he worked up from being a bike messenger in san francisco for 15 years all the way up to a champion. all with a sense of humor. they also want to point to safety. they're calling on the trust to put in barriers right away called k-71 traffic posts. >> what would have potentially saved ethan's life is protective infrastructure, you know, fully separating and protecting the bike lane, and also making the
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road narrower so people driving cars need to drive more slowly. >> reporter: the trust couldn't be reached for comment tonight. boyes' friends from here and around the country promise to push ahead for him. >> we love you, ethan! >> reporter: the driver of the vehicle was transported to the hospital to be checked out. it's unclear if there is an arrest at this point. gia vang, nbc, bay area news. we turn now to chilling emergency dispatch audio posted online and newly obtained surveillence footage which shows how bob lee was pleading for help in the early hours of the morning. >> screaming, saying "someone stabbed me." he is not giving a -- this is the cell phone location. he is bleeding out. medics are en route. >> that call went out to emergency personnel at the same time as these surveillance images obtained exclusively by the were captured.
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we see lee staggering and collapsing outside of the port side condos at 2:35 a.m. he lays motionless for a few moments and then gets back up on his hands and knees before walking out of the frame. first responders rush lee to the hospital where he later died. police are still searching for the person or people who attacked lee. turning now to north korea. it says it has tested another nuclear-capable underwater attack drone designed to destroy navy ships and ports. north korean media aired these photos, showing the drone on the surface of a body of water, and then a target being exploded. during the weapons test, north korea claims the drone cruised more than 600 miles underwater for 71 hours. the report comes just after representatives from the u.s., japan and south korea met in seoul to discuss the growing nuclear threat from north korea.
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last month, north korea reported testing another drone that it said was capable of setting off a radioactive tsunami. back here in the u.s., it is an urgent medical alert for new parents, with doctors now reporting a jump in the number of sudden infant death cases, often due to unsafe sleeping conditions. one hospital in texas says too many babies are sleeping with their parents. here's nbc's tom costello. >> reporter: cook children's in ft. worth calls it alarming. 30 babies in just 15 months who likely died during unsafe sleeping conditions, suffocating next to the adult in the bedding or pillows. >> co-sleeping is not something we recommend. we recommend that babies really have their own bed, crib or bassinet to sleep in. >> reporter: last month, the cdc reported a 15% increase of sudden infant death cases among african-americans in 2020 during
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the pandemic. providers say multi-generational homes where parents sleep with children and have poor access to health care could be contributing factors. nationwide each year, 3,400 sleep-related infant deaths. the risk is five to ten times higher while bedsharing with an adult. even higher on a couch or chair. tragically, it happened to pediatric cardiologist sam hanke in 2010. his three-week-old son fell asleep on his chest as sam also slept. >> when i woke up, charlie never did. this tragedy is something that happens way too often in our country. >> reporter: pediatricians say children should sleep in pjs or a sleeping sack, flat on their backs on fitted sheets. no blankets or stuffed animals. hanke and his wife started
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teaching safe sleep, to prevent another baby from dying. tom costello, nbc news, washington. happening today, a call to action by the bay area drag community. a rally will be held called drag up, fight back. it will be held at san francisco city hall at 11:00 this morning. the group will march to union square where will will be a live drag show. recent bills across the country have been targeting the lgbtq plus community. they're concerned the legislation will restrict freedom of expression, cut access to health care and endanger the safety of transgender people. high-rise window problems in san francisco have happened before this year's strong winds, but our investigative unit has learned one of the buildings that had a window fail during the recent windstorms apparently had that window issue in the past. that revelation from a lawsuit
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that's since been settled. last month, you may recall a window on the fifth floor of 1400 mission shattered. we've learned that tenants of the building sued the window supplier and contractors several years ago. they claimed they had multiple windows break for no apparent reason after the building opened in 2015. the two sides declined to talk with us, citing confidentiality terms in the settlement. moving forward, the board of supervisors president wants to remove san francisco's eemption for 71 of the newest and tallest buildingngs and fororge t them window inspepections byy novemb. a glass industry expert tells us that would be a huge undertaking. >> they're giving you, you know, eight, nine months to do all of this by november, you're never going to get all these people on the building in thahat amount o time. it is goioing to takake a longe amouount of timeme. > buildingg inspepectors alr arare extetending the 14-dayay
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deadlinene they'd s set f for inspectition reportsts onn l la month'h's failures. but building officials tell us they're satisfied with the progress to date, and that all the broken windows have since been secured. a new program is helping californians eat healthier and make it in the bay. a pilot program matches up to $60 a month for low income families to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. it comes after the cal fresh food benefits introduced during the pandemic ended in february amid rising prices due to inflation. locations that accept the new cal fresh benefits include farmers markets in the north bay and oakland, as well as artega's food center. football is being benched at levi stadium. ahead on "today in the bay," the new sporting taking the focus this weekend only, and how
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welcome back. 7:42. you're watching "today in the bay." let's take this live look over the bridge. some beautiful clouds out there with some mixing in there of that pastel blue to kick off our holiday weekend. 49 degrees out there. we're going to stay in the city. maybe you're going to game two today, kansas city against the giants. first pitch is at 1:05 this afternoon. going to be a great day to get out there. notice the sun will start to come through, so wear your hat
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and your sunscreen. if you run cold, another layer out there. as we go hour by hour through your saturday forecast, 2:00 this afternoon, we are still seeing some of that cloud cover remain with us in the north bay, the east bay. pretty much bay area wide. there will be some passing sprinkles, drizzle out along the coastline. otherwise, clearing up for any saturday evening plans ahead of that holiday sunday. as we go through the start of sunday, we will see that return of cloud cover to kick off our morning. here at 7:00 a.m., we'll be back with "today in the bay." maybe you have family in town, want to head out to the beach, do something fun this weekend. stinson beach, marine county, santa cruz, monterey, nice next couple days as we are in store for a warming trend that starts off tomorrow and lasts everyone on into monday. let's take it hour by hour to kick off our easter sunday around the bay area. 7:00 on the dot, we're seeing the patchy morning fog. cooler as you make your way into
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areas such as santa rosa. 42 in moraga and dublin. a touch cooler today as we go on into san jose and gilroy because of the cloud cover and passing showers moving through. mostly sunny day. here's the forecast everyone has been looking forward to, to do anything you want to do as far as it goes into easter egg hunting. maybe go outside. maybe spend some time with the girls at brunch. we will see this warm start to the week starting off tomorrow, lasting on into monday, but very, very short lived as we go through your extended forecast here. we'll see another low drop on by the bay area, bringing the showers to the northern coast and some return of that snow, as well. it'll be a little bit breezy and cooler as we go through your midweek forecast. inland seven-day, enjoy your weekend, be careful of the early morning drizzle. might make the roads a little slick this morning. otherwise, a beautiful and calm seven-day forecast. one that we haven't seen in
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quite a while, kira. >> we have earned this. >> yes, we have. >> yes, we have. >> we are grocery outlet
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you know and love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale going on now till april 11 we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering. so act now because these deals won't last long. stop in and save today ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ you can b beat it! ♪♪ visit or c call 833-42422-4255 visit to a ask for mededication to t treat covidid-19. the warriors went up against the sacramento kings in a crucial second to last game of the regular season last night. the dubs are fighting to stay out of the play-in tournament, while the kings have locked up the third best record in the western conference. we pick up in the second half,
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where klay thompson buries a three. thompson led the warriors in scoring with 29 points. the dubs roll to an easy 119-97 victory over the kings. the win moves golden state up one spot in the standings. that means if everything stays the same after all the final games tomorrow, the warriors will play the phoenix suns in the playoffs. fingers crossed. switching to baseball now. the giants had their home opener yesterday, and they were hoping to capitalize off their big road win in chicago. unfortunately, the kansas city royals spoiled the homeowner for the fans, beating the giants, 3-1. the a's lost to tampa bay, 9-5. the rays scored six runs in the second inning, four of which came off a grand slam home run. happening today, the san jose sharks play their last home game of the season, and the team
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will be hosting fan appreciation day at s.a.p. center. fans will be able to receive a sharkey bobblehead and win prizes, including players' jerseys. the sharks will take on the oilers at 1:00 this afternoon. and trending this morning, with the masters this weekend, many golfers and fans alike have their eyes on augusta national. our own bob riddell is no exception. if you want to practice your swing, you might find him at levi stadium. >> reporter: hey, kira. there will be no touchdowns at levi stadium this weekend. just, you'll see here, hole in ones. or i'm not even near the hole. >> loser! >> reporter: pathetic. got brian graham with upper deck golf. you've turned levi stadium into a nine-hole course. how does this compare to a top
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golf? >> you're playing a round of golf within the stadium, hitting shots from all different levels within the stadium to different flags set up throughout the field. >> how does the scoring work? obviously, you have a hole in one, that's a 1. >> yeah. >> you can't go on the field and finish the putts. >> definitely not. you're hitting your shot from different holes throughout the field onto different flags on the field. the scoring system, you can get a birdie, a par or bogey based on where your ball ends up. you can keep score throughout your round with your buddies. >> get in! i'm, like, 8 feet away from the hole. was that legit? >> birdie right there. good shot. >> reporter: appreciate it. this is through saturday here at levi stadium. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> you redeemed yourself. great job. 7:51. up next, a quick look at the top stories we're following, including new audio from san
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francisco emergency dispatch recorded minutes after a bay area tech exec was stabbed in san francisco. we'll beight back. r
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welcome back. before we get to our top stories this morning, here's what you can expect tomorrow morning on "sunday today" with willie geist. hey, willie. >> good morning, kira. great to see you. tomorrow morning on "sunday today," my conversation with the hilarious charlie day, on creating and starring in the long-running hit comedy "it's
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always sunny in philadelphia," and now playing an entirely different kind of role as luigi in the "supermario brothers" movie. >> sunny has been the greatest thing that happened to me professionally but never has been sort of considered, like, a massive franchise thing. no one has ever called me to play indiana jones. to be a part of a big franchise is fun. >> now that you're luigi, they'll call you for indiana jones. >> maybe marvel. you're going to play that character forever? nah, i'll pass it on. >> sit-down with charlie day. plus morning headlines and another life well lived when "sunday today" airs at 6:00 a.m. in the bay area. if you're not up at that hour, set the dvr. we will see you whenever you're ready for us. kira. >> willie, we will see you tomorrow morning. hopefully you are awake to see willie at 6:00 and then stick here for your local news with us on "today in the bay" at 7:00.
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here is a quick look at the top stories we're following this saturday morning. chilling dispatch audio posted online and newly obtained footage shows how tech executive bob lee was pleading for help after getting stabbed early tuesday morning. >> male screaming help, saying "someone stabbed me." he is not giving a 20. this is the cell phone location. advise, he is bleeding out. medics are en route. >> that went out the same time as these images obtained by the were recorded. lee is staggering and collapsing near a call box outside of san francisco's port side condos. it is 2:35 a.m. he lays motionless for a few moments and then gets back up on his hands and knees before walking out of the frame. first responders rushed lee to the hospital where he later died. police are still searching for
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who attacked him. a world champion cyclist is being remembered after he was hit and killed in san francisco earlier this week. his death is now sparking calls for change. more than 100 cyclists and friends gathered to remember ethan boyes last night. u.s. park police say boyes was hit by a driver who crossed into oncoming traffic tuesday around 4:00 p.m. that's where that ghost bike now stands for boyes. people in the crowd took turns to share their stories, their hugs, their tears about their friend, who worked his way up from being a bike messenger in the city for 15 years to a u.s. cycling champion. >> i just have been trying to think of all the really good times and all the, like, funny things. i went through all my photos yesterday. oh, my god, like, so many funny times. he's such a goofball. >> the driver of the vehicle was transported to the hospital. we don't have any word of an arrest.
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happening today, an effort to protect the area's drag community. drag up, fight back will be at san francisco city hall at 11:00 this morning. the group will then march to union square, where there will be a live drag show. organizers are protesting recent bills across the country that have been targeting the l fwrks lgbtq+ community. 7:57. before we go, cinthia has one last look at the forecast. a lot of people will be out today. >> definitely. as we get through the morning hours, we'll see cloud cover, maybe a passing drizzle as we make our way out the door. warm for our holiday sunday. 70s on the board for tomorrow and monday, as well. then things start to change a little bit as we get some passing systems that will make the temperatures just be a little cooler on tuesday and wednesday before they bounce back up as we head through the second half of the week. just a few bumps here and there,
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but enjoy your holiday sunday. we will be right here, of course, to welcome you with that tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. >> we will indeed, cinthia. thanks. it is 4/08 day in san jose. >> it is. >> passover. it is holy saturday. we hope you get out there and enjoy this nice weather. >> yeah. >> we want to thank you for making us a part of your saturday morning. we'll have more local news tonight at 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00. we're always on enjoy your saturday. we'd love to see you back here tomorrow morning.
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