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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  April 11, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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♪ lovinin' this lanand everyda♪ ♪ n norte a surur lo puedeses ♪ ♪ nada sese puede comomparar♪ ♪ l livin' in t the golden n s♪ ♪ vive en el estadado dorado.....yeah ♪ hi, everyone. thanks for being with me. i'm kate snow. >> i'm savannah sellers. nbc "news daily" starts right now. it is tuesday april 11th,
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2023. louisville in mourning as a fifth person is dead after that deadly shooting at a bank. what the police are revealing about what the gunman did before the attack. and the tennessee office is sworn back in days after being expelled for protesting gun violence. and how soon his fellow ousted colleague will learn his fate. >> and the parent is charged after his child shot a teacher, and why she is in legal jep ti. >> uncertainty, and why that abortion pill is going to no longer be available. we go to kentucky to the site of the latest mass shooting. louisville interim police chief said that the 25-year-old suspect was still employed at
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the bank when he opened fire. they say he legally bought the weapon used days before the attack. >> five people killed and nine people injured and some still in the hospital. we are learning about at the warning signs before the rampage, and nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent ken delainian is joining us. what did you learn today in the press conference and otherwise? >> well, kate, the louisville police said they will release the body cam footage that you mentioned at 5:00 p.m. when they hold another news conference and we will await that, but this afternoon, they disclosed two important facts of the shooter. he is a current employee, and the 25-year-old graduate of the university of alabama who had been working at the bank was a current employee who worked on the floor where the shooting took place, and so he knew his victim. secondly, they said that he bought an ar-15-style rifle last
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week that he then used in the shooting. then they talked in more detail about how the police responded within minutes to reports of gunshots, and that one of the officers who was wounded actually fired the fatal shot that killed the shooter, and the other officer is still in critical condition in the hospital. and then, there was a large part of the news conference where the democratic leaders of louisville really made a plea for policy changes to address what they are calling the epidemic of gun violence in the city and in their state, and take a listen to what one of the doctors who is treating some of the victims had to say about that. >> it is more than tired. i am weary. there is only so many times that you can walk into the room and tell someone that they are not coming home tomorrow. and it just breaks your heart when you hear someone screaming mommy or daddy. it just becomes too hard day in,
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day out to be able to do that. >> now, this doctor said that he didn't have the solution, but the other politicians who spoke to the mayor of louisville were calling for specific changes, and unfortunately for them, they do not have a republican-controlled state of kentucky about repealing gun laws. >> i know that you have been looking into the potential repealing of gun laws and looking into the attack. >> well, the mental state of this shooter, and what we are learning is depending upon the interviews, and reporting that various organizations are doing, and they are painting an anomalous situation, and this person is 25 years old, and degree in finance from the university of alabama, and everything going in life, and everybody who knew him was surprised that they did not see any red flags, but also, hearing
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that he left a note, and livestreamed the attack, and the mystery at the heart of this, and the mystery is very much up in the air. >> ken delainian, thank you very much. >> and this is the place that is dealing with the ravages of this. and a study of the kaiser foundation out today which is staggering. 1 in 6 americans have personally seen somebody get shot. 1 in 6. also 84% of americans have taken precautions against gun violence. gun violence has touched so many american communities, including nashville. last friday, two members of the tennessee legislature were expelled after they took part in the legislation floor after a shooting at the covenant school two weeks ago. justin jones was sworn in again after the metro council voted him back in office on the
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interim basis, and he is going to continue to fight for gun control. and we have atonia hilton following this part of the story. hey, anantonia. >> well, this is an astounding 180. these lawmaker were expelled this last thursday, so justin jones lost two business days of work. last night, what we saw was 1,000 people following him to the steps of the tennessee capital where he was met with applause, and thunderous claps, and people celebrating him as he took the oath of office again, and reinstated as the interim representative, and listen to some of the words that he shared with people last night. >> and it is nice to be back in the people's house. democracy is back in the
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people's house. [ muffled voice ] >> reporter: for the republican colleagues who expelled him and the other democratic representative out of memphis, this is a pretty astounding and shocking situation for them. this is a state in tennessee where republicans really run the show. they have a super majority, and it is not typical for the lawmakers there to get much of a voice locally, but not have a megaphone to the entire national audience, and so in the matter of a environment, the situation, and the pressure on lawmakers to reinstate the vote. >> and what about justin pearson? >> he comes from a county that surrounds memphis.
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memphis is a famous county in tennessee that is a majority black and majority democratic city, and we expect that he is going to be joining representative jones back at work, and highlighting how bizarrely this is unfolding, and how few days the lawmakers have missed the session, and it has catapulted them into the city. how do they get reintegrated to get work done, and how they may be faced and people are going to be watching closely, savannah. >> it is going to be interesting how they get back to work. and this started with the two lawmakers that we have been seeing vote, and the three of them needed to stay in the wake
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of mommy, and the governor did take action on this topic today, and what did he sign? >> he signed an executive action, and i have to say how much of a pivot this represents. it is going to strengthen background checks and require that the tennessee bureau of investigation review some of the policies, and implement the 72-hour required window so that the state agencies can get potential risks as soon as he is urging them to bring him a bill, and get a red flag loss to the system, and get those guns out of the system. that is going to represent a massive change for the republican party. >> absolutely. and we will have to see how it is handled with the neighbor of
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kentucky after they have dealt with gun violence this week. and the governors of massachusetts and california are stockpiling a commonly used abortion pill. we go to dcia burns. and what does that mean for this drug? >> well, right now the drug is available, and the main priority of the doj is to keep it available as this case is ming through the court to make their legal argument. they want the district court of appeals to put a stay on the order from the judge in texas, and to put a adne on the early saturday morning athi point the order goes into effect, to validate the approval of the drug, and they are asking
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that the fifth court and that is going to ask the plaintiffs in the case to respond to doj by midnight tonight, and a lot of deadlines this week, but the goal is to be putting out a time bomb on the ticking clock to put a status quo in place as if a judge can overrule the fda approval. what is happening? >> yes, many of the pharmaceutical companies have written a letter to support the fda and it is saying to the open letter that judicial action cannot stop here, because if it can overany of the come flex ti,
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and the ever ka city of the outcome of baus mes phone and the autonomy and availability is being challenged. >> thank you, dacia burns. and now, we are learning that twitter is no longer a company, and the latest with chipotle. >> we go to morgan. >> well, twitter is no longer existing as an individual company. twitter ceo elon musk moved into an s-corp to put all of the brands into one brand, and turn twitter, to the convicted and disgraced former founder was sentenced to 11 years in prison back in november, and she is expected to
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surrender april 27th. chi pole tay is revealing the designs is of new chain. it is going to have solar panels on the roof, and ev charging stations, and these chipotles of the future are to have 1100 of them opened next year, and are you going to be doing any work you going to be doing any work reopen d imagine ifif you couldld get ahahead of youour ibs-c.. ♪ by trereating it w with linze. ththen you couould start proactivively managiging your c constipatioion with b belly pain,n, and begin n to find yoyoursef a little f further awaway from t the symptomoms thatat keep comiming back. say yeyess to linznzess. linzesess is not a a laxativ.
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it's's a once-dadaily pill that h helps you g get ahead of your r symptoms.. it's p proven to h help you have morore frequentnt and compmplete bowelel movemen. and hehelps relieveve overall abdomiminal symptotoms - belly papain, discomomfort, and bloatiting. dodo not give e linzess to childldren less t than tw. it m may harm ththem. do notot take linznzess ifif you have e a bowel blbloc. get imimmediate hehelp if y you developop unusual or sevevere stomacach pain, especialally with blbloody or b black stoolols. the momost common n side effet is diaiarrhea, somometimes seve. if it's s severe, stop takaking linzesess and cacall your dodoctor riright away.. these araren't all the sidede effects.. imagine.e... what cocould relf from ibsbs-c mean fofor you? talk to yoyour doctorr and say y yess to lilinzess. learn n how abbvieie and ironwd cocould help y you save on linzezess. nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs.
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run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. woman: the siren really gets my heart going but it does the same for my sweat. i'm always racing against time, feeling the heat of the moment. new unlimited by degree responds to sweat from movement, heat and stress. unlimited protection so you can live without limits. inintroducing g astepro alall. now avavailable wiwithout a prescripiption. protection astepro isis the firstst and y 24-h-hour steroioid-free spr. whwhile flonasase takes hoho, astetepro startsts workining in 30 miminutes. soso you can [ spraray, spray ] ] astetepro and gogo.
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president biden has officially ended the covid national emergency a month before it was due to expire. >> the national emergency was first declared in march 2020 and allowed government to respond to the emergency by funding and vaccinations and other funding. >> kayla tausche interviewed our medical expert dr. john torres. >> yes, they put forward a bill to help with that along partylines, and a cornerstone to
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end some of the pandemic programs and to put any of the unused funds back in the general fund. and so now, 90% of the pandemic policy is rooted in the public health emergency, that still not going to expire until the may 11th date. >> so, let's bring you in here, and just the headline, the covid national emergency has ended, and is the pandemic over, and put it in perspective for us, and in terms of just fighting covid. >> and this is a great question, and that is theperspective. >> that is may 11th when they end the national emergency, and that is more of what is on the books and in the paperwork, and the virus does not end that, and
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what is it going to do, and when you are looking at the numbers of covid, and 200 deaths a day, and we are not at the end of this, and the woods yet, but the trees are thinning, and we are going to get that. once this ends on may 11th, and people know that the pandemic is over, they might relax, and get back to it, and you know that the virus is going to act the way that we act, and then, we will get back to normalcy. >> so, kayla, policy-wise, how is this going to change for the people at home. >> well, kate, this is what allowed the existing program so that they could have more flexibility if the public health required the agencies to take advantage of that, and if not, the programs have been wound down, but it is going to depend for the people at home which programs they may or may not have been utilizing. if you are a veteran and using
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more flexibility for in-home care giving, that flexibility is going to be ending. if you are a homeowner whose mortgage qualified for a covid forbearance, that program is going to be wound down, and the department of housing and urban development says that the last date to qualify for the mortgage fobearance is may. so many of the other programs will go on for another month. >> thank you, both, for reporting on. this and dr. torres, we wanted to know about the cancer detection, and tell us about the report tonight on the nightly news. >> well, ai is the rage right now, and we are looking at it in medicine and the tool that it is, and what kind of tool it can be, and we are finding out that
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it is more helpful than we thought. the bottom line, can it save lives? >> reporter: how many lives can ai save? >> the possibilities are limitless, and if we take the ai to better understand what is going on with the patients and predict the future, we can know how the treat the patients and who is needing screening and the sky is the limit. you know, the bottom line, it won't replace your doctor, but it is going to give them an extra tool to fine tune into what your health is and what you need to keep it better as time goes on. >> awesome, kayla tausche and >> awesome, kayla tausche and (wheezing)g) asthmama isn't t pretty. it's the momement when you realizize that a g good day. is about t to become a a bad o. but thenen, i remembmbered ththat the wororld is so muchch bigger ththan th, with trerelegy. becaususe one dosese a day helps s keep my asasthma sympts ununder controrol. and with 3 3 medicineses in 1 i inhaler, trtrelegy helplps improvee lung f function so i c can breathehe easier for a fufull 24 hoururs.
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trelegegy won't t replace a rescscue inhalerer for r sudden brereathing proro. trelegy cocontains a m medicie that i increases r risk of hospipitalizationons and deh from a asthma proboblems when used d alone. when this s medicine i is usd with an ininhaled cortrticoste, like in trtrelegy, thehere is t a sisignificant t increased dk of these e events. do not t take trelegegy morere than presescribed. trtrelegy may y increase r rk of thrush h and infectctions. get ememergency cacare for serious s allergic r reaction. see yoyour doctor r if your asa does not i improve or r gets w. ♪ what a a wonderful l world♪ ask yoyour doctor r about ononce-daily t trelegy foror as- becacause breaththing shshould be bebeautiful. ugh-ststipated.... fefeeling weigighed down ononce by a b backedup gugut"as- miraralax is dififferent. it works n naturally w with e water r in your bobody to u unblock your gutut. ...freree your gutut. anand your mooood will folol. woman: the siren really gets my heart going but it does the same for my sweat. i'm always racing against time, feeling the heat of the moment. new unlimited by degree
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responds to sweat from movement, heat and stress. unlimited protection so you can live without limits. when you have chroronic kikidney disease. there e are placeses yoyou'd like t to be. when you have chroronic kikidney disease. like here.e. and here.. and herere. not soso much herere. ifif you've bebeen diagnosed wh chronic kikidney diseaease fafarxiga reduduces the rirk of kididney failurure which h can lead t to dialysi. farxrxiga can cause seriouous e effects inincluding dedehydra, urinarary tract oror genl yeast infefections farxrxiga can cause seriouous e effects inincluding dedehydra, in w women and m men, and d low blood d sugar. farxrxiga can cause seriouous e effects inincluding dedehydra, ketoacididosis is a a serious s side eft thatat may lead d to dea. a rarere life-threreateng bacterial l infectionn in thehe skin of t the perinm could d occur. a rarere life-threreateng bacterial l infectionn stop takaking farxigiga and l yoyour doctor r right awayy if youou have sympmptoms of t this bactererial infect, an a allergic rereaction, or ketoacicidosis. if youou have sympmptoms of t this bactererial infect, and d don't takeke it if y you are on n dialys. puput yoururself in the d driver's seseat. makeke an appoinintment to ask k your doctotor for farxra
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fofor chronic c kidney disise. makeke an appoinintment to ask k your doctotor for farxra if youou can't afffford yoyour medicatation, astrazenececa may be ablble to help.p. ♪♪far-xi-gaa♪ good afternoon. this is "the fast forward." i'm chris chmura. police are searching for the suspect in a deadly freeway shooting that took a 5-year-old girl's life. the investigation continues. we spoke to a friend of the family who is grieving the loss. >> reporter: police are still trying to search for the suspect in a deadly shooting that took the life of a 5-year-old. that 5-year-old is this girl. she was shot and killed along 880 over the weekend as she rode in the car with her family.he w. you know? this shouldn't have happened to her. she loved life.
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everybody was her friend. she loved to laugh, smile and hang out with her family. >> reporter: police are investigating if the suspects are connected to another shooting that took place in the area around the same time on the weekend. the suspects in that incident have been arrested. if you have any information, contact chp. >> thanks very much. an earthquake has shaken parts of the south bay, 3.0, around 10:40 this morning. we are not receiving any reports of damage. we bring you a story we have been following. elizabeth holmes loses her bid to avoid starting her prison sentence, which the judge ordered will commence on april 27th. holmes is set to serve 11 years for defrauding investors. until now, has been free on bail during her appeals process. holmes can appeal to the federal court in san francisco, but the judge ruled that will have to happen while she's behind bars. here are other stories we want you to know about.
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a facial recognition bill, eviction protections being debated. an assault on uc berkeley. this man may be tied to grabbing and groping a woman on campus. police say the woman fought back and got away. this latest incident may be related to other sexual battery cases. anyone with information is asked to call police. oakland leaders take the first steps to end the eviction protection. council members are to debate a plan to gradually phase out the eviction mormoratorium. if approved, the moratorium might end by september. in some cities and counties, bans have expired. people will rally to support what they call a responsible end to the ban. that will happen half an hour. a newly proposed bill to regulate facial recognition technology faced a public safety
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committee today. an assembly member is behind the bill. it would create a framework for using facial recognition technology in police investigations. right now, there are no guidelines for how police should use facial recognition. the chair of the public safety committee said they need to work with groups who oppose the bill for it to more forward. spotty rain today. kari hall says it will warm up going into the weekend. >> we look at our temperatures for today. definitely cooler compared to yesterday. we are bringing in back to what's normal for this time of year, with some mid to upper 60s for many of our microclimates. tomorrow, we will see the sky clearing. temperatures warm up thursday into the weekend. still very comfortable with napa reaching 68. 66 in san jose. 66 as well in livermore. our dry weather continues as well. we are not seeing rain chances coming our way, at least through the beginning of next week.
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all the way up until monday or tuesday we may see rain in parts of the north bay. we are going to see more cool weather. we will take a closer look in 30 minutes. >> see you then. an extraordinary wild flower super bloom is taking place. look at that. blooms in livermore yesterday. green hills peppered with the yellow mustard flowers. this is the up side of so much rain. the parks department is expecting an explosion of california poppies, buttercups and other wild flowers. head to our website,, we have an interactive map showing you the best trails for wild flower viewing. should presidential candidates be subjected to cognitive tests to run? what does one of those tests look like? we take a closer look in our 4:30 newscast. join us then.
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that does it for "the fast forward." i will be back in 30 minutes with more news. hope to see you then. /7 the e abcs of ckckd a a is for awawareness, because knknowing thatat your chchronic kidndney diseasese in t type 2 diababetes could prprogress too dialysysis is impoportant. b is f for belief f that thee may be m more you cacan do. justst remember r that k isis for kidneneys and kekerendia. for adulults living g with cd in type e 2 diabeteses, kerendiaia is provenen to rede the ririsk of kidndney failur, which h can lead to dialylysis. kerendndia is a once-daiaily tablett ththat treats s ckd differerey thanan type 2 diabeteses medicatioions to h help slow t the progresen of k kidney damamage and d reduce thehe risk of cardiovovascular evevents, such as heheart attackcks. do n not take kekerendia if you h have problelems with y your adrenanal glands oror take certrtain medicacats called cypyp3a4 inhibibitors. kerendndia can cause hypeperkalemia,, which is h high potassssium lelevels in yoyour blood.. ask yourur doctor bebefore takg producucts containining potasss. kerendiaia can also o cause low blood d pressure anand low sodidium levels.. so nowow that you u know yoyour abcs,
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rememember, k isis for kidnen, and ifif you need d help slslowing kidndney damage,, ask k your doctotor about t kerendia.. afteter advil. feeling bebetter? afteter advil. on top of f the worlddddd! afteter advil. before a advil. afteter advil. advil tatargets painin atat the sourcrce of inflalamm. when p pain comes s for , come bacack fast witith advil l liqui-gelsls. woman: the siren really gets my heart going but it does the same for my sweat. i'm always racing against time, feeling the heat of the moment. new unlimited by degree responds to sweat from movement, heat and stress. unlimited protection so you can live without limits. (psst psst) ahhhh... with flonase, allergies
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don't have to be scary spraying flonase daily gives you long-lasting, non-drowsy relief. (psst psst) flonase. all good. bottom of the hour, and now, here are some of the stories making headlines this day. the americans and filipinos are launching the largest exercise in decades. the drills are held in the
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disputed taiwan strait and the exercises are coming as the concerns mount over china's aggressive actions in the region. and the fbi has a warning for consumers do not use those free charging stations in public places, because hackers have found a way to get a way to your private data. so avoid using free charging stations in hotels, airports and shopping centers, use your own usb cord and plug instead. and now, figueroa's late father was a lead singer like his father, and he was only 27 years when he died of a heart ailment according to his father. and now, martin bragg has
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filed a lawsuit against ohio congressman jim jordan. >> this is coming from jim jordan issuing a subpoena against former president trump to testify before congress. and bragg is trying to block the judiciary committee from enforcing the subpoena. let's bring in chloe atkins, and can you walk us through this, and it is complicated, what does this say? >> it is just filed not long ago, and this afternoon, what it is intended to do is to keep the house republicans out of the d.a.'s office, and criminals investigation or case i should say into the former president donald trump, and i want to read from my notes to get it right, he is bringing the suit into a brazen, and unconstitutional attack on an ongoing criminal investigation and suit of former president donald j. trump, and
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keep in mind that bragg last week unveiled 40 falsified charges. this is coming from a subpoena of mark pomerance's testimony. and he said that he would follow the d.a's instructions not to follow the committee with information or materials related to the d.a.'s office work, and we heard from d.a. bragg that chairman jordan's subpoena is a constitutional attempt to undo a criminal investigation, and as to the complaint of the details, this is an unprecedented interference by congress, kate. >> all right. chloe atkins is following break
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news for us. thank you. and the mother of a 6-year-old boy who shot his first grade teacher is facing criminal charges. >> it is coming six months after he injured his virginia teacher, and just a month after the teacher filed a $40 million lawsuit against that district. joining us is yamiche alcindor and danny cevallos. >> well, this is coming after abigail zwerner says that school ignored multiple warnings from staff and students about the boy. now, the grand jury has indicted the mother, deja turner on
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recklessly leaving a loaded firearm in a position to endanger a child. in january, the family issued a statement saying that the family has always been committed to responsible gun ownership and keeping firearms out of the reach of children, and the access of the firearm was secured. this is the thing that we have to keep watching, because more people could be charged here. the newport news commonwealth attorney has also impaneled a special grand jury to look into the investigation of the security lapses of the shooting, and says that additional people could face charges, and so this is a case that we will continue to watch. savannah and kate. >> absolutely. danny, let's bring you in here, and look at the potential litigation here, because it is not in dispute that the gun was in a position where the 6-year-old could get his hands on it, and what is that meaning in terms of we are responsible gun owners and it was locked up,
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and where do you go from there? >> well, it is not in dispute that the gun was parents, and the child did get that firearm, and they say it was secured and in a safe and lock and the ammunition was somewhere else, but the problem with that defense is that it is raising the defense that if you are so truthful about how secured it was how does a 6-year-old get a hold of it, and how can you say it is secured just by the virtue that a 6-year-old was able to get a hold of it and not an 18-year-old who might know the combination or pick a lock, but a 6-year-old able to obtain the gun is not secured, and inference that the jury can conclude that if the gun was so secure, how did a 6-year-old get it. >> and the prosprosecutor's off said that they may look at potential other charges for other people, and who else could carry responsibility? >> well, it could be the case
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they are looking at the school administrators or anybody who had notice, and notice to b appraised that there was a real threat that they may have ignored. that what they are going to be looking for if they are even considering the criminal responsibility of anyone in addition to the parents and that is helpful to the teacher's civil case, and they are judgment proof and the absence to pay the judgment, and playing the odds that they don't, and the civil lawyers are going to be in a criminal case against someone in school administration to make their civil case stronger. >> and danny cevallos, thank you. and fox has settled a civil criminal case and it is not the one with the voting company dominion, but this is with a businessman. >> yes, jane kim is with us to walk us through this one, and what are we learning about this
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new settlement? >> we don't know details, but i can tell you about this case of the dominion one that you are referencing. this businessman was ensnared in the sidney powell case, and he was on lou dobbs case and graphics and social media posts and sort of claiming that he was a front man and a key player in the election conspiracy theory that as we know did not happen. the idea that the votes were changed and it involved the venezuela government and maduro and chavez, and this businessman who was never reached out for comment, and his name pulled out of thin air, and he has no ties to the voting systems that were sort of brought up in these conspiracy theories, and he brought a defamation suit against fox news who agreed to settle with him over the programs. >> and jane, let me ask you about the deal here coming days
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just before fox news is headed to trial to defend itself in a separate $1.6 billion defamation suit coming from dominion voting systems, and dominion says that it was defamed by fox news when they rigged the 2020 election against president trump at the time, and will this settlement have any impact on the other case? >> well, they are separate cases, but it is going to show that lou dobbs' broadcast on december 10th is part of the dominion case, and tweet that is part of the dominion case has challenged the statements and the alleged statements against dominion as well, but it is a tricky part of the case for fox, and one source said that it confirms that it is critical key parts of this defamation suit. >> and just the fact that this settlement has happened is confirming that. >> yes. >> yes. >> jane tim, thank you. >> thanks, jane. >> we are following rare development in ukraine, and both russia and ukraine are confirming more than 200
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soldiers are back home today after a prisoner swap on monday, and now a foreign correspondent is joining us on the south lawn, and what do we know about the condition of the soldiers and the fact that it went on the agreement between the two and how unusual is that type of prisoner swap? >> yeah, i mean, you mentioned that it is rare, and it is sort of rare, but it happens enough that it is going to give us a sense that there is room for negotiation, and there is room for conversation in this awful conflict that is a year-old and you asked about the condition of some of the prisoners and we don't know about the condition of the russian, and there are 106 of them given over to the russian side, but of the 100 ukrainians that kyiv got back here, they said that half of them were very, very seriously concerned and 80 men and women, and that is interesting, because that is what you have seen on the screen, and a lot of women fighting on the front line and they are taken prisoners of war
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and badly wounded just like the male soldiers, and so this is an interesting dine ik many, but -- dynamic, and the reason that we report on this is to go to show there is some daylight here, and some room for conversation. guys. >> absolutely. maybe, a little room that might have be room for hope that we discussed with recently that sounds like a gear shift, but would the business leaders like richard branson and howard buffett, they were there and talking about the conflict, and wanting to help, and walk us through exactly what they told you that they are going to do? >> and yeah, these two men, and billionaires and of course, richard branson, they are here in kyiv, and talking to richard branson talking about giving money and philanthropic business
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men, and about what to encourage private investment in this country, and i posed this to howard buffett, and is what we heard. >> is there wisdom in rebuilding while the war is going on, and the russians can strike all of those places? >> i learned it last minute. >> the rebuild now? >> yes. because it is imperative to give people hope, and you do it by showing them the things that we are going to recover, and you can do it by doing that people have the confidence in the country. >> and you mentioned the hope, and the friendliness, and richard branson and speaking to him, and he was very clear, and extremely critical of those governments and those businesses who he says are not doing enough not just to help ukraine and provide money, and not doing enough to shutdown russia, and distances from russia, and he
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feels that a number of people in western country are not doing enough against moscow. >> and it is going to be interesting to see what comes of the efforts. thank you very much. up next, the surging rates of transmitted infections and the steps that the
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in today's health, we are looking at troubling data from the cdc showing that the infectious diseases are on the rise and no signs of slowing down. we are joined by our health expert on this. how many cases are we seeing and what is the reason for the uptick? >> well, good afternoon, savannah. we are seeing 2.5 million cases of chlamydia and gonorrhea and syphilis combined, and it is continuing to rise up about 7% over the last five years and savannah, the one we are worried about is syphilis. it is an sti that can cause, if you are getting this in pregnancy, it can cause your baby to be born stillborn or dead. it is entirely prevented by penicillin, and a common
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antibiotic. why is it rising? the first is decrease in condom use among the people who are sexually active, and the rise in substance abuse linked towards that behavior, and the lack of health care and education of how to have safe sex and how to prevent these from occurring. >> and what does it say needs to be done to slow down the trend to address the issues that we have had up on the screen? >> well, a couple of things. the first and the most important is reducing the stigma around these diseases and going to the doctor to talk about this stuff, and then the onetract this stuf living, and meaning that you should be able to order the sti tests like covid like you get a test straight to your house, and getting the tests in the hands of the people, and the last thing is really in terms of looking at future prevention,
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and exciting new data of taking doclicyclen may prevent it just taking them prophylactically. >> and we need more research on it? >> e y. and it is one of the most exciting and controversial fields of stis right now. >> thank you, doctor. we talked at the top of the hour about the future of the abortion pill is uncertain, and many of the clinics are talking about the future of mifepristone going off of the market, and i know that you have spoken to clinics in several states and polled people about what they plan to do if access to the abortion pill is cut off, and what did they tell you? >> right now, the medication of the abortion is going to be in jeopardy right now, and so, it is going to be effective for abortion, and the clinics are going to be planning for a backup, and continue with the
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one-drug regimen. >> you don't need both, just one? >> right. it will make it more effective, but the one drug is more effective, and the clinics are separately stockpiled, and so the manufacturer stons to sell or distribute it because of the legal challenges, we might have a backup supply for a couple of months. >> a couple of months. so the fda and in this ruling of the court in texas, basically they said that we are undoing the fda's approval, and could the fda go back at it now, and try to reapprove the drug? >> they could, and so the original approval is revoked, they could have a application, and the experts don't know what the requirements are, and do they need a new clinical trial data and do they need to tweak the medication, and we don't have clear answers to that, and we know that the process is to be lengthy, and we know that to get the approval could be
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several years. >> we will have to wait and see. and the legal process, and the process of the ruling legally. >> we could have updates in the next week or months or years to know what the future of this drug looks like. >> all right. thank you. savannah. >> all right. more news up ahead, but first, we will look at the snapshot before we go. take a look at the field of poppies in california. the wild flowers are blossoming all across socal right now. and look at how stunning that is, and they are part of the rare phenomenon that is called superbloom, and that is one that superbloom, and that is one that sprouts up after a rainy she e is fearlesess heart's on the l line depepend silhoueuette... heart's on the l line ...keepiping leaks o off her . comfmfortable inin shapeware fafabric... ...keepiping leaks o off her . ...she m moves with h ease. ...keepiping leaks o off her . confidenent on nighthts like thesese. dedepend silhohouette. confidenent on nighthts like thesese. ththe only thihing strongegr thanan us, is yoyou. ♪ ♪ ♪♪
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voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ i don't t feel my agage. why shouldld my skin?? with olay y niacinamidide24 i'i'm in my bebest skin yey. olay niacicinamide24 goeses 10 layersrs deep with olay y niacinamidide24 i'i'm in my bebest skin yey. into skin'n's surface.e. mymy skin is smooth and strtrong. and d try olay r retinol24 for radidiant skin, , overnight. woman: the siren really gets my heart going but it does the same for my sweat. i'm always racing against time, feeling the heat of the moment. new unlimited by degree responds to sweat from movement, heat and stress. unlimited protection so you can live without limits. ♪ today, , my friend d you did, you u did it, yoyou did it...♪ centrurum silver i is now w clinicallyly shown to supportrt cognitiveve healh in older a adults. it's o one more ststep towars takiking charge e of your hehe.
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so every d day, you cacan sa, ♪ youuu didid it! ♪ withth centrum s silver. i've got m moderate toto severe p plaque psororiasi. now, thehere's skyririzi. ♪thinings are getetting clear♪ now, thehere's skyririzi. ♪♪i feel f free to barare my skin yeyeah, that's's all ♪ ♪♪nothing anand me gogo hand in h hand♪ ♪♪i feel f free to barare my skin yeyeah, that's's all ♪ ♪♪nothing onon my skin♪♪ ♪that's's my new plplan♪ ♪♪nothing onon my skin♪♪ ♪nonothing is e everythingg♪ achieve clclearer skinin wiwith skyrizizi. 3 out t of 4 peoplple achieved% cleaearer skin a at 4 mont. in anothther study, , most pee had 90% clclearer skinin, eveven at 4 yeyears. anand skyrizi i is just 4 4 ds a yearar, after 2 2 starter do. ♪♪i see noththing in a dififferent wayay♪ ♪itit's my momement so i just t gotta sayy♪ ♪♪nothing g is everyththing♪ seriouous allergicic reacts and d an increasased risk o of infectioions or a lowower abilityty to fightht them may y occu. and d an increasased risk o of infectioions tellll your doctctor if you e an i infection o or sympto, hahad a vaccinine or plan n . ♪nonothing is e everything♪
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talklk to your d dermatolot about skyryrizi. lelearn hohow abbvie coululd help youou save. good afternoon. this is "the fast forward." i'm chris chmura. the valley water board will discuss whether to relax santa clara county's water conservation. valley water is looking to pull back restrictions like the plan mandatory 15% reduction. what does that mean for your water bill? >> some of o our retailers h ha put drought surcharges in place. they may choose to end those surcharges after we lift our 15%
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mandatory watater use reduction call. that may affect people's water bill. >> that would be good. they are meeting at 1:00. if the recommendations are approved, they could take affect immediately. speaking of rain, what's on the radar? kari hall forecasts sunny days ahead. >> we have a significant cooldown coming our way with gusty winds. our inland temperatures will reach into the mid 60s. about the same for tomorrow. windy day, reaching 30 to 50 mile per hour gusts. it's going to be pleasant thursday. highs reaching 70 over the weekend and a mostly sunny sky. cooler for the beginning of next week as some of the valley temperatures cool down. for san francisco, we are looking at some mist and drizzle but clearing. the gusty winds continue in the forecast through wednesday. then for the weekend, if you
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have plans there as well, looking nice with highs in the low 60s. >> thanks. we will be back there one minute with more news.
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welcome back. we have a mixed bag for making it in the bay. perhaps trouble for homers, maybe help for home buyers. bank of the west predicts bay area loem prices will continue to fall. it could be worse. >> it could be worse because home prices are being propped up by a lack of sales. there's just not much inventory out there. home buyers have to hunt for houses and compete against each other on offers. meantime, homeowners don't want to sell into a falling market. perhaps believing if they hang on prices will rise again. another consideration, they would likely be giving up a low mortgage rate, say 2% or 3%, for current mortgage rates. here is the bank of the west chief economist.
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>> we just haven't built enough homes over the past decade. a lot of folks have locked in very low mortgage rates and are not anxious to move. so a lot of people are locked in place in their housing. there's still very, very low inventory on the market unless you get a lot of job loss and layoffs. much higher unemployment. the housing market outlook looks quite a bit better than it did a year or two ago. >> anderson expects layoffs to continue. layoffs in california particularly northern california have been worse than other areas of the united states. state-wide unemployment is 4.3% higher than the national average. >> thank you very much. a live look at the uc berkeley falcon camera in the bell tower. resident falcons there welcome tdz their first offspring together. three more are on the way.
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scientists are excited. typically, once one egg hatches, typically, once one egg hatches, the rest hatch within nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. everer notice hohow stiff clc instead, start small with nicorette, can feel r rough on yoyour sk? for softfter clotheses that e gentntle on yourur s in, try y downy freeee & ge tlee downwny will sofoften your c s without t dyes or peperfu es. ththe towel wawashed with h ds softere , and d gentler onon your s in. try downwny free & g gen le. woman: the siren really gets my heart going but it does the same for my sweat. i'm always racing against time, feeling the heat of the moment. new unlimited by degree
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responds to sweat from movement, heat and stress. unlimited protection so you can live without limits. she e is fearlesess heart's on the l line depepend silhoueuette... heart's on the l line ...keepiping leaks o off her . comfmfortable inin shapeware fafabric... ...keepiping leaks o off her . ...she m moves with h ease. ...keepiping leaks o off her . confidenent on nighthts like thesese. dedepend silhohouette. confidenent on nighthts like thesese. ththe only thihing strongegr thanan us, is yoyou. ♪♪♪ whwhenever heaeartburn strtri, get fafast relief f with tum. its titime to loveve food bac. ♪♪tum, tumum tum tum, tums♪♪
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its titime to loveve food bac. watley. oh, this is real love right here. hey. "access daily" starts now. yes, it does. [music playing] welcome to "access daily" at universal studios, hollywood. i'm mario lopez, here with kit hoover. and it is tuesday. twofer tuesday. and we're finally getting a first look at "still,"


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