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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 14, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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>> what the people of san francisco have asked for time and time again as it relates to crime in our city has been accountability. >> san francisco's da responds after an arrest in the high-profile killing of a tech executive. the suspect expected to face the judge this morning. new details emerging about the victim bob lee and his ties to the accused killer. a 21-year-old air national guard member accused of leaking highly classified documents now in jail. how did it take months to find him? this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this friday. thanks for watching. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. we're happy it's friday around here. and the weather is cooperating as well. >> it's going to be a great weekend. nice sunshine. comfortable temperatures. let me get you out the door with a look at our forecast for
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antioch and it's also breezy in some spots. it's 46 degrees and it's also all clear. the sunshine continues for today as we head for the upper 60s for this afternoon. napa will see a high of 68 degrees, 68 in san jose with some mid-60s in hayward. livermore, we're going to reach 66 degrees and a little bit warmer for tomorrow's forecast. i'll have a look at that coming up in just a few minutes. we'll be watching everything as well as the events going on coming up. now as we get out on the roads this morning, we have a lot of green sensors. it is overall a friday-like commute. highway 4 is slowing down just a little bit. and then looking at the tri-valley, we've seen that incident that was at the altamont pass has cleared but we're seeing the slowdown and it's starting to back up on 84. maybe a better option to continue on 580. as of now, it's still smooth
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flowing. and the bridges are flowing well for the most part. i haven't seen any incidents. but it is taking just a little bit longer to get across the bay bridge now that they turned on the metering lights. and it's all green for the san mateo bridge. another update in a few minutes. >> thank you so much. in just a few hours, the man charged with killing executive bob lee is expected to appear in court. and possibly center a plea. >> thom jensen joins us from the newsroom. no official motive yet from the district attorney or police? >> that's right. but the da office has confirmed that the suspect in that case will be in court for an arraignment at 9:00 a.m. today. but we have not learned what the motive is. we could learn in the court records later today if the release after that arraignment, 38-year-old nima momemi who was one of the last people known to have seen bob lee before his
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stabbing death ten days ago was arrested yesterday at his home. april 4th, police found lee with stab wounds at 2:30 in the morning and he died later in a hospital. it only makes sense that police would talk to momemi, a tech consultant, because other friends saw the two together just hours earlier. he told nbc bay area the arrest gives him little solace. >> supposed to be hanging out this week in miami. it was a little weird. catching the guy makes things better. >> police would not say whether they found the murder weapon. but they saw police recover a knife near the murder scene. that's another thing we could learn about today. but for now, we don't know how many details are going to be in those documents or when they're going to be released. so stay tuned for that. >> case we'll continue to cover. thank you very much. now we have more details
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now. neighbors in the emeryville building where the suspect was arrested, they're stunned by this latest development. >> i heard a bang, bang, bang, bang. and i don't know what it was. it sounds like something hitting metal. >> one neighbor describing what she heard as police arrived early yesterday. she called the suspect polite and friendly. as does another neighbor sam singer. singer recently moved into the space next door to momemi's unit and he said he gave him a tour. >> very typical san francisco technology office. there's a big pool table in the middle. lots of technology equipment, a lot of wiring. very fancy gourmet food in the kitchen, fancy upscale stereo system. >> neighbors also tell us about another mystery. they say early in the morning
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the night before the murder, they could hear a woman knocking on doors screaming something that sounded like the suspect's first name. but it's still not clear if there's any connection. of course, we'll continue to follow this story closely as it develops. we're posting all of the updates in one place. head to our website, click bob lee. it's right there at the top of your home page. the man suspected of leaking classified documents on the internet will appear in federal court later this morning. this comes less than 24 hours after he was taken into custody. "today in the bay" brie jackson is joining us live in washington this morning. and that suspect, a service member. >> yeah. that came as a surprise to many people. good morning, marcus. fbi agents traced the leak to a member of what they're calling a low-ranking member of the air national guard. we're told that the suspect enlisted just 3 1/2 years ago. >> reporter: the suspected leaker of highly classified
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documents in custody after heavily armed agents swarmed his massachusetts home. >> the justice department arrested jack douglas teixeira into unauthorized removal, retention and transmission of classified national defense information. >> reporter: the justice department says the 21-year-old air national guardsman worked in the intelligence wing of the guard. the leak exposed important documents, including intel about key u.s. allies in russia's war against ukraine. military officials say they have measures in place to safeguard such sensitive government secrets. >> this was a deliberate criminal act, a violation of those guidelines. >> lawmakers say they plan to examine why this happened and how to prevent future leaks. >> this is very dangerous. when you hear stories like this,
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especially with just kids and un -- or looking this almost as a game itself. >> the defense department is assessing the scope and scale of the leak as well as the damage to national security. president biden appeared to downplay it. >> i'm not concerned about the -- i'm concerned that it happened. but there's nothing contemporaneous that i'm aware of that is of grave consequence. >> the justice department's criminal investigation is ongoing. >> and this case is raising serious questions about access to government secrets. officials are reviewing the situation and they say while they already have measures in place, they will further tighten access guidelines if needed. marcus? >> many questions a lot of people that i know have been asking once they saw the report of the story. brie jackson in washington this morning, thank you. . maybe you only work a four-day workweek and you're
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wondering how to keep yourself busy today. here's an idea. volunteers will pitch in to clean and restore the gardens. pg&e is leading the effort ahead of next weekend's earth day. >> it's so beautiful out there. some people think, like, are you saying volunteer? no, go volunteer. but you can enjoy the beautiful sites. it's going to be pretty much a nice beautiful day to get out there and do that. >> enjoy that. do something great. and then enjoy the fruits of your labor, right? >> you feel good about it. >> it's going to be a great weekend and we're going to have some comfortable weather. cool at times. the breeze picking up. a look at the lake merit weekend forecast. saturday reaching 63 degrees. on sunday, it's in the low 60s. jacket weather, but nice. and for some warmer weather, you may be heading out for a hike in the north bay. it starts out in the low 40s this morning. reaching into the mid-60s for
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today and around the bay area, we're seeing temperatures ranging from upper 50s in half moon bay to low 70s in fairfield and most of us will be right in between with low 60s in san mateo and parts of the peninsula. also as you're driving this morning, the drive times are starting to slow down just a bit on the bay bridge. it takes 11 minutes. but the san mateo bridge is still flowing well. heading through contra costa county. it is slowing down on highway 4 to 680 from pittsburgh to walnut creek. overall, our flow of traffic is friday light, but i'll be keeping an eye on it for you. back to you. it's 6:09 right now. april is financial literacy month. and the warning from financial advisers when it comes to using social media for advice. what you need to watch out f when youor'r
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give y your small l business one tetech solutioion
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that checkcks all the e boxe. it''s all hehere with ththe comcmcast busineness complee connnnectivity s solution. peace ofof mind withth cybeberthreat sesecurity. the popower of thehe larges, faststest reliabable networ. plplus, save u up to 75% a ar with comomcast busininess mob. the cocomplete connectivivity solutioion. from t the companyny poweredy the nextxt generatioion 1010g network.k. get t started fofor just $49 a momonth. and d ask about t an $8$800 prepaidid card. comcasast businessss. powewering possisibilities. as you're making plans for your day, it's going to start out in gilroy in the low 40s. it's a chilly start. look how quickly it warms up between 7:00 and 1:00. going to 60 degrees and eventually reach the upper 60s for today. enjoy that time outside. we'll get a look ahead to the weekend forecast coming up and a
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look at the bay bridge. it is still a light flow of traffic. friday light as we like to call it. we'll get a look at that as well as what's happening elsewhere across the bay area in just a few minutes. happy friday to you. i have banks on my board this morning. banks start making their quarterly profits available this week and next. wells fargo, jp morgan chase, city bank, bank of america, chase just turned in record revenue. we were looking for signs they might slow lending, rein in credit, and the ceo said that was likely. the "new york times" has learned through legal documents that linkedin founder reed hoffman is helping to fund a lawsuit brought by e. jean carroll. she accuses trump of defamation after calling her a liar after she accused him of rape.
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public broadcasting pbs says it will quit twitter. not just the pbs account, but all the various shows too. elon musk has been labeling some public broadcasters around the world as government-affiliated or government-funded. npr quit twitter earlier this week. npr also pointed out twitter didn't drive much traffic to its shows and websites accounting for only 2% of traffic says npr. some twitter users reporting they cannot reply to tweets. it seems to be isolated to certain more high-profile users. some wonder if musk is cutting off access. others think it's just a bug. musk fired many of the engineers that kept twitter running leading us to ask is it broken, or just twitter? >> when i got into the office today, i had the reminder on my calendar to pull this article up from exactly one year ago today,
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april 14th, 2022. bitcoin could hit $100,000 within the year the crypto firm ceo predicts. that was one year ago today. it did not. >> it's been higher lately. it's about 30,000. as i was searching for the headline, i found a new headline that said bitcoin will hit $100,000 later this year. i'll mark that for december 31st and come back and report. >> the stock market is up and down. speaking of finances, new this morning, april is financial literacy month. and final advisers say more and more people are going to social media for financial advice. >> one of the best financial advice you've ever received. >> invest in assets, not liabilities. >> second question, what is the worst financial advice you've ever received. >> the way to build wealth is saving your money. >> okay. so you really got to sort through it. there is good and bad
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information out there. social media videos are really everywhere. we spoke with an adviser who warns some messages can not only be dangerous but costly and there's no guarantee it's creditor -- creators are credible. anyone can claim to be a financial expert but may have little or no knowledge of the budget matter. and since social media isn't regulated, there are no real guidelines or rules. he says you should proceed with caution. >> i'm not saying that all financial advice that's available on tiktok is bad, but there are some really concerning trends that we're seeing. and a lot of these trends center around schemes on getting rich quick and we both know that that's never a scheme or an idea or a concept that is successful. >> as for financial tips, advice should be tailored to an individual's unique situation or goal.
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it should come from qualified professionals who can provide personal recommendations. and make sure to loop your kids in. start educating them. so many of them connect to social media. free financial programs can provide young people age-specific advice at sites like kids learn the building block of financial success. what a loan is, interest rates and whatnot, at their levels. >> it's good for them to know and start early. >> oftentimes it's not taught in school anymore. trending this morning, a big celebration in oakland for some very talented young athletes. >> we do it every time. i'm coming for that third one next year! >> the repeat, three-peat, the girls winning their third straight high school state title. meanwhile, oakland high school boys winning the state
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championship. this is the first time in the school's history on sunday. oakland will hold a victory parade and celebrations. it's going to start at 11:30 at fairy land and it will end with a rally at city hall plaza. >> that is awesome. i love how they're celebrating. they're on a role. >> i know. great to see that. >> i bet we're going to see a lot more -- >> absolutely. we'll be talking about them in a few years. just wait. pick up a game outside? >> absolutely. you can do anything outside. it's going to be great this weekend. >> hoops in the parking lot. >> i'm pretty sure marcus will win. >> hey! >> here's a live look outside in walnut creek as we're getting started. it is all clear. it's also kind of chilly out there. we're at 47 degrees. we have a breeze coming in at 10 miles per hour and then as we go into today, breezy, sunny, but also starting to warm up there. we're headed for the mid to upper 60s in the east bay. reaching 66 in fremont.
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64 in oakland and 68 in santa rosa. for tomorrow, it's going to be just a touch warmer in some of your values. i think that will be just perfect. low 70s and upper 60s for the end of the weekend into the start of next week. but there will be changes ahead. we're watching to see if we can get some rain in here. a lot of us have planted gardens and we need a little bit of water on it. we're going to have a slight chance of rain on monday in the north bay and it looks light and spotty elsewhere. maybe drizzle on tuesday and it dries up for the rest of next week. and we're still enjoying all of the piles of snow in the serra. and the roads are clear this weekend and it's going to be sunny. temperatures reach into the upper 40s on today and then 54 degrees tomorrow and then just a little bit cooler on sunday. but it's still all clear. as we take a look at our
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seven-day forecast, a little closer to home, we have upper 60s and low 70s. it's going to be great for playing basketball, going for a hike. checking out some of the festivals. we're going to get a little taste of winter once again with a slight chance of rain. look how cool it's going to be. then the temperatures will start to rebound by the middle of next week and san francisco low 60s. going to start out the week with gusty winds and a little bit of drizzle. let's get you out on the roads this morning with a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza where we're seeing it is so light. and we're seeing it flowing well across the san mateo bridge. haven't seen any incidents there which is great news. we're seeing sensors with no major backups. the closer look at both the san mateo and dun barton bridge. once again, not seeing any
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incidents popping up. it is a slow drive through contra costa county on highway 4 going from walnut creek -- going from pittsburgh to walnut creek. it takes you 28 minutes. 20 minutes from pittsburgh to walnut creek. we'll get another look at weather and traffic again coming up in a few minutes. >> thanks so much. coming up next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> we get the wheels turning on a stalled car case. we have an invitation for you to join us this weekend. i'm chris chmura, nbc bay area responds next. first, a reminder for you, the cherry blossom festival continues this week with a parade at the civic center plaza. nbc bay area will have a float in that parade and michael is going to emcee the event. follow mike on social media as well as what's going on around
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town. you see his you see his our cucustomers dodon't do what thehey do for likes s or followewers. their papath isn't for ththe casuallyly curious. and that's's what makekes itit matter ththe most when t they find i it. the e exact thining ththat can chahange the wowo.
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happening today, san francisco's meals on wheels is literally on the move from one location to another. the non-profit has a new headquarters which you can see right here. the new digs are located south and it follows three decades at its bay view home. later today, leaders will hold a
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ribbon-cutting event. our response team also does great things. >> chris chmura helps so many people. in fact, he's got word of a recent win where a viewer has been grinding his gears for awhile. >> good morning. let's run the numbers first. more than 600 people have filed complaints with us so far this year and they are literally all over the bay area map. figuratively and literally. this google map plots out or most recent cases pretty much in every corner of the bay area. he's one from the east bay. romero needed help with car insurance. his car was in the shop and it went silent for weeks. we got his $4,800 claim moving along. they also got him a rental car. any time an auto shop does body
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work, you can get a free independent state inception afterward. call this number right here, 866-799-3811 to reach the state's bureau of automotive repair. it does free car inspections to make sure drivers get what they paid an auto shop for. a programming note. we have a 30-minute nbc bay area responds special tomorrow night. we invite you to join us for a full hour of sharing tricks to protect your money. join us tomorrow night at 6:30. have a great weekend. it is 6:25. coming up next, the top stories that we're following for you today, including a developing situation in the east bay. the new details on a traffic stop that suddenly went sideways. another boomerang affect for california's boom in winter storms. the potential boost to a
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critical bug species already generating quite the buzz. today our school shout-out series. >> good morning! >> good morning. i'm ms. hayes with my fifth grade class. we're here to say -- >> good morning, bay area. >> good morning to you guys. it's always great to see that in the morning. if you like to see your students take part in our friday shout-out, just email us the classroom video. you can send it to the email you can send it to the email right there on your screen.
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♪ ♪ always in that state of mind ♪ ♪ living on a high vibration ♪ ♪ so hohot gonna mamake it mel♪ ♪ and i'm l lovin' what i'm t tastin' ♪ ♪ nos gususta mezclarar ♪ ♪ comomo malteadada ♪ ♪ aqui hay y lugar ♪ ♪ y yeah we livivin' inin the goldeden state ♪ give y your small l business one tetech solutioion that checkcks all the e boxe. it''s all hehere with ththe comcmcast busineness complee connnnectivity s solution. peace ofof mind withth cybeberthreat sesecurity. the popower of thehe larges, faststest reliabable networ. plplus, save u up to 75% a ar with comomcast busininess mob. the cocomplete connectivivity solutioion. from t the companyny poweredy the nextxt generatioion 1010g network.k. get started for just $49 a momonth. and d ask about t an $8$800 prepaidid card. comcasast businessss. powewering possisibilities.
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right now at 6:30, shots fired and a carjacking suspect dead. the unfolding investigation in the east bay at this hour. kidnapped in mexico. the search for a bay area woman believed to have been taken months ago intensifies. the all-new video just released showing the moment it happened. this is "today in the bay." >> 6:30 on your friday morning. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. be ever we get to our top stories, we want to go outside
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this morning to chase center. the warriors may be playing games one and two of their first round playoff series in sacramento, but it doesn't mean that the city won't be jumping come tip-off tomorrow. ahead for us this morning, pete is going to lay out the fun plan out there and we will have a little fun right here in the studio as well. >> we sure will as we always do. let's check in with meteorologist kari hall right now. i have a nice necklace for you here. >> they will see you coming this weekend. let's get started this morning. we are all cool and clear across the bay area with a look at our temperatures that are in the upper 30s and low 40s as we go into today, it warms up nicely. as you're heading out the door, it's in the mid-40s and we'll see that trend reaching into the low 60s at 1:00 today and going into the afternoon with some
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upper 60s for our inland areas. a look around the bay area with novato reaching 68 degrees. livermore headed up for 66 degrees and low 60s for san francisco. we're going to talk about things going on around the bay area for the weekend, whether you're staying here or hitting the road to go to sacramento. we'll talk about that coming up in a few minutes. >> we'll check back with you. police are confirming a carjacking led to an officer-involved shooting. one suspect is dead, a second is in custody. newark police say about 3:20 yesterday afternoon they were alerted by their community safety cameras that a carjacked vehicle came into the city on mallory avenue. officers found the car and conducted what they're calling a high-risk stop. that's when police say the officer-involved shooting occurred. one suspect died. the second taken to a hospital. but he's been released and is now in custody.
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what's still not clear is if that second suspect was shot or if the suspects fired at police. investigators say several officers were involved. >> our understanding, not all shooters have been interviewed at this time. but it's our understanding that there are officers involved from both newark and -- >> police confirm a weapon was recovered at the scene. no officers or bystanders were hurt. our team broke this story last night sending out an alert as soon as we learned about it. make sure to download our free nbc bay area app to get breaking news and weather alerts sent straight to your home. new video showing the moment a bay area woman was kidnapped in mexico. the fbi releasing that video showing the woman being abducted as she was walking home from work with her dog. this happened november 29th.
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that video showing three cars which investigators believe are connected to her kidnapping. and she was confronted by several suspects. she gets forced into that jetta and the video also shows monica's dog running loose in the street only to be found safe a short time later. a $40,000 award is being offered to help solve the case. police releasing a new statement surrounding the racist texts sent by officers. it's part of an fbi investigation. the department says officers involved have been off the streets for some time. but the texts including racist language and other frank comments about the use of police force. last night the chief of police released a statement saying in part, quote, i condemn in the strongest possible terms the racially abhorrent content and incomprehensible behavior being contributed to members of the antioch police department. he added, quote, i've taken
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immediate action to ensure a thorough investigation by an external entity. it's conducted -- it's not exposed any individuals under questioning from this reporting. contra costa county prosecutors are investigating it as well. they released a report covering those controversial text messages. the rain this year has done more than relieve the state drought conditions here. it's also boosting california's bee population. more rain means more flowers blooming just like the superblooms seen in livermore and it translates to more pollen for local bee populations. >> once that sun comes out, gets over 50, if it's not too windy or wet, they're going to be shooting out their entrance and they're going to be out foraging on whatever plants there are. >> bees are at risk. to help them out, you can plant more native plants.
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make sure that they are pesticide-free, though. >> there's a lot of things blooming out. there there's a lot of thing to celebrate. are you ready? the warriors are set to begin the defense of that championship. >> they're going to be starting the round one in sacramento. pete is live for us outside of chase center. why drop all the big bucks when you can watch the game at golden one when you can attend the viewing party. that's the place to be. >> reporter: yeah, it will be a good time. they always do it during these playoff runs. prime city outside of chase city open to fans. it will be for game one tomorrow against the sacramento kings. and that will be the case throughout the entire warriors playoff run. if all things work out, they'll hang up another championship banner here at chase center. the good news is, you mention it there, marcus, it's going to be
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a short road trip for the warriors. talking about 87 miles to get to golden one center. much different from last year in the first round when they took on the denver nuggets. we know that their head coach was former warrior assistant mike brown. they're a division opponent which i pointed out, look, they've dominated the sacramento kings over the years. this year, the kings are the third seed in the western conference and this is their first time in the playoffs since 2006. so you know the fans will be excited for this one. the coach steve kerr knows it's a different kings team this time around and so do the players. >> at this stage, you know, after a decade of this for the core guys, it's just about an opportunity to win another title and we're -- we've given ourselves that chance and the circumstances are different every year. and there's no need for any
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motivation this year from, you know, in terms of seeking a reason to be motivated. i think trying to go back to back is all the motivation we need. >> okay, about that watch party that begins at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow. i want to point out, you have to rsvp for that. tip-off is tomorrow at the golden one center in sacramento. you can catch pregame coverage tomorrow on nbc sports bay area. that begins at 4:30 p.m. we're live in san francisco, "today in the bay." >> we're ready! >> why wait until tomorrow when we can have the party right now? come on, pete, let me hear something from you. comen. let's go warriors! >> reporter: let's go warriors.
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we're going to make kari our queen this morning. some warriors bling. >> all right. >> they're going to see you coming into the weekend. lots of fun all weekend long. and maybe it's because it's going to be a nice weekend. you guys are happen and you're giving me the -- you know, the championship necklace. >> there you go, take it. this weekend, we're so excited and i know you want to party out there with your people at thrive city. but we need people to hit the road too. we want to flood the golden one center and it's going to be perfect weather this weekend. even in sacramento, temperatures in the mid-70s. it's going to be sunny and then as we go into the evening, the party continues with some low '70s into tomorrow night. now, also if you're staying a little bit closer to home, you want to check out our friend. he's going to be out there at
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the cherry blossom festival and afraid. it kicks off at 1:00 near japan town and not doing so much in terms of the warm weather, but we are going to have sunshine. it's going to reach into the upper 50s there. if you're hitting the road and going to coachella this weekend, low 80s today. be prepared for the heat and the sunshine. take a look at saturday's high temperature reaching 88 degrees and 93 on sunday. want some cooler weather, you might be headed to the snow. there's lots of it and the sunshine continues, the roads are clear and we're going to see temperatures in the mid-40s for highs today. our mornings will head for the low 50s throughout the weekend. sonoma valley is glowing right now. with all of the green vegetation, the beautiful landscapes and it's going to be comfortable with highs reaching into the upper 50s, all throughout the weekend. i'll have another look at the forecast as well. i want to get you out there on
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the roads this morning and it is starting to slow down through contra costa county. if you're heading into grant line road or on 680, we are seeing it slow down just a bit on westbound 580. it takes 37 minutes from the antioch bridge to highway 242. still friday light. we're seeing that across our bridges, around the bay area. it looks great with that beautiful sunrise. we'll talk about what else is going on, another update coming up again in a few minutes. >> thanks, kari. coming up, using coconuts to ease our climate in crisis. how one u.s. city is using the fruit to combat drastic effects from climate change. >> president biden continues his tour of ireland and continues to get an enthusiastic response. bring on the summer concert
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season. in a matter of hours, one popular outdoor venue opens the door for tickets. the lineup that you want to look out for. yes, we're going to tell you what we're talking about coming up. you don't want to miss that. you're watching "today in the bay."
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happy friday to you. the time is 6:44. we're getting a look at the eastbound forecast for fremont and it starts out in the mid-40s. just a few clouds.
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but we're back to the sunshine today. and we're going to reach about 58 degrees at lunchtime. reaching the mid to upper 60s for later today. great weather heading into the weekend and also getting out on the roads this morning. it is starting to slow down a little bit in the eastbound as you approach the san mateo bridge and starting to see it slow down in the tri-valley. no major incidents and seeing also a slowdown on the bay bridge. we'll get a look at that coming up in a few minutes. >> thanks so much. it is 644 right now. president biden continues to get a roaring warm welcome in ireland. >> he's enjoying the popularity there. something he doesn't always get here. >> sometimes he has to go overseas. this happens with presidents. bill clinton is so popular in southeastern europe, there are statues everywhere of him in kosovo. president biden popular in ireland. he has deep irish heritage.
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[ applause ] the president greeted at the irish legislature in dublin where he talked about the peace established 25 years ago with the good friday agreement. that peace between the republic of ireland and northern ireland, the president visited both, and both did their best to welcome him. journalists traveling with the president point out the president is having so much fun in the republic of ireland, that northern ireland has noticed. the white house says the president has been briefed on the arrest of that 21-year-old air force reservist accused of leaking the top secret cables and pictures about the war in ukraine. the president downplayed the importance of the intelligence. congress talking about holding hearings looking into a question that many americans are ask, how
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does a 21-year-old low-ranked reservist gain access to morning's secret. that same reservist only gained access to beer a few months ago. the military has been here before. chelsea manning gained access to staggering amount of secrets while serving in the army in the lowest and second to lowest rank in the entire military. more coming occupy on the "today" show. >> we'll have his first court appearance in boston. we'll have the latest including all of the reaction and fallout coming up on today. >> kristen welker will keep eyes on the new issues surrounding clarence thomas. his billionaire friend bought him a house -- or bought a house from thomas. thomas' house, a real estate deal. it wasn't a lot of money.
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$133,000 for the home that thomas grew up in where his mother still lived. disclosure laws say thomas should have reported that sale. he did not. the supreme court will be announcing new decisions in 13 minutes, a little less than 13 minutes, we'll talk about them on social media. on facebook, you can find me at scott mcgrew tv. >> thank you very much. with earth week quickly approaching, the "today" show is kicking off a series called supersolutions, focused on our climate in crisis. high on that list is protecting our waterways from erosion and pollution. conservationists are looking to the coconut to shore up shorelines. today's show dylan dreyer checked out one project to get a look at how it all works. she says the coconuts can help prevent flooding. >> they're using the outside of
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the coconut. it's called coconut coir. it's the fuzzy brown part. they're using it like sandbags along the riverbanks in this town so that when the water levels rise, they really prevent the water from rushing into the town. >> natural resources. you can catch the full story coming up on the third hour of today right here on nbc bay area. san jose is set to see a sea of crimson as the men of kappa alpha psi fraternity hold their council. it kicks off today. more than 400 members and guests are visiting the bay area for the convention. the fraternity has had a presence for more than 75 years. undergraduates have contributed in million dollars in scholarships to bay area communities.
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and they were presented with an commendation. it's going to take place tonight at double tree by hilton. it's free to attend. full disclosure, i'm a proud member of kappa alpha psi for 23 years now. >> looking forward to that event. >> that i am. >> get the blazer ready. >> it's getting ready. 6:49. today is friday. so is it payday for you? how about buying tickets for one of the bay areas' most popular concert series. >> and it includes a motown legend. ♪♪ >> the one and only diana ross.
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just one of the performers playing this season at the mountain winery. tickets for all shows go on sale at 10:00 a.m. other potential hot tickets include sarah silverman, smokey robinson, melissa et ridge and gladys night. i just texted my husband, and i said, do you want to see gladys night? she's classic. boyz ii men. so many people. >> i was looking at the that -- beastie boys. >> it's going to be like that this weekend too where we are going to enjoy sunshine and you know how it is in the evening when the wind kicks up. the temperatures drop quickly. we want to be prepared for a little bit of it all.
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let's get a live look in san francisco. beautiful sunrise on this friday morning as we enter into a great weekend. upper 40s to start and it's been a little bit breezy at times. the wind coming in from the west. look at the trend for today here in the city, we're going to stay in the 50s. but then as you make your way inland, it's going to reach into the upper 60s and maybe 70 degrees. we'll see that in fairfield today. a few more 70s tomorrow as our temperatures tick up a few degrees, especially for the south bay. 68 degrees in napa. and also upper 60s across the north bay. we're expecting it to repeat on sunday but we may bring down the temperatures just a bit as we await the arrival of a continue front that's coming in on monday. it's going to bring in more clouds by sunday and also watching the northbound for that slight chance of rain to start out the new week, but we're all going to have a significant cool down and maybe some spotty light showers from tuesday and clearing out on wednesday.
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the rest of the week is dry. we only have that one slight rain chance. take a look at how our temperatures respond. can is a rosa, going from mid to upper 60s to only 58 degrees on tuesday. then it quickly rebounds. snaps back for the weekend and we'll reach into the low to mid-70s. we're just getting a taste of winter for a few days. of course, we're really just right now focused on the weekend that's going to be so pleasant and comfortable with highs in the upper 60s in san francisco. we'll see more sunshine as well with highs in the lower 60s. and then looking out on the roads this morning, look at the bay bridge toll plaza, there's just enough cars for me to count them right now. so it is a slight flow of traffic, a light flow of traffic. but it is starting to pick up on the san mateo bridge. looking overall around the bay area, starting to see some slowdowns including that drive across the bay bridge. even though the approach is looking good, you may find yourself really slowing down,
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especially near the exit and then looking at the san mateo bridge, dumbarton bridge, it's slowing down just a bit. happening now, the short-term rental moratorium in marin county could come to an end. residents can weigh in on it before it ends. last year supervisors made a rule. the county's community development agency is expected to present an update by the end of the year that would end that moratorium. the survey about the issue is on the county's website. it's collected more than 1400 responses. the deadline to fill one out is may 1st. a look at the top stories, including the break in the case. san francisco authorities announcing the arrest and the recent high-profile killing of tech executive. the suspect expected to face a judge this morning and new details emerging about the victim bob lee and his ties to
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the accused killer. first, here's hoda. >> coming up on "today," a special conversation with a beloved peloton instructor
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6:57. we are welcoming you back as we head on through the morning newscast. the top stories that we have for you here on "today in the bay." >> in a matter of hours, the suspect in the deadly stabbing of cash app founder bob lee will face a judge. 38-year-old nima momemi's arraignment is set for 9:00 a.m. he's a tech consultant who investigators say was one of the last people to see lee before his death ten days ago in san francisco. authorities arrested him yesterday in emeryville. one of lee's longtime friends says it only makes sense police eventually talked to momemi. >> i know that was the last person he was with. in my mind, i asked, well, shouldn't people be looking into this guy? >> police would not say whether they found the murder weapon.
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but a source tells nbc bay area they saw police recover a knife near the murder scene. police confirming a carjacking led to an officer-involved shooting. one suspect is dead, a second is in custody. around 3:20 yesterday afternoon, they were alerted by the community safety cameras that a carjacked vehicle came into the city. officers found that car on cedar boulevard and conducted what they're calling a high-risk stop. police say the officer-involved shooting occurred at that time. one suspect died and the second was taken to the hospital but is now in custody. a weapon was recovered at the scene. and our team broke that story last night sending out that alert as soon as we found out about it. download our free app to get those alerts. the warriors are nearly set to make what we call another
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championship run. >> here's a live outside chase center where fans will gather tomorrow for a watch party. they tip off game one in sacramento. former warrior's assistant coach mike brown has the kings looking sharp. they grabbed the third seed in the western conference. but they did take three or four regular season games from the kings this year. let's go. >> yeah, let's go. nice forecast too. >> it's going to be a beautiful weekend around the bay area. inland as temperatures reach up to about 70. >> sounds good. that's what's happening today in the bay. >> we'll see you good friday morning. an arrest in the biggest u.s. intelligence leak in a decade. >> what we're learning this morning about the suspect and the secrets exposed. this is april 14th


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