tv NBC News Daily NBC April 18, 2023 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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today, tuesday, april 18th, 2023. fox news on trial. the lawsuit seeking more than a billion dollars pitting a voting machine company against a cable news giant. and breaking right now, the major move just announced by the judge. also breaking in custody, the man who shot a 16-year-old teenager who mistakenly rang his doorbell has now surrendered to police. why it took as long as it did and the conflicting accounts of what really happened there. caught on tape, oklahoma's governor is calling for the resignation of officials after they were recorded talking about beating and killing reporters and even about lynching black people. how the officials are defending themselves. and eyes on your own paper. how schools are using artificial intelligence to stop their students from using it. we begin this hour with that breaking news, the judge in the trial between dominion voting systems and fox news has just
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appointed what's called a special master in the case. >> this is happening even as we speak. dominion alleges that fox knowingly spread false information claiming its voting machines rigged the 2020 election. those are claims, of course, stoked by then president donald trump and his allies. fox news denies those claims. they cite the first amendment protections and what fox calls the media's absolute right to cover the news. >> dominion is seeking $1.6 billion in damages from fox. we have nbc news correspondent emilie ikeda outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. also with us on set legal analyst danny so value loss. what more do we know about this special master and why the judge might have made that decision. >> reporter: well, kate, we're just getting our eyes on the court documents. the judge formally tasking a special master to investigate if fox news network did comply with its discovery obligations as the network has previously said it has done so. the inquiry comes after a former
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fox news producer brought to light some recordings of conversations that she conducted with sources around voter and fraud allegations. i have a been going in and out and i have to be in the media overflow room and have this unique window and can see the live stream of what's going on in the courtroom. last hour, opening statements, they were supposed to be getting under way around 1:30 p.m. it is now 3:00 p.m. and experiencing a significant delay here. we were supposed to hear from dominion then fox so as to why that is the case, what is causing this prolonged delay, it remains unanswered but certainly fueling speculation. it is the second delay we've seen. remember initially it was supposed to get started yesterday. it was pushed to today and now we're seeing this delay in opening statements. so we're going to be continuing to watch but right before i stepped outside i did -- i was speaking with a representative of the courthouse. he told the members of the media as an update there is no update so we will see if we actually do
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get to opening statements this afternoon because court is supposed to be adjourned around 4:30 or so. >> we want to let you get back and get to danny on this topic. i think a lot of folks, us included, are trying to figure out what exactly this means and how it will impact things going forward. >> a special master is basically like a mini judge. this judge doesn't have time to deal with these discovery issues. he's on trial so he appoints essentially a mini version of himself to investigate independently the issue of whether or not fox or possibly their attorneys played discovery games and whether or not -- >> define discovery for us for those who don't know what it is. >> in the civil system in america, each side is on its honor, on the honor system to turn over documents that are requested of the problem with that is that if you hide documents, it can be very hard for the other side to find out that it even happened and a lot of my cases i have often suspected that the other side is hiding documents but you can't prove it because you don't have
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access to the documents so the special master here has a lot of powers to investigate who, what, where and when and whether or not documents were hidden. >> so in the case, once it finally starts moving forward, we expect that fox news is going to say we're protected by the first amendment here. we didn't defame. we're not guilty of defamation, right? what is the standard for a news outlet and whether they can just say first amendment? >> it does not give anyone a right to defame others to more than it allows us to make threats or do something like shout fire in awded theater. there have always been exceptions to the first amendment and defamation is simply a false statement about somebody else that cautions them harm and the statement is made at least under "the new york times" v. sullivan standard with reckless disregard of whether or not at least reckless disregard of whether or not the statement was true. by the way, a judge has already determined that the statements were false so half the case is already won for dominion. >> then, of course, the next
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question becomes if there's still the potential terror a settlement. you told us that still remains a potential even though the trial is already under way. danny, thanks. there is breaking thus we want to get to. the man charged with shooting a kansas city teenager is now in custody. this just happened. the clay county sheriff's office says this 84-year-old, you see him on the screen, andrew lester surrendered a short time ago. lester 5 is cushioned of firing a gun at 16-year-old ralph yarl. he was the one who was trying to pick up his younger brothers just a few nights ago but he went to the wrong house. yarl fortunately is now out of the hospital, but his lawyers say he is still dealing with some serious injuries. [ crowd chanting ] earlier today as you see yarl's classmates marched around their school. they chanted his name in support. we want to bring in nbc news correspondent antonia hylton watching it closely. a lot of developments within the
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last couple of hours here, antonia. tell us what more do we know about the surrender here as well as what happened the night of that shooting. >> reporter: that's right, peter. all this has unfolded quickly this afternoon. andrew lester has just surrendered to clay county officials there and is being booked as we speak and this comes after days of protests in the community and many residents not just the black community that has rallied behind ralph but people all over the state have been asking, why he wasn't taken into custody earlier. the shooting happened on april 13th and there have been, you know, some confusing accounts and details about what happened but what we understand now is that ralph yarl approached trying to pick up his twin brothers that day and went to the wrong address, rang the doorbell and that that day andrew lester says he was home alone and was fearful upon seeing ralph at the door. that he opened one door but that there was another glass door in between them and prosecutors
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allege he shot through that glass door twice at ralph yarl who then we're learning now stumbled out into the street and had to go to three different neighbors before he received aid. as you mentioned he's back home and he is alive, thankfully, and doing well on the mend but it's been up and down as nbc news has spoken to his attorneys and to family members, you know, one moment he's grateful to be alive and the next he's asking why did this happen to me, peter. >> this is such an awful story from start to finish. i want to ask about that student march we saw at yarl's school. what are his classmates saying? we know they're decked out in blue, his favorite color. >> reporter: that's right. they are trying to wrap him and his family in as much love and support as possible. you see the images right there. people leaving school to make sure that this public support for ralph is out there as he's on the mend and, of course, eager for him to get back to school. for anyone who doesn't know much about this 16-year-old he is beloved by his classmates and by his teachers who have come
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forward to reporters all over the country to tell us all about him, about how he is a leader in his marching band, a very accomplished musician, someone who has big dreams for college and very high achieving student and so there is just this shock and horror about every element of this story and this desire to, you know, get him back to his classmates and to his friends and to the most normal routine he could possibly have after such a horrific incident. >> antonia hylton with the latest. thank you very much for that. at this hour southwest airlines is trying to get back on track. technical problems disrupted nearly 2,000 or so flights today so far. southwest asked the faa to pause departures for a period after reporting those tech problems. nbc news aviation correspondent tom costello joins me from washington. tom, bring us up to speed here. is everything back to normal and what the heck happened that led to this latest round of southwest delays?
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do we know? >> i think it's going to take a while to get back to normal. pardon me as i look off screen and southwest has 47% of flights delayed and as you expect the southwest hub airports around the country are the most affected. it's going to take a while for this entire ripple effect to play out across the country and started earlier this morning when the airlines suddenly said they were pausing their departures because of a situation with a technical issue. we then subsequently learned that they had a third party vendor involved in doing some work and a fire wall came down within the computer system and as a result they then asked the faa to essentially issue a groundstop for faa flights, i'm sorry for southwest flights nationwide an departure. that's highly, highly unusual. didn't last long then southwest said its system was coming back up again but as you know this is a very tightly wound aviation system and just a couple of delays or cancellations or whatever can throw it into a
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real mess and so now southwest is trying to recover from that mess. this comes after that major meltdown they had over the christmas holiday. the last week of december, more than 16,000 flights were canceled, 2 million passengers stranded when the southwest computer system failed because of a series of snow issues and major airports and then a cascading series of delays and cancellations. the company spending a billion dollars now to upgrade its i.t. system so this doesn't happen again and then today it happened again but in a much lower and smaller form. the question is, are they getting things back up to speed permanently? we'll have to see, kate. >> going to be a lot of critique going on, i'm sure, in the coming days, tom, thank you. appreciate it. well, hollywood is inching closer to a shutdown and elon musk is planning a rival to chatgpt. bertha coombs joins us with cnbc's money minute. great to see you. >> reporter: great to see you.
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writers guild, the union representing television movie writers voted overwhelmingly aprove a strike. the writers guild saying more than 9,000 members approved the strike and could walk out at the beginning of next month when the current contract expires. now, the writers last went on strike back in 2007. there's still time for both sides to come to an agreement before this year's deadline. elon musk said he is planning an ai initial to rival google's deep mind. musk says he is creating truth gpt because he fears existing businesses are training their systems to be what he calls politically correct. musk also called for federal regulation of ai technology. apple opened its first store in india today with people lining up outside to take pictures with ceo tim cook. one fan even bringing a 1984 mac. >> i totally remember that mac. i do.
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bertha coombs, thank you. >> still in our basement right now. up next new details about the victims from this weekend's the victims from this weekend's mass shooting at rememberer the thingngs you u loved before a asthma gott in thehe way? fasenrnra is an adadd-on treatat fofor asthma d driven byby eosinophihils. it's d designed toto target and removeve them and helps s prevent asthma attttacks. fasesenra is notot for sudden breaeathing proboblems or othther eosinonophilic cononditions. allergrgic reactioions may occ. don't t stop yourr asthmama treatmentnts wiwithout talklking wiwith your dodoctor. tell your r doctor ifif your asththma worsensn. heheadache andnd sore thrort may y occur. tell your r doctor if f you he a parasisitic infectction. geget back to o better brereat. ask yourur doctor ababout fasen. ♪ mususic (“i swear”) plays♪ jayceeee tried gaiain flings for r the first t time the otheher day... and d forgot whehere she was. [buzz] the otheher day... and d forgot whehere she was. yoyou can alwaways spot a firirst timer.. gain flingngs with oxi boboost and fefebreze. yoyou can alwaways spot a firirst timer.. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients.
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asask your dococtor aboutt once-daiaily trelegygy, anand save at t trelegy.cocm investigators in alabama are still looking for a suspect in the deadly mass shooting at a birthday party over the weekend. overnight authorities raised the number of people injured in that shooting from 28 to now 32 people injured of we're also
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learning more about the four people killed. among them 18-year-old phil dowdell, a star high school football player. let's bring in guad venegas. any sense whether police are making progress identifying a suspect and maybe they're not telling us everything? >> reporter: well, kate, the alabama state bureau of investigations now leading this investigation has kept a lot of these details to themselves. they did share some more information monday night indicating that they did not recover any high-powered rifle ammunition at the scene. instead they did recover what they said were numerous shell casings used in handguns, now, about the investigation itself, they're saying they're still completing interviews or going through the evidence and they, quote, say it's an effort to solidify a motive and potential suspects. that's all the information that authorities have shared and as you mentioned, they did update
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the number of those injured originally of the number was 28 and we now know that it's 32 people injured during the incident, kate. >> yeah, and let's focus on the victims for a moment. what more have we been able to learn about some of the other victims of the attack? >> reporter: so, kate, we now have more details, phil dowdell, a lot of attention has been focused on him killed the star athlete and football player at dadeville high school. his sister alexis was celebrating her 16th birthday. i spoke to the associated press and the associated press shared some of the details of what she lived through after the shooting happened. his sister alexis saying she was with phil after he was shot, told him to hold on, told him to stay strong and now we know that he did not survive and then there's 17-year-old shaunkivia smith, an athlete at the high school, became a team manager and 23-year-old corbin holston
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had also gone to the same high school and marsiah collins, an appearing singer there. >> guad, thank you. to akron, where peaceful protests overnight came after a grand jury declined to indict eight police officers in the shooting death of jayland walker. walker's death happened nearly ten months ago. investigators say walker shot at police first during a car chase, the jurors found that justified the officers' use of deadly force but the number of shots fired has infuriated people in the akron community. in less than seven seconds, 6.7 to be exact, officer there is fired off 94 shots, 46 of them struck jayland walker. we want to bring in ron allen in akron for us right now. ron, walker wuk's family want the justice department to investigate here. is there any indication that that could happen?
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>> reporter: we don't know. we have not heard anything from the doj just yet. but the family and others here want someone from the outside to come because they don't trust the police department to do an internal investigation and this is a pattern we've seen in these kind of situations across the country but so far nothing from the doj. they're obviously watching the situation. they could come in and perhaps file criminal charges which would be one thing which would be if they saw a violation of mr. walker's civil rights or they could do what's called a pattern and practice investigation which is a top to bottom look at a police department with the eye of changing, reforming, improving its systems over a period of years. so neither of those two steps has been taken just yet, but that's part of what could come here. >> ron, walk us through it. the officers are still facing an internal investigation. what specifically are they examining there? what should we be watching?
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>> reporter: it's unclear exactly what the internal affairs investigation is going to look at. they'll look at whether these officers followed police procedures, policies, whether their training was adequate, all kinds of internal things about the police department, how they do their jobs and whether they complied with that standard. the grand jury had a different standard. it's a criminal standard so this is to look at the department itself, again, people here in the community are not -- don't have a lot of expectations that internal affairs investigation will produce a lot. one thing is very unresolved here that the eight officers who were involved in this still have not been named. still are on administrative duty and know very little about them. >> ron with the very latetest. my a1c wasas up here;; now, i it's down w with rybels. his a1c? itit's down wiwith rybelsusu. my d doctor toldld me rybelsl® lowered d a1c betterer than a a leading b branded pil
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and d that peopople taking g rybelsus® lost morore weight.. i got t to my a1c c goal anand lost somome weight t t. ryrybelsus® i isn't for p pee with type e 1 diabeteses. dodon't take r rybelsus® if y you or yourur family evevd medullary y thyroid cacancer, or have mumultiple endndocrie neoplasia a syndrome t type , or if f allergic t to it. ststop rybelsusus® and d get medicacal help rigighy if youou get a lumump or s swelling inin your neck, sesevere stomamach pain, or an allelergic reactction. seririous side e effects may includude pancreatatitis. gallbladdeder problemsms may oc. tetell your prprovider abobot visision problemems or changn. taking r rybelsus® with a a sulfonylulurea or insulilin increaseses low bd sugagar risk. side e effects likike nausea, vomititing, and d diarrhea may lead t to dehydratation, whicich may worsrsen kidneyey problems.s. need t to get yourur a1c dow? you mamay pay as l little as 0 per r prescriptition. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther
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you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. this is "the fast forward." southwest planes are back up in the air after a pause this morning due to a computer problem. thousands of flights across the country affected. bob redell has more. >> reporter: inside the southwest terminal. there are a number of residual delays. this is what the departure and arrival screens looked like. lots of yellow next to the southwest airline flights, which indicates delays.
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most were 20 to 30 minutes. southwest experienced a computer program and asked the faa to stop its planes from taking off until that was resolved, which took about an hour. a number of passengers tweeted out their frustration of being stuck in planes that left the gate but had not been allowed to take off. according to, more than 1,700 flights were delayed, which is more than 40% of flights for southwest today. it was not related to the problem in december when they experienced a meltdown during the holidays. >> they have short turnaround times which is great most days. they can get a lot of people in and out quickly. because of the short turnaround, if they have a problem, it's harder to catch up, because they have no slack in the system where they can kind of build up time in their favor. >> reporter: that was an aviation analyst who believes southwest will experience delays for the rest of today, possibly
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into tomorrow because of this morning's computer glitch. most of the delays hit oakland have been minor, 20 to 30 minutes. bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. in less than an hour, we will learn about two freeway shooting investigations that includes a freeway killing. investigators say it took the life of a 5-year-old. they were driving south on 880 near the mission boulevard exit when the shooting happened ten days ago. three suspects face charges in her murder. prosecutors say the trio believed her family's vehicle belonged to a rival gang member. chp plans to deliver an update in a news conference at 1:00 p.m., and we will stream that live. here are other stories. warriors are down in the playoffs. san francisco remembers a major earthquake. community members will march to demand reform and
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accountability. it comes in the wake of racist texts released by the contra kos ta d.a.'s office. prosecute ersz released a second report containing more texts. many of those were sent and received by police department members who the police chief says are not currently patrolling the city streets. 17 officers are named in the two reports. the fbi is taking part in this investigation. today, 117 years ago a 7.9 quake hit san francisco. this morning, the city held its annual remembrance. it lasted 45 seconds and struck along the san andreas fault line. more than 20,000 build wrgz destroyed and more than 3,000 people lost their lives. the warriors are suddenly in uncharted territory. to move on, they will have to do what they have never had to do before, come back from a 0-2 series deficit. game three is at chase center thursday.
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cooler temperatures today. here is kari hall with our forecast. >> a look at high temperatures for today. not what we usually see for the middle to end of april. only reaching into the upper 50s and low 60s. that's because we had a cold front move through this morning. some of us got a little rain. it's eventually going to get milder as we go toward the end of the week into the weekend. wednesday, high 60s. upper 60s thursday and low 70s in the forecast. we will continue to stay dry, not seeing any additional rain chances in the forecast for the weekend as well as early next week. high pressure builds. we will see the storm track to the north. going on to the next few days, our temperatures warm up. we will look at that coming up in 30 minutes. >> thanks. are mass shootings in the united states having an impact on tourism? we take a closer look at a new
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poll from other countries. that's coming up at our 4:30 newscast. that does it for "the fast forward." i will be back in 30 minutes with more news. see you then. (dog barking)) we lovove our petsts. bubut we don't't always love theirir hair. which is whyhy we made b boune pepet hair andnd lint guarad with three times the pet hair fighting ingredients. just one sheet helps remove pet hair from your clothes! looking good starts in the dryer with bounce pet. i told mysyself i was s ok with m my moderatete to sevevere rheumamatoid ararthritis sysymptoms. wiwith my psororiatic arthritis s symptoms.. bubut just ok k isn't ok.. anand i was dodone settlini. ifif you stillll have sympmps after a tntnf blockerr like h humira or e enbrel, rinvoq is diffeferent and m may hel. ririnvoq is a a once-dailyly l that canan dramaticacally relie ra a and psa symymptoms, includining fatigue e for som. it can stotop joint dadamage. and in p psa, can leleave skin c clear or almost t clear. rinvoqoq can lowerer your abily to fight i infections,s,
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inincluding tbtb. seririous infectctions and blood d clots, somome fat; cancers,s, includingng lymphoa and d skin cancecer; death, h heart attacack, stro, and d tears in t the stomach or i intestines s occurred.. people 5 50 and oldeder with at leastst one heartrt diseae risk facactor have h higher ri. don'n't take if f allergic to rininvoq as sererious reactctions can occur.r. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue or may b become pregegnant. done setettling? ask yourur rheumatolologist for rinvnvoq. and d take back k what's youo. learn n how abbvbvie cocould help you s save. mom. can w we get a pupuppy? pleasese? girls, petets are a bibig exp. aww. [ audidience cheerers ] maybe try y switching g your car insusurance to p progre. you u could saveve hundreds. [ [ audience l laughter ]] thanks, , tv dad. you u could saveve hundreds. [ [ audience l laughter ]] we'll l think abouout it, ok? look what t i found. we'll l think abouout it, ok? -a-a puppy! -a puppypy! oh, no, , no. i wish t tv dad was alalways in chcharge. oh, no, , no. [ dog barkrks, audiencnce laugh] lilisten to yoyour tv dad. drdrivers who o switch andnde with p progressiveve sasave nearly y $700 on avav. drdrivers who o switch andnde with p progressiveve ♪♪♪
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alallergies dodon't hahave to be e scary. ♪♪♪ (scrcreaming) ♪♪♪ defefeat allergygy headachesest ♪♪♪ wiwith new flolonase headadae and d allergy rerelief! ♪♪♪ two o pills relilieve allergy y headache p pain? and the cocongestion that cauauses it! two o pills relilieve allergy y headache p pain? flonasase headachehe and allelergy reliefef. psst! psstst! all gogood! bottom of the hour right now. here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." >> despite talk of a 24-hour cease-fire, fighting continued today in sudan's capital.
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the u.s. embassy there advising any americans in the country to shelter in place. that warning comes after a u.s. diplomatic convoy came under fire yesterday. no one was injured. the deadly conflict erupted over the weekend as the country's military and a powerful paramilitary force vie for control of sudan. the fda has authorized a second dose of the updated covid booster for adults 65 and over and people with weakened immune systems. folks over 65 can get a second dose four months after their last shot. well, most people who are immunocompromised can get an additional dose after waiting two months. the cdc still has to sign off on the decision and that could happen as soon as wednesday. the u.s. secret service agents were deployed on the grounds of the white house today after, get this, a toddler squeezed through the metal fencing along the north side. the agents retrieved the boy, brought him back to his parents. i guess they were briefly questioned before being allowed to continue on their way.
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the secret service did not give any additional details about the toddler or the parents. you work at that lace. they take it seriously. >> i'm not trying to squeeze my head through fences these days and it's probably a good recommendation to keep a close on eye your kids. >> i feel bad for those parent. >> those dogs can be aggressive. outrage growing after county leaders were allegedly caught on tape making racist remarks. the state's governor is now calling for the sheriff and other top officials there to resign. nbc news correspondent morgan chesky has been watching this for us, morgan, what -- we do want to note the audio that was released appears to be clips, not the full recordings. it is also unclear if context was missing or if they were edited before being released. what do we know about this? >> reporter: yeah, peter, a lot of details coming out over the last 24 hours. this audio recording was obtained by the mccurtain
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gazette-news, a small newspaper in southeastern oklahoma about 200 miles outside of oklahoma city and this entire recording, according to the paper's publisher, was obtained following a county commissioner's meeting because the publisher said he was concerned these county officials were still holding business away from the public and so he left a voice activated audio recorder nearby where these four officials including the county sheriff and three others continued to talk. upon obtaining that audio recording the publisher said they were discussing everything about retribution to a reporter at the newspaper over a recent lawsuit to talking about justice in the past where it involved lynching of black people. i do want you to hear a portion of this recording and keep in mind that this is not independently verified by nbc news and is only a portion of this larger recording. take a listen.
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>> if it was back in the day -- >> i know, take them down to mud creek. but you can't do. they got more rights than we do. >> reporter: since the release of these portions of the recording there's been a response from law enforcement. we know the independent bureau of investigation is looking into this as well as the fbi and calling this an active investigation and are not commenting on it at this time. >> outrageous to hear that even if it's just a clip of what may be a larger conversation. morgan, thank you. a third suspect is under arrest in connection with the drugging and killing of two gay men in new york city last year. john umberger and julio rodriguez were both found dead after visiting gay bars in manhattan's hell's kitchen neighborhood last year. gary grumbach joins us now. gary, how did police finally
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find the last suspect and are they looking for anyone else? >> reporter: kate, the nypd says they have them all. 35-year-old jaiquawn hamilton was charged monday with murder, robbery, grand larceny, identity theft and conspiracy. the third and final suspect to be arrested in connection with the homicides of two men who were drugged, robbed and killed in separate incidents after visiting to gay bars in manhattan's hell's kitchen last year. john umberger and julio ramirez left bars with one other person before their bank accounts were drained of thousands of dollars using facial recognition access on their phones according to family members. through a search warrant police obtained security video of hamilton and dimaio entering and leaving umberger's residence that showed umberger unconscious lying face up on his bed. last month the medical examiner's office ruled their deaths a homicide caused by drug facilitated theft and said fentanyl and cocaine were among
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the drugs found in their system. two other men, robert demaio and jacob barrasso were arrested earlier this month. >> i know our reporting at nbc led to some families reaching out and thinking maybe their family member might have fallen victim to this. is there any indication that more victims could be tied to this scheme? >> reporter: so police had named these three men among those responsible for what they're calling a broader citywide robbery pattern that included at least 17 victims over the past two years. and the indictment indicated they participated in a pattern of which victims were, quote, incapacitated to the extent that their ability to perceive events became diminished when police say these suspects stole credit cards and would steal the physical cards and information stored on their phone transferring money to themselves. kate. >> all right. gary grumbach for us, thank you. an american journalist will
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stay behind bars in russia for at least a few more weeks after he lost his appeal today against his pretrial detention. earlier today this happened. evan gershkovich is his name with "the wall street journal" seen for the first time in weeks when he appeared in that moscow courtroom. he is the first american correspondent to be detained on spying accusations since the cold war. gershkovich has denied the allegations and demanding his release and meagan fitzgerald has been watching this for us today. meagan, tell us about his court appearance and what we should be watching for to happen next. >> reporter: well, peter, you know, we were able to get access inside the courtroom briefly so you can actually see evan gershkovich inside this glass and metal cage essentially. he had on blue jeans, he was wearing this dark colored blue long sleeve collared shirt. he had his arms crossed.ow he didn't speak but we know from his meeting yesterday finally
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the u.s. ambassador to russia lynn tracy was able to have a meeting with him yesterday and she tweeted out and said he is in good health and remains strong and certainly appeared to be the case. but what we're looking for now is the fact that his trial date should be set at the end of next month but history has taught us, brittney griner, for example, that that doesn't necessarily mean that that's what's going to happen. we saw brittney griner's case being pushed back by months for that trial date to be set. so the suspicion is that it's possible that that could happen again. but once that trial date is set the kremlin has said that if -- it's a possibility that after the trial, there could be conversations about a potential prisoner swap. >> what's striking these are the kind of sham trials that evan should have been covering instead he is the one at the center of it. what are we hearing from u.s. government officials about this appearance and rejection of that appeal by the judge? >> reporter: yeah, you're right,
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it's such a good point, peter. you know, the united states continues to say that they are going to do everything. they're continuing to do everything they can to try to secure his release. we heard earlier today shortly after that detention hearing was denied by the judge from the u.s. ambassador to russia, in fact, want to play for you a little of what she had to say. >> the charges against evan are baseless and we call on the russian federation to immediately release him. we also call for the immediate release of paul whelan. paul has been held more than four years in russia. both men deserve to go home to their families now. >> reporter: now the detention of paul whelan is certainly or excuse me of evan gershkovich is certainly shining a line on the detention of paul whelan in custody for the last five years. >> megan fitzgerald, thanks for your reporting.
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appreciate it. florida governor ron desantis is in washington, d.c. today for a rare trip. he's meeting with republican lawmakers. his visit comes as he ramps up attacks against disney, even floating the idea of building a state prison on land next to the amusement park. national correspondent gabe gutierrez is following all of this for us. gabe, what sport of support does he have? >> reporter: well, the florida state legislature is now working on a bill that would wrestle back some power, some oversight powers over disney, of course, this has been an ongoing war of words between the entertainment giant and governor ron desantis ever since last year disney opposed the -- what critics dub the so-called don't say gay bill that banned classroom discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation in kindergarten through third grade.
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governor desantis shot back and said that the company -- that the company, which was under a 42-square-mile special taxing district essentially that allowed it to rule itself that that should not fly and has been trying to gain broader oversight powers over disney for the last several months. well, now the governor says that it wants the state to be able to inspect rides and monorails at disney and so it says that the governor says that the legislature will work on a bill to revoke some -- revoke the agreement that disney entered into with an outgoing board of -- that oversaw disney and so that should play out in the coming weeks. tomorrow there's also a meeting of the state oversight board with desantis allies that will be watched very closely. >> i know politically, former president trump responded today
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to desantis. this has got some political edge to it too. >> that's right. kate. you see right there donald trump saying ron desantis is being absolutely destroyed by disney, another presidential hopeful, chris christie also saying that, you know, desantis essentially should not be doing this and it could be driving business out of the state. this is, again, an ongoing political feud that desantis has adopted as part of his, quote, war on woke corporations and says that disney has been getting away with too much for far too long so look for this to play out in the coming weeks as speculation bills on ron desantis' potential presidential run. he is here in d.c. later on today meeting with gop lawmakers. he has so far lost the endorsement already of several members of florida's congressional delegation who have endorsed his potential rival former president trump. kate. >> all right, gabe gutierrez,
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thank you. still ahead the dramatic video taken moments after actor jeremy renner's terrible accident. first time for today's daily snapshot. sunset marks the end of yom hashoah. look at this stunning shot at the auschwitz concentration camp. a woman seen proudly carrying an israeli flag. >> she is there as part of the 35th annual march of the living. it's a program that brings young people to poland to better understand the history and the impact of the holocaust of the 6 million jews killed in the holocaust, more than a mil
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newly released body cam video shows the scary moments after star actor jeremy renner was run over by his snowplow in january. >> the footage shows first responders treating renner after he was nearly crushed to death under that seven-ton vehicle. kaylee hartung breaks down the dramatic rescue. we do want to warn you obviously some of the video is graphic. >> reporter: as jeremy renner continues to recover we are getting a closer look at how tense the situation was with police and medics arriving to a harrowing sight stunned by what they found and rushing to provide lifesaving care.
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it shows the dramatic aftermath of the january 1st snowplow actor near jeremy renner's house in nevada that left him with 30 broken ribs, a pierced liver and a collapsed lung. >> right where his blood is at, that's right where it all happened. >> reporter: the video shows the large emergencycy response that sasaved renner's life andnd off more detail about exactly how renner ended up being crushed by a snowplow after the actor tried to help his nephew. >> that's when it started coming at me full force. that's when he tried to jump back in there. >> he tried to jump on it. >> and it took him under. >> reporter: renner himself thought he was in grave danger in those moments. >> if i was there on my own that would have been a horrible way to die but i wasn't alone. it was my nephew. sweet alex. and the rest of the calvary came. >> reporter: he spent weeks recovering at a renowned medical center and just last week, he returned to the hospital to, quote, revisit the amazing group
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of people who saved my life. and, against all odds, he stepped out onto the red carpet for the premiere of his disney plus series, "rennervations." he waited 22 minutes for emergency crews to reach him amidst difficult winter conditions. >> are there any obvious injuries? >> oh, my god, yes. he says he has rib issues on his right side. he has right chest and the upper torso, his ribs, they look like they might be crushed, and he has a head wound, as well. >> reporter: from the brink of death the bouncing-back superhero spirit. and jeremy renner has joked his calendar is now wide open as this accident completely derailed his plans for the year but he is excited about that new disney plus reality series that serves children's charities. and as for his health, renner said some good came of the accident. it helped him finally quit smoking. he has a long road ahead but what a remarkable recovery he's already made. >> wow. yeah, when you see the video, you realize. >> he's got a good sense of
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humor but that is an awful thing to imagine. here's good news, better news, the general manager of the buffalo bills gave encouraging news about cornerback damar hamlin. >> this is still hard to believe. hamlin, you'll remember, well, he's now been cleared to resume all football activities. his announcement comes three months after he collapsed on the field. we all witnessed this. he suffered cardiac arrest following a tackle. it was in the first quarter of a game playing the cincinnati bengals. officials for the teams say that since the incident hamlin has now seen several specialists who are all giving hip the green light to return to the field. >> and, you know, they're all in agreement. it's not 2-1 or 3-1 or anything like that. they're all in lockstep of what this was and that he is cleared to resume full activities just like anyone else who was coming back from an injury or whatever, so he's fully cleared. he's here and he is of the mindset. he is in a great headspace to
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come back and make his return. >> i mean this really is a miracle recovery and said a couple of months ago he had hoped to return to the nfl. a little more sports action for you. this one got ugly. the golden state warriors draymond green was ejected from last night's playoff game against the sacramento kings after fighting for a rebound. the kings forward sabonis got tangled up, grabbed his ankle. green responded by stomping on the chest of sabonis, by the way, you can't do that. both were charged with fouls with green's resulting in an automatic ejection of the league has not said if either player will be suspended. the kings won the game over the the kings won the game over the defending champs taking a afteter advil.
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feeling bebetter? afteter advil. on top of f the worlddddd! afteter advil. before a advil. afteter advil. advil tatargets painin atat the sourcrce of inflalamm. when p pain comes s for , come bacack fast witith advil l liqui-gelsls. she e is fearlesess heart's on the l line depepend silhoueuette... heart's on the l line ...keepiping leaks o off her . comfmfortable inin shapeware fafabric... ...keepiping leaks o off her . ...she m moves with h ease. ...keepiping leaks o off her . confidenent on nighthts like thesese. dedepend silhohouette. confidenent on nighthts like thesese. ththe only thihing strongegr thanan us, is yoyou. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ if youou've had sesensitivit, those zizingers can n really cae
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some o of that jololting pai. ththere is onene great sololun out there e with sensosodyne. it c creates a protectitive barrier, and nonow they getet to feel l , 'oh, this i is a producuct thatat actually y works. ♪ when you have chroronic kikidney disease. there e are placeses yoyou'd like t to be. when you have chroronic kikidney disease. like here.e. and here.. and herere. not soso much herere. ifif you've bebeen diagnosed wh chronic kikidney diseaease fafarxiga reduduces the rirk of kididney failurure which h can lead t to dialysi. farxrxiga can cause seriouous e effects inincluding dedehydra, urinarary tract oror genl yeast infefections farxrxiga can cause seriouous e effects inincluding dedehydra, in w women and m men, and d low blood d sugar. farxrxiga can cause seriouous e effects inincluding dedehydra, ketoacididosis is a a serious s side eft thatat may lead d to dea. a rarere life-threreateng bacterial l infectionn in thehe skin of t the perinm could d occur. a rarere life-threreateng bacterial l infectionn stop takaking farxigiga and l yoyour doctor r right awayy if youou have sympmptoms of t this bactererial infect, an a allergic rereaction, or ketoacicidosis. if youou have sympmptoms of t this bactererial infect, and d don't takeke it if y you are on n dialys.
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puput yoururself in the d driver's seseat. makeke an appoinintment to ask k your doctotor for farxra fofor chronic c kidney disise. makeke an appoinintment to ask k your doctotor for farxra if youou can't afffford yoyour medicatation, astrazenececa may be ablble to help.p. ♪♪far-xi-gaa♪ this is "the fast forward." a meeting gets underway for those trying to make it in the bay. the oakland city council will vote on whether to end the moratorium. it's set to end july 15th. tenants could be evicted in may if they can't prove that their late rent is covid related. as part of the vote, they may block landlords from evicting tenants who owe less than one month's rent. they can be evicted if landlords can show substantial daniel or unreasonable behavior. >> we are proposing a phase-out approach that we think is reasonable and thoughtful in
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terms of avoiding an eviction cliff that could lead to homelessness. really allowing certain evictions. >> scott budman is tracking the meeting and will have an update in our afternoon newscast. it's going to be warming up this week. here is kari hall with our extended forecast. >> it's cool as we go into today. reaching 60. it will be clearing out. we are going to begin a warming trend. by the end of the week, it will feel like spring with mornings in the upper 40s and low 50s. highs into the upper 70s. saturday is also looking beautiful with sunshine and 80 degrees for the inland areas. only slightly cooler for the beginning of next week. no major changes here, just starting to warm up over the next few days with mrid mid 50s in san francisco. by friday, it's going to reach 67 degrees. really gorgeous for our weekend
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forecast. >> thanks . i'm barbarara and i'm m from stst. joseph, , michigan.. i'i'm a retirered school l lib. i'i'm also a l library boaod trustetee, a motheher of tw, anand a grandmdmother of t . basicalllly, i thougught thatat my memoryry wasn't as s good as itit had b. i neededed all the h help i i could get.t. i saw the e commercialals for r prevagen.. i starteted taking i it. and it helelped! i i noticed mymy memory wawas . there was s definite i improve. i've beeeen taking p prevagn for a lilittle over r five ye. prevagagen. at stotores everye wiwithout a prprescription.
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turning to our climate in crisis. black and brown communities are often hit hardest and take longer to recover from the impact of climate change. those neighbors were historically developed in areas prone to poor air quality, flooding, heat, sea level rise and wildfires. as the impact worsens, organizations like an environmental project preserves communities by using research to take action in mitigating climate change. the group continues working to level the field. >> we are -- we work within
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different systems. overall operation of moving. at this stage, we have to adjust to work towards zero emission. low income and affordable housing. >> these community led organizations provide a way for us to make a difference in combating climate change and be better prepared for future disasters. you can learn more about this organization and our climate in crisis on our website. it's a great resource. we have a lot of stories on there.
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we celebrate earth week this week. that does it for this "the fast forward." we will be back at 4:30 with more news. meet the outdoorsies. wayfyfair's ououtdoor deal expxperts. ththe gardenerer... gogoes to wayfyfair for gardenening basicscs that... aren't so basicic. the entetertainer..... her plplace mightt look e expensive.. don't let it f fool you. and meme, the e lounger..... i geget just whahat i needed with a tatap on t the wayfairir app. get outdoooorsy for way lessss at wayfaiair. ♪ wayfairir, you've got justst what i neneed ♪ ♪ today, , my friend d you did, you u did it, yoyou did it...♪ centrurum silver i is now w clinicallyly shown to supportrt cognitiveve healh in older a adults. it's o one more ststep towars takiking charge e of your hehe. so every d day, you cacan sa, ♪ youuu didid it! ♪ withth centrum s silver. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther
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toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ a a mystery! jessie lovoves playing dedetective. a a mystery! but the rereal mysteryry was heher irritateted skin. a a mystery! so, wewe switched d to tide ps free & genentle. itit cleans bebetter, and doesn'n't leave so, wewe switched d to tide ps free & genentle. behind i irritatingg reresidues. so, wewe switched d to tide ps free & genentle. and d it's gentltle on her s . case, , closed! and d it's gentltle on her s . it's g gotta be titide. ♪ ♪ [ [ cat purrs s ] and d[ [ phone vibrbrates ]s . introducining astepro o alle. stereroid-free a allergy relf that statarts workining in 3 30 minutes,s, while otheher allergyy sprarays take hohours. now w with astepepro fafast allergygy relief, [ spspray, sprayay ] you u can asteprpro and go.
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