tv NBC News Daily NBC April 19, 2023 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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cerns, and d if you arere pregn, brbreastfeedining, oror consideriring pregnanan. someme of the momost comn side effffects includude injectioion-site rereactions, someme of the momost comn side effffects fever, andnd tirednessss. if y you switch h to caben, attetend all trereatment appoinintments. if y you switch h to caben, readady to treatat your v in a dififferent wayay? ask yoyour doctor r about evevery-other-r-month cabeben. readady to treatat your v in a dififferent wayay? evevery other r month, readady to treatat your v in a dififferent wayay? and i'm gogood to go.. hello, everyone, i'm kate snow. >> i'm peter alexander. "nbc news daily" starts right now.
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today, wednesday, april 19th, breaking news, under arrest, two teens arrested in connection with that mass shooting at a sweet 16 party. what we know about the charges they'll face. facing a judge, the 84-year-old suspected of shooting a black teenager has his first appearance in court. what went down inside the courtroom and the new information we're now learning about that teen's recovery. the truth is here. the pentagon's ufo chief taking center stage on capitol hill. what he told members of congress about mysterious objects spotted in the sky. help you, help me. new data shows the positive impact of volunteering. how you can convince your kids that helping others can ultimately help themselves. >> we begin with breaking news, two alabama teens, brothers, in fact, are now under arrest in connection with a mass shooting at a sweet 16 party on saturday. >> four people were killed. at least 32 others were injured.
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17-year-old ty reik mccullough and 16-year-old travis mccullough has been charged with four counts of reckless murder both charged as adults. >> this is alabama. and when you pull out a gun and you start shooting people, we're going to put you in jail, okay? we're going to do that because we're thinking about the families. somebody's got to start thinking about momma because i know i'm tired of it and everybody behind me is tired of it. >> nbc news correspondent guad venegas is following the developments. what have we been able to learn? >> reporter: authorities had a press conference this morning announcing the arrest of these two teenagers that that happened last night. this i've kept much of the details to themselves. authorities have chosen not to release a lot of information about this case. we now know that these two teenagers have been arrested and as you mentioned, they will be
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charged as adults. the district attorney said that was their intention. here's part of the conversation with the press conference where the district attorney spoke today. >> we've got a lot more victims this this. we've still got four in hospital. four that are in critical condition. they'll be pending charges coming regarding all those so when i tell you this is just the tip of the iceberg and forthcoming charges literally, we'll make sure every one of those victims has justice and not just the deceased. >> so these charges would be in addition to the charges that they would be facing in the death of those four individuals. now, authorities decided not to disclose what their investigation has found when it comes to the motive behind what happened. we do know that the two individuals arrest reasonable doubt brothers and they are from tuskegee, that is a city about 30 miles south of where this happened in dadeville, alabama. >> guad, i know there are 32
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others injured. we don't know all their conditions but are we hearing about how any of them are doing right now? >> peter, initially we had a number of 28. that was changed later to 32. authorities did say that some of them had been critically injured and we've been hearing stories as some of their family members and friends have spoken to local media and know a young girl spoke to local media there in alabama as she told the all -- that she was in the hospital or her mother said she was in the hospital. she had been shot in the hip. the bullet is still in her hip. she already had one surgery and feels scared still trying to understand what happened and we've also heard details from some of these witnesses, also the deejay of that party and a lot of the details that have been shared indicate that when the shooting began, the lights were dark so it was very difficult to know what was happening. some of the witnesses also saying that they herd gunshots
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that came from different directions, some of the few details we've been able to learn as we wait for authorities to share more details from their investigation, peter. >> to say nothing about the mental scars so many of those young people will experience as well. guad, thank you very much. also breaking this hour, the homeowner charged with shooting a black teenager in kansas city has now pleaded not guilty. 84-year-old andrew lester faced the judge for the first time just a short time ago. lester is charged with first degree assault. that's a felony in thursday's shooting of 16-year-old ralph yarl. the teen shot while trying to pick up his younger brothers and ringing the doorbell of the wrong home. one of the lawyers representing yarl's family tweeted out this powerful photo today. it says, it's a miracle he didn't suffer even more serious injuries. nbc news correspondent maggie vespa is at the courthouse in liberty, missouri. i know you've been covering it from the start. such a startling story still. you were inside the courthouse
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for this arraignment. what did you hear and see? >> reporter: peter, we just walked out of the courthouse and andrew lester was one of several people in a block of arraignments and the bailiff came out and said if you are here for the lester case we will bring you in first because we know the interest is high and do that as a hearing by itself. andrew lester, 84 years old walking into the courtroom after coming into the courthouse through a private secured entrance walking in with a cane, walking in slowly basically sitting first in the jury box before proceedings started and he and his defense attorney walked up to the bench speaking softly so may have been so the two could hear each other. the big headline from this he pleaded not guilty in this shooting faced with multiple felony counts for the thursday shooting of 16-year-old ralph yarl. he also was told by the judge of certain conditions of his bond, among them he has to report within 24 hours to a bond
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supervision company. they'll visit once every month at least after that. he has to turn over any weapons he has to police. he cannot have a concealed carry permit. he said he does have one so he'll turn that over as well. and then finally, of course, we expected this he can have no contact with ralph yarl and his family. his attorneys saying they will work with authorities immediately to make sure all of those procedures are followed and with that, ralph yarl and his attorney exited through the same private entrance. we have producers and crews circling the courthouse so if they even poke their heads outside we hope to hear of that soon. it was a quick hearing but with a lot of updates. >> maggie, also spoke to the neighbor who said he helped ralph yarl after he was shot. what did he tell you? >> reporter: yeah, we know, peter, ralph yarl after he was shot went running for help. his family said that he begged for help basically at three homes and finally a neighbor yelled at him to get on the ground and put his hands in the air. ralph, this wounded kid, they say, complied. at that point that's when james
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limp, a separate neighbor from all that commotion before says he basically heard the yelling, he came running, he hopped a fence and says he got down next to this teenager who he could tell was gravely wounded and stayed with him until paramedics arrived. here's part of what he told us. take a listen. >> he wasn't alone. he wasn't by himself. somebody cared. to lay there in the street alone and scared and bleeding, that's awful. i wouldn't -- he wasn't alone. i was with him as long -- as soon as i knew he needed help i was there and i was there with him until the right people were there to make sure that he was okay. >> reporter: one of misdemeanor people so shaken by this. i do want to end if we can pull back up that photo of ralph yarl and his attorney, the family's attorney lee merritt. that was astonishing given what he's been through. he's outside healing and his family saying he's recovering from the shooting one day at a time, peter. >> sending that young guy so
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much strength. maggie vespa, thank you very much. now to another case of gun violence where someone was shot after what appears to be a misunderstanding. this incident is out of texas when four cheerleaders stopped at a parking lot to retrieve their cars, this shooting follows the one we just talked about in kansas city and another in upstate new york where people showed up at the wrong address leading to gunfire. we'll get to that new york story later in the hour but let's stick with what happened in texas and nbc news correspondent blayne alexander, it's unfortunate. it almost feels like we can't keep track of all these incidents. in this one in texas sounds like the cheerleaders were headed home after practice? >> reporter: that's right, kate. what makes all of this even more unbelievable is that all of these instances you're talking about happened with young people going to the wrong places or making seemingly innocent mistakes so with this case in texas, yes, talking about four young lady, cheerleaders, members of an elite competitive
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cheerleading squad and pulled into a parking lot as the car pool meetup point. according to the father of the young woman who was injured and the owner of the cheerleading gym where they practice one young lady went to a car she believed it was hers. it was not, there was a person in the passenger side and walked away from the car, got back in the car with her friend. that's when, though, that person got out of the car, came over and essentially started shooting into the car. now, we understand the 25-year-old shooter has been arrested facing a felony charge in all of this. two cheerleaders were injured. one was grazed but the other one, peyton washington was seriously injured shot twice and undergone surgery expected to undergo another surgery with a long road of recovery ahead of her. all of this is tragic because she's an elite athlete, somebody who has a scholarship to baylor university next year to continue her competitive cheerleading and
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tumbling and know the coach has visited her and are embracing her but her father says she has a long road ahead. he says that all of this, of course, is even more unbelievable because he says there's no way that the four young women posed any sort of a threat as he told nbc news, this was just a young woman in a cheerleading uniform, kate. >> blayne alexander, thank you. tesla announced new price cuts on american vehicles and netflix's iconic red envelopes are coming to an end. >> courtney reagan joins us with "cnbc's money minute." >> peter, you're still getting those dvds? meta has started its latest round of layoffs. it was announced in march. they will focus on employees with technical backgrounds and part of a larger plan to shed 10,000 workers in addition to 11,000 job cuts that the company announced in november as part of its so-called year of efficiently. of course, now that the parent company of facebook. well, tesla is slashing
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vehicle prices for the sixth time this year in an effort to spur demand. the automaker which will report earnings have cut prices for vehicles in other countries, as well, as it chases consumer in competition and shrinking ev rebates. netflix will no longer mail dvds to people. the service that put them on the map 25 years ago will be discontinued as rental revenue continues to drop. netflix won't say how many people still use the service other than peter there but the report is that there are 5.2 billion dvds that have been mailed. >> every so often you look under the couch. just an old netflix dvd. courtney, always good to see you. up next the court date for ththe air nationanal guardsmam chargedd with l leaking documen is delayed. at d doesn't stotop tth he inintroducing g astepro ala. now avavailable wiwithout a prescripiption. astepro isis the firstst and y 24-h-hour steroioid-free spr. whwhile flonasase takes hoho, astetepro startsts workining in 30 miminutes.
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soso you can [ spraray, spray ] ] astetepro and gogo. i told mysyself i was s ok with m my moderatete to sevevere rheumamatoid ararthritis sysymptoms. wiwith my psororiatic arthritis s symptoms.. bubut just ok k isn't ok.. anand i was dodone settlini. ifif you stillll have sympmps after a tntnf blockerr like h humira or e enbrel, rinvoq is diffeferent and m may hel. ririnvoq is a a once-dailyly l that canan dramaticacally relie ra a and psa symymptoms, includining fatigue e for som. it can stotop joint dadamage. and in p psa, can leleave skin c clear or almost t clear. rinvoqoq can lowerer your abily to fight i infections,s, inincluding tbtb. seririous infectctions and blood d clots, somome fat; cancers,s, includingng lymphoa and d skin cancecer;
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death, h heart attacack, stro, and d tears in t the stomach or i intestines s occurred.. people 5 50 and oldeder with at leastst one heartrt diseae risk facactor have h higher ri. don'n't take if f allergic to rininvoq as sererious reactctions can occur.r. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue or may b become pregegnant. done setettling? ask yourur rheumatolologist for rinvnvoq. and d take back k what's youo. learn n how abbvbvie cocould help you s save. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big.
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new developments in the case against the 21-year-old accused of leaking some of america's most top secret information. air national guardsman jack teixeira is being charged under the espionage act for allegedly sharing classified documents with an online chat group. teixeira appeared in a boston courtroom today only there for a matter of minutes. his attorneys were granted a two-week delay for his detention hearing. that's raising the possibility that teixeira might cooperate, already be cooperating for all we know with the government and
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he could tell them how much he exposed. we want to bring in pentagon correspondent courtney kube with the latest. we were speaking about this a bunch over the course of the last several hours. one detail you flagged to me was the significance of the air force taking the step of removing that intelligence responsibility from the unit that he, teixeira, worked for. why does that matter and what is the defense department doing right now to crack down? >> reporter: so, and this is a question we've been asking for days because, you know, in the civilian world you would think there is this potential for this massive leak that may have occurred out of the 102nd wing based in cape cod. you would think there would be a very standard administrative practice where they would stand down there for awhile just to make sure the leaks couldn't continue. but as of 48 hours ago the pentagon kept telling us there was no such thing occurring at otis. then we found out yesterday from
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the air force, in fact, they have told this 102nd intelligence wing there in massachusetts, they have taken their responsibilities at least for now away from them and given it to another unit. >> courtney, there's another leaked document getting attention today and, remember, we don't know how much information this guy got, how much of it has been spread out there. this one, though, is related to how china's military does its surveillance. what are we learning about that? >> reporter: that's right. there have been a couple of fascinating disclosures out of these documents regarding china but this one deals with the potential that they are potentially close to fielding a hypersonic drone. what that means a drone that flies three times the speed of sound at a very high altitude, upwards of 100,000 feet so well above commercial aviation. why this is significant is because this would make it extremely difficult to not only detect but to potentially have to stop if you were in a conflict situation. what's not clear is whether this
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drone would be just for surveillance purposes or could potentially be armed. that would be another really big movement forward this this capability if the chinese were able to do that, peter. >> courtney kube, our expert reporter at the pentagon, thank you. more breaking news this hour. the supreme court has just extended the temporary pause that it had put on an appeals court decision. that means for now access to a wildly used abortion pill stays the same. it's on hold. you'll remember there have been clashing court decisions over the last month. nbc news washington correspondent yamiche alcindor is following this for us. we were anticipating they might make a decision by midnight tonight. sounds like they're kicking the can down the road saying, we'll just hold for awhile, not deal with this just yet. >> reporter: that's right. the supreme court was expected to act on a request by the biden administration to immediately block a lower court ruling that would have curtailed access to the abortion pill mifepristone,
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but we have arrived at this moment, of course, because last friday justice samuel alito paused the ruling by the 5th circuit court of appeals that would have placed limitations on the medication, now, of course, as you said the thing we're learning they extended that deadline so they were supposed to have that midnight today. it's midnight friday and bought themselves more time on that pause expected to mean the court will likely act before then and people thought they would act before this deadline today but now it's likely they might act before friday. the court has a number of options. it could side with one of the parties, it could fail to act or take another unknown path. if the court sides with opponents of abortion rights, that would mean that they would likely -- the pill would likely stop being available by mail. patients would need to obtain it in person and before seven weeks of pregnancy and the fda's 2019 decision to approve a generic version of the pill would also likely be extended so we're
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definitely going to continue to watch it but have a little more time -- i should say the supreme court has more time now to make that decision. >> we have 30 more seconds but sounds like they might need that time in order to figure out whether to intervene themselves or just kick it back to a lower court. >> reporter: that's right because, of course, we saw that 5-4 ruling when we saw the supreme court overturn roe v. wade over the summer and now we're -- now the biden administration is hoping that they can sort of allow this approval and the restrictions that were put in place to not be put in place further on but we'll have to continue to watch this. the biden administration is hoping this 6-3 majority conservative court will rule in conservative court will rule in their favor but the arerere ♪♪♪ rememember the t things you loloved doing.g... befofore your asasthma gogot in the w way? geget back to o the thingss yoyou love.... withth fasenra.. fasesenra is an n add-on trereat withth fasenra.. for eosisinophilic a asthma. withth fasenra.. hahaving too m many eosinonop, a typepe of white e blood cel, cacan cause ininflammationn anand asthma s symptoms. hahaving too m many eosinonop, a typepe of white e blood cel,
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fasesenra is desesigned to t tt and reremove eosininophils hahaving too m many eosinonop, a typepe of white e blood cel, and d helps prevevent asasthma attacacks. fafasenra is 1 1 dose every y 8 weeks. and d helps prevevent asasthma attacacks. fafasenra can n help patieies to breatathe better.r. most patieients did nonote an asthma a attack fafasenra can n help patieies to breatathe better.r. inin the firstst year. fafasenra can n help patieies to breatathe better.r. and fasesenra helps s lower the ususe of oral l steroids. fasenra a is not foror susudden breatathing problbls or otherer eosinonophilic cononditions. fasenra a is not foror susudden breatathing problbls allergrgic reactioions may occ. don't stop your a asthma treaeatments allergrgic reactioions may occ. without t talking withth your doctctor. tellll your doctctor if your asthmhma worsens.s. headachehe and sore e throat may ococcur. tell your r doctor if f youe a paparasitic ininfection. headachehe and sore e throat may ococcur. get backck to betterer breath. anand get backck to your l l. ask yourur doctor about fafasenra. anand get backck to your l l. if y you can't affordrd your m medication,n, astrazenececa may be able to o help. if y you can't affordrd your m medication,n, she e is fearlesess heart's on the l line depepend silhoueuette... heart's on the l line ...keepiping leaks o off her . comfmfortable inin shapeware fafabric... ...keepiping leaks o off her . ...she m moves with h ease. ...keepiping leaks o off her . confidenent on nighthts like thesese. dedepend silhohouette. confidenent on nighthts like thesese. ththe only thihing strongegr thanan us, is yoyou.
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with downy infususions, confidenent on nighthts let the e scent set t the moo. feelel the diffeference withth . ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ ♪ today, , my friend d you did, you u did it, yoyou did it...♪ centrurum silver i is now w clinicallyly shown to supportrt cognitiveve healh in older a adults. it's o one more ststep towars takiking charge e of your hehe. so every d day, you cacan sa, ♪ youuu didid it! ♪ withth centrum s silver. ha-ha! it was m me the wholole tim. -whoo-hohoo! -[ laughs s ] well d done, ma'amam. what...didid i do exactly? with snapshot from progressive, you get a personalized discount for doing g exactly whwhat you're alrlready doingng -
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being a sasafe driver.r. congraratulations.s. ththis is a bobowling tropo. yeyeah, it's t the biggestste ththey had. ththis is a bobowling tropo. okokay, thanksks. mm-hmm. ohoh. have a gooood one. mm-hmm. ohoh. this is "the fast forward" on "nbc news daily." i'm chris chmura. our top story, an east bay home depot is reopening after an accused thief shot and killed a store security guard. bob redell tells us police have identified the victim as well as two people accused in his death. >> reporter: police have confirmed the loss prevention employee who was shot and killed yesterday was blake mose. he was an eagle scott, a young man who was supposed to be married this summer. this woman, she's from oakland,
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shot him when she tried to shoplift and this man drove the getaway car with her 2-year-old baby inside. around 2:15 afternoon, she was trying to steal. an employee alerted mose.fronte. heshe pulled out a handgun and shot him and escaped. they tracked them to oakland where they were arrested. law enforcement reunited the 2-year-old baby with other family members. a number of police officers knew mose through his work in preventing thefts at that home depot. >> he was a great person. he had a zeal for life. he enjoyed his work. he had an interest in law enforcement. he was involved in youth law enforcement programs. he was an eagle scout.
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he had some aspirations of being involved if law enforcement, which is why he ended up in loss prevention. these are things his family shared with me this morning. >> reporter: this is video from outside the home depot on johnson drive. you can see there are two private armed security guards patrolling the store. not clear if they were brought in because of what happened or if they are always out there. home depot did release a statement. it said, we are heartbroken over this senseless tragedy. he was our friend. our hearts go out to his family and friends. police did retrieve the handgun. the firearm is not registered. it's an illegal firearm according to police. the man is in jail. the woman, she's in the hospital being treated for injuries she sustained. police believe she might have
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been hit by the getaway vehicle as they were trying to escape. bob redell, nbc bay area news. tahoe said a snowfall record. health care workers go on strike. san jose police have arrested a man and they accused of him of targeting the aapi community. he robbed 14 aapi people. johnson is accused of forcefully yanking jewelry from people's necks. in addition to robbery, johnson faces a hate crime allegation. some east bay health care workers are off the job. a strike in solidarity with the national union of health care workers set to hit the line later this month. children's hospital says the emergency room remains open today but all other outpatient services are unavailable until tomorrow morning. we know tahoe will be open
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later than usual this year because of the unusual snowfall. that heavy snowfall set a record. this year's is the most since 2000. how much? 710 inches this season. the average season, 400. this morning, it felt like it could snow. kari hall expects the temperature to warm up. >> we need jackets around the bay area with our temperatures coming up slightly compared to yesterday. reaching into the mid 60s inland. big changes ahead going into the next several days. as we look at tomorrow's highs, reaching 71 in santa rosa. on friday, it's going to be nice. a little bit of a summer-like feel, especially as the south county hits the low 80s. morgan hill reaching 80. 81 in fairfield. upper 70s in napa and extending over toward martinez.
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we will continue to see warm weather like this extend into the weekend. a look at the seven-day forecast is coming up in 30 minutes. >> thanks very much. we will be back in 30 minutes with more news. when modererate to sevevere ulcecerative cololitis keeps flflaring, when modererate to sevevere ulcecerative cololitis put itit in check k with rin, a a once-dailyly pill. put itit in check k with rin, whenen uc got unprpredictable,e, i got rarapid symm relief witith rin. and left b bathrom urgegency behind. check. and left b bathrom urgegency behind. whwhen uc got t in my way,, i i got lastining, steroid-frfree remissision with rinvovoq. chececk. and whenen my gastroro saw dama, rinvoq helelped visiblbly repapair the cololon lining. chcheck. rapid sympmptom reliefef. laststing, steroroid-free remimission. rapid sympmptom reliefef. and a chchance to vivisibly repair thehe colon linining. check. c chec. and d check. rinvoq c can lower y your abiy to figight infectitions, including g tb. seserious infefections anand blood clclots, some e f; including g tb. cancerers, includiding lympha and skskin cancer;r; deatath, heart a attack, str, anand tears inin the stomamh or intntestines ococcurr. deatath, heart a attack, str, peoplele 50 and ololder h at least 1 1 heart disiseae risk f factor hahave higher r risks. peoplele 50 and ololder h at least 1 1 heart disiseae don'n't take if f allergic to rinvoqq
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as serioious reactioions can ococcur. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue oror may becomome pregnantn. put ucuc in check k and keep it t there, withth rinvoq. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue oror may becomome pregnantn. ask k your gastrtro about riri. anand learn hohow abbvie could helplp you save.e. ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ she e is fearlesess heart's on the l line depepend silhoueuette... heart's on the l line ...keepiping leaks o off her . comfmfortable inin shapeware fafabric... ...keepiping leaks o off her . ...she m moves with h ease. ...keepiping leaks o off her . confidenent on nighthts like thesese. dedepend silhohouette. confidenent on nighthts like thesese. ththe only thihing strongegr thanan us, is yoyou. after r advil. baback to workrk.
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whwhat about y your neck?? it's's good to g go. before a advil. adadvil dual a action fighgs painin two ways.s. advil targets s pain atat the source, acetetaminophen n blocks pain signanals. advivil dual actction. the bottom of the hour. some stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." >> india is on track to surpass china as the world's most populous country.
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the united nations estimates that by the middle of the year india will have an estimated nearly 1. -- 1.2486 billion. 1.2486 billion. that would give them nearly 3 million more people than china which had the world's largest population since 1950. a man has been arrested in the shooting deaths of four people inside a home in rural maine. 34-year-old joseph eden charged with this quadruple murder after police were called to the home and discovered the bodies. later identified as his parents and two of their friends. he shot vehicles on an interstate later injuring three drivers released from jail for days -- had been released from jail four days. >> using bed sheets to climb down the wall to escape a fire. at least 29 people were killed in this blaze. dozens more were injured according to chinese
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authorities, 12 people have been arrested in connection to the fire including the hospital's director. the family of tyre nichols filing a massive civil lawsuit against the memphis police force, officers and the city itself. >> nichols as you'll remember was killed after he was brutally beaten by memphis police officers following a traffic stop in january. nbc news correspondent trymaine lee is following this for us and joins us. $550 million, what specifically is the family demanding here beyond just money in this situation? >> that is a really big number, $550 million, but what the lawyers and the family want to do is connect that brutality that we saw, the degradation, after tyre nichols was beaten officers actually took pictures and selfies with this man trying to connect that brutality to what they say is an unconstitutional but sanctioned policy targeting black people in the city using street crimes unit called the scorpion unit and that's $550 million, not a
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number they pulled out of the air. 55 years ago in memphis dr. martin luther king jr. was assassinated and want to send a message. here's ben crump with a little more. >> this landmark lawsuit is not only to get the justice for tyre nichols in the civil courts, but it is also a message that is being sent to cities all across america who have these police oppression units that have been given the license by city leaders to go and terrorize black and brown communities. >> a message being sent, not just in memphis but there's a
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long list of police abuses that we've heard about so this is just another one. >> they're going after the city of memphis and others in this suit. have we heard from any of them? >> not just yet. this came out in a matter of hours ago but did reach out to the memphis pd and will not comment on pending litigation so more to come out of the city soon. >> trymaine lee, thank you. kevin monahan accused of killing kaylin gillis has been denied bail. they mistakenly pulled into his driveway satururday night after they had simply gotten lost. that's when gillis' friends say monahan started shooting at them charged with attempted murder and pleaded not guilty. we're also following breaking news out of oklahoma. the district commissioner mark jennings has now resigned after allegedly being caught on a recording discussing the murder of journalist and lynching black people. we want to bring in aaron christie of our tulsa, oklahoma,
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affiliate. erin, we played some of this yesterday for our audience. it's awful here. what led up to mark jennings' resignation? >> reporter: so, governor the governor had called for the resignations of not only mark jennings but the sheriff kevin clarity and alicia manning and a jail administrator hendricks. only jennings resigned. he is the one in that recording that you reference. he is accused of making those comments about it's not the way it used to be and referencing lynchings and throwing bodies in mud creek. a local newspaper there, "the mccurtain gazette" had a recording they legally obtained in a meeting and that's where the fallout began. there's actually another article that is scheduled to be published tomorrow and they plan to include a qr code with the entire three hours of that recorded meeting, the first release of audio with clips.
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>> we're seeing some of the frustration, the anger in that community there. is there any comment yet from the county itself or from mark jennings? >> reporter: when jennings put out his resignation letter to the governor, the governor's office sent it to us, it was sort of strange because it's written -- a handwritten note two sentences on lined white paper that says, here's my resignation, i do plan to release a statement soon. that's the only word we've heard from any of them. i've reached out multiple times to all of the parties involved. the sheriff earlier this week, the only thing that he -- his office has put out was a post on facebook questioning the authenticity of the recording saying he plans to investigate but did not make any claims of any sort of stepping down. >> erin christie with our affiliate, thank you. florida governor ron
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desantis, his feud with disney is intensifying. a board newly appointed by desantis to oversee disney's special district met today after desantis railed against the company on monday. >> but the governor is not even in the sunshine state. right now he's in the early primary state of south carolina after spending last night in washington courting republicans for a potential presidential run. >> let's bring in nbc news national correspondent gabe gutierrez. he is down in tallahassee, florida, with the latest. gabe, we mentioned this meeting today of the board that oversees the disney district, if you will. so what's the latest in the back and forth between desantis and disney? >> reporter: good afternoon. well, that board met today and it's appointed by governor desantis and now starting to reshape that special tax district to give more power to the state, take it away from disney. meanwhile the state legislature is considering legislation that would also wrestle back power from disney. i spoke today with the house speaker, the republican house
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speaker, a staunch desantis ally and he defended the governor's attacks on the major company here in florida. take a listen. >> i don't think it's retaliation at all. look, disney lived by its own rules for over 50 years and came at a time when that was the only game in town in florida so they got a blank check basically with no government oversight whatsoever. so we're not going to treat them any differently than we do other theme parks, universal and seaworld or any other business in florida. >> isn't it risky to go after the largest single site employer in florida? >> i think it's risky people are not held accountable and make sure that people play by the same rules. >> reporter: governor desantis' attacks on disney is getting some backlash including from some of his republican rivals including former president trump who is calling it a political stunt, kate. >> gabe, i'll take it and talk about desantis 2024. he obviously has been viewed as one of the toughest potential challengers to former president trump, but political watchers,
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those keeping an eye on this, say he is losing momentum, not just in polls, but perception. what happened with those meetings in washington, d.c.? what is he doing to try to regain that momentum even though he's not officially a candidate yet? >> reporter: well, hi there, peter. well, the consensus is the meetings in d.c. did not go well. just after the governor left d.c., there was yet another announcement from a texas congressman he was enforcing former president trump after meeting with governor desantis and here in the state of florida there has been at least six members of the congressional delegation who are throwing their support behind former president trump. as you said, peter and kate, the governor is now in south carolina trying to sell his vision of florida, trying to sell that vision to the wider country, but there are many questions whether his campaign is running out of momentum before it even starts. >> gabe gutierrez for us, gabe, thanks so much. good to see you. well, this whole back and forth with disney started over the company's reaction to what opponents call florida's don't say gay bill.
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today the florida board of education expanded the ban on classroom instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity, and they expanded it to all grades at the request of governor ron desantis. the current law, which went into effect last year, banned such lessons from kindergarten through third grade. unidentified flying objects, that is, in fact, the hot topic on capitol hill today. congress holding a hearing today looking to tie to get a better understanding of this phenomenon. >> not often we say congress and ufo in the same breath but lawmakers questioning the pentagon's ufo chief in charge of analyzing what they call, are you ready for another acronym, unidentified anomalous phenomena, uap. >> easy for you to say. >> uap. julie tsirkin got this out of the world assignment today. julie, we got a lot of new numbers, i understand, about an
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increase in reporting. can they explain them or not explain? >> reporter: well, look, there's a lot they still can't explain. this is only the second hearing in 50 years, the first one being last may on these ufos, whatever you want to call them, uaps but what shawn kirkpatrick said is that they're likely not aliens or not a result of extraterrestrial activity. take a listen to what he told lawmakers and a little of what they're working on in terms of beefing up their reporting capabilities and identifying capabilities of these objects. watch. >> only a very small percentage of uap reports display signatures that could reasonably be described as anomalous. in our research arrow has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off world technology, or objects that defy the known laws of physics. >> reporter: kirkpatrick who heads up the office beefed up its presence sometime around the
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summer and looking into these objects because in part we've seen an increase in spy balloons, kirkpatrick saying that these objects have all different shapes and sizes, some are circular, some are square and so on and also identified at very high altitudes which make them harder to spot but part of the reason he sat before the panel was to get a little bit deeper into what they're doing to prevent and catch these objects earlier and how they can beef up their reporting in the next coming months. >> i get there are a lot more of these sightings being reported these days but how do they decide which ones they like dive into, they investigate? >> reporter: yeah, that's such a great question and one that kirkpatrick was pressed on under his gillibrand and ernest, the leads of the subcommittee on the armed services committee, they were focused on whether this agency actually needs more money, more funds to be able to spot these objects, that's a really good question you point out and one he doesn't yet have the answer to so he told lawmakers this is something they're continuing to study to make sure they're able to spot
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the objects earlier on but only a fraction of these objects are actually able to be identified. >> the video she was showing looks like an insect is going across the screen. >> it's a uap, peter. >> my apologies. julie, thank you so much. up next, a helping hand. how you can get your kids to volunteer more and the mental health and social benefits that health and social benefits that really com with e
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in today's "modern parenting" it's national volunteer week and it is the perfect time to get kids interested in volunteering and helping others. >> they really can make a difference. research shows that volunteering can improve a young person's self-esteem and has major mental health and social benefits. we want to bring in parenting journalist and author donna katro. this is such an important topic. i'm raising a couple of girls, 9 and 7 and have this conversation all the time about the need to help in our community. what are some of the benefits of having your children do volunteer work? >> hey there, peter. yeah, it is important and we know from research that it improves our mental health and well-being. it prixes a sense of purpose as well as allowing for those hands-on life lesson experiences so there's just a win-win in all
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of this. >> when do you start, donna? how young is too young for kids to get involved? >> yeah. >> you know, it's never too young. look, think about it. toddlers, if you might be collecting clothes for the homeless, your toddlers can help sort, pants in one area, shirts in another area, socks in another area and then they can also fold. this is part of building that purpose and that energy for young children. >> we have a rule in our house, anything new that comes in something has to go out too. trying to make sure we're sharing with other families that may not have as much. what if your kids aren't as interested in volunteering? what are good ways to gently nudge them to get involved? >> yes, the gentle nudge. look, it has to be part of your family's value system so want to encourage them. what we can tell them what matters to you, what is intrinsic to you? what talent can you offer? are you an artist?
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what can you do? tell me what is important to you. when pie kids were little, they wanted to save the white rhino so we did a lot of little lemonade stands and got some money for that. it can be little. it doesn't have to be big, big things >> that's the thing. i'm guessing a lot of parents are sitting there thinking, well, i've got a lot on my plate, a lot to do. if my kid wants to get involved, i don't have the time. do parents have to go with their kids? does it have to be a big thing? >> no, i don't think so, kate, but i would like to remind parents that that research that helps our trirn benefits us as parents and helps us, right, elevate our happiness and reduce our depression and nurtures those family relationships and bonds, so i say go at your own pace, everybody's life is busy but do what is right for your family. no competition, it's what's right for your family.
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>> donna, what do you tell folks if they're worried their kid wants to volunteer at an area that is dangerous or with individuals they could be concerned about? >> yeah, absolutely. that's just a hard no. we're not going to get into any danger area and also what you want to remember is that you want your kids to be comfortable when they're volunteering so that they'll continue to want to do this through adulthood so, yeah, just be really careful about that. >> the flip side of that, the positives, what are some kid-friendly volunteer opportunities that could get kids started. >> we're taking note. >> yeah, look, community, just help your local community. go out to the beach. we like to go out to santa monica, pick up litter. these are small little things that you can do. also, pack meals for families, a lot of the times teens cannot -- sorry, little kids cannot get into a kitchen in a charity because they're too young but there are places within the charity that they can pack meals and be out of the kitchen and then also use that artist or
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that letter writing, somebody who wants to write letters to veterans or seniors, this is all something we can do and that is easy. >> i did a story recently for "nightly news" about volunteering and what it does for us. >> these are so many good ideas. when you pull up to an intersection the girls are like, let's give him something and we'll give him something but go home that weekend and put together ziplocs with a water bottle, a gift card to starbucks to help make a difference. donna tetreault, thank you. >> appreciate it. there's much more news ahead. >> you're watching "nbc news daily." ♪♪ open talenenti and raiaise ther toto gelato mamade from scscr. raise e the jar toto flavors from t the world''s fifinest ingreredients. and now, f from jars t to bar. new talelenti gelatoto and sosorbetto minini bars. ♪♪ trying t to control l my astha fefelt anythining but normrm.
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♪♪ ♪ trying t to control l my astha fefelt anythining but normrm. enenough was e enough. trying t to control l my astha fefelt anythining but normrm. i tatalked to anan asasthma specicialist trying t to control l my astha fefelt anythining but normrm. anand found ouout my severere a trying t to control l my astha fefelt anythining but normrm. is d driven by e eosinophils, a a type of asasthma nucalaa can help c control. is d driven by e eosinophils, now, fewewer asthmaa attackcks and d less ororal steroidids that's m my nunormal wiwith nucala.a. nunucala is a a once-monthty add-on injecection for severe eososinophilic c asth. nucala i is not for r suddn brbreathing prproblems. alallergic reaeactions canan o. get help r right awayy for swelelling of face, momouth, tongugue, or troublele breathingng. infectionsns that can n caue shshingles havave occurrede. don'n't stop steteroids ununless told d by your dodoc. infectionsns that can n caue shshingles havave occurrede. tellll your doctctor if u have a a parasiticic infecti. may cause e headache,, injectioion site reaeaction, have a a parasiticic infecti. back p pain, and f fatig. have a a parasiticic infecti. talk to yoyour asthmama specialisist to see i if once-mononthly nua may be rigight for youou. and d learn abouout savis at ththere's morere to your l e than aststhma. find youour nunormalal wiwith nucala.a.
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she e is fearlesess heart's on the l line depepend silhoueuette... heart's on the l line ...keepiping leaks o off her . comfmfortable inin shapeware fafabric... ...keepiping leaks o off her . ...she m moves with h ease. ...keepiping leaks o off her . confidenent on nighthts like thesese. dedepend silhohouette. confidenent on nighthts like thesese. ththe only thihing strongegr thanan us, is yoyou. tv: try tide power pods with 85% more tide in every pod. who needs that much more tide? (crashing sounds) everyone's gonna need more tide. it's a mess out there. that's why there's 85% more tide in every power pod. -see? -baby: ah. if youou've had sesensitivit, those zizingers can n really cae some o of that jololting pai. ththere is onene great sololun out there e with sensosodyne. it creates a protective barrier, and nonow they getet to feel l , 'oh, this i is a producuct thatat actually y works. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ [ cat purrs s ] 'oh, this i is a producuct thatat actually y works. [ [ phone vibrbrates ]
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introducining astepro o alle. stereroid-free a allergy relf that statarts workining in 3 30 minutes,s, while otheher allergyy sprarays take hohours. now w with astepepro fafast allergygy relief, [ spspray, sprayay ] you u can asteprpro and go. this is "the fast forward" on "nbc news daily." i'm chris chmura. our top story, a civil rights icon joins the outcry against antioch police department. he is urging them to be investigated. it follows a text message scandal. 45 officers are under investigation for their role.
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the city council approved an audit of the police department's discipline process, including its internal affairs office. outside it looks like summer, feels like winter. meteorologist kari hall predicts a warm-up around the corner. >> we are on the cool side with our look at our temperatures into the mid 60s. it will be warming up tomorrow. low 70s in the forecast. more comfortable air as we go toward the end of the week. this weekend is going to be nice and spring-like. low 80s from late friday into saturday. then our morning temperatures start out in the low 50s. looking at san francisco, also the sunshine, dry conditions continue there as well. we will see highs reaching 60 today with breezy winds. mid 60s thursday. friday, saturday and sunday, gorgeous for getting outside. it will be cooler in the forecast for early next week. back to the low 60s but not seeing rain chances in the near future. >> pleasant, thank you very much.
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welcome back to "the fast forward." let's dive into our climate in crisis series and talk about heat waves in the ocean. warmer ocean temperatures turn sea water more acidic, scientists say. that kills sea life. scientists estimate 90% of the kelp forest off california is gone. kelp alongside ocean trees work to create half the oxygen we breathe. less sea life, less fresh air available. there are organizations trying to make sure climate change doesn't choke us out. we talked to michael stewart with sustainable surf. it's trying to save the kelp. >> kelp forests are one of the most important ecosystems for storing the carbon dioxide that we are releasing through the use of burning fossil fuels. when we burn the fossil fuels, it goes into the air, about 25% of all carbon emissions in the
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world, in the air, get reabsorbed into the ocean. it's changing its ocean chemistry or ph, making them more acidic. kelp forests and mangrove forests, sea grass, they rebalance the system for us. we have lost a lot of those in the last 50 years. that's part of our global work to help put those back in partnership with local organizations on the ground. >> there is much more to this. you can learn more, maybe pitch in at we have put a link on our website, here is a story we are watching. the warriors will play without draymond green. they said his history of
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unsportsman-like behavior contributes to his one day suspension. it's game three of the series. that's going to do it for "the fast forward." see you at 4:30 with more news. ♪♪♪ alallergies dodon't hahave to be e scary. ♪♪♪ (scrcreaming) ♪♪♪ defefeat allergygy headachesest ♪♪♪ wiwith new flolonase headadae and d allergy rerelief! ♪♪♪ two o pills relilieve allergy y headache p pain? and the cocongestion that cauauses it! two o pills relilieve allergy y headache p pain? flonasase headachehe and allelergy reliefef. psst! psstst! all gogood! anand it's easasier than e evert yoyour projectcts done rigig. withth angi, youou can connenec and sesee ratings s and review. anand when youou book and d payg yoyou're coverered by our r hap chececk out today. angi... anand done. i told mysyself i was s ok with m my moderatete to sevevere rheumamatoid ararthritis sysymptoms. wiwith my psororiatic arthritis s symptoms.. bubut just ok k isn't ok.. anand i was dodone settlini. ifif you stillll have sympmps after a tntnf blockerr like h humira or e enbrel,
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rinvoq is diffeferent and m may hel. ririnvoq is a a once-dailyly l that canan dramaticacally relie ra a and psa symymptoms, includining fatigue e for som. it can stotop joint dadamage. and in p psa, can leleave skin c clear or almost t clear. rinvoqoq can lowerer your abily to fight i infections,s, inincluding tbtb. seririous infectctions and blood d clots, somome fat; cancers,s, includingng lymphoa and d skin cancecer; death, h heart attacack, stro, and d tears in t the stomach or i intestines s occurred.. people 5 50 and oldeder with at leastst one heartrt diseae risk facactor have h higher ri. don'n't take if f allergic to rininvoq as sererious reactctions can occur.r. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue or may b become pregegnant. done setettling? ask yourur rheumatolologist for rinvnvoq. and d take back k what's youo. learn n how abbvbvie coc.
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