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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 21, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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connie was the teacher who taught him how to read english all those years ago. she helped him early in his life and now he helps her near the end of hers. you can experience the whole story at area proud, as well as hundreds of other stories about people being good to each other in the bay area. >> always be kind. >> what a touching story. right now at 6:00, a looming deadline. our scott mcgrew is tracking it all for you. >> the supreme court has until midnight tonight to make yet another decision about abortion. the potential impact this could have here in california. >> and the south bay mother accused of throwing out-of-control parties for young people may be ready to change her plea. we're live at the courthouse with the hearing planned for today that may lead to some closure in this unusual legal case. >> and as the world plans to celebrate planet earth, we have some earth day ideas to help our climate in crisis. don't want to miss that. stick around, because this is "today in the bay."
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it is friday morning, the warriors win last night, and the team is all here this morning. what a good friday it is. >> full strength. >> no kidding. especially going into the weekend, where we should have some really nice weather. >> it's going to be a great weekend. i foe a lot of people have been putting in their requests for warmer weather. we are going to get that as well. >> we also want to take you out live to what will be a part of new attractions at six flags discovery museum. look at those. cute! >> bob redell is going to join us. he has a first look for us. cute and cuddly. we're going to check in with him in just moments. as we were mentioning, a great weekend to get out in the bay area and some fun things to do. >> yes, there's so much going on around the bay area, and our sunshine is back. we're going to continue to see that over the next few days. beautiful sunrise, as we take a live look outside in dublin.
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it does feel milder as you're stepping out the door in hayward, 50 degrees, light wind and mostly sunny skies. 50 to 70 at lunchtime and eventually reaching into the mid-70s. even 80 degrees in martinez, as well as santa rosa. we'll see upper 60s in san francisco, but that's also a warm-up as well. low 80s for morgan hill and san martin. we'll look at the weekend forecast in a few minutes. >> sounds good. developing now, the supreme court set a midnight deadline for itself to decide what to do about abortion pills. >> scott, the issue isn't abortion itself, but it is the powers of the food and drug administration. >> this then affects abortion. good morning. the supreme court is considering a texas case where a single judge said in his opinion the fda was wrong, the fda said the abortion drug mifepristone was safe. the judge said it was not and it should be banned.
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the fda said 20 years ago this was safe and it's been used millions of times since. well, that case got appealed. the appellate court told the judge, you can't make decisions about things that happened decades ago. but the same court did say the fda's more recent decisions to make the pills available by mail, for instance, to make the pills available a few weeks later in pregnancy, those he could ban. so the federal government jumped in and asked the supreme court to block all of those decisions and keep the pill available. that decision should come before midnight our time -- or even time, rather. there are three possible rulings. one, the high court could strike down everything and the pill remains on the market until the case finishes its way through the lower courts. two, they could decide to hear the case themselves. and, three, they could allow things to stand with the new restrictions on abortion pills. now, many legal experts ask, how did we get here?
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judges making scientific and medical decisions, though they are not scientists nor doctors. overruling the agency america set up to decide what drugs are safe and what aren't. americans, of course, have their own personal views on abortion, but the case is not about the right and wrong of abortion. it's about who gets to make decisions about medicines. critics say it wouldn't make sense for a district court judge in texas with no medical training to decide whether the fda's approval of an asthma drug was safe. the supreme court thought it was done deciding abortion. the chief justice, john roberts, has publicly stated he's worried about the legitimacy of his court in the eyes of citizens. most americans support abortion in some form or another. it's not a popularity contest on the court, but courts do need to understand the trending feeling of what they represent. >> i know a lot of this is probably confusing for a lot of people, but we should be clear that while the case is out of texas, it could affect us right
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here in california as well. >> it absolutely could. just because it started in texas. once it gets to the supreme court, that's an umbrella and covers all states. this decision to restrict this one pill is going to be decided by the end of the day. >> and abortion is still legal in california. >> yes, and will remain so surgically. it's been more common than medicinal. california did stock pile a different kind of abortion drug. experts don't prefer to use that one. it's the abortion drug that is in the texas case that is going to be decided today. >> interesting. affects us all. >> it does. >> thank you. 6:04 right now. in a matter of hours, a south bay mom accused of hosting alcohol-fueled parties is due back in court. >> "today in the bay"'s pete suratos joins us live with more on what is expected today. a possible plea deal, i'm understanding, pete. >> reporter: yeah, good morning to you. yeah, shannon o'connor, the
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so-called party mom, is due in court a little bit later today and they could discuss the parameters of a potential plea deal. so we'll see how that shakes out a bit later this morning. she is accused of allegedly throwing alcohol-fueled sex parties for underage teens. she did plead not guilty to all 39 charges against her, that includes child endangerment, providing alcohol to minors and sexual battery. now, when it comes to the sexual battery charge, that's connected to an accusation of nonconsensual sexual activity between two minors. some parents claim o'connor was grooming their daughters for her son and friends. she's been held without bail for more than a year after being arrested out of state. i want to point out earlier this week her attorneys asked how much time she would face if she pled guilty to these charges. we could also hear from victims a bit later today during the hearing. the hearing is set for 9:00 a.m. we're live in san jose, pete suratos for "today in the bay." >> pete, thank you.
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it is 6:06 right now. one suspect accused in the killing of a home depot employee in pleasanton this week, also expected to be in court for an arraignment. police say david gillry drove the getaway car in the shooting. investigators say the loss prevention worker on tuesday at the store, along with johnston, drove following the confrontation with her in the parking lot about stolen items. now, police say that employee, blake mose, was set to get married this summer. both face several charges, including murder. also today in san francisco, a status hearing in the case against a former police officer charged in a deadly 2017 shooting. the district attorney brooke jenkins has already moved to dismiss the case, which her predecessor, boudin, just launched. he faces manslaughter charges in
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the shooting of ketao neil. the office is looking into the legal battle. family and friends are mourning the life of a san jose man who was gunned down while walking his dog earlier this week. george torrez was on blossom river drive on wednesday afternoon when he was shot and killed. torres took care of his mother, who lived with him. dozens of people from the neighborhood showed up at a vigil last night. his family says he touched many lives. >> my uncle was a very big piece in our family and you can see all these people here are gathered today to try to find an answer or help out some way and show appreciation. for the person that's out there, we just want justice. >> his family says they want to make it clear he was not involved in any gangs. san jose police are asking for the public's help finding a suspect. all week long we are celebrating earth week, and this morning we are hearing from google about ways it says that
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we all can help our climate in crisis. the company says searches for how to save energy at home hit an all-time high last year. a spokesperson says one simple device can actually keep those power bills in check. >> what we know from the environmental protection agency is that by adopting a smart thermostat at home, people can save roughly about $50 a month on their electricity bill. >> the thermostats automatically adjust heating and cooling temperature setting in your home. for more tips to save energy, visit the end of the week shaping up weather-wise, i would say pretty nicely. >> it is going to be beautiful. in fact, we have this gorgeous sunrise over san francisco this morning, as you're getting ready to head out. earth day tomorrow, a lot of cleanup events going on around the bay area. i'll be at one and we're just going to try to do our part to help out the earth and kind of
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undo some of the damage we've done. if you're going to be along the coastline this weekend, great weekend for hiking. it's going to be cool to start and some upper 40s in spots like half moon bay and pacifica, reaching into the low 60s. you will need the jacket along the coast. we're going to see it definitely warming up for a lot of our inland valleys. mike has a look at where we can find lower gas prices. >> we're looking. relatively speaking, lower gas prices for sunnyvale, best we can do, costco, lawrence station road, $4.19 a gallon. candidate county, the concord super stop, $4.27. sonoma county, $4.69 at the valero. thanks for helping us out by everybody who contributes to the reports on we have the sensor readings put out by various electronic devices showing us speeds are
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pretty good around the bay. little build for highway 4, 37. we got confirmation the metering lights have been activated. a mild buildup at the toll plaza. standard for a lighter friday. it is 6:10 right now. coming up next on "today in the bay," just about that time of the year. the bay area's amusement parks are starting to kick into overdrive. >> reporter: good morning, i'm bob redell. the world's fastest land animal has returned to the east bay. i'm in vallejo coming up. >> i want to take one home. >> it's going to grow. april is autism acceptance month and b.a.r.t. is helping children practice their language skills. coming up, we're going to tell coming up, we're going to tell you the small taste of what you
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trtrinet. peopople matter.. good friday morning to you. right now at 6:13, if you have a little bit of time before going to work to get some steps in in foster city, it's going to be a cool morning, low 50s, but a beautiful sunrise and a lot of sun in today's forecast. make some plans to get outside. we'll talk about what to expect this weekend coming up in a few minutes. >> dublin, we had big backups yesterday, not today. it's looking good out of the altamont pass through the dublin interchange. we'll show you the build coming up. >> how about some fun? >> some of the world's fastest animals have arrived right here
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in the bay area. >> that's right. "today in the bay"'s bob redell joins us live from six flags discovery kingdom to get us up to speed, so to speak, bob. >> reporter: yeah, good morning. we've got angela here, we've got jonah, and, of course, this is kalahari. eight months old? >> almost five months old. >> the ladies are older. he's our young man. >> you're bringing back the cheetah cubs and he was rescued from a zoo? >> he came to us from a facility in virginia and he was born to a first-time mom and she had four cubs and he was the only survivor. >> if you look at his front, looking at the camera on the left side, you'll notice his elbow is a little messed up. >> that was because of being born to a first-time mom, she accidently squished him. the other three were stillborn.
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when the trainers went in to retrieve them, they were surprised to see that he made it. >> he seems like a normal -- >> oh, yeah, it doesn't inhibit him in any way. they're the fastest land mammal. >> how fast will he get? >> normal cheetahs can get anywhere to 60 or 72 miles per hour. kal can probably hit 50, 55. >> right now he's only about 25 pounds, correct? >> correct. >> he'll get to five times that? >> probably 140 or so. >> oh, he just made a noise. >> that's just a vocalization, again, with these guys they don't roar like other big cats do. these guys do purr. they'll make some growling sounds, chirping noises that are little squeaks. >> does that hurt? >> it's all right.
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[ laughter ] >> we call him nine-digit joe. >> he has baby teeth that are nice and sharp. what we're doing, too, is how you would if you got a new puppy or kitten, just teaching him manners. >> he does have cat-like behaviors. i know he's a big cat. but obviously this is where he differs. oh, you're such a good boy. >> he's definitely a large feline predator and all the play is in the wild, these guys would be doing these behaviors because that's what they would need to learn in order to hunt in the wild. their bodies are designed for it, they have flexible spines. >> he's definitely beautiful. he's on display at six flags this summer. you can see him along with the five ladies, they can't commingle. >> we like our little girl groups, kal is going to stay over there. you can find them at cheetah
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creek. >> thank you. kal, you're awesome. >> that is so cool. they're planning on keeping him there and they're going to grow up there? obviously, they're getting used to being around people. >> reporter: oh, yeah. he's a permanent resident and he'll live out his life here. he's obviously going to be five times the size. he's only 20 or 25 pounds. we've been hanging out with him for the past 20 or 30 minutes. he's quite an animal. >> what an opportunity. that's cool. >> maybe you can take him home. i know you won't. your dogs won't like that. >> quite the running partner. >> thanks, bob. >> just like any other cat, just go on top of the couch and lay there. this is trending this morning. in honor of autism acceptance month, b.a.r.t. has recreated some announcements with some kids who are on the spectrum. >> it's such a nice thing. this is a preview of what you
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might hear while you're waiting for your next train. >> hey, everyone. i'm ryan. please stand clear of the closing doors. >> b.a.r.t. is doing this to help kids practice their language skills. the announcements will run through the remainder of april. with rising rates of autism for children, b.a.r.t. hopes the announcements can serve to educate those who may not be personally affected. >> all it takes is someone believing in you. >> and also someone who cares enough to explain. we're very lucky that kari has shared information with us so we can understand a little bit. >> it's all about the acceptance and allowing them to do things that everybody else does. >> exactly. so important. >> yeah, absolutely. that visibility. we're going to have a great weekend, i know some people are still rotating through spring breaks or even just getting closer to summertime. here is a live look at the golden gate bridge with a beautiful sunrise about to come
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over the bay. it's going to be warmer with temperatures in the 70s and 80s this weekend. with the warmer weather, you may be outside for longer periods of time. just a reminder to stay hydrated and it's time to start a prying sunscreen. you never want to leave your pets or kids unattended. even if it's 80 degrees outside, it can be 100 inside a closed vehicle. so just that reminder. and also warm weather continues through next week so we're not done with this just yet. even though we are seeing a cold front over the pacific and even some light rain across the pacific northwest. as the storm system comes in, it's going to weaken by the time it gets here. we're going to get a slight cooldown from sunday into monday. we're headed for the upper 70s for today for fremont, 79 in napa, and even 80 degrees in santa rosa. while san francisco will be in the upper 60s for highs today.
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that's going to feel warm and we'll continue with that into the weekend. tomorrow's high temperatures reaching 79 in martinez, hayward 73 degrees, and 77 in mountain view. by sunday, once again, just a little bit cooler. we're going to start to feel that with some breezy winds, but still an amazing weekend for anything you have planned outdoors. and i wanted to show you the look at all the snow at palisades tahoe this weekend f. you're lucky enough to be going to the sierra, mild weather, reaching 60 degrees, while here in the bay area it will be heating up. brentwood with 80s this weekend and possibly upper 80s for the middle of next week. we have a crash, the south bay. overall it's a lighter friday so we don't have the slowing for 101 or 87. we'll watch those key spots closely. it will build. but it's over here, highway 85 southbound, we're looking at a crash. it's reported between fremont
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and 85. it looks like it's closer to 85 and 280. more slowing shows up. there may be one lane blocked. it's counter-commute heading toward saratoga. it's an important time as folks head through the area, leaving mountain view and sunnyvale. the rest of the bay shows a smooth drive, no major issues, even the bay bridge toll plaza a lot lighter than we typically see. the metering lights have been on for about 20 minutes. slow, easy build. good morning. what's happening with wind energy and what does it mean for your power bill? i'm security investigator chris chmura. we'll take a closer look next. marcus, it's good news. >> good news, indeed. you know what? kari and i, let me tell you about this. we went behind the scenes for the third hour of "today," shooting in sonoma. look who i ran into. yes, that's the dance cam mom. she's showing me her moves. you may remember her from 2016,
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she came famous for her dance moves at a warriors game. she said hoda retweeted her and made her go viral. now we're hoping to go viral with these dance moves. it was one take. we'll have more on social media. but don't forget, the third hour of "today" in the bay area in sonoma county this morning, and you don't want to miss that. that's coming up at 9:00. stick around. stick around. we've got much more - life is uncertain.
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6:25 on this friday morning. this morning, we are taking our earth week coverage offshore to make your power bill more predictable. >> consumer investigator chris chmura joins us with a look at what the pacific ocean has to do with our power bills, possibly. >> not right now. >> in the future. >> exactly. the connection is down the road, a different story. the ocean is where the state is looking to create a massive amount of future electricity by wind. now, the world's first utility scale wind project is right here in the east bay at altamont pass. there it is. now the state is looking west to install huge wind turbines over hundreds of square miles of open pacific water. the chair of california's energy commission told me new offshore turbines will tower 800 feet tall, almost as tall as san francisco's trans america pyramid, and they're going to generate a lot of electricity.
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>> just to give you a sense of how big these turbines are, one rotation of the turbine powers two houses for a day. >> offshore wind power is far cheaper to create than using natural gas and coal. so once the state really gets its offshore wind farms growing, your power bill should be more predictable. by 2045, the state wants to create 25 giga watts offshore, enough power to light up 25 million california homes using pacific wind. for earth week, we spent the past few weeks exploring wind energy, including a look at why you might see fewer tur bins in the hills today. any plans for the weekend, earth day plans? >> some walking, going to wine country. >> kplint. . >> tahoe, finally.
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>> have a good weekend. >> coming up, the top stories we're following, including the warriors fought back against the kings, even without two key players. ahead, the new excitement sure to swirl around thrive city this weekend. >> warriors fans feeling very differently from a's fans, who now know the team is likely to head to sin city. we'll talk more about that land purchase deal
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everyone has worked together on this for a long time, but the challenge is the timeline. >> right now at 6:30, a response to oakland's outrage, maybe some hard words to process for a's fans, upset about the team buying land in las vegas. only on nbc bay area, the a's president sharing what led to the team's tough decision. >> plus, heating up. a live look across the bay area. we're going to check in with meteorologist kari hall to see how long this warm-up is going to stick around, as you make those weekend plans. this is "today in the bay." a very good friday morning to you. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. before we get to our top stories, the third hour of "today" right here in the bay area. taking over the bay area up in sonoma county. ahead in just a few minutes, a behind-the-scenes look at their trip to wine country.
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meteorologist kari hall was with me yesterday up there. kari, folks kept coming up to you, saying what's the weather going to be like this weekend? >> i think she gets that everywhere she goes. >> it was pretty amazing yesterday. i don't know if we could have gotten any better weather. it will be warming up over the weekend and i've got a little something for everybody. it's a cool start this morning as we're right now at 50 degrees in hayward, 47 in livermore and 50 in santa rosa. as you're getting ready to go to work in pleasant hill, it's in the low 50s, but you can see the trend that quickly starts to head upward, upper 70s and low 80s today. so significantly warmer compared to yesterday. we'll see more this weekend. we'll talk about that, as well as some events going on around the bay area to help you enjoy the weekend in a few minutes. >> kari, thank you. new this morning, did you feel it? a 3.2 earthquake striking her hollister this morning. this was about 2:15, according to the usgs, people felt it as
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far as salinas. so far, there are no reports of any damage. we've got to talk about this, the reality of the oakland a's move to las vegas. fans are not happy at all. in fact, they are downright mad. and so is the mayor, sheng too, who says the team used oakland as leverage for the deal. >> "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez joins us with how the team is justifying the move. they're hoping fans are going to stick with them. >> they really want the fans to stick with them as they make the move to las vegas. the president did a one-on-one interview with us, and said after 20 years of trying to work out some sort of stadium deal in oakland, the team had to do exactly what the city has to do, which is keep the organization financially sound. >> we've been on parallel paths for about two years, looking at oakland, doing everything we can to make that happen, looking at las vegas as another option. and we're really at the point now where we needed to make a hard decision. and with the timeline challenges
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in oakland, this was really an action that we felt necessary to put the franchise on stable financial footing. >> so the timeline a's president david kaval is talking about is for major league baseball to finalize plans for a move by january of next year, so right around the corner. kaval says it is a big disappoint that the howard terminal waterfront ballpark plan couldn't come to be, but mayor sheng thao says the city and a's were closer than ever to the deal, having secured more than $375 million in offsite infrastructure. the mayor says she was blindsided by the announcement that the team purchased 49 acres off the las vegas strip right near the raiders new stadium, and for now the city of oakland, she says there's no turning back on this deal. >> oakland is not interested in being used as leverage in the a's negotiations with las vegas. and it is disrespectful to our
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residents and our fans to string the city along this way. >> it felt like the final dagger in the heart of oakland sports fans. >> i'm turning my back on the a's. they turned their back on us. >> according to the a's president, if the mlb approves the location and nevada lawmakers give a nod, the team could break ground on the new stadium as soon as 2024. first pitch could be 2027. in that time, the team will have to figure out a large part of the financing, including a $2 billion relocation fee. now, you might remember the lease for the oakland coliseum runs through 2024. the end of that season. so before this announcement, not a lot of fans were showing up. the a's were averaging fewer than 11,000 fans in the stand. so far this season, we'll have to see if they continue to show up. laura and marcus. >> thank you very much, kris. now to a live look at oracle park, our other team. giants fans will be out, no
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doubt, in full force tonight. the second game of a four-game series against the mets takes place. the giants are hoping for a victory after losing last night. you can catch all that action here on nbc bay area. it all starts at 7:00 tonight. nice way to spend a friday night. >> let's keep it in san francisco and talk about the warriors. hardly missing a beat without one of their stars, draymond green. >> that's right. of course you probably know he was suspended for one game, gary payton jr. was out as well. but the warriors pulled it off. they roared back last night against the kings at chase center, winning last night's game three was critical if the warriors hope to come back to win the first round playoff series. steph curry led the way, dropping 37 points and kevon looney pulled in 20 rebounds as the warriors won. fans certainly pumped. >> looney, 20 rebounds! >> this is worth coming here. >> we're so happy and we know
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we're going to take care of business on sunday. >> take care of business on sunday. the dubs got han added boost, e-40 was in the house after getting kicked out of game one in sacramento due to what we'll call a misunderstanding with fans. the kings have since apologized. sunday's game four at chase center on sunday afternoon. >> 114-97. new this morning, certainly not 30 rock, but quite the field trip for the third hour of "today" show seem. >> fun day, and here in the bay area in wine country, kari and i met with the team to get a behind-the-scenes look at what they're up to on "today." >> with all the lights, cameras and people, there's no doubt something exciting is happening in sonoma county. the third hour of "today," sheinelle jones, craig melvin, dylan dryer and al roker, a along with their behind-the-scenes team, bringing the show to the bay area. >> i literally woke up to an email in my box in the morning,
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and said, okay, i'm not waiting, i'm not talking to my husband. we have a 7 month old. i'm just going to sign up. >> insaid of being on the plaza, the viewers were at st. francis winery. >> there's a guy moving planter boxes just to get everything set up just right. >> reporter: the third hour of "today's" trip is sponsored by sonoma county tourism, highlighting local artists, food, and of course wine. >> the weather is fantastic, the wine, the food, the people. everybody has been so welcoming. it's been fun. >> without them, we're not here. to show up to a place like this on a beautiful day. and folks have signs. they made the signs last night. >> with all of that, it wasn't hard to convince them to come. >> we don't get to come out as often as we would like because it takes a while to get out here. if we had our druthers, we would be in the bay area a lot more.
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>> the beauty of wine country is just one of the treasures many hope is here for years to come. >> how important is it for us to do our part to continue to have beauty like this? >> unbelievable amounts of rain you saw. and that's what climate change is doing, it makes violent swings of extreme weather, so it's so important for us to all really buckle down. >> thank you all so much. i appreciate it. pleasure. fun time with the crew. make sure you stick around this morning and then watch the third hour of "today." that's coming up at 9:00 right here on "today in the bay." >> i love that the weather just looked gorgeous out there as well. good representation. >> bay area showed up. meteorologist kari hall, of course, has been tracking that weather. beautiful weather out there. and you say it's going to get warmer, which is a good thing. >> it's going to be warmer as we go into the weekend. we posted some of those pictures on our social media.
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check out our pages. if you're going this weekend, lucky you. take a look at these temperatures. we're going to be in the upper 70s, so even warmer than yesterday. as we go into the weekend, we are going to have warm afternoons, but cool mornings each and every day. later this evening we've got the giants at home and we'll be airing it on nbc bay area. if you're going to be going to oracle park, it will be breezy and cool, first pitch 62 degrees and then dropping into the upper 50s. make sure you're wearing layers because it will be a chilly evening. then we are also going to have a lot of events going on for earth week, earth day tomorrow. it's going to be free to get into muir woods and our high temperatures reach into the mid-60s there. reservations required. maybe you'll wrap up the weekend with mike inouye in snow at japantown, and it's going to be at 60 degrees at 10:00 and then headed for the low 70s with breezy winds and beautiful sunshine. mike, you're getting more
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detail about a crash in cupertino. >> i am. that's going to be perfect out there. over here, sunnyvale/cupertino border. i think it's in cupertino because the slowing shows up as you pass underneath where 280 and 85 splits, heard about a rollover. the car is back on its wheels but blocking two lanes. no major injuries, that's the initial report. again, counter-commute toward saratoga. and the northbound commute just starting to build. 880 slows a bit through hayward. no problem across the san mateo or dumbarton bridges. slowing for 84 as it builds out of sunol. we're looking at the westbound push to the north bay and the bay bridge toll plaza and the san rafael bridge, both build. back to you. >> thank you. thinking outside the box during wildfire season. ahead on "today in the bay," the
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extreme lengths being taken to our climate in crisis. we're going to introduce you to the latest firefighter graduates. >> and changing it up, we'll do business news next, and sports, too, with steph taking on lebron. stick around. >> we're moving you forward with our school shout-out series. today's comes from a group of san jose students who helped our sister station, telemundo 48, plant a tree for earthquake. >> good morning! >> if you would like students to take part in our special friday shout-out, just email their classroom's video to us. we would love to see it. we would love to see it. you're watching "today in t
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♪♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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happy friday. the time is 6:44. take a look at this sunrise. stop whatever you're doing. it is a gorgeous start to our day. it's going to be a great weekend. temperatures in san jose go from 54 degrees at 8:00 to 72 at lunchtime, outdoor lunch weather, and some upper 70s for today. we'll get a look ahead to the weekend forecast in a few minutes. a different perspective, you're going to have sun in your eye fs you're going toward oakland. it's enough for us to see the backup is filling in the toll
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plaza. we'll show you where the jam-ups are happening in the next few minutes. new this morning, president joe biden expected to make a campaign announcement as soon as next week. many analysts presume that the president will make that announcement on tuesday. this is four years to the day that he announced that he would run for president back in the 2020 election. biden told nbc's al roker that he planned on running again at the white house easter egg roll. take a look. we do have this. scott? >> i can do something here. good morning, very happy friday to you. tesla stock fell hard after investors saw the spreadsheets revealing how tesla's recent price cuts were hurting the bottom line. so after six price cuts so far this year, tesla is increasing prices on some of its cars. no doubt in response to this big fall. meta has been laying off and ceo
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mark zuckerberg says there may be more layoffs to come. facebook less popular than it used to be, no one seems to care for the metaverse. the company's biggest promise is instagram. clorox cutting 200 jobs, though not necessarily 200 people. it will shuffle some people around and cut open positions. >> this is steph curry's twitter account. he lost his blue check from his account yesterday, so, too, did thousands of other celebrities and newsmakers, state governors, senators, even b.a.r.t. lost its blue check. twitter owner elon musk wants people to pay 8 bucks to get the check back, but the purchased blue check carries no verification. it does not prove you are who you say you are, which was the whole point of the checks. it just proves you gave elon musk $8. it gets more strange. many celebrities who had been verified as real, william
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shatner, stephen king, lebron james, said they would not pay for a new blue check, because it's useless. so musk didn't take their blue check away, so steph curry, professional basketball player, no check. lebron james, yeah, he's got a blue check. and here is the city of new york. it lost its blue check. it tweeted, we are the official twitter account of the city of new york, and it is. to which a different city of new york account said, no, no, you're not. this account is the only authentic twitter account representing the new york government. it's not, but you can't tell the difference because there's no blue check. >> it will be interesting, because supposedly government agencies will have the gray. >> but, again, it's a system that had worked pretty well that is now broken and last time this happened, remember, eli lilly, somebody pretend to go be eli lilly, made a major announcement and the company's stock plunged. you can no longer trust what is
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on twitter is the person representing or proclaiming to represent. >> and we can't find how much money they're really garnering because the communications department. >> here is the other thing. a lot of people who still have a blue check for some reason are asking it be removed because they're embarrassed. >> it looks like they paid. >> correct. >> interesting. so it's now the opposite. not having a blue check is cool. >> so many people wanted one. >> no blue checks here this morning. let's check in with meteorologist kari hall right now. she is tracking more of what is expected in our upcoming fire season as we talk about earth week. >> yes, it's our climate in crisis series we continue, especially this earth week. wildfires are becoming more frequent and scorching more land as temperatures warm. the outlook for this upcoming season is expected to be average, despite all of the rain we've had. but the number of hands trained
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to tame those flames is often very limited, causing firefighters to work days and even weeks on end to save life and property. fire and forestry recruitment programs is working to fill those gaps by tapping the criminal justice system and training incarcerated people to fight wildfires. they gain leadership skills needed for their life post incarceration. >> they had opportunities to assist with some fuels management activities over as stinson beach and other places throughout the bay area where they had a chance to practice and develop their firefighting skills. >> i never had somebody to push me, you know, and so when i came into the program they pushed me. then my mind-set really shifted. it's like, oh, this is the opportunity that i've been wanting. >> so those new round of cadets
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will graduate the program tomorrow in oakland, which is also earth day. so to learn more about this program and our climate in crisis that's on our website, let's get you started with a look at the weather as you're heading out. it's beautiful and clear and it also feels kind of mild. we're also going to continue to see sunshine in the weekend forecast and across the region. we are seeing the rain and the clouds staying up around the pacific northwest. but as we look at the system off the coast, this is our next cold front. by the time it gets here, it's going to weaken and also just bring in a slight dip in temperatures by sunday. as you're getting ready to head to work in foster city, if you've got a little time to get in steps, we're starting out with temperatures in the low 50s before work. as we go into the late morning, early afternoon, it continues to warm up and it's going to be a beautiful day. if you have a little time during the overnight hours, look up. the lyrid meteor shower is going
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to be peaking and it looks like we'll continue to see clear skies. if you're patient, you have a nice open view, you may see 15 to 20 meteors per hour. take a look at these temperatures. it's been a long time since we've hit the low 80s and we'll get that in santa rosa today, mid-70s for oakland. and tomorrow it's about the same, just a touch cooler in some spots, reaching 66 in san francisco and just a little bit cooler on sunday. that will be the trend for a few days as we go down into the low 70s for some of our warmer spots inland. if you're making beach plans over the next week or so, it's going to be nice this weekend, still jacket weather. but next week on wednesday and thursday it's going to warm up quite a bit. so we are in for some warmer temperatures ahead. but there will be a slight dip in temperatures between sunday and monday. mike, you've got a lot of lights at the bay bridge toll plaza. >> we have lots of headlights. the metering lights have been activated. they will not be turned off because the volume is there and
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all the sunlight. slowing now through berkeley, it's friday, the theme continues. a smooth flow of traffic, typical pattern, again, monday through thursday much more traffic than fridays, usually. the build, though, for the nimitz out of hayward, san leandro, and 84 coming into sunol, that's typical as you head toward 680. a little build for 101, starting at 680, 87 as well. the crash cleared at 85 and you'll have one less lane starting at 8:00 a.m. on highway 17. >> thank you very much. happening now, governor gavin newsom is expanding the state of emergency to exclude four new counties, including one in the bay area. it's part of the ongoing response to severe storms in february and march. contra costa county is on the list, alongside riverside, and
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listed counties are eligible for additional resources to assist with recovery from the storm. next, a quick look at the top stories this morning. the looming deadline, the key decision expected in a matter of hours from the supreme court, and the impact it will have and the impact it will have across the
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♪ h heatin' up p the kitcheh♪ ♪ we gogot somethinin differen♪ ♪ s spreadin' g good vibebes all day y ♪ ♪ l livin' in t the golden n s♪ ♪ nadada se puedede comparar♪ ♪ livin' ' in the gololden sta♪ ♪ vive e en el e estado dorarado ♪
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welcome back. we're moving you forward with a look at our top stories on "today in the bay." >> first, today the supreme court is expected to weigh in on the fate of the commonly used abortion pill, mifepristone. the nation's highest court is initially supposed to issue a ruling on wednesday but then delayed it. at stake is whether the allowed restrictions on mifepristone ordered by the lower court to take effect, while legal challenge to the fda approval continues. >> today the south bay mom accused of hosting alcohol-fueled parties for minors is expected back in court to possibly set parameters for a plea deal. shannon o'connor has been held without bail for more than a year after being arrested out of
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state. earlier this week her attorneys asked the judge how much time she might face were she to plead guilty to all charges, which include sexual battery, child endangerment and providing alcohol to minors. the judge then set today's hearing to hear from victims and review more evidence. switching gears, we're talking dub nation. the warriors hardly missing a beat without one of their stars, draymond green. green was suspended for one game. the warriors roared back to life last night against the kings. star steph curry led the way dropping 37 points and kevon looney pulled in 20 rebounds as the warriors took it away. the kings lead the series 2-1. game four at chase center will be on sunday. maybe craig melvin was a good luck charm the warriors needed. >> hey, craig! >> how are you? >> do you got a shout-out for the bay area? >> i love the bay area. i want the warriors t
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thing around. dub city, huge fan. dub nation. when you live in connecticut, it's dub city. >> he was thinking thrive city. >> thanks a lot, craig. dubs finally got that w last night. you know who else may have been good luck for the warriors? this woman right here. do you remember dance cam mom? she went viral back in 2016 for these moves on the jumbotron at oracle arena. when we saw her at the "today" show taping for the third hour, we had to talk to her about that. i said you've got to show me the moves. and she did, in the sweater and all. so much fun. >> you're lucky you didn't pop a button on that blazer. >> i almost did. make sure you check out the third hour of "today." it is going to come up at 9:00 this morning right here on nbc bay area. don't want to miss that. >> certainly nice out t
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yesterday, and a warm-up as well. >> much warmer this weekend and we'll be losing the sweaters and jackets. it will be in the low 80s. only some upper 70s for sunday, so that's going to be our cold front coming through. the cooldown before it starts to warm up again, and that's only a change of a few degrees. >> over here, a change of a few more cars. light traffic across the san mateo bridge that will build between 7:00 and 9:00. we'll see a lot more traffic heading across. no problems there. the backup at the bay bridge, relatively light. >> sounds good. that's what's happening on "today in the bay." a reminder we stream 24/7 and you can follow us on good friday morning. we're tracking a new round of dangerous severe weather. >> an ongoing threat facing millions more this morning. it is april 21st.


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