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tv   Press Here  NBC  April 23, 2023 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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twitttter usesers a are l l fofor the exit. tiktktok is undeder threat f fr congngress. whwhat do content creatorors an advertrtisers do now? we'lll talkk too o our panelel experts. plus, i investor alali bate
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on howow to break intoo ventutu capipital. thatat's this weweek on "preres herere." good mornining, everyone.. i'm scott mcgrew. washington seeeems intenent on babanning tiktokok. we'll have to see how y young vovoters reactct to that.. bubut for now, we'rere g going focuss on what contntent creato willll do iff tikiktok iss bab. afterr all, s some peoeople m m moneyy on tiktok.. some just makake a a n name for themselveses, which attentionon someme is justt a as v valuable cacash. mikeke donahahue is ceo off sub and h has beenn w working witit creators f for many yeyears to them c connect witith their audiencece. what does a tiktok ban l look lilike? i g get itt if the statate of californrnia tells, hey, youou t use a a governrnment-issueued p and d put tktokok on it. butt if a statete bans tiktok,,
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dodoes i it prevevent citizize using titiktok? > i'm n not s sure thehe sta montanana even knonows, scott.t. there's s so manyy wayays aroun ban ultimatelyly. if you think abobout itit, you d bebe in the ststate of idadaho. yoyou couldld be o on the web v ofof tiktokok. you could bee usingng one of th 2828,000 otherer apppps that se data to titiktok. there'ss r really no way arounu. i think ultltimately w what you lookining at i is more pololiti theater t than an enforceablble. >> i get the u.s.. goverernments concerns a about titiktok, andn of the thingngs that t the connectitions, the c chinese ha with thehe company. but i'm'm not convininced, i hat seenen any hardd evidencee of t things t the governmnment is coconcerned about. whwhat is your impreression off? >> until now,w, e everythingg te have s seen pubublicly seems t i
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ininuendo. i i don't thinink we've s seen evidenence of misintnterpretatif u.s.s. data. there aree misgivivings, but a of it is speculalative at this popoint. >> one of my concernrns is t th becaususe tiktokk is a chinenese app thatt has a cononnection toe chchinese govevernment, thatt c be true o of any chininese made. soso reallyly, if we'e're g gon tiktok, i it would b be fair to we wouould be b banning anynyth madede in c china potenentiallyr as a apps go. >> t this is a really danangero precededent. not onlyy for productcts made i chchina or i individuall apppps would cononsider comoming o out chchina. butt for the broader sort off inteternet freededoms at lararg righght? i meanan, w who is to say that knknow, we don't make a decisis and indivividual statate l levet we don't't l like t the discour twititter. so a anybody whoho is concernrnh
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firsrst amemendment rightss or speeeech shouldd take a a longg atat w what's h happening i ina. >> let't's sayay t tiktok is ba locally oror nationalllly a and are enenable to enforce ththat . what i is the creator to do? yoyoutube hasas been a c creatoa long timeme. metata has sortt o of dabbleded ideaea. but thehere's not a lotot of gr alternatatives. >> i mean, therere's not.t. you u have a lot o of creatoror stake t their entiree bususines the viabilility of tiktotok o o viabilitity of thehe metaa plat oror somomething likike thatat. the uniniversal truth w with a of thesese is t that a as a cre you'u're ultimatelely buildinin businessss on someonone else's . yoyou're renting the relationsn wiwith your a audience from t t plplatforms. so what y you are g going to se a l lot off creatators lookikin alternatatives, p particularlrl platformrms that letet you own ununderlying a audience datata you u have workedd harard t to .
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>> you h have beenn workingng w tetext messagining. some years agogo w we did a a p with a long-timee s san francis rereporter inn whichch he exexperimenteded w with a t texg newswsletter, sendingng itt o o subscriberers. you arare doing somethihing sim withth somome of those creaeato aren't you?u? > yeyes, ababsolutely.. and j joe is one o of ourur lon standingng hosts onn the platat. he's an amazingng guguy. so yeahah, we hahave done a a . it f fits in the musicic spacac artitists, athlhletes, indivivi memedia compananies. just too give you a sensese of scalee over the coursee o of 20 we wouould have s sent 5 b bill text messages.. so we'e're operatiting prettyy signifificantly a at t this p ph 5 millilion plus tototal subsbscribers. >> s so how does t that workrk? i mean,, it's's a blalast out t of thehe text messagege rececei but thenn the creatoror then ca receceive backk from the person
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rereceiving t this textt messag justst like a tradititional tex convnversation.. >> yeahah, that's s right. and that's one of the beautiess of it. soso we enableded this much mor pepersonal c communicatition at, becausee text memessaging, this the w way thatt y you communica wiwith f friends andnd family.. wewe're seeeeing a lotot of cro fors lovove the i idea that then have a moree sbi nat o owned connecection withh their audien, which i is great. soso we go one, two, in n termsa creaeator beingng a able t to bt a memessage, and fans canan getk to that creator one on one. that crereator c can have indivl confnfidences wiwith their communitities. so itit's a nicee particicipat experienence. >> a are there rules a and ideau passss on?? obobviously, w with a alerts on phphone, if ii get o one too m alerts, i i unsubscrcribe fromme alalerts. text mesessages wouould be t th
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way. if i g get one too manany from cecertain frieiend, i do turn o the e notificatitions. >> i'm goioing to texext youou after thihis segmenent. >> right. [ laughthter ] >> no, soso, y you know,, the that wee look att it,, because ofof our m messaging is this inindividual h has to say,y, he would likike to subscribebe to messssages fromm scott. i see thiss ass being realllly valuabable. so i i think itt occccupies a differerent spacece wherere moss own, t than say individuaual sp textxts, politicical texts,, t thatat you get relelated to. but of cocourse, w we alwayays e guidanance in n terms of ththe e of memessaging. >> i m mentioned joe. give mee an e example of anotht sortrt of c creative user of te message e that you h have seen.. >> surure. i t think mosost recently,, we miley cyrus' newew alalbum rele whwhich iss maybebe a a litittla
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differentt scale.e. so she's's sharing a a behind t scscenes lookk into makaking th album a and a firirst look a at indivividual songs, maybe merchahandise, thahat type of f. ththere's a l lot of difffferen to usese it. ththey're r really trying t to themselveses. ththey're trying toto bring p p bebehind the cururtain a and sh what i it is like.. because, agaiain, we'e're u us persononal medium. we w want too share personall messages,, maybe s stuff t thatd not goo out o on twitttter orr meta plplatforms. >> i s signed upp f for the mil cyruss one. it g gave m me a giggle t to lon anand oh, it's m miley cyrususg me. [ [ laughter ] ] > there y you gogo. yoyou can telell all your friei. >> righght, me andnd a fewew t otherr peopople. michael donahue is ceo of subtext.t. i appppreciate y you being with this mornrning. thanksks for joioining us. "press: hehere" will b be right back.
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w welcome bacack to "preses herere." twititter is having a all kinds trtrouble fininding a advertise willining to bee assocociated w the n new t twitter and e elon . and tiktokok, who k knows whatt happens s with tiktok? facebookok in the past h has be accucused of inflatiting itsts reach. whwhat is an adverertiser t to ? my n next guesest, matt o'conn susuggests advertisese anywhere onlinene with what t the ad buss calls outut of hohome, likike bibillboards.. yeahah, bibillboards.. matthehew is the c ceo of ad qu. matthew, we haveve come fulull cicircle heree for advertitisin bibillboards.. >> yeahah. itit's r really funny. youu know,, we're sittiting her 202323, and the oldldest form o advertisining that e exists had best y year on rececord just l yearar. so with a lot off the kinind o
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tumultss onlinine with digitala twitter,r, tiktok, facebook,, a with apppple d dealing witith , a l lot of ththose dollarsrs ar lookining for a new wayay to re consumerers, and out of home, eveverything i in the real worl still a as e effective a and in more measurablble t than it has been. soso itit's a r real boooom for indudustry. > i was goioing to ask y you measuremenent. advertisisers meaeasure by impressionons, so out t of home covers e everythingg from bubus shelters t to car wrwraps, is of home lesess effectitive or more efeffective t than adverertisin ononline? > yes. itit has o one of the lowestt c perr thousandd i impressionsns chchannel outut there,e, online advertrtising witith netetflix abovee $65 cpm. the n national a average foror home is a a relativelely incred $5 cpm.m. as far ass the impactcts a and
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are consusumers doingng a after sesee an ad, which is the thing that add verytitizers c care th most abobout, becauause everyth hahas a digigital touchch p poi out of h home canan b be -- a an downloadad an appp orr g google sesearch foror a brandnd or, yo, scan a qr codede. so therere's all these tououch t pointsts that nevever existedede that makee at homee a lot moror attributabable at anyny timee i past. > of coururse, a advertisers even morore aggreression on n t righght? ththe beaeacons a and thihings wouldd let themm know who pasas by their advevertisement.t. coconsumers arere u understanda bit cautiouous abobout that.. >> absolutetely. eveverything w with out of home probablyisistic modedeling. so there's's no one-toto-one targetining o or i identifiersry
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advertisisers, but in the agaggregate they cann s see my search r results went up sisignificantltly in thee marke wherere i ran out o of homes. soso thehere's the correlatitio what we calall the lifift a ana that show v various m metrics b approvoved by outut of home. >> it's more t than jusust billboarards. whatat are some e of the morore creaeative wayays p people a ar advevertising? >> yeah, t there's a w wide worf options.s. everytything from m banners b b planes thahat go up a and down summer day a at the beacach, tt advevertising, t to on-s-scoote in ubebers now. soso rereally, anynywhere thata is a digital screen, therere's companyy probablyy tryingg too ththat an ad formrmat. so ourur platfororm makes itt eo findnd a and buy. > nonow, s some consumersrs agaiainst somee of this.. it usedd to be -- i don't't knof youu rememember, but t there wa
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era youou put t the catat inn t at 1,000% volumeme, youour gas would statart t talking too you. we havave gotteten away from th. >> those a are still around, thouough. it m might be a a l little bit shock whihile you arere havingg peacaceful momoment at the gas station, b but they arare still there. > what arere the chancnces tu or a compapany like yours could geget a m major leagugue sport n amamerica too advertitise likeer does? sosomeone whoho watches arsenaly might be forgiven iff they thoughght they w were cheererin team emirarate airlinines. thosose are bigig ads. >> yeah, that's s righght. so now they'y're getting into susuper imposising visisuals on pitch. any sports statadium you looook around there, and the u u.s. is little f further behind,, but te is advertitising and s sponsors galorere there. so it's s somewhat subcononscio where t these ads arere kind of eveverywhere,, when youou reall think to l look for ththem.
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>> youou knknow, i w was noticit on t the in and o out e exit do an airporort, for instance, yoe got those wrapped in some kind of advertisement from time to time. they will somehow seem less annoying because i'm not noticing them at all. but to the advertiseser i amam, getting thahat mesessage subliminalally, at leleast. >> yeahah. one of the good things about outdoor advevertising, you'r're ststopping anynything frorom do what they y are doingng already. so iff you a are driviving andn billboarard, that doesn't't meau slow downn or stop. bubut anywheree else advdvertis rereaches yoyou, tv, you'ree sg and consumiming yourr programam. onlinene, you'ree watchching a . it's's likeke, just l let me wae video.o. so i thihink that'ss w why the advertisising -- a a lot of peo like ououtdoor advertisising, bebecause itt breaks up t the mononotony of a l long d drive commute.e. >> a and the murals on t the
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buildingss i think of, too. ii don't m mind those.e. if it's jusust a a bigig blank it looooks nice. >> yes.s. there's a g good t trend of gro lilike makaking a advertisingng. so maybe i in thehe cornerr wil ththe small brbrand name,, butua beautifuful mural showcwcasing that brand standss fofor. soso another u unique t type of outdtdoor adadvertising.g. >> i have t to think whahat you think ofof the bottltle placemen a popodium. i've nevever f fell foror that . isis that isis's prettyy intere. i see a l lot o of t that witite sportsts, coacheses drinkingg s cococa cola.. i i don't knowow if thahat's w y aree doing. then therere's the ones o on an show w where they c conspicuous eatt like a bag o of lay's pota chips whwhere, of coursrse, the label is f facing the e camera. soso yeyeah, therere's a l lot
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differenent ways fofor brands tt ththemselves out there. >> matatthew o'coconnor, advertg exexpert, thahank you foror beih us,, talalking aboutut advevert. wewe'll be rigight back afafter advertisising.
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w welcome bacack to "press: here." i often remind you, we have a sister podcast c cal eeded sand roadad, about how ventuture wor hand in hand to make siliconon valleyey one of the mosost powe economomic engineses in the wow. ththere is a new b book calalle breakiking into venture, and th auauthor joins mee this mornrni hihit some of thehe hihighligh. good morning. let't's start with howow i i t most p people break i into vent. they goo t to haharvard, andnd ththey work f for a w while attn sachs. you'u're lalaughing, bececause exexactly whahat you didid, rig? >> yes.
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yes. i think the -- irononically, my pathway i is not necessasarily trtraditionall in venenture ca. hihistoricallyly, the typypical pathwaway to becomingg wouould go too ststanford, do a ststart ofof a garagage somewherere dow there,e, make millilions a and millionsns of dollarars as ann entrepepreneur. as your t third act, insteadd o reretiring, y you invest t that capital. >> you descrcribed justt -- whas the p person whoho watchingg th saying i neteitither wentt to hd or stananford a and i i h have anan operatoror. if you've been there,e, done th, that's a g good way to bececome venture capitalilist. lelet's assumume there arere pe who haven't. what o other w ways a are there? >> well, r really the missiono this bobook, scott,t, is thaha don't havave to become a ventut
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cacapitalist t to need to o undd it. and hihistoricallyly, v venture capitatal hasas beenn verery i from thehe rest off thehe world venture capital is actuaually fundnding thehe t technologyy t shapaping our jobs,, our fooood supply,, our -- howow wee m mee partnersrs. and t today withh advent of thi like c crypto and generatative there's goioing t to be another revolutition in technhnology changing t the way we livive an even iff youou're not a v ventu cacapitalist yourselflf, undersrstanding h how this i in workss and howow it impapacts u crititical. > if someoeone did wanant t involved i in ventnture, is th good titime? i mean, it's a v very sort o of ununcertain - -- becausese of a fears abobout the ececonomy. i don't knknow that a all o of are jusustified basased on the , but, y you know,, o on certain unstabable, sometimeses thahat' good timee to j join an industs. >> exactly.
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righght now iss onene of the b timess ever to get intoo v vent cacapital. bebecause the e economy has sl vavaluations h have c come downs you are lolo ing g to startrt companany, therere's more m mon ththe c capital v venture indnd than everer. but because l large firmsms slo downwn significicantly, getting access too great investmements easier thahan it was o over thet seveveral yearars. the investstments you m might m nonow are m more likelely to be succesessful thann ever beforer. we hadad some o of o our bigigg successess from a technolology perspectivive come o out of the crash inn 2000 andnd thehe c cr 2009, and it's thosese y years e we see a boooom in enentrepreneururship and real disrsruption thahat is cattaliz innovatition and makining it popossible to o be adopt
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everywhehere. >> y you wrote a about the importanance of wririting yourr nanarrative. what is a a narrativeve compare a reresume? >> a a n narrative i is sometett you write yourselflf. yoyour resumume is, you know,, you put o on linkeked inn o or of paper. i think resumes are hororribly outdatated, becauause i inveves the f future of wowork, but thaa separarate topic. your narrarative i is w what yo peopople when y you meeeet theme elelevator orr your childrenen' schohool or you meeeet t them p in t the hallwayays at workrk. thatat's where y you buiuild th powewerful networork. soso giviving peoplple a reasos remember you, a reaeason to wa to help you and too believeve t you u could helelp them in theh future i is a criritical compop fofor susuccess. agagain, if yoyou're lookingng new j job or partner,r, that is critical s skill f for any care. >> and o one you d don't w want make upp on t the spot. yoyou want t to have an idea wh your personanal n narrative sho be. >> exactltly. and y your personanal n narrati
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chchange over titime. things arere changnging fastere evever before.. it usesed to be peoplple had jo wherere they stayeyed at the s compmpany. on a average now,w, people chan jojobs every t two years.s. so depenending o on what you ar lolooking fofor, you havave to that nararrative for an audieie and your perersonal goal. >> and lastly, in the s subtit ofof yourr b book, you m mentio wealth.. it's notot somethingng the indu reallyly likes to o talk aboutu thoughgh. > yes. it is o often veryy secreretive much money people make inn veventure capipital. thee larger firirms are verery difffferent frorom the smalllles in t terms of h how t they como thee peoplee involvedd there, a often manany a angel investorsrt like too shahare how mucuch the makingng, either.. the intnteresting thing abobout bubuilding a portfofolio, whet it's a career o or a a portfoli investmentnts is thatt y you ha create a mododel w where you mi
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expepect not e every bet to w w out. bubut if y you just have a a f that d do very wewell, i it mor makes u up for the others. so a lot off times i in t the industry,, people d don't wantt tatalk about t the thingss that haveven't worked ouout. but ththe ones ththat do makake difffference frorom a wealtlth influencnce peperspective,e, a . >> alisison, thahank you.u. herr new booook is "brereaking veventure." sharingg how too take risks and build life-changing wealth. we'll be right back.
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what if a mousee could chchange the w world? if e elephants c could fly.. if a a princesss could d look like e me. if s stories couould come toto . if i i could w watch heroeos save t the day.... ...and bececome a heroro myse.
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what i if there cocould be a a huge pararty... ...with h my friend d mickey? hehere, now, i is where 100 yeyears of disisney dreas cocome to lifefe at the disisneyland reresort. that's's our show for t thi week. a remindnder that we do havee a sister p podcast c called "sandl road" all l about ventnture cap. if y you enjnjoy thiss progogra think y you w will enjoyoy that wellll. it's avavailable wherevever youe a podcast. thanank you foror making usus p your sununday mornining.
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