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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 11, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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right now at 5:00a deadly late night crash in the east bay. one of the victims left trapped in their car.
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details on the rescue effort and the details that led up to the crash. do not risk your life savings only to be removed from the united states. >> the immediate impact for immigrants at the border and the outlook for immigrants right here in the bay area. this is "today in the bay." good morning on this thursday. i am marcus washington. >> i am laura garcia. we will get to the top stories for you in just a moment. first, still alive, the warriors live to see another day beating the lakers in game five. we will have that fan reaction and the story of one warrior's photographer that says covering the dubs is the cherry on top of
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his own personal recovery. first, let's get to kari hall. >> we will start out with cool temperatures. a calm wind in santa rosa, and 44 degrees. we will start out with clouds but we will see the sun breaking out. in the afternoon, we reach into the mid-60s in the afternoon and mid-70s in the north bay. you will notice there will be a lot more 70s for the inland valleys as our temperatures crank up. we will talk more about that as well as what to expect and the rest of the microclimate forecast is coming up. new overnight for you, this is a crash in martinez leaving one dead and seriously injuring another. this happened at 11:00 last night on highway 4 at south manila avenue. two cars went off the freeway in what appears to be off of a small hillside. two people were trapped and
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rescued. one of the drivers was traveling at high speed before that crash. title 42 which allows the u.s. to turn away migrants at the border expires at 9:00 tonight. >> with an expected surge, border patrol agents are on alert. bob redell breaks down one south bay organization is bracing for an influx. >> but first, let's go to brie jackson live in el paso. this is one of the cities bracing. what is to come here? >> reporter: yeah, good morning marcus and laura. we are just a few blocks away from the border. there are several migrants that have been sleeping at the local shelter that has been providing support to migrants in the last couple of weeks. local officials here tell me they have been preparing for this moment for months. el paso is one of several border
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cities that already declared a state of emergency even before title 42 lifts. the day has come when title 42 comes to an end. the mayor of el paso, texas, tells me his border city is ready. >> we have been prepared for an unknown, and we don't know what that is. >> migrant crossings are expected to surge when title 42 lifts tonight. there's a specialized unit here trained in riot control. >> this unit is here to deter -- >> the purpose of what we are doing now is making legal immigration more streamline. >> sending 1,500 additional
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troops to help border patrol process paperwork. >> our plan will deliver results but it will take time for those results to be fully realized. >> while also warning of tougher consequences for those that cross illegally. >> do not risk your life and your life savings only to be removed from the united states. >> as more migrants make the journey to the border, the u.s. is bracing for chaotic and challenging times ahead. border officials are urging those who have crossed ill eally to turn themselves in or face consequences, which could include jail time. >> in response to today's lifting of title 42, immigration advocates in the south bay are calling on governor gavin newsom to help out. >> today in the bay's bob redell joins us live. what are they asking for specifically, bob?
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>> reporter: good morning, laura and marcus. this is a non-profit in east san josé that helps new immigrants. they are asking governor gavin newsom to secure federal funding to help the new families that could be come into santa clara county, without the title 42 rule, and thousands are expected to cross the southern border, and the non-profit says they receive two to three new families for help, and they expect thatber quadruple. >> a lot of people are just confused. they are just confused in, you know, the process. they just want a better life for
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them and their families. there's just so much chaos at the border. there are just really inhumane living conditions where people are camping out at the border and lots of violence taking place and they want to provide a better life for them and their families. >> reporter: that rapid response hotline, we have put it on your screen, 408-290-1144. they will remind new immigrants about that hotline and to call on governor newsom to enlist help from the federal government. >> we will see what happens on that side of it as well. thanks, bob. an australian-based furniture store on stockton is
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leaving by july. the company cites safety issues there. that store opened less than a year ago. with the closure that means one entire side of stocken between market and farrell will sit vacant. this is steps from union square. and warrior fans breathing a little easier, and beating the lakers three straight games to move on in the playoffs. >> the chase center crowd in full force, the defending champs came out strong in game five and stayed that way. check out steph's three-pointer right at the half-time buzzer that put the dubs up by 11. andrew wiggins at 25 as the warriors beat the lakers sending the fans home happy and hopeful.
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>> i traveled 3,000 miles from virginia beach to come and see the warriors win. >> never had a doubt that the warriors would take it here at the chase center, because whenever we got the energy we have the win in mind. >> we are going to take it in seven! lebron, sit your ankles down! >> game six is tomorrow night in los angeles. a young warriors photographer is opening up about his ascent from the depth of depression. >> he now regularly covers the warriors. he got his "in" with the team when he first met jordan poole. he was going through a trying time as a high school senior and he now covers through the lens.
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>> a tough time for me and i was not seeing life in the right way and didn't really want to be here, to be honest, but from then to now it's like i am in such a much better place where i am able to make my impact on the world through my camera and see life in a different way and help people see that as well. >> you know, they say it gets better. it gets better. photographer essentially saved his life, and for the first time he was able to showcase his work at an art exhibit. >> nice for him. downtown san josé, waiting for the sun's arrival. finally we will start that warming trend. >> yeah, we start to warm up for the inland areas. some people may be packing their bags to head back down to l.a. to cheer on the warriors. we will see temperatures there in the low 70s. it's also going to be a very nice evening. as we go into the morning,
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you're stepping out the door to 50 degrees in morgan hill. mostly cloudy morning, but we will gradually clear up. mike, you are tracking where we can find lower gas prices? >> yeah, kari, los gatos, it's under the $4 mark at 3.99. and then in vallejo, the shell on tennessee street, 4.11, and then in concord, 4.25. is where folks are reporting. the roads around the bay are moving smooth. there has been roadwork on 1st and brokaw that caused a backup this morning. brokaw was so backed up, the exit there was backed up on 101 so that was a problem to getting on city streets. the rest of the south bay, it's
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all good, guys. back to you. >> thank you. location may be the key when it comes to owning an electric vehicle, not for charging but for the payoffs. coming up, we will tell you the findings suggesting not all benefits are the same when it comes to owning an ev. oh, this is -- oh, my, what did your husband get? >> mario lopez literally in the hot seat. the contraction cundrum thaont
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good thursday morning. still breezy in antioch as you get ready to get up and head out the door. low 50s right now. we will see much more sunshine today and temperatures just a touch warmer compared to yesterday, but still not bad. we will have a significant heat up in time for the weekend and we will talk about all of the changes ahead coming up in a few minutes. we are looking at the north bay, san rafael 101, that's your commute direction and no problems there. santa rosa to the golden gate bridge, moving smoothly. we will show you something that popped up over in the east bay,
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and we will give that a couple minutes to brew. more troubles for bank pacwest. this is wednesday's close. that stock is down about 20% in premarket trading this morning. microsoft says its freezing employee salaries to conserve money. a study out of the payroll gusto says new grads will have a hard time finding jobs this spring, but if you wanted a job san joée is the place to go. companies in san josé hire more new grads than anywhere else in the nation and pay them more, and it's the only city in the average where new grads can expect $100,000 a year, but it
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comes down to the cost of living, and it looks more like $57,000. >> economists says if you want the most bang for your buck, houston tops the list. houston has a cost of living 8% below average, and you can save a buck in nashville, too, but the cost of living is low there, too. on the podcast, i talk to a man that has money to put in the bank but they won't take it. >> it's unusual. a lot of the banks like jpmorgan and others we were refused.
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>> you had money -- >> yeah, it has been hard. surprisingly hard. >> you can hear sand hill road wherever you get your podcast. if i brought $230 million to the teller back when i was a young man, you got a toaster for $230 million. >> oh, my gosh. >> what? >> i will hold it for him. >> yeah, in big bags in back of the car. >> yeah, i will hold it and take a little here and there -- >> yeah, fees. you can be a venture capitalists. >> you taught me a lot. thank you, scott. let's look at the bay bridge. there's a new study out showing electric vehicles are making air cleaner, and that's no surprise, but the cars are benefiting wealthier areas.
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the clean rebate program offering up to $7,000 motivating more to purchase those, and last year out of more than 1 million zero emission cars on the road benefited wealthier areas. trending for you this morning, mario lopez, he's known for interviewing celebrities. and he's ac slater to a lot of us, and he did something that would not fit into the traditional description of a host would be. >> he was joined my his wife, and he did this in honor of mother's day. >> it's pretty low there, doc. >> yeah, you know where the baby
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comes out of, so -- >> yeah. >> what if i choose to have a c-section. >> you can still feel those contractions. he later joked he wanted to get an epidural after the contractions, and he said if men had to go through that, he said the population would be very low. >> that poor guy, he probably went through those contractions for what, 30, 40 seconds. that's a lot! >> that's a long time. >> marcus? >> bring it on. >> okay. >> now i would scream, probably. >> i silently cry. >> notice it's just the guys talking. >> because we know what it feels like. >> no laughing. no laughing. let's see what's going on in the weather. we are just going to move it
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right along. we start out this morning in dublin. it's a clear view as you are heading to work. we have had a lot of people up and out the door and it's 49 degrees and a mostly clear morning. temperatures are cool to start, and we are also getting a little more used to starting out with clouds every day, and we will see that today as well. our high temperatures a touch higher compared to yesterday. gilroy up to 74 today. 71 in east san josé. cupertino reaching 70 degrees. oakland and hayward and fremont, 66. low to mid-60s for much of the peninsula. up to 61 today in foster city. we're also going to see in parts of the north bay into san francisco as well some upper 50s and low 60s, and as warm as 75
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in santa rosa this afternoon. go into next week, we could see our rain chances increasing, but as we go through the outlook for the next couple of weeks, we could see above-normal rainfall especially for southern california and the outlook also says we will have above normal temperatures. i think we will see a mixed bag of warm weather and knocked down by rain chances as we go through the next couple of weeks. high pressure building just temporarily, giving us a hot weekend. we could also see storm systems approaching from the west going towards the end of next week. we do have a slight chance of an isolated storm. we will be watching out for that once we get past mother's day. mike, you were tracking a crash in the east bay? >> yeah, we got a few details from the chp and i am not so worried, but there's slowing from sunol into fremont. nothing scheduled there. there's a crash out of oakland
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down towards davis street, and everything got to the shoulder without injury or slowing. it's nicely spaced here by the headlights. >> thanks, mike. next here on "today in the bay," "nbc bay area responds." >> covid-19 tests are no longer all free, but there are ways you might still be able to get one with no o-of-pocketut
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welcome back. it's 5:25. the federal public health emergency for covid-19 ends today, and some benefits are ending even though covid-19 is still certainly around. >> certainly is. we all know that. how do you get those tests now? >> consumer investigator, chris chmura, explains for us. >> for a long while covid tests were able to get them for free, and now let's look at how you can get covid-19 tests based on your health coverage. we will cover private health insurance, medicare and medicaid. for medicaid, tests will remain free through september 2024, and with medicare, covid-19 tests
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are no longer covered or free, but tests ordered by your doctor should be covered. and then cinthia cox says health care plans will decide whether or how much to cover. it may require a doctor's office. to figure out what your health care plan covers, ask them what you will have to cover. check with your health department, as they may have free tests. and the tests in your cupboard, scan this qr code to find out if the manufacturer extended the expiration date. a passenger was stabbed and robbed yesterday on a bart train. i will tell what you bart is
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doing to aress public safetddy.
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the ending of a public health emergency on the federal level -- >> right now at 5:30, emerging from covid. america's national emergency officially ending today. we are moving you forward with an outlook for the illness that has yet to be defeated. bart rocked by a stabbing
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that injured a passenger. ahead for you in a live report the incident raising new questions about rider safety and what the agency is now doing to address those concerns. striking oakland teachers laying out some of the progress being made in negotiations, but still no deal. what families can expect as the strike enters its sixth day. this is "today in the bay." a very good morning to you. thank you so much for joining us. i am laura garcia. >> i am marcus washington. we want to get you started with a look at the forecast this morning. meteorologist, kari hall, has a look at what we can expect. looking nice in walnut creek. >> looking nice. but this is going to be a warmer spot in the afternoon. we are starting out with a few clouds here and there and we will also be in the low 50s for the morning as you head out the door. we will be at 57 at 9:00, and then 65 degrees at noon. a look at our high temperatures for today where concord will reach 73 degrees and 69 in san josé. 71 in novato. as we take it into the day
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tomorrow, you can see more 80s on the map. the temperatures where we had upper 60s today will jump into the upper 70s. on saturday we will see temperatures hitting 90 degrees for spots like concord as well as santa rosa with some upper 80s elsewhere. we will talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. laura? >> sounds good. we will check back with you, kari. moving you forward and more than three years later the country is officially closing a chapter in its response to the covid-19 pandemic. as of today covid will no longer be a health emergency. and ginger, with a new variant spreading, do doctors feel this is the right time to drop this emergency? >> reporter: well, that's a great question, laura. i spoke with our infectious disease expert about this and he does believe it's the right time to get out of that emergency declaration, but he also
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cautiously reminds the public that doesn't mean you can put your foot off the gas just yet. the doctor says it's important to stay up-to-date with vaccinations and booster shots and still keep testing for covid if necessary. coverage of these tools will remain in effect for the next six months so changes will not be so immediate. >> this is all going to be a little unsettling over time, but hopefully not in the short term immediate level. the big take home point is people should not be worried about paying for vaccines or paxlovid, because there's plenty in supply, and so please stay up-to-date and if you get infected or are vulnerable, know you have access to paxlovid. >> covid tools, like the vaccinations and testing, some
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testing and boosters will be available until november 11th, but at-home tests may not be covered by insurance. there could be less flexibility when it comes to telehealth. and the cdc has a share where that data will change in the weeks and months. continue will continue to get sick with covid with the new variant making its way to the bay area. if you have not gotten a new booster since it came out it's time to get one. if you are 65 or older and are four months beyond your last booster, it's also time to get boosted. if you have kids six years or younger, speak to your pediatrician. the big take away is there's still a possibility for changes as the colder months -- i know
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we are barely get into the warmer months, but as the colder months approach, the doctor says stay flexible on how you personally respond to covid infections. ginger conejero saab for "today in the bay." and then fewer people are choosing to ride bart and that's because a new survey says people don't feel safe. emma gosk is at the bart station. emma, another incident where somebody is hurt. what are people saying about this? >> reporter: that's right, marcus. the attack happened yesterday on an antioch-bound train going through the transbay tube. investigators say a man slashed a bart passenger on the back using a meat cleaver and stole their backpack, and at the next
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stop the officers were waiting for him and arrested him. riders tell us safety concerns have led them to seek rideshare services over bart, especially at night. >> right now, like, nobody is using it. half of my friends don't want to come to the city or my co-workers because of how unsafe it is. >> reporter: the bay area council recently surveyed 1,000 people from across bart service area about rider experiences, and 79% of them said they feel more comfortable when uniformed police or security are also onboard. 90% of those polled said bart should prioritize cleaning stations and trains. bart has already started deploying more cops they have between 8 and 18, and there are more uniformed cops riding bart every day. >> bart is a primary source of
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transportation, affordability and convenience. thank you. a man accused in the murder of his ex-girlfriend outside her peninsula home is expected to enter a plea. he used a sword. earlier this year a judge ruled him fit to stand trial. meantime a woman accused in the wrong-way driving death of a san francisco mother of two is due in court. the 24-year-old faces charges, including vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence of drug. she drove her car the wrong way on interstate 280 striking another car in woodside killing
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a mother and injuring one of her teenage sons. now, two missing persons cases, natalee holloway is presumed to have died in aruba. authorities suspected van der sloot, but no charges were filed. he tried to extort $250,000 on the promise he would lead the family to her body, but instead he received a portion of the money and travelled to peru. and now he is serving time for the murder of a girl in peru. for oakland families some mixed news this morning when it comes to the ongoing teacher strike. today is day six of the teacher
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strike. at last night's school board meeting it was canceled because of the scheduled meeting. and the superintendent is among those expressing hope among the negotiations saying progress is being made. >> we are reaching an agreement around compensation and salary. there are parts of the special education proposal that we are pretty close on in a matter of just a couple numbers, but there are areas where we are much further on. >> teachers, once again, expected to be out on the picket line starting before 8:00 this morning. it's 5:38 on your thursday morning. in the east bay, walnut creek, we are looking forward to a little warm-up. will it be a gradual one, kari? >> the weekend is when it gets really hot. we are going to have nice weather. maybe you are kicking it off today at the a's game and later this evening, we are at 63 degrees. nice and mild.
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cooling down as the sky stays mostly clear. if you are making plans for saturday, or you may want to take your mom out to the pleasanton rose show, that will be nice. if you are making plans to go to l.a., in the 70s. in southern california, if you want to go to the beach, nice and mild, 71 on saturday. mike, you are looking at delays ahead? >> there will be a delay at the bay bridge eventually. light traffic, though. not so bad this thursday. great sunrise as you are coming from oakland to san francisco and heading over to san francisco from oakland, there's mild slowing that shows up, and nothing extreme. the a's game is tonight, 6:40 is the game, but after work about 4:30, you will see crowds near
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the off-ramps and that could be an issue. and cal train work will be going on and in the east bay, bart work as well over the weekend. i will remind you. >> thanks, mike. coming up this morning, the details behind a new vaccine recommendation. title 42 over in a matter of hours but there are new tough restrictions ahead. we will go over them, coming up. and then the break through for people that suffer from peanut allergies.
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good thursday morning. right now at 5:43, let's head to the peninsula. it's going to be low 50s and a cloudy start. we will start to see the sun peeking out and eventually clearing up for the afternoon. overall, it's another mild day here but warming up in the inland valleys, i will have a look at that coming up in a few minutes. just as we talked about, those metering lights have been activated at the bridge. the backup starting. it's quickly approaching a quarter to 6:00. health leaders are urging those
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unvaccinated people at risk of mpox. it's holding vaccination events called soma second saturdays, the first of which takes place this saturday over on 12th street. title 42 ends tonight. >> scott mcgrew is joining us. the biden administration had no choice but to let it expire. >> it was a covid restriction, right, and the pandemic is over. that said the biden administration had been trying to get rid of title 42 for sometime. title 42 allowed the united states to send migrants who had come asking for asylum either back from where they came or mexico, while they awaited a court decision on the immunity. it was put into place as a public health measure during the pandemic. title 42 replaced the so-called catch and release system where
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we let people in, heard their claims for asylum and let them stay in the united states while they awaited processing. many migrants think we are going back to that, but, in fact, we are not, exactly. there are brand-new rules, tougher rules that generally require migrants to sign up for an appointment online before showing up at the border, and that they apply for asylum in whatever country they pass through first, usually mexico. immigration says a vast majority of the people we see at the border have not done those things and therefore will not be admitted. we are seeing a record number of people at the border anyway, some perhaps trying to get in before the tougher rules take affect, and some perhaps don't understand there are new rules. there's another reason for the record, the world is a rough place. ukrainians, russians, venezuelans, haitians showing up
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at the u.s. and canadian borders. and this is a video you don't see very often. the paperwork and the bureaucracy, people who had very much followed u.s. law the way our congress wrote it. you may have seen talk online that the biden administration is going to allow some migrants at the southern border to enter the u.s. without being tracked, and this is true. a dhs spokesperson said the new policy will apply only to migrants who have been carefully vetted. the memo comes ahead of what it's expected to be when title 42 lifts. more than 11,000 migrants apprehended just yesterday. custom border agents did not immediately respond at a question for comment. thousands suffer from peanut
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allergies, and now a new skin patch could make the allergy less severe, and it will help people get accustomed to peanuts. the research shows that kids that use the patch found their allergic reactions are much less frequent. >> there's a small window of opportunity and kids have a plastic immunity at this stage and they respond well. >> you can watch more about this on the "today" show coming up right after "today in the bay." ♪ ♪ for all those times you stood by me ♪ ♪ >> we are continuing to honor all moms here on "today in the bay." we're just a few days away from celebrating mother's day. you have gotten that gift yet? here's one option that i don't
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recommend. i will tell you about it, anyway. free wings from hooters. giving away wings if you purchase some. there's only one location in the bay area now. they have closed the other ones, but the one open is up in reasoner park. >> that's totally a dad making that reservation. >> also in the spirit of celebrating mother's day, we are honoring our moms, including a lady very special in my life. >> i want to take a moment to say happy mother's day to all the mothers out there, and especially my mother. i am so grateful to have a woman that was so selfless and so giving of all her time and money growing up.
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i thank you. it's because of you i am who i am today. thank you, mom. happy mother's day to all the mothers out there. >> that's nice. >> look, we all think that, and i just said it. >> that's nice. >> no, my mom is an amazing woman. i am so grateful god blessed me to have her as my mother. >> and we are blessed because of you, and we love when she comes. >> mother's day is sunday. it's going to be hot this weekend, so if you are look for something for mom to do, get her a nice air-conditioned place to hang out. we are seeing temperatures in martinez nice and cool right now. it's 51 degrees. this is going to be one of the spots that will heat up this weekend. we are going from low 50s to mid-60s at noon. you will notice it will be just a little bit warmer but still pretty nice.
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our southbound temperatures here, morgan hill 71 degrees. 71 in east bay san josé. and 76 in antioch, and we will see upper 60s and low 70s across the east bay. some of the breeze is picking up and rolling through the tri-valley as well. san mateo reaching 64 today. 61 in daly city. half moon bay, 59 degrees. we are up to about 61 in mill valley, but you compare that to the 75 we will get in santa rosa. it's starting to warm up in some of the valleys today as the high pressure builds. as we go through the weekend, we will see the high pressure to the east of us causing the moisture further off towards the east back into the bay area. we may see a few isolated storms. we are watching out for that chance. definitely over the sierra, watching out for some rain chances there. this low that is further off towards the west, we will start to kick in towards the end of
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next week, so here's a look at the changes for concord going from low 70s today to low 80s tomorrow. look at the spike in temperatures on saturday. 90 degrees. we are seeing those models updating and getting hotter for that day and then go into the end of the weekend early next week with a little cooldown there, so we are watching the 7-day forecast with temperature in the low 70s today, but 90 for the weekend. mike, you are giving us a look at a crash and an update? >> yeah, mostly green sensors and we are not forgetting about san josé, of course. in hayward we have a crash southbound 880 around tennyson, and time something bad because the build comes in and approaching the 92 interchange. san mateo bridge moving smoothly, and getting over towards the bay bridge, smooth through the maze.
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>> thanks, mike. happening now, contra costa county health leaders identified a second spill sight in martinez, where hazmat teams are trying to clean up there with the mercury. so far no traces have been found on park grounds. on monday teams first discovered the spill around the martinez amtrak station, and that's where the toxic material leaked. wildfires are taking over western canada, so much so the sky is turning orange. still ahead on "today in the bay," we break down the unprecedented amount of fires that are burning in that country, and the impact it's having on our climate. ahead at 6:00, they are still in it to win it. the warriors beating the lakers. we will talk about the excitement growing for tomorrow's game in l.a. first, a reminder you can now
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access nbc bay area news whenever you would like, on roku, samsung plus, or xumo, you can watch even repeats of our newscasts. we are
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welcome back to "today in the bay." in our climate in crisis, we head just to our north to the province of alberta now under a state of emergency as about 100 wildfires continue to rage. more than 29,000 people have been evacuated. nearly a million acres have burned and the sky burned orange over the weekend in alberta, and smoke drifted into the north u.s. with new england residents posting pics of the hazy sky on social media. the forecast for alberta has temperatures near 90 degrees this week with very little rainfall and more extreme fire behavior. canada's wildfire season that goes from april to october peaking in july is off to a bad
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start. we will be following the wildfires in alberta and we will see what experts say about the upcoming california wildfire season, and that's on our climate in crisis page on >> thank you, kari. take a look at this. so cute. trending this morning, "sesame street" has a new friend in the neighborhood. this is tj, the first filipino american puppet making his debut sunday as part of the segment about showing confidence. his character was developed by a filipino american animator. perfect time during aapi heritage month. >> so important. >> it is. >> neo is heading to napa. you know what i am talking
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about? >> not really. well, keanu reeves' rock band performing live for the first time in more than two decades. and they announced upcoming plans for more music. if you missed this show, maybe you can catch them on the second go around. let's talk about mario lopez, and we know him, actor, all that kind of stuff, but on the most recent episode of "access daily," he did something. >> he demonstrated what the pain of contractions, what childbirthing would be like. he was joined by his wife and did it in honor of mother's day. take a look. >> okay, let's go to eight --
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>> can we buy one of these for home. >> can we go to eight? i am ready. >> 10? >> don't get crazy, okay, this is good. >> i like his nervous laugh there as well. >> he joked he wished he could get an epidural after experiencing contractions, and he said if men had to go through this, the population would be very low. >> the thing about it, mike, you were saying earlier, it's a short time compared to what women have to go through to deliver. >> yeah, please stop, and you can't do that. you girls are committed. >> yeah. >> anyway. let's move on. >> thank you again. right now


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