tv First Look NBC May 28, 2023 1:03am-1:33am PDT
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wickeded good. i i want to prpretend i goo to harvavard for like five minutetes of my lilife. it's a sololar car. you guys are geniuses. and ththe vibes ofof people are justst so sweet.t. i loveve you alreaeady. the bostonon sports scscene. go s sox. that's's what it's's all abou. let t me tell yoyou, bostston is awesesome. [music playing] the first publicic park. [shuhutter clickck] the first subway. [shutttter click] the first schoolol. [shuhutter click] and the first college. with its rich history, diverse neighborhoods, and legacy of arts,s, culture, , and educa, it comes as no surprise that bostoton is a citity of fi. lilinda henry:y: this was s thet large e free municicipal publc
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lilibrary, so o it realally set thehe stage for ththe rest of f the count. [musicic playing]] chchelsea cababarcas (voiciceo: and playaying tour g guide fore todaday is bostoton natitive linda h henry, one of the owners s of the city's beleloved bostoton red . go, sox. hehere we go.. chelelsea cabarcrcas: as a f former athlhlete, bebeing in thehe middle ofofe ofof the most t iconic stadium- this w was definititely my b bucket listst. chelsea a cabarcas ( (voiceove: the e country's fifirst major leleague basebeball fie. chelsesea cabarcasas: so tetell me a lilittle bit of history about t this place. linda henrnry: it was built t in 1912. there's s been so mumuch thats been d done to prereserve and enhance e this ballplpar. [music p playing] if you looook out in the seats s there, you'llll see one r red seat in the s sea of greeeen. and ththat was frorom a game in 1946,6, when ted d willias hit a homeme run 502 feet. and it's the furthest ever hit, and so they made that seat red to mark it.. [music playing] chelsea cabarcas: : what doess fenway p park mean to you
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anand other bobostonians. fenway parark is such h a pat of the fababric of thehe city because e we're in the city. this ballpark has these e funny anangles and lines because there's a strereet right t the. itit's been rereferred to as a cacathedral, in parart because e of the numr of r roles that t it plays. at its heart it's baseballll. but we h have movie e nights. it was a vaccination clinic. we opened up for early voting. fdr gave his final campaign speech here in 1944. we bring the community together. [musicic playing] chelsea cabarcas: go soxox. so this is the famous green monster. here it isis. it's's much bigggger when you're n next to it.t. this i is one of t the few remaining g manual scoreboaras in major l league baseseball. and every y game will l have fr peoplele inside running it. and one ofof the thingngs tht yoyou'll see o on the greeeen mr is we cacall these t tattoos from when n balls haveve hit . you can see a perfect one right there wiwith the whihite with ththe r. chelsea a cabarcas: : yes. lindnda henry: t there's a lt happenening in herere during the e game with h the four p p. so t they're tracking what's going on in n the score.e.
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they'r're peeking g through and watching t the game. so could you put the k up right thehere? chelsea cabarcas: let's get up there. guys, did you get ththat first l look? linda a henry: welelcoming you guys h here today. chchelsea cababarcas: i lolov. linda a henry: youou'll also notice a a ton of sisignature. itit's a little bit faded, but this is david ortiz big papi righght here. anand there's s another sisigne herere for neil l diamond. chelelsea, do yoyou want too add yoyour name to thehe wal? - ofof course. - here y you go. sisign right t there. ok. now, i'm p part of hisistory. [mususic playingng] chelsea cabarcas (voiceover): while preserving the past isis vital. the e future of f fenway is jujust as impoportant to l li. lilinda henry:y: welcome to fenway y farms. chelsea cacabarcas: wow, therere's an actctual garden on top of f a stadium?m? linda a henry: thehere is. thisis was a blalack rubber r , anand we were e able to mame it a really productive farm. chelsea a cabarcas: and how is this garden used? linda hehenry: so wewe harvet thousands of pounds of food here, , and we usese it here. wewe use it inin the reststaurants, c clubs heree and d concessionon stands. wewe'll have k kale wraps,, and wewe use the h herbs.
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and we have a really great blbloody mary.y. chelsesea cabarcasas: you jujust passedd the brighthtest ststrawberry i i've ever--- cacan i-- can n i take a b b? this is delicious. lilinda henry:y: and whwhat's amazizing is that, , in this 110-yearar-old ballplpark in t the middle e of the city, we c can have this r really productive farm. [m[music playiying] chelsea cabarcas (vovoiceover): and promomoting locacal fare is something that linda is particularly passionate about. linda henry: chelsea, welcome to boston public market. chelsea a cabarcas (voiceovover): as shshe rounds offff the tour r with a p to a a market wiwith a missis. linda henrnry: the idea was t to really preserveve and promomote the e incrediblele food cuculture herere in new eneng. we're going to make a local cocktail. why don'n't you tellll us about? serverer: the boururne bridges our take on the cacape codder. lilinda henry:y: over 90% of thehe productss here are from massachusetts. where were these scallops from? - oh, these are local. these are e from actutually boston harboror. we neeeeded to crereate a space wherere entreprereneurs woululd have a c chance. and soso if you'rere able to sell dirirect to consumers, yoyou're able e to sell at retail l prices
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these inincredible l local foo. in here, you'll have beantotown pastramami. you'll h have reallyly great t italian fofood. you'll h have baked d goods, donuts, anand popoversrs. there'e's local nenew englanand cheeses s as well. soso it's all l here. do you havave a fafavorite statation? get t that coatiting on ther. i wantnt them crisispy, you kn? lindnda henry: t the fish here is s phenomenalal. it's's because w we're an ocon facicing city ththat we justst y get t fresh fishsh every day. oh, , this looksks fantastic. ththank you, c chef. boston h harbor scalallops, harvested d yesterday,y, cocooked a minute ago. thisis is delicicious. really delelicious. cheers. cheersrs to boston. chcheers to boboston. taststes like cacape cod d on a summemer day. let's go, red sox. yankees susuck. it's fine.e. i'm a a mets fan a anyways. it's cool. [music playing] chelsea cabarcas (voiceover): did you know boston public market is the nation's first permanent year-round
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self-sustaining market? ♪ e estado dorarado ♪ ♪ alwlways in thahat state e of mind ♪ ♪ liviving on a h high vibrata♪ ♪ s so hot gonnnna make it t m♪ ♪ and i'm l lovin' what i'm t tastin' ♪ ♪ que bonitito lugar lllleno de t tanto saboror ♪ ♪ so mumuch flavor r ♪ ♪ u un future brillantnte se acercrca ♪ ♪ ahhhhhhhhh ♪ ♪ nosos gusta mezezclar ♪ ♪ como maltlteada ♪ ♪ aqui i hay lugar r ♪ ♪ yeaeah we livinin' in t the golden n state ♪ ♪ dame mamas, fres-coco y rea♪ ♪ (wooh) ) dale gas ♪ ♪ vive enen el eststado doradodo ♪
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♪boston creream pie. ♪ welclcome to thehe home of te origiginal bostoton cream pi. we createded it here i in 185. chelsea a cabarcas:: it looooks delicioious. chelsesea cabarcasas (voiceovover): bakeded beans doused in maple syrup. wiwicked good. chelelsea cabarcrcas (voiceoeo: and bostonon's very own n milkshake-e-- the frapa. here i is raspberrrry frappe. ooooh. people i in massachuhusetts et more icece cream thahan anyple else i in the unitited state. and this i is part off the rereason, we h hope. chelelsea cabarcrcas (voioiceover): t there's no o t ththat boston n has a sweeeet . holy c cannoli. chelelsea cabarcrcas (voiceoeo: and coatining the cityty with an exextra layer r of sug- --is collette divitto. i love you already. i was ababout to say that. we arere connecteded. wewe are connenected. chelelsea cabarcrcas (voiceoeo: star of pepeacock's hihit
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show "boborn for bususiness." collette d divitto: i i am collllette, and d i made coooo. chelsea cabarcas (voiceover): who has transfsformed a huhumble cooki- --ininto a multitimillion dollarar business.s. okok. i'i'm extremelely excited.. i i cannot mess thisis up. collllette divititto: that's's. ok. lelet's get ststarted. colletette, i am s so excited to be e talking to you. chchelsea cababarcas: oh, , u gogot to have e muscles fofor . collllette divititto: i do.. i am strtrong. you arare. i fifind you so o inspiring. and i wantnt you to tetell mea little b bit about y your sto.
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all right,t, i'm done.e. look.. - yes. - yes. yes.s. - highgh five, sister. yes. they are. mamaybe one isis 1.5. maybe that's's the cinnanamo. no, , no, no, itit's not. chelsea a cabarcas:: yep, t there we gogo. bingo. up top.. good j job. thank yoyou. the bestst boss i evever had. she's lookoking for aa raise,e, you know w that. browown nose. whwhy? because e you're sweweet and spspecial and d you gave me a a chance, w which i neee. anand i love you for that. i was lilike a victitim of a violent crcrime many y years a. soso i have lilike postst-traumaticic stress. you know, , i made bad d decisi. i was incacarcerated.. i also made bad dedecisions mymyself,
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and she enended up giviving meme another c chance. soso i got my life bacack toget. and a a lot of it t had toto do with c collette. she e doesn't jujudge. collllette makeses you wantt to be e stronger b because se shshows how ststrong she i . to see h her go throrough all t she's gone through and do alall the things thahat she'e's doing gigives me inspiratation and lelets me k know that---- hey, i can do t that, too, , you kn. oh, here she is. - i lolove you. - i loveve you, too.o. - she giveves the bestst hug. - she doeses. they'r're so warm-m-- - shshe really d does. --and meananingful. come here,e, you. i love you. lolove you, totoo. you'llll make me c cry. sorry. looks goodod, huh? chelsea cacabarcas: lolooks go, and it s smells delilicious. collllette divititto: yes, i i. chelelsea cabarcrcas: so, whws nextxt for your r business? - evererything. - oh, eveverything.. i loveve that answswer. i love i it. yoyou shoot for r the stars. i do.
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chchelsea cababarcas: youu are an inspiration,, for you u to put youourself ot there e and start t a busines. a lot of p people don't haveve your gutsts. i know.. chelsea cabarcas: scscoop one upup for me. let't's do this s thing. mm.. anand you knowow what? i memet you today, andnd i've learned soso much fromom you. oh my gosh. with a little bit of mililk? red wine?? i i like how you'r're thinkin. no, , you're notot. [music plalaying] chelsesea cabarcas (voiceover): the greater boston anand massachuhusetts areaa are assosociated witith lots of sweweet ingenuiuity, includg nenecco wafersrs, fluff, and chocololate chip c cookie.
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itit's two injnjections from a heaealthcare prprovid. lolong-acting g hiv treatmtmt you can n get every y other m. i i really likike the e flexibi. and fofor me, i i really likike the e flexibi. it's's one less s thing to t k about whwhile traveleling. don'n't receceive cabenunua if youou're a allergic it's's one less s thing to t k about whwhile traveleling. to itsts ingredienents of you u taking cerertain medicic, it's's one less s thing to t k about whwhile traveleling. whwhich may ininteract with c cabenuva. it's's one less s thing to t k about whwhile traveleling. seriouous side effffects ince allelergic reactctions postst-injectionon reactio, liver prproblems, and depresession. allelergic reactctions postst-injectionon reactio, if y you have a a rash and or allelergic reactction sympto, stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. tellll your doctctor if you e liver prproblems stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. or menental healthth conce, and if y you are preregnan, stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. breaeastfeeding,g, or consisidering preregnanc. stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. some of f the most c common e effects s include stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. injectction-site r reactio, fefever, and t tiredness.. if y you switch h to caben, attend a all treatmtment appoinintmen. if y you switch h to caben, ready to t treat your r hiv in a a differentnt way? if y you switch h to caben, ask k your doctotor about every-otheher-month cacabenu. if y you switch h to caben, withth every-othther-month cabenuva,, i'm good t to go. withth every-othther-month cabenuva,, i'm good t to go. from mark zuckerberg's harvard dorm room that launched a social media empire, to the moderna lab that brought us
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the e covid 19 v vaccine, boston h has alwayss been a city of innovation. startup culture is big, so people are always looking for the next big problem to solve. boston hasas the next t generan of engngineers andnd innovato. it's realllly excitingng to be inin a city whwhere there's so much going on in technology. chelsea cabarcas (voiceover): and pioneering the world of tomorrow is the massachusetts institute of technology. integral, , radical, [inaudibible].. slidide rule, mimit. go tech.h. [mususic playingng] chelsea cabarcas: what is this thing? it looks like a spaceship on wheelels. it's's a solar car. we are the mit solar electric vehicle team, and wewe build sololar cars. its name is nimbus, and we raced it last summer in the american solar challenge from kansas city allll the way t to new mex. raced? how w fast does s this go? the maximum speed this car hit was 73 miles per hour. whatat? yes.s.
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[music playing] thisis is our mimit mini chcheetah quadadruped robob. the mainin idea is t that thy can walklk wherever r humans c. so like, l let's say after a a hurricanee you u can send a a fleet ofof these robobots and theyey can carryry supplier potetentially cacarry even p p. itit can do ththings likeke back flipip. it c can do otheher sort of spinnining jumps. i i love that.t. it can do more than a dog. [dog barksks] chelsea cabarcas (voiceover): having discovered the first cancer gene and invented the first computer, it is no wonder that mit is ranked as one of t the top uniniversitiess in thehe world, accepting justst four applicantsts for everyry 100. these e students a are creaeating the f future. chelsea a cabarcas: : how dodoes this ththing run? ok, so we e have sunlilight. chelsea cabarcas: sunligight. solalar cells. chelsea cacabarcas: sosolar. goes i into the babattery. oh wow.. this i is heavy. and d that powerer goes t to the mototor. and boom. 7272 miles perer hour. yeyes. yoyou guys are geneniuses. let's justst get that straigig.
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whwhat does itit feel likee to drive this cacar? you feelel the roroad becausese you're so lowow down on thehe groun. soso any speeded, it like e fs faster thahan like a n normal . you can really feel the w wind, too.. like youou can hear r it howlining around t the car. so the driver sits in here. so here yoyou go. yes, excellentnt. got it. all riright. how's the exexperience.. oh. wow. i lolove this ththing. this is s going to b be my next. [music p playing] what kinind of reactction do yoyou usually y get walkinig around with this cheetah? defininitely a lotot of stare. it can b be hard to o tell if they're,e, oh my gososh, thats so cute,e, or if it't's, oh no,o, what the e heck is ththat thing c coming at m . but eithther way a l lot of i interest alalways. wowould you wawant thatat as your p pet? [laughghter] dodo you thinknk this is w whar future is going to look like? rorobotics in n the home i s defifinitely a g growing indnd. momost people e have a rooooa oror at least t know what t i.
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we l like the ididea of a leld rorobot that c can walk arard your wholele house, ththat cn maybe do t the dishes s for y, pick u up clothes s after yo. ththe things w we're learnrnine can applply to this s sort of e and d all robot t that's goioio be assisting you i in your hom. ok let's lift the upper body. we're gogoing to unpnplug ththe battery y in the arrrr. i ththink there's just so m much technonology and so many newew innovatioions happppening herere, that it't't so excxciting to be a part of. gagain that exexperience and thenen go out anand-- take on ththe world. yeyes, take onon the worldl. [music p playing] chelsea cabarcas (voiceover): did you know that 2023 marks the 250th anniversary of the boston tea party, the moment that changed the course of the north american colonies? inner r voice (komombucha brew: ifif i just ststare at these e payroll foforms... mymy business's' payroll t ts wiwill calculalate themselel. right?t? uhh.h... nope.
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quickbooooks helps y you manae your payroroll taxes.. cheers!! riright now, g get 70% offf for 3 3 months.. could wewe have beenen someonone else if we hahad taken a a right tn ininstead of a a left? or if we h had takenen the ple with thehe hot tub or thehe one uptowown? we wenent downtownwn. could wewe be fabulolous? or fantabubulous? the place e to find a a plac. ♪♪ [children playaying outside] reynolds wrarap makes itit eay ♪♪ [children playaying outside] to cook anand clean upup memeals in no o time. ♪♪ [children playaying outside] ♪♪♪ [food sizzzzle]
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soso i don't m miss all the e fun stuff.f. [whoosh]h] [splasash] eaeasy prep, c cook and clcl. with r reynolds wrwrap. memeet the fututure. a chchef. a desisigner. and, ooh, , an engineeeer. all learnining to saveve and spd their momoney with c chase. the chef's's cooking u up firs with her n new debit c card. hungry? -uhuh. the e designer's's eyeing seseq. uh no o plaid. while e mom is e eyeing his s spending.. ninice. and the e engineer?? she's s taking conontrol with r own n account fofor college. threree futures,s, all withth chase. freeeedom for kikids.
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control fofor parents.s. one bank f for both. chase.e. make m more of w what's yoyo. first look is spononsored byby meet bostston. boston nevever gets olold. [mususic playing] [chantnting] withth 14 champipionships acas the fourur major spoports leag, it's no wonder that boston has been crorowned ameririca's numr onone sports c city. but what about the plplanet's mosost popular r g, whwhere half t the world a are? you can go anywhwhere on earth, talalk about sosoccer, anand someone e will be hahay to talk to you abobout it.
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that doesn't h happen with otherer sports. [music plalaying] chchelsea cababarcas (voiceove: havingng overtakenen ice hocky in p popularity,y, it seems s le most plalayed sport t in the wd is fininally makining big strides inin the uniteted stat. chelsea cabarcrcas: i got here a and i justt wanted t to smell ththe gras, which is k kind of weieird, but i think all footballers can relate to that. chelsea cabarcas (voiceover): and d leading ththe way is bostoton's very o own soccr team, , new englanand revoluti. chelsea a cabarcas:: i playeded soccer for 27 years, madede my way to the cocolombian nanational te. i just retired this past year. so it feels really good to be here in boston, backck on the pipitch. i wantnt to see what these e guys are a about. the team has a big game tomorrow. theyey're playining agaiainst minnesesota. ththe day befofore a mamatch, it gegets tense.. i'm just s setting youou up, b. that w was out. i sasaw you guysys training. you u guys are g getting prered for tomorrrrow's match. how wewe feeling?? - readady to go. excited. are yoyou going to beat t minnesota?a? wewe set our team out there to do so,
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and hopepefully we can get three points. chelsea cabarcas: all right, fellas. so we'e're going t to see who has the skilill. you ready? i fefeel this enenergy. giveve me the vivibe. nono. yes.s. you cannot beat me. [yellingng] [c[cheering] uh oh. that was nice. all riright. 1-1-1. i'm contemplating on using my left fofoot, or my y righ. technicacally, a rigighty. but becaususe he usess left, nonow i feel like i h have to usese my lef. dammit.. dadammit. 1-1.1. next goal l wins. i'm gogoing to winin this. [y[yelling] 2-1. 2-2-1, good guguy. 2-2-1, good guguy. 2-1,1, that's prpretty good. how wowould you describebe your fansns?
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dedicated.d. yeah. and we always get a good turnout. [cheering]g] let't's go, revsvs. so you're e the presidident of t the midnighght riders.. currentltly, yes. the mimidnight rididers are the origininal and larargest suppororters groupup of the re. we're standing and sininging ththe whole waway through.. [chantining] this guy's gotot a big revs tattotoo on him.. go revs.s. you must r really lolove this teteam. yeah, it's's an energized, excititing fan basase. [chanting]g] chelelsea reportrting for dud. all right,t, private.. chelsea cabarcas (voiceoeover): anand supportiting the teaem fromom the end z zone are musket-w-wielding mimilitia tt haveve become anan iconic pat of t the game daday experiene, settining off celelebratory blasts a at every gogoal. how did d this tradidition stt here a at the gillllette stadi? a grououp of re-enenactors frm the e local areaea approached the e new englanand revovolution whehen they werere starting g in 1996 anand, hey, we e have a simimilar the. is thehere somethihing we c can be useded for? and ththey said, y yeah.
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is it justst for soccecer matc? oh no, n no. no, we do o the patrioiots as w. you u do the patatriots. oh, yeahah. this is a a real weapopon andt has realal gunpowderer in it- here, fefeel the weieight. - --so safetyty is importrt. ththis is heavavy. [gunshshots] you thoughght that wasas lou? wait u until you h hear these e. [c[cheering] think k they're ababout to sco. ohoh my gosh.. - gogo revs. - false alalarm. falslse alarm. theyey're not scoring. [chantining] oh, almostst. i am so o excited. i i am so happppy. this enenergy is incncredibl. let't's go. [cheering]g] [gunshotots] chelsea cacabarcas (voiceover): boston, , not only a a city of firsts,s, but a citity of pasassion, innonovation, and wicked awesome people. so if yoyou've neverer been, make it yoyour first..
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