tv First Look NBC June 18, 2023 1:03am-1:34am PDT
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as i was saying earlier in the meeting, i think it would... hey sharon, did you know triscuit is crunchy on the outside yet incredibly wholesome on the inside. just like me. you forgot salty. i'm not salty. triscuit. unapologetically wholesome. [vehicles whirring by] paul costabile (voiceoeover): i'i'm a true jersey boy, born ad raised r right here e in hillsd. mm. it rememinds me ofof being a a five yearsrs old, righght here witith my dad.. what i love most about jersey is we have everything and everyone. woman: welcome to the best barbecue in south jersey. mm..
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you cacan go to ththe beach. you can n go to the city. you can go to the mountains. so much diversity, such a family-oriented place. [all yelling] paul costabile: one of my favorite things to do is takake my daughghter to ture baback zoo in n west orange. oh, , my gosh, l look at t that tongue. oh, my gososh, he lickcked m. papaul costabibile: [laughs] jejersey, all l day. jejersey! how ya doioing? [laughghs] so i'm m on a mimission to s show you,, right now, just how beautifull and awawesome thisis state i . there's a reason w why we a all ended u up here.. someme kind of s spell ththat it has on us. itit's jersey, bababy. [laughteter] [rock music] ah! ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. ah, ah. tell me, give off the beat now. the beat now. [audio logo] [lighthearted music] paul costabile (voiceover): just 20 miles from new york city-- new york! west orange, in new jersey, is a flourishing suburban sanctuary. with nature in abundance-- over a fifth of west orange is open space-- old-fashioned charm-- this is llewellyn park,
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a beautiful gated community where ththomas edisoson once liviv- and the creative flair-- woman: this isis my fiberr collagage tribute e to lauryn l bebecause she'e's from the neighborhood. paul costabile (voiceover):: --it's a magnet for families and young professionals alike. and showing g me around d is actotor, comediaian, and autur of " "top billinin'," bill b be. [vehicle horn honking] jersey, alall day. jersrsey! how ya doioing? [upbpbeat music] jersey is all throughout my book because she is the mama to bill bellamy. paul: yeah jersrsey is my m mama. i loveve my mamama. [l[laughter]r] paul costabile: so, boborn in newawark, thenen yoyou went to o school here, in w west orange. and then he went to rutgers. so is it n nostalgic, , being h? bibill bellamymy: yeah because wewest orangnge is still a relatively old city. like, that hardware store, right there, was there 30 years ago. [pop music] paul costabile (voiceover): and it's right here, in west orange, where america's greatest inventor changed our world forever.
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it would be no bill bellamy without thomas edison. you u know whyhy? the motition picture camera. now, how could i be a movie star without a motion picture camera? - thomasas edison, m man. - - thomas!! itit was all t thomas. come on,n, baby! tom edisison, babyby! [laughs] [film reel clicking and whirring] dr. bill, how is the phonograph going? i think k we are doing superb today. [dateded piano mususic] yes, w well, i heaeard, the or daday, though,h, you were e shg obscenities on the recording. [sighs] what was that? oh, i do that with my [inaudible].. [laughs] [quirky music] man: so, what yoyou have there is edisoson's first t phonogra. it's the very first machine ever made that could recocord the humuman voi. to think a about rerecorded souound today-- yeah, thinings we take for g granted.. yeah.. man: here is an atattempt, byy edison, , to make a a talking d, using the phonograph. [doll talking inaudibly] [suspenseful m music] bibill bellamymy: ok. yeah, , yeah. that would--
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- - no. - - --scare me-- yeyep. nono. - --a littttle bit. - nope.. that---- - a littttle bit.. we gonon' have too work o on that voioice. yeah, yeyeah. ththat's a mururdering doll. [doll talking inaudibly] [upbeat music] paul costabile (voiceoverer): and west orange's spirit for innovation has also infifiltrated its food s scen. bill bellamymy: this is s it- papaul costabibile: wow.w. bill bellalamy: --jimmmmy buff. have you e ever had an italilian hot dog? no. i i mean, i cacan't believee i'm m saying that. - ohoh! - i i know, maman. - you arare from newew jerse. - i knowow! i'm m here. i know! you've n never had an italilian hot dog? one e hot dog on o one side. do anonother one o on the other sidede, a little scoopp of onions and peppppers. bibill bellamymy: what's n n? a couple "potatata." how dodo we know w when toto stop potatatoing? whwhen you gotot no more r r. when you g got no morere roo! ththis guy couould write m my . i love him. [laughs]s] oh, yeah. - ohoh! - ohoh, yeah.. [applaududing] paul cosostabile: (mumbling)g) this is g good. tommy, c come tell h him all ababout jimmy y buff's, mam. so howow did this begin, man? tommy racioppi: my great grandfather used to play cards in his basement, with his friends. and my great grandmother would make these sandwiches for theme. and peopople starteded showining up just t to eat i.
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it all h had to be h held with e hand, , so you couould play car- - play carards, that's's it. - ----with the o other hana. paul costatabile: wowow. wow. but it m makes sensese, thoug. yeahah. [lighthearteted music]c] bill bellalamy: mm. mm, mm, mm. woo! you'd bebetter catchch up. [lighthehearted musisic] woman: bonon appetit.. paul cosostabile (vovoiceover: and neneighboring g west orane is mapaplewood, a a quaint ton of a about four square miles, with direct transport links to new york city. woman: wherever you look, you see trees. you see flowers. it's r really diveverse in ethnicity,y, race, sexexualit. and maplewood is around this table. everyoyone here rerepresents some aspspect of mapaplewood. paul c costabile ( (voiceover: ibi zazaboi is a " "new york t " beststselling auauthor of young adadult fictionn whwho made mapaplewood herer home o over four years agogo. you immigrate frfrom haititi. then y you end up p in new yo. and d now you're in maplewewo.
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why maplplewood? lookok around. it's's gorgeouous. and i neededed a changnge from c city lifefe. i came herere and realized, , oh, wow,w, this is brbrooklyn, with morore green spspace and morere square fofootage. i'm herere now, and i loveve . the e biggest seselling popoint was ththe bookstore. so this s is calledd "punchching the aiair." it's aboutut a boy whoho is sesent to prisison for a c ce ththat he did d not commit. there's a a huge litererary community here. as a w writer, i n need the local, i independentnt bookstos to s support my y books. and d i need to o go there,, as a c consumer, t too. thank you,u, luke. aw, excititing. oh, exexciting!! soso you live e here with yor three kids andnd your husbsba. tell m me about raraising a familyly here. ibi zozoboi: this s is one of the bebest school districts inin the countntry, and i have t to tell you, paul, the block that i live on is the most diverse block i've ever lived on in my entire life. papaul costabibile: get ouout o. - evenen coming frfrom new yo. friendnd: you knowow, i would get a text sometimes. maybe can i haveve an egg?g? cacan i have s some saucuc? [lauaughter] be in the e drivewayay. frieiend: and wewe chat for-- ibi zoboboi: right, , right. frfriend: --anan hour, anand it's amamazing.
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to maplewowood. cheers t to maplewood. [glalasses clinknking] is i it possiblele to protecey bubusiness frorom cyber ththr? it is,s, with comcast t business.. helpining every coconnected device s stay protecected. yoururs. your ememployees'. evenen... susasan? -h-hers, too.. safe. . secure. and d powered byby the next generaration 10g n network. with comomcast busininess, advanced s security isisn't just possisible. it''s happenening. get stararted with f fast speeds andnd advanced d secuy for $49.9.99 a monthth for 12 months.s.
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[vocalizing] [upbeat music] paul costabile (voiceover): casinos-- paul costabile: that's a winner! comeme on! paul costabile (voiceover): --sandy beaches-- paul costatabile: smelell the e atlantic o ocean. itit smells lilike my chilild. paul costabile (voiceover): --top notch restaurants-- [sizzling] paul costabile: : thank yoyo. living the high life. paul costabile (voiceover): --and world class entertainmnment. [hip hop m music] atlalantic city y is the vegas of t the east.t. i just won big. i'i'm on the i iconic atatlantic city boarardwalk, whwhich was vovoted the nunumr onone boardwalalk in the c cou. paul costatabile (voiciceover: but ac's's offerinings don't ststop therere. from thehe stockton n universy esports s innovation center to orsted's wind farm off its coast, atlantic city is quickly adding tech innovation to its resume.
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[adventure music] paul costabile: this is your captain speaking. we are just landing in ac, atlantic city. paul costabilele (voiceovever: anand leading g the way is the f faa williamam j. hughghes technicical centet. 1, 2, thisis is air traffic c control inin ac. talkining to you. [laughghs] it's lilike the bet videdeo game arcrcade anywheh. - absolutely. - right? thatat's what-- - yeah. [upbeat music] when people think ac, , we think the casinos, the beach. i had no idea the number one aviatition research facicility is riright here, , ? shelley y yak: 5,00000 acres, 0 builildings, 4,5,500 employey. we're large, and our number one goal-- safe flight. paul cosostabile: what i'v've learnened is what's developed here goes out to the whole country. tsa machine started here right in this facility. yes, that't's correcect. from pavemement, to fifire saf, to air traffic management, we do it all. - we've got to get a stamp. - madede in jerseyey, right? - made in n jersey. ththat's awesosome. yeahah. [curious music] hello!o!
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[honk] oh! ok, , you heard d me. ththis thing is s the biggest thining i think k i've ever r . mimillion poununds. wow. lookok at how lalarge this tire is s next to me. soso this is a a pavementt testing g facility, , right? tell me,e, what goeses on in h? shelelley yak: r runways aree the lalargest capital expense for any airport, so what we do here is we put sensors in all the e pavement, , we test differenent pavemement types s against didifferent ger configigurations o of the aircr. wewe're collecting data, we're looking where cracks are, how they form, how long they last, to make sure that it lasts longer and that it's safe. knock,k, knock.. you u can let hihim in. [space wooshsh] i feel likike i'm goining to go o into a spaceship. shelleley yak: so we run this machine multiplele times, multiple d days, ovover multiplple yearss to simulate 30 years of a natural runway. [hononk] paul cosostabile: wow. you u really feeeel the mamagnitude ofof this thing. this is lilike a buildlding mov. shelley yak: right? [upbeat rock music] paul costatabile: oh, mymy go! what's that giant pointy thing? shshelley yak:k: so that'ss called a a snozzlele.
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that is s used to penetrate the top ofof an aircraft and bebe able thenen to spray water ininto the airircraft toto put out a a fire. shnonoz it up!p! here we e go. [sprpraying water] ohoh! i feel likike the birtrth of a a supervillalain right now. i'm like, , i'm goingg to snonozzle youou! hold on. [spraying] whwhoa! guys, thisis beats my hose bibig time. i'm sprayiying you all! [l[laughs] it's amazizing this wawas deveveloped right here i in a. - - absolutelyly. - wowow. thatat's what wewe do. [seagulls calling] paul c costabile ( (voiceover)rt it's not j just big bubusinesss that arere thriving herere. - (rhyhythmically)y) rub theses. rurub these riribs. let't's go, ruby. okok, too muchch? too o little?? i don't t know. - ok, thatat's enougugh. yoyou're messising it upup. gigive it to m me. - ok. [upbeaeat music]c] paul costabile (voiceover): ruthie henri is putting female pitmasters on thehe map. i'i'm known inin jersey ass south h jersey bararbecue que. whenen i talk toto guys about barbrbecue, they s say, oh, yoyou're a a little thin. how do y you know ababout barbe? oh, i i know.
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i'i'm here to o tell you that women can do barbecue. paul costatabile (voiciceover: and withth an arraray of local awards to boot-- ruthie henri: we've been best of south jersey for the last 11 years. paul cosostabile (vovoiceover: --no tririp to acc would be complete without a stop off at henri's hotts barbecue. [quiuirky musisic] wowoo, hoo, hohoo, hoo, hoo! shelley y yak: welcocome to e best barbecue in south jersey. you know w what? not t just southth jersey-y- jejersey. ththis is my famous st. louiuis style rib. i cacan pick up p any of the. yoyou see the e juice thatas comiming off thahat rib? paul costabibile: oh, yeyeah. it's a a myth thatat ribs should falall off the e bone. should b be able to o pull t gently a and the meaeat fall. well, itit's so goodod, and itit's pullingng just right. [laughs]s] [soft mumusic] paul costatabile: howw did henri's begin? ruthie h henri: it r really ststarted withth my husband. hehe was a retetired policie offificer, got i into barbece. we started in our home, and then we grew into the food truck, and then here in the restaurant. cocovid took m my husbanan. he passesed away december 1 19, 2021.1.
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um, , he was-- h he was just an amamazing maman. hehe taught meme a lot, so now i it's me.. this is my dream and our dream. i'm looking to really contntinue the b businesss and d grow more in atlantic c c- (singing) i'llll find my w wa. ruthie henenri: --becacause atatlantic citity is coming ba. paul cosostabile: mmmm-hmm. ruththie henri: : they're coming b back on thehe map and i'i'm so happypy to bebe a part ofof that. well, we c can feel ththe lov. let meme give you u a hug. i feel likike-- - oh, no! - thanank you so m much. yeyes! - i i need onene. [laughteter] [upbeat t music] paul c costabile ( (voiceover: "1st l look" is spsponsored in part by choose new jersey. this is new jersey. [upbeat rock music]
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and the views are breathtaking. right here, you could actually be in two states at once. lolook, new jejersey, pennnnsyl. jersey, pennsylvania. jersey, , baby. we'r're staying g in jerses. paul cosostabile (vovoiceover: with its well-preserved federal and victctorian era a houses- wow. beautiful. paul costabile (voiceover): --quaint coffee shopops and charming b boutiqu- thatat's why i l love plplaces like e this. you can n get lost f for hour. paul c costabile (voioiceover): - --lambertvive isis mainly knknown for its eclc arts a and antiqueues scene- you knowow, every totown nees a music c shop just t like th. this is amamazing, man. paul cosostabile (voiceceover): --e-earning it the titltle the antitiques cacapital of n new jersese. i'm m a new jersrsey natitive, and i i have never bebeen to lambmbertvill. they were e voted one e of america's s prettiest t town, one e of americaca's favorite towns, and destination of the year for 2023. how is thihis not on m my rad? such a h hidden gegem. papaul costabibile (voiceover):d playining tour guiuide for me ey is ownwner of the e largest and leadading auctioion house in n new jersey,y, david rag. ththis is $10000,000 piecece of pottetery. oh, mymy gosh. i'm nonot holding g that.
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hohow am i doioing, david?? david rarago: prettyty good. - all l right. - legs neeeeds to go h highe. papaul costabibile: you knknow? i'm worth a lot lessss, i bet. we solold this recently a at auctioion. $350,00000. wow.w. david rago: welcome to lambertville. thanksks, david!d! lolook at thisis! - ohoh, come o on. hug it o out, man. - hey!y! hug it outut, man. [soft happy music] paul costabile: this feels like a small town that also isn't a small town. david rago: it's really not. this town is compressed into maybe an eight block by one anand a quarteter mile spapa. it's a verery progogressive cocommunity,, as well as a community of people who've lived here all their lives. so the fababric of thehe towns really c complex andnd, to m, really intnterestingng. this is the main art and design drag. my parentsts came herere a lot whwhen i was a a kid, anand they brorought me hehe. my fatheher was an a artist. i took to o it right a away. anand they brorought me totoe flea markeket down thehe roa. the e golden nugugget, whichs whwhere i stararted in '7272 sg up as a flea marketer putting myself through college, and d one thing g led to anono. [piccolo music]
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whoa! lolook at this! this is s the most u unique bar i thinink i've evever see. ththis is incrcredible.. seriouslsly, cheers.s. [glasssses clinking] thanks for havining us. bartender:r: you're wewelcom. soso tell me a about lambebert. right. so lambebertville is a very old t town. mymy understananding is wawashin crossed ththe delawarere on hisy toto the battltle of momonmouth, and that's what's r really neatat about t lambertvilille, is thehe fact thatat there'e's history y here. tell me about the community here in lambertvilille. i'll telell you, i b broughty daughthter down hehere one ti. we w were going to go o out to lunch. it took k us a half f an hour,t seememed like, t to make it t r to the d diner becauause we hao stop and s say hello t to peo, and d it was-- i it's a lovely towown for that. [soft t upbeat music] david rago: welcome to the peoples store. there must be, what, 50, 75 dealers here. i woululd say thisis is the heartbeat of the art anand antiqueses in lamberertv. paul costabile: now, tell me about this gentleman over here. um-- - ah.. i'm m in love wiwith him.. ththis would h have been m madr a departrtment storere mannequ. yeah, he's kind d of mesmeririz. i'm stucuck in his e eyes no. wowow.
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i love t the repurpoposing he. soso this spececific chairir,s actualally out of f m1 helicop. it w was a crew w member sea. paul costabile: look at this! what's it like being an artist living in lambertville?? lalambertvillele is, like,e,e momost magicalal creative e p, anand it drawsws us here b bee of the beauty ofof the arere, bubut also thehe energy.y. there's s a reason w why we a all ended up here. therere's a reasason. there'e's a pull, , some kind of spepell that itit has on u. paul costatabile: somemethig in the river water, maybe, is what i would say. [guitar picking]
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"the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they y see that crick k in your neneck? that ache e in your heheart? will they y see that funny y little thihing that wasasn't therere last ye? a new bobounce in yoyour ste? the way yoyour reretinal scanan connectss to your blblood sugar?r? at kaiseser permanenente all l of us workrk together to care fofor all thatat is y.
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i'm orlandndo and i'i'm living w with hiv. i i don't haveve to worry y t daily hiv v pills becacause i swititched toto every-othther-month c cab. for adultsts who are undetetectable, cacabena is t the only complelete long-acacting hiv treaeatment you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections from a a healthcarare provide. now whwhen i have e people ov, hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don'n't receive e cabenuva if you'r're allergicic to i its ingredidients, or if f you're takaking certain memedicines, which h may interaract wiwith cabenuvuva. seririous side e effects include e allergic r reaction, post-i-injection r reactions, livever problemsms, anand depressision. if youou have a rarash and otother allergrgic reactin sysymptoms, stop cababenuva and d get memedical helplp right awa. tell y your doctoror if you have l liver problblems or m mental healalth concer, and if youou are pregngnan, breastfeededing, or c consideringng pregnancy. some of ththe most comommon e effectcts include e injectione reactitions, fefever, and t tiredness.. if you s switch to c cabenu, attendnd all treatment t appointmenents. itit feels gooood to just t e inin the momenent. wiwith every-o-other-monthh cabenuvava, i'm goodod to g. ask yourur doctor ababout cabenuva t today.
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[vocalizing] [soft guitar music] paul costabile (voiceover): 27 miles southwest of manhattan, new brunswick is located on the banks of the raritan river in central new jersey. hehello, new brunswiwick. [whistliling] paulul costabilele (voiceovev: knowown as the h hub city, it i is home to world d headquas for r major inststitutions, like johnson and johnson and the helix, a $750 million world class incubator for innovation and startups that is due to open in 2025. johnny langan: and that's exactly what it is. it's's the hubub. we just kikind of feed off that energy. yeahah, i feel t that dodown here, too, maman. likeke, i want t to win n with you guys.s. [sofoft upbeat music] paulul costabilele (voiceovev: but despite all this cororporate brarawn, whwhat new brurunswick i is mainly knonown for is s its bra. i'm m currently y getting my bachelelors in cririminal just. i'm m pursuing m my masterss in supupply chain n managemen.
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wow, thahat's awesome. papaul costabibile (voiceover): being home to rutgersrs, the statate univiversity of f new jersey. johnny langan: new brunswick is the greatest college town on earth. max memelton: this is the hot spot. this is where you want to be when it's game day, for sure. it's the l loudest spopot in nenew brunswicick hands dodo. papaul costabibile (voiceoeov: anand it was h here that the c country's f first intetercollegiatate game tooooke in 1869. before every game, we touch this is a sign of good luck and respect. paul costabile: do you ever give this guy a high five up there? i i never thouought ofof that, hononestly. - am i allllowed? - - be the firirst? let's go! johnny lanangan: firstst ever h high fiveve. paul costabile (voiceover): and i'm hoping for a high five or two myself as i join the scarlet knights for a training session. paul cosostabile: nenew brunswswick, bababy. we're here with the best in the game. oh! flip, good! go getet it! [screams] hot potato!! ok.. tetell me whatat it's like b g a a student hehere at rutgtg. itit's just great. itit's such a a diverse ununive. got to meeeet so many people frfrom differerent walks o of . hut!
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- [s[screams] - come on. cocome on! push! keep d digging!! eveveryone's s stronger, bigger, faster, bebetter, and i feelel like i'm going to fail.l. max meltlton: we'ree all the famimily here.e. you see e somebody o out in pubublic wearing a block r r on their c chest, ye going to t take care o of th. [laughghter] - - come on! a little b bit! all righght, that's goodod. that's's good. [upbeat t music] paul costatabile: 15 p push-us if i catatch the first ball. alall right.t. soso we're in jersey, wewe've t to have e a wager riright now. you gogot to do ththat, yoyou know what i'm sayiying? paul costabile: all right. there's a lot of impresessive alumni that camame right ouout of ths field,d, a lot of f nfl stara, right? oh, yeahah, definitetely. you got t the mccourty twins. johnny langan: marco battaglia. max melton: yeah, yeah, yeah. johnny langan: isiah pacheco just won a super bowl. i feel a whole bunch of opportunity here, so r really up t to you to take advantage e of it. paul cosostabile: i got to catc- holy mother. ohoh! johnny lanangan: you g got i! you u got it!! all:l: oh! wrap!! that's a w wrap, you p punks! drop!! [laughs]s] yes! [rhythmic c bass] paul costatabile (v(voiceover):): but the t tat coming out o of new brunswick k extendss well beyond d the footbaball fi. (r(rapping) sosome people were born n to lead,d,
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otothers were e born to fofol. someme people wewere born t to spit i it, othehers were boborn to swala. paul c costabile ( (voiceover: crossroads theater company is the first and only black theater to be awarded a tony, nurturing the genius of artists like viola davis and uzo aduba. i'm a rebel when i rap. paul costabile ( (voiceover)r):d tataking to ththe stage fofor he peperson show w is divinitity . grgrammy nomininated artisis, you'u've toured d with beyono, and nonow you're a about to pun yoyour first s show right t ht the crcrossroads t theater como. the shshow is calllled starchi, the ballllad of debbbbie walke. it's t the origin n stories f the susuperhero divinity roxx. there'e's somethining really powerful about beingng able to e honest abobout who we e are d not haviving to tellll our stos througugh the lensns of somomebody else, and d crossroadsds gives artrs ththe opportununity to do o . (rapapping) it don't stop. yo, itit don't stop! [sofoft music] paul costatabile (voioiceover): a and that'ts all thanksks to co-founder and rutgers grgraduate, riricardo k. riricardo khanan: coming out in r rutgers, you find as a black person that the only roles
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avavailable wewere negativive, ? so m most of thehe people wewers or proststitutes or drug addic, so we wanted to changege that. crosossroads is s about brinina more honest and d positive v w of who we are as black people. the town of crossroads, north carolina, place of m my birth.. paul costatabile: why did you decide to base crossroads theater company here in new brunswick? ricardo khan: well, rutgers was here and new brunswick wawas going through a revitalization. and at t that point,t, a lot f artiststs just saiaid, my gog, why not create worork here?? (singingng) let me,, let me, , let me, lelet me, let meme, let me s see you mo. [pickingng bass] [rhythmic clapping] you gogot a beatat. yeyeah! it's conontagious wiwith you. herere we go.. oh! wow. think thisis will do it? i want to jam with you next timeme. all right.t. bring g the drums, man. paul c costabile: : [laughs] you sounund amazining. [upbeat music] paul c costabile ( (voiceover)a statate brimming with innovatio, ririch with hihidden gems,, and fullll of hearart.
1:33 am
could we have been someone else if we had taken a right turn ininstead of a a left? or if we h had takenen the ple with thehe hot tub or thehe one uptowown? we wenent downtownwn. could wewe be fabulolous? or fantabubulous? the place e to find a a plac. 7 daday old tunana casserole! hohow'd you knknow that?!! even my y nose is ststrong! hohow'd you knknow that?!! you need h hefty ultrara st! hohow'd you knknow that?!! it hasas arm & hamammer cocontinuous o odor contror! hefty! h hefty! heftfty! oh, anand uhhh.... tobyby needs a b bath! stay one s step ahead d of st. marie daage: i really kept everything which was traditional and old and beautiful because that's part of history of paris. [theme music]
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