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tv   First Look  NBC  June 25, 2023 1:03am-1:34am PDT

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[music playing] nanarrator: wiwith the nakad eye,e, the greatat wall of c a can't t be seen frfrom outer s . man: woooo! you asked d for it. narratoror: sitting g too closose to the t televisionn
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won't t make you g go blind. i didn't t even see y you, m. how arare you, bududdy? good to o see you. how y you doing?? - i cacan't-- can'n't complaini. - doing gogood? doingng fine. narrrrator: not t everythingne knowow is based d entirely o on. wowoman: johnnnny? yes.. let's's enjoy. you donon't have to ask me e twice. [ [laughs] donon't have toto ask me twt. cocolumbus dididn't set foot on n american s soil, nor didid he discocover ththe earth wawas flat. and ththe pilgrimsms, looking for frfreedom fromom persecuti, first arririved not inin plymoh but rathther provincncetown, massacachusetts. i i got to sayay, the pilglgrime a big mimistake whenen they stod here a and continunued on t to plymouthth because ththis place i is absosolutely magagical. so h here's to p provincetow, and d here's to o all you. cheers!! cheerers! p-towown, locateded at the physical l lands end o of cape , has comeme to embodydy the pilg' inititial intentnt, however. anand the monunument cocommemoratining their lalanl in the newew world, standing 2 252 feet tatall, is a an omnipresesent beacon informrming all whwho set eys upon it ththat this isis a commy wherere personalal liberties, selflf-expressioion, and above all,l, acceptancnce
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aren't't just cultltivated. they're cecelebrated.. the e pilgrim hohouse, asas it's aptltly named, while it d doesn't actctually date back k to the pililgrim, it doeoes have a v very ststoried and d rich histoto. i mean, , it's an ininstitutin here, ththe pilgrim m house. t thank you.. yeah.. inststitution's s a goodod word for r it. narrrrator: ken n horgan holds the e distinctioion of being t the currentnt proprir of p providence e town's oldlt inn, firstst opened inin 181. in n 1857, i ththink henryy david d thoreau ststayed here and famoususly wrote what i calall our, you u know, firsrst bad yelplp . hehe actually,y, in-- in h s journanals, mentioioned us by y. anand then thehe pilgrim h hout one poinint, became e the vix. it wasas dedicateded to woma. it was k known as a a lesbian . it wasas a nightclclub. and that m motivated m me. i saw grgreat opportrtunity o return a an iconic p property to its icoconic statusus. anand so i looook at the comparisisons over t time on h how people e have expererd us throughgh history.. and d one thing g that is trtran is the comommitment toto be
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open a and welcomiming to al. narratoror: the hotetel has fafashionable e retail, a teterrific fooood and beverage p program, a kind a and courteoeous staf. and thenen there's the entetertainment.t. so wouould it be f fair to sasay if you w wrote a boook about t the pilgririm house, t t wowould be a r real "paigege tu" - [laughs]s] - huh?h? how are y you everybobody? [c[cheering] are e you ready y to meet mymy ? [m[music playiying] narratator: the shshowroom at e pipilgrim housuse regularlrly s the e likes of c chloe, deltlta, mayhaps,s, miss richchfield 19- welelcome to ththe show! narrator: : --the exclclusive woworld returnrn of madam-m- i i'm no [bleleep] dummy.. nanarrator: ----and of couou, ththe propertyty brand ambmbas. i'm paigege turner. unless youou've been living u under a rocock, i'm lilike the chihipotle of dg hehere in p-totown, everybyb. [lauaughter] h how difficucult must it be toto have to b be on
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and to havave this mucuch eney and to b bring it evevery nig? i lovove performiming. it's's the best.t. it's t the best. whwho is straiaight in thehe au? is straighght? [cheering]g] honey, i i mean, i'v've had a a cocktail,, but t let's not t be ridiculu. the audienence is my d drug. and whwhen you're e fully in it, thehey are in i it. and ththen that jujust fuels . yes.. youou are amazizing! [cheheering] 20 minutetes, 30 minunutes, hahalfway throrough the shsh, i acactually fororget that i m watctching a manan dressed i in. i was inincredibly i impresse. and i thihink that's s the sisign of a wewell-definedd ststrong commimitment to c char. narrator: : and some t truly teterrific entntertainerss have pererformed on n these grgrounds throroughout thehe de. judydy garland, , lily tomlmlin, divinene, i mean,, those arare icons. those are e absolute i icons. must feeeel pretty a amazing to be ablele to perfororm her, to be e able to cacarry the to. i think t there's somomethig great abouout making s sure e holdld on to thahat history. like, i i just didn'n't start e day,y, and i bececame fabulol,
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and this i is mine. you wereren't born n this wa? well, youou ask lady y gaga. i think i i was. but you-u-- you haveve to reremember allll those peoeoe thatat came befofore you. anand especialally for drag enterertainers, you're alwlways ininspired by y someone. you have t to take allll those e people intnto accoun. and ththat's imporortant to m. thisis is a veryry attractivive. wherere is this s table from? crowd: la.a. oh, c christ. you're ororiginally from newew york? yeaeah. and you g grew up in n weymou? i did. w where's thahat in rerelation to o provincetoto? and hohow did you u end up he? weyeymouth is j just soututh of bostoton, north ofof plymouth h on the wa. and growining up and really s struggling g also with m my sexualitity, you kn, not t knowing whwhere i fit t, how w i fit in, , i stumbled acrossss provincetetown as a t. i came oncnce for the e day ad then dididn't reallyly experiee provincecetown much h as a chd growining up excepept for knowg thatat's where a all the gays are e and not alalways presesd in sucuch a friendndly way. it was k kind of knonown as d don't go ththere.
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narratator: when w was this? t this was inin the '80s,s, r? so then ththe aids epipidemic . anand provincecetown hahad this repeputation of b being a welelcoming place for r all partieies, but spececifically t those thate struruggling witith what in n oy was,s, you know,w, the gay p pa. and yoyou know, pepeople cocouldn't finind care anynywe else i in the worlrld, came he. so o this was a almost like a refefuge. always. alwaysys. and if y you think about itit, it stillll is. you knknow, we camame from s somewhere,, and we h have createted this t of a neeeed an urgining, a want. anand this is s a placace where yoyou can cocome and rececharge emototio. and you cacan connect t cultura. it's rememoval fromm judgmentnt, right? just this s desire to o not hahave to worrrry what evevere elelse is thininking aboutut . raradical acceceptance is what i i call it. and therere's someththing for eveveryone. yeaeah. you knowow, it's plalaces like s ththat have wiwithstood ththet of t time that a are symbolilf the e struggles s and the susucs
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ththat provincncetown has s . [musicic playing]] memeet the fututure. a chchef. a desisigner. and, ooh, , an engineeeer. all learnining to saveve and spd their momoney with c chase. the chef's's cooking u up firs with her n new debit c card. hungry? -uhuh. the e designer's's eyeing seseq. uh no o plaid. while e mom is e eyeing his s spending.. ninice. and the e engineer?? she's s taking conontrol with r own n account fofor college. threree futures,s, all withth chase. freeeedom for kikids. control fofor parents.s. one bank f for both. chase.e. make m more of w what's yoyo.
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i'm jaysyson. i'm livingng with hivv anand i'm on c cabenuva. i'm jaysyson. it helps k keep me undndetectab. for adultsts who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only comomplet, for adultsts who are undetectable, longng-acting hihiv treatmt you can geget every otother m. cabebenuva is twtwo injectioi, given by m my healthcacare provider, , every otheher m. cabebenuva is twtwo injectioi, it's reaeally nice n not to he to rush homeme and take a a daily hiviv . it's reaeally nice n not to he to rush homeme dodon't rereceive cabebenuva if y you'rere allergicc to i its ingredidients of yoyou taking c certain mededic, dodon't rereceive cabebenuva if y you'rere allergicc which may y interact withth cabenuva.a. seririous side e effects incnce alallergic reaeactions popost-injectition reactioio, liver prproblems, and depresession. alallergic reaeactions popost-injectition reactioio, if youou have a rarash and othr allergrgic reactioion sympto, stop cabenenuva and geget medicacal help rigight a. if youou have a rarash and othr allergrgic reactioion sympto, tetell your dodoctor if yoyou e liver r problems if youou have a rarash and othr allergrgic reactioion sympto, or mentatal health c concer, if youou have a rarash and othr allergrgic reactioion sympto, and d if you arere pregn, brbreastfeedining, oror consideriring pregnanan. someme of the momost comn side effffects includude injectioion-site rereactions, someme of the momost comn side effffects fever, andnd tirednessss. if y you switch h to caben, attetend all trereatment appoinintments. if y you switch h to caben, readady to treatat your v in a dififferent wayay? ask yoyour doctor r about evevery-other-r-month cabeben. readady to treatat your v in a dififferent wayay?
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evevery other r month, readady to treatat your v in a dififferent wayay? and i'm gogood to go.. rob cocosta: provivincetown hs a lot t of naturalal beauty, of course.e. but the dudunes are really s spectacularar. and itit's made possiblele by the fafact thatat john f. k kennedy and levererett saltonsnstall-- thy wewere the masassachusettsts ses just b before kennnnedy becae presidident-- theyey were ableo acacquire 44,0,000 acres o ofe cod'd's prime cocoastline anande one of t the largestst protecd coast in t the united d state. so it's ththe biggestt part o of provincecetown. and yet itit's definititely the e road less s traveled.. andnd with a crcrew of 22 d dr, arch dunune tours, o owned andn byby rob costata, is onone of the f few ways to ferryry yourselff from thehe hustle
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anand bustle o of provincecets commercialal street to t the expansisive oasis.. whwhat do you u hope your r gs are going g to walk awaway wi? we e have been n doing these tours s for 75 yeaears now. my dad s started in n 1946. nanarrator: wowow. when he w was born anand raisised here inin 1920, itit was aboutut six yearsrs r hihis parents s came from m por. a lot ofof portuguesese famimilies came e over to fis. anand then he e got calleded t. he f fought in i italy. he came e back with h a purpe heart anand an oak l leaf clus, called h his buddieses at ththe ford deaealership. anand he boughght a 1936 ford woooody picturered here. c check that t out. rob b costa: andnd he started our r arch beachch taxies. did you c come out hehere wih him whenen you were e your chi? oh, yeaeah, i was driving g even beforore i could reacach the pedadals, yoyou know, sisitting onon his lap a and steerini. that's s great. he drdrove for 5050 years s of his lifife. and thenen sadly he e got sisick with alalzheimer's.. anand that's w when i came back k home to tatake overer the familily business. and i've b been drivining rougy 40 yearsrs of my lifife, off an. thihis must briring back really g good memoriries, hu? yeaeah, very mumuch so.
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lolook at thisis. how b beautiful.. wow. racece point beaeach garnrners you acaccess the provinincetown's b back sh. rob b costa: thihis is really one e of the onlnly few beacas you can wawatch the sunrise e and the susunset over the a atlantic ococean. no kikidding? ah, the e ocean air.r. w we go into o the big sasand . i got to b bring my titires dodown to 11 p pounds. that's thehe magic numumber. nanarrator: yoyou're brbringing thehem down? rorob costa: y yeah. nanarrator: okok. mamake sure yoyou don't geget . rob coststa: all rigight. narratoror: how aree we goioing to do t this? rob b costa: reaeady? narrator: : woo! yeah! rob b costa: i t thought i s d itit was goingng to be bumum. it's s incrediblele how you go from sosome of the e most breaeathtaking c coastline,, go ovever one sandnd dune, and d now you'rere in the ouou. it's's rare thatat you couldldd 360 degreeees around a anywhee anand just seeee pristine,, untoucuched landscscape. rolllling, wind-d-kissed sand dunenes, some 11110 feet tal,
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sesee flora anand fauna ass far as t the eye canan see. anand peppereded in betweeeen , 19 woodeden shacks o originaly constrtructed to s shelter those shipipwrecked ofoff ththe cape codod coast. whwhat are thehey being used for t today? well,l, nine of t them arare still prprivately mamaintained b by familiess that h have been there fofor many, mamany year. but the otother 10, ththe govevernment havave taken ovo, and ththey lease t them for artists-s-in-residenency progr. narratator: and throughoutut passing t time, the e shacks havave providededh rerefuge and c creative ininspin for the lilikes of literary g geniuses suchch as tennesessee williaiam. cumminings, and jajack keroua. isn't thatat crazy? i meanan, it's sucuch a sparses. it's's so rich i in history. andnd the valleley here is s e the film t the originanal move "the thohomas crown n affair" my d dad helped d film ththe movie ouout here. soso we met ststeve. nanarrator: geget out of h h! rob cocosta: of cocourse, my m got a a little jeaealous, you u, becaususe she had d a big crcrush on steteve mcqueene. [laughshs] you u obviously y had a close relalationship w with your f f. hohow importanant was it f fou toto kind of c carry on hihis l? i thoughtht it was pretty impmportant
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bebecause he j just kept d doit because e he loved i it so mu. my path isis the same e way. w what a greaeat way to honor y your dad and d everythingng that he b b. thanknk you. itit's pretty y cool. a as the butttterfly-- as the b butterfly f flies b! and t the thing is, i alalways thinknk my mom c checks on m me when ie a bubutterfly, i i swear to o. stotop. honesest to god, , every tie a butttterfly comemes near m, i think itit's my mom checkiking on me.. that't's amazing!g! and lookok, as we'rere talking t yoyour dad, yoyour mom flelew. - it's s so funny. - wow. what a a special p place.
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want more e from your r vitam? get m more with n nature's bob. from t the first-e-ever tripe actition sleep s supplement.. to daily d digestive s suppor. to more wewellness sololutios every daday. get m more with n nature's bob. you didndn't choosee cat t allergies.s. yoyou didn't c choose your haiairline. hot t flashes, the flu,u, or t that thingg whenen your kneeee just gives out t for no reaeaso. yoyou didn't c choose your badad back or thihis. or... . that. you dididn't choosose dedepression,, melanonoma, oror lactose i intolerance. but with k kaiser permrmanene you cacan choose y your doctr who woworks with o other best-i-in-class spspecialiss to care e for all that i is you.
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[singing i in italian]n] [singingng in italiaian]
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[singing i in italian]n] narrrrator: in s spain, thee spaniaiards run wiwith the bus to symymbolize thehe animal's transpsportation f from the fis to thehe fights. brazil comommemorates s the caththolic holididay of lent wiwith the craraziness of f car. bubut in provivincetown, massachuhusetts, nono one ever r needs an excuse e to party.. and for ththe last 50 0 year, during higigh summer s seaso, between n the hours s of 4:00 d 7:0000 pm, the t town populala, comprirised of touourists and locals a alike, pararade to thet slipip for a daiaily dose of afterernoon tea.. the boat s slip and tetea dane is an inststitution hehere. what's it t like to bebe the ringngleader of f this dancece ?
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tea dancece is everytything to. and i haveve embodied d it mys. so i can't't imagine a a bettr situatioion than i h have. i've beeeen so, so b blessed and lucky y to be herere. narrrrator: for r nearly 30 0 , local legegend dj maryryalice hahas been proroviding thehe e toto p-town onon the ones s and. i don't t see any tetea or crum. whatat time do t those arriv? it't's not a tetea party. no tetea? okok. i'i'll take a a hard tea.. - we havave those. p perfect. [laughteter] and sisince 2006, , both slslip gm terrrry mccumberr has s been headiding up hospspiy at this s appropriatately named partrty. it't's basicalllly a nightctb atat tea time,e, which is s w it gotot his name e of tea dan. so i it's reallyly just a nightclulub atmosphehere in the m middle of t the aftern. t the tea danance, it's j jt a a fancy way y of saying,, we're goining to have e a good . wewe're going g to party..
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the fifinal compononent in keeg ththis long-rurunning provovinn tradition n alive is t the compmpletely unininhibited c c. dj mararyallice: t the great tg ababout the boboat slip isis, e welcomome everyonene. h hello! w well, hellolo there. dj m maryallice:e: and it'ss all kikinds of peoeople. i l love your o outfit. h hey, man, i i love yourr outfitit too almosost as much i like thihis guy's bebeard. straiaight brothehers likeke yourself.f. - are you u gay? - - no, i'm nonot. with ththis outfit,t, you shshould be gagay. i shoululd, right?? dj m maryallice:e: and eveveryone comomes here, and they h have a great timeme together.r. and i ththink it's j just likeke a slice o of heaven.. w woo! terrrry mccumberer: it's gret to s see new genenerations becocome acclimamated to teaea . and yoyou know, itit's great to still s see, you knknow, ththe older gegeneration still comeme back and watctch them intntermingl. nanarrator: itit's almost t e you u have no otother choice but to g get to knowow peopl. terry mcmccumber: anand so mamany people e have met h h. dj m maryallice:e: people that havave met theieir-- theieir husbandsds and wives. the ststories aree endlesess about ththat. and thatat's what people w will say toto me. you u have no ididea how mucucht of the f fabric of m my life u are. y you're likeke a yenta.. i i kinda-- i i guess i m mig. you couould-- you s should-- yoyou should c change your name e to dj yentnta becaususe of all t the amazig people y you've brouought toget. shshe's alreadady got the fist p pump going.g.
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therere's no placace i'd rather be e than sittiting outsidide after a a long nightf drdrinking witith a slice e ofa inin my hand.. - all l right! i loveve it. you madede it. narratoror: spiritusus is quiuintessentiaially ththe place fofor the bestst e of pizza i in provincecetown. who o opened thihis finene establishshment? my dad, j john yingliling, openened spiritutus in 19711 wiwith a busininess partnen. and ththey sold chcheese slics on n napkins foror $0.35. soso this is 5 50 years of perfefection. - - perfectionon. - yeahah. wowow. yeah,h, this is a a place tht has mamade a lot o of people feel safe e for a longng tim. and yeyeah, proudd to be e part of itit. thehe only thining more beautiful l than that t sentimt was thisis slice. we alwaways say it't's morere than justst pizza. itit's not jusust pizza because,e, you know,w, you u could findnd anything g .
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oh, c could you?? you know?w? yeah, you u could findnd lov. narrator: : you could.d. sophie yiningling: yeaeah, whicich happens s every nigh. narrrrator: openen and bubusy all dayay, the shopp is absolututely bustliling afr the bars a and clubs c close at 1 1:00 am. sophieie yingling:g: people kw thatat at the enend of the n n, you u can come h here. [ [shrieks] sosophie yinglgling: fofor years, t they used to s shut down c commercial l s. narrrrator: commmmercial strtt isis the main n thoroughfafaree through totown. sosophie yinglgling: yeah.. and ouour pizza's s really go. it's, , like, crisispy, thin. it's l like jerseyey boardwdwalk style e pizza, which is w where my dad and d his brothehers leararned how toto make pies. narratoror: while lolots of lolove, care a and kindneses go into o creating each andnd every pieie-- both my u uncles workrk her. my u uncle makeses all the d d. my dad a and brotherers, both m my sisters.s. wow.. [ [laughs] yeyeah. there's a lot of us. narratoror: --it's s sophie ying whwho's now chcharged withth rg this belovoved businesess. is that t special toto you, to be ablele to carryy on a legegacy in prorovinceto? oh,h, my god, i i honestlyy get soso emotionalal thinking ababout how mumuch i love e spi. ththis place i is so, so, so spepecial to meme.
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so i it's defininitely like a legacycy that's bebeen handed d. and it is-s-- honestlyly, lik, it's an n honor to h hold. i is it easy y running a pizza a shop, or wouldld you say i it ain't t easy beingng cheesy? [laugughs] you know whahat was say?y? no, telell me. there's's no busineness likeke dough bususiness. nanarrator: haha, ha! i like thahat. i thought t mine was good, but t you actualally-- you u actually o outdid me t t.
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could wewe have beenen someonone else if we hahad taken a a right tn ininstead of a a left?
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or if we h had takenen the ple with thehe hot tub or thehe one uptowown? we wenent downtownwn. could wewe be fabulolous? or fantabubulous? the place e to find a a plac. ♪♪ [children playaying outside] reynolds wrarap makes itit eay ♪♪ [children playaying outside] to cook anand clean upup memeals in no o time. ♪♪ [children playaying outside] ♪♪♪ [food sizzzzle] soso i don't m miss all the e fun stuff.f. [whoosh]h] [splasash] eaeasy prep, c cook and clcl. with r reynolds wrwrap. eaeasy prep, c cook and clcl.
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when paintnter charleses hawthe establisished the cacape cod scl of a art in provincetown back in n 1899, he solidifified the lolocale ase of t the most imimportant plps inin the globabal creaeative commumunity. any majajor americacan artit that you c could name e off proy cacame to provovincetown a t one e point or a another-- edward hopopper, fofor example,e, helen frfrankenthaleler, and leeee kr. jackson popollock wass here f for a minutute. but what t is it about provovincetown thatat makes it t such an amazing g just hotbebed for art ofof all diffeferent so? i thihink a lot o of it is s curiosity.y. yoyou could bebe anything g u wawanted to bebe in provinince. and no onene really cacared. it r really helplped peopople kind ofof break out of m more consnservative m molds to be who ththey really y wanted to . and therere's reallyly an intnteresting p piece of p provincetowown that proros anand supportsts this artitt
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commmmunity likeke no other. artisists supportrt the commum. but ththen the comommunity, n turn, , supports t the artis. yes. nanarrator: chchris mccartrths ththe esteemeded privilegege ofg as the chihief curatoror and o of paam,m, the provivincetown art associciation andd museumum, a positition she's s held for 2 20 years. whatat brought y you to prorovincetown?n? i had b been workining at thehe institutete of contempmporary art t in bos. i cacame for my y interview w wo intentioion of takining this j. i was s in a suit.t. and if y you're in a a suit i in provincecetown, you'u're either r a jehohovah's witntness or youou're sellining encyclopo. so i comompletely ststuck ou. but t no one elslse in t the whole w world can n say that i i get to come herere and do w what i was s trained toto do in the oldestst continuouous art colony in n america. so t the legacy y is really, reallyly importantnt. narratoror: this buiuilding house is a a collectioion comprisesed entirelyly of wowork which c celebratess that p prestigiousus status. one of f the thingsgs that i r really likeke to do isis bring an n artist out of thehe basement.t. ooh, thesese are beauautifu. bringng the work k out anand let peopople learn.. pieces lilike this arare timel. you wouldndn't be ablele to tell if somemething likeke th,
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ifif this was s done yesteter- t that's righght. --o-or 100 yearars ago. correrect. we d don't just t protect the histstoric legacacy of provincncetown. wewe promote t the contempmpo. ththe exhibitition that wewee stananding in nonow is our 1 122 member shohow, which has 388 pipieces. everery single p piece is fofor. thesese pieces arare alsoso up for sasale. the 12 2 by 12s arere all liliving artisists that are m members of f paam. thisis is a consnsignment auaucf deceaseded provincetetown arti, artists s like manseseau and william frfried and jojohn gri. dorothy y lake gregogory was mad toto ross moffffett, who w wae of t the most imimportant artists s that really b bridged thehe gap bebetween tradaditional arartk and abststract. s so dorothy y is littttle miss mumuffet. i i guess shehe is, yes.. narratoror: you everer look at m lilike it's jujust your cacan, and you u can just continueue to createte? it's so t true. and d the idea t that we stil have s so much morore to do is just rereally excititing to. i can'n't believe e that i get to comome here evevery dy
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in a a place likike provincece. i memean, i stilill get butttte. narratator: yeah.. takeke a queer s safe space-- johnny. - johnnyny. matthew. - matthehew. pleaeasure. --mixed wiwith an alll welcomoming attitutude-- everybodydy that wantnts to be e is a part t of this. narratator: --spririnkle in some fanantastic feaeasts of fooood, drink,, and adadventure, t then season w with a servrving of l. and d you've onlnly still jut begugun to scratatch the surur. i've been n all over t the worlrld, and thihis place jujust has an n energy abobou. and it's p palpable. provincetotown is a conduit,t, connectining the papast to the e present ad projojecting intnto the futut. celebratiting and rememberining that, it does ininform who w we ar. nanarrator: anand to tastetes chcharm is to o yearn for r se. here's to o leaving a lastining legacy.. yes, eveverybody, c cheers to ! slurp. narrator: : (chucklingng) slu! (♪♪) feel thehe power of osteo b bi-flex®..
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taken n every day,y, it's c clinically y shown to i improve joioint comfort in 7 d days, withth significacant improvevt ovover time. (♪))
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is what i'm about to show you. withth significacant improvevt ovover time. [theme music] i'm sara gore, and welcome to "open house." we have a great show this week. and i am bringing it all to you from this impressive bespoke


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