tv First Look NBC July 2, 2023 1:03am-1:34am PDT
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♪ cyberarattacks onn public infrastruructure threatenen the instititutions we all relely on. major enenterprisess aroundnd the worldld, healthcarere companieses, enerergy companinies, small bubusinesses,, governrnments. -when ththese organinizations run on g google clououd, they're dedefended by y the se ai-powerered securitity that prorotects all l of goog. - a 2424 hour, 7-d-day-a-week ke agaiainst whatevever it is that we'e're facing.g. -thehere are a l lot of people on n the internrnet that a are tryingg to do o bad thingsgs. it's's our job t to stop the. ♪ . it's's our job t to stop the. (singing) or the land of the free and the home of the brave.
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plplayball! [m[music playiying] watater. the lifefeblood of c civilizat. it's a s source of f food, trtransportatition and comomme on whichch societieses are bui. but t when you'r're 800 miles from t the nearestst ocean,n, you've gogot to makake do with h what you g. and d for chicagago, that's se michigan, the largest body of water in the united states. so you c can do quitite a lo. and fittttingly, onene of the best wayays to explore c chico is by boatat as it flolows rit through h the heart t of the c.
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chicagogo is uniqueue in the t thatat it's not t just a lakake, but t it's also o a rivever town, asas well. yeah, a absolutely. and whwhen you looook at the rr wawalk, there's recreaeation, therere's kayakiking. we t truly want t to make t this a partrt of how w we live herere in chic. i t think the m most impresee ththing that y you do is how yoyou turn thihis water gr. absolutely. we know how to celebrate st. patty's day here and what better way to do it than to turn the river green. i'l'll tell youou what better wayay to do it.t. to celebrarate the arrrrival ofof johnny babananas, you u should havave turnrned it yellllow. ( (laughing) ) ok. problemem is yellowow water r doesn't nenecessarily grab the right connotatition. goining through h this wawaterway, i i mean, it's like walkining throughh an arcrchitecture e art galle. whicich ones are some of the iconic buildings? this one, right over here. this is mamarina city y and yol hear c chicagoans s refer to te as the "corncob" buildings. i can see why. t this buildiding is the e ws tower, forormerly, seaears tow. it h held the tititle of the world'd's tallest
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buililding for o over 20 yeae. what is it about chicago that made it so famous and so synonynymous with h architectu? of coururse, we havave the chicago fifire of 187171. we had to o rebuild anan entie city andnd that brouought los of grereat talent t to the ci. and frfrom 1871, byy 1885, wewe've got the woworld's firsrst skyscraper here inin chicago,, and we havave never ststoppe. i'm no ararchitect, o ok. but t i don't knknow what is keepingng that buililding from falalling over.r. you knknow when yoyou play jen, and therere's that j jerk tht pupulls both b blocks outt so thehe whole towower's reresting on o one at the e bo? thehe engineer r could do t . a a lot of titimes when you thinink of majoror bustling, , metropolititan citities they'rere usually onon one of ththe coas. we e actually c call chchicago "thehe third coaoa" and i nenever, actuaually, ththought i cocould love a a , but ththen i came e to chicag. and just w walking aroround,i couldn't h help but fafall in e
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with eveverything araround m. y yeah. andnd falling in n love is easy whehen you visisit chicags iconic navy pier, a a wharf ofof wonder ththat juts ouot 3,300 feet onto o lake michihi. totoday, it's s hosting ththe l race to mamackinac islsland. a maraththon sailingng competin thatat attracts s yacht teamams from aroround the wow. the e water was s calm, andd it wasas time to s sail. i i just had t to find the perfecect boat. whahat is it ababout chchicago thatat makes this s such a haveven for boat? well acaccess to the great t lakes. ththis is the e center of the uninited stateses for sasailing and d for boati. i see boatats of all shapes andnd sizes. and you hahave sailorsrs of al shapes a and sizes, , as wel. no o doubt. here e at the bururnham park yacht club we h have a juninior sailining program.m. each s summer chilildren can come andnd learn howow to sai. they s spend a weeeek out onon the water and enenjoy the wowonderful sailing cicity of chicicago. andnd after graraduating sasag school witith flying c color,
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i was morere than readady to tatake on a lilittle lake.. mymy next inststructor, raraco mackinac veteran megan stole. a lot of f people comome herere and they y say i didnt know c chicago wasas on an oce. no, i d didn't eithther. we e can get coconditions like an n ocean, but, actctually, a l little wo. we can s see waves t that wil crash overer and come e all they to the back of the boat. we're g going to be tackcking and jijiving. exactly, tacking and jiving. i j just learnened about tacking,g, but i've e been tatalking jiveve since '959. tackingng! what is the mackinac? are e we doing t the mackckinac rightht now? no.o. it is the oldest freshwater race in the world.
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it's 333 nautical miles from chicago up to mackinac island, which is on lake huron. so whwhat does ththat transle to g give or takake in hours? this s boat we can finish i it in 42 hohours. 40 hours s straight?? y yeah. and you'rere saying, n never ag. never again. and then next year you're like. i'm doing it again. yeah. i'm sailing ma! i never wowould have thought t that chicacago woud be cononsidered a a sailing to. the grereat lakes h have fafantastic sasailing. it is quite a goodod backdrop. you knknow, we nevever tirere of the skskyline. who would win in a fight, a hurricane, or coach ditka? that's sisilly. ♪ f from the momountains to the c coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' u up the kitctchen♪ ♪ we e got someththin differer♪ ♪ s spreadin' g good vibebes all day y ♪ ♪ t todos a la a mesa ♪ ♪ queue buena la a mezcla ♪
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a sense of pride in the air. chicagoansns share a d deep pasn for their food, their music, and mostst of all, their spsports teamsms. chicago h has alwayss been onene of those e cities where e sports are a fabric of f the societety. i mean, the blackhawks-- three championonships in s six year. the bulls-- six championships in eightht years. the e '85 bears,s, and ththen you havave the cubss in 2016,6, the whitete sox in 2. thisis is a cityty of champip. it reallyly is, man.. yeyet despite e all ththese champipionships, chicago o is home toto one ofof the most bitter rivalrieies in all o of sport. the e battle foror baseballl braggingng rights between n the north h side cu. evererybody is e either a cubs or a a white sox fan. and there'e's no in between, r right? and ththe south siside white s. are you a a cub fan?? or you're e a white sosox fa. but t it's no grgray, itit's black o or white. s so to explolore this duel on the didiamond, i visiteted the magigical hohome turf ofof the whitetex at guaranteed rate field to talk with
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basebaball legend d ozzie guil. this s is the bananana man n [speaking g spanish].. as wewell as thee iconic i ivy walls o of one of the leaeague's mostst histoc ballpaparks, wrigley field. to t take some b batting prarae from formemer white sox and cus ououtfielder, , ryan sweenen. there goes. oh! it's kindnd of funny. my grandparents were huge cubs fans. so when i got drafted by the white sox, they were really happy foror m. but they'r're like, ii will c cheer for y you but i wiwill not cheheer for r the white e sox. howow does thatat happen? throw a strike. that's statays is easysy. just throwow a strike.e. all r right. strike.. some peopople in chicago,o, man, theyey don't carere about ththe season, , they make sure e we beat the cubs.. whwhen i'm mananaging thee white e sox, i sayay, ok we w win the gamame, agaiainst the cucubs, we h have dinnerer in the e restaurantnt. yeyeah, we beaeat the cubsb! if we losese, mama hadad to cooook in the h house. w was there a a side thatt resonateted more with h you,
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and d the type o of persrson that yoyou are? lilike, descriribe the twoo differerent fan babases. welell i just t think, like, soututh side youou think grir, you knknow. yoyou think, l like, comiming out thehere-- theyy are going g to play hahardbal. welell, south s side is a bunch ofof blue collllars peop. blue cocollar. hard working.. harard working g guys, you u . backck in wrigleley fieleld, it's didifferent. youou almost geget that nostalgia, r right. thatat history t that you hae behihind the cububs, and youou, you'rere going to o have the experienence of wrigigley fie. wririgley fieldld i always cl the biggest bar in chicago. few w people carare about ththe. they care e about theyey winning g just to cecelebrat. here, pepeople sit down and watctch the gameme, booing p people, clalap for peo. it's a a differentnt expectati. listen,n, you've gogot the sox on thehe south sidide, you'veve got the c cubs inin the northth side. even thohough we're e talking at ththese two didivergent fafan , cocome the falall, it dodoesn't matttter-- because ththe bears arare it. the bearsrs. i don't't care if t the whie sox cubs w win the nexext 10 ye. nope, wewe are a beaear. and i if you're going to talk k bears,
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what betteter place ththan rizzzzo's sportsts bar and i . ththe wrigleyvyville staplpe for over 7 75 years. - hey. - hey. hey, how w are you dodoing? and gracing the t taproom today is n none other r than bs hall of fafamer, dan h hampto. and the grgreatest beaear of alall time, cocoach mike d di. c coach, you'u've been ququd asas saying a lot ofof thing. yeststerday's hihistory, tomorrow is a myststery. today y is a gift t which is y theyey call it t the present. and i i got to sayay today isa giftft for me asas a sports s. so i i appreciatate you beining. i appppreciate itit. thank yoyou very mucuch. y you know, c coach, whenei firsrst got herere to chicag, the legendndary tales s of yu guys playiying across s the stt here, , in wrigleyey. we had a lolot of fun. and itit made me a a cubs fa. i wawas a st. lolouis cacardinals fan growing up becausese of stan m musia. but t i became a a cubs fan, i'll a always be a a cubs fa. so o now we know.w. so cububs. sox oror cubs? - - sox. - - sox. c cubs. i mean yoyou got to be, you're right across the street. black hawks. blackck-- (chucklkle). coach, favavorite memory as s a player.. the '63 c championshihip.
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i mean, grgreen bay, t they we the bestst team in f footbal. i mean, , how the hehell we beat them m that year-r-- i don't t know but w we did. howow about as s a coach? superer bowl '85.5. i thought you were going to say hanging out t with me toda. yeah, well, that's the second thing. i got to talk to you about that. i'll be honest witith you thee year w we made it t i was prey sure w we were goioing to make. and we kicked ass and we took no names. we're like the rolling stones. we'd go into indianapolis, there'd bebe 5,000 peoeople at thehe h. it was amamazing. i usused to say,y, we won the supeper bowl, wewe got rings, he got a halo. while chicago fans may hahave some didisagreementns on w where they y live, what teamsms they rootot for, a at the end d of the da- we're allll chicago.. the g greatest fafans on ear. well,l, i think chicago is thehe greatestt spororts town in the world. pittttsburgh is s a greaeat sports t town. i'm from pittsburgh. but i'i'm a chicagagoan, peri. i mean c cut and dryry that's's what i amam. o oh! don'n't make me e charge ththe mound ryryan. sticick to playiying outfielel. what d do you missss more, playing oror being a m manage?
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i've missssing being g playi. soso you make e a play in n e shshortstop toto win the g g, people are leaeaving withh a smilile on theirir face. oh, lolook at you u see what oe didid a base h hit in the e . yeah, ththen they gogoing toto say, lookok at ozzie he was m monitoring g the 9t. one last t question c coach, who would d win in a f fight? a hurricane oror coach dititk? that's sisilly. i have m more hot aiair than a- i love e this guy..
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there's s so much to o exploe in this bebeautiful cicity. it s seems like e there's sosomg to see a around everery turn. but to really know chicago, y you have to learn a about its h histor. and i i think i jujust found d the perfecect guide. yo,o, what's upup? it's your favorite neighborhood historian, dilla. sherman "dilllla" thomomas is teacaching the world about his beloved home one tiktok video at a time.
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on may 3, chicago got it's favorite skyscraper. today, i'm meeting dilla for a tour of chicago's south side. branded in the headlines for its high levelels of crimeme, the e south sidede is overlold for its cocontributionons to the birirth of chicicago. and yet,t, it's homeme to somome of the c city's most h historical l treasure. the man of the hour. - johnny. - yoyou must be e dilla. - that's m me, baby. hey, goodod to meet y you ma. how are e you? welcomeme to the sosouth sid. man, , it's as beautiful as i'd imamagined it.. y yeah, absololutely. yoyou know, ththis is whereree trtrue chicagogo history i . you arere one of ththese pepeople that t has taken n ti, anand instead d of doing these viviral danceses, you'rere using it t to educat. i want to higighlight hisisto. i want to highlight the city. i want to o show thatt we're e more than n what the natitional mediaia displa. so o tell me a a little bit about t the signifificance of t the statue bebehind us and this b building hehere. forormerly, thehe regal l theater wawas in this spot, where every performer under the sun was here. a lolot of the g greats-- lou armstrong, natat king cole.
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now, it's the harold washington cultlture centerer, chicago's firsrst african-n-american m m. and so i t thought we e can't start any y kind of trtrue soh side tour r without ststartig with the man himseself haroldld washingtoton. ththe chicago o defender newspapeper is vevery importatant-- not j jt to t the city ofof chicago, bubut to the c country. it's chihiefly reresponsible e for what we call l the great t migrati. ththat's when n african-amamers in the milillions moveved from thehe south up p h to variousus northern n citie. the million african-americans that ended up in new york, arrived there because they were reading job applications that were pubublished in n the chico defefender, who'o's disseminid all around t the countryry. so whwhat are wee lookining at over r here? sadlyly, this is s the remais of p pilgrim bapaptist churcr- chicago'o's oldest b black, baptist cocongregationon. firere took placace here in n , but the reason we're here is bececause it's s the bibirthplace o of gospel m mu. i knew w i was feeleling a lie bit t of soul ststanding her.
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you knonow, right.. so they y always wilill tell u about t the gang b banger tht comes s out of chihicago, but you wowon't hear howow gospel mumusic, righght, praisining the lord comemes from chihicago blblack south h side. hallelujajah. praise e the lord.. hallelujajah. new yorork was a ththing befe amamerica was s america, r ri. ththat's why t they're newew . sasame thing w with anany big cityty that comemes from thehe 13 colonin. chicagago is the f first majr city t that comes s after tha. we're amamerica's bababy. and yoyou know whahat you do with yoyour baby? yoyou spoil itit. so t that's why y all the col stufuff comes frfrom chicago. listen,n, i heard t the barbee here s so good it't'll make you want t to slap youour mam. this placace is lem's's. anotother examplple of how you don'n't need to o go downtown to o get fine c cuisi. come r right here e on the sosouth side o of chicago-o- get sosome of thee world'd's best bararbecue. whahat made youou want to become s such a histstory buf? well, pririmarily itt comes s from my fafather. mymy father wawas a chicago popolice officicer for 30 0 y. but he was a real big chicago history buff. so everywhere we went he kind of pointed out something.
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is this also a way for you to, kind of, almost like, carry onon his legacacy anand keep hisis legacy alal? yeah, a absolutely.y. and d he left hihis impapact on the e city by beieing a chicacago poliliceman, by y touching l l. and soso i want toto do thehe same thining. we're inin the neighghborhood called t the back ofof the yar. but i wawanted to brbring you e becacause a lot t of times peoe think younunger africacan-ameris don'n't care abobout the polo, or t they don't t care about the fifire departmtment. these murarals pay homomage to e of thehe fallen popolice offics who died i in the linene of du. but t we have amamazing publc arart all throroughout thehe . it s sprang up i in celebratan of j juneteenth this year. so it's s a new inststallatio. one of m my favoritetes is t this piece e right here, "a way to build a strong people is to teach their history. shshow them ththeir roots.s" righght. and soso it's exacactly what i'm trying to do on n tiktok. shshow people e the true roots of c chicago and hopefufully those e roots sprout to o something g beauti. a and it turnrns out we weren't t the only o ones
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enjoyingng these south sidede murals, so was c chicago mayayor lori l lightfoot.. again, ifif there's a anythig i can dodo for my cicity i'm not t hard to rereach. i am g going to kekeep doing only posositive chicicago stu. r right. i i really appppreciate iti. t truly an inincredible ambassadoror to this c city he. what you'r're doing ouout her, on sociaial media, c communiy ououtreach, i cacan tell manant you are anan absolute e pillr of t this commununity. and d i just wanant to say thank yoyou for showowing me aroround and shshowing me jt how cololorful chicacago can .
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w when i comeme to totown i come e to party.. and d the club s scene here in chicago, is just what the doctor ordereded. but on the north side of town is a different kind of clulub. there's nono dj here b but te music playays all nighght lon. t the music n never stopsp. itit's got twowo stages. you u can come h here in the summerer-- the sunun's up and whwhen you leave-- ththe suns up.p. this ain't't for chickckens. - no, , this ain't't for chick. no. founded i in 1968, by doc p pellegrino,o, kingstonon mines wasas one of the firsrst interracacial blus clububs in the c city. a prproud legacycy that's's still beieing carried onon by doc's s childn and grandcdchildren totoday.
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he e wanted peoeople to c come togethther from all w walks of lilife. ok. and have a good time. when you come here a and there'e's only twowo people, and d it's a tabable of eight or 10,0, other peoeople just come up p and sit dodown with . it jujust brings s a lot of people together. they lisisten to gooood musi. stuff that they y normally wouldn't't listen toto. the whohole idea wawas to mamake people e feel at hoho. thatat this is t their hohome away frfrom home. what isis it about t the blus that hasas the abilility to, likeke, almost speak a common l language toto so many diffeferent walksks of li? i love ththe honesty y of it, ththe realnessss of it, the passion of it. you knknow, it's g great musisic to let t things go.. it's greatat music to celebrat. a as a one sisingle commomn bondnd for all t these peoplp- the musisic is healiling. this i is joanna c connor! and t tonight, ththe healing hands s belong to o none othr thanan joanna connoror. the brooooklyn nativive, turneded chicago s shredder, never fafails to pacack the ho.
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people lolove her and she plplays guitarar like no otother woman n i've s. w when i playay guitar, ii get kindnd of aggresessive. i don't t know, i jujust go i into that z zone "i wanant to kick k some butttt," you knonow. did d you like t that? do you evever get nerervous whwhen you comome up here?? i g get nervousus every nigi. every t time? when you can lose thahat, it means you u lost your r passi. i i'm a bit n nervous. is this normal? got to get that w wine going. all rigight. hehey. h hey, man. to drinking red and playing the blues. arere you feeling good, chicag? [cheering] all right. are you feeling good, johnny bananas? he's's still wororried. he's's ready. so we're g going to plplay a littttle blues f for you. how's that sound? [b[blues musicic]
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(sisinging) [ininaudible] turn youour light dodown low. blues in n chicago is synononymous. blblues is a g gift to thehe w. and d it reallyy launchched from hehere. i useded to go seeee all the chicago blblues bands s when theyey'd come ththrough i lil. and i wawas like, i'm moving t to chicago.o. (singingng) so sweetet and ni. hey.y. hey. b blues musicic is about t we you been, , where you'u're goin, and where e you're at t right . you wanant to feel l it, bubut not nececessarily only in n your eardrdrums. you wawant to feel it right her. exactly. anand that's r really whatt music c is all abobout. [blues m music]
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