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tv   First Look  NBC  July 16, 2023 1:03am-1:34am PDT

1:03 am
(warehouse ambience) inintroducing g togo's new frfrench dip s sandwiches feataturing frfresh artisasan b piled highgh with tendnder roast bebeef, smothehered with m melty provovolone cheeeese and seserved with h hot au ju fofor dipping.g. try y the roast t beef or papasi frenench dips totoday only at togo's narrator: in la, drivers spend an average of 62 hours a year sitting in traffic. the price to experience the fast pace of city life. but less than a 2 hours drive east of the city, is a place that moves at its own pace.
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now, thihis is livining. [upbeat t music] (singing): gonna give up and beat my, b-beat my. [music playing] narratoror: coachelllla vally offers visisitors both unbridled peace and limitless excitement. whetether you'rere looking to ch some s sun out by y the pool, expeperience thehe local comomy anand agricultlture, or s seek adventnture in somomee mostst unforgettttable place, johnnyny devenanzizio: woo-ho! nanarrator: ththis califorornim is a wananderluster'r's dream. unmistakenenly markingng your ararrival intoto the coachcha valllley, cocolossal winind turbinese, sprarawling acroross over 5000 acreses of land.. every timeme i pass through h this windmdmill far,
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i'm always fascinateted by t the way it t looks. it almost t feels likeke you'rere on anotheher planet. itit definitelely has kindnd of a w wild wild w west feel. narrrrator: and d palm sprins windndmill toursrs offers exexcursions t through thihs alababaster forerest, helpining educate e visitors o e fufuture of wiwind energy.y. nonow, what's s unique about the e topographyhy here t that makes s this susuch an ideaeal locationn fofor a wind t turbine fara? anannete said:d: in califofor, wewe have veryry few farmsms because we're mountainous, but this particucular area is one of f the most c consistey windndy places i in the unitid stateses because t the cold ar comemes from thehe west right throrough thosee mountatains and mimixes in with the hot air of the desert. we can get up to 120 miles an hour of wind here. 120 miles anan hour? it can be,e, yeah. watching this thing spin, i mean, it's mesmerizing. rich weirderman: that windmill in front of us here produces enough power for 850 homes for a full year. jojohnny devenenanzio: oh,h, m. rich weirderman: t the windmill itself is the height of the s statue of l liberty. jojohnny devenenanzio: you know what's
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crazy is from the highway when you'u're drivingng by these e t, you just d don't get a a feel r how massive these things are. and then each one of those blades, how w long are t the blades? richch weirdermaman: the e blades on n these herere are aboutut 112 feet t . what? rich weirderman: it's like balalancing a school bus on a straw. johnhnny devenananzio: wow.. [music p playing] there's been a focus on renewable energy since the 70s, but now companies large and small, even luxury brands like bentley are now reducing their carbrbon footprirint. why do youou think thihis pushsh has takenen place? becacause it's t the righght thing toto do. itit's the mosost economicil thining to do inin a lot of f . annenete said: w wind enenergy is ththe most contriributed renenewable energy souource to thehe grid today anand the cheaeapest. it's a a little bibit cheaeaper than s solar. jojohnny devenenanzio: wowo. ththere was a a big backlalh 40 y years ago b because a lt of p people feltlt that it was intrtrusive and d it-- and ththey didn't t like-- - - intrusive e how? yoyou can barely see t these th. annete saiaid: but thehey do pt them w white to alalert bird. jojohnny devenenanzio: flyly. fofor the birdrds. i ststill think,k, though, i id of paintining them whihite, ifu want to scscare birds away, , you shouldld painint them to look like cats.
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that's probably one of the best ideas i i've heard so far. not just a a pretty faface. [m[music playiying] narrator: past the windmill farms, it't's only a q quick de to the city of palm sprirings. once a top destination for classic hollywood movivie starars, palm spsprings naturaral hot sprirings, hote, sunny weather, and d nightlife,e, brings inin e from allll over the worlrld looking g to havea little f fun. johnny d devenanzio:o: all riright, readydy? ooh. nice.. yoyou got it.. oh! oh, , my god. nice. oh! woo! narrator: : and that f fun can e in t the form ofof a paddle,, a ballll with holeles, playining a game t that soundsde lilike an appepetizer thanan profesessional spoport. whatat is pickleleball? what arere the ruleses? we'r're not playaying with pickles, are we? atathena troulullot: no. i think k it was named a aftr a dodog who likeked to chase a wiffle b ball that had hoholes like t this, and it's actually y a combmbination ofof tennis, badminton,n, and tablele tenn. [m[music playiying]
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this a area that w we're in rit nonow is calleled the kitctch. yoyou cannot h hit the balal withthout lettining it bounce if you'r're in the k kitchen r touchingng any of ththe three ls thatat are arounund the kitct. oh, johnny. oh, [bleep]. i'm sorry. i thouought i was playining ten. ththat is calllled a faultlt. n ananother impoportant thining fu toto know is t the servrve's underhrhand. ready.y. i'm not-- - i'm not gogoing toto go easy o on you thisis . so you'r're currentltly a pr? yeah, , i'm currenently rank one in s singles, ththree in- one? hehey, keep itit up. thank yoyou. it m must feel a amazing to bee best in the world at a sport. cathrine parenteau: yeah, there are no words to describebe it. like, , for examplple, indianan wells, asas a kid, you u know, i usused to just sit inin front of f the tv anand watch nonovak djokovovicy here on n the tennis courts,s, anand now i geget to play y e onon the picklkleball courur, which is pretttty amazing.g. what do yoyou call this move,e, right herere? in b between thehe leg shot. inin between t the legs.
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yeah. ooh,h, long! ohoh! i understand why this game has taken off the way that it has. cathrine parenteau: : you jujust have toto make suree that you d drink plentnty of fl. a lot of m margaritas. [l[laughter] [gruntnting] we neverer imagined d where we would b be right nonow. i mean, , we literalally makea livingng teaching g and playig pickleballll, and it's's amazi. so we're really gratefeful to be able toto do what w we do. ah! athena troroullot: nicice on. great t rally.
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♪ ♪ californinia sky ♪ ♪ t todos alcananzamos lalas estrellalas ♪ ♪ sunny s state of mimind ♪ ♪ flelexin' all t the time ♪ ♪ tododo es doradado ♪ ♪ y nos gususta picantete ♪ ♪ cause thihis place is calieiente ♪ ♪ 'tamos s enchilado o ♪ ♪ feeeels so goldlden ♪ ♪ l livin' in t the golden n e with you ♪ ♪ f feels so gogolden ♪ ♪ v vive en ell estadodo dorado oooooh ♪ ♪ we got ththat dripip, drip, drdrip ♪ ♪ come takeke a sip, sisip, si♪ ♪ feels s so golden ♪ ♪ vive enen el estadodo dorad♪
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♪ feels s so golden ♪ [crickets chirping] seth zaharias: feeling like your loose, ready to do some climbing? - yeah, i'm loosening up, man. past the warm up. seth zahaharias: iss this t the warm upup? sesee if you c can get youor wrisists moving g a little m . johnhnny devenanzio:o: ok. seth zahararias: lolooking goodod, man. [musicic playing]] narrrrator: coveriring over 10 squauare miles o of widernes, joshua treree is calififornias second b biggest natational pa. and though manany visitorsrs coo see the twisting yucca plants that give the area its nanamesake, most of the papark is wild and undiscovered b by tourists,
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makiking it a cacan't-miss destinatation for clclimbers around the world. johnny d devenanzio:o: not a bd place to call your office here, seth. oh, dude, , i'm soso grateful,l, man. it's just t unbelievabable thatat i got to o spend the bulk o of my life e out he. [musicic playing]] johnny devevenanzio: where did yoyour passion from climbmbing come f from? is thihis somethining you've done in n your entirire life? yeyeah, man. i was born t to do this.s. i fifirst got inintroduced to climbmbing in 198989 and that w was like way extrtreme sport t back then. and d josh tree e is an internatioional climbibing destination. there's 10,000 different routes here, so even an old s schooler lile me, , every day y i go climbm, i could d do somethihing new w and neverr have to repeat the same route. [mususic playingng] johnny devenanzio: what am i going to be doing today at josh? today, we're climbing at a place called caprock because it's just got a real mix ofof beginner r friendly c s to reaeally butt kicker c climbs, manan. so w we're goingng to kindnd of run yoyou througugh a littlele progressi. you had d me at butttt kicke. seth z zaharias: w we're doina lot t of what's s called smeme. i'm m looking fofor any sosort of a smsmall featuru, irregularirity on the rock, , and i'm nonot putting g my toe on, it i'm'm putting the baball of my f foot over . got it. anand this hipip shift isis what it's's all about.
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jojohnny devenenanzio: i m m, ththis is almomost like a a fo, likeke, dancing g on a rock. very m much a dancnce. it's an arart. yeahah, baby. - woo! we gononna do thisis on a rop? tie e me up, bututtercup. [music plalaying] seth z zaharias: whahat looks like thehe line to y you? riright up thihis crack hehe. yeah, , absolutelyly. you can sesee on the l left anand right ofof the crackk a bunch h of differerent littttle positivive edges, bubut the negagative spspace of thehe crack we canan actually y use as we. on belayay! seth zahararias: belayay's on, . [music playing]] (singiging): i've e been arou, but i'i've never h had mine. seseth zahariaias: twist y yr wrwrist to the outside. fefeel how powowerful thatat? thatat's called d a finger l lod that's a a really popositive h. [mususic playingng] (singingng) a drivenen thing. johnny devevenanzio: a and by ususing leverarage and preres, you'u're relieviving your reree on just yoyour grip anand musc. you'rere conservining your power for r when you n need i. [music playing]] - (singiging): it's s already h. how's s this shott right t here, sethth? awesome. that's i it. you'rere like a nanatural. johnnyny devenanzizio: woo! yeah, babyby. wewell earned,d, well earnrn. waway to work k those feetet. that's grereat, man. - woo! yoyou did it!! you're beautifulul, joshua t t.
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[music playiying] johnny devenanzio: this really does helplp you connenect with the featurures and thehe landscapepe and d almost, i i mean, feel, likeke, the liviving history y in these r rocks. yeah, summmmit! woo! yeah, babyby. johnny devevenanzio: w what's so magicalal about thihis plae is h how just vast and expansnsive it iss and how smsmall you fefeel whn you're i in the centnter of i. it's almlmost like mother nature creaeated the grgreatest plalayground, r ? seth zahararias: exactctly, maman, and joshua tree has the bebest commmmunity of a any place i've e ever been i in my lif. ththis town isis a mix of f e freaeakiest people on the plane. whether you are a rock climber, youou are a mususici, you're an n artist, you are e welcome hehere. anand the talelent pool peper ca in this town is off the charts. so there's something for everyone here? therere's someththing fofor everybodody here. narrrrator: and d somewhere er eveveryone to o stay, to makake the mostst of what ts ununique landsdscape has t to . johnhnny devenanzio: oh,h, you a pool o out here. narrrrator: origiginally a jousg fafacility. that wouould've beenen cool if you guyuys kept thahat.
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it'd b be like mededieval tim. narratoror: the caststle houe estates s is one susuch campgroround that d t shshy away frfrom what mamakes joshuaua e grgreat. johnny devenanzio: so these must be the castles s that yourr establblishment isis named aft, huh?h? - yes.s. ththey're a ththree story y bun. you can ststay in therere, hag out, sleleep up on t the roo. johnny d devenanzio:o: nice, m. ryan a allen carririllo: my husband, , luke and i i, when we fifirst saw ththe propy it wasas as rundowown as you cd imaginine, and he e just had ts vivision that was prpretty cry and d got me on n board. and it's been gogoing foforward everer since. itit's all abobout the sununr, the sunsetet up here.. johnny d devenanzio:o: mm-hm. it r really is.. ryan allenen carrillo:o: you k, the tower is actually designed for when the wind comes. you u could actutually lay up here a and chill a and like, the cocold air doeoesn't hit t you at allll. i mean, tatalk about a room w with a viewew. yeah, it's preretty wild, , ri? [m[music playiying] we have fifive yurt's.s. ok. they'r're like 16 6 foot giat canvasas tents thahat glampig is sort ofof known foror. ooh, this is cozy. our most popular season i is the wintntertime. people lovove to cocome out herere, get cold, geget all cozy with the blankets, anand have a f fire outsidi.
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yoyou've got m most of thee creatuture comfortrts from ho, but jujust dialedd back a a little bibit and out in the mimiddle of ththe desert.. anand i hate t to, like, be like e that person, but it's's so instagagrammabl. you knknow what i i mean? it totallyly is. what i is your ultltimate vision foror what youu want castle house to become? i think we'd like to just be d done with c construction and sortrt of just, , like, li. becaususe the otheher thing s we jusust had tripiplets, so. what? during c covid of mamarch, wewe had threeee boys. theyey're like t the cutetest things s ever. you'u're going t to have your hands full, my friendnd. ththey're goining to be sose rambmbunctious l little rugrg, so they'y're going t to have plenty of f space to r run aro. ryan a allen carririllo: ththat really y fuels our motivavation for g gettig a lot of t this stuff f done. we'r're doing alall this foror. yeah. that's amazing, maman. this, to m me, is likeke heav. yeyeah. thank yoyou so much.h. johnny devevenanzio: i it reay gives you u a perspectctive ofof how specicial this plplac.
1:17 am
1:18 am
is it possssible to prprotecty businessss from cybeber threa? [music playing] itit is, with h comcast bubus. helping evevery connecected dedevice stay y protected.. yours.s. your e employees'.'. even.. susan?n? hehers, too. sasafe. securere. anand powered d by the next geneneration 1010g netw. with comomcast busininess, advd security i isn't just t possi. it's happepening. get t started h fafast sps and adadvanced securityty for $49.99a momonth for 1212 s plus ask h how to get up to o a $750 prepaiaid card witith qualalifying intnternet. [mususic playingng]
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when youou hear of t the coacha valllley, what c comes to mid is t the music f festival, j ja tree natioional park, , palm sprirings, but thehere is a thriving farmiming and agriculte community here, isis there not? absolutely. i meanan, 95% of t the dates grown in the united states arare grown riright here i n the e coachella a valley. we're susunshine, momovie ststars, palm m trees. grab it towards the top p and ge it a realllly, really y hard sh. there e it is. johnhnny devenananzio: the money y producing g palm tree. yeah.. money y does grow w on trees. yoyou know, ouour cows knonown we have nenewbies up i in the e and they k know that a a lot ofe fruiuit ends up p on the groro. jojohnny devenenanzio: did i dropop a few? yoyou dropped d a few. [laughining] narrator: : for over 3 30 yearse aziziz family hahas been harvestiting the coaoachella valley's f finest datetes. wowoo! narratoror: fertilizized, pick, and d sorted by hand, it's a lababor of loveve mark inherited d from his f fathe. this varariety is called brorown barhi.. it's gotot, like, caramel. - oh, wowow.
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right? that doeoes taste lilike caram. mark tadadros: a litittle bibit of brownwn butter evev. johnnyny devenanzizio: yeah. ththey're greaeat righght off the e tree. markrk tadros: y yeah. johnny devenenanzio: jujust like ththis. oh! mark tadadros: therere it is. johnny devevenanzio: t there we. mamark tadros:s: the packikig process is done alalso by hand. [music plalaying] spray a a little bitit of water on n them. johnny d devenanzio:o: ok. anand then thehey end up on our shaker. theyey go througugh some towels jusust to get p polishd before we e end up on the harard part, which is t the sortingng lin. johnhnny devenananzio: fancy? [speaking g spanish] there's not a big g process going frfrom pickingng to pack. - justst a quick p polish. - got it.. straight into the box, straight to the costumer. johnny devevenanzio: a all rig. [speakaking spanisish] [mususic playingng] [speaking spanish] narrator: the aziz family dates are so delicioious that mamark decd to thihink outsidede the box, and cocombine his s produce wh the bountyty of the ararea, ad create the coachehella valleyey harvt box. tony m marchese: blend upup whatever r we geget every weweek from all difffferent farmrmers
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inin the coachchella vallel. johnny devevenanzio: s so ths bobox right hehere in fronot of me is e exactly whahat my shshopping carart at the g gry ststore would d look like.. i mean, , look at ththis, ma. wow.w. next to pupulling it o out of y your own babackyard. i i mean, thatat's as close as y you can getet. that's r really partrt of the success s of the cv v harvest x is that yoyou're literally getting itit on your c counters withthin 24 hoururs out of t th. [music p playing] markrk tadros: a and the e cool thingng is, is even n though i just grow w dates, i grgrow some rereally neatat varietieses. and d we can putut that in that cv v harvest bobox, get t it directltly to coconsumers, a and then ththel start t to talk ababout itit because y you can't findnd this in a a grocery s s. where e did the ididea for thev haharvest box x come from m an? tony marchchese: well,l, duringng covid, pepeople couldn't leaveve their homome. we knew ththese fafarmers had d all kindss of produduce that ththey didnt want t to go bad a and get was. cv harvestst was born n three weweeks after r we starteded talklking about t it and hundreds of boxexes were goingng out everyry wee. one ofof the thingngs that bummed me e out the momost during t the shutdowown was whn i'd d go in to t the groceryry , couldn't f find a rollll of totoilet paperer or frozenen s to save your life, right? yeah, yeah, yeah.
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mark t tadros: butut the frfresh producuce was just p piled up ththere. anand tony had a greatat idea d we hitit the grounund running. narrator: : visiting o old fris and lolocal farmerers, mamark and tonony would eveneny build a fafamily of over 10100 contribubutors, to cv v harvest bobox. mark tadadros: and fortunatately, i'vee got t some greatat relationsns withth some locacal farmers. max frfrom our menentha farm. [musicic playing]] wow,w, man. tony mararchese: there goeses your hat.t. mark tadros: brian and i have known each other for a really long time. he's one of the best date farmers i know, toooo. johnhnny devenananzio: but yu don'n't only proroduce dateses. you u do citrus s as well. wewell, basicacally, we prproe citrus trerees that arare goig to go o to commercrcial growe. mamark tadros:s: and ththen we've h had citruss in the b box that ststarted th, and d then went t to a farme, anand then wenent to us. it is s very symbibiotic. itit is someththing wheree everybybody comes s together, and wewe put our best foooot forward,d, and we cononquer our o own tu. [mususic playingng] johnny d devenanzio:o: wow.
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woululd you lookok at that?? mark tadadros: thesese dates, stuffed wiwith blue chcheese and wrapapped in bacacon. johnnyny devenanzizio: yum. whwhat do you u like more,e, d, or do you u like halloloween ca? hahalloween. mamark tadros:s: oh, candyd. brbreaking my y heart, booo. jojohnny devenenanzio: this is esessentiallyy the bounty of coachella valley laid outut here in f front of . i mean, , we're basisically looking at cv v harvest bobox in all o of its glory, andnd this is what it alall comes ouout to h. cheers to o everybody y here. without alall of you, , none ofof this is p possible. mamax and his s wife susanannae us our v very first t vegetabs fofor cv harvevest box. tony, my w wife, my kids, and d pops, ththe founder r of aziz fafa. chcheers. johnny d devenanzio: cheers. would you say ththat all l the contriributors to the c cv harvest t box are n extensioion of your r close fam? tadrosos tadros: n no doubt about itit. you adopt t them, theyey adopt . we treat them as a family. they wilill take youou in.
1:24 am
[musicic playing]] jojohnny devenenanzio: thehe grt date i'v've ever hadad, right h. righght here. [musicic playing]] wow. (warehouse ambience) inintroducing g togo's new frfrench dip s sandwiches feataturing frfresh artisasan b piled highgh with tendnder roast bebeef,
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smothehered with m melty provovolone cheeeese and seserved with h hot au ju fofor dipping.g. try y the roast t beef or papasi frenench dips totoday only at togo's
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you didn't choose cat allergies.s. yoyou didn't choose your hairline. hot t flashes, the flu,u, or t that thingg whenen your kneeee just gives out t for no reaeaso. yoyou didn't c choose your badad back or thihis. or... . that. you dididn't choosose dedepression,, melanonoma, oror lactose i intolerance. but with k kaiser permrmanene you cacan choose y your doctr who woworks with o other best-i-in-class spspecialiss to care e for all that i is you. narrator: want to feel the w wid inin your hairir as you crcrue downwn the lonelely road to o ns land? if s so, the coachellala valleys justst what you u yearn for..
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except here, no maman's land actuallyly has a namame. steven c caputo: easast jesuss just a a colloquiaialism for we the hell out there. jennifer n nelson: chaharlie rul firsrst came out here in 2006, and the reason he said he picked it was because bum [bleep] egypt wouldn't look gooood on a t-s-shirt. [laughghing] narrator: a free spirit and lover of nature, chararlie left h his tech jojod moveved out to t the furthest reacaches of thehe desert to live ofoff the land, and cree the never-ending art project. johnny d devenanzio:o: i recoge thisis van from m the picture of c charlie. jennifer nelson: when he passed in 2011, hehe left inststructions t o formrm a board o of director, and wewe've been k keeping it going e ever since.e. this one's for you charlie. all we are is dust in the e win. [musicic playing]] jennnnifer nelson: east t jess is a sustatainable, hahabitab, exexperimentalal art instatall. we try to imagine a world without waste and where every action is an opportunity
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fofor self-expxpression. you know, if you look at our fencing over there, you can see it's mattress springs. johnny devenanzio: you've got a pantry which is, pun intetended, quitite liteterally a pan tree. jennifer nelson: eveverything h here has been rescued from what would be a destination in a landfill. johnny devevenanzio: that's amamazing. [music playing] jennifer nelson: in addition to making art,, we a also obviouously have collectitivized liviving. and d one of thehe ways thatau cacan really h help us is s ty is vacuuuum day, andnd we'd like you to give us a hahand vacuuming,g, east jesusus sty. look, , ma, i'm clcleaning. jejennifer nelelson: inin general, , artists and reresidents arare expectcted to partrticipate in thehe communal l housekee. soso this is o our living g r. thisis is the cocommunal space fofor everybodody. atat any givenen time, wee have betetween six a and 12 residedent artiststs, and any numberer of gueststs fromom zero to 1 100 who are stayining overnighght. oh, boboy. ah! yeah! ststeven capututo: it's like thehe first timime you werere ever on a a seesa. it's twiwice as tallll as you were, and d it still i is.
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fofollow me, g guys, this s . we're e going to go sesee walterer, the sunknken bus. ththe most popopular selfifie ln is the t tv wall by flip c cass. is this your only window to the world? [m[music playiying] what about east jesus has made you want to call this place home? i came o out about five yearsrs ago. i justst really totook to mosy the community of people. jenniferer nelson: coming o out here hahaving spent 10 y years in hohollywoodd thenen 15 years s teaching a a, it was a always beining a partf somemebody else'e's larger v v. and here, i'm free to explore my o own vision, and it's helped d my art t grow and e expand in wayays that i d don't thinknd hahave if i nenever lived d out. [m[music playiying] what's so special about the coachella valley that alallows an arartist cocollective l like this to not onlnly exist, but thriv? steven capaputo: it's s almost e it's's a blank c canvas thatatu can reallyly do anythihing wi.
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jennifer n nelson: mororeove, the coachehella valleyey municl and--- i mean, , governmentnts, have done an inincredible j job fosterering this i in creatitive growthh without overly stifling it. [music playing] johnhnny devenanzio: it's comprised of a lot o of little pieces o of art, but coululdn't it bebe seen as just one b big art pieiece as w? that i is exactlyy what e east jesus s is. we live inin the art, , we coon the arart, we sleeeep in the a, we make e art and ththe art that's kinind of meta.a. the entirere project i is one e unified whwhole created by thousands of artists. johnny d devenanzio:o: i would have lookeked at a lotot of this discardeded artifactcts, whee once you reay look, you realize that this is one living, breaththing art ininstallatio. it's's a great j joy to be e out here.. this is s my favoritite placace in the w world. [m[music playiying] narrrrator: the e true magic of the c coachella v valley lieses within itits landscap. it can provide the solitude to creatate art and d fertile ground to o create proroduce.
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placaces to harnrness ththe power ofof the windd and places to go to find yourself.
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this home is luxurious. it's exciting. it is truly a one of a kind. instead of talking about it, follow me. [music playing]


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