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tv   Press Here  NBC  July 16, 2023 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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t twitter usesers lookingng the exit.. tiktokok under thrhreat fromm congress.. what doo content and advertises dodo now? wewe'll talkk too our p panel o experts.s. plus, i investor allison b
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gatess on howow too brereak int venturee capitol. that's this weweek o on "press: here." > good morning, everyonene. i'm scott mcgrerew. washinington seemsms intentt on banning tickcktock. wewe'll see how young voterers t toto that, but for now we'rere g to focusus on w what contentnt creatotors wilill d do iff tikt babanned. sosome peoplee makee mononey an make a namee f for thememselves. mike donououghe is ceo o of sub and hasas been wororking w with creatorsrs helelping themm c co with theirir ofoffice. thee sheer mechahanics of this. whatat does a t tiktok ban look like? i get i it if the s state o of cacalifornia s says you can't't
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governmentnt phone foror tiktok. how does a a s state ban itsts cicitizens frorom usising it? >> i i'm notot so s sure t the montanaa can d do itit? therere are soo manyy ways arou ba ban. youu could bee in the s state o idaho, y you couould be onn the versrsion of titiktok. yoyou could b be usising one of 28,000 othther apps that sendd a to tiktok. therere's no w way aroundd it.. i think ultltimately w what you looking a at here i is moree politicacal theheater adad of a enforceaeable ban.n. >> i g get t the governmenent h concernsns about tiktokk a and coconnectionss the chihinese ha wiwith the cocompany, but i'm n convincedd -- i haven't seeeen hard e evidence of thee thingsst the goverernment's c concerned about.t. what's y your impressision? >> up untntil now, eveverythingt we'vee seen publilicly reaeallys toto be innuenendo, righght? i don't't think we've s seen an coconcrete evidencnce off any m
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ofof u.s.s. dadata, misintnter of u.s. data. there aree certaininly misgiviv on whehether or nonot that'ss ininappropriatate. remainins to be seen. aa lotot of i it is s speculati this poinint. >> o one of my c concerns is bee titiktok is a a chihinese madee with a cononnection to thee chie governrnment, thahat can bee tr any chinesese madee app. soso reallyly, i i memean, if w going t to b ban titiktok, itt e fair t to say we'd bee banningn anythingng made in china potentiaially as fafar as appss >> yeah, i i thihink youou're r. ultimatelyly this i is a dangeg prprecedent f for productss mad chchina or i individuall apps c out o of china but foror the brr sosort of intnternet f freedom large,e, right? i mean,, who's to say that, you knknow, we d don't m make a d d at i individuall statete l leve don't l like the discocourse on twititter or meta?? soso i think anybodydy who'ss concncerned witith first amemen
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righghts or free spepeech shoul take a reallyy l long look a at what's's happeningng in montnta > so let's say f for a momom that tiktok is babanned, eitheh locally o or natitionally, and somehow they'y're able t to enf that banan. what i is a crereator to dodo? youtube has beeeen a crcreator' haven f for a long time. meta h has d dabbled inn thehe . there'ss not a lotot of greatat alternatatives. > no. i i mean, thehe t truth is ther nonot. the uniniversal truth i is as a creatotor you are buildining yo audiencece on s somebody else' land. creatotors are l looking foror alternatatives, thehey let you the underlyiying audieience dat that you'vee worked so h hard t
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build. >> you'v've been wororking witht messagaging. someme years agogo we did a a p with joeoe esescanazie, a lolo san franancisco repeporter in w hehe expererimented with a texe momorning newewsletter. seseconds itt o out to subscri. you'u're doing somethingng simi >> yes, absolulutely. jojoe is one of our longest ho. it fitits in the musicic space, entertainmnment, artiststs, atathletes, indivividual m medi compananies. to g give y you a a sensese of over thehe coursrse of 2022 we d have s sent 5 billilion t text messagages. we'r're operarating p pretty signifificantly w with 5 millio plus tototal susubscribers.s. s so how doeoes thahat work? i mean,, it'ss a blast o out to ofof the text t message receiv bubut then t the creatoror canae
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back frorom the p person receie the t text message just likike tradititional texext converersa >> yeah,, that's absolutelely righght. that's's one of ththe beaututie it. wewe enablbled this m much m mo persrsonal commumunication at s becausee text messaging,g, afte all,l, i mean,, thiss is thehe u communicicate withh friends a a fafamily. wewe're seeining a l lot of c c lolove the idea thahat they cane aa more intntimate owneded connn with t their auaudiences, w whi grgreat. we g go one too manany in terms the creatator being able to broaoadcast theheir mesessagingo alll of their fans a and thehen cacan get backk too thahat crere on one. ththe creatator can havee indiv converersations w with theirir commununity. it's a a reaeally nice participy experiencece. i thihink most impmportantly o that the creatator t themselves owown. >> a are there rules or eye december t that you p pass on t creatorsrs? obviouslyy with alertrts on my phone, if i getet one toooo man alerts i unsusubscribe from tho alererts. textxt messageges wouldld p pro the s same way.
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if i get one t too many frorom certainn friend i do tenend to n ofoff notififications. >> i i'm goingng to text youou afterr the segmenent. >> right? >> nono. so thehe wayay we l look at it because a all of o our messasag opt in,, meaeaning thiss indndi has too raisese their hand and , hey, you k know what,, i'd like susubscribe t to messasages fro scscott. i see thiss as beingng reallyy valuablele. so i t think i it o occupies a valuluable spacece on m most us phonones than indivividual spam tags, individuaual tags. thinings you getet relatated to commercece, checkout,, thahat tf thing. ofof course,, we all the proviv guguidance inn t terms of ththee of messagaging, whenn itt shou used, w what t type off message should b be sentnt, that type o thining. >> i i m mentioned joe escanazi. give mee another e example off creaeative useser o of t text m you'veve seen. >> susure. mostst recenently wee d did mil cyrurus's new albumum relelease is a littlee bitit of a a diffe
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scale, right? shshe's shaharing kinind o of a the scenenes look a at w what's into makingg the album. she's shaharing sorort of a f f lolook at the indivividual son maybee merchandndise, t that t thining. so ththere's a lot o of dififfe ways t to be ablee to use it. i t think the onene sort t of universall truth inn terms of t creatotors that arare the most successfulul on the platftform they'ree r really tryingg to be themselveses. they'r're tryingg to bring peop behihind the curtain and sort o showow you w what it's like bec, again,n, we'e're using a a real persrsonal medidium. we want to share personanal messagages, maybebe not stuffff wowould go out o on twitter, th meta platfoforms. > i w will tell you, i sigi forr the miley cyrus one. itit gave mee a gigiggle. it's miley cyrus texexting me. >> therere you go. you can tell all your friends. >> riright? yeah, m me and a fewew, thousan people. michael donoghue is the presesident of o of text
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(warehououse ambiencnce) inintroducing g togo's new frfrench dip s sandwiches feataturing frfresh artisasan b piled highgh with tendnder roast bebeef, smothehered with m melty provovolone cheeeese and seserved with h hot au ju fofor dipping.g. try y the roast t beef or papasi frenench dips totoday only at togo's
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. w welcome back to "p"press: herere." twitteter is havingg a hardd ti fifinding peoeople to bebe asso with themem. tiktokok, who knonows what t ha to them. facebobook in thee past has b b accused o of inflalating its a reach.h. what iss an advdvertiser t to ? adadam cononnor suggeststs adve ananywhere butut onliline with ththe ad bususiness calalled o ofof home, l like bibillboards.. yeyeah, billllboards. matttthew is thehe ceoo off a a. matthew,w, we'veve come f full hehere for advertisising on billllboards. >> yeah.. it's really fufunny. you know, we're sittiting herer 2023 and the o oldest form o of advertrtising thatat exists had best yearr o on recorord j just
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y year.. so withh a lot of f the tutumul onlinene, with digigital, twitt tiktokok, facebooook and whahat apple'ss doing witith privivac lot of thohose dolollars are log for a newew way t to reachch cos and outut off home, everyththin the reall world i is stitill an effectivive and in factt moree measururable outlet. . >> i wasas going to ask youou a memeasurement.t. advertisisers measusure b by impressionon, right?t? is outut of home, which encompmpasses evererything froru knknow, bus s shelters to carar, itits, i is outut of ho expepensive than advertisising ononline? > it has onene of the l lowe cpmms, basasically cosost per thouousand imprpressions. onlinene advdvertising with net cacan be aboveve $65 cpmm w whe national a average foror out ofe is relelatively increredibly affordabable $5 cpm. as far a as the impactt anand,
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knknow, what t are c consumers after thehey see ann ad, whihic ththe t thing that advertiseser the mosost about,t, becauause everythingng has a digigital toucuchpoint nonow, out of home bebe meaeasured unlike it coulde maybe tenen years agogo becauau anyone canan downloadad an a ap the momenent or googlee and sea for a brandnd or,, you knowow, a qr cocode. so ththere's allll o of thehese toucuchpoints t that are digiti captptured thatt never e existe beforere that m make o out of h lot moree attriributable thann had beenn at any time in the past. > of coururse, advdvertisers evenen more aggressssion onn th righght? the beaconsns that wouould let know who passed by t their advevertisement,t, consumemers understandndably a bitit more cautioious about that.. >> absolulutely. eveverything w with out of homo prprobableistitic modeling.. there's n no one-t-to-one t tar or one-to-o-one identifieiers t are u used b by advertisesers b
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the aggreregate they canan see, ininstance, mymy brand searchh t went up signinificantly i in a marketet where i ran out of hom. therere's the cororrelation andt wewe call the list analyseses t shshow vararious metricscs bein improved b by out off home. > it's more thahan billboboa bus shelters.. what are s some of ththe more creaeative wayss you'ree seeing people adadvertise? >> yeahah, there'ss a wilild wof optitions. so everyrything frorom bannersr behind plalanes thatt go u up a downwn. so onn a summemer day a at t th. toto boaoat advertisining. to o on scooterer a and inn ube. so, y you knknow, reallyy anyny that there's a d digital screr therere's a c company probablbl tryiying to makee thatt somee sf ad format.. our p platform aggregagates all thatat, m makes it e easy to f buy.y. >> somome consumersrs rebelledd againsnst some o of thihis beca usused t to be -- i donon't kno you reremember, ththere was a a
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in which you put thehe gasas inr cacar, all of a sudden at 1,000 percenent vololume yourr gas pu would s start talking to yoyou. we havee thank goodnesss seemedo hahave gototten awayy frorom t. > yeahah. those a are still defininitely around thouough. it m might be a a littlee b bit shock whihile y you're havingg peacefulul moment at ththe gasa ststation, butut they're s stil ththere. >> w what are the c chances thau oror a c company likee yours c get a majajor leagugue spoport n moerk to advertisese l like soc does? someone w who watcheses a arseny might t be forgigiven iff t the thought thehey were cheheering team emiratess airline.e. thosee are big ads. >> yeah. now t they're g getting into su imimposing visuals on the game thee pitch. in a any spoports ststadium, y araround there. ththe u.s. i is a littlee b bit sponsorsrships galorore there.e. it's somomewhat susubconsciousue these ads are kind off everywhee
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whwhen you really t think to lo for themem. >> no, i wasas noticingg that o thee in and out e exit doooors airporort, for instance, they'v got those wrapped in some kind of advertisement from time to time. those somehow seem less annoying maybe because i'm not even noticing them at all, but of course to the advertiser i i a. i'mm gettingng t that messasage sublimininally at least. >> yeahah. one of ththe good thingss about outdoorr advertisising is that yoyou're not reallyy s stopping anybodyy from d doing whatt the doining alreadady. so iff y you're drivingng byy billboarards, thatt doesn't mea you s slow downn orr stotop o o road. whwhereas, basicically anynywhee an advdvertisementnt r reaches tv, you'r're stopppping consumi your program. online,, you'ree watchingg pre-l video. jujust let mee watatch the vide. i thihink thahat's whyhy the advertrtising entirire recalall lot ofof people a actually like outdtdoor adverertising bececau breaeaks up the mow n no monotog
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drive. >> the murals onn the buildingn too, i don't't mind themem. if it'ss a bibig, b blank sisid lookss nice. >> yeah. therere's a good t trend o of grgrowing --- like making advertrtising artrt and so --- >> yeah. . >> -- m maybe in ththe cornerr be a smallll brand name thatt p fofor it b but it's a a b beaut mumural withh kind off s showca whwhat thatt brand stands for.r. so that't's another uninique wa adadvertise. >> finalally i havee too a ask you t think of thee product placacement whehere ththere's ae of soda orr whahatever onn a po. label facacing thehe cacamera, y unopopened. i'veve never f fell foror that . >> yeah.. that's p pretty inteteresting. i seeee a l lot of thahat withhe sports c coaches dririnking s s cocaca-cola. ii don't knonow if that's exaxa what they'y're dodoing. then there'ss the o ones onn an show w where they c conspicuous eatt like a bagag of lay'ss pot chips. >> right. > of coursese, the labelel ththe camemera.
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yeah, there's a a lotot of dift ways foror brandnds to g get ththemselves o out there.e. >> allll right.t. matttthew o'coconnor, advertiti exexpert, ceo of adquick.k. i appreciciate you b being with this mororning talkiking about advertising. we will be right back after this advertisement.
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welcocome back too "preress here."." i oftenen reminind you we have sisister podcastst called sand roroad which iss about venturer capitatal and howow itt worksksn hand to m make s silicon valley of t the most powerfuful econom enginenes in thee world. there'e's a new b book calledd "breakaking intoo venture" andn author allisison babaum gates j me to hit somome of ththe highlighghts. goodod morning. let's s start withh how most pee breakk into veventure. ththey go too harvavard and w w a w while at g goldman sacachs you're l laughing b because tha exactltly what yoyou did,d, wri?
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>> yeyes. i thinknk the --- irironically, actually,, my wathh way is not nenecessarilyy t traditionalall same. the tradiditional wayay would b gogo to stanfoford, doo a star a gararage dowown ththere. mamake millions s apds millilio dollars a as a entrerepreneur ae as yourr third actct insnsteade retitiring, youou invnvest that capitoll in other entrepreneneu > yeyes. you've d described everyone e. whatat is maybe t the person n wawatching thihis that s says i neitheher went to haharvard, possibly n nor stanfoford, and haven't b been an opererator? anand to be fafair, that is a y good ququalificatioion. if you'vee beenn there, donee t, thatat's a g good way to becomo veventure capitatalist. let't's assumee therere are peo whwho haveven't. whatat other w ways a are ththe? >> well,, r really the mission this bobook, scott,t, is that y dodon't havee to becomee a vent
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capitalistst to needd to undersd it. anand h historicalllly v venturl has beenn verery isolalated f f rest of thee world and venture capital is s actually f funding technonology that t is s shapin jobsbs, our f food supppply, o hohow we meet our p partners an todaday with h the adventnt of like c crypto andd generativive there'e's going t to be another revolutionon in technologogy changing the w wear we live, an it's actualllly veryy important you'rere not a a venture c capi yoururself, evenen if you'r're entreprereneur, ununderstandinis is crititical. > if someoeone did wantt to ininvolved inn veventure, is t good time? it's a very sort of uncertatain becaususe of allll the fears ab ththe ececonomy, andnd i d don' that allll of thehem are justif babased on t the d data but, yo, uncertrtain, unststable. sometimemes that'ss a realllly time too joinn an indudustry. > exactly.y.
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right n now is actuallyy o one e bebest timeses ever t to get in venturure cacapital. firstt of alall, becauause the economomy has slowed.. valuatioions have c come downn e so if youou're lookingng t to m your firirst angel investmenent if you'ree lookingng too startr companany, we havave t this rea unique momoment wherere there'se money in n the v venture capiti indudustry thann ever but b bec largee firirms have slowed dowo signifificantly, g getting accco great i investmentsts i is a li bibit e easier t than it was ov last s several years. in fafact, the investmtments y mighght make now are m more lik toto be successfuful than everr before.. wewe've had somee of our bigges successess come o out of the c inin 000 andnd 2009.. it's wherere w we see a boom an real disruruption catalyzining innovationon and makingg it popossible to o be adoptpted eveverywhere. . >> one o of the thihings youou' writteten aboutut is the imporo of writingng youour own narrati
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itit communicacates who you are what insnspires you. what's's a narratitive verersus resusume? >> a a nararrative is s somethi wrwrite yourself.. your resume iss whahat you p pu linked-in.n. i thinknk resumes arere h horri outdtdated bececause i investt e future o of work but that's a seseparate totopic. yourur n narrative is what youu peoplele when youu meet them ine elevatoror, you m meet them at chilildren's scschool, you meeem passing i in the hallwayss at w. that's whehere you b build the powewerful nenetwork. gigiving peoplple a reasonon to rememember you, a reason to wan to help y you and a reaeason to think youou can helpp them is a critical componenent for succe not iff y you arere going to be venture capitalalist but also i you're l looking foror a a newe aa newew partnener, c crafting personalal narrativeve is a cril skilill for any carareer. > one you d don't wantt to mp on the spspot. you w want t to have an idea be yoyou have t to givive it. >> exexactly. yoyour personanal narrarative c change o over titime.
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we arere living in a technologo driven wororld and things a are changing fasaster thahan evever befofore. it used t to be that peoeople h jobs and they thanknk theirir s company.y. dependining what you'ree lookin for, whatt y you're optimimizin, youu have t to a adopt that for audiencece and y your perersona. > lastltly in thee subtitlel yoyour bookok, you mentitioned . being a vc can be finanancially rerewarding. it's not somethingng the indust really likikes to talk a about thouough. >> yes.s. itit is oftenen v very secreret muchch money peoeople actuallll in venturere capital. the largegerr firms are very differenent than thehe smaller s in how thehey compensnsate peoe there. ofoften manyy angngel i investot likeke to sharere howow much mo they'r're makingg either.. the i interestingng thing abobo buildingng a portfofolio, whehe it's a careerr or a a portfolio investmements, you havave to cr a mododel where y you mightht e
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not everyry bet t to worork outf youu just have a few b bets t to very, vevery well,, it more tha makess up f for the othehers. soso a a lot off timeses in tht indudustry peoplple don't want talklk about thehe things thatt haveven't workeked out butut th thatat do are r really the o ont make the diffeference from a a wealth and an influluence persrspective a as wellll. >> a allison baumum gates. thank k you. her newew book is "breakining i venture." we'll be back in just a minute.
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t that's ourur show foror t week. a reminderer we do have a a sis podcast c called sanand h hill . it's allll abobout ventuture capitalismsm. if youou enjoy this, i think you'll enjnjoy ththat. ththank you f for making g us p your s sunday mornrning.
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damian trujillo: hello, and welcome to "comunidad del valle." i'm damian trujillo, and today, a fiesta at the presidio on your "comunidad del valle." [music]


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