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tv   Today  NBC  July 31, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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no major injuries. that's westbound 80 out of vacaville into fairfield. that may make lighter traffic on interstate 80. the "today" show starts now and "today in the bay" continues now on roku, samsung tv or wherever you stream. join us whenever it fits into your schedule. >> that's what's happening. the "today" show starts now, and of course any time. have a great monday. good monday morning. legal troubles mounting for donald trump. >> criminal charges for election interference as early as this week. it's july 31st. this is "today." >> bng foract. >> i'm being indicted u. >> donald trump facing another
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indictment. tries to go on offense this weekend as his mar-a-lago employee goes to court today in that classified documents case. the legal twists and turns just ahead and what was just revealed about the millions in campaign. -- campaign donations going to the trump legal defense. kidnapped. an american aid worker and her daughter abducted in haiti. she has sacrificed her life to do good for a country that desperately needs the help that she provides. >> this morning the scramble to get them home. and u.s. officials ordering government workers to leave as the nation slips further into civil unrest. we'll have the very latest. at last, millions to enjoy relief in weeks from that record-shattering heat wave. not everyone is out of the woods yet. al has your full forecast. breaking her silence.
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the wife of the accused serial killer in long island speaking out for the first time. her message and where the investigation now stands. those stories, plus real life "jaws." the large shark caught on camera repeatedly attacking a fishing boat off the coast of florida. >> i didn't think a shark could actually shake the boat like that. i'm like, are you kidding me? this is like a ride from universal studios. >> the story behind that wild video. and in it to win it. the u.s. women gearing up for their match to the world cup overnight. a ticket to the next round on the line. today, monday, july 31st, 2023. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today."
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it is monday morning. nice to have you along with us. >> all right. if you are going to stay up super late, which we hope to, it is team usa versus portugal. come on, ladies! >> this is a big one. this determines whether they go to the next round. no matter what time of day it is. it'sd dvr. his morning, can you h sigh of relief. talkinout for weeks fina broken in certain region the weekend. parts of the south still facing record high temperatures. of course, will have it all covered in just a bit. first let's get to our top story. donald trump facing new criminal charges this week tied to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. this comes days after the special counsel revealed new charges against the former pretty and two of his aides in that classified documents mishandling case. garrett haake is in washington with the latest.
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>> good morning. all eyes in washington once again on the federal courthouse behind me where grand jurors are set to reconvene tomorrow and where another indictment a nald t come asn as this week. this as lead in the polls as hisal bills contito grow. >> these aidiculous >> repr: donald trum legal battin thetlight and racking up costs. orning a kourt appearance from a trump co-defendant. the malago propertnager, he, with trump and an aide facing federal charges related to the formeesident's handling of classified documents after leaving the white house. prosecutors say trump asked him to delete security camera footage at the estate to obstruct the investigation mr. trump expect ms. his aide walt nauta pleaded not guilty to the original indictment last month. >> it is a great badge of honor because i'm being indicted for you. >> reporter: as the former president could face indictment this week over another case, his efforts to overturn the 2020
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election and it all comes at a price for mr. trump and his supporters "the washington post" reporting that his political group spent more than $40 million on legal costs in the first half of 2020 -- 202 to defend trump, his advisers and others, according to people familiar with the matter but he remains the republican front runner mr. trump's fiercest republican critic, 2024 rival chris christie, evoking "the godfather" t mock the case. >> it's brazen these guys were acting like the -- the corleones with no experience >> reporter: but two of mr. trump' republican opponents say they're inclined to pardon him if he's convicted. >> i don't want all this division over the fact that we have a president serving years in jail over ants. >> i would pardon him. >> reporter: now threatening fellow republicans that don't share his appetite for revenge against president biden and the justice department
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>> any republican that doesn't act on democrat fraud should be immediately primaried and get out. out. >> reporter: on the campaign front, nbc news tracked down 44 of his former cabinet officials. some declined to comment some didn't get back to us when asked if they would definitely support the former president next year, only four, 4 of those 44, said they would among them, his former chief of staff mark meadows among those who said they would not support the former president, former attorney genera bill barr, when we asked what he would do in a situation where it was trump or bies biden as it was in 2020 told us i'll jump off that bridge when i get to it. >> thank you. also this morning, tensions are escalating between russia and ukraine after a series of drone attacks in moscow over the weekend. while not taking responsibility, ukraine's president saying the war is now returning to russia richard engel joins us how with thta
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hey, richardgood mor. eporter: good ing, hoda. t putin is not looking st this mornin the ukrainian offensive is intensifying he survived a short-lived mutiny now mosctsel increasingly targeted by drones. the drones exploded in the heart of moscow's financial district on sunday morning around 4:00 a.m. russian officials say at least three drones were involved and blamed ukraine russians can no longer turn a blind eye to this war now that it's coming home although ukraine didn't take responsibility, president volodymyr zelenskyy gave what seemed to be the most directed mission of cross border attacks into russia yet and suggested a new chapter is beginning ukraine is getting stronger. gradually the war is returning to russian territory it's symbolic centers and military bases
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and this is an inevitable, natural and absolutely fair process, he says the war continues to be a disaster for russia. 523 days in, russia seems no closer to victory than when it first invaded. the russian army is so short of troops, it had to raise the age limit for conscripts but you wouldn't know it listening to president putin, who was busy celebrating navy day this weekend in the name of russia, our sailors are giving all their strength, showing true heroism and fighting valiantly, as our great ancestors did, he said small explosive drones have been central to the war from the start and are now exposing moscow's vulnerability in may, the kremlin itself was attacked by drones ukraine denied involvement at the time but attacks are becoming more frequent this was the fourth drone attack
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in or around moscow this month and ukraine no longer seems concerned about hiding it. in addition to attacks inside russia, russian defense officials accuse ukraine of carrying out drone attacks against the crimean peninsula, including one in which russia says it stopped involving a swarm of 25 drones. >> richard, thank you. there is growing concern this morning for an american aid worker and her young daughter kidnapped in haiti their abduction comes at a time of rising unrest there wit the state department now evacuating some embassy staff and warning americans not to travel there kristen dahlgren has the very latest for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. alix dorsainvil may have been from thi small new hampshire town but those who know her say she was drawn to a life of service nursing small children in the nonprofit that her haitian-born
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husband founded. this morning that organization says it is doing everything it can to get her and the couple's young daughter home. this morning the american and her young daughter remain missing after reportedly being kidnapped near haiti's capital where she has lived for at least three years. >> my name is alix i'm a nurse from new hampshire, but now i live in haiti. >> reporter: the 31-year-old nurse works for the faith-based organization that has a school and ministry in haiti and is married to the organization's founder. >> sandro invited plea to come to the school to do some nursing for the kids hehe said that was a big need ty had. >> reporter: alix and her child were taken from campus on thursday writing in a statement, we continue to work with our partners and their trusted relationships to ensure their safe return. details remain unclear. >> alix was very compassionate and cared very much for people
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that had great need. >> reporter: on, licks attended regis college in massachusetts, and the president is not surprised her former student chose a path of service. >> she was definitely a special young woman. >> reporter: the same day a mother and daughter were taken, the state department issued its highest level travel advisory for haiti, warning americans not to visit, citing crime and civil unrest adding kidnapping is widespread and victims regularly include u.s. citizens. the state department also recalling non-emergency personnel from haiti's u.s. embassy. >> we have very deep concern for the situation there.>> rter: thn 80% of the cities.ngs control they are in close unicat alix's family and are working hard to get them home. both the state department and the white house tell nbc news they are aware of the reports of the kidnapping and are in regular contact with the
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haitian officials. savannah >> kristen, thank you so much. craig joins the table. good morning. >> good morning to you as well some new developments in the gilgo beac serial killings on new york's long island. for the first time since the arrest, the manhattan architect charged with murders of three women, his wife now breaking her silence. stephanie gosk has been following this story and joins us with more. >> good morning. rex heuermann's wife is asking for privac and normalcy after investigators and the public flooded the neighborhood where the couple lived for weeks. her husband allegedly living a double life. a family man who commuted to work in manhattan. prutors believe he is a serial killer. days after investigators wrapped up collecting evidence at rex's home, his wife and her two adult children return to a life they no longer recognize. >> it's been a very tumultuous time for them. life has been thrown upside down. >> reporter: the family of the
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manhattan architect charged in the gilgo beach skierial killer is asking fo privacy, writing in a statement they have endured profound and catastrophe. his wife writing, i am pleading with you all to give us some space. >> the streets were closed you had to get access by police escort to go to your home. the neighbors had as much impact as she has. >> reporter: some neighbors are reaching out sending care packages and groceries one writing we are thinking of you during this difficult time if there i anything we can do for you, let us know. she filed for divorce on july 19th, after heuermann was arrested and charged with three counts of first degree murder in the deaths of three women in their 20s believed to have been sex workers over a decade ago. he's now the main suspect in the death of a fourth woman. >> we have obtained a massive amount of material. >> reporter: following a nearly two-week search of the family home, investigators say it will
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take time to analyze and catalog what they found as police in other states are looking into potential connections to other unsolved crimes, including in las vegas, nevada, where heuermann had timeshare and in atlantic city, new jersey, for possible ties to the east-bound strangler case, while his estranged wife focuses on moving on with her life >> she has to protect herself not knowing what's going to happen to him. >> reporter: we reached out to rex heuermann's attorneys for comment, and have not heard back. he has pleaded not guilty and is scheduled to appear in court tomorrow, guys. >> thank you, stef. all right. one of the largest trucking companies in the country is shutting down and laying off its employees. yellow core notified its 30,000 workers of the decision over the weekend. the company is expected to file for bankruptcy after they failed to refinance over $1 billion in debt. its customers included retailers like walmart and home depot. it comes days after yellow averted a strike from 22,000 of
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its unionized workers. now frightening moments for beach-goers in new hampshire over the weekend a plane went down in front of them near hampton beach. look at this a plane towing a banner, crash landing just 90 feet from the beach. thankfully, the pilot of the plane did not suffer any serious injuries lifeguard were able to hel them get to shore. it was a miracle that nobody was hurt seriously. the extreme heat that gripped the nation for several weeks is finally starting to ease in areas this morning it comes as severe storms ripped through the east coast this weekend. places like virginia, maryland, washington, d.c. hit with 80 miles an hour winds, knocking down trees, leaving hundreds of thousands without power. those storms extended all the way up to new york and new england. but mr. roker, with that i understand there comes a break from that sweltering heat fo some. >> not everybody, but the areas -- how do you like our
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little circles with our new graphics yeah anyway, let's show you what we've got going on 39 million people. that's way down from last week when we had almost a third of the country under heat advisories, heat warnings. from kansas all the way to the gulf coast t florida. that heat still hanging around the heat dome shifting to the east as the large bridge of high pressure brings the heat dallas, san antonio, new orleans, veer on beach, and miami. they may set records again today. and on into tomorrow for brooksville, key west, new orleans, beaumont, corpus christi. here in the northeast, great lakes, mid-atlantic, on into new england. look at these temperatures, nice and seasonal this is what summer should be all about. wewe will get t to your lolocal forecast in the next 30 seconds. . (man 1)) what? ? is it, is s it too mu?
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(vo) and 2% casash back on n what u need. (m(main 1) whwhat? (man 2) i think k you misseded a spo. (man 1 1) is it bad? (man 2) it's not g good. (vo) the wells s fargo actitive cah card. ththat's real l life readyd. good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we'll see temperatures reaching up to about 90 for our warmer spots inland and we will have a significant cooldown over the next few days. it's going to be nice as we enter into the month of august. 80 degrees for highs on wednesday. but we are in for a significant heat-up for the weekend. saturday and sunday, mid to upper 90s. in your weekend plans make sure you're able to try to stay cool, and that is your latest weather. guys >> all right, al thank you. all right. coming up guys, a shark attack straight out of a movie. so a drone captured this
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a large bull shark attacking the engines of a fishing boat off the coast of florida. >> you've got to see this to believe it a bull shark honing in on a fishing boat like a missile hitting it over and over and over again we will hear from a guy on that boat coming up next. >> thank you. then hopeful signs on the recovery of bronny james after his frightening collapse at basketball practice and the new message his father lebron is sharing. what we're learning one week later. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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just ahead this morning, we will launch a new series "today in the wild. >> yes we will start out with sam brock who is looking at crocs. the efforts to save the american crocodile from extinction, and for all of us. we will get to that in a few minutes but first your local
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news and weather >> oh, i thought you were talking ababout shoes.s. alalong with c clearer skin skyrizi hehelps me movove with lesess joint papain, stiffnesess, swelelling, and d fatigue. and d is just 4 4 doses a yer afteter 2 starteter doses. serious alallergic reaeactios and an i increased risk of f infectionsns or a lowerer ability to fight t them may ococcur. tell youour doctor i if you he an infecection or sysymptom, had a vavaccine, or r plan t. there's s nothing lilike clearerer skin and bebetter movemement-and that meaeans everyththing! ask yourur doctor about skyryi totoday. learn hohow abbvie could hehelp you savave. with a amazon's backck to schoolol deals, you cacan save mononey by s spending leless of it.. mamakes sense!e! oh, , i see whatat yoyou did therere! - what? - what?? i don'n't get t it. hehehe. ♪ pass me a a lipton? ♪ gotctcha t-pain!n! ♪ ♪♪ i know w it's s up for me♪ ♪ if f you steal l my sunshi♪ ♪♪ i know w it's s up for me♪ open summemer with liptonon peach iceced tea.
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and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. arare you zillllowing housusen the burbs s near your r paren? wewell, now yoyou can alsoo zillow a an agentt to getet you that t house... oror... a condndo in the c c, where ththey'd hahave to callll. okokay, i see e you with t ther carere, sephora.a. lookok at this.. ththey have kékérastase, okokay, i see e you with t ther carere, sephora.a. which h i love foror my wash d, and they h have k18 to r repair thosose ends. which h i love foror my wash d, they l literally have eveverything i i need. which h i love foror my wash d, their r hair care e is fire. which h i love foror my wash d, shop greatat hair carere at sephohora. trelelegy for cocopd. ♪ b birds flyinin' high, you know h how i feel.l. ♪ ♪ b breeze drififtin' on...♪ [cououghing] ♪, you knknow how i f f♪ if youou're tired d of starining down youour copd. ♪ i it's a new w dawn, ♪♪ ♪ it't's a new daday... ♪♪ .....stop settttling. ♪ it't's a new daday... ♪♪ ♪♪ ...and i'i'm feelin'' good♪ ♪ it't's a new daday... ♪♪ start a a new day wiwith trel. no oncnce-daily cocopd medice has the popower to treat c copd in a as many wayays as trele.
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withth three mededicines inin one inhalaler, trelegegy makes brbreathing ear for a full 24 4 hours, withth three mededicines inin one inhalaler, imprproves lung g functi, and d helps prevevent fue flare-upups. trelegy wowon't replacace a rescscue inhalerer for r sudden brereathing proro. trelegy wowon't replacace a rescscue inhalerer tell yououctor i if you have a a heart conondi trelegy wowon't replacace a rescscue inhalerer or h high blood d pressure before takaking it. trelegy wowon't replacace a rescscue inhalerer do n not take trtrelegy e than prerescribed. trelegy wowon't replacace a rescscue inhalerer elelegy may inincrease your risk o of thrush, , pneumo, anand osteopororosis. elelegy may inincrease your risk o of thrush, , pneumo, call your r doctor if wororsened breaeathing, elelegy may inincrease your risk o of thrush, , pneumo, chest papain, moututh or tongugue swelli, proboblems urinanating, vivision changnges, oror eye pain n occur. proboblems urinanating, vivision changnges, take a statand, and ststart a nenew day withth trele. asask your dococtor aboutt once-daiaily trelegygy, anand save at t trelegy.cocm good morning to you. we're moving you forward with a look at the top stories. >> including frustrated residents in oakland after a series of sideshows there over the weekend. this is video taken from the sideshshow that hahappened jusut night. itit happenedd on thehe intnter of park a and excelelsior. neigighbors telell us t they'rep
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with the noise. oaklkland policice say thehey'r workining to put out m more o os onon the streeeets in a an atte stop the s sideshows.. sideshowows were n not constrar just to oaklanand. san jose police repoport havingo break up multiple sideshows over the weekend as well. the man accused of stabbing the founder of cash app in san francisco is set to appear in court this morning. nima momeni is accused of killing bob lee back in april. prosecutors say lee may have had a romantic relationship with the suspect's sister. today's hearing will determine if there's enough evidence for a trial to start. momeni has pleaded not guilty to thrd >>harting o our workweek, le look at the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. >> we're starting out with sunshine for the inland valleys as we take a live look outside in dublin. it's nice and cool, but a busy start. we're seeing the fog linger in san francisco over the golden gate bridge and i don't think we'll see much clearing here. much of the city will be clearing up throughout the afternoon. that will keep temperatures down
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and we're only looking at a high of about 66 degrees, reaching 81 in dublin, san jose in the upper 70s, and for novato expect it to reach 83 degrees. warmer for the valleys. we're going to have a nice cooldown, stronger breeze as we go into tomorrow with low 60s near the coast, low 70s for the winner bay and upper 70s and low 80s for the inland east bay, as well as the south county. we will continue with these mild temperatures at least through the middle of the workweek. the full forereca
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barbie, can i come to your house tonight? >> sure. i don't have anything big planned but a lowout party with all the barbies. you should stop by. >> so cool. >> okay, bye >> bye. >> we are back
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the hottest movie on the planet, "barbie" dominated the box office once again. it earned another $93 million, at north american theaters making it one of the most successful second weekend of all time. >> a couple of those bucks were ours you know what? it's really fun. even my six-year-old boy liked it it's visually interesting. it's fun guys, it's a phenomenon. >> when you think about how much it earned, $775 million so far it's already one of the highest-grossing films of the year and then "oppenheimer" second spot did you see that >> i saw "wreck it ralph," saturday night with the kids for the 28th time. >> theaters are having a moment. >> yeah, they are. we like that another big story this morning, guys, a shark attack a shark attack the likes we have rarely seen. >> pretty wild look at this video a drone captured it. a dramatic encounter between a
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shark and a fishing boat this happened off the coast of florida. nbc' gadi schwartz has the story. >> good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that's right this is like that famous scene in "jaws" where the shark come flying out of the water, lands on the boat. only this time the boat was big enough and this time no one was hurt this stunning scene happening off the coast of south florida a bull shark repeatedly launching itself at a fisherman's boat. >> all of a sudden, something switched in the shark's brain and he just went into full attack mode. >> reporter: the video producer and fishing guy josh had been following school of fish with his drone when he caught the shark battering his friend's boat. >> he went completely nuts and started attacking the engines. ripping them to pieces >> reporter: the fishing boat captain said he couldn't believe how much damage the shark caused. >> i didn't think a shark could shake the boat like that i'm like, are you kidding me this is a like a ride from
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universal studios. >> reporter: whoa in may, a similar incident off the coast of oahu. this kayak fisherman rammed by a 10 to 12 foot tiger shark. while in florida, the shark bite capitol of the nation, a recent -- capital of the nation, a recent string of attacks leading to alerts and beach closures >> looks like we have a hammer head shark. >> a 12-year-old bitten on the leg while swimming at the beach. >> it hurts incredibly bad it was really, really painful. i wasn't expecting it. >> reporter: but unprovoked shark attack are rare and fatalities even more so. researchers spent two weeks at north california beaches and learned they come close to swimmers and surfers daily without most people knowing. >> most people's conception of what a white shark is, if you see it in the water, that's going to bite you. i think k one of thehe things o study showed i that's simply not true. >> even bull sharks don't
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usually y charge likike this when they do, they look like something out of the movies. >> i know that sounds insane, but that scene in "jaws" where it jumps in the back of the boat, that's totally possible. >> wow it feels like we're hearing more about shark bites. compared to other years, do we know why >> reporter: yes so we have seen a steady rise in slash attacks and sightings sinc the 1970s and '80s experts are pointing to conservation efforts and a lot of people living near coastlines as to reasons why we may be seeing that. fortunately alert systems and ways to monitor sharks are getting way better with technology and the odds of being attacked by a shark are still very, very low. >> we learned they don't want to attack you do you remember what we learned about "today's shark week" don't bonk them in the nose. but also look them in the eye. were you off that week
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look them in the eye yes, look tough. >> all right still ahead, the new study revealing an effect of alcohol you may not know about if you have a family history of high blood pressure, you want to know about it. first, new details on a health scare for lebron james' son bronny >> reporter: good morning, guys. it was just a wego that the 18-year-old's heart stopped during basall practice now we're seeing the first images of him looking healthy ouout to dinnener with hisis fan los s angeles. coming u up, more onon the posi signs of h his recoverery. ststay with usus i i can take a at home once a a month. kesimpmpta was proroven superr at rededucing the e rate of relapapses, activive less and d slowing didisability progogression vsvs aubagio. for me, a ononce-monthlyly treatment jujust works f for my schehe. for me, a ononce-monthlyly treatment don'n't take kesesimpta ifif you have e hepatitis s, and d tell your r doctor ifif you have e had it, don'n't take kesesimpta ifif you have e hepatitis s, as i it could cocome back. don'n't take kesesimpta ifif you have e hepatitis s,
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kesimpta c can cause seririous side e effects, don'n't take kesesimpta ifif you have e hepatitis s, includining infectioions. whwhile no casases of pmll were repeported in r rms clinicalal trials, it could h happen. whwhile no casases of pmll were repeported in r rms tetell your dodoctor if yoyod oror plan to h have vaccini, or if you u are or plalan to bececome pregnanant. kekesimpta mayay cause a d dece in some tytypes of antntibod. or if you u are or plalan to bececome pregnanant. the e most commomon side effs are uppeper respiratatory tracact infectioion, heheadache, and injectction reactition. whwhen i'm reaeady, i i spd less t than 1 minunute a month tataking kesimimpta. how w i spend ththe rest of my y time is upup to me. a month tataking kesimimpta. ask k your doctotor about trtrg rmrms with kesesimpta. a month tataking kesimimpta. let's s give the g galaxy one momore show. i'm exexcited for r you that u get to seeee this agaiain. on augusust 2nd. i'm exexcited for r you that u get to seeee this agaiain. hellllo, dumb ididiots. i'm exexcited for r you that u get to seeee this agaiain. i am g groot. i'm exexcited for r you that u get to seeee this agaiain. you'u're all jusust making up stuff thatat he's sayiying, r? no. you'u're all jusust making up stuff thatat he's sayiying, r? streream guardiaians of the e y vovolume 3 on n disney+. you'u're all jusust making up stuff thatat he's sayiying, r? and d here's's a surprisis. look a at this! and d here's's a surprisis. shall we b begin? and d here's's a surprisis. now yoyou can addd hulu to o disney+ and d here's's a surprisis. for r just $2 momore a mon. that looks f fun. this is grgreat. -so are e you in? -yeaeah! ththe hulu andnd disney+ b bu, -so are e you in? -yeaeah! with p plans startrting at just t $9.99 a momonth.
7:37 am
life, diababetes. eaeach day is s a unique b bd of goingng, doing, a and li. glucernana protein s smart wiwith 30 gramams of protetn toto help keepep you movini. uniqiquely desigigned wiwith carbsteteady toto help mananage blood sugar reresponse. uniqiquely desigigned wiwith carbsteteady glucerna, , bring on t the . uniqiquely desigigned wiwith carbsteteady dove i invited womomen who wand theieir damaged d hair trimm. yeyes, i need d a trim. dove i invited womomen who wand theieir damaged d hair trimm. i just w want to be e able to cut t the damage.e. we trieded dove inststead. soso, still neneed that trtr? oh my goshsh! i am actually shocked i don't need a haircut. don't t trim dailyly damag. stop it wiwith dove. i am actually shocked i don't need a haircut. (buzz) we're such great friends we should have a nicknameme, don't t trim dailyly damag. lilike the brereakfast bududd. (leslie)e) how abouout the lessss talking e eatiting buddieses? (buzz)z) that''s great!t! even in c come silence,e, honey y nut cheeririos can hep lowewer cholesteterol! (phyllis)) what abobout the verery good log peopople? (buzz) that's very accccurate! school i is back andnd didick's sportrting goodss has evererything youou need to geaear up so yoyou can show. with thehe hottest b brands, like n nike, jordadan, on, carharartt, and hohoka. anand, with eveven more opopts at, on, carharartt, and hohoka. it's n never been n easier to spoport your ststyle.
7:38 am
subway's n now slicingng their r meats fresesh. ththat's why s subway's prprofd by this s champ. and ththis future e champ. and if we e proffer itit, we k know you'llll proffer i i. he's cockyky for a ninineteen yeaear old. the e citi custotom cash℠ card a automaticalally adjs to earn yoyou more cacash back the e citi custotom cash℠ card a automaticalally adjs in your r top eligibible spend d category.. hihi. ♪♪♪ you dodon't have t to keep ts on rototating catetegories. thisis is the ononly rotating i care abobout. ... or a activate ananythig toto earn. thisis is the ononly rotating i care abobout. yourur cash backck automaticy adjujusts for yoyou. cacan i get a a cucumber w wa? yourur cash backck automaticy adjujusts for yoyou. earn 5% % cash backk that aututomaticallyly adjus yourur cash backck automaticy adjujusts for yoyou. to your top eligible spend category, up to $500 spent each billing cycle withth the citi i custom ca℠s card. i love i it... [voice v vibrating]] mmm, popcorn. (alternate voice) denture disaster, darling! we need poligrip before crispy popcorn. (regular voice) let's fix this. (alternate voice) poligrip power hold + seal gives our strongest hold and 5x food seal. if your mouth could talk, it would ask for... poligrip.
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we are back at 7:38 with new details on that frightenin health scare for bronny james. >> his dad updating how he's doing since the arrest >> kaylee hartung joins us from los angeles with more on that story. good morning. >> good morning. it was just one week ago that bronny james suddenly collapsed during basketball practice we are learning more about the chaotic scene that unfolded on the court as we see positive signs of his recovery. it is one of the most hopeful signs of recovery for bronny james since suffering a cardiac arrest on saturda lebron james posting a short video of his son playing piano writing, "god is great bronny, you are amazing. we're here right with you every step of the way. >> how is your son doing
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>> hours earlier the james family was seen leaving dinner in los angeles bronny looking healthy and walking steps behind his father. it was bronny's first public outing his since medical emergency less than a week earlier. >> get an ambulance here now >> last monday, the 18-year-old collapsed during a basketball practice at usc. a 9-1-1 call conveying the scene. >> help is already on the way, okay. >> though he was admitted to the icu, his cardiologist says the swift and effective response from the usc athletics staff successfully treated james, who arrived at the hospital, fully conscious and stable he was discharged just three days later the doctor who did not treat james says his rapid rebound indicates he was likely able to get cpr and defibrillated almost immediately. >> the prompt response and recovery really speaks to the fact that he got treated literally within minutes
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and wiwithin tens of seconds. >> the incident is spotlighting harrowing statistics sudden cardiac arrest is t the leading cause of death for studen athletes the chances of survival decrease between 7% and 10% every minute cpr is delayed yet, only 7 states require high school athletic venues to have an emergency action plan, cpr training for coaching and a defibrillator where practices or games are held for james, the chance of a full recovery and his return to the court are still unknown as doctors look to pinpoint what caused his heart to stop still, his family outing this weekend a hopeful sign for the promising young athlete. >> that's a testament to how quickly usc responded to that crisis but i think a lot of parents are sending their children back to school wondering is my school well equipped, as well how can parents find that out? >> whether your child plays sports or not, parents should
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ask their school if an aed is accessible on campus and if their teachers and coaches are trained on cpr keep an eye on this -- congress is even getting involved here considering a bipartisan bill that would give schools grant money to provide training to students and staff bills safety damar hamlin is backing that life-saving legislation. guys >> so good to see bronny playing the piano. >> does the heart good. let's get another check of the weather from mr. roker. >> we have a risk of severe weather. nothing terrible a marginal risk. maybe wind gusts, damaging hail from tucson, arizona we have the rockies, central plains and mississippi river valley southeast down into florida. rainfall amounts heavies through missouri into the northern rockies we're looking at heavier rain down through florida a couple tropical areas we're watching right now it will probably form a tropical depression, but nowhere near land.
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we have another one close to the carolina-virginia coast with some gradual development likely. as you can see, a cold front will be pushing that off to the east so good news there. as far as today is concerned, scattered showers heavier into south florida. but a few showers in the mid-atlantic state the south stays sun baked with all that heat. monsoonal moisture starting g to fire up through the southwest. that's what's going on throughout the country here's what's happening in your good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's still going to be warm for the inland valleys today, reaching up to 90 degrees, while we have a nice cooldown coming our way for the middle of the week. only reaching about 80 degrees. that's for our warmest spots in the inland areas. that's the way we start august. but look at the first weekend in august. it's going to be in the mid to upper 90s in the valleys. a quick turnaround from nice and cool to and that's your latest weather. >> thanks, al. coming up, we are going to
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go live to new zealand because team usa is gearing up for that match in the women's world cup someone has a message for you. >> hi, hoda. hi, savannah where are you guys are you coming or what miss you. >> yeah, let's go. we're just waiting for an invitation. >> we didn't know. all right. on the way we're rooting them on. plus, all the boost. we're diving into a big milestone for one little b boy ththat will hahave you smimilinl day long c coming up a after th. . kérastasase, which i i love for mymy wash daysys. at sephorara? their hahair care isis fire. ♪♪♪ oh. alrighght. ♪♪♪ oh. alrighght. goodod news for r great ha. shshop hair cacare at sephph. ♪♪♪ shshop hair cacare at sephph. ving bladdeaks? a blala specialist can talk to you abaxonics thy.
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iti's nonodrug a and it can talk to you abaxonics thy. iti's nonodrug a and it could giveve you lastitingf f - like it t did for meme. get t started at f like it t did for meme. itit's titime to get t your lif! like it t did for meme. your rececord labell is takaking off. but so i is your souound engin. you neneed to hirere. i neneed indeed.d. indeed youou do. indeed i instant matatch instay dedelivers quauality candidids matchihing your jojob descript. visisit one bibite of a 10100% anangus beef b ball park f k matchihing your jojob descript. and you'u'll say.... ...hello s summer! oh yeah, it's balall park seaeason. my name isis jorge e gaviria, and d this is mymy busineness, masienen. i chose e my spark c cash plplus card frfrom capitalale because e i earn unlnlimited 2% cash baback on e everything g i buy. anand with no o preset spenending limitit, my purchchasing powewer adaps to my bubusiness neeeeds. what's i in your walallet? -b-because he e was... -wait, waiait, hold onon... that n neighbor isis hot!
7:46 am
that's m my husband.d... what? that's m my husband.d... it's's the inspipire implplant he gotot. he's notot strugglining with cpap p anymore. it's's the inspipire implplant he gotot. all that r rest is working wowonders for r him. and for meme. gotta gogo. naughty gigirl. hi sweetetie! ah! (s(scream) hi sweetetie! herere comes the chchoo-choo trtrain of lo! inspirire. sleep p apnea innonovati. learn momore and vieiew importt safety information at yoyou've e evolved. yoyou've c changed. so have wewe. thatat's whwhy new dove body wh now has 24-hour renewing m micro moiststure for contntinuous carare. new w dove body y wash. renewing m micro moiststure for contntinuous carare. change i is beauautiful. with newew scope sququeez mouthwasash concentrtrate, just add w water, with newew scope sququeez mouthwasash concentrtrate, squeeze toto control t the streh ofof your moututhwash. squeeze toto control t the streh anand find a z zone... squeeze toto control t the streh all yourur own. squeeze toto control t the streh ♪♪♪ squeeze toto control t the streh scope sqsqueez. squeeze toto control t the streh a sisingle stranand of mrnaa
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could chchange the w way we f fight respipiratory disis. could chchange the w way and d the companany thatat's gettingng us there? modederna. this c changes eveverything. modederna. you are e uniquely y you, and yourur starbucksks cocoffee shoululd be too.. so if yoyou like youour coffe. rich.... buttttery... rich.... and d full of cacaramel flavav. rich.... then starbrbucks cacaramel flavavored coffee is made toto be yours.s. mamartial artsts is my pasas. i wowork out whehenever i ca. but withth my moderarate- toto-severe ececzema, it c can be tougugh. nonow, i'm stataying aheadad o. dupixexent helps h heal yoyour skin frfrom within.n. so youou can have cleararer skin, and noticeceably leless itch. seriouous allergicic reactios can ococcur that c can be sese. tellll your doctctor about nw oror worseningng eye problbls suchch as eye papain oror vision chchanges inincluding blurrered vision,, joint t aches and pain,, or a parasasitic infection.n. don'n't change o or stop asthma mededicines without tatalking to your r doctor. ask yoyour doctorr abouout dupixentnt.
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carson is back all right. also, guys, we're looking forward to the match at the women's world cup. >> they will take on portugal overnight. they will hopefully punch their ticket to the next round nbc's molly hunter is in new zealand. players and fans busy getting ready. molly, good morning. how is the team feeling? >> reporter: hey, guys good morning you heard megan. come on over here. we're waiting for you. they are ready for this next game the players feel like they haven't played their best. really looking ahead i'm in a bar right now we're in the final minutes of an
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australia-canada game. australia is up 3-0. of course, australia one of the host nations if they lose, they are out of this a lot of excitement here u.s. fans, though, all eyes on that portugal game i want to show you the group standings so you get a sense the netherlands, the u.s. and portugal can all advance in this case the u.s. advances with a tie they want the top seed, though going into the knockout round. as you know, i got to speak with megan rapinoe. she lives for moments like this. these big pressure, high-octane moments. she says bring it on she has a very difficult role in did laime.s d cup than she me. isten to whae told >> the thing i'm most proud of is i'm a winner, and it takes a lot to win it takes a lot of people in different roles to be able to do that, and every single one of them is important. i look back at the times i have been a starter and some of the most important people to me have been players on the bench have haven't even seen the field at all.
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>> reporter: she's gracious. even she is not in the starting 11 she is ready to go on at any minute she also wants to win it all she says what's the point of being here if they're not going to win it. their next match is 7:00 p.m. local time for us here on tuesday, guys it's 3:00 a.m., which your larnls might be perfectly timed for. >> i got that. i appreciate the women's world cup accommodating our schedule don't forget, you can set your alarm and catch team usa's battle coverage starts at 2:00 a.m., but we will have the highlights for you tomorrow molly, thank you we're on the next flight >> feels like a good time for a boost. >> we got one for you. all right. if you love stories about people rising to the occasion, you will love this. a five-year-old boy was trying out a diving board for the first time at a local pool
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take a look at what happened [ cheers ] >> i love it >> the crowd goes wild no hesitation. handled it just like a pro. >> can you just remember the first time you ever climbed up there. you know it's a lot farther from here. >> yeah. >> scary for him ahead, guys, ay in we wilg along wi dedicated hel to pull the american crocodilefrom the brink. and inside long-awaited st kelly clarkson's las vegas rency. wait until you hear the cover she did that had fans dancing up a storm.m. but fifirst a chececk of your r newsws and weathther your r tope spend d category.. hihi. ♪♪♪ you dodon't have t to keep ts on rototating catetegories. thisis is the ononly rotating i care abobout. ... or a activate ananythig toto earn. thisis is the ononly rotating i care abobout. yourur cash backck automaticy adjujusts for yoyou. cacan i get a a cucumber w wa? yourur cash backck automaticy adjujusts for yoyou. earn 5% % cash backk that aututomaticallyly adjus yourur cash backck automaticy adjujusts for yoyou.
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to y your top eleligible spspend categogory, up to $500 spent each billing cycle withth the citi i custom ca℠s card. i love i it... [voice v vibrating]] feelining ug a a bacut? lax x works natuturally wiwith the watater in yourur y yoyour gut. and yourur mood willll foll. for r 8 grams ofof fiber, try new w mirafiber r gummi. this delecectable ramen nonoodle recipipe will putut an end toto your drive-throrough dinnerer ritua. throw thatat powder in thahat tasty cocombo of deligightful carrrrots, and d the rich t touch of bok chohoy. knorr tastste combos.. it's notot fast foodod, bubut it's soooooo good. ♪ ♪ (♪♪♪) man,n, pass me a a lipton? (♪♪♪) surere, t-pain!! ♪♪ ♪i knowow it's s up for me.♪ ♪if youou steal my y suns♪ open s summer with l lipton greeeen tea cit. i thinink i one! ♪♪ou steteal my sunsnshine♪ when t target's gogood anand gather g groceries,, brbring joy toto the ♪♪ou table for r less.hine♪
7:53 am
when shariring, the love s starts withth qualality ingrededients. anand when grereat tastste meets lolow prices. that's tototally targeget. i came here to find love. but instead, i found a best friend. señoñor snuffleses, you u stole my s , and nonow you've stololen my hea. willll you acct this milk-k-be as a s symbol of m my ? willll you acct this milk-k-be ♪ m more dog ♪ (d(dog bark) willll you acct this milk-k-be and nonow please w welcome ana montntoya. [applause]e]
7:54 am
[suspensnse] ( ♪♪ ) hehello there,e, fellowow students.s... ththat's me bebefe dawn powowerw. [sigh] ththat's me bebefe dawn powowerw. now, powowerwash givives me ththat's me bebefe dawn powowerw. the power r of an overernt soak in miminutes. ththat's me bebefe dawn powowerw. withth 3 cleanining boostersr. nonot found in traditional dish soaps that help break down, loosenen and lift t away food andnd grease..... so mucuch faster!! so t this is thehe, uh, plac! is that.t... crown m molding? didid you do t that? holdld on, are y you on ththisin b bran crunchch? good b boy! do youou want to s see the e kitchen? ♪
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imagine e you're doioing somemething you u love. rsv cocould cut itit short. ♪ rsv is a c contagious s virus t usualllly causes m mild sympts bubut can caususe more severe infnfections that m may lead toto hospititalizationsns... adultsts 60 and olold. ...andnd adults wiwith certan underlrlying condiditions, like c copd, asthmhma, or c congestive e heart faili. tatalk to yourur doctor anand t
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a very good morning to you. it is 7:56. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco, where anchor brewery officially closed e official announcement came on july 12th when the company cited declining sales and running out of time as its reasons to save the business. the liquidation process will begin, including accepting bids from potential buyers, which
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includes a group of employees looking to save the brewery. let's get a look at this forecast for our last day of july. >> it's going to be very nice for many of our microclimates, we're looking at near average temperatures maybeven than wha we typly see for last in july. untain viewl see a high of oday, we'll head for 90 in fairfield, still hot for the inland valleys, but it will cool down over the next few days with a stronger ocean breeze, more fog in san francisco, and along the coastline. so we're looking at highs in the 60s and only 68 in san mateo, 68 in oakland, and then the farther you go inland it will be nice and mild and cooler than what we usually see for early august. only 80 degrees for san martin on wednesday. so the nice weather does carry us through midweek, but then it's going to warm up. >> thank you. and thank you for joining us. we'll be back with another local news update in about half an hour. hour. join us for midday introducucing togo's's new frech dip p sandwicheses.
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feataturing fresesh artisan n d piled hihigh with tendnder roast b beef, smothered d with meltyty provolonone cheese,, just enougugh chipotlele mayo and d served witith hot au j for dippining. try ththe roast bebeef or pasti french d dips today.y. onlyly at togogo's. martial l arts is mymy passi. i work outut whenever r i ca. but t with my momoderate- to-severere eczema,, it can be e tough. now, i'm'm staying a ahead of . dudupixent helelps heal your skikin from witithin. soso you can have c cer skikin, and nonoticeablyless itc. seserious allelergicctctions cacan occur ththat cane severe. soso you can have c cer skikin,
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tellr r doctor abobout new or worsesening eye p pros includ blbld visision, jojoint achess and papain, n't ch or stopop asthmama medicineses withtalkingg to y your doctoror. asask your dococtor about dupipixent.
8:00 am
coming up legal heheat trump's classified documents case ramps up with a mar-a-lago employee ready to make his first court appearance another criminal indictment looms over the former president this week. where does it stand?
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we're live with the very latest. plus, crocodile brock for our "today in the wild" series, sam brock takes us inside the effort to save the endangered american crocodile. >> reporter: how many hatchlings did you have 17 hatchlings going back int the crocodile population. >> what's being done by the team of croc docs to protect the babies plus, cardi b throws her micro sewn mid-performance after a fan splashes h her with a dri on stage a dangerous trend at c concerts this summemer. and magic monday one of the top musicians is stopping by as he gets ready for his broadway debut we'll kick off the week with a jaw-dropping trick right here on our plaza, today, july 31st, 2023. mom's 71st >> a trip to the "today" show. >> from wisconsin. >> madison, iowa.
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>> chesteld, virgi >> maryland. >> aurlington, calnia. n a girlip fro >> frovannah to new york >> to celebrate my 9th birthday. >> nine is fine. good morning, sweetie. happy birthday welcome to "today. it is nice to have you with us monday morning it is still july all day. we are holding onto summer >> we'll hang on to it >> coming up, jenna had a great conversation with author judy blume. there is some exciting news she's got to share judy's many fans will want to tune into this one. >> that is a show i would like to see in the news at 8:00, donald trump back on the
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campaign trail this weekend for the first time since he was hit with new charges on the classified documents mishandling case and this week his legal troubles may escalate with a new indictment garrett haake joins us from washington with the very lt. goorning. >> rter: good morning. is really a tale of two courthouses this morning here in washington all eyes are on the federal courthouse behind me where the former president may face a new indictment this time on efforts to overturn the 2020 election results as soon as this week. meanwhile, down in florida, he has an aide that works a mar-a-lago appearing before a judge there in the classified documents case the former president attacking both of these cases as political over the weekend, arguing that indictments ardiculous if of this sounds nsive, is. the "washington post" reported over the weekend the former pdent spent $40 million out of a political group legaoublesis and his allies
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while these legal troubles amount his political unes continue to rise. a new poll out this morning shows the former president with a commanding lead nationally two of his presidential rivals said they would pardon him if he's convicted in any of these cases. >> thank you very much. just a few months after publicly talking about his sick -- six grandchildren, president bide for the first time is now officially acknowledging a seventh. the five-year-old girl is the daughter of his son hunter. >> reporter: good morning. this shift in biden family dynamics comes as hunter biden has been tied up in personal and legal drama. he remains under federal investigation after his plea agreement fell apart over misdemeanor tax charges and a gun offense. the first son is often the target of political inquiries for his business dealings. now the biden family is taking its steps to include hunter's
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youngest daughter in their tight circle the president's public acceptance of a seventh grandchild he has not met reverses years of how he's talked about family. >> i have six grandchildren, and i'm crazy about them. i have six of them >> reporter: only six christmas stocking had been hung at the white house. but now a significant change in a written statement friday night. jill and i only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including navy. navy jo, who turns 5 i august is the daughter born to hunter biden and an arkansas woman, london roberts, in 2018 our son hunter and navy are working together to foster a relationship in the best interest of their daughter a shift immediately noticed on the campaign trail. >> i welcome the president acknowledging his little granddaughter. >> the decision came as political pressure began to boil from republicans' sharp jabs. >> why don't you spend some time with your granddaughter in arkansas or at least recognize
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her existence. >> to withering media scrutiny, including a "new york times" column some republicans remain critical. >> you talk about family values and you talk about all of that it's odd he wouldn't acknowledge one of his grandchildren. >> biden grandchildren have otherwise been visible in white house life and events. >> that's my grandson beau up there. >> his 2020 campaign featured granddaughters in a video emphasizing their closeness. >> hi, pop i was just talking about you. >> sources familiar say the timing was affected by fairly contentious legal proceedings. and the bidens were giving hunter and navy's erceand time, been part of tresident's political brand. this morning the white house is not discussing whether a potential meeting is being considered between the president and navy joan. we made several attempts to reach london roberts through her attorney, and we have not heard
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back in his statement, the president describes all of this as a family matter and not a political one. hoda >> kelly o'donnell for us there in d.c thanks. a new study from the american heart association shows at least one alcoholic drink a day may raise your blood pressure, even if you don't already suffer from high blood pressure and drinking more than one drink a day can raise it even more nearly half of american adults have high blood pressure and the cdc says 1 in 3 don't know they have it. here to break all of it down for us, dr. john torres. dr. john, for years a lot of folks have been operating under the assumption that moderate drinking, especially red wine, could be good for you. now pes otherwise? >> lookit this stuthat's it looks lfor a couple of diffen when you look at the studies over decad20 years we started looking at alcohol going, maybe it could help us
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with heart health. then we started fine-tuning study and foun it probably doesn't help us as much as we thought some of those studies maybe a little bit but it can hurt us, particularly with cancer rates and with blood pressure as well this was a large study they looked at over 19,000 adults up to age 71. seven separate studies, japan, korea, the united statesthey co they found out one drink can raise your blood pressure level by a little over one point three drinks can raise it by almost five points and thdrinks they use for 12 ounces we actually higher drinks here that's equivalent to a little over three drinks here that means you might get pushed into that hypertensive and high blood pressure range. over time it can take the toll that's the concern >> i guess, dr. torez, you wonder how dangerous it is i imagine a lot of people have a glass of wine or a drink with dinner how do you know if you have higu
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shouldt stop hg arink completely? >> the answer is it depends use it des on w you are, what your health status is and how much that alcohol affects you. it is a fine range there. if you look at the numbers for high blood pressure, 120 the high number. below 120 over 80 makes a normal blood pressure. that can cause a problem. that one drink can do that. it can put you in there. you see the dangers right there of high blood pressure. many, many dangers. the biggest ones, heart attack and stroke. it is a silent killer. you might not know you have it. best advice, get it checked. >> all right. dr. john, thank you, sir. well, sometimes keeping your eye on the ball means forgetting about everything else. check out this amazing catch yesterday by chi cubs out fielde ctopher moral. >> and for the cardinals as
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arenado hits one down the line. that one isng to b caught and tumblin int the stands is mo what an unbelievable ! >> he never lost that laser focus on the ball. he d come upholding his . but worth it. he was okay. he stayed in the game. >> and the fans in that section got a story to tell. still ahead, songs to make you smile and dance and love. we will reveal our summer go-to summer play lists. first up, a new series called "today in the wild." there he is. sam brock and crocodiles. >> what could possibly be wrong with that marriage, craig? this is the only national wildlife refuge in the country dedicated to crocodiles. this is a process that usually is not accessible to the public.
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but we will take you behind the scenes coming up right after scenes coming up right after this to show y you so, i'm at sephohora right n . did you u guys knoww that they y have hair r c? so, i'm at sephohora right n . did you u guys knoww they lititerally havave all my favaves. ooooh. ♪♪♪ ooooh. goodod news for r great ha. shop hair r care at sesepho. ♪♪ the e citi custotom cash℠ card a automaticalally adjs to earn yoyou more cacash back the e citi custotom cash℠ card a automaticalally adjs in your r top eligibible spend d category.. hihi. ♪♪♪ you dodon't have t to keep ts on rototating catetegories. thisis is the ononly rotating i care abobout. ... or a activate ananythig toto earn. thisis is the ononly rotating i care abobout. yourur cash backck automaticy adjujusts for yoyou. cacan i get a a cucumber w wa? yourur cash backck automaticy adjujusts for yoyou. earn 5% % cash backk that aututomaticallyly adjus yourur cash backck automaticy adjujusts for yoyou. to your top eleligible spend category, up to $500 spent each billing cycle withth the citi i custom ca℠s card. i love i it... [voice v vibrating]] i i brought inin enensure max p protein with 30 0 grams of p prot. i i brought inin enensure max p protein ththose who trtried me felet more energrgy in just t two w! uuuhhhhhh... here, , i'll take e that! woohoo! uuuhhhhhh... ensurere max protetein, 30 grarams of prototein, 1 grgram of sugagar.
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enter r the $10,00000 powered byby protein enter r the $10,00000 max chalallenge. enter r the $10,00000 ♪♪ ♪ enter r the $10,00000 what's s a walt disisney word thrillll feel likeke? it's lilike... [h[howdy, partrtners!] and lilike... and also l like... anand it feelsls even b better togegether. ♪♪ and d check thisis out! you can n thrill with thihis special l 4-day, 4-park magic ticket offer. visit to leaearn more. disney thrhrills us lilike... [screaeaming] whwhy didn't we do o this last ? beforere you were e preventig migraiaine with ququlipta®®? reremember thehe pain? beforere you were e preventig migraiaine with ququlipta®®? cancelled d plans? beforere you were e preventig migraiaine with ququlipta®®? the e worry? beforere you were e preventig migraiaine with ququlipta®®? that wasas then. beforere you were e preventig migraiaine with ququlipta®®? anand look at t me now. beforere you were e preventig migraiaine with ququlipta®®? yoyou'll n never trulyly forgetet migraine.e. bubut quliptaa® reducuces atta, making zerero-migrainene dadays possiblble. it's s the only p pill of itsd making zerero-migrainene dadays possiblble. ththat blocks s cgrp - and is apppproved making zerero-migrainene dadays possiblble. to preventnt migrainee ofof any freququency. making zerero-migrainene dadays possiblble. toto help giveve you thatt forgetet-you-get m migraine fef. making zerero-migrainene dadays possiblble. don'n't takeke if allergrgc to qululipta®.. mostst common siside effs are naususea, consnstipation, , and sleepipi. mostst common siside effs are naususea, learn how w abbvie cocould help y you save. mostst common siside effs are naususea,
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quliptaa®. mostst common siside effs are naususea, the e fo-yet migraineneicinee. mostst common siside effs are naususea, we're back. 8:12 launching into our special series calling it "today in the wild". >> okay. we will start at crocodile lake in key largo, florida. sam brock is there with the efforts underway to save the american crock. hey, sam. watch out behind you. >> reporter: watch out for what? right now we are at a situation ere american crocodiles were endangered 15 or 16 years ago. they are now ngered, but it is such a fragile process. they are trying to turn back the tide from the population under 100 to thousands now. but it is a very fragile
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process. making spaces like theses'm ing in th middle of the man gr here critical for crocs. over a sprawling 6,500 acres, the crocodile and national wildlife refuge may not be teaming with crocodiles, but they're far more plentiful. what kind of a difference have these efforts made? >> so we went from a population of around 70 individuals to about 2,500 adults. >> reporter: american crocodiles are native to a large stretch of land from florida to the caribbean, mexico, central and south america and they were fighting extinction until pioneers sealed off this ge, up sand ber and l nature takecourse.
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jeremy dixon oversees the refuge, the only full-time employee. though, he has lots of helping hands, including the momma crocodile. >> you can see she's moved out all the sand. you have to know that the crocodile is ready to hatch. they will dig them up and carry them in their mouth to the water. i provide the nesting material for them, yes. >> reporter: in reality, it is a detailed scientific strategy with so-called croc docs using broken shells as clues. how does the momma crocodile know when the hatchlings are ready? >> the hatchlings start doing a particular sound like -- so the momma will hear it. >> reporter: the same signal
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ricochets through. of the 30 to 35 eggs in each nest, there is no saying how many in the crocodile clutch will survive. sergio and the team round up the cute little critters. >> in a year they will duplicate their size. >> reporter: they can live up to 70 years, growing 15 feet in size and weighing thousands of pounds, though many are hundreds. >> right now we will count how many we've got. six, seven, eight. >> reporter: the gathering then leads to good old-fashioned measurements, noting the length of the hatchlings. it's 12.3 centimeters. and their weight. before the last step claiming a tip of the tail to keep track of the reptile's growth. the part he's cutting off is for dna analysis. how many hatchlings did you end up finding? >> we have 17 tonight from this
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nest. >> reporter: so 17 hatchlings going back into the population. >> the reptile serves a critical role by controlling the population of other species as they now cnue torownd th under the car of a crocodile team keeping close tabs on where they surface next. guys, i had to ask. if not for the sand dunes or the determines, where would they be hatching? i was told private beaches. but we do want to see the population thriving, obviously. another point here, a key piece of keer i figured i would just show you that you need if you are going to come out here is this bug net. for obvious reasons. it was about 95 degrees with an 80% dew point when we were out here. also, the momma crocodile, where is she the whole time? i was told she likes to stay in
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the distance in the water. rarely intervenes, a, because they're afraid of people and maybe because she likes the hands off approach when this is going on after the babies have been birthed. before al even says this, i am aware that brock rhymes with croc. >> wow. >> yeah. >> i love the mesh outfit you are wearing, sam. >> thank you, sam. >> thank you, sam. >> madonna wore that on "borderline." that's true. >> and all the bracelets. i know. i knew i recognized that. >> guys, the spotlight on the weather. >> things cooling off just a bit. let's show you what we've got going on. heavier showers and thunderstorms through florida, through the mississippi river valley and the rockies as well. temperature-wise, you can see the heat still continuing.
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100s from the southwest into texas. great lakes, northeast and mid-atlantic states. for today, scattered showers good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's still going to be pretty warm as we look at our inland forecast, very much like it was yesterday, hitting 90 degrees in parts of the south county and the inland east bay. over the next few days, it's going to be cooling off, only up to 80 on wednesday. after that, we start to heat up. it's going to be a hot weekend with mid to upper 90s in the valleys as we go toward saturday and sunday w all right. best time. >> first up,ady gaga.
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writing, she taught me how to keep my spirits high. writing, pay attention to silence. my musical partner were no melody at all. over the course of the decade, long friendship, the pair recorded two albums together and recorded a grammy. they brought classic jazz into the modern era with renditions like this one. ♪♪ just the thought of you makes me stop before i begin ♪♪ because i've got you under my skin. >> beautiful. so fun to watch them together. >> amazing, yeah. >> they'reike partners. >> yeah >> it is likegranddaughter, grandfr. that's therelationship. >> peers. >> exy. he will be sorely missed.
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he was 96. >> next up, cardi b joining the club of artists getting hit by things flying on stage while perform anything concert. she was going viral for the response on this one. take a look at the video retweeted by cardi herself. she reacts by throwing the microphone in the crowd. there has been this awful trend of things hitting performers as they were performing. bibi got hit with a cell phone, got stitches. they arrested the person, pending assault charges. >> which is good. >> yeah, for sure. kelly clarkson, over the weekend, our buddy did an incredible performance in las vegas at her residency. take a listen to this harry styles' hit ♪♪ it's not the same as it was ♪♪ as it was
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♪♪ as it was ♪♪ you know it's not the same as it was. >> nothing that lady can't sing. >> wow. >> it's like five octaves higher than the original. wow! >> finally, the heat wave might have wrapped up, but summer is in full swing. we are revealing our today summer play list. each of us sat down and meticulously picked our top tunes for the summer. we put them on a play list just for you. you can stream some of our favorite songs. first let's see what people picked. >> this was so fun. these are some of the songs on my summer play list. "summer baby." "adventure of a lifetime" by cold play. we have "midnight sky," "calm down." "waves," "harvest moon" by pool side. if i had to play just one?
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roll it. ♪♪ you feel like brooklyn in the summer. >> love that. >> yeah. >> nice. >> that's good. >> i love it. good, good. every single song. >> yes. >> all right. you want to hear what i got? come on. i got "fast car." that of course is brandy carlisle. i got "summer love," "summer baby." "love and sunset," zach brown and james taylor. "fancy like that." that's an oldy, but we play it in our house all the time. "dancing in the moonlight." and the favorite of all time, a little shanai, "you're still the one." but the song i play over and over in my head is this one. ♪♪ you got a fast car
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♪♪ i want a ticket to anywhere ♪♪ maybe we make a deal ♪♪ maybe together we can get somewhere ♪♪ any place is better ♪♪ started from zero ♪♪ got nothing to lose ♪♪ maybe we'll take something ♪♪ me, myself, i got nothing to prove. >> a great duet. can you make it happen, carson? >> what was your list? >> so here is what i went with. "beers and sunshine" came out a couple years ago. "waffle house." "fast cars." "orange blossoms," "feels like summer." "let's take it easy." the beyoncé remake of "before i let go". >> i like it. >> this is the song i was telling you about. ♪♪ beers and sunshine ♪♪ a bonfire in summertime
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♪♪ carolina ♪♪ ain't nothing finer. >> do it this summer. >> you got to h al's, yes. >> o. you haven't donenog. eway or love." ove train," "mightily love," "how will i know." and "philadelphia freedom." but my go-to, this one ♪♪ love will sometimes make a weak man strong ♪♪ a mighty love will sometimes make a ♪♪ a rich man weak ♪♪ >> carson, we need yours. >> okay. i got more of that in a minute. greang. gin and juice."
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popular. "world ofire ave little bit of everyone's. the roots featuring cody chestnut ♪♪ it's gonna work because i'm pushing it right ♪♪ my favorite girl tonight. >> come on, carson. >> summer full play list, scan the qr code on spotify and good morning. it's 8:26. the x on the top of the building that's formerly known as twitter headquarters shining again this morning. on friday, workers turned that light on, the same day the city opened an investigation into installing that sign without proper approval. just hours they turned it
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off, but it's back thi morning. we have reached out to x and the san cisco building nothingbackent h you know what else is shining this morning? >> the sun. it's going to be a beautiful day for our inland valleys, also g up hng for degrees. then we ar going tve a nice cooldo for the middle of the week, reaching 80 degrees in our warmest spots in the south county and inland east bay. for the weekend, expecting mid to upper 90s in a few spots. but we still have a wide range in temperatures with our microclimates. san francisco is going to stay in the 60s through friday, only up to 72 on sunday. >> another local news update coming for you in a half an hour.
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every shelelter pet deseserves a sececond chance. anand you're m making it p pose every shelelter pet deseserves a sececond chance. for thousasands of thehem, every day.y. because e every timeme yoyou feed youour pet hillll, you u help feed d a shelter r. ♪♪ whicich helps mamake them healalthy and hahappy,
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and more a adoptable.. changing t their life e forr so t they can chchange yours. ♪♪ scscience did d that. ♪♪ ♪ scscienc♪ did d that.
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(vo) lolove is bigggger than evev. the three-row subaru ascent. dog tested. dog approved. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. hey, guys. welcome back. it is 8:30. it is a monday morning. we're so happy you're here. what a gorgeous day on our plaza. what a gorgeous crowd on our plaza. >> you can blame me for that feedback. >> hold on. hold on.
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>> look at this moment right here. >> hold on. what is your name? >> savannah. >> oh, savannah! >> how are you? >> good. >> how old are you? >> i just turned nine on saturday. >> wait. no way! >> happy birthday. where are you guys from? >> who is this? al and you? awe that is sweet. >> you're the best. >> that's the only picture of uncle al when he's not in a suit. casual al. i never see that. >> very cool. >> welcome, savannah. >> if you are watching right now and you are visiting the city, we know it can feel like an obstacle course. but this summer, actual mazes are bringing tourists all around the world in search of a challenge. the hot travel trend that's designed to get you out of your comfort zone. >> cool. also ahead, it is the last day of july. if summer boredom is setting in,
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have no fear. from crafts to snacks, we will have solutions to make the most of these final few weeks of the season. >> do your kids say that? >> go outside. >> i hate that. >> like get outside! >> i make an i'm bored jar and put chores in there. and every time you hear, i'm bored, say pick something from the jar. >> i will put that jar right next to my swear jar. then antonio diaz is here with a future up his sleeve. the broadway debut with impressive magic involving some of our friends on the plaza. and later on in the third hour, you can't afford to miss our consumer confidential. we can help you save big on last-minute summer trips. mr. roker, a gorgeous day in new york. how is the weather looking? >> fantastic. there is a storm threat today in the plains. hot and stormy through the
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southwest. as we get to the midweek period, we are looking at great weather in the northeast. record highs still continuing down through texas. below average highs out west. toward the end of the week, we have heavy rain. wet weather stretching down to the southeast. more records down through good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it is a nice start to our week and some very average temperatures around the bay area with low 60s near the coast. it will gradually clear up for today. san mateo reaching the low 70s. you head across the bay to dublin, reaching 81 degrees and 90 in morgan hill. it will be cooler tomorrow with a stronger ocean breeze, mainly 60s and 70s with 80s in and that is your latest
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weather. >> all right, al. thank you so much. step right in here. coming up next, kelly koeb ya is getting a look at the hottest trends in travel. >> this summer people are traveling far and wide to get lost in some of the world's most famous mazes. this morning we're exploring the maze craze. the man who has been designing them for decades. and we're finding out why so many of us love the challenge. if i could only find my way out of here this morning on "today". >> all right. fingers crossed. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ (vo) lolove is bigggger than evev. the three-row subaru ascent. dog tested. dog approved. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. we are back. it is 8:36. we have a fun trend in travel to tell you about. >> apparently a lot of folks are heading out far and wide to get lost. but they're trying to get lost
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on purpose. the maze craze apparently. so we sent kelly cobiella to check it out. >> guys, good morning. some people are basing their entire vacations around finding their way through the confusing twists and turns of these life sized puzzles. some of them centuries old. i think i will try this way. from the grand old gardens in england to the emerald oasis in singapore's airport, it seems every city has a maze. and a flood of visitors. >> so we're just walking in circles so far. >> we reached the spot multiple times. it's a dead end. >> reporter: who will pay to get lost. >> ah! what is that? how am i supposed to go. >> reporter: no one understands this better than adrian fisher,
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known as the master of mazes. he's designed them for british gardens, american corn fields, even on a skyscraper in dubai. more than 700 mazes in 43 countries on 6 continents of all sizes and shapes with one goal. >> yes. it's like a game of chess, except i have to play all my moves first. >> reporter: fisher even helped start the maze craze in the u.s., designing what he says is worl first corn maze in lebanon, pennsylvania. he , thegest in the world. butot for long. >> the biggest one i ever did was a corn maze in southern england which was 19 acres and nine and a half miles of paths. and 60% of the people who went in solved the whole thing. they were determined to do it. they were really desperate, they
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can waive for help. >> reporter: they can be terrifies, like in "the shining." and magical like i h er. zes have been a part of h culture for centuries. >> it is painful experience at the moment, but we know at the end, if we're able to solve the maze, we get a pleasure or a dopamene strike. >> reporter: fisher has another explanation. >> you are getting back to the internal truths of families when you leave the phones. >> reporter: with that in mind, i set off to solve my very first maze in fisher's backyard. what i really need is your view. any maze master worth their medal will tell you using a drone is cheating. oh. that's not -- after a few wrong
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turns, ah, made it! the reward, a gorgeous view. and as the sun sets, the relief of knowing i won't be lost here all night. this maze only took me a couple of minutes. but closer to home,here is the great ont corn maze, described as 24 acr of corn fusion. if you try it, be pred to b hours.or a least two to three guys? ho wants to doat? >> i need that payoff to be a chili or chips and salsa. >> you know you are in trouble when you walk by and there's skeletons. >> nine miles. >> closer to home, the kids are like, i'm bored. we have some solutions for you, including how to bring the excitement of the movies to your excitement of the movies to your own
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how's the chicken? the prprawns are d delicious. oh, i i have a a shellfish h allergy. one prawn.n. very goodod. did i say y chicken wrwrong? tired of p people not t listeng to whahat you wantnt? it's t truffle seaeason! ah that's s okay... never r enough truruffles. how mumuch are thehey? it's's a lot. ohoh okay - i'i'm good, thth- it's l like a priciceless piece of a art. enjojoy. or when ththey sell yoyou what t they want?? yeah. the e more we ununderstand y , ththe better w we can helplp . thatat's what u.u.s. banknk is for. huge relelief. yeah.... ♪
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we are back with "shop this list" today. we are in the thick of the dog days of summer. and if the kids are starting to get restless, this week's list features boredom busters for all ages. we have a diy expert, the author of "p.s. we made this." you can scan the qr code and get everything in your cart. good morning. we have a lot of kids and we hear, i'm bored a lot. >> i'm here to save the day because we have a lot of summer left, believe it or not. >> yes. >> parents are like, i heard you say, go in the r. this is easy stuff. let's start off with the this is cute. everything you see here is from target. thes are some of my favorite picks. this is a lemonade stand. i like to upgrade it.
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in my book, you will find the unicorn lemonade recipe. not so much because it's mixed with butterfly. it will have an hombre color. it's super fun. extra tips with the unicorn lemonade. >> did ybuild thiand, too? > this pops up in ses. the best part is it aually goes flat. >> you cao it side or side. what is toing rate for lemonade right now? >> depends on where you live. i live in los angeles. don't ask me. >> what do your kids charge? >> they get like $10. >> this can hold 30 pounds. >> okay. that's amazing. personalize it with a name. that's really cute. >> what do we have her it is summer is hot, esplly in new york. it is all about staying cool. this will blow your mind. this is a soft serve maker. you need one ingredient, frozen fruit.
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this is a soft serve made only with frozen fruit. >> how do they do it? >> nothing. all you do is you literally take your frozen treats, right, and you stick it in here, push it through and it will -- >> it can't be that easy. >> it will be entertaining, too. it is great to do with kids. i have a four and a half year old. we go in the kitchen. you guys know. >> yes. >> they want to get involved. you don't feel bad because it is healthy and ition. -- nutritious. can also aopping of fruit?do more than one type >> i think hodas this. thinhe's really into this. i'm impressed w this. what's next? >> i have diy in my dna. arts and crafts is my thing. this is from the target line is mondo llama. all the kits here are so affordable. they have everything you need here, paper, stencils. you take them out in the sun.
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put your stencils on there. all you need is a little uv ray and you have at work. -- you have artwork. >> you put the stencils how you like. >> and they're reusable. >> stencils are reusable, papers are not. >> that's cute. and not too hard. you have diy in your dna. i can't do it. >> anyone can do this. >> yes. >> speaking about anyone, this is my thing because it brings me back to my childhood, little lantern. this comes with everything you need to make a cute lantern. a lot of arts and crafts projects, use it as a night light, take it outside. this is like an oldy but a goody. tie dye. everything you need here. i love this kit because it is pastels, and that's my vibe. everything you need here and it comes with a glove and a tarp. >> i worry about a mess or something like that. >> the thing about it, take your same t-shirts, use that kit and move on. >> okay.
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now, what's this? >> so if you are a family that likes an outdoor adventure, movie night is for you. you need a couple things. this is a mini projector. it is on sale for $69.99 which is a massive deal right now. all you need is wifi and you're good to go. the hardest part is choosing which movie. >> do you need a screen? >> as far as the screen goes, put up a sheet, use your garage door, get creative. you are already in there. these are my favorite loungers. they hold up to 450 pounds. >> is it supposed to be canoe style? >> i mean, you do you. >> you're diy. i'm byob. >> but while you are sitting down, you can relax, watch your movie. you can even have snacks. if you are going to do movie night, have snacks. i will start the s'mores. from sharper image. this is the best tabletop electric s'mores maker. why i love it is because it is so easy to do.
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it comes with everything. you have all your bits and pieces. it is electric. it is safe for kids. you know, no fires, no gas. it is perfect. >> it is really cute. >> thank you. this is all about summer right here, guys. >> you nailed it. >> carson, try to do the hot dog way. >> i can't see you. i can't conversate before the movie starts. >> that's amazing. it's a long one, but a great movie. scan the qr code or head to you can shop the whole list, one click if you want. "today" earns a commissions from purchases made through our links. hoda? >> get ready. are you ready to have your minds blown. the pop magician on the plaza. see these people behind me? somebody is going to disappear. but, first, this is "today" on
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baback in the e day, snsneaker dropops meant now wiwith xfiniobile..... itit in line.. tte ...we get t the esest mobilele sce and cacan get the e freshest kicks asasap. i got ththis. get ththe best pririce for 2 s of unlimitited when yoyou switch t to xfinity y mobiler $30 0 a line perer month. nicece job, littttle sis! ththey grow upup so fast.... i'm m a fan. frfrom xfinityty.
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all right. this is a good one, guys. we're back on the plaza adding
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some magic to your monday. we have one of the biggest acts in europe with us right here on the plaza about to make his broadway debut. >> antonio diaz, good morning. you are huge in europe. millions of people have seen your show. are you excited for the broadway debut? >> i'm really excited. it means the world to me. being on broadway is my dream. >> i love you. >> and being one of them. >> this is something special. we've got -- you picked a lot of people from our plaza, and you are going to do a magic trick. all the people behind were randomly selected from the plaza, and they are a little bit nervous. should they be nervous? >> yes, you should. >> oh, no. okay. okay. so what is going to happen right now? >> well, the thing is that before this, i want to make it very clear that the people that are going to participate is chosen randomly. >> randomly? randomly selected. they don't know why they're here, okay. >> we have 24 people.
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>> yes. >> and you are going to see four of them. >> only four of you are going to participate. >> spin the wheel. >> okay. do you guys want to get chosen or not? >> spin the wheel. >> okay. let's go. okay. what number? >> one color. >> okay. >> you are going to choose one of them. >> here we go. it is going to stop. green, blue, orange, black. black is good! >> black! [ applause ] >> okay, okay. >> come with me. come with me. >> are you happy you were selected? are you ready? is it your ls on earth. >> all ri guys. okay. tell us what you w them to do >> okay. i want to do something with you. okay? come with me and go with my assistant, please. go with my assistant because we're going to do something
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unforgettable here. >> okay. what's going to happen? >> you'll see. >> are they going to disappear? what's going on? is there water involved? what's happening. >> and they're going to give you a blindfold. get on this platform, please. get on this platform. they're going to give you a blindfold. perfect. >> is this sturdy? >> yes. >> okay. he says it's sturdy. >> i want you to put your hands like this. put your hands like this. perfect. and now put on your blindfold, please. >> put on your blindfold. >> so put on your blindfold. perfect. >> it's like a carnival ride. >> okay. >> perf >> every od? put your on the gl plea >> put your han s. >> there is new funky stuff going on. >> and don't move. no matter what's happened, don't move. even if you feel anything, don't move. >> don't move! use, ladies and lemen, 's going to happen? >> here w go. come with me. >> come with me.
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rockr p to round up f people from all ovee world! >> there one over here that's empty. it's spinning and this one -- >> there is no way they will end up over there, right? >> one, two, three, w! >> what! >> that was incredible. >> yo, that wasincredible. >> wait a minute! re t really ithere? >> yes, they are.
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yes, they e. ye they are. >> can they -- >> did they travel through space and time. >> pull off your mask, everybody. >> how do you feel? >> you moved. >> you guys okay? you can take off your blindfold. >> that was incredible, hoda. for people at home, they just magically appeared in the other one in two seconds. how many magicians have we had 'm socked right now. >> i haven't seen anything like it. >> i cannot tell you. oh, my god. that's amazing! that was -- that was mind blowing. oh, my god. do you understand now why antonio is the first comedian on broadway that makes total sense are y'all blown away >> i'm racking my brain to figure out how you did that. they were in that one and now
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they're in this one. >> that was crazy. you're unbelievable. we have a lot of witnesses that are shocked. are you all totally shocked? what happened? >> we have no idea nobody knows. dwas >> nobody knows. and it suspended in the air. okay thank you, antonio you can catch him on broadway. the tickets are on sale right now. >> impressive. >> all right first, y'all, this is "today" on nbc. >> wow i like the feeling. >> we watched it watching you
8:57 am
good morning. it is 8:56. i'm scott mcgrgrew. a series o of sidide showsws in oaklandd over t the weekenend, from lastt night aboutut twowo east off lake memerritt. oakland sayss it t is working t puput more officers on the stre attempting to stop this. san jose police report breaking up multiple side shows as well. the man accused of stabbing the founder of cash app is having a hearing today to determine if there is enough evidence for a trial to star t.
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8:59 am
9:00 am
this morning, we're going to need a bigboat. incredible video of a bull shark attacking a boat in florida. we've got the story behind this scary


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