tv First Look NBC August 5, 2023 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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we make e it ourselvlves. come on.n. i'llll let you h have a a glass lateter on. all riright thank k you. everybybody thinksks it's terrr. from the oldld country.. you'u're from ththe old counu, oror the familily, right?? yeah. my last name is devevenanzio. abruruzzo. - abruzzi. yeah. ohoh my god! yeahah! i i always lovove people from thehe abruzzi.. yeah! [m[music playiying] [inaudible] narrator: when it comes to travel destinations, some requiuire a seconond loo. inin provincetetown, massasachu, rich with history-- man 1: one thing that is tradition is the comommitment toto be opopen and welelcoming to o . narrator: : natural bebeauty- johnnyny: spin 36060 degrees s around anynywhere and just s see pristinine untotouched landndscape. narratoror: celebratating indidividuality-y-- i loveve your outftfit. hey, m man! i loveve your outftfit too!
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narratator: and lolove-- man 3: a and so manyny peoplele have met t here. people that t have met t ther husbsbands and w wives, the e ss are endless about that. narratoror: deserveses a deepeper dive. wewe go beyondnd the duness to takake a closerer look at the people of paradise, and why they choose to makake p-town t their hom. ouour first ststop is withth nf, and p-town local, ezra tuaolo. a beautiful day, my friend. it is s beautiful.l. so this s is provincncetown, h? yeyeah, the gagay pleasantntv. the gay-- is that what i it is? is thahat what it't's called? i ththought it wasas boys tow. narrator: at ezra's restaurant, 98 hawaiian grill, you can n come in fofor the island s staples. a lunch plplate equipppped withth a savory y protein, sweet ricece, and macacaroni sa. ever sincece i came toto provincetowown, i wanted to bring a taste of aloha. so it's everything that i grew up with like teriyaki steak, teriyaki chicken, pineapple barbecue chicken. and then the recipes and stuff are my mom's, all the sasauces.
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so if you'u've ever been to hawawaii, oh, yeyeah. it's the food that is s served there.e. if y you haven't b been to hawaii, i'll take you there with my food. - that's a shrimp! thank you, i appreciate it. johnny: you're miles away from the islands, bubut does thihis type ofof cuisine h here kind of mamake you feeeel at h? oh my gosh, definitely, right. you can take the boy off the island, but you can't take the island out of the boy. so what i wawanted to do is brig the island h here to p-towow. your jumbobo shrimp brinings all ththe boys to the yard. i am a polynesian twink though. like anyththing under 30300 is a twiwink in polynenesia. narrator: beyond the flavors and views of cape cod bay, the reststaurant prorovides you with q quick, easysy acces to comommercial street, , the main d drag running ththe length o of p-to. ezra: i'i've never e ever head of prorovincetown,n, or p-tow, and when i got here and stuff, it was like such an emotionalal thing for m m. because it doesn't matter ifif you'rere gay, you'u're straig, everybodody's just h happy, ri. itit's like i'i've never b bn inin a place l like this.. and then y you look araround and people are just happy. narrator: ezra tuaolo, mr aloha himself, has worn, and continues to wear, many hats. executive chchef, singnger, entertaiainer,
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you made it to the playoffs on the voice. right. narrator: ezra is also an author and a philanthropist. but perhapaps most famamousl, he's knownwn for his n nine yes as a defensive tackle in the nfl. i started my rookie year at green bay. i was s the first t rookie to ot alall 16 gameses in packerer hi. i'm prproud of my y stats. i'm proud of things that i've accomplished in the nflfl. out of allll these achievements, what do you think your biggest achievemement, your biggest accomplishment is? - i think that's s simple, righ. cocoming out man, living my authentic life, living in my truth. ththat's probablbly the bigget accompmplishment i e ever di. it's like e 35 years of f my life beieing in the closet and not being able to be yourself, living with h a crippling g sec. i ththink when i s said those first words s for the firsrst t, that i was gay, on real sports it was one of those things that it just sort of, it was incredible. what was it like for a gay guy being in the locker room? jokes, a lot of jokes. it was just so difficult for me because i would hear those things, and i'd have to bite my lip.
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johnny: what was the reaction like? ezra: i lost a lot of family, and i lolost a lot o of frien, but i i didn't comome out to rekindldle friendshships. i didn't't come out fofor tha. i came o out because i wanted to be happy. the times that we were living in, beingng gay was not accepted at all, right. now, as we fast forward, it's sort of like the trend. but, you k know what, , i stayeded focused o on love. nanarrator: inin 2002, ezrza was s only the t third nfl athlhlete to evever come out. ezra: : david kopapay was the e, he came ouout back in n the 7. and itit took likeke two dedecades for r roy sims toto come out, and another decade, or two decades for me to come out. narratator: and it o opened te doorors for even more players to follow suit. ezra: that's why it's so important when people tell ththeir storieies and comeme . when t they do thahat, they nt only c change theieir lives, but they change the e lives ofof people arouound them. but i think my proudest accomplishment was adopting my two kids. i have twins, a boy and a girl, they're 20 now,, but i adadopted them w when theyey were a weekek old. that's m my heart right there. i wantnted what mymy straight friendnds had, rigight. i i wanted to o walk downn the ststreet with h my family
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and everybody knew we were a family, right? soso it's one ofof those thins when i i got them atat a week , man, i could hold both of them, it was a dream come true. went from protecting a football in the nfl to nowow cradling a a little b. exactly, yeah. woman 1:1: can i takake a pipicture withth you? johnhnny: sure!! woman n 1: i love e you. johnny: : only if mymy boyfrienend says it't's ok. woman n 2: lewis.. jojohnny banananas? lewis, lewewis. johnnyny: lewis! you u grew up inin hawaii, i is- righght. beach, beaeach town, soo you're f familiar withth that y of living. how did you tatake to provincetotown and whahat wawas it aboutut provincetetowt drew youou to this c communit? ezra: i i tell you man, whehen i got hehere, it w was absolututely amazing, . it was a w world that ii never exexperienced bebefore, and whwhen i say thahat, it's like a world i think k everybodyy else s should liveve in. the susupport of t the communy herere has been n incredible. and the beach livingng, all of t that is awesome. and yoyou see how w beautiful l? johnnyny: yeah, yeyeah, yeah.
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that was awesome. ezra: it's beautiful. introducucing togo's's new frech dip p sandwicheses. feataturing fresesh artisan n d piled hihigh with tendnder roast b beef, smothered d with meltyty provolonone cheese,, just enougugh chipotlele mayo and d served witith hot au j for dippining. try ththe roast bebeef or pasti french d dips today.y. onlyly at togogo's.
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narratator: beyondnd the shshores of prprovincetownn lies a seemingly infinite horizon. johnnyny: this iss a fantntastic viewew. i'm not t a morning g person, t if thihis was my m morning como, i wowouldn't mind it so o muc. narrrrator: withth miles and miles ofof sandy beaeaches, p-p-town is susurrounded b y wateters with a a unique ecocom that makakes it a prprime spotr qualality fishining and clamam. johnny: commercial fishing is really big in provincetown, right?t? for many g generationsns, ye. portuguguese settltled herere a long titime ago and they b brought theheir skilills of fishshing with t . nanarrator: anand since then, prprovincetownwn hahas developeped into a booming g fish town,n, and d veteran fifishermen lilikh rose, reapap the naturural benes of the s sea. i got toto say, likeke this b, like i i feel likeke this is we wewe come afteter and justt like t tell tall t tales about t like whitete whales. or, i i know a guyuy, who o like, knowows a guy that got s swallowed b by a wh. yeah, we k know that guy.
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i've actuaually stabbebed someme tuna fishsh with h him, the fifirst tutuna fish i i ever saw,, i stabbed d with the w whale g. no w way. rereal tale, o or is thatat a fishtaiail? real taiail. not t a fish tail? well, it w was, as thehe yeas go by getsts a little e bigge. hohow did you u first get into f fishing? kekeith: i wasas hungry anad i had d a knife inin my hand and my d dad said, if you want to eatat it, you g got to open. johnny: ththat's how it all statarted? keith: i b believe that's how it a all starteded. i tried d a couple o of regulr jobs, cacarpentry, t things lilike that. once i s started doioing thisis and got p paid for it, there wawas no turnining bac. i told my y carpenterr boss, , hey, look,k, man. i got to g go fishing.g. nanarrator: a a decision that hasas led him m to a lifetetime of sucuccl clamming o on the greaeat atlan. from the b boat, to ththe banko the babar, kind ofof a little . is that the e motto? to thehe boat, to o the babank, to thehe bar? thatat's what itit's been. narratator: and wiwith his business, , clam nation,n, hehe's making g sure to kekp it a all in the e family. when d did you knonow you wand to j join the family bususine? as soon asas i saw thihis.
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yeah, , yeah . was yoyour father r a fisherm? does fishing run in your f fami? it rununs in my fafamily, but my fatather wasn't't a fisherm. he w was in the e air forcee so we e moved arouound a lot. my family'y's from welellflee, provincecetown area.a. johnhnny: what d does fifishing meanan to you? keith indepependence, woworkig wiwith family y and friendn, to make e a [bleep] ] ton of money as easy as possible. johnny: so howow deep is it rightht here vanenessa? vanessa: 6 67 feet. - wow. so there's's clams thahat are atat the bottotom ocean, bubut aren't t there somee on the b beach too?? yeah, bubut the clamams that wewe're gettining, they'rere bis anand they're e below the e s. so we e have a pumump, like a ar pump, and d it kind of tumbles. like a c clam vac! yeah, anand then we'e're goig to scoop t them up witith the r. johnny: : so what are we doingng here, rayay? ray: we e are settining out t the hose,, then it's s going to f feed ththe nozzles s on the mananid of t the dredge here. all right,t, setting t the hosese to feed t the nozzles. is thehere somethihing that's uniqueue about thehe geology, or the weaeather, or t the currrrents, or s something like t that that makes prprovincetownwn an idealal fishing g ground?
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keith:h: i think y you nailed it witith all of t that. but t the geologogy i think, is thehe main thing. johnnyny: the capepe is sort of shapeped like an n arm. vanessa: t this is lonong poin, it's t the very titip of cape . johnny: wowow. it s sort of jusust captptures the p plankton and d such that t all thesee whaleses are here e for. it's's a good titidal flowow through h here, a lot of nututrients foror the clam. it's gooood a nice, , sandy bobottom, theyey like thata. johnnyny: there shshe goes! how w deep are w we dropop in this t thing? we're probobably arounund 35 to o 40 feet riright now. johnnyny: 35, 40 f feet. raray: heads u up. johnhnny: all riright. ray: yup.. johnny: ohoh, oh, oh!! narratoror: and afteter the net drops s the seas b bount, it's a a mad dash h to sort t through thehe clams, identify the vararietal, andd measure e with the g gauge. johnhnny: so youou basicallylyt it to fit t inside thehere, ri? yeyeah, so that onone, that's's for sure.e. for sure.. all l the big onones go. see,e, that's cocoming with h, bebecause it's's over 5 ininc.
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vanessssa: those a are quahahogs in thehere, soso these arere differentt kinds ofof clams. jojohnny: thisis doesn'n't go in ththere? vanessssa: no. you wantnt to get yourur limi. jojohnny: johnhnny: which h is? vanessssa: 200 busushels. ray: anonother unit t is a boat. a boatloadad? thatat would be e a boatload. so that's s where thee term b boatload cocomes from. yeah. johnny: so is this a keeeeper? ththat one is s yeah. fofor sure. quahog or r no? vavanessa: seaea clam. thesese aren't t too small?? those arare too smalall. actualally, that's's what we're lookoking for. and d we're allolowed 5% smam. we'll geget that one anywayays later. go h home! narrator: but clams aren't the only thing that can b be found inin the s. kekeith: what t you catch h ie clam vac, , is some crcrazy st. anand that's t the cool thing abouout this jobob, is you nenever know w what yoyou're going t to-- johnnyny: never knknow what you're goioing to pullll up? ray: whahatever's onon the sea a floor is c coming up.. a a honeybee.. ununderwater?? raray: i don't't know wheree that c came into t the mix. keith: we'e've caught t ancho, and muskskets, and w whale bon,
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and hopefufully we'll l catch something g cool todayay. here's a an example ofof cool s. let me see that t guy. well thahat's human n stuff. that's an n old bottlele, rig? that is.s. thatat's like ththe bounty of the s sea, right?t? it's what t gets you going in the morningng. nanarrator: anand beyond a ale cool trinknkets and trtreasur, ththere is onene main reason we e are here.. jojohnny: yeahah buddy! ray: oh,h, yeah. itit's as fresesh as it'llll . johnhnny: bon apapetit! wow, t that's realally good. nanarrator: anand at the end of a hard work day, the viviews of thehe great t atlantic o ocean, reminds s us of the e unique beauty t that is prorovinceto. jojohnny: whatat is it abobt provincetown that's so special l that bringngs you ba? vanessa:a: the peoplple and d the light.t. they feel l free to bebe themseselves and t there's realally some grgreat characac. yeahah, i know, , i saw. themem. we went toto tea dancece. sasaw them allll. oh, yeyeah . keith: we e get to hanang out h. we get t to live thihis life.
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yeah. and there's no, you can't put a price on that. no, this town is fantastic. kekeith: freededom, acceptancece, safety,, it's as far as you can go. ththere is no o past here.. you're a at the end d of it. you're, , the next thing after this is jumping in the water. well, captain keith, i got to say, man, what a pleasure it was fishing with you.u. keith: thehe pleasure e was ou. thank k you. johnny: : here's to o an absoluy inincredible d day of fishsh.
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sal i have to tell you a little story, because we were talking about this last night with thehese young r russian friends ofof my daughthter-in-. nicece kid. they said, what makekes art? johnny: yeah. thatat's been a a question t t pepeople have e been pondedeg for huhundreds of f years. but my a answer to that is s this, i have toto use a stotory to answswer. there was s a friend o of mie who taughtht at the ununiversy
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of kalamazoo, michigan. and d he was frorom provincece. hehe was a natative, and h hed a colleagugue of mine,e, his w, was s having an n exhibit. so he wentnt with his s fried toto see the w wife's workr. so as s he entereded the door,e smelelled this v very strongng , hehe didn't knknow what the hell i it was. he it t looks up and all l he sees isis clothes lilines all araround ththe room witith dirty didias filleded with poo o poo. they j just had a a baby, i gu. there was s a guy fromom the kakalamazoo titimes, a repepo, so he e went up toto the artitist, and sasaid madam, i have to ask you this becaususe i'm justst a layma, itit seems to o me, this i s streretching it t quite a bi. soso what makekes you ththink that t this is artr? and d she looks s at him with a steteel look. shshe says, bebecause i sasaid . and that's what it i is.
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that's w what we've e come to ty bebecause we a are our ownwn j, our own arbiters, know iff we sayay it's blue, it's blue. narrator: : in provincncetown art can bebe appreciated in m many differerent ways.. a struructure, a statue, , a storefroront, anand of coursrse, a restatau. like sal's place on commercial street, an establishment founded by a provincetown relic, artist, sal del deo. siobhan: sal's is a place that's full of passion for people communing, eating, enjoying each other, enjoying being on ththe water. narrator: current owner, siobhan carew, has carried on that passionn with h her infectitious laugh and nanatural chararm. she has s made sure e to keep ss ththriving thrhrough greatat d and warm a ambiance. sal is a reaeally good m ment. so if you've met sal, and i think you have-- livingng legend. yes, h he is a liviving legen. takingng over thisis restaurat from s somebody lilike that
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was anan amazing h honor. narratoror: sal del l deo's roots in p provincetowown datete back to 1 1946, when e firsrst landed h here as a t . johnny: whwhat broughtht you toto provincetetown? sal i came here to study painting. i didn't come here for the looks. i didn't come here for the lifestyle. i didn't come here for the climate. i came h here to stutudy. it's's a very liliberal, free flowowing way ofof life here. romomoldo it's n not just abat likeke, oh, isn'n't it cool? there'e's a lot ofof artists here, anand a lot ofof gay peo, and a a lot of allll sorts of intereresting stufuff going o, and all ththis nature.e. it's thahat putting g those ths togegether creatates much moe than just t the adadditive accccumulationn of t those peoplple and thisis . that's w what makess this p place specicial. that's w why there's's so mucuch going onon here anand there's s so much enene. nanarrator: anand when youu dine a at sal's plplace, a rustic i italian disish and d a glass ofof wine setsts the mood d just right.
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ththis food isisn't gogood, it's g great. thanank you. what i l love about t coming he isis this sensnse of like e wh anand that feeeeling ofof being homome when yoyou walk in the front door? the coconvivialityty of ththis establilishment isis second toto none. thanank you. i ththink sal anand i maybe e a similar passioion towards s li, anand people, , and foods,s, an. good g glass of wine. i'm m with you, , all right. two glglasses. i'm fromom ireland, , like hospspitality isis beaten inint. so you just open your arms. sal take t that off anand you cacan see it in the light. liftft up here?? yeahah this mustst be some of this i is part of f a series i'm doing of the boats that are no longer here.e. see. this is, i i call it the ghost t fleet. anand this is s a boat witithe rereflection o of the watet, anand so forthth and so ono. so it't's very sububjective.
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it's not, , i could do realilistic stuffff, but i i like to dodo this moe from my y head, fromom my memor. johnnyny: just beieing in hisis presence, lilike you feel the ininspirat. just watatching him m set up his paletttte with hisis pain, you're watatching somemebody o somethining that he e has ben doining for 80 s something y y. siobhan:n: it's amazazing. johnny: : what is itit about provincetotown that'ss so i inspirationonal to artit? wellll, for thee paintersrs point of f view, it's t the light,, and ththe lifestylyle. there'e's still a a lot of young paininters in totown are dodoing some p pretty [beep] gooood work. so thehey're stillll coming here foror some reason. and d i'm glad f for it. johnhnny: i got t to say, 93 years s old, sharprp as a whi, with a h head of haiair like t, you u give me hohope too my y f. it's b been an absbsolute pleae getttting to talalk to you.. i'veve enjoyed t talking to o. not as mucuch as i'vee enjoyed d talking toto you. thisis has been n incredible.
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introducucing togo's's new frech dip p sandwicheses. feataturing fresesh artisan n d piled hihigh with tendnder roast b beef, smothered d with meltyty provolonone cheese,, just enougugh chipotlele mayo and d served witith hot au j for dippining. try ththe roast bebeef or pasti french d dips today.y. onlyly at togogo's.
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[intnterposing voiceces] narrator: if there is one wordd that c can define e provinceto, it w would be wewelcoming. and d to concludude a thrilllg tripip to this g gorgeous pepen, a clamambake is ononly fittingo culmlminate thisis amazing j jo, bringingng together r all the warmth a and hospitatality ththat we haveve come to f fd hehere at provovincetown.. jajason, matt,t, please, j jo. johnny: : yes? let's enjojoy. yoyou don't hahave to asksk me twice.e. dodon't have t to ask me i i didn't eveven see you,u, . how w are you, b buddy? goodod to see you. is thihis new englandd clam c chowder? man it's chowdah.. johnny: chowdah. siobhan:n: chowdah!! nanarrator: clclam bakingg is a t time honorered new
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enengland tradadition thatat han enjoyed d throughoutut generati. needless t to say, youou can't t come to prprovinceton withouout enjoyingng one. johnny: soso what are e the iningredients s in this chcho? siobhahan: onion, , pancetta. i thouought it wasas bacon,n, but pancecetta. siobhan:n: clams, obobviousl. johnnyny: yep, thihis is delici. waitit, so is ththat the e kimberly a anne? that's t the one that we wewere just onon. get t out of herere. wow. as much h of an exciting time as i had out there, that's tough w work. i got to h hand it to o you gu. i got t to hand itit to guys. ththank you. narratator: and asas night fas and the burnrning wood f fire s a ququaint aromama, the e only thingng left isis a full ststomach whwhile surrouounded byby the good d people of f par. ding, dingng, ding, ding, diding, ding.. i just want toto say, thanank you u for welcomoming us to t this magicacal commununity that y you guys haveve and you'r're all a papa. so here'e's the provovincetow, and hehere's to alall of you. cheers!! everyoyone: cheersrs! siobhan: cheers, queueers! cheers, queers, all right.
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