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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  August 10, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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hi, everyone. i'm syn hailey.
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>> i'm kate snow. >> and this is august 10th, 2023. paradise lost, and dozens of hawaiians are confirmed dead as others are missing. >> and everyone is homeless, and in the hours missing. new details merging about the man who was targeting besides president biden. and part of the all civilian crew as virgin gallactica takes tourism into the outer sphere. and now, restaurants sneaking in service charges and how patrons are fighting back.
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>> we begin with breaking news. the devastating wildfires with 36 people dead on the island of maui and that number is expected to rise. hundreds of buildings destroyed and other people evacuated with the town of lahaine and now showing charred buildings and homes across the town. >> these satellite images are what lahaine is what it looks like. the president spoke about the fires today. >> the prayers are with the people of hawaii, but not just the prayers, because every asset is going to be availabo them, and theusinesse h been destroyed and thet loved ones, and it is not over yet. >> there is a race to get people off of the plane, and now there a plan to fly stranded travelers
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off of the island. and now, in a moment, we will speak with two maui business owners, but first, we go to dana griffin outside at a shelter. >> we are at a large evacuation center in maui with 300 to 400 people sleft overnight, and many escaping the flames in lahaina and many telling me that their homes are destroyed and many are coming here with a positive attitude expressing gratitude for still being alive. we know that several people have been killed and at least 36, and the number could grow as the rescue crews scour the area searching for survivors and the missing. we know that the town of lahaina has been obliterate and the town is fueled by local tourism, and you have thousands of tourists there, and many have left the area, and some 11,000 people looking to leave the island, and
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they have set up transportation by bus and plane the try to get the people to oahu and other places, and it is unclear what started the fire, but crews are hoping to assess the damage and get a better sense of how this fire started, and they are hoping to contain it, so that it does not keep growing, and the big question is now, when will people be allowed back into the neighborhoods, and the roads that lead to the fires have been closed and remain closed and when those people get let back in, the question is going to remain if they have homes to go to. back to you. >> thank you. we will bring in meteorologist michelle grossman and we know that there were winds from to a hurricane nearby, and it is surprising, because people think of hawaiis a tropical lush paradise, but what is it looking like for the next few hours? >> well, we are going to be seeing that they were in a drought, and a perfect storm
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with hurricane winds, and packing a category 4 storm interacting with the high pressure. at the two came together to create a wind tunnel over the eyelan, and we saw winds gusting up to 40, 50, 80 miles per hour at times, and we have dry vegetation, and really low relative humidity and coming together to create the disaster, and as we go throughout time, you can see the wind subsiding, and wind advisories, and wind warnings that have been dropped and the wind warnings are dropped and in terms of that. and looking at the wins through the breezy now, and out of the east but still gusting up to 23, 24 miles per hour, and that is the story of the next couple of hours, and we will be looking at the winds continuing to subside, and gusting over the next few hour, and we will see the winds up to 10 miles per hour, and we are looking at dry winds on the leeward side. we have a forecast, but it is on
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the wrong side of the island and not the island that needs this rain. we are looking agent mostly sunny conditions over the next five to seven days. and that is going to be a look outward at 5 to 10 miles per hour, and we will be in the drought, and still looking at the dry conditions. and back to you. >> taking the good news with all of this happening, and michelle grossman and joining us now is richie oleston who is the head of air operations, and first of all, thank you for joining us, because i know that you are flying over this area for a living. how are you and your loved ones? >>. >> my family is safe, and those working here are safe. there are some who are not sure where their families are, and it is devastation beyond belief. it is a war zone, and the area was left to burn.
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it is just horrific. i have lived here since i was 13, and i have never experienced anything like this. >> yeah, i can only imagine, richie, and we are having a little bit of the audio problems with the communications from there, and we are looking at the video that we shot out of the helicopter, and tell us about that flight and what you saw. >> well, first, we flew over the morning, because we wanted to help with the people over there, and expecting to see some burned buildings and some damage, but when we approached from the south, what we saw was horrific. we saw total destruction of the homes, and the destruction of the historic buildings, and churches and mission homes, and even the boats in the harbor
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were burned right down to the water. so we were in shock, because we did not anticipate anything like what we saw. >> richie h it is not lost on me that lahaine is an important part of the history, and what is the going to have you on you? what are you thinking and feeling? >> i feel sad for the people who live there, and all of the areas of tourism and jobs, that is going to be gone, and that is not going to be rebuilt in a short period of time, and i am mostly keshed for the people who have lost their homes, and they have no place to go. they are in shelters right now, but they need permanent places, and hundreds of them in civic centers, and they need a longer
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term and he is a owner of a dive company there on maui. i hope that you are safe, and your family is safe. how are you? >> i am doing fine. my family is fine. and the fire missed us by about three miles from our home. everyone is safe and healthy and we are very lucky. >> what have you been able to see, and have you been out to see, and talking with the folks who are just a few mile, and i have been looking at the drones, and the front part has been cut off. the beautiful harbor is no, it
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is devastating to the dive and ocean community. >> and do you think that maui will be able to rebuild or is this gone? >> of course, we will rebuild. we are maui, and they are saying maui strong, and we will rebuild. it is not going to be overnight. we will be needing help. any hopes and prayers and they are very welcomed. >> richie, back to you, if you are still with us, and you have the that you gotten to see not just the awful devastation, but how far reaching it s. for the people who don't live in hawaii or don't know the island. is this just a piece of and i
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saw m mor devastation and buildings destroyed. i also saw hundreds of cars along front street and other cars burned up. so we saw much more damage than i have seen the first day i flew over. >> are we talking about miles and miles of damage? >> three miles, i'd say along the coast and inland shlg. >> what is it that you saw up there mostly, richie? >> my heart goes out to people who lost their homes and lost their businesses and family members. that is what struck me the most. >> we are all thinking of all of you. michael, richie, the families and your loved once and all of the colleagues there. our hearts go out, and i am sure that you will get an outpouring of support from everybody here on the mainland. >> appreciate your taking the
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time. >> we will have an update on the fires here, and our coverage continues on nbc, and you will see the latest video, and reporting from the crews on the ground in maui. coming up, virgin galactic into history with the first all civilian mission. >> three, two, one, release, release. >> what the historic flight means for the future of space tourism. a utah man accused of threatening president biden is fatally shot by the fbi and other public officials he had reportedly threatened. you are watching "nbc news you are watching "nbc news daily." (wheezing) asthma isn't pretty. it's the momement when you realizize that a g good day. is about t to become a a bad o. but thenen, i remembmbered ththat the wororld is so muchch bigger ththan th, with trerelegy. becaususe one dosese a day helps s keep my asasthma sympts ununder controrol.
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and with 3 3 medicineses in 1 i inhaler, trtrelegy helplps improvee lung f function so i c can breathehe easier for a fufull 24 hoururs. trelegegy won't t replace a rescscue inhalerer for r sudden brereathing proro. trelegy cocontains a m medicie that i increases r risk of hospipitalizationons and deh from a asthma proboblems when used d alone. when this s medicine i is usd with an ininhaled cortrticoste, like in trtrelegy, thehere is t a sisignificant t increased dk of these e events. do not t take trelegegy morere than presescribed. trtrelegy may y increase r rk of thrush h and infectctions. get ememergency cacare for serious s allergic r reaction. see yoyour doctor r if your asa does not i improve or r gets w. ♪ what a a wonderful l world♪ ask yoyour doctor r about ononce-daily t trelegy foror as- becacause breaththing shshould be bebeautiful. i'i'm addingng downy unstopableles to my wawash no. i'i'll be smsmelling fresh all l day long.. [sniffs] stilill fresh. still fresesh! get 6 titimes longerer-lastig freshnhness, plplus odor prprotection w wh downy unststopables. [sneeze] (♪♪♪)
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asastepro allelergy, steroid d free allerergy ref that s starts workrking in 30 miminutes, asastepro allelergy, steroid d free allerergy ref whilile other alallergy spraysys take hoururs. withth astepro's's unbeatablby fast allerergy relieff you cacan astepro o and go! withth astepro's's unbeatablby fast allerergy relieff from prom m dresses you ca to w workoutsand go! and d new adventnt res you hopepe the more e you ge the lessss they'llll miss. but t even if yoyour teen ws vavaccinated againsnst meningititis in thet ththey may be e missing vavaccin for meniningitis b.. although u uncommon, up to o 1 in 5 sururvivors f meniningitis wilill have lolong term coconsequences. now asas you'rere thinking gt all the e vaccines y your tn might t need makeke sure you u ask your d r if y your teen i is missingg meniningitis b v vaccinatio.
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we are learning new details about the man who was shot and killed by fbi agents after he threatened to kill president biden. we have the moment when the agents arrived in provo, utah which is about 45 miles away from where president biden arrived hours after that shooting happened. tom winter is going to join us now, and you have been digging into the court documents to learn more about the suspect. what have you learned? >> yes, kate. the time line of this investigation, and what the
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suspect is alleged to have said. in march of this year, the fbi got information from a social media company at that time that there was a brief confirmation and discussion. he said the next time that you come back here, you better have a and he also referenced a specific type of weapon he would use. and as you the fbi decided after that meeting to execute a search warrant on that residence. >> and in terms of president
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biden, there may have been other targets? >> yes, that is, and he also had referenced other politicians, and he had posted a picture of his gun that it was an effort to go after a picture of, and then he referred to himself as austin himmler as the -- >> and that is what i wanted to ask you, tom, because you have said a lot of response from and
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he was going to be charged on making an interstate threat specific to the alvin bragg post that he made as well as chasing the president, and those are federal laws he violated as well as trying to intimidate the fbi. those were the three things that he was going after. and as far as the specific tiktok that he was going after that you saw, it is more information than we are expecting to get from the fbi later today. >> vir. this is the second space flight for virgin galactic, and to h. ew is bac after returning and marissa parais back with us,
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and she described it as some variation of the most incredible views of earth that very few people have had a chance to see. so, i want to take you from what we heard of the mother/daughter but for what this meant to them, take a listen. >> i was shocked at what you feel. you are so much more connected to everything than you would and you are a part of the chef, the team, universe. it is so much. >> where and there you can see
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her peeking out to see the picture of earth. t this is the second commercial space flight, but the big difference is the mother and daughter duo to be and you can just see it on the face what it means to her. >> and thank you, melissa >> and thank you, melissa paracoming up. ♪♪ when y you have chchronic kidney disisease... therere are placaces you'u'd like t to be. like here.e. and d here. nonot so much h here. ifif you have e chronic kidney disisease, farxiga cacan help youou keep l living lifefe.
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♪ farxixiga ♪ and d farxiga rereduces ththe risk of f kidney faiail, which can n lead to didialysi. farxigiga can caususe serious e efeffects inclcluding dehyhydr, urinarary tract oror genital yt infectionsns in women n and m, and low w blood sugagar. ketotoacidosis is a s serious sidide effect thatat may lead d to death.. a rarare life-ththreateningg bactcterial infefection in t the skin ofof the perinim could occucur. stop t taking farxrxiga and cl yourur doctor riright away ifif you have e symptoms of thihis bacteriaial infecti, an allergigic reactionon, oror ketoacidodosis. farxiga a can help y you keepep living lilife. ask k your doctotor for farxra fofor chronic c kidney disise. ifif you can''t affordrd your mededication, astrtrazeneca mamay be able e t. ♪ farxiga ♪ whenen you smellll the amag scent t of gain flflings.
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titime stops.. (♪♪♪) titime stops.. and yoyou realizee you're i in love.... steve? and yoyou realizee you're i in love.... withth a laundryry deterge. (♪♪♪) gagain flings.s. seseriously gogood scent.. trelelegy for cocopd. ♪ b birds flyinin' high, you know h how i feel.l. ♪ ♪ b breeze drififtin' on...♪ [cououghing] ♪, you knknow how i f f♪ if youou're tired d of starining down youour copd. ♪ i it's a new w dawn, ♪♪ ♪ it't's a new daday... ♪♪ .....stop settttling. ♪ it't's a new daday... ♪♪ ♪♪ ...and i'i'm feelin'' good♪ ♪ it't's a new daday... ♪♪ start a a new day wiwith trel. no oncnce-daily cocopd medice has the popower to treat c copd in a as many wayays as trele. withth three mededicines inin one inhalaler, trelegegy makes brbreathing ear for r a full 24 4 hours, withth three mededicines inin one inhalaler, imprproves lung g functi, and d helps prevevent fue flare-upups. trelegy wowon't replacace a rescscue inhalerer for r sudden brereathing proro. trelegy wowon't replacace a rescscue inhalerer tell youour doctor i if you have a a heart conondition trelegy wowon't replacace a rescscue inhalerer or h high blood d pressure before takaking it. trelegy wowon't replacace a rescscue inhalerer do n not take trtrelegy e than prerescribed. trelegy wowon't replacace a rescscue inhalerer trelelegy may inincrease yr risk o of thrush, , pneumo, anand osteopororosis. trelelegy may inincrease yr risk o of thrush, , pneumo, call your r doctor if wororsened breaeathing, trelelegy may inincrease yr risk o of thrush, , pneumo,
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chest papain, moututh or tongugue swelli, proboblems urinanating, vivision changnges, oror eye pain n occur. proboblems urinanating, vivision changnges, take a statand, and ststart a nenew day withth trele. asask your dococtor aboutt once-daiaily trelegygy, anand save at t trelegy.cocm ♪♪ this is the fast forward on "nbc news daily." a health advisory is still in effect for parts of oakland after smoke from a fire at a steel recycling facility filled the air overnight. nbc bay area's bob riddle is tracking the latest from the port of oakland. >> reporter: fortunately, right now, you can no longer see the smoke from the fire that was burning behind me. we believe it was on one of those piles there. this is a pile of metal scrap at the recycling facility. this is next to the howard terminal here at the port of oakland. you'll recall there was a large plume earlier this morning, but as you can see from our traffic cam here in oakland, there is no more smoke.
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i did speak with oakland fire this morning, ell me that their fire is out, and that the burn area is contained to one pile of debris. firefighters are still out here overnight. they were working with heavy equipment operators to remove debris from that pile to get down to the bottom source of the fire. they say whatever smoke there is, it's from the water being put down on hot spots and then a reaction thereof. from that. fire started around 5:30 last night, created a large plume of smoke that initially blew south. we smelled it as far as away as san jose and livermore. the winds have shifted north. the bay area air quality management district did issue a health advisory that is still in effect. they suggested if you see the smoke and are in the smoke to close your windows and doors and set your air-conditioning to recirculate. they've received 47 air pollution complaints. we asked the district how this smoke compares to wildfire smoke that's impacted our region a number of times before.
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>> we can't say at this time exactly what's in the smoke, but the fire occurred in a light scrap pile, which contains aluminum, tin, and light iron and steel, so all of that is very toxic to breathe. you know, wildfire smoke is also very harmful, so any particulate matter, any fine particulate can be very toxic. >> reporter: the air quality district is expecting on-shore winds later today, which means if this does start to smoke up again, that smoke could impact a greater part of our region, but right now, as i mentioned, there is no smoke. is no smoke. oakland fire expects
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i told mysyself i was s ok with m my moderatete to sevevere rheumamatoid ararthritis sysymptoms. wiwith my psororiatic arthritis s symptoms.. bubut just ok k isn't ok.. anand i was dodone settlini. ifif you stillll have sympmps after a tntnf blockerr like h humira or e enbrel, rinvoq is diffeferent and m may hel. ririnvoq is a a once-dailyly l that canan dramaticacally relie it can stotop joint dadamage. and in p psa, can leleave skin c clear or almost t clear. rinvoqoq can lowerer your abily to fight i infections,s, inincluding tbtb. seririous infectctions and blood d clots, somome fat; cancers,s, includingng lymphoa and d skin cancecer; death, h heart attacack, stro, and d tears in t the stomach or i intestines s occurred.. people 5 50 and oldeder with at leastst one heartrt diseae risk facactor have h higher ri. don'n't take if f allergic to rininvoq
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as sererious reactctions can occur.r. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue or may b become pregegnant. done setettling? ask yourur rheumatolologist for rinvnvoq. and d take back k what's youo. learn n how abbvbvie cocould help you save. [sneeze] (♪♪♪) asastepro allelergy, steroid d free allerergy ref that s starts workrking in 30 miminutes, asastepro allelergy, steroid d free allerergy ref whilile other alallergy spraysys take hoururs. withth astepro's's unbeatablby fast allerergy relieff you cacan astepro o and go! withth astepro's's unbeatablby fast allerergy relieff remember the thingsgs you loveded... .....before asasthma got t in the wayay? fasesenra is an n add-on trereat for r asthma dririven by e eosinophilsls. itit's designened to targegt and reremove themm and hehelps prevenent asthmama attacks.. fasesenra is notot for susudden breatathing problbls oror other eoeosinophilicic conditiono. allergrgic reactioions may occ. don'n't stop y your asasthma treatatments
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withthout talkining withth your doctctor. tellll your doctctor if youour asthma w worsens. heheadache andnd sore t throat may y occur. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue a parasititic infectioion. get backck to betterer breathi. ask your d doctor abouout fasen. welcome back to "nbc news daily." we want to update you on the breaking news out of hawaii. >> at least 36 people are dead
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as the fires burn on the island of maui. that number is expected to rise, as the governor of hawaii is expected to hold a news conference later today. the entire area of lahaine is destroyed. one resident is making a plea. >> we have been here pulling people out and people are trying to save their lives. we need help. >> national guardsmen are responding across the state, and we have full coverage on four americans were taken from their cells in a notorious prison to a location in the capital and the first step of a planned prisoner exchange between iran and the united states. >> nbc global report dan delouse
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is joining us. what can we expect in return? >> this is in the works for months with qatar playing the mediator role, and iran is getting access to 6 billion dollars that were blocked in sanctions with south korea. if this goes forward, it is going to be converted into several currencies over several weeks, and once it is converted to the government of qatar, iran can use that money to buy food or medicine, and other rue man taran >> and strict pressures put on that exchange.
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what more can you tell us? >> they regard these people as hostages, and nothing to be made of those chashgs. one of the hostages is a businessman who was educated at tufts and rutgers universi and when his elderly fat came to visit him in prison, he was detained and then later released. and then when a man came to visit him to discuss the population of an animal in iran, he was told to it is a tough
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road for them, and a first step, because they are not free. >> thank you. and now, we are continuing to show you the video, and this is distressing, because the person was shot as he was leaving a campaign rally. gaud venegas is going to join us. what do you know? >> well, he was telling us that and so this is coming out of the sinaloa cartel who is believed to be and he presented all of
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the people in ecuador were lfr they had on of the suspects in custody, and also one of the suspects was killed in what police -- there were nine people injured run for thes a sem blue stp and this has the world's attention. thank so much. >> the two aides are accused of
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conspiring with trump and getting in the way of the federal investigation. sorry, he is confused of conspiring to get into the federal investigation of getting to the federal documents. we are joined by ken dilanian, and now, this is not the first time that de oliveira has not shown up to court without a lawyer. >> right. >> but what he floefr and this is what would have and there was a florida lawyer in the courtroom, and they said they could get it done. >> and they are accused of
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conspiring to destroy tapes requested by the grand jury. so a major escalation in that case. >> so, what is next between the sgjt the new york indictment scheduled, and these are the same lawyers as donald trump, and it is going to be a scheduled and all of these defendants are going to be in court when he get to your face
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jurnlgt and so, there was a fine for not complying to the warrant. the company had rejected to the noncompliance warrant, but mr. trump said it violated his civil rights. the court was looking for offenses of civil president who was >> i and he has plead not guilty in nine different cases. and now, the schemes were the last and he has pleaded not
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guilty with the real one. and there was attempts to overturn those charges, but so far, nothing has been overturned. mr. brewster is out there facing, and could this face be and this is when a similar seem was attempte >> reporter: this is something that we have seen in the llow-up. general iooking a w 16 repcansthere, is essentially tox fi thek >> reporter: you could say that they were the electors of
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michigan and the votes should go to him instead of and in that way, it was an attempt to defraud the state, and overturn the electors. >> and what is the method that you saw that he had with the group. >> well, i wanted you to listen to defense that you are hearing from the now and hear in the motions and the potential crowd to come. >> he was told it is an alternate and if the outcome of that challenge sgroshg these are
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arguments that we will be hearing and extensive set of hearings, and expect to hear them later in the court. >> shaquille brewster, east lansing, michigan. thank you very much. and diners. >> there have been wildfires left thousands stranded at the left thousands stranded at the airpor
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every shelelter pet deseserves a sececond chance. anand you're m making it p pose every shelelter pet deseserves a sececond chance. for thousasands of thehem, every day.y. because e every timeme yoyou feed youour pet hillll, you u help feed d a shelter r. ♪♪ whicich helps mamake them healalthy and hahappy, and more a adoptable.. changing t their life e forr so t they can chchange yours. ♪♪ scscience did d that. ♪♪ - i'i'm sherry - and d i'm john.. i'm a phararmacist. as we e were startrting to a, it's likike, well hohow can wep our r cognitive e abilities? we sawaw prevagen.n. i did reread the clilinical sy and d went aheadad and gagave it a trtry. i feelel that prevevagen is heg me with ovoverall clararity and as a p pharmacist,t, i've r recommendeded it to, not t only just t customers, but t also to frfriends and d y as a a safe prododuct to tr.
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prprevagen. atat stores evevee without t a prescripiption. do you ever go to the restaurant, and then you get the check and find a mystery service charge between the total and the tax? it is happening more and more, and diners are sick of being hit with the extra unexpected fees. here is nbc news correspondent
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stephanie gosk. >> it is what the restaurantgoers expect, you go out for the meal, and you have food and drinks and the tip is optional, but now customers are getting something unexpected and now sneaky service charges driving up the cost of restaurant meals. >> tipping on top of it is excessive of 30% of the bill extra. >> reporter: including in chicago and los angeles, there is a bill backlash who put together a spread sheet tracking the restataurants w who are acc ofof chargingg 10, 15 and even . >> i don't understand when all of these fees get put on the consumer. >> and now, they are demanding transparent circumstances and the attorney general is releasing new guidelines wednesday to require the restaurants to require all fees
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to the diners. >> consumers are entitled to know what they are spending their money on. >> reporter: according to the national restaurant association, they say they are adding the surcharge due to higher payroll to the staff, and wanting to add health insurance to the employees, and james says it is important to be up front. 18% gratuity is added to the bill, and it says so on the menu, and no extra tip is expected. >> reporter: how important is the transparency to the customers? >> it is the foundation of why it has worked for us, and the foundation of any good customer. >> reporter: and this is recovering from the pandemic.
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how difficult was it to recover from the pandemic? >> it is difficult to say how difficult it was to recover. >> reporter: and some customers are concerned where that goes, and is that tipping? some say it is typically not gratuity, and the servers need to be tipped. so check the fine print on the menu or be sure that you ask before you order. and we should point out that the restaurant association says that these fees are the easiest way to handle the rising cost, but clearly, it is upsetting to the customers who feel like they are being duped. and speaking of money, we know that america has a new billionaire. we know that they bought the winning ticket at a publix
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grocery store in florida, and sam brock said it may be a while before the winner claims prize. >> reporter: the mystery is not mega millions, but billions hanging over the coastal town of neptune beach. >> i woke up to mes ask if i won, and did not buy a lottery ticket. >> reporter: and what else do you do when somebody pulls down the record of mega millions and the third largest jackpot of all time. >> no, it was not me. >> reporter: you are sure? >> yes. >> repororter: i amm glad it w not california and i am glad that somebody hit big in florida. it is always california. >> reporter: in fact, the largest lotterylandfall was in california a 2.04 powerball haul from los angeles last november. >> the only powerball winning ticket. california and florida are the
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only two states who do not tax the lottery share, and florida also has no income tax. >> that is one of the beauties of the winner in the state of florida and with that, the person can have more revenue in their pocket. >> reporter: from the bars to the card rooms, somebody is hoping to have a ace up their sleeve. >> we were all here, and so nobody bought the ticket. >> reporter: it is the lump sum of $83 million and after the deadline, the money and dreams disappear, so check the tickets. >> i am excited and my word of advice is whoever won, get yourself a great lawyer and a great financial adviser. >> reporter: now, say hypothetically, you have it, the federal withholdings is taking
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out 24%, and then you have the 783 million lump sum is more like 500 million, and in the state of florida, you cannot be anonymous, and so once you hand in that ticket, they will reveal your name. >> the clock is ticking. >> and how is that publix store now? everybody wants to know who it is. >> and i suppose it is good to take your time. >> much more news ahead. you are watching "nbc news daily." don't go anywhere. (wheezing)g) asthmama isn't t pretty. it's the momement when you realizize that a g good day. is about t to become a a bad o. but thenen, i remembmbered ththat the wororld is so muchch bigger ththan th, with trerelegy. becaususe one dosese a day helps s keep my asasthma sympts ununder controrol.
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and with 3 3 medicineses in 1 i inhaler, trtrelegy helplps improvee lung f function so i c can breathehe easier for a fufull 24 hoururs. trelegegy won't t replace a rescscue inhalerer for r sudden brereathing proro. trelegy cocontains a m medicie that i increases r risk of hospipitalizationons and deh from a asthma proboblems when used d alone. when this s medicine i is usd with an ininhaled cortrticoste, like in trtrelegy, thehere is t a sisignificant t increased dk of these e events. do not t take trelegegy morere than presescribed. trtrelegy may y increase r rk of thrush h and infectctions. get ememergency cacare for serious s allergic r reaction. see yoyour doctor r if your asa does not i improve or r gets w. ♪ what a a wonderful l world♪ ask yoyour doctor r about ononce-daily t trelegy foror as- becacause breaththing shshould be bebeautiful. everer notice hohow stiff clc ask yoyour doctor r about ononce-daily t trelegy foror as- can feel r rough on yoyour sk? for softfter clotheses that e gentntle on yourur s in, try y downy freeee & ge tlee downwny will sofoften your c s without t dyes or peperfu es. ththe towel wawashed with h ds softere , and d gentler onon your s in. try downwny free & g gen le. [sneeze] (♪♪♪)
12:52 pm
asastepro allelergy, steroid d free allerergy ref that s starts workrking in 30 miminutes, asastepro allelergy, steroid d free allerergy ref whilile other alallergy spraysys take hoururs. withth astepro's's unbeatablby fast allerergy relieff you cacan astepro o and go! withth astepro's's unbeatablby fast allerergy relieff whwhen moderatate to sevevere ulcerarative cols takes yoyou off coururse. puput it in chcheck with r ri, a a once-dailyly pill. takes yoyou off coururse. when i wananted to seeee reresults fastst, ririnvoq delivivered rapid sysymptom relilief and hehelped leaveve babathroom urgrgency behinind. chcheck. whenen uc triedd toto slow me d down... chcheck. i gogot lasting,g, steroid-f-fre remissioion with rininvoq. chcheck. and when u uc caused damage r rinvoq cameme through chcheck. by visibibly repairiring my c colon linining. chececk. rapid sysymptom relilief.. chececk. lastining steroid-d-free remissioion... .....and the c chance to v viy repair thehe colonon lining. check, cheheck, and chcheck. rinvoq c can lower y your abiy to figight infectitions, includining tb. rinvoq c can lower y your abiy to figight infectitions, serious ininfections and blood d clots, somome fa; rinvoq c can lower y your abiy to figight infectitions, death, h attack,k, strok people 50 0 and older r wih at l least 1 heaeart dise risk factotor have h higher risksks. don't t take if alallergic toto rinvoq risk factotor have h higher risksks.
12:53 pm
as serioious reactioions can ococcur. tell youour doctor i if you e or may b become pregegnant. as serioious reactioions can ococcur. put uc i in check anand kp it there w with rinvoqoq. ask yourur gastroentnterologt about ririnvoq and lelearn how ababbvie can n help you s save.
12:54 pm
and we'll see some hot weather into the middle of next week with a high of about 95 degrees next tuesday. while the valleys are going to heat up, srancisco sti is comfortable weather, but it will be just a little bit warmer, more people spending time outside, and also more kids
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heading back to school. by monday, we'll see temperatures in the low 70s and more sunshine throughout the day. >> looks so good.
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the fist day of school for students in the san jose unified school district, and some parents are asking the school district for a more proactive approach to school safety, after several threats and gun related incidents on san jose school campuses, dozens of parents have created the why wait project, asking the district not to wait until there's a tragedy to force change. >> there's a lot of great things and best practices that are evidence-based and have been proven to work, and a lot of communities around the united states. and where we find those things are in communities where there have been tragedies and shootings, because it's at that point that the community kind of wakes up and realizes where the gaps are, and say we have to close these gaps. >> a spokesperson from san jose unified tells us the district
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does provide a 20-page safety plan template to schools. an advisory committee is meeting next week to discuss the use of police resource officers. happening now, state regulators are set to vote on a possible expansion of driverless taxis in san francisco. a meeting is underway right now. waymo and cruz want to put autonomous vehicles on the road, and now they can operate in a limited window of time every day. some san francisco labor leaders are calling on the cpu to support the expansion. first responders are among those raising concerns after several crashes and incidents involving self-dri taxis. tv's biggest night isoing to have to wait until next year, the emmy awards have a new date, monday, january 15th. that's four months after the originally scheduled september 18th date. ceremony was pushed back due to the ongoing actor and writer strikes in hollywood, so now tinseltown couldld be in foror exceptptionally b busy a awards season. the emmys date is a week after
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golden globes and one day after the critics choice awards. and actors are picketing at the alameda labor counsel's building in oakland. in oakland. that's this addition o (wheezing)g) asthmama isn't t pretty. it's the momement when you realizize that a g good day. is about t to become a a bad o. but thenen, i remembmbered ththat the wororld is so muchch bigger ththan th, with trerelegy. becaususe one dosese a day helps s keep my asasthma sympts ununder controrol. and with 3 3 medicineses in 1 i inhaler, trtrelegy helplps improvee lung f function so i c can breathehe easier for a fufull 24 hoururs. trelegegy won't t replace a rescscue inhalerer for r sudden brereathing proro. trelegy cocontains a m medicie that i increases r risk of hospipitalizationons and deh from a asthma proboblems when used d alone. when this s medicine i is usd with an ininhaled cortrticoste, like in trtrelegy, thehere is t a sisignificant t increased dk of these e events. do not t take trelegegy morere than presescribed. trtrelegy may y increase r rk of thrush h and infectctions. get ememergency cacare for serious s allergic r reaction.
12:59 pm
see yoyour doctor r if your asa does not i improve or r gets w. ♪ what a a wonderful l world♪ ask yoyour doctor r about ononce-daily t trelegy foror as- becacause breaththing shshould be bebeautiful. from prom m dresses to w workouts ask yoyour doctor r about ononce-daily t trelegy foror as- and d new adventnt res you hopepe the more e you ge the lessss they'llll miss. but t even if yoyour teen ws vavaccinated againsnst meningititis in thet ththey may be e missing vavaccin for meniningitis b.. although u uncommon, up to o 1 in 5 sururvivors f meniningitis wilill have lolong term coconsequences. now asas you'rere thinking gt all the e vaccines y your tn might t need makeke sure you u ask your d r if y your teen i is missingg meniningitis b v vaccinatio.
1:00 pm
today on access daily, ryan gosling may be just ken, but he's burning up the billboard charts. and it's national s'mores day. oh! we've got a tiktok recipe everybody swears by. that's what i'm talking about. not yet, not yet. access daily starts now. [chuckling] [cheering]


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