tv First Look NBC August 20, 2023 1:03am-1:33am PDT
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new frfrench dip s sandwiches feataturing frfresh artisasan b piled highgh with tendnder roast bebeef, smothehered with m melty provovolone cheeeese and seserved with h hot au ju fofor dipping.g. try y the roast t beef or papasi frenench dips totoday only at togo's [upbeat music] paige desorbo (voiceover): for decades, new york h has been a a leadr in progresess and innovation. i moved to new york in 2015 with no idea what i was going to o d, and that's why i l love new yoy. new york essssentially t tels yoyou what's g going to hahap. alsoso, new yorkrk is stunnin. the skyscrapers, the lights. there's no place in the world that has the energy that new york city has. new york is the next generation city because there's alwlways people c cultivatingng thing, coming u up with newew ideas,
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collababorating wiwith each ot. whether yoyou look for trendsetting art, groundbrbreaking fasashion, oror game-changing sports, everery borough h offers anan exciting g experiencec. i'm m paige desosorbo. join me on a journey to celebrate my favorite city and explore the neighborhood and technology s shaping it.. this is the next generation of new york. [upbeat music] [vocalizing] (singing) gonna give up and meet my, but meet my-- paige desorbo: you may be used to viewing art hanging on the walls, but that's all changing. inin new york k city's chelelsea market, artechchouse actuaually putsts you insidide the art, whicich is sometething i feel likeke i can get behinind. [upbpbeat music]c] here we go!
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this is insane. guide:e: this is a grounund-breg exhibitition, becaususe it's rey showing the arts and science come together wiwith the helelp of technhno. paige desorbo: and it all begins with a 3d model of a neuron in the b brai. thisis is a compmpletely different t art experience than i've ever had. it almost feels like youou're floatiting and the roroom is turning wiwith you. for ththree years,s, artechouss prprolific artrtists joinened s withth the socieiety of neururoe to creatate life of f a neuro, an unforgegettable 20-minute experience that guides viewers through a human life from birth to aging. the ststory of whahat's realy happenining in our b brains anand how can n we tell thtt storory to the 2 21st century audience in a very innovative and scientifically c correct wa? ththe neuron i itself, the 3d mododel, it tooook about 10 y years to puput toget. yeahah.
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paige desosorbo: oh, m my go. - believe e it or not.t. other ththan, like, , complai. anytyth- yeah. 10 yearars, you and me both. [lauaughter] paige e desorbo (voiceovover): this s approah tatakes you frfrom being a passive e viewer to an acactive partiticipant. it's f frowned upopon at othr museumums to touchch the art. but hehere, we'ree immersrsing ourselves. whatat is this? guide: it's a giant eye. it's very difficicult to miss. so a common miscsconception ns thatat the eye i is what givivs visision, when i in realitity, the eyeye is more of a a gateway t to the brbrain, whichch is why hehe yoyou can see e we're upsiside. - wow. i wish i p paid attentntion momore in scieience class.. - [laughs]s] - but t it's ok. guidide: you andnd me, both. paige dedesorbo: --b-because i'm learnining it now.w. guide:e: exactly.. yeah.. soso these numumbers hehere, that's's how fastt your eye, , in real lilife-- corrrrect. --is decoding light? yeah. it allll happens i in, like, a split t nanosecondnd. i i appreciatete these brbrown eyes s so much moro. [laughs]s] guide: growing up in a family of artists, for me, wawas always t to-- what c can i do toto bring te future of the art t today?
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we were nenever intererested o showcasising yesterdrday's ar, but we wanted to showcasase tomomorrow's artrt today, so- ohoh, i love t that. paige desorbo: ok. so the best part of the day-- guide: y yes. paigige desorbo:o: --drinks. guide: drinks, drinks. [gentle music] paige desorbo: that looks amazingng. thank you. guide: cheheck this out.t. paigige desorbo:o: oh, wow.. paige desosorbo (voiceceover: the digitatal art expeperiene comes toto life in p physical form, trtransformingng your a average cococktail ino a magigical mastererpiece. this i is xr, so i it's anan extended d reality. so i it's meant t for the auaue toto interact t at the bar. and each o of the cockcktails s this k kind of, lilike, the sty behind thahat, what ththe chocololate and ththe coffee does t to our braiain, for insn. paige e desorbo: i i love thi. it's verery cool. [digital whirring] guide: what makes usus? it's's our expererience. right.t. and whatat's our expxperienc? it's a actually ththe neurons t arare happenining in our h heat makes us w who we are. paigige desorbo:o: and i feel like t this is the futurure of museumsms and of lelearnin.
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it's so interactive. guide: absolutely. i feelel like i learned d more todayay than i i did all o of high sch. ababsolutely. and that's's the goal,l, righ? to get i inspired. [gentle e music] every bubusiness deserves a a great deaeal. that's whyhy comcast b busins is lauaunching thehe mobile m made free e event. with ourur businesss ininternet, nenew and exisisg cucustomers cacan geget one yearar of unlimimd momobile for f free. it's our b best internrnet. powered byby the nextt geneneration 10g0g network ad wiwith 99.9% r reliabilityt. it's's the mobilile made fre mo evevent-happenening now.y. get t started fofor st $49.99 9 a month. plusus, ask how w to get onene line of f unlimited d mobil. comcast t business,s, poweriring possibibilities. i'm ororlando and i'm liliving with h hiv.
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i don't hahave to worrrry about dailily hiv pilllls bebecause i swswitched to evevery-other-m-month caben. for adulults who arere unundetectablele, cabenunuva is the e only comple longng-acting hihiv treatmt yoyou can get t every otheher . cabenunuva is the e only comple longng-acting hihiv treatmt it's t two injectitions m a hehealthcare p provider. cabenunuva is the e only comple longng-acting hihiv treatmt now w when i havave people o , hiv pilllls aren't o on my . dodon't receive cabebenuva if youou're allergrgic to itsts ingredienents, or if yoyou're takining certaiain medicinenes, which mamay interactct wiwith cabenuvuva. seririous side e effects ince allelergic reactctions, which mamay interactct wiwith cabenuvuva. post-injecection reactction, which mamay interactct wiwith cabenuvuva. livever problemsms, and dedepression.. if youou have a rarash and or allergrgic reactioion sympto, stopop cabenuva a and get medical hehelp right a awa. tetell your dodoctor ifif you have e liver probobs or m mental healalth conce, and ifif you are p pregn, breaeastfeeding,g, or consisidering preregnanc. and ifif you are p pregn, breaeastfeeding,g, some of f the most c common siside effectsts include ininjection-sisite reactitions, fevever, and tiriredness. include ininjection-sisite reactitions, if you s switch to c cabenu, include ininjection-sisite reactitions, attendnd all treaeatment appopointmen. it feels g good to jususte in thehe moment. attendnd all treaeatment appopointmen. with e every-otherer-month cabenunuva, i'm gogood to go. asask your dococtor about cabenuvava today.
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asask your dococtor about cabenuvava today. paige desorbo (voiceover): chinatown is one of new york's oldldest neighbhborhoo. since ththe mid-180000s, it h has been filled with vibrant culture, delicious cuisine, and fascinating discoveries. but the pandemic and misguided rhetoric impmpacted its colorful streets' vibrancy. reporter: : so far this year,r, the nypd says there have been at least 10 reports of anti-asian hate crimes. paige desorbo (voiceover): ththankfully, , a new genenern of asianan-americansns are rallg totogether to o spark renened interestst in their r communi. chinatown n is known as a bacachelor sociciety. and ththat's becauause of the 1882 c chinese excxclusion ac. papaige desorbrbo (voiceovov: the e mott streeeet girls s are bringiging a nenew understatanding
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to t the neighboborhood's history y and futurere. paige dedesorbo: so o how did u get t started with t the tour? so me anand anna, wewe were volunteer r tour guidedes at a local museum in chinatown. unfortunately, february 2020, we all know what happenened. a globobal pandemimic struruck new yorork city. and d we had thehe idea t to maybe brining our tours s onto the s strees ofof manhattanan chinatownw. thatat's how motott strereet got statarted. look at hohow decadentnt these cacakes are! like, the e pikachu cacake? like, ohoh my god! paigige desorbo:o: when you do thehe tours, you u obviously y have to cocot with all t the small b busines. what a are some ofof, like, te chalallenges thahat they fac? language a and technonological babarriers. as well as during the pandemic, there's lack of federal aid in the community. chloe chan: and you might think that, like, oh, the pandemic is over, righght? thesese businesssses are stil struruggling to o survive. paige desorbo (voiceover): but thisis father anand son have made it their mission to help local restaurants affffectd by the pandemic not only survivive but thrhrive by creatating the mott strtreet eatery,
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chinatown'n's first fofood cou. when this place closed down, i totold my dad,d, you know, rents are e so expensisive. i think ththe only wayay this pe would d survive, i if it was, ,, a a food courtrt and make et affofordable foror restaurans to open upup. and he saiaid that was a greaeat idea. paige desorbo: do you feel like this is the nexext generatition of f? yeyeah. i thinink for, likike, new york city y especiallyly, just go o to the fooood cour. get t different t things and stay a at the sameme table as fririends, famimily. so briringing eveverything i into one rorf and come i in and enjojoy it. what c can i make e for you? paige e desorbo (v(voiceover: one ofof its newesest residens is chef jiro, who has tantalized palates at domo sushi in tribecaca for almosost 20 ye. today,y, he has a a new addre. so h how did youou get inin mott strereet eatery? veryry sad to clclose inin 2020, october. it means s so, you knonow-- paige e desorbo: s so many emom. yeah. so m many emotioions. - - that's gooood. chchef jiro: y yeah. so allll your clieients founund you, andnd-- chchef jiro: v very-- papaige desorbrbo: --now they come e here. chefef jiro: verery exciting.
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very h happy. one dooror closed. one dodoor gonna be openen. right?t? that's's my favoririte one. chloe chan: food, itit brings us a senense of comfmfort, a a sense of h home. like, i reremember eveven growingng up, our r favorite activityty as a famimily was toto come to c chinatown ey weweekend to g get our groroce, to get the resestaurants h he. i've neverer had shshrimp for b breakfast. [l[laughter] and whatat's your favoririte st? itit's so hardrd to pick. dodo you have e one? yeahah. small l businesseses like k k.k. discouount isis, like, imimportant, crucial l to the comommunity. ken:n: hey. hehello. i'm m paige. ken: oh, n nice to meeeet yo. - nicece to meet y you. - - ken. it usesed to be, like, a a general ststore. so they so-- like, they're known as like the target of chinanatown. paigige desorbo o (voiceover: a staple foror over 30 y year, k.k. disiscount has s been a a cultural c cornerstonee of c chinatown, , its shelves stacked highgh with tradaditi. paige e desorbo: w why are so many ththings red?? ththis is veryry importantt in chihinese culture. red memeans lucky.y. suppososing your b birthday-- -t some money in a a red envelolo. that meansns that moneney is t the lucky f for you.
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don't put t it in a whitite envelopepe. ok. ken:n: that meanans it's inin the envelelope. oh, my g god. i feelel like i'veve done that in ththe past. paige e desorbo (voiceovover): the s store has anan abundancece of offeferings, butut its mostt important t commodity y is fam. [laughter]r] woman: h hi! - hellllo! - how arare you doining? - ohoh, yeah. hi. how arare you doining? very n nice to meeeet you. i'm paige.e. hi, paigige. how are e you? - - i've heardrd a lot abobout. i'i'm sure my y dad hahas told you a lot. yes, butut there's e even ananother geneneration, littttle miss chchinatown, n n. woman:n: nalia. paige desosorbo: she's's beauti. woman:n: and she's's almostst four yearars old. paige desorbo: wow. the reason why i started her account was becaususe it ws an o opportunityty for me toto e to show w what it's s like toe atat a mom andnd pop storer. startiting small a and then know how grandndpa makes m mon. not so easy. you know, working hard to make-- this is a kind of teteaching, riright, you cannotot learn frorom scho. - it's's a true familyly busin. - yeah.. right, r right. yes. whwhat's your r favorite p pt abouout giving t the tours??
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honestlyly, just building c community,, lilike, gettining to know w te small busisiness ownerers, ththeir storieies as welll as cononnect with h guests from all over the world. man: my great-grandfather and my grandfather, they came over here. [flute music] it was a little historic. it was a little bit like we wanted to preserve manhatattan chinatatown. chchinatown isis a goodod area, i think. wewe are new y york city.. ken: i t talk to my y custome, give t them them b before. now w they come e in. say, oh, y you're not t my cust. theyey say, whatat? i say nonow, you arere to be mymy friend. [flutete music]
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soso why do wewe leave so o h untatapped potenential on ththe? ththis is a nenext level b , fofor a next l level you.. my circadidian rhythm m is kicg your c circadian r rhythms bu! it's's not a comompetition. i knowow, but i'mm still l winning! so, it is s a competitition. save 50%0% on the slsleep numr limiteted edition n smart be. plus, freeee home delilivery whwhen you adddd a base. shop now o only at sleep numbmber. paige desorbo (voiceover): harlem is a revolutionary destination, famously known as the black mecca of t the world.. fromom the harlelem renaisissance, thehe apollo, and the iconic globetrotters, this historical neighborhood overflows s with creatativit. and d now, it's s influencinine next genereration on t the ic.
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[upbeaeat music] welcomome to ice hocockey in ha. boy:y: come on!! you gogot this! you gogot this! narratator: and exexecutive directoror malik garvinn isis at the foforefront ofoft alall, carryining on the l ley of g greats likeke willie o'ree, w who broke t the nhls color barrier in 1958. malik garvin: i started playing ice hockey at the age of threee. paige desorbo: wow. can you even stand at three, especially on ice? [laughs] it was tough, but it was something that i endured, and i i loved it.. i alalso went toto school hee attached to the scschoolyard.. paige dedesorbo: oh,h, wow. if y you look atat the bottotf ththese rectanangles in ththe , they kinind of resememble a a hockey netet. so we e would alwaways callll up our frfriends inin the neighghborhood whwhoe also in icice hockey i in harl. we'd p pick a squauare in the back cororner over t there, and wewe would plalay hockey. it was g game on. papaige desorbo o (voiceoverer)h a missioion to open n new doos for promising young people from his community, he w works tirelelessly to provide e an alternanative spo. malik garvin: so our program is completely free of charge.
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everything i h have, whichch makes s ice hockeyey in harle, including a great education. and i knew that there were kids in this neighborhood whoho coud have simililar outcomemes to whi had ifif they had d proper guiue and ststuck with i it in the classroooom and on the ice.. paigige desorbo o (voiceover: muchch like malilik, leah and her r brother, b blaze, are among g many youthths tht haveve reaped ththe rewardrds of the p program. [upbeat mumusic] blaze: come on, come on, come on. yoyou got this! yoyou got thisis! i i know how y you only have a fewew seconds l left! befofore this, i i wouldn'tt have i imagine evever skskating on t the ice. likeke, i thoughght that was like a a fantasy o or a drea, but thisis is, like,e, really c. i liteterally feelel like i'm glidining and flying on n the . i feelel like it's's a really exquisisite experirience that m nonot gonna geget anywherere . nice! yoyou've got t to celebrata. that w was awesomeme. paige dedesorbo (voioiceover: and leahah's mom isis truly proud of ththe progs her dadaughter hasas made. motherer: this expxperience has beenen invaluablble. my d daughter isis a good ortp she's coacaching. she's volunteering her t time. they actctually got t to meetet willie o'o'ree. my kids have definitely been bitten by the hockey bug.
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paige desorbo: that's a a lot of kikids. instructor: yes, we've got a lot of kids who are getting ready y for practitice here fr our learn n to skate g group, over 6 60 kids whoho never skad bebefore the s season starar. paige desorbo (voiceover): stepep one, leararning the g . instructor: we've got shoulder pads s here, glgloves and a another shihin. all right? where's your neck guard? girl: can you help me with my shouldlder pad? i would d love to. i i don't knowow if i know how t to do it, so y you tell meme if i'i'm doing it rigight. where e does this one go?? back herere? that i is like the top one. are you sure? girl: yes. paige dedesorbo: i think we're doining it wrongng. look. shshe's doing g it like thth. i know. i totold you thihis goeses on undernrneath. ok. paige e desorbo: o ok. [laughs] now, i'i'm sweatingng i hahaven't evenen done anytythin. paige dedesorbo (voioiceover: step twowo, suit up. paige e desorbo: t this bag g is massiveve. this is s my weekendnd bag. [laughghs] you want t to start frfrom te bottom andnd go all ththe way . there e you go.
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peperfect. this i is a lot ofof work. malik garvrvin: a lot t of wo. there we g go. now you got it. malik, if f i break a a nail- uh-oh. --i-it's your f fault. i fel like i i'm being c crowned. mamalik garvinin: all righg. looking g like a hocockey play. paige desosorbo (voiceceover: ststep three, , hit the ici. papaige desorbrbo: thanank you so m much. oh, my g god. you'rere so good a and i'm so . instructoror: rememberer your h hockey posisition. come on,n, hockey ststance! wewe're gonna a do some fufn drilills with ththe stick. the ststick alwaysys has to e where e you have i it right n, and d that's thehe steeringg wheel fofor your scocooter. yoyou guys evever drive a scooteter before?? childrdren: yeah!! instructctor: ah! anand now, pusush like thih. whwhat? ininstructor: push! this i is the hardrdest ththing i've e ever done! malik gagarvin: yeahah. you cacan turn youour foot. oh! mamalik garvinin: oh! and now, w we learn hohow to ge. wow. these e really wororked. i'm ouout of breatath, and i've gone e three stepeps. i've already fallen more than every chihild here. ooh! - all riright. turn around. this i is hard. come helelp me!
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malalaya: do an n l. and theheh the e foot and t then push b . thatat foot's gogonna push b . ok. ohoh, that helelped! you're a g good teacher, malal. thesese kids defefinitely know what t they're dodoing. they knonow their ststuff. ininstructor: : ok, kids.. cocome on. get baback togetheher in aligng. sorrrry. i'm sorry.y. i have to o get back t to cla. paigige desorbo o (voiceoverer)r a day of h hockey, i m may be s, but t my heart i is warm wiwith the lovove radiatinig from everyry kid on ththe ic. instructctor: you guguys dida really a awesome jobob today. let't's bring itit in. 1, 2, 3! all: [cheeriring] wowoman: yeah.h. [cheheering] so did y you ever think ththat you werere gonnnna be an icice hockey mo? motherer (voiceovever): no. icice hockey w wasn't on my radadar at all.. my introductction to icece hockeyey is througugh these ki. paige dedesorbo: yeses. but now,w, i am forr sure a a hockey momom. i feel this is where he s should be i in life. he's's able to t teach otherers whwhat he leararned in thehe pr. narratoror: ice hohockey in haharlem is equiuipping the next geneneratn for a fufuture of popossibilit.
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they're lelearning life more thahan the gameme. malilik was so r right whenn he said d the kids r really learn toto fall and d get back. and i'm soso proud of f how they p put on all l their gea. they're ready to go. they get out on the ice they. do what the e coaches tetell t. they f fall and ththey get t right backck up. [upbeat mumusic] [vocalizing] every bubusiness deserves a a great deaeal. that's whyhy comcast b busins is lauaunching thehe mobile m made free e event. with ourur businesss ininternet, nenew and exisisg cucustomers cacan geget one yearar of unlimimd momobile for f free. it's our b best internrnet. powered byby the nextt geneneration 10g0g network ad wiwith 99.9% r reliabilityt. plus one l line of freree momobile for a an entire y y. it's's the mobilile made fre evevent-happenening now.
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introducucing togo's's new frech dip p sandwicheses. feataturing fresesh artisan n d piled hihigh with tendnder roast b beef, smothered d with meltyty provolonone cheese,, just enougugh chipotlele mayo and d served witith hot au j for dippining. try ththe roast bebeef or pasti french d dips today.y. onlyly at togogo's. paige desorbo (voiceover): fashion is one of my first loves, so it only makes sense that new
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york citity makes mymy heart s. from t the iconic c runway shows to 7th avenue, new york's influence dates back to the 1800s, when it was the nation's largest garment manufacturer. today, tailored, in brooklyn's industry city, is reviving new york's manufacturing legacy. so everything here is made from a 3d printer? shop ownwner: yes. yeah. ok. how? a 3d knitttting machine. so cute! right? papaige desorbrbo: how iss 3d pririnting differenent frfrom regularar manufactutur? so in typipical manufafacturi, especialally with swsweaters, you're producing at least 300 or 500 i items at a a tim. paige desorbo: oh, wow.. shop ownerer (voiceovever): wee created d a softwarere to go with ourur 3d knittiting machi. so is thisis what everery designgner sees whwhen they lol? shopop owner: yeyes. paigige desorbo:o: ok. shop o owner: yeahah. they havave access t to the whole platform. it follows them from development t through prproduct. wewe're reallyly utilizingnge effefectiveness s of the 3dd
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knitting machihine, plplus our sofoftware soso that you u don't havee to carryry any invenentory. paige desosorbo: if you haveve the ideaa of somethihing you wanant in your closet,t, you can m make . like, yoyou can evenen make bathing suits. shopop owner: yeyes. yeahah. maybe we'l'll go sosomewhere trtropical. [l[laughs] papaige desorbrbo: how manay desisigners do y you work wiw? wewe have overer 60 brand partnersrs signed up rigight n. wow.w. shop ownerer: we havee yumi, , who came i in. and she e got superr inspirired by all the styles that we have here. paige dedesorbo (voioiceover): i nunu is a singnger, songwrwri, and model who has graced the covers of "vogue hong kong" and "sports illustrated." now, she's adding fashion designer to her resume with her line, blueki. what made you decide to become a fashion designer? i i think i jujust hit a w wl as a customer and as a model. and i've t tried so mamany plus-s-size options for clototh. papaige desorbrbo: the fabrics yoyou chose really a are so comfmfortabl. yumimi nu: thanknk you.
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paigige desorbo:o: so when you walklked into tatailored, were youou just likeke, yep, ththis is wherere i belongn? yeah, definitely. i really like that they have such a range of possibility here. it's, like, scarves and basic sweaters, but then they also could make something with a-- paige desorbo: cutout. --a cutouout in the arm and d thumb holeles. oh, i dididn't evenn see ththe thumb hoholes. yeyes. i'm a big g thumb holeles pers. yeahah, me, too.o. paige desosorbo (voiceceover): r gushshing over y yumi's desis, i'm inspspired. so i i'm off to o the factory floor r for a clososer look. wow. this is incrcredible. there's so many machineses. yeah. paige e desorbo: s so manyny people woworking. shshop owner: so oncnce your customers s place yourur orde, itit goes intoto knitting.. it comeses from thee yarn o on the conene, right t through ththe machin. and then i it'll go toto a qualality controrol, fininishing, wasashing, drying, ststeaming-- wow.w. --and packing and then drop p shipping right to y your customomer. it's increredible. shshop owner: : so as an o ordes in of f one piece e or 100 pie, it gets s a qr code.e. and that q qr code travels with it thrhrough the w whole produdn
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prococess so we e can track kh stagage as it's s happening. each thrhread goes t through ts machine intoto the feededers, ovover the neeeedles. oh, my gosh. so rememember, i m mentioned grandma a knitting?? yes. ththis is likeke thousasands of thehem. paige e desorbo: t thousands of grandmamas are in h here. shop owner: thousands of grandmas are right in here. exactly. it takes a about an hohour fr the whole e process toto come . oh, , wow. paige desosorbo (voiceceover: with my y garment inin hand, i amam ready foror a fashionon. honestly, , this shoululd hae been my outfit for the day. i knowow. wellll, then youou can-- - i i love it. - --walklk out of hehere with . - you werere right abobout th- - yeah. - --thumb b holes. - especialally this onone. it jusust feels gogood. it feeeels really y good. paige desorbo: do you feel like the 3d printing is c changing ththe fashion n ? yeah. i ththink defininitely incororpg technolology as it p progresss ininto fashionon and seeiningw it could h help minimimize wae anand fix thesese problemsmsd hoholes in thehe fashion i indy
1:30 am
that a are causingng a lot of f. shopop owner: tytypically, you go i into a factctory and d it's just t piled wiwith clotheses everywhere. right. yeah. it's very y neat and clean. it's very neat because we're not overproducing. paige e desorbo: r right. shop owner: wewe're just t tryg to mak ththings as efefficiently as possiblble, as costst effecty as p possible and with no wast. paige e desorbo (v(voiceover: by blelending fashshion and ininnovation, i am sure the n next generaration ofof designersrs and fashihions will be e on trend.. itit's been almost 10 years, and i'm still l in awe of f new york c. the fututure of fashshion, ar, and community isis bright alal you have to o do is go out andnd explore what the next generation has in store. [upbeat music]
1:33 am
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