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tv   Today  NBC  October 3, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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list and she's never held public office before. most recently she's been living out of the state, but maintaining her home in southern california, which allows her to meet the qualifications. she's already announced plans to re-register here. meanwhile, tomorrow and thursday in san francisco, mourners will be able to pay their respects to the late dianne feinstein. tomorrow her body will lie in state at city hall from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. her funeral will take place thursday at 1:00 p.m. on the steps of city hall. that ceremony has been changed to be open to the public. we will broadcast it live on air, as well as ♪♪ good tuesday morning. and it's one that is filled with relief for the familiar hi of a young girl here in new york. >> indeed it is. a rare, happy ending after a frightening ordeal. it is october 3rd.
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this is "today." ♪♪ safe and sound. the 9-year-old girl abducted while riding her bike in a new york state park now back with her family. >> this is pretty overwhelming because all of us feared the worst. >> this morning, the clue that led to her remarkable rescue and the suspect in her mysterious disappearance. we'll have the very latest. breaking overnight, a texas congressman carjacked at gunpoint just blocks from capitol hill. what he is saying as cities across the country face a sharp rise in violent crimes. power struggle. house speaker kevin mccarthy facing an historic recall vote, the first in more than a century as a battle erupts inside the republican party. >> all he really does is break his word with conservatives. >> the speaker saying, bring it on. a live report from washington straight ahead. facing the judge. donald trump in court for the opening of that $250 million
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civil trial over alleged fraud by the former president and his company. >> no one is above the law. >> what we have here is an attempt to hurt me in an election. >> this morning the evidence against him and the potential impact on the presidential race. those stories -- plus, back at it. >> i heard you missed us. we're back! >> inside the overnight return of late night tv and what it could mean for the rest of your favorite shows and movies. and domination. ♪♪ >> this was picked. back the other way witherspoon. devin witherspoon, six points. >> seattle defense coming up big. the seahawks crush the giants, wrapping up another action-packed week in the nfl, today, tuesday, october 3rd, 2023. ♪♪ from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie
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and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning. welcome to "today." so happy you are joining us on this tuesday morning. wow, it was seattle's night, wasn't it? >> big time. what a game. and there wasn't even a taylor swift sighting. by the way, that taylor swift game on sunday night on nbc, the biggest rating for any sunday show since the super bowl. >> are you kidding? >> yeah, there is a taylor effect. >> there is indeed. something else we saw overnight, which was the return of late night. the hosts back on their desks after five months away because of the writer's strikes. we'll bring that you in a little moment. but, first, we want to start with that good news from the family of the 9-year-old girl who vanished during a weekend bike ride in upstate new york. >> officials said she was found unharmed and in good health. a suspect in her disappearance now in custody after police traced a fingerprint that was
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found on a ransom note in her mailbox. >> nbc's kathy park joins us with the very latest. kathy, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning to you. the massive search for charlotte sena lasted two days. at one point, there were 400 people here at this park looking for the young girl. this morning she is safe and with her family. even though a suspect is in custody, officials say the investigation is far from over. this morning, 9-year-old charlotte sena is back with her family after vanishing from a weekend camping trip in upstate new york. >> we're overcome with are leaf and gratitude for this gift to all of us. >> reporter: authorities managed to track down and arrest 47-year-old craig nelson ross jr. after they recovered a ransom note that had been dropped off at charlotte's family home early monday morning. >> he literally drove up to the family's mailbox, assuming they were not home, leaving the critical piece of evidence behind, his own fingerprint.
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>> reporter: police entering that fingerprint into their database, discovering a match for a dwi in 1999. in the city of saratoga. according to police, investigators searched multiple residences before closing in. >> they found a double wide house with a woman, the suspect's mother. the suspect lived in the camper behind. they had what they call a dynamic entry. >> reporter: around 6:32 p.m., police had the suspect in custody and immediately located charlotte in the camper physically unharmed inside a cupboard. >> she knew she was being rescued. she knew that she was in safe hands. >> reporter: what was some of the biggest take-aways from this search? >> things can happen in an instant. charlotte was no more than probably two tenths of a mile from where she was camping. >> reporter: the massive search for charlotte lasting two days, involving more than 400 personnel. charlotte's family reported her
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missing saturday evening, when she never returned to their campsite from a bike ride. >> we got a miracle. >> reporter: the news of her charlotte's safe homecoming turned a planned vigil monday night into prayers answered. >> if you could say something to charlotte right now, what would you say? >> honey, welcome home. >> well said. welcome home. so, kathy, let's talk for a minute about this suspect. what do we know about him? does he have any criminal record? >> reporter: well, hoda, the os was arraigned overnight. he's facing a kidnapping charge, being held without bail currently at the saratoga county jail. the next court appearance is set for october 17th. authorities last night released a few more details saying his home address actually registered two miles from charlotte's home. right now it is unclear if he knew the young girl or if he knew the family. still a lot of questions this morning. meanwhile, a family member posted overnight this message,
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thanking all of the different agencies who worked tirelessly to bring charlotte home, writing -- god is good. hoda? >> amen. >> all right, kathy park for us this morning with good news. kathy, thank you. we t over a u.s. congressman was carjacked. it happened just blocks from capitol hill. ryan nobles is on this story. ryan, what more do we know about this? >> reporter: yeah, savannah. good morning. this was democratic congressman henry cuellar of texas in the victim of the armed carjacking in the navy yard neighborhood of washington, d.c.,come is just about a mile from the capitol. last night his chief of staff issuing a statement that the congressman cuellar was parking his car when three armed assailants approached the congressman and stole his vehicle. luckily he was not harmed and is working with local law enforcement. now police were able to recover that car. it was about two miles from where the incident took place. and right now they say that congressman cuellar is working with law enforcement, but so far no arrests have been made.
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that's according to two sources. to nbc washington. savannah? >> and, ryan, we have been hearing about cities dealing with violent crime. washington, d.c. no exception. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, savannah. in fact, they say that violent crime is up 40% in the nation's capitol. that's according to metro police and carjackings, which congressman cuellar was the victim of, are up 100%. in fact, it's become such an issue that congress held a briefing last month for members and their staffs to help them keep safe in washington, d.c. of course, this is the second incident involving a member of congress this year. you may remember angie craig was attacked in her apartment building at the time when the chief of staff said they did not believe the attack was politically motivated. but these incidents just raising concerns about safety in the nation's capitol. savannah? >> ryan nobles, thank you very much. let's move to an extraordinary move on capitol hill that landed house speaker kevin mccarthy in the political fight of his life. fellow republican matt gaetz
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filing a motion to remove mccarthy from his leadership position over what he calls a long list of broken promises to conservatives. nbc senior capitol hill correspondent garrett haake has details on this. hey, garrett, good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda, good morning. we witnessed something last night that hasn't happened in more than a century. a member of the house formally demanding a vote to remove the speaker from power. it's the latest dramatic escalation of a gop civil war that could end with the most powerful elected republican in the country out of his job. overnight a bitter republican rivalry rising from the house floor to the history books. >> resolved that the house of the speaker of the house of representatives is declared to be vacant. >> reporter: matt gaetz forcing a vote in the next 48 hours whether house speaker kevin mccarthy will remain in power. >> kevin mccarthy likes to pretend he makes coalition with
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conservatives. all he does is break his words with conservatives. >> reporter: gaetz accusing the speaker of working with republicans to delay a government shutdown this weekend and of making a secret side deal on ukraine funding, which he is opposes. mccarthy on monday denying any such deal exists and urging gaetz and his allies not to vote against him. >> i do not think it's good for the house, this institution or this country. >> reporter: afterwards, mccarthy projecting confidence on social media, posting simply, bring it on. while the vast majority of house republicans say they support mccarthy. >> i am supporting kevin mccarthy as i have throughout and will continue to do so. >> reporter: the house's narrow margins which contributed to the historic 15 votes it took to elect mccarthy as speaker -- >> that was easy, huh? >> reporter: also mean democrats will have a significant voice in whether mccarthy maintains his gavel. democratic leaders saying they made no decisions yet on how
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they'll vote. >> this is lose-lose proposition. and democrats will remain firm we are here to do the work that people sent us here to do. >> reporter: what happens now? well there's one challenge for gaetz and his allies. if not mccarthy, who? there is still no clear backup candidate who could get the votes necessary to become the next speaker if mccarthy is voted out. the house has to schedule that vote in the next 48 hours. hoda? >> garrett haake for us there at the capitol. garrett, thank you. much more to get to. craig joins us now. what's going on? >> hey, savannah, hoda. good morning. good morning to you as well. the 250 million civil fraud trial against donald trump, his sons and his company is getting back underway after the former president himself appeared in court on day one. nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarrett is following that case for us. laura, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, craig, good morning to you. the country had a rare peek into that courtroom as opening statements began in the trial as
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the former president sat stone face listening to the attorney general's office, arguing that year after year he inflated his net worth. mr. trump's own words, documents, even his signature now pieces of evidence. with the future of his name sake company on the line, donald trump is preparing once again to appear in a manhattan courtroom where he spent hours on monday listening, as the state's attorney general accused him of a long-running scheme to inflate his assets per financial gain. >> no matter how powerful you are, no matter how much money you think you may have, no one is above the law. >> reporter: the state beginning to lay out its evidence scrolling through a power point of facts to be introduced in this months-long trial and deposition clips from mr. trump, his long-time chief financial officer and his sons who all denied they and the company did anything wrong. >> i don't think i ever had any involvement in the statement of financial condition. >> reporter: while just steps from the courtroom, mr. trump fought back against allegations of fraud and lies.
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treating the first day of his civil fraud trial almost as a campaign stop. >> every time they give me a fake indictment, i go up in the polls. >> reporter: hurling attacks at the judge, who already found him liable, and will determine the penalty he faces >> this judge should be disbarred. >> reporter: and the attorney general. >> this trial could have been brought years ago, but they waited until i was right in the middle of my campaign. >> reporter: mr. trump blasting the suit which accuses the trump organization and its executives of doctoring the company's financial statements for better loan terms, as a case with no real victim. >> banks got a fortune. got paid money back. >> reporter: as his team blasted out fund-raising appeals. >> laura, this is a bench trial. that means the judge will decide whether mr. trump is liable or not. president trump called the lack of a jury unfair, but that is the defense's choice, isn't it >> exactly he could have asked for a jury, but he chose not to.
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his lawyers instead deciding to gamble it with the judge, making it all the more curious that the former president continues to lambaste the judge will not only decide the remaining claims but will actual decide the penalty he faces in this case, savannah. >> laura, we'll keep our eye on it thank you. the seahawks getting defensive against the giants on >> this one is picked, bac monday night football. >> this was picked back the other way, witherspoon. devin witherspoon cuts back. what a night for the rookie. you think they love him in seattle? how about six points touchdown witherspoon! no flags >> devin witherspoon, 97 yard interception return for the touchdown, seattle seahawks go on to win it, 24-3 a lot of disappointed giants fans in new york. >> it would be nice. >> i said nothing but net. >> nothing but net. >> the middle of it.
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i was trying to hold it together. >> you know what i mean? it kind of goes. >> it would be nice if new york had one good football team right now, just one. >> you know where you live, right? >> i know. truth is truth fact is fact. >> hey, mr. roker. >> hi, al. >> hi, good to see you guys. even though we're talking football, it's more like summertime between severe weather and temperatures throughout for today, stretching from the dakotas down to texas, we have the possibility of hail, wind gusts of 60 miles per hour and we could see a few tornadoes, especially central kansas on down into parts of oklahoma. tomorrow, we move down into texas with storm damages possibly hail, wind gusts of 60 miles per hour the good news is the tornado risk is low, but we're talking a lot of rain out of this system hourly rain rates, 1 to 1.5 inches per hour from ft. stockton to texarkana, oklahoma on into arkansas and we've got unseasonably warm temperatures
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we could see from international falls to grand rapids, buffalo, bangor down to albany, we could be looking at record highs and tomorrow look at these temperatures, buffalo, 86 degrees today. minneapolis, 84. nashville, 87. norksz will be 81 degrees. 12 degrees above average tomorrow, anywhere 23 to 10 degrees above average, from mont pill yar, st. louis down to nashville and washington, d.c. but changes are coming we'll get to that in the next half hour, but we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. is not your best plan -- switch to verizon and trade in any iphone and get the new iphone 15 pro on them. (sean) what!? (jason) yup, and on an amazing network (sean) and i don't have to ruin anymore birthday parties! (jason) yeah, that ship has sailed... let's go get you the iphone. here we go, come on hon. (vo) trade in any iphone in any condition for a new iphone 15 pro on us. only on verizon.
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good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. as we go into the afternoon, we're going from nice and cool this morning to very warm for the inland valleys, with highs in the mid-80s. and the warming trend continues through thursday into friday. it's going to reach into the mid-90s. with the hotter weather also comes a high fire danger, as well as heat impact for some of the inland areas. for the end of the weekend it does start to cool off, especially for early next week, while san francisco will see and that is your lates and that is your latest weather. guys >> hoda, i wanted to make a quick correction michael pointed out the buffalo bills are a fantastic team right now. i was talking about the new york city football teams. >> all right >> okay. you see the rods forming outside. >> bill's nation got your number. >> those power house connecticut football teams >> all right. >> the jets almost won. >> yeah, they did.
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>> almost counts >> that's right. the midwest connecticut muffies, they're fantastic. >> oh, boy >> here we go. >> okay. just ahead, the star-studded return of late night tv overnight and what's next to get the push out of hollywood up and running. cloely me las has that story >> that's right. your favorite late night hosts are back they sure did have a lot to say. we'll have that for you coming up next. plus, an eye-opening look at the alarming rise of so-called deep fake videos and big stars speaking out about the way they're being used but first this is "today" on at cretors, we handcraft every batch of our delicious popcorn. like our cretors cheese and caramel mix. great on their own, even better together. try cretors, handcrafted small-batch popcorn. we made it! bmo has arrived. hello? you said it. hello to more ways to save money, grow your wealth, grow your business. just what we needed, another big bank. not so fast. how many banks do you know
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that reward you for saving every month? he's got a good point. did i mention bmo has more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined? uh, b-m-o? just "bee-mo", actually. quick question, will all this stuff fit in your car? ( ♪♪ ) should i get rid of the mug? ♪ bmo ♪
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you are going to sit down with monica lewinsky. >> yes she is here, a leading push to end cyber bullying this morning she's going to be here to open our eyes of the harmful effects of self bullying she's had a milestone birthday we'll catch up after your local news
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they switched to google tools for education because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. ( ♪♪ ) [sfx: oven ding] we make sit-down chicken... stand-up chicken... backyard chicken... oops chicken... and all-smiles chicken. if there's one thing we know, it's chicken, chicken and chicken. more choices. more wow. [sfx: oven ding] more to love. tyson. ( laughter ) milk chocolate beyond words. classic recipe by lindt. now discover the creamy, crunchy hazelnut bar by lindt. [ "am:pm" by notd begins ] how good does it feel cwhen threshold decordt. welcomes more seasonal style for less?
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when you can save on good & gather groceries in all the fall flavors. and when quality ingredients bring more to the table. when you get low prices on the latest trends. when rewards come with quality and coziness. and when you're serving up taste they love at low prices. that's totally target. good morning to you. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories, including some breaking news out of san francisco. a woman critically injured in an accident involving a self-driving cruise taxi.
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>> it happened last night at 5:00 street and market near the powell street b.a.r.t. station. at the time, police reportedly suggested a second car may be involved. overnight cruise representatives showed our investigative unit their video, and we're told the video appears to confirm the claim from cruise that its car did not strike the victim initially and it was another car that did, a black sedan, which then left the scene. the video has not yet been released. police last night would not confirm if that second car was found. cruise also claims its car had started a hard brake before making impact. >> when we first learned this accident, we sent out an alert through our nbc bay area news app. if you haven't done so, you can download it to stay informed with the latest breaking news. a live look in san francisco this morning, looking at the bay bridge. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect. a cool start to the morning. >> it's a cool start but a beautiful day. our temperatures will warm up all across the bay area.
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a little bit warmer than yesterday. headed for the mid-80s for much of the south bay. we move toward the east bay with a high of 78 degrees in oakland, while antioch will reach 88 degrees. we'll see some low to mid-80s for much of the peninsula, with palo alto headed for 84 degrees, and 70 in daly city. in san francisco, low 70s for the afternoon, while in the north bay it's going to be warm, in the mid-80s. we're going to have hotter temperatures ahead. take a look at what to expect through the end of the week with our valleys reaching into the mid-90s. also monitoring for a high fire danger through the end of the week.
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♪ hey, it was kind of weird coming back after being gone for five months. the studio was empty for so long nbc converted it to a spirit halloween.
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and that's just -- [ laughter ]. >> oh, yeah. they're popping up all over town, celebrating the welcome of the return of late night. >> sorry sorry! sorry! >> clean up, aisle one. >> this is a huge mug. it's so big. >> it says love today. you know who doesn't love today, whoever is grabbing a mop right now. >> it's too much for one person. >> thank you >> what is this? >> it's tea and it's really good >> i'm glad it wasn't this stinky drink that craig likes. >> it's really good. sorry about that. >> here is more. >> clean up. thank you, craig. >> late night tv, we got jokes, too, right there >> thank you >> all right thank you. with late night up and rung, everyone is eager to see what's up and running in hollywood. >> yes nbc's entertainment correspondent chloe melas is here with more >> we are bringing the entertainment this morning
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it is like late night right here so the scripted shows, they reassembled their writer's room. this is good news. they're beginning to crank out new episodes but the hope is to begin shooting as soon as the actor's strike can be resolved everyone is meeting in those negotiations now after the being the first to shut down when the writers guild went on strike, yes, you heard it here the late night shows are back and their hosts, they had a lot to say >> five months off, and we are back. >> reporter: late night is back after the months' long writers strike >> my writers got fresh air and sunshine, and they do not care for that. >> reporter: the hosts bringing the jokes. >> my dad called me up and said, finally i can watch kimmel again. >> it's been going on so long, i just don't know if i'll be back. >> you'll be back. >> reporter: catching up on what they missed. >> we have so much news to cover, but i'm going to sum it up in two words, taylor swift. good night, everybody. >> reporter: but sharing some heartfelt messages, too. >> i never take this show granted, but being away from it for as long as i've been away from it really hits home
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>> reporter: actors won't be promoting their shows during the strike but are allowed to talk about side shows like matthew mcconaughey promoting his new book on "tonight show. >> welcome back. welcome back >> thank you so. thank you so much. >> reporter: while on the picket line, a sense of optimism that the end could be in sight as sag aftra negotiators met with the amptp for the first time in more than 80 days >> and i think the studios finally realized they have to stop playing games. >> reporter: while the agreement the writers guild reached last week with the amptp may be a sign of progress, striking actors say they are prepared to stay out on the picket lines until their demands are met. >> we have to stick together we cannot take whatever they feel like they're giving us. >> reporter: meanwhile, with broadcast and cable shows months behind their regular schedule the race is on to get scripts ready for production writers rooms have reassembled on shows like "the simpsons. teams on abbott elementary and
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law & order starting up next week an uncertain moment in the industry with billions of dollars hanging in the balance and that producers group include nbc universal parent company comcast. but aren't we all excited for these shows to be back >> yes >> absolutely. >> that meeting in the actor strike, first of all, good that they're talking now. what about progress in the first meeting? >> i know from someone who was there yesterday, they are going to not be meeting today. they're meeting tomorrow they made some progress, but they are still far apart on key issues one of the sticking points is artificial intelligence and actors incredibly worried that their likeness could be replicated in perpetuity and how would they be compensated for that and give concept for something like that. we'll be watching and bill keeping you posted >> we know you will. thank you, chloe. >> thank you, chloe. >> just ahead, it is october 3rd. of course "mean girls" fans know what that means. we'll celebrate their special day coming up on "popstart".
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first, as mentioned, the deep fake videos that has stars sounding the alarm over ai imposters. jacob soboroff looking >> more recreations than ever and they are better than ever. we'll tell you who is sbpeaking out and what they're saying. that is coming up right after this you need pantene's miracle rescue deep conditioner. it's filled with pro-vitamins to help hair lock in moisture, visibly repairing six months of damage in just one use, with no weigh-down. guaranteed, or your money back. for hair that looks healthy and stays healthy. if you know, you know it's pantene. bipolar 1, i got help to push back. i got help to push back. we got help to push back - with lybalvi. once-daily prescription lybalvi is proven to treat manic or mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults to help you push back.
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dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. life is for living. we got this. let's partner for all of it. edward jones (buzz) we're such great friends we should have a nickname, let's partner for all of it. like the breakfast buddies. (leslie) how about the less talking more eating buddies? (buzz) that's great! even in complete silence, honey nut cheerios can help lower cholesterol! (phyllis) what about the very good looking people? (buzz) that's very accurate! holy cannoli. look at this. it's like a science project. ordering lunch -- easy for you and me but can be so difficult for a young homeowner turning into their parents. are those all different lettuces? uh, yes, sir. brown rice, white rice, or quinoa?
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♪ volvemos a las 7: 38 con of our special series focused on the ai revolution. >> the rapidly-evolving technology is facing new scrutiny this morning for generating the likeness of celebrities without consent leading to potential scams >> nbc's jacob soboroff joins us with everything we need to know about this troubling trend it is popping up everywhere. good morning. >> yeah. this continues to be pretty wild we talked about so-called deep fakes before now those ai generated videos of celebrities are easier to make and therefore more widespread. now some celebrities are sounding the alarm they say these fake videos are creating very, very real problems >> today we are launching an investment -- >> reporter: from elon musk to gayle king promoting a weight loss product loss product. >> follow the link right now and
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learn more about my secret. >> reporter: it seems fake ads made their ai are everywhere even tom hanks found himself an unwilling spokesperson, warning his instagram followers, there is an ai version of me i have nothing to do with it while celebrity endorsement scams are nothing new, these age of ai, these deceitful deep fakes are becoming more convincing, fooling those into them people los $10.2 billion to scams and other online scams even if deep fakes aren't scams, some say they can take an emotional toll ai generated videos of robin williams, late comedian, have been viewed by thousands over the weekend, his daughter zelda speaking out, writing i already heard ai use to get my dad's voice to say whatever people want. i find it personally disturbing. and now celebrities are fighting back >> it feels great to be back in front of a crowd. >> reporter: after a computer created this fake tom brady comedy special, the football legend sent the people behind
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the hour-long video a cease and desist letter, reportedly calling the video highly offensive and saying it presented brady in a false light. the creators later removed the video but defended their actions. >> i don't think we're in any way presenting mr. brady at all. it's a parody of the idea of tom brady doing standup. >> reporter: the music industry is looking to mute the use of ai, too. ♪ >> reporter: after this computer-generated drake song became a viral hit, the grammy-winning rapper and his record label slammed the use of ai to create fake songs. but it hasn't stopped ai music producers from cloning the voices of rihanna, beyoncé and taylor swift ♪ yeah, it's a party in the usa ♪ >> this is serious, breaking news. >> reporter: in 2021, i sat down with miles fisher, one of the
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men behind deep fake tom cruise. a tiktok account that went viral for posting these wild videos that appeared to be the actor. >> i think the technology is morally neutral. as it develops, the positive output will so far outweigh the negative nefarious uses. >> reporter: but while these fakes were made to be funny, two years later, many aren't laughing as the use of ai has exploded and become increasingly more difficult to manage >> jake, as you mentioned, it was that cease and desist letter from tom brady is there the potential of legal action or prosecution? >> it's tricky, savannah legal experts when we talk to says when it comes to the deep fake scams, yeah, they might be in legal trouble but it's easier said than done it is difficult to track down the people who made the videos and our team here, while we were working on this video last night and yesterday found that exact thing when we were reporting the story. we weren't able to get in touch
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with the companies behind the scams, but if you come across on social media, you can report it to the better business bureau through something called a scam tracker and they will work to investigate. it's pretty wild, guys >> thank you, jacob. if that's really who you are thank you for the story. appreciate it. >> could be gadi schwartz there. by the way, tomorrow, we'll take a look at ai in the classroom with some high school students now using artificial intelligence to write their college essays savannah sellers tried it out. then she had an emotions emissions counselor review the finished product the surprising take-away for teenagers, for parents, for teachers as well we'll have that for you tomorrow on "today. >> all right 7:42. a check of the weather with mr. al >> the real al. >> the real al roker because it is still almost like summertime, we're keeping the amusement park open. are you ready for the temperature roller coaster all right. here we go let's start it up. columbus 86. 84 in detroit. chicago, it's going to be 86
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20 degrees above average minneapolis 84 20 degrees above average, but here we go, ah oh minneapolis tomorrow, you're 53. that's a 33 degree drop. des moines 61. 27 degrees dubuque, iowa, 55 chicago 60 degrees a 29 degree job. oh, look out hold on! you're going down! 14 degrees down columbus, 72 and look at those temperatures in fact, over the next several days, you will see those temperatures drop. thank you to our graphics department our weather department as well 79 in roanoke on thursday. indiana, 71 on thursday. 57 by saturday minneapolis 64 you're 53 by saturday. and pittsburgh 80 on thursday. 59 by saturday so break out the corn dogs it's time for the temperature roller coaster good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall.
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we could do that as well. take a look at how much hotter it's going to be as we approach the end of the week. it was so nice to have a fall break over the weekend, fall-like temperatures. but we're headed for the low to mid-90s over the next few days, going back to summer. and with the hot temperatures, low humidity and a breezy wind, we could also see an increased fire danger. we're going to be watching out for that for the hills, weather. guys >> al, thank you. just ahead the road to the world series starts today with a pioneering general manager who helped her team land the playoffs we're going to hear from this trail blazer she's opening doors for women in all sports that story and a can't miss morning boost coming up right after this s shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks.
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and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. (music) love the pants. (slight echo) love the pants. compliments are tough, but you just got to own it. thanks, it's old navy. iconic. this is spring semester at fairfield-suisun unified. they switched to google tools for education because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. ( ♪♪ ) overactive bladder? i've been there. i also used to plan my days around finding a bathroom, in fear of an embarrassing bladder accident. you're not alone, and you don't have to live like this. i don't! i found real relief with axonics therapy,
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every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at ♪cinnadust♪ get 50% off your first box ♪ (vo) cinnamon toast crunch. blasted with cinnadust.
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welcome back dylan in for carson. hoda, feels like a good time >> let's go. let's go we got two boosts for the price of one but both have one central theme and that's loving grandpas let's begin with a sweet reunion in the airport watch as this little boy sees his pop pop arriving in town for a visit. >> i'm coming, pop pop >> awe >> did you hear that i'm coming, pop pop. >> i'm sure pop pop was equally excited to see his grandson. this grandpa is holding his baby grandson for the very first time let's take a look at this video. oh, the tears in the eyes, the moment, the baby's momma posted this on instagram says her dad said to her, i'm just so happy
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for you. i know how much you've always wanted this. >> oh, my goodness. >> it's a nice double boost. >> almost as nice as when al shows us videos. of his sky >> we're like begging for sky to come in. please >> it's up to courtney it's up to courtney and wes. >> and wes >> she's 3 months old today. >> awe >> we want to hold her courtney. >> yes, badly. >> that's our third grandpa of the mom. all right. coming up, a first look at a new thriller with a star studded cast and its producer could be the most famous of them all. we'll explain on "popstart". plus, we're excited to chat with monica lewinsky she's sharing a message we could all stand to hear about about treating ourselves with kindness you know that negative self talk, we all do it well monica is on a mission this morning. but first a check of your local news and weather ter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see.
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(♪♪) (dad) yeah... (mom) and nutrients bringing in a new roommate to save money - is that the plan? (dad) well we gotta find some way to save. so say hi to glen. from work. (glen) hey. that's my mom. (mom) yea, i think i have a much better plan. we switch to myplan, from verizon. we just pick our perks (daughter) disney bundle, mobile hotspot (mom) and save on every one. (dad) that is a good plan. glen looks like we're not going to be needing you so i'll see you at work. (son) later, glenn! (vo) get myplan starting at just $25 when you bring your own phones. plus save on the best in entertainment when you add perks like the disney bundle. it's your verizon. special k is oven-toasted to crisp perfection then tossed with yogurty goodness or maybe some red berries special k. in so many craveable varieties so you can do what's delicious. this is a craft 170 years in the making. (sniffing sound) for bold, smooth flavor in every batch of black silk. it's something we pride ourselves on at folgers... ♪ i don't give a med bout' my reputation ♪
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yeah, i said folgers. skin-carving next level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost.
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happy tuesday morning. it's 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm thom jensen in san francisco where a woman was pinned underneath a cruise driverless car last night and taken to the hospital with critical injuries, but video from that driverless car seems to show another car hit her
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first, and launched her in front of the autonomous vehicle. san francisco police department is investigating. we have not yet learned whether or not they have found the driver of that first vehicle. let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. the warm-up starts when? >> it starts this afternoon, and at least it's cool, for now. but temperatures will ramp up quickly. a lot of sunshine over oakland right now, a hazy sky. we're headed for upper 70s. it's comfortably warm today, but as we go through the forecast, our temperatures go from low 80s to upper 80s, and even low 90s by thursday, we're seeing mid-90s for concord, as well as fairfield, 95 for san martin. we're also going to have to deal with high fire danger, due to low humidity, high heat, as well as a lot of dry fuels around the bay area. we'll have to be careful, early next week, our temperatures will be coming back down. in san francisco it will be warming up as well with highs in
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the low 80s for the end of the week. >> thank you for joining us. another local news update in half an hour. also our middanews at 11:00 n custody.
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kathy park joins us with the latest on how police broke this case. hey, kathy. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. yeah, after a mass two-day search, the 9-year-old is back home and with family this morning. authorities are saying they're able to track down the suspect, 47-year-old craig nelson ross
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jr., after recovering a ransom note that was left at charlotte's home. on that note was a fingerprint that matched a police record that date back to 1999 for a dwi that originated from new york. using that information, they were able to make an arrest last night shortly after 6:30 at the suspect's camper. and inside the camper was a young girl hiding inside a cubbard. the governor of new york was quite emotional about the details of the rescue. >> still pretty overwhelming. all of us feared the worst. but i promise for trish and dave, they will be reunited with charlotte once again and she will see her two sisters. >> reporter: now, the suspect was arraigned overnight. he is facing a kidnapping charge. his next court appearance is set for october 17th. hoda, as you can imagine, this
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community is overjoyed with this news a family member posted overnight saying they are so grateful, so appreciative of the tireless effort with all the agencies pitching in to bring charlotte home. >> all right. kathy park for us there in new york up state. thank you. legal troubles facing hunter biden are back i
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additional tax charges in both washington, d.c. and california. >> all right. ryan nobles in the courthouse. thank you, ryan. have you checked your power ball tickets yet? you don't need to. you didn't win. but there is good news. no one else won either. so the jackpot is on the rise once again. it is now up to a whopping $1.2 billion. it is the third largest power ball jackpot of all time. the next drawing tomorrow this is the day that baseball fans have been waiting for. the playoffs get under way in a
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matter of hours. so trying to reach the world series, the miami marlins. that team run by a pioneering general manager who is now the first woman to lead a team to the playoffs in any of the major ports. nbc's sam brock joins us now from miami this is a big deal, sam. >> reporter: huge deal hoda, good morning so great to be with you from loan depot park this morning kim ang says she really was just doing her job. but it is so much more than that the woman calling the shots as gm helped to guide them to a playoff for the first time in 20 years. she says, whatever happens next, hoda, it is icing on the cake of an already historic season. >> reporter: in a year that saw baseball's rules transform the sport and speed up the game, america's past time is continuing its evolution with a historic first kim ang the only woman in the general manager's chair in any of the four major sports guiding
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the miami marlyns to the playoffs >> for young women out there and young girls looking at this, again, it is the old adage, if you can see it, you can be it. >> we welcome kim -- >> reporter: in 2021, just months after taking the job, ng chatted with hoda about overcoming decades of adversity and doubters >> what made you not put your hand up and say, you know what, this isn't really working for me >> i just never saw it as there was any other choice. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> you know, you want what you want you know you're good why would i do anything else >> reporter: and she's quickly helped to build a winner >> we love you guys. trusted kim and her staff. >> reporter: first time miami has qualified for october baseball after a full season in two decades. what does this precedent mean to you, the glass that has just been broken by your work in the marlins? >> i think when i got the job, i understood the magnitude and the hype around that in terms of us getting to the
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postseason, that's my job. >> reporter: the team she put together on the field is led by all-star second baseman, a player she acquired in january >> there is another base hit that's only four for him today. >> reporter: who just became the first player ever to win titles in both leagues in consecutive years. she praised him as a positive force. >> just watching him every day makes you appreciate him even more. >> reporter: as the playoffs start today, there are 12 teams in all, now eyeing world series glory, including one in south florida whose leader off the field is just getting started. >> we are set up for a nice little run here. >> reporter: under principal owner bruce sherman, you have kim as the gm. there is caroline o'connor, hoda she is the president of business operations, which is to say that the front office for the miami marlins is predominantly women and they have this incredible young core as a long suffering new york mets fan growing up in
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new york where a little of my soul is stolen every year. in the same division, no less. i have now decided, yes, we are rooting for the miami marlins this year against the phillies and beyond as they have made the playoffs three times previously. they won the world series twice. as the old adage goes, if you can't beat them, join them. >> there you go! back to you. kim ng, by the way, sam, is such a force. she worked for the yankees where she met derek jeter who owned the marlins. derek was like, you know who i'm going to pick, i'm going to pick her. it was the best decision i think he's made. >> well, it's paying off already. quick too. >> really cool. >> by the way, i bet baseball would like to see an appearance by taylor swift in one of those playoff games because coming up in "popstart," wait until you hear what taylor swift has done to make football's ratings even more impressive. >> did you even know the nfl needed bigger ratings? first, an important and inspiring conversation with monica lewinsky. she is right here. she has a new chapter in her anti-bullying campaign, and we will sit down with her right
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welcome back. october is anti-bullying month. this morning monica lewinsky joined us to put a spotlight on one of harshest bullies we can encounter. she produced a powerful new psa addressing self-bullying. take a look. >> you are so stupid. >> you're fat. >> you're a loser. >> you're fake. >> you are garbage. >> you are worthless. >> you are a bad mom. >> i'm sorry.
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>> i hate you. ♪ >> monica is with us now good morning. >> hi, savannah. >> it is hard to watch that. honestly, it is very impactful when you see and you know that we all have that voice in our head what made you want to address this kind of bullying? and, frankly, that is what it is. >> it is it is. self-bullying is bullying. this year's campaign was really personal for me, so i had an experience about ten years ago or so where i had taken these like four seminar things anonymously. and they had us do an exercise where they put us into these groups of three, told us to sit down and write out all the things that our negative voice says to us so it was very easy for me page after page after page. but the real kicker of it was that they then made us read our
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list out loud to the other people in the group. in the course of hearing myself say these things out loud, i realized in a whole other way how cruel i am to myself or was being. and that i would never say those things to someone else >> and that's the genesis of this psa. >> yes. >> it is so powerful because not only are they saying out loud the terrible things they say to themselves, they're directing it at another person. and these were not actors, and they were not following a script. >> yeah, no. this was unscripted. unscripted. and they came in - >> so what did you tell people, yeah. >> yeah. so it was -- what we ended up doing was we had -- it was kind of very similar to the exercise that i had gone through, and so in terms of having people send us the night before their list of terrible things, they had no idea they were going to have to read them on camera. they were asked to bring a loved one who might be willing to go on camera as well. and so then, we asked them to
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read their list on camera to a loved one. and they were so brave and really, what was amazing is not one person said, oh, i'm out of here. you know, everybody participated so i think it is such a universal topic when you really stop to think about it. >> it really is because i think every single person watching has some version of this inside their own head i certainly do you too. >> in the makeup chair this morning, you know. >> oh, every single day. but it's hard because it is so automatic. to me, it feels like it is almost like breathing. this constant narrative. so how do you get control of those kinds of thoughts? >> well, it is exactly as you say. i think for me and what i found is, you know, first of all, we have to recognize the likelihood we're going to eradicate the negative voice in our head is not very high. but it really -- you can curb it i had worked on this for a very long time. and my therapist works on it with me a lot. and i have found that, you know,
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really it is sort of about catching yourself and, of course, course correcting. whether that course correcting is to something positive and if you can't do that, then try going neutral. >> you told me a story about you were in your house with unpacked boxes around this is actually a really interesting example of how we can shift our thinking just the tiniest bit. >> exactly it may sound hokie to some but i had boxes unpacked and i tripped and totally fell totally fell, not caught myself. and i noticed that my reaction, the thoughts in my head were, thank god i didn't hurt myself instead of you f'ing idiot you klutz. of course you fell that was a big shift for me, even though it's small i think part of what can be really important with this is actually the witnessing part, the noticing that's the first step of all of it, is just becoming mindful of how often we say these things.
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>> absolutely. you just had a big milestone birthday welcome to the 50s club. >> thank you. >> you wrote something on instagram. you said, this past decade has been your best decade. >> yeah. >> can you imagine imagine the post you would have written at 40. could you have imagined how this last ten years would kind of changed everything for you would you agree? >> oh, 1,000%. it has been the best decade for me i'm incredibly grateful. turning 40 was horrible and turning 50 was very empowering so it was -- i had a moment. i did a lot of personal work just seeing out the old decade what do i want for the new one and found myself in the car waiting for something and just started to go through mentally all of the things that had happened this last decade. and i was so -- i was so overwhelmed with gratitude in that, you know, people see me for my true self now, that i
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have been able to find a purpose to my past, that my narrative has been, i think, revisited, and i was able to reclaim it in large part from younger generations. >> we have talked about this before, but i'm always so struck by that for you to do that, for you to have had these last ten years and reclaim your narrative, it required you to become public again, the very thing that was most painful to you. >> yes it is. it was -- it was terrifying. i mean, and i find doing this hard it's not natural for me. but it was, you know, it is a long journey from '98. it's been 25 years now and i am grateful. i'm really grateful for where things are now. >> you have found this purpose and passion. you are about to be honored for it i have to say you're going to get an award the emoryá1pingawao your anti-bullying work. you are a writer and a producer. >> yes. >> so the writers' strike is over.
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>> thank god. any hint, got anything you're cooking up or working on >> yes i wish it were announced already. but i'm executive producing a limited series that's on another young woman who found her life decimated and ripped apart on the world stage, but she somehow managed to survive and i think it's going to be really powerful and hopefully they will announce it soon. >> well, you are an amazing messenger for many, many causes. we so appreciate having you, monica >> thank you, savannah. if you want more on the new psa and monica's own experience with self bullying, we have a lot more on all of this at if you or someone you know ever needs help, you can reach the national crisis hotline by calling or texting 988 al >> thanks so much, savannah. we're looking at beautiful weather up and down the eastern sea board. mid section of the country we have this cold front pushing through, bringing severe weather. and behind it chillier conditions and pretty nice along
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the west coast for today look at these temperatures we're talking about 90s through texas. mid mississippi river valley, 80s through the great lakes into the atlantic, southeast, but much chillier back through the plains 30s and 40s there. for today, we are looking at chilly conditions there. severe storms along that cold front. sunshine along the west coast. we're looking at plenty of sunshine a little on the chilly side in alaska hawaii looking great with temperatures in the mid to upper 80s with lots of sunshine. then again, record warmth around the great lakes, northeast and sunny skies into the gulf. that's what's gogoing on around good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. our temperatures are about to heat up. in fact, for our inland areas, we're going from nice, cool upper 50s to 80s for the afternoon. tomorrow, even warmer, reaching up to 90 with a lot of sunshine. we reach the peak of temperatures thursday into friday, also increasing the fire danger with breezy winds.
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it cools off that's the latest weather. don't forget, join us on the radio. but join us right now. best time of the morning super sized "popstart". >> i love being part of best part of the morning. here we go got to start off with taylor swift. guys, the ratings are in sunday night football taylor's version is proving to be one for the books. over the weekend, the pop superstar attended her second kansas city chiefs game in a row as they faced off the new york jets that game earning an average of 27 million viewers. >> wow. >> making it the most watched sunday tv show since the super bowl according to nbc sports. >> oh, my god! >> what do you think the biggest demographic rise was >> tweens. >> you guessed it. 12 to 17 up a reported 33% the nfl totally leaning in the players exchanged swiftie inspired friendship bracelets
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before the big game. >> he's like the nucleus of this group. it's special one and only. >> hey, man. >> friendship bracelet for my guy. i know what these are all about. >> the tribe, baby >> i haven't heard the word, slid that in now we will have to see if there is a sea of chiefs jerseys when taylor's concert hits the big screen it's a whole thing next up, lionel messi the global soccer star is getting the documentary treatment in a new series headed to apple tv plus it is going behind the scenes as messi embarks on his next big chapter and launching a new era for inter miami. here's a peek. >> lionel messi is here! >> lionel messi is as big as it gets.
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>> messi >> this is one of the greats in the world. ♪ >> cool. >> that's going to be huge. >> yeah. >> the first three episodes messi meets america premiere october 11th on apple tv plus. next up, "leave the world behind." the first trailer is out for netflix's star-studded apocalyptic flick inspired by a best selling book. which you might recall was a read with jenna pick back in 2020 the hollywood adaptation stars julia roberts, ethan hawke and kevin bacon. here is the setup. one family's vacation is upended when two strangers arrive at night seeking refuge from a cyber attack that grows more terrifying by the minute >> why did you come here >> in my line of work, you have to understand the patterns that govern the world
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they can help you see the future and i knew something was coming. >> i don't understand what you mean. >> we are seeing on going cyberattacks across the country. >> the truth is much scarier. >> what is the truth >> that's terrifying >> terrifying but good. >> "leave the world behind" will be in select theaters november 22nd before streaming on netflix in december. and finally, "mean girls," do you guys know what day it is? >> no. >> on october 3rd, he asked me what day it was. it's october 3rd >> guys, it's october 3rd, aka "mean girls" day beloved by fans all because katie's crush aaron spoke to her in math class not asking for a date but asking what day it was. if you want to celebrate, here are some suggestions we shared them on of course, you can wear pink even if it is not wednesday.
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you can do your own performance of "jingle bell rock" with your besties. and you can always, quote, one of the movies countless beloved lines like this one. >> that is so fetch. >> gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen it is not going to happen. >> iconic! >> can you ever get sick of this movie? >> no, no. >> i've never seen it. >> you have never seen "mean girls" i guess why would you. >> why would i >> it's really good. >> what is it about? >> mean girls. >> i think the title is pretty much. >> what are they doing >> they're being mean. >> as girls can be maybe girls relate it to me. >> there is a musical? >> there is a musical coming out that will hit theaters in january. good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. later this morning san francisco mayor london breed will help kick off fleet week. some people in the bay area got
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a sneak peek at what's to be expected in the skies above. the blue angels yesterday made a pass over san francisco before landing at oakland airport. their first practice is scheduled for thursday. they'll conduct formal shows friday, saturday and sunday. hopefully a nice, clear forecast for them too, kari. >> we have some fog over the golden gate bridge and some low clouds but we are going to see increasing temperatures and sunshine as we go throughout the day. we're headed for the low to mid 80s for the inland east bay as well as the north bay. tomorrow as well as thursday we're going to continue to see temperatures ramping up. a lot of our valleys are going to be in the low to mid 90s. that coupled with a high fire danger as we continue with high heat at least through saturday. sunday temperatures start to downhill a few degrees, while san francisco will see highs in the upper 70s and low 80s.
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marcus. >> thanks, kari. we'll have another local news update in 30 minutes.
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how's the chicken? the prawns are delicious. oh, i have a shellfish allergy. one prawn. very good. did i say chicken wrong? tired of people not listening to what you want?
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it's truffle season! ah that's okay... never enough truffles. how much are they? it's a lot. oh okay - i'm good, that - it's like a priceless piece of art. enjoy. or when they sell you what they want? yeah. the more we understand you, the better we can help you. that's what u.s. bank is for. huge relief. yeah... ♪
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♪ 8:30 now it is the 3rd of october how could we not know that i'm taking a picture i can't multitask. i thought i could multitask, but i couldn't hi, everybody. what a beautiful, sunny start to the day here in new york we could hit 80 today. >> wait. what did you say >> also, there is a guy behind you. >> sorry wow! all right. 80 degrees possibility. >> how about that? >> did we get that little boy right there? >> 7-year-old. >> it's your birthday. >> happy birthday, buddy >> he's from kentucky. >> we're happy that you are here all right. we got a lot to get to in this half hour, including our friend mako she is here for the best sellers for travel to help you stay organized and get energized while you're on the go
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then we will take a trip to the seafood market if you cook fish at home or you want to, but you don't know how, you don't want to miss this. he's smiling because he will tell us all the secrets. so excited to have him >> easy salmon recipe. >> one of the best chefs in the world right there. >> so then he can chop it. and smile and look up. >> and the rest of us would have little fingertips. >> just a few things missing coming unon the third hour we're catching up with elizabeth hurley for our pink power series the important message she wants to share when she joins us life. >> take a look over there. look who's here. jenna is out here handing out copies of her new book "how to say babylon" the october read with jenna book it is available today and to get your copy, just scan that qr code on the screen right now >> she's dazzling, by the way. >> is she not? >> i know! hello. >> dazzling. >> and she's got gloved. >> mr. roker >> all right let's show you what we've got going on and we will show you for today, record warmth here in
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the east into the gulf coast heavy rain down through southern texas. severe storms in the western plains look for chilly highs. then tomorrow not quite as cold out west but we will be looking at some severe storms and heavy rain in central and lower mississippi river valley record highs great lakes all the way down to the gulf coast good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today our temperatures are starting to warm up. our inland valleys will reach the mid 80s. then for tonight, we're tropicing down to the low 60s. it won't be as cool as this morning, but it will be warmer tomorrow and continuing to heat up toward the end of the week. with highs in the mid 90s, we are on the lookout for high fire danger. saturday, 92 degrees, but don't forget, it is never too night of the week.about the best
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that's right, sunday night "football night in america." it says beet yr popcorn ready. i'm not sure i'm going with popcorn. i think i'm doing wings. but it's cowboys versus 49ers, 7:00 right here on nbc and peacock on sunday night "football night in america". >> real quick, you guys. there is a couple here that has seen every single state, 50 states, and this is their last stop is this your last stop >> it is. >> so you saw all 50 >> we have >> how come you saved us for last >> because you're the best. >> whoa. >> wait, wait, wait. and one other thing. come over here someone's very first time in new york this is your very first time >> yes, it is. >> what are you celebrating? >> we're celebrating just being here for the first time. >> i like it it's a party it is a great party on our plaza. happy birthday, go go. we're happy for you, too all right, guys. p al just mentioned sunday
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night's big game on nbc. tomorrow, kaylee hartung will go one on one with the had theers brock purr di, perfect 9-0 after being mr. irrelevant in the 2022 draft, by the way, he was the very last pick it is a fascinating story. okay guys, just ahead, we will get you ready for the busy holiday season with all the gadgets and gear you could ever want but, first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed
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disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance.
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back 8:36 with "today bestsellers. fall is here the busy holiday travel season right around the corner. this morning, we've got some great gear to enhance your trip, whether you are traveling by plane or train or car. we have our shop all day contributor and remember, you can shop along with us scan the qr code first of all, you look dazzling. >> thank you >> all right speaking of dazzling, let's get into here.
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how cool is this collapsible water bottle it is totally collapsible. to use it, take the straps off open it up and fill it with water so you can use it over and over again when you're done, squish it back down so let's open up the top that's how you get the water in there. according to the brand, it is also heat and cold resistant which i really love. take it with you on the go isn't that great >> brilliant great thing to tuck away >> all right electronics. >> when it comes to traveling, you have to have your portable charger. i love this one because of how small it is. now this connects to your usbc devices. that's our android phones, your ear buds but the brand does offer one for iphones as well. go ahead and check the qr code. >> the iphone 15 now uses that charger. >> look at that. >> they're going back to that old charger. >> so if you are lucky to have that phone, go ahead and grab this look at how tiny it is. you can fit it into your pocket to put in your purse as well >> how long is the charge? >> scan that qr code so you can see. but you can have a charge for a couple hours, according to the
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brand. yeah >> sounds great. you have your coffee you're stumbling around trying to make your way through you have the answer. >> listen, especially if you have kids, you rarely have a free hand. enter the cup holder, which i really love. it gives you three compartments, which you can see here you put in your water bottles and your small item. according to the -- >> your coffee. >> your coffee your water, whatever it is in the back you can see here, you can put in those items that you need to grab quickly, right? >> like your need your id to get through tsa. you can have it handy dandy right there. >> and according to the brand, it is machine washable and use it over and over again. but i love how easy it so to just reach all your items and grab and go. >> folds up easily, not big and bulky. throw right in your bag when you're done. >> i love that. >> you need a good cross body to keep your goodies in the airport. >> you don't want to carry a big purse. i like this belt it is a nice and stylish way -- >> is that a fanny pack. >> it's more it has an adjustable band to put
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around your waist. putting in your credit cards, putting in your passports and money and also hold moisture wicking back it will stay cool against your back as you carry it right isn't that nice? >> i like that, yeah. >> also has something which is really important, rfid protection let's say there's bad guys around and they're trying to scan your credit card, according to the brand, that rfid protection will stop them from scanning the credit card. >> wait, what? >> scan that qr code, read all about it and look at that price point, nice and nifty. >> by the way, this is stretchy. you don't see the stretchy band. >> not at all. it is durable. throw it in the washing machine and get it fresh and new and reuse it. >> let's get to our closets. >> when it comes to traveling you want something comfy but can also wear after your trip. >> looks good, yeah. >> two-piece set is the perfect way to do that so many thing is love about it i love that you're feeling it. it feels nice and comfortable. according to the brand, it is not see-through. we love. but look at this gorgeous top. you have the crew neck which we love
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pair with jewelry like you have on right now then you have the long pants which are really nice. wide leg pant and elastosized waist which i appreciate dress it up or dress it down. >> it's lightweight for a plane. you don't want something that's too heavy. but this seems comfortable, seems like the right weight for a plane. >> plane or road trip. you get back to your trip, you can wear it as well. let's talk about this. we have two options for travel jackets. both stylish, both amazing start with the women's jacket which i absolutely love. it comes with a pouch, which is great. it is fully lined. it is quilted. comes in sizes extra small up to extra large. >> you know what i like about it, it doesn't look so bulky t like a lot of these coats end up making you look michelin man. >> that's so true. reviewers love the fact that it's super easy to layer this comes up to 6 x-l as well >> beautiful. >> this one here is for the men. and it comes with a pouch. you can use it -- >> very lightweight. >> pack it up take it with you on the go. it is waterproof, wind proof
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great for outdoor activities get caught in the rain, you're good to go great for layer. comes in sizes extra small to extra large. >> you rocked it go to today earns a commission from purchases through our links. ms. guthrie, over to you. >> hoe ad i'm in the company of greatness. we have the great chef eric here to share top tips for buying and cooking seafood. we have a beautiful piece of salmon, it's prepared so simply, but you make it look easy. but you make it look easy. >> it'delicious.s ♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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welcome back. this morning on "today food," we are tackling the art of buying and cooking seafood with an award-winning french chef that spends his days at his three
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michelin restaurant in new york. he took us to a fish counter to give us some pointers. take ♪ >> this is the seafood stand joe, the owner, is here. we are going to -- >> good morning. >> fresh fish. it looks fresh when it has this beautiful color with beautiful shape. they almost translucent. very shiny, very appealing to the eyes you can also speak to the fish munger and ask him if you can smell the seafood. joe, can i smell the shrimp? >> of course you can >> it's no smell it means it would be old, which is not the case. when you buy any fish that was whole, you should if it was smelly, fish dy which means it is old. look at the eyes, the gills being very bright and the flesh being very firm.
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here we have a lot of different species that are already fileted. look at white fish, very translucent which means it's very fresh also when you have some bloodlines, very bright red. here we have some salmon very easy to know when it is farm raised. you look at the lines here which are basically the fat. you can see them all around the filet because salmon is a very rich fish. they should be very white, not grayish. wild salmon has less fat content and you can see it's very lean and therefore it may be a bit drier. when you buy lobster, you want the lobster to be live also, you want the antennas to be very long when the antennas are very short, it means the lobster was in aquarium for a long time. you touch here as well and it should be very like firm and plump. because it means that the flesh, it's perfect inside.
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>> i mean, that was like a master class right there chef, thank you so much. >> my pleasure thank you. >> i have to say, i am intimidated when i look at the seafood. i'm sorry if this is just so -- i thought all fish smelled like fish. >> no. >> it's better to not -- you don't want them. >> fish never smell like fish. it should not be fishy at all. so when you go to the store, do not hesitate to put your nose on top and smell it. >> okay. >> here it's like sea breeze. >> when they say smell something, you say no because your head is going straight in like a cake but i trust you. >> i'm not going to do that to you. >> al, am i right? one of the oldest gags we have around here. >> yeah. >> chef, you picked your fish. that was incredibly useful put that on our website. that's incredible. what do you do when you get it home to keep it fresh. >> so when you get it home, you put it on ice. >> like this >> yes to separate the fish from the ice because the ice burn the flesh of the fish. >> right.
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>> you put a piece of paper and then you keep it in the fridge for maximum 24 hours. >> okay. >> when you buy the fish, you have to cook it the same day. >> there's no keeping your fish in the fridge all week. >> you can't freeze? >> why about frozen fish >> why buy fresh and freeze it. >> how about frozen fish, are you against it. >> i'm not against it. it's better to have good quality frozen fish than bad quality fresh. >> than yucky, smelly other fish do you have any special way to prep it? some people do lemon. >> yeah. so we have, of course, many ways to prep. i mean, salt, pepper, that's basic. then lemon at the end depending on the ends. the acidity brings the flavors of the fish. >> do you have to clean it >> well, no. you don't have to clean anything when you buy the fish, it looks perfect. >> yeah. some people use lemon to clean or whatever. you don't have to do that.
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>> when the fish is fresh, you don't have to do anything. >> this has been very useful i think people at home are learning a lot we'll do a very simple recipe. >> extremely simple but delicious and flavorful. >> nowhere to hide. >> we have dill. i started to chop dill before, but we're going to chop a bit more so, dill and salmon actually goes very, very well we're going to add to that my pile here. >> what about farm versus wild salmon where do you come down on that >> i'm putting some lemon zest yes. it's very difficult to find wild salmon today because in atlantic it has almost disappeared and the stocks are very stressed in the northwest of america, so a lot of the salmon is farm raised i'm putting some olive oil. >> a lot of olive oil. >> a lot of olive oil. >> is this going to be a sauce or cook? >> this will be on top of the fish to give flavor to the fish. i'm adding a bit more. >> oh, wow. >> a lot of olive oil. good for you
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>> but, most of the fish is farm raised and. >> that's okay. >> that's fine >> yes okay so i have the mixture. i'm going to put salt, pepper on the fish like that. >> but not on the sides. skin or skin off, that's another thing? you cook with the skin on? >> skin on if you're going to saute the fish because your skin will be crunchy, crispy. >> yes. >> if you have the skin on the fish and you don't saute it, it's going to be chewy, almost like a chewing gum and it's not very pleasant. so, i'm covering the fish with the dill. >> yes. >> the lemon zest, the olive oil like that. >> watching you cook is so relaxing. >> yeah. very zen. >> i finished my meal already. i'm just watching. >> you did we didn't serve any sides today, but how was it ya'all >> it just melts in your mouth. >> it's ready to go to the oven. >> you don't add any more oil or anything >> nothing
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the oil will drip. >> i see it over there and i wondered. >> it's going to drip from the dill when you're going to cook it and it will end up on your plate. >> so you put this in the oven for how long >> about 10, 12 minutes, depending on the temperature of the oven and then, when it's cooked, what you want to make sure is that you have to remove the bones so you check -- >> oh, geez. how do you do that >> after. >> why after >> because when the fish is raw, if you try to pull it, you're going to need tweezers and it's going to be hard but when the fish is cooked, look at that so with your finger, you follow like that. >> it just melts right off. >> you find them. >> you find any bones in your fish. >> not a bit. >> chef, could you serve this warm or room temperature >> yes, you can serve it even, yeah, room temperature is perfect if you have a brunch on the weekend. >> that would be nice on a salad. >> on a salad is delicious. >> you like that idea. good i tried to ask every question
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about fish i could imagine, but you have at home any others, there's a whole new cook book called seafood simple. yeah we love having you here. thank you for the clinic he's back in the fourth hour with the simple shrimp dish. and you can get the recipes scan that qr code you see on your screen or go to thank you, chef. >> thank you so much. we're back in a moment this is "today" on nbc diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like, "what is your glucose?" and "can you have more carbs?" before you decide... with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. and lower your a1c. the number one doctor prescribed cgm. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at
8:53 am
we made it! bmo has arrived. hello? you said it. hello to more ways to save money, grow your wealth, grow your business. just what we needed, another big bank. not so fast. how many banks do you know that reward you for saving every month? he's got a good point. did i mention bmo has more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined? uh, b-m-o? just "bee-mo", actually. quick question, will all this stuff fit in your car? ( ♪♪ ) should i get rid of the mug? ♪ bmo ♪
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all right. oh, hey. hey, guys. are we celebrating some birthdays? >> going to spin some jars, hoda. >> okay. let's bring on the smucker's jars. first up, happy 100th birthday to fay bond of oriental, north carolina. she won several gold medals.
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doris chase is 100. she says the secret to longevity, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch every day. happy 105 birthday for janice of farminghills, hi farminghills, michigan. heading down to alabama where we find raymond smith, celebrating 100 years. served in the army for two decades. and we thank you for your service, sir isiah of new york. is 100 he says the secret to longevity, doing as much as you can on your own. he still cooks for himself all right. last but not least, happy 105th birthday to bob miller an active guy from kingsport, tennessee. the home of the late great john palmer he visited all 50 states and -- and 23 countries. >> wow
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good for him. >> there you have it >> by the way, this baby - which -- >> we should have grabbed the selfie train. >> how old are you >> 15 months. >> what do you like doing in your free time, james? want to blow a kiss to america say hi, america. >> blow a kiss >> mwah. >> oh, so close! >> he's not buying it. >> he's not buying there we go! >> there we go james did it. >> hey now >> that's an adorable baby. >> what's coming up on the third hour 3rd hour, tyler will be here. >> more james. >> more james! just back to james. >> hey, they got reese witherspoon coming up on the 4th hour. >> we do >> back to james >> back to james blow another kiss, james
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good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. police in san francisco are investigating an accident involving a self-driving cruise taxi that critically injured a woman crossing 5th street and market. at the time, police suggested a second car may be involved. overnight cruise showed us their video saying it appears to show its car did not strike that victim initially and actually another car did so, a black sedan, which then left the scene. that video hasonb
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," here's late night! late night talk shows returning overnight for the first time in overfive months.


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