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tv   Early Today  NBC  November 13, 2023 4:00am-4:31am PST

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the u.s. steps up its strikes in syria, targeting iranian-linked facilities.
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the military reaction to atatack on u.s. forces become the latest flash point in the israel-hamas war. it's deja vu in d.c. once again, we are days away from a government shutdown, but the new house speaker has a plan to keep the lights on. we're live on the hill with details on the proposal and the odds on whether it can actually get throughout sharply-divided house. breaking overnight, a shocking twist in the race for the white house. why tim scott says he's ending his campaign a traffic nightmare for the nation's second biggest city the massive fire that forced los angeles to slam the brakes on a busy section of highway. and we'll have all the action from across the nfl as we kick off a busy monday morning. "early today" starts right now. >> good morning, i'm frances rivera >> i'm phillip mena. we begin this morning in the middle east where the u.s. has
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conducted airstrikes against targets in eastern syria two locations were attacked. this is the third strike against iranian and iran-linked bases in that country since hamas launched the war against israel more than a month ago. >> meanwhile, five service members have died in a training accident as the assault continues, there are alarming reports coming out of al shifa hospital >> reporter: as israeli troops push deep near gaza city, desperation and despair at the city's main hospital now surrounded this doctor runs the al shifa hospital's burn unit are you inside the hospital?
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>> i am inside the hospital. so f y if you can hear in the backgrou background, it's bombardment >> reporter: he says power outages and a lack of essential supplies jeopardize the remaining 700 patients according to the palestinian health ministry in gaza, at least 16 have died due a lack of oxygen and medicine, including three babies born premature. in this photo we obtained from a doctor showing some tleeft dozen newborns the palestinian health ministry says are now at risk, taken off incubators >> reporter: the children are still inside the hospital, you've just moved them the israeli military alleges that the militants hide in tunnels beneath hospitals, including al shifa a military spokesperson releasing this footage showing sol soldiers dropping off fuel at
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the hospital, they are insist they go are allowing for safe passage from al shifa and other hospitals. >> so far they've moved a few patients, not enough i hope more will move. >> reporter: but hospital off officials say the fuel giveson just a fraction of what they need and no one is being allowed out of al shifa, not even the dead tens of thousands of civilians have been told to evacuate and in israel, rallies for the hostages malki is marching for his 21-year-old son omer >> i dmoent on't know what to do the clock is once again ticking toward another government shutdown. we just had this same conversation six weeks ago when a last-minute deal kept the lights on at the capitol, but this time around there's a new house speaker with a new plan to
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keep the government up and running. chris pollone joins us from d.c. good morning they only have about four days to strike a deal >> reporter: yeah, phillip, good morning. it's feeling a bit like groundhog day on capitol hill. but the timing is even worse this time around military workers and federal workers have their pay chchecks the line for the holiday season. but the new house speaker has a novel plan with a two-step approach the first would fund some parts until january. the second funding the rest until february but notably absent from the plan military aid to israel and spending cuts. johnson only afford to lose four votes. right now at least three house republicans publicly oppose his plan and with members of his own party underscoring the urgency, johnson's plan may hinge on democrat support to carry it over the finish line >> there's no choice here.
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i mean, the world is on fire, from where i sit it is too, you know, urgent. we can't sit back and do nothing. >> we're trying to operate with unity in our caucus behind hakeem jeffries and our leadership, because it's complicated enough with the republicans falling apart on a weekly and daily basis so if it's something that our leadership thinks they can work with, it's something i imagine most democrats will say we'll swallow for now. >> reporter: of course we all remember what happened the last time a house speaker reached across the aisle to pass a continuing resolution. it cost kevin mccarthy the gavel. a lot on the line, certainly, this time around phillip, back to you >> mike johnson's fully aware how he not that position thank you. just days after the third republican presidential debate the field of candidates is narrowing by one more. >> when i go back to iowa, it
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will not be as a presidential candidate. i am suspending my campaign. i think the voters -- >> south carolina senator tim scott announced sunday night he'll be dropping out of the republican presidential race to the surprise of trey gowdy, fox news host. scott who has served in the senate since 2013 began his campaign in may. despite his spending, he failed to make a considerable impact in any poll he becomes the second major candidate to exit the race following former vice president mike pence last month. scott has yet to endorse any of his fellow candidates, and he down-played the idea of a potential vice presidential bid. another member of former president trump's family will be returning to the witness stand today in the trump organization's civil fraud trial. donald trump jr. will appear as the first witness for the defense in the case. the former president and three of his children all took the stand over the last two weeks in
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new york state's $250 million case alleging years of exaggerated financial statements by trump's businesses. when prosecutors questioned donald trump jr. he testified he had relied on the company's internal and outside accountants when it came to their financial statements all members of the trump family have denied any wrong doing in the case one juvenile has died and four others remain hospitalized following a shooting in pearlland, texas police responded to a flea mark market the unnamed man arrested in connection to the murder of a synagogue president has been released while the murder happened amid
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high-tensions over the israel-hamas war, investigators say they do not suspect a racist motive a major freeway near downtown los angeles is shut down indefinitely after a massive fire this is the scene saturday morning near i-10 after a storage yard burst into flames about a two-mile stretch of 110 or i-10 going in and out of l.a. will be closed until further notice the gulf coast is waking up to wet weather this morning. meteorologist michelle grossman is here tracking the latest round of storms. good morning >> terrible way to start out the workweek we seeing heavy rain throughout the gulf coast and south central states texas getting hammered with rain can you see the brighter colors, the oranges, reds, yellows it was a soggy weekend there it's a soggy start to the workweek the silver lining is we are in a drought in this area this is good news in terms of
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taking down the drought numbers. we have an area of low pressure moving slowly to the east. we're seeing the heaviest rain from texas to southern mississippi. we're seeing that now. we're going to continue to see that throughout the day. as we go throughout tomorrow, it's going to move ever so slowly to the east along the gulf coast we're looking at localized flooding possible. we could see over five minutes in inches of rain in some spots. generally, we're looking at one to three inches. could see up to five inches in some spots otherwise we're looking at a relatively quiet day valleyhave aatmospherin cooler in the south. lots of clouds, too. temperatures only in the 60s, 66
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in dallas today that's your monday forecast. schools ghngfiti back against the opioid end the action one district is taking to protect students i don. cascade platinum plus has me doing dishes... differently. scrub? soak? nope. i just scrape, load and i'm done. only platinum plus is bigger. with double the dawn grease fighting power and double the scrubbing power. for a no rewash clean... and a cabinet ready shine. rewash? not in my house. upgrade to cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin.
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so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide. there's a new frontline in america's opioid end the deadly drug fentanyl is killing children, some as young as middle schoolers. >> in one texas community t has gotten so bad the school district now teaches parents thousand how to save their kids in case of an overdose morgan ch morgan chesky reports. >> reporter: he died of fentanyl in 2020. he was 14 years old, just barely out of middle school >> you feel like a complete failure, right we're beating ourselves up over it all the time. >> reporter: his mother amy confessing she didn't even know what fentanyl was.
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>> that blindsided us. nobody was talking about fentanyl at the time >> reporter: her teenaged son thought he was taking oxycodone, but a toxicology report revealed that one fatal pill was laced with fentanyl. >> it was a life or death situation and i didn't realize that >> reporter: it has made its way to texas a sobering show and tell at a middle school. >> ready that's it. you just save add life >> reporter: in a cafeteria where kids eat lunch, parents learning to use narcan to potentially save their own child from fentanyl poisoning. >> it's incomprehensible >> reporter: santos here for her three kids and free narcan >> at first i was like, no, let's not have this, because it's going to give a gateway for these children to go ahead and say hey, there's something to save me. let's just try it anyway >> reporter: and now >> and now, we need it >> reporter: that's because parents here are facing something they've never seen
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before, an explosion of opioid-related incidents barely three months into the school year, the district's reported 15 emt calls. four overdoses needing narcan. >> if anything were to happen to one of these students, our district could completely feel it >> reporter: with two high schoolers of her own, the fight is personal for lacy green who helped rebuild campus first aid kits equipped with the life-saving drug >> they already have it on them. >> reporter: now narcan kits are at every school in the district, even in the elementary schools these students say the difference from last year to now, dramatic. not just in overdoses but in access to drugs like percocet, some unknowingly laced with the fatal drug how easy are these drugs to come
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by >> very easy >> reporter: how easy? >> to where could you look at someone in your class and ask. >> reporter: texas deaths have surged >> what's happened since the pandemic with youth is a skyrocketing national epidemic of crushing anxiety that makes these kids not want to come to school >> reporter: which is what drives dr. joy alonzo to come to town halls like cleveland's. >> this is texas to tennessee. baltimore to los angeles no one is spared >> it's hard because i just want my kid >> reporter: a painful reality one amy neville wishes she could rewind every single day. >> a little bit of information would have gone a long way in our house that night and unfortunately, we didn't have that. and we paid the price. >> reporter: morgan chesky, nbc new, cleveland, texas. still to come, the jets take
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on the raiders in vegas. >> and hopefully your favorite team is walking into this week th walk-off victory. we break down sunday's nfl action right after this. arou, in fear of an embarrassing bladder accident. you're not alone, and you don't have to live like this. i don't! i found real relief with axonics therapy, a proven non-drug solution, and i got my life back. go to to get started. ask a bladder specialist if axonics therapy is right for you and to discuss potential risks. results and experiences may vary. your life is waiting! [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. this new charmin ultra soft smooth tear is soooo soft and soo smooth. new charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better
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metamucil gummies. the easy way to get your daily fiber.
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o'connell, looking throws to the back it is caught mayer for the touchdown! >> we're back to break down the latest in sports on sunday night football in vegas. touchdowns were about as hard to come by as a royal flush at the poker table, but the raiders' rookie tight end michael mayer managed to haul in his first career scorch the jets would f career the jets fall to the raiders imagine nbc has envisioned aaron rodgers playing in this game >> tough go for zach wilson, you
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know, that no-hlook pass. tough one. >> way it goes >> it was a walk-off sunday. the texans denied a comeback effort by the bengals. matt amendola hit a 38 yarder to give houston the win on the road cleveland sealed the last-second win with a 40-yarder from dustin hopkins. and almost a year after tearing his acl, kyler murray returned to the field the cards got their second win of the season thanks to matt prater drill ago cing a chip sh. go get another drink or snack, go to the bathroom all the sax action is right the this week. >> even teams up by multiple touchdowns were able to come back and win turning to a shakeup in the
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college football world texas a&m has fired jimbo fisher he had won a national championship at florida state back in 2013 but never won more than nine games in a season during his tenure in college station. the school, just a few years ago, gave tenure a ten-year, fully-guaranteed $75 million contract they're now going to have to buy limb ou him out of that deal the break down is kind of $19 million in the next couple months and $7 million every year until 2031 >> the last time this happened, the most expensive was in 2020, auburn buying out theirs for $21 million. pup lovers, check the pantry, a new dog food recall. > a not so marvelous day for the marvels. kids won't be kids forever, ♪♪ so, get into what they love. introducing new kinder chocolate
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4:24 am
the long-lasting scent of gain flings made it smell like dave was in his happy place... ...the massage chair at the mall. but...he wasn't. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. [sneeze] dude you coming? because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz with alka-seltzer plus cold & flu relief. also try for fizzy fast cough relief. my skin has been so much smoother so much more hydrated. it's olay! with olay hyaluronic body wash 95% of women had visibly-better skin. and my skin is so much more moisturized. see the difference with olay. we are back with what you need to know "early today.
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the marvels took the top spot if its opening weekend but still managed to disappoint. it earned $47 million, making it the worst debut for a marvel movie. a recall over salmonella concerns includes 25 types of dog food and six types of cat food a new study found that gene editing in the liver can lower high cholesterol lelevs in people at risk of heart disease. more trials still needed to be done a quick shave. quick shave? respect the process! it ain't my dad's razor, dad, it's from gillettelabs. gillette...labs? gillette's ultimate shaving experience. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. gamechanga! while the flexdisc contours to it. lookin' smooth. feelin' even smoother. how 'bout hookin' me up with some gillettelabs? check your texts. you're the best. nah, you're the best. the best a man can get keeps getting bettuh. the next generation of shaving is gillettelabs. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle.
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it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. a pair of world war ii veterans spent a week overseas retracing their steps to the beaches of normandy. they returned almost eight decades after storming it
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alongside their brothers in arms both men are maonow over a hundd years old, taking the trip to refresh their memories and honor their brothers >> reporter: it's been nearly eight decades since he stormed the beaches of normandy as a medic for the u.s. army. but now at 101 years old, he's back on his own terms. >> it seems like it just happened yesterday >> reporter: tracing his footsteps at utah beach where he fought the nazis in june of 1944 >> instead of going straight, we went that way. >> reporter: and after all this time getting to visit the final resting place of his friends and 2,000 other americans, rubbing sand in their gravestones to show their names >> thank you in tha . >> thank you >> reporter: the week-long trip
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led bay noy a northern illinois group. i wanted to pay respects to americans who made the ultimate sacrifice on the beaches of france >> oh, gosh. flashbacks of my friends a couple of them were killed >> reporter: bill and gene had never met each other before this trip but quickly bonded over their memories of the war and even got to share those stories with a group of students in their 20s traveling along with them >> it was ten times better than i thought it would be, the entire trip. >> reporter: an unforgettable trip and a new friendship for two american heroes. >> our thanks to sam brock for bringing us that report. thinking that they were 22 years old when they did that for our country. and all these years later, their memories and the bond that they created, that hasn't faded one bit. >> one more reason to thank them for their service and look forward to the friendship that will continue from here on
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later on, hoda and jenna sit down with the history-making runner and first woman with down syndrome to finish the new york city marathon. her finish was caught on camera. the texan talks with hoda and jenna about her love for running and the 26.2-mile trek through the big apple. that is still ahead on "today" and i love the fact that after it's all passed and some people are looking ahead to next year, we're focussing on the many, many stories that come out of this marathon. >> she is definitely one to highlit. sky's the limigh
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we are learning more about the recent round of american air strikes in syria, along with the u.s. service members killed in the region it comes alongside


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