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tv   Today  NBC  November 13, 2023 7:00am-9:01am PST

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actually continues right now live on roku, samsung tv or wherever you stream. join us now or wherever it fits into your schedule. find it on roku. >> thank you very much for allowing us to be part of your morning, and leaving you with a live look this morning of a beautiful site in the city of san francisco. apec summit a big part of the city. we'll continue to talk about that during our streaming newscast. have a great morning. good monday morning. good monday morning. tensions on the rise across the middle east. >> it's november 13th. this is "today." breaking overnight, new air strikes. the u.s. stepping up attacks on targets inside syria
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israel expanding its war on hamas. a humanitarian crisis now playing out at the largest hospital in gaza we're live with the very latest, including the new push to free more hostages as we learn a 3-year-old american is among them. countdown. washington once again scrambling to avoid a government shutdown with just days to go, the new plan from house republicans to keep funds flowing will it fly? shakeup. senator tim scott announce the end of his 2024 campaign. >> when i go back to iowa, it will not be as a presidential candidate. >> inside his decision to leave the race and its impact on the republican field. one year later, a somber anniversary for families of the idaho college murder victims. >> it's been rough it's been really rough. >> the emotional new tribute planned for today and the growing frustration for families
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with a trial date still not set. those stories plus turkey trot thanksgiving travel kicking off this kick. expect it to be record-setting at this nation's airports. will they be ready we ooh go one-on-one when tsa joins us live. and viva las vegas >> goes to the back. it is caught >> the raiders down the jets in a sunday night classic that came down to the wire >> he's got to get some space and momentum to heave it now he does. down towards the end zone. it is incomplete >> today, monday, november 13th, 2023. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and, hi, everybody, good morning.
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welcome to the week. welcome to monday. >> we will get right to our top story. conducting more air strikes in eastern syria. the third wave against iranian linked targets there, all in retaliation for attacks on u.s. military personnel. >> this is coming as the israel/hamas war wages on this morning. gaza's largest hospital now that facility, but this morning, there are new signs of a possible deal to free those hostages taken by hamas. >> that's right. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, quote, the less i say about it, the more it increases the chances it materializes >> protests, security threats here at home but we will begin with those air strikes. >> reporter: this is another sign of how this conflict could be spreading with u.s. soldiers getting more and more involved overnight u.s. forces conducted a new round of air strikes in eastern syria, targeting a
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training facility and a safe house. the pemt gone says there will be news by iran and its affiliated groups secretary of defense lloyd austin says the strikes are in direct response to continued attacks against u.s. personnel in iraq and syria. there have been 47 attacks against military bases with u.s. troops since october 17th. but this time there are questions about how iran might respond. eight pro-iranian militants were killed in this air strike, though the pentagon has not confirmed that strike. >> gabe, i also know we're learning the details about the deaths of several u.s. service members in the region. what do you know >> reporter: that's right. on friday five u.s. servicemembers were killed in a helicopter accident after their helicopter crashed in the mediterranean sea for
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evacuations and rescues. but officials say this helicopter was on a routine training mission not involved with any operation related to israel. >> all right gabe gutierrez at the white house leading things off thanks, gabe new fighting is raging in the israel-hamas war and a dire situation is unfolding at the largest hospital system in gaza. nbc's chief international correspondent keir simmons joins us now with the very latest. hey, keir. good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you the health world organization says half of the hospitals in gaza are now out of action among those whose lives are at risk, the lives of premature babies who are the hardest patients to move meanwhile, we're learning a 3-year-old american israeli child is among the hostages. born into a war, 36 babies in a neonatal unit where the power is failing doctors told us by phone. three died over the weekend, he
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says after heavy explosions friday, the u.s. warned against fire fights in hospitals. israel saying it is trying to evacuate patients but giving few details. releasing images of israeli soldiers leaving fuel for generators, but only 300 liters, 80 gallons al shifa is the biggest hospital in gaza. doctors are denying that underneath shifa is hamas headquarters a decade ago, hamas torturing people in the outpatient unit. hundreds of thousands are fleeing through israel's humanitarian corridors if they cannot return home, palestinians say it will be another catastrophe. this weekend, an israeli minister suggesting that's what will happen. igniting condemnation. but the hostages taken by hamas aren't home either yesterday the white house revealing one american being held is just 3 years old, the
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parents killed by hamas. he is one of the 239 hostages, his wife one of the murders. the parents killed by hamas. 1 of the 239 hostages. the family now caring for their 2-year-old child hoping he still has a father >> he's calling for his mother and his father all the time. he wants to go home all the time. >> reporter: this is the last video of the family together the family hasn't told their son what happened. >> he's already lost his mother. >> reporter: he needs his dad back. >> exactly. he needs his dad. >> reporter: the u.n. says the holding of hostages is a war crime. it also accused israel of war crimes through the collective punishment of civilians. >> the main differences, are you deliberately targeting civilians? no we're deliberately doing everything in our power to target the terrorists.
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>> reporter: hoda, the israeli prime minister telling kristen welker that israel knows a great deal about where the hostages are and they could be close to a breakthrough in talks. meanwhile, a diplomat with knowledge of those talks tell us there are multiple hurdles, that the perimeters of the deal are in place. >> keir simmons for us in tel aviv keir, thank you. here at home, the war is continuing to fuel tensions with large protests held in cities across the country over the weekend. nbc's sam brock is in miami beach this morning with that part of the story. sam, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the war showing no signs of slowing down of course, there is no signs right now this war abroad slowing down that means neither are the protests or the threats to public safety in the u.s that includes a bomb threat in new york city over the weekend here in maim beach, on either side of ocean drive, police tell me it was mostly peaceful. there was no arrest.
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there was video captured showing cruelty spanning across the nation as fighting escalates in gaza, protests growing here in the u.s. over the weekend, crowds calling for a cease fire in cities nationwide from austin to boston. >> what we're seeing now is people demanding an end to our government's complicity in this genocide. >> reporter: in new york, a pro-palestinian protest forcing authorities to temporarily close one grand central terminal there was a bomb threat the next day at a manhattan synagogue some rallies turning contentious. >> what are you watching tiktok is that where you get your history? >> reporter: pro-palestinian and pro-israel groups held dueling demonstrations. >> i'm fighting for our country. >> we've got to fight for our right to live in freedom >> reporter: this cell phone video shared with nbc news and seen by millions, a hateful outburst by a woman pushing a stroller
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it comes amidst a backdrop of a global outcry against iran on attacks against jewish people. in france, massive crowds gathering sunday to protest anti-semitism and similar concerns on america's college campuses at ohio state, the assault of two students, vandalism at the school's jewish center which the university's president says directly targeted the jewish community. >> it is a challenging time to be a jewish college student on campus right now. >> reporter: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressing the protest on "meet the press. >> they understand but those who protest for hamas, you're protesting for sheer evil >> reporter: and as threats on college campuses continue, it's so important to note, savannah, the council of american-islamic
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relations, cair, reports more than 1,200 reports for help or bias that is just in the last month. >> thank you go to washington now lawmakers trying to avoid a government shutdown. and friday's deadline is fast approaching. house republicans revealed a new stopgap funding plan let's bring in garrett haake what do we know about the plan will it fly? >> reporter: hey, savannah, here we go again. over the weekend, new house speaker mike johnson revealed this unconventional two-step funding bill designed to prevent shutdown chaos right before the holidays and buy house republicans more time. this would fund part of the government until the middle of january. the rest of it until february. notably, the bill does not contain budget cuts, which would have guaranteed democrats would oppose no aid for israel or taiwan. all that would have to be done at a separate time, if at all. >> the question is, are there enough votes for this to pass? >> reporter: we could find out as early as tomorrow that's when the bill is expected to come to the floor three house republicans said
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they won't vote for it they wanted to see the spending cuts that means the speaker is going to need democratic votes and the democrats think this is a goofly overly complicated way to do what ought to be a simple thing. a shutdown now would mean hundreds of thousands of federal workers would miss paychecks just before the holidays but things like social security benefits would still be paid either way, savannah, this week will be the first major test of this new speaker now with the whole country watching >> and friday is the deadline. garrett, thank you very much. in a move that surprised his own staff, tim scott announced last night that he is suspending his 2024 republican presidential campaign he said, i think the voters have been really clear that they're telling me not now multiple scott staff members told nbc news they had no warning. however, scott's poll numbers
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have been stagnant fund-raising has been a real challenge. we've got a lot more to get to including the thanksgiving travel rush, which kicks off on friday and is expecting to be record-setting out this morning with new predictions. more than 30 million passengers over the course of the 12 days that start friday. for a closer look at what we can expect, we're joined by david petoskey good morning when we see you, we know it is the season people are coming to travel 30 million you have just given us those numbers. is the tsa ready how does that compare to last year or years prior? >> we're ready, totally ready. as compared to last year, what we've seen over the course of this current year is about 210% increase over last year. so what we predict for this coming 12-day period, which begins on friday is probably the busiest day will be the sunday after thanksgiving it almost always is. we expect that to be the busiest day ever, approaching 300
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million passengers. these record-breaking. >> you talked about friday being a big day that people start traveling. that could also be the start of the government shutdown, which i know you are probably concerned about. >> we're hoping that congress comes to a solution, come to an agreement, give the president a bill he can sign we in tsa are an essential agency 95% of our employees will work irregardless of a shutdown but the longer it goes, the more impact it has on anybody because your family cash flow isn't there. you don't get paid until the shutdown is over we're hopeful congress comes to an agreement by friday it is the beginning of the thanksgiving travel season and that we get to a final bill very shortly. >> i mean, these tsa workers are asked to come to work for no pay. they still have to get child care expenses. they still have to get commuting
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expenses i recall from the last time the government actually did shut down, some tsa agents toward the end of it just ended up calling in sick because they couldn't afford to go to work for no pay. are you concerned for that at this time? >> very much so. the last government shutdown was 35 days. when you go 35 days without pay without a source of income, that's very, very hard hard to pay for childcare. so the longer a shutdown goes, the bigger the impact is on us. >> a lot of people are concerned with the war that's been going on and security obviously has to be really amped up but at the same time, you want to keep the lines slow how do you balance those two when they're going through the tsa? >> sure. we never compromise our security operations, and we're also vigilant we're always looking for a what's going on in the world that might affect transportation, either inbound to the united states or here in this country we have taken additional measures since october 7th to make sure we have that presence. if you go to an airport now, you
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will see much more activity at our screening checkpoints. we will always look at the intelligence information we have and adjust accordingly. >> do you think this is a heightened period of risk given what's happened overseas >> oh, surely. >> be safe we're grateful for the work of the tsa. >> appreciate it thank you. all right. 15 minutes past the hour let's get our first check of the forecast al is at a food bank in brooklyn, kicking off our season of giving. hey, al. >> reporter: good morning. we are at industry harvest's main program here in brooklyn attempting to break a world record we will tell you all about that coming up to help fellow folks all around the country let's look at what's going on weather-wise we've got some heavy weather starting to develop down through the gulf streams of moisture bringing heavy rain from texas on into louisiana and parts of mississippi. the good news is there is a lot of drought in mississippi and louisiana as well.uch needed
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upwards of 90% to 100% of drought while this rain is going to be bringing much needed relief we're talking about anywhere from 3 to 5 inches of rain in some spots from new orleans on into the panhandle of florida. we will be watching that very closely the rest of the country today, plenty of sunshine it will be gorgeous. we have showers making their way into the pacific northwest, warmer than usual in the plains. we're going to get to your local and a few showers along the eastern coast of florida we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. t started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world.
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good monday morning, i'm meteorologist kari hall. today our temperatures will reach into the mid to upper 0i67s. overall a nice and comfortable day. we will start to see more clouds coming in as we get ready for rain, and the north bay we'll start to see those showers while parts of the rest of the bay area will have more mild temperatures. off and on showers in the forecast starting tomorrow, continuing through wednesday, thursday, and friday with our highs in the mid to upper weather. guys >> all right, al thank you. just ahead, a community still healing one year after the ride hoe college murders and where things stand in their ongoing push for a trial date to be set. plus, the new promise being shown by wegovy and those other drugs for weight loss. can they also lower the risk for heart attack and strokes we will break down everything
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for hot flashes and night sweats. with hormone-free veozah, you can have fewer hot flashes, and more not flashes. veozah is proven to reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, back pain, and hot flashes. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ ask your doctor about hormone-free veozah and enjoy more not flashes. good morning, i'm marcus washington along with laura garcia, and we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories including the apec summit about to pick up steam here in san francisco. >> it kicked off with
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preliminary events over the weekend, but now a slew of world leaders set to arrive. u.s. treasury secretary janet yellen has been in san francisco since late last week. apec brings together the heads of state from 21 different pacific rim countries. some 20,000 people are attending. 5,000 law enforcement officers are adding an extra layer of sayty. >> other highlights include a dinner at the westin st. francis and parties -- california treasury secretary fiona ma. visa will hold an event at the ferry building as well. and a reminder, our website really a good source to keep up with all things apec. scan that qr code there on your screen. and we'll take you to our apec guide online breaking down everything you need to know about those events including how to avoid the traffic in the city. and now it's time to get a look at that forecast for us,
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meteorologist kari hall is tracking some incoming rain. >> you want to make sure you're keeping an eye on the weather as well because things will be changing over the next few days. we have a large storm system offshore that's going to be bringing in some rain, starting mostly tomorrow, but we'll start to see clouds come in as that rain approaches from the north. our hour-by-hour outlook shows that by early tomorrow morning, we could see some rain coming in, and it may be as early as late tonight for parts of the north bay. the north bay will see most of the rain tomorrow but then the rest of the bay area sees rain approaching on wednesday. so we've got this full forecast hour-by-hour on our
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we're back 7:30
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tom llamas joins the table tom llamas joins the table we have a new neighbor, the rockefeller christmas tree it came over the weekend 12 tons of fir and the men are hard at work over there. >> we will bring you the official lighting live mark your calendars. christmas in rockefeller center is on wednesday, november 29th, right here on nbc. it is just an awesome way to start.ry. >> yes, it is one year since put some music on, have hot coco, have some fun. meantime, we are starting off with a somber anniversary. >> that's right. it's been one here since four students killed in an off campus home the suspect still behind bars awaiting trial. >> miguel almaguer joins us with the latest and also how the victims are being honored. hi, miguel good morning. >> reporter: the victims' families are still awaiting their shot at justice while bryan kohberger remains in
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prison one year later, the community and families are still working to heal. as suspected killer, bryan kohberger awaits trial, a somber anniversary for the families of kaylee goncalves, ethan chapin, xana kernodle and madison mogen, the four university of idaho students stabbed to death one year ago >> four students were killed yesterday in a suspected homicide. >> reporter: their murders rattling the small community of moscow, idaho. it took police six weeks to track down and arrest kohberger 2,500 miles away from the crime scene. the former criminology student was linked to the murders by dna found on a knife sheath left on a bed. now, one year after their daughter's murder, christy and steve goncalves say they will spend the day remembering their little girl. >> it's been rough, really rough.
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we really miss them. the longer they're gone, the more you miss them and you realize how badly you have been robbed >> reporter: his mother, stacy, wrote a children's book and helped establish the ethan smile foundation in honor of her son's memory. >> i miss hugging ethan. he was definitely a momma's boy. i would give anything to go back and be able to have another hug from him >> reporter: while the judge has entered a not guilty plea on kohberger's behalf, a start date for his trial has not yet been set. the legal team has made multiple attempts to get the case thrown out, but those delays brought more time for investigators, who were back at the crime scene last month, collecting even more evidence >> it's more evidence so then when we go to trial, there are more good days than those what if days. >> reporter: the four families united by immense loss, grieving
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this mournful milestone. later tonight, a vigil will be held at the university of idaho to honor the lives of those students who were killed meantime kaley gonsalves's father says he and other victims' fathers have formed an informal support group and often lean on each other to help make it through the grieving process. guys >> thank you we want to turn to laura jarett. good morning it's been a year there's been a murder trial, a death penalty case. no trial day yet is that unusual? >> i know it's frustrating for those families that are grieving but as trial dates go, this is not that unusual, especially in a case like this with tons of forensic they're going back to the house to make a model of the crime scene. it's not unusual, but i understand for the families, this just prolodges the heartache. >> you talk about the forensics. what do you think the most
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important piece of evidence is at this point? >> by far, it is the dna evidence they matched the dna they say a statistical match for the knife sheathe that is found next to one of the victims that is going to be just insurmountable for this case here they will try to do everything they can to get the dna evidence thrown out >> does that benefit one side over the other >> it really benefits the defense because the surviving roommates, especially the one that says she saw a masked man with bushy eyebrows will likely have to testify at this trial. the longer you go here, the memories fade, each searing ones it can be really hard in a case like this for prosecutors. >> there is the death penalty on the table. is this the kind of case where there could potentially be a plea deal? >> it is not clear the prosecutors would be open to this it may not be a case where that is even on the table right now. >> all right, laura jarrett, thank you for that update. all right. still ahead, a state of
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emergency in iceland and concerns about a disruption to air travel between europe and the u.s. heading to thanksgiving we'll have the very latest coming up. plus, can drugs wildly popular for weight loss also reduce your risk for heart attack, maybe even a stroke? we're going to take a look at the promising new findings, but first, these messages. with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by 50% and keep it low with 2 doses a year. common side effects were injection site reaction, joint pain, and chest cold. ask your doctor about twice-yearly leqvio. lower. longer. leqvio®
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(christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. the united states postal service. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. hey... it's me! your dry skin! i'm craving something we're missing. the ceramides in cerave. cerave, with three essential ceramides, helps restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture and we can feel it long after. cerave moisturizers. ♪ christmas jingles ♪ [gasp] [laughter of joy] ♪♪ [mmmmmmm] repeat the sounding joy. ♪♪ [laughter of joy] kinder joy. ♪♪ open a world of surprise.
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we're back 7:39 your health this morning for months we have been following the effects of drugs used for weight loss. so now a new study is revealing another potential benefit, suggesting that wegovy can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in some
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adults by 20%. >> the study was published in the "new england journal of medicine." >> all right let's turn to dr. natalie azar good morning okay with all of those disclaimers aside, what does the study show? >> this study demonstrated that if you are an individual who has a pre-existing history of heart disease, so you've had a heart attack or stroke, if your bmi is 27 or higher and you are not diabetic, taking wegovy weekly can cut your risk by 20% of heart attack, death by stroke or any cardiovascular cause that was driven primarily by a reduction in heart attack. it should be noted that ozempic, which is a sister drug to wegovy, is already approved to reduce cardiovascular risk in people that are diabetic this is the first medication indicated solely for obesity shown to cut cardiovascular risk. >> is it cutting the risk because you are dropping the weight so all your numbers are much better? >> don't know.
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that's obviously one thing because we know obesity is a huge driver of cardiovascular disease. but there are couple of other explanations for example, is it because you're actually cutting down your blood pressure, your cholesterol is being lowered, your blood sugar is lowering, and are you reducing inflammation those metabolic changes were detected before people actually started losing weight. it clearly appears it's not just due to weight loss but there are these benefits including reduction of waist circumference. >> has anything changed with insurance? a lot of people want to take the medicine, but it is so expensive. >> not yet but the hope is this, again, will change the perception that these medications are only purposeful for cosmetic reasons but that they are actually indicated to treat the chronic disease of obesity and overweight it's notable in 2006
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medicare started covering bariatric surgery, not to treat obesity, but to treat the downstream consequences of obesity. you could try to use the same analogy here to get more insurance companies on board to cover it >> did the study address whether when you get off those drugs whether those health effects with regard to the heart go away >> they didn't because they really couldn't because they only followed people for a little bit over three years, but we already know that when people stop the medicine who are taking it for their weight, regain roughly two-thirds one could make the argument that if the medicine is doing these things metabolically, that once you stop it, those numbers wil probably shifting back to their baseline. >> thank you. all right. 7:43 let's send it over to mr. roker and get a check of the weather. hey, al. >> we're going to explain what
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we're doing here in just a bit let's show you what we got going on right now we are looking at another day of wet weather for our friends out west this low pressure system will be bringing in, fueling in atmospheric river. rain and snow through friday variability. and those precipitation totals up and down the coast depending on where you are 1 to 3 inches of rain from california to l.a. just a little further to the south of there we're also looking at harmer weather now starting to work its way to the mid-section of the country. we'll see those temperatures anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees above average, salina, nashville, cincinnati, detroit on into denver tomorrow that moves to the east. good news there. but, again, we could be looking at records from fargo all the way to chicago temperatures warm up in new york into the low 60s low 70s in richmond. st. louis will be in the low to mid-650s same for columbus.
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good monday morning. i'm kari hall. so we are looking forward to some changes, some wet weather coming in. and here's the storm system that is well off the coast that will bring in some rounds of rain. already starting to see the showers farther to the north. by the time it gets to the bay area tonight, it is late tonight into early tomorrow morning. a quick wave of rain mostly during the morning and a break during the afternoon. we could see more and that is weather. we are here at city harvest, guys we want to set -- it's world kindness day we want to set a record for the most turkeys given out in one day. the assistant vice president of marketing.
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you guys hopefully will get 15,000 turkeys delivering today here and in chicago. are we going to do it? >> i hope so we want to thank everybody for all their help in making sure we could make this happen. >> all right thank you very much. guys, coming up in the next half hour, we're going to try to break that record. as you can see, the folks here unloading those turkeys. we have got jacob soboroff in chicago helping. sobo is helping. it's going to be a huge, huge turkey-off from one big turkey to a bunch of other turkeys look at him. he's doing his lift. all right. guys, back to you. just ahead, we will take you inside the game and behind the scenes with some of the nfl's unsung heroes. it's our firsthand look at what makes a team's practice squad so important. >> we'll get to that and your morning boost coming up right after this
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the urge to protect isn't always seen, but it is felt in the moments we share. at pfizer, we dare to stay ahead and advance innovation in vaccines. to help protect you and your family against the respiratory diseases we may be facing. ask your healthcare provider about vaccine options from pfizer including covid-19, rsv, and pneumococcal pneumonia that may be right for you. to find vaccine options from pfizer, visit there once was a tree lovingly made to look real. (♪♪) so real, something magical happened... (♪♪) it helped create very real memories.
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(♪♪) balshey.ill. ♪(christmas music) hi. (♪♪) thank you. (♪♪) cheers. (♪♪) oh my goodness, look at you! ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ the only one cats ask for by name. ♪ (♪♪) [coffee pouring] (♪♪) [van engine] [card reader chimes] (♪♪)
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[garage door opening] (♪♪) [inaudible chatter] [card reader chimes] (♪♪) (♪♪) 10% can make all the difference in the world. it's the difference between everyday (♪♪) and days unlike any other. 10% is the difference between just another moment and a memory that lasts forever. 10% can turn anywhere into your arena, and stories into legends. but now, with 10% below msrp on select 2023 jeep vehicles, 10% doesn't just make all the
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difference in the world, it lets you see it too. ♪ chef's kiss ♪ by: lil' cheesecake ♪♪ ♪♪ we're back shall we do a morning boost? let's go here's a moment one groom is never going to forget. one day before his wedding, family members told him there was a surprise waiting for him in the basement. what he would soon find out is it was actually his dad who flew
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in from europe after initially saying he was not going to be able to make it. take a look. >> no way! no way. no way >> you didn't think i was going to miss it, did you? having dad there on your big day, that's everything beautiful, beautiful moments. >> so sweet. >> wow getting dusty in here? >> yeah. still ahead, this feels really good to say it's been a while, and we've got a parade of hollywood stars in our studio that's scarlett johansson. we always have fun with her. we'll catch up with her. >> and one of our favorite comedy stars of all time
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keenan thompson and kel mitchell are coming up as well, but first your local news. ♪ cheerful holiday music ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ )
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7:54 am
milk-bone comfort chews. -when you bundle your home or renters with your auto, progressive provides protection for almost everything you own. -but do you really need... -my weighted hoop? it's for my snatched waist. foot treadmill. purse that says purse. my tuesday chalice. lake making kit. mushroom humidifier. futuristic coat rack. tells you how many coats are on it. two. over the past two years, jersey mike's fundraiser tells you how many coats are on it. for feeding america has been a huge success. their efforts help provide more than 75 million meals, when people needed it most. but there's still work to be done. thank you, claire. this year, we'd like to invite you back to jersey mike's for another special weekend. come in this saturday and sunday where 20% of all sales will be donated to feeding america, helping families in need. together, we always make a difference. walmart black friday deals are live. get this barbie playset for $12.97, these skullcandy headphones for 49 bucks, and so many more amazing deals.
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shop online now and save big with walmart black friday deals. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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a very good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here's a look at what's going on. >> reporter: in san francisco the countdown is officially over. apec has kicked off over the weekend in san francisco, and things will get into high gear as the week progresses. a number of bilateral meetings
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happened throughout the weekend between secretary of treasury janet yellen and her counterparts. meetings are also expected to happen today starting with this morning's finance minister meeting that's expected at 9:00 a.m. we're looking at the area where ginger had to go through this. there were people standing by. lots of fences we saw them setting up last week. there will be a full closure around this area. market, harrison. plan ongoing around the area. public transit will help you get through the closures and the reroutes here as well as on wednesday from noon to midnight. there is activity over there near. that is another area to avoid. starting tomorrow morning, i have zoomed over to the oakland side because one lane in each direction will be blocked. westbound the right lane. eastbound the left lane. both brushed up along the fifth
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exit. it is so close to the center. that will be a lot of traffic. look
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♪ ♪ it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, rising tensions the u.s. targeting iran-backed groups in syria. straight ahead, what the white house is saying and what it means for the war in the middle
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east. then state of emergency. evacuations underway amid the threat of a major volcanic eruption in iceland. how soon could it happen and will it affect travel worldwide? we're live with the latest. plus, "today" gives back we're kicking off our season of giving with a food drive set to break records. al is live on the scene helping families in a big way. and hugging it out inside taylor and travis' wild weekend from that kiss to the song ♪ karma is the guy on the team ♪ >> to huge news about her latest album. we've got it all covered today, monday, november 13th, 2023. >> starting the week at "the today show" from portland, oregon. >> south carolina.
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>> columbus, ohio. >> and st. louis, missouri >> on a mother/daughter trip. >> from tucson, arizona. >> here from niagara falls. >> because it's my 50th birthday. >> celebrating 17 years of friendship on the "today" show >> today i turn 10 >> from el segundo, california >> celebrating my 7th birthday. >> whoo! ♪ >> how's that. good morning welcome back to "today." tom is in for craig this morning. we appreciate you being with us on a monday morning. >> we have all kinds of stars in today, including a special one tomorrow
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"people" magazine's sexiest man arrives. patrick dempsey will be here >> that was tom. >> that was not me that was savannah. >> i always wanted to know how to make that sound how do you do it >> just years of, i don't know, practice. >> okay. getting to know you. all right. thank you. let's get right to your news at 8:00 we'll go overseas and the escalating tensions in the middle east once again putting american forces in harm's way. the u.s. launched strikes in syria overnight. the pet gone revealed five american soldiers have been killed it happened during a helicopter training mission gabe gutierrez joins us with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. these air strikes are escalating this latest one was different. not just targeting a weapons storage facility like previous strikes, but this time a training facility and a safe house in eastern syria the pentagon says there were iran-backed militants inside, but it won't confirm any casualties yet secretary of defense lloyd austin says the strikes are a direct response to u.s. attacks. that have been at least 47
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attacks in military bases with u.s. troops since october 17th it is a sign of how this war could be spreading with american soldiers getting drawn in more and more meanwhile, separately, we're learning about the deaths of u.s. service members in the region on friday, five were killed in a helicopter accident off the coast of cyprus after their helicopter crashed into the mediterranean sea. the group was part of a refueling training mission the pentagon has deployed the elite special units to the area in case they are needed for evacuations for rescues. but officials say this helicopter was on a routine training mission, not involved in any operation related to israel savannah. >> gabe gutierrez, thank you very much. california governor gavin newsom declared a state of emergency after a weekend fire that shut down a busy freeway in l.a. this was the scene early saturday morning under the 10 freeway just south of downtown
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l.a. a storage fa stilt containing pallets and shipping materials and vehicles fully engulfed in flames a long-term closure while the crews repair the damage. they are urging people to use alternative routes of travel the cause of that entire still under investigation. there's also a state of emergency where a rumbling volcano in iceland is thr threatening a possible catastrophe. kelly cobiella has more. >> reporter: yeah. an entire fishing village has been evacuated and this volcanic region is only about 35 miles from the capital reykjavik and the airport. scientists warn an eruption could happen at any minute this morning warning signs of a volcanic eruption. thousands of earthquakes in an icelandic fishing village. massive cracks opening on the streets and in homes a mile-long pool of lava below the town threatening to erupt. a local resident and his girlfriend caught one of the
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strongest quakes on camera >> this is a very big lava pocket, and it goes straight under the town so the town could just disappear >> reporter: closing down the nearby blue lagoon, one of the country's most popular tourist destinations and raising the aviation alert to orange in 2010, an enormous ash cloud from the eruption of an ice-capped volcano grounded flights across europe for weeks. the region dormant for 800 years came back to life in 2021. magma bursting to the surface again last year and this summer. what kind of an impact will that have, even a smaller eruption? >> we are looking at people losing their homes and other critical infrastructure. there is a power plant there is the blue lagoon at the moment the magma is so close to the surface it could come up in a matter of potential minutes. it could happen in the next
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hours. it could happen in the next few days we just don't know. >> reporter: the people from this fishing village watching and hoping their town survives there still is a lot of uncertainty this morning, but scientists say even a small eruption could cause a lot of damage still they say it won't create an ash cloud like the one thato. we thank y grounded flights back in 2010. tom? >> that's good to know kelly, we thank you for that let's go to the nfl. the raiders and the jets trying to stay in the playoff picture on "sunday night football. >> fake to him o'connell. going to the back. it is caught there for the touchdown! the raiders take a seven-point lead early in the fourth quarter they held on to win it, 16-12. a defensive battle there and las vegas improves to 5-5 on the season you know, carson, didn't you say
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they were having some kind of rebirth or some kind of genesis? there you go 5-5. >> carson is still partying. >> that's where he is. guys, we will kick off one of our biggest ever season of giving events. we've got al at the food bank. jacob soboroff holding it down in chicago in need this in a moment they're going to launch an attempt at a guinness world record, and it's going to help a lot of families at thanksgiving this season >> let's go! let's go >> but, first, these messages. weekly black friday deals you can't miss. ♪ love like this before ♪ ♪ i never knew there was a... ♪ get low prices and early black friday deals at target. [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪
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♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ pepto bismol co♪ meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ the only one cats ask for by name. ♪ hey. ♪(christmas music) hi. (♪♪) thank you. (♪♪) cheers. (♪♪) oh my goodness, look at you! [car traversing over uneven ground.] [silence in the vehicle.] (♪♪) [car traversing over rocky ground, babbling creek in the background.] [minimalist piano enters, plays throughout.] (dad) we got our subaru forester wilderness [heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] [heavy sound of water stops abruptly.] to discover all of the places that make us feel something more.
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[heavy sound of water from waterfall re-enters.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. the citi custom cash® card a different kind of card that automatically adjusts to your spending earn 5% cash back on your top eligible spend category up to $500 spent each billing cycle learn more at ♪ >> announcer: today's season of giving food drive is sponsored by jennie-o turkey, making it easy to eat well >> welcome back. our season of giving food drive is about to get underway but before we get started, mr. roker has a quick check of the weather. hey, al. >> reporter: hey, guys good morning let's show you what we've got going on luckily not too bad throughout much of the country. first of all, let's take a look. you can see the heaviest rain right now down to the gulf we're watching showers and
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thunderstorms develop. temperatures fairly moderate that's good news we are looking at cooler conditions along the plains and pacific northwest. a warm-down through florida. 30s in upper new england 80s in the southwest warmer than usual in the northern plains. rain and mountain snow developing in the pacific northwest. much needed rain down to the gulf they are in a big drought situation. and much of the east coast looking fantastic. good monday morningship i'm kari hall. mild temperatures today and most of the bay area in the mid to upper 60s and also a mix of sun an clouds but we are getting ready for rain set to move into the north bay for tomorrow. but we could see some spotty showers anywhere across the bay area. much more widespread rain in the forecast from wednesday through friday and may linger into saturday morning.
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and that is your latest weather. so here's the deal, gang we are kicking off our season of giving food drive in a big way this morning just in time for thanksgiving. all morning long, my good buddy, jacob soboroff, who is in chicago at a food bank, and i have been helping to unload turkeys while trying to break a guinness world record with the help of our friends, our sponsor, jennie-o. you can see jacob's group there. they're doing a good job all you need to do is scan this qr code on your screen if you want to learn how to give support to local food banks in your community it is so important, especially on this world kindness day we are getting near the finish line we are attempting to break a guinness world record of the largest turkey donations
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roughly about 7,600 turkeys. this morning we are hoping to more than double that with more than 320,000 pounds of turkey, which would be about 15,000 birds. the whole operation started yesterday with 8 semitrucks filled at three different food banks in chicago and here in new york the race to unload the birds continues this morning we happen to have one of our good friends, adjudicator from begin necessary world records standing by monitoring it all. but first we want to bring in the ceo of city harvest. nice to see you. thanks for inviting us here. so what's the need this time of year i would think it is probably one of the greatest time of year as far as food banks are concerned. >> it is a very important time
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of year. but always important to remember that the need is great year-round here in new york city, we know that over three million working age new yorkers struggle to make ends meet, so that's a year-round problem. >> what about the rest of the year >> same as in the rest of the country. report that lets us know that 44 million people in america are considered food insecure that's an increase 31% higher than the year before. highest number we've seen since 2014, so it is a big problem. >> so what kind of impact will this donation this year make >> this is a fantastic donation. everybody likes to celebrate thanksgiving everybody, or most people, have a turkey and turkeys are hard they're out of reach for many of the people that we're serving, so such an incredibly generous donation will go a long way to help thousands of new yorkers and other people in chicago to put a meal on the table. >> whether we set a record or not, this will make a big impact. >> it is a fantastic impact. >> you just mentioned chicago.
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let's go to jacob soboroff jake, what's going on there, buddy? >> reporter: al,s this is -- honestly, this is truly extraordinary and feels so incredible to be a part of these guys, this is the bucket brigade. they're doing all right. they are racing to beat the clock so we can altogether hit this guinness book of world records. this is the ceo. thank you so much for doing this we really appreciate it. >> we are thrilled to have you here. >> reporter: al, when you walk into this place, kate, the scale of it is so massive and so impressive but really what that says is there is an extraordinary need in the chicagoland area, something like one in four families with children one in four families with children in chicago go to sleep hungry, not knowing where their food is going to come from, is that right >> that's exactly right. the need has always been high, but it has gotten higher over
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the last couple years. there was a usda report that came out last month. 44 million americans are struggling with hunger. >> reporter: 44 million americans. ultimately, you guys have 800 facilities all across the chicago area 230-something employees. so many more volunteers. what happens with all of these turkeys? >> keep going, keep going, keep going. >> once they go in and you count them for the record? >> they will quickly flow out of our center 800 food pantries, as you said these will serve our neighbors so people are going to show up at food pantries tomorrow and in the days ahead and there will be food for them for the holidays and beyond. >> reporter: this time of year in particular, thanksgiving, am i right that you're up in demand for food, 13% over the same time last year? >> you are and i would say this is a time of year when we tend to think about hunger but i would also say we know that the need is all yearlong. there are people turning to food pantries this fall we anticipate it will be a difficult winter for a lot of chicagoans
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so it just underscores the need for donations like this, people to come out and support the work that we do. >> reporter: i guarantee you people are watching this as we attempt to set the guinness record saying, i want to help, i want to be part of the work that you do what do they do? >> the good news is there is a feeding america food bank in every community where everybody is watching right now, and people can go to the feeding america website, and they can find out where there is a food bank, where they can volunteer and be part of the solution. >> reporter: okay, that's amazing. kate, thank you so much for doing this. >> thank you. >> guys, how are we doing? are we doing all right al, i will throw it back to you because i know we want to get the counting started but it is looking good it's really, really cold too >> it really is. you are a tough task master, jacob, i've got to tell you. here comes our last delivery of turkeys coming off the truck let's bring in michael michael, how are you doing >> i'm so glad to be here. it is a little cold. i have seen all the turkeys come off the truck this morning.
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>> so did we set the record? >> the mark to beat was 142,000 pounds today jennie-o had 320,450 pounds it's a new guinness world record title. >> yes, yes, yes, we did it. >> congratulations, everyone you're officially amazing. >> jacob, thank everybody in chicago. and thank you to everybody here at city harvest. all of our friends at jennie-o this is fantastic. oh, my gosh. one of the most meaningful guinness world records we've ever set michael, thank you so much i really appreciate it thank you so much. again, if you want to donate in your local community, just scan the qr code you see there on your screen, and you, too, can be a thanksgiving hero in your community. all right. back to you guys we did it! stuffing for everybody >> that was awesome! >> pass out the cranberries. >> that is awesome thank you, jacob thank you, al. awesome.
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>> brilliant, brilliant. all right. it was great i feel like al has a lot of world records. >> he does he said that was one of the more meaningful ones. >> awesome the internet broke this weekend because of what happened over the weekend with taylor swift, travis kelce, and all of those fans >> all right the pop superstar launched her eras tour. who else but emilie ikeda could bring us details. hey, ohm. >> good morning to you guys. let me tell you, my jaw dropped when i saw this picture. it is the kiss seen around the world, viewed millions of times on social media. that's just the icing on the cake for swift who not only sold out her show in argentina, but also nominated for her sixth grammy awards. over the weekend taylor swift and travis kelce appearing to make thorough manns official with a very public kiss, the sweet moment quickly going viral and throwing the internet into a
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frenzy it happened after her show on saturday the pop superstar running off the stage and into kelce's arms, planting a kiss on his lips in full view of her fans, swifties screaming approval on social media. kelce taking advantage of an off week for the chiefs to fly to buenos aries to spend time with his new sweetheart and see her in concert, and she did not disappoint the singer even changing the lyrics of her grammy-nominated song "karma" to reflect her romance with the super bowl champion the newest chiefs swift fan adorably holding his face in response and swifties shrieking in glee. on friday, the couple was seen holding hands and heading to dipper after her concert was
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canceled due to bad weather. it further fuels speculation that she's falling in love and it's not just her love life that's hitting on all cylinders ♪ >> reporter: swift was just nominated for six grammys, including song of the year for "anti-hero," breaking a record held by legend and further pro e pelling her superstardom meanwhile, 1989 is having stunning success the re-release was bigger than the rest of the top 50 albums on the billboard top 100 combined guys, remember, this is her re-recorded album. it is mind-boggling. >> it is tom llamas was in his closet looking at that. >> i was up. i caught my wife saturday night. i was like, what's going on. she was like, oh, my god travis kelce. >> i was like, i'm out of here
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>> same, jen, same i was like, did that really happen even keegan was looking at it, guys fans of the iconic 1997 film "good burger," get ready to flip starring kenan thompson and cal mitchell the zainiest fast food workers now the long, long awaited sequel "good burger 2. guys, good morning what took so long for "good burger 2?" >> it's just life. timing but it's here now. i'm excited. >> it's the right time. >> i kind of feel bummed out that roker is not here because he's in this movie >> he's coming though. >> did he steal it what happened? >> amazing job yeah it's super cool. we got like a weather man part yeah he improv'd and everything >> he expanded his role. >> yeah, he did. >> roke dog! >> he's coming back just to see you.
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he's in brooklyn he's on his way right now just in time for the third hour >> you guys grew up together you grew up in the business. you had a huge career. and then you reunite did you guys, when you started shooting again, did you pick up right where you left off >> immediately immediately, right i mean, it was like no time had passed when a lot of time had passed but it was such a pleasure because probably that hiatus you know what you miss when it's gone kind of thing and, man, it was just like such a pleasure to be working so much with my brother again. >> who laughs the most >> the guy makes me laugh the most >> who is more likely when you should >> it's his fault. it doesn't take much. >> did you go back and watch the original as you were thinking about doing the sequel or you didn't need to >> no. yeah like it lives rent-free in my brain.
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it's there yeah >> well, we're so excited, kel we're excited. your skit on snl was classic that's a catchy song. >> with a keenan and kel shout-out in it. >> thank you, guys. >> we saw it >> yeah, we should.they're let's play it. run it! coming back in the third hour. al will be here. are we going to see a little of his cameo, or is that all under wraps? >> yeah, we should let's play it. run it >> we shall see. >> he's saying no, but -- >> it's not happening. all right. but before that, we got to catch up with star, actress and mom scarlett johansson coming up after your local news.
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♪♪ good morning. it is 8:26. a live at sfo this morning. ten days until thanks now.
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tsa is warning travelers to brace for long wait times at the airport. remember the 17th also marks the ends of the apex summit. fso is urging people to reserve their airport parking spots early. today, they are offering discounts. long-term parking five days or more will cost you $20 per day instead of the usual $25. stays in the domestic garage are $30 per day rather than $36. kari hall is tracking incoming rain for us. >> a busy next several days for the storm system come in. the storm system is off the coast but we will have impacts of waves of rain off and on and could be early late tonight to early tomorrow morning. first round of rain coming in. the north bay seeing the rain linger a bit longer, while the rest of the bay area sees some clearing. then the rain just continues at waves and -- with waves coming in throughout the rest of the week. highs in the upper 60s.
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marcus? >> thanks. another local news update is coming up in 30 minutes. see you then.♪
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8:30 am
hey, everybody welcome back it is 8:30 it is a monday morning it is the 13th day of november,
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2023 what a beautiful crowd we're so happy that you're here. i know why you guys all came y'all came because you got a big christmas tree right in the background very cool. >> that is so fun. al is on the road. he's racing back for kenan and kel. miss dilly dilly has decided to come in and pinch-hit. one of our favorites is here she could actually do the weather. we need you, dylan, but she's done it. she's ready to step in if needed scarlett is a delight. we love her. can't wait to hear about her growing business empire, what she's up to at home and in hollywood. all that good stuck. who's ready to decorate for the holidays alejandra ramos will get you started. if you enjoy the nfl, stephanie gosk has a really cool story on what makes members of the practice squad so crucial to a team's success they really are the unsung heroes, and stef got to see why
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firsthand. she actually suited up and got to tackle a couple players. guys, i know you have a lot of stars in this hour. but we have another one for you in the 3rd hour. she is going to bring us some early holiday cheer. >> all right we should mention you are with us tomorrow with a special preview. you do this every year so well you get to go see all the floats >> yeah. the ones they pack down into that size that goes through the lincoln tunnel i'll be there to see them full size tomorrow. >> macy's thanksgiving day parade tomorrow. >> let's check on the weather. >> all right it's cold. it's chilly out here everybody's hands are a little ice cold this morning. shaking hands, everybody's hands are ice cold we are looking at snow showers possible up across northern new england. heavy rain from texas to louisiana. warm temperatures moving through the rockies into the plain states though. the warmth moves into the great lakes. look at that
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60s, near 70 in the mid-west beautiful sunshine in the northeast. heavy rain and mountain snow making its way out west. that will continue to move down into the southwest, bringing more rain down in the middle still mild through the middle of the good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. clouds move in this afternoon and highs near 70 degrees. but, tomorrow, the north bay will see a chance of showers coming in with the rest of the bay area getting more widespread rain from wednesday through friday. it may even linger into saturday morning. so it's golden gate bridge raining off and on all through the week after today and san francisc window and that's your latest forecast you can hardly see this girl here what is your name? >> leo. >> trying to stay warm in the
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cold out here. >> often we have babies. but now we've got two pregnant besties. what are your names? >> lenae and megan. >> are you going to come back and bring the babies >> of course we will. >> pregnant besties. we get everybody here. very fun. >> and very fun. >> and we have a "today" super fan. it's your birthday today, right? >> no, it is not my birthday i'm here to celebrate all y'all. i have been watching since i was about 4 in the '50s. 75 years >> 75 years. okay >> she's been around wow. very cool. >> i got my facts a little fuzzy, but she's a super fan that we know thank you so much for coming. coming up next, scarlett johansson bringing her star
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johansson bringing her star power to "today. ( ♪♪ ) rsv can be a dangerous virus [sneeze] for those 60 and older. it's not just a cold. and if you're 60 or older...
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welcome back we cannot think of a better way to start the weekend than with our friend scarlett johansson joining us in studio 1a. the oscar nominated actress has been building her skincare line called the outset since march of last year, and now the company is getting ready for the holiday rush good morning. >> the holiday rush. is it already? >> you're an actor and a mogul you have an entrepreneur you have your own skin care line. >> i do, yes. >> i love when you come here because you always diagnose everybody's skin you walk by like the stagehand, you look a little pory. >> yes, you look a little dry.
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we have so much hollywood stuff going on at the outset it is all about going easy on yourself, being gentle on yourself and just, you know, giving you a little bit of holiday ease here. >> the box is fun. it is all in there i know you have tested this product rigorously. >> rigorously. >> including with a face that is quite challenging. that of your husband, colin jost. >> oh, my gosh, yes. he has combination skin that is just a nightmare look at this i got to put this adorable headband on him. believe it or not, he actually wanted to take it home and use it at home there you go. >> he wants to luxuriate >> he wanted to luxuriate at home it was created to make your dreams come true at home, give yourself a little pampering. we all need it. >> tell me about entrepreneur scarlett and how she differs from actress scarlett. >> honestly, i have to say, it has been an absolute pleasure. the greatest thing is meeting people and them telling me how much these products are making a difference in their lives, that
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their skin has never been better it really is like the gift that keeps on giving. it's hard work, but it's worthy. it's worth it. >> hallelujah the strike is over can we get an amen now we can talk to you about other things, such as projects you are working on there is a big old rumor that maybe the black widow is coming back >> was that like a zombie film >> i don't know. it's marvel. they always find a way i can't confirm or deny anything about this. >> i mean, i think it might be -- i think it was the end, right? i don't know. >> did she die she did. she passed yeah. >> i just want to be clear i'm not going to force it, but this is not a response to the question of whether she's reviving back to life. >> it would be a miracle it would be a real marvel miracle. >> it would be a marvel.
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>> it would be a marvel. >> it would. >> but, you know, who knows? >> okay. now, it's been 20 years since "lost in translation." can you believe that >> is it 20 or 200 years it could be either one. >> by the way, with that outset skin care line, it seems like one year can i -- right >> there you go. thank you. thank you. >> you are so welcome. >> thank you i have better skin now than i did then because of the outset that's true. >> all right you got a freebie there. that was really your breakout role. >> certainly as an adult it really was i can't believe it's been 20 years. sometimes it feels like yesterday, but it's been a while. i have two kids. i've done a lot of work since then but, yeah, i think the film is relevant it has -- people always -- especially people that have jobs where they're traveling and that kind of relationship between the two characters resonates with people, it's like a moment in
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time >> it really is. that doesn't seem like one that hollywood can reboot >> oh, yeah, reboot. >> you know how they're always rebooting everything. >> could it be >> i don't know. black widow is coming back we already established that. you know how much we love you around here. >> i would like to work here. >> i'm glad you mentioned that last time you were here you did do the weather. >> i know, but al was doing his charity work >> i notice you managed to get al not here today. that was back in march. you were doing the weather >> how do people get the weather now without al here? >> i don't know, but i have an opportunity for you. i have heard that as an actress you always wanted to direct. is that true >> that is true. >> okay. come with me, scarlett. >> i am so excited. where are we going >> we're going to go to the control room, studio 1a. there's hoda let me just ask you a couple of things because this is important. >> what do i need to know? >> do you have any experience at all? >> watch your step there, sweetie. >> i have some experience. >> you do?
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what are some of the production experience you have done. >> what i brought to the table >> yes. >> i directed a short film or two. i have been working in the industry at 30 years at this point. >> are you friendly? we like to have a family atmosphere around here. i love to create that kind of environment. do i have to join a new union? >> you do. but we're not striking so that's good this is the studio 1a control room >> hi, everyone. >> this is scarlett. she's new to the show today. she would like to direct the show and take us to break. this is jim gaines he used to be our director. >> i'm so sorry, jim congrats on your retirement. >> this is great this is working for me. >> what should she do, take us to break >> sure. throw to hoda. >> yeah. i need to take this. >> how do you throw to hoda? what does that mean? >> okay. here we go
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>> don't screw it up, scarlett. >> and, hoda, it's going to you.
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we are back with "shop this list." this morning we're highlighting great picks for anybody looking to elevate their kitchen set, decorate their homes and all that stuff don't forget the qr code right there on the corner. you can scan it. just with one click, you will get it all alejandro, i like that all these things are something we may not have thought about >> yes. >> for instance, an adjustment rolling pin. >> exactly. >> when have you thought about
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that >> this is from figmint. it has the measurements built right in. >> right in. >> you can pull these little wheels in. when you say you have a recipe, like one of my recipes that says roll your pie crusts out to a 12 inch circle, you can do it exactly. this will help you achieve that all in one you can make it bigger or longer as needed. >> speaking of adjusting as size, too, there is usually one pie crust. that's all there is to it. >> the pie crust, when you are baking, the outside can burn faster this cooks faster than the inside but you cover the outside. it slows down the baking process to get this perfectly flakey pie crust. and this is adjustable so you can use it on a big pie or smaller one, depending on what the size is a lot of times people diy this they'll use foil, but that's wasteful you can use it again and again for years and years. >> and adjustable. all right. let's get in the holiday spirit for breakfast. >> i love this little guy.
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i think it is $9.99. it is a pizzelle maker basically, they're the waffle cookies. they're really beautiful if you dust that with powdered sugar, it looks like christmas magic. >> and you can make something cute for breakfast. >> it is just like one thing. >> the price point is crazy. >> $9.99 >> let's have a nice display of cheese >> i love a cheese and charcuterie board. this is made from bamboo, a wonderful, durable material. what is that oh, it is a place to put your cheese knives so you can store them and grab them you know how sometimes you shove them in the cheese this is a better way to do it. it also comes with markers so you can put what kind of cheese everything is. >> okay. >> you can put it right into the cheese with a tag. and it comes with ceramic things
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that can also be removed. >> by the way, it is pretty beautiful when you look at it. and it is $49.50. >> and it's got the little grooves. you can use it as a carving board when you're not uting it as a charcuterie board yes, during the holidays, but all yearlong. >> speaking of things you can use over and over again, when you get an advent calendar, usually it is one and done but not this one. na this is so cute it comes with countdown houses you can fill them in with whatever you like. you can put candy in there, mini beauty products, jam i still love them. >> love it all right. so what do we do with all of our christmas cards? >> this is a beautiful, easy way. this is from magnolia. it is a beautiful way to display them you can put this on the mantle and your console table once the holidays are done, save the dates. you can put birthday cards, pictures, maybe just the mail and the bills you need to do you can use it again and again
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you can put it on your desk with motivational messages. i think it's so cute. >> bring it home what is this tree-lighting switch >> basically, you are bringing on the christmas magic do you want to do it >> all right one, two. >> and the lights go on. there we go. this is wireless i don't know if you can tell, but that turned on the christmas tree this connects to the christmas tree. >> what are you talking about? it is like rockefeller center. >> we turned on the christmas magic. >> three, two, one, yes. >> that is incredible. >> is that right >> i know. it's given me "elf" movie vibes. >> very cool >> you can do it e'er very night with the kids. >> stephanie, one for you. >> we got it all right. thanks purchase these items, scan our qr code, head to today earns a commission on the purchases made from this segment which solely features products available at targett coming up, hidden heroes of the nfl. stephanie gosk has that one for us coming up but, first, this is "today" on
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nbc. that one for us coming up. but, first, thiss "today" on i
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back now at 8:51 with our series "inside the game. >> yeah. a fourth quarter touchdown the final score, 16-12 while each team had 53 players on their game day rosters, another 16 have a special unsung role that often gets overlooked. >> stephanie gosk visited the jets training facility for this one. hi, steph. >> good morning. this is so much fun. every nfl team has a practice squad, paid players who don' suit up on game day, but are a crucial part of the team you don't hear much about them so we went to the jets training center to learn more about who these players are and how they're involved in prepping the team for games all season long
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football players like jalyn holmes and malik taylor train all week with their teammates, knowing that most weeks they won't be in uniform on game day, but they still play one of the most vital and selfless roles in the nfl, members of the practice squad. a phrase nfl fans hear just about sunday night malik taylor is in the game in part because garrett is on the sidelines. >> reporter: on game day, there are 53 players on an nfl roster. during the week, every team has an additional 16 players practicing and helping their teammates prepare. how important is the practice squad and how they play during practices? >> oh, it's everything it's everything. >> it is essentially to give a look for the active roster for the team that we're playing that week. >> reporter: members of the practice squad function as what
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coaches call a look team they try to mimic the possible plays and techniques of that week's opponent. matching up against the jets starting lineup in drills and scrimmages. >> you are given the exact same looks and routes of the team you are facing the coming week. >> reporter: that means 6'5" jalyn holmes is keeping the offensive line sharp in practice >> now my role is whoever the top guy on the defensive line is on the other team, they want me to be him. >> reporter: while malik taylor practices against the defense, mimicking superstar opposing wide receivers like the raiders' daevavante adams and the dolphi' tyreek hill. >> you are literally running the routes the defense will see. that also tells you how the defense plays. >> they have been practicing our offense, our own jets offense all yearlong and now we put in a team like miami or something like that, and you have to emulate tyreek hill that's difficult. >> that means the practice squad has to not only know the jets' formations. >> yes. >> they have to know the other team as well.
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>> yes. >> reporter: during games themselves, the practice squad is typically on the sidelines, acting as perceptive scouts for their teammates. >> players come off and you say, hey, this is something i noticed on the field. >> he's setting you like this or, hey, they're doing this. during the games, you are locked in on the smallest key, so you may not see everything. >> reporter: for holmes, taylor, and hundreds of other practice squad members across the league, their ultimate goal is to make the roster full-timing something both have already accomplished during different parts of their careers. but for now in many ways, they're putting their team first. >> when i was younger in my career, i saw it as punishment but as i get older, you see teams win, you see talented guys on the practice squad. >> like you have to prove something every single day because literally, essentially, it's a job interview every single day you have a chip on your shoulder every day, i would say, for sure. >> reporter: the players say they appreciate every practice and every opportunity. >> when you walk in the door, you have to feel blessed this is what you work for. >> there is a lot of guys not on
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the practice squad that would wish to be in that spot just waiting for that call. i don't want to take that too lightly. when i do have that opportunity, i just go and ball >> reporter: what i would say is it takes a lot of fight to be an nfl player it takes even extra fight to be these guys. >> yes they have to know it all. >> they have to know it all, and they want to be tapped, so they're working extra hard to get there. >> you think the people sitting on the bench are like, oh, god when am i getting in but they're full of enthusiasm. >> they're a big part of the team. >> they're a huge part of the team and i love that they get called up, too, to the game >> it's terrific and they bring it every practice. >> thank you, stef awesome. all right. coming up on the 4th hour, dave and jennie will help you get set for thanksgiving. but first in the 3rd hour, more fun with "good burger 2"
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♪ ♪ good morning. i'm marcus washington. san francisco's apec summit is set to quick in high greer. janet yellin has been there since last week. a slew of world leaders are set to arrive this week. it brings together the heads of state from 21 different countries with 20,000 people attending. 5,000 law enforcement officers are adding an extra layer of safety. today's highlight include party hosted by california treasury secretary. happening now, miss yellen is set to make an opening remark for the finance ministers meeting that is starting any time now. at we are grocery outlet
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what is bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. this thanksgiving, we're giving you even more reasons to celebrate. we are offering you $21 off a jennie-o frozen turkey with in-store discount. that's as low as $0.50 a pound. so why wait? hurry in to your neighborhood grocery outlet today. because this deal is only available while supplies last.
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," heart health alert. a new study finds a popular weight loss drug could also reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. we're breaking down what it means. and will more docto s


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