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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  November 24, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PST

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breaking news right now at 6:00, a cease-fire in the war between israel and hamas. hostages set to be released any minute now. we are live with what we know about who will be released. black friday 2023 under way. some thieves getting a start early in the east bay. we've got a store boarded up and
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police are telling us what you need to do to keep safe. this is "today in the bay." good friday morning, everyone. i'm scott mcgrew. >> and i'm cara clapper. i've been talking about how disgusting i feel this morning. i snuck out and ate more dessert after my kids went to sleep. you had pie this morning? >> yes, in the newsroom for breakfast. >> oh, my gosh. okay, i'll let everyone take it from here. right on cue, we are seeing people out going shopping this morning. let me show you the dublin camera for people trying to get to the san francisco premium outlets. yes, they are lined up out there. this is 580 going westbound. really? look at all those people.
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all right, so you're up early this morning. if you're still out shopping at 10:00 a.m., it will still be chilly, at 55 degrees. we only make it up to 60 just briefly, and then this evening we're going to see temperatures dropping fast. if you're going shopping in the south bay, santana row, great mall, expect high temperatures to only make it into the low to mid-60s. it will be cooler than yesterday. cinthia, you're also watching the traffic. >> you have a good eye, you pointed this out. we also see police trying to get a handle on all of this slow traffic on 580 in dublin. you also advised us that we could take isabelle avenue instead of this exit. if you are having trouble parking, we see slow sensors as you're getting to the san francisco premium outlets in livermore. just be a little more patient this morning. the sales will still be there for you.
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the rest of the bay area looking good. we'll check in on the rest of the area in just a little bit. back to you. it is 6:02 right now. we are following breaking news right now. dozens of hostages in the war in the middle east are expected to be released any minute now. >> the release all part of a cease-fire that started yesterday. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live for us in san francisco. ginger, we've heard about these negotiations for some time now. give us the details on the actual agreement. >> reporter: scott, kira, the latest that we have heard that is part of that agreement, part of the release of hostages this morning, nbc news has confirmed with a senior white house official that no american citizens taken from gaza on october 7th will be part of the group that is released today. three americans, including a girl named abigail, who turns 4 today, were thought to be part of that group. that, we are told, is not happening today. here is a live look outside of a
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prison in the west bank, where prisoners, palestinian prisoners, are expected to be released in exchange for those hostages. the release of those palestinian prisoners also expected, 150 women and teenagers, that is expected to happen as this truce plays out. there is a press conference happening at that prison right now. we will bring you details from what transpires within the hour. we have seen the horrific images of this war. according to the red crescent, more than 5,000 palestinian children have been killed in gaza, including a 7-year-old that was dug out from the wreckage of her bedroom, just one of the horrifying images. her mother says the girl was painting and her brother was sleeping. now, qatari negotiators say the first group of israeli hostages to be released include 13 women and children. among those children who were
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thought to be part of that was that girl, abigail, that american that is the latest that we have learned, and that is not happening today. for this brief moment, scott, kira, we are experiencing a pause from the stories that have impacted families on both sides, and the agony of families waiting to see if their family members will be part of the group that is released. we are continuing to monitor the latest developments on both the release of the prisoners and the hostages within the hour. we'll continue to bring you the latest. back to you. >> ginger, thanks for that update. we will continue to follow the release of the hostages throughout the morning. we're expecting them any minute now. stay with us both on air and online at for any updates. make sure to download our free nbc bay area news app and you can get breaking news alerts sent straight to your phone. it's 6:05. today marks two years since the deadly shooting of a former bay
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area police officer. kevin nishita was shot and killed in oakland while working as a guard, protecting a tv news crew. nishita's widow is among those pushing for the recall of alameda county district attorney pamela price. she told nbc bay area she feels the men accused in her husband's murder are not being prosecuted aggressively enough. the trial for the two suspects begins on december 4th, a third, laron gilbert, is still at large. there's a $40,000 reward leading to information to his arrest. we're going to take a turn. if you are up early with us this morning, maybe you're going to work, maybe you're going shopping. we want to join now nbc bay area "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez, one of those folks out there this morning. it's so crazy, you and i grew up in this business, we spent every black friday out there with thousands of people.
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and now it's like crickets. >> reporter: right. and it really was crickets when we first got here, the stores here at the gilroy outlet mall opened at 6:00. there were not a lot of people in line. a couple of people at lululemon. we drove around and saw a couple of people at the nike store. daniel drove by the walmart and the best buy. those were pretty quiet as well. we have seen a number of cars in the parking lot, though, which leads me to believe that people were just trying to stay warm until those doors opened here at the outlet mall. this is what happened in pleasanton, burglars rammed a car into a kohl's store in order to get in. police say the burglars did get away with merchandise, they didn't say how much. they ditched the car at the scene. police are trying to track them down. that was pleasant hill, not pleasanton. walnut creek, the roadway is blocked going into broadway plaza in order to avoid that
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kind of robbery. you will see more police presence and greater security in san francisco, san jose, and other shopping districts around the bay area. while a lot of customers say they are doing more shopping online, some people say that they're showing up just in case there's a deal. >> mostly we do online but tomorrow my girls are excited about black friday, we might go get some stuff. >> we wake up early. >> you're those black friday shoppers? >> we're those people. >> reporter: all right, so if you are sipping your coffee, still in your jammies this morning, here is what's open. best buy opened at 6:00, other big name retailers, target stores opening at 6:00 as well, a couple of hours earlier. walmart welcomed customers in at 6:00 as well. macy's, lowe's, they opened up early as well. old navy is going to be opening up early for a couple of days. they opened up at 5:00 this morning. i will say that when we got here this morning, even though there
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were not a lot of customers, we did see a lot of security patrols, we did make contact with a security person as well. there are surveillance cameras posted up in the parking lots, so definitely this particular mall doing what they can to make shoppers feel safe enough to take advantage of those deals. there's some decent deals. we've seen a lot of signs saying 50% off, 60% off, 70% off. maybe there's something to getting out and doing it in person. >> yeah, really feeling the scarf or gloves that you and daniel are going to look at, testing them out before you swipe your credit card. >> reporter: he definitely said he wanted a scarf. >> good luck, you two. we'll check back in with you soon. tomorrow is small business saturday. it's, of course, a day designed to remember your locally owned stores. it's easy to get distracted by all the big box shops on black friday, cyber monday deals. so tomorrow on small business saturday, you might consider using your money to support
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smaller businesses, both online or in person. happening today, a fun way to get into the holiday spirit, enchant christmas returns to paypal park in san jose. this year your family can enjoy that christmas tree maze and there's a christmas village. they have ice-skating. tickets are on sale online, note parking is extra. it will be open through december 31st. if you're heading out, you're probably wondering what the weather is going to be like. it sounds like it will be nice and proper for a good christmas outing. >> they can even have the fake snow falling from the sky. it's almost cold enough for that. we're going to have in san jose the lighting of the tree, christmas in the park. it is going to be chilly out there. and throughout the day we only make it into the low 60s. then we're back into the 50s right after sunset. at least we will have a lighter wind. you will need to make sure you're bundled up. if you're at enchant in san jose, we'll also see
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temperatures dipping into the low 50s. we're only going to reach up to 59 in livermore today and 64 in oakland. 64 as well in novato. you'll notice it's going to be much cooler than it was yesterday. we'll talk about the trend for the weekend coming up. cinthia has been watching gas prices. >> it's a very busy day as people head out for black friday or this weekend we have small business saturday, or maybe you just have people from your family sticking around. we have $3.99 at the costco sunnyvale on lawrence station road. $4.01 in hayward at the valero on hesperian boulevard. we'll go to san mateo, $4.31 if you're making your way up the peninsula. but let's go from the gas pumps over to the roadways, see what's happening. we talked about dublin -- i mean, livermore, excuse me, as people were making their way for black friday deals. there's a little bit of a slow
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and go as you're making your way to the outlets. you can take isabelle avenue where you see the green arrow. to avoid the traffic mess right there as the morning kicks off. you can also park at the college if you do need to find some extra parking. we're definitely getting into the holidays and traffic anywhere is going to pick up. back to you. >> thank you. holiday season means holiday spending, not always a good thing. coming up, what a new study is revealing about the amount of debt we're piling up and what experts say you should do to bring it down. plus, doesn't it seem like we're always hitting a pothole somewhere in the bay area? up next, what a brand new report card is revealing about the card is revealing about the state of our look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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good friday morning to you. the time is 6:14. let's get a look at our wind gusts because we're still getting some of those high winds gusting in parts of the north bay and along the coast. half moon bay in the next hour, still seeing 25-mile-per-hour winds. eventually the winds will calm down and cold air will settle in. we'll take a look at where we have frost advisories in a few minutes. and we have clear conditions over the golden gate bridge, but just as kari was saying, we're watching the winds. look at the flag to the right-hand side of your screen. we do want you to be careful over any major roadways in the bay area this morning, including people backing up right here, 580 in dublin, making their way
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for black friday shopping. the dow industrial is set to open slightly higher this morning as investors return from thanksgiving. they closed higher wednesday, helped by a drop in treasury bond yields, which briefly fell to their lowest level in two months. the dow rose 200 points, s&p 500 up about a half a percent. all three indices on track for a four-week win streak and monthly gains. just a half day of trading today. the holiday season leads a lot of people to pile on debt. a survey by wallet hub found about 25% of americans are still paying off debt from last year. experts say higher interest rates making it more expensive to pay down debt. they advise making a list of what you want to buy to help avoid making impulse buys, and they say put your credit card rewards to work, redeeming them for cash back and gift cards. news that probably won't
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surprise anyone who drives in the bay area, our roads are mediocre according to a study out of california's own metropolitan transportation commission. roads are scored on a zero to 100 scale. the bay area received a score of 67, san francisco received a 74, on the higher range, rating the city's roads as, quote, good. san jose, the city with the most road miles in the bay area, scored a 69. that's considered fair. and oakland received a score of 54, meaning the roads are, quote, at risk. yikes. and trending out of los angeles, they have a new police officer, but it's not exactly human. >> it's a goose. so it's sergeant hank. he visitsed the marina del rey station. the sergeant says the feathered fan is quite popular around the station. >> this is sergeant hank.
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he's unofficially assigned to the station and he's been here since june. he's free to go. he flies all over the place, he hangs out. he provides a great deal of support to the deputies here. >> sergeant hank is a canadian goose. deputies say he spends most of the time swimming. his feathers match their uniforms. the department of fish and wildlife are aware of sergeant hank and say that's just where he wants to live. >> by the water, why wouldn't he? >> and well protected. >> escaped canada to go to marina del rey. what a smart goose. >> a snowbird. >> exactly. >> just the sound effects, it really takes you there. we are far from that this morning. we are cold. >> it's going to be cold. maybe the goose brought down some of its weather. we're going to have some chilly temperatures after thanksgiving
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into our weekend. take a look at the sky, though, and the way we're starting our morning. beautiful, clear and it is crisp out there as we get started. a little more of a breezy wind. it is 51 degrees in san francisco, and we've seen some 50s in parts of the north bay, where it is still pretty windy, where the winds calm down and some of the valleys where you have hills on either side, that's going to be where you have the colder temperatures. so it's only 39 in concord and it's 36 in palo alto. and then we're headed for the low 60s for today. you'll notice that it won't be as warm as yesterday afternoon. you probably enjoyed a walk outside. we're keeping the sun, but it only makes it up to 60 in dublin and 64 in napa, as well as san francisco, mostly mid-60s there as well. tomorrow not much of a change. we will have frosty conditions, and so that's the reason why the national weather service put out this frost advisory that starts late tonight and through sunday morning, we'll see some cold
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mornings ahead. you may want to allow some extra time to scrape that frost off of the windshield. we're going to see eventually some rain coming back to the bay area for the middle of next week. we could see the storm system bring us a couple of days of rain between wednesday and thursday, and then more rain ahead for next weekend if this all lines up. we'll be keeping an eye on the timing and the exact location of where those storms will go. but in the meantime, we're just focused on the windy conditions this morning, the cold temperatures we'll have tonight, as the dry weather continues into early next week. our highs make it into the mid to upper 60s. san francisco also seeing about the same temperatures, but it will be in the low 40s for our mornings over the next few days. cinthia keeping an eye on the roads. what's going on now? >> let's go to the south bay. southbound 280, right around cupertino on the wolf road off-ramp, we have a crash there, and one of the lanes, the number one lane seems to be blocked
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while police get on scene. no other details provided, if there were any injuries and how many cars were involved. the rest of the bay area looking smooth on this friday morning. let's get a check of some of the drive times, particularly in the east bay if you are headed out. highway 4 over to the bay bridge, and also 238 to the bay bridge, just about a 15-minute commute. 238 into san francisco, everything looking good. next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> hundreds of billions of dollars of merchandise will fly off the shelves this holiday season, and some of it will go right back to the store. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. we'll lk at youroo
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many americans love to watch football over the thanksgiving holiday, but when it comes to getting exercise ourselves, many choose the unofficial sport of shopping. >> we have black friday, small business saturday, cyber monday. consumer investigator chris chmura takes a look at how busy it will be, plus some options to return things this year. good friday morning. let's get right to the numbers. the national retail federation estimates 182 million people will buy something between thanksgiving and cyber monday. and this holiday season the federation expects record high spending, as much as $966 billion, which is up from $929 billion in 2022.
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inevitably, some purchases might not work out. stores say we usually return about 17% of stuff. >> the good news for shoppers is that retailers are generous when it comes to returning holiday gifts, often offer extended returns. what that means is stuff you're buying now might not be subject to that same 30-day return policy that the retailer usually has. >> we spotted this special notice at a department store's front entrance. its 2023 return and exchange window is temporarily open all the way until late january 2024. side note, watch out for restocking fees, do not let one surprise you. restocking fees can pinch you for 10% or more of your purchase price. look out before you check out. if you have trouble returning merchandise, perhaps our team can help. register your complaints using this qr code. you can scan it to fill out our consumer complaint form online. have a great weekend.
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well, our bay area proud series almost always has a happy ending. >> and this one is just like the others, "today in the bay"'s garvin thomas introduces us to a local woman who received a heart transplant and is now making sure her second chance at life is used to help others. good morning, everyone. i have a timely story of gratitude. it has to do with a woman on the peninsula named debra. debra was an addict who found god and turned her life around, only to find out she needed a heart transplant to survive. she got the heart and has dedicated her life to making the most of her second chances by helping others. she's been serving the homeless for years, but has on official nonprofit, hearts for humanity, delivering hygiene bags, food and other supplies to those living on the treats. >> all i know is my donor up in heaven is saying that's my heart at work down there.
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>> reporter: you can experience the whole story at, as well as hundreds of stories of people being good to each other in the bay area. next, top stories we're following, including some disturbing comments shouted at a cal berkeley bastballke
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breaking news right now at 6:30, we're still awaiting the
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release of hostages as the war between israel and hamas calms down for a moment. bay area residents waiting to see if their loved ones will be freed soon. we're live with the new overnight developments. and protecting yourself from cyber scams this holiday season. why your shopping could lead to identity theft. the steps experts say you should take now. this is "today in the bay." good friday morning. thank you for joining us. i'm kira klapper. >> i'm scott mcgrew. marcus and laura have the morning off. we hope you had an amazing thanksgiving. we most certainly did. i know kari did as well, but is back to work this morning with a cold forecast. >> it's cold this morning, and some people are getting in the cold weather to go shopping or heading off to work. we're going to start out with breezy winds and sweater weather, with sunshine continuing for today. and then for the weekend we're watching the north bay for frost
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advisories that will be in effect, and it's cold elsewhere across the bay area. next week we're going to see the rain coming back, especially midweek, with cool temperatures continuing. right now looking across the bay area, we have some low 40s for san jose and oakland, 50 in dublin, and it is 56 when you step out in san francisco. for the north bay, as you make plans for the day, we're going to see temperatures in the low to mid-60s, with a mostly sunny sky. we'll be tracking the rest of the forecast coming up. cinthia, you were watching a crash in the east bay. >> in the antioch area right before you make it to the antioch bridge. it's on highway 4. a couple of updates were saying they had all lanes blocked, then it went to the number one, two and three lanes blocked. it's a difficult situation if you do find yourself going on highway 4. let's go into the south bay. i know highway 17, some people are taking it easy this morning, not having to come into work into the south bay. but still, northbound 17, right
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before you get to idle wild, there is a car blocking the slow lane there. back to you. thank you. our breaking news, we're waiting for those hostages to be released by hamas. nbc news has confirmed no american citizens will be released this morning. but we do expect the first group of israeli hostages to be released any moment now. israeli hostages set to be released in exchange for palestinian prisoners and for a cease-fire. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab has the very latest. >> reporter: scott, as you mentioned, we are closely monitoring the release of the first group of israeli hostages, among those hostages expected to be freed, 13 women and children. those hostages will leave gaza and enter egypt, they'll be transferred to an air base in southern israel afterwards. nbc news has confirmed that no american citizens will be part
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of that first group. originally there were americans that were hoped to be part of that. but a senior white house official saying that is not the case, but they do remain hopeful that americans will be part of the 50 hostages in the coming days that will be released. now, there are actually americans here in the bay area from berkeley, they've been hoping that their sister-in-law and her husband will be part of that group. they were taken by hamas on october 7th and they're still hoping that they will be among those released. >> we can't wait until the moment, until the minute we hug her and we hold her and tell her that we love her, that we've been thinking about her all this time. >> reporter: what will be exchanged for those hostages are
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the release of palestinian prisoners or is a release of palestinian prisoners, there are 150 women and teenagers that are set to be -- or expected to be released in exchange for those hostages. there was a press conference, we're learning the details of what happened there. but, scott, any minute now the release of those hostages is expected to happen and they will be moved over to the rafah border to then be transferred into southern israel. we'll give you the latest updates as the hour continues. >> ginger, thank you so much. again, we do expect that to happen any moment. we are monitoring the situation on air, online. as soon as those hostages are released, we will go to a special report and online, is always available 24/7. new at 6:00, a cal basketball coach is standing up for his player after he was verbally attacked at a tournament in southern california. it happened on monday during a
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game at the socal challenge against the university of texas el paso. a fan allegedly starting calling him a, quote, terrorist. the 6'11" player confronted the fan and walked away before the fight excalated. his parents are afghan refugees. the cal coach is calling for a formal investigation and for that fan to be banned. he said, in part, fardaws and i had an important conversation today about how he needs to maintain his composure, regardless of what takes place in a game or what is said to him directly. i am disturbed that he was allegedly on the receiving end of such language. well, this is certainly one of the biggest shopping days of the year. the crowds at the mall of america, bloomington, minnesota, they still shop at the store in minnesota. it seems like hundreds of people waited to get inside. we have yet to see a lot of
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people show up at bay area shopping centers. if you're rushing to get things online, do be aware there are scammers, as there are every year. hackers choose this time to strike because it's easy to fall into their trap. experts say a few things to be aware of, if the deal is too good to be true, it probably is. when clicking on links, make sure it's going the place you want it to go. if the link is sending you somewhere else, it is definitely a red flag. and remember to keep your passwords safe. >> consumers need to make sure they do things like reset their passwords often, and right before you start holiday shopping is a great time to remember to reset those passwords. >> another tip, use a credit card only when using things online, not debt cards or zelle, those sorts of things. today a bay area tradition returns, san jose's christmas in the park. this is a live look this morning. this 44-year tradition has
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brought people together across generations. tonight it starts at 6:00 p.m. organizers tell us everyone has their favorites and there will be some new ones this year. >> we have generations of people who will come back to the park and grandparents will point out their favorite displays. >> several local artists are hand painting special murals that will be featured as part of this year's displays. it is sponsored by the local nonprofit group called local color. >> it's always more fun when there's a bit of a chill in the air when you're doing the holiday things. meteorologist kari hall says that's what's going to happen. >> that's what's going to happen. grab one of those fancy hot chocolates, because it's going to be chilly. we're going to have some very nice conditions in time for the tree lighting this evening. but just as we mentioned, it will be chilly, only 55 degrees, and dropping down to the low 50s as we go into the evening. so we're setting the season as well at the enchant light maze
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and village at paypal park in san jose. if you're going there, going ice-skating, you want to make sure you're wearing one of those bubble jackets. that may help if you fall over when you're ice-skating. we're going to see temperatures in the low 50s by 8:00 tonight. and earlier in the day we have the sharks game. that's where we have more comfortable air, but it won't be nearly as warm as yesterday. we're only going to see highs in the low 60s today. if you'll be in san francisco for the warriors game tonight, it will be about 55 degrees as you're heading into the chase center, a light wind, and a mostly clear sky. then we also have the kristi yamaguchi holiday ice rink in bishop ranch in san ramon. expect it to be cooler there. it's only going to be in the mid-40s this evening, with a clear sky. we'll see that from 8:00 through 10:00 tonight. and then there's also the glowfari lantern festival in oakland, and it's always chilly out there. we're going to see those temperatures in the mid-50s for this evening. if you're going to santa cruz
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for the holiday lights, it's going to reach up to 62 today, and then back down to low 40s. we'll see more of the same weather throughout the weekend, with cool, crisp mornings and some fairly mild afternoons. we're keeping it along the coast with a look at big sur for that drive. you hop out quickly, take some pictures. it's going to be nice and sunny. and then looking at south lake tahoe for the weekend, pack some extra layers in the suitcase. the highs will only be in the 30s and lows in the teens. cinthia, you were looking ahead to holiday traffic. >> i anticipate a lot of traffic in the south bay, especially along 880 as people make their way to enchant today and taking the coleman avenue exit. there are some alternatives. you can keep going on 880 or go around 101 and around the airport and come bag down into the paypal park area. also staying in san jose, how about we go to christmas in the park, downtown san jose at the plaza? a lot of little kiddos running around looking at those amazing lights, so just be careful if
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you have other outdoor plans there in downtown san jose. let's head over to marin county. this is not related to the holidays, but related to those high tides. it's a place that typically closes down, coming off of 101 in mill valley, the manzanita parking lot and ride will be closed through at least the 29th. just make sure that you find other alternatives if you do need to park your car. back to you. >> cinthia, thank you. on this black friday, environmental activists are pushing you to consider your carbon footprint as you make those holiday purchases. up next, the push to rebrand today green friday, and the well known organizing expert backing the idea. it's an effort she hopes will spark joy. a turkey day touchdown for the faithful. we'll give you highlights of the showdown in seattle and the treat one fan was handed courtesy of brock purdy. and nfl legend tom brady set to compete in california not on the gridiron.
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where the bay area native will be ting oeeff
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right now at 6:42 on your friday morning, we're getting a look at morgan hill. we're starting out chilly, with some mid-40s, and we'll see that continue through 8:00. at noon it's in the upper 50s, and it won't be as warm as it was yesterday, but the sunshine continues and temperatures rise and fall quickly. so we'll get a look at where we may have frost advisories for
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our weekend coming up. and you might want to turn on the heater, crank it up as you wait in this backup, 580 in dublin as people are making their way to the livermore outlets. you can take isabelle if you're having trouble. disgraced paralympian oscar pistorius expected to be released from prison. pistorius convicted of shooting and killing his girlfriend back in 2013. he was a double amputee sprinter that competed in both the paralympics and the olympics. a judge ruled pistorius was wrongly considered ineligible for parole, so he's set to be released january 5th. back here locally, the promise of self-driving cars brings a future of safer, stress-free alternatives to navigating and sitting in traffic. as we've seen in san francisco, the technology isn't quite perfect. >> senior investigative reporter
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bigad shaban digs into what's next. >> reporter: good morning. i'm joining you from san francisco in the back seat of a driverless car. i'll tell you about a sort of double standard we've discovered when it comes to the rules of the road here in california. so if you or i were to break traffic laws while driving, run a red light or speed past a stop sign, we could get a ticket, and possibly pay a fine, maybe even points on our license. but that is not the case with driverless vehicles. we investigate why and explore how other states have changed their laws to adapt to the still emerging technology. you can watch our full investigation right now on our website at we are going to turn to our climate in crisis. experts saying nearly a trillion dollars will be spent this holiday season. >> it's a growing movement for money to be spent in a more
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environmentally friendly way. meteorologist kari hall joins us. it's an effort to rebrand black friday. i can see it right there, green friday. >> let's change the name. the holiday season is upon us and climate experts are concerned for the impact it has on the high volume of shopping. the things we buy make up 60% of our greenhouse gas emissions. the green alliance says that 80% of what we buy on black friday ends up in a landfill, especially if its clothing. that's why tidying expert marie condo suggests giving gifts that can't be wrapped. >> spending time with somebody that you might not have a lot of time to spend with, and what is the intention behind the act? are we trying to deepen our human connection with this person? i think if you look in that lens and context, actually, it could be an experience or a journey that sparks joy for you.
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>> other alternate gifts can be massages or spa days. i love those. unique experiences, donation to charity, or dinner. for more stories like this, head to our website,, and click on our climate in crisis tab. >> massages, great idea. the 49ers and their fans waking up still floating after yesterday's domination of the seattle seahawks on thanksgiving day. the game playing out right here on nbc bay area, and it felt a lot like a home game. >> we had seahawks for thanksgiving dinner! >> it was a holiday road trip for the 49er faithful. hundreds, maybe thousands of fans made the trip to seattle, and, boy, are they glad they did. >> purdy scans. into the end zone, touchdown! >> man, the niners sealing the deal in the fourth quarter. brock purdy to brandon aiyuk, 31-13.
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in case you missed it, in this ode to john madden, turkey for the winners. the niners digging in right on the seahawks field. george kittle going rogue with a bird on a platter, throwing a leg into the stands. purdy doing the same. one lucky fan could not have been more excited to share food. >> he was coming around handing out gloves, purdy and deebo followed behind. purdy's landed right in front of me and i just started eating. >> his turkey leg? >> yeah. victory tastes sweet. >> the niners next face the philadelphia eagles on sunday, december 3rd, so about ten days to rest and recoup. trending this morning, tom brady is taking his athletic abilities to a different green, the golf green. >> he is the first celebrity confirmed to play in the at&t
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pebble beach pro am, that tournament brings celebrities from all over to compete at pebble beach in monterey. not too far from home for brady, he's a san mateo native, of course. he's competed five times before. no other celebrities have confirmed they are participating yet. but we know that bill murray and steph curry usually show up, no matter what. >> oh, yeah. if i found out tom brady was going to be there, i would join. meteorologist kari hall. we'll get to cinthia for traffic in a second. kari joins us with a chilly forecast, but it's good, it fits. >> it fits with the season, it's going to be cold as we go into the weekend as well. temperatures continue to drop and we have gusty winds that picked up yesterday evening. that was the cold front coming through. as the winds start to calm down, temperatures will be dropping into tonight. but looking at where we are right now as you're stepping out the door in oakland, it is 42 degrees, and it's 50 in dublin,
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56 in san francisco. your east bay shopping forecast, we may get into the low 60s today, so in some spots that may be about 8 to 10 degrees cooler than yesterday, with san ramon only reaching 61 degrees and antioch headed for 62 degrees for a high today. and then tonight it's going to be chilly, with our north bay valleys under a frost advisory, even colder farther to the north with freeze warnings and a freeze watch for solano county. this will not only be in effect for tonight, but the next several nights through sunday morning. now, we are also going to continue with dry conditions and sunshine, but when will we get rain in here? it looks like we're going to see a storm system approaching early on wednesday morning into the day on wednesday, a bit of a break before we see another storm system coming in. so it could be quite soggy going into next week from wednesday through the weekend. so we'll be watching that, the exact timing and how much rain we could see. but at least in the near term,
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we are seeing quiet conditions as people hit the roads, heading back home. you're sending family back to their destinations. we're going to see temperatures in the 60s for highs and overnight temperatures in the 30s, and for san francisco, yes, the sweaters, the pullovers and hoodies are all needed this weekend as we continue with dry conditions, but highs only in the mid-60s. cinthia, you're tracking a crash in the east bay? >> we'll go back to antioch. this is the counter-commute direction of highway 4, so eastbound. chp was saying at one point that all lanes were blocked. then they took it down to one, two, and three lanes blocked. several tow trucks are maybe on a holiday schedule. we're seeing sensors slow and go right before you take 160 onto the antioch bridge. let's go to the north bay. just getting a check of those drive times if you're making your way from vallejo to 580, under a ten-minute commute.
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from 580 into san francisco, about a ten-minute commute over the golden gate bridge. if you're making your way from sonoma boulevard to lakeville highway, just under 15 minutes. remember that b.a.r.t. is back to normal this morning after the holiday. no service for those ace trains. muni today on that weekday non school schedule, if you live or work in the city you probably know what that means. and we'll finally leave it with caltrain today, they are on that modified schedule. back to you. it is 6:51 right now. thanksgiving is over, and you can let santa know your wishes today in san francisco. starting today, santa will be at macy's in union square. kids can get pictures, tell him what they want for christmas. you can book a reservation online for a maximum of nine people. that starts at 9:00 this morning. next, we have a quick look at the top stories, including that breaking news out of the middle east, the planned transfer of the first 13 israeli hostages out of gaza, set to begin really any second now.
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americans are not among them. the new details just coming into the newsroom. you're watching "today in the bay." first, we are moving your morning forward with our school shout-out series. here is a second grade class from vista grande elementary. >> i'm miss jones and this is my awesome second grade class. >> good morning, bay area! good morning, cutie pies. we would love to see students you know take part as well. you know take part as well. you can email your video to us
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welcome back on this friday morning. before you head out the door, here are the top stories we're following, including breaking news, the world is watching as israeli hostages are expected to be released any minute now, as well as from gaza. we have learned that americans are not part of today's exchange. >> here is a live look at where that's going to happen. the release of palestinian prisoners. this is the prison in the west bank where 150 women and teenagers are set to be released. the release comes as the cease-fire started last night. the cease-fire is expected to last four days. it's been seven weeks since the fighting started in the october 7th attacks in israel. we're continuing to follow this. we'll have a special report, and online at you can download our free app as well to get breaking news sent right to your phone. today marks two years since the deadly shooting of a former bay area police officer. kevin nishita was shot and
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killed in oakland while working as a guard protecting a tv news crew. nishita's widow is among those pushing for the recall of alameda county district attorney pamela price. she told nbc bay area she feels that the men accused of her husband's murder are not being prosecuted aggressively enough. the trial for two of those suspects begins december 4th. the third, laron gilbert, remains at large. there is a $40,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. it's black friday and we're not seeing the large crowds that we used to, but there's at least some line there at gilroy outlets. meanwhile, last night in pleasant hill, burglars are out, too. they rammed a car into a kohl's store. police say they got away with merchandise, ditched the car at the scene. in walnut creek, the roadway is blocked going into broadway plaza to prevent that from happening. you're going to see a lot more
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police presence, greater security in san jose, san francisco, other shopping districts around the bay area. for people who are going to legally buy clothes and toys and gifts on this black friday, meteorologist kari hall has a look at the forecast. yesterday was stunningly beautiful. >> it was nice. and yesterday evening when the wind started to pick up, that was actually a cold front coming in. it's not going to be as warm as yesterday, still pretty breezy in parts of the bay area this morning. as the winds calm down, the temperatures will drop and we'll really feel that tonight. if you think it's cold now, brace yourself for the next few days. it will be near freezing as we go toward early next week. we're looking at the golden gate bridge, it's breezy already, chp wants you to be aware of not only this area, but also the altamont pass, and just around the north bay if you're making your way out for black friday shopping or small business saturday, oakland 880 looks nice and smooth. a typical commute would have kicked up by this time.
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>> thank you. so the "today" show just ahead. you can get more local news because we stick around and do a newscast on roku and other streaming platforms, and of course as well. >> and any moment now we are expecting that breaking news update out of the middle east on the release of those hostages and prisoners. that's what's happening "today in the bay." we really appreciate your starting your friday morning with us. the "today" show starts next, and we will bid you a wonderful day as we give you this live look over san francisco. cotton candy skies. looking nice. major developments overnight in the middle east. >> a ceasefire now in effect as we wait for hostages to be freed. it's november 24th


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