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tv   Today  NBC  December 2, 2023 5:30am-7:00am PST

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good morning, thanks for starting your weekend with us. more fighting overnight in the middle east with no sign of another potential cease-fire any time soon. >> israel intensifying its attacks on gaza again, now focusing on the south. it is december 2, and this is
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"today." war rages on. after that week-long temporary cease-fire in israel and gaza, the fighting has resumed for a second day, with israel's military saying it is now hitting targets in southern gaza, hunting for hamas leaders. the humanitarian crisis there worsening again. is there hope for a new pause and another hostage release? he's out. george santos expelled from congress on friday. amid a wave of controversy. >> what do you say to your constituents? >> you got to get out of my way. >> including new allegations that he stole from a fellow member of congress as a federal indictment looms. how santos' departure could impact congress's ability to get anything done. search for a serial killer. >> this morning, los angeles police are looking for the gunman responsible for shooting three people to death, as they slept on the city streets. the latest on the investigation.
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wet weekend. millions of people on both coasts are preparing for rain and snow, from flood watches in the north west and gulf coast, to more rain in the northeast tomorrow. we're tracking it all. all that, plus we are the champions. >> lobs it into the end zone. touchdown! >> washington beats oregon, in the last pac-12 championship game ever. michigan head coach jim harbaugh returns to the sidelines today. for the big 10 title game against iowa, after serving a three-game suspension. and top-ranked georgia gets set to face alabama in the s.e.c. championship. what could be the best weekend for college football in years. today, saturday, december 2nd, 2023. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today," with peter alexander, and laura jarrett, live from studio 1-a in
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rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." thanks for joining us on this saturday morning. a nice look outside at our 80 foot norway spruce. boy does she clean up nice. >> 5:00 this morning, i saw folks out there taking selfies so you know the holidays are in full swing. >> we're so happy to have joe fryer with us today, our friend laura is off, enjoying the weekend well deservedly. headlines, it has been eight weeks since the surprising horrific attack by hamas on israel. and overnight, the israeli military stepped up its fighting. against hamas. taking direct aim at new targets in southern gaza, where israel believes many of the terror groups's leaders have fled. >> the fighting is in a second day after the fragile cease-fire finally came to an end on friday. more than 100 hostages were released from gaza before the fighting resumed but many more still remain, and it is unclear when or if they will be released. >> we will get into all of it this morning, we do want to begin with nbc's raf sanchez
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near the israeli border, with gaza. raf, good morning. >> reporter: peter, good morning. israel overnight stepping up its strikes on the city in southern gaza. it says that is where hamas leaders are hiding and where hundreds of thousands of palestinian civilians are seeking shelter, after israel told them to flee from their homes in the north. now, the hamas-run health ministry says around 200 people have been killed in gaza since that cease-fire collapsed on friday morning. and our team on the ground says they are seeing hospitals overflowing with wounded civilians, including many children. but the u.s. is blaming hamas for the breakdown of the cease-fire. secretary of state antony blinken saying hamas renegged on its commitment to continue releasing israeli women being held hostage. there are around 130 hostages still being held can'tive in gaza, but israel lowering that number overnight, after
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declaring six people who were thought to be hostages are now in fact dead. the families of the remaining hostages telling us it has been absolute agony, watching the cease-fire deal collapse, after seven days of seeing hostages coming out. qatar says it is trying to broker a new agreement, but for now, there is no sign of a deal, and the fighting continues. peter? >> so many families still hoping they get to celebrate a reunion soon. raf sanchez in israel, thank you. let's bring in nbc news contributor jeremy bash, a former chief of staff at the cia and the pentagon. good morning. >> good morning. >> what right now, what is israel's priority with the war, crushing hamas, is it getting the hostages back and how has the thinking change since the truce ended over the last day? >> well, i think israel believes it can do both. i mean as the u.s. secretary of state noted, there were three reasons why the truce broke down, first is hamas renegged on the deal to release hostages,
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but second, importantly, hamas fired rockets into israel, and then there was that horrific bus attack, bus stop attack against three unarmed civilian israelis, by hamas fighters in jerusalem. and so israel said, look, if there is not going to be a cease-fire by hamas, we're going to have to go back in, and i think israel would like to have more hostage exchanges, there are more than 130 hostages, including eight americans, still being held by the terror organization. >> jeremy, for weeks, israel was telling palestinians, warning them to move from the north to the south. now, israel is hitting targets in the south right now. so what's specifically are they going to do to try to limit civilian casualties there, and is the u.s. government satisfied with the way israel is conducting this war? >> well, the u.s. is advising israel, i think they're urging them to be very precise in their targeting, to use intelligence, there is going to be new intelligence that will be derived from the fact that hamas leaders have been on the move, and over the past week, as hamas
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has repositioned, re-armed, refuelled, that yields new intelligence for israel to try to figure out exactly where those leaders are. so the israelis are taking advice, taking some intelligence from the united states, and this is an effort to go after those terrorist leaders to assure they can't launch further attacks against america's ally. >> yer mi are you mentioned eight u.s. citizens still unaccounted for in gaza. right now, what is the u.s., what is the white house doing now that fighting has resumed, to try to bring them home? >> pressing mostly the government of qatar and pressing the government of egypt, anyone who has influence over hamas, to say these americans need priority, there is a grievously wounded american, an elderly woman, there are hostages who are american citizens, and this is the worst hostage crisis as we've been saying since the 1970s. this is an absolute priority for the biden administration to bring those americans home. >> jeremy bash, appreciate your expertise. thanks is very much for joining us this morning. to capitol hill now, where
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there is one less congressman and voters will soon get to decide whether a democrat or republican will replace former congressman george santos. santos was expelled from the house on friday, the fis ever who was not a convicted felon or a supporter of the confederacy. ryan nobles now on santos' dramatic ouster. >> reporter: the george santos saga is officially over. within hours of his house colleagues voting to make him just the sixth member in history expelled from office, crews were changing the locks on his washington office doors. the normally vocal republican, who rarely shied away from the cameras, brushed by them as he left the capitol for the last time. >> congressman, what do you say to your constituents? >> excuse me. you guys got to get out of my way. >> reporter: 311 members voted to remove santos. 105 of them republicans. going against party leadership. house speaker mike johnson, and the other top three members of the gop conference, voted to let
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him stay. there were concerns about their narrow majority and the precedent now set. >> i didn't make the vote to expel him. this starts us on a bad path in my opinion. >> reporter: even right before the vote, new allegations against santos were coming in. gop congressman max miller wrote a letter to his colleagues, accusing santos of illegally charging thousands of dollars to his and his mother's credit cards. we have spent tens of thoses of dollars of legal fees and the resulting follow-up. it adds to the list of accusations against santos, including a house ethics report thatted he use campaign funds to buy designer clothes and casino trips and election only fans. and a man accused him of stealing money from a sick service dogs. and laundered campaign donors and laundered campaign money. santos has pleaded not guilty to all of the charges but the constant controversy surrounding
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him proved to be too much for most members. >> he stole from his donors. he lied about his whole biography. there has to be accountability. we got to -- we got to have a higher standard. >> reporter: new york's governor, posting that within ten days she will set the date of the special election to replace santos. with santos now being expelled, republicans only control the house by three votes. there's the possibility that two more members could leave in the near future, including the former house speaker kevin mccarthy. if they do go, it means the republicans will only control the chamber by one vote. peter and joe? >> thank you very much. we want to bring in anna palmer, the co-founder of punch bowl news. anna, good morning to you. you know this is a competitive state in new york state. you've got a special election coming up. in a lot of ways this has the potential to be a bellwether of this moment, and a preview of 2024. i want your take on that, and what this all means for congress' ability to get anything done in the next
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several months with a lot on its plate. >> this is expected to be one of the most expensive and contentious special elections to hasn't probably in mid to late february. there have been more than a dozen candidates who have raised their hand to say maybe they might be interested in it, but there is tens of millions of dollars spent on ads, as you noted, just how tight majorities are here, and republicans really want to keep that seat, while democrats believe that their majority in 2024 goes right through new york, and will use this as a bellwether for fundraising, as well as kind of energy and incentive that they have the chance in 2024 to take back the house. >> an na, you were on the ground there in dc, you were talking with folks all day yesterday at the capitol, more than 100 republicans voted to oust santos, what are you hearing from them? do republicans see this as a chance to turn the page? >> i think a little bit of relief from the republicans that made the decision to vote to expel him.
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he's been fighting many accounts of republicans just being like a distraction, this is not the face that they want for the republican party, to go into the 2024 cycle. but we did see, there were more republicans who voted for santos to stay in congress than not, and that was around the concerns of precedent, feeling like he has not been convicted although he has been charged with 23 federal crimes, so i think there was that kind of debate within the party, that we saw play out on the house floor. >> and an na, is not like congress has nothing to get done right now. the risk of a government shutdown is looming, they got to figure out funding for israel, and ukraine, is there any chance that they can get these things resolved in the next couple of months? >> it is going to be a very busy end of the year. right now, a lot of focus on that large aid package for israel, ukraine, and it is unclear if they're going to be able to move. congress rarely does anything until they absolutely have to, but as you mentioned, we're going to have two big government funding deadlines coming up in
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january, february, and with such tight margins, it is going to be very precarious for them to keep even just the government funded. >> tight margins that might get even tight nert next couple of weeks. anna palmer with the very latest. anna, thank you very much. this morning, sandra day o'connor, the first woman ever to sit on the supreme court is being remembered as a titan and pioneer. she passed away on friday at the age of 93. praise from the political world is rolling in this morning, calling her the conscience of the court, and a force of nature. laura has a look back at o'connor's life and legacy. >> reporter: a pioneer in law, the first woman to sit on the u.s. supreme court, sandra day o'connor knew the responsibility she held. >> it's thrilling in a way to be the first to do something, the first woman to ever serve on the court, but it's dreadful if you're the last, and if i didn't do the job well, that's what would happen. >> reporter: the daughter of a cattle rancher, o'connor grew up
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in arizona, a republican lawmaker and a judge, before being nominated to the u.s. supreme court, in 1981. after president reagan's campaign pledge to nominate a woman. >> i got on the airplane and sat down and took a big breath and said thank goodness i don't have to do that job. i was sure that i wouldn't be asked. i just thought it was so unlikely. >> reporter: confirmed unanimously by the senate, she served on the court for 24 years, holding a pivotal swing vote. >> and the very heart of this country is equality of opportunity and respect for all individuals. >> reporter: sometimes she sided with conservatives. as she did in 2000, settling the presidential election in bush v gore. other times, she was with the liberals. writing the landmark decision on using race in college admissions. one that was largely gutted just last term. as a moderate, she searched for consensus on a fairly divided
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court, particularly on abortion rights, joining a key decision reaffirming roe v. wade in 1992, while later upholding state restrictions on abortion. >> i have to take some time to work. >> reporter: the first woman on the court, also the first mother. she had three boys with her husband john, who she left the court to care for in 2006, when he was diagnosed with alzheimer's. later, she, too, was diagnosed with the disease, she also battled cancer. reflecting at one point, on what that fight taught her. >> i think i learned from it to appreciate and treasure each day, because you don't know how many you'll be given. so much of what you do counts. >> what an impact that she had, obviously and consider the '80s, one female supreme court justice and today alone there are four serving on the court. the arc of proogs is
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significant. >> she broke the highest of glass ceilings and we continue to see the impact of that even today. it is the bro show today, right? >> yes, it is. bringing bad news on my end, unfortunately. here we only have three weeks to prepare for the holidays, and we need good weather. you need it for the tree lighting, the decoration, the shopping, and unfortunately, the weather is not cooperating, we are seeing the northwest, by far the worst weather over the next three days, three storms in three day, windy and heavy rain, and flooding to deal, with and 8 million people under flood watches, it is everywhere, for the west of the cascades, and so that includes the seattle and portland areas, and it is also going to be, it looks like, the highest of elevations getting significant snow. and rainfall totals up to nine inches over the next three days, that will cause some significant problems, and the high elevations will get some snow, especially as we go through the mountains, wasatch range, pretty well in the mountains in colorado and also there near jackson hole and the other story is, it is foggy, it is a lot of moisture in the air and we've had a lot of heavy rain, new orleans right now, it is under a
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flash flood warning, and you've had six inches of rain since midnight, so be careful driving around new orleans early today, that should clear up throughout the day. but as you guessed, it is pretty messy on the west coast a good morning. at 5:46 right here in san francisco, waking up to some slick roadways and reduced visibility over the city. so just be careful if you are headed out bright and early this morning. we have seen a few showers pass through the bay area overnight and will continue to be in the spotty fashion going through the weekend plans. right now picking it up on stormranger, mostly over the bay right now, focusing on parts of san bruno, parts of the east bay shoreline and the east bay too. your complete weekend forecast coming up, including some wet nfl games coming up. >> oh, boy. bill, appreciate it. thank you very much. and still to come, a look at the week's over top stories, and
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the palestinian american student shot in vermont last week, along with two friends. >> peter and joe, good morning. good to be with you. kinnan abdalhamid told me how he feared his friends were dead and feared his friends were dead and how he belie twlesve
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we're back on a saturday morning with the weekly download. a look at the week's other top stories. look who we have with us this morning. nbc news now zinhle essamuah, nice to see you with the latest headlines. >> nice to interrupt the bro show. well, among the headlines this morning, that deadly crash of united states military aircraft. >> a u.s. air force osprey was on a training mission when it crashed into the water off japan's southern coast with eight u.s. airmen on board.
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all on the aircraft are feared lost. former first lady rosalyn carter was laid to rest in her home state of georgia. at her memorial service, 99-year-old former president jimmy carter emerged from hospice care to say goodbye to his life-long partner, alongside fellow presidents and every living first lady. >> i will share how they raised children giving us such a great example of how a couple should relate. >> i think we made good progress. >> controversial diplomat henry kissinger pass aid way this week, he served as secretary of state under presidents richard nixon and gerald ford, helping ease tensions with the soviet union, opening doors with china, and negotiating the end of the vietnam war, for which he won the nobel peace prize. >> there is no country in the world that it is conceivable that a man of my origins could be standing here next to the president of the united states.
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>> he also came under intense criticism, for expanding the vietnam war to cambodia, and laos. henry kissinger was 100 years old. convicted murderer alex murdaugh was sentenced to 27 years behind bars for swind ling millions of dollars from his clients. >> the money you stole from me, you could have asked me for, and i would have gave it to you, because that's how i felt about you and your family. >> i just don't understand, do you not have a soul? >> billionaire business man elon musk fired back at companies pulling advertisers from his social media platform x. >> go [ bleep ] yourself. is that clear? >> earlier this month, musk appeared to endorse an anti-semitic post that accused jewish communities of pushing hatred against white people. musk calling it the actual truth. musk apologized, and denied he's anti-semitic. a new book is stirring up some royal family drama. it portrays the princess of wales as cold, king charles as pampered, and alleges prince
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william leaked stories about prince harry to the press. >> and it causes a problem for the image for the future house of windsor. >> the dutch version of the book was pulled off the shelves. the u.k. press reports that version named king charles and kate middleton as the royals who allegedly wondered about the skin color of harry and meghan's then unborn first child. buckingham palace declined to comment. nbc news has not independently verified this conversation took place, and has not reviewed the dutch edition. three, two, one! light her up. >> joy to the world ♪♪ >> finally the most famous christmas tree in the world has officially lit. right here at 30 rockefeller plaza. >> you know guys, that just never gets old, does it? the most wonderful time of the year. it is official now. >> it is. from the wind, and the tree looks even taller, it looks like 100 feet tall when you're down
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there, it is so beautiful. >> 50,000 lights. and what is it, five miles of wire, we got a lot, and good on the people who put it together. she is a beauty this year. still to come on "today," decades of royal drama and it all leads to this. we have a sneak peek at the highly-anticipated final episodes of "the crown". plus time to deck the halls and focus on all things merry and bright. we are checking out some of the many ways you can celebrate, immerse yourself, in the holidays this month. but first, these messages. iday
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find exclusive packages. ♪ ♪ good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday, december 2nd. i'm kira klapper. the oakland school district is issuing a reminder that teachers need to follow policy as news is emerging about an upcoming pro-palestinian teach-in. a video was posted online by a teacher and member of the
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oakland education association or oea. the group is calling on other district educators to join them in the event this coming wednesday, december 6th, to show solidarity with palestinians. the oea previously issued a statement in support of palestinians and had vowed to support educators who faced disciplinary actions for their teachings. but after heavy criticism, the oea later condemned both islamophobia and anti-semitism. some support this teach-in, others are concerned it is biassed. >> i'm concerned that the district is less responsive to the needs, to the experiences and to the requests of its muslim families and students. >> our concern is about accuracy, about fairness and also keeping the students in the classroom safe with their identities. >> ousc is reminding all educators of their responsibility to adhere to principles of education and to keep personal beliefs out the
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classroom. we do continue to follow the israel-hamas war and itsmpacts on the bay aa. for the very latestes when we're not on the air go to our website, on this first weekend of the new month, cynthia pin men tell has a look at microclimate forecast. hey, cynthia. >> good morning, everyone. you might have felt the change in the air last night. we have a few more sprinkles to deal with this morning and reduced visibility, especially over san francisco. half of the city skyline covered by the fog, so do be careful on the roadways as you head out on this weekend. let's take a look at what we've seen overnight. we had a couple of showers, very light at times, but enough to get the roadways slick this morning. taking it to our mobile doppler radar stormranger scanning the skies from san bruno, most of the activity spotty at times, focused over the bay. if you are headed over the mid bay bridges be careful as we see a chance of showers there. also through parts of the east bay heading towards tracie and
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the south waking up to spotty showers. we will continue with this throughout the morning. i will tell you the details coming up at 7:00 a.m., kira. >> cynthia, thanks. we will see you at 7:00. coming up at 7:00 on today in the bay, san francisco shining brightly for the next nine lights with let's grow sf. we will show you more of the art installations you can enjoy for free and we will tell you where you can find them. we will have that plus your top stories and cynthia full forecast coming up at 7:00. we hope you join us. right now back to the "today" show.
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macaulay, congratulations. you so deserve your star on the hollywood walk of fame, and thank you for including me, your fake mom who left you home alone, not once, but twice, to share in this happy occasion. i'm so proud of you.
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>> we're back on a saturday morning, december 2nd, 2023, and that was the great katherine o'hara on friday oochs, at macaulay culkin's celebration, as he got his star on the hollywood walk of fame. it is time for the star, one of the most iconic holiday movies, the star now and of course culkin and o'hara starred in "home alone" more than 30 years ago. >> everybody knows. the aftershave on the cheeks. fun to see macaulay culkin, the guy is a grownup, hard to fathom. beginning with a check of the headlines, former president donald trump was hit with a pair of setbacks on friday, first the federal judge rejected mr. trump's efforts to throw out his election interference case in the nation's capital, the judge dismissed the former president's argue that he is shielded from prosecution because he claims his actions were part of his duties as commander in chief.
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the trump attorney declined to comment last night. also friday, a dc federal appeals court ruled mr. trump does not have presidential immunity from civil suits seeking to hold him accountable for the january 6th riots at the u.s. capitol. a trump campaign spokesman called that ruling limited and narrow. this morning, los angeles police are searching for a gunman suspected of killing three people experiencing homelessness. police say the shooter is suspect of fatally gunning down three men sleeping on the street in the early morning hours. this week, the city says it is working to open emergency shelters normally used for weather events so people living on the streets have somewhere to go. for all of you sports fan, college football conference championship weekend in full swing this weekend. it got off to a great start last night, third-ranked washington holding on to defeat number five oregon, the ducks couldn't keep up with the huskies, 34-31, the final, and the last pac-12 championship game ever.
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the huskies expected to clinch their spot in the college football playoffs. later today, number one georgia takes on number eight alabama, and that is your s.e.c. championship game. then, the big 10, second-ranked michigan, the wolverines with their coach jim harbaugh back on the sidelines after a suspension for alleged sign stealing versus the number 17 iowa hawkeyes. the acc hosts number four, florida state. against number 14, louisville. also this morning, we are hearing for the first time from one of the palestinian students who was shot in vermont last week, and he is talking about what happened that night, and why he thinks he was targeted. zinhle is back with that story. good morning. >> two of the three palestinian american students shot last weekend in burlington, vermont, remain hospitalized. the third, kinnan abdalhamid has been released, and i spoke with him on friday about the attack. >> did you ever think anything like this could happen on american soil?
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>> i certainly hoped not. i have heard of other palestinians being beat up, stabbed, or humiliated, but i certainly didn't expect to be shot. >> that's what happened saturday, when kinnan abdalhamid went for a walk with two childhood friends also of palestinian descent. two of the three wore traditional arab scarves, kinnan says they were talking about homework in english and arabic when they saw the alleged gunman. >> as soon as he saw us, he ran down the steps and pulled out a pistol and started shooting. i jumped the fence, i believe that's when he shot me, and i hid behind the backyard of a random house, and i was shaking and i didn't believe both my friends were dead. >> both of his friends are still in the hospital and in fair condition. >> have you all discussed the potential that it may have made you a target, either speaking in arabic or wearing a scarf? >> of course.
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we all met in the hospital, would he were like why do you think it happened? oh, yeah because we were speaking arabic. >> what is your message to americans? >> it is really important to see palestinians as a diverse population, like any other race or ethnicity. we're just a people, like any other. >> it is important to add that the shooting of these palestinian american men has not been designated as a hate crime by law enforcement. however, the families of the victims are pushing for that designation, as the council of american islamic relations reported a 216% uptick since last year. as for the alleged gunman, jason eaton has pleaded not guilty to three counts of second degree attempted murd erp. >> thank you very much. you can see more of the interview with kinnan in the nbc special, fear and faith, palestinians in america, out now on youtube, peacock, wherever you stream. time for another check of the forecast right now. bill karins is with us again today. bill, it is already december,
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but not too cold in some places. >> we're trying to put a spin on this. not a pretty weekend. there is a lot of rain to be had on the east coast and the west coast, but at least it is not cold and frigid like it was earlier. temperatures well above average. mid 60s in areas of virginia. north carolina, 75 degrees. pittsburgh not bad either. the warmth stays with us right through sunday. it will be raining and pouring at times but at least the temperatures will be very mild. so let's get into the forecast, into next week, that's when the cooldown comes. this is december. you expect it is not going to stay warm forever. the rainy weather today, careful joining i-10 heading out of louisiana, around the new orleans area, slidell, it is pouring and moving over to tallahassee. this will move northwards into atlanta a lot of dense fog on the east coast this morning. if you go out early today, make sure you give yourself a little good morning. it is 6:06. we are waking up to some spotty showers over the bay area, so let's zoom in on with stormranger, see where it is right now. parts of the east bay shoreline. so if you are driving along 880
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through san leandro, hayward later on this morning, do be careful. the roadways are slick around the bay. most pushing on through through parts of the altamonte pass, moving to tracy, and the santa cruz mountains waking up to spotty showers that will continue on today. more details coming up at 7:00. >> that's a look at your weekend forecast. >> bill, appreciate you. just ahead, what you need to know about the surge in pneumonia cases among children in certain parts of the country. hoect your family against that, the flu, family against that, the flu, and more, in today's micaled we'r e travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? i feel like it's good. how do you know? let me show you something. it looks like a credit card, but it is the kardiamobile card. with kardiamobile card, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile card is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. kardiamobile card is just $79 during our holiday sale,
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pneumonia among kids. >> nbc medical contributor dr. natalie azar is here, nice to see you in person. thanks for helping us out. the youngest at our house had the flu. the numbers are staggering, numbers show a 6% weekly increase in flu cases. take a look at this map if we can really quickly, the highest cases right now appear to be in the south, a lot of people traveling back from the thanksgiving holiday, and the potential for this thing spreading is obviously high right now. how concerned should we be about the flu? and is it too late to get those shots? >> so let's go to the seconds part first. it is almost never too late to get the flu shot. maybe if we're talking about the end of march i will start saying better you just wait until next year but think of flu season as a bell curve. it starts slowly, and there's a rise, and eventually we get to a peak, and then we come down again. right now, the predominance of infection is with influenza a and very often we will see that influenza a goes down and b starts to come up. >> still rising. >> we're not near the peak yet
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at all which again is the importance of getting that shot. there was a recent report just this week again, a met were a analysis, getting the flu shot reduces the risk of heart attack, it also reduces the risk of cardiovascular death. we've known this for many, many years, that this is another example of how the flu shot can help us. we've had 1.8 million infections, 17,000 hospitalizations, 1100 deaths, and eight pediatric deaths, so really, honestly, caregivers, parents out there, please get your kids vaccinated for flu. >> pneumonia is also making headlines. we have an outbreak among children in ohio. >> yes. >> what should we know about this. how concerned should parents be? >> this is the message, i think here is surveillance not panic. the outbreak of pneumonia in ohio is thought to be due to a bacteria that is called miko plasma. this is a pneumonia, this is a bacteria that surges every couple of years and typically causes what we call walking pneumonia, so typically, not as severe as other types of
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bacterial pneumonia. we're also seeing a rise in other respiratory viruses. rsv, adenovirus, rhinovirus, the natural in clin nation for folks is to hear, if you couple unexplained pneumonia, with an outbreak in china that people suddenly think oh, no, are we in some sort of covid 2.0, that does not appear to be the case at all. a lot of this is sort of the consequence of, you know, lockdown, and masking, and that we had a lot of bugs that weren't circulating that are now circulating again. >> quickly i want to ask you about weight loss pills right now, they have a lot of headlines right now. is there one that is viewed as most effective and what are the warnings right now about the offbrand weight loss drugs. >> compounded one, right. we created this graphic for our viewers a couple of weeks ago and i think it is helpful for people to understand when we're using these names. ozempic and we govy are the same drug, one is for type two diabetes, one is for weight loss. mounjaro and zepbound, same
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drug, one for diabetes, one for weight loss. what they were studying the weight loss comparing ozempic and mounjaro and you can see on the lower graph, they are a different drug than ozempic and two different hormones and ozempic and we govy target one. and they have a little bit of edge. the people are more likely to lose weight. and more likely to lose more weight than the others. more is not necessarily better, right? they are both very, very good drugs for type two dpibts and weight loss. compounded medicines, they serve a phenomenal purpose for patients. many patients require compounds, however they can sometimes have impurities and sometimes they can have not the exact amount of the active ingredient that you think it does. so it always needs, any time you use a compounded medicine, you want to verify the pharmacy who is making it is making it correctly and safely. >> dr. azar, we are thankful you are and not the least of which you save us the co-pay at the doctor's office. emma stone set to join one
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emma stone set to join one of the most exclusive when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪
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♪ "stayin' alive" by the bee gees ♪ (♪♪) (♪♪) what's in your wallet? (♪♪) whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we...
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we're back with "popstart." and zinhle has the honors this morning. >> what have you got? >> grab your popcorn and your crown because netflix "the crown" is taking a first look at the royal family's drama in the final episodes before the series comes to a close later this month. >> i will always be by your side. >> when faith summons -- >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> pretty epic if you ask me. part two of "the crown" final season take place in the wake of
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princess diana's untimely death and modern day criticisms that the modern day family is out of touch with the country. and the monarchy says goodbye to the longest reigning monarch and ushering in of the new era. filming was paused after the death of queen elizabeth ii, and it premieres on netflix. i don't remember queen, you know who i'm talking about, queen bey "renaissance" started in theaters on thursday night and over $5 million in thursday previews putting it on track for a $20 million opening weekend. renaissance chronicles beyonce's recent world tour and you may remember the iconic coachella performance that turned into a netflix documentary, this time around beyonce and her team struck a deal to release "renaissance" only in ax mc theaters. and none other than taylor swift attended the renaissance premiere in london, returning
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the honor or favor, after beyonce was on the red carpet in smith's eras tour in october and of the 20 million expected to come, in i am contributed one million so i will be there after the show today. >> you will see it many, many times. >> yes. >> and a new song. >> a new single which apparently a lot of people are thinking is great. >> beyonce and taylor swift together. >> star power for sure. one more story. a preview of the all new "saturday night live," actress emma stone the latest edition of the "snl"'s prestigious five timers club, alongside the musical guest noah -- >> i'm emma stone and i'm hosting "snl" this week with mel. >> i can't believe the fifth time hosting. the only thing i hosted five times is tape worms. >> that's a big accomplishment, too, sara. >> that's what my doctor said. >> did i say something weird? >> more moments like that on "snl" tonight, at 11:00 p.m. eastern, right here on nbc.
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and that guys, sur pop start. >> that was great. >> i love the outfit. >> the sweater. >> sweater season. got to get ready for that. >> thank you very much. still to come, bashlark in hollywood with some celebrities facing criticism, even cancellation, on what they have said about the war between raelis
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still to come on "today," with the holidays just weeks away, i want to show you some of the way the way ♪s ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy.
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has never been this easy. just do what's delicious. kellogg's special k. this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ there's big news for women going through menopause. veozah - a prescription treatment for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms - the medical name for hot flashes and night sweats. with hormone-free veozah, you can have fewer hot flashes, and more not flashes. veozah is proven to reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, back pain, and hot flashes. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪
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ask your doctor about hormone-free veozah and enjoy more not flashes. ♪ ♪ good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday, december 2nd. i'm kira klapper. a gun buy back event happening today, giving you money for unwanted firearms. the santa clara sheriff's office wants people to know their event is simple and anonymous. anyone with a gun they no longer want or need can bring them to san jose's reid hill view airport today and in exchange you will get cash. it is a no-questions- asked event which the santa clara district attorney says will help the community at large. >> what you did was stop a mentally ill person from hurting somebody or hurting themselves. you helped to prevent a domestic violence murder, a gang robbery. you stopped a suicide. you may have even prevented the next mass shooting. >> you will get about $100 in
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cash for handguns, rifles and shotguns. $200 for ghost guns and assault weapons. it starts at 8:00 this morning until 1:00 this afternoon. again, add reid hill view airport in east san jose. turning to the start of the ski season for many tahoe area resorts. many opened at thanksgiving but a delay for one. sierra tahoe is pushing back the opening date. the resort posting on social media it is blowing snow every chance it gets and mother nature dropped a few inches thursday night but they say it is not enough to open the slopes this weekend. it has not announced when it plans to open. speaking of the snow, a little wet out there this morning. cinthia pimentel has our microclimate forecast. >> i will tell you sierra tahoe has a special place in my heart. that's where i learned to ski a little over three years ago. yes, they are delayed there as we are seeing very nice amounts of snow that has been coming with the storm chances -- those storms we have seen over the last couple of days.
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most of that activity i will tell you still staying to the pacific northwest. we are seeing not only rain but also snow, and over the next couple of days into next week they will be getting about 9 to 12 inches of rain. so it will be a situation worth watching, but for us here we are just seeing a few spotty showers. right now it is mainly focused over the central bay. so let's take it on into stormranger, through the peninsula, san francisco to south san francisco, even down into parts of half moon bay, we are seeing the activity and into walnut creek. if you are driving through 680 be careful as the spotty rain chances will continue. i will tell you the timeline coming up at 7:00 a.m. back to you. >> thank you. we will see you at 7:00. coming up at 7:00 on today in the bay, if you will be sending holiday gifts through the post office, it is a story you will want to see. we have a behind-the-scenes look at the bay area's newest mail processing facility. we'll show you how workers are ensuring your gifts will arrive on time. we will have that plus cinthia's full forecast and the top stories coming up at 7:00.
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hope you good morning, new round of fighting. the war in the middle east raging, as israel's military targets hamas leaders in gaza with hundreds of air strikes overnight. with that temporary cease-fire now over, and many hostages
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still in the hands of hamas, we have the very latest from israel. hollywood divided. the war proving to be a major flashpoint for celebrities, with stars now facing backlash or even cancellation for their views and posts on both sides. two hollywood actors forced to issue apologies friday. but will they make a difference? and holiday cheer. >> why do you decide to come here? >> because i love christmas. >> it is the most wonderful time of the year with many now taking full advantage of holiday themed bars, cruises and more, and now we will help you get in the season, today, saturday, december 2nd, 2023. >>. ♪ the most wonderful time of the year. >> from russell, pennsylvania, and here' here in new york city. >> i'm steven in new york city, and i'm live at the "today" show plaza. i love "today." >> a couple of nurses from ohio, visiting the big apple. we love the "today" show.
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>> hi, i'm isabel from boston, and i came here to watch the "today" show in new york. >> hi, i'm drake and i'm elizabeth, from north dakota. the rockefeller tree is here and so are we. we love "today." >> good morning, and welcome back to "today," on a saturday morning, our friends laura jarrett is enjoying some time off this weekend so joe and i are holding down the fort for everybody. take a look outside to the great group of folks who are here getting ready for the holiday season. i'm a girl dad so i love it, with all of the girls outside for us today, with their families and many others, indiana, ohio, pennsylvania, everybody represented today. >> who needs to go to a holiday, you can come here to celebrate the holiday. >> we got the tree. that's all you need, right? let's get right to today's news and we begin with the serious news from the middle east, the latest round of fighting there, the tear cease-fire now over, no indication at this point that it is going to be back on any time soon. nbc's raf sanchez is in southern
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israel for us this morning, raf, the bombardment, targeted areas in southern gaza is under way for israel. >> reporter: yes, peter, that's right. we're looking out over northern gaza right now and in the last hour, we've seen israeli air strikes, and just the last couple of minutes, and an israeli helicopter firing its machine gun, but as you said, the most intensive fighting right now is happening in southern gaza, especially the city where israel is stepping up its air strikes, it says that is where hamas leaders are hiding, and it is also where hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinian civilians have been seeking shelter, after israel told them to flee from their homes in the north, and now the gaza health ministry which is run by hamas says more than 200 people have been killed since the cease-fire broke down on friday morning, and our team, which is inside gaza, says they are seeing hospitals overflowing with wounded civilians, including many, many children.
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now, there are, according to the israeli prime minister's office, around 130 hostages still being held inside of gaza. israel lowering that number, overnight, after confirming that six people who were thought to be hostages were in fact either killed on october 7th, or have since died in captivity. and peter, this has been just absolute agony for the family was remaining hostages, watching this deal fall apart, after seven days of seeing other families being reunion. now qatar says it is trying to broker a new cease-fire agreement, but in just the last few minutes, the prime minister's office here announcing that israeli negotiators have left qatar. they say at this point there is nothing to talk about, which is not a hopeful sign in terms of getting this cease-fire back on track. peter? >> all of it as we prepare to mark two months since the start of this war, in the week ahead. raf sanchez in southern israel, thank you. vice president kamala harris
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is with other world leaders this weekend in dubai for the annual climate change conference. nbc's josh lederman is in london with more on what is being discussed. josh, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, joe. while the middle east has been shaken by that war in gaza, the region is also on the front lines of climate change, with water and food shortages that are getting worse as the planet gets hotter, and that really sets the scene for this year's u.n. climate summit in dubai where world leaders have been scrambling to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees celsius which is a goal scientists say is barely within reach. today a big focus is on methane, a greenhouse gas 30 times more powerful than carbon dioxide, at trapping heat in the atmosphere. the biden administration this morning announced stricter methane limits for the oil and gas industry, which are expected to cut future emissions by 80%. and vice president kamala harris was speaking at the summit today, she pledged another there are 3 billion for a fund to help developing countries adapt to global warming.
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but climate change is already wreaking havoc on communities around the world. in fact, just this week, scientists said that 2023 has already become the hottest year on record, joe. >> i know there has been some controversy over the summit's hosts. what more can you tell us about that? >> reporter: environmentalists say that a top oil producer like the uae is frankly in no position to lead on climate change. and they are furious that the summit's president is also the head of the uae state oil company. and while many nations have been demanding that oil and gas be completely eliminated, the uae merely wants to reduce it. but the emirates say they can be a climate leader and huge developments in energy and a newly $30 billion climate fund targeting developing world. much more about cop 28 in the coming days. josh lederman, thank you very much. a former inmate of derek chauvin was charmed with the attempted murder of the former
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minneapolis police order. chauvin who is in prison for the murder of george floyd was stabbed 22 times with a nif and seriously injured. it happened at the correctional institution in arizona, where chauvin is serving a two decades sentence for george floyd's murder. a former olympic swimmer was sentenced on friday for his role in the january 6th riots at the capitol. two time gold medalist cleat keller will face six months of home confinement after pleading guilty. prosecutors say while his actions were unconscionable he cooperated with the investigation describing in detail the people and happenings around him that day. keller apologized to the court saying he made bad choices. that's the news. we need a little bit of a saturday morning buse. now zinhle has that for us. >> i think it is time for christmas cheer this. one about the magic of christmas. you may feel a tug at your heart strings. why? watch this. a toddler spots santa claus
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across the mall in albertaa, canada and jumps out of his mom's arms and a mad dash to jolly old sant nick and fell into santa's embrace and santa after picking him up you know how to make santa's day and gentlemen, i think it is safe to say he is on santa's nice day. >> santa doesn't have to be sitting in a claire for to you visit santa , right? >> details. >> and hired as an elf now. >> yes. that is his job. >> thank you so much. coming up next, looking at the losses following the backlash in hollywood over the israel-hamas war. >> with the war raging on in the middle east, protests on both sides are now spreading to hollywood. i will have that story and the i will have that story and the i've always been prone to hair thinning. i'm genetically predisposed. i just gave birth. i was under a lot of stress. i started taking nutrafol. we test our formulations with the highest rigor of clinical trials and we're the number one
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sfx: [alarm clock ringing] sfx: [thunder] sfx: [email notification] ♪ ♪ rich, indulgent chocolate with a luscious caramel filling. discover ghirardelli caramel squares. in a bag and a bar. makes life a bite better.
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we're back on a saturday morning with today's talk. the controversy in hollywood where tensions are reaching a fevered pitch over the war in the middle east. some celebrities are coming under fire, even saying they have faced professional retaliation for picking a side. nbc's entertainment correspondent is here with more on that, chloe, this has been a lot of controversy, not just in hollywood, but frankly across the country. >> it has been dominating conversations this week. and we all know that hollywood is no stranger for taking a stand publicly on controversial issues, but this one has people divided on what is free speech and what is hate speech. and the repercussions from going too far could mean being dropped by an agency, or even losing your job. this morning, tensions are running high in hollywood. with actors and writers divided over the israel-hamas war.
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celebrities including julianna margolies and natalie portman posted messages of solidarity with israel on social media and others like gigi and bella hadid have posted in support of the palestinians. some have faced fallout for taking fallout on either side of the conflict. critics have called for a boycott of "stranger things" after noah posted a video laughing with friends holding stickers saying zionism is sexy and hamas is -- >> and dropping actress susan sarand onafter talking at a pro-palestinian giving a taste of what it is like to be muslim in this country. apologized for her comments, writing on instagram, this phrasing was a terrible mistake, as it implies until recently, jews have been strangers to persecution, when the opposite is true. >> who it this? >> and melissa perraro, was
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fired from the latest screen film after graham posts critical of israel and colonialism and western media bias and later said on social media, i am against anti-semitism, i am against islamophobia. spy glass entertainment, the company behind the franchise said in a statement, we have zero tolerance for anti-semitism, or the incitement of hate in any form. fear of retaliation is palpable. more than 400 hollywood workers signed an anonymous letter, calling for a cease-fire, saying, quote, this is amounting to a new era of mccarthyism. >> i think it is a reckoning or in need of a reckoning. >> sema yasmin, a doctor and author frequently appears on television says she was dropped by her talent agency e 3 after she called israel's actions towards palestinian genocide on social media. >> it was a very vaguely worded
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email saying point of view was not respected. >> a-3 has not responded to requests for commen. >> we have seen a polarization and issues about international affairs, and this does seem to be a particularly difficult one, in many respects. emotions are raw. >> susan sarandon not the only one apologizes. model gigi hadid said she failed to fact check her post and will continue to speak out for palestinians. jewel ana margolies is apologizing after she faced backlash for her comments about the black and jewish communities the award winning actress says she is horrified that her statements offended and racism, homophobia, sexism or any prejudice against anyone's personal beliefs or identity are abhorrent to me. full stop. as you can see, this is a polarizing time, and if people are speaking out on both sides of the issue, but people on both side was issue feel as though they are facing retribution for
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speaking out, and feel like maybe silence is the option, and it is a tough time right now. >> it is a challenging time. it seems like pro-human is an okay thing to be, right? you can support any israelis or palestinians who have been killed at this time. >> thanks, chloe. appreciate it very much. one more check of the forecast from bill karins. hey there, bill. >> time to help some people out. we have a rainy weekend coming your way. already pouring this morning, in louisiana, that will move through the areas, in the panhandle of florida, maybe isolated severe storm or two. we will time this through the afternoon hours, and it will arrive in north florida, and coastlines of georgia and south carolina, later this evening. tomorrow, the huge rain shield moves up to the northeast, and it looks like a very rainy afternoon, from new york to philadelphia, to boston. early in the day, we will have that rain around washington, d.c. so the forecast looks like this. huge storm coming in to the northwest. we have three, in three days, and then tomorrow, as we mentioned, it is going to be a rainy nfl sunday, and commanders, steelers, jets, eagles, and patriots, all with
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good morning. it is 6:46. if you are heading out the door this weekend, grab your rain jacket and be careful on the roads. we're waking up overlooking walnut creek right now, cloudy skies and some rain on the windshield, but temperatures not too bad. they're a little bit mild actually in the mid 50s, but we are picking up on some rain around the central parts of the bay area. let's doom in through the east bay. 680, walnut creek down through danville and even towards past of the east county, we will see some rain this morning. i will tell you all and that's your saturday forecast. >> bill, thank you so much. still ahead, 'tis the season to start getting into the spirit of the holidays. >> i hope you are pouring the drinks, joe. we are back ght after this.ri
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we are back on a saturday
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morning, just can't get enough of the beautiful rockefeller center christmas tree, all 80 feet of that beautiful norway spruce, now that she's lit, it is really starting to feel pretty fessive around here. >> between the tree and holiday songs playing nonstop on the radio, and holiday movies on practically every single channel, it seems the spirit is everywhere these days. >> in manhattan, you will find a bar that is already decked the halls and ceiling. >> why did you decide to come here? >> because i love christmas. >> miracle on ninth is a holiday pop-up bar. >> the other ten months of the year, it is known for tequila and mezcal but today drinks are served in christmas-themed mugs. ♪ ought all i want for christmas is you. >> mariah carey plays once an hour. >> it takes days to redecorate the entire bar and the christmas things you can find. >> and sippen santa has 200
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pop-up bars nationwide. >> the res cases came out in early october and i was already looking at hem. >> christmas tunes are hitting the charts earlier, and spending on nongift items like clothing and decorations jumped 25% this year. >> being in christmas time, this is when we bond the most. >> as if we're yearning to live inside our favorite holiday flicks. >> christmas is the greatest day in the whole wild world. >> "elf" celebrating the 20th anniversary. >> lard to believe two days ago, we received another one. >> or a newer affair, in hallmark and lifetime and netflix and more, entertainment weekly counted 116 new films this year, hilton even has hallmark style inspired hotel suites. and for those who want to take the spirit and spirits home, holiday cocktail classes are in full gear. with the cocktail, and customers wants wintry recipe, apple
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spiced cozy cognac, and just in time to reunite with your childhood crush in your hometown. >> we are slammed with people coming in and looking for those holiday flavors. cranberry. pecan. all of those, you know, warm and cozy flavors. >> and the holiday cheer isn't just limited to land. sometimes, as you can see here, it spreads to the water. ♪ >> we set sail on the cruise put on by classic harbor line. those who hopped aboard say after a stressful news year, they need a little christmas now. >> everybody is very happy and about to have time off of work. >> whether you're seeking a ship, or a sip, it is never such a thing as too early or too much. >> at the holiday bar, would he were there at 2:00 p.m. on a saturday. >> reservations. >> two weeks ago. >> reservations, drink in the afternoon, six weeks before christmas. >> yes. exactly. >> wow.
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>> how much do you appreciate that there are 115 new holiday pop-up bars this year. >> we could make one here in the course of a couple of hours. >> high quality television. >> i'll write it up real quick. >> the jacket at the end, bravo. the holiday jacket, yes. >> nice. te will be back af shingles. some describe it as pulsing electric shocks or sharp, stabbing pains. ♪♪ this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks. a pain so intense, you could miss out on family time.
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the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older, ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ )
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to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation, or have a nervous system problem. it feels good to be here for them. living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. that is going to do it for us on a saturday morning. a wet one for a lot of folks. >> in the northwest and the east
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coast, just do the best you can. you know, you can hang lights in the rain, right? >> exactly. >> hypothetically. good morning. i'm kira klapper. coming up next on today in the bay, the end of the cease-fire in the middle east and then immediate return to war. bus a deliver of good news for one bay area family as their loved one released from captivity. hear about their reunion as they await the release of another family member still held
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hostage. and ski season has begun across the area except for tahoe. if you are headed to get a tree or decorations, there's ae scat. or decorations, there's ae scat. cinthia pimentel has
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