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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  December 7, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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♪♪ hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now.
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♪♪ ♪♪ today thursday, december 7, 2023. chaos on campus. three people killed at the university of nevada. students forced to cower in classrooms. what police are revealing about the shooter and his possible motive. a cross country storm on the move. we're tracking when and where it's hitting. market place for predators. facebook and instagram facing an explosive new lawsuit accused of steering child predators towards kids online. we'll speak with new mexico's attorney general who filed the suit. staying present. how parents can teach kids to appreciate the holiday season itself, no wrapping paper required. >> that's good news. those presents get expensive. >> it is the -- the segment is
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about how to keep it under control. we begin unfortunately with another mass shooting in america. this time we're talking about the university of nevada las vegas. >> three people were killed yesterday when a gunman opened fire just days before students went on december break. a fourth victim was shot and injured. they remain hospitalized. nbc news learned the identity of the shooter, 67-year-old anthony polito. >> the number of mass shootings this year is hard to wrap your head around. 632 in 2023. a mass shooting defined as a shooter where four or more people are shot or killed. >> let's bring in tom winter and dana griffin in las vegas. tom, what more have we learned about the gunman and what are investigators focusing on? >> reporter: right now it's all about the motive and trying to determine why anthony polito, former college professor,
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someone in 2020 previously applied to work as a professor at unlv. that was back in 2020. the question is if that was in 2020 and he was disappointed why did he go to the school now and conduct this shooting? that's the big question. that's what investigators are focussed on. a review of all sort of google searches and social media, we can't find anything that indicates there was a protest, demonstration or event at the school that would have led to somebody carrying this out as a result of the tensions in the middle east. we looked into that. las vegas law enforcement community very familiar with active shooter investigations after the shooting at mandalay bay where 60 were killed and dozens others wounded. >> dana, bring us up to speed on what we know about the victims
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and what are you hearing from students about what they experienced? >> reporter: we're waiting to get confirmation on the victims. we know three have been killed. one remains in the hospital. i spoke with one student who was here on campus. he tells me that students are really frustrated, angry and anxious about what has happened on their campus. he told me about what happened to him. he was on the fifth floor of the building, the business school. he was meeting with his professor. he said his professor went to the restroom. moments later the shooting happened. he tried calling and e-mailing his professor. he's concerned he may have been one of the victims. listen to what he told me about that experience waiting and hiding as gunshots were going off. >> i had to hide under the table for about 40 to 50 minutes. this whole time i heard more than 20 shots at least. at some point you feel like it's
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a war. two people are shooting each other. it was terrifying. >> reporter: absolutely terrifying that student tells me. he actually texted his mom saying he loved her. he felt like he was going to die. investigators have been behind us, including members from the coroner's office outside of this business school. there are several tables and chairs set up because students were planning to meet. investigators say they were lucky that two campus police officers shot and killed the suspect. there may have been more victims. >> scenes that are all too common in this country. dana and tom, thank you both. jewish people across israel celebrating the first night of hanukkah while marking two months since the start of the israel/hamas war.
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israeli forces are still fighting deep into the gaza strip. the military said it surrounded the home of a top hamas leader. images posted on social media show israeli forces detaining dozens of stripped men in gaza. this video appears recent. it's unclear when it was taken. the israeli military said they've been arresting terror suspects throughout gaza. conditions inside gaza are not survivable. more than 1,400 people in israel and 17,000 people in gaza have died since the war began. nbc news correspondent holly garani is there in israel. holly, the white house said the president spoke with prime minister benjamin netanyahu today. what is the white house saying about that call? >> reporter: we haven't had a
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read-out from the israeli prime minister's office on that. it's been said that, according to the state department, the united states is happy that israel is allowing more fuel into the palestinian areas, the gaza strip through the south but more needs to be done to protect civilians. it's a message we heard from the united states directed to benjamin netanyahu for several weeks now and more needs to be done to allow aid through because, as you've been reporting, humanitarian aid agencies, the u.n. are all saying that we are seeing a catastrophe unfold in gaza, a humanitarian catastrophe, the complete collapse of civil society. no medical centers or hospitals functioning in the north at this point. those still in the south because of continued air strikes put
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under heavy strain. >> hala, there's still 130 some hostages being held inside gaza. how are families gathering to celebrate hanukkah? >> reporter: right. this is coming against the back backdrop of reports that the israeli military is considering using sea water to flood the tunnels. the families of the hostages find this terrifying because of the assumption that some of the hostages are held in the tunnels. today's the first day of hanukkah. there was a procession from hostage square in tel aviv to the ministry of defense and back. the lighting also of 138 candles. the u.s. ambassador to israel lit one of the first candles. these families are extremely angry with benjamin netanyahu. there was that audio released
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yesterday of the hostage screaming that the prime minister was putting the military over the lives of the hostages. >> hala gorani there for us. thank you so much. we're tracking storms that flooded parts of the pacific northwest. those storms are now heading east. bill karins is tracking this stop for us. >> the storm is moving in and out quickly. it is unsettled. we have a little bit of rain and snow heading towards lake tahoe, reno area. as i mentioned, this will be on the move. it's colder with this storm so we're getting significant snow at some of the highest elevations, especially in the cascades of oregon. the rockies will get a good dose of snow too.
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for the ski resorts, they'll like this storm. let's talk about the weekend. friday, the storm heads to colorado. still showery type weather. california looks fine. arizona, you're dry. as we go into the weekend the storm heads to the middle of the country. lots of travel issues in the east saturday and sunday. this storm is not going to have a huge punch. it's colder with this one and we'll have snow at the higher elevations. sunday's forecast, what a mess on the east coast -- rain, wind, flooding concerns, severe weather to deal with. it's active in the west, but nothing nearly as impactful as what we just got done with. >> you're done with one storm
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and then comes another. it's a bad time to be buying a house. >> and another golfer joining the saudi league. the bill and melinda gates is donating money to send local leaders to washington to learn strategy to lift their communities out of poverty. a new report shows this is the least affordable year to buy a home in over a decade. californians were the most likely to feel the sting with san francisco and san jose ranked the most expensive areas. jon rahm, reigning masters champion, is set to leave the pga tour for the liv tour. "the wall street journal" reports the deal is expected this week. it comes ahead of a december
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31st deadline when the two leagues are supposed to sign a deal to join forces. back to you. >> julia borstin, thank you for that. that. coming when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. (smelling) ew. gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone.
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here like nikki haley, she caves any time the left comes after her. >> the only person more fascist than the biden administration is nikki haley who thinks the government should identify every individual. >> i love all the attention, fellas. >> i have these three guys trying to compete with vladmore. he who shall not be named. they don't want to talk about him. >> things got heated during the fourth and final republican presidential debate of 2023. just four candidates took the stage in alabama. just like the previous three debates former president donald trump skipped the event. shaquille brewster is in tuscaloosa. did last night's debate do anything to change minds of voters you talked to? >> reporter: at least not on first impact, kate. when you listen to what voters said, when you talked to the
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campaigns, they acknowledged there was a smaller viewership last night and that candidates are not getting that much attention because the leader of the pack, former president donald trump has not been on that stage. one thing that was unique about last night's debate you saw nikki haley playing defense more. she was receiving attacks from ron desantis, from vivek ramaswamy. she says it's because of her rise in the polls. when you talk to voters, you're not getting the sense that things are fundamentally shifting. i want to play some sound from voters. listen to how they put it. >> i feel like nikki haley had a target on her back. i don't think it was her strongest debate performance. i'll still support her. >> there's no way these other candidates have a shot. trump is the frontrunner.
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he is clearly the frontrunner. all these -- i enjoy watching these guys. it makes good television. >> but that's it? >> trump is the man. >> reporter: that's the point you heard from chris christie on stage saying the focus should be on donald trump because he's in that first place position. >> shaq, we also learned there will be two more debates next month. >> reporter: yes. >> any chance donald trump shows up to those? when and where are they going to be? >> reporter: his campaign is saying he's unlikely. we know the debates will take place in iowa and new hampshire. the polling threshold will be 10% now. we can expect more excitement and more debate stage toss come as we get closer to the contests. >> shaq, thank you. a texas judge has granted an
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emergency order allowing a pregnant woman to get an abortion in the state. the plaintiff kate cox said her baby had a lethal condition resulting in a slim chance of survival. ms. cox said doctors told her carrying the pregnancy to term would put her life at risk. marissa parra has been following this story. marisa, what did the judge say in his ruling? >> reporter: i want to start with what the texas judge said. quote, the idea that ms. cox wants so desperately to be a parent and this law may have her lose that ability is shocking and would be a miscarriage of justice. kate cox is 20 weeks pregnant. she's had two previous c-sections. she's had two children. she's hoping to have a third child. she's carrying a fetus with a syndrome that most babies don't make it past a year. doctors told her she's required
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to continue with the pregnancy according to texas law. she found out at 19 weeks her fetus has no chance of survival. her lawyers argued that her future fertility and life is at risk if she carries through this pregnancy. this is why her legal team filed an emergency appeal tuesday and this is why it happened so quickly. we already have a decision two days later. what does this mean for the rest of the women in texas? what are the broader implications? first thing, the judge's order only pertains to kate cox and her position. we got a response from the attorney general for the state of texas. among the things they have said, they warned that anyone who is thinking of breaking the law -- this law remains in place as we mentioned. they reminded everyone of the legal consequences. this is potentially a felony punishable by prison. they sent a letter to the physician's hospital where the physician works.
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it's important to remind that this temporary restraining order only lasts for 14 days. there are so many questions in terms of the broader implications. legally there's a potential for a path forward if other women decide to file a similar appeal in their own areas. it remains to be seen what the next steps across the board will look like. zinhle. >> important reporting. this could have serious ripple affects. marissa parra, thank you. coming up, explosive new lawsuit, facebook and instagram accused of steering child predators towards kids online. what the new mexico attorney what the new mexico attorney general who filed the suit my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga.
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hostages under captivity. leaders say the spirit of hanukkah is alive and stronger. here in san francisco, the oldest public menorah awaits its first light to be turned on this afternoon. security has been increased in the downtown area for the holidays. the ceremony is at 3:30 this afternoon, with the menorah lighting at 5:00 p.m. 2,000 candles will be given out to anyone who wants to participate in the tradition of spreading the light. it's a story of a miracle thousands of years old of candles that burned for days when there was only enough oil for hours. the tradition and symbolism and message are much felt in the jewish community. >> we cannot fall into the trap of being afraid to practice our religion, especially here in america when we have the freedom of religion.
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we have the land of the free, the home of the brave. >> everyone wants to be together with other jews. groups are forming on social media. in-person events are starting more. i feel the jewish community is waking up and feeling so strongly connected and so strongly proud of who they are. >> reporter: the power of one candle to shine a light and make a difference, that is what is being celebrated here in san francisco and other parts of the bay area as well as other parts of the world. in san francisco, ginger conejero saab, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, ginger. here are other stories at this hour. a crackdown on illegal sideshows in the north bay. two people are dead following a head-on crash in the east bay. it happened at 12:30 this morning. police say a man and a woman in one car died. the driver in the other car suffered serious injuries.
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people were told to avoid the neighborhood for several hours overnight. the cause of the crash is under investigation. the board of supervisors is cracking down on sideshows. they voted on a new ordinance set to go into affect in january. people who promote, take part in or watch sideshows or street racing will face a $1,000 fine and six months in jail. others have passed similar laws. a similar proposal was passed for the city of sonoma. rain is clearing. chilier temps may be here to stay. here is kari hall. >> we have rain that will sweep through the bay area. tapering off to a few spotty showers late tonight. looking at a tenth of an inch of rain or less. temperatures only head up to close to 60 degrees for many across the bay area. later tonight, behind the cold front that's bringing us rain,
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we will have frost advisories in effect in the north bay valleys, it's cold, that will lead to friday morning and the next several mornings where we could see lows in the upper 20s as well as the lower 30s. watching out for patchy frost. we are going to continue to see weather like this in the forecast over the next several days. we will talk about that as well as if there's any more rain coming up in our seven day forecast in about 30 minutes. >> see you in a bit. san francisco's most fierce, fabulous and festive holiday event is back. drag queens will hit the ice rink tonight. guests will watch the queens perform for free. if you want to skate with them, it will be $30 a ticket. you can buy tickets online at the color of the year, and the winner is peach fuzz. the color specialists say it radiates compassion, coziness
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and comfort. something we all need. this pick is dramatically different from this year's magenta, described as vibrating magenta, described as vibrating with vim and vigor. you know that feeling of having to rewash dishes that didn't get clean? i don't. cascade platinum plus has me doing dishes... differently. scrub? soak? nope. i just scrape, load and i'm done. only platinum plus is bigger. with double the dawn grease fighting power and double the scrubbing power. for a no rewash clean... and a cabinet ready shine. rewash? not in my house. upgrade to cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating
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calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ bottom of the hour. here are some of the stories making headlines. the house voted to censure
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representative jamal bowman for pulling a fire alarm in september. republicans accused him of trying to delay a vote. bowman claims it was an accident. he was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine and write an apology to the u.s. capitol police chief. last night the new york yankees acquired juan soto. in six seasons, he's made three all-star teams, won four silver slugger awards. the yankees won just 82 games last year, narrowly avoiding their first losing season since 1992. a miami woman was arrested after she reportedly set her
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tinder date's car on fire. the victim was able to escape the car, while the woman ran off. she's facing several charges including attempted murder. just one day after the latest high profile mass shooting in nevada, members of congress are marking 11 years since the devastating events at sandy hook elementary school. 26 people were murdered on december 14, 2013, including 20 children. today on capitol hill lawmakers and loved ones of victims of gun violence marked the tragedy. nbc news' julie tsirkin joins me now. julie, what did we hear from lawmakers? >> reporter: it was an emotional press conference. there were several family members of victims of gun violence, not just the shooting that took place in sandy hook,
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but also other shootings that took place since. we heard from one mother, kristen song, who lost her son ethan in 2018 when he had an accidental shooting involving a gun at a friend's house. all four lawmakers here were part of the connecticut delegation. listen to what some of song had to share. >> what's heart breaking is ethan's death was 100% preventable. if that gun owner had taken seconds to lock up his three handguns, my son would be alive today. i would not be serving a life sentence and he would not be serving a death sentence. >> reporter: just painful words from song. she said that lawmakers in that room were there to hold her hand as she cried when she lost her son. one of the lawmakers said they were running out of words. >> a lot of advocates are looking for broader legislation on guns. what's the latest on capitol
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hill and beyond? >> reporter: a law named after ethan that would have required guns be stored safely and locked, that bill was attempted to be passed on wednesday night by some of those connecticut lawmakers, senators murphy and blumenthal. the law was blocked by republicans. there's no appetite to do anything more even as we're continuing to see these mass shootings, especially after that bipartisan gun safety bill was passed last year. >> julie tsirkin, thank you so much. a deputy u.s. marshal is being detained in the uk after being accused of sexually abusing a female passenger on a flight. they were flying to london to expedite someone. nbc's ken dilanian joins us now. how is law enforcement responding to these allegations?
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>> reporter: it's alleged the deputy was traveling on a delta flight to london when a woman complained to crew she was inappropriately touched. there was unruly passenger behavior and the plane was met by police. two federal marshals had been drinking during the flight and the second marshal was being sent back to new york. both deputies were assigned to the eastern district of new york and were en route to london to bring back a subject. london police said their officers were informed the u.s. marshal sexually assaulted passengers and crew. the u.s. marshal service spokesman say the agency was aware the officer engaged in
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serious alleged misconduct while intoxicated. they added the marshal service is cooperating and the alleged actions of the employee do not reflect the core values of the marshal service. >> ken, thank you. a warning to our viewers this next story discusses sexual abuse against children. the lawsuit alleges meta has allowed its platforms to be a market place for predators in search of children upon whom to prey. >> new mexico's attorney general filed the lawsuit conducting its own undercover investigation. the state set up several decoy accounts. >> meta denying these
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accusations saying, quote, we use sophisticated technology and share information and tools with other companies and work in partnership with the national institute for missing and exploited children. the enough mexico attorney general joins us now. thank you for joining us. i've looked through the whole claim. the photos are disgusting. what would you tell parents about what you found? >> parents need to be vigilant and wake up to the reality that these platforms are not safe for children. facebook and instagram, contrary to all of the reassurances that have been made by mr. zuckerberg and senior executes, are not safe for kids. parents, i think probably have some sense that this conduct, this predatory behavior may be
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off in dark and hidden corners of the internet. the reality is it's available and present every day on the apps that most americans have on their phones and a great many children have access to. >> mr. attorney general, you named mark zuckerberg, ceo of meta. there's a federal statute that protects social media companies for being liable for what people sayplatforms. what sets you up to be a winner in court? >> our lawsuit is not about holding them responsible for the content that's put forth by third parties. it's about the misrepresentations that have been made about the safety and products and services they offer and fundamentally designing that product in a way that funnels predators to vulnerable children. that is a space that we believe is still open despite the broad
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immunity that's been granted by congress. recent cases in california and oregon support, i think, that approach. you know, we intend to put on a strong case about the misrepresentations executives have made and the decisions they've made about how the platform is organized and designed. the absence of things like real age verification, the ability of stranger -- unassociated adults to contact minor children, these things have been to be redesigned. >> i'm reminded some view this as a federal issue. i think of the federal judge that blocked montana from implementing a statewide tiktok ban. how does new mexico have standing to take on this issue with meta? >> any business that conducts business here in the state of new mexico has to comply with
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state law. our state law is very clear about the legal requirements for doing business. that means not engaging in dishonesty, not misleading consumers, not engaging in deceptive practices. all of those are alleged and at issue. they have violated state law and need to be held accountable here in new mexico. >> to push back a little, meta has more than 3 billion active users. they say they shut down 500,000 accounts in august alone for violating child exploitation policies. doesn't that show they're trying? >> they may be trying, but they're not trying hard enough. the steps they had taken -- the accounts wouldn't have been flooded with the material that's so graphic that you can't show it to your viewers. one of the things that was
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telling for me is that, you know, esa b. wracked up so many followers and 91% of them were men, men over the age of 25. this demonstrates how clueless the platform was. they recommended to our undercover agent that she establish a professional account so she could better track and drive followers and engagement to the platform. if they were really taking this seriously, something like that never should have happened. >> executives from meta and other social media companies are supposed to testify in front of the senate judiciary committee in january. what action would you like congress to take? 0. >> i think congress fundamentally needs to re-examine section 230. they need to look, not only at the allegations we've offered about the sexual exploitation of
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children, but also the allegations that we include in our complaint and that are mirrored in the complaint offers by other attorneys general about the mental health harms associated with the obsessive and indicative use of these products by teens. these aren't -- this isn't the early days of the internet anymore. we don't need to give that kind of blanket immunity to help these businesses get off the ground. it's time for congress to step in. >> new mexico attorney general raul torres, thank you. representatives from meta declined our request for an interview. they're welcome any time to respond. breaking news in las vegas. we've just learned the identity of two of the three victims from yesterday's shooting. they are both members of the school faculty. police say they have identified the third victim, but are still trying to notify their family.
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one other person was injured in the shooting and is still in the hospital. we'll continue to bring you the latest. it's the season of giving and receiving. how can you me surake
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we're talking about the holidays and santa, specifically how to put more gratitude in our kids' attitude. >> it's a time to indulge, spoil our little ones. what happens when kids are too focussed on the over the top wish lists and the never ending shopping trips? joining us now on how to keep kids focussed on the season is amy mccreedy. she's author of the book "me me me epidemic." for parents who may have overgifted in years past -- my husband would say that's every year for me -- and also for parents who can't afford to spend tons of money, how do we stop the disappointment in the kids and make it a better environment? >> research tells us that people who are grateful are happier.
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the antidote of that disappointment is cultivating an attitude of gratitude. the key is we have to manage the expectations ahead of time. even if you've overdone it in the past, it's not too late. when your kids are composing their wish list, limit them to four gifts. set the expectation. the thing that comes up often is grandparents that overdo it. sometimes you have to set the expectation with them as well we're cutting back and get them to agree on a limit. >> something to -- >> there are four things -- something i want, something i need, something to wear and something to read. fun categories for kids to focus on. >> you point out the job of
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creating a perfect holiday, whatever that is, is not the responsibility of the parent or guardian. it's a family affair. what do you mean by that? >> as parents we have this sense of creating this magical picture perfect holiday and we run ourselves ragged to do that. this year we can set the expectation that we're a family and team and everybody has to contribute. the list you have share it with the family. whether it's hauling decorations from the attic, ironing napkins, everyone has to do something. >> i was told you have strong feelings about the elf on the shelf. i never bought it. it visits every day and keeps an eye on your kids' behavior. you say don't do it. >> i love the elf for the antics and the fun. the problem comes in when the parents use the elf or the threat of santa's watching to
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scare their kids into behaving appropriately. nobody wants to be on the naughty list. think about it from the child's perspective. it creates incredible anxiety for the kids. when parents give the blanket threat of that's it, we're canceling christmas, hanukkah's not happening. that creates stress and anxiety for kids. >> how do you encourage parents to keep behavior in check? >> throughout the holiday do three simple things. stick to our routines as much as you can, especially bedtime. second, set technology limits. during the holidays how much tech time can they have, when can they have it and what are your rules about technology when family is visiting. third, give the gift of your presence. one-on-one time with your kids, they're less likely to act out. >> i have to ask you about a
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tiktok trend we're noticing where kids are turning their wish list into a powerpoint. what do you think about that? >> it's fun. it teaches critical thinking skills. you have to set parameters. you're not going to get everything on your wish list. if you're going to submit a wish list, it should include your giving plan. what's your plan to give your time, talents to family and friends. fosters that heart of generosity. >> i love this. i'm going to take some of this back home. >> amy, thank you so much. >> there's much more ahead. >> you're watching "nbc news daily." when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why
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and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ welcome back to "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. city leaders in san jose are proposing a new ordinance to tighten enforcement of catalytic enforcement theft. they gathered to announce the ordinance. it makes it illegal to have a catalytic converter that's not attached to a car without valid proof of ownership. current laws allow officers to charge suspect if it has an identifier attached, which is often removed by thieves before they are sold. >> this loophole has been closed this other california cities. it's important we do that in san jose to keep us on track to be in the safest big city in the
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bay and eventually the state. we have to empower our police officers to charge those who are breaking the law and making all of us feel less safe. >> a vote on the ordinance is expected next month. the mayor says san jose has seen a 50% reduction in catalytic converter thefts. he credits laws at the state level that crack down on catalytic converter thefts. the rain seems to be letting up as the week goes on. here is kari hall with our seven day forecast. >> our seven day forecast shows we will have scattered showers today. after that, it will be dry. our mornings will be very chilly, down into the upper 30s for the inland areas. then our highs up to the low 60s. expect it to be partly to mostly cloudy on sunday. rain moves close to the bay area. if we see a change in the pattern, we may have to bring in a slight chance of rain sunday. you can see that we are back to the dry conditions for early
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next week. it will get milder, especially with the high temperatures headed for the mid 60s. for san francisco, expect off and on showers. sunny tomorrow, cool mornings and cool afternoons. with a dry forecast into next wednesday. your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve memory. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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welcome back to the "fast forward." nbc bay area responds to a man whose hotel stay cost him two grand more than he expected. he asked consumer investigator chris chmura's team for help getting his money back. >> we handle a lot of hotel cases. this one is a first. vince in san jose stayed at a hotel. he was in a parking lot and hit a pothole. this is the result. more than $2,000 in damage. he expected them to pay up. he filed an incident report and sent a letter demanding
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reimbursement. no response. vince contacted us. we reached out. the hotel said the risk management department was in communication with vince and his claim was settled. that's right, they sent him a check for $2,821. vince might have had another option here. his car insurance. pothole incidents are considered collisions and are often covered. if he had collision coverage, he could have filed a claim. he might have had to pay a deductible. his car insurance company could have contacted harrah's to get his money back. it's what insurance companies do every day. the rainy season is starting. potholes are, well, inevitable. see if you have collision coverage. check your policy. you might find it right there on the declaration page, usually the first page. ask your agent. that's why you pay them a commission. if your consumer case hit a bump in the road, tell us about it. scan this comb r code to fill out our complaint form online. >> chris and his team have so many how-to tips on our website.
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they are helpful. go to that's does it for this edition of "the fast forward." edition of "the fast forward." we will have hup i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease.
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we gotta get ready for our family migration! means i'll never miss ayeah!of freshness. uncle dan, you come too. um, no. pleeee-eeee-eeease... whoa. that did it. here we go. we have a "number two" situation. can we land? there is no way we're landing. are you sure no one's watching? gwen mallard! do it now or we leave without you. ok, ok. i'm andrea canning, and this is dateline daytime on nbc. they thought was a mannequin. she had od piled on top of her, no identification.


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