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tv   Today  NBC  December 8, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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tomorrow from noon to 4:00. let's get a final look at the weather. >> it starts out clear. take a look at this view behind us. it is beautiful. we have a lot of sunshine today. you can't tell from the view that it's cold out there. we'll have more cold mornings ahead. this is a traffic camera shows the rig is still there. i think the tow truck in front is going to pull the rig away from the trailer and then i hope the next rig can be hooked up to the next tow truck. brokaw is still closed off of north 101. that does it for us on "today in the bay." keep it here. we'll have more on our streaming app coming up at 7:00. >> the "today" show starts now. thanks for joining us. good frida good friday morning. we are tracking a major storm moving across the country. >> and it could impact your weekend plans. it's december 8th.
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this is "today." wild weather a massive storm taking aim at the entire east coast. heavy rain, strong winds, even snow said to take its toll on one of the final weekends before christmas. al has the full forecast breaking overnight hunter biden indicted on new federal charges.ying schemes. the mounting legal charg accused of scheming to avoid paying taxes this morning the mounting legal trouble he faces and what it means for president biden, his campaign and the republican push to impeach him. hate crime a man arrested for firing shots outside a new york synagogue on the first night of hanukkah. among college campuses jewish students voice new concerns about threats to their safety and the ivy league president facing calls to resign this morning after her testimony on capitol hill draws outrage.
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>> i am asking specifically calling for the genocide of jewsed does that constitute harassment? >> if it is direct and pervasive, it is harassment, yes. if it is directed and the speech becomes conduct, it can be harassment, yes. >> we'll have the very latest. football and fraud a jacksonville jaguars employee accused of steals tens of millions of dollars from the team and using it to fund a lavish lifestyle from cars to homes to vacations. inside the ongoing investigation and the reaction from nfl officials. oprah wows on the red carpet. showing off her recent weight loss >> what's going on if this is weight watchers, please sign me up. >> it's not one thing. it's everything. >> what she's saying about her new look. >> and upset special. >> zappe to the end zone >> the patriots stun the steelers as week 14 in the nfl gets underway and the push for the playoffs intensified today,
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friday, december 8, 2023. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie he and hoda kotb. and hoda kotb. from studio 1a, in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody good morning welcome to "today. we got there important. look at park city, utah. the snow is already falling this it's friday morning. >> a lot of people making plans over the weekend, and the weather is going to be really important. take a look at park city, utah snow is already falling this morning. it is part of a major system set to bring heavy rain, wind, some snow to some areas tens of millions at risk over the next few days. >> and this is coming with just 16 days until christmas. many are hoping to get shopping done this weekend. it might get complicated as far as the weather is concerned. al, good morning >> good morning, guys. good morning to all of you we have this atmospheric river arriving saturday in the pacific northwest. but the low pressure starts to develop. it is developing over utah
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dumping snow throughout the rockies. this system moves across the rockies. thunderstorms will be developing over the plains this evening and by tomorrow, we have this line of showers stretching from texas all the way up to the great lakes. periods of heavy rain. and we have the risk of severe weather saturday afternoon into the evening. damaging wind gusts, houston, texas, tyler as well damaging winds we're talking about the possibility of tornado there will be large areas of hail with this sunday the system moves in to the east, soaking rain from raleigh, asheville down to savannah back behind it, we're looking at snow developing. windy conditions will be a big problem. here are the storm impacts flooding rain fall coast to coast. we're talking ponding of water in poor drainage areas, rises of rivers and streams from boston all the way down to atlanta.
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winds will be a problem sunday into monday. wind gusts of up to 50 to 60 miles an hour. airport delays are likely. and interior sections from the appalachians so we will be watching that very sn closely. so a big impact storm going right into monday, guys. >> we will be checking in a bit. and right on into monday, guys. >> thank you, al. also breaking overnight, new legal troubles for hunter biden. the president's son indicted by a grand jury in california on nine federal tax charges this is the second indictment stemming from a long-running investigation into his business dealings it could have substantial repercussions for the president as well. nbc's senior legal correspondent here, laura jarrett, here to break it all down. good morning, laura. >> good morning to you ever since his plea deal fell apart over the summer, questions have swirled into the investigations into hunter biden and where it may be going. now a bunch of new details are
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all out in the open. this morning a dramatic escalation of the criminalw ind with failing to pay his ta investigation into hunter biden. the president's son now accused of a criminal scheme of tax fraud. a new indictment charging biden with failing to pay his taxes on time and, instead, spending millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle. a federal jury in los angeles indicting hunter biden on nine counts, including three felonies the 56-page indictment saying biden earned millions in income between 2016 and 2020. but the defendant spent this money on drugs, girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and othe items of a personal nature in short, everything but his taxes. prosecutors laying out a devastating portrait of hunter biden creating false business deductions in one example, prosecutors alleging tha biden wired an employee member and labeled it a golf member deposit.
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when it was used to purchase a membership in a sex club these latest charges all part of the investigation led by special counsel david weiss. weiss' team brought federal gun charges against biden ine his la delaware back in september attorney abby lowell said in a statement, if the president's son's last name was anything other than biden, the charges in delaware and now in california would not have been brought. president joe biden is not mentioned in this new indictment, but the allegations are sure to pick up a political firestorm. the president has held firm support of his son in the past the president now facing the possibility of his son going to trial in two places in the midst of his re-election bid >> so, laura, there was this plea deal. it fell apart. now here we are. is there any chance that another plea deal could come along, or is this definitely going to trial? >> there is always a chance. i don't want to rule that out. but it seems they reached that juncture where the two sides
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are too far apart, and if you think about it, really biden has lost his leverage. it's all out in the open, an the idea this is actually going to trial we heard some of the evidence now. those are witnesses that will have to come and testify in open court. remember, this case is obviously about tax fraud. it would be different if it was a situation where it was somebody broke and down on their luck they have all this evidence of all the money he was making, it is not as if he didn't have the money, he just didn't pay his taxes. prosecutors say that didn't matter. >> he wants to testify before congress. >> anything he says in congress obviously can now be used against him as well. >> thank you. let's turn now to the middle east, guys this morning, israel and hamas faced in new fights and allegations. there is a push to speed up the deliver of humanitarian aid to civilians in gaza we do have two reports
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we will begin with richard engel, who is in israel for us richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. as israel is continuing its military campaign against hamas and gaza, the united states is now pressuring israel to do more to speed up the delivery of o speed up the delivery of humanitarian aid. humanitarian aid the u.n. is now warning of a humanitarian catastrophe in gaza as israel expands its offensive against hamas to southern gaza where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are seeking refuge. u.s. officials are pressing israel's officials on what they plan next. on thursday, secretary blinken laid down what sounded like red lines. >> we cannot have israeli re-occupation in gaza. we cannot have forced displacement of palestinian from gaza we cannot have the territory of gaza diminished in any way. each
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>> reporter: sealed off from the world, gazans are helping each other. teachers paint a face with a dove for peace she lost her left leg, relatives say, in an israeli strike that killed her parents and siblings. her aunt is taking care of her the aunt tells us she screams nonstop when talking about her family israel says it has two goals, to drive hamas from power and return the remaining 137 hostages i irina, the 73-year-old was returned she was held in gaza by hamas and freed last week. she was overwhelmed by the damage she came back to her home to collect a prayer book for hanukkah what is it like for you to come back here after all that you have been through. >> here i feel better, but not very well. i want the war to stop, she says she did not want to talk about what happened to her while she was held captive her neighbor says many here are
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furious at hamas and the government for being too slow to react to hamas' attack hamas' f how did it take eight hours to have a response? >> why it took eight hours because they didn't [ bleep ] care here. >> reporter: the red cross they left us here. >> reporter: candles were lit for hanukkah and prayers for the hostages' safe return. and regarding efforts to return to a cease fire between israel and hamas that could see potentially the release of more hostages and a pause in the violence once again, intermediaries tell nbc news so far they're not seeing anything serious. hoda >> richard engel for us there in jerusalem. thank you. here at home, overnight a shooting stoked new fears. nbc's stiff -- stephanie gosk joins us. good morning. >> good morning.
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tensions are still rising across the country during the israel-hamas war including on college campuses. last night an alarming scene at a synagogue in new york. shots fired on the first night of hanukkah. just hours before the start of hanukkah, at least two shots fired outside a temple in albany, new york yesterday while two dozen preschoolers were at the synagogue. none were injured. police arrested a man and charging him federally with illegal possession of a firearm. the case also being investigated as a possible hate crime. >> we were told that responding officers that he made a comment, free palestine. >> reporter: jewish student on college campuses also concerned for their safety. president liz magill is under fire following this week's anti-semitism hearing on capitol hill. each condemning anti-semitism while attempting to embrace the importance of free speech.
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but it was exchanges with this new york congresswoman that triggered widespread criticism. >> i am asking, specifically calling for the genocide of jews, does that constitute bullying and harassment. >> if the speech becomes conduct, it can be harassment, yes. >> conduct meaning committing the act of genocide. the answer is yes. calling for the genocide of jews violates harvard code of conduct, correct? >> again, it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. >> reporter: the white house weighing in after the hearing, we should all stand firmly against calls for genocide. the governor of pennsylvania, a democrat who is also jewish taking aim at penn's president. >> leaders have a responsibility to speak and act with moral clarity, and liz magill failed to meet that simple test. >> reporter: president magill attempting to clarify her comments. >> the call for the genocide of
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jewish people is a call for the most terrible violence human beings can perpetrate. it's evil, plain and simple. >> the harvard president writing calls for genocide against any group are vile. adding, they have no place at harvard. president magill says penn would immediately examine and clarify its policies regarding speech, but the school is also now facing a major financial hit. a wealthy donor is threatening to withdraw a $100 million donation calling on the school to replace president magill. the board of trustees has no plans to change leadership, but overnight the board of the influential wharton school of business called for her to step down. >> stephanie, thank you. it is 7:14. craig joins the table. >> good morning. good morning to you as well.
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new details are emerging about that 67-year-old gunman in the deadly shooting in a deadly shooting on the unlv campus. the victims all faculty members. nbc's steve patterson joins us now from las vegas with more. steve, good morning to you. >> reporter: craig, good morning to you. police say the first officers arrived on scene some 78 seconds of that original 911 call came in. if not for their quick actions, his next target would have been likely where i'm standing, the student union. >> police! >> reporter: this morning, new video showing unimaginable terror on campus. police hunting for a mass shooter on the move. students, staff and faculty inside unlv's business school gripped by fear as shots rang out. >> the gunshot was so close, i felt like he's coming in. and the only thing you can do is pray that he doesn't pick this room. >> reporter: last night the
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community coming together in a first attempt at healing. >> let us find comfort in each other's presence. >> reporter: the suspect opened fire on the building's fourth floor, shooting four faculty members, three fatally, jerry chang, 64, and patricia navarro velez and a third faculty member who police are not naming until family is notified. the lone survivor, a 38-year-old visiting professor, is stable. authorities say the man applied for a job at the school was not hired. >> we're still learning a lot about the suspect, and still trying to understand the motive. >> he previously worked at schools across the east, and touted his membership in mensa. investigators say the shootings were targeted. >> the suspect had a list of people he was seeking on the university campus. >> reporter: authorities releasing this video of the gunman's shoot-out with police moments before he was killed.
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business and law student was in class when he heard shots. >> fight or flight starts to kick in. >> reporter: just a few years ago, he says he was also at the deadliest shooting in history, the las vegas music festival. >> i feel like i'm in the wrong place, wrong time sometimes, but i'm glad that i'm able to i'm glad that i'm able to walk through it. >> reporter: deep wounds in a community now searching for a way forward. >> a lot of souls will be hurting for a really long time. ♪♪ >> reporter: and originally authorities woried about a batch of letters he sent around the country, with 22 letters to his targets contains white powder. they have since found that powder to be harmless. >> disturbing on many levels. thank you. let us switch gears and talk sports. the patriots notched just their third win of the season, topping
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the steelers thanks to a sizzling first half from quarterback bailey zappe. >> henry in the end zone makes the catch and dives in, touchdown! >> by the way, that was his third touchdown pass. the second to tight end hunter henry. new england holding up in the second half. that was a serious blow to the steelers. their wild card spot is not finished. >> still a chance. still a chance. >> and the pats couldn't stink all season. at some point they had to -- >> there you go. >> going to boston? >> no, no. >> all right, mr. roker. >> ouch. okay. well, good morning, everybody. here is what's going on the rest of the country for today. the east coast looks gorgeous today. plenty of sunshine, mild conditions. that will be changing in the next 48 hours. storms coming into the central plains. blowing snow will be working its way through the northern plains, cascades as well. gorgeous weather. we will get to your local
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forecast in the next 30 seconds. happy friday. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's a cold start to our day. seeing some of those numbers dip below freezing in parts of the north bay and frosty conditions across the east bay, as well as palo alto. we're going to see a cold morning, but we're headed for the upper 50s and low 60s. it will be nice and sunny and we'll see more weather like this throughout the forecast. we will continue with dry weather at least through the end of next week, and mornings in the
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and that's your latest weather. guys still ahead, a former employee of the jacksonville jaguars accused of stealing tens of millions of dollars from the team nbc's sam brock is following that story for us. hey, sam good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. his attorney is speaking out saying those stolen goods -- or i should say stolen money wasn't spent on goods, but on gambling. what is the nfl saying about this more after the break. oprah winfrey turning heads on the red carpet showing off her dramatic new weight loss people want to know how she did it what she is revealing about that stunning figure. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up, craig, you were coming up, craig, you were hanging out with one of the of
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7:24 am
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7:25 am
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7:26 am
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welcome back. >> we are following some breaking news for you this morning, coming out of the east bay. this is a long police standoff that started around 7:00 last night in pleasant hill near monument boulevard. that's when police say a man shot and injured his wife inside their home on cleopatra drive. she has non life-threatening injuries. her husband then barricaded himself inside that home and police locked down the neighborhood, issuing a shelter in place. the neighborhood is now reopened. it is still not clear if that man surrendered. >> sidewalk vendors in san francisco are organizing a march to city hall today as they struggle with a temporary ban in the mission district. the 90-day ban is the byproduct of the city's effort to crack down on the fencing of stolen girls and people selling without permits. the city says a vendor ban is
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already working, but vendors today are trying to make the point it's not working for everyone. how is that weather looking, kari? >> it's starting out cold across parts of the bay area, upper 30s. we're headed for 60 today. we'll do it all over again tomorrow. in fact, we're just going to set it on repeat throughout much of the weekend into early next week. it will be slightly warmer for the afternoon, but still no rain in the forecast through at least next thursday. for san francisco, expect a high today reaching 60 degrees. we're down to the mid-40s tonight, and into the weekend. there will be more clouds coming in on sunday. at this point it looks dry. into next week, a mix of sun and clouds with chilly mornings and clouds with chilly mornings and ld afternoons.mi look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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♪ we're back 7:30 wow, you guys. beautiful tree and incredible
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crowd. >> yes. >> you want to see what holiday spirit looks like? right here you are looking at it. a lot of folks came in early everybody came 16 short days until christmas. >> 16? >> by the way, they were out first in line freaking out so we're going to have to go out and give our love for sure. >> i love when they have the antlers on and the christmas tree hats. first, a fraud case out of florida that's grabbing national headlines. >> a former employee of the jaguars accused of stealing $22 million from the franchise, allegedly using that money to finance a lavish lifestyle sam brock joins us with the latest on this sam, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. look, this is interesting. the attorney for ahmed patel says his client will plead guilty on fraud charges.
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he said that 99% of the $22 million was spent on gambling, guys a sensitive subject for the nfl, which has a strict gambling policy on the field -- >> lawrence back in the end zone ridley >> reporter: the jacksonville jaguars have enjoyed high-flying success this season. off the gridiron, new federal charges accuse one of the team's federal employees of astronomical left to the tune of $22 million. the justice department laying out how ahmed patel from 2022 to 2023 used an elaborate scheme involving virtual corporate credit cards to steal that money and allegedly spent it on lavish items, including a florida condo, a new tesla model 3, a country club membership, a $95,000 watch and online gambling websites. is this as crazy as it sounds?
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a jaguars employee responsible for financial planning is accused of stealing $22 million. >> it is as crazy as it sounds this is not an every dayfrom th team. >> reporter: in a statement, he says his client suffers from headline the very unique story. he was supposed to be safe guarding this business's finances and instead he was actually accused of stealing from the team. >> reporter: in a statement, he says his client suffers from a serious gambling addiction and checked himself into a rehab facility this spring this came about because nfl officials were investigating his gambling activities. 99% of the funds misappropriated from the virtual corporate card were gambling losses since partnering with multiple online betting sites several years ago, the nfl has been very strict around rules around gambling, banning it for employees. this is easily the most significant employee violation with the nfl noting in a statement a league review uncovered no evidence indicating
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any inside information was used or any game was compromised in any way. what did you make of the nfl's reaction to this criminal investigation? >> that is the nfl's main concern here this is their big thing. the optics matter so much to them they want to be seen as putting on fair games. >> reporter: so the league, of course, is adamant that no games were compromised the jaguars said that patel was a financial planning manager, had no access to football planning strategy or the nfl the doj says he was the sole administrator of this virtual credit program, perhaps something they may be reexamining after this back to you. >> a lot of questions there, sam. thank you. let's turn now to oprah winfrey. she has been very vocal throughout the years about her weight loss struggles. this week she turned heads on the red carpet
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stunning that stunning slimmed down look. fans are wondering how did she do that. liz is here with more. >> good morning. oprah has always been open about her struggles with weight. now the icon is generating some buzz with her new physique >> oprah, can we get a waive >> reporter: the new images of oprah, slimmed down and stunning on two red carpets this week. >> oprah, all of a sudden, right, looks thinner than ever. >> reporter: speaking about how she lost the weight at "the color purple" premier. >> what's going on if this is weight watchers, sign me up tonight. >> it's not just one thing it is everything. >> reporter: some fans speculating she used more than just diet and exercise >> is oprah using ozempic? >> i'm not sure how i feel about she didn't come out and say, yes, i use the medication. >> reporter: in september, the media mogul addressed it >> when i first started hearing about the weight loss drugs, i
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felt, i got to do this on my own. i've got to do this on my own because if i take the drug, that's the easy way out. i've got to do it the hard way i've got to keep climbing the mountains. i have to keep suffering i have to do that because otherwise i somehow cheated myself. >> reporter: she said she wasn't criticizing people that use weight loss drugs. >> it should be yours to own and not something to be shamed about. >> reporter: but the backlash was swift. >> it's counting points. >> reporter: shares in weight watchers, a company partially owned by oprah winfrey falling 15% the next day clarifying her stance to "the wall street journal" saying i believe that prescription medications are an important and viable option to consider for people who struggle with weight. >> this is what 67 pounds of fat looks like. >> reporter: for decades, the queen of all media has openly shared her weight loss journey. >> y'all have watched me diet and diet and diet. it is a
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recurring thing because my body always seems to want to go back to a certain weight. >> reporter: now as she approaches her 70th birthday next month, the icon proving once again it is never too late to achieve your goals. and we have reached out to oprah winfrey for comment. we have not heard back no matter how she lost the weight, guys, it is fair to say she looks happier and healthier. >> she looks amazing by the way, her bestie gail looks pretty good, too they're both looking good. have you seen this taylor swift, the hanukkah version. you know what, we went 36 minutes without mentions taylor swift. here it is before that, though, we are going to explore america's prescription drug shortage why the problem is only getting worse this winter. now you can actually find those medications you might need we'll go to that right after this
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using our technology to power different ways of learning. ♪ harnessing ai to plant new beginnings. ♪ so when minds grow, opportunities follow. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪)
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dad, can you tell us a story? maybe the one with the duckling. who got lost in the storm and got caught in that terrible oil spill. and then international bird rescue cleaned her all up with dawn platinum. it removed every last bit of grease so she could return back to her pond happily ever after. can you tell me that story? i think you just did. well, he could tell it again. dawn platinum, tough yet gentle. see illumination's migration, rated pg, only in theaters. special k is oven-toasted to crisp perfection then tossed with yogurty goodness or maybe some red berries special k. in so many craveable varieties so you can do what's delicious. (boy) you're not gonna believe this girl... (girl) mom! dad! mom, dad, have you seen this?
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(boy) ...i did it. (vo) wells fargo helps thousands of students go to college... (girl) he got in. (vo) funding $107 million dollars in scholarships and programming for diverse communities. (boy) don't worry, i'll be back. (vo) when a bank does what it says... (mom) i knew you could do it. (vo) ...opportunity happens. doing gets it done. wells fargo, the bank of doing. nature's bounty hair growth. clinically shown to help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. joanna gaines: discoveries at saint jude helped this kid beat cancer at age two. marget: and now this kid has three kids. chip gaines: and that's what we do at saint jude. subject: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life and give a gift that could last a lifetime. ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ )
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♪♪ my name is gary... pastell... jozi. i have ms. i have ms. [all together]: ms is what we have. i take ocrevus. an infusion treatment that's two times a year. female vo: a prescription for adults with relapsing or primary progressive forms of multiple sclerosis, ocrevus is proven effective in reducing relapses in rms, and slowing disability progression in rms and ppms. male vo: don't take ocrevus if you have hep b and tell your doctor about vaccinations or if you've had colitis or hep b, as hep b could come back. a common side effect of ocrevus is infusion reactions. some may be serious. an increased risk of colitis and cancer may exist with ocrevus and it can increase the risk of infections, which can be serious. pml is rare but may happen with ocrevus. it can lead to disability or death. ms is what we have. - not who we are. - not who we are. not who we are.
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female vo: ask your doctor about ocrevus and join our community. welcome back this morning on "in depth today," a nationwide crisis that is only getting worse. >> a shortage of key prescription drugs nbc's senior business correspondent christine roman is here with details on this. this is really troubling, especially for a lot of parents. >> look, the cold and flu season is here. last year's shortage of those medicines is not expected this year that's the good news but there are big problems for cancer meds, amoxicillin and adhd patients. frustrations growing nationwide over unfilled prescriptions, making it harder for many americans to find their medications. misty lives in minnesota and says it is like a full-time job to track down adhd medication for her three sons have you found any hacks or you
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just deal with it on a day by day basis. >> sometimes i will give my kids meds at 3:00 so i know i have them for the school day, if i have to. >> reporter: she says she's had to switch her kids to different prescriptions based on what's available. it is a daily struggle shared on social media >> whoever or whatever is causing this shortage, cut it out. i need my medicine. >> reporter: with users posting about how they're unable to pick up prescriptions on time or forced to change their treatment schedules. >> my seven-year-old does not have his adhd medication because both of the pharmacies are out of it. >> reporter: the issue ringing the alarm on capitol hill. >> a significant public health risk. >> this cancer doctor saying the drug shortage could be a matter of life or death for some patients. >> my colleagues have been
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forced to make impossible decisions, including which patients will be able to receive curative therapy. >> reporter: 1 in 10 people being treated today say they have experienced drug shortage in the past year when we talk about a shortage of drugs for cancer treatment, thae could actually be a life or death, couldn't it >> we also don't know the long-term harms because we don't have the data about switching between cancer drugs we probably won't know what will happen until a few years from now. you know, patients may forego a chance at a cure. >> reporter: the problem is widespread 1 in 3 u.s. hospitals are severely affected by drug shortages. and by early fall, there were 305 ongoing drug shortages nationwide, the most in a decade why are there shortages of
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life-saving drugs in this country. >> the main reason is a quality problem at the manufacturing facilities it is across all drug classes. but, again, most of these are generic drugs. >> it's just wild to think about this happening in the united states of america. if this does happen to someone, if they're struggling to find a medication that they need, what should they do what could they do >> all over the country today, people are scrambling to get a prescription filled. don't panic. make a plan. talk to your doctor. maybe your doctor can write a prescription for a different drug that works similarly. you could also ask for a different dosage sometimes that works some things are extended release or quick release you can either work around that with your doctor but also the experts say use the
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portal with your doctors' office if you notice how they want you to sign up >> yeah. >> you could be texting and talking in real-time with your doctor's office on this. doctors and doctors' offices know this is happening, too. they're working with patients trying to get around this. last week the biden administration said they would use the defense production act so they could longer term figure this out but it is a real problem it's a problem that's been worsening for a decade. >> we were looking for a prescription for amoxicillin or something. we went to three different cvses. at the fourth one they found it. >> it is like a full-time job to find the medicine. >> by the way, it's so crowded at our plaza, take a look,
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people are lining up across the street they are all out there it is so nice to see you all lovely all right. well, in the meantime, let's take a look and show you what we've got going on right here. maybe you saw the plaza. so ahead of the system that will be bringing big problems across the country. sunday. a good friday morning to you. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's a cold start across the bay area, and we're going to see a lot of sunshine going into the afternoon. our temperatures only make it up to 60 degrees, and we're back in the upper 30s for tonight. our weather on repeat through the next few days, although there may be a few more clouds on sunday. it still looks to stay dry and we're back to the sunshine early next week with slightly milder te
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behind it much colder air. weather. guys >> all right, al thank you. still ahead, we will brighten your morning with our merriest stuff. also, they came out in colorado. and our can't miss morning boost. but, first, these messages one has it all. so i said, "no, you're the one who's jelly." yeah, hilarious. the other... oh, come on. something's missing. director: is it hard being a lunch icon? icon? no it comes naturally. that's it. director: cut! ugh. lunch icon. yeah right. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. sorry crust. in a freezer aisle near you. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪
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cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise]
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( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients.
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those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. at target, get low prices on... rsv? parties. [ “love like this” by rosemarie ] get your parties started for less, at target. [ music ends ] we're back at 7:51 carson is joining the party just in time for a boost. >> here we go, carson. this is all about getting a boost from your friends. a school bus driver recorded
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this video saying this happens daily when a young student exits his bus. >> give me a thumb's up. all right. >> go, david what a cheering squad from the back. >> that kid is fast. >> the bus driver, by the way, claims to be the fastest kid alive. he always runs look at him go. >> there is the cheering squad waiting. >> he's like david gump running home. >> yeah, fastest book alive. >> that book bag gets a little heavier. >> everyone loves holiday movies we'll run through the new list on "popstart," but first your local news and weather it's 8:00 on "today. ur heary
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to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma
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that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... sometimes just ordering lunch can be a lot for young homeowners turning into their parents. look at that. it's like a science project. so what can i get you for a base? what is a base? i'm falling behind already. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. dear wayfair. but we can protect your home and auto this year i want... to say thanks. over the centuries i've become passionate about home decor.
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and my favorite homes are wayfair homes. i even stop by on my day off! i know what people want, and you've got just what they need. also, i love your ottomans. your number one fan, santa. ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (vo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body... ...regulate blood sugar... ...and mounjaro... ...can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro... ...lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not... ...for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it,... or your family have medullary thyroid cancer,...
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...or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away... ...if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain,... changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro... ...with sulfonylurea or insulin... ...raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant,... ...or plan to be. side effects include nausea,... ...vomiting, and diarrhea,... ...which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (man) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. good morning. it is 7:56. i'm marcus washington. here is a look at what's happening now. i'm bob redell in pleasant hill where a standoff is over after a man allegedly shot his wife in the sherman acres neighborhood behind me.
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pleasant hill police say around 7:00 last night this man shot and wounded his wife at a home on the 200 block of cleopatra drive. she was taken to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries. her husband would not surrender. he barricaded himself in that home. police locked down the neighborhood while they tried to communicate with the man. this morning police released a statement saying the neighborhood is reopened and the standoff is over. we are trying to confirm how the standoff ended. time a get a look at that forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking cold temps out there. >> starting near freezing for parts of the north bay. frosty conditions around much of the rest of the bay area. today we're headed up to close to 60 degrees for many of our microclimates and we're going to set it on repeat for the weekend into early next week. we start out mostly clear and see a few clouds moving in and temperatures reaching into the low 60s inland. it will be a little warmer for
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the middle of next week. san francisco will be in the low 60s and starting out in the mid-40s. >> thanks, kari. we'll have another local news update in 30 minutes. see you back here then.
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind.
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for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. it's 8:00 on "today. coming up weekend washout. a cross country storm said to bring, strong winds and even
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snow where is it headed and how bad will it be al is live with your latest forecast. >> plus, we sit down with dak prescott talking about his special project off the field. >> but at the end of the day, my purpose and the reason i'm at this platform is not for footballit is a story to inspir. >> their conversation just ahead. and wonderful news. yim my stewart's voice being brought back with a little help from a.i. for a new bedtime story. >> i'm james stewart. >> the icon's family approving the project, perfect for when you take that long winter's nap. >> that's right. that's right >> today is friday, december 8th, 2023. 2023. 2023 girls' trip to celebrate kay from south lake, texas >> four generations from
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tennessee. >> here to experience christmas in new york city. >> from minnesota. >> florida. >> orange, california. >> virginia. >> and youngstown, ohio. >> hi to our friends back in mississippi. >> sisters' trip from oregon. >> and nebraska. celebrating jo6 >> sending love to my kids. >> celebrating joyce's 60th birthday. >> from columbia, south carolina ♪ good morning, everybody. welcome back to "today." it is friday morning so glad to have that lovely crowd out there. a long, tracking shot of all the fine folks that dressed up in their holiday wear and their holiday spirit and we get out there and say hi a little bit. >> still have a birthday to
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celebrate today. >> i know he is watching right now. charlie feldman, my little boy, is turning 7 happy birthday, buddy. never not in eagles gear ms. hoda and i are wearing green for you today. >> i also love you, charlie. >> although, he talked to the cowboys quarterback, so don't be >> so don't be mad at craig. >> we have a cool story to tell you about. i cannot wait to share this one. we helped deliver an epic holiday surprise to a group of deserving young students these kids are so extraordinary. they have sweat shirts on that say "be the change." they give all year long, and we got a chance to give them a mad at craig. for next week on "today". millions of americans might fall behind on their holiday chores this weekend. a powerful storm is rolling across the country depending on where you live, you could see heavy rain, power outages. al has it all mapped out for us.
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>> good morning. and good morning to you. first of all, for tomorrow, 11 million people at risk for severe weather from nashville, memphis, shreveport, houston wind gusts of 60 miles an hour, damaging hail. we can't rule out tornadoes stretching from nashville all the way down to houston. here is what we're looking at as far as storm impacts as it comes across the country flooding rain fall ponding of water river rises and streams from boston all the way down to tallahassee. we're also looking at windy conditions as we get sunday into monday airport delays along the i-95 corridor 30 to 60 miles an hour so we're watching that and on the backside of this system as it exits, we're looking at heavier snow. upstate new york upwards of 6 to 8 inches of snow but slick travel along i-90. i-80 as well
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we will be watching this it will be a very high impact storm right on into monday, guys. >> thank you, al. a texas judge has granted an emergency order, allowing a dallas woman to have an abortion despite a state law that bans almost all abortions 31-year-old kate cox, a mother of two is 20 weeks pregnant. she was told her fetus has a rare disorder and would likely be stillborn or only have a week to live at most. her attorneys say the mother's life and future fertility are also at risk cox told nbc news she was hopeful and grateful after the judge's decision however, the texas attorney general is pushing back saying prosecutors are still possible for any doctor who performs an abortion in texas. sunday on "meet the press," kristin welker will be sitting down with senator mitt romney. a pilot has been released on bail, posting $50,000 after a jury refused to incite him for attempted murder he pled not guilty for reckless endangerment and interfering
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with the flight crew he was off duty but sitting in the cockpit. he was subdued the plane landed safety. police say emerson told them he was depressed and had taken psychedelic mushrooms two days early. a salmonella outbreak now blamed in 8 deaths in the u.s. and canada 200 people have fallen ill from the bad fruit and about half have had to be hospitalized. many of the people who got sick reported eating precut cantaloupe in packages sold in stores the cdc is warning customers to avoid cantaloupe if you do not know its source. what seems like a cruel act of holiday vandalism turned out to be something different. take a look. it was not the grinch. it was a bear. a bear trashed a florida family's christmas reindeer display. next, lights out for bambi
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he picks bambi up and carries it off into the woods he might have thought it was a play mate, in his defense. >> no holiday spirit with that s he might have thought it was a playmate in his defense. >> oh, wow >> anyway, that's what happened there. >> no holiday spirit with that bear much to get to this morning including bear. much to get to this morning, including a busy "popstart". also, the face of the dallas cowboys. star quarterback dak prescott. not only is he gearing up for that huge game against the eagles on sunday, he is also on a mission to do amazing things off the field. our inspiring conversation right after this . try blue life protection formula today.
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looking for a smarter way to mop? try the swiffer powermop ♪♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool with hundreds of scrubbing strips that absorb and lock dirt away for a mop and bucket clean in half the time. ♪♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop.
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♪ christmas jingles ♪ [gasp] [laughter of joy] ♪♪ [mmmmmmm] repeat the sounding joy. ♪♪ [laughter of joy] kinder joy. ♪♪ open a world of surprise. have fun, sis! ♪♪ can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. ♪yeah, yeah, yeah♪ real fruit... and whole grains. ♪yeah, yeah, yeah♪ doing something good for yourself has never been this easy. just do what's delicious. kellogg's special k. i've never been healthier. shingles doesn't care. just do what's delicious. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose.
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an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. ♪♪ ♪♪ brave the cold. grab kleenex. ♪♪ [♪♪] you know poop is coming, but you know, you have nothing to fear. pampers swaddlers with new blowout barrier helps prevent up to 100% of leaks even blowouts. don't fear blowouts, with pampers swaddlers. walmart's amazing holiday deals are happening now. save big on must-have fashion. top tech and so much more. walmart has deals for every gift on their list. ready, set, gift.
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welcome back week 14 of the nfl season is here it is crunch time for teams fighting for a spot in the playoffs craig, there is a huge game on sunday and you caught up with one of the biggest superstars out there. >> yeah, dak prescott. dak prescott suicide one of the most coveted and stressful jobs in all of sports, quarterback for the dallas cowboys we got an exclusive video he made to help fight colon cancer. as you can see, it is an issue very close to his heart. dak prescott is the face of the dallas cowboys, franchise cowb quarterback for america's team. quarterback for america's team four pro bowl selections, and he's in the conversation for
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league mvp this year his cowboys are 9-3, taking on the philadelphia eagles this sunday night but on the day we talked to him, he was filming a public service announcement, urging people to get screened for colorectal cancer the cowboys are having a heck of a season so far and you decided to take some time out of your busy schedule to talk about colorectal cancer. why? >> that is my story. i lost my mom to colin cancer back in 2013 >> prescott's mother, peggy, lost her battle with colon cancer when he was still in college. tell me about peggy prescott
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what was she like? >> the best. brighten up getting an opportunity to speak about her very selfless, hard working, loved her boys, did anything for her three boys i am who i am because of my mom. >> aa prsional quarterback, i get a lot of [ bleep ]. >> that's why he volunteered to film the psa it is the latest in a series lead from behind campaign. the first video featured ryan reynolds and rob mcelhenney. this new video uses humor and some language we can't air on morning tv to address issues a lot of folks can't seem to talk about and getting screened usin some language we can't air on morning tv to either a colonoscopy or an at home test kit. >> place a sticker of something you want to [ bleep ] on right on the underside. >> this psa you just shot, who is it for? >> 30, 40 years old, men, african americans, whatever. if you have had prior issues with your stomach, having anxiety about getting checked, hope somebody watches that, hope somebody laughs and hope somebody says this is easier than i thought. >> off the field, prescott is understood deniably an mvp
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he's done so much good for his community he was named the nfl's walter payton man of the year. >> you are the walter payton man of the year award. why is that so important to you? >> because i'm an every day guy. i'm blessed with the ability to be able to throw a ball. i have worked nonstop at that. but at the end of the day, my purpose and the reason i'm at this platform is not for football it is to share my story. it is to inspire others. >> what do you think peggy prescott would say about all of this >> she would be proud. she would say well done on allowing her to be a part of her story. as proud as she would be, she was my biggest critic, too keep doing more. keep doing as much as you can. >> with his mother as a role model, prescott is about to become a parent himself. he and his girlfriend are expecting this spring. you're going to be a dad here in march. going to be a girl dad excited? >> i'm very excited. i know the moment i told her in
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my life, my life will change. >> there is a lot of football to be played, including a huge game against division rivals, the philadelphia eagles. >> sunday night taking on division leaders, the eagles what is dak prescott's mind set going into the sunday night matchup? >> yeah, excited right now. we have a great eagles team coming in off of a tough loss, understanding that they are going to be fired up. >> prediction for sunday night? >> a win. >> that's pretty fast. >> yeah. >> not even close? >> a win. >> he's a good dude. whether you are a cowboys fan or not, blessed. and just thankful for the team that i have right now. we have a great eagles team coming in off of a tough loss, understanding that they are going to be fired up. >> prediction for sunday night >> a win. >> that's pretty fast. >> yeah. >> not even close? >> a win >> he's a good dude. whether you are a cowboys fan or not, i'm a dak prescott fan moving forward he has done so much off the field. >> he has done things for mental health, too. during the pandemic, he talked about his mental health, losing his brother and his mother early on being a leader in that space and a hero to us.
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>> the funny part about that psa is if you have them laughing, you have them listening. this is so smart. >> the psa is pretty funny, by the way. the psa for that will be released next week we will put it on our website, of course. i should mention ever since the loss of my brother lawrence, i have served as an unpaid board member on the colorectal alliance it has launched a health equity fund that's offering free screening options and financial assistance to those who are most in need. if you want to get a screening and you cannot afford to get a screening, the alliance will help you get the screening. >> that's cool. >> i should also disclosed i played in the alliance's golf tournament and came in second place. >> and, craig, you have done a lot of wonderful work with lawrence in your heart, and this is part of it, too. >> thank you. >> you're our dak.
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>> you are. >> you can catch dak and the cowboys against the eagles, the matchup of the weekend sunday night right here on nbc. we will eat to that, too. >> it's going to be big. mr. roker? >> not a lot on the map right now, but that will be changing look for a storm developing in the rockies. you can see how cold that air is 20s and 30s there. 70s and 80s down through texas florida looking at temperatures in the 70s chilly in the northeast and new england. mild and sunny today evening storms developing in the lower mississippi river valley, blowing snow around the plains into the i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we're starting out cold and clear. we have a lot of sunshine in today's forecast. a lot of our inland valleys hit 60 degrees today, then we're back down to the upper 30s tonight and reaching the upper 50s tomorrow.
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not much of a change the next several days, but it will be slightly warmer going into the middle of next week. we'll see highs in san francisco in the low 60s that is your latest weather. time for the best time of the morning, a friday "popstart". >> we should play a home game you play around christmastime where you could play cards, make up trivia, random stories from different buckets. i'm flushing this out as i'm talking. >> we'll workshop it. >> a new poll found the most popular christmas movies across the country. we thought it would be to fun to take a look at what people are watching in each of our anchor's home states. your state showed "a nightmare before christmas" the number one movie. will you explain that? >> i cannot explain it i thought it was going to be "elf." i thought we were an "elf" state. >> south carolina can't get enough of the animated take of "a christmas carol". >> a modern twist on the classic.
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>> out west in my home state, california, the 2022 horror film "a violent night." this was the number one holiday movie in the state of california. >> sickos. >> louisiana and new york, both your states share a fondness for "it's a wonderful life." finally, the normal people are in louisiana and new york. but it is this new york-based classic that took the title for the country's favorite overall holiday movie. >> two scoops, sir >> two make it three. i'm not driving. >> macaulay culkin stealing hearts. >> the first one i thought was fantastic. >> all right just watch the segment. >> and where is "die hard"
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>> oh, stop it. >> as craig would say, that train is never late. >> ever, ever. >> don't want to disappoint. >> speaking of christmas classics, this week's the calm app released it is a wonderful sleep story voiced by the late jimmy stewart using the help of ai voice cloning technology. take a listen to this. ♪ >> well, hello i'm james stewart. but, well, you can call me jimmy. tonight i'm going to tell you a story. it's a heart warming story of love, of loss, of hope and of joy. but most of all, it's a wonderful sleep story. >> i mean, i'm half asleep that works you don't think it sounds too
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much like jimmy stewart? >> it is like a bad imitation of him. >> maybe all we've heard is a bad imitation. >> i don't think so. >> in a statement, stewart's daughter saying it is amazing what technology can do to see dad's legacy live on in the holiday season in new ways by helping people find restful sleep and sweet dreams. >> look at al. he's like bah humbug. >> i like the original jimmy stewart. >> we all did, but we're left with ai now. >> next up the taylor swift. last night marked the beginning of hanukkah. we have no choice, uncle al. in celebration of this week, the popular jewish a cappella group dropped a taylor swift inspired medially remixing her songs to honor the festival of lights ♪ because we're feeling so festiv festive ♪♪ it's time for hanukkah ♪♪ let's ♪ it's time for hanukkah ♪ wishe
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♪ let's say those blessings and have a sufganiyot ♪ ♪ i wish they made starbucks latkes the eat beside the flame ♪ ♪ we tell of a great story for eight nights and days ♪ >> okay. here is that same song sung by ai jimmy stewart >> i wanted to say it. but i'm going to get roasted. >> here it is. next up, mr. and mrs. smith. of course, you remember the movie. now there is a prime video series based on the 2005 action-packed hit. this stars donald glover as two spies in an arranged marriage who face new missions every week ♪ >> we're married. >> i should be clear i'm not in this for the romance.
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>> what is it that you two do? >> we're computer software engineering. >> i can't wait to see that. a new series in my life. mr. and mrs. smith starts streaming february 2nd we will be seeing the cast right here in the studio 1a, a lot to look forward to in the new year. "saturday night live" hosts adam driver and olivia rodrigo poked fun at the connection between his last name and her latest hit. >> okay, this is all ward. olivia rodrigo and the guy she wrote a song about. >> what song >> "driver's license," adam driver. >> that song is not about me. >> it's 100% about you. >> you can catch this weekend's episode right here on nbc. >> all right, guys it is time to head to our next stop on our merriest main street tour
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we are in georgetown, colorado this morning where our affiliate is standing by he has some special guests and wow! >> hey, matt >> hey happy holidays, friends, from georgetown, colorado you know, everyone is excited here we're 45 minutes west of denver near the continental divide. it would likely look like georgetown and everyone is excited to show this town off. it turned out for this party kevin carr joins us. kevin, this town loves the holidays there is a history with it and it's really the christmas market that is known far and wide here. >> yes it's sponsored by the town of georgetown and historic georgetown incorporated. it started in 1960 and, so, it's generations of families coming here to enjoy the mountains and the holidays. >> so important. and so well known. and they made a movie with john denver here about it as well. >> that's right. john denver filmed here in 1985.
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the movie was released in 1986 called "the christmas gift." and it is a classic holiday film. >> and we watch it every year. jess jones does marketing. there is so much more here as well. >> oh, absolutely. whether you are coming in, you know, summer, winter or spring, we have lots to do our georgetown loop railroad has so many fun experiences going on th aclubs driving on the ice. you have ice skating rinks in you have ice skating town it's truly a magical time here. >> and you have got a train that goes around georgetown as well. >> we do it is actually parker's favorite that's why he's speaking up about it whether you want to go during the day or see the santas at night, it is beautiful any time of year.
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>> you just mentioned parker in colorado, we love our dogs so much that in georgetown, you elected your mayor here. parker, everyone, is just one of the most well known mayors around here. parker, how cool is it that everyone in the town of georgetown showed up for this party? >> he says it's absolutely wonderful. >> yeah. yeah you know those interviews with dogs sometimes can be a little rough, but no bones about it hey, everyone, back in new york, we will send it back to you guys with the kids here singing a little bit of christmas festivities. and just thanks for having us
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vendors in san francisco are organizing a march to city hall today as they struggle with a temporary ban in the mission district. the 90-day ban is the byproduct of the city's effort to crack down on the fencing of stolen goods and people selling without permits. rising tensions with public works crews led to safety concerns. the city says the vendor ban is working, but vendors are trying to make the point it's not working for everyone. there's a grassroots push toe buy-out the vendors from noon to 4:00 at mission street. let's look at your weather with meteorologist kari hall. >> it's so cold outside. we've felt chilly temperatures around the bay area, but it will be sunny and we're heads to 60 with a nice afternoon. then temperatures drop back to the upper 30s overnight. we're going to set it on repeat for the next few days.
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tuesday's high will reach 65 degrees and mornings still down to the upper 30s. i'll have another local news update in half an
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♪ welcome back it is 8:30
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wait a minute. it is -- there's our toy drive we've got molly gordon once they're done, they will talk to us about their new comedy can we say something, mr. roker? >> yes, ma'am. >> okay. this is -- this is our biggest crowd on a non-concert day. >> non-concert crowd. non-conce >> non-concert crowd. >> this is our biggest crowd on a non-concert day. amazing! >> you got your running shoes on. >> oh, yeah. look and look all the way across the street. you can see more people who couldn't get in. >> because it was so packed. >> there's craig over there, yes. >> we felt so bad about you folks not able to get in, we wanted to come say hi. so thank you guys for coming. i'm going to give you a quick little tour of the group on the ot little tour of the group on the other side of the street so far. here you go. hey! hey! hey! yes!
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thank y'all. thanks for coming. merry christmas. >> very nice. >> okay! >> by the way, we have to thank tarte for donating 500 beauty items for tweens and teens >> all right ben and molly are with us. we also will talk about his transformation in the new movie. >> we also have the chefs and owners from one of the hottest new york italian restaurants they're cooking up a sunday feast for the matchup between the cowboys and eagles >> let's go. later on the 3rd hour, dylan will bring us along on a family adventure in search of a new christmas tree plus, the surprise they found along the way. >> it is a special birthday around here. not char char, my second favorite person on earth tom mazzarelli. >> happy birthday! we love you.
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>> that is a crowd favorite. >> i knew there was a reason. >> they're here for matt. >> happy birthday, buddy. >> we love you, mazzy. >> al, you are going to do the weather, but are you also going to show this entire crowd? >> oh, absolutely. first let me show you what we've got as far as your weekend weather is concerned. severe storms from the gulf. the next storm comes in the first let me show you what we've got as far as your weekend weather is concerned severe storms from the gulf. the next storm comes in the pacific northwest. then sunday, sunday it is a mess along the east coast wind swept rain. we're looking at snow from the great lakes. snow back th
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coming up, it is sunday night "football night in america" the eagles fly into arlington, texas to take on the cowboys ye, partner! clear skies, 48 degrees. it's a big one partner, eagles, cowboys, yee-haw! 7:00 p.m. sunday night "football night in america." it is time to go ride the horn yeah here we go look at it ride the horn. yeah! here we go! look at it. we're coming around. keep going keep going
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we're going. all the people right down here look at this it says "die hard is a christmas mo i got to show you this shirt it says "'die hard' is a christmas movie. let's keep going yeah yeah whoo and that, my friends, is around the horn back to you guys. >> all right, al thank you so much! this crowd is bumping. look at this what is your name? >> emily. >> kristin. >> happy you're here, y'all. up next, two very proud kids in town coming up next, two very proud kids in the house. they will tellou about their new film hey, girl! but, first, hey, this is "today" on nbc alaska airlines $99 companion fare means that you can bring your best friend...
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8:37 two incredibly talented stars. ben platt and molly gordon these friends are the creative forces behind "theater camp. take a look. >> now, we only have three weeks to create a masterpiece. it is on you now it is up to you. so that's on your shoulders as well as jones well-being and her legacy all on you. >> but you so deserve it on every level. you guys are so talented, so unbelievable this will break you. this will fully destroy you. >> ben and molly, the reviews are wonderful. people love this movie it has kind of a passion project. how did it come about? >> well, we have known each other our whole lives. we met doing musical theater my fiance doing theater and comedy together. we have this collective.
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we always dreamed of making something together and sending it in the world of theater we knew was our largest dream and it finally came to fruition. >> yeah. and we feel really lucky we got to make it and it came out six months ago we love to do press six months after the movie came out. >> let's pretend it's summer and it just came out. >> it's so hot. >> so hot, yeah. but, yeah, i think the movie is also about the fragility of an artist's life. arts funding gets cut first, and we just have to find a way in our society to save those places. >> i heard that -- you said you grew up together you know each other a long, long time i have evidence of you being at theater camp together. look at you, cutie this is unbelievable. >> i was in love with ben. >> well, of course. >> but of course i was famously gay. >> i mean, that is just
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adorable so how did you -- you did it mockumentary style, right? >> we heavily outlined it and set ourselves one a structure and a narrative and lots of jokes and concepts and then we really wanted the dialogue itself to be largely improvised we got to bring in lots of gifted comedians who just took what we had written and really ran with it. there was a lot of freedom on the set. the kids especially were such gifted improvisors and showed up the kids were really spectacular. >> it would be a great -- and you know it is supposed to storm this weekend it is on hulu. you can watch it this weekend. a lot of people didn't hear about it because it came out in the summer i have to ask you, molly i'm a big "bear" fan are we going to see you in this new season, do you think >> i think chris and the whole
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bear team are so brilliant so whatever they have no store will be amazing. >> i see your artful dodge, and i'm going to let it slide because it is not your fault that you can't answer. i love claire. i think you are an amazing character in "the bear." and you have this really long-term project coming up. >> yes it is a film version we are shooting it over the course of 16 years he directed "boyhood". >> the story is the dissolution of friendship over a long period of time. >> 18 years. i mean, that's incredible. talk about promoting it later. you know you think six months after your shot >> see you in 2038, exactly, yes. >> ben and molly, thank you so much it is called theater camp. as mentioned, you can stream it on hulu. house we have another award-winning
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star in the house who threw himself into his newest role in himself into his newest role in the wrestling ring look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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i know the importance of taking care of myself. w how are you doingou g between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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welcome back you have played many, many characters, from the motorcycle diaries to mozart in the jungle. for his latest film gael enters the world of mexican wrestling as a beloved wrestler who became known as liberace of that. before this character can find fame, he must first enlist the help of a trainer ahead of his first match. take a listen. >> how long have you been doing this >> since i was a kid but i'm going to be fighting in tijuana next week. uh-huh i want to flip it. i want to turn it around. >> you do.
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you want to turn it around. >> yeah. >> it is so, so great to have you in studio. is this a character you ever imagined yourself playing? >> okay. when i got the idea of doing this film, that's when i said, because i grew up a lot with watching lucha libre, being a big fan of that and wrestling with my friends and my brother and destroying the rooms and everything. so, yeah, this was something of course i have to do this. this is something that i must do it is like a calling because i grew up a lot with watching lucha libre, being a big fan of that and wrestling with my friends and my brother and destroying the rooms and everything so, yeah, this was something that i sort of imagined doing, but never thought before that, you know, like i was -- i'm ever going to make a movie about this, no i never thought about it. >> playing this character, i would think it would be easy to get this wrong you could overperform or underperform how did you get into character >> oh, i don't know. i don't know getting that -- i guess what i had to do is prepare a lot, of
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course, and do a lot of physical training as well as the wrestling training, as well as dance training as well and then with that, i had some ownership. and then just, you know, it is a lot to do. you have to lose control a little bit when you're there. >> yeah. >> so you're always like, you know, every day is like a challenge of like how much is too much, you know >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> so, yeah, it was like that. >> i feel like once you got into costumes, it must have just turned on because you have so many incredible costumes throughout this film. >> especially with the makeup. and the makeup really helped also, yes. >> looking at your career, it is incredible what you have chosen to do. and importantly, what you have chosen not to do and i feel like in the acting business, a lot of times people are saying when someone asked you, you say yes you say yes. what is your philosophy when it comes to selecting the roles that are just right for you? >> oh, thank you well, i really think that a lot of path in the way or the artistic sort of search, the
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artistic journey, which is seldom talked about, you know, it is a lot based on your decisions of what you don't do as well. >> yeah. >> you know, what you -- the time you take off to do something else to prepare or to don't know. it is like the things you want to do come in a way or happen. it's strange. >> but i think it is a great perspective when you think of it because some people say your iron is hot now, so you have to strike now. but that's kind of out of fear. kind of work something or put but that's kind of out of fear if i don't take this, then maybe i won't have anything. but that's not how you live your life. >> measuring the consequences of what's going to happen it has to be a much more -- you have to trust the outcome in a way, you know, and trust the accident and really like listen to that
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fine art of the artistic journey. and it is something -- it really contradicts the times of our lives right now because it's -- it requires more patience and a bit more, yeah. >> you are such a deep thinker by the way, you had a beautiful article in gq that nutshelled your life and how you ended up here congratulations on this film. >> thank you very much. >> we really appreciate you coming today it is streaming right now on prime video. you you knew i'd get it right by the end. all right, carson. over to you. >> the strike is over. we have all these great actors in studio 1a now it is making all of us hungry. we have some food for you. we have the couple behind don and angie. incredible game day recipe for us tex mex meatballs and italian pork nachos. we will get to that.
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but, first, this is "today" on
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the food the segment is sort of over in one part of the studio over is one of the biggest s of the year working out it is "today food" loves football this is one of the biggest games of the year working out to be cowboys, eagles. here to help us out with tailgating treats, we have husband and wife, the chefs and owners of the great don and angie, one of new york's hottest restaurants. really great to have you guys. it is nice to have good old-fashioned weekend football food >> busy time of year for you >> 100%. we're huge meat ball fans in general. we have an entire chapter devoted to meatballs in our cook book. >> love that. >> yeah, let's get into it to start our meatballs, we add a
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little milk to bread here. >> this is called a penade this will add some moisture to the meatballs, absolutely. >> do you like a sour dough bread? is that the first choice >> yeah. it has a depth of flavor. >> you will ring it out, all the milk add the bread to the chicken and then chorizo it's really soft you can also use the hard. you just have to grind it up then we add cheese to it. >> yes, you are. >> some eggs. >> eggs. >> and then our spice mix, which is salt, pepper, cumin, oregano, garlic and onion mix it up. you will end up with this. i don't know if you want to scoop some meatballs. >> sure. i will scoop some meatballs. >> we use one of these because all the meatballs are even size.
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>> yes, even size. smart. >> so this is like a tex mex style meat ball. >> right. >> all right so we will squeeze some meatballs there. that's really not so hot. >> do a quick rollout, yeah. >> and then those cook for how long minutes until they're golden brown in a 350 degree oven. >> all right. >> it is about 15 to 20 minutes until they're golden brown in a 350 degree oven. >> all right what is this, a sauce? >> so this is like a thick yogurt it is like a cooling element that's going to pair well with the spicy meatballs. we have a little bit of salt, sugar, oregano. >> that's going into what? >> it is like a thick yogurt basically. some lime juice. some grated garlic. >> craig, are you all right over there? i just wanted to ask you a question while your mouth was
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full you don't need to answer. >> and then mix this up. this will be the base of our meatballs here we just add a little fresh scallions and cilantro on top there. >> okay. that's the cowboys let's go to phillies. >> famous for the roast pork sandwich. >> it is a lessor own italian american dish. >> you're like, let's take some of those elements and just make nachos. >> why not yeah. >> you can use bone in or bone out. this is bone in, i believe we will sere it in a pan we take it out after getting it golden brown we add sliced onions and then put in our spice mix here. for this one, it is oregano, thyme, fennel and chili flakes and tomato paste we will cook that out for a few minutes until the tomato is cooked then we add white wine add tomato and chicken stock and then we will take the pork and put it into a slow cooker. it is going to go in the slow cooker we will pour this mixture right
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on top of it. >> right. >> the best thing about making this -- >> i love that it's inside you don't have to do a green egg smoking situation. this is just easy. >> the best thing about this, you're done. put it on high four hours. >> four hours. >> watch the game, and that's it. angie will show the rub. >> so i have some garlic here. i add my rabe, season it with a >> yep. >> beautiful. >> once this is cooked, we like to finish it off -- you have to cook it for 6 to 7 minutes to get it super welted. we like to finish it off with fresh lemon juice and sugar. >> for layering the nachos, the best part here, basically the
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secret to a good nacho is many, many layers. >> gotcha. >> so yeah we're just going to get our pulled pork here. >> load it up. >> deep fry it. >> don't be shy. you got to try the nachos. >> i know. but then i got to talk to go to break. i'm a pro. i got to wait. i can't talk like craig. >> i'm just going to say it is a huge game on sunday night right here on nbc. and if this football segment is any indication, it is going to be an eagles victory these are delicious nachos go birds. >> has these recipes. watch that game. cowboys/eagles sunday night. we're back with the third and fourth hours
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good morning. it's 8:56. i'm ginger conejero saab. governor newsom and nancy pelosi are helping celebrate a recent massive investment in the new high-speed rail project linking las vegas and southern california. the white house this week approved $3 billion in funding for the new line. once completed, it promises to transport riders between l.a. and sin city in about two hours. right now, the total tab for the project is estimated to be at about $12 billion with the plan to finish by 2028. happening now, leaders from california and nevada are getting ready to take part in a news conference .
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," a major storm on the move


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