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tv   NBC Bay Area News  NBC  December 10, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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the only place to get all your 49ers coverage. we will take a break. when we come back, it is the cardinals again. more birds. they took a loss in week four. brock purdy was almost perfect. we will see what the key is. but first, a preview of the news, which is up next. coming up in just moments, we follow this dog trainer across the country. now checking a detailed have developed in the disappearance of a bay area dog in her care. we investigate. new video, new clues, and a possible motive. also, forced to hit the brakes on a new truck business, the twist the owners are facing wanting to get on the road again. you know what a safer is? you know what a safer is? if you don't,
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jack, the data shows that people love our more flavorful ultimate cheeseburgers. show me the data. so the data is good? the data is real good. honestly, best data i've ever had. my best-selling ultimate cheeseburgers, seasoned as they grill.
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the 49ers have a chance to win the nfc west with the second straight year. pregame live sunday at noon, posting my immediately following the game on nbc sports bay area. the 49ers played the cardinals in week four. they won 35-16 to improve their 4-0. brock purdy had one touchdown in six interceptions. there was no kyler murray on that game. pop, what are you anticipating this sunday? >> they hung in the game, they played well. the niners this year are playing four different teams coming off their bye week. it is going to be temporary at quarterback. i wonder if the 49ers will deploy the same kind of rush strategy that they used against jail and hurt. were you just get upfield and do a wide nine. because he gets out of that a little bit.
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with kyler murray, j manhertz, you want to squeeze that pocket and keep them in the pocket, make them win from there. but they are coming off their bye week. they won in pittsburgh. you never know. >> you never know. 49ers are 10-2. they went out, pop goes to vegas, everyone is happy.
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right now a south bay food truck is trying to make ends meet after serious blow to the business. what they are calling on the community to do to get them up and going again. the latest victims of vandals. what we know about the building covered in profanity. alarming details in the disappearance of a bay area dog. two developments and a possible motive. thank you for joining us on the special edition of nbc bay area news. after surviving the pandemic the operators of the san jose food truck thought the worst was behind them. then came another blow the put the brakes on their business. marion fall row is in the district newsroom with us. what has temporarily close that
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kitchen? >> a stolen truck for now the kitchen is closed and the catering jobs have been canceled. specializing in filipino food is a labor of love. he wanted to honor his late mother. >> i was cooking in memory of her. he lost his food truck you can see the shattered glass and the twisted metal frame. now he can't drive the truck or use it to prepare meals for holiday events. >> we've had to contact many across san jose and say we can no longer come here.
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>> they say the repairs will cost around $8000. on top of that is the truck not running. then came yet another speed bump. the insurance company ended their coverage november 8th saying they are no longer providing renewal to commercial automobiles. the to say that they are now asking the public for help. they hope that they can fire up the grill once again. they say they are not yet sure when they will be able to get back up and running between repairs and inspections could be early next year. nbc, bay area news. east bay girl scout cabin targeted by vandals. the video shows vlad avenue in livermore covered in a scene with graffiti all over the
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area. a neighbor says it happened a couple nights ago and it was not the first time the building has been targeted. >> it's gone on back and forth. a month later it's back again. and they really just make it work. >> we heard back from police officers reporting about the graffiti and police say there have been at least four reports of vandalism at the capital july 2022. was seen in oakland and san francisco. oakley will be the latest to take up a resolution calling for a cease-fire in the israel and hamas war. they are calling for those to adopt the resolution. the jewish community is now calling for supporters saying they need to maintain order during the meeting. city council will meet at 6:00 on tuesday. the conspiracy theorist alex joan was reimbursed on ex.
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he was banned in 2018 for violating the abusive behavior policies of twitter by arguing the sandy hook elementary school shooting was fake. his followers harassed threatened and confronted the victims which all led to a lawsuit. he was told to pay $1.5 billion to the plaintiffs. they previously pledge not to let him back on the site and today they let him back on. the decision comes on the anniversary week of the shooting of sandy hook that killed 20 children and six teachers. we've been following what began as a missing dog case. a dog trainer trying to return a different german shepherd to a family in paulo alto. the investigative reporter lana gutierrez has reviewed shocking details of the german shepherd's disappearance. >> they began looking into the case earlier this year.
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with the financial transactions that we are now learning what police say they discovered including where the dog trainer what was staying. and possible motives. videocamera shows a dog owner josephine ragland. picking up in the north bay the same day that she told the palo alto woman that she had a family emergency and could not make sure that the german shepherd was picked up as scheduled. >> my older son told me this is a totally different dog. and she was very violent with us. >> we are learning that the day she was supposed to be
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returning the dog she was dropping off five other dogs in the bay area. responding to credulous posts about german shepherds up for adoption. the very next day she drove 800 miles north to seattle. picking up what police called a substitute. craigslist poster said he arrived solo in a black tesla. >> did you ask why they brought another dog? >> she said she did not know that that was a different dog. that the man gave her another dog. >> the man later identified as her boyfriend. the report indicates that he told deputies that he broke through the window and got away. they found the blood trail when he went looking. deputies say they never verified his story or visited
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his home before to that information the palo alto police. the report says they were apparently keeping the dogs in the flat in humble county four hours north of the peninsula. investigators say during that two month timeframe he took in 18 dogs charging over $2700 each for two weeks of training. she had at least six other dogs that she was supposed to be training scott and kept doing business as usual after he disappeared. among a dozen clients here and she refused to disclose her training location. >> he was losing almost 8 pounds. after that investigators say they took the dog training business to the east coast and in september prosecutors
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charged him with larceny and evading police after french bulldog died in her care. it was regarding her name and more on this incident. in both areas they told police that they hired her because she was verified with a high rating and dozens of great reviews. they remove ragland's profile and refunded some of the clients but now they required them to sign nondisclosure agreements as a condition. something that complicated their investigation. in a statement they were able to verify the prior reviews meaning they were able to confirm the customers and added that the actively encouraged all affected to speak to police. to let them know that they had been banned and to not work
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with her. >> do you think that this dog trainer had been in california or had some kind of punishment that this would happen again? >> absolutely. i think that this could've been prevented. >> for a possible motive? the police report states that during the two months that ragland was in california she visited the bear river casino 10 times and gambled thousands of dollars with her boyfriend. police also said that she admitted to issues with gambling and worked at a casino in connecticut the day that the french bulldog died. >> the case was sent to the da after messages were there to contact them about involvement in the french bulldog's death. she now faces multiple theft
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felonies and a warrant has been issued for her arrest here in california. palo alto police say the time they took to investigate is not uncommon and they have still not yet located the german shepherd. for the investigative unit, back to you. we are hearing from the bishop of sacramento for the first time. he has announced they are filing for bankruptcy. they are facing more than 250 lawsuits with the sexual abuse by clergy and other church staff. they say under bankruptcies they will oversee the distribution and making sure it is divided equally among survivors. the bishop says that he wants to be as transparent as possible. >> this is a difficult decision and i'm sure people will be mad at me or the church. and they will be some people who will try to blame the victims or the attorneys. the diocese says 80% of these
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causes involve cases all the way back to the 80s or earlier. we've been tracking those accused of abuse in the bay area. here is a map with those in the san jose diocese and how it compares. you can see that and all of our stories at nbc bay a big honor for steph curry. nearly 3000 miles away from home. what they are doing to honor the champ. countdown to paris olympics. we learn the language of breakdancing and help dancers from all around the world are using it to tell their story. another chilly start with some patchy frost clearing skies and finally perhaps better
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i know the importance of taking care of myself. how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente. and honor for golden state warrior stars steph curry in
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north carolina. the department of transportation has approved a name change for an exit leading toward davidson college. it will be known as the stiphane curry interchange. he grew up in north carolina and went to college in davidson. he expanded the women college athletic programs and it is the latest for the man that gained her pretension for philanthropy across the country. a passion project years in then making at a bay area filmmakers documentary that is airing tomorrow night. how to have an american baby is directed by san francisco native leslie ty who received unprecedented access for underground birth tourism. expectant mothers travel to the united states to deliver their babies. we introduce you to maternity hotels and neighborhoods they
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are in and the doctors all deliver these babies for cash. >> that was the main impetus to take a pretty controversial story and go behind the headlines of it. not just try to make something that was an exposi or even journalistic intent but something more about the human story and highlighting our shared human experiences. >> she says she feels honored to have her documentary premier on national television. she directed edited and produced the film. it airs on cbs tomorrow night and after that it will be available on the cbs website and app. here is your live look at christmas in the park. and downtown san jose. this was the first accessible sunday. welcoming families with
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disabilities and special needs. there was a sensory santa on hands as well as a resource fair story hour and a snowmachine. there were interactive displays and so much more. organizers say it has been in the works for a while and they hope to break down barriers and make sure that kids with special needs feel like they can be included. >> we need to include families and children with special needs. we need to give them access and structure within this space to really celebrate their abilities and their families. so we just have some special crafts some books storytime and performers with special needs. >> christmas in the park says they plan to do this every year now. hoping that more events and organizations will think about this community. the spirit of giving was on full display. christmas came early for some children at a special event in chinatown. families have a new place to live just in time for the holidays. >> organizers say the need is greater than ever. christie smith reports.
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>> the elementary school in the heart of chinatown was decked out for the holidays. >> today is the special super sunday for families living in the monterey casino hotels. they will be distributed about 250 gifts to children of these families. >> this is the deputy director of the community development center and says that this event is back in full force this year after the pandemic related challenges. in a couple of challenging years for this community. >> we are starting to finally feel like things are beginning to turn around. an event like this was symbolic of that. the gifts were graciously donated and we really have to think the hospital institution for the first presbyterian church and more for being here and a number of individuals who have put forth the efforts here.
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>> this is her first christmas in america and it means a lot to her. they also think the mayor and the city for their work helping somewhat one room units into affordable housing. the salvation army san francisco have seen an increase in the need this year when it comes to toys. >> there will be about 1600 children which is a 30% increase from last year. so we definitely need toys. the salvation army programs were talking about the angel tree programs here. those that still want to help can start by going to their websites. the message is here, we're gonna start packaging them and make sure that every child gets what they want. the sooner, the better. so that we can make sure everyone gets something under the christmas tree. here is your live look right now from the central
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camera looking at the golden gate bridge. it is a beautiful sunday night and it is crystal clear and dry. a little cold out there though. cool and dry air is in place so we are already seeing the 30s out there. no frost advisories but i still think we will see some patchy frost going toward tomorrow morning. let's look at the high today pretty close to the average stay for this time of year. advertise in the upper 50s and low 60s. right now san francisco is about 52 degrees and mostly clear. offshore breeze blowing into the tri-valley and across the bay. 41 degrees and into san jose looking at the 50s. not too bad. a few other select places around the bay area have dipped into the 30s. that includes fairfield and
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danville. that is the interior when shelter valley that will continue to see the temperatures in the mid-30s by tomorrow morning. solano county to livermore and out toward santa rosa at 37 to start. 40s for the bayside and increasing high clouds in times throughout your morning hours. those clouds will start to thin out as we go to afternoon hours. more sunshine expected and they get closer to 60 around san francisco. low 60s around the bay and mid 60s in the reach around san jose. hour by hour you notice how that cloud cover started to thin out as we go toward her afternoon hours. also notice what is missing is the lack of rain. we've been tracking those rain totals going back to beginning of october. the deficits now are bigger than how much rain we have actually received. and some of that comes down to the time of year where every
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day without rain for parts of the north is getting close to missing out on a quarter inch of rain per day. another five days of dry weather but it looks like we will not do much in the rainfall department until next weekend where we can finally see some changes coming our way. high pressure weakening the systems as they approach the west coast. look what happens around sunday. areas of low pressure will start to wobble toward the coast by late sunday with a chance of some rain in the north bay area. monday and tuesday, we do begin to see the rain chances coming back. 5 to 7 days a mainly dry weather toward the end of next weekend we will have to stay tuned as it looks like the northbay will have some better rain totals at least in proving with those rain chances for this time next weekend. in the meantime, before the moisture in the clouds come back it will be cold for the next few mornings. daytime highs are actually trending a little more mild for tuesday and wednesday. by next weekend we should get the lows back into the 40s and the much-needed rain chances will be here with snow possibly
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considering it's way back in for next weekend. shelters helping shelters. a local dog rescue is helping across the bay area. thousands of santas turning their specials lays here with part of attributing to the writer should boost this weekend. opening doors for bay area use. a local nonprofit changing lives one job at a time.
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thank you for joining us for the special edition of nbc bay area news. we are on right now because the sunday night football. the humanitarian crisis in gaza how the situation with hospitals worsening. we had former hostages who are keeping hope alive with so many
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still in captivity. hallie jackson reports from tel aviv. >> a father yelling for his son at a hospital in southern gaza as the world health organization warrants a warning that the health organization is collapsing. this woman tells her team that everyone has the flu, and diarrhea and there is no medical treatment. in central gaza hundreds of people are lining up waiting for food. the foreign minister comes forward with a warning. >> it will haunt this region and defined generations to come. >> they are taking over this key square with the israeli flag there now and a menorah. secretary of state today defending the u.s. decision to resist u.n. calls for immediate cease-fire. >> that would really perpetuate the problem. >> more than 100 are believed
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to be held there. kidnap from places all over. tonight members gathering up the coast to pray. here we meet a familiar face to everyone that watched is visible vigil in tel aviv. that my family is in gaza and now they are home. his wife and three children released two weeks ago. in the hospital and it is still dark. >> i guess he's going to be afraid for a while to fall asleep. he told us he wishes for the other hostages to return. and we all started crying. >> then a surprise. his son drawn to the camera light following their dad to dinner. a reminder on a holiday celebrating a miracle some miracle still exist.
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>> it's incredible that they are even here. >> life goes on. it shows how things should be. i've learned so many things throughout this journey. but the most important thing in life is life. >> a humanitarian crisis worsening the white house is seeking for more aid to israel and the ukraine. vladimir zelinski took the day to visit the white house this week and the invitation was to meet on tuesday. but president biden intends to underscore the commitment to support those in their war against russia. this comes as they want to ramp up the efforts to strike a deal
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a capitol hill securing more aid for the ukraine and israel. republican lawmakers are refusing to support that without major new investments in her own border security. christian walker spoke about the status of those negotiations. >> what is the latest on those negotiations and where does everything stand? >> it's absolutely tragic that republicans are tying this one of the most difficult issues in american politics to the support for the ukraine and israel. we are still in the room and trying to deal with republicans and their demands. we are not going to put donald trump's immigration policies into statue. >> chuck schumer and minority leader mitch mcconnell have also invited zelinski to speak in a mandatory meeting of all senators on tuesday morning. in the 11th hour reversal former president trump said he will not go back on the witness stand in the $250 million civil fraud trial against him and his company.
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he was scheduled to testify as one of the final defense witnesses. they are entering the final week of testimony. the court will resume on tuesday morning with the continued expert witness testimony of the county professor at nyu. other headlines the federal reserve is set to make another decision on the interest rates. they decided the last meeting to maintain the current rate as they try to get inflation down to 2% target. and other read on inflation comes out on tuesday with the release of the consumer index which will tell us what price they pay for goods and services last month. the producer price index comes out on wednesday. waiting a little longer before they can finally hit the ice at chase center. it was supposed to open today. but it was postponed because the rink is simply not ready. construction of the synthetic ice has been slow and they have
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problems getting materials they need. one man we spoke to says he is still looking forward to bringing his daughters there. >> it's going to have to be patient. and notes can be at the end of the day and there are a lot of efforts so it will have to be here. >> that is set to open on wednesday at 5:00. santacon happens across the u.s. many dress up as santa claus give toys to charity and have a few drinks or a few many drinks. thousands flock to the square and all over the city really for this event and it appears that many took part. the agency says they had 100,000 who were there yesterday and that is 20,000 more than the previous saturday. the holidays are often a difficult and private time at
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animal shelters. melissa gord went there to learn about the push to get senior dogs loving homes. >> we are at mudville in san francisco. senior dog rescue means that they specifically and only take dogs that are aged seven years old and older. right now they are working on a special campaign. they've heard from the partner organization and shelters from all over including the bay area. they say that they are in a significant need right now. the shelters are not only full but they are being paced with a difficult decision. they say right now they are looking to adopt a 100 dogs over 100 hours. they're having dogs brought in from all over and across the bay area and beyond. over the next 100 hours they are looking to get all of the senior dogs into a forever home or even foster homes. >> they sent out a massive email to all the partnering
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shelters and they were all very happy to hear that we were going to be taking those older dogs. >> for this campaign they say they've already brought in 50 of those dogs. they will be getting another group of about 25 dogs in tomorrow with plans to get them out for adoption starting this weekend. in san francisco, bay area news. the royals are sending out christmas cards. there is a photo of them shortly after coronation it was taken at the throne room in buckingham palace. the prince and princess of wales also released a picture that would be on their christmas card. you can see princess charlotte sitting on the chair with her brother. we are counting down to the 2024 olympics. breakdancing is making its
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debut and it allows performers around the world to speak the same language without saying a word. we are breaking down breakdance. >> this is a circle of dance. it's a communication through movement without saying a word. through dance we speak the same language. this is a different perspective than your own. the idea is to learn from those interactions. >> dancing with people is nerve- racking. the people that are and it can really give you a boost. then it's like i want more of that. >> but there's so supportive it's incredible. so i think it goes back to early humans honestly.
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i feel like people have been dancing in circles since they had sticks. we communicate that way. the next person will say it 7w7 is 12. and it just keeps going. that's how the moves are communicated. sometimes i'll have an argument and that would spark a battle. like this is the answer. so it's a question-and-answer kind of thing. >> i could go to any country and i may not be able to communicate with them speaking but whenever we dance together we can understand each other. it's amazing it's like a community that you didn't know you can have. >> as we move forward toward paris for talking about rising superstars and a brand-new
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olympic sport. check out the profiles on the website. go to nbc bay it down. and stay tuned for more videos like this as we countdown to the opening ceremony. endangered species watching its way through a beach. a sweet tradition dating back centuries. it's on display right there and
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a whale on the beach. dozens of people are here creating a perimeter. the goal is to figure out how it died. they say did not have any obvious injuries. >> super sad and did not see
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this before. we've lived here for quite a long time. it is heartbreaking and you don't know if it's coming from the south. to see this truly is heartbreaking. >> the plan is to tow the whale back into the ocean. the mountain view buddhist temple kicked off their mucci event at the dawn hour this morning. empowering more than 1600 pounds of mucci right there. >> watch this fingers. it's also known as rice cakes. they are used in many dishes and it dates back more than 1000 years in japan. >> this is truly the opportunity for us to bring the community together with this fantastic level and you can see behind me with multiple
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generations of little kids to grandparents all coming together working for a common project. >> terry would like to try that. >> rob is recommending a very highly. several people we spoke with say bringing the different generations together so important. anyone is welcome to volunteer. the temple hosts this event every december. the highly anticipated return after a life-threatening health scare with the ticket to the first game back for ronnie james. up out of 10:00 we are already in the 30s around danville and fairfield. cold start for a
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. ane animated film is breaking records. ohio miyazaki the boy in the
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herring debuted with $12.8 million. it's the third ever top the box office in the u.s. and canadian theaters. the first original anime to do so. it is playing in both subtitles and dubbed versions and it is a fairly foreign film to land at the top of the box office this year. it also benefited from a lack of big-screen offerings. wonka is expected to bring in between 35 and $40 million in the first weekend. brawny james returned to court for the first time today after court cardiac arrest in july. he is the son of nba legend lebron james. his return to the basketball court four months after he collapsed during a workout at the university of southern california was much expected. he was cleared to return in a
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game last month but he had to undergo a final evaluation before he could play again. he's gone through that now and now he is back. the bidding closes this week for soccer. the jersey worn by leonelli messy into tar he led argentina into victory over france. estimates may be $10 million. i'm sure it will become the most valuable sports memorabilia to ever hit the auction block. bidding closes on thursday. let's take you outside now. a live look over the bay and we can see all of the lights out here. it's pretty clear out there. >> gorgeous sunset and sunrise is continuing. you may have to watch for some patchy fog. the northbay valley and the streets you can see the commute
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along i-80 and tomorrow morning we will take a closer look hour by hour with that fog forecast. clear skies and 50 degrees. not terribly bad. look at livermore down to 31 degrees right now. we've seen 30s on the way as we go toward tomorrow morning. walnut creek go 44 degrees and 52 degrees coming in now. look at the temperatures. good visibility around the bay area. locally this might change for tomorrow morning. starting off with the northbay valley and you can see this goes right into solano county. we will see this become more widespread for tuesday morning. we will have to see how much of this another cold start but not
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as cold as last few mornings. upper 20s they are going to be here in the low 60s. with more sunshine tomorrow and the high clouds show us the low 60s by bayside with mid to upper 60s possible for the areas of south of san jose. overcast skies and clouds thinning out as we go into your afternoon hours. no rain chances yet except for maybe some drizzle along the coast. more substantial rain between now and saturday. likely north of the bay area for sunday, monday and tuesday. that will be involved with an area of low pressure near the coast moving inland. this time next week it should begin to bring rain chances back and blocking that high
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pressure. you can see rain chances returning possibly as early as next weekend. but more so as you get into monday and tuesday. the timeframe is just starting to show up on the fringe of the right hand side of the seven- day forecast. we will be watching the changes next weekend and in the meantime there will be patchy fog for the morning commute. nighttime temperatures will be pretty chilly with more cloud cover and a chance of rain. southwinds picking back up and it should to see those rain chances back in your forecast toward the end of next weekend. do you want to know where anthony is? he spent his day checking out the niners.
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welcome back. at levi stadium the road to the super bowl and the nfc now goes to the bay area. after the 49ers beat seattle and the eagles lose to the cowboys. the niners and the seahawks meeting for the second time in 18 days. san francisco gives out a fast start. first play from scrimmage christian mccaffrey goes 72 yards down to the three yard line. that sets up a touchdown run for jordan mason on the next play. the seahawks would answer with drew locke who started the play to the injured geno smith. this takes dk metcalf for a 31 yard touchdown. seattle left after the first quarter. the niners regained the lead in the second and brock purdy flies the friendly skies. a 54 yard touchdown pass to depot samuel. 14-10 at the break. he would find the end zone
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again in the third quarter this time on a one yard run in the niners now up 11. back, the hawks. connecting with coby parkinson for a 25 yard touchdown with a two point conversion was no good. niners up five after three. they would take control in the fourth quarter. george killed 6044 yard touchdown. bertie throws for a career-high 368 yards and two touchdowns. fred warner interception with seattle's dk metcalf also getting ejected. they make it five straight victories against seattle. 28-16 was the final. >> they get enough points on this turnovers they were huge. it was not a perfect football night by any means but we handle business and we take it one week at a time. who wouldn't want to play? we know that here so were going
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to continue to take it one day at a time. next up they go to the arizona desert to take on the cardinals if the packers lose on monday night. silver and black take on the minnesota vikings. this was a defensive battle. under two to go with a 36 yard field goal. and that was the game-winner. the silver and brass black fall to 5-8 on the season. the 49ers beat the seahawks for the fifth straight game and that was the longest winning streak in the history of this series. next up they go to arizona to take on the cardinals. anthony florez, in bc bay area. finally tonight some more football. a little off of the sports zone
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a lucky fan birthday today made by george kittle. you can see the tight end running off the field signing a football and getting out there to give it to a young fan. it was also posing with his mom that held a sign that said it's my birthday please sign my ball. you go to a game anything maybe a one in 1 million chance that george kittle would come over and do that. he looks great out there again. what a birthday for that kid. absolutely warm da nights rolling into the work week that we have. temperatures will stay pretty mild in these cold nights. by next weekend we have those rain chances returning to the picture. 60s across the board with the low 60s in the bayside then
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stay tuned with more typical december weather coming back to the upper 60s. my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. i ran my own hvac business and now i'm retired. i'm not good being retired. i'm a pain in the neck. i like to be able to have a purpose. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen,
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i started noticing a difference-- that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. it was one lie after another lie after another lie after another lie. it doesn't make any sense, does it no you took my father
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