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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  December 20, 2023 5:00am-6:01am PST

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right now at 5:00, tracking the storm. we have team coverage on our microclimate weather alert, and the rain that's now moving into the bay area. we're going to show you an updated look at the timeline of it all and the impact it may have on your morning commute or travels plans. a new roadblock in donald trump's quest to return to the white house. he's been disqualified about colorado's primary ballot. the new response from other gop
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candidates and the next step from here. also making history in one peninsula city, where the brand new mayor is a first. this is "today in the bay." thanks so much for joining us on this wednesday morning. i'm kris sanchez. laura garcia is off. >> i'm marcus washington. we want to get to our top story, the latest storm moving through the bay area. >> we have live team coverage. ginger conejero saab is looking at the potential impact for holiday flyers at sfo. mike is monitoring the roadways. we want to start with a look at where the storm is right now. cinthia pimentel here for kari. it looks like it's everywhere. >> yeah, it's going to be another soggy day around the bay area. good morning. i want to make sure you're prepared before you head out the door. we are looking at this storm already gaining a lot of energy. if you look, it's kind of hard to see, but wrapping around the center of the low is a little
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thunderstorm activity, which is also possible as we go throughout the day. i want to give you a closer look. you might have heard heavy downpours pushing through the coast, especially if you live in marin, san francisco, and some of the heavier spots in the yellow and orange. so moving toward 101, so as we get closer to the coastline, we're finding the heavier spots at this hour. through 80, berkeley, pushing through emeryville, also heavy cells that have pushed through, making the roadways very saturated with water at this hour. pushing through south city and the peninsula, we are looking at heavier spots down 280. this is going to continue throughout the day. we have a coastal flood advisory that's going to impact us through at least 7:00 a.m. i'll guide you through the timeline and when we'll get a chance of drying out. mike is going to keep an eye on the roadways throughout the show. where do you want to start this morning?
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>> near the bay bridge, active rain falling in emeryville, berkeley. at the toll plaza you see all this water. this just happened over the last 10 or 15 minutes when things changed from wet roadways to active downfall. look at the water just kicking up behind the cars. make sure your tires have good tread. you can manage traction a little better. windshield wipers are very important. a new crash reported eastbound 80 around central. many crashes are hitting the center divide and having a traffic break to clear everything to the shoulder. more green spread through the area, and then blue is the puddling and ponding. there was a crash near the wall at the interchange that has cleared. i'm taking cinthia's radar and brought it onto the maps. southbound 280, passing 92, there is another crash and a traffic break getting them to the right shoulder. back to you. our team coverage continues with "today in the bay"'s ginger
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conejero saab. she is live for us at sfo this morning. for what we are expecting, ginger, to be another day of those ground delays. >> reporter: that's right, marcus. good morning to you and kris. it's already listed on the faa's website, there is a probable ground delay for stop program listed for sfo today, making it the third day in a row that flights at the airport have been impacted. take a look at the people who have gotten up early, gotten in line, ready to catch their flight. we're outside terminal 2 at sfo. the line has been running smoothly, but it does keep backing up quite a bit. now, we may be seeing that tip from sfo spokesperson that we shared yesterday. he said book the first flight out to avoid possible delays because it is an early start to the day. but the plane is typically at the airport the night before and the faa does not start delaying flights until 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning. after 8:00 is when today's
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probable ground delay is slated. now, yesterday we saw the number of delayed flights build as the day continued from 97 at the start of the morning to over 160 before noon, up to over 340 toward the end of the day. the good news, however, average delays, according to flightaware yesterday were an hour, that number was down to 15 minutes in earlier morning travel. transportation secretary pete buttigieg spoke about holiday travel season as a whole, saying cancellations are inevitable, but he is cautiously optimistic that all will still go smoothly. >> winter weather will be a challenge, certainly a challenge in the next few weeks. but even during the busiest days of thanksgiving travel, cancellations stayed below 1%. so far this year, i don't want to jinx us, but so far 2023 has seen the lowest cancellation rate in the last five years. >> reporter: keep those fingers crossed, because a lot of people can be affected. earlier in the month aaa
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projected that this year's holiday travel, year-end holiday travel, will be the second highest since 2000, with a total of 115 million americans traveling, 7.5 million people are expected to be flying through the airports between this saturday, that's december 23rd, and new year's day. we're still three days away from that. it feels like things are already starting to get busier at the airport. the faa updated the ground delay advisory just past 6:00 yesterday, so we will be monitoring that and give you the very latest. >> ginger, thank you. now, we are tracking this wet weather all the time on our free nbc bay area app. you can scan the qr code there on your screen, or you can download it by looking it up on your store app or your app store on your phone. you can sign up for alerts and modify them for your neighborhood. and we are following some breaking news this morning out of the east coast. this is where a philadelphia
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based tv station news crew has died in a helicopter crash. the two victims are the pilot and the camera operator. the affiliate, wpvi, so far not releasing the names, but both are said to have worked for the station for years. the crash happened last night in a forest area not far from philadelphia as the chopper returned to its home base following an assignment on the jersey shore. the cause of that is still under investigation. to decision 2024 now, and big developments in the race for the white house. colorado banning donald trump from its primary ballot. state supreme court justices made that ruling yesterday, determining that the former president violated the constitution with the events of the january 6th capitol siege. justices cited a provision in the 14th amendment saying no one can serve as an officer of the united states who engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the u.s. the court did put its decision on hold until january 4th to
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allow for appeals. but some of trump's gop challengers are already speaking out, and in some cases coming to his defense. >> we don't need to have judges making these decisions, we need voters to make these decisions. so i want to see this in the hands of the voters. >> they're criminalizing politics, and that's what trump is facing. >> the attorney representing voters who filed suit is now praising the ruling. the trump campaign is calling the decision completely flawed and is already vowing a fast track appeal to the u.s. supreme court. history made in half moon bay as council members last night officially passed the gavel. each year the council selects one of its own to serve as mayor and vice-mayor and last night deborah pinrose passed the leadership to joaquin jimenez, how the first mexican immigrant to lead the city. he takes over after a trying year, including the tragic shooting rampage in january.
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>> i've had the opportunity to work with a lot of you. all of us, we have the same, the same goal, to better serve our community. >> jimenez made history previously, becoming the first latino to win a seat on the council in 2020. his current term ends next year. let's take you outside now for a live look as our photographer is driving through daly city, tracking that wet weather. remember, that's a dash cam. he's got both hands on the wheel. and cinthia, he's going to need both hands on that wheel because it is sloppy out there. >> yeah, it definitely is. and it will continue as we go through the midmorning hours. both hands on the wheel, slow down on that brake pedal. here is where all of that activity is coming from. the main low is still off to the pacific, but it's dragging up a lot of moisture from our south and it's pulling it right now closer to the coastline. it will push inland as we go through the late afternoon hours, but look at right now,
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the heavier cells popping up for marin county. so from inverness, through san rafael, down to mill valley, seeing heavier spots. as we go east, parts of oakland, berkeley, and that is heavy rain moving in right now. as we go through the peninsula, the san mateo coastline also seeing some heavy rain over woodside right now, toward portola beach, and this cell that's popped up over the last couple of minutes in the santa cruz mountains. it's going to be a very heavy rainfall day. it's the fourth day in a row. as we continue through the day, we could be seeing gusty winds at times. we have a coastal flood advisory i want you to take note of. we should see clearing by thursday and into the holiday weekend. i'll have that in the extended forecast in a little bit. right now, mike is helping you find the cheapest gas prices. >> you're all contributing on we're going to start in concord,
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$3.79, the low price on grant street just off 242. $3.82 in san jose, 7th and keys, and let's check the peninsula. it's $3.89 in burlingame at a&a gas on broadway. we're showing you the blue. a lot of puddling and ponding likely on highway 1. they're also doing overnight work on the tunnel so that may be inaccessible for a few. there's the radar. it did just travel through the area along the peninsula, san jose is getting more activity and over the santa cruz mountains. i did circle on the right side a crash. it looks like it's cleared from 680, around jackson. an interesting note, iphone notification. we have more ways tore the information to get to you. back to you guys. coming up, i think some of our coworkers are too young to remember pigs in space.
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♪♪ ♪ last christmas i gave you my heart ♪ >> i really thought we were going to get married. i knew we were not going to. a battle we can all get behind, selecting the best of the best when it comes to christmas songs. 'tis the season to cast your vote. how you can take part in this holidahits bracket. y
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good wednesday morning at 5:14. let's take a look on mountain view's forecast for today. we are starting to see some of that heavier rain push on through that will continue through 8:00, 10:00 a.m. this morning, even through your lunchtime hour and into the afternoon. it should let down just a little bit as the storm continues to push on through down into the central coast and to l.a. i'll guide you through the hour-by-hour outlook and we'll talk about when we'll start to dry out in the extended forecast coming up. richmond-san rafael bridge, light traffic volume. we have rain actively falling on the lens. you can see how slick the roadways are. be careful out there. we'll show you how things are shaping up. i do believe i have a new crash in san jose. good morning. very happy wednesday to you. another day, another record. the dow closing at a record high for the fifth straight session. a genetics company in san francisco tells the state of california it's laying off 238
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workers. they trade as nvta and they've been in trouble for quite a while now. its stock is down 98% from its peak, as opposed to nvidia, the chip company, up 206% just this year. the irs says it will forgive more than a billion dollars in penalties and interest if you pay taxes you owe from the 2020 and 2021 tax years now. the irs said it had trouble reminding people to pay back taxes during the pandemic, so they're making this one-time offer of forgiveness. the price of bitcoin has been rising, so bitcoin miners have been firing up their high-powered computers. that's putting an enormous draw on the nation's power grid. a research company calculates the mining of one bitcoin uses the equivalent of electricity as 474,000 visa card transactions.
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speaking of studies, a study from insurance claims by lending tree found that tesla drivers get into more crashes than any other car brand. and if you're saying to yourself, there are more teslas on the road, it's the most popular car in california, well, they took that into account. it's per 1,000 miles driven. just by popularity, you would see toyota corolla, the second best selling car in california on the list. it's tesla with 24 accidents per 1,000, then ram trucks, then subaru. pontiac and mercury are at the bottom of the list with the safest drivers. it's a bit of stereotyping, but i suspect the average mercury driver is a bit older and more cautious. the data doesn't speculate why they're so safe and the carmakers didn't comment on the study. nasa has successful by beamed a video signal farther than any in history, 19 million miles, from a space probe very far away, more than 80 times the
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distance to the earth and moon, and then back to earth. and stop for a second and is yourself, if you were making that historic transmission, what would you send? watson, come here, i need you? or this? ♪♪ >> this is really what they sent from deep space. it's a cat, and it worked. and the idea is we want high powered, high quality video and audio signals from -- eventually we're going to send astronauts out there. we're going to need to know what they say and do and we're going to need to know quickly. they proved it with a cat. if you're asking yourself, why a cat, because you are -- >> why not a dog? >> nbc's first video transmission testing out the concept of television was of a cat. >> really? >> felix, the cat.
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from the cartoon. >> the more you know. >> there you go. i'm thinking of alf for some reason. [ laughter ] >> don't eat the cat. trending this morning, everyone has their own favorite holiday song, but a battle for the best of the best out there -- >> it's like a red robin of sorts. the "today" show doing a holiday hits bracket, and you can see there now into round two, springstein's "santa claus is coming to town" lost to "rockin' around the christmas tree". "last christmas" is facing the jackson five "i saw mommy kissing santa claus" and paul mccartney's "wonderful christmas" took down john lennon "merry christmas war is over". next up will be "let it snow".
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>> the final will be announced on friday and a lot of us in the newsroom are wondering where mariah carey's "all i want for christmas is you" is not in the competition. >> does the queen have some serious licensing -- i'm not playing that. >> they say she makes $2 million a year off of that song. >> it's risky because you make a holiday song, sometimes they're cheesy and people are, like, oh, gosh. >> she wrote it herself. >> she did? >> yeah. >> i didn't know that. >> there's your musical lesson for the day. >> that's why she gets all the money, because she wrote it. >> that makes me like it even more. it might be the day to stay inside if you can, if you're off for the holidays, and listen to that music. we're going to get some heavy rain throughout the morning. let's get a check of the microclimate forecast.
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you might be noticing it's not as cold. this is a little bit of a warmer system, we're starting off with mid-50s and low 60s in san jose. as we go throughout the day, our highs will be in the 50s and 60s, mostly through the interior, reaching those low 60s for today. but we could see some of those rain chances linger about, even bringing about the potential for some thunderstorm activity. so we can see this low that's already starting to wrap around itself, even bringing lightning strikes already connected off to the coastline. it is right now moving some of that stronger rain parallel to the coast. we could see it in the orange and yellow hues out toward the ocean. but out toward point reyes, seeing some heavy rain right now. if you have to drive through 101, 280, 380 in the next few minutes to an hour, heavier cells have been lingering about and that could bring the potential for roadway flooding as you go throughout your morning commute, richmond, berkeley, the split to the bay
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bridge is heavy at this hour. i want to guide you through this hour-by-hour so you can plan your day. there are a lot of errands to run and dogs that need to be walked. it's going to be a really soggy day. let's take it through the timeline, through the 7:00 hour. still seeing heavy rain pushing through novato, san francisco, the peninsula. notice that out east it is hanging on to that dense cloud cover as we go throughout the day. if you don't see the rain, you could be socked in with a lot of cloud cover as we go to this afternoon. any lunch plans that you have, holiday related, might want to bring them inside as we see rain lingering about. i'm going to say most of the rain chances stick from san francisco south as the low finally starts to make its exit and brings us about a calmer day for our thursday and friday ahead. rain estimates from now into tomorrow could be piling up about 1 to 2 more inches, especially in the mountains, and as that storm system continues to push on south, if you have any travel plans down into los
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angeles, southern california, that's where the storm is moving next. we're going to stay dry for our weekend here and through christmas eve, christmas day. our next rain system doesn't look to come onshore until we get to the middle of next week. so grab the umbrella. drive safe as we go through san francisco in the next couple of days. breezy at times, so for the bay area bridges, make sure that you have both hands on the wheel, slowing down on that brake pedal. our seven-day forecast is active for today and a little tomorrow, but then clearing out and looking at our next storm system the middle of next week. let's go to mike, tracking a crash in san jose. >> great nose, ease onto the brake pedal because it might be slick. we have folks easing up and the crash got to the shoulder north 101 and alum rock. no major issues. the damp roadway is showing up green. blue is puddling and ponding. coming across the peninsula, san francisco, burlingame, watch around sfo. we are looking toward the bay bridge where there's a crash approaching the maze.
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there's slowing, i believe there's a traffic break. should clear soon. the toll plaza is wet but not showing any backup. back to you. >> thank you so much. 5:23 right now. from your toilet to your tap. the idea may be a little closer than you think. coming up on "today in the bay," california's just approved plan to provide a new option for drinking water and the booster it's getting from environmtalist genro
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5:26 now. environmentalists are applauding the controversial move by state regulators allowing wastewater be turned into drinking water. the new rules approved yesterday have the water districts following district rules for treating that water, and it will be up to each water district to decide whether or not to do it. our raj mathai spoke with the director of the nonprofit studying the benefits and potential uses for the recycled wastewater and she calls the decision one whose time has come. >> public acceptance is very important, and what the studies show is that public acceptance the growing. >> this has been a plan more than a decade in the making, but california now is the second state after colorado to make the move. >> i think it's probably better to digest if you don't say toilet to tap. >> i think they even said, please don't call it that because that's not really what
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it is. >> but that is what it is. 5:27 this morning. next, the top stories we're following on "today in the bay," including the city trying to take back its streets. san francisco in the midst of a crackdown on open air drug markets. new details on the progress being made, and why the btle at
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mobile doppler radar is atop san bruno mountain. we will update the timeline for today's wet weather. plus, new hope for another cease-fire in gaza, and the new call in the south bay for more lasting peace in the middle east. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this wednesday. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm kris sanchez. laura garcia is off. our top story is that storm, another one, hitting the bay area. we do have live team coverage this morning. bob redell is monitoring the wet commute for drivers heading into the south bay, but first we check in with cinthia pimentel for kari this morning. this latest round of wet weather is going to be an all-day deal, right? >> it is an all-day deal and we're seeing heavier rain push through the coastline and into marin county. listen up if you live from mill valley over to point reyes and into santa rosa, we have a flood advisory that's going to stay
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with us until at least 7:30. it could get extended. we're looking at some roadways that have been pretty saturated over the last couple of days. this is our fourth day going into a storm. please turn around, don't drown, if you see heavy rain pushing through your neighborhood. we are looking at the system gaining a lot of intensity as it pulls in a lot of moisture and heavy cloud cover. at this hour, some of those heavier spots of yellow moving through 101 and san francisco, and through the central bay, parts of san francisco down to the bay view and down through the san mateo coastline, and over through woodside, down just south of portola valley, we are looking at that precipitation rate at about over 1/2 inch of rain per hour. it will get heavy as we go through the morning commute. i will track you through this hour-by-hour. look at the heavier spots pushing through the santa cruz mountains. the areas of red, you do not want to be under that as it could bring a lot of rain in a short amount of time. stay with us.
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we'll guide you through the microclimate weather alert. for now, mike is going to guide you through roadways that you could possibly avoid to avoid the slippery mess. >> you may not be able to avoid the bay bridge toll plaza. lighter traffic toward the end of the year, so we can get higher speeds. be careful, as cinthia has been giving you great tips. we're talking about the traffic flow getting toward the bay bridge itself. i skipped past the map. i want to show you near the toll plaza itself -- wow, i'm really hitting buttons. there's active rain, orange and yellow is active rain coming into the area. we had a crash that cleared from the maze approaching the bay bridge that might have added to the slowdown. another crash, northbound 880 around 980, had to get that car off to the shoulder. we've had a number of spinouts reported, solo car crashes, a lot of activity at the bay bridge. you notice the green sensors dominate the traffic map. i showed you the rain in the south bay. along the coast, watch highway 1, be very careful coming into the santa cruz mountains.
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in fact, you don't really want to drive through there. we're going to check in with "today in the bay"'s bob redell because you're out there where we're talking about why you don't want to be. what's it like along highway 17? >> reporter: good morning to you, mike. we're on the main street bridge over highway 17 here in los gatos, and we're not really getting much rain. it's just a heavy drizzle, at best. right there, brake lights, as you can see, looking northbound, highway 17, that is your commute into silicon valley. you can see there's nothing going on there right now, which is great. but it makes sense, because it is rather early, and as you mentioned, we are in the holiday week. but the roads are wet, but, again, it's not a downpour. eventually we know later in the day, in the morning especially, we can expect more rain. chp is reminding us, don't be in a rush on your way to work this morning. these roads are slippery and potentially dangerous. you want to give yourself extra time so you're not speeding to get to your destination.
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>> we get a lot of phone calls regarding crashes, especially when you're driving too fast and crashing, solo spinouts. those are our number one crashes, especially during rain. >> reporter: the national weather service is warning this morning's rain could cause local creeks and streams to rise rapidly, and possibly cause some flooding. that's a hazard people up north along the peninsula in belmont are unfortunately familiar with. richard pace, we spoke with him, he lives in a neighborhood that saw mudslides earlier this year during some of those storms. >> anybody that lives on this block is always in danger of slides. i've got sandbags now, you can see white up there in the corner of the property. i've got a drain up there. and i sandbag around that drain just to make sure that water doesn't come down the hill. >> reporter: again, back out here live in los gatos, it's
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just a heavy drizzle right now. it would be great if it stays this way. we know cinthia has been saying we are expecting this to get heavier throughout the morning commute. if it does and you come across a large puddle, and you think it's shallow, don't drive through it. that's advice from the chp. but we have not seen any of that as of yet, because, again, at least in the south bay, we just don't have that much rain yet. reporting live here in los gatos, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> we always know it's rainy when bob takes off his glasses. thanks, bob. we have a lot of ways to get you the latest information about the rain. our nbc bay area app is a great resource. it is free to download. it is perfect this time of year. you can scan that qr code on your screen. also look us up in your app store. you can get up to the minute weather alerts sent straight to your phone for wherever you're going to be. san francisco merchants and shoppers say that they're noticing a big difference six
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months after the city first started its push to clean up the streets. it included more police officers in the busiest areas, with a permanent mobile command and a lot of community ambassadors. chief bill scott is focusing on eliminating open air drug use and sales in the tenderloin and south of market as well. that's why police say they have made nearly 1,500 arrests. business is looking up and customers feel more safe. >> it is definitely a positive effect, and having apec here at the beginning of november also kind of helped to bring people back in. >> union square is clean and safe. we have a very strong police presence in this area. >> chief scott, meanwhile, promising to keep up that pressure, saying that those efforts to stop crime will intensify. to developments now in the middle east, and a live look at southern gaza -- or, rather, southern israel toward the gaza border, where talks continue for
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another cease-fire in gaza. hamas leaders are in egypt considering a plan to free more israeli hostages and israeli leadership now suggesting its willingness for another humanitarian pause. in the south bay, there are new calls for a permanent and lasting cease-fire. palestinian supporters attended last night's santa clara city council meeting and called on them to add a cease-fire resolution. it sparked emotional debate that went late into the night. >> city council should not weigh in on the israel/hamas war. such resolutions increase hate, anti-semitism and islamophobia. >> killing innocents, staying silent is. >> similar resolutions have been passed and other cities have held debates, others are opting to focus on local concerns. we are in that microclimate
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weather alert. taking a live look outside right now from oakland, where that rain is not letting up this morning. how much rain has fallen? we want to bring in forecaster cinthia pimentel. let's talk about the totals. >> remember, we started this on sunday. it was light at first and then storm after storm started to come in. we've been at a deficit of about 2 to 4 inches. we're picking some of that up. the santa cruz mountains have really picked up nearly 5 inches of rain since this started, and now santa rosa, over 4 inches as well. as we go into san francisco and push east, some of the amounts are a little less, especially down here in san jose where at the airport we typically get rain shadowed. we weren't expecting a lot during this storm. but it is beneficial as we go through our water year. we're continuing to see heavy rain pushing through. it's going to get a little tricky. we just saw bob redell over the 17 freeway there. it is starting to push through the santa cruz mountains, heavy
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at times. these rain rates in the red, that's what you want to avoid as they could drop a lot of rain in just a short amount of time. over the bay bridge and into san francisco, through richmond as well, we are looking at some spots in that yellow and orange color that are signaling a little bit more of that heavy rain. and notice, though, that as we go into the tri-valley parts of the east bay, down into parts of the south bay, too, just socked in under that cloud cover as most of that storm remains out towards the coastline. we are going to see everybody get into some of this activity as we go into the late morning hours and into this afternoon, before we finally start to get a little bit of a clearing as we go into tomorrow and the weekend ahead. but, still, this system, don't be taken aside from it, because it could lead to some roadway flooding, gusty winds. i'll guide you through the rest of that coming up in the microclimate forecast. mike is helping us get around these roadways. >> it's the rain that you're talking about, yeah, you've got to be careful.
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even though traffic is lighter during these times, as we approach christmas and the end of the year, we're looking at wet roadways, so you've got to lower speeds and ease onto the brakes, allow yourself more space between you and the car in front of you. south bay, you see the lights, but good spacing past the coliseum. there's slowing northbound 880, as you're getting toward the coliseum and more westbound 580. an earlier crash near the toll plaza for the bay bridge, reportedly cleared from lanes. i see the slowing back from the maze and on westbound 580 just off of 24. watch for that. a couple of crashes. no major injuries. there is rain coming across that bay bridge. cinthia showed us the radar. it's a lot of blue, puddling and ponding through portola valley. we're going to watch for reports of slides. none reported for rocks, gravel or mud on the freeways. lots of activity there. the south bay is starting to see rain through los gatos as well. back to you. >> thank you so much. saving our climate in
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crisis, still ahead on "today in the bay," the bay area city receiving a new top environmental score, and what's being done there to improve sustainability. plus, donald trump kicked off the ballot in colorado. how doeshat t here we go. can we land? you're old enough to do it in the sky now. but it's gross. there is no way we're landing. are you sure no one is watching? gwen mallard! do it now, or we leave without you. ok.
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i know the importance of taking care of myself. how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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good wednesday morning. we are under a microclimate weather alert, as the second storm pushes on through the bay area. so we're already starting to see some light rain down here in the
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south bay for san jose. it will start off light at first. notice that by 8:00 to about maybe 2:00 this afternoon, it could get heavy at times. we'll guide you through the rain in the microclimate forecast coming up in just a little bit. we'll guide you to the rain if you're heading to the bay bridge toll plaza. we have active rainfall, wet roadways, and the build is starting to happen. the metering lights are not registered as on as far as the log goes. i think we have some slowing. you can see the approach toward the toll plaza. i have a couple of spinouts to report as well. 5:45 now. a shakeup in the race for president, with a major decision coming out of the colorado supreme court. >> scott mcgrew and i were talking about this earlier. president biden's presumed opponent, donald trump, won't be on the ballot in colorado. >> it's shocking, got kicked off the ballot. not if the supreme court ruling stands, he won't be on the ballot. it ruled trump was indeed part
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of an insurrection against the united states and the constitution says those who engage in insurrection can't run for office. the state high court says trump can't be on the ballot for the primary in colorado, therefore wouldn't be on the ballot in the general election. trump's team immediately said it would appeal to the united states supreme court, the final arbiter of federal questions. the colorado court put a stay on its ruling so that trump could make that appeal. so we're dealing with two supreme courts here. colorado supreme court has the last say on anything involving colorado law, the u.s. supreme court has the last say on federal law and the u.s. constitution. the argument that trump led an insurrection and the fact that it disqualifies him from the presidency has been made by a number of states. but there are a number of legal hurdles to make that argument. first, you have to rule on what happened on january 6th.
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was that an insurrection under the 14th amendment? then you would have to prove trump led that insurrection. and there are plenty of americans who believe in both those things. but there are two places where this gets really sticky. first, the people who wrote the 14th amendment never spelled out who makes the decision. there's nobody put in charge. so state court judges are asking themselves, do i have the legal power to kick a presidential candidate off the ballot? then the amendment says any officer of the united states who took an oath disqualifies himself if he leads an insurrection. but it never says the president specifically. it lists out all kinds of offices, but not the president. did the writers mean to exempt the president? that's what trump's lawyers are arguing. other news, trump for the first time addressed his repeated claims that immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country at a rally in iowa last night. it's a term also used in nazi
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propaganda. he changed the term slightly this time to destroying the blood. >> and it's true, they're destroying the blood of our country. that's what they're doing. they're destroying our country. they don't like it when i said that, and i never read it, they said hitler said that in a much different way. >> a record number of immigrants were apprehended at the u.s. southern border as the u.s. senate considers major changes to u.s. immigration law. locals in texas and arizona are asking for help. >> border patrol agent, they need more reinforcements, troopers, more reinforcements. if we speak to the sheriffs on the border, we need reinforcements. >> more coverage of the crisis at the border and the question of trump's future, marcus and kris, ahead on the "today" show. >> thanks so much, scott. well, one of hundreds of applicants around the world, the city of mountain view, coming
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out on top and receiving an a score, this is for their work on our climate in crisis. >> there are so many hard headlines coming out of our climate coverage, but this is a good one. "today in the bay"'s cinthia pimentel joins us now. this was the city's first time ever applying to this program. >> yeah, they're very happy, and they're putting the a in sustainability. mountain view showing cities and regions all around the world they're making four times as many steps to tackle our climate in crisis. i spoke with their city's chief sustainability officer to find out firsthand what the city is doing. >> reporter: ambitious and bold in their work against climate change, the city of mountain view is one of only 119 cities around the world to earn an a score for its sustainability efforts and commitment to the environment. the city focuses tirelessly on projects and programs to help residents adapt to and plan for extreme climate events in our changing world. >> we recognize how big of a challenge climate change is and
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how fast we need to go. >> reporter: more than 930 cities, states, regions, took part in the program offered by the carbon disclosure project, an international nonprofit that supports thousands of entities that measure risks and opportunities when it comes to climate change. mountain view has come out on top because they're taking four times as many measures compared to non-a list cities to plan for and adapt to reducing greenhouse emissions, preparing for sea level rise and protecting local ecosystems. >> we live on the bay and we understand that as the climate changes, as we have more emissions, we will be experiencing sea level rise. we're looking at nature-based engineering solutions, restoring a former salt pond to natural tidal areas so that we can work with nature to be prepared for sea level rise. >> reporter: mountain view's shoreline community is very vulnerable to rising sea levels and flooding. it's projected anywhere from about 2 to 4 feet by mid
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century. from the bay waters to land, the city is working to tackle emissions with a goal to bring those down 80% by 2050. and protecting vulnerable residents to climate catastrophe is also on the list, as they plan what they're calling resilience hubs at places like the community center and senior home, where the focus will be on clean energy and backup power when we see blackouts. >> climate change is a team sport. the city is definitely taking a leadership role. we're excited and committed to this work. we recognize how important it is to do this together. >> reporter: other cities were san jose, san francisco and piedmont. the sustainability officer tells me they plan to run again for the title in 2024. >> that is so fantastic. we get a lot of press releases about what our communities are doing to address climate, to address sustainability. to see those efforts recognized is fantastic. >> yeah, and the community is really involved.
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that makes their partnership even stronger. and it was really neat this was the first time they ran and won this title. as you heard, they plan to run against next year. all the best luck to them. >> working with nature to combat that's happening with rising sea levels. >> nice report. >> thank you very much. how about we get to the weather? it doesn't stop here in the morning. let's get you through that microclimate forecast. i want to show you where the heavy rain is right now. pushing through the santa cruz mountains. so if you live through santa cruz, scotts valley, ben lomond, i'm talking to you to be careful about this rain moving in. reds and oranges on your screen. something you don't want to see, but something that you do prepare for ahead of the rainy season. it's also starting to come through parts of cupertino, san jose, and over into milpitas and fremont. this heavy rain, although it seems heavy at times as you make your way through the bay bridge and peninsula, it's behind me, still sticking to the coastline and gaining a little more
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intensity as it will push through into inverness. something you want to be aware of, not only with the heavy downpour, is the effect it could have on local streets. all of these areas shaded this green. so the inner bay and the coast also seeing enhanced rainfall and those higher than normal tides. those two pairing together could be a recipe for disaster as we come up on the clock here for 5:58. that's when the high tide is expected to come near the san francisco bay. so turn around, don't drown, that's our main message this morning. both hands on the wheel. we continue to see this line of heavy showers pushing through at least through the 6:00 hour, the 7:00 hour, through the santa cruz mountains. heavy at times, we go through palo alto, redwood city, down into gilroy, we go into the midmorning hours. it should become a little lighter at times as we go through lunchtime, but still you want to keep those holiday lunches inside this afternoon. even through the evening commute, seeing pockets of some light to moderate rainfall from
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san francisco south, and over the diablo range east of san jose. as we go into tonight and tomorrow, i see the storm system pushing down into l.a. if your christmas plans have you traveling there, be aware of that on the 5 and the 99. we're going to see the storm systems continue to push through the south and to our north, but the bay area should stay dry for the holiday weekend ahead. i don't see the rain returning until we get to about at least the middle of next week here. this could also be tapping into some subtropical moisture. we've seen this pattern similar to last year where we start to ramp up storms as we get near the end of the year. this rain will tap into parts of the pacific northwest, down through the northern coast as well. if you have plans to stick around for the extension of the holiday, be wary of that. i do see the storm system dropping in more snow, compared to this storm system this week that's been a little warmer, we
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could see the sierra tapping into about half a foot to over a foot of snow the next couple of days. as we drag into next week, those are the colors we want to see at this time, those storm systems dropping in more than a foot of snow for those higher elevations around kingvale, kirkwood. we hope the storm system puts itself together. we're going to have the next couple of days with breezy afternoons and the chance of thunderstorms developing. but the storm system exits and it's going to leave us cooler temperatures, a cloudy start for our thursday, but temperatures no more than 60s, and we'll cool back into the 30s as the low pressure system exits the bay area. there are some tough conditions we want to let you know about with mike on the bay bridge. tougher as we go through the day, more traffic. obviously the backup at the toll plaza has filled in all lanes except for hov. water on the lens kind of easing off. it was pretty tough for a few minutes. a lot of rainfall.
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our road weather index turned from green to blue. we did get one note of flooding on the transition ramp. things are calming down for westbound 24. there was a crash as that happened in the last half hour. a smoother drive through the rest of contra costa county, alameda county, getting toward the bay bridge. north bay does show more rainfall, we're watching no reports of any flooding for highway 101 or 37 coming through novato, one of your usual suspects. we see more puddling and ponding registering along the peninsula. we've got a couple reports of spinouts along highway 101. i'll give you a quick look at palo alto. as the rain started falling in this area on 101, we had reports at whipple on the peninsula, they're cleared. a silicon valley giant appears to be sending out more pink slips ahead of the new year. the "chronicle" is reporting
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that santa clara based intel is cutting more jobs, eliminating 235 employees at its research and development facility. the cuts are expected to begin on new year's eve and will take place over a two-week span. it is a busy morning here on "today in the bay," from the roads to the skies. we are tracking the impact the rain is having all over the bay area. plus, new at 6:00, california's population decline continues. new data on the ongoing exodus and a silver lining for the golden state. and a reminder, nbc bay area is streaming 24/7. you can watch ushenever you you can watch ushenever you w
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