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tv   Today  NBC  December 28, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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can you see it online at or on your smartphone app. >> we keep you going. >> we're with you, even if you go on vacation. please take us with you. >> that's what is happening for you on "today in the bay." >> the "today" show is next. we want to leave you with a live look outside. we are warning about the high surf out there, so maybe enjoy it from this picture, at a good distance. make sure and tune in to our midday show coming up at 11:00 a.m. have a great day. good thursday morning. it is a rainy one out here on the east coast. >> and all of that rain could impact travel plans across the country. it's december 28th. this is "today." downpours, tens of millions
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waking up to soaking rains and flooded streets at the start of one of the busiest travel days of the season. >> i just found out our flight is delayed. and with new year's just days away, police are stepping up security. >> you have to be ready for those unpredictable circumstances. >> from the crowds to the forecast, we'll break down everything you need to know for the long holiday weekend. campaign controversy. asked by a voter what caused the civil war, republican presidential hopeful nikki haley does not mention slavery. >> i think the cause of the civil war was basically how government was gonna run. >> the criticism she's now facing ahead of the iowa caucuses, now less than three weeks away. holiday health alert. respiratory issues surging nationwide. hospitalizations up dramatically. this morning, how you can stay safe during your new year's celebration. demolition day. this morning, crews are set to begin tearing down the house where four idaho college students were killed.
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just ahead, the families' final plea to stop it and why the school says it's the right move. those stories plus, rev your engines. an inside look at what 2024 could hold for car shoppers after a year of high prices and limited supply. and cha-ching. with no big winner overnight, the powerball jackpot shoots up to nearly $700 million. a new ticket frenzy now sweeping the country today, thursday, december 28th, 2023. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning and welcome to "today." 7:00 on the west coast. we're happy to have you with us on this thursday morning. i'm peter alexander alongside my friend, laura jarrett. we are in for savannah and hoda today. and if you had to have a fever, the powerball fever is the one to have during the holiday season.
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nearly $800 million. >> it's wild. >> no promises. good way to start the new year. >> maybe we should go in on it we have a look at the airports in boston, philadelphia, and hartford, connecticut. >> as you can see, frankly, it's just wet. a storm bringing heavy rain and flood threats to the region, on what's expected to be one of the busiest travel days of the year. >> and of course, it could have a serious ripple effect across the country, so we have it all covered for you, beginning with dylan. she's in for al today, tracking that storm for us. dylan, good morning. >> good morning, guys. we had some roads closed around here across long island, where the heavy rain is falling right now. we have some heavy rain that will likely create some delays down across florida. but the heaviest of the rain right now, central and eastern long island, most of connecticut, rhode island, central massachusetts. this is going to continue to move up into new england through the day, although even when the heavy rain ends, we're still looking at the chance of some showers to linger this afternoon and friday, too. ironically, where we have our
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flood watches right now is back where the heaviest rain is over. this is more for river flooding and creek flooding that could create some overflow along those banks there. so folks in those areas should keep that in mind. we also have some light snow expected as we go into tonight, into, i would say, just west of chicago, but stretching down into st. louis. and this is interesting. we're even going to see some flurries fly down near kentucky into tennessee. northern mississippi, northern alabama. no accumulating snow in those areas, but you might still see a few snowflakes. but the heaviest of the rain will continue to fall across new england today. still about a half an inch to an inch and a half. if you're traveling, we could see some isolated delays back into chicago, up into boston, new york, and d.c., too. the roads are wet. we are seeing some of that flooding with the heavier rain and we could see some delays at the airports, too. laura? >> dylan, thank you for that. let's get a closer look at how the storms are impacting the holiday travel rushes. today is expected to be, as we said, one of the busiest days of the season on the roads and at the airports.
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nbc's stephanie gosk is along the new jersey turnpike with that part of the story. hey, steph. >> reporter: hey, laura, good morning. this is actually the second highest travel period, end of the year period in more than two decades. and more than 90% of those travelers will be on the road. as dylan mentioned, the weather in this part of the country is not terrific, but that rain will clear out of here. just so you know, if you are piling the family in the car, you will not be alone. this morning, the travel rush is on. >> i'm coming from atlanta, but i'm headed back to puerto rico. >> when you're traveling for the holidays, you sort of anticipate that it's going to be a little bit hectic. >> reporter: as the holidays come to a close, millions of americans are now headed back home and into a potential travel nightmare. heavy rain causing flood concerns across northeast and visibility affecting travelers on the road. the new york city skyline blanketed in fog. today is expected to be one of the worst days to drive. traffic on the roads could also
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be impacted by a new storm system that's making its way up the east coast, bringing heavy rain. millions under flood alerts in pennsylvania, new jersey, and delaware. and if you're taking to the skies, prepare for packed airports. the tsa says today will also be one of the busiest days for air travel this holiday season. >> i just found out our flight is delayed by about an hour. >> reporter: on wednesday, southwest airlines accounted for 1,600 of the more than 7,000 delays nationwide. the airline telling nbc news the delays were due to air traffic control reducing the flow of traffic. the travel disruption still nowhere near last year's christmas meltdown, when the airline canceled nearly 17,000 flights, leaving millions stranded. but a scary journey wednesday for one southwest flight bound for austin, making an emergency return to ft. lauderdale after a possible bird strike shortly after takeoff.
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some of the worst delays this week continue to be in florida. for the second day in a row, the faa has slowed down traffic because of flight congestion. meantime, out west and in the great plains, many are still digging out from more than a foot of snow. in colorado, parts of the busy interstate still remain closed due to the blizzard and hazardous driving conditions. >> this is the line. it goes out of the airport -- >> back in some of the country's busiest airports, travelers are now getting ready to take on the holiday crowds. >> be on time. >> reporter: so if you are piling the family in the car, obviously finish watching the "today" show, but then consider getting in the car, because the best time to drive will be before midday. laura, back to you. >> always good advice. thanks, steph. >> now to the reason behind a lot of that travel, millions of americans getting set to ring in the new year. cities across the country are ramping up security ahead of those celebrations, especially here in new york, with an eye on protests over the israel/hamas war. nbc's kathy park is in times square for us this morning. kathy, good morning to you. what are the very latest concerns?
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>> reporter: hey, peter, good morning to you. greetings from the crossroads of the world. in the next couple of days, we're anticipating roughly a million revelers here ahead of times square. but the big concern are those large protests stemming from the israel/hamas war. in recent days, there have been many clashes nationwide between police and pro-palestinian protesters. in fact, just yesterday, there were large groups that blocked traffic at jfk and l.a.x., and in fact, some travelers had to rush out of their cars to catch their flights. there were dozens of arrests. but back here in new york, peter, we're told that there are no credible threats for new year's eve celebrations. >> so that's good news. given all the recent activity, though, how are cities preparing ahead of the holiday weekend, kathy? >> reporter: yeah, so peter, officials are concerned about lone wolf attacks.
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and major cities like new york and boston, they are stepping up patrols. you will see a lot of officers plain clothes and uniformed officers on the ground, and they're urging everyone to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity. but ending on a lighter note, yesterday we got some news about the new year's eve ball. we are told there will be 2,600 crystal panels, and the theme will be bowtie theme. it's a nice sparkle to round out the year. >> yeah, like an ordinary chandelier at your home, right? kathy, appreciate it very much. thank you. now to breaking news overnight in the republican field for president, nikki haley, who's seen a recent surge in the polls, coming under fire for how she answered a question about the cause of the civil war during a town hall event. nbc's ryan nobles is in washington with that story. ryan, good morning. >> hey, laura, good morning. this happened as we close in on votes being cast in iowa and new hampshire. and while donald trump remains the clear front-runner, nikki haley has been surging in the
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polls. but her answer to this question is now drawing fire from both s this morning democrats and republicans. this morning republican republi presidential can presidential candidate nikki dii haley facing new backlas haley facing new backlash over r her response to a question about the cause of her response to a question abour the cause of the civil war during a town hall in new during a town hall in new hampshire. >> i think the cause o hampshire.f the civil war was basically how government was going t >> i think the cause of the o r. the freedoms and what people could and couldn't do. >> reporter: the civil war was basically how fo. ambassador not making any mentio government was going to run.n oy >> it always comes d the freedoms and what people owo could and couldn't do. >> reporter: the former u.n. ambassador not making any mention of slavery. >> and i think it always comes down to the role of government. and what the rights of the people are. >> reporter: when pressed on the topic of slavery, haley seemed to be rebuffing the voters' apparent surprise about her answer. >> what do you want me to say c today be about slavery? [ inaudible ] rebuffing on her answer >> >> next question. >> reporter: her answer on the issue garnering attention nextn >> reporter: her answer on overnight. the issue garning attention president biden weigh in on "x," overnight. president biden posting, formerly known as twitter, posting, quote, it was about slavery. while gop rival ron desantis q it was about slavery while gop rival fl posting, "yikes."orida governorn desantis posting yikes
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ha haley came into the limelight as th the governor of south carolina a in in 2017 when she ordered the 2e removal of removal of confederate flags cs from the capitol from the capitol. she faced pressure to do so after the charleston mass shootings by she faced pressure to do so after the mass shooting shootint by dylan roof. dylan ruth but on a >> it's time to move the flag from the capitol grounds. hale >> reporter: but on conservative podcast, haley arguing that roo hijacked the flag.hi >> people saw it as service andd the flag sacrifice and heritage. >> people fought for sacrifice and on once he did that, there was no no way to overcome i way to overcome it.t. >> reporter: a major speed bump in the gop race foor speed bump in the gop race for haley. while she's been surging in the polls, as the iowa caucuses in new hampshire primary approaches. this morning haley saying of course the civil war was about slavery. events in what it means to us today is about freedom. new hampshire throughout the day today laura? >> all right back to you., ryan, thank you. >> all right, ryan, thank you. the leaders of three major >> the leaders of three major u.s. cities are u.s. cities are renewing the pleas for federal assistance with the immigration price. new york city mayor eric adams
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along with the mayors of chicago and denver say the federal government needs to coordinate with texas on when and how buses of migrants arrive in their cities. the mayor sharply criticized texas governor greg abbott for sending the buses, which they say arrive at all hours, with no details on who is on them. meantime, the secretary of state, antony blinken met with mexico's president in mexico city yesterday, strategizing on how to slow the border crossings. the leaders also discussed what is needed to reopen key ports of entry. crossings have hit record numbers recently, with about 10,000 migrants detained daily at the southwest u.s. border. we mentioned the war in the middle east earlier and this morning, there are growing concerns that it could spill into other parts of the region, with escalating rocket attacks from hezbollah, militants directed at northern israel. nbc's josh letterman has the very latest on this. josh, good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, laura. israel's air force says it has
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just intercepted a drone that crossed into israel from lebanon, and there are air raid sirens going off right now in northern israel, as fears of a spreading war are surging. this morning, as the idf pummels central gaza's refugee camps in its war against hamas, israel is on the verge of a second front erupting, this one on its border with lebanon, where there's been a major escalation with hezbollah, including 30 rockets they say they fired yesterday at israel's northern-most city. all options are on the table. while a member of israel's war cabinet says that the stopwatch for a diplomatic solution is running out. if the world doesn't act, he says, we will. and with the region gripped by tension, new violence overnight in iraq. a u.s. base in iraqi kurdistan targeted by an attack drone, with israel and the u.s. locked in intense diplomacy over the war's next phase, this morning, two israeli officials tell nbc
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news that secretary of state antony blinken is headed to israel in early january, for his fifth visit since the war started. the state department hasn't confirmed his travels. but the u.s. and israel are publicly at odds over how gaza should be ruled after the war, and what israel's role should be. >> we have to create an alternative that people can believe in a better future. maybe you can't control what people think, but by removing hamas from power, it won't have the capabilities to hurt other people. >> reporter: israel says it's almost finished clearing hamas battalions from gaza's north, and invited nbc news in for a firsthand look. here in northern gaza what we can see is an utter wasteland of dust and mangled steel, really the only signs of life, idf troops standing guard. >> bustle is an artist, now a refugee. his work depicting life in gaza after nearly three months of war. we're a people who deserve to live and have our rights, he says. i am a true believer that
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freedom has a price. and laura, just this morning, israel has announced a number of israeli troops who have died in this war has surpassed 500. that includes more than 300 troops who died in the terror attacks of october 7th. laura? >> a grim milestone indeed, josh letterman in israel for us. thank you. we have a lot more to get to right now, including mounting health concerns, especially during the season of holiday gatherings. the cdc is reporting an alarming increase in respiratory illnesses. flu, rsv, and covid, all ahead of this weekend's new year's celebration. so you're at risk of marinating in some of that. we want to bring in nbc news medical contributor, dr. natalie azar. marinating not a great image, but that's the fear when you show up to these parties and surrounded by all of these different people. the cdc just put out this report right now, we are seeing a spike in hospitalizations. the highest numbers, what illnesses specifically are to blame for those?
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>> in this instance, i'm going to cite -- the timing is always -- well, we expect this. it's the winter season, it's respiratory virus season. we've talked about the triple threat. i think in this case, a picture is worth a thousand words. we have a graphic to show everybody about this sort of spike in cases in er visits starting from july and ending in the week of december 23rd. that dot, that solid line at the very, very top are combined covid, flu, and rsv. the number i want people to pay attention to or the steep rise there is that second color. and that's flu. we have seen a significant bump in flu cases, flu hospitalizations were up 200% the week ending december 16th. and a lot of people say, well, is it too late to get my flu shot? and the answer is, 100% no, it's not too late. that rise in flu cases is driven primarily by flu "a." we often see a lull and a spike in influenza "b." the vaccination rates in this country this year are significantly lower than they were last year across all age
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groups. so if you haven't gotten your flu shot, please go out and get it. >> that's a good reminder. it may seem obvious, but obviously, precautions, just wash your hands, right? >> laura, the simplest things, sneezing into the crook of your elbow, washing your hands all the time, that's how we introduce these bugs into ourselves. if you are sick, you should stay home, particularly if you have a fever or actively coughing. and get tested. we didn't talk about this a lot, but the fda actually approved an at-home combo flu and covid test. rsv is the only one that you can actually get tested for in a doctor's office. but it's important, because what you want to distinguish between those illnesses. treatment for flu, covid, strep, all very, very different. you can treat all of these illnesses. >> unfortunately, 'tis the season. so it's good information. appreciate you. thanks, dr. azar. switching gears here, the powerball jackpot jumped to $760 million overnight. that's after no one matched all
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the numbers in last night's drawing. for the record here, the winning numbers, listen up, 4, 11, 38, 51, 68, and the powerball, 5. the current prize is the fourth jackpot to exceed more than $500 million this year. isn't that incredible? >> i just want to know what that feels like, that one day when you read those numbers, and it's actually like, okay, okay -- >> i'll let you know when it happens. >> please do. >> maybe i'll share a little. >> what's it looking like for us? >> we are still dealing with that storm system for the east coast. that's going to create some wet roadways, it already has. we've seen some flooding because of it on the roads. it's going to create some airport delays from new york, up into boston, some light, wet snow is falling just west of chicago, but back through the upper midwest, although it does look mild for december. temperatures in the 30s and 40s across the northern plains and a bit unsettled out on the west coast, from washington, right down into northwestern california, we'll likely see some rain along the coast, and some snow in the higher
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elevations. that's a look at the weather across the country, we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. 4 i am meteorologist, kari hall. we are seeing spotty rain in between the storm systems that are going to have a pretty big impact across the bay area, especially along the coastline. as we look at the rain forecast, our hour by hour outlook shows spotty rain for the most part, and we will take a break from the activity and see heavier rain coming in late tomorrow
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afternoon into the evening. that rain continues forecast >> dylan, thank you very much. still to come, the families of four college students murdered in idaho last year making a final plea to preserve the crime scene. the house where it happened set to be demolished beginning today. we'll have the very latest plus, did you put off buying a new car this year because prices were too high well, that decision could pay off in 2024. vicky nguyen will break down the car-buying forecast that could have shoppers back in the driver's seat. but first, this is "today" on
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at one of the biggest success stories to come from the endangered species act >> on its 50th anniversary, how the bald eagle has clawed back from the brink and our visit to a place where they are thriving, after your local news.
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and fight. subject 2: it doesn't feel good because you can't play outside with other children. subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. but here is something that i cannot do. i cannot fix this. i don't know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. i don't know if she's going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 4: childhood cancer, there's no escaping it. but st. jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life.
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interviewer: please, call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. subject 5: those donations really matter because we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. interviewer: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: st. jude is hope. even today after losing a child, it's still about the hope of tomorrow, because. childhood cancer has to end. interviewer: please, call or go online right now. [music playing]
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♪ as long as they have child caaare. ♪ ♪ chorus: mama deserves a vacation. ♪, booking dot... yeah. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ good morning. i am marcus washington along with laura garcia. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories, including the owners of a san josé daycare will be back in court today.
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>> they are facing felony child endangerment charges after two toddlers drowned. police say the pool was fenced off but they say one of the owners left it propped open after they watered the plants the night before and nobody checked it before the children went into the backyard. and now off the coast in pacifica and capitola, and officials are telling people heading out there to be careful. a swell is expected to bring rip currents and sneaker waves that could reach up to 30 feet and could catch swimmers and surfers off guard. beachgoers should stay out of the water today. never turn your back to the waves, as we have always been told. in capitola, the high surf is a major concern for the city. this comes as the storm last year destroyed the historic
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wharf and those crews are bracing for the upcoming storm. >> yeah, we already had one round of rain coming in, and we are in between right now, and there are still waves in between and scattered showers. rain will be in the forecast for saturday. sunday is looking dry as well as the start of the new year, and we may watch out for more rain throughout the middle of next week. in the meantime, once again, the high surf will be the big story with the dangerous waves. we will keep you up-to-date for the next storm coming up for tomorrow tomorrow details on. n
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dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent.
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but if you strip away all of harry's flaws, what you have underneath is pure billy. and what he brings to all of his characters, heart. >> back now at 7:30 with meg
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ryan's special appearance at the kennedy center honor celebrating her "when harry met sally" co-star, billy crystal. we'll have a lot more ahead in pop start. >> it's going to be a good one. not too much info, but stick around. >> warwick, queen latifah had a pretty good lineup last night. we want to begin this half hour with new developments in the case that gripped headlines for more than a year, the idaho college murders. >> the house where those four students were killed is set to be demolished this morning, a crushing blow to the victims' families. dana griffin joins us with the details. dana, good morning. >> laura, good morning. that demolition work started a short time ago on the house-turned-crime seen. it's happening despite a final plea from families who just marked the second holiday season without their loved ones asking the university and the d.a.'s office to stop what they call
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madness. were m 13 months after the stabbing in a home near the university of idaho. kaylee goncalves' family has not wanted it to be torn down. >> they tear it down and one jury member says, i wanted to see that place, i wanted to go in there. i had questions that couldn't be answered. >> reporter: now the family reaching out directly to the prosecutor's office and the university, in a statement titled, please stop the demolition of the king road home. in it, listing their reasons why the house should stay standing. among them, vantage points of the surviving roommates, what could they see. dylan mortonson state kohberger walked past her. the goncalves asking how far the gonzalez's asking, how far away was dylan when he saw her.
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what windows could suspect brian kohberger see in from where he was parked? what can you hear inside the house? the university of idaho telling nbc news in part, we feel certain that now is the right time to move forward with the healing that comes with the demolition. and sharing an email they say came from the prosecutor's office, which states in part, based on our review of idaho case law, the current condition of the premises is so substantially different than at the time of the homicides, that a jury view would not be authorized. after months of delays in the death penalty case against kohberger, prosecutors have requested a summer trial date. earlier, a judge issuing a not guilty plea on the defendant's behalf. the family also arguing for a trial date saying that the court has delayed long enough. for them, it has been agonizing. >> when your child dies, they don't just die once, they die every time that you wake up. >> reporter: whenever that trial does begin, it will be live
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streamed on youtube. the next big question, will the defense file a motion to move the case to a larger city like boies, some 300 miles away. it could present a larger jury pool and help the town of moscow to not have to relive details of the case. as for the demolition of the house, it's expected to take at least two days, something those families are really concerned about. laura? back to you. >> thank you for that. >> joining us is nbc news danny cevallos good morning to you. a simple question also are asking, why not just protectively, why does the prosecution try to stop this demolition from happening? >> the prosecution likely feels that they have all the evidence they need. by now, measurements have been taken, probably with lasers. they can drop demonstrative exhibits i have hired experts to do the same thing nowadays, you have three-dimensional demonstratives you can bring in they can probably almost re-create th house for the jury there's an argument that in an
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abundance of caution, why not just preserve the house, in case, for example, they want jurors to hear how things sounded in the house, or see firsthand what they could see within the house well, for the most part, houses, murder sites are not preserved, we don't shrink wrap the entire place and put caution tape over it for two or three years while the trial winds its way through the courts in high-profile cases, you take the normal rules and throw them out the window. you get the issue that preservation is the safe thing to do, but then you get into issues like the constitution, the takings clause can the state hold this private property owned -- whether it's by the university or a private person -- can they prevent them from doing anything with that without compensating them for it some years down the road >> danny, a simple question, but i think a lot of people are probably wondering, why has the judge not set a trial date yet >> this is not that uncommon in a case like this, with all the issues coming up, the pre-trial motions, everything else, these cases take a long
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time, particularly in state court. you know, with all the trump cases going on, we have this idea, well, in federal court, especially, you set trial dates and move cases along in state court, they have a lot more on their docket and dates get moved. i can't tell you why every single time, but things happen you look back at some of the case orders in this case so far, they were setting dates and deadlines months ago that have already expired. that's life in litigation, particularly in high-profile criminal murder cases like this. you set dates, things happen, you have to push those dates out. but the prosecution, the state in this case seems pretty clear, they want this to happen sooner rather than later. >> it is surprising, there isn't even a scheduling order in place. danny, just quickly while we have you, the defense only has so many moves left to go here. they tried to get this case kicked out many times, failed across the boarde? >> i'm surprised they haven't considered that yet. the standard for transferring a case is pretty high. th any chance they'll try to
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transfer venue to a different place? >> i'm surprised they haven't considered that yet. the standard for transferring a case is pretty high. there is a constitutional right, both under the federal constitution and the idaho state constitution, to a fair trial. and the supreme court has said that in cases where pre-trial publicity reaches a circus-like atmosphere changing venue might be one of the fixes. so that is still something i think the defense could make that motion. i think the court would still entertain it and you look at the daybell case, the last high-profile case in idaho, a murder case, which was arguably much less infamous than this kohberger case, and the court there concluded that there was reason to transfer venue but that's a different county, different courts, it's hard to say whether the defense will take that option >> all right we will see what happens danny, thank you appreciate it. still ahead right here, the tributes pouring in for comedy legend tom smothers. we'll remember his ground-breaking career and the pioneering act with his brother that changed the course of tv history. but first, after a year of high prices and limited options, what does to 2024 have in store for car buyers
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♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. ♪♪ sure, feels good when you get it right. and with the number one powered toothbrush brand recommended by dental professionals. philips sonicare makes it easy for you to always get brushing right. philips. ugh, this guy again... pops! ay son! ya got a little somethin' on yuh face. needed a quick shave. quick shave? respect the process! it ain't my dad's razor, dad, it's from gillettelabs. gillette...labs? gillette's ultimate shaving experience. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. gamechanga! while the flexdisc contours to it. lookin' smooth. feelin' even smoother. how 'bout hookin' me up with some gillettelabs? check your texts. you're the best. nah, you're the best. the best a man can get keeps getting bettuh.
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the next generation of shaving is gillettelabs. (dad) it's our phone bill... the we pay for thingst keeps that we don't need. (mom) that's a bit dramatic. (dad) we must tighten our belts! (mom) a better plan to save is verizon! (vo) that's right! plans start at $25 per line guaranteed for 3 years. only on verizon. woo-hoo! migration is... can we land? you're old enough to do it in the sky now. but it's gross. there is no way we're landing. are you sure no one is watching? gwen mallard! do it now, or we leave without you. ok. ok. today's consumer, and this morning we are focusing on the car market >> yeah, 2023 was a difficult one for many shoppers, so what does the new year hold for you nbc's vicky nguyen is gazing into her crystal ball. vic? >> hey, there. looking for a new set of wheels?
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experts say in 2024, buyers could be back in the driver's seat in 2023, buying a car was no easy ride. supply shortages, record-high prices, and low inventory left many consumers with few options. >> there were three dealerships that we thought we could work with in our area and only one of those three had a van on the lot for us to look at. >> reporter: andrea smith, a mom of four in upstate new york purchased this minivan over the summer but she says it wasn't easy. >> we felt pressure to make a purchase right away, because there were so limited options, and we didn't want to wait a couple of months or three, four months for one to come on to the lot. >> reporter: then, the sticker shock. >> the price that we ended up paying for a fan was a third of the price of what we purchased our home for >> reporter: but in 2024, a possible silver lining what is 2024 going to look like? >> 2024 will look a lot more normal to the average shopper. >> brian moody is executive
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editor of kelly blue book. he says with factories coming back to full production, inventory has been recovering, while still below pre-pandemic levels, the boost in availability means more options on the lot >> in 2024, there's an abundance of both new and used cars, so customers should be able to find what they want for an affordable price. >> reporter: in november of 2023, the price of new and used cars decreased slightly from record highs in 2022, with new cars averaging $47,000 and used cars at 26 grand but moody's says consumers will see the biggest savings thanks to increased incentives offered by automakers. these perks are up 136% in december, compared to 2022 >> what are some of those incentives that we have forgotten about, because it's been so long since we saw them >> always look for the low apr, the low interest rate. that's the best way to get the most bang for your buck. but we also see some cash back and some subsidized leases, meaning there may be little down payment and a low monthly payment for a car that might
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work for you >> reporter: when shopping, compare prices and inventories both online and in person at the dealership know your credit score, which will impact which incentives you may qualify for. consider maintenance, fuel efficiency, and insurance rates when calculating the price for used cars, check the vehicle's history report and get an independent mechanical inspection, especially if it's sold as-is >> you are not going to get the best deals on big, full-sized truck-based suvs everybody wants those. if you really want a deal, look for sedans and hatchbacks, cars like the toyota corolla or the honda accord >> reporter: if you're thinking about making the switch to electric, there's good news. many brands like tesla and nissan lowered prices. tax incentives from the state and federal government could also offer additional discounts. >> the lesson here is, if you've always wanted an electric car, but it was too expensive, this is the time to re-assess that and go back and look >> if you're considering buying versus leasing, moody's says buying will save you more in the long-term, as prices on cars
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will drop and interest rates remain high. don't be scared off by the average rising cost of cars. experts say higher luxury car sales, that's what's driving up the average, but there are still a lot of deals to be had with those smaller cars back to you. >> good to know. thanks, vic. maybe the year of the electric car, it sounds like. >> no doubt. a lot of people looking to buy as we head into the new year dylan's keeping an eye on a lot of people that already have a car and trying to figure out where they're going. >> if you're traveling up and down the east coast, you'll see some delays because of all the heavy rain at least it comes with warmer temperatures not talking about a massive snowstorm. d.c., close to 60 today. raleigh 61 boston, 48 that's 9 degrees above average even chicago, running above average with a temperature of 39 today. tomorrow, still kind of mild in the northeast. new york city, 55 degrees. d.c., 50 we drop back down into the upper 30s and lower 40s cross the great lakes, but still above average. and then as we get into the weekend, we'll settle into some more seasonable temperatures here you go. in chicago, 33 degrees on monday that's closer to average columbus drops to 37 by the start of the new year.
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buffalo, new york, 33 degrees. and in new york city, we'll kind of hang out in the mid-40s as we go through the weekend so if you are headed to new york city for the big ball drop, the weather is going to cooperate. you wouldn't be standing out in the rain or the snow, partly cloudy, 40 degrees, really not all good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. we are dealing with big waves along the coastline. breakers reaching anywhere from 25 to 30 feet possible today with the high surf warning. very dangerous conditions there as the storm system pushes up the bigger swells along the coastline. eventually we will get more rain. today the rain is spotty, and it's a mostly cloudy day. the north bay, the best chance of rain. we will see the next storm system arriving by tomorrow afternoon. and that's your latest forecast. >> all right. dylan, thank you for that. and that's your latest forecast >> all right dylan, thank you for that. coming up, from barbie to beyonce and of course, taylor
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swift, how women drove the u.s. economy in 2023 and what that could mean for the future of entertainment and business we're going to get to that story and your morning boost, but first, these messages. ♪♪ hee-haw! here we go! ahhhhh! that's ludacris. all your holiday favorites... both classic and new... i think we're all in for a very big christmas treat. on the disney bundle, with hulu and disney+. some people just know what road to take. those are the people who know to choose allstate. the service road is faster. gps: turn left. not happening. he knows better than any gps. and he'd point you in allstate's direction. go all the way down the road, past the big gray warehouse. gps: take the next exit. you're not from around here, so you don't know the back roads. i don't want to be late for the party. i'm gonna save us five minutes.
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some people just know what road to take. gps: you're on the fastest route. those are the people who know safe drivers save 40% with allstate. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪ [♪♪] looking for better hydration at half the price? means i'll never miss a day of freshness. try curél ultra healing lotion.
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the dermatologist-tested formula contains an advanced ceramide complex, and provides 2-times more hydration at half the price. try curél. dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. life is for living. we got this. let's partner for all of it. edward jones you don't have to be a wizard to make delicious iced coffee at home.! that's good! (sfx: thunderclap) never gets old. (woman laughs) -want me to do it again? -no thanks. dunkin' cold. easy to make at home. stands up to ice.
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welcome back time now for a little morning boost, which you have, laura >> this is a cute one. those sweet videos from christmas are still coming in. in this one, a young girl named taylor finds a wrapped gift from santa under the tree but unlike most presents from the north pole, this one wasn't a new gift, but a beloved lost toy. >> he found it for me! he found it! >> those are tears of joy, people it turns out that taylor lost her favorite stuffed animal, pound puppy, when the family moved to a new house in november but just one day before christmas, santa found the toy in a moving box. >> he does it all! >> taylor's mom wrote on tiktok, thank goodness for christmas miracles aren't moves just the worst. >> i'm just fascinated that
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santa was on the hunt in the moving boxes i really appreciate you, santa >> i didn't know pound puppies were still a thing we used to love those back in the day. we talked about the car market in 2024, what does the year hold for your vacation? you weren't a pound puppy person >> you had a lot of pound puppies? >> my sister crushed the pound puppies. and cabbage patch kids >> coming up, peter alexander will go grab some pound puppies, but if you love '80s power ballads, you've got to see the miley cyrus just put on a journey classic. it's so good but first, a quick check of your local news and weather (vo) the love that goes into a subaru comes out when subaru and our retailers share the love. one hundred and sixteen thousand animals supported. thirty-three hundred wishes granted.
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four point three million meals provided. and over four hundred national parks protected. be a part of something bigger. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get two point nine percent apr financing on a new 2024 outback during the 2023 subaru share the love event. when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent. [music playing] subject 1: cancer is a long journey. it's overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. subject 2: it doesn't feel good because you can't play outside with other children. subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. but here is something that i cannot do. i cannot fix this. i don't know if my daughter is going to be able to walk.
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i don't know if she's going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 4: childhood cancer, there's no escaping it. but st. jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life. interviewer: please, call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. subject 5: those donations really matter because we're not going to give up. and when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. interviewer: when you call or go online with your credit
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or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: st. jude is hope. even today after losing a child, it's still about the hope of tomorrow, because. childhood cancer has to end. interviewer: please, call or go online right now. [music playing]
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good thursday morning to you. it's 7:56 right now. i am laura garcia. this is what a happening now. a high surf warning is being issued. and ginger conejero saab joins us live from pacifica out there. getting higher, ginger? >> reporter: yeah, the waves are
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getting taller and taller, and the national weather service warning about the waves, and the high surf warn something in effect from now until tomorrow at 3:00 a.m. the officials are warning people to stay out of and away from the water. i know meteorologist, kari hall, has been tracking the weather that we are anticipating. kari, we are seeing the waves really play out out here? >> yeah, it's dangerous to be along the coastline. be careful and stay away from the water. we are seeing the first storm pushing off to the east, and the next storm out in the pacific will be moving in. we are in between today and still looking at spotty rain activity as we go into the late morning and early afternoon for parts of the north bay, and overall we are going to see a chance to dry out for some of us. there's spotty rain, and the
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heavier rain will pick up tomorrow afternoon. a look at the forecast shows that next round of rain with heavy activity tomorrow evening, heavy rain and that continues into early saturday. at this point sunday is looking dry, and then there's another storm in next week's forecast. >> keeping taps on awful it for you. another local news update coming up for you in half an hour. enjoy your why are we the only birds heading this way? migration is... stay close and everything will be alright. [ gulp ]
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i'm okay. yeah, no. hold on! [ quack, quack ]
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son las 8 en "today" its way up the east coast ov up, severe weather a powerful storm system making its way up the east coast overnight, ahead of one of the holiday season's busiest travel days
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>> when you're traveling for the holidays, you sort of anticipate that it's going to be a little bit hectic >> so how will it affect your plans? what can you expect for the new year's weekend we're live with your full forecast plus, taking flight. on the 50th anniversary of the endangered species act, we're highlighting one of its biggest successes. the nation's soaring bald eagle population >> does it ever get old? >> no, it never does i've been working here for 13 years and you always have to stop what you're doing and watch. >> our inside look at the national symbol's remarkable comeback, just ahead then, who run the world? 2023 was an electrifying year for women, from movies -- >> hi, barbie! >> to music. >> welcome to the eras tour! >> and more. this morning why it smells good news for everyone when it comes to the economy. and honoring icons the lifetime contribution of so many artists honored at the kennedy center honors from billy crystal --
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♪ making us laugh on that show with three letters ♪ ♪ courting meg ryan in cable knit sweaters ♪ >> to a special tribute to barry gibbs. -- gibb. ♪ how can you mend a broken heart ♪ >> we'll have all the highlights ahead on pop start, today, thursday, december 28th, 2023. >> today i turn 60 >> on my first trip to new york! >> from st. louis, missouri. >> visiting from ohio! >> boulder, colorado >> edmond, oklahoma! >> and pringle, georgia. >> celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary. >> to celebrate my 45th birthday >> welcome back to "today" on this thursday morning. we are glad that you are joining us, especially that crowd
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outside. this is when the plaza is packed, the week between christmas and new year's so many people enjoying. a lot of times their first trip to new york. we're glad you're here savannah and hoda and craig enjoying a little time off tens of millions of americans are waking up this morning to heavy rain and some flooded streets. and with a very busy new year's weekend ahead, it is already having an impact on holiday travel from coast-to-coast we do have complete coverage we begin with dylan and your forecast dylan, good morning. >> good morning, guys. we have this big storm system kind of in pieces right now in the northeast, we're seeing the heavier rain across long island and into new england falling from tampa down into miami. that's creating some delays, as well the heaviest of the rain now through connecticut, all into rhode island, moving up into massachusetts. this will continue on this trek to the northeast, but still keeps the showers around through the afternoon and really through friday, too. we have flood watches because of
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river and creek flooding down across philadelphia, stretching into parts of new jersey, too. on the backside of this storm system, it's cold enough for some light snow. kind of wet snow just west of chicago, but stretching down into st. louis where you'll see a few flakes flying. also, we're likely to see a new flakes down through kentucky, and that will look cool flying through the sky, although you won't see any accumulation down that way heaviest rain will be moving through new england today. we could see about an inch or so of rain, not really a ton of rain expected out of this whole storm system but it's still a nuisance. could create some delays at the airports from boston to new york, d.c., back into chicago, again, with that little bit of wet snow west of the city, we could see some delays there. and tomorrow, another big travel day. we will see improvements across the northeast, but maybe some warning delays in the boston area laura? >> thank you for that. with today expected to be one of the busiest on our nation's roads and airports, nbc's stephanie gosk is checking out the weather impact on the holiday travel rush. she's along the new jersey turnpike for us.
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hey, steph >> reporter: hey, laura. good morning, right now, the new jersey turnpike is humming along. it may not be like that all day long and as dylan mentioned, the weather is not great in the northeast. there is that heavy rain, there are places where there could be some localized flooding. you know, the last few days, there's also been very heavy fog creating some dramatic scenes. the skyline in new york city and boston completely blanketed by fog. as for the air travel, on wednesday, there were over 6,000 delays southwest was the airline that was hit the worst, with over a thousand delays for them not nearly as bad as a year ago, however, when millions of people were stranded. the airline was fined $140 million because of that. the worst area this week for travel delays has been in florida. the faa says that there has been congestion they've also had some issues with staffing. that's one of the reasons why southwest says that they had as
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many delays as they had. for the people who are heading out on the roads, that'll be 90% of the travelers, there is a little bit of advice try to get out early, because steph, thank you so much. turning now to the 2024 presidential campaign. this morning, republican candidate the worst traffic is going to be in the afternoon and evening laura? >> all right steph, thank you so much turning now to the 2024 presidential campaign. this morning, republican candidate nikki haley is facing new backlash over something she did not say at a town hall in new hampshire last night haley was asked a question about the cause of the civil war >> i think the cause of the civil war was basically how government was going to run. the freedoms and what people could and couldn't do. >> the former u.n. ambassador did not mention slavery as a possible cause both democrats and republicans weighed in with gop rival ron desantis posting the word "yikes" on social media. air traveler some holiday week air travelers are fortunately safe after a brief scare in london yesterday. gusty winds caused a bumpy landing for this american airlines flight from los angeles
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to heathrow. look at that the pilots managed to land the plane safely after struggling control the aircraft it dipped and bounced on its way to the tarmac. blustery storms and flooding have disrupted travel throughout the uk this past week. >> gosh, you can hear their reaction in the background, too. also this morning, we remember a performer who helped pave the way for bold social commentary on television tom smothers, part of the famed duo, smothers brothers, died on tuesday. their satiric comedy in the 1960s made shows like "saturday night live" and "the daily show" possible harry is here with a look back >> good morning, guys. if you were to look up counterculture and look for images of the counterculture, the image of the smothers brothers would not appear. they look like wholesome local folk singers
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but their message, especially for network television, was downright dangerous. tommy smothers made us laugh >> our name is really smothers, but we're not brothers we're married. >> reporter: first, that look on his face while listening to brother, dick, then, what came next >> well, mom always liked you best >> reporter: realizing they probably weren't good enough to earn a living as musicians, comedy took the smothers brothers to clubs on both coasts then, multiple tv appearances in the early 1960s, when the smothers brothers got their own show on cbs, they satirized the powerful and made clear their opposition to the vietnam war. >> we got to the draft and this is what we said. ♪ i'm only 18, i got a ruptured spleen and i always carry a purse ♪ >> reporter: the show was a hit. in some ways, classic comedy, dick the straight man, tommy the fool >> when they say "amen," they really want a woman. >> reporter: but when they were told there was a line not to cross, they leapt over it.
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♪ we would like to give and som of you don't like the things we say ♪ ♪ but we're still here. >> reporter: by 1970, cbs had had enough while the show was successful, the smothers brothers comedy hour was canceled. the duo continued to perform for decades afterwards ♪ better not pout, i'm telling you why ♪ ♪ santa claus is dead -- >> that's terrible >> pardon! >> that's terrible that's rotten. >> i didn't kill him >> tom smothers died peacefully in his home in northern california on tuesday following a recent bout of cancer at the age of 86. his brother, dick, wrote in a statement, tom was a one of a kind creative partner. our relationship was like a good marriage the longer we were together, the more we loved and respected one another. >> it's interesting, for years after they went off the air, he
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blamed richard nixon but it's really the cbs stations in the south that really took umbrage with what their message was week after week on the smothers brothers show >> the two of them were entertaining for so long, and tom would always look over and say, mom always liked you best >> one of his most famous lines. but there are so many things, but he and john lennon wer pals he played guitar on "give peace a chance." >> really? >> hello envelope, today, you know, the fact that people are doing what they do today, you said it it's because of these two gentlemen. >> yeah. >> and the thing was, i think they felt like we're just talking like our friends, they're representing a generation and television at least corporate tv was not ready for it >> a life very well lived. harry, thank you so much bald e. i've been talk guys, just ahead, we are soaring with bald eagles i've been talking about this one all morning. what we could learn from the remarkable comeback of the iconic american bird
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plus, 2023 has been a record-setting year for women driving the economy at the box office, on concert tours, and it's not just taylor swift and beyonce. what it all means moving forward. but first, these messages. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops.
8:12 am
with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. go to old navy and you'll save a toboggan full of buckaroonies. it's a real baddabing- baddaboom situation. right now, get up to 70% off clearance only at old navy. look, this deal is a steal. and so is the toboggan. i know, because i stole it! oh, oh, oh...i'll be the judge of that. oh, that's nice... oh!! searchable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah (dad) it's our phone bill... we pay for things that we don't need. (mom) that's a bit dramatic. (dad) we must tighten our belts! (mom) a better plan to save is verizon! (vo) that's right! plans start at $25 per line guaranteed for 3 years. only on verizon. [♪♪] looking for better hydration at half the price?
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try curél ultra healing lotion. the dermatologist-tested formula contains an advanced ceramide complex, and provides 2-times more hydration at half the price. try curél. the citi custom cash® card a different kind of card that automatically adjusts to your spending earn 5% cash back on your top eligible spend category up to $500 spent each billing cycle learn more at we're back at 8:12 marking an important milestone that you may not even realize that is happening today. >> it's been 50 years since congress passed the endangered species act. a conservation effort that is credited with saving some of our nation's most treasured animals. >> we sent nbc's emilie ikeda for a wildlife refugee for a closer look at its impacts emilie, good morning >> reporter: good morning.
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the sight of a bald eagle is a wonderful one, and you might take it for granted. just decades ago, the national symbol nearly went extinct, but conservation efforts like the endangered species act helped the population soar. we visited one of the most popular places for bald eagles, and let me tell you, they did not disappoint whether up close and personal -- or from a dist across the sunrise, a glimpse of bald eagles never ceases to amaze, especially this presidential pair with an irresistible love story. >> it's amazing to see bald eagles flying over the nation's capital almost every day. >> tucked inside our nation's capital, the aptly named mr. president and lotus, ladies of the united states, camouflage among the trees. wildlife biologist dan routes says lotus even laid an egg on valentine's day last year. >> they fly together, they hunt together, and hopefully they'll raise some more chicks together
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here. >> reporter: but decades ago, sightings like this were nearly impossible. in the early '60s, there were less than 1,000 bald eagles in the lower 48. since then, the bird population has soared to more than 300,000, and american bald eagles are no long run considered endangered. >> the iconic white head against the dark body. >> reporter: a remarkable come back mirrored at black life national wildlife refuge in maryland, home to the largest breeding population of bald eagles on the north coast. >> does it ever get old? >> it never does. i've been working here for 13 years and you always have to stop what you're doing. >> reporter: just as we did. while touring the refuge you can see up to 20 bald eagles in a single day. >> we can't forget how successful the bald eagle recovery was and we can do that with a lot of other species, too, if we put our mind to it. >> reporter: many wildlife biologists attribute the return of our nation's symbol to the banning of an insecticide that infected food and the passing of the endangered species act provides framework for protecting at-risk animals and plants and their habitats. >> a small number of species have gone extinct. there's no turning back when it
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reaches that point. >> every time you lose a species, what in the dna of that species could have maybe helped cure some disease? >> what can our country do better to bring more of those names off the list? >> i think it's that preventative work that we can shift toward. >> reporter: there have been clashes in congress over some of the species' listed as endangered and land use restrictions, but the u.s. fish and wildlife director believes everyone can agree on the endangered species' act overall mission, and says the growth of the american alligator, peregrine falcon and grizzly bear population formerly on the border of extinction is a hope. >> when we give nature a chance, it has the ability to heal itself. >> and as luck would have it -- >> there it is! >> wow! >> two bald eagles even graced our interview. >> how lucky are we? >> so lucky. >> still, an immense challenge lies ahead with the impact of climate change occurring more often, according to the fish and
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wildlife service breeding is being impacted by shifting migratory patterns and rising ocean levels affects sea turtle nesting more than 1,600 animals or plant species are listed as endangered or threatened. just 66 species have successfully been removed. >> emilie, thank you we take some of these laws for granted that have been around for 50 years, but it shows you what a big difference it makes >> i remember growing up as kids, you would never see a bald eagle. it was so rare and now it's off the endangered species list, 300,000 plus around the country, they are glorious if you ever get a cans -- a chanc to see them. >> that's a great story. >> dylan's checking the forecast for us right now >> good morning, everyone. we have some wet weather moving into california, where we are going to see some of that rain along with temperatures in the 50s and 60s. we're also looking at the chance of some wet snow on the backside of this bigger storm system, back through the upper midwest not a lot of accumulation, but still enough to make things a little tricky on the roads and for the east coast, the southeast is starting to dry out. except for florida in the northeast, we'll see that rain
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even when the heavier rain comes to an end, it will stay cloudy good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are starting out with a lot of clouds and some spotty light rain. the north bay will have the best chance of wet weather for today. we'll see that activity possibly again this evening. heavier rain is set to arrive tomorrow evening as a new storm system comes in to the coastline with gusty winds. sunday is >> and that's your latest forecast >> dylan, thanks so much pop start again, in for carson, jacob soboroff >> i am, indeed. first up, we are calling it the year of the woman. the year of women. we're calling it all everything you want to call it. from entertainment to the workplace, women have added billions of dollars to the economy in 2023. nbc's christine romans is taking a closer look for us christine?
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>> good morning, guys. you are spot-on. women were absolutely on fire this year. whether you want to call it the she-conmy, swifteonomics, or barbie corps it's undeniable. these global phenomenons and working women contributed to the econom to the tunes of billions of dollars. ♪ who run the world ♪ ♪ girls ♪ >> reporter: no questions asked, in 2023, women are running the u.s. economy from the silver screen -- >> hi, barbie! >> reporter: -- to a blockbuster success for not one -- >> welcome to the eras tour! >> reporter: -- but two major stadium tours. female touring artists drove 72% of overall sales at stubhub, and swift's eras tour, the biggest in stubhub history, both taylor and queen bey pumping millions of dollars into the economy of every city they dazzled. into theaters, hotels, hair salons, and transportation and the nationwide economic benefit is staggering. swift's eras tour contributing
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$5.7 billion to the u.s. economy, and beyonce's renaissance tour tacking on another $4.5 billion the number one movie -- >> hi, barbie! >> hi, ken >> "barbie" growing $1.4 billion worldwide. >> beyonce, taylor swift, and barbie may have saved the u.s. economy in q3. >> the taylor swift effect even infiltrating the nfl her newfound love with travis kelce increasing ticket prices for some games 43% but it wasn't just the megastars making their mark, women saw record-breaking workforce participation, with over 77% of women in their prime working years looking for or finding employment >> while everyone was going to concerts, they were also doing a lot of work, especially women. >> reporter: notable gains, but they still make 20% less than men for the very same job. and women of color remain underrepresented
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>> i want to take a victory lap, but i know you often caution about some of the hurdles that can keep women from, you know, full participation >> in closing that pay gap will help with all the other things that inhibit women, like child care costs, medical costs, having to be that person for their families that are looking both after children and aging parents. >> reporter: there's no question, women are eager to take their shot. female entrepreneurs receiving $5 billion in loans, 69% higher than 2020. >> the opportunities in the workforce have gotten wider. women have been a beneficiary of that high demand for talent in the workplace. women's progress can't be taken for granted. it has to be nurtured. >> one shiny success at a time ♪ i can still make the whole place shine ♪ >> another bright spot for working women, some say representation for women in senior leadership positions is currently at its highest rate
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ever at 28%. fwak back to the concert craze, guinness world records crowned taylor swift's eras tour the highest grossing music tour of all time. >> christine, thank you so much. guys, next up, the kennedy center honors. last night, cbs aired the 46th billy crystal, grammy-winnin broadway star, b.j. fleming, barry gibb, queen latifah, and the legendary dionne warwick the stage was packed with celebrity speeches and performances, honoring annual program celebrating the sweet words from billy crystal's "when harry met sally" co-star, meg ryan >> chemistry is, well, no one really knows what chemistry is, but harry and sally had it and all i know is that acting with billy was effortless, the characters just came alive, and just meeting him, i don't know, how could you not love billy crystal? >> how could you not love billy
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crystal? and billy's buddy had the kennedy center in stitches with his tribute to the comedian. check it out >> tonight, the kennedy center honors the og, billy crystal, on this, the 50th anniversary of hip hop. ♪ it had to be you ♪ ♪ it had to be you ♪ ♪ this friendship, who knew ♪ ♪ to prove it ain't fake ♪ ♪ i'll even make me by singing the best i can ♪ >> de niro was not the only star to serenade the crowd. egot cynthia arivo lent he voice to this edition of "alfie." ♪ alfie, until you find love,lf,
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you're nothing, alfie ♪ you're nothing, alfie ♪ >> wow >> how long did she hold that? >> keep playing it >> good thing de niro didn't have to do that part >> that's true that is not all, folks one more, holiday hit maker michael buble through it all the -- threw it all th way back to 1972, covering this bee gees classic ♪ and a how can you mend a broken heart ♪ ♪ how can you stop a rain from falling down ♪ >> i know what i'm doing after the show i'm going to go back and watch this whole thing congratulations to all the honorees this year next up, jason kelce on the latest episode of the kelce brothers podcast, the eagles center revealed what he thinks about his festive doppleganger that's been going viral thanks to this tweet. >> my sister says, he looks like
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jason kelce, looks up to see who she's talking about, and it is the santa from the "rudolph" christma claymation i've always gotten that i look from yukon cornelius, so i was shocked when this picked up so much steam i've always gotten that one. >> i think it's the eyebrows >> what do you think, is he a more of a snowman or yukon cornelius? >> it's definitely the one on the right! >> the same actor. >> yukon's a pretty smooth look. i think they're one and the same >> goodness gracious, finally, miley cyrus is channeling her inner '80s rock star in a new cover. yesterday, miley shared this recent performance of journey's hit, "faithfully," take a listen ♪ loving a music woman ain't always what it's
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supposed to be ♪ ♪ oh yeah you stand by me i'm forever your faithfully ♪ >> that was beautiful. i like this pop star >> beautiful musical medley here >> so calm and smooth. >> a good way to end it. coming up here, a little more music for you from rising star dax live in studio 1a but first, your local news good morning. i'm marcus washington. there is some breaking news. parts of the bay area are under a high surf warning. in capitola high surf is a major
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concern for the city after storms last year flooded many coastal builds and damaged the wharf. santa cruz county is issuing an evacuation warning near seacliff state beach. they say folks need to be prepared to leave quickly should an evacuation order be issued. major flooding on rio del mar in santa cruz. let's get a look at the forecast. >> it's because of these storms off the coast that are going to continue to move in. we are also looking at spotty showers and mostly cloudy skies today as temperatures come up a few degrees into the upper 60s. tomorrow, a new storm system will be arriving, creating rain off and on through saturday. it looks to dry out on sunday.
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more news in 30 minutes or on
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♪ look at that crowd they don't even mind the rain. they don't mind. they are hard-core >> it's a little messy out here today. >> just a tad. welcome back at 8:30 on this thursday morning the holiday crowds are still in full force with us out here on the plaza, despite the morning's rain, despite dylan's forecast >> we call this pouring drizzle. >> that's basically what's happening. >> with a cold temperature to go with it. coming up, we know the airports are packed this week check before you head there, by the way. but where do you want to head away in 2024 our friends at conde nast
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travelers are out with their list of the top destinations and hotels we'll run you through some of them so you can get a jump start on your vacation planning. >> does anybody have a glasses windshield wiper my glasses are soaked. plus, nigerian canadian performer dax is treating to us a live performance of his song "to be a man." talk about a hit it has been streamed over 100 million times. you will not want to miss this, so stick around. even in the pouring drizzle. >> very exciting his first network performance. also ahead, we'll get things cooking with evan funky in the house. he is turning up the heat on your weeknight meals and holiday parties with a recipe for a spicy pasta straight off the restaurant of his new menu coming up in our third hour, sheinelle learns the keys to a very unique job. typewriter poet. you'll want to see that one. >> i love that story dylan, just in time for us to come outside, the rain e're followed us. >> i feel like we're social distancing >> we are. we're bumping umbrellas. >> we don't need a check of the
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weather, we are living it. >> this is where the storm is. it's in the northeast and move up into new england. let's get you to the weekend on saturday, we're looking at a couple of scattered snow showers, but most of the country besides the west coast will see a good amount of sunshine, a little cooler, temperatures, 30s and 40s. stays fairly quiet going into new year's eve, although there will be some snow showers around the great lakes, spotty snow showers out in the rockies, too. chilly down across florida at midnight, really cold up across the northern plains temperatures in the lower teens, even down across parts of florida, 40s, 50s. that's colder than what you're used to. it's straight-up pouring right now. and then on new year's day, starting off the new year with mostly calm conditions across most of the country. good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we're in between storm systems, but still looking at spotty showers for today. our temperatures coming up through the upper 60s. we're also seeing big waves
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continue along the coastline. a new storm tomorrow will bring in heavier rain by the afternoon and continuing with rain into saturday. sunday is looking dry as well as the start of 2024. and that's your latest forecast >> maybe white was not the best choice >> no, this weather just stinks. >> this is what we call the it stinks weather >> dylan, up next, as we've told you, we'll help you plan your vacation in 2024 with the hottest spots to visit we could use a hot spot today around the u.s. and the globe, but first this is "today" on nbc.
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welcome back still drying off right now with the new year in sight, it's time to start thinking about the places to get away in 2024 thankfully, conde nast traveler is out with their list of the
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top places to visit and a gold list of the world's best hotels and resorts. jesse is the deputy global editorial director nice to see you. >> pleasure to be here >> happy early new year to you how did conde nast come up with this list? >> we've been doing the gold list for 30 years, and those are the hotels and cruises that our editors have been on that they love the most. the best places to go that have heat for '24, you put them together and it's an indispensable trip planning tool for all of our readers >> let's start with the dream destinations these might be a reach for some folks. give us a sense of some of those places >> so when people started doing long haul travel again like last year, japan was the place where everybody was going. and they're still going. we have kobe on our best places to go list, but also some further afield places where you can experience wild nature, like madagascar, french pollee -- polynesia, and the kimberly, yo have oaker cliffs and cornflower blue seas. >> never been to the kimberly before
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>> it's very sparsely settled. a great way to get there is on a cruise scenic, they're all going there for the first time next year >> so a lot of people are talking about wellness, as we look ahead to the new year as well we have our meditation graphic here what are some of those wellness destinations >> well, so, budapest, which is on one of our both lists, and also near and dear to my heart, because it's where my mother's you have the family comes from, it's an og, you have the legendary thermal baths. but then there are also these cool resorts that are opening that focus more on holistic mind/body health if you're dealing with nutrition or sleep, go to the ranch malibu, which is opening in upstate new york, or shaw wellness clinic, a great place in spain that's opening in the yucatan. >> sometimes i just go to the basement and turn on some quiet music. if you can get to the yucatan, that's a nice option as wellt's. it's picking up steam as we look into the new year. >> for sure. a lot of travelers, it's
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let's talk about train travel. it's picking up steam as we look into the new year. >> for sure. a lot of travelers, it's a combination of climate consciousness and the desire to reconnect with the golden age of trial. -- travel. there's new routes popping up all over the world in italy, there are a collection of routes that go through rome right here, there's a line called rocky mountaineer, a canadian company that does these beautiful routes through the west imagine taking in the landscapes of utah from a glass-dome dining car. >> santa fe, new mexico, a beautiful destination. >> and one of our readers' small towns is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the burninging of -- burning o the zobrovo. they burn a 50-foot effigy named old man gloom. go there, eat some chilies and get your pyromania on. >> let's do another one. no matter where you travel, what are some of the good tips you should be keeping in mind? >> we always advise people to book 21 to 60 days out for domestic travel. about 34 days is often the sweet spot aim for more like three months for international travel i would avoid peak season, look for shoulder season, especially in europe. paris is wonderful
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i was just there at the dream, but this summer, especially with the olympics, it's going to be insane go in the springtime, you can get into the spirit of things, but don't have to deal with the craziness. for big trips, rely on a travel adviser. they are your friend they can give you access to experiences you wouldn't have otherwise and help you out if >> no need to go to paris this year we'll have plenty of that coverage coming up jesse, so nice to see you. appreciate your being here up next, rising star dax is treating us to a debut live performance of his performance of his history-making hit "to be a [narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage,
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you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31 at this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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the citi music series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> we are back with dax, the nigerian canadian singer/songwriter. he's joining us for his debut u.s. television performance >> his hit "to be a man"
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features friend of the show country star darrius rucker, and they made history as the first black duo to hit number one on the billboard country music sales chart. >> and it has been streamed more than 100 million times that's got to feel good for you. good morning great to have you. so you first recorded the song as a solo, but when darrius rucker wanted to come on and be featured, what was your reaction >> i was thankful. got on my knees, said a prayer, thank god, because darrius rucker is a legend to have him on was a blessing. >> talk about the inspiration for this song, "to be a man. >> i tell people all the time i couldn't have wrote this song when i was 18 or 25, i had to be 28 years old and have a lot more responsibilities to sort of know what quote/unquote manhood was, and it allowed me to sort of just summarize what i experienced in that time with my life, fathers, and what he's told me and what i've heard from men all around my circle >> to be clear, your plan was always to play professional hoops, but then there was a fork
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in the road. >> there was a shift god had other plans, but i needed that ten years of complete and utter dedication to know what was needed to stay focused in this career, so i'm just thankful. >> you're grateful take it away "to be a man." ♪ i can't hide myself ♪ ♪ i don't expect you to understand ♪ ♪ i just hope i can explain ♪ ♪ what it's like to be a man ♪ ♪ it's a lonely road ♪ ♪ and they don't care about wha you know ♪ ♪ it's not about how you feel ♪ that home ♪ ♪ being a man is what you make it ♪ ♪
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♪ but what you provide inside that home ♪ ♪ being a man is what you make it ♪ ♪ you can't always live up to expectations ♪ ♪ you try to please everybody while you struggle so you fake it ♪ ♪ and then the battle balance comes from my situation ♪ ♪ a good man, do what he should man, ♪ ♪ do everything he could, man ♪ ♪ you might find yourself feeling all alone ♪ ♪ inside a house you built that you don't recognize as hole ♪ -- home ♪ ♪ and that's what my daddy told me ♪ ♪ and i tell my son the same ♪ ♪ now that i'm older, i relate and actually feel his pain ♪ ♪ he never cried, he might have lied ♪ ♪ but he did not complain ♪ ♪ and he said, son, one day you'll have to do the same ♪ ♪ i get emotional when i stop and think and i look around ♪ ♪ being at the county line of m small town ♪ ♪ i think all the men out there who feel like i do now ♪ ♪ who's screaming on the inside but won't ever make a sound ♪ ♪ i don't expect you to
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understand ♪ ♪ i just hope i can explain wha it's like to be a man ♪ ♪ it's a lonely road ♪ ♪ and they don't care about wha you know ♪ ♪ it's not about how you feel ♪ ♪ but what you provide inside that home ♪ ♪ don't give up, keep fighting ♪ ♪ as a man, our son is our horizon and our fathers' actions play a role and we end up like him ♪ ♪ so they can't let us see them hurt ♪ ♪ 'cause we'll embody what they do and start a generational curse ♪ ♪ no wonder most men are so depressed ♪ ♪ all the things they can't express ♪ ♪ they go to war, get thrown on the shelf ♪ ♪ then go back to war with thei mental health ♪ ♪ then grab that bottle and ask for help ♪ ♪ try to pull themselves out of hell ♪ ♪ then fall back down and then realize that they gone have to do it themselves ♪ ♪ it's a circle of life, as a man, you provide ♪ ♪ they don't know what you're worth 'til the day that you die ♪ ♪ and that's when they start crying ♪
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♪ then move on to a man to confide in ♪ ♪ that's why we feel ♪ ♪ we can't hide ourselves ♪ ♪ we don't expect you to understand ♪ ♪ we just hope we can explain what it's like to be a man ♪ ♪ it's a lonely road ♪ ♪ and you don't care about what we know ♪ ♪ it's not about how we feel ♪ ♪ but what we provide inside that home ♪ >> whoo! >> dax incredible ladies and gentlemen, we should mention, the ep, "what life is," is out now wherever you get your music. amazing performance. thank you very much. >> your tv debut, how'd it feel? >> i felt amazing. >> very nicely done. >> i can't feel my feet, though.
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>> i can't either, but for different reasons. >> job well done >> up next, the recipe for a spicy pasta, perfect for a cold winter's night or perhaps your new year's weekend get-together, but first this is "today" on nbc.
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we are back with a new holiday edition of "today" food. on today's menu, a delicious pasta dish sure to bring the heat during those cold winter months and we've got a guy with us who knows a thing or two about pasta. evan funke in the house. his restaurant, mother wolf, just opened at the fontainebleau in las vegas good morning nice to have you >> nothing like a little pasta at 7:00 in the morning >> i've been looking forward to this all morning but your new restaurant in you know your way around a restaurant or two. but your new restaurant in vegas. >> at the fontainebleau, it's fantastic. a gorgeous hotel, beautiful restaurant >> i know we're excited.
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we're excited for you. what are we making today >> we're going to make some rigatoni, this is a roman dish, but i make it a little spicier typically in italy people don't like too much spice if it's too spici. this is los angeles spice. i make holy oil. this is a chili oil blend that we use at mother wolf. it's a blend of four chilies and i use a very los angeles ingredient sweet cream chili flakes, which gives it this beautiful red color. >> and you use all four together >> yes, hybrid chilies you bring it up, blend it together, it's fantastic on to this, this is hot. so while we make the sauce, we'll do a 50/50 blend of nice extra virgin olive oil, and 50% -- >> 50/50 okay, we're turning up the heat!
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>> it is spicy and delicious >> i'm tasting some of that heat >> we have some rigatoni made locally here >> how important is not just local pasta, was freshly made pasta? >> in rome, they typically eat a lot of dried pasta, i like to make fresh pasta so this is - >> if some of us are working late hours -- >> 100%, go to the grocery store and follow the rules on the best apply your best taste to the al dente spectrum >> i'm big on crunchy. i want the toothsome >> so we're going to start with some garlic, thickly shaved garlic >> a healthy portion do you want me to stir it? >> go for it >> give that a shake we'll toast this until it's nice and golden we don't want too much color, but we do want it to be gold all right? >> okay. >> that's going. beauty all right, until it gets
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aromatic now we have some chopped hybrid chilies. >> which one of those? >> this is the fresh one what i also like to do is take one of these, smash it and throw it in there. >> there's so many layers of spice in this, i can't keep track of all -- >> the chili oil is very rounding i like a nice building warmth, not a punch of spice so in that -- >> you can smell it already. >> i'm going to fry -- >> there's no vents in here. >> now, parsley directly in here >> straight in and so then we're going to go -- >> a nice day to wear all white with the marinara. >> this tomato paste or sauce? >> this is just pureed tomato >> okay, and a pinch of salt >> okay. >> so give that a stir >> and i like that you're salting along the way. i like that. >> a little bit of salt in there. this has salt in it already. and we're going to add a little bit more -- >> i like to take a little bit of the pasta sauce while it's cooking. >> you cook at home.
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>> as soon as we pull that, we'll pull some water. about two and a half minutes >> and then in with the pasta. >> directly in the sauce, right? >> go for it and now we'll do -- we want to whip a culinary glitter >> laura might be the best "today" show host chef that we've ever seen. >> i'm starting to feel like a regular.r. >> i always like to take a healthy portion of the pasta water. you can't get it back. once it's gone -- i always set aside like a cup on the side you get the emullsificatio going. >> so if you're straining this at home, absolutely put aside a little bit of the pasta water. >> at what point do you put cheese in? >> we want to reduce the sauce so it starts to glaze the noodle >> and it's okay it's sort of bubbling up and boiling.ook eved >> oh, yeah, let it rock we cook everything at high speed in the restaurant business a little taste >> ready
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>> send it >> oh, wow, you -- >> you really -- >> it's been sent! >> so we don't want to cook this too much on the heat, because it's going to go into that kind of stringy stage >> but you can see it coming together and it's not so loose anymore. it's thickening. >> are you ready to taste? >> i'm always ready. >> i'm already out >> straight from the pan >> go for it >> i'm going it. >> my nose is running. >> that's how you know it's good >> mm! okay very al dente. just how i like it >> not bad at all. delicious! you can do a little extra cheese obviously on the side. >> absolutely. absolutely >> and i think the recipe calls for like two quarters, so this -- kwaushts -- two quarts, so this feeds four >> what do you do when you have to cool your mouth day water, milk -- >> champagne >> just ride it out. it makes you feel alive. >> i feel very alive that was delicious >> evan, thank you so much
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for the recipe, head to and while you're there, make sure to check out our most clicked recipes of the year, from mama kelce, stanley tucci, and lots from evan funke. you can scan our qr code t browse and save them all >> this is good. is there seconds that's delicious evan, there's a lot more cooking ahead in the fourth hour unique sweet treats for your new year's eve bash. but first on the third hour, a special performance from country star john pardy. but first, your local news and weather. >> that's so good!
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good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. we are following breaking news this morning. a high surf warning is in effect and waves are already causing some flooding. also we have learned emergency crews are heading to help a surfer in distress in the pacifica at lind mar beach. those waves could reach up to 30 feet. check out this brand new video from our crews in capitola. you can see roads already starting to flood. storms last year destroyed the historic wharf and destroyed many coastal businesses there. santa cruz issuing an evacuation warning for coastal areas near sea cliff state beach. east cliff drive is currently
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closed due to flooding. a team of reporters there will have a live report during our midday newscast. also, you can keep track of
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another storm hitting the bay area before the new year, but will the rain clear out for weekend festivities? we are checking how long the weather will stick around. weather will stick around. another lon [narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage,
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you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31 at >> come on in. is this more than 50 toys? >> yes! >> macy's and toys r us donated 1,000 we actually have another surprise. this morning on the third hour of "today," sheinelle going on the job as a typewriter poet. >> i feel a lot of pressure. >> find out if she has the right stuff when she learns the keys to


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