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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  December 29, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31 at hi, everyone, i'm zinhle essamuah. my co-anchor kate snow is off today and "nbc news daily" starts right now. ♪♪ >> it's friday, december 29th, 2023. take off trouble. millions are traveling for the
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final weekend of 2023, but airlines are struggling to keep up. what's driving the delays and what you need to know if you are flying. it's the final countdown, 2024 is almost here, folks. final touches are being put on celebrations around the country. what law enforcement is doing to make sure we all stay safe. ozempic, an urgent warning from health officials about counterfeit versions of popular weight loss drugs. we will show you how to spot the fakes. and the year that was from political bombshells to breathtaking space launches and everything in between, we'll take a look back at the biggest stories we covered in 2023. thank you so much for ending your week with us, and your year with us, we're going to start this hour with a countdown to 2024. people across the country are making final preparations for the big night, now just two days away. anticipation is building big time for the ball drop right here in new york city. police departments across the country also stepping up security to make sure everyone stays safe as they ring in the new year. heightened tensions and planned protests over the israel-hamas
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war have law enforcement across the country on high alert. leading us off this hour nbc news correspondent antonia hilton in times square. thank you for braving the crowds for us, my friend. can you talk about the excitement for the party there in times square where you are on sunday, what can people expect? >> reporter: well, zinhle, we are still a couple days away but the party has already started, people having dancing all day here in times square and there are a lot of young families here, kids that have been out and about, doing activities, eating lunch, you know, all the fun things that people come from all over the world to celebrate here in new york every single year and so all of the security concerns they are not really on people's minds right now. they are excited to be here, they feel really safe. you might be able to see behind me, too, there are some barricades, some fences that are already up and just starting to get ready for the festivities, but people are wearing their hats, wearing funky sparkly clothes and are ready to have a good time. i think they can't wait until
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sunday at this point. >> i think we are all ready to ring in the new year. what are we hearing from police in new york and around the country about what they're watching for in the coming base when it comes to security? >> reporter: there are a couple things they're watching for. we actually just got an update minutes ago out of a presser here in new york. there's two issues, two factors here, the first is the likelihood of protests. there have been hundreds of protests here in new york city since the start of the war back in october and so the likelihood people will try to do an action, some kind of statement is very high given that a million people will be here celebrating. then there is the other factor which is the possibility of lone wolf or lone actor violence, a single individual doing something that's a little harder for law enforcement to anticipate so there's going to be drones, there will be helicopters, there are going to be boats out on the water, an unusual number of officers both in uniform and plain clothes, people who ride on public transportation will be wanded. the experience in new york city
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will be a little different. even when i talked to everyone here about all that they say they're still ready to party. take a listen. >> no, i'm not worried. >> the police are all happy to help. it's all good. >> we feel very safe. in fact, we are all jewish and so -- and we support israel and we were a little concerned about coming here and what we've been seeing on the television, but i have not seen any of that going on. >> reporter: and so the real message right now, zinhle, is that people who are planning to come out in new york, but honestly in big cities around the country, use common sense, don't carry big bags and backpacks, you can't have umbrellas at these gatherings that hide your face. you want to carry your cash and what you need in your pockets and try to travel light so you can move quickly, celebrate and have a good time and stay safe. >> travel light. we are all hoping to enter the new year a little lighter. thank you so much. if you are heading to your new year's destination today prepare to wait. the tsa is predicting one of the
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busiest days of the year. one year ago today was the busiest travel day of 2022 with nearly 2.4 million people screened. today the tsa is expecting more than 2.5 million screenings. it might not be better driving. triple amount saying between 2:00 and 8:00 p.m. is the worst time to hit the road. meteorologist michelle grossman will have the travel forecast in a moment but let's start with adrienne broaddus as chicago's o'hare airport. you've been reporting a lot during this travel rush. what are you hearing from people today? >> reporter: travelers we heard from today so far say it's better that be expected, but there still was some apprehension. >> i was a little scared because the last time i traveled several weeks ago my flight was delayed, so i was a little nervous about that. >> we had some travel delays this summer, we went to
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switzerland over the summer so it was delayed, yeah. >> and this time around what are you hoping for? >> smooth travels and lots of snow. >> reporter: so that family wants smooth travel and they want snow because they're going skiing. other folks are hoping the weather does not get in the way. as far as smooth travel, not too turbulent here at chicago o'hare international airport when we look at this through a micro lens, however, let's zoom in a little closer and take a look at the delays over the last 24 hours here. at least 233 flights delayed at o'hare, we are talking about inbound and outbound, and at midway 57 delays and that is according to chicago's department of aviation. and when you take a look at o'hare and midway, the department of aviation estimates at least 3.4 million travelers will pass through as we round out this holiday rush. zinhle? >> busy day and hoping people of
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course pack their patience. adrian, thank you. michelle, i want to bring you in because the west coast is being pounded by dangerous waves and high surf. i want us to take a look at some pretty dramatic video from ventura, california, a huge wave, you can see it there, slammed into a sea wall sending people running down a street, a truck got pushed around by the water. at least eight people were hurt. michelle, is that kind of water event normal and what are we expecting today and heading into the final weekend of the year? it was pretty disturbing images there. >> it really is. i think as human beings we want to go up there and see the waves, but that is something you should not do today. we are looking at really dangerous waves today, also tomorrow. this is a really rare event but still we had high surf advisories in place. water is unpredictable, it's very powerful, can sweep you out to sea quickly. you have to take these alerts and stay away from the coast. we're looking at flooding, looking at damage as we go throughout the next couple days. it's from a storm system that's well off the coast.
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today we're getting a lit of a break but still seeing waves at 25, 20 feet as opposed to 40 feet yesterday. this is a dangerous situation and something you want to avoid. for the rest of the country we're looking mild in the northern plains, sunny and cool in the southern plains. really quiet in the middle of the country. it's the west coast we're focused on with heavy rain in addition to the high surf. we do see one, two, three, even four inches of rain in some spots mainly through northern and central california and heavy snow through the sierra nevada mountains, up to a foot in some spots. throughout the east and midwest, also parts of new england we're looking at some snow falling in northern maine, with he could see a few inches tonight into tomorrow and snowshowers will reach the tennessee valley tonight, even northern parts of georgia and alabama. tomorrow another quiet day, snowshowers throughout the interior parts of the northeast and new england, some through the upper midwest, the great
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lakes, also wind, rain and snow. another messy day in portion fs of the west. some delays at the san francisco airport, we will most likely see them throughout the weekend. as we look at new year's eve another quiet day. in times square looking at temperatures in the upper 30s, windchills in the low 30s. not too bad for this time of year and dry conditions as well. >> good news for all those people waiting to see the ball drop. michelle and adrian, thank you for a great year. the state of maine is now the second state barring former president donald trump for the 2024 presidential primary ballot. maine's secretary of state who is in charge of state elections made the ruling citing trump's involvement in the january 6th insurrection, but here is the distinction, the secretary of state says the ballot decision will not be enforced until the courts weigh in. trump's campaign spokesperson blasting the ruling, vowing to challenge it in court. this echos what we saw in colorado just last week, but the key difference is just one official in maine made this decision, in colorado four of the seven justices made this
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ruling. nbc news campaign embed emma barnett is in kitering, maine, for us. this is obviously monumental decision for one person to make on their own. how is the secretary of state justifying is now? >> reporter: zinhle, yeah, it's pretty huge and it all comes down to section 3, amendment 14 of the constitution. which basically says that if someone incites an insurrection, they are not eligible to run for public office. so that's the argument that maine's secretary of state is making. she is pointing to the actions that trump took on january 6 and saying that that makes him ineligible to run for office. i want to read you a quick snippet from the decision. she said, i do not reach this conclusion lightly. i am mindful that no secretary of state has ever deprived a presidential candidate of ballot access based on section 3 of the 14th amendment. i am also mindful, however, that no presidential candidate has ever before engaged in an insurrection. i want to zoom out for a second,
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zinhle, and look at this from a federal perspective. former president trump is facing a federal case and part of that case is about january 6. now, he has not been convicted, but he has been charged. so when states are looking at this conundrum with section 3, amendment 14 there is no precedent yet to go off of that. zinhle? >> and, emma, i know you've been covering the republican candidates vying for this 2024 nomination. how are trump's gop opponents reacting to this maine decision? >> reporter: it's a great question, zinhle, and you may be surprised to hear that a lot of them actually think that he should be on the ballot. and i just want to tell you a little bit about what each one of them had to say. desantis is calling this a pandora's box. haley when we asked her campaign what she thought about it they referred us to her comments on what happened in colorado last week and said that we should ultimately be letting the people decide. corner chris christie who is one of mr. trump's harshest critics
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says that it should also be up to voters in the ballot box and not be dealt with this way. and finally ramaswamy has taken it a step sturt further than his competitors and said that he would remove his name from the ballot if trump's name is not on the ballot and he encourages all of his competitors to do the same. zinhle? >> we will hear what the voters say in 2024. emma barnett, thank you so much. time for today's cnbc money minute. a popular blender gets recalled over safety issues and microsoft's new laptops will feature artificial intelligence under the hood. cnbc's steve kovac joyce me now. >> boeing is encouraging airlines to inspect 737 max planes due to a possible loose bolt in the rudder control system. not good. the inspections are estimated to take two hours per plane. boeing said all new 737 maxes must undergo the check before given to customers. this is the latest quality issue for boeing's best selling jetliner. and blend jet is recalling
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nearly 5 million portable blenders over laceration and fire concerns. federal regulators say there have been dozens of reports of injuries. it warns that the blend jet 2 portable blenders can overheat and cause fire and blender blades can break off during use. and microsoft is preparing to undergrade surface laptops with artificial intelligence features. the upcoming surface pro 10 and laptop 6 will come with a next generation neuro processing unit and will be designed to run the features microsoft is packaing including a keyboard button dedicated to the co-pilot assistant. happy new year and great to see you. >> it's been a great year. i feel like we said artificial intelligence so many times. >> too many times. >> too many times. we will see -- >> no more in '24. it's over. >> time will tell. steve, thank you. coming up, the new warning about counterfeit versions of ozempic and wildly popular weight loss drugs.
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what you need to know to protect yourself. plus talk about a rough landing. see that there? what caused this very bumpy touchdown at a major airport. touchdown at a major airport. will tell we i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant.
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done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. depend keeps you drier than ever... so you can say yes to more than ever. yes. yes. yes. no. depend, the only thing stronger than us, is you. israel says it's expanding its counteroffensive in the southern city of khan yunis. in hamas run health ministry says 20 palestinians died in this air strike. nbc news cannot independently verify this number.
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those who did survive urgently dug through rubble with their bare hands looking for anyone still alive. they pulled out gl alive and then rushed to the hospital. nbc news correspondent jay gray is in tel aviv, israel, for us. jay, this war has been difficult this year, i think to say the very least, earlier this week israel told civilians to leave central gaza and head south. so what's the latest on israel's defensive in southern gaza? >> reporter: yeah, and, look, i think and we've heard from several sources on the ground there that some of the fighting over the last couple of days has been as intense as we've seen throughout the entirety of this war. we know on the ground it's all taking place right now in densely populated urban areas, chaos and panic for those that are trying to escape those areas right now. and it's hampered by the fact that communications have been down. no cellphone service, no internet. we know from the idf that they are -- and i'm quoting them
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here -- carrying out major operations for a prolonged period until all our targets are met. you talked about the air strikes to the north, as many as 20 dead according to the hamas-run palestinian health ministry. we also know in the northern part of gaza, the idf says they've uncovered a tunnel with much of an operations center inside. they discovered that tunnel and eliminated it according to hamas and they continued to work through other tunnel networks in gaza. >> and, jay, of course, there are concerns that this war could expand regionally. the syrian observatory for human rights said israel struck targets in syria, adding it struck down israeli missiles. what does this and the increasing attacks from hezbollah in lebanon say about where this war is heading? >> reporter: yeah, look, there's growing concern not only here in israel but globally that this could become a second front in this war. in the last two days the idf
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says they've carried out widespread strikes using fighter jets, tanks and heavy artillery targeting hamas areas, rocket launchers and command and control centers and trying to push back some of those hezbollah fighters from the border. >> thanks for all of your reporting. in tel aviv, we appreciate it. >> thanks. in today's daily health an important warning involving ozempic. health officials are warning about fake versions of the weight loss drug as well as others. stephanie gosk shows us how to spot counterfeits. >> reporter: demand for diabetes and weight loss medications like ozempic and wegovy exploded this year, many posting progress on social media. >> i'm down 60 whole pounds. >> reporter: 2024 is set to be no different as more and more people embrace the dramatically successful medications to shed pounds including oprah. partnership for safe medicines
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confirms to nba news that fake versions of this class of drugs have been discovered in over a dozen countries, including the u.s. last week the fda together with the makers of ozempic, novo nordisk announced counterfeit versions of the diabetes drug made it into the u.s. market releasing the batch codes to the tub public. according to the company the needles inside the boxes were also counterfeit and posed a potential risk of infection. so far there have been no serious side effects from the fakes. the fda warns that counterfeits could still be in the supply chain. >> how are people supposed to be able to tell the difference. >> it's very hard to tell the difference if you are accessing the product from a place that's not legitimate like an online pharmacy that's the biggest risk. >> reporter: experts say counterfeiters are stepping in to fill a void. according to the fda the active ingredient has been in short supply since march of 2022.
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>> we have a global supply chain and a lot of sometimes when these products are in high demand there are counterfeiters who want to make money off of them. >> reporter: stephanie gosk, nbc news. coming up, how do you define a year like 2023? we're going to look back at what made this year one for the books. you're watching "nbc news daily" and of course you should keep watching us streaming free right here on our streaming network nbc news now. watch us wherever you stream life on all of our places you see on your screen. don't go anywhere. the news con
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this is "the fast forward" on "nbc news daily." we are continuing to follow that news that broke about an hour ago. an oakland police officer fatally shot while in the line of duty. the gunfire rang out between 4:30 and 5:00 this morning. we got video of a white toyota truck that crashed into a parked vehicle. it appeared to have several bullet holes in it. the windows were shattered. there's evidence tags across the street. a man sleeping in his boat says he was woken up by the gunshots. >> i just -- i heard maybe five shots, something like that. maybe more. that's what i remember.
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suddenly, i heard the helicopter. >> the officer was rushed to the hospital and did undergo emergency surgery. unfortunately, the officer did not survive. outside the hospital, police from all surrounding departments set up for a procession for the fallen officer. they will hold a news conference at 1:00 this afternoon to give more details. here are other stories you need to know about. the lovely lights on the bay bridge could be turning back on soon. police in san francisco are looking for the driver in a hit and run that left a city worker injured. first, staying on the topic of the opd. it's back to square one for the city of oakland in their search for a new chief of police. oakland has been without a permanent police chief for nearly a year. the commission just presented the mayor with a list of possible candidates. she rejected them entirely. last night the commissioners appeared at a special meeting to announce they will restart the entire process.
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recruitment will reopen in january. a new list will be presented to the mayor by march 1st. sfpd is searching for the driver in a hit and run that left a city worker in the hospital. it happened around 4:00 yesterday afternoon. officers noticed a car wanted in connection with a crime, but before they could pull that vehicle over, it sped off. that's when it hit the city worker. who is expected to be okay. the lights on the bay bridge are close to switching back on. they were shut off earlier this year because the non-profit illuminate didn't have the funds for repairs. they began crowdfunding and soliciting private donations to get the money. reports now say illuminate is 90% of the way to their goal. once that is reached, it will be about eight to ten months before the lights are back on. the rain is bag upon us with a vengeance.
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kari hall has an hour by hour breakdown of how this storm will move throughout the bay. >> the storm is moving back into the bay area. a new storm moving in. also packing a bigger punch. ahead of that, we will see milder temperatures. we are looking at that rain to start to move in as we go into this afternoon. in fact, as we take it hour by hour, some of the heavier rain moving into the north bay around 3:00 to 4:00, approaching san francisco and into the east bay in time for the evening commute. just getting more intense as we go into 8:00 to 9:00 for parts of the south bay. getting a little bit lighter for parts of the north bay, but we are monitoring for the possibility of thunderstorms. saturday, we will dry out. a nice start to the new year. a look at that in the seven day forecast coming up in 30 minutes. >> thanks. closing us out with welcome news for 49ers fans ahead of a pivotal matchup this weekend. brock purdy is good to go. you remember he was knocked out
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of the baltimore ravens game on christmas day by hard hit. the announcement came out today, the medical staff cleared purdy to play. the niners need their mvp candidate to help take care of the commanders. that game kicks off at 10:00 a.m. on new year's eve. here are some events you can check out. we are talking about the annual san francisco fireworks at 11:59 on new year's eve. and, of course, the ball dropping at the children's discovery museum at noon. as we told you about earlier, we will bring you the latest on what happened with that officer involved shooting that unfortunately killed an oakland police officer. we will get word from officials at the oakland police department as well as the mayor. that, of course, beginning at 1:00 p.m. follow us online at
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and learn how abbvie can help you save. bottom of the hour now. here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." in los angeles a family plans to sue the l.a. county and sheriffs department over the fatal shooting of a black woman. the family says she was killed earlier this month in front of her daughter after calling 911 to report domestic violence. the sheriff's department says
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she was holding a knife and threatening her estranged boyfriend when they arrived, which the family disputes. i spoke with the attorney for the family about their planned $300 million suit. >> that's why we're bringing this civil rights case to protect women all over the world that are victims and to let them feel safe that when they do call for help they're not going to wind up becoming victims, targets and dead. >> the department says it's reviewing the incident and plans to release body camera footage soon. rescue teams in ukraine are sifting through rubble and searching for survivors after russia launched a massive missile barrage overnight. at least 30 people were killed and mother than 130 injured across ukraine. ukraine dwran president volodymyr zelenskyy says most of the more than 100 missiles were shot down, those that did make it through hit schools, hospitals and residential buildings. ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. stop it. >> they're sticking the landing and then there's that, an
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aviation enthusiast captured this american airlines jet struggling to get on the ground at london's heathrow airport wednesday. the plane drifted, dipped and bounced around as it ditched down, all due to gusty winds from a storm. thankfully no one on board was said to be hurt. well, it's the final weekday of 2023 and what a year it has been, folks. the news has been dominated by war in the middle east, a house speaker's ouster, a former president's legal battles and a hunt for a missing submersible. also the year of taylor swift, beyoncé and barbenheimer. >> reporter: how do you define a year like 2023. >> was it the year of the strike? or a year of the swift? did it offer a glimpse of the future with the rapid rise of artificial intelligence and the weight loss drug ozempic, or a
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blast from the past. >> hi, barbie. >> hi, ken. >> reporter: with the pink coated resurgence of a classic doll. was it the year a speaker was muted or simplyolitical prelude to 2024 and the campaign trail lined with pit stops and the courtroom. 2023 can be defined in so many ways. for much of the year it was a year headlined by war in the middle east. >> major breaking news tonight. war erupts in the middle east. a stunning surprise attack by palestinian militants. >> reporter: it started on october 7th, a day many now call israel's 9/11. a surprise attack hamas militants stormed into israeli towns and military bases. >> we were just all around me and they were going three by three and shooting. >> reporter: israel's foreign ministry says about 1,200 people were killed, more than 200 taken hostage, including young children. >> it's something that no parent
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can ever imagine to see a child in the hands of terrorists. >> reporter: israel's response was swift and relentless, but with thousands of palestinians killed and a humanitarian crisis growing, israel faced mounting criticism. those tensions seen on american streets and college campuses, with reports of both anti-semitism and islamaphobia spiking across the country. as the middle east war waged on, the one between ukraine and russia trudged on. ukraine's long awaited counteroffensive stalling and american support waning. just one of many issues highlighting america's stark divisions. in january it took 15 ballots. >> a speaker has not been elected. has not been elected. has not been elected. >> reporter: to elect kevin mccarthy as speaker, a position
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he held just nine months before he was ousted. >> i fought for what i believe in and i believe in this country of america. >> reporter: like a reality tv show, new contenders came and went. >> we're a ship that doesn't have a rudder. >> reporter: before louisiana's mike johnson got the gavel. >> the house will be in order. >> reporter: an election followed by an expulsion. scandal-plagued representative george santos became only the fird congressman since the civil war to be ejected from the chamber. but no controversy it seemed could shake the gop's support for former president donald trump who in april made history, too. >> it was a legal spectacle never seen before in america. the former president being fingerprinted and being charged with 34 felonies. >> reporter: mr. trump's appearance in a new york courtroom created a media circus that was repeated with indictments in florida, then washington, then georgia where he mugged for this shot.
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>> we did nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. >> reporter: he has pleaded not guilty to all charges while preserving a vast lead for his party's presidential nomination. >> donald trump is a lot different guy than he was in 2016. he owes it to you to be on this stage. >> reporter: leaving the rest of the field to squabble for seconds. >> do you want a leader from a different generation who will put this country first or do you want dick cheney in 3 inch heels? >> they're 5 inch heels and i don't wear them unless you can run in them. >> reporter: on the democratic side president joe biden announced his reelection bid in april. >> are you saying that you would be taking part in our upcoming election? >> i plan on running, al. >> reporter: while inflation dropped in 2023, so did the president's approval rating, hitting an all-time low. now voters are bracing for a potential 2020 rematch that's leaving many disenchanted.
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a wave of labor discontent swept the country in 2023, pushing unions to the picket line. the united auto workers went on strike against detroit's big three, eventually winning record pay hikes, while hollywood was effectively shut down with writers striking, then actors reaching deals with studios. >> the best day ever. >> it is the best day ever. >> reporter: amid the strikes the box office got a boost from an unlikely couple, barbie and oppenheimer. >> we are in a race against the nazis. >> reporter: both movies opened at the same time inspiring a cultural phenomenon dubbed barbenheimer. >> like the double features are legendary. >> reporter: now the films are hoping to follow in the footsteps of this year's big oscar winner ""everything everywhere all at once"." sci-fi flick won best picture
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and its star michelle yo became the first asian woman to win the academy award for best actress. there were firsts that were far less desirable in 2023, the united nations declared in late november this was virtually certain to be the planet's warmest year on record. a year with the most billion dollar disasters in u.s. history, including hurricane idalia. >> some wind gusts are starting to pound us. we actually just lost power right now. >> reporter: and a firestorm that ravaged the island of mau maui. >> local people are lost their house, their animals and it's devastating. >> reporter: the deadliest u.s. wildfire in more than a century with more than 100 people killed. gun violence plagued the country again with cities like lewiston, maine, joining the long list of communities linked to mass shootings. >> why would he do this? why in louiston, maine? >> reporter: 18 people were
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killed there, six were gunned down at a private elementary school in nashville, three children. >> how are our children still dying and why are we failing them? >> reporter: tragedy also reached the depths of the ocean. >> let's get right to the story the whole world is watching. the urgent search for a missing submersible. >> reporter: ocean gate's titan submersible vanished while on a sightseeing tour of the titanic's wreckage. a desperate search offered hope the five people could be rescued but crews found out an implosion killed everyone on the ill-fated voyage. in the sky the u.s. military shot down a chinese sky balloon flying over american air space heightening tensions between the two countries. the crisis at the border widened in 2023 with places like new york and chicago running out of room to house migrants who were bussed to their cities. in january protesters took to the streets following the death
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of tyre nichols. the 29-year-old black man was kicked and punched during a traffic stop in memphis, dying three days later. five police officers were fired and charged with state and federal crimes, one has since pleaded guilty, the others not guilty. in the courts the supreme court handed down a historic decision in june gutting a affirmative action effectively ending race-conscious college admissions. >> this is a disappointing decision. >> reporter: perhaps no court case generated more attention in 2023 than the drive of alex murdaugh, the disgraced attorney from south carolina accused of killing his wife and son, took the stand in his own defense. >> did you take this gun or any gun like it and blow your son's brains out? >> no. i did not. >> reporter: the jury deliberated three hours before finding murdaugh guilty.
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king charles iii was officially coronated in may. prince harry was there for the event, his wife meghan markle was notably not in a year when the royal rift between the couple and palace spared no one. harry's memoire and the south park parody. >> thanks for having us on the show. >> reporter: for many the year 2023 was the one we lost a friend. >> hi, it's chandler. >> reporter: actor matthew perry died in october at the age of 54. ♪♪ >> reporter: the music world said good-bye to an icon, tina turner ♪ ♪ wasting away again in margaritaville ♪♪ >> and the mayor of margaritaville jimmy buffett. tributes poured in for trail blazing women in politics. senator dine feinstein, the first female court justice sandra day o'connor and former first lady rosalynn carter.
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♪ i don't know what you're waiting for ♪♪ >> reporter: it was a huge year for women in entertainment. stadiums were ruled by queen b, beyoncé, who also won a 32nd grammy. and by taylor swift who became a billionaire, time's person of the year. the artist even crossed over into football showing up at chiefs games to support her new beau travis kelce. speaking of sports, simone biles returned to gymnastics vaulting to her sixth world title, a come back on the mat matched by one on the field when did you have bow bills safety damar hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest and medics restarted his heart. >> this event was life-changing but it's not the end of my story. >> reporter: hamlin didn't just recover, he returned to the game he loves, a symbol of resilience and strength, that just might be
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- hi, i'm steve. - i'm lea. and we live in north pole, alaska. - as i got older, my hearing was not so good
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so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription. but the thing missing was my memory. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." - i observed the changes in steve's memory and i thought i should try that too. - after taking prevage, i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. in today's mental health check we all know that becoming physically strong requires good habits like going to the gym, but how about becoming mentally strong? especially in your relationship. building mental resilience together with your partner can lead to lots of benefits. joining me now to tell us why is amy moran a psychotherapist of
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author of "13 things mentally strong couples don't do." i should say i'm a fan of your book, i'm glad we get to chat. i want to start with the importance of mental strength. why is that significance and also why this this book do you focus on what not to do? >> so mental strength is the key to reaching our greatest potential. for couples especially it can bring out the best in you but also the best in your partner. for the book we surveyed people would mental strength help your relationship? 74% said yes and 86% of people said we want to strengthen our relationship. i focused on what not to do. as a therapist i had couples come into my office and say we have date nights but having good habits isn't enough. if you have bad habits alongside good habits your relationship will still struggle. >> in your book you point out mentally strong people don't
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ignore their problems. you can go on a date night but maybe you're not talking about anything. why is that significant? >> a lot of couples tend to say let's sweep this under the rug or it's easier if we don't address this. that's true in the moment but if you don't address those problems they grow bigger, that's why people grow resentful and struggle in their relationship over time. >> what should you do instead of that? >> first of all, define the problem. sometimes people are fighting about money but that's not really the problem, the problem might be that you have different priorities. you need to figure out what the problem is and thinking out what can be fixed and what can't. not every problem has a solution. how do we create a plan to tackle the problem together. >> another point in your book is that mentally strong people, couples specifically, are not afraid to set boundaries. with he talk about boundaries a lot on this show but what does that look like when you are a couple? how do you do that? >> a couple things, you want to have boundaries with your
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partner. you might say at work i can't text you back, don't expect a quick response. as a couple you need boundaries with the outside world. you might need to talk before you come over. or you might decide you're not going to loan money. it's about saying how do we make sure we're healthy without allowing people to intrude on our relationship. you also need a plan of how are you going to address bound tree violations, sometimes it's walking away. >> i imagine boundaries are important, you have your families, in-laws and friends. >> that's where it starts to get complicated. to have those conversations with your partner to talk about your expectations up front is really important. >> you talk about couples not using their emotions as weapons, what do you mean by that? >> sometimes people tend to raise their voice not just because they're angry but because they want to stop talk being a certain subject or somebody might start to cry for the same reason because it's a difficult subject, uncomfortable and their tears are about trying
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to end the conversation. >> so mentally strong people are mindful of that. what should you be doing instead? >> you just want to set emotional rules. is it okay to slam doors? is it okay to raise your voice? different families have different rules. be up front about what those rules are. and then talk about how do you take responsibility for your feelings. it's okay to feel angry but it isn't okay to raise your voice. when you set some of those rules things get clearer and couples tend to say we are more comfortable with these things. >> one of my favorite points is that mentally strong couples don't stop growing and changing which maybe surprises some people. talk to us about that one. >> it would be unrealistic to expect your partner to stay the same over 10, 20 years. with he want to fwre and change and inspire our partners to become the best versions off you are sefls. >> what should we do instead? >> look at your assumptions. you may think that my partner is trying to outgrow me or they're going to leave me behind. think about how you feel about
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that and then work on your own goals and address the domino effect. you might think i'm going to go to the jim in the morning that shouldn't affect my partner but it might because maybe you go to bed sooner and ultimately that does affect your relationship. >> helpful tips, especially as we're heading into the new year. thank you for your time. >> thanks for having me. >> thank you all for watching. we have a lot more news ahead, you're watching npd. "nbc news daily." . "nbc news daily." "nbc news daily."
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having triplets is... -amazing -expensive. so, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back with tide, and the clothes are clean again. do 3x the laundry and get a tide clean.
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it's got to be tide. this is "the fast forward" on "nbc news daily." let's catch you up on breaking news out of oakland. the city is mourning the loss of one of its own police officers who was shot and killed early this morning, less than two miles from the downtown. video just in here really just a few minutes ago show officials from across the bay area paying their respects as they line up for the procession just outside highland hospital where the officer was being treated. forces from san francisco, livermore, mountain view and others to honor the fallen officer. gunshots rang out at 5:00 a.m., just south of lake merin. we found a white toyota truck that appeared to have crashed into a parked vehicle.
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the truck was riddled with bullet holes. the windows were shattered. opd has announced the shooting happened during a burglary in progress to which the officer was responding. they were rushed to highland hospital and did undergo emergency surgery. the officer, unfortunately, did not survive. opd confirmed the suspect in the shooting is still on the loose. anyone with any information about what happened should contact police. opd is holding a news conference at 1:00 this afternoon and we will bring that to you live. you have two days left to figure out how you will be ringing in the new year. the question is, will rain be invited to this year's festivities? kari hall has the answer to that in our seven day forecast. >> we are getting ready for high winds, heavy rain and also the potential of some brief flooding in parts of the bay area later on tonight. we are going to see the rain linger into early saturday. if you have saturday evening
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plans, just expect it to be cool and windy as that rain tapers off. we are staying dry for the most part on sunday. a nice start to the new year before that cold air settles in. we will see another chance of rain in the middle of next week from tuesday into wednesday. a look at our seven day forecast for san francisco, also shows wet weather for today. it does look good if you plan to go there for the fireworks show. just bundle up. it's chilly to start out the new year.
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how will you be getting around to celebrate this new year's eve? we have a list of free transit options being offered. >> absolutely. safe and some free options. great. vta will their tradition of free bus service on new year's eve. this is for bus route 500 as well as light rail service for blue, green and orange lines, free from 8:00 p.m. on sunday
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new year's eve through 5:00 a.m. on monday, new year's day. same for ac transit for the east bay, trans bay and tempo lines. muni buses and trains are free that night. the muni metro turnstiles will remain open throughout the process. free service includes paratransit. it includes paratransit. that's through 3:00 a.m. cal train will offer trains to the fireworks. a final train out of san francisco south at 2:00 a.m. do not tap on with your clipper card after 8:00 p.m. or you will get charged for your free ride. understand? >> i got it.
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1:00 pm
i'm craig melvin. and this is dateline daytime on nbc. s beautiful. i thought he was the love of my life. we wanted them to find the real killer. i wanted all of this to be behind us. and go on happily ever after. craig melvin: single mom meets single dad.
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and in a single moment, it was love.


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