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tv   Today  NBC  January 6, 2024 5:00am-6:31am PST

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good morning. thanks for starting your weekend with us. a chunk of an alaska airlines plane breaking off mid flight. >> the passengers left staring into the night's sky. all caught on camera.
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it's january 6th and this is "today." breaking overnight. mid-air scare. >> yes, we are depressurized. we need to return back. we have 173 passengers. >> alaska airlines flight forced to make an emergency landing shortly after takeoff when a hole opened up in the plane's fuselage. the dramatic moments in the sky. alaska now grounding dozens of planes. on the move. more than 40 million americans preparing for the first major winter storm this season along the east coast. we're tracking that storm's every move. supreme decision. the highest court set to decide the eligibility to be on the 2024 ballot after colorado banned mr. trump. it comes as the country marks the third anniversary of the january 6th attack and president biden warns mr. trump is a threat to democracy. media blitz.
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gypsy rose released from prison, speaking out about the hands of the woman who was supposed to protect her. >> i don't know how far back she was doing this to me. >> what she's planning to do next now she's a free woman. all that and going for gold. awards season kicks off this weekend with the golden globes tomorrow night in hollywood. >> hi, barbie. >> will "barbie" and "oppenheimer" take the show? and could taylor swift and travis kelce take the red carpet? and we will be talking about all it january 6th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with peter alexander and laura jarrett. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza.
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welcome to "today." thank you for joining us on this saturday morning. ours first saturday morning of the new year. belated happy new year. >> are we still saying that? larry david says it's over. it's done. >> we moved on. it will be a good weekend to hunker down along the east coast. many people seeing the first measurable amount of snow for the first time in nearly two years. angie is tracking that for us. she will let us know how much to expect and when to expect it to begin. today marks the third anniversary of the january 6th riot at the capitol. one of the country's darkest days as the supreme court announces it will take up a major case of the insurrection and whether the former president is eligible to run in light of his actions that day after colorado tried to kick him off the state's ballot. we start with the top story. the breaking news overnight. alaska airlines flight forced to
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make an emergency landing after a gaping hole opened up in the jetliner right in the middle of the flight. nbc's priscilla thompson is watching the story. she has the latest on it. priscilla, how did this happen? >> reporter: peter, good morning. the faa and the ntsb are investigating that after what appears to have been a pressure issue leading to scary moments on board that alaska airlines flight. you see it appears an entire side panel was blown off the plane mid air leaving a gaping hole on the side of the plane. one passenger described it as about the size of a refrigerator. i want to play for you some of the call to air traffic control from on board that plane. take a listen. >> we are justdepressurized. we do need to return back. we have 173 passengers.
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>> reporter: as you can hear, some very scary moments. you see the oxygen masks deployed across the plane and also that wind that was just rushing inside. all of this happened just minutes after takeoff on that plane bound from portland, oregon to ontario, california. thankfully there were no serious injuries. there were some personal items that were lost after sucked out of the plane. as for what happens now, alaska airlines is grounding all of the boeing 737 max 9planes until they have a full opportunity to do maintenance and safety inspections which should be completed within a few days. peter. >> hard to imagine people recording that. priscilla thompson, thank you. now to the major winter storm making its way up the east coast today. it could bring heavy snow to some places in the northeast. the first time in years.
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angie will have the forecast in a moment. let's begin with nbc's parra in atlanta. marissa, good morning. >> reporter: laura, good morning. the storm is bringing light rain to atlanta right now. this system brought rain to texas. you see flooded streets. cars driving through flooded streets in galveston. this is already caused serious problems on the roads in places like winslow, arkansas. you can see roads covered in a sheet of ice with semi trucks and cars stuck. snow blanketing places like kansas as the storm moves through the middle of the country. now states in the northeast, well, it is your turn. we see familiar sights in new jersey and virginia and new york and massachusetts as snow plows are on standby. people are stocking up and salted roads and sand bags atted
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ready. back out her live. laura and peter, millions are in the path of the winter storm. good time to dust the rust off the snow shovels and get your favorite movies ready. maybe we didn't have a white christmas, but you will have a snowed in weekend. >> something the kids can look forward to. you have to dig out of the snow. >> no doubt. i want to bring in angie lassman with a better look at the storm. this is a huge swath. these are the people we are looking to be impacted, guys. good morning. we have the winter alerts up for 43 million people. they extend from the interior mid-atlantic up to new england. that system is on the move. right now, snow is draped across the great lakes and into the ohio valley and rain, heavy rain, through the southeast. the good news is the rain will taper off here as we go through the day today. we see this system lifting into the northeast and mid-atlantic and becoming really impactful
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for folks in the new england area as well as we get through sunday. there is the heavy snow and ice. we see potential for strong winds. that makes travel difficult with the additional snowfall with the heavy snow bands setting up across the portions of new england and dumping snow for folks there. we are still dealing with snowshowers and we will see the slick travel for sunday plans as well. the totals, i know that's what you want to see, as far as rain, maybe up to 1 inch in spots. localized flooding. as far as the snow totals are concerned, if you live north or west of i-95, you will see significant numbers. albany and hartford and boston could see significant snow. up to 1 foot in spots. if it you live in new york, it will start as snow in the afternoon hours with 1 inch. you will see that transition into cold rain. any accumulation we do see will be washed away by rain.
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philadelphia and washington, d.c. will continue their snow drought that we have been seeing for a couple of years now. the poconos and upstate new york, that is where the significant snowfall will be and that's likely where you will be shoveling out. don't forget about the ice accumulation. power outages are possible across the mid-atlantic. something to watch for today. >> the black ice can be dangerous. angie, thank you. to major news breaking this weekend. the u.s. supreme court agreeing to decide if former president trump should be kicked off the 2024 ballot in colorado today. today is the three-year anniversary of the attack on the capitol that led colorado to make that move. we he will have the story covered from all angles begins with allie raffa. >> reporter: laura, good morning. the supreme court with the
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majority after former president trump's three appointments will hear oral arguments on february 8th. less than a month before super tuesday in more than a dozen states, including colorado, which is barring the frontrunner from appearing on the ballot because of his actions on january 6th. the high court is set to a apply to all 50 states. this comes hours after president biden's first campaign event of the year near valley forge, pennsylvania, ahead of the three-year anniversary on the capitol. the president using the anniversary to begin his fiercest attacks yet and warning of the second presidency. he called his predecessor sick and a loser. arguing trump and his movement are an existential threat to
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democracy. >> trump's not concerned about your future, i promise you. trump is now promiing a full-scale campaign of revenge and retribution. he went on to say he would be a dictator a day one. >> reporter: the president's message, while pointed, still leaving some questioning if it is enough to motivate voters in november. >> allie, thank you. nine days to go until iowa's first caucus. former president trump and republican rivals campaigning across the state. the former president weighing in on the supreme court decision to take up the colorado ballot case and again defending his supporters who stormed the capitol on this day three years ago. nbc's dasha burns is in clear lake this morning.
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>> reporter: peter, good morning. former president trump also addressed january 6th during the campaign stop in iowa. he didn't spend too much time responding to president biden's speech. he continued the false claims that the election was rigged. he called the supporters that attacked the capitol hostages. he responded in real-time to the supreme court taking up the case in colorado. he claimed that republican judges that he, himself, appointed might try to go out of their way to rule against him to say they are fair and unbias. he said he picked three isn't that right people. mr. trump has made legal troubles central to the political strategy and fund raising off court cases. these come as he and his opponents are making closing arguments to iowa voters. mr. trump hoping for a record victory and his rivals hoping
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for a surprise upset. all of them fanned out across the state today. >> dasha, you are in the final days in iowa. you sat down with several of the candidates, including nikki haley. what is she saying? >> reporter: in her interview, former ambassador nikki haley argued she has a path to victory with a strong showing in iowa and new hampshire where she has made gains on mr. trump. she criticized the chaos that surrounds the former president. when it comes to his felony charges, here's what she said. >> i don't worry about it. for me, i want to beat him fair and square. i'm not looking for him to fall in a court case or thrown off the ballot. i want to beat him because i don't think he's the right person to go forward. >> reporter: she also defended her conservative credentials as polling has shown iowa voters
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see her as too moderate. she said she would go further on issues like immigration than trump did. saying he didn't do enough on the border. laura. you know, peter, i got to nerd out with you for a second because it strikes me how fast the supreme court on this ballot issue is moving. the former president filed his brief on wednesday by friday they have already granted the case now, this is not a body that ever moves fast. they move very, very slowly. to have them do this i think shows the urgency and suggests they might make a decision before the primary >> and they recognize the political realities here >> they recognize obviously they are knee deep in one of the pivotal issues, did, in fact, he commit an insurrection on that day. look for them to take an off ramp if they want to, they don't have to decide that issue there's like ten threshold issues they could decide and they don't have to reach the thorny one about the insurrection >> simple terms for americans
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right now. it is not just about the primary ballot but could impact the general election, right? >> across all 50 states, a decision that could impact them all. >> we are glad you are here to help us understand we want to move to overseas. antony blinken is crisscrossing in the days ahead trying to prevent the war in gaza turning into a wider regional conflict nbc's josh lederman is in tel aviv with the latest josh, good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, peter. secretary blinken has arrived in the middle east on this frenetic tour of the region, eight countries in a week including a stop in israel right now he is meeting in turkey with president erdogan who the u.s. hopes will persuade iran and its proxies not to escalate this into a regional war. the state department says blinken will have touch conversations with israel's government about gaza's future after the war. the israeli military released a plan saying that idf will control security but palestinians will govern
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themselves it is light on details including a new task force israel wants the u.s. to oversee gaza's reconstruction aid to gaza has been stalled and the u.n. warns gaza's children are suffering more than ever nine in ten kids under the age of 2 now face severe food poverty. one father in gaza told nbc news he tried and failed for three days to find a can of milk, and so he is now feeding his baby warm water instead but israel is signaling this war will continue for a month. a military spokesman telling nbc so far israel has killed or captured about 8,000 hamas fighters since the start of the war, but that is just a third or even less of the some 30,000 fighters israel believes hamas had when the war started, peter. >> josh lederman with the latest from israel again. josh, thank you. now to this. one person is dead after a tour bus crash on a highway in upstate new york on friday police say the bus rolled over
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in the resort town of lake george while traveling from montreal to new york city. officials say there were 23 people on board. the bus operated by skyway coach lines. 13 were taken to local hospitals with injuries. the cause of that crash is being investigated a former colorado police officer was sentenced to 14 months in jail in the 2019 death of elijah mcclain. randy rodomo was among the three officers charged in the case but the only one found guilty of criminal negligent homicide and third degree assault police stopped the young black man, elijah mclean, in the denver suburb while he was walking home wearing a ski mask. mclean had a medical condition his family said made his cold. a 911 caller had reported that he looked suspicious he was taken down and administered a fatal dose of the sedative ketamine. his death received new attention after george floyd was murdered by minneapolis police in 2020.
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all right. angie is back with a quick look at the rest of the country's forecast hey, angie >> hey, guys we have the winter storm we are tracking across the east, but look out west. we have a storm system potentially more impactful across the country over the next couple of days as you notice, we have good snowfall amounts out west, parts of the cascades, the sierras will pick up impressive amounts, great for skiers, and even the rockies. next week that system will impact us across the country meanwhile, nice conditions for mid section of the country, a couple of snow showers across the midwest and that wintry mess will be a headache for travel for ride and air
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and that's the look at the forecast. are you guys disappointed we're not getting snow in new york or are you happy? >> we didn't break out the sled one time last year. i'm ready for snow. >> i live in d.c. you can have all of the snow you like. thanks, angie. still to come, dana griffin has the latest on the gypsy rose media tour on what her life used to be like. >> she is the new social media "it" girl with the huge following after the release from prison a week ago and multiple true cri projects about hmeer
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we are back here on saturday morning with "the weekly download." our look at the other big stories. >> joe is here with that. >> good to see you. among the headlines, a terrifying scene after the deadly plane collision in japan. a fiery scene on the runway in japan when the japan airlines plane collided with the smaller coast guard plane. all 379 passengers and crew members escaped on the jetliner, but five of six crew members on the coast guard plane were killed. the coast guard plane was due to deliver aid to japan's west coast which was devastated by the earthquake.
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>> hundreds of documents were made public in the jeffrey epstein case. trump or clinton were named and both deny wrongdoing. >> the president of harvard university, claudine gay, stepped down amid heavy pressure after the hearing of anti-semitism on capitol hill. >> dr. gay, does this call for the bullying? >> it can be depending on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. the answer is yes. >> gay wrote "the new york times" op-ed saying i made mistakes in how she handled anti-semitism on campus. >> in nevada, a felon about to be sentenced for a violent crime
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attacked the judge. court officials jumped to the judge's rescue. she was not seriously hurt. an nbc affiliate reports that the court marshall was treated in the hospital, but expected to be okay. >> actor ian ziering was involved with a group of bikers in los angeles in the altercation. the bikers are scene kicking and pounding their helmets on his mercedes-benz after he got out of his car and shoved them. >> a three-year-old golden retriever had a rough start to the new year. leo was out for a hike with his owners in the oregon state park when he ran ahead and fell down the cliff. the coast guard was able to rescue him and lift him to safety. leo is now recovering with his pet parents. >> i always kind of do my skin
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care routine with the full hoodie on. >> and "saturday night live" star colin jost had fun showing off the skin care routine using products from his wife's company the outset. he did it inside the ladies' bathroom in the company office. >> this is a complete joy and pleasure. i hope to see you all in the bathroom regularly. >> the best part is his wife said go in the bathroom and make the video. >> he looks fantastic. look at his skin. >> that is good advertising. >> very good endorsement. >> colin jost. we're celebrating his skin. still to come on "today," getting your financial moves in order to save all year long. we remember david soul. we remember david soul. half of eth look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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we are back on saturday morning. january 6th, 2024. this is a live look at st. louis as we keep a close eye on the winter storm on the move this weekend. some of the suburbs there are getting about 3 inches over the course of the last 24 hours.
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that storm moving toward the east coast. angie will have all of the forecast in a few minutes. let's begin with a check of the headlines for this half hour. the u.s. supreme court on friday allowing idaho to enforce the strict abortion ban. that ban could prevent doctors from procedures. this is the second major abortion case the high court will decide this term after the conservative majority overturned roe v. wade back in 2022. it could limit the case of the widely abortion bill mifepristone. and wayne lapierre resigns as the head of the nra.
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the 74-year-old is facing a lawsuit in new york claiming he deferred millions of funds for personal use for private jets and trips to the bahamas for him and his family. lapierre's resignation takes effect at the end of the month. michael bolton is recovering from brian surgery which he had over the holidays. the grammy winner says the surgery was a success and he is recovering at home surrounded by the tremendous love and support of his family. also, gypsy rose, the woman released from prison after serving a decade behind bars for her role in the death of her mother is speaking out sharing revelations overnight in the docu series. dana griffin is here with more. >> laura, gypsy rose says she is enjoying her freedom and added
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prison was helpful in acclimating to the world. she is not looking for fame or fortune, but wants to be an advocate for others of abuse. some details may be disturbing. >> i did it the wrong way. >> reporter: this morning, gypsy rose enjoying her freedom. making media rounds and dropping new revelations during parts one and two of the six-hour lifetime series. >> people say you will need therapy the rest of the your life. i laugh it off. i do understand what they mean. it's going to take years to undo all of the psychological trauma. >> reporter: as a child, gypsy rose suffered medical abuse and unnecessary surgeries because her mom convinced the world and doctors that gypsy rose was sick. >> they don't know how far back she was doing this to me. >> reporter: her mom, deedee had
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munchauser disease. >> the anniversary of the crime is the hardest day of the year. i'm afraid of being judged for it. they will probably make a snarky comment like you killed her. she was my mom. i miss her. >> reporter: in 2015, gypsy rose made headlines for plotting her mother's stabbing death with her ex-boyfriend. pleading guilty to second-degree murder. gypsy rose spent eight and a half years in prison before released on parole last week. her ex-boyfriend is serving a life sentence. the public's fascinating with gypsy rose has exploded. >> this is my outfit of the day. >> reporter: with a cult following of 7 million on tiktok. that is her gracing the cover of "people" magazine. >> i thought she was beautiful. >> reporter: she married a special education teacher ryan anderson in prison. the 32-year-old is now thinking
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about a family of her own. >> we talked about starting a family. we don't know when at this point. our lives are hectic right now. >> reporter: gypsy rose is still adjusting to all of the attention adding she may want a 9:00 to 5:00 job one day. her focus is using her platform to combat child abuse. >> thank you, dana. i appreciate it. as a minnesotan, i'm trying to will the snow to new york city. >> me, too. >> my efforts may be fruitless, angie? >> try harder. i know a lot of people are disappointed. almost two years. if we get to february without significant snowfall in the major cities, we could talk two full years without 1 inch or more on a calendar day. we will have another storm system out west. it will move onshore and bring snow to the sierras and cascades.
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that situation will be the issue today. we look across the country with heavy rain and severe storm threat across the gulf coast. it will move farther east by tuesday. notice the midwest and great lakes that will pick up. we also will see the heavy rain and flood risk through the northeast. notice there is not a lot in the way of snow that joe and everybody else wants for parts of the northeast. we will pick up additional rain and we could see localized flooding and widespread flooding. as we get into wednesday, there is the lake-effect snow and the strong winds. that is something that will last through the middle of the week. we will have to watch for that. this is what i want you to pay attention to through the florida panhandle and lake charles and houston, you are included in that. that moves southeast as we get into
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5:36. yes, correct. very cold out there. start off in live per worth. 35 degrees this saturday morning pap few low 40s moving around the immediate east bay shoreline and 38 to start the company that santa rosa. under a frost warning and fog and visibility issues in the north bay down to less than a mile. rain on the way this saturday. time it out for you that's the look at your forecast. if you want to break out the sleds, you have to go to albany. >> if you want the sun, go to miami. just ahead, smart money moves you should make in the new moves you should make in the new year to make your money
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honey... honey... nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief
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with a dreamy honey taste. nyquil honey, the nighttime, sniffing, sneezing, couging, aching, fever, honey-licious, best sleep with a cold, medicine. [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night.
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[ting] ♪♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce. it's the sheet. we're back with "on the kic is time to put in place some good habits. >> whether you are looking to pay down debt or something else, we have you covered. >> we have christine romans with
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more. >> good morning. >> yesterday, the jobs report out. 36 straight months of job growth. 216,000 more jobs. unemployment steady at 3.7% right now. going into last year, the big concern was would we run into a brick wall with a recession? we avoided that right now. there are a lot of indicators, but people are feeling it. what is the outlook? >> it is impressive with the economy in 2023. if you look at every metric, inflation is coming down and the economy is still growing. the job market which hasn't cratered with the higher interest rates. as one expert told me, it is a "b plus" ending the year. we can't forecast next year. last year, everybody was wrong. we are beginning on solid footing. i would not say recession, but
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resilient. >> christine, we are coming off a lot of holiday spending. you hear more and more about credit card consolidation. >> about one-third of americans have credit card debts. more than $1,000 of credit card debt. at these record high interest rates for credit cards, you have to pay it off. 34% of americans have this debt. you need to handle it quickly. debt consolidation is something you could find with a 0% transfer card. what you need to do is make a plan and make sure the behaviors don't follow you into 2024. i'll quote my dad, good morning, dad, you have to keep your burn rate less than your earn rate. you have to make sure you are earning more money than you are spending. that simple and so hard especially with inflation and child care costs and education savings. sit down and make a plan. try to whittle out that debt. interest rates are too high on credit cards. >> always good advice from dad. what can go wrong with that?
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beyond debt, what are smart money moves? >> you need to be stashing away for retirement. time is your super power. the more time you are saving that money, the more it will grow and the better off down the road. there are new contribution limits to the 401(k) or retirement savings plan. you can go up to $2,300. if you are more than 50 years old, you have a catch up as you get closer to retirement. you can add another $7,500. the limit is 65. >> even if you can't reach that number, try to advance it. >> absolutely. look, you know, you have to make sure you are looking at what you are spending. i have been brutal this week. my kids are ready to kill me. we have two streaming services. we have starting to cut the
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expenses. >> two different accounts? >> yes. look at what your expenses are and find the little things. account for the big things. make a plan. you know, this is good. this is a good time of year. money is not scary. we can all -- >> you make it not scary. >> we're grateful. thank you. >> i appreciate you coming in. joe, you have a look at the joe, you have a look at the "popstart." she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu;
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serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. ♪♪ (laughing) nice smile, brad. nice! thanks? crest 3d white. 100% more stain removal. crest. new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped! i've lost 60 pounds and i can still enjoy all of the foods i love. small changes lead to big results. weightwatcher's new app features can make your weight loss journey easier, so all you gotta to do, is you. join weightwatchers today.
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time for "popstart." joe? >> we are remembering actor david soul. half of the tv duo "starsky & hutch." his wife said he died after a battle for life in the loving company of family. ♪♪ >> david soul was best known as detective ken hutchinson. known as hutch. >> shut up. >> the blonde half of the duo "starsky & hutch." he and his partner made a cameo in the remake. >> we watched the film sitting together. we kept punching together.
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say remember that? >> it was one of many roles for soul who shared the big screen with clint eastwood. he found success as a musician including "don't give up on us." ♪ don't give up on us ♪♪ >> he sang with a mask on performing as the covered man. ♪ that's why i hide my face ♪ ♪ because i'm a man ♪ ♪ who has to be free ♪♪ >> later the title of his autobiography. a mere footnote to the career best defined by the beloved partnership after nearly 50 years still endures. david soul was 80 years old. switching to the awards season. the golden globes are tomorrow night. the biggest night in hollywood. the award show is back in full force following the scandal and
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after the hollywood foreign press association was dissolved. the 2024 globes have revamped voting body. jo koy will host. presenters include will ferrell and oprah. two categories, including cinematic and box office achievement in motion picks are new this year. that means the queen of 2023, taylor swift, has a chance to walk away with new hardware for her eras tour film. no word if she will be at the golden globes tomorrow. her boyfriend, travis kelce will be in l.a. when his chiefs take on the chargers. emily, will she go to the game or go to the globes or both? >> i think she can do it all. >> it's meant to be. >> taylor in 2023 or now 2024. >> travis should show up with
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grass stains still on his pants. >> red carpet look. just like that. we'll see. billy joel announced he is going on the road with several stadium shows in 2024. he's going to bring friends along. stevie knicks and sting will headline with joel for a few select dates. nicks will take the stage in tampa. the tour dates come between the last few shows in madison square garden. it will end his historic 150 show residency at msg. >> that's a fun collaboration. will you go, joe? >> i may check it out. i make my decision the day of and get cheap tickets. still to come, the saturday morning boost and the doctor on the role skating his way into retirement. retirement. were back with that aaf look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient
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but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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still to come on "today," the credit card companies now using artificial intelligence to keep your money and information safe. and the dentist not just and the dentist not just making smiles the ball is out and there's a pile-up.
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-let's go! -get in the pile! ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide.
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always dry scoop before you run. the hot dog diet got me shredded! the world is full of "health experts"... it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with b vitamins to help convert food into fuel. science that matters. ♪♪ vicks vapostick provides soothing, non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors.
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, good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday january 6th. i'm kira klapper. there is more evidence showing that covid is surging again across the bay area, and experts are finding the evidence in our wastewater. especially in the south bay. holiday gatherings are partly to blame. santa clara public health leaders are concerned either people aren't taking the resurgence of covid seriously or just have covid fatigue. we found people acknowledging covid isn't top of mind any more. >> we have medicines now for covid i think and vaccines. long as we are keeping up with our vaccinations and we know that the hospitals are not getting overloaded, i think it's find. personal preference. >> overall in our county over
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90% of the population received just one dose of the vaccine. however, only 20 percent of our population received this most recent vaccine. >> even though the federal government is not paying as much for vaccines anymore, you can still get the shot. most bay area counties offer several ways to get a free vaccine. find those resources on our website, and as well on our nbc bay area app. turning now to the chilly forecast and cinthia pimentel. >> good morning, kira and everyone. under a frost advisory for parts of the north bay, parts of the east bay hills and down in parts of san jose down to gilroy until tomorrow morning. today is cold. tomorrow expected to be even cooler as we get this cold front coming in. bundle up and make sure you're taking the vape measures to keep everybody around you safe during the chilly temperatures. 37 in calistoga. 39 fairfield. lower to 35 in livermore and 43
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down here in san jose. also dealing with just a few patchy areas of fog up there in the north bay. just, yeah, areas there along the coastline. half moon bay and towards the sacramento valley. as far as our day goes today, a cold front moving down from the north as we go on into this afternoon, brief afternoon showers taking it throughout the day and clear for sunday plans. a few hours to deal with the wet weather. also talking about what's going on in the sierra. you do not want to go there. please, trust me. more rain and snow on the way for next week. kira? >> yeah. stay here with us. coming up at 7:00 this morning on "today in the bay," the 12 days of christmas of over today. it's three kings day known as the feast of epiphany for christians across the globe, and a growing number of customers expected to celebrate today at this bakery. all that and more coming up at 7:00 and cinthia's full
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breaking overnight. mid-air blowout. a hole ripped open in the fuselage of the forcing an emer
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land. >> we need to return. we have 173 passengers. >> the terrifying moments caught on camera as the airline grounds similar planes as they search for answers. here it comes. more than 40 million people along the east coast bracing for the first winter stor of the season with more than a foot of snow. angie is tracking it all. and beyond her smile. atlanta area dentist is working not only to brighten her patients teeth, but encourage young black women to follow her footsteps. >> why she made this her mission today, saturday, january 6th, 2024. >> we're from new jersey. >> we love the "today" show. >> we're the osborne family visiting new york city. >> good morning.
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we're brett and vanessa from new york. ♪♪ >> i'm margaret. >> we're from houston. >> we love the "today" show. >> we're from texas and it is our first time at the "today" show. >> we love the "today" show. good morning. welcome back to "today" on a fun saturday morning. we have a bunch of brave souls out there. it is cold. they are ready for snow. they look happy. the tree is still here. good crowd. the tree is here. we will see what happens. >> a wolverine fan out there. the championship game on monday night. >> close eye on that. first, let's get to today's news and the wild overnight news. a piece of the fuselage of the alaska airlines plane blowing out while in mid-air.
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we have priscilla thompson following this story for us. priscilla, do we know what happened here? >> reporter: laura, it appears it may have been a pressure issue. this is exactly what officials are figuring out with the faa and ntsb launching the investigation and what led to the scary moments on board the alaska airlines flight. the entire side panel was ripped off mid-air. you can see the gaping hole on the side of the plane. one passenger described it as about the size of a refrigerator. i want to play some of the call in to air traffic control from inside the plane. take a listen. >> we just depressurized. we need to come down to 10,000. >> we are emergency. we are depressurized. we need to return. we have 173 passengers.
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>> reporter: you can see the oxygen masks that were deployed throughout the plane and that wind just rushing in. all of this happened minutes after the flight took off from portland, oregon bound for ontario, california. thankfully no one was injured. there were some personal items which appeared to have been lost after being sucked out of the hole. as for this morning, alaska airlines is grounding all 737 max 9 fleet until inspection. laura. >> thank you, priscilla. tens of millions along the east coast are preparing for at. we have marissa parra in atlanta with the latest there. good morning, marissa. >> reporter: peter, good
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morning. the winter storm is on the move. it is bringing light rain to atlanta, where we are right now. here's a live look at st. louis. you can see how the storm is going to be impacting parts of the country differently, of course. you see a light snow making it on the streets there. that is something you will continue to see as the storm moves east. we have seen some serious problems on the roads in places like winslow, arkansas. you can see roads covered in a sheet of ice. if this is not a reminder to take it slow on the roads, then i don't know what is. semi trucks and cars stuck. you can see this is in kansas with snow blanketing other parts of the roads as the storm moves through the middle of the country. the states in the northeast, millions are preparing for that. we are seeing familiar sights in new jersey and virginia and new york and massachusetts as snow plows are on standby and people are stocking up. we have salted roads and sand bags at the ready.
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out here live, things are looking good. peter, if the reminder from arkansas, this is good to hunker down and get what you need. it is important to take it slow on the roads. it can get dangerous and slick. peter. >> good advice. reminder to be careful. marissa, thank you. let's bring in angie for a closer look of what we can expect and where. >> we have the winter alerts up. 40 million people impacted here going through the next couple days. this is through sunday. it stretching from the interior mid-atlantic to new england. whether you see the bright pink, that is the winter storm warning. that is where things are dangerous. the rain working through the southeast. a lot of the heavy rain in georgia and florida which will work offshore today. notice where you see the purple, that is freezing rain and sleet. you will see that mixed in there
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leaving ice ccumulation which marissa mentioned. notice the snow. it is stretching through the ohio valley and up into the great lakes. it will ramp up as we go through the rest of the day today and especially into tomorrow when it comes to the heavy snow bands. here is the situation through the day today. it moves into the mid-atlantic for the first half of the day. the second half of the day, if you are looking for the snow and rain for new york, that will happen into the later parts of the afternoon and evening hours and overnight into sunday. heavy snow across the new england area as we he get into the overnight. we will see windy conditions and the onshore winds. coastal flooding is on the table for us, too, the closer you get to the east coast. still cold across the northeast and new england and lingering snowshowers. here are the totals. this is what you want to see. albany could get up to 1 foot of snow. we will see significant snowfall in hartford and boston. 5 to 10 inches of snow there.
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new york, philadelphia and washington, d.c. are not quite as much. i think we will start in new york with snow and we quickly transition to the colder rain. all of that for folks looking for snow, will be washed away quickly as we get into sunday. back to you. >> angie, thank you. now to the major news that the supreme court will hear arguments about whether former president trump should be kicked off the 2024 ballot in colorado. today is the three-year anniversary of the january 6th attack on the capitol. mr. trump's actions that day led to the ruling. dasha burns is in iowa with more. dasha, good morning. >> reporter: laura, good morning. you know as well as anyone that this is a major development that could have wide reaching impact and the timing here is striking. the justices will review a decision from the colorado supreme court to bar mr. trump from the ballot there citing
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language in the 14th amendment that prevents those who engage in the insurrection from holding federal office. the high court will hear arguments on this on february8th, which is the same day as the nevada caucuses and less than a month from super tuesday with republican primaries in more than a dozen states, including colorado. the court has a conservative majority after mr. trump's three appointees. mr. trump responded in real-time to the news during a campaign stop in iowa. >> when you are a republican judge and you are appointed by let's say trump, they go out of their way to hurt you so they can show that they have been fair -- fair, honorable people. >> reporter: the former president has made his legal troubles central to his political strategy.
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riling up voter support and fund raising off the court cases. these developments come as he and his opponents are making closing arguments to voters. the former president gunning for a victory here. his rivals are hoping for an upset. all fanned out across the state today. laura. >> thank you, dasha. let's go to the saturday morning boost. >> the medical profession is hard work and long hours. sometimes workers might need to shake it off, in this case, skate it off. here is one doctor celebrating his three decades in the field with a little boogie through the dallas hospital. the 70-year-old is rolling into retirement after a long career. she posted the video on tiktok stating made it and freedom. you have to wonder if he does that treating patients.
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>> something says he hangs out on the roller ring during the weekends. >> i'll have what's having. >> we know what he will do in retirement. coming up next, how artificial intelligence is used to keep your money s tyafpe 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes.
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taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped! i've lost 60 pounds and i can still enjoy all of the foods i love. small changes lead to big results. weightwatcher's new app features can make your weight loss journey easier, so all you gotta to do, is you. join weightwatchers today. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ (speaker 1) louie... stop...
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(speaker 2) blue does have pretty good ingredients.l. (speaker 1) like what? (speaker 2) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 1) huh... (speaker 2) why, what's in beneful? (speaker 1) chicken, whole grain corn, chicken by-product meal, barley, whole grain wheat. okay louie! we'll switch to blue! always dry scoop before you run. the hot dog diet got me shredded! the world is full of "health experts"... it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with b vitamins to help convert food into fuel. science that matters. why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. because the way we care is anything but ordinary. ♪♪ we're back with "today owes
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consumer." we're going behind one of the biggest credit card companies. >> visa is going behind the scenes to see how artificial intelligence is helping you out. >> we have tom costello with more. >> reporter: the fron frontline is here in virginia. they monitor 76,000 transactions a second. facing off against fraudsters. >> these are not typical teenagers in the basement. these are well funded and well organized groups backed by criminal organizations. >> reporter: brandon received a legitimate text from visa warning of the $2,000 fraud charge. seconds later, a scammer called claiming to be from his bank and sending him a link he should click. when he did, the criminals reset his password. his real bank, navy federal,
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blocked the attempt. >> we were able to stop them from not only fraud on the credit card, but fraud toward my bank account. >> reporter: visa reports an 11% jump of fraud from october through december. $110 million every day with 60% of the fraud targeting ecommerce. when you use your visa card in the transaction, it comes through one of three data centers where they run for any sign of fraud. other banks run similar 24/7 operations sharing intel with each other and police. >> how much of your efforts depend on artificial intelligence? >> everything we do here is powered by artificial intelligence. it gives us the super power to analyze data to detect the fraud patterns. >> reporter: to avoid being scammed. experts say avoid swiping or use
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two-step aauthentication. never respond for password or credit card numbers. confirm web sites are legit. >> we fork over our sensitive information when we shouldn't. we click when we shouldn't. >> reporter: be aware of buy now before a good deal slips away. tom costello, nbc news, ashburn, virginia. >> never click that link. angie, what do you have here? >> unless it is a link to the forecast. we have a lot of information. especially with the week ahead, it will be active. we have the system we are watching across the east with the rain and snow and ice an accumulation on the table. we have another storm system from washington down through california and that's what we will watch as we get into next week to leave us impactful weather across the country with more rain and snow.
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how about today? the wintry mess and stormy conditions. the fair skies in the middle of the country with sunshine out west and southwest with good morning. it's 6:16. a look at cameras around the bay area. mostly clear except for areas of patchy fog. san francisco and the north bay waking up in 40s and 30s this morning. especially getting into the valleys. look at walnut creek. planner for today starts out of cloudy, chilly. topping off temperatures low 50s. rain moves in this afternoon. clearing out for the evening and into sunday. that's the look at the forecast. guys, a lot of people will be testing the snow blowers and shovels across new england in the next couple days. >> thanks, angie. still ahead, the dentist inspiring and empowering young ack women tobl
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we're back on saturday morning with the dentist on the mission. >> she noticed there were not a lot of dentists like her and she vowed to make a change. >> she is doing that with her practice and a non-profit she created as well. >> let's take a look. >> dr. manning is changing the world of dentistry one tooth at a time. >> i can think back to patients coming into the office and seeing a black female dentist for the first time. i meet people where they are. i talk to them on a level that maybe some other dentists may not understand. >> her practice, jlm dental is comprised of black women
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entirely. >> we have a love and passion for creating healthy smiles and every individual in the office contributes greatly to that passion. >> they all share a passion to increase representation in dentistry. a field of 3.8% of doctors are black. >> there were racial disparities in dental school. you could sit in class and tell the number of dental school students who were students of color was very, very slim-to-none. we just kind of banded together. we made a pact with each other that we would get through school. >> she is now working to inspire the next generation of dentists with beyond her smile, an organization that exposes young black girls to dentistry. >> how are you? >> i'm going to put this on you. >> beyond her smile is truly
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focusing on a segment of girls who need that exposure. i think expoure is key. the earlier we expose them to the s.t.e.m. fields, the better. >> they get hands-on with patients and the practice. >> you see them walking patients back and talking and chatting with the patients. >> like 13-year-old cameron wallace who hopes to pursue a career in s.t.e.m. >> i know a group is going to be able to help me reach my full potential in something i really look forward to do. >> and 12-year-old micah whose interest in dentistry began with her journey with braces. >> you got to see the real-like working with teeth. >> dr. manning hopes this expands to more young girls in
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the coming years. >> the sky is the limit for any young girl of color who looks like me who dreams like i dreamt as long as they have the passion and determination and faith and drive, they can be a dentist. >> the young kids are the best part. the patients who are brave enough to let them try it out. >> good advertising. for more inspiring stories, check out hoda's streaming show check out hoda's streaming show on the [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved
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that's going to do it for us on saturday morning. what are you up to this weekend? >> keeping an eye on the snow. >> you don't need a snow plow in washington, d.c. >> the michigan wolverines.
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good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday january 6th. i'm kira klapper. happening today, oakland mayor sheng thao is facing a recall effort. one week following the shooting death of an on-duty oakland police officer. yesterday a group of residents gathered planning to get signatures and submit a notice of intention to begin that recall effort against the mayor. but they tell nbc bay area they needed more time to review the paperwork. they now say they plan to mail the paperwork and notify mayor thao today. the effort needs signatures from at least 10% of oakland's ledgestered voters in order to move forward. the mayor's office tells nbc bay area it has no comment on the recall effort. also in oakland a group of demonstrators gathered at city
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hall yesterday calling on city leaders to take action to curb crime. they also expressed frustration that the city has been without a police chief for nearly one year. one council member agrees that fast-tracking, hiring a new police chief, would prioritize oakland the safety. >> in any city in any state in any country, public safety is the number one priority. and in any city the most, most important position is not the mayor. it's the police chief. he directs the officers on the streets. >> the group also is urging others to support the recall of alameda county district attorney pamela price. looks like a clear day in that video yesterday, but today is a different story. cinthia pimentel has a first look at our microclimate forecast. >> the clear skies are what's making it a little cooler this morning. good morning, kira and good morning everyone. especially up in the north bay in the 30s. low 40s in and around the immediate bay. 43 in hayward and 37 down here in morgan hill.
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again, there's those areas of fog. less than a mile of visibility in novato, otherwise the rest of us clear staying into today and seeing clouds, storm clouds, pushing through napa as we look at our planner. rain showers should start about 9:00 or 10:00 this morning. stay with us at least through the afternoon, notice daytime highs. staying very chilly going into not only today but also tomorrow. if you feel cold here, imagine what it's like up in tahoe. we have a winter storm warning for the sierra. go over all of the details. getting gusty up there and could be near whiteout conditions. go over details and timeline's that rain coming up at 7:00. >> see you at 7:00. also at 7:00 on "today in the bay," marking three years since the attack on the capitol. as former president donald trump deals with a legal fallout from his part of the insurrection. a new announcement from the supreme court that would impact his candidacy nationwide. that plus all top stories that plus all top stories coming up at 7:00. look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ edition". coming up, sick and tired with cold and flu season here, we'll take a look at our body's own special army on hand to fight off those viruses. plus, teachers and we visit a classroom where puppies are helping. >> kids are hesitant to pick up a book and read they couldn't wait to


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