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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 7, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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good morning. it is sunday, january 7th, 7:00, and a live look outside over san francisco. the transamerica pyramid on another chilly morning out there. but we made it through the rain, and let's see what we have in store for the second half of our weekend. thank you so much for starting
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it with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at our micromy climate forecast. >> it's cold out there, and for the start of our workweek, we are under that frost advisory at east bay valley and through the santa clara valley, including san jose. look at those feels-like temperatures. this is a combination of the air temperatures and light winds out of the northwest. in danville, my coldest temperature on the map right now at 29 degrees. it's very cold down through the south bay. south san jose at 34. up towards the north bay, napa at 32 degrees. we'll be met with a day filled with cool sunshine. we have gotten rid of the showers, but the temperatures, low 50s out towards the trivalley, up towards wine country and the south bay. the second week of this new year, we have not one, not two, but three storms on the way as we take it on, and this could be our next atmospheric river.
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that's coming up in 15 minutes. kira? >> cinthia, we'll see you then. we begin with breaking news this morning out of the uc berkeley campus. a shelter in place has been issued, and police are actively investigating what they call a critical incident. just after 6:00 this morning, an emergency was reported on harrison street near the university village or uva. people are being told to stay inside, move away from doors and win windows. we will update you on air and online as this unfolds. also new overnight. police are investigating a shooting in san francisco. it happened just after 10:00 p.m. outside chase center. police are only confirming with us that this is a homicide investigation. we're waiting for a response regarding how many people were involved and what led to that shooting.
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in the east bay, oakland police are investigating a deadly shooting that happened just before 6:00 p.m. a woman who was shot later died at the hospital. we have no other information. and a live look at sfo. one of the bay area airports where passengers are dealing with delays and cancellations. travel headaches will continue throughout the week. this comes after that mid flight emergency on board an alaska airlines flight. we are learning more about what happened. a piece of the boeing 737 max 9 detached, forcing the plane to make an emergency landing in oregon. investigators are searching for that piece on the ground, hoping people will find it. meantime, the faa has ordered the temporary grounding and immediate inspection of nearly 200 boeing 737 max nine planes,
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creating travel problems for people across the country and here in the bay area. alyssa gord is tracking the latest from sfo. >> we are very, very fortunate here that this didn't end up in something more tragic. >> reporter: the head of the national transportation safety board giving an update on the investigation into what happened on board an alaska airlines flight friday night headed from portland, oregon, to ontario, california. the ntsb says the issue involved a door plug in the middle of the plane that detached while the boeing 737 max nine aircraft was in the air. >> we are not aware of any serious injuries. we are aware of reports of minor injuries. with that said, i imagine this was a pretty terrifying event. >> reporter: the flight was only ten minutes out from the airport, and the crew was able to safety return to portland. >> the fact that this happened
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so new in the aircraft's history is a real surprise. and to me, it indicates a problem probably originated during the construction of the airplane rather than the operation of the airplane. >> reporter: san francisco based aviation expert explained this incident is understandably drawing concern for the relatively new 737 max nine. in fact, the plane this happened on was just delivered to alaska in fall of 2023. on saturday, the faa ordered all max nine aircraft to be inspected before they can return to the skies. united and alaska, the two u.s. carriers that fly the max 9s, say they're doing those inspections, which is impacting many travel plans. people are arriving here and finding out that their flights are either delayed or canceled. this traveler says his flight to chicago was canceled. he seen the news about the
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accident in oregon and booked a backup plan. >> i have a flight for tomorrow, because i know with all the issues with the planes, the max 9s. >> what a drag. it's called life, it goes by, and now three hours later, we might get home. >> reporter: the investigation into the accident is in thor kri stages. alaska expects the flight disruptions to continue through at least midweek. alyssa goard, "today in the bay." we are hearing from passengers who were on board that terrifying alaska airlines flight. passengers told our sister station in portland they heard a loud boom, felt a jolt, and then saw the hole on the side of the fuselage. some people screamed, but everyone stayed calm. >> a lot of people were a lot calmer for a situation like this. so greatfully we weren't higher in the air, no one flew out.
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>> passengers are also thanks the crew for their quick actions. if you are impacted by these cancellations, federal rules say you are entitled to a full refund. go to our website,, and click the clink at our trending bar for more information. snow and ice creating dangerous roads for drivers yesterday. this was taken by reporter at our sister station in sacramento. it shows people pushing a van that crashed along highway 15. and we have video from the chp taken along i-80 showing the roads near truckee covered in snow. there were reports on donner summit, and that forced caltrans to close 80 at the nevada state line. the road is back open this
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morning. if you are planning on heading up there, chain rules are in effect. and if you are on your way to the sierra, download our free nbc bay area app. track the show and stay updated on road conditions while you're on the go. back here locally, the effort to recall the mayor of oakland began yesterday when the group mailed its notice of intention paperwork, including the required 250 signatures. recall organizers tell us they have lost trust in the mayor, noting crime in oakland. the city missing that deadline to file for grant funding to combat retail theft. and the nearly year-long absence of a police chief. the final straw, they say, was last week's shooting death of an on-duty oakland police officer. >> i mean, there is such a laundry list right now to recall the mayor. fundamentally, it's the gross negligence, the inability to perform the knowledge, skills and abilities for the job, and we're not safe right now.
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the only thing that the mayor can do to avoid being recalled is to do her job. >> the group is waiting for the city clerk to authenticate those signatures, and then they will have 160 days to collect 25,000 signatures, and that would spark a recall election. we have reached out to the mayor's office for her comment but have not heard back. this year will be an especially high-stakes election in san francisco. several hot button issues are on the ballot. mayor london breed, state senator scott weiner, and other leaders gathered yesterday to launch their campaign for proposition ce and f. they involve around real estate taxes, police policy and treatment for substance abuse. prop c would give buildings converted from commercial to residential a tax exemption.
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supporters say it's a way to address downtown office vacancies and create more housing, but opponents feel it would give or rations and billionaires a tax break. proposition e supporters say it would get more officers on the streets and give police access to technology they need to fight crime. those opposed feel it would erode privacy rights and put marginalized communities at risk. and proposition f would require people dealing with substance abuse issues to enter treatment in order to receive cash assistance. all of these propositions are on the march ballot. the mayor backs them all and is up for re-election on the november ballot. >> these are the kinds of things we need to focus on, public safety, to focus on the challenges around drug dealing, and finally, to build more
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housing and to make it easier to convert what is happening downtown. >> those three measures are among seven that voters will consider in the primary election in san francisco on tuesday, march 5th. it is almost 7:11 on your sunday morning. we have much more ahead on todd today. coming up, we go live to washington, d.c. for our interview with kristen welker, who has a preview of this week's "meet the press." loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free.
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now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today.
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welcome back. please join me in welcoming kristen welker, moderator of "meet the press." hi, kristen. great to see you as always. and happy new year. i want to -- >> hi, kira, happy new year. >> thank you. i want to ask you about joe biden on friday. he made his first campaign speech of the year, targeting former president trump saying trump's campaign is about him, not america. you have an exclusive interview with someone inside biden's
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campaign. what is the thought process in biden focusing solely on trump, as he's not the candidate just yet. and is this the game plan between now and november? >> it's a great point. and the answer is yes, it is the game plan between now and november, because he is the strong gop front-runner, and because you have polls showing joe biden struggling in some of three key battleground states. national polls as well against former president trump. so that is part of the strategy, but i also pressed the deputy campaign manager on whether the president needs to talk more not just about trump but what a second biden term would look like. he made the case he's going to be doing both things. he has a speech in south carolina on monday where he will be talking about political violence. then he has his all-important state of the union address coming up in march. so those are going to be some key moments when we see more of this strategy start to unfold.
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advisers tell us the president is going to be ramping up this the coming days and weeks, because there are jitters, there are concerns within the democratic party about his poll numbers. we know that there's this new washington post reporting about former president obama warning joe biden at a recent lunch that effectively he needs to restructure his campaign, needs to do more to counter the attacks coming his way from former president trump, who is in general election mode. but as you say, we're eight days away from iowa. so first, trump has to win the nomination before he can officially take on joe biden. but if it is that rematch that we have all been anticipating, it's going to be a bruising battle, that's for sure. >> it appears that way so far. we'll see, iowa, then new hampshire. kristen, thanks for joining us this morning. we hope you join kristen for this morning's "meet the press." we'll have interviews with israeli president isaac herzog
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and interview with elise stefanik, and an interview with biden's principal campaign manager, quinter fulks. just stay with us. "meet the press" is on at 8:00 a.m. right after this news cast. coming up in about 30 minutes from now, we'll talk to nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston for our weekly segment. we'll take a look at yesterday, that third anniversary of the january 6th insurrection and how it is shaping our nation today. at 7:16, this weekend the road to paris goes through the bay area. the nation's top fencers are in the south bay for a major olympic qualifying event. three-time olympian alexander aseleus maintained his status as the top men's fencer in the world. emma gosk caught up with him,
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his coach, his dad. >> reporter: the world's top male fencer was here at the san jose convention center not to compete in this weekend's north american cup, but to receive his fencing gold medal for the fencing world cup, which he earned last season. >> my son, alexander. come on down. >> reporter: winning his third world cup medal, he maintains his standing as the world's number one men's fencer. his proud dad, who is also his coach and olympian himself, right there with him. >> winning and being number one in the world is a very special thing appreciates all the things that go into it. we're ready for the olympics. >> reporter: getting ready means competing next week in a key qualifier, the fencing world cup, in, guess which city? paris. >> it's an event i look forward
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to every single year. if it's not the olympics or the world championship, this is the one everyone wants to win. >> reporter: he's won there twice before. alexander's 26-year-old sister, sa sabrina, will also compete next week, hoping to qualify from her second olympics with her brother, who is dreaming of his first olympic gold medal. >> i've won silver and bronze before. my goal is to win the gold medal and bring it back here to the states. >> we're ready to finish strong, that's our goal. >> reporter: emma gosk for "today in the bay." and here's a live look outside. cotton candy skies and no rain over san francisco this morning, where the hot chocolate run will take over golden gate park in about two minutes from now. the race is presented by ventures endurance, happening this morning through golden gate park. there is a 5-k, 10-k, 15-k.
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organizers saying the entry fee goes to special olympics programming. >> we chose to have special olympics as our charity partner. we can be inclusive to all different types of athletes. >> and to sweeten the deals, all runners get a cup of hot chocolate after the race, along with a banana, rice crispy treat. the race starts right about now, and the 10-k and 15-k just after 8:00. if you're looking for love this year, you're not alone. today is known as dating sunday. tender's senior vice president of global marketing says it's the app's biggest day of the year. based on last year's numbers, the number of messages on tender surged about 22% on the first sunday in january. the number of likes increased by 18%. the website tells the new york
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post, close to 2300 photos are expected to be added to prfiles every minute. about 58 million more likes and 11 more messages will likely be sent on the app, compared to the rest of the year. good luck to one and all. time now to check in with cinthia pimentel for a look at our forecast. cold outside. >> so it may be a good day to stay on your app and look for love. we are looking at those beautiful skies, a beautiful opportunity for everybody to find their second half. but it's clear out there and cold. so bundle up as we take a look around the bay, waking up to 40 around san jose. some beautiful sunshine coming through parts of oakland, also at 40 degrees. look at these beautiful skies over walnut creek. we bring those temperatures down to 33 degrees. as we look at slight and radar, mostly clear skies, a couple of rain showers fizzling out towards the north coast and better conditions in tahoe. those temperatures we are feeling are definitely feeling
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much cooler because of the wind coming out of the northwest. the air temperature is freezing up there in napa and continues to get colder. danville continues to be the coldest temperature on the map at 29 degrees. and 30s and low 40s continue for the south bay. no rain in the forecast. beautiful, cool sunshine as we plan your sunday around the bay area. it's going to definitely be cold as we look at those hour by hour temperatures. so making your way out the door this morning, the frost advisory will expire at 10:00 a.m. once we get a little more of that sunshine settling in. still in the 40s around the bay. low 40s for the trivalley. this afternoon, low to mid 50s in santa clara for the 49ers game. so definitely bring some warm jackets out there as we will be seeing the cold weather. and cold it will continue to get as we go into this upcoming week. we have some canadian, alaskan air conditioning, so that is cold.
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that will be accompanied with a couple of rain systems the next couple of days. here's the first opportunity to see some sprinkles for our tuesday commute. it will fizzle out of here, but this is the next one that comes right behind it on wednesday. it's going to bring in more snow here, and that will pile up in the feet mark. so that is what is to be expected. and to the next and possibly heaviest chance of seeing some rain, heavy at times with those colors right there on the key indicating more moderate rainfall and sierra snow. that will come to us as we go into next weekend. so the models continue to push that rain as we go and take it into the long-range forecast. we'll be keeping an eye on that next potential rainmaker. san francisco, beautiful but cold this morning as people get ready to do that run. our seven-day forecast, continuing with the frost advisory today and tomorrow. more clouds and rainfall tuesday
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afternoon, wednesday and next weekend, as well. >> cinthia, thanks. 7:22 right now. much more ahead on "today in the bay." here is something that will warm you up. draymond green getting the green light to return to the warriors. sports is next. look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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good morning, everyone. the suspension is over. the warriors are getting their emotional leader back. draymond green was reinstated by the nba after striking a phoenix suns player in the face last month. he missed 12 games during his forced time-out. the warriors play the raptors today. green is expected to be there, but will not play. it will take a few days of practice. espn reports it's going to take him about a week to get ready before he's in a game. the warriors are one game under .500 with a 17-18 record.
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emerson, his shot, knocked down. they score! >> the maple leafs were already in control of the game. toronto adds a goal four minutes later, winning 4-1. by locking up the number one seed in the nfc, the 49ers have earned a stress free weekend for the finale against the rams. sam darnold is starting today in place of brock purdy. mccaffrey will not play. the rams are also suiting some of their key players. the niners have a bye during the first round of the playoffs, so they're going three weeks between games that really matter. that has head coach kyle shanahan a little concerned. >> you know, two bye weeks isn't good for anybody. i have to make sure this week doesn't hurt our team. that's what we'll make sure of.
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>> win and you're in for former 49ers defensive coordinator now texans rookie head coach against the colts. houston takes the lead here. the extra point was no good, leaving the door open for the colts to come back and win it. but on 4th and 1 from the 15 yard line, the pass falls incomplete. houston clinches a playoff spot with a 23-19 win over the colts. that's a look at sports. i'm anthony flores for "today in the bay." >> anthony, thanks. 7:27 right now. still to come on "today in the bay," fallout continuing after a piece of that alaska airlines flight detached mid-air. how the grounding of hundreds of 737 max 9s will impact bay area travelers this week. and times, they are a changing for those who work remote. next, the start-ups for bay area
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using collaborative work spaces. much more news ahead. stay with us.
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today.
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good morning. it is sunday, january 7th, 7:29. a beautiful look at the golden gate bridge. looks like there's just a little bit of a spotlight on the first tower, as we enjoy this clear and chilly morning across the bay area. thank you so much for starting it with us. hopefully you're warm inside. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at our microclimate forecast. and anyone going to the niners game, you're saying bundle up. >> you need those heavier coats with all of the 49er stuff on it. gloves, sunglasses, because it's not only going to be cold, it's going to be in that afternoon sunshine and a breeze coming in later tonight. starting out with a look around the bay area. beautiful skies, temperatures though in those 30s and 40s.
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walnut creek at 33 degrees. once we drive south into danville, 29 degrees right now. 28 degrees in fairfield. so that's even beating it. these temperatures are much cooler because we're starting to get rid of the showers from yesterday. the ground is evaporaing that moisture. chilly to start monday. there will be sunshine in store as you walk out the door and continuing to watch those cold temperatures for tomorrow, going into the low to mid 30s. that's only going to bring in more rain and snow showers. that's coming up in about ten minutes. >> cinthia, see you soon. we want to go back to that breaking news out of berkeley, where the shelter in place we told you about 30 minutes ago had been lifted near the uc berkeley campus. the order was issued just after 6:00 this morning after an emergency was reported on harrison street near the university village, or uva. police now say people no longer need to stay indoors. but we're waiting on a response on what that critical incident
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was. we will update you on air and online on as we learn more. taking this live look outside at sfo, where travelers should expect flights throughout this week to be delayed and canceled. this after friday night's mid-air emergency aboard a boeingen 37 max 9. we are learning more about those moments when passengers on board this alaska airlines flight from oregon to southern california saw a piece of that boeing 737 detach more than ten minutes into the flight. fortunately, that pilot was able to make a safe emergency landing. investigators are searching on the ground now for that piece of the plane, hoping it will help answer questions. now the faa is temporarily grounding nearly 200 boeing 737 max 9 planes, which is creating ripple effects for passengers flying alaska and united this coming week.
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yesterday, the faa ordered max 9 aircraft, operated by all u.s. airlines that are currently in the u.s. to go through inspections before returning to the skies. this comes after friday's event. but the plane is fairly new. in fact, the plane on board -- on board where this incident happened was just delivered to alaska airlines in november of 2023. united and alaska have begun the inspections, and those will impact many travel plans. both airlines have cancellations and delays at all three major bay area airports. at sfo yesterday, we found passengers waiting, trying to figure out new plans as their frights got canceled. >> what a drag. it's called life, it goes by. and now three hours later, we fight get home. >> you have a flight for tomorrow. i know with all the issues with the planes, the max 9. >> alaska airlines expects
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flight disruptions to continue throughout at least midweek. if you are impacted by any of these cancellations, federal rules say you are entitled to a full refund. our consumer team has tips on how to deal with airline cancellations and delays. go to our website,, and click the link at the top in our trending bar. we are following up now on a massive and deadly pileup west of bakersfield. it happened around 7:30 yesterday morning in thick fog. we learned that visibility was down to about ten feet. 35 cars were involved, including some big rigs. two people were killed, nine others injured. i-5 was shut down in both directions for several hours. we have learned that south bound lanes are still closed. to lake tahoe now, where we have seen recent snow falling. the snow pack fell short for the
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first week of the year on tuesday. take a look at these satellite images. this shows the snow pack from last year on the left and this year on the right. around this time last year, several atmospheric river systems brought near record precipitation and snow to tahoe. there is still time for the snow pack to accumulate. more snow is expected to fall this week. we have video from the chp taken along i-80 showing the roads near truckee. there were reports of spinouts on donner summit. the road is back open this morning, but if you plan on heading up to the sierra, chain controls are in effect. and if you're headed that way, download our free nbc bay area app. track the snow, stay updated on road conditions, everything you need while you're on the go. back here locally developing in the east bay, an investigation is underway at the chevron refinery in richmond
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after flaring yet again yesterday afternoon. this is video from previous flaring at the refinery. yesterday's incident began around 3:30 in the afternoon. there is no health risk, but people nearby may smell odor. richmond fire tells us the haz/mat team is closely monitoring the situation. a state law that would ban people from carrying firearms in most public places in california has been blocked. a judge blocked the law from taking effect yesterday amid the ongoing court case challenging it. the judge says the law violates the second amendment, and that gun rights groups would likely be able to prove it unconstitutional. the law would ban people from carrying concealed guns in 26 places, including churches, parks, banks. it applies regardless of whether a person has a concealed permit. joe biden just received his invitation to deliver the state
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of the union. house speaker mike johnson wrote in a letter yesterday that "in this moment of great challenge for our country, biden was invited to address a joint session of congress." that will happen on march 7th. the president responded by saying he was looking forward to it. the speech is mandated by the constitution. march 7th is two days after super tuesday, in which more than a dozen states, including california, will hold their primary presidential election. the effort to recall oakland mayor began yesterday when the group against her mailed its notice of intention paperwork, including 250 required cig churs. organizers tell us they have lost trust in the mayor, noting crime in oakland, the city missing the deadline last year to file for grant funding to combat retail theft, and the nearly year-long absence of a police chief. the final straw, they say, was
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last week's shooting death of an on-duty oakland police officer. the group is waiting for the city clerk to authenticate all those signatures. then they'll have 180 days to collect 250,000 signatures. we reached out to the mayor's office but have not heard back. at 7:37, one bay area startup is seeing a surge in workers using its collaborative work spaces. kris sanchez has more on how it works. >> reporter: good morning to you, kira. office vacancies continue to sore, and people are still working from home. but a new company is offering a variation on the temporary work space. this is radius that launched here in the bay area, allowing employees or small businesses to rent properties, sort of like an airbnb. unlike we work, which filed for bankruptcy, radius does not own
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or lease the properties it lists online. as the company's ceo explains, a number of these properties are in locations that don't require a long commute. >> what we're finding is that it's a combination of people really wanting to be together from time to time, maybe not five days a week, but they want to be together. their employers want to have that in-person collaboration. but companies don't necessarily want to pay for office space seven days a week. if their employees are only using it once or twice, and employees, if they don't want to commute long distances, we solve both problems. >> the company has seen a 33% growth across the bay area within the last month along. as we reported earlier this week, office vacancy situations in the north and south bay are getting worse. according to a new study released by a commercial real estate company, nearly 37% of downtown san francisco office buildings are vacant.
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in silicon valley, that's 27%. both are all-time high numbers. that is the bad news. but there is good news. the real estate company says it is seeing more deals and more companies moving workers into offices. also that desire to be close to tech talent and venture capital, which is what we are known for. join me and the "today in the bay" team starting at 5:00 in the morning. and watch nbc bay area news, on roku and other streaming platforms. i'm kris sanchez. back to you, kira. >> kris, thanks so much. it is 7:40 right now. still to come on "today in the bay," we're getting a glimpse into the mind of the man who created the laser. coming up, we sit down with the former uc berkeley students who was close t
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i want to help plan your
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sunday. in the north bay, waking up to that frost advisory. chilly temperatures in the upper 20s. some 30s. we'll see the sunshine and only warm up into the low to mid 50s as you make your plans up there with friends and family. maybe you're coming down here watching the 49ers at levi stadium. it's going to be a great time. lots of sunshine, no rain in the forecast. but there is a breeze. watch those wind gusts out there. so a couple of things to bring, the sun glasses, maybe some gloves and the big 49er jackets. i want you to be bundled up and ready to celebrate that big win. the temperatures today, cool out there as we get rid of the cold front, we settle in with cooler air behind. 55 in santa rosa. low to mid 50s in the trivalley. we also see some low to mid 50s in the peninsula. sunshine sticks around, cold for monday. give yourself some extra time to
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get out the door. and more rain coming in this week, so a very january forecast we have in store. i see some chance of light rain on tuesday. that will be pretty much fizzling out of here by the afternoon. it will set us up for another bigger storm on wednesday that will drop in from the north. so that's going to bring in some cool showers, some sierra snow that will start to be piling up, not only in the inches, but feet. so that is good news for skiers, bringing about some very dangerous conditions. as we take a look at next friday and saturday, the weekend already looking out there, we are looking at our long-range outlook, signaling we could be getting heavier rain totals towards the northern coast. we see the colors changing there, as we'll keep an eye on this with the rain and the snow. we'll be back with a little bit -- with more news and weather after the break.
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today.
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welcome back. they say you learn a new thing every day. the laser was invented by a cal
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berkeley scientist. scott mcgrew has the story of dr. charlestowns. >> reporter: good morning. charles towns is the subject of a new documentary called "the marriage of a umentaryian and f student put it together. he says he got to know dr. towns by giving him rides around the campus. >> i got to know him while i was a student at uc berkeley. he was a professor there. i found out one of the professors on campus invetted the laser. so i asked him for office hours and asked him a lot of questions. we got to know each other. one day i saw him and he asked me for a car ride. >> what did you talk about in your car ride, just like cal sports? >> sports probably wasn't his big interest. i asked all sorts of questions from his discoveries of the
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laser, landing a man on the moon and the discovery of the black hole at the center of our galaxy. and i would ask him a lot -- like you would ask a father for advice, someone who had seen it all, how to get along with life and what is the next science and what are the keys to a good relationship? >> you know, i think that would be a bit intimidintimidating. he says how is it going? and you say i had a really good pizza last night, what about you? oh, i discovered a black hole at the center of the universe. >> it was very humbling experience. >> the documentary use his marriage, he and his wife were married for 74 years. you can hear more about the invention of the lasers on on press: here." that's right after "meet the press" at 9:00 right here on nbc bay area. >> we do know that, indeed,
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scott. we'll see you at 9:00. as we reported yesterday, was the third anniversary of the january 6th riots at the capitol. more than 1,000 have been arrested, and nearly all have been convicted of various crimes. political analyst larry gerston joins me onset now. happy new year. great to see you. can you quickly remind me of the issues, remind us. >> some of us can't forget. but the fact is, many have. look, we go back three years, kira. we know it's the anniversary. what happened then? a couple thousand rioters attempted the insurrectionists, as they're called, to stop congress from doing what they have to do, per law. confirm the election results. in the process, of course, so many were arrested and convicted and put in prison for various crimes as you said earlier. the thing is, president trump has also been charged with attempting to stop congress from carrying out its duty.
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he believes, of course, there was nothing wrong. in fact, he views these people as hostages, as patriotses, if you will. so this is a situation where there is a tremendous amount of animus that's developed and a lot of concern about the welfare of this country, because we've never had this kind of thing happen before. >> more videos are still being released as recent as yesterday. there seems to be disagreement about what actually happened. >> this is amazing. if you think about what happened, and how people look at it -- look, some people believe that this is just not worth talking about anymore. it's time to go on. other people believe this is something we need to memorialize and talk about again and again and again so that it never happens. a recent poll taken only three weeks ago gives you an idea of the dramatic differences here. look, almost all democrats say this was a serious attack. look at the republicans.
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72% of them say oh, come on, time to move on. there's something else about this poll that is very interesting, kira. look at the bottom where it says no opinion. virtually nobody is with no opinion. everybody has their idea about this, and it's a dramatic difference between both sides. a difference that's hard to imagine ever coming to terms with. >> a big difference between attack and move on. so what does this mean moving forward into this election year? >> you heard that term "uncharted territory?" that's where we are heading. people used to really get upset about violence being part of an election. yet we have it here. violence now not only part of an election, violence part of election workers and judges now we see. all of these things where people believe, many do, that violence is okay. this is different from any aspect we've ever viewed of democracy. where we go forward is a good question. we know this much. this election in 2024 is likely to be very rocky with lots of
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uncertainty. and the lingering questions about how this country will react this time around. >> as if the past few years haven't been rocky enough. larry, thanks for your insight. 7:51. up next, a look at the top stories, including delays and cancellations at bay area airports followinghat alaska t
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welcome back. here's a quick look at the
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stories we are following, including more clays and cancellations for air travelers, following friday night's mid-air emergency on board a boeing 737. this is a live look at sfo. all three bay area airports are anticipating being impacted this week. the faa has grounded roughly 200 boeing 737 max 9s to be inspected before they return to the skies. and passengers are talking about what they saw about ten minutes into the flight from oregon to southern california. a portion of that alaska airlines fuselage ripping off mid-air. fortunately, the pilot was able to make a safe emergency landing. investigators are searching the ground in oregon for the piece of that plane hoping it will help answer questions. as mentioned, the faa is temporarily grounding nearly 200 boeing 727 max 9 planes and it's creating ripple effects primarily for passengers flying
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alaska and united. yesterday, the faa ordered the aircraft to be grounded. any aircraft in the u.s. or going through the u.s. so they can be expected before returning to the skies. the plane in the incident is fairly new. that alaska airlines boeing 737 was just delivered to alaska airlines in november 2023. united and alaska say they have started inspections but still many travelers are being impacted. both airlines have cancellations and delays at all three major bay area airports this coming week. and they expect them through at least midweek. we continue to follow that developing news out of berkeley where the shelter in place has been lifted near the uc berkeley campus. the order was issued just after 6:00 this morning after an emergency was reported on harrison vote. that was near the university village. police say police no longer node to stay indoors, away from doors
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and windows. but we are waiting a response on what that critical incident was. we'll keep you updated online after we're off air this morning on as we enjoy this brief break before the rain returns, a warning from the sierra. chain results are in effect on 80 and highway 50. this is video along i-80 yesterday showing roads covered in snow. last night, there were reports of spinouts on donner summit. the road is back open this morning. before we go, let's check in with cinthia one last time. >> we have clear conditions, but it will be cool sunshine. so bundle up, and bring out your warmest jackets, because we have an active pattern for the next couple of days with a stronger storm next weekend. >> cinthia, thanks. as a reminder, every sunday, no 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. news tonight.
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it stead it's football night in america right here on nbc bay area. the afc east is up for grabs with the bills taking on the miami dolphins right here on nbc bay area on sunday night football. we'll be back with a special edition news cast after that. and back again at 11:00 p.m. you can always stay up to date on thank you for making us a part of your first weekend of the new year. we hope you have a great sunday, and we would love to see you back here next weekend.
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