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tv   Today  NBC  January 11, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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exclusive interview at 7:00 a.m. nice day and nice start, but it's chilly. we need to bundle up. our temperatures will be in the upper 50s for today -- mid-50s, i should say, and down to the mid-30s for tonight and dry tomorrow. we're watching the next storm coming in on saturday. check in for details on that. we still have the commute. san mateo bridge has been a sticking point, and i believe there's a crew mid span still causing a distraction across 92 westbound. >> that's what is happening here on "today in the bay." want to wish mike another hi, there. happy thursday! the 2024 presidential race heating up. >> yeah, candidates clashing and trading jabs in the final countdown to the first contest.
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good morning, it's january 11th and this is "today." head-to-head. donald trump's main rivals facing off in a heat dead bait. >> if you can't manage a campaign, how are you going to manage a country? >> we don't need another mealy-mouthed politician who just tells you what she thinks you want to hear. >> the front-runner sitting it out once again, while chris christie exits the race with a parting shot aimed at nikki haley caught on a hot mic. >> she's going to get smoked. you and i both know it. she's not up to this. >> what it all means with the iowa caucuses just four days away. day in court. closing arguments this morning at donald trump's civil fraud trial in new york. why the judge is not allowing him to speak. plus, the drama playing out in a los angeles courtroom today. hunter biden facing federal tax charges following his surprise appearance on capitol hill. we're live with the very latest. what went wrong? boeing's ceo admitting mistakes after that terrifying mid-flight
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blowout on one of its planes. >> it's a safety incident. and nobody is going to live with that, period. >> just ahead, where the investigation stands with all max-9s still grounded. in coming, the next big cross-country storm ramping up, packing more snow, flooding rains and high winds and set to usher in brutally cold temperatures for tens of millions. al's forecast is straight ahead. those stories plus, come aboard. we'll take you inside the world's largest cruise ship. >> so i could basically find anything that i want to do onboard this ship. >> our exclusive tour ahead of it maiden voyage. and end of an era. >> finally! they got it. >> legendary alabama coach nick saban, the winner of seven national titles, announces his retirement. his legacy and what he's saying about the decision that has stunned college football fans everywhere. today, thursday, january 11th, 2024. ♪♪
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning! welcome to "today." so happy that you're joining us on a thursday morning. wow, the college football world is kind of rocking -- >> oh, nick saban retiring, this is the day alabama fans hoped would never, ever come. after 17 years with alabama, seven college national titles, six with the tide, he is retiring. so we'll have a little bit more on that legacy. incredible career a little bit later. >> 70 years old. we're once again monitoring severe weather, another coast-to-coast storm is on the move this morning. it means more snow, more wind, more rain with parts of the northeast still reeling from that pair of storms that caused major flooding. al is on top of it all. but our top story, the countdown to iowa. the caucuses now four days away, and last night, nikki haley and ron desantis squared off in a debate shortly after chris christie announced that he was
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suspending his campaign. as for donald trump, he appeared at his own town hall in iowa and is now returning to new york city for today's closing arguments at his civil fraud trial. and the president's son, hunter biden, is also set to appear in court today on federal tax charges. we have a lot to get to, it's a busy thursday. we've got it all covered. we'll start with nbc's garrett haake right there in des moines where the debate was. hey, garrett, good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning. tonight was the best last chance to introduce themselves ahead of the country, iowa starting this process in earnest on monday night. but they were overshadowed at least in part by chris christie dropping out of the race and comment by donald trump what he would like to see on his ticket. overnight, a fiery face-off in frozen iowa, with the state's republican caucuses now just four days away. >> you're so desperate. you're just so desperate. >> reporter: nikki haley and ron desantis debating one on one in
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what's likely a race for second place. behind the dominant front-runner here, donald trump. haley and desantis launching repeated attacks on each other's records and honesty. >> every time he lies, drake university, don't turn this into a drinking game because you will be overserved by the end of the night. >> we don't need another mealy-mouthed politician who just tells you what she thinks you want to hear just to try to get your vote. >> reporter: haley mocking desantis for his complain slide from top trump rival as her momentum has grown in polls. >> if you can't manage a campaign, how are you going to manage a country. >> reporter: desantis labeling her as a globalist. >> you can take the ambassador out of the united nations but you can't take the united nations out of the ambassador. >> reporter: despite trailing trump in iowa and nationally, both candidates barely criticizing him. >> i agree with a lot of his policies, but his way is not my way. >> he also promised record deportations.
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donald trump deported fewer people than barack obama did when he was president. >> reporter: earlier wednesday the gop's field most consistent critic of the president, chris christie suspended his campaign and taking shots at the front-runner. >> anyone who is unwilling to say that he is unfit to be president of the united states is unfit themselves to be president of the united states. >> reporter: christie was also caught on a hot mic discussing the race back stage and making this comment presumably about haley. >> she's going to get smoked. you and i both know it. she's not up to this. >> reporter: skipping the debate in favor of a fox news town hall, donald trump seizing on that comment. >> i happen to believe that chris christie is right. that's one of the few things he's been right about actually. >> reporter: now, at that trump town hall, the former president made some news, telling the moderators that he already had decided on who he would like his vice president to be if he has the opportunity to make another pick. afterwards, the campaign was
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quick to clarify that no final decision has been made and that trump would announce that decision if and when it's made. but he certainly raised a lot of eyebrows for talking about a potential vp in january before anybody has even voted. the other big story out of this obviously is chris christie dropping out. he had only run his campaign in new hampshire and polling there shows that a lot of his support could go to nikki haley. she would badly need it there. it's the state in which she is most competitive with donald trump. picking up christie's support in this final stretch could help her close the gap there. but obviously those hot mic comments from christie, suggesting she's not up to the task, not the kind of parting gift that helps in new hampshire. >> all right, garrett haake for us there in des moines. thank you. after that late height in iowa, donald trump will return to new york this morning for closing arguments at his civil fraud trial. he will not be delivering part of the closing arguments, however, after his request was denied by the judge. let's turn to nbc senior legal correspondent laura jarrett. laura, good morning. >> hi.
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>> a defendant giving his own closing argument is pretty darn unusual. >> unheard of. >> but in this case, the judge entertained it. was open to it for a moment. explain what happened here. >> one of the dynamics in this trial that has been so unusual and fascinating to watch is what has gone on between the former president and the judge because it's a bench trial. the judge is the one who is deciding his financial future. but now his lawyer is in embroiled in this whole bizarre email exchange with the actual judge about whether the former president could do his own closing argument, even though he has competent counsel and the judge's only requirement was that he stay on topic and not give any disparaging remarks. he was not willing to do that so the judge said he is not allowed to give his own closing argument. he can go in the hall way and talk as he has done throughout this trial but he is not allowed to do his own closing argument. >> pretty snippy exchange between the lawyer and the judge, which is judge released people can read and judge for themselves. let's talk about what's at stake at this trial. as mentioned, it's a bench trial. the judge is deciding.
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there is no jury here. and already the key issue was fraud committed has been decided and the judge said, yes. now it's just a question of what's the penalty? >> this entire ordeal that we have seen for the last few months is all about money and about control. the attorney general wants $370 million now in a penalty. she's bumped that number up basically seeing how this trial has gone. she was asking for 250. it's now 370. she also wants him to basically be run out of the state of new york. out of doing business all realize deals, giving up control of his name sake company and remember, also, his two sons are defendants here. so they could also face liability potentially. the judge has said he expects to rule in a written decision in the next couple weeks. >> all right, laura, thank you very much. let's move to another courtroom that will be closely watched today. the president's son, hunter biden, scheduled to be arraigned in los angeles on federal tax charges after he made a surprise appearance on capitol hill yesterday. nbc's ryan nobles joins us now from the courthouse in l.a. ryan, what are we expecting
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today? >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning. this is just expected to be a routine arraignment hearing where hunter biden will answer nine tax-related charges, three of which are felonies. biden is accused of negligenting to pay more than $1 million in taxes and filing false returns. instead, prosecutors say he spent money on things like drugs, escorts and luxury hotels. now, if convicted, biden could face up to 17 years in prison. his legal team says that biden has since paid those debts back targeted because his last name is biden. and meanwhile, ahead of today's court hearing, hunter biden made an unexpected appearance in congress yesterday, leading to some dramatic and tense moments. came as two congressional committees voted to recommend that the full household hunter biden in contempt of congress for violating a subpoena. now house republicans wanted biden to appear for a closed door deposition about these allegations that president bi
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n benefitted and involved in his son's business dealings. hunter biden was willing to testify publicly but not behind closed doors arguing that republicans would selectively leak what he said. now in this surprise appearance, he sat in the front row, that led to shouting match and a chaotic moment with republicans accusing him of taunting them. now, as he left, biden told me that if they had called him to testify yesterday, that he would have been prepared to do so but he wanted to do so publicly. if the contempt measure passes the house, goes to the justice department to decide whether or not to prosecute the president's son. hoda? >> ryan nobles for us in l.a. thank you. also this morning, we're hearing from the ceo of boeing s the ceo promising to find out where quality control broke down the mta and faa are investigating. tom, good morning. >> reporter: that's right. united and alaska airlines are
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the only airlines that fly the in the wake of that9 they're waiting for inspection procedures from boeing before they start this process to inspect. five to eight hours. so for now, all max 9s remain grounded alaska says at least through saturday, while boeing, very much right now in damage control. >> reporter: once again, boeing is fighting for its reputation six days after the side of an alaska airlines side blew out during an emergency landing. ceo david calhoun told employees airline competence in boeing is on the line. >> moments like this shake them to the bone. just loike it shook me. >> reporter: in a cnbc exclusive calhoun says he takes this accident very personally. >> i saw the picture everybody saw the opening. but what i really saw was the empty seat and i had spent a week with my kids and grand kids. so, enough said. >> reporter: out of pure luck,
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no one was seated next to the hole when it opened up it's been five years since 346 people died in two max 8 crashes overseas the max was then grounded for two years. boeing forced to pay $2.5 billion in fines and settlements. but boeing has struggled with quality control. this max 9 was brand new, delivered in november. yet with a potentially fatal flaw investigators believe the door plug that blew out wasn't properly secured the ntsb says four critical bolts have not been found. it's not clear if the bolts were ever attached. what alaska and united airlines technicians examined other max 9s, they found loose bolts around those door plugs too. the fuselage for the max is made by spirit aerosystems, then delivered to boeing for final assembly >> we're not going to point fingers there because, yes, it escaped their fak toirks but then it escaped ours, too. >> reporter: spirit also struggled with quality control
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problems but says as a company we remain focussed on the quality of each aircraft structure that leaves our facilities secretary of transportation pete buttigieg -- >> are you concerned about the quality of product that boeing is turning out and should the american public be concerned >> what i'll say is that every plane that they deliver to an airline, every plane that goes into the skies needs to be 100% safe and they need to be able to demonstrate that >> tom, we talked about those warning lights that went off on that very same alaska airlines plane. is there any determination on whether that was connected to the part that blew off >> right now the ntsb doesn't think so they think that those were not related to the actual decompression explosion. while the primary sensor gave a warning, the secondary system showed no problem at all still, this is going to be part of the investigation, but right now they don't think they were linked they think it's a coincidence. >> thank you, tom. 7:14 weather continues to be a big story.
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craig joins the stable. >> good morning. good morning to you as well. millions are cleaning up, they're recovering in some kalss rebuilding after that deadly winter storm that brought snow, tornadoes and torrential rain across much of the country just as a new threat of severe weather moves in mr. roker is standing by with that all important forecast. but first nbc's emilie ikeda joins us from little falls, new jersey >> reporter: still cleaning up from the last brutal blast this morning water rescue teams are at the ready as flood waters continue to spill into communities. you can see the water ence rain past month this morning a second blast of brutal weather is barrelling cross the u.s. just as millions are cleaning up from another sprawling winter storm this
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week encroaching on neighborhoods after nearly five inches of rain battered parts of the already drenched region. >> we weren't going to be able to walk across the current winter weather from coast to coast and in california, devastation at a popular ski resort near lake tahoe after a massive avalanche nearly 10 feet deep and 450 feet long swept up four people and killed one a 66-year-old man. >> this is a very sad day for my team and everyone here >> reporter: back east, powerful winds whipping along the new england coastline. strong enough to push this empty southwest plane into a jet bridge in maine. it's the same system that blanketed the midwest in blinding snow and brought two
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dozen reported tornados to the south. residents there now picking up what's left of levelled homes. nationwide there's no relief in sight for storm weary communities bracing for another blast of winter. >> we got flooded i think six weeks ago, right we just two days ago we just finished all the work and now we're going to go through the same thing again >> reporter: so you can make out where the passaic river is and how it's spilling into the community behind me. almost turns out to look like a lake because of just how the flood waters are encroaching on homes in this area the passaic river is still rising and expected to remain in flood stage at least through tomorrow that means the region could be battered with even more rain ne. emilie, thank you. >> al's tracking what was here, what's coming here what does it look like >> well, it's not good and good m before all of this flood water even recedes, craig? >> thank you. al is tracking what was here what's coming here what does it look like >> it's not good good morning, everybody. here we go we're talking about 47 million
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people under winter weather alerts we've got right now almost 90 million under wind alerts from california on into the southeast and flood alerts into the northeast. so we get started with tonight we're looking at severe storm impacts. damaging hail, two inches or more isolated strong tornadoes possible wind gus up to 60 miles per hour tomorrow we'll see this storm intensify so much. it is going to become a bomb cyclone. late tonight at 996 millibars drops to 971 it is a weather bomb blizzard conditions from the plains to the midwest and northeast will see rain and flooding friday night. and in fact, friday night we have an enhanced risk of tornadoes for this region. we're looking at ef 2 or stronger tornadoes from montgomery, alabama, macon, georgia into columbia, south carolina, and into southern north carolina as well saturday, lake-effect snow will create white out conditions.
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strong winds and rain gusting over 50 miles per hour in the northeast. heavy rain throughout the northeast again and in the mid mississippi river valley and we're looking at heavy snow, blizzard conditions expected chicago, green bay, grand rapids, minneapolis. anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of snow heavy snow out to the west when we come back in the next half hour, we are going to be looking at a brutal arctic outbreak into early next week. daytime highs will be 25 to 50 degrees below average for a good portion of the country with wind chills 50 degrees below zero in some spots we'll look at that in more detail coming up but we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. more detail coming up. but we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food.
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get 50% off your first box at good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. it's a cold start. we are just two degrees above freezing right now in walnut creek. also clear in san francisco and in the low 40s. we will continue to see sunshine today as our high temperatures hit the mid to upper 50s. we are going to see a high of 57 in concord today, and 57 in novato and oakland as we get a look at the forecast for tomorrow, not much and that's your latest weather. al, thank you so much. coming up, "law & order: svu" star mariska hargitay hoping up about the very first time about being the survivor of sexual assault. why she's decided to share her experience now and what she's hoping people take away from her story.
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also ahead, the largest cruise ship ever built, now in port miami prepare for its maiden voyage. we'll take you aboard that massive "icon of the seas" for an exclusive tour. but first, this is nbc
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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just ahead, craig, you're revisiting the miracle on the hudson >> 15 years after captain sullenberger pulled off that emergency water landing, we reunited him with the day's other heroes ue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. at america's best, you can get two pairs of glasses
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(dad) oh, that's awesome (mom) spaghetti night -- dinner in 30 (dad) oh, happy day! (vo) a better plan to save is verizon. it starts at $25 per line guaranteed for 3 years and get both netflix and max for just $10/mo. only on verizon. if you're still having bladder leaks, it's time for a change. axonics therapy gave me my life back. it's not another pad or pill. it's amazing that a tiny device can provide 15 years of relief - and you can try it out first. get started at ask a bladder specialist if axonics therapy is right for you and to discuss potential risks. results and experiences may vary. let's get your life back! good morning. i am marcus washington along with laura garcia. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories, starting with a deadly avalanche at palisades tahoe ski resort.
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>> there's still a serious risk of more slides in that same area. teams last night blasted the ridge line trying to break up massive snow breaks from recent heavy snowfall. the avalanche yesterday killed a 66-year-old man that was identified as kenneth kidd. three others were rescued from the snow. the victims all suffered minor injuries. it's not clear when palisades will fully reopen. marin supervisors today will consider a plan to cut down availability for rentals. opponents believe a cap will not address the issue, and they argue it would hurt terrorism along the coastline. county staffers are recommending that the cap be a bit higher, at over 1,000, which would be a
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short-term boost. more than 100 licenses would be dedicated to coastal areas of dillon beach and stinson beach, popular with the tourists, rather than areas where locals live. 79% of workers live outside the county. we have a cold start but it will be a sunny day. our temperatures are reaching into the mid-50s this afternoon. we are back down into the 30s tonight and more sunshine tomorrow with rain in the saturday forecast. it looks like it could be windy as well. rain continues throughout the day, and drying out for the rest of the weekend. the full forecast on
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♪ >> they're playing our song, '80s kids. 7:30 fun new use of the hottest new attraction in las vegas. you kind of can't tell, but that's humongous
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that's the sphere in las vegas >> where u2 is playing that sphere? >> yes, that's it! it's a massive game of tetris to honor the 40th anniversary >> tetris is having a moment right now. remember that kid from last week who broke the record >> and beat tetris >> yeah. more of that coming up biggy. we've got a busy half hour ahead, starting with a deeply personal story, now being shared for the very first time by "law & order: svu" star mariska hargitay >> for 25 years, she's played a detective who tracks down sexual offenders. well, now in "people" magazine, she's opening up about her own experience as a survivor of sexual assault nbc's senior national correspondent, kate snowe, is here hi, kate, good morning >> hi. good morning, guys so for years, mariska hargitay has done a lot of work for survivors of rape and assault, but until now, she did not talk about her own history. she writes this happened 30 years ago, that for years, she minimized it, but now she's able to see clearly what was done to her, so she chose to write a
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first-person essay >> hey police >> reporter: for a quarter of a century, through "law & order:svu" hargitay has shined a light on what sexual abuse looks like now in an exclusive interview for "people" magazine, she's describing her own sexual trauma "a man raped me in my 30s," she begins, "it wasn't sexual at all, it was dominance and control, overpowering control. as many survivors do, hargitay says she pushed it out of her mind i couldn't process it. i couldn't believe that it happened, that it could happen, so i cut it out. i removed it from my narrative she says of her experience, he was a friend, then he wasn't i went into freeze mode, a common trauma response when there's no option to escape. i checked out of my body but as the years went on, she says, she began talking about it in earnest with those closest to her. they were the first ones to call it what it was they were gentle and kind and
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careful, but their naming it was important. now i'm able to see clearly what was done to me i understand the neurobiology of trauma trauma fractures our mind and our memory the way a mirror fractures. hargitay telling "people" that she and olivia benson, who's also experienced trauma throughout the show's run, are on a parallel journey. she's discussed her beloved character on "today" >> this is a character that our society needs, against all odds, is focused and believes survivors. >> reporter: hargitay told me that viewers regularly send her letters with their stories >> to learn that these women, i. who had been through thi horrible trauma would have the courage to come forward and then to be ignored. >> reporter: she became an advocate for them, founding the joyful heart foundation in 2004 and speaking out >> although we have seen progress, there is still much more work to be done >> reporter: in her essay now, she writes, they're the ones who have been a source of strength for me her essay ends, "the experience
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was horrible, but it doesn't come close defining me." i'm turning 60 and i'm so deeply grateful for where i am and i'm still proudly in process >> so profound that it happened -- we were discussing, 30 years ago, and it's still a very, very painful thing to talk about. >> right for anyone >> yeah, for anybody so what's she hoping to do by writing about it >> i think she says she really wants to normalize these difficult conversations. and she thought by telling her story, that would help other people, maybe, tell their own stories. you know, she really wants -- she's told us in the past, she wants to reduce the stigma, the shame that some people feel around sexual assault. >> takes a lot of courage, but we know that she has that in spades >> we've heard her here talk about that so many times and it always did seem so deeply personal it always struck me when she was here, and now she's sort of explaining why >> yeah, in a way. >> kate, thank you by the way, that new issue of "people" magazine on newsstands nationwide tomorrow. and there's more on this story on >> all right well, still ahead, selena
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gomez landing her next big role on "popstart." we'll tell you which music icon's life story she will bring to the big screen. first, though, there are cruise ships, then there's the new icon of the seas the largest cruise ship in the world. so we sent our largest correspondent, sam brock, to check it out >> reporter: feels appropriate, doesn't it, craig? guy, good morning. there is enough cable on this ship to wrap around the earth twice. and yet royal caribbean says the size is not the main story line here, but the experience is pushing the envelope of what is possible at sea. we'll show you right after this break. and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) i know what it's like to perform through pain. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help.
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that's what it's called, and at nearly 1,200 feet long, if you stood it up, it would be about the same height as the empire state building >> wow well, it pulled into port miami this week. nbc's sam brock got an exclusive look ahead of its maiden voyage. sam, good morning. >> yeah, savannah, guys, good morning. royal caribbean says this roughly seven-year-long process was about building the best family vacation ever the ship's size, guys, was never the focus. but here we are. on one side, chill island with pools, cabanas and a swim-up bar. on the other side, where i'm standing, thrill island, which includes a six-slide water park and experiences that will leave passengers breathless. royal caribbean's brand-new "icon of the seas" is finally home at port miami, becoming the largest cruise ship on the planet >> you're not competing with another cruise, you're competing with any other vacation a family would want to do >> so i could basically find anything that i want to do
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onboard this ship? >> and chief product innovation officer, jay schneider, may actually have planned for everything >> and so we've purposefully put more kind of adult-centric pool next to the slide structure, so, you know, mom and dad can sit and immerse in the water while a kid goes on 50 slides. >> reporter: this so-called neighborhood, geared towards families, is one of eight across the "icon," catering to all different experiences. >> our first swimup bar, and the largest swimup bar that anyone's ever put on a ship before. >> reporter: from chill island which offers pools, cabanas, and that bar, swimming tonic, to thrill island, with surfing and water park atmosphere. >> you're looking o slides that create a thunderous water park atmosphere. >> you're looking out at the caribbean as if you're flying into it. >> flying off the ship >> reporter: and central park, which has shopping and a ten-course meal option alongside some jazz. but expect to be wowed inside, too, with what schneider calls the mic drop moment.
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three stories of glass views and the pearl. >> the pearl is the world's largest kinetic art sculpture. it's an arrival moment for us. >> reporter: for some families, like the mcmasters and 11-year-old bella, the arrival of the aqua dome and its high-tech performances prompted mom to book a cruise for 20. >> just the fact that there is so much available for all ages is what appeals to me the most >> there's so many things like the robots and the water and the divers >> reporter: broadway's "wizard of oz" finds a home at the royal theater with the wicked witch of the west and a dorothy's whose real name is ruby. >> i've never seen anything like this >> i fly not once, not twice, three times, i fly three times during this show >> which brings us to another kind of flying the walk which allows passengers to dangle along the side of the ship after a few deep breaths, here goes nothing
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>> oh, my god. an adventure befitting of a first of its kind ship and i'm glad that everyone believes at home that i was actually nervous for that, all for the cameras, obviously guys, there's been a lot of talk right now about comparing the "icon of the seas" and the "titanic." just from a visual experience, look at this graphic you're talking about the difference between 46,000 gross tons and 250,000 gross tons. yeah, some saying it looks kind of like a tug boat compared to "the icon. as far as the total size in terms of passengers, it's roughly 7,500 plus a couple thousand plus crew members you're talking about 10,000 people total, give or take the capacity, the size of a small city >> no question i mean, that's next level on so many levels, sam when and where is the cruise
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going to set sail? >> reporter: so january 27th is the maiden voyage, craig they're doing alternating trips to the eastern and western part of the caribbean they both include a stop at a private island that royal caribbean owns, the perfect day at coco cay. that's what they call it the demand is so over the top, at this point, tha they've moved up booking for a sister ship that is not even in existence at this point. that's the level of the buzz a that the "icon of the seas" is generating >> massive >> sam brock, thank you. >> that's something. >> floating city >> would you do that, mr. roker? would you get onboard that >> well -- >> yeah, maybe >> you never know. you never know >> anyway, let's show you what's going on we've got a windchill advisories, windchill watches and warnings for 6 million plains we are talking about right now, right now, the windchill in rapid city, 13 below minot, north dakota, minus 30. grand junction, 19 minneapolis, it feels like 11 and it's going to keep dropping. look at these weekend windchills minus 28 in minneapolis on
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sunday minus 32 in des moines rapid city, minus 41 billings, montana, minus 38. blast of cold comes on in. so for today, 12 degrees in rapid city 23, denver 19 in omaha. nashville, you're warmer than average, 54 degrees. omaha, the temperatures tomorrow, single-digit high. 37 in denver and over the next several days as we get into next week, look at this, chicago, you'll be 5 degrees. 21 in lexington, kentucky. 1 on sunday in duluth, and dallas, by monday, you are at 27 degrees. so that cold air is dropping south and east good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. so it's cold in our standards, as we get started this morning. we will see sunshine today and temperatures rebound to the mid-50s. we will do it all over again tomorrow with much more of the same weather. on saturday we will see a storm
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system coming in that will bring rain first to the north bay and continuing to fill in across the bay area, and may also be very windy as our temperatures hit the upper 50s. we are c >> and that's your latest weather. guys >> al, thank you coming up, guys, a stunner from the world of college football >> stunner, indeed alabama's nick saban widely considered the greatest coach in history, retiring. what he is saying overnight, plus, hoda has a must-see boost that's actually tied to football we'll do that right after this a♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining.
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create your own combo with eggs and bacon. only at ihop. nature's bounty hair growth. clinically shown to help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective
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in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. carson joins the decision that has shaken up college football, guys >> yep, stunning move. nick saban, the legendary coach of the alabama crimson tide just announced that he's hanging up that headset after 292 wins, 11 s.e.c. titles, and a remarkable seven national championships
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nbc's jesse kirsch joins us with more on arguably the greatest coach of all time. hey, jesse >> reporter: hey, guys, good morning. jaw-dropping news. if you're having a debate about the greatest college football coach of all time, nick saban has to be on your list and now the crimson tide are marking the end of an era of dominance on the gridiron. this morning, the tide is changing at alabama, with head football coach nick saban announcing his retirement. the 72-year-old icon writing in a statement, it is not just about how many games we won and lost, but it's about the legacy and how we went about it saban was a college head coach for 28 years >> i can't tell you how pleased and honored i am to be your coach at the university of alabama. >> reporter: spending the last 17 of them at alabama, turning the crimson tide back into a powerhouse program >> they got him! >> some crimson gatorade >> reporter: he won six national championships there, most recently in 2021, against ohio state. >> and i'm so proud of this
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group for what they've been able to accomplish and going undefeated and winning a national championship. >> reporter: at the start of this season, saban called possible retirement rumors laughable. >> i don't want to do this if i can't do it anymore, but i feel great right now. i love it. >> reporter: this season, saban and alabama winning the s.e.c. championship and earning a spot in the rose bowl where the tide fell short to the eventual national champs, the michigan wolverines >> really, really proud of this group. >> reporter: in 2022, saban telling our stephanie gosk how he has made the mental health of his players a priority >> we're all going to have bad things that happen, but our ability to overcome those negatives is going to go a lon way in helping us be successful. >> reporter: this morning, the sports world praising one of the winningest coaches in college football history >> i don't think there's anybody that's a better coach than nick saban. >> reporter: nfl hall of famer and current colorado head coach, deion sanders, tweeting, wow, college football just lost the g.o.a.t. to retirement
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in tuscaloosa, the alabama faithful sad to see saban go >> at alabama, we have this thing called the standard, and that standard is winning, so hope whoever the future coach is, hope he can live up to that standard >> that standard will be tough to match for some perspective, the college football playoff has been going on for ten years now. nick saban's crimson tide teams have played in the semifinal round eight of those ten years, guys >> an amazing legacy for sure, jesse. thank you. that story actually sets u the morning boost perfectly. >> we did this all on purpose. from one legendary coach to another, the seattle seahawks announcing that the team was moving on from head coach pete carroll after 14 years on the job. the 72-year-old is the winningest coach in franchise history, leading seattle to a super bowl championship in 2014. so at a news conference yesterday, carroll thanked his players, his assistant coach, the fans, and then he got emotional when he talked about his wife, lenna. >> i've been blessed with like
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the rarest of best friends and mentor and loving partner, the angel in my life this is worth crying for glenna, nobody would ever understand how significant she has been through all of the stuff that we've been through and how important she is -- she's just been the angel in my life and i owe her everything. >> okay, beautiful carroll said his favorite memory over the last 14 years was this one, standing on the stage after winning the super bowl and finding glenna in the crowd. the seahawks say carroll will remain with the team as an adviser, but he says he's not tired, he's not worn down, he's fired up he's ready for whatever happens next >> what a tribute. >> beautiful >> beautiful >> always a classic. a lot of action yesterday. we were just talking about peter
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carol and then all of a sudden nick saban thing happens >> who knows what's next coming up on "popstart," that is definitely on the way. legendary actress annette bening is going to join us to talk about diving into the most challenging role of her career looking forward to having miss benning here but first, a quick check of your local news and weather (vo) feeding a high-quality dog food doesn't have to cost a whole lot. for about a dollar a day, you can give your dog the blue buffalo food they deserve. real meat first. healthy ingredients. natural nutrition. try blue life protection formula today.
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don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] ♪♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. al very a very good morning to you. it's 7:56. i am laura garcia. happening now there's serious risk of new snow slides this morning in the same area of yesterday's deadly avalanche at palisades tahoe ski resort. teams last night blasted the ridge line trying to break out
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massive snow banks of recent heavy snowfall. the avalanche killed a 66-year-old man. the slide suddenly dumped about 10 feet of snow over 150 yards of terrain, 50 yards wide. the other victims all suffered minor injuries. it's not clear when palisades will be reopen, but it could be as soon as today provided all inspections can be cleared. here's what else is happening now. >> i am bob redell. later today marin county supervisors could set a tap on the number of short-term rentals for unincorporated parts of marin county, and opponents say a cap will not address the issue and will hurt tourism along the coastline. we're starting out this morning with temperatures near freezing in the tri-valley and
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in parts of the north bay. 32 in santa rosa right now. we will see temperatures heading to the mid and upper 50s. it will be a nice and sunny day. we will continue with sunshine tomorrow, but rain is in our saturday forecast starting out first early in the morning for the north bay and continuing to spread across the bay area, but it will be clearing out for sunday. laura? >> all right. cold start. we will be here with another local news update in about half an hour. hope to see you then. have a great thursday morning.
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials.
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katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. ♪♪ it's 8:00 on "today," coming up, the countdown is on. with just four days to go until
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the iowa caucuses, tensions are running high. >> you're so desperate. you're just so desperate. >> chris christie suspending his campaign, as the front-runner skips the debate for his own town hall. we're live in iowa. also ahead, another round with millions still picking up the pieces from severe weather -- >> we got flooded i think six weeks ago, right? we just, two days ago, we just finished all the work, and now, we're going to have to go through the same thing again. >> a new storm is fast approaching. al's got your full forecast. then, miracle milestone. 15 years after the miracle on the hudson, craig tours the site of that amazing landing with captain chesley sullenberger himself. >> a lot of rescuers that day pitched in to save every life. fortunately, we did. >> plus, a special reunion with the first responders who helped save every passenger onboard. >> can you believe it's been 15 years? >> not at all.
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and she's so good. selena gomez set to play linda ronstadt in a new biopic. the actress and pop star taking on the music icon. we've got all the details in pop start,ed to, thursday, january 11th, 2024. ♪♪ >> tennessee. >> we just got engaged! >> shout-out to binghamton university -- >> in new york. >> visiting from phoenix, arizona. >> richmond, texas. >> and st. petersburg, florida. >> hi to our grandson in bellevue, washington. we love you! >> roommates from the university of texas. >> on winter break. hook 'em. ♪♪ >> on a mother/daughter trip -- >> from bozeman, montana. >> from st. jacob, illinois. >> celebrating our 50th anniversary. >> a lifetime watcher of the "today" show. >> and today on my mom's 80th birthday. >> i'm here to celebrate with hoda and savannah! >> she's so cute.
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>> happy birthday! okay. we cannot wait to get out there, give her an 80th birthday hug. we appreciate everybody for coming out this fine morning. happy to see you. i can't wait to visit! >> how adorable! we've got an amazing story tomorrow, guys. sisters who pulled off a real-life parent trap. they encouraged their divorced parents to get back together and guess what, it worked! and then the couple have now had a second wedding. that's gone viral. tomorrow, the entire family will be here live. >> wow. >> that's a good story. >> pretty cool. let's get to our news at 8:00, guys. with just four days to go until the iowa caucuses, nikki haley and ron desantis squared off last night for a one-on-one debate. the republican primary field suddenly narrowed, because chris christie decided to drop out. nbc's garrett haake joins us from des moines. he's got highlights. and trump's own prime-time appearance. hey, garrett, good morning. >> reporter: hey, guys, good morning. last night's debate was really the last best chance for ron desantis and nikki haley to
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introduce themselves to the country before this race gets started in earnest with the caucuses on monday night. the two candidates wasted no time attacking each other over things like their policies, even their basic honesty. >> we don't need another mealy-mouthed politician who just tells you what she thinks you want to hear, just to try to get your vote, then to get into office and do her donor's bidding. >> you're going to see the fact that he has switched his policies multiple times, and we'll call that out tonight. but every time he lies, drake university, don't turn this into a drinking game, because you will be overserved by the end of the night. >> you know, i think there's a problem. you can take the ambassador out of the united nations, but you can't take the united nations out of the ambassador. >> i don't take things personally. for me, it's very much about no drama, no whining, and getting results and getting them done. >> reporter: what neither candidate did was spend much time going after the race's
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dominant front-runner, donald trump. the only candidate has been doing that is new jersey governor chris christie. who announced last night he would be suspending his campaign. as for trump, he held a town hall on fox news, and he suggested that he might already have a vice presidential nominee . that would be a big step for a candidate in january before anyone has started voting. >> garrett haake in des moines. thank you. in the meantime, president biden returned to the campaign trail in the past week and had stops in pennsylvania and south carolina. and yesterday, mika brzezinski sat down for an exclusive interview with first lady dr. jill biden at the white house. a candid discussion about the demands and challenges of another political campaign. take a look. >> your husband is 81. at the end of a second term, he would be 86. as his life partner of 46 years, is there a part of you that is worried about his age and health? can he do it? >> he can do it and i see joe every day. i see him out, you know,
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traveling around this country, i see his vigor, i see his energy, i see his passion. every single day. >> mm-hmm. so to those who say, i can't vote for joe biden, he's too old, what do you say? >> i say his age is an asset. >> you can watch more of mika's exclusive interview with dr. biden on meanwhile, a new round of weather alerts this morning right behind the massive wenter storm that hit so much of the country this week. among the biggest concerns, flooding flooding in parts of new jersey and connecticut, especially,
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where some streets and basements are already underwater snow causing plenty of problems, as well. one extreme example, a deadly avalanche at a ski resort near lake tahoe mr. roker has been very busy over the past few days >> we're looking at a lot of problems as far as our winter weather stretching from wisconsin all the way to the west coast, we've got wind conditions for 89 million people, flood alerts in the northeast for 8 million people this storm is really going to get rocking tonight. we're looking at damaging hail, isolated tornadoes, especially central arkansas on into parts of louisiana and into alabama. then we move tomorrow. we have what we call bombogenesis this low pressure system is going to drop 25 millibars in 2. damaging winds and hail, and saturday, lake-effect snow cr hours. that becomes a bomb cyclone and that means it's a rapidly intensifying system. blizzard conditions from detroit, chicago, st. louis, des moines, the northeast seeing more rain and possible flooding. tomorrow night, an enhanced area of severe weather from montgomery, albany, and in fact, ef-2 tornadoes stretching from those areas, macon, georgia, on up into southern north carolina. wind gusts of 75 miles per hour. damaging winds and hail, and saturday, lake-effect snow creating whiteout conditions,
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strong winds in the northeast, gusting over 50 miles per hour heavy rain in the mid-mississippi river valley heavy snow around the great lakes, with blizzard conditions expected and then we're looking at heavy snow also out into the rockies, with upwards of 18 inches of snow and into early next week, into the plains and into the south, we should see daytime highs, 25 to 50 degrees below average. some places, windchills will be 50 degrees below zero. guys >> all right, al, thank you. one of the brightest ideas in the history of chewing gum is fading into the sunset the merricks of fruit stripe gum -- >> no! >> yes it confirmed that the iconic brand is being discontinued. fruit stripe debuted in 1969 each pack was like it own little rainbow. a different color stripe for each of the five juicy flavors and each wrapper was imprinted with a tattoo of yipes yipes stripes, the fruit stripes zeb ra mascot. are you okay, al ♪ >> that's devastating. >> oh my gosh. >> it was very juicy at least for ten chews
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>> the flavor lasted ten seconds, but it was worth it >> definitely. >> bummer. i know all right. coming up, carson is getting us ready for the people's choice awards, revealing this year's hosts and some big nominees. first, our exclusive conversation with captain sullenberger 15 years after the miracle on the hudson. what he is now revealing about the quick thinking that saved everyone on that flight. all 155 folks. also, his emotional reunion with the day's other heroes we'll have that for you right after this it's not another pad . it's amazing that a tiny device can provide 15 years of relief - and you can try it out first. get started at ask a bladder specialist if axonics therapy is right for you and to discuss potential risks. results and experiences may vary. let's get your life back! (vo) for over 50 years
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8:11 am
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8:12 am
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8:13 am
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8:15 am
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captivating is not just captain sullenberger's brilliant landing, but also the immediat response of new yorkers. the ferry captains from new york and new jersey, of course, but also a really special dive team from the new york police department who were thrilled to be reunited with the man they consider a hero. >> runway 4, we took off to the north and made a left turn >> flying in an nypd helicopter, captain sullenberger has a bird's eye view of where he took off 15 years ago before his plane, us airways flight 1549 hit a flock of birds. >> how long had you been in the air? before the geese >> 100 seconds >> this is 1539, hit birds, returning back towards laguardia. >> the powerless plane, engines aflame, had an audience. alarmed new yorkers who flooded the emergency lines. >> i'm witnessing an airplane is going down, it's on fire >> where
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where? >> i'm in the bronx! it's turning i don't know where it's going to fall though. ♪ >> reporter: in a hanger near jfk, nypd's elite scuba team took in the radio traffic, piecing together the calls like a bread crumb trail. >> came over, aircraft debris, hunt's point, the bronx zoo, you start to develop a picture, whatever it is, it's turning west towards the hudson river. >> captain sullenberger was, indeed, eyeing the wide and smooth river >> it turned out we didn't have enough altitude or speed to either return to laguardia or to go across the river to runway w like a teterboro. >> we're going to be -- >> so i chose the least-bad option, and i was very glad to have it. >> the least-bad option. >> yes. >> the scuba team meanwhile launched their chopper anded a
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they flew past the empire state building, they could not quite believe what they were seeing. >> when we got closer, we were able to read "us airways," now we know this is a big aircraft that had a catastrophic prob that had a catastrophic problem. >> that is a new york city police helicopter coming into the right side there >> reporter: the nypd divers spotted a woman in the water the river temperature, 36 degrees, every second mattered, so they didn't hesitate. >> she was panicking and i just tried to calm her down my first initial thought was to introduce myself to her. i said, hi, i'm michael, i'm going to get you out of here >> reporter: after rescuing her and another passenger, then detectives michael delaney and robert rodriguez turned to the sinking plane. they assumed there were passengers still trapped no way everyone survived >> when i went in the plane and i started swimming a bit, i was running into objects that were
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submerged, that i thought were bodies, but it was in fact luggage. >> thankfully. >> yeah. >> reporter: but, there was one person who knew all 150 passengers were off the that plane. >> i went through the airplane from front to back twice, just to make doubly sure that there was no one left behind >> reporter: when the dive team heard that -- >> the respect of chesley was up here and never wavered >> reporter: the respect mutual. >> they saved people who could have floated away and drowned almost unnoticed, otherwise. and i was very concerned about that 15 years, the captain, long eager to reunite with the dive team that played such an goodne. >> hello, gentlemen. how are you? good to see you. can you believe i important role in the rescue >> oh, my goodness >> hello, gentlemen. how are you? good to see you. can you believe it's been 15 years? >> not at all. >> thank you for everything you did for us this day. >> i think if we had 20
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opportunities to do it all over again, it wouldn't have gone as good as the first time we did it >> captain sullenberger does this thing, anytime he talks about what happened that day, it's always, "we, we, we." it's never, "i did this," "i did that." have you noticed that? >> yes, it's probably the first time collectively a bunch of people from different industries did a gut check and said, i'm going to act bravely in this moment i know i had some fear in the helicopter that day, but i said, this is what you've been tasked to do. this is your job so swallow it and try to save whomever you can >> a lot of first responders from that day who pitched in to make it their mission to save every life fortunately, we did. >> reporter: individual acts of bravery that when added all together made a miracle. ♪ >> you said it best. it is crazy. even 15 years later. unbelievable i asked him, i said, what do you think it is about this particular story that has resonated with so many, for so long and he made a good point, and
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i'd actually forgotten this. think about where we were as a country, 2009, coming out of 2008, the financial crisis, greed, a lot of folks talking about how the individual greed of folks could help bring down the collective economy and here you had on this chilly day, strangers coming together, private boats, and everyone jumping in >> ferries cross -- >> yes i also asked him, i thought this to be especially interesting, you would assume after you save 155 people, including the crew, that you might have elite status on the airline. >> sure. >> no. no lifetime diamond platinum status, no free plane tickets. >> he probably will now! >> doesn't even get the whole weather, because that hudson river was pretty calm. >> it was ice covered. >> we should also know that the paily center for media in new york is hosting a special miracle on the hudson discussion tonight. it will, of course, include the
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captain. also passengers can of coke! responders and they all stay in touch, by the way. >> what an amazing story and you get to go fly with him that's really cool >> i was in good hands i was like, if something happens. >> be in the hudson. all right, mr. roker, a check of the weather >> don't you love this job >> i do. every day. and i get to sit next to guys like you, too. >> all right, let's show you what we've got as far as today's weather. snow showers around the great lakes. we've got some storms that are going to be developing down through the gulf, sometimes severe bitter cold moving into the plains and more rocky snow, good news for the skiers there. that's what's going on around good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're still freezing in livermore and santa rosa. we're in the upper 30s elsewhere for much of the bay area. after that, we are going to see sunshine and temperatures headed for the mid to upper 50s. we are going to go back to cold temperatures again tonight with not much of a change in our high temperatures tomorrow as the dry weather continues. we're watching rain for
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saturday. keep checking back for updates on t >> and that's your latest weather. guys >> al, thank you are you ready for "popstart" >> let's do it right now, everybody. first up, people's choice awards we can announce today kicks off voting for the annual fan focus competition. marvel movie cemo leo will be taking the stage as host, and we have a first look at which pop culture hits of the year are in the running. let's start with the movies, here are the nominees, "barbie," "fast 10," "guardians of the galaxy," "oppenheimer," "the taylor swift film," "the little mermaid," and "the super mario brothers movie." how about for tv show of the year, the nominees are "grey's anatomy," "law & order:svu," "only murders in the building. you can watch the 2024 people's choice awards sunday february
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18th on nbc, peacock and "e! good luck to those nominees. next up, selena gomez, the golden globe nominated actress just landed her next big gig and we'll give you a little bit of a hint ♪ oh, you're no good, you're no good, you're no good, baby, you're no good ♪ >> that's right. selena has been cast as linda ronstadt in the upcoming biopic. it's reportedly in recording now, and sharing this pic of ronstadt's 2013 memoir, "simple dreams." hopefully we don't have to wait too long until that comes out. that's good casting there. and next up, drew barrymore, who among us can say that they can't get enough of -- they do get a little emotional when they see this clip from a particular moment in "the wedding singer" film ♪ i'll miss you, kiss you ♪ ♪ give you my coat when you are cold ♪ ♪ need you, feed you ♪ ♪ even let you hold the remote
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control ♪ >> that's awesome. turns out the stars are just like us. drew posted her reaction to catching "the wedding singer" on television, at home channel surfing like all of us take a look. >> we made such a good movie i love you so much happy new year it started this morning, and i was on my way to yoga class, and i'm taking the next later one so i could watch it ♪ all i want to do is grow old with you ♪ >> that's how i feel when i watch "today all day," like, a little bit later i get weepy. yeah, yeah i postpone my yoga, my peloton classes. i get weepy. >> on the video for that, adam sandler commented on the video for class. i sit and watch it and get weepy. adam sandler commented on the video for that, sandler wrote in there, too, good, love you always, drew we're overdue for the next adam/drew rom com. tiger wins a long drive contest,
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taking a swing in a surprising stance take a look. >> no! >> you're a sicko. you're a sicko >> he challenged one of the guys, so rigs gets up there, standing up, normal, hits the shot of his lifetime, thinks he'll outdrive tiger, and tiger is like, it's my turn, then he goes down to his knees is and proceeds to out-drive him. good moment for the barstool boys we have a legend in the house. annette bening >> oh! >> yes >> hi. >> how are you good to sew you. >> hi! >> so happy you're here. >> t a very good morning to you. it is 8:26. i'm laura garcia. bart plans to crack down on fare
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evaders with a gate. they unveiled the gates at the west oakland station. today we should learn the next eight stations scheduled to receive them. the change is part of bart's $90 million project to replace all 700-plus gate systems by summer of 2025. let's get a look at the forecast. it's a cold start. >> it is cold. we are also seeing sunshine. that's going to help it feel a little bit milder as we go into the afternoon. if you are heal ingheading to t coastline, make sure you are maybe not going to some of the ones that typically flood in the king tides. we'll have a coastal flood advisory in effect until noon, high tide coming up at 10:30. clear tomorrow with another cold start. rain in the forecast for saturday. then we'll see it taper off sunday morning.
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looking good and sunny for the start of next week. another local news update in about a half hour. have a good morning.
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look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees.
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uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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♪ welcome back welcome back 8:30 >> i'm sorry, i'm sorry. >> thursday morning. you say thursday, we say fri-yay eve. outside with an amazing crowd on the plaza. a good-looking crowd 50 years together. happy anniversary! >> and we've also got this lovely lady. we showed you, you're 80 years old? >> yes, i am and. >> what's your name? >> sue >> where are you from, sue >> springfield >> we're so glad that sue came to see us. that crown looks good on you guys, we've got a true icon, annette bening. so she is playing diana nyad. it's a new movie about >> amazing just ahead in this half hour, guys, we've got a true acon, annette bening so she is playing diana nyad it's a new movie about a swimmer who chased an historic challenge. she had to train for that role it was no small feat we're going to sit down with miss bening in just a moment
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>> very cool then cookbook author dawn russell is here with some healthy soups and stews to help fuel your family in the cold weather. we have a nice cake. >> i'm in such a soup mood it's such a soupy time of year yes. speaking of chefs we love, guys, get ready. wolfgang puck will be here tomorrow yes! and i love this. it's not some fancy food he's make sliders for today food loves football yeah >> i can't wait for that mr. roker, before we do anything else, how about one more check of the weather >> i want to introduce, this couple was here. hold on a second so, what's your name >> amanda. >> brian >> and you guys were here how many years ago, after you got engaged? >> 16 years ago. >> and you brought a couple of souvenirs. >> some souvenirs. yes. >> what's your name? grace. >> and >> nora. >> well, thanks for coming back! we appreciate that >> let's show you what's going on as far as our weather is concerned. weekend outlook, tornado threat through the southeast.
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heavy snow and wind blizzard conditions in the great lakes. frigid snow out west lake-effect snow continues on saturday, literally dangerous numbing cold in the plains, very windy, mid-atlantic, more, another storm comes into the pacific northwest in california. sunday, much colder with snow in the northeast. snowy blast in the mid-plains, below zero up in the western plains and then it's a long weekend, martin luther king jr. day, light snow through the mid-mississippi river valley, record cold in the rockies, sunny and mild out west. good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we have such a cold start. we're headed for the mid 50s today and back down to the 30s for tonight. tomorrow is basically a repeat of today. then we'll see a few more clouds coming in late as we get ready for some saturday rain. it's going to be raining throughout the day especially for the north bay and san francisco. the south bay will be seeing it during the afternoon. sunday we're drying out. it looks like a
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i have been ordered by miss kotb to get a really cute young man over here. what's your name >> miles >> miles, where are you from >> texas >> he's from texas >> we love miles miles is the best. miles, happy you came. >> is this mom, miles? >> that's right, katrina >> we're happy to see y'all. >> nice haircut. i like that. coming up next, the one and only annette bening. she's got oscar buzz for her portrayal of marathon swimmer, diana nyad can't wait to hear all about it. but first, this is "today" on -- >> nbc not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials.
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katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing
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the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. ♪ we're back it's 8:35. how lucky am i i get to sit with legendary oscar nominee, annette bening. she's got a new film called "nyad. it is based, of course, on the true story of marathon swimmer,
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diana nyad, back in 2013, she swam 110 miles from cuba to florida. you remember this, in jellyfish and shark-infested waters. she made that remarkable journey after four failed attempts at the age of 64. so, in the film with annette bening as the lead role, nyad sets out to prove her determination and sheer will, but first she has to convince her coach, played by jody foster let's take a look. >> i need to get myself functioning at the highest level. you're going to be my coach. >> that's why you wanted to play ping-pong. you never want to play ping-pong. >> absolutely not.eant you shou for speed dating or get a therapist. not come out of a 30-year retirement for some dangerous, absurd fantasy. >> i am doing it. i'm not done. i have more in me and so do you. come on, don't you want to be fully engaged, fully awake, your
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soul ignited by >> bonnie, you said i needed to it would be an amazing ride. >> i'm so in that's all you need is that one clip annette, it is so good to see you. >> thank you >> i know people don't like to read reviews, but before i dive into this movie which i am so excited about and into, i have to read a couple of them "people" magazine says, bening does not hold back, this is her boldest performance ever, almost certain to get her an oscar nomination collider says, bening is the best she's ever been as nyad, embracing the athlete's stubbornness and strong will to a t. and the a.p. says when diana hits the ocean, she turns into a ferocious forward-moving force won't let anything, jelly fish stings stop her in her quest just keeps swimming. she would leave dory in the dust so this -- taking on this role was not for the faint of heart i mean, did you immediately say yes to it? >> i actually did, because i read it and was just so taken with diana and her journey
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i was moved. that got me, just in my gut. and i actually didn't really think it through so maybe that's good, you know but i just -- i knew i had to play it. i knew this was an opportunity that like no other and it really proved to be that. but that's something that i think it's good for us, right? a big challenge. something new. something completely took me into a world that i would never have imagined doing, playing a marathon swimmer i never thought about it >> well, to think about it, and this is not something that was shot in a way that wasn't arduous. it wasn't beauty shots and, why don't you get in and swim a little bit, annette, for the part you trained with an olympic coach. you had to get in shape. you had to be in a bathing suit the whole time this is like, this is quite some difficult stuff. >> well, i knew it was a chance to maybe strip away some layers and dive into something, no pun intended, that was brand-new for me
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and the physical challenge was a gift >> i was quite nervous, as i started, and i thought, how can i pull this off? i'm 60 -- whatever i was when i started, 62. i'm 65 now how can i make this work but i had a great coach, rada owen, who was an olympic swimmer, and she teaches kids, too, so maybe that's good. but she was just that person, an olympic athlete herself, she knows what it takes. and she also knows the mind-set. and you know, that was what kills me about diana, is that she says, look, i tried to do this swim when i was in my 20s and i failed >> okay. >> so when she reaches 60, she's at a turning point, she's been a broadcaster, she's written books, she's a really erudite, interesting, worldly person. and she says, i'm going to -- i have to do this now. and she said - and her partner, bonnie, who jody plays, you're insane,
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you're 60, you couldn't do it when you were that, how can you do it no and she says, yeah, but i have this this is what i didn't have then. the brain, the life experience, the chutzpah, and the mental ability to really pull this off. >> i feel like life's broken down in like three chunks. the first part of your life is about learning, the second part is often about earning, and the third part is really about wisdom about all the things -- >> that's very smart >> -- that diana nyad is and i was wondering about you. you are in this cool, awesome phase of your career you're choosing things you like, but you keep taking risks. it's not like you're saying, you know what, let me do that, how much work is that going to be?w, i'll take care of that -- you're stepping outside of your comfort zone, still. >> well, i see that in a lot of people maybe it's my girlfriends or people that i know, or maybe just in reading and looking at the world. sometimes there's some people, i think there's a lot of people, you want a new challenge you might be in your 60s or even
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older, i mean, my mom is 94, she still gets down and reads and she's got the crossword puzzle going. you know, you need something new. and a physical challenge was particularly -- yeah, whatever i mean, i thought -- i underestimated, quite frankly, what it was going to mean. but then once i got over that, you know, and i got into it, okay, you know, just do it just train, believe you can do it, all that stuff that diana, you know, talks about. >> well, i just want to say, congratulations. >> thank you >> you're an inspiration it made me feel strong watching you do this, so i want to say "thank you." and also, please check out this movie. "nyad" now streaming on netflix and congrats on all the great reviews. that's pretty excellent, too savannah, over to you. we are making soup this morning. dawn russell is here this is ratatouille. i don't know if i'm going to like this. we're close enough i can tell you that >> you absolutely can.
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i have three, so you can try >> nutritious, great for winter. i think i'm going to like it >> it's all about problem solving for your family.
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we're back at 8:44 with today food 'tis the season for comforting soups and stews, and they can also be incredibly nutritious. >> here with some easy, healthy recipes your entire >> this is "today" on nbc. started eight grains, the company, to get us get greens, to today, problem-solving for our kids to ge the little boosters that i'll show you along the way >> what are we hiding in this first one. you can blend up anything and the kids don't even know
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>> this is zucchini. and i'm going to show you, zucchini is pretty amazing so first tip i want us parents to know, keep the skin 75% of the nutrients is in the skin of the zucchini, as well as onion, salmon. now, also, for us adults, zucchini is very much a water-based vegetable. so it's great for weight management, because it fills you up quite quickly it's a heavy one so we have in here, we are sauteing onion, potatoes, one of the tips for kids liking this, use vegetable broth. it's a little bit sweeter. don't do low-salt. we're giving them zucchini, that's enough healthy. >> pick and choose your battles. >> correct. >> exactly >> so vegetable broth and no salt will give it the flavor put the zucchini in the broth, which has the onion, the potatoes, and you let it simmer for 20 minutes the great thing is, you don't have to stick around, you can go -- just let it simmer
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>> what's the powder are you putting tla in that in there? >> this is for us adults kids can have it too, age 4 and over i think you have one child younger than 4 this is omega oil. very good for us women, for our skin, our hair, our digestion. this is how we sneak it. >> is it a fish oil? >> exactly it's like i always say - >> does make things taste fishy? >> no, you're burying. >> that was the whole goal >> okay! >> just eat the soup, you don't know what's in there it's all sorts of good stuff >> >> savannah, don't ask questions. >> the omega is great. like oiling your body, oiling your car you snuck it in. then you put all of this in the blender. now, the one other tip i want to give you, this is the most requested soup that my two boys ask for. >> very lemony >> lemon
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>> did you put lemon in it >> no. >> the one tip i want to give, here we have probiotic. lemony >> no. i taste the omega oil a little bit. >> the one tip i want to give, it's very fun to do cups with this one you're not getting the noodles or anything at the bottom. i feel like with kids, soup? that boring routine. we cheers. we drink >> maybe some crouton ifs you don't mind the carbs >> ratatouille now here we have - i could nerd out on every ingredient, because it's really important to me what we are consuming, but i'll take one second and focus on bell peppers. yellow and red bell peppers are in plant form the longest. that's why they're the brighter color of red and yellow than the green, that is it also makes them sweeter so go for yellow or red. red, i want us all to have red pepper, it has 11 times the beta keratin of a green pepper. which is an amazing cancer fighting ingredient. >> wow, green pepper is getting murdered
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>> just eat your red peppers all the time >> so, we have this all in we have onions, we have zucchini, we have the whole thing. i would dice this a little bit more in my home. your chef is amazing she kind of cut the zucchini whole. you move it around and let it all saute. you can either use it as your main dish like so, i know it doesn't look very good, because it's been sitting for a while, or what you can do is you can put it on top of your fish for children that are -- >> oh! >> children that are picky eaters, my 9-year-old is super picky, he doesn't even know he's eating fish, because east eating the ratatouille. also, for us parents, you haveng fish because he's ea quinoa, lentils, sneak those in. they don't know. they think they're eating something else >> how's the ratatouille >> really great. >> this next soup is my favorite >> wow, that's good. because who needs another chicken noodle soup recipe >> we do >> i waited -- i was like, should i should i
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>> always! >> so what i did was coconut oil -- everything is obsessed with coconut water, coconut milk there's quite a bit of calories in coconut milk, so put coconut oil in as the base >> we only have 30 seconds >> that's the best by far. >> you can sneak other vegetables in it, peas, chicken, also carrots if you know when they're on the plate -- if you have a carrot section, no one's going to eat it >> that's special. dawn, thank you so much. you can find these recipes and a lot more on our website, >> it's so lemony. >> it is lemony! you know what --
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♪ we're back mr. roker, you have birthdays to celebrate. >> absolutely do let's give those smuckers jars a spin it is the first smuckers jar spin of 2024 first up, happy 100th birthday
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to lidia salvino, celebrating her big day with five kids, 13 grandkids, 16 great grandkids. >> wow >> william bender from mt. jewel yet in tennessee is celebrating 103 years served in the army we salute you for your service, sir. a happy 101st birthday to gloria watts of boston, mass. she loves listening to music from the '50s, especially old blue eyes. arthur lopez from kansas city, missouri, is 100 married to the love of his life for more than 60 years foster abbott sr. from sylvester, georgia, a dodgers fan, he's 100. the secret to longevity, staying active and happy 100th birthday to mildred harmon, a beach girlutt green -- she's the putting green champion at her condo. you go, mildred! there you go! by the way, we have some amazing guests coming up in our third hour. in fact, let's bring them on out here. ladies and gentlemen, we've got actress andy mcdowell here,
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incredibly talented from westminster, maryland good to see you, guys. >> good morning, guys. hello. >> so exciting >> this is so exciting we've never done this before we have had so many stars on the third hour, we had to bring them here first of all, you guys, congratulations. that documentary -- >> everybody's talking about it. >> incredible. >> you guys were very vulnerable in that. was that tough to do >> oh, yeah, very tough. but it's worth it. we all go through the human condition, nobody's exempt >> were you holding your breath before you saw the first screening of it like, okay, what's this going to be? >> holding our breath, burying our faces into each other's jackets and sending up a prayer. >> for people who don't know, you were battling cancer and it was right around the same time as jon's career was like hitting a fever pitch and it was how both of those things came together and how you guys handled it and i had the privilege of interviewing you guys on my podcast a couple of years ago, and i just thought you guys were so extraordinary i was actually interviewing
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sueleka and jon came along and it was like, oh, cool. >> and andi mcdowell, the second season of your show, "the way home," how are you feeling about everything >> i'm really proud of being on this project, a unique project for hallmark a little bit more mysterious and elevated and i have a great cast kyler lee, these wonderful actors i get to work with. really happy at my age to find projects that fulfill me at 65 and still working and trying to play roles that women my age can be proud of, that they see an g we have you on, we're having -- the hall of famers are on! >> in just a few minutes image. >> we're having a lot of that. we just had annette bening on, we have you on, we're having -- the hall of famers are on! >> in just a few minutes on the third hour with andi, jon, and suelka just a few moments, take a quick break, your local news and
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weather. we should do more of this. >> the couch is crowded. >> we'll be right back
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good morning. it is 8:56. i'm laura garcia. there is still the risk of new slides this morning in the same area of yesterday's deadly avalanche that killed a 66-year-old man identified as kenneth kidd who lives part-time in marin and truckee. the slide dumped ten feet of snow 150 yards wide. it's not yet clear when palisades will reopen but it may be as soon as today providing all inspections can be cleared. our kris sanchez is monitoring the situation and meteorologist kari hall is tracking our
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weather conditions. county staffers are recommending the cap be a little more than 1,000 rentals. more than 1,000 rentals. supporters argue a cap not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
8:59 am
in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network.
9:00 am
give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. ♪♪ this morning on the third
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