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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  January 15, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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2024. countdown to caucuses. voting begins in an icy iowa in just a matter of hours and former president donald trump has an unprecedented lead. how tonight's results could shape the entire race. bitter blast, nearly 1 in 3 americans facing brutal cold in some places it feels like federal government tif 50, and that's just the start of it. meteorologist bill karins. breaking point? rebels in yemen hit another ship. and step on it. are you in the market for a new car, why now may be exactly the right time to buy. >> certainly a busy news day on this dr. martin luther king jr. day as well. we begin in iowa this hour, and the official kickoff to 2024 campaign season, candidates crisscrossing the state, making their closing arguments to voters before tonight's
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caucuses. >> right now, former president trump is dominating the field, lo to of attention is on who will place second tonight. nikki haley and ron desantis are the cop contenders. candidates also fighting the extreme weather. wind chills plummeted minus 30 degrees. and that could have a major impact on turnout tonight. voting begins at 7:00 p.m. central iowa time. 8:00 p.m. eastern. all done by secret ballot, our reporters fanned out across the hawkeye state. vaughn hillyard is following the trump campaign. we have chief political analyst chuck todd in the studio here to give us the big picture. vaughn the former president has a commanding lead right now, how confident is his campaign on this final day, what are you hearing from him and his
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supporters? >> reporter: look, this latest poll from the des moines register and nbc news also bolsters their confidence. over the last year they've built an organization that's ready to turn out despite the cold, when you're looking at donald trump not only are they looking at turning out first-time caucus-goers this nbc news poll showing earning 56 mkt of their support but he's also looking to convert those who didn't caucus for him. i talked to gentleman, 27-year-old evangelical back in 2016 supported marco rubio, he told me's caucusing tonight for donald trump. from a few folks at this final campaign event who told 34e why they're showing up. what's the likelihood that trump supporters will show up tonight to caucus. >> 100%. >> 100%. this is iowa. >> why for you guys in.
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>> because it's crucial. >> it's crucial. >> for our country. >> he just has to be our president. >> how much do you think donald trump wins by tonight? >> at least 50%. at least. >> he's our man. he's our guy. >> those two women on the right, first-time caucus goers, the event an all-star cast of maga supporters of donald trump. matt gaetz, kari lake, and jim jordan are all here. >> the clock is ticking. vaughn, thank you. let's turn now to dasha burns covering the desantis campaign. he's fallen behind desantis. how is he trying to move the needle, what have you heard? >> reporter: look, i'm old enough to remember not that long ago ron desantis was the guy who could be the one actually beat
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donald trump in the primary, not only is he far from striking distance of donald trump but he's battling out for second place not just nationally but here in the hawkeye state where he has poured all of his resources, gotten all of the right endorsements, and he's right now as you showed there in third place in our polls, certainly not where he thought he would be, and in order to continue on in this race he needs to have a strong showing tonight, our colleague hallie jackson asked him whether or not he would drop out or continue going if he didn't get good results tonight. >> we're going on. we've been built for long haul, it's all about the accumulation of delegates. we're excited about tonight. >> reporter: we know he's not the first candidate to say he's going to keep going only to drop out 24, 4 hours later, so we'll
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see what happens tonight, he does have a very strong organization on the ground here which does matter for caucuses. not your typical primary, you got to go there at a certain time, meet with community members, a different process, organization matters, that could be the difference between second and third place. >> dasha, thanks so much. chuck, put this into context for us, donald trump has this huge lead, what does a that mean if that's what happens tonight. >> reporter: primary basically is over just as it begins. to me, i'm not looking at second place until i see if donald trump is above or below 50. >> why 50? >> simply is half the party onboard or not, more than half -- this is the most republican electorate he's going have, if he can't get 50% with
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this electorate, you can make the case this is a party divided. it's an important marker, if it happens. right, you know, our poll indicates it's unlikely to happen. most enthusiastic supporters. only a couple of points from 50. that's number one. forget who's second. if he's not below 50, it doesn't matter. >> in addition to that, hitting 50, what are key things you're watching for tonight. >> why the turnout is fascinating, because obviously weather means those with better organization how old have an advantage f you're ron desantis this is about as good a gift from the weather gods. the whole premise of his campaign is organization. nikki haley a mmentum candidate, weather is a real problem for momentum candidates
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in general. she had one iowa staffer for months. you feel short-staffed. look, that's why i think a lot about tonight is where half the party, if it's with trump in iowa it's going to be very hard any state going forward where you're not going to see the same thing with the only exception being new hampshire. >> it's math at that point. desantis, what if he comes in third tonight, can he even stay in this race in >> i doubt he does, because donors, pick your cliche, money is the mother's milk of politics. when you're out of money you can't keep running. that's a simple thing, right, and those donors that have been allowing his events to happen.
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desantis voters aren't with trump. they're going to go to haley. transactional donors. this will be consolidation for whoever is second. but, here's the thing. if you're donald trump best result tonight would be desantis in second, because he doesn't get out and haley wants to see what happens in new hampshire, divided field. he's not going to get out if he finishes ahead of haley. that's the dream scenario if you're in trumpland in mar-a-lago. >> thank you so much. of course got more coverage of the caucuses to come here, later this hour, we'll answer the question, what on earth are the caucuses anyway? we'll tell you coming up. >> it's also a big night tonight, i think chuck will be
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with us later on, get your popcorn, coverage starting at, well, it's hallie jackson, tom llamas and kristen welker starting at 7:00 p.m. on nbc news now. watch whenever you stream. an american-owned cargo ship is the newest target of missile attacks from rebel groups in yemen. >> one day after u.s. shot down a missile fired by a warship. courtney, what do we know about that cargo ship hit by a missile today. >> reporter: it's been able to keep sailing along, on its own, despite being struck by that anti-ship cruise missile as you mentioned. also, no reports of any injuries onboard, but this is another step in what has become a very concerning pattern of strikes and attacks by houthi rebels,
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upward of 30 of these attacks, primarily they've been using aebt-ship cruise missiles and ballistic missiles and one-way attack drones. but so far we had not seen many of the ships struck, in fact most of time they either, the projectiles would land if the water or the u.s. military has been knocking them out of the sky. that's what we saw yesterday, fired toward a u.s. warship, in this case a u.s. navy fa-18 shot it out of the sky this missile. the big question here, will these attacks continue after the u.s. and the british military carried out a pretty punishing series of attacks and strikes last thursday night hitting at least more than 60 houthi military targets, firing more than 150 missiles and dropping
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more than 150 bombs on those targets. the question we continue to ask is, how much of the houthi military capability was really degraded. they're still going after ships in the red sea. >> courtney, thank you. coming up, sub zero wind chills, lake-effect snow, freezing rain a brutal winter storm wreaking havoc coast to coast, what you need to know. plus denmark crowns a new plus denmark crowns a new king inside when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal,
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at this hour, winter sweatt blasting states from coast to coast. >> many americans facing sub freezing temperatures right now the frigid and potentially dangerous conditions are blanketing states with snow and freezing rain. listen to this, in some places wind chills were as cold as 50 degrees below shooe row. >> we start with nbc news correspondent adrian in chicago, you've been speaking with folks braving the sub zero temperatures out there. how are people staying safe. >> reporter: you know, they have their methods of success, but i asked two women just walking by moments ago, what's so important that brought you outside today and how do you stay warm in this frigid temperature? >> layers. >> tights, ski layers.
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>> bundle up. right now my ankles are showing, my mom would yell at me. bundle up as much as crow can. >> reporter: it's cold. we are in the single digits but it feels much worse and with the wind chill advisory we could dip 25 below zero. back to you. >> saw some of those folks with backpacks, maybe their students. how has the weather impacted travel, though, both on the ground and in the air? >> reporter: i'll tell you about travel but i want to let you know the first women we spoke with said they were going shopping and they were trying to go to the movies before the theater that's just over that way is closed because of the weather and other places are also impacted by the weather. let's start with amtrak, some
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services across the country were cancelled and right now the flightaware numbers it's gone up, more than 5900 flights delayed. we're talking about flights coming into and out of the u.s. and a little more than 3500 cancelled. so this extreme cold is impacting multiple years. >> let's bring bill in here for some expertise, we got this trifecta of wind, snow -- we have a lot of viewers out west, where are we seeing the worst? >> developing in oregon. i was thinking over the weekend, we had 100,000 people without power in oregon. that are in the east and the south with this cold arctic outbreak. it's a significant cold outbreak when corpus christi, texas s under a winter storm warning. we've been getting a lot of snow
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in the mountains of colorado. but, then, now we're watching this next storm heading into the northwest again and the cold air is in place and it's a bad combination especially in areas of oregon, especially coastal areas, we're under an ice storm warning, nobody wants an ice storm. so this is the map tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. the purplepurple-ish here. in some areas could get up to half an inch of ice with this storm. we're expecting power outages in the ice storm, going to be ugly in the pacific northwest. this rain creeping northward up to the cascades up into seattle, 3:00, 8:00 p.m. wednesday, a freezing rain event, then it
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will warm up and will get rain. late tuesday night into wednesday morning there. pretty good snowstorm will be under way there in the portion of northern rockies. a half inch of ice you need more than half inch of water coming out of the sky. 1 to 2 inches. that's why we have the potential for this significant ice storm, snow accumulations, northern cascades will do better well with over 9 to 12 inches. salt lake city to the northern wasatch range, colorado looks like your snow machine will finally be kicking off. as far as the wind alerts go, the middle of the country, watching anything with the caucus tonight that's where the wind chill will be from negative 25, to 30. montana and north koe that.
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minot. >> buffalo behind you, wind chill of 4. that game is going to kickoff. that stadium is all over. >> bill karins, thank you so much. coming up, it's been just over one hundred days since the start of israel/hamas war. the latest efforts to get hostages released. time for today's daily snapshot. the lincoln memorial in washington, d.c. to honor dr. martin luther king jr. day. hi, my name is damion clark. and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all of these
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get fast relief with tums+ heartburn + sleep support. love food back and fall asleep faster. ♪ tums tums tums tums ♪ welcome to the fast forward. it is the dr. martin luther king jr. holiday and many in the bay area are participating in a national day of service and hundreds are honoring dr. king's legacy with a train ride. bob has a look at this annual tradition. >> cal train is expecting hundreds, possibly as many as 1,000 people to board this train here at the station in san jose. it's been celebrating the legacy of dr. martin luther king. for almost 40 years straight. here in san jose with a few stops along the way, up the peninsula before arriving in san francisco. now for the past several years, this has been known as cal train's mlk celebration train,
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but until 2015, it was the last of the original freedom train. dr. king's window established throughout the country. this one in 1985. now, scott king reportedly chose this route because it's close in distance to her husband's 54-mile civil rights march from selma to montgomery, alabama in 1965. now, even though the name has changed, the meaning and spirit of this ride remains the same. now, we caught up with the leslie family this morning. the mother is white, father is black, children biracial. the mother pointed out their marriage would have been illegal in dr. king's time. >> folks have tried to bring this back to the supreme court to debate about again that our family could be considered illegal to exist once again and your daddy and i not be able to be married. conversations have started to shift in the wrong direction and
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that's why it's especially important for us to be here now. >> we're here to carry on martin luther king jr. we have a dream. so hate cannot drive out only love. so we just want to show we've come a far way, but we need to go even more far. >> this morning's train went up the peninsula with stops in palo alto and san matteo before its final destination of san francisco where there was a march downtown. cal train and the northern california dr. martin luther king jr. foundation team up each year to provide this ride for free. here on board this year's mlk celebration train, nbc bay area news. >> an important holiday. thank you so much, bob. if you have been outside, t a cloudy morning all over the bay area and more rain could be headed our way soon. here's kari hall. hi, kari. >> we are going to have a mostly cloudy day today and rain coming back on tomorrow.
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mostly during the afternoon but we have a stormy pattern ahead from friday into the weekend but as we are prepping for the rain, our temperatures today will reach into the upper 50s. dublin reaching 59. 59 in napa and novato and san francisco ands low 60s from san francisco to san martin. temperatures tomorrow will be cooler for the north bay and rain will start to come in with a slight chance of drizzle today but then the north bay starting out with rain in the morning and then much more of the bay area seeing rain during the afternoon. we'll talk about another storm in our forecast that's coming up in about 30 minutes. >> thank you. we'll see you in a bit. here are some other stories you need to know about. we have learned the identities of two young sisters who died in a crash in gilroy, but first, a dramatic overnight crash this san francisco lands a woman in the hospital. it happened when the car took the harrison street off ramp off
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i-80. police say the driver was going too fast and lost control. the car then launched off the on ramp, into the air and into a building. the second and third floors of the building were actually damage nd the crash. police say the driver survived because she was wearing her seat belt. she was taken to the hospital and is in stable condition. police are still investigating this crash. we know more about this tragedy for a south bay family after the death of two young sisters in a crash east of gilroy. it happened friday on highway 152. investigators say a tesla tried to pass a struck, went into the other lane then struck the van the girls were riding in. here they are. they were 4 and 7. allilisa attended jackson academy of math and music in morgan hills. the school plans to have grief counselors tomorrow when students return to the classroom. police say no arrests were made at the scene but this investigation is ongoing.
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♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." the high school principal who was hospitalized after a gunman opened fire at a high school in iowa has died. suffered multiple gunshot wounds
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after stepping in to protect students from the shooter. the attack also killed a student and hurt it four students and two staff members. defense secretary austin has hot air balloon accident happened early morning. police say after the sky diver's completed their planned jump the balloon appeared to fall from the sky. the faa and ntsb investigating the cause of that crash. defense secretary austin has been released from the hospital, he had been there for two weeks to treat complications following prostate cancer surgery. the 70-year-old said he'll work from home while he continues to recover. austin kept his cancer diagnosis secret from the biden administration for weeks prompting backlash and reviews. we continue our coverage now of the top story this hour the 2024 presidential primary is
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officially kicking off. >> all eyes on iowa as republicans are set to hold their caucuses tonight to pick their top choice for the 2024 gop presidential nominee. in final iowa poll, former president donald trump maintains a pretty commanding lead with nikki haley edging out ron desantis for second place in that nbc news/des moines register poll. >> maura barrett is in iowa for us. can you remind our viewers how iowa caucuses work and why they're so important. >> reporter: the caucuses are a very different process than a typical primary most states are used to and the republicans run it differently from democrats in state. starting at 7:00 local time tonight, people will show up and should be ready to go at 7:00 at their caucus sites. 1700 precincts across the state. they convene in community space, whether it's a school or a
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church or a community building, we'll be at a high school tonight where we'll see three different precincts in one room, in rural areas there aren't many community spaces where people can kind of separate. then they'll hear from a candidate representative. they'll make the final speech for their candidate and that's when republicans will cast a ballot a secret ballot not as public as the democratic process, we should know the results shortly after that. as to why the iowa caucus is so important, iowa has a small percentage of the ultimate amount of delegates it's the first step in the presidential nomination process. people really look to get that momentum here in iowa to continue their presidential run, guys. >> you've been speaking to voters in iowa all day, what are you hearing from them ahead of
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tonight, because they're the important people, do they think this is a battle for second place, what are they thinking. >> reporter: definitely people are seeing and reflected in polling but i have to tell you here in clinton county, in southeastern iowa, more of a rural county, this is one that trump flipped back in 2016 after obama won the county twice, lower income, blue collar workers who were attracted to former president back when he ran in 2016 and polling shows, basically the race shows if he's going to do well he'll do well here tonight. voters the last couple of days hard to find a president trump fan who will show up for the caucus. he's so far ahead in the poll and the weather is going to impact how people will show up. >> oh, i think one for me is roe v. wade, that one has been really up in the air for a long time especially in the last few
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years and as a young woman that really hits home for me. >> trump is way down the list, why is that? >> too many distractions with him anymore, i think he did good things when he was president four years ago, but now his time has passed. it's time to move on to somebody the republican party really needs to move forward and i feel we'd be going backwards with him. >> reporter: now, rachel, the first person you heard from, was considering to caucus in the republican caucus tonight but she didn't find a candidate she was passionate about. this will all come down to turnout and with negative temperatures that's going to be tricky. join us tonight for our live coverage of iowa caucus starting at 7:00 p.m. right here on nbc
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news now. watch wherever you stream. outrage over the israel/hamas war spilled into the streets of the nation's capital this weekend, thousands of pro-palestinian protesters demonstrated outside of the white house the protests come as there are new developments as a possible diplomatic end to the conflict. nbc news correspondent raf sanchez joins me now from tel aviv, raf, what should we make of these comments from the china's foreign minister now. >> reporter: so, china a global superpower, its influence in this conflict is relatively limited. israel is so dependent on the united states for military support, for diplomatic cover at the united nations. china not featured that heavily. in terms of hamas, you have egypt, qatar, the main
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mediators. iran, turkey, china not really fitting in any of those places so we have seen china calling for a while now for a cease-fire, it would like apparently to be involved in some kind of diplomatic process, we've seen china and the u.s. voting against each other at the u.n. security council, china voting for a cease-fire. >> raf, notably the war has now passed the 100-day mark and there are still more than a hundred israeli hostages being held in gaza, what are the efforts to get them located and released in. >> reporter: so hamas today releasing a series of taunting videos showing three hostages, our viewers might remember noa the young woman you see on the back of that motorcycle being taken into gaza, hamas is
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claiming those two men are dead, saying noa is alive. nbc news aren't able to verify that. israel will continue to do everything it can to bring those hostages home. >> so much those families are holding as so much remains unknown. raf, thank you. the bidened a min installation is battling with texas over access to part of the u.s./mexico border, over the weekend a migrant woman and two children died while they were trying to cross the rio grande into texas border patrol officials say that texas officials prevented them from saving those three migrants just days after the texas authorities took over policing at the border. morgan chesky joins me now. what do we know about actually happened this weekend? >> reporter: yeah, kate, an unfortunate tragedy on the leo grande with two very different story lines, according to
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federal officials they received a call from mexican authorities sharing that there was a woman and two children attempting to cross the rio grande and appearing to struggle, they say that when they arrived there were state officials there essentially blocking them from being able to reach that group of three which did in fact drown in the river. meanwhile, the state of the texas said it's inaccurate, by the time border patrol agents arrived the mexican authorities on the other side of the river were already if the process of recovering the bodies of that migrant woman and two children. they shared that with border patrol agents on the scene. however at the highest levels now, at the federal government and at the state of texas they are now essentially at an impasse. as a result, we're seeing this
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become the latest saga in the border battle between the biden administration and texas governor greg abbott. kate. >> give us more background about this sort of ongoing battle between state officials and federal officials, how did we get here? >> reporter: right, it began of course with a number of things, you had that thousand-foot buoy that a judge ruled had to be pulled. ongoing legal saga of the state-installed razor wire which a judge ruled they couldn't cut through unless a my grant was under extreme duress and this story which proved fatal for that woman and two children. sending a sees and desist letter to texas attorney general ken paxton, texas has demonstrated
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in the most exgent circumstance it won't allow access to. i should add, kate, that the dhs letter gave texas a deadline of this wednesday to stop impeding or blocking access to border patrol, otherwise they would refer to the matter to the department of justice and use, quote, all available options to restore access for border patrol agents and other federal authorities. kate. >> so it continues. morgan chesky, thank you. coming up, step on it. if you're if market for a new car why right now may be
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early?
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(hero) have a good weekend! alright now...have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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denmark is celebrating a new king after the former queen voluntarily stepped down from the throne, thousands gathered outside parliament to celebrate the royal succession on sunday but the new king is not only the one making history in the royal family. here's meagan fitzgerald. >> reporter: a procession for a queen who dedicated 52 years of her life to service.
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thousands of people lining the streets of copenhagen to witness a transfer of power, to say thank you after the death of her good friend the late queen elizabeth. it comes two weeks after queen margrethe shocked the nation with her new year's address. announcing she's stepping down from the throne due to a health reasons. first time that a danish royal has retired in centuries. but after more than half a century of service, margrethe with a stroke of a pen, is leaving behind a lasting legacy of modernizing throne to her son. in keeping with danish tradition, her son fredrik x is joining the prime minister on the balcony declaring fredrik as king. at 55, king frederik now tasked with pushing his mother's legacy
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forward, telling a cheering crowd he hopes to be a unifying king, though he is already known for his relatability amongst his people and his popularity just as high as his mother's. >> i think that he'll do well. he'll just, you know, be his own king. i think it is important that he is his own king. >> reporter: but it is his wife mary donaldson, proudly standing next to the king who is making history as the first australian-born queen making history. >> it's emotional, because, you know, after, i am 52 years old and it is just a part of my life, my whole life. >> reporter: and a proud moment down under. >> she's just amazing. what a moment for me to be an australian woman to have her representing us over in denmark. >> reporter: a country with the allegiance to the british monarchy but so many are claiming that king frederik and queen mary as their own. >> they will have some
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australians, and yeah, we have royalty in australia, yeah. >> reporter: a sweet love story that started in sydney in 2000, and frederik and mary meeting at a pub, and then leading to marriage four years later, and now a royal abdication, bringing two countries on opposite sides of the world together as denmark's monarchy enters a new era. meagan fitzgerald, nbc news, london. are you thinking about buying a new car, last year a lot of buyers were dealing with headaches throughout the process, not the case in 2024. vicky nguyen explains. >> reporter: in 2023 buying a car was no easy ride. supply shortages, record-high prices and low inventory left
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many consumers with few options. >> there were three dealerships that we thought that we could work with in our area, and only one of the three had a van on the lot for us to look at. >> reporter: andrea smith, a mom of four in upstate new york purchased this minivan over the summer, but she says it was not easy. >> we felt pressured to make a purchase right away, because there were so limited options and we did not want to wait a couple of months or three or four months for one to come on the lot. >> reporter: and then the sticker shock. >> the price we paid for the van is one-third of the price of our home. >> reporter: in 2024, a possible silver lining. what will 2024 look like? >> it is going to be looking more normal to the average shopper. >> reporter: ryan edwards says with the factories coming back to full production and inventories recovering and pre-pandemic levels, the boost means more options on the lot. >> in 2024 abundance of new and used cars and customers should be able to find what they want for a reasonable price.
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>> reporter: in november of 2023, the price of new and used cars decreased slightly from the record highs in 2022 with the new cars averaging $47,000 and used cars at 26 grand but moody's says biggest savings is offered by incentives of 36% up in december. what are some of the incentives, because it has been so long since we have seen them? >> always look for the low apr, and the low interest rate, that's the best way to get the most bang for your buck. but we do see the cash back and subsidized leases or little down payment and a low monthly payment for a car that might work for you. >> reporter: when shopping, compare the prices and inventory online and at the dealership and know your credit score which will impact the incentives and look at the fuel efficiency and insurance rates when calculating the price, for used cars check
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the vehicle's history of the maintenance reports and especially if sold as-is. >> you will not get the best deal on full-sized suvs, because everybody wants them. if you want a deal, look for the sedans and the hatchbacks like the toyota corolla or the honda accord. >> reporter: if you're thinking of making the switch to electric, there's good news. tesla lowered prices. there are tax incentives from the state and federal government could offer additional discounts. >> if you have wanted a electric car, now is maybe the time to buy. >> so interesting. much more news ahead. >> you're watching "nbc news >> you're watching "nbc news daily". sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials,
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yes. yes. yes. no. depend, the only thing stronger than us, is you. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain,
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headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. we have new developments this afternoon surrounding the investigation of plane crash off half moon bay. we have new video of some of the wreckage. police say the search for survivors is currently on pause. the crash happened around 7:15 last night at the moss beach distillery. witnesses say a small plane was flying erratically and heard what they say sounded like an engine sputtering out. crews were out for several hours last night as well as today. police say other wreckage has started to wash up on shore but they say that search and rescue efforts for survivors is on pause right now. they say they had to suspend their efforts around midnight
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because of safety concerns. >> there is a plane in the water. it was made known to me it was upside down in the water and this morning, about 30 search and rescue volunteers, were waiting to see is that wreckage come up on to the coastline. >> the plane left from an east bay airport. no word what the destination was or how many people were on board. >> we are following a developing story out of arizona following a deadly hot air balloon crash sunday morning. four people died and one person was hurt after it crashed about 65 miles south of phoenix. we have just learned one of the victims is from the bay area. a 24-year-old based in cupertino. the ntsb is investigating. they say the balloon crashed into desert terrain following a problem with its envelope. while the weather is dry on this holiday, but we could experience rain soon.
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kari hall has a look ahead. >> our weather is looking pretty good for the martin luther king jr. holiday. temperatures in the low 60s and we'll keep the mild weather for tomorrow but we'll see rain coming in from north to south spreading across the bay area for the afternoon. for the middle of the week, it is looking like we'll see dry conditions and nice, seasonable weather but then we're looking ahead to the weekend where we'll see rain anywhere from friday through sunday and it looks like we could see a bigger storm system coming in with gusty winds. in the near term, we're still enjoying those peeks of sunshine in san francisco. highs in the upper 50s with some off and on rain throughout the day on tuesday. wednesday and thursday are going to start to warm up a bit with rain ahead starting on friday. >> thanks so much, k
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welcome back, everyone. we've learned there are significant setbacks to the capital reopening.
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powerful storms last winter left extensive damage along the wharf but more recently, strong swells of waves last month created new problems. the new damage was limited to the remodelled parts of the wharf still under construction and not yet fully secured. those segments will have to be replaced. the completion date is delayed up to another eight weeks. a new remeender not to disturb the wildlife. rangers want everyone to know it can lead to citations and your vehicle being towed. that's what happened to one group last friday. rangers posted this on social media. they say those people illegally drove on to the north beach which is home to flocks of wintering birds along the coastline. fortunately, no birds were directly impacted by what happened but rangers say the group also violated the park's camp and fire permits. the cost of each citation is still not clear.
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that's going to do it for us. get all the day's news on our website. our next local newscast is at our next local newscast is at 4:30. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. people claim “my butt's perfect” oh yeah? then why does “normal to wipe 37 times” auto-populate? cottonelle ultra clean's deep cleaningripples™ make it easy to get clean. because this is crazy... when you could just do this. okay, so here's my most requested hack for stubborn odors. you'll need vinegar, a large salad bowl and...
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1:00 pm
i'm craig melvin. and this is dateline daytime on nbc. i texted him. he wasn't answering. i arrived at the office. i could see that something was really, really wrong. i called somebody that steve worked with. he said, steves been shot.


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