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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 22, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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right now at 6:00, rain and wind descend on the bay area. look at all of that green on the
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radar. and it's creating early-morning chaos in the north bay, with flooding prompting schools to shut down. we are live with the latest warning to residents. this is "today in the bay." a wet start to your monday morning. good morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. we are under a microclimate weather alert this morning, and we've got some brand new photos to show you just into our newsroom, showing a large tree that came crashing down on some cars this morning. this happened near 4th avenue and dartmouth in san mateo. police are asking you to avoid that area as they now have to work to try to remove these trees. we do have team coverage, our ginger conejero saab is live at the scene. some of the heavy flooding in guerneville. mike is tracking the wet commute this morning. first, we want to start with meteorologist kari hall, leading our coverage. kari, is the storm moving out? >> it's going to gradually taper off with widespread rain, but we'll still have the chance of
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lingering showers and maybe some thunderstorms going into this afternoon. but some of the heaviest rain is now pushing through the south bay. it's starting to ramp up again for marin county and along the coastline, into san francisco. and the heaviest rain has been over around sunnyvale, as well as down towards cupertino, campbell, san jose and milpitas. you can see where we are seeing pockets of heavier rain right around the alum rock area, lighter rain for evergreen, and then down 101 from morgan hill to gilroy. a very steady rain that's moving through. we're still seeing it coming down just to the south of fremont as you're getting a bit of a break for now. but once again, the overall trend will be for the rain to taper off, with some isolated thunderstorms possible for parts of the tri-valley and the south bay into later this evening. we're not completely in the clear and we're still seeing the impacts of that. so we'll continue to track that and talk about when we'll see another storm arriving coming up a little later.
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now we're going to "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab. you're live in guerneville where we are starting to see some of that flooding there. ginger, how is it looking? >> reporter: we see some flooding that happened here in the neighborhood. take a look right behind me. that is some flooding that is caused from fife creek. we're told by the sheriff's office this morning that the floodwaters are rising in small creeks and streams around the area. this is currently localized flooding in the northern areas in guerneville. this water is not coming from the russian river because the river is not flooding at this time. but it is coming from the mountain and creek areas. this neighborhood impacted by the rains. we're actually just going to talk to a resident, who is going to tell her firsthand experience of what waking up this morning was like. amber hughes, you're telling us when you woke up there was water in the house. >> there was 3 inches of water in the house when i woke up.
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i woke up to the fire department pounding on the door to check on everyone. they told us all to stay put for now, let the water go down a little bit, and then pack out. so we're packing out right now, carrying about as much as they can carry. everything in the house is under water up high. and we're just leaving, hoping that the trailer is here when we come back. >> how high is the water inside your house? >> about 3 inches. >> and you were telling me just briefly that this is not something that's happening just now. >> this happens almost every year. if they would dig out the creek it wouldn't happen so bad. they never dig out the creek and this happens every year. there's six other homes that are under water. >> i'm sorry to hear that, amber. it is something that we are hearing from another resident we spoke to this morning. we will talk to amber a little bit more and have more from her and what her experience is like later in the newscast.
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we're also told that guerneville's school district is closed today because of the flooding. another piece to this that people will need to know as they start their days this morning. but, really, the impact on this neighborhood, marcus and laura, not just happening with the rains today, which we're told wasn't really that heavy. they really do feel like something can be done about it. >> most definitely. it's always such a problem up there in guerneville, and it's hard to see these people suffering through it. thanks for the latest. to the road to find out what's going on, let's check in with mike inouye. a busy start to the morning. >> by comparison, nothing as dramatic as these poor folks in their homes with 3 inches of water. we're looking at the roadways in san jose where there is flooding in the outer lanes in many cases and spinouts reported over the course of the morning. as we look at the wider view, you see the green highlighting. at the top of the screen you see
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blue. that means ponding and puddling is more likely. milpitas getting hit with the brunt of what's happening. we see 101, as well as 87 showing a lot of slowing. we know 87 is notorious and the underpasses will have a lot of standing water. watch those areas. usual suspects through san jose. as we look, contra costa county showing a build mild, highway 37 in the north bay. the manzanita parking lot will be closed, typical when we have rains expected. we're looking at the bay bridge. a very mild build, but water on the lens, slick roadways. so even though the rain is kind of calming down here, you can go faster. i would say don't, because we've seen lots of reports of spinouts, people losing traction. back to you. >> thanks, mike. we have a free nbc bay area app, that way you can keep up with what's happening with the storm. it's going to give you access to our stormranger's exclusive mobile doppler radar and you're going to be able to type in your
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zip code and get alerts minutes before the rain starts in your neighborhood. lots of uncertainty for cal state students on a day many start the new semester. teachers systemwide are vowing to launch a five-day strike. leaders are promising to keep campuses open, but it's very possible there will be no in struck. the union representing 29,000 professors, lecturers, librarians and others are vowing to walk off the job. the sides remain far apart in reaching a new contract deal. our bob redell is monitoring the dispute. we'll check in with him with a live report in our next half hour. later this afternoon, the families and friends of those killed in police shootings in oakland will demand new action. activists plan to gather outside of the state attorney general's rob bonta's office calling for a new citizen oversight committee for cases involving police violence and demanding state-provided legal counsel for families who lose loved ones in police shootings and state funded mental health and social services. the news conference is scheduled
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for 9:30. san mateo leaders are debate a controversial plan that would allow them to charge people who refuse shelter, a miss demeanor for anyone encamped in a public area who decline shelters more than once. the same model may be ideal for peninsula cities now struggling with homeless encampments. opponents argue the measure contains too many holes and may lead to added trauma for those without a home. supervisors plan to debate the measure tomorrow. it may be up for vote as soon as next week. new at 6:00, a new poll finds only one in three californians believe the state is headed in the right direction. that new poll by cal's institute of governmental studies paints a grim picture of california's future. it finds only 33% believe that california is on the upswing. more than half believe that the state is going downhill and half consider the budget deficit extremely serious.
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6:08 on your monday morning. and it is a rainy one at that. we take a live look outside overlooking san jose on your left and emeryville on the right. we are under this microclimate weather alert this morning. kari has been monitoring the storm. she's got a look at the radar where it's coming down the hardest. it's mainly the south bay where we're seeing the heaviest rain moving through and seeing it return for the coastline. there will be a potential that we could start to see more activity ramping up as we go through the morning commute. but some of the more widespread and heavy rain we had overnight and early this morning still lingering in the south bay, sunnyvale, as well as milpitas and san jose. and then a live look outside in dublin, where we are seeing a brief break from the rain. notice that as we go hour-by-hour, it does continue into the afternoon, with a chance of showers and potentially some thunderstorms as well. temperatures in the upper 50s. off and on rain in the forecast for today into night, we take a break tomorrow, and then start
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to see the rain coming back on wednesday, more widespread showers throughout the morning into the afternoon, and then we have another break ahead on thursday. so we're still going to be in an active storm pattern. we'll talk about what's ahead. mike has been looking at the impact of this rain on the commute. >> yeah, and it's the fact that you have to watch your speeds. even though traffic is flowing smoothly on the san mateo bridge, we still have slick conditions. you can see the sheen on the roadway. that will be a factor on either side of the bay. crossing the bay is fine, but south of the san mateo bridge we see the road weather index, the green and blues. that's kicking in the most, milpitas, sunol, into the south bay, where we've seen a number of spinouts reported. the latest north 85 just past union. be careful. back to you. are you following the new craze involving the stanley cup water bottles? it didn't take long for some to go too far.
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how a northern california woman's enthusiasm for the cups spilled over getting the attention of the authorities. coming up, great news about the economy, great news about the stock market. let's go to the futures and see let's go to the futures and see if that's going to hold u
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this is how it feels to du more with less asthma... ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems.
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we're taking a live look outside in san jose. it is really coming down, and you can see the cars on highway 101 just kicking up all of that water, and maybe encountering some big puddles as well. we'll see this rain taper off between 9:00 and 11:00, but then come back for the afternoon, with also the potential of thunderstorms. we're watching out for that and more rain ahead midweek in the full microclimate forecast. that is why we're seeing more slowing in the south bay, 101, 87 and 85, than we might normally see. here at the bay bridge we see less traffic than you might expect, but still slick roadways. we'll talk about the drive throughout the east bay as you're heading toward the bay bridge. good morning and happy monday. there's a lot of good news on this wet monday morning. the s&p 500 at an all-time record, stock markets very strong. americans' attitudes toward the economy changing fast. the latest read on consumer sentiment from the university of michigan on friday saw a huge
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boost in consumers' attitudes, a huge turnaround in the national psyche. the biggest jump, in fact, since the early '90s when we were coming out of a recession. it appears we were never in a recession this time around, we got the soft landing everybody was hoping for. the good feelings about the economy cross demographic lines. the data show democrats, republicans, young, old, rural, urban, all feeling more positive. daniel horning works at the white house for the national economic council. >> so we have seen over the last few months a broad-based increase in consumer sentiment the way folks are looking at the economy. we've long thought that as wages were growing faster than prices, as wealth continues to increase, even after adjusting for inflation, that that would start to affect how consumers think about the economy, and the data we got is an early indication
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that is in fact happening. >> economic success is not perfectly distributed. in the bay area we have a lot of news about layoffs. those layoffs are less connected to the economy as a whole and more connected to the flow of money in silicon valley specifically. that doesn't make it hurt any less, but that's why we have record growth, record stock markets and layoffs all at the same time. the tech investor tim draper says he would hold a fundraiser for republican candidate nikki haley at his home next month, in the meantime he and his friends got together to record a love song for her called the nikki haley anthem. ♪♪ ♪ we need you nikki right now ♪ ♪ to lead our nation ♪ >> all right, so i was able to identify some of the people. the singer there -- well, the singer on the right with the hat is gretchen rhodes, and they did it at rolling stone studios in
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hawaii. tim draper in the center. you've known him for quite some time because he makes all the news with he wanted to break california into five different states, that guy. he always has interesting ideas. in this case, an interesting song. ♪♪ ♪ we need you nikki right now ♪ >> i'm going to have to find a donald trump song and a joe biden song. i just finished the desantis song, and now we don't need it. >> just that close. let's talk about this because a lot of people, you probably heard about the stanley cup. we're talking about the stanley cup popular water bottle made by the company stanley, and it has been flying off the shelves. well, it has landed one northern california woman in hot water. police in roseville say she filled a shopping cart with
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stanley cups and walked out of the store. didn't pay for them. a short time later officers pulled her over and found the cups in the trunk of her car. police say she stole nearly $2,500 worth of cups. she's now facing grand theft charges. they're about $45 apiece, that means she stole about 55. trending this morning, oakland zoo leading the safari trip of a lifetime. >> bay area travelers and conservationists are in kenya right now and the zoo posted this video of a very different kind of traffic jam than we're used to seeing. the oakland zoo takes two groups to kenya every year. anyone can join. the next trip takes place in september. it includes visits to three national parks, safaris and learning about african wildlife. you can visit the zoo's website to book your adventure. i would like to go on a safari. >> is there any question about who gets the right-of-way when they're crossing the road?
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[ laughter ] >> our producer tony has been on one. >> very cool. well, it's an adventure of a different kind outside today. >> yes, it is. it's definitely a jungle out there on the roadways. we have some wild weather, and people who really aren't able to handle these conditions. so you do want to slow down. take a look at how much rain we've measured in parts of the north bay, the highest rainfall totals, calistoga, over 4 inches of rainfall. mill valley is nearing 3 inches of rain and san francisco over an inch there. but it's been over 2 inches for oakland, and we've seen livermore measure 1 1/2 inches of rainfall, a little more than san jose, and we're also getting some really high rainfall totals, over 6 inches in the santa cruz mountains. but it's our upper elevations that are winning the trophy this morning with mount tam getting over 7 inches of rain. we've also seen along the coastline over 7 inches there,
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and once again, in the santa cruz mountains, san anselmo over 5 1/2 inches, and lake sonoma over 4 1/2 inches. so all of this rain is causing flooding concerns. we have widespread flood watch for the north bay, and then these other squares that we're seeing, the other polygons are where we've seen localized flooding. then looking at the overall view of the system that's been moving in, now mostly hitting the south bay. but we've started to see the rain coming back for the coastline and marin county, and the heaviest rain right around san jose and south san jose. going into this afternoon, there will be some breaks, some of us even getting peeks of sunshine. watch out for the potential of pop-up showers and potentially thunderstorms for today. tomorrow we're all dry, and then on wednesday morning we're seeing the rain coming back. it's going to be off and on throughout the day with some scattered showers and then
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tapering off for thursday, and then rain coming back friday into saturday. overall we're still seeing a very active storm pattern here, going into the weekend and early next week. but our temperatures are going to be warming up, and so that's going to be the nice little treat we get between the rain, especially on sunday. there's a little something happening in santa clara on sunday. it's going to be beautiful. so we have some great football weather, highs in the low 70s and sunshine. mike, we do still have those slick roads out there. >> yeah, but it's great you're doing that forecast. over here, heading from richmond toward san rafael, the volume builds. we see slowing and the volume holding off for the east bay. slick roadways continue. even though there may not be active rain, there will be some slick roadways, so do be careful. as we look at the approach, no problem for richmond. bay bridge does have the backup
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filling the toll plaza. it looks like folks have held off from driving. there's lighter traffic. slick conditions could lead to problems because braking is an issue on slicker roadways. we did have a number of incidents on 680. the latest cleared but there's a new slowing as you head south. i think it's related to an earlier crash. they may be moving a vehicle now. slowing in some northbound spots throughout san jose, so just watch out for the outer lanes. reports of a lot of standing water. back to you. >> drove through it. >> didn't we all. 6:21 right now. we are about six months away from the start of the 2024 summer olympic games. yes, so next here on "today in the bay," the first olympic trials have already started. what is this? we're going to break down this new sport, race walking. stick around. we're goi to talkng a
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. (vo) meet fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! (vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no...
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(vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo. the bay area's new professional women's soccer franchise signed a two-year deal with a former stanford defender. kiki pickett is a santa barbara native, played at stanford from 2017 to 2021. she helped lead the cardinals to two ncaa championship titles. as a senior, she was named pac 12 defender of the year. bay fc kicks off its first season in march at paypal park in san jose. we are about six months away
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from paris olympics, and we are excited here at nbc bay area. so this weekend san diego county actually hosted an olympic trial event that always gets a few looks. check it out. so this is race walking. yesterday 32 athletes competed in teams of two for the marathon race walk mixed relay. the event another step closer to the paris olympics. unlike running, race walking requires competitors to keep at least one foot on the ground at all times and the leading leg must be straightened as the foot makes contact with the ground. on average, elite athletes can do a seven-minute mile. >> some of them are so good that they're walking at the pace that some people run. >> it almost looks like they're running. so this is the first year that this event will be included in the games. one man and one woman will team up for 26.2 miles during the separate relay legs.
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and, of course, nbc bay area is home for all things olympics, including race walking. our coverage of the paris summer olympics starts right here on july 26th. >> i wish you could see it, mike. >> mike walking around the newsroom like this. ahead, we go back to our microclimate weather alert coverage. some areas hit very hard by the latest storm. >> one north bay neighborhood waking up submerged in water. we'll actually take you there live with an update of the closures for surrounding schools. thousands of csu faculty expected to start striking today. the university's response to the university's response to their demands for higher look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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right now at 6:30, flooding in the bay area and beyond, from santa cruz to the north bay. we've got live team coverage of a very soggy start to our workweek, and we're tracking your hour-by-hour forecast. cal state teachers on strike. tens of thousands are set to hit the picket lines in a matter of hours. the looming impact for students returning this week from winter break. an even bigger win for tara vanderveer. >> tara vanderveer becomes the all-time winningest head coach in college basketball.
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we break down her unbelievable run. this is "today in the bay." nice to start with some celebration this morning. nice starting with some rain, too. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. our top story right now, the microclimate weather alert impacting much of the northern california area. we want to take a look across the bay area this morning where the rain continues to come down. it's actually causing problems in some areas. >> we've got new video just coming in from santa cruz. look at the heavy flooding going on there. this is near the apartments at the lagoon neighborhood close to the wharf. at least 2 to 3 feet of water surrounds the area. it's not clear if nearby homes are impacted by the flooding, but certainly a very wet monday morning for those folks. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the current conditions for us. >> we are starting to see widespread heavy rain we had overnight taper off. it's still hitting parts of the
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south bay, so things are getting really messy for people heading out in san jose. you can look at the buildup on 101, and we are seeing a lot of cars having to deal with that. as the storm continues to push through, we will have a chance of thunderstorms throughout today, and that potential flooding will continue. then we take a brief break, with rain returning late tomorrow night into wednesday, then we will dry out for the end of the week. we are dealing with the current storm and heavy rain into the santa cruz mountains. it's ramping up again for marin county and san francisco. after a break, we're seeing another batch of downpours coming into those areas. we'll continue to track it. mike, you're saying that things are getting tougher for san jose drivers. >> it's a timing thing. 101 in san jose, rain coming in as the commute is really kicking in now. here is another camera in san jose, northbound 280, the glowing lights coming toward us underneath 880 and 17. a lot of water on the lenses and
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rain on the roadway, and a lot of cars kicking in now. things have kind of calmed down for 101. the latest single car crash, the car went into a center divide. we've seen a number of single-car crashes, perhaps a spinout aspect. watch those speeds. slicker conditions continue. southbound 680 continues to show a build. an earlier crash still shows activity. there may be one lane blocked in the southbound direction. this morning sonoma county is dealing with some major flooding there. overnight those residents were told to prepare to evacuate. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab joins us in guerneville, one of the heaviest hit areas. this area, we know, is prone to flooding, and these folks are already up against it. >> reporter: that is correct, marcus and laura. one woman that we spoke with that lives here at sycamore court says this is not something new. she had a tearful start to her
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morning, a start to her day because of the flooding that she found inside her home. she says it's a hit they just can't afford to take. >> we live paycheck to paycheck anyways. it's not like people here can afford anything. we're the lowest income group there is in guerneville, and this could destroy us. we could be on the street. >> reporter: you're taking a look right now at just what those rains did this morning. that woman and others who live in this area say they experience this every year, whether or not it's heavy or light rains, because the creek is not cleared out properly. now, the sheriff's department this morning saying the floodwaters are rising in the small creeks and streams, which is causing the localized flooding in this northern area of guerneville. this flooding is not from the russian river, we are told. the school district in guerneville will be closed today because of the flooding.
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the residents that we spoke with as well are going to a nearby safeway to get some help from the red cross. we'll have more on this as the morning unfolds. for now, back to you guys. >> so tough to see they have to deal with that. it's just really tough. ginger, thank you so much for that update. >> it breaks your heart what people are up against right now. this is the first major storm of the year and cities are trying to prepare. joining us is santa rosa fire marshal. paul, thank you so much for waking up early. i know you've been preparing. what steps have you been taking just to prepare for these winter storms? >> for us, it's more about public information and education, just knowing what resources residents can do in advance of a storm like this. our city typically, with the infrastructure we have, we'll spend a lot of time in advance of storms clearing storm drains and making sure the water goes where it needs to go. from a fire department and emergency response perspective, we're ready as soon as we transition out of the fire season.
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a lot of the gear we have ready to go in response to summer-type incidents and wildfires gets replaced with swift water rescue gear and vehicles to deal with wet weather incidents to be prepared for whatever can come our way, whether it's a system like this or something further down the road as we continue to get more systems moving into the bay area. >> what's the most important thing? you said public is so important. what's the most important thing for folks to know, i guess in order to prepare? >> yeah, everything from knowing where your stations are, so the event that you need something and it's not too late, you know what resources your city or county have available, and just knowing what it means to be rain ready, everything from power outages to a downed tree, clearing your storm drains on your property to limit damage to your own property, but help keep water going where it needs to go, which actually can affect the city or county infrastructure. that's exactly what happens last night, even though we ended up with from about 2 1/2 to 3 inches of rain over the course
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of the weekend, some of the heavier downpours did lead to backups of storm drains and kept our city crews and public works department busy clearing them. >> it gets tough when the land starts to get saturated. thank you so much for joining us this morning. as we continue to track the rain, be sure to download our free nbc bay area app. grab your phone. see that qr code on your screen right there? you can actually use it to get in touch with our interactive radar and it's fantastic. you can track when the wet weather will arrive wherever you live or work. 6:36 this morning. cal state students everywhere are waking up with a lot of uncertainty. later this morning thousands of faculty members vowing to go on strike at campuses statewide. "today in the bay"'s bob redell is live at cal state east bay in hayward. what are the union members demanding with this strike? >> reporter: marcus, more pay. this is supposed to be the first day back from winter break and
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it is, but it's not clear if there will be any classes going on here at csu east bay, or any of the other csu campuses throughout the state. at 7:00 this morning, within the next 30 minutes, many of the professors, librarians, counselors and coaches here at csu east bay are expected to go on strike. they are not expected to be showing up in the classrooms, in what is supposed to be a week-long streak at the 23 csu campuses throughout the state. the california faculty association, the union that represents the roughly 29,000 faculty members statewide, they organized this walkout to convince csu to meet their demands. both sides have been in contract negotiations since last june. csu says it is providing a general salary increase of 5% each year over three years. the faculty, they're demanding an increase of 12%. >> it is a number that reflects
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the rates of inflation over the last several years, and simply keeping pace with that level of inflation to date. in addition, we're looking for more equitable workloads for faculty, we're looking for a baseline increase for our most disadvantaged faculty. >> we would have to make severe cuts to programs. we would have to lay off employees. this would jeopardize our educational mission and cause hardship to many employees. >> reporter: in a virtual news conference friday, the csu chancellor's office who you just heard from said the union's demand for a 12% raise is not reasonable and virtually impossible to meet. csu says campuses will be open during the strike and student services will be provided. students have check with their instructors to see if a class is canceled. reporting live in hayward, bob
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redell, "today in the bay." >> we certainly understand because it's so tough to make it in the bay. you also see what the effects could be if they got the 12% hike. it is a tough decision for cal state. we'll be watching this one. thank you. we've been watching the rain in the bay area. what does that mean in the sierra? fresh snow. this is a live look of palisades tahoe, their web camera. several inches of snow fell overnight. great ski conditions there for anyone heading up to the slopes. you had to have that window of opportunity, though, to get up there, and also to get back home. >> absolutely because it's still raining and snowing. but it's also been so warm that we're only seeing the snow in those highest elevation spots above 6,000 to 7,000 feet. we are taking a live look at palisades, where there it is 34 degrees at the resort. but as you go up in the mountains, we are seeing
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temperatures just below freezing and enough to keep it as snow. as we go into the rest of the day, we are going to continue to see a rain/snow mix, and rain tapering off for the bay area. but there still will be the chance that we could see pop-up showers and thunderstorms into the afternoon. the best chance will be in parts of the north bay. the east bay, as well as the south bay. the next round of rain comes in on wednesday, and it looks to last a little bit longer into the afternoon. so i'll be tracking that for you. mike, you're still saying it's tough for parts of san jose. >> yeah, but we're seeing some changes in key parts of the commute, including this camera shot north 101. see how things are just starting to loosen up? i think there was a new incident right near the camera north 101 as you approach oakland road, mckee in the area. there's a lot of hot spots for traffic. the build continues. there's some fog that's showing up as far as on the road weather index. watch for visibility. no major issues for 87. that's smoothing out. so is 680.
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i think they both cleared. in-n-out moving out of a popular bay area location. coming up, the outside factors the company says in this case it can no longer tolerate. so much happened on the race for the presidency over the weekend, and then a very important event today as well. i'll bring you up to speed coming up. you watched the niners/buffalo game and you probably thought that was exciting. i can top that one with a win that puts the stanford women's coach in (vo) if you overdraw your account, wells fargo gives you an extra day grace period to avoid the overdraft fee. what if everything came with a grace period? like accidentally parking where you shouldn't... (driver 2) nah.. that one gets an extra day (vo) like having an extra day grace period? you can with wells fargo.
6:43 am
in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. [narrator] covered california is a free service
6:44 am
from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by january 31st at (vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. this way to health insurance. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (hero) it's the weekend baby. (vo) want to get paid up to two days early? you can with wells fargo.
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an in-n-out is closing for good. the fast food chain is blaming persistent problems with crime. this is the in-n-out in the east bay at hegenberger. over the weekend they announced they are closing that store near the oakland airport. they've been following a rash of break-ins and robberies happening in the business corridor. opd has promised to patrol the area more but it remains a hot spot for crime. the store will stay open through march 24th. in a statement from the burger chain, it reads in part, this location remains a busy and profitable one for the company, but our top priority must be the safety and well-being of our customers and associates. we cannot ask them to visit or work in an unsafe environment. big changes in the race for president happening over the weekend. >> scott mcgrew joins us now. ron desantis dropped out,
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president joe biden launching a new ad campaign. >> that's right, and that's not all. donald trump made a major gaffe, giving nikki haley a lot of ways to criticize him. let's start with president biden. democrats know the abortion question brings voters to the polls, because it's happened in the past over and over after the supreme court struck down roe v. wade. the biden campaign running a new commercial called forced in key states, using the real life mother of three who had to travel outside texas to obtain an abortion after her doctors told her her unborn fetus would not survive. a baby she wanted very much, but would not make it and threatened her own health. meantime, abortion rights supporters protested all over the united states this weekend. this is the scene in savannah, georgia. today is the 51st anniversary of the original decision legalizing abortion. former president trump was in new hampshire over the weekend. the primary is tomorrow. he made a significant error when talking about january 6th,
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confusing nikki haley and nancy pelosi, and critics were quick to jump on it. >> by the way, they never report the crowd on january 6th, you know, nikki haley -- nikki haley, you know, they -- do you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything? deleted and destroyed all of it, all of it, because of lots of things, like nikki haley is in charge of security. we offered her 10,000 people. soldiers, national guard, whatever they want. they turned it down. they don't want to talk about that. >> nikki haley quick to jump on this. it's a message she can deliver about both of her potential opponents, they're old. ronald reagan was 77 at the end of his term. trump is 77 right now. biden even older at 81. florida governor ron desantis quit the presidential race over the weekend and immediately endorsed donald trump, saying he had promised to support the republican nominee. trump not yet the republican nominee, but the numbers show he
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likely will be. the new hampshire primary tomorrow, and a key question, will desantis voters follow him or stick with a trump alternative and vote for nikki haley? if we go by poll numbers, even if she gets every single desantis supporter, she's going to come in second. trump may choose to testify in the e. jean carroll trial. he's already been found culpable of sexual abuse and defamation in the first trial and the subject in the second has said trump cannot deny or question that if he chooses to testify. if he chooses to testify and if he violates, we don't know what the judge is going to do. we know he's tough. >> one to watch. thanks, scott. 6:48 right now. news to celebrate this morning. stanford's legendary women's basketball coach just became the winningest coach in college basketball history. >> something to celebrate. "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez is here.
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this is just a feather in the cap for an all-time great here. >> i mean, she is really fantastic. coach tara vanderveer coached her 1,203rd win last night at home, passing all other college basketball coaches, women and men. here is the moment it happened. >> an even bigger win for tara vanderveer in the history of the game. >> i couldn't imagine. the stanford win over oregon state at home makes tara vanderveer the winningest coach in all of college basketball history. she coached her very first game, you guys, when she was 24 years old. and with this win, she now surpasses legendary duke and army coach k. coach vanderveer was all humility. >> it is a big number and i'm very appreciative of the great players i've coached and the
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great places i've been, and the attention it's brought to women's basketball and so many great tributes. i'm really very humbled. >> she's humble, but she has reason to be less than humble. in addition to the 1,203 career wins, she has three ncaa championships, she is a five-time national coach of the year, she has a 60-0 record as a u.s. olympic team head coach. the celebration was ready for this moment, and coach vanderveer got that custom coat, celebrating her 1,203rd win. there was confetti, kind words from the players, who said repeatedly that she not only shaped their play, but also shaped their lives. coach vanderveer said she fell in love with basketball in third grade. i know you coached your kids. your record is a little different. [ laughter ] >> but she said that's when she
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fell in love and it's been an honor to have a front seat to see how the game has played out. >> and all the lives she's touched. >> listen, i stunk. i rode the bench for two years, never scored a point in a game, and i still remember my high school basketball coach. >> my team must have been desperate because i was playing. >> you were the center. [ laughter ] >> so cool. >> i'm picturing it now. i'm all distracted. >> congratulations to her. >> yeah, that's really nice to see. something to celebrate. the rain, we certainly need it, but not all at once. >> we are getting some more rain coming through right now. so we continue our microclimate weather alert as we get a live look at the golden gate bridge. it is such a sloppy commute. and the sign there says wet road and slow down, so those are some good words for you this morning. and taking a look at how much we measured over the weekend, some of the highest rainfall totals farther to the north, with
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calistoga over 4 inches of rainfall, concord about three-quarters of an inch. oakland has made it over 2 inches of rainfall. over an inch in san francisco. san jose, 1.36, and nearing 2 inches of rainfall in fremont. and so all of that rain is now causing issues. and we continue with the flood advisory for santa clara county, that will be in effect until about 7:30. we also have widespread flood watch in effect for the north bay, and then the russian river at hopland is at minor flood stage this morning and may cause issues. later this morning we'll have tidal flooding, with high tide coming up at 8:23, the peak of the high tide, we could see some of those water levels coming up about a foot to a foot and a half above what's normal. that may cause some flooding, even as the rain tapers off. we're still seeing the last push of heavy rain moving through the south bay, with it ramping up
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again for marin county and along the coastline into san francisco. for the south bay, we've had that heavy rain hitting the roof for the past hour or so. it's still coming down for morgan hill to gilroy. that's where we're seeing the biggest impact to the commute this morning, going throughout the day we're still going to see lingering showers and even the potential of isolated thunderstorms. we're not completely in the clear. the next wave of rain comes in on wednesday into thursday, and we're looking ahead to more rain for potentially friday into early saturday. but then as we take a look at sunday, it's drying out as that rain stays to the west of us. and of course we're watching sunday very closely. it looks beautiful at this point. and temperatures in the low 70s with sunshine. all of this rain today will soon be a distant memory. chp has had a lot going on in san jose. >> we were watching the tally count for san jose, about one call a minute.
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the issue, it's not that the traffic is much worse, it's just more reporters doing the reporting. there's north 280, more volume, more reports about standing water. there's fog, and a new crash north 85. happening now, the faa is ordering more safety checks for boeing planes. the 737 max 9 planes have been grounded for weeks after a panel blew out midair on a flight. now the faa is asking for inspections on those planes and the 737 900 er model, the model that came before the max 9. the agency is recommending operators visually inspect exit door plugs to make sure they're secure. up next, the top stories we're following, including we're following, including neighborhoods waking up
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welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories on "today in the bay," including our microclimate weather alert. first, we are about an hour away from a systemwide strike by cal state faculty members. >> the strike will impact all 23 csu campuses and 29,000 workers, including teachers, librarians and others that are walking off the job. the major sticking point is pay. the union is demanding a 12% hike. cal state leaders say anything more than 5% isn't possible. the strike is expected to last through the rest of the week. let's take a look at some of the flooding hitting santa cruz right now. this is felix street, about 2 to 3 feet of water flooding the lagoon neighborhood. there is no word of how many homes are affected. heading north, "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is
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in guerneville where the school district canceled classes because of creeks and rivers flooding. what's it like right now, ginger? >> reporter: well, marcus, laura, the rain has stopped for now but its impact is still felt by people who live in this area. one woman we spoke with this morning tearful and emotional when she talks about how she was woken up by the fire department and several inches of flooding inside her home. >> we live paycheck to paycheck anyways. it's not like people here can afford anything. we're the lowest income group there is in guerneville. and this could destroy us. we could literally be on the street. >> reporter: you're taking a look at just what those rains did here this morning. you can see that car there with a partially submerged tire. the family we spoke with says they are dealing with several inches of water inside their home. but residents say this is not
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the first time they've dealt with that. we deal with it even with light rains because the creek is not cleared out properly. the sheriff's department has confirmed it is not the russian river that's causing this flooding. the school district here in guerneville will remain closed today. >> boy, our hearts go out to the people affected by it. a look at the forecast. >> we're still seeing rain in the south bay and then again in marin county into san francisco. we're going to see this in waves and potentially thunderstorms. we'll be tracking it throughout the day. important from b.a.r.t., not necessarily weather related, but the shuttle for the oakland airport from the main line is out of service right now. it will also be a factor, the slow trains because of slick rails. that's what's happening on "today in th good monday a major shake-up in the presidential race. >> it is down to two candidates. on the eve of the next vote. good morning it is january 22nd, and this is "today."


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