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tv   Today  NBC  January 22, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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with that. we deal with it even with light rains because the creek is not cleared out properly. the sheriff's department has confirmed it is not the russian river that's causing this flooding. the school district here in guerneville will remain closed today. >> boy, our hearts go out to the people affected by it. a look at the forecast. >> we're still seeing rain in the south bay and then again in marin county into san francisco. we're going to see this in waves and potentially thunderstorms. we'll be tracking it throughout the day. important from b.a.r.t., not necessarily weather related, but the shuttle for the oakland airport from the main line is out of service right now. it will also be a factor, the slow trains because of slick rails. that's what's happening on "today in th good monday a major shake-up in the presidential race. >> it is down to two candidates. on the eve of the next vote. good morning it is january 22nd, and this is "today."
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>> dropping out. >> we don't have a clear path to victory. >> ron desantis ends his presidential bid and throws his support behind donald trump. >> he was very gracious, and he endorsed me, so i appreciate it. >> it's now one fella, and one lady left. >> nikki haley now in the fight of her life to pull off the new hampshire upset as other republicans fall in line behind trump. we'll have complete coverage. thawing out. temperatures set to rise this week much needed relief from the brutal cold. and ice wreaking havoc from coast-to-coast al has everything you need to know. breaking overnight, safety alert. the faa now urging airlines to inspect a second boeing plane in the wake of that frightening mid-air blow-out just ahead, what prompted the concern, and what it could mean for your next flight royal health watch king charles set for a prostate procedure this week. princess kate still hospitalized from her own surgery and now sara ferguson, the
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duchess of york, revealing her cancer diagnosis. we're live at buckingham palace. all that, plus record breaking. >> they are chanting. >> stanford legend tara vanderveer makes history, topping coach kay for the most wins ever inside her unforgettable night, 45 years in the making. and down to four. >> wide open kelce has the touchdown. >> kansas city hangs on against buffalo. bills mafia coping with another last-minute field goal miss. >> he doesn't make it! wide right wow. >> the two most dreaded words in buffalo have surfaced again. >> while in the stands, jason kelce steals the show. >> you're the best, kelce! you're the best. >> and in detroit, the lions take down the buccaneers >> touchdown detroit >> now just one win from the
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super bowl for the first time in 33 years >> the highs and lows from an action-packed weekend today, monday, january 22nd, 2024 from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody good morning welcome to "today. nice to have you with us on a monday morning i don't know who you were rooting for this weekend, but i think we're all team jason kelce. after an incredible display. you want to talk about football? fine did you see him in the stands. >> look at this guy. i mean, you want to be his friend by the way, my heart goes out to the buffalo bills kicker that field goal, i'm sure he's still thinking about it, but it was a tough moment. >> there were a lot of heartbreaks over the weekend.
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>> let's talk weather though, guys meantime, another frigid monday for millions we have a look at stratton, vermont. the temperature there 5 degrees. but relief is on the way. a major turnaround in temperatures expected this week. of course, mr. roker's got the full forecast coming up in just a bit. all right. let's start politics, though major shake up in the republican race ron desantis suspended his campaign yesterday and endorsed donald trump. >> this comes with one day to go until the new hampshire primary, which is now a two-person race between trump and nikki haley. and the latest poll shows the former president leading haley by nearly 20 points. >> we have complete coverage let's start with nbc's garrett haake, who is in manchester for us. hi, garrett, good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah, good morning, and shake-up is right less than a week after finishing second in iowa, ron desantis is out of this race it's a major jolt to a campaign that's now down to just two candidates and could be all but decided torment night here in new hampshire. >> i'd like to take time to congratulate ron desantis.
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>> reporter: with another challenger in his rearview mirror, donald trump welcoming ron desantis. the endorsement of his former rival. >> he was very gracious and he endorsed me, so i appreciate it. i appreciate that. and i also look forward to working with ron. >> reporter: the kind words from trump, a sharp break from what has been a bitter battle between the two gop candidates >> so ron desanctimonious, he was very upset >> reporter: less than a week after finishing a distanned second in iowa, he suspended his cam pan in a pre-taped video message. throwing his support behind mr. trump. >> trump is superior to the current incumbent, joe biden that is clear. i signed a pledge to support the republican nominee, and i will honor that pledge. >> reporter: desantis' departure from the race so sudden, some supporters had already arrived at a campaign event he had scheduled hours later. >> i would like to have seen him stay in to give the american
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electorate some choice. >> reporter: for republicans that choice no trump or haley, who welcomed the news of the shrinking field overnight. >> it's now one fella and one lady left. >> reporter: haley also sharpening her attacks on trump, highlighting his age after trump seemed to repeatedly confuse her with nancy pelosi when discussing the capitol riots. >> nikki haley is in charge of security we offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, national guard, whatever they wanted >> reporter: haley weighing in >> they're saying he got confused when you are dealing with the mentally fit to do this. >> reporter: she's counting on a strong showing here after a disappointing third place finish pressures of a presidency, we can't have someone else that we question whether they're mentally fit to do this. >> reporter: she's counting on a strong showing here after a disappointing third place finish in iowa. but two new polls released thi weekend showed haley trailing trump by double digits here with only one day left to change minds. >> don't complain about what happens in a general election if you don't vote in this primary
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on tuesday. >> reporter: the other challenge for nikki haley is how fast the republican party appears to be consolidating around donald trump. in just the last week, he's gotten the endorsements of not just desantis but vivek ramaswamy and tim scott over the weekend. it is another hurdle haley will have to clear and fast to pull off that win in new hampshire. savannah >> garrett, thank you. with the republican nomination a two-person race, donald trump leading in the polls, could tomorrow's primary mark the beginning of the end in the republican primary hallie jackson also in manchester for us. so hallie, nikki haley gets the two-person race, she's been longing for. is it too late and even if she somehow pulls off the upset in new hampshire, then what? >> reporter: well then you go to nevada, then you go to south carolina, listen, it's not over until it's over, savannah but you're asking the critical question here, because, yes, nikki haley finally has what she wants, thi one-on-one matchup what is she going to do with it?
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how is she going to make a showing here in new hampshire? her campaign said all along they're playing the momentum card here, right if she picks up some steam, she can show she can be a viable contender to former president trump. if she doesn't do well, what happens next does she go to her home state? which tends to lean more conservative in the republican electorate in new hampshire, remember it's independents that are the critical voting bloc here. they can vote in a republican primary, they are the biggest voting bloc in new hampshire, and that is in many ways a natural constituency for nikki haley people that are former chris cristie backers that are we can't lose sight of the big picture here, savannah, he has shifting over to haley but if she doesn't have the upset here, it is a question mark on where her campaign goes. that said, for donald trump, you can't lose sight of the big picture here he has dominated for months in this race overall. he is ahead of the polling in this state and many states to come he has demonstrates hi strength an has demonstrates hi strength and his consistency here. >> we are seeing double digit leads in new hampshire
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primaries. in south carolina, while it's her home state, tim scott from south carolina just endorsed trump. it is unclear what that path will be even if she pulls off the big win tomorrow. let's talk about ron desantis because he got out on the eve of the new hampshire primary. what do you think is in his mind? is he thinking about a presidential run in four years or thinking maybe i will be part of the trump cabinet? what do you see here? >> reporter: i think the based on the reporting i've done is the 2028 piece of it. i know we're not even through 2024 yet. don't shoot the messenger. but i will tell you that is a conversation happening with those close to ron desantis, about a run four years from now. he himself eluded to this on the campaign trail saying in south carolina right before he dropped out that voters would come up to him and say things like, hey, i'm getting mr. trump this time. i'll get you for the next election. that seems to be part of the calculation here, that he can get out of this race after a distant second place showing, but at least it wasn't third.
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and then perhaps come back in four years and show that he is somebody who can win a critically important state like florida, as it relates to the electoral makeup there and still be kind of a player in the republican field. keep in mind, as to when desantis started to slip in polling, savannah. it was right as donald trump faced his first indictment there at the end of march. desantis hadn't officially announced his presidential run, but everybody saw the writing on the wall. he seemed to be, potentially, the strongest competitor for donald trump until the court battles started coming into play. people around donald trump believe that is something that helps propel him with voters. eric trump told me that. he thinks the looming indictments over the former president help him in his campaign. that is when we saw the needle start to move and we haven't seen it move back since. >> that's why we see donald trump so often volunteering to be in those courtrooms. that's effective for him, it seems. hallie, thank you. hallie will be back tomorrow morning and kristen welker and
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steve kornacki. the gang is all here as the very latest polls unfold in new hampshire, voting underway tomorrow. all right. meantime, there is encouraging weather news to start off the week. after a brutal stretch of cold, snow, freezing rain for much of the country, a major thaw finally on the way, so that's the good news, but it could usher in other news. with a new set of weather concerns. al is ready for your forecast. but let's start with jesse kirsch is in detroit with a bunch of happy lions fans, i'm sure. hey, jesse. >> reporter: it's about 19 degrees out here, feels like roughly 6 when you factor in the windchill and that might sound cold but it's actually a warm-up compared to where we were over the weekend. and detroit is not alone. on the heels of this wide-reaching, dangerous cold, many of us this week could start to see something of a thaw-out. after the brutal arctic blast that's been punishing the country with bone-chilling cold, this morning for millions, a much needed warm-up could soon
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be on the way. for days, much of the country has been stuck with temperatures well below average, freezing everything from roads to noodles. but things could begin turning around starting today. by mid-week, new york city could hit 43 degrees. atlanta 64. the about-face comes after days of record-setting dangerous cold from coast to coast with at least 72 weather-related deaths reported nationwide since january 12th. meanwhile, this warming shelter in carolina, has helped dozens in recent days. >> seven years now. and every year it just gets worse and worse. yesterday we had 85 people. today is 115. >> reporter: the temperature drops impacting south florida where iguanas have been known to become immobile in the cold, even falls from the trees. the cold weather did not stop
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the playoffs this weekend. near buffalo, fans dig out the big stadium before the game. >> we're willing to help, whatever it takes for our team. >> reporter: back here in motor city, we still have snow on the ground. the streets are looking pretty clear. by the end of the workweek, we could see temperatures in the 40s. hoda? >> all right. jesse kirsch for us there in detroit. jesse, thanks. >> all right. mr. roker, what you got? >> good news is, look at these temperatures right now. 24 hours ago, it was 28 degrees -- 18 degrees colder in st. louis. you are at 31 right now. louisville has warmed up 16 degrees from 24 hours ago. chicago 24-degree temperature rise in the last 24 hours. for today, you will see 34 degrees. new york 37. that's a little on the chilly side. wichita still below average. des moines, michigan all above average. and then tomorrow those temperatures all warm up. new york city, montgomery, alabama, houston, texas, all above average. that ridge of high pressure, i should say the jet stream moves up to the north. look at these temperatures over
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the next several days. friday 57 degrees here in new york city. let me hear that. yeah, that's what i'm talking about. 53 in a cincinnati. 71 in thursday in atlanta. 18 degrees above average on friday in new york city. buffalo 15 degrees above average. cincinnati 14. so temperatures are warming up. the bad news is we got a big storm system that's going to bring a real icy mix and mess. we'll talk about that in the next 30 minutes, but right now back to you guys. >> thank you craig joins us with another big story we're following, right >> good morning to you as well there is new potential trouble for boeing this morning in the wake of that mid-air blow-out that's grounded the max 9. the faa is now telling airlines to inspect a second boeing plane. nbc's erin mclaughlin here with the details on this one. erin, tell us about the second plane, what do we know >> well, craig, that's right good morning overnight, the faa issues a safety alert recommending visual
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inspections of mid-exit door plugs on boeing 737 900 er planes because they have the same door design as the max 9 that's now grounded. after the door panel blew off mid-flight nearly three weeks ago. to be clear, this is a separate boeing model and the recommendation is to check whether the door plugs are secured as soon as possible. there were no specific incidents or problems that triggered this move with the faa saying it has an added layer of safety as part of their investigation into the max 9 while it impacts 380 planes, disruptions to air travel are not expected in a statement boeing says it supports the faa and our customers in this action >> let's go back to the max 9. where does the investigation stand into that particular plane? >> well, 171 planes are currently grounded as the faa continues its investigation and evaluates data from 40
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inspections of the max 9 aircraft this overnight alert comes after airline inspections of the max 9 planes had some door plugs with these bolts, prompting concern could be a wider issue meanwhile, the max 9 fleet will remain grounded until the agency is satisfied they are safe to return to service, which is impacting air travel and leading to more than 300 flights being canceled there. >> thank you all right, guys. should we switch gears let's talk football. the excitement on the road to the super bowl four teams left. they remain in the hunt for the lombardi trophy. after a really thrilling weekend of playoff action. this time next week, we will be talking about the matchup for super bowl lviii i sake lee hartung on the sidelines at the detroit game. she was right there. she flew back, she made it back to our studio. >> good morning, guys. the super bowl dreams of the chiefs, lions, ravens and 49ers are alive and well after a weekend that saw three of the four matchups decided in the final plays. in last night's late game in
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freezing buffalo, we knew it would be a quarterback battle between mahomes and allen, and they delivered heartbreak in buffalo. >> wide right, wow >> the two most dreaded words in buffalo have surfaced again. >> reporter: bills fans disappointed again, defeated by the defending super bowl champs. chiefs star travis kelce coming alive, scoring two touchdowns and showing big love to his supporters in the stands including superstar girlfriend taylor swift who shared the excitement with brittany mahomes and the family including travis' bi brother jason, who was in full fan mode all day, crashing a bills tailgate before kickoff. and then stealing the show. >> there's his brother >> he says right on! that's jason. >> celebrating shirtless, jumping into the stands and even helping a young swifty get a glimpse of her idol. kansas city winning a playoff
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game on the road for the first time in the patrick mahomes era. in detroit, ford field was fired up for a wild back and forth battle between the buccaneers and the lions. during the fourth quarter jami gibbs helping detroit clinch a spot in the championship. >> he's in for the touchdown >> reporter: how do you describe the momentum your team has captured >> we're on a roll right now we all understand the circumstances. we're just cashing checks and getting rings right now. >> reporter: the lions will take on the san francisco 49ers, who survived a nail biter of their own. >> no! >> reporter: after a missed field goal by the packers and niners surging late in the pouring rain to send green bay packing. >> he scores 49ers in front. >> reporter: back in the afc, rookie quarterback cj stroud and the texans tried to keep their remarkable run alive, but houston couldn't outrun baltimore. and the favorite for league mvp. >> lamar jackson taken in. >> reporter: lamar jackson keeping the ravens
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soaring towards the super bowl scoring four touchdown with 100 rushing towards >> mvp mvp! >> we could hear those chants. so next week in the afc championships, the chiefs will take on the ravens in baltimore. that atmosphere will be insane we will see if mahomes can lead the chiefs to back-to-back super bowl appearances, or if lamar jackson can get the ravens there for the first time in more than a decade. and over in the nfc, the lions will try to make their first super bowl ever, making a trip to the bay area to meet the 49ers, guys, i have to say the atmosphere last night, at ford field, so much respect for those fans they've been waiting so long i mean, more than three decades for something like this. it was really special to be a part of. >> you did such a great job, kaylee, watching you from our coaches at home. >> can't believe you're still standing. >> me neither. >> at this point, how do you pull against the lions >> yeah. >> how do you pull against the lions? >> so hard, incredible story. >> yeah. >> thank you, kaylee. >> and al's got the rest of the forecast. >> i'd like to see ravens-lions.
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>> no, chiefs-lions. >> anyway. light snow up around the great lakes, messy ice storm getting its together we're going to take a look at this next half hour. flood risk in california because there's a big series of storms coming in. we're going to be watching that as well. but we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. get water in there? ohh...take it back! i said “beagle,” not “bagel.” ohhh... carmax has a 30-day money back guarantee! why don't you? oh, 'cause you need, like, lasers and stuff. (♪♪) experience carmax, and you'll never settle for anything less. (♪♪) [beep beep] (♪♪) good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's been so sloppy these past 24 hours, and heavy rain is still pushing through the south bay and coming back to marin
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county and san francisco with another wave of showers. so it's still going to be at times wet, and we also will have the potential of thunderstorms into the afternoon. very hit or miss showers, but some of us will get a chance to dry out and even see a little bit of sunshine. the next wave of rain comes in on wednesday, and then weather. guys >> al, thank you coming up, king charles preparing for surgery this week. princess kate on the mend from hers and now another member of the royal family just revealed a cancer diagnosis. we will have the latest and a live report from buckingham palace. >> and great news if you are planning a winter get-away looking ahead to spring break. airfare prices dropping to lows not seen in years. so should you race out right now and book what you need to know. what you need to know. but first on a monday morning, not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks”
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that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. when should children get a bank account what about a credit card
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>> when they get a job we'll ask the question after your local news. j-o-b. or of clinical trials and we're the number one dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement. i noticed it becoming... stronger and thicker. nutrafol has taken me back to the hair i was meant to have. i am back to me. start your hair growth journey at rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv
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and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue
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that we would make the healthiest foods possible... ...with the finest natural ingredients and real meat first. and that's our promise to you and your dog or cat. because when you love them like family you want to feed them like family. [car traversing over uneven ground.] [silence in the vehicle.] [car traversing over rocky ground, babbling creek in the background.] [minimalist piano enters, plays throughout.] (dad) we got our subaru forester wilderness [heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] [heavy sound of water stops abruptly.] to discover all of the places that make us feel something more. [heavy sound of water from waterfall re-enters.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. good morning on this monday. i'm marcus washington, along with laura garcia. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories. >> we're half an hour away from a systemwide strike by cal state
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faculty members. the strike will impact all 23 csu campuses, and 29,000 workers, including teachers, librarians and others walking off the job. the major sticking point is pay. the union demanding a 12% hike. cal state leaders say anything more than 5% is not possible. the strike is expected to last through the rest of the week. campuses will remain open but it's not clear if any instruction will take place. we are under a microclimate alert this morning. check out these photos showing a large tree came crashing down onto some cars. this is near 4th avenue and dartmouth in san mateo. police are asking you to avoid that area as they work to remove that tree. and a problem spot this morning is guerneville. the school district has canceled classes because of flooding in that area. this is video from sycamore court. people say that the water has gotten inside their homes. they say that this happens every year, even with light rain, because the creek is not cleared
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out properly. let's get a look at that forecast right now with meteorologist kari hall. more rain in the works. >> yeah, we are still seeing it coming in waves and we will have that chance going into the afternoon. the potential of thunderstorms will continue for today. then we'll have a break for tomorrow, with another round of some showers in wednesday's forecast. then we'll also return back to some milder temperatures and a mix of sun and clouds on thursday. looking ahead to the weekend, a chance of rain late friday into early saturday. sunday is looking nice. across the bay area, eventually there will be a warm-up, but we'll continue to track the rain in today's forecast. you'll want to keep checking back in for updates.
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rockefeller center rink. u.s. figure skaters are spending the mornings with us this morning ahead of some big, big competitions we are going to catch up with them on the road to the 2026 winter olympics in italy, milan. >> don't you just wish you could skate like that? >> just, period. >> gorgeous. >> we'll catch up with them in just a bit. we have a lot to get to starting with new health concerns for the royal family. >> yes king charles is set to undergo prostate treatment this week princess kate recovering from abdominal surgery. the duchess of york has been diagnosed with skin cancer >> molly hunter is at buckingham palace with the latest molly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that's right another big weekend of royal health announcements and another royal health scare we are starting with the three most prominent senior royals out of view. king charles
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prince william and, of course, kate, the princess of wales. this morning the two most prominent members of the royal family still sidelined while the family is rattled by yet another health scare the princess of wales is waking up this morning in the hospital starting a second week of recovery after planned abdominal surgery. >> kate is going to recovering until at least easter, so we're not expecting to see her in public at all, but she will be keeping an eye on her projects and she will be working from her bed. >> reporter: no public hospital visits over the weekend after we saw prince william driving to visit his wife last thursday kensington palace still not saying why the 42-year-old mother of three needed the surgery last week, only that kate would likely remain in the hospital for 10 to 14 days also over the weekend, another royal health announcement. sara ferguson, duchess of york, announced she has been diagnosed
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with a malignant melanoma. she was very open about her cancer diagnosis, postin this picture today explaining it was discovered during reconstructive surgery, adding she remains in good spirits. this all comes as king charles gears up for his corrective procedure this week for an enlarged prostate. >> his majesty is looking forward to getting back to work. >> reporter: no word on when the family wil all next be together over the weekend on the west coast, prince harry accepting an award for his service to the british army, presented by john travolta in a glamorous ceremony in l.a he was included in the living legends of aviation awards co-hosted by our very own tom costello for his role during the service as forward air controller and apache helicopter pilot. >> flying has been a transcendent experience. a close encounter with magic, an invitation to both protect freedom and to feel free. >> so, molly, when it comes to privacy, it seems sara ferguson
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and king charles are being more vocal about what's going on than kate what more do you know about that >> reporter: that's right. a little more transparent, a little more out in front the way that kensington palace and kate are treating he health scare is much more in line with traditional royal practice, how they frequently treated health scares in the past i will say kensington palace came out quickly, hoda, and did say it was non-cancerous but they are taking the opportunity to encourage people to get checked out. she says, i believe my experience underlines the importance of checking the size, shape, color and texture and emergence of any new moles, to diligent about their health. we really urging people to with diligent about their health. i should not we don't know when exactly king charles is going in for his procedure. hoda >> molly, thank you so much at buckingham palace. coming up, reese witherspoon sparking a heated debate over snow is it okay, is it safe to scoop
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it up and eat it >> i guess wherever you get it and what color it is. emilie ikeda ahead. with a story you need to see if you have a spring break trip to book. >> all dreaming of warmer temperatures after travel prices reache record levels coming out of the pandemic, some relief is on the horizon. coming up, how much cheaper airline tickets will be and, more importantly, how to find those deals. that's all after this. [notification sound] ♪ hello ♪ [phew] ♪ when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here.
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welcome back this morning on "in depth today," good news if you are looking to pack your bags in 2024. >> guess what? airline ticket prices are expected to fall for the first time in years, at least for travel within the u.s. >> we'll take it nbc's emilie ikeda is here with what we need to know and when you should book. >> you said it an expert we spoke to says we're seeing the cheapest tickets since 2009, excluding the cheapest tickets during the pandemic record highs once travel kicked back into overdrive.
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now finally, signs of a return to normal. after years of soaring airline prices, some relief on the horizon for travelers. >> there are some insane flight deals going on. >> reporter: the travel website kayak estimates domestic airfare will be 16% cheaper this year compared to 2023 >> outside of the pandemic, we haven't really seen these prices since about 2009 when you adjust for inflation, it is about 40% cheaper than it was a decade ago. >> reporter: the biggest reasons, airlines increasing capacity, lower jet fuel prices and competition between carriers. >> airlines have been able to add to their schedules there is more capacity, more seats available for people to purchase. >> reporter: carriers scrambling to meet demand after prices hit record highs in 2022, and customer frustration reached new heights too. >> the cost of flights is kind of getting out of hand. >> reporter: airfare to international destinations remains high overall, up 10% in 2024 compared to last year,
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according to kayak but not if you know where to go. airfare to mexico and central america has actually dropped by 10% from this time last year but caution just because average prices are dropping doesn't mean you are guaranteed a deal. it is all about knowing when to look the travel app hopper says it expects fares to start rising in late spring as spring break and summer travel kick into gear if you're eyeing a spring break getaway, now is the time to start searching. >> for those considering booking spring break now is a really great time to do so. you don't want to wait we're sort of getting to the edges of our goldilocks window. when it comings comes to booking your flight. >> reporter: it is about 21 to 60 days before your trip use price tracking apps like hopper, sky scanner, and google flights to set up price alerts and keep those alerts on even after you booked so if the price drops further, you can rebook and get travel credits.
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for the difference >> we are back in the age of cheap flights. >> all right so good news prices are going down. safety's been a large part of the conversation this month in light of the alaska airlines incident has that impacted how folks view travel in this country at all? >> so going says yes some people are understandably wary and cautious. actually, the number of people that are using the search function, there is a function where you can filter for the type of aircraft that number has tripled on some online travel agencies according to to going, they say that's evidence of lingering cautiousness, those max 9s are ? >> i like it. >> craig makes up nicknames like still grounded as the faa investigates. >> thank you, e. let us get another check of the weather. >> thank you, e? >> i like it >> craig makes up nicknames like that for people. >> a >> e dog. >> a rok >> anyway, we'll - >> see what you were thinking. >> i was about to go and i thought, i still need this job. 57 million people under winter
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weather advisory, storm watches, warnings from northern texas all the way into the northeast we have a mixed bag out there. look for icy conditions right now stretching from chicago all the way down to just east of dallas we have heavy rain down to the gulf we will probably be seeing flood watches out later. we're talking about upwards of 10 inches of rain over the next three days down to the lower mississippi river valley move to the north, we have icy conditions from a hundredth of an inch of ice to a tenth of an inch of ice stretching from little rock up to chicago, cleveland, and over the next three days into the northeast hazardous travel conditions and light snow, one to two inches from big rapids all the way just good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are still under a microclimate weather alert, as we get waves of rain coming in. we are seeing a little bit more of a break in the activity, but it has ramped up again for san francisco, marin county, as well
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as much of san mateo count. and we are going to continue to see that possibility throughout today, even a slight chance of thunderstorms. going into wednesday, the next weather. g for gang >> h let's go. >> that's a letter >> come on. still ahead, kids move over, coach. as we celebrate the basketball history that stanford's legendary women's coach just made that and your boost coming up right after this your sleep number settings. it's so smart, it actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side for your ideal sleep temperature, and effortlessly responds to both of you.
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for your best sleep, night after night. now, save 40% on the sleep number special edition smart bed. plus, zero percent interest for 36 months when you add an adjustable base. ends monday. shop for a limited time and sleep next level. only at sleep number. when dry eye symptoms
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balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) ♪♪ when my patients experience very dry skin, i recommend la roche-posay lipikar body cream. one application a day keeps very dry skin away. ♪♪ la roche-posay lipikar body cream provides 48-hour hydration and helps repair the skin barrier. ♪♪ suitable for ages 2 weeks to 100 years old. ♪♪ la roche-posay. recommended by 90,000 dermatologists worldwide. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪
7:48 am
cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ . carson joins us at just the right time to talk about a record breaking victory in college basketball. >> tara vanderveer just passed
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another icon of the game. she became the winningest coach of all time. nbc's stephanie gosk is here with more on this one. >> hey, guys. good morning. tara vanderveer's first head coaching job was at the university of idaho when she was just 24 years old and jimmy carter was the most college coaching wins in ncaa history, male or female, adding to her long list of incredible accomplishments, including four national championships, and an olympic gold medal. >> they are chanting tara. >> stanford head coach tara vander veer making history again, becoming the winning kes coach of all time. she earned her 1,203rd victory when stanford defeated oregon state sunday night the t-shirts were ready, an adoring crowd celebrated >> i just focused on each play, each possession, trying to run
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good things for our team, and enjoy the journey. >> with the win she passed legendary duke coach mike -- who was happy to pass the torch. >> tara, congratulations, what an amazing achievement and what's even more amazing is the manner in which she achieved so many victories. >> she's been head coach for 45 years, the last 38 at stanford. >> got to work harder. >> current and former players reflecting on her massive impact on the game. >> this is huge for basketball, i think she's the greatest to ever do it. >> it's a masterpiece, what she has created. >> >> she's won three national championships, most recently in 2021 over arizona, ending a 29-year drought, she talked about that win here on "today." >> this was, i think, especially rewarding because of the covid situation, and all the adversity this team has faced. >> some of the biggest names in sports, praising one of basketball's greatest. >> beyond the wins and losses
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and everything else, it's the impact that you've had on so many young lives. >> congratulations on this amazing milestone, and thank you so much for your leadership. >> success is turning her love of the game into the team's joy on the court. >> for me it's all about a team that, you know, loves to play together i think that they had a lot of fun today. >> a lot of of fun, according to stanford, she's responsible for coaching 85% of the cardinal wins since the start of the program in 1975. she's also had at least 30 players go on to the wnba. and she's not done yet. >> man. >> i love it coach k, and steve kerr, and billy jean giving her her due. >> boost this morning. >> double boost, two for the price of one, a young man named antonio hasn't seen his dad in several years, ever since antonio moved to the united states well, his dad recently came to miami to visit
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and this was the reunion he jumps in his dad's arms, like he did when he was a little kid, a hug that lasted a long, long time and that reunion was overdue. if you like that reunion, a young flies home to surprise her dad on his birthday. check out his reaction he drops down on one knee. and then it just flows he wasn't expecting to see her obviously and that was a birthday gift that will last a lifetime. >> oh, feel the love tonight. >> yes, we can. >> yeah, it's good. >> sweet. >> great, good stuff. >> see if you recognize this voice, play it ♪ your lips were made for mine ♪ >> justin bieber >> no, that is partly right, half right, that's justin timberlake j.t., been a minute, but debuted a brand new song and landed a new gig, telling you all about it coming up. rescue dogs to be exact...
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a second act made possible by the career reskilling courses lisa's already taking now, with aarp. to help make sure her income lives as long as she does. so, she can finally run with the big dogs... and the small dogs who just think they're big dogs. that's why the younger you are, the more you need aarp. [ tense music ] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topical pain relief, try alevex. bro, one more time. who do you take it for? ♪♪ worth of drip, but... ( inaudible rapping ) jif peanut butter. it's that jif'ing good, ludacris changed his flow for it. (bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding. but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. (vo) make the switch.
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it's your business. it's your verizon. shh. shh. three six nine. ooh she fine. hoping she can sing it to me— —one more time. ♪ to the window, to the window ♪ grab a pepsi wild cherry and get wild. ♪ ♪ ♪ oooohhh, it is cold outside time to protect your vehichle from winters wrath of course the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too you need weathertech all year round! come on, protect your investment laser measured floorliners and cargoliner will shield the carpeting from sand and snow for your interior, there's seat protector and sunshade plus, mudflaps and bumpstep for the exterior order american made products at
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ask your doctor about shingrix today. a very good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. happening now, we are in a microclimate weather alert and rain leaving a lot of problems for people in sonoma county. let's go to ginger conejero saab in guerneville this morning. they've had a lot of flooding
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overnight, ginger. >> reporter: they have, and you can really still see it behind us, laura. residents here in the sycamore court neighborhood of guerneville waking up to this, flooding inside and around their homes. the rains have stopped, but as you can see, plenty of flooding left behind. if you can make out the cars there, the tires on the cars partially submerged. you can also see a dog barking in the background, with people who are surveying the damage this morning. one woman we spoke to who lives in the area says she woke up to the fire department knocking on her door and several inches of water inside her home. the school district here in guerneville remains closed today. we're still tracking some rain in and around the bay area for areas farther to the south, still a wave of heavy rain. a new round of rain picking up for marin county and into san francisco. that's going to be moving toward the east bay.
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we're seeing heavy downpours around the morgan hill area. we'll be tracking this off and on as we fwo into the afternoon, even the possibility of thunderstorm thunderstorm we'll cons.ti not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks,
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big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. coming up, major shakeup ron desantis ends his presidential bid. >> i signed a pledge to support the republican nominee
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i will honor that pledge. >> endorsing donald trump. the new hampshire primary now a two-person race. we're live with the latest. then, thawing out. after a brutal stretch of arctic temperatures, snow and ice, could warmer weather finally be on the way al's got the full forecast plus, extra credit what you need to know about kids and finances at what age should they be getting a bank account what about a credit card vicky nguyen has all the tips in a segment sparked by a viewer's email and say it ain't snow. reese witherspoon sparks a heated debate after using snow as an ingredient. >> so good >> the star speaking out after the internet's chilly reception. >> we're in the category of you only live once. >> all the scoop coming up on monday, january 22nd, 2024. ♪ >> wishing my brother a happy birthday in houston, texas
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love you, travis >> visiting from homewood, alabama. >> hi, mom and dad >> we're here celebrating my sweet 16. >> from orlando, florida >> shout-out to everybody watching in richmond, virginia. >> and irving, texas. >> on a sibling birthday trip to the "today" show >> hello, bloomington, illinois! >> sending love to our kids. >> back in tucson, arizona. >> planned a trip from north carolina >> to meet al roker! >> oh, you got a lot of fans out there, al. we're excited to join those folks on the plaza chilly morning monday nice to have you along with us wherever you may be. >> we will warm it up here tomorrow because everybody's favorite dolly parton will join us live. she's got a very special announcement to share that you do not want to miss. >> meanwhile, let's get to your news at 8:00
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the stakes got higher in new hampshire's primary after the sudden decision by ron desantis to drop out of the race. garrett haake in position with the sudden changing dynamics of this race. garrett, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. a major shift in the dynamics here a shake-up, if you will, in a campaign that has been sorely lacking them up until this point. ron desantis choosing to get out of this race less than a week after he was celebrating a distant second place finish in iowa that's one part. the other part, choosing to endorse donald trump, the kind of thing that might make this race over before it really gets started. listen. >> trump is superior to the current incumbent, joe biden that is clear. i signed a pledge to support the republican nominee, and i will honor that pledge. >> he was very gracious, and he endorsed me, so i appreciate it. i appreciate that. and i also look forward to working with ron and everybody else.
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>> reporter: those friendly, if somewhat cool words, between the two men once at the top of this republican primary battle signalled their part of this race is now behind us. the next part of this battle beginning between donald trump and nikki haley who spent the weekend attacking each other haley going after trump's mental fitness after trump confused her with nancy pelosi in a speech over the weekend, suggesting that he may not have the mental capacity to do this job. that may be a sign to come which we'll get another very big signal tomorrow night when newc da hampshire votes for what is now a two-person race. >> thank you very much. our long stretch of dangerous cold and blizzard conditions may be coming to an end pretty soon. below average temperatures broke more records this weekend. the extreme weather blamed for more than 70 deaths over the last ten days. saturday nearly two dozen skiers and snowboarders had to be rescued from the back country in vermont.
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al, so it looks like -- this bottomed out >> temperature-wise, it indeed has, guys. good morning to all of you look at these temperatures actually, we warmed up 18 degrees from st. louis 23 degrees in memphis. 11 degrees in amarillo and jackson looking at 19 degrees warmer than they were just 24 hours ago. for today, new york a little on the cooler side. but cincinnati, you are right where you should be. wisconsin 26 degrees that's 5 degrees warmer. dallas still on the chilly side. but you can see temperatures start to warm up for tomorrow, above average in new york, cincinnati, monroe, raleigh all the way down to tallahassee with a temperature of 70 degrees. jet stream raises way up to the north, and look at these temperatures by friday, new york city 57, 53 in cincinnati. atlanta on thursday, you will be in the low 70s buffalo, new york, even though it is a little chilly there now and you are still crying, but temperatures will be in the mid-40s.
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not too bad. >> thanks, buddy. meanwhile, we turn to the middle east. new attacks by iranian-backed militias have the united states vowing retaliation as war threatens to engulf more of that region israel's leaders are under growing pressure to end the hamas hostage crisis raf sanchez joins us with the latest from tel aviv. raf, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning. u.s. central command confirming overnight the deaths of two u.s. navy seals who appear to have drowned during a mission off the coast of east africa meanwhile, there has been no let-up in the wave of attacks b. this morning, u.s. forces across the iranian-backed forces in the region this morning, u.s. forces across the middle east on high alert, amid fears of a widening war overnight, the military calling off a ten-day search for two navy seals lost at sea off the coast of somalia
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they died intercepting iranian weapons hidden on this ship, the navy says. iran supplying arms to militants in iraq, who bombarded u.s. troops with ballistic missiles over the weekend an unknown number of service personnel now being assessed for traumatic brain injuries while in gaza, a once unthinkable milestone. 25,000 people now killed according to the health ministry the majority of them women and children this man burying his baby daughter having already lost his wife and two other children to an israeli strike overnight, israeli families demanding a deal to bring the hostages home. for some hostages, this is what the last 108 days underneath gaza have looked like. this tunnel just goes on and on and on it leads to what israel says is a dungeon where hamas held its prisoners. five cells with caged doors that lock from the outside.
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the air hot and thick. what evidence do you have that hostages were actually kept here >> the most important thing, we have testimonies of hostages that verify this compound. we found here hair and other dna. >> reporter: you found hair and dna from the hostages here >> and other belongings. >> reporter: they say they also found these pictures, drawn by five-year-old amelia before she was released after 49 days a child trying to find light in this darkness. and this morning, fighting is raging around the only major hospital still functioning in have been killed in the area since last night. their emergency room is overwhelmed, and southern gaza. medical official says 50 people have been killed in the area since last night their emergency room is overwhelmed, and they fear israeli forces may soon storm inside craig? >> raf, thank you. one other note a lot of the world was focused on football yesterday. but a college sophomore was busy making history on the golf
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course >> in the desert for the first time since 1991, an amateur wins on the pga tour. >> well, how about that? 20-year-old nick dunlap capturing the american express tournament in la quinta, california the last amateur to win a amateur tournament was phil mickelson. because he's an amateur, he does not get the $1.5 million in prize money. >> that sucks. >> what you said he can turn pro if he'd like and he can join the 2024 tour. can't they just put it in a savings account? >> why not >> i think he will probably ultimately be just fine. >> i think you're probably right. coming up, guys, is it safe to eat snow the tiktok from reese witherspoon that's launched a major winter-time debate first, vicky is here to help set up your children for financial success.
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>> i'm a little shook thinking about eating central park snow but that's beside the point. financial literacy, we know that's really important. how do you tech it to your kids? when do you start in i'll have the tips, plus some new apps that will help you an app giving away free money for your teen to invest. (mom) the moment i loved our subaru outback most... was the moment they walked away from it. (daughter) mom! (mom) oh, thank goodness. and that's why our family will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru.
8:11 am
( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue that we would make themmended healthiest foods possible... ...with the finest natural ingredients and real meat first. and that's our promise to you and your dog or cat. because when you love them like family you want to feed them like family. there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world.
8:12 am
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juliana, big mac, no pickles, extra special sauce. and jimena, quarter pounder with cheese, extra pickles, no onions. thanks dad! ♪ you got it! ♪ [bubble pops] ♪ buy one favorite like a big mac, ♪ and get another for just a buck. ♪ right now at mcdonald's. ♪ (bridget) with thyroid eye disease and i hid from the camera. just a buck. ♪ and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before treatment, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar and may worsen ibd.
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tepezza may cause severe hearing problems which may be permanent. (bridget) now, i'm ready to be seen again. (vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. ♪ ♪ we're back 8:13 this morning on money-saving mondays, we are setting up your kids for financial success. >> when and how do you get them a bank account, an investment account or maybe even a credit card vicky nguyen is here with smart tips for money at any age. vicky, this is such an interesting segment because it came to you via an e-mail that you received, right? >> yes last week we did money-saving mondays. then right after this viewer emailed me. >> let me read it. this is what jennifer wrote in i'm a single mom to two young ladies, 14 and 12. and i'm wondering at what age i could get them a checking account. also i have friends that have a credit card in their child's name
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they're trying to boost their child's credit score at this young tween age. is that a good idea? >> brilliant questions, i'm so glad jennifer asked. let's start with the checking and savings accounts we talked with the experts they say right around the age of 8 to 12, depending on the maturity of your child, that's a great time to open a savings and then what you really want to look for is an account that has no fees to open, no overdraft fees, and a very low minimum to start. there are a lot of them out there. capital one, for example, chase. they actually offer a savings account with a debit account at this age your kids don't need a checking account but you can really teach them the mechanics of it because you have got the debit. you are explaining to them, this is where your allowance goes or the earnings from your job. then when you want to buy that skin care or that skateboard, this is when the money comes out, so it is a really good way to practice. and also, you were talking with jenna, i think she got her daughter the green light app that's another popular one it's a debit card. a fantastic way to teach them some financial literacy and you,
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as a parent, have controls over it so you can monitor and teach them how to budget on these apps. >> okay. parents are putting your allowance on the green light app. >> exactly. >> what about if you just had a baby too early to be thinking about this stuff >> not at all. the baby could have a credit card. >> no, we'll get to that for sure but lending tree found the cost of raising a child from 0 to 18, $237,000 when you factor in all the supplies, the health care. that doesn't include college if education is important to you, if college is an option you want to have your child, you can open a 529 named after the tax code when they get a social security number, right anyone can open it a godparent, a friend if they want to. this is something that's really grown flexible you can use it on tuition, housing, books but also on secondary education, a vocational school. let's say your child grows up and they are amazing and don't need to go to school, don't want to go to college, you can designate another beneficiary so
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that money isn't wasted. withdrawals are fax free, which is huge growing that money also, think about the holidays when everybody is giving gifts and toys toys are great but investments go a lot longer. >> let's talk about investing because i was just telling you when i was like in junior high we had a class where they had us all pretend we were buying stocks and things. i remember to this day buying superior oil with my monopoly money. but i remember it. there is something about kids getting into the investment world early. >> so important. and really, teenager years are the best time. fidelity youth launched this app for kids 13 to 17 years old. they will give you $50 to start with real money. you can invest in u.s. stocks, mutual funds again with the parental controls so your child doesn't go wild there. but any money they don't invest goes into a money market account with a 4.99% apy so they're getting a high-yield savings account from money they don't invest but man, if they like certain brands, this is a great way to
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get them to understand earnings, profits, losses, and when your company does well, you do well >> wow >> we forgot to answer one of jennifer questions i made a joke, but should you get your kids a credit card just to make their credit score go up >> i loved this question we talked to matt schultz at lending tree he said if you have good credit, you can add your child as an authorized user, and that basically kick starts their credit with years of a positive history because the credit unions will look back and say, oh, okay, this person has had a credit card since 2024, and the bills have been paid on time the caveat is, if junior wracks up $5,000 of debt on your credit card, you are on the hook, mom or dad. >> well, you can set it up and just never let them know. >> exactly that's the work-around you add them you never give them the card they don't know. then when they're 18, they open their own solo card and they've already got a great credit history to begin with. >> wow, good advice. >> thank you, vicky. >> mr. roker, what you got >> we're looking at another storm system coming in to central and southern california.
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it will be a mess out there. over the next several days a series of storms coming in we're also looking at icing conditions starting to get together in the midwest. heavy rain to the south. we're going to be looking at flash flood alerts probably over the next several days down through the gulf coast temperatures still on the chilly side teens and 20s, 30s as we go from the plains into the northwest. -- midwest and northeast as well that will be changing as well with temperatures warming up for today, sunshine up and down the eastern sea board. in the mississippi river valley, lower mississippi river valley looking at heavy rain. a flood risk developing back down through california. wet weather as you make your way up into the pacific northwest. that's what's going on around good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're still seeing waves of rain coming in and heavy rain in the north bay as well as san francisco. as we get a closer look with storm ranger, we can see this really having a big impact on our morning commute. the rain over the south bay is
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starting to clear out. but once again there's another wave coming in. this is what we can expect throughout the day. even the possibility of a few isolated pop start. >> all right we will start with reese witherspoon. we were teasing it earlier the hollywood a-lister cooking up a hot debate thanks to this cold treat tiktok. >> okay. so we had a ton of snow over the past few days. we decided to make a recipe. first we scooped the snow into cups and we added salted caramem syrup and some chocolate syrup and then we decided to add some cold brew just to have a yummy coffee flavor. so good! >> that's the recipe for reese's snow salt. it got a lot of attention. you can imagine putting something like that online folks have an opinion about whether it is safe to eat snow like that. here is how reese responded. >> there is so many people on
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here saying that snow is dirty, so we went and took snow from the backyard and we microwaved it and it's clear. i didn't grow up drinking filtered water we drank out of the tap water. we put our mouths on the tap sometimes in the summer when it was hot, we drank out of the hose like we put our mouth on the hose growing up. and then so i -- filtered water, i didn't -- maybe that's why i'm like this. >> we all drank from the hose. >> we all did. >> what about al, though is snow a collection of air pollutants is it safe to eat? >> i think it depends on where you live you also need to know where your snow is. in your backyard, you know, on the top of the car, it's pristine i think you're okay. >> right yellow >> i think we all know what that is you probably put that story in just so you could do that. >> that's exactly right. >> that's why i love you >> we make in our ice snow ice cream. we do heavy cream and sweetener. >> my mom does that. >> it's delicious.
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>> it just landed and it's pristine snow. what's the big deal? >> it's okay. >> come on >> next up, let's talk about "saturday night live." over the weekend, renee rapp aka the big screen's latest regina george, took the stage as a first-time musical guest. the audience went nuts for this. this surprise cameo that happened >> ladies and gentlemen, once again, renee rapp. >> of course, that is the og regina george, rachel mcadams who stuck around to do a sketch an acting class one, live," next upls" crossover there. zblo. >> love it. >> very cool justin timberlake revealing the next musical guest to be on "saturday night live," along with host dakota johnson it was a weekend packed with announcements. from the ten-time grammy winner, jt performing at a sold-out show in his hometown of memphis, tennessee.
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he released more details about his upcoming sixth studio album. his new album called "everything i thought i was. plus, he shared a sneak peek at one new track called "selfish" ♪ if i get jealous ♪ ♪ i can't help it ♪ ♪ i want every bit of you ♪ ♪ i guess i'm selfish ♪ ♪ i can't fight it ♪ ♪ when you're out looking like you do ♪ ♪ but you can't hide it ♪ >> that's good >> we're enjoying it. >> i forgot how much i missed justin. >> it will be justin's first album since 2018's "man of the woods. next up, dolly parton celebrating her 78th birthday on friday as a gift to her fans, releasing the deluxe version of her rock star album with a fresh lineup of tracks including on that deluxe issue, a cover of the arhythmic's "sweet dreams. have a listen.
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♪ sweet dreams are made of these ♪ ♪ who am i to disagree ♪ ♪ i travel the world and the seven seas ♪ ♪ everybody's looking for something ♪ >> that had to be the only song on planet earth that was covered by both dolly parton and marilyn manson. >> venn diagrams, yes. >> i think so. >> by the way, we should go shopping after the show because dolly will be here tomorrow on "popstart". >> got to get her a good present. >> oh, a birthday present. >> figure that out for tomorrow. next up, taylor swift. if there is anything we have learned lately is that sports and taylor is a winning combination. over the weekend a 16-year-old u.s. athlete josie johnson, earned a silver medal in ski jumping at the winter youth olympic games. here's what she had to say about how the grammy winner inspired her jump. >> what are some of the things you thought about? >> taylor swift? yeah, i was thinking about taylor swift, yeah
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well, specifically i was thinking about her reputation dance from the reputation tour yeah that's just what i do sometimes when i'm a little bit nervous. i just did some of the dance moves in my head, yeah. >> i think she is replacing jesus in the answers for sports stars when they win something. what got you through that jump taylor swift. >> no longer jesus >> thank god we got rid of the roman empire taylor swift has replaced the roman empire. finally, our friend rainn wilson it's been over a decade since fans said good-bye to the office family all these years later the crew is still getting a lot of love over the weekend rainn sharing a sweet photo of a note. it reads the office got me through some of the darkest days of my life i can't thank you enough for that he said he didn't see the person that dropped that note for him, but he wrote online, so humble to be part of a show that inspired and continues to do so. continuous thank you to the whole office family.
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then he joked. he wrote, this is not an open invite to give me notes on napkins everywhere i go. >> cool. >> that's right. >> start thinking about dwightd shrute. straight ahead, we will hit the rink at rockefeller center. two impressive figure skaters to watch. they are on the road to the winter olympics. they are thinking about taylor swift right now. but, first, a check of your local news, your weather and these messages. >> very strong prospects ♪
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good afternoon. we're talking about a weather alert. both sections of highway 9 are closed. the same thing happened there yesterday. also in the north bay overnight flooding partly submerging one neighborhood in guerneville. it all happened in the area of sycamore court. schools are closed due to the flooding concerns. now in santa cruz, meanwhile, you see herb flooding overnight. this is near hartman complex not far from the wharf. at least 2 to 3 feet of water surrounding the areas. how is it looking for us, kari? we're still seeing breaks of rain. it's ramping up in parts of san francisco and in south county. also toward san francisco and oakland. we're going to see this off and
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on before it winds down tonight and we'll see more rain in the forecast on wednesday and again on saturday. marcus? >> all right, kari. thank you. we'll have anoth localer in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity.
8:29 am
that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks,
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big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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oh, we are back. we're back at 8:30 we stepped outside on a cold day in new york city always exciting to see these happy folks. thanks for coming here. >> we got some great people, and we got a lot to get to a lot to get to, including getting to -- how to get to know somebody, how to get to know what's really inside we have best-selling author and new york times columnist david brooks here. he's got a cup of joe with our coffee cart. >> what's with the coffee cart >> that's our new thing. >> i thought he brought the cart. >> he might have in a moment, he will share practical and insightful advice to help people make lasting connections. >> one of the great writers right there. also ahead a style expert here to help us get a jump start on this year's hottest fashion
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trends of the year there will be bows, friends. you have to wear a bow tomorrow for mariska's birthday >> that's right. she said please tell hoda i want her to wear a bow tomorrow >> it is her birthday. she is turning 60. >> let's break out the bows, today. by the way, look at the rink these figure skaters have their sights set on the next olympics. they're wearing bows, and they are about to perform live. >> i can't wait to see you in a bow. >> we'd like to see you in a bow. >> you can wear a bow tie. >> i'll wear a bow tie if you wear a bow on the 3rd hour, ways to tighten up security on our phones and devices, including why you may want to turn off bluetooth. >> the only bows i know are the speakers i have. in the hair? >> what's happening here >> we're diving into a debate raging across the internet this winter it has nothing to do about whether snow is edible when it is freezing out, do your
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kids wear shorts do you let them? one 9-year-old is exhibit "a" if we need to that conversation tomorrow i something parents will want to watch. >> and 7-year-old charlie. i can't take it anymore. >> let him do it. >> let's talk to the weather guy. he knows. >> but wait. today's weather is sponsored by horizon therapeutics. learn about thyroid eye disease at is it >> this is the international section of the "today" show. where are you guys from? >> arizona. >> there you go. >> new zealand. >> and >> london. >> canada. >> there we go that's the -- arizona is still part of the united states. so there you go. we like that let's show you what we got going on as far as your week ahead sunny along the eastern part of the country. we're looking at icy conditions
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in the mid-section, some rave rain down through the gulf, more rain and snow out west and mid-part of the country, wednesday, above average highs but it's going to be wet for the eastern half of the country with some snow in the northeast, still active out west, and toward the end of the week we are looking at more wet weather, it's going to be warm but wet, mild highs and sunshine back through the plains, snow in the rockies and more wet weather good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're still dealing with waves of rain and even the possibility of thunderstorms later today. our temperatures will reach into the low 60s and we will have a dry day tomorrow, but rain will be back on wednesday. thursday is looking sunny, and our temperatures will be warming up as we get another chance of rain in saturday's forecast. for san francisco, temperatures are about the same. be sure to download the
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what is your name, young man >> i am owen hicks >> good to see you how are you? thanks so much for your sign i appreciate it. who is here with you >> this is my brother, cam, my mother and that's my step dad graham. >> all right >> we're happy you came. >> from north carolina thanks, owen. just ahead, david brooks will share some important lessons from his new book. a practical guide to create deeper connections with people in all areas of your life. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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♪ ♪ we are back with start today we are back with "start today" and two big questions how do you make a person feel truly seen and how many people in your life truly see you? that is at the heart of a new book called "how to know a person" from new york times best-selling author and columnist david brooks
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so good to see you i have to confess i'm a huge fan of yours i love your books, and i love this topic in particular because i don't know if it's post-pandemic or just life in general. but i feel like we don't actually look at each other and make eye contact the eye contact we're having right here is extraordinary, but that doesn't happen. why is that? what's going on? >> yeah. i think we're nervous. we're egotistical. i was in a diner in waco, texas having breakfast and a mutual friend of ours walks in the diner >> and he walks over to us, grabs her and shakes her way harder than you should shake a 93-year-old. he says, i love you, i love you. and she turned into a bright eye shining 9-year-old girl. when we first gaze at somebody, we're answering a question, am i priority to you? am i person to you will you be kind to me the answers to your questions
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will come out of your eyes before any words come out of your mouth that first gaze is important. >> you talk about in the book how you went to a party and you realize at the end of the party like nobody asked you one question you went through a whole deal, got home and realized. so what did that teach you, that exercise >> i think only 30% of humanity are question askers. the rest are perfectly nice people they just don't ask you a question so i always -- when i meet somebody, i ask them about their childhood. people love talking about their childhood. >> how do you ask that >> where did you grow up what was it like and then you can get a little closer you can get to know somebody better what is your favorite unimportant thing about you? >> your favorite unimportant thing. >> my favorite is i liked earl taylor swift more than her later stuff. >> that tells you something. >> then you really get to know somebody you've got trust then the questions should be big questions. like what transition are you going through? what would you do if you weren't afraid or if we met a year from now,
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what will you be celebrating these are questions that get people talking >> i like one of your questions. i just highlighted on one of these papers stuck together. but you say, i no longer ask people, what do you think about that instead, i ask, how did you come to believe that? that's a whole different ball of wax, isn't it? >> you want to get people in story modes. when they are telling stories, they're more personal. a little funny story i read about in a book. a lady was hired to do a focus group. about why people go to the grocery store late at night. she didn't say why do you go t the grocery store late at night. she said tell me about the last time you went to a grocery store after 11:00 p.m. one woman said, well, i smoked a joint and i wanted a ménage à trois with ben and jerry. you get a glimpse into her life. she asked for a story. i always try to get people in narrative mode >> you underscore it well. you talk about there are illuminators and diminishers. there are people that when you walk in the room you feel better after you leave it and then there are diminishers describe those people. >> they're not curious about
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you. they're egotistical. they just talk about themselves. they stereotype. they ignore. they make you feel small and invisible. illuminators make you feel great. they're curious, they illuminate you with the gaze of their attention. it is really productive being an illuminator. there was a phenomenon at bell labs some of the researchers were more productive than others. they wanted to know why. they said iq, was it education they couldn't figure it out. it turned out that people who are creative were in the habit of having breakfast or lunch with an electrical engineer. and he asked them questions. he got inside their heads. he thought through their problems with them and they were productive because they were around this guy that was really interested in him. >> so having just that one person in your life can change the game i went to a retreat, and they made us do this exercise where they told you to look at someone like this, and they had you -- let me see your hand
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they had you hold hands and they had you look in their eyes it was so uncomfortable that it felt like you were going to explode. and the person looked in your eyes and said, i see you and i love you when it was over, they asked people what did that experience feel like for you. some people said, i felt full of love some people said, who is this person and what are they trying to pull off here it told you a lot about what's happening within you isn't that part of what you're noticing >> yeah. so i grew up like very aloof and distant. when i was in nursery school, my teacher told my parents, dave doesn't play with the other kids he just observes them. so i've tried to be more emotionally available as i've gotten older. >> you can change. this person and that's the way i will be until i'm in my grave. >> i totally believe you can change how did you go about changing that because i think some people think, i'm this person, and that's the way i will be until i'm in my grave. >> i totally believe you can change i want to learn about emotions so i could express emotion so i wrote a book about emotion super intellectual kind of guy then i wrote a book about trying to become a better person called "the road to character" where i
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wrote about suffering. i think i'm radically changed. i can prove it, but i have to r vi interviews by oprah twice in my life, last in 2019 she said, david, drop names so i have been interviewed by oprah twice in my life the last time was in 2019. after the interview, she says to me, dave, i've rarely seen somebody change so much. you were so emotionally blocked before that was a big moment for you because you can grow in middle age and old age. i really think it is possible to become quite a different person. you have that experience i was at a conference in nantucket, and they gave everybody at the conference these song lyrics, which had a love song on them. they said pick a stranger in the room and sing the love song into their eyes. >> oh, geez. >> if you had asked 30-year-old me to do that, i really would have exploded. but i did it i did it. >> what happened >> no sparks >> very cool that was super brave by the way, the thing i love about this book is it's filled with cool anecdotes, but it' also filled with directives, things that you can practically do to improve. if you want to be a better
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person, this is the book "how to know a person" by david brooks i have a feeling you've got another "new york times" best seller on your hands they just seem to happen that way. by the way, i do see you >> thank you. >> and i do love you. >> i love you too. >> savannah, over to you >> what an awesome conversation. thank you so much, hoda and david. and coming up next, we will just shift gears slightly we've got style. jasmine snow is here we're talking the mega bag, mary janes, all the big trends right now. we'll get into it. we'll get into it. but, first, this is "today" on
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding.
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for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. we are back at 8:45. "today style." every year brings new trends to embrace. we called on jasmine snow to give us the fashion forecast. you can help us get a jump on what's hot in 2024. hello there. >> good morning. >> we have been talking a lot about bows. that's at the top of your list. we're not making this up. it really is a fashion. >> it really is happening. it came in big for our holidays.
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i get that. everyone has really been embracing the hair bow. but we're seeing it in shoes, in jewelry, in bags, in clothing. you can really kind of dip in anywhere you want to. so a little bit, a lot. you don't have to wear the hair bow. but it's happening. not going anywhere in '24. >> you say the earrings, the necklace. it's cute. on shoes. >> exactly. >> okay. this is the pantene color of the year. what do they call it, peach fuzz? >> yes, peach fuzz. pantone said this is our color of the year, and we are already seeing it. it is the new it girl color. celebrities are already wearing it. a lot of them doing a head-to-toe look like this. going monochromatic. but you can do a sweatshirt, get a taste of it. sneakers, accessories again. again, if you only want a little bit of a hint. but i love it. it's a creamier, warmer version of the pink we have been doing for a while. >> it is like a rose gold. >> totally, exactly. >> it is not like the peach you eat.
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it is a little pinkier than the peach you eat. >> let's keep the little girl theme going buzz i love a mary jane. >> i love a mary jane. it is very lady like. but it doesn't have to be lady like. you can get edgier with the metallic. i love this has some embellishment. if you want a heel you can do it. if you want to do a flat, you can add your favorite jeans or dress it up and really go any way you want to. >> would you do socks with it? >> definitely tights. obviously right now we're freezing, so we're doing a lot of tights. you can do an ankle sock and make it your own. but these do all the work for you. >> yeah. they're really cute. >> really cute. >> the mega bag. it used to be the mini bag. now you can put your mini bag in your mega bag. >> exactly. it used to be all about the mini bag. now it is the mega bag. they're actually calling them shoppers, that name now. we have been seeing them all over the runways. it was a lot of the men's runways we were seeing. so many celebrities are starting to carry this. you can fit everything in it. it is very convenient.
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we can all carry our phones in our bag because it finally fits. it is great because we can do a print, a color or keep it classic with black. >> yeah. very, very cute. our final trend is the crop top, which our model is showing off right here. >> we have been seeing a lot of crop tops, but now we're moving into the cropped jacket. we love this trench. it goes really from season to season. and you can play with proportions. if you want to show off a little bit more skin or a top underneath, the crop is great. or if you want to hide some things, a little extra fabric is always fun, too. >> great, jasmine, thank you so much. if you want to shop any of this, find the products at reminder, "today" may earn a small commission from your purchase. coming up, we will hit the ice with two stars of u.s. figure skating. but, first, this is "today" on
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024
8:51 am
with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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>> welcome back. we're gearing up for the 2024 paris olympics, but there are some athletes who have already got their sights on the 2026 olympic games in milan, italy. this morning we have a special treat. u.s. figure skaters ava zigler and lindsey thorngren are here heading into the u.s. champions and the final international competition of the season. ladies, good morning am i reading this right? 1 and 2 at the nhk in japan over thanksgiving how did that feel? >> it was incredible when we go to travel internationally, we have a whole entire contingent of supporters who always support us. go and c was amazing. and do achieve such we have our coaches and our teammates. so to go and compete with ava was amazing. and do achieve such results was so special for us. >> ava, can i talk about the grand prix series. you jumped from fifth place to first place. who are you?
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how did that happen? >> i really used my fifth place finish to motivate myself and push myself because i knew that i could win. >> yeah. >> so i really just used that to get there. >> we just saw a skier who completed and got some sort of a medal. she said she thinks about taylor swift when she wants to calm down in one of her tours what calms you down? >> i like to dance i do little dances and i just get into my own world. >> all right, guys are you going to show us your stuff? they will take off their little jackets, and we will begin with ava going first. all right, ava take it away ♪
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♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ >> bravo, ♪ >> bravo, ava! all right, lindsay take it away
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♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ ava, lindsay, thank you! and here's a reminder. you can watch the 2024 figure skating championships beginning this thursday on nbc, usa and peacock. and we are back after your local
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news and weather
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good morning. it's 8:56. i'm meteorologist kari hall. as we take a look at storm ranger and our mobile doppler radar, we see a roujds of heavy rain moving through parts of the south county and morganville to gilroy and we'll see this taper off a little bit. it has ramped up again for san francisco, moving across the bay to oakland and san leandro. it's moving off toward the east and we're seeing heavy rain in marin county as well. still the chance of thunderstorms continues into the afternoon as well as the evening, and we will see rain returning to our forecast on wednesday and another rounon saturdd ay
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this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
8:59 am
look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
9:00 am
this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," the final four. another epic weekende


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