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tv   Today  NBC  February 3, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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good morning. thanks for starting your weekend with us. the u.s. military assessing the damage after air strikes against
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iranian-backed targets. >> president biden saying this is only the beginning. it's february 3rd. this is "today." hitting back. the u.s. targets areas in syria in retaliation for the deadly drone strike. the strike comes after remains of the service members returning to dover air force base. how long will these strikes go on? we're live in the region. on alert. the west coast preparing for another round of punishing rains from the slow-moving storm expected to last for days. california residents getting the sand bags out again with many recovering from the last storm. trial tribulations. the judge in the case against former president trump postponings the trial
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indefinitely. the d.a. admits she had a relationship with the special prosecutor. is that case at risk? jury watch. a michigan jury now set to decide whether ethan crumbley's mother should be convicted after her son shot and killed four high school classmates. >> the shooter learned how to shoot and was given the murder weapon by his parents. no one could have expected this, including mrs. crumbley. all that plus remembering carl weathers. the actor known for his role of apollo creed passing away at the age of 76. his costar sylvester stallone fondly remembering his friend. >> he was magic. i was fortunate to be part of his life. >> we'll look back at his amazing career today, saturday, february 3rd, 2024.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with peter alexander and laura jarrett. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning. welcome to "today." thank you for joining us on this busy saturday morning. >> a lot of news over the last 24 hours. we want to begin with the top story. the retaliatory air strikes friday against 85 targets in iraq and syria. the u.s. warned that a response was coming after the drone strike in jordan last weekend that killed three service members. top officials indicating the response to last days if not we weeks. >> we have full coverage next. let's begin with the chief international correspondent keir simmons near the border with
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syria. keir. >> reporter: laura and peter, good morning, the strikes were over within an hour deploying 125 munitions according to the united states flying b-1 bombers. the strikes took place along the iraq-syria border. that border that runs to jordan and tower 22 where the three service members were killed. it is clearly an escalation. drone facilities were hit. munitions. it is restricted to the area. the clear message from the biden administration to tehran, do not kill americans. that being said, iraq issuing a blistering statement accusing the u.s. of deception for saying it was warned about the strikes and saying iraq is on the edge of the abyss. iraq is a partner to the u.s. and to iran.
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underscoring the difficult judgment the biden administration needs to make. for many americans, these strikes will underscore the reach in the region even after what we are told is the first stage of the operation. there were fresh strikes on the houthis in yemen by the u.s. and reports of israeli strikes south of damascus. the issue is this moves into a wider war o now our nbc news ch
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security and diplomacy analyst. nice to have you on. let's start with helping us understand the real strategic purpose behind the strikes and how will we really know if they
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were effective? >> there are two purposes at play here, laura. one is tactical. it is to destroy as much as possible. reduce the ability of the militias to strike the u.s. the strategic purpose is to deter iran from further ininn citemet of houthis. the message delivered. >> admiral, the president said yesterday the u.s. does not seek conflict in the middle east or anywhere else in the world. that is the challenge for this white house for this president to retaliate without this turning into a wider war. how concerned should we be? >> he has to sail a narrow sea
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and tight channel here. on one siside, if he doesn't do enough, iran will go after international shipping and threaten allies and partners in the region. if he does too much, peter, we are off to the races in a wider war. here's the good news. it is a narrow channel, but the ent of homeland security will go to a higher alert stage. globally, we are sharing intelligence across the networks with allies and partners and friends around the globe. our units in the middle east are
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most at risk. our ships at sea and soldiers will elevate their response levels in all the unblinking eyes of u.s. intelligence focused on iran to give us the heads up. >> thank you so much for your time. with the u.s. retaliating against the iranian-backed targets, new question on the impact for peace talks with israel and hamas. we have raf sanchez in israel with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, peter. these negotiations are designed to pause the fighting in gaza and get more humanitarian aid to the civilians and secure the release of some of the israeli hostages. we have not heard any official reaction from the israeli government. we are hearing from hamas this
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morning condemning the strikes and seeing joint israeli and u.s. aggression. there is no indication that strikes from the u.s. would derail talks with israel and hamas in gaza. there are other hurdles here. hamas is saying as part of any deal, the war in gaza needs to end and thousands of palestinians need to be released from israeli prisons, including senior officials convicted of terrorism. israel is saying it will not accept those conditions and it is threatening to attack the city of rafah in southern gaza where more than 1 million palestinian civilians are currently sheltering. the u.s. and qatar trying to get the deal over the line. peter. >> raf in israel. thank you so much. back here at home now, the fulton county district attorney overseeing the georgia election
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interference case speaking out since being accused of having a relationship with the special prosecutor on the case. blayne alexander has more. >> reporter: fani willis is breaking her silence. in the filing, she acknowledges a personal relationship with nathan wade. the special prosecutor to lead the georgia election case against former president trump. willis denies any financial benefit for conflict of interest writing, the allegations are salacious, they were designed to obtain, they do not provide basis to be removed from the base. accusing willis of benefitting from the relationship saying wade used money he earned from the d.a.'s office to pay for vacations together. in her response, willis provided her receipts saying travel was
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split between the two. writing, both are professionals with substantial income and arguing wade made more money than the other prosecutors because he did more work. the filing included a sworn affidavit from wade who said the two were professional associates and friends when hired on the case, they later developed a personal relationship. in a response of his own, michael roman said he has witnesses to tell the relationship began before wade's hiring. all of it has brought scrutiny to the closely watched case against donald trump and to willis herself. mr. donald trump had sought to have the charges dismissed. posting the sam is discredited and over. it all comes amid new pressure from congress where republican congress member jim jordan has subpoenaed willis seeing if she
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misused federal money. willis wants the judge to cancel the hearing and vows to fight the subpoena calling it an attempt to embarrass and harasser. peter and laura. >> thank you. and in a separate case, the federal judge delayed the interference trial. the move comes with the federal appeals court in washington still deciding if the former president should be immune for actions in office. laura, what does this delay mean for this case? when will it happen and what does it mean for the former president? >> the trial date in march was a long shot. we have been waiting three weeks to hear from the federal appeals court. she cannot do anything until that court decides if he is immune. if he is immune, the case goes
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away. it will be on pause indefinitely. the court comes back quickly and they have to make up for the time with the delays. they have to tack on time and the real upshot is the case that could go against him first is the one here in new york city on the hush money. something unrelated to the election. >> the question is if that case happens before the election. >> dwindling by the day. laura, thank you. it is the time for the check of the forecast. the west coast is bracing for another round of rain that is expected to last for several days. that is on top of the deluge that california saw this week. several inches falling in a few hours. flash flooding in places leaving people needing to be rescued. meteorologist angie lassman is tracking the threat on the way. they need a break out west. >> that system earlier in the week was the appetizer. this is really going to be a
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doozy over the next couple days. impactful rain will approach the coast for the later part of saturday. flood alerts up for 36 million people for most of california. they will last through the beginning of the workweek. here is the area we are concerned with over flash flooding. san diego and santa barbara and san francisco has the chance of flooding and mudslides. it is not just a one-day thing. we see this from sunday and then through the beginning of the workweek. here is the timeline. 8:00 p.m. and it starts to pick up the intensity as we get into early sunday and then stretching through the day. notice we're going to see heavy snow and strong winds across the sierra. that is impactful for travel. nearly impossible for travel. not to mentioned flooding
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concerns in santa barbara county for tomorrow. monday, we are concerned with the flooding. when it is all said and done, we could see 3 to 6 inches along the coast. notice the foothills and mountain saturday. the calm before the storm. waking up to temperatures a bit cooler. in 40s throughout the bay area, and here it is off the coast now bringing scattered showers at first throughout the day with cloud cover too, take a look in oakland. heavy rain arrives into the afternoon. talk about all of the watches in place. it's going to also be very windy. so i'll have all the details you have to know ahead of t that's the look at the forecast.
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>> angie, thanks. still to come, should a parent go to prison for their child's actions? that is what the jury may have to decide in michigan after ethan crumbley's case will decide. we remember carl weathers. we are back after this.
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good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday, february 3rd. i'm kira klapper. a berkeley mother is pleading for help after she says thieves stole her dog in a matter of moments. it happened on college avenue in
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oakland not far from the border with berkeley. a business across the street caught the thieves on camera smashing one of the car windows and snatching the little dog, violet, in seconds. katie roosevelt tells us she was picking up her daughter from daycare and left violet in the car because she was sick and needed to see the vet. >> and then a mom came running in saying, i think your car's getting broke into. i ran out, saw the car pull away. so this happened really quickly and last night, barely slept. every time i pause to think about what she's going through, it breaks my heart. you know -- it's horrible. >> violet is a rescue previously suffered trauma and neglect saying she is shy. the family is asking the public to keep an eye out for the 3-year-old black french bulldog. she's microchipped. if you see her contact oakland police. the family is offering a reward
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for her safe return. turning now to the all-important forecast. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at what's ahead in the microclimate forecast. >> good morning. a calm before the major storm arrives tonight. temperatures, 40s throughout the bay. walnut creek 46 degrees and the storm is still off the coast. seeing a little of the line, right there, showers right there. picking up a little bit this morning. so stormranger picking up on scattered activity through the peninsula and up to the north bay. really, as we get going into this afternoon, that's when the heaviest of rain comes in from the south. all details and warnings in place coming up at 7:00. >> we'll stay tuned. cinthia, thanks. also coming up at 7:00 on "today in the bay," ringing in the lunar new year with some changes. we'll tell you about the special accommodations the city of san francisco is making to bring more business to chinatown. we'll have that, plus all your top stories, coming up at 7:00.
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we hope you join us. right now back to the "today" show. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. ♪ since this court doesn't have the guts to protect the rights of the weak and voiceless? >> you're in contempt, mr. mccoy. >> it's for the jury to see justice done
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>> so good we are back on saturday morning, february 3rd, 2024 that is the great sam waterston. jack mccoy on "law & order." on friday, the now 83-year-old actor announced he is stepping away after more than 400 episodes and 19 seasons. no one want better >> waterston's last episode airs later in february with the new arrival of the district attorney nbc announcing tony goldwyn is taking over. how many are prosecutors now >> he is our generation's atticus finch. let's begin this half hour with the check of the headlines. a frightening scene in a major train station in paris this morning as a man with a knife stabbed and injured three people police arrested the man immediately. authorities say a motive is not yet clear here it's not considered a terrorist attack
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it is another nerve rattling incident in the olympic host city six months before the summer games are set to begin there. in the summer, the man targeted people near the eiffel tower killing a man and injuring two others. the person who carrying the flag known as ram bo was convicted of an ssaulting a pole officer by the force of his charge screen shots from the video footage shows he was one of the instigators of the riot and breached the police line protecting the building. he remains in the police custody. in golf, a host of big names from the pga tour are in contention going into the final round of the pebble beach pro-am as the amateurs head home. three players tied for the lead.
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detry and ludvig and scottie scheffler who shot the low round 8 under par 64 on friday one amateur who had a rough time, quarterback tom brady who topped his tee shot a few feet in front of him and clearly he was not thrilled you can catch the third round today beginning at 1:00 p.m. eastern on golf channel and peacock. >> a lot of highlights in tom brady's career that was not one of them. a michigan jury deliberating the fate of jennifer crumbley after her son shot up the school this 2021. case raises questions if parents should be held responsible for children's actions shoipz has the latest. >> reporter: crumbley's fate will be in the hands of the jury after the trial honed in on if
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the 45-year-old michigan mom broke the law by failing to stop her son at oxford high school. >> the shooter learned how to shoot and was given the murder weapon by his parents. this parent is sitting here today on trial >> it was unforeseeunforeseeable no one could have expected this, including mrs. crumbley. >> reporter: prosecutors suggested crumbley ignored redi. >> reporter: the defense hitting back >> trained professionals told mr. crumbley her son was not a risk >> reporter: nine days of testimony culminating with crumbley, the defense's only witness. cross examined by prosecutors yesterday. >> you don't deny ever once took him to see a therapist >> no, i did not >> reporter: prosecutors pushing
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back on crumbley's earlier testimony that her husband, james, who is set to be tried in march, was responsible for securing ethan's gun. >> were you trusting him to get out of bed >> correct. >> you didn't trust him to cut the grass? >> he cut the grass when it got to a length i did not like >> you didn'ttrust him to not turn off or turn on the ring camera in the home >> correct >> this is the person you trusted with a deadly weapon >> i did >> reporter: the defense making one final plea >> i am asking that you find jennifer crumbley not guilty not just for jennifer crumbley, but for every mother who is out there doing the best they can and could easily be in her shoes. >> reporter: jurors will deliberate the question at what point is a parent legally required to stop their child from committing a mass shooting.
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peter, laura, joe. >> thank you, mag gie. this is unprecedented. >> this is the first of its kind we have never seen a parent charged in a school shooting like this. do the jurors think they could be in her shoes? it is unforeseeable. was it did you miss the warning signs should you be held libel thank you. we will get another check of the forecast with angie. this is going to be more storms for folks in the south. >> more storms a soggy morning along the gulf coast. shreveport has been waking up to heavy rain this is where we see the most impactful rain across the region through the day today. you see it skirts farther to the east and we will see the scattered showers and thunderstorms and isolated risk for flooding across the region as we see more of the heavy rain by tomorrow, it works across the southeast. notice we see florida get in on
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that action and it will be a soggy sunday for folks there as well as the potential for tornadoes. if you are wondering how much rain we get across the region, we could have good amounts 1 to 2 inches. we have saturated soil no surprise if we see flooding there. does it feel like spring to you? it feels to me especially in the middle of the country. 63 in oeklahoma city kansas city is 59. we keep that trend goi good saturday morning. it's 5:36. a look at stormranger picking up on light, scattered showers through san francisco, the peninsula. approaching half moon bay and up into the north bay. really, through the evening tonight, that's when the heavy rain will pick up starting from the south and making its way east and into the north with heavy rain at times. so as we get ready for the next couple of hours, be prepared for not only the rain but very strong winds as we go on into
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the overnigh that's the look at your forecast. >> angie, thank you. just ahead, managing your digital life from cleaning up the overloaded email inbox to the overloaded email inbox to staying on top of yournline o when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. [♪♪] vision changes, or eye pain occur. how you feel can be affected by the bacteria in your gut. try new align probiotic bloating relief plus food digestion. it contains a probiotic to help relieve occasional bloating, plus vitamin b12 to aid digestion.
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for fast relief when you need it most. oh, here comes the bread guy. ugh, don't you ever get sick of bread? -how dare you? -come on. if you saved nearly $750 like this, imagine what we could splurge on. oh, like sourdough. no, the good stuff, like blueberries. -uh, and strawberries? -exactly. raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, elderberries, boysenberries... okay, we don't need to name all the berries. ...goji berries, halle berry. -i'm just kidding. -mm-hmm. but i love her. switch to progressive, and you could save hundreds, to spend on whatever you dream up. -sigh. -come on crust, it's your inner beauty that really counts. wow, rude. i just mean all that matters is what's in here. -you're so self centered. -look! look you're inner beauty is right here. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. sorry crust. this morning in get
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organized today, we will help you clean up your digital life. >> if one of your resolutions was to put down the phone and move away from the chaos online, now is the time. >> lauren good is the senior writer at "wired." these days, everybody is online in some form, especially for the work they do. that's to say nothing of the personal life. how do you break this down? >> with screen time, one thing i like to do is put my phone in do not disturb. it is a great tool. don't get distracted during the day. there play be people like your mom or partner or boss you want to cut through the noise. you can designate them to be a key contact so they breakthrough the do not disturb. another thing you can do is delete social media during the weekday. >> delete the app? >> controversial, right?
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unless are you only gassed to use it, why not delete from the phone so you are not tempted. another thing you can do, a lot of social media apps have an algorhythm feed. swill to the follow me tab rather than seeing a bunch of randoms and end up getting sucked into social media. >> you can do that on x, but on instagram or tiktok, it is so much pushing the algorithm. what are online privacy? >> this is a big and important topic. one tip i give people now who want to manage their life online, i say use a password manager. it is onerous to set up, especially if you write down
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your passwords, but once you do it, it is terrific. if one password is compromised, they are not all compromised. we love bit warden and one password. a lot of information is on google these days. you can pay a service every month to go through the brokers with the information about you and over time, slowly remove your personal information. >> let's talk about email. a lot of people have a goal of zero inbox. i do that. how do we manage our emails? it is overwhelming. >> email is out of control. i say just mark as spam and unsubscribe. we get so much spam from retailers. some email you want to keep with shipping confirmation. the promotional emails, go
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through and liberally mark and delete. another thing you can do is search by file size. this is valuable. you can do search fill larger size and delete the old emails with larger attachments. >> that's nothing to say about the photos. you can pick up the latest edition of "wired" on tuesday. what is coming up (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease,
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always dry scoop before you run. the hot dog diet got me shredded! the world is full of "health experts"... it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with b vitamins to help convert food into fuel. science that matters. the ball is out and there's a pile-up. -let's go! -get in the pile! ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief.
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try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. it's that time for "popstart." >> exactly that time. we have the late carl weather. the actor being remembered by fans and sylvester stallone. nbc's stephanie gosk has the look back. >> reporter: back in 1976, few guessed a movie about boxing would shape a generation. carl weather was apollo creed. >> eye of the tiger. >> reporter: next to sylvester stallone, he became the face of the "rocky" franchise. >> he was magic.
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i was so fortunate to be part of his life. apollo, keep punching. >> reporter: weather died in his sleep thursday at the age of 76. adding carl was an exceptional human who lived an extraordinary life. he left an indelible mark. weather turned out to be a better actor than football player. in 1987, he had a role in "predator." >> you son of a beep. >> reporter: the tough guy action hero in the '80s. >> avoid of action films that star guys who have skin this color. a void in that. >> reporter: weather turned to comedy with quite a story. >> alligator bit my hand off.
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>> you come here. >> reporter: weather' final role was in the "mandalorian." stephanie gosk, nbc news. >> the range. >> exactly. from "happy gilmore" to "rocky." >> the side by side with schwarzenegger and stallone. next up, the 66th grammy awards. the event honoring the best in music takes place tomorrow. trevor noah's fourth time hosting the ceremony which is really just one big concert with a few awards sprinkled in. billie eilish and billie joel and dua lipa and olivia and u2 and sza. it is shaping up to be a huge
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night for women since the majority of nominees are women. have i mentioned taylor swift yet? she will be there, but not expected to perform because she has a quick turn around heading overseas to japan to resume the eras tour. she will not bring travis kelce. he is preparing for the little event called the super bowl. next up, taylor swift. if you are concerned if she can make it back to her concert in time for the kickoff of the super bowl, don't worry. the japanese embassy and d.c. has assured us that taylor will wow audiences and make it to los angeles to support the chiefs. in the statement posted to x, the embassy went on to say despite the 12-hour flight and
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17-hour time difference, be aware if she departs on time, she will arrive in vegas on time. >> how is this a diplomatic incident? >> because she is taylor swift. >> tonight, the state department is weighing in. >> you'll ask the president i'm sure. finally, beetlejuice. we are learning about the sequel. here's the title. >> beetlejuice. beetlejuice. >> it's show time. >> according to the poster, it is "beetlejuice, beetlejuice." it will be filled with familiar
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faces. michael keaton is set to return along with wynona ryder. "beetlejuice, beetlejuice" is expected to arrive in september. you assume we will have "beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice." >> are you scared, peter? >> i see what you did. >> i have to get that function in my house. >> wow. >> glad they came back on. >> we're
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that's going to do it for us on saturday morning. tune in next saturday to see what happens when laura and i are let loose in the chocolate factory ahead of valentine's
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day. >> some people took the tasks seriously. some people spent a lot of time eating. i wonder. >> seriously? >> he has a rule. if you touch it, you take it. feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down... so you can lighten every day the metamucil way. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1?
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ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. looking for a bladder leak pad that keeps you dry? all of the things that you're looking for in a pad,
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that is always discreet. look at how it absorbs all of the liquid. and locking it right on in! you feel no wetness. - oh my gosh! - totally absorbed! i got to get some always discreet! good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday february 3rd. i'm kira klapper. heading to tahoe pay close attention to the forecast. this is what it looks like on
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interstate 80 along the donner summit last night. chain controls in effect for both i-80 and highway 50. last night there were multiple spinouts on 80 in placer county, all eastbound lanes shut down at one point. this next storm is expected to drop several feet of snow in the sierra. this is highway 50 in the town of meyers as you approach south lake tahoe. back here in the bay area, there's a new plan in san francisco to bring historically black colleges and universities to the city. mayor london breed yesterday talked about that proposal with hbcu leaders, city leaders and tech companies. broadening the ailing downtown. this will happen this summer when hbcu programs will be formally offered in san francisco. there is room for 28 students. the goal to expand that
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offering. turn back to the forecast with cinthia pimentel. >> as you said, kira. we have to pay attention to the forecast over the next couple of days. now, stormranger right now showing us a few scattered activities. seen this on-and-off activity wrapping up the workweek. through san francisco, parts of seen leandro and parts of the north bay. napa and sonoma county light rain through this morning. what's really coming down later tonight is this next strong storm. atmospheric river. dangerous winds. possible flooding. i'll guidy through that come up at 7:00. also coming up at 7:00 on "today in the bay," a family's french bulldog stolen from their car. we'll tell you about the reward offered by the owners as they search for their microchip puppy, they say is a rescue and shy.
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that, plus all your top stories coming up at 7:00. we hope you join us. in the meantime, . narrator: when you see this symbol, you know you're watching television that is educational and informational. the more you know on nbc. sheinelle: today on "wild child." we're out to discover the remarkable cure communities of earth's grassiest landscapes. like this burrowing bunch that have mastered subterranean


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