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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  February 5, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, monday, february 5th, 2024.
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breaking news. royal diagnosis, buckingham palace has just revealed king charles has cancer. the very latest we're learning about his condition and treatment. state of emergency, a punishing storm slams practically all of california, torrential rain, whipping winds, life-threatening flooding, when relief could be on the way. dead on arrival. a bipartisan immigration deal is reached in the senate, but the house speaker said it will never see the president's desk. perfect pitch, female artists dominate at the grammy awards taking home the night's ig best awards. >> i want to say thank you to the fans, by telling you a secret that i've been keeping from you the last two years. >> we'll tell you the secret all all the highlights and surprises from music's biggest night. >> a big night it was. >> it was quite the show.
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we'll start this hour with that breaking news out of the united kingdom. king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. >> buckingham palace releasing the news a short time ago, what they didn't say is what type of cancer or what stage it is. the palace did say that the king does not have prostate cancer. >> a whole team to break down this news. meagan fitzgerald is outside buckingham palace. and dr. natalie azar. meagan, let's start with you on the ground there, what else are we learning about the king's condition and health. >> reporter: what we know according to buckingham palace, while the king was undergoing that treatment in the hospital for his benign enlarged prostate, another issue was
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detected after multiple tests it was in fact determined that the king has a type of cancer. the palace hasn't confirmed that. we did see the king yesterday. he attended a church service. he was waving and smiling to the crowd. before returning back to london today, where he started his treatment for his cancer. we understand that there's a plan in place, a schedule in place for his treatment, and that doctors are encouraging him to postpone all of his public events until after treatment. when will that be? we don't know. it's still not clear. but we also know according to a source close to the duke and duchess of sussex, prince harry and meghan markle, prince harry did speak to his father today and that he's expected to travel here to london in the coming days to visit his father, but
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look, we've been speaking about this, over the last several weeks now, we've never seen this level of transparency coming from buckingham palace as it relates to the family's health concerns, but we do know that the king has been very intentional. he wants to put the message out to encourage people to get checked. >> this is the just latest health scare, princess kate had an unspecified procedure last month, now the king, how significant could this be for the royal family? >> when it comes to fulfilling royal duties the royal diary is filled more than a year in advance and a lot of people depend, charities for example, on having a senior figure of the royal family come along, it makes a huge difference, i
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remember when kate first appeared on the scene a few years ago, suddenly charities that we have never heard of before we're getting millions of pounds in donations because she went along to visit them, so it's going to have an impact in that sense, clearly there's concern here about the king's health that goes without saying, but mainly, the reaction here i think has been so far one of respect actually that he has been as open as he has, the head of our health service and the head of one of the big cancer charities here, have both said, look, this is very brave of him. we need more people who have similar toms to come guard, we need people to be aware and of course that's part of the reason why he's authorized the statement that he has today and as you have heard, they're pretty guarded about details when it comes to medical
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conditions. >> yeah, tim, thank you. let's bring in dr. natalie azar, let's talk about what we do know, according to a buckingham palace spokesperson during the king's treatment for that benigned enlarged prostate, something else was noted and diagnosed as a form of cancer, what are doctors usually looking at during this type oede? >> right, so, even the exact procedure we don't have the exact specifications about, but one of the more common procedures for an enlarged prostate is this -- in this procedure, they take a scope through the urethea to the area of the prostate obstructing the outflow of urine. that whole area is visualized during that procedure and so, if there was anything as
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incidentally noted, a mass or abnormal tissue, they would take than specimen and looked at it under a microscope and that's how they came to this diagnosis presumably of a cancer. not cancer of prostate itself. >> thank you all so much. right now, severe storms are battering california. >> several counties are around a state of emergency as the second major system to hit california in days goes through the state. the largest storm of the season. parts of california got an entire month's worth of rain in just hours. it's not over yet. >> meteorologist bill karins is tracking the storm with us. but let's start with nbc's elwyn lopez in ventura, california, what are the conditions like where you are now, you're
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standing on a beach, that's got to be remnants of a storm. >> this was sand before, now it's just debris, we see bamboo sticks, huge logs, you couldn't believe what pond up here on the beach and residents here are walking back saying in 20 years they haven't seen anything like this. the reason why we're seeing all of this, we've seen 7 to 11 feet waves crashing onshor. they've said they're concerned you have this threat of flash flooding on top of it. the good news is wind gusts have died down while we have a break in the rain we're about to see another round of rain coming this way and it's going to go all the way throughout the night. the ventura pier, this was shut down last year, due to unprecedented weather here and now it's getting pummelled once again.
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construction workers were working on it, incredibly fragile. people are being asked not to go outside, to stay indoors. we're not going to get a break until tomorrow afternoon and we're not going to see sunshine, guys, until thursday. >> oh, wow, elwyn, thanks so much. bill, what should we know here. >> highest winds and heaviest rainfall is over with, but the ground is supersaturated. rain everywhere. ice rated flash flooding is the concern from here on out, but we did get over six inches of rain in 147 years. we still have to go until midnight to see what the official two-day total will be. this isn't your typical average storm. downtown l.a., this band of heavy rain is going to fall here
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shortly. we're under a flash flooding warning, this storm will linger. the heaviest rain from l.a. to san diego, over the next 24 hours, the worst of the damage is done but it doesn't mean we won't see some additional isolated problems. >> bill karins, elwyn lopez, thank you. a bipartisan senate bill that would toughen border security is being rejected by house republicans before it comes up for a vote. >> part of an $118 billion package, the proposal includes $60 billion in aid for ukraine, just over she billion in aid for israel and $20 billion to change immigration laws. the house gop leadership said -- nbc news congressional correspondent julie tsirkin is live on capitol hill. why are republicans coming out
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so strongly against it now. >> reporter: a complicated big bill, makes quite a few changes, it overalls the asylum system now, making the interview portion more difficult adding more resources to the border, you see some of that on your screen, more detention beds, more officers, it also gives the administration, whoever is in the white house a provision and authority to shut down the border once the surges get too high. and why the house republicans are receiving it this way, politics, we're in an election year, the goalpost keeps moving. of course this bill is also paired as you mentioned to that key foreign aid abroad, ukraine aid in particular, democrat and republican leadership in the senate are worried that country could lose the war to russia if they don't do something fast. the house is not moving on that.
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they're moving on impeachment on alejandro mayorcas, the border official, that vote is going to happen tomorrow, you guys, meanwhile in the senate, they'll take up this bipartisan national security bill as soon as wednesday, a lot to watch to and a lot of politics, too. >> julie, thank you so much. time now for today's money minute. target is under fire after a viral tiktok. >> a popular airline is getting new upgrades. steve joins us now. hi, steve. target's going to stop selling a product dedicated to civil rights icons after a viral tiktok video pointed out majorer rors. a high schoolteacher from vegas posted the video last week, misidentified civil rights icons this comes as it begins selling special products in celebration of black history month.
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snap will lay off about 10%, 500 people, in order to promote in-house collaboration. it's the latest in a slew of tech companies cutting jobs this year with about 24,000 tech workers having lost jobs in january alone. and southwest planes are getting a cabin redesign, color changes are coming to help in improve the in-flight travel. new seats, electronic device holders. guys, back over the you. >>ened hopefully more leg room. >> steve, thank you. coming up, special delivery. >> puppy. hi, puppy. >> how on earth did a dog get stuck inside a shipping
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at least 122 people are dead as devastating forest fires race across central chile. flames tore through several neighborhoods over the weekend. guad is following all the developments closely for us. these fires have been sweeping through central chile for the
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last few days, a lot of stunning video of people fleeing from their homes, what's the latest and do firefighters have the resources they need to really fight these fires? >> reporter: in total, authorities said as of this weekend they had 165 fires across the country, most of these images that we're seeing are from central chile, and vina dell mar, a resort town was affected, most of the homes are on the outskirt. entire communities where people had to escape the flames as they were running away, thaw could feel the fires as they evacuated. now chile has had bad wildfires in the past and they do have a national agency to help fight the fires, the president also declared a state of emergency on friday, making more resources available including the military, mexico has also spoken to the president of chile the
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president of mexico, saying that he will be sending resources for firefighters in chile, now we should say that the worst fires have been controlled in chile as they continue helping these people in need, because of now the projection is about 12,000 people have been left homeless. >> yeah, really widespread impact there, hoping it gets resolved soon. a former trump official has died after being shot during a car jacking in washington, d.c., 56-year-old mike gill worked for the financial regulatory commission under former president donald trump. this latest in the string of carjackings. here's jesse kirsch. >> reporter: following a violent carjacking spree in and around the nation's capital, washington, did. c., is remembering a community leader. the family of mike gill said he was shot monday in his own vehicle and later died, his wife writing, the father of three's
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sudden departure has left a void in our lives. last week's series of attacks just the latest in rash of carjackings nationwide. in oakland, california, this car swerved, blocking the road as a suspect gets out pulling a gun on this approaching driver, who eventually drives away. in san francisco, this car caught on camera flying through trees flipping over and crashlanding. that vehicle was also carjacked. despite these headlines the latest fbi data shows an overall drop in violent crime from january through september last year compared to 2022, that category includes carjackings. fbi data showed auto thefts did increase in larger american cities. washington, d.c., however, is not in the line of national trend of violent crimes decreasing n october a
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congressman was carjacked about a mile for the u.s. capitol. >> you got to stay calm. >> reporter: last year homicides, sex abuse and robberies were all up in the city compared to 2022. and now washington is under the micro scope again, following the death of gill who previously worked in the trump administration, the former president writing, gill was a special person, his family and friends are devastated, the federal government must take over d.c., ongoing challenges for a major u.s. city that tonight is again reeling from senseless violence. senseless violence. jesse (♪♪) with wet amd, sometimes i worry my world is getting smaller because of my sight. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance
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i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. this is the fast forward on nbc news daily. let's start you with the weather and all the rain that hit the bay area over the weekend. those wet conditions could continue throughout the day so here's kari hall with more. >> we're still watching active weather across the region even though the atmospheric river has shifted farther south, we're still seeing a chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms. we'll see temperatures in the upper 50s, low 60s. overall, a cool day. more days like it, but we do want to just keep the umbrellas somewhere close by for today into the evening with the best chance of rain in parts of the east bay, trivalley, as well as
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the south bay. once again, chance of thunderstorms into the evening. we are looking at drier weather in the forecast. we'll continue to track that. we'll talk about what to expect as a cold front moves through on wednesday. that's coming up in the seven day forecast in about 30 minutes. >> thank you. the bay area is in clean up mode now after that latest storm and that includes massive trees falling on cars, homes and powerlines. here's ginger. >> crews have been out here all morning cleaning up the aftermath of this downed tree in the oakland hills. you can see the crane working on taking the branches off of the roof of the home. you can also still see the massive tree and part of it that's really still resting on the chimney of the home. it appears that's what prevented
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the tree from coming all the way down on the home. inside, the tree branches came down on to the kitchen while the couple was making dinner last night. a beam came down and struck the woman's husband, but he seems to be all right and unininjured. all of the insulation came down from the roof of the home. now, i asked the woman what the moments were like right before it happened and she described it sounding like a jet flying very close by but the entire house was shaking and they did not think it was going to stop. >> the house started severely shaking then we just hear a big boom and the ceiling fell down. some of the tree trunk fell into the kitchen. and also fell into one of the bedrooms. so just destroyed the house. >> about ten miles from here, another tree fell on to a home on stewart avenue in berkeley. that home with significant
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damage as well. also, the car that was parked in front i should say was pretty damaged. clean up was happening at that home this morning and it continues here. the family says they have raised their concerns with the city of oakland. they spoke with inspectors from pg&e about the particular tree that fell but they have not heard back from oakland just yet. now, they say now that this has happened, they hope something will happen. whether it's preventive for future storms, but the lack of response will not be acceptable for them at this point. in oakland, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. here are some other stories you need to know about today. cancellations. sfo, plus thousands of people woke up without power today throughout the bay area and there are some minor improvements since our last update from pg&e. a majority of outages happening in the north and south bay. some 65,000 customers are in the
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dark. more than 59,000 customers without power in the north bay. if your power is out, you can check for storm updates all the time by using our free nbc bay area app. and here is a live look at sfo this afternoon. the recent storms are causing hundreds of flights to be delayed or canceled. 33 flights are canceled out of sfo so far today and more than 200 flights are delayed. last night, the airport said the wind caused some flights to land five hours later. and san jose airport has 49 delays and two cancellations. don't forget, you can keep track of what's going on with the weather on our website and app. use your smartphone and scan the qr code at the left side of your screen. in the south bay, the all-star classic will continue later today happening at the home of the san jose barracudas.
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all-star challenge gets underway at 6:00. tickets are still on sale. that does it for this edition of the fast forward. i'll be back in 30 minutes with much more news. hi, my name is damion clark. and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all of these plans include a healthy options allowance. a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent, and over-the-counter items like vitamins, pain relievers, first-aid supplies and more. the healthy options allowance is loaded onto a prepaid card each month. and whatever you don't spend, carries over from each month. other benefits on these plans include free rides to and from your medical appointments. you pay nothing for covered prescriptions, all year long. all plans have
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humana. a more human way to healthcare. bottom of the hour now, update on the breaking news. >> king charles has been diagnosed with cancer, buckingham palace didn't specify what kind of cancer it was, but a palace spokesperson said it's not prostate cancer. last week the 75-year-old king
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was discharged from a private london clinic after a procedure on a benign prostate enlargement, no details have been released about his prognosis, the palace said the king is stepping back for public duties. california's san mateo is first county to declared loneliness a public health emergency. pledged to explore measures that promote social connection in the community, officials say the resolution doesn't directly set aside funds for programs, but signals the county's commitment to addressing the issue. a team of marine inspectors with the coast guard have rescued a dog that was stuck in a shipping container at the port of houston over a week the team was checking shipping containers where they found the dog, the container also contained junk vehicles.
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connie is now recovering at a texas pet rescue and is reportedly a very good dog. >> i mean, connie. more problems now for the boeing and the 37 max, one month after that mid-flight disaster on alaska airlines flight, boeing says its supplier has discovered another problem with fuselages on its 737 max jets. nbc senior correspondent tom costello covers aviation for us, what more do we know about this latest problem in. >> so, this is the supplier that makes the fuselage, spirit aero systems has been in the news, they produced the fuselage. now we heard from spirit itself that in fact they found misdrilled holes in the fuselage of new planes, fuselages of new planes coming off the production line, boeing released a statement last night and it says the following, while this possible condition is not an immediate flight safety issue
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and all 737s can continue operate seale we'll have to perform work on undelivered airplanes. here's what spirit aerosystems said, a member of our team identified an issue that does not conform to our engineering standards. we're told by the faa the misdrilled holes are actually in and around the window frame on these planes, 50 yet undelivered planes now have to go back for a fix and the faa saying it's again drilling down on trying to figure out what has happened, what has broken in the boeing quality control production line. kate? >> tom koss item owe for us, thank you so much. >> okay. now let's turn to politics, despite winning a decisive victory in south carolina primary over the weekend, president biden got some not so good news this weekend a new
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poll shows him trailing former president donald trump by five points in a hypothetical matchup, while that is in the margin of error, some underlying data points to other problems for the president's re-election hope. let's bring in steve kornacki. how did this compare to this time in 2020? >> a five-point lead for donald trump in our poll now, what we have heard, we polled a trump versus biden matchup a lot, 2019, 2020, we polled it here 12 times, you see all that biden blue, first time we polled that matchup was october 2019, we polled it all the way to election eve, biden led. the closest it was six. every poll he was up between 6 and 14 points. okay he won the election and the popular vote by 4 .5 points.
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fast forward this cycle, we began, biden was leading that poll in july. from biden up by four, the fall it was tied, toward the end, trump took a two-point lead, trump with a five-point advantage, a trend there, across the four polls we've taken this cycle and tracked with joe biden's approval rating, has go down. >> all this is coming increased tensions in the middle east, president biden has been talking a lot about that, what do voters of how he's handled the israel/hamas war. >> so much the ingredients that go into approval rating, 4% approve and 60 disapprove. israel/hamas, 29% approve, 60%
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disapprove. this foreign policy number came down, started to come down right around october 7th when the troubles began with this conflict. the disapproval of biden on this israel/hamas is particularly pronounced among younger voters. we pomd the youngest voters right now, it's a tie between trump and biden. which isn't good for biden. we're finding a lack of interest by younger interests. in biden and in the election. biden's hope is to get those young voters interested, the biden team is hoping to get them interested and hold their nose and vote for biden. >> it's a game of who will be able to engage the voting bloc the most in 2024. steve, thank you so much.
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we talk polling, one major topic on the voters' mind from what steve just said the economy and right now polls show that's not a good thing for president biden. with former president trump holding a massive lead over president biden, we'll talk to christine romans who joins us now, just build off of what we just talked about, the economy, we had a massive jobs report on friday, consumer confidence is rising, those are all good things, and yet, we're hearing that biden is losing among voters on the economy, why do you think that might be? >> the scars of inflation runs deep and it will take time to heal that wound. we can talk about inflation cooling, we can talk about a very strong job market, an economy that seems to be firing on all cylinders, their grocery bill, their homeowners insurance, car insurance.
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it will take time. consumer sentiment polls have been improving and a hope on team biden over time those consumer sentiment poll will improve. we just have to wait and see. >> voters as we said think that former president trump would do a better job handling the economy. what kind of economic policies would we expect from a trump candidate. >> he's been talking about more massive tax cuts of the middle class. whoever is president next, issue number one will be figuring out what to do with tax. the biden team also wants to make sure they don't raise tacks on anybody who makes under 400,000, the middle class tax cuts will be issue number one. former president trump wants to add a bunch of tariffs, on the
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campaign trail talked about big tariffs, at least 10%, up to 60% on imports from china, that's act as a tax on consumers. he would cut taxes for the middle class, he's talking about raising taxes via tariffs. that's what we know about a trump 2.0 if you will, people around trump would like to see cutting deficits, cut the debt, you can't give a bunch of tax cuts and cut the deficit in half. >> interesting to talk about, though. thank you so much. >> nine months away. now to music's biggest night the 66ened annual grammy awards were held last night in l.a. and plenty of standout moment. >> reporter: taylor swift won her record-breaking fourth album of the year award, to celine dion, show-stopping performances
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from joni mitchell and tracy chapman. brian, let's get into it. let's talk about taylor swift first, she broke a grammy record, she had some surprises for her fans. talk more about what happened last night. >> reporter: that's right, celine dion coming out to present album of the year, which was a big deal because we haven't seen celine dion in some time. taylor swift winning the album of year, she broke that record. previously tied with stevie wonder, paul simon. she broke that record. announced she had a new album coming out on april 15th, the name of tortured poets department. people gave a rousing standing ovation to celine dion. there was a bit of moment at the end when taylor inadvertently didn't hug celine dion, she hugged her later, crisis
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averted. a big moment for her. >> brian, something that was not lost in the moment, jay z, because he took the stage with his daughter blue ivy. he wasn't quiet about his thoughts. let's take a listen first. >> i don't want to embarrass this young lady, but she has more grammys. and never won album of the year. by your own metrics that doesn't work. think about that. the most grammys, never won album of the year. that doesn't work. >> that's jay z calling out grammys. and by lady he's not talking about blue ivy, he's talking about beyonce. brian, how did people react to those comments? >> well, he certainly has his fans and so does she. one thing he did say, as he was wrapping up these comments was, some of you don't even belong in the category. he said sorry, when i get nervous i tell the truth. there's a fair amount of support
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out there. >> brian, social media lit up when tracy chapman and luke combs did a duet of her 1988 hit "fast car." i hear the gen-zers are now downloading the tune. i go back to the first time around. what were some of the best performances? there were a lot of them last night. >> that was particularly amazing because it's more than 30 years since she's won for that award. it won song of the year at the country music awards. the list goes on of amazing performances last night. there was olivia rodrigo, sza had an amazing performance and joni mitchell, that was the crying spit that i didn't know i was going to have. at 80 years old singing both sides now. the meaningfulness of that now. there you see fantasia giving a rousing tribute to tina turner. it was a night of amazing performances.
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billy joel, i mean, it was really fantastic. >> so many good performances. also, miley cyrus getting her first grammy. very exciting. brian, before you go, were there any big snubs of the night that surprised you? >> there are always a few snubs, sza went into this ceremony with the most nominations. went in with nine, walked away with three. olivia rodrigo didn't get any awards last night. taylor swift has never won song of the year, this is her seventh loss despite having the most nominations for that award. and bruce springsteen, lost to a 4-year-old from iceland. anybody can win and anybody can lose. i thought it was one of the better awards shows that we've seen. >> particularly with trevor noah at the helm. brian, thanks so much. >> thank you. coming up, there's a new
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trend going viral on tiktok. it's called loud budgeting. how you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo.
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and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. loud budgeting has the same feeling as sneaking candy into a movie theater, you feel like
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you've got away from something. it's not i don't have enough it's i don't want to spend. >> saying, no to spending. he makes it sound pretty good. >> apparently the internet agrees. it's become known as loud budgeting. what is it, what is louding budgeting? we brought in sharyn epperson, people who like me, barely heard the term, loud budgeting means? >> if you luke battle, he says that's the opposite of quiet luxury, that's what's in 2023, people spending more than they could afford on expensive items, this is the opposite of that, this is saying no to spending, overspending and it's saying yes to setting up certain financial priorities that you want to achieve. being loud and proud about >> it i love it. lot of people online being loud
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and proud about their opinions. let's take a listen. >> i've been a loud budgeting mom since my son was a baby, holding in my arms going through the grocery store, these are peas and the unit price we're going to get this brand cheaper than the sales price. >> surprise, you're one of the people talking. >> i've been loud for 21 years, i mean, my kids are like quiet down with this stuff. but it's important, it's important to say, you know, when you're going out, now that i do have a 21-year-old, say, let's split the bill at the top of the meal, we're going to have separate checks, i'm paying what i can afford or i can't go out tonight because i'm saving for this. so support me. 14 destination weddings in a year. >> you're speaking to me. >> i'm speaking to you, but say yes to good things, emergency savings, paying down your debt,
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you have to know what the priorities are, the great thing is, social media is out there to hold you accountable. >> i just said no to the boots i want to buy. okay, you spoke with the guy who started all of this that we showed at the top of this segment, lucas battle, what is he saying now? >> he's surprised about how it took off, he's happy that people are actually saying what they're spending money on and he's cutting back on things himself. doing more grocery shopping, less eating out. that's how he started loud budgeting himself, talking about what he was going to spend his money on. >> i loved that. you go outside and it feels like you spend a hundred dollars without even -- >> definitely in new york. >> saving never out of style. what are some good ways to save.
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>> understand your monthly income and your monthly expenses. understand your goals. then, stick to it. as you're tracking your spending, it's okay to be loud about it. other people will make sure you stuck to your goals. >> love it. we'll be here still talking loud. there's more news ahead. there's more news ahead. >> you're watching "nbc news my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry,
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or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at [♪♪] did you know, many moisturizers only hydrate your skin? for advanced science that visibly repairs signs of aging... try olay regenerist micro-sculpting cream. it delivers 10 benefits in every jar for younger-looking skin, visibly firming, lifting, and smoothing wrinkles. olay regenerist penetrates the skin's surface, to boost regeneration at the surface cellular level for continuous improvement. to visibly repair signs of aging, try olay regenerist. this has been medifacts for olay. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪♪
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♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. this is the fast forward on nbc news daily. the rain isn't over just yet. we could be in for more wet weather in the next couple of days. here's your meteorologist, kari hall, with your seven-day forecast. >> the chance of thunderstorms continues today with some lingering showers and temperatures in the upper 50s and there will be a slight chance of rain tomorrow but overall, we're looking at a mix of sun and clouds. on wednesday, we'll see another wave of showers coming in, but not expecting a major storm and temperatures will drop as a cold front moves through. our temperatures will rise into the upper 50s with our mornings
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starting in the upper 30s. it will be cool in san francisco throughout the week. we're keeping rain chance in the forecast today and a better chance on wednesday. but then we are looking much drier, much quieter weather coming our way in time for the weekend. >> thank you. pg&e crews are working to restore power all over the bay today. bob is in walnut creek where h spoke with homeowners still in the dark. >> we're at an apartment complex here, you can see the large tree came down during yesterday's storm. it pulled down those powerlines and as a result, it snapped a couple of power poles. if you look down the sidewalk, they have a cherry picker keeping the poles from falling into traffic. you'll notice the traffic lights. those are on. that's because the city brought oult a generator to power those, but the surrounding area including this apartment and other homes and businesses, they
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are without power. we spoke with a man who says he lost his power last night around dinner time. >> i have a generator which i'm going to fire up now. >> one of the top three damaging storms in our history for single day outages. what that translates to for customers unfortunately, it has taken us a little longer to assess the damage, make the repairs. but that story is getting better hour by hour as we get a better look at what the storm did to our equipment. >> the walnut creek school district tells us they have a number of schools that are without power, but in spite of that, they will remain open. they are in contact with pg and e. they do not expect power to return for several hours and they want to let parents know there will be no heat in the classrooms and they'll be darker in usual, but again, there will be school. cal state's east bay hayward
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campus closed today due to power outage and the high school district, they have five high schools in two other locations that will be shutdown due to power outages. nbc bay ar news. >> teaha you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department...
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we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. the 49ers arrived in las vegas last night to prepare for the super bowl. we are teaming u with the "today" show again for a niners pep rally so make sure to join us this friday at 4:00 a.m. at the lot in cit center bishop ranch in san ramon. dress up in your 49ers gear and you might get on the "today" show or our morning show and you can catch live coverage beginning in our 4:30 newscast. tonight, we'll hear from the coaches and players for the
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first time since they touch down to vegas. we'll have the latest live from we'll have the latest live from super bowl opening night at when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga.
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upgrade to cascade platinum plus. i'm andrea canning, and this is "dphone): hello, 911. nbc. n speaker 2 (on phone): i think there's a body out here. please send somebody, hurry. lisa mccrary-tokes: they had the body of a young woman who matched the description of reagan. and i just kept saying that has to be wrong.


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