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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  February 7, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, wednesday, february
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7th, 2024. deal or no deal? hamas issues their response to potential cease-fire deal but israeli prime minister netanyahu comes out hard vowing to fight. breaking news, chopper down, after hours of searching, rescue crews have located a helicopter that went missing with five marines onboard. mom found guilty. the foreperson of that jury that convicted the mother of a school shooter speaks out. we'll ask if the jury was trying to send a message to parents. supersize, customers across the country complaining about the rising price of their fast food favorites. how the companies are responding. so many stories to get to today. >> another busy news day. >> it's true. we'll start this hour in middle
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east, lot of movement on the talks to bring the israel/hamas war to an end. >> a hamas submitted a counterproposal earlier today. prime minister netanyahu slammed the proposal. blinken is meeting with leaders trying to hammer out an agreement. he spoke with leaders from israel and the palestiian authority earlier today. >> raf sanchez is in tel aviv, israel, let's start with the news conference from the israeli prime minister. what did we hear from him. >> reporter: we heard rejecing hamas' counterproposal calling it delusional. vowing that israel will fight on in gaza until what he calls total victory, so that's not encouraging in terms of these negotiations, the two sides remaining very far apart, earlier today we did get details
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of the hamas counterproposal, which is a response to that framework that was hammered out in paris. hamas proposing a three-stage deal, the first stage, a 45-pause in the fighting, hamas would release, women, children, elderly and sick hostages. in return for palestinians in israeli james who fit into those same categories. as well as 1500 additional prisoners, one third of whom are serving lengthy sentences, convictions for terrorism, murder or other violent offenses. secretary blinken here in the region tonight trying to close the gap, trying to get this deal over the line. but right now, it's looking like a very steep hill to climb. >> to that point, he's been in meetings all day, secretary blinken in israel and the west bank, it's night time now, do we know if he's accomplished
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anything? >> reporter: well, we're waiting to hear from secretary blinken and we'll get his assessment of how far apart or how close the two sides are at this stage to a deal. but it's been a very, very busy day for america's top diplomat. he flew in directly from qatar and over the course of the day, he met with the head of the israeli military, the defense minister and the president of the palestinian authority, the palestinian semi-government in the occuied west bank. the u.s. of course has a lot of leverage over israel, it's qatar, it's egypt that has more leverage over hamas and the question is, can these international statesmen, officials, push these two warring sides and get to an agreement somewhere in between their current positions?
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>> raf sanchez, thank you. we're also following breaking news, crews are searching for five marines after their military helicopter won't down in california. >> the helicopter was reported missing last night. it never arrived at san diego air station miramar. dan deluce has been following this one. >> reporter: this helicopter was last heard from at about 11:30 last night, after it left that air force base near las vegas. and of course, it was flying in very stormy weather. record storms there. and it went down in this rugged terrain, mountainous area with snow and mud outside of san diego. more inland in california.
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now, they have found the helicopter today. but they haven't found the crew members as far as we know, five crew. the search continues. >> dan, do we know anything about the condition of the helicopter, last year there were seven helicopter or osprey crashes, at least 30 service members were killed in those incidents. what is the military saying in. >> reporter: this definitely raises again questions about aviation safety in the military. both more broadly and for this particular stallion helicopter a cargo helicopter, it's real workhorse, they've had problems over the years, mechanical problems with the engines. there are three engines on that that helicopter and more generally, several independent reports now have found problems across the military when it comes to getting sufficient training for pilots and for the
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maintenance crews and there's this very high tempo of operation and they're relying too much on simulators and pilots are flying before they have sufficient experience. so this is going to inject more interest into why this is happening, are there systemic issues that need to be addressed. the divisions over immigration in america are leading two major political setback. >> reporter: the senate a bipartisan deal over immigration has lost all of its support, it would have provided money for border security, also aid to israel and aid to ukraine and in house a republican-led effort to impeach homeland security secretary mayorkas failed on the floor. >> the sheer number of migrants and asylum seekers crossing into
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the united states is overwhelming shelter systems in texas and arizona. >> nbc news correspondent morgan chesky is down at the u.s./mexico border and julie tsirkin is on capitol hill. morgan, give us a reality check, what is happening right now at the border and beyond? >> reporter: we're starting to see a dynamic shift along the border here. we've seen enmassing of both texas national guard and texas dps here in eagle pass as a result. it has seen numbers drop quite precip us toly here and the numbers are picking up meanwhile over in arizona, no firm totals there yet, but this could be part of a bigger migrational shift and not just a seasonal dip here in eagle pass, but you'd think the concerns would leave this community and that's not the case, that's because of
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theon going debate in washington, many feel that eagle pass has been placed under a microscope and it's drawing the wrong kind of attention. this was right-wing convoy that visited over the weekend. democratic lawmakers saying at least one arrest took place in conjunction with that convoy when it was here and they also described armed men walking the streets of downtown eagle pass claiming to quote patrol this city, that's the kind of situation that really concerns residents here that say they're less concerned about migrants and more concerned about potential violence that stems from this very intense political rhetoric that's relating to the immigration debate. people we've spoken to, say they were hopeful for a solution in washington who could have sent more border patrol agents here, another border bill now on life support they're back at square
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one and that's having to fend for themselves. guys? >> morgan, thanks. julie, there was a procedural vote on the bipartisan senate border bill, that failed, where does congress go from here to address this immigration crisis? >> reporter: i just came from a testy senate republican lunch that dragged on for nearly two hours, i'm told there was fighting, there was a frank discussion in the words of josh hawley, he said it was abysmally embarassing. what schumer is doing is a procedural vote, without the border provisions in this. the state of this bill is unknown in the house, speaker-onson this morning had said just as much. he said they'll wait to see what the gnat did.
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according to sources, johnson can't give him any assurances as to the state of that bill. key aid for ukraine and israel. >> the senate leader right now is trying to separate the issues. >> reporter: yeah, it's one of the ideas. not the senate leader, it's actually speaker johnson apparently trying to separate the bills entirely that's according to senator rick scott. because senator mcconnell wants the aid to ukraine to go through. just a whole bit mess here in washington, d.c. >> there was also effort last night to impeach mayorkas, it failed and nobody saw that coming. >> reporter: nobody saw that coming and speaker johnson an his team tried to whip those votes, they did say they'll try
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again. the question is, unclear if they'll have the votes with such a razor-thin majority. time now for today's money minute. the white house has a new art official intelligence safety chief. sports fans are getting a new streaming service. courtney re gan joins us now. biden administration has named a top aide as newly created a.i. safety institute. to help set some safety standards by july. to test their systems. ford motors is rethinking its ev plans and reassessing its need for in-house battery production. as demand for all electric
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vehicles have slowed more than expected. and espn, fox and warner brothers discovery announced plans yesterday to launch a sports dedicated streaming platform, it will offer live sports from at least 50 networks of all four major professional sports leagues, no detail on the name or pricing or the ceo. but it's expected to launch in the fall. lot of questions here for what's to come. >> what sports fans hear is, another way to watch sports. >> that's very true. coming up, for many college students living away from their parents is the best part of college. so, why are some families hiring so-called second moms. seriously. we'll look at that growing trend. plus a pod of trapped orcas plus a pod of trapped orcas bobbing up and down in a sea of i told myself i was ok
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welcome back. key members of the british royal family are back to work today. william prince of wales has officially resumed his royal duties. he made his first public appearance since his father king charles was diagnosed with cancer all of this while his wife is recovering from her hospital stay. >> reporter: royal appearances
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comings and goinging preponderates king charles and queen camilla are now at their countryside estate. to recover from monday's treatment out of the public eye. no further updates from the buckingham palace. prince william returned to public eye for the first time since his wife kate princess of wales got out of the hospital last week after her abdominal surgery. we'll see him later tonight as well. he has an event for the london air ambulance, he's expected to say a few words. we'll see if he speaks or addresses his father's diagnosis. heightened interest in what he might say. molly hunter, nbc news. a senior law enforcement officials terrell nbc news a
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report from the special progress kurt investigating president biden. you may remember a number of classified documents were found in his home but also the garage of biden's delaware home. nbc news justice correspondent ken dilanian. brings us to speed on the special counsel. >> reporter: the special counsel was apoints bd i the attorney general last january after classified documents were found in president biden's home and office and he spent the last year and $3.5 million investigating how those documents got there including interviewing anyone who had any visibility over those couples including the president himself and his son hunter biden. now he's written a report, it's completed we understand, it's going to be made public, that will explained what happened here. because they're making public
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the report that suggests and indicate there is are no criminal charges being filed here. but we have to be careful, because the justice department doctrine says a sitting president can't be charged criminally. white house officials have expressed concern that this report is going to accused mr. biden or his aides of being sloppy of handling of classified documents. at the same time, he's likely to be careful not to go down the james comey road and make sweeping accusations without charging mr. biden. >> ken, former president trump has been inves gated a and charged, how are these two cases different, trump and bide zmrn the key difference is mr. trump is accused of hoarding classified documents refusing to turn them over when asked and
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obstructing justice. he's accused in a 41-count indictment of very serious crimes. by contrast as far as we know, the biden team turned over the secret documents that were found right away after voluntarily disclosing their discovery. the risk for mr. biden is that this will get lost in the fog of overheated rhetoric in an election year. fast-food chains cashing in on some beefed-up prices these days. how you can save. you're watching "nbc news daily". you'll find them in cities, towns and suburbs all across america. millions of americans who have medicare and medicaid but may be missing benefits they could really use. extra benefits they may be eligible to receive at no extra cost. and if
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an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. happy wednesday. welcome to "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. another storm is drenching us. the bay area is dealing with the fallout from the heavier storm earlier this week. we are getting numbers on the power outages. ginger conejero saab is in daily city in one neighborhood that was in the dark for days. >> reporter: the lights are back on in this neighborhood. we are along oceanside and skyline here in daily city. this area was part of a wider outage. earlier in the day, it was orange on the map. that's no longer the case. not before several days of the
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power being out here in daily city. we spoke with one man from the neighborhood that said they tried to make the most of it. things got a little more difficult, especially with four children, when they were expecting the power to be restored only to be pushed back repeatedly. >> the first couple days was okay. it was like glamping, make the best out of it. started to get worse when we ran out of milk. couldn't use the microwave. couldn't heat the food. >> reporter: they are facing some challenges when restoring power to the tens of thousands across the bay area still with their lights out. here are the latest numbers as of 10:00 this morning. more than 27,000 customers are still without power. 4,000 of which are here along the peninsula. north bay, with over 15,000 customers without electricity and the south bay with over 7,000. those numbers are still significant. they are down from earlier
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updates in the day. pg&e says the volume of the damage that they have seen from this last storm has spread their resources thin across the state. they are making progress. we do expect to hear more of that progress as later updates from pg&e come in. ginger conejero saab, nbc bay area news. >> thanks. hopefully no new outages with this latest storm. we are in the clear after this one. here is kari hall. >> rain is back for todaylookin chilly temperatures and showers. we will see sunshine and a cool sunshine continues into the weekend. we are keeping jackets on today as our high hits up to 55 degrees in hayward. oakland, san francisco, 55. a high of 50 in the south county as well as the tri-valley. we are slightly warmer tomorrow with mostly sunny skies. watching out for a few lingering
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showers in the forecast. most of the rain falling today, we may see a quarter to half inch of rain. a look at our seven day forecast is coming up. >> you can keep track of what's going on with the weather on our website and our free nbc bay area app. use your phone and scan that qr code on the left of your screen. here are other stories. a new indoor ev charging station in san francisco. oakland's former police chief files a lawsuit against the city and oakland mayor. you may remember, the mayor removed armstrong last year as police chief. armstrong claims the mayor fired him in retaliation after he criticized the federal monitor overseeing the oakland police department. the lawsuit says armstrong's termination violated state law and his first amendment rights. we did reach out to the mayor's office for comment and are waiting for a response. we are following the story. we will have a full report in the 5:00 newscast.
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a company, electric america, will open a new station on harrison street off fifth street. it has 20 charging stalls, 24/7 security and two user lounges. energy delivered at the station is backed by 100% renewable energy. the new station comes as the state works to meet the governor's goal of switching to all electric or hybrid car sales by2035. here is a reminder as we gear up forhe super bowl. we are teaming up with oday" to host a9e pep rally. join us friday at 4:00 a.t the lot at city center bishop ranc dress up in your niners gear. you might just g on "today" or on our morning show. hope to see you there. we had one last time and it was a huge showing. our live super bowl coverage
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continues from las vegas tonight. we will take you to the super bowl fan experience live at mandalay bay convention center. that does it for "the fast forward." forward." i wil my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (man) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." former chilean president
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pinera died in a helicopter crash. he served a second term from 2018 to 2022. his administration led the recovery of the chilean miners. officials in new york city say the four migrants involved if attack against police officers in times square are still not in custody. haas night immigration and customs enforcement said they picked up four individuals traveling between texas and arizona and it was widely reported that they were the suspects in this incident in times square. authorities now say these individuals don't match the identities and the names on the people on the screen here. one suspect in the new york attack on nypd officers is currently being held. he's pleaded not guilty. a pod of killer whales that were trapped in ice off the
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coast of japan, the orcas spotted by local fishermen. when they returned to check on those whales this morning they were gone. they believe the killer whales were able to free themselves as gaps appeared. a mother of a teenage school shooter will learn her fate on april 9th. >> her son ethan carried out a deadly attack on michigan high school. jurors found jennifer crumbley bears responsibility, too. she faces up to 60 years in prison when she's sentenced. >> we're joined now by alex, the jury foreperson in the jennifer crumbley case. we're not disclosing her last name in order to protect her privacy. >> thank you for having me.
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you were actually straight off your honeymoon. why volunteer for this role especially after such a milestone? >> i knew i wanted to take a leadership role, i wanted to be a conversation facilitator. i'm a really great communicator. it's a talent of mine. >> you've said that the verdict was not immediately unanimous on the jury, i know you also don't want to talk about the thoughts of the other jurors, but can you give us a sense of what you were divided on and how were you able to come to these guilty verdict and persuade everyone? >> some of the things that we were divided on the verbiage of the gross negligence and a few buzzwords that there for us that we wanted to truly understand and make sure it applied in the case. and we found that it did. >> prior, you said the evidence that showed jennifer crumbley was the last adult to be near the gun was important to you. >> it was very important to me. i just feel like she should have
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either secured the gun from her child or secured her child from the gun and that didn't happen. and we found her guilty. >> obviously a lot of evidence was introduced including notebooks with entries from ethan. i want to read a bit of what was said. in one entry, he said, my parents won't listen to me about help. what did you make of those entries especially given him directly citing his parents. >> one of the big things for me was when he wrote, i now have access to the gun. that made a significant dent in jennifer's case for me. it sounds like he was a very troubled kid. and i don't think that firearms really helped in his case. >> it's really chilling to hear that. let me ask you about jennifer crumbley, the mother's
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testimony. she got up there on the witness stand, what impact did that have on you, did it help or hurt for you? >> for me at the time i did try to take what she was saying very seriously, i gave her the benefit of doubt, that was the burden placed on me. i had to believe she was innocent until proven guilty. once the deliberations started, it was clear that there were some holes in her story. >> other people argued that to you? >> yes. >> ethan, the school shooter, her son, decided not to testify, did you want to hear from him >> his presence isn't something that i would like to be around. >> given all you know about the crimes. >> yes. >> our legal analyst said yesterday, he said that he sees a shift happening in courts. he said that juries might not be more willing to hold parents accountable for actions of their kids. are you hoping to send a message
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to parents through this verdict? >> i made a decision when this started, i didn't want to set precedent. i didn't want to send a message. i just don't want this to happen again. >> and this clearly is a life-changing experience. >> you're a different person for sure. >> so why speak out so publicly? >> i think it's important for people to have a sense of what went on in that juryroom. >> it's fascinating to talk with you. i don't know if you're planning to write a book, but a lot of jurors do that. thank you for your time. >> thank you. companies are popping up around the country that are offering a unique service to college kids which some are referring to, quote, second moms. nbc's valerie castro shows a day in the life of a mom 2.0.
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>> mindy horowitz is a mom of three. >> okay, i can't wait to see you. okay. >> yes, you too. >> stay dry, bye, honey. >> reporter: but when she swings by this missouri college campus. >> hi, i'm here. >> she's not there to check on her own kids. >> i have your passport. >> thank you, much needed. >> i know, i know, and you have a big trip planned. >> reporter: horowitz, founder of mindy knows, acts a parent substitute to college students away from home at washington university in st. louis. >> we have families from minneapolis and from florida, and from california. >> do you feel like a second parent or a second mom to these kids? >> i always say i'm like a really, really nice, distant aunt. >> her membership-based service launched in 2019, and ranges from $49 for a monthly package, to $450 for a full year. she takes care of the things a mom would do. >> if you could give me two, two-packs. >> that would be great. >> grabbing cup cakes to surprise a birthday girl. >> happy birthday. >> oh, thanks for the flowers.
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>> don't thank me, thank your mama. you're so cute. >> i love this. thank you. >> happy birthday and i have some cup cakes for you. >> reporter: or dropping off a wellness package. >> i'm going to leave this for you. your mom sent you some hot soup. >> chicken noodle soup. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: one student away from several weeks needed someone to occasionally start up her car. >> okay, we're good. >> reporter: other similar services are out there. concierge services for students serves the boston area while daisy bug delivery has a stronghold at the university of tampa, and horowitz is expanding, hiring more mindys at schools like northwestern, penn state and iowa. >> i know what it's like when your kid is far away and you just can't figure something out and you have someone there that can help reduce the stress, it's a feeling of gratitude. >> reporter: for this georgia mom, gratitude came at a moment of crises when her son jonathan got sick. >> mindy was able to refer him to a doctor that was very close by.
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i just knew that he was going to be in really good hands. >> we send our kids off to college when they're 18 years old. it's not a hard stop to parenting, we're still their parents. we still love them and we still want to help them when they need it. >> reporter: mindy and her students know it means parents can have peace of mind. >> having someone like mindy that they trust and love it's really helpful. >> reporter: valerie castro. >> i totally get it. i'm trying to like let them be free. >> a delicate balance. let's turn now to economy, while inflation may be easing up a bit, it's still on menu at fast food restaurants. >> leaving some customers thinking about grabbing a quick bite to eat. christine romans has more.
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once upon a time, a few dollars could purchase a quick meal. but these days grabbing a burger and fries takes a much bigger bite about your wallet. >> why are we not talking about these fast food restaurants going up, too? >> almost $9 for a big mac. >> reporter: once home to the dollar menu, prices at the golden arches leaving a bad taste in the mouth of consumers who just want value. going viral, the big mac meal priced at $18 at a connecticut rest stop and an egg mcmuffin selling for more than $7. fast food companies are listening. mcdonald's ceo says he's focusing on affordability this year. >> only $3. >> reporter: telling analysts, the customers making $45,000 a year and less are ditching their mcdonald's and buys groceries instead. you can see why. the price of food at home rose just 1.3% over the past year. but food away from home jumped more than 5%. >> they're here, mcdonald's best burgers ever.
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>> reporter: brands like mcdonald's rolling out upgrades to famous its burgers and hoping its new franchise will bring customers back. >> one way they can find themselves going back on the door of those qsr fast food restaurants is finding out what brought them there to begin with. mcdonald's did this last year. they started to bring nostalgia back. >> taco bell was actually the one place where you could stretch that money. >> reporter: and taco bell expanding its value meal to 10 items under $3. the company remains dedicated to offering our fans delicious food at affordable prices. at chipotle, sales rose in the quarter, despite that 3% hike of many menu prices in october. it all means finding the best deal will require a little bit of planning. >> most menus these days do have something that's considered a value menu or a value option. but you do probably benefit more from doing your research ahead of time.
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>> christine romans is here with us now. aside from cooking yourself, healthy, at home, what do you do to save money. >> mcdonald's noticed this. people who make $45,000 or less were switching out mcdonald's to going to the grocery store again. some of these shops are offering bundles and family meals. certain things on the drive-through window, you can get a bigger family size and that might be cheaper. some of these experts say, look, consider the kids' menu, look, i've done this before, too, if i'm going to go to mcdonald's, i want what i want. i'm going to have it. it's a special occasion. >> you focused on fast food.
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what about regular restaurants, are we seeing the same trends. >> regular restaurants have been trying to pass along price increases but they're noting they're hitting kind of peak inflation fatigue, if people's grocery bills are starting to be more flat you're going to start to see people eat at home. they're trying to accommodate these budget-conscious folks. the steps that we originally went to fast food for, turns out two years into inflation that's what people really want. >> thank you. >> we ate this one up you could say. coming up, we'll change course. more high school students are foregoing college. how parents can help their teens decide if that's the right decisi for onth
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in today's modern parenting, it's that time of year when high school seniors look forward to graduating and your teen is considering what's coming next. >> a growing number of young people are looking at other alternatives. a recent business insider/you
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gov, just 39% of gen z said that advancing their education is important to them. joining us now is certified educational planner bari norman, why are some young people saying, i don't really feed to go to college right now. >> it has something to do with the different jobs and careers that exist now. 20 years ago, ten years we didn't have influencers or youtubers and college has become incredibly expensive. >> we're all feeling it, a lot of seniors, juniors get that question, what do you want to do next? that can be anxiety-producing. what are top three questions that parents ask their students about the future. >> i think it's really smart to start with, what are your long-term goals? you may need a college degree or advanced degree. you may not. you also need to think about what do you want versus what you
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need. don't just pay attention to the name or the ranking. think about what you want and the things that you need that are deal-breakers and also, are you ready? >> if you're not ready, what about a gap year. one of my kids did that. >> so, it's increasingly popular. most importantly for at lot of students as a mental health break. you can do a gap year, might involve, study, service, travel. the idea is to have some structure to it and it's a great way to take a break before jumping radioit in. >> and sometimes in lieu of a gap year, some choose a trade school -- >> there's the option of gap year, the option of trade school, you can go right into the workforce, speak with your college adviser about programs that are very specific for people who may be thinking about
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career trajectory. college is one of your most potent tools. >> there are a lot of first generation college students whose parents didn't go to college, it can be kind of overwhelming to figure out what to do if you don't have parents who know the system, i guess, what do you recommend. >> i was one of those kids, there are people around you who are there to help in your school, in organizations in your community, online, seek out the help and the support of people who are knowledgeable and who are there to help you and then you'll be able to take the next step. >> parents know this clear pipeline they had. i went to high school, college, maybe grad school, what do you say to those parents whose children aren't interested in college. >> some are overwhelmed by the college admissions process, some may not feel ready. the good news for kids who don't know what to do the u.s.
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educational system is set up for that. you can go in undecided and some students think that's negative in the application process, but that's not at all the case. >> you can take your time. nothing wrong with like that gap year or working for a while. >> right, who knows what they want to do at 17. change the course of your career or industry, rarely a straight line as we know. >> bari norman, thank you so much. there's much more news ahead. >> you're watching "nbc news daily". when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it.
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the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. these aren't all the side effects. get ahead of it. talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save on linzess. welcome back to "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. new developments in the case of the mom accused of hosting alcohol-fuelled parties for her underage son and his friends. she was indicted on seven counts involving her role in the parties. she said she can no longer afford to pay her attorney and needs a public defender. that mean her trial could be delayed by six months. she's due back in court march 6th for a hearing to select a new attorney. we are not done with the rain. some drier days are ahead. here is kari hall with our seven
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day forecast. >> we are going to see rain rolling in today off and on showers, even into tonight. still a slight chance of a spotty shower on thursday. look how chilly our weather is. feeling like winter with highs in the mid to upper 50s and mornings in the mid 30s for the inland areas. we do have drier conditions for the weekend into early next week. temperatures will gradually get milder every day heading into next tuesday. in san francisco, expect highs in the mid 50s, off and on rain today. then looking at a fairly nice but chilly weekend ahead. low 60s for highs by the beginning of early next week. >> thank you. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo.
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now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. welcome back. many bay area homeowners are missing out on a small tax break.
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it's easy to get. chris chmura shows us how you can save money on your property taxes. >> we are talking about the home eners exception. if you own it and live in it no matter what county, you qualify. it saves you $70 to $80 a year. some data we obtained suggests lots of families are missing out. 243,000 homes are claiming the homeowners exexgs but 210 are not. some homes in the no column are rentals, which are not eligible. some homeowners who live in their home are missing out on this $70 a year. we quickly found four folks on our own news team. here is the good news for my colleagues plus anyone else. you can apply to get the homeowners exemption tax break. >> most people don't know. the other thing is that if you change your title, when i moved my home from an individual with
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my wife and my name into a trust, the homeowner exemption drops off. >> you have to reapply. the assessor told me adding or removing someone from your home title might cause you to loose the break. the office said it is required to take full advantage of transfer benefits under prop 19. figure out whether you are getting it by calling your local assessor or look up your record online. you need your address. if you find that you do not have it but you want to get it, expect a one-page application. don't delay. your deadline to get full benefits is february 15th. to guide you, we will put links on our website. >> thank you. thanks for saving us money. the live super bowl coverage continues from las vegas tonight. we will take you to the super bowl fan experience live at the mandalay bay convention center.
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coverage is 4:30. we are in las vegas for the super bowl coverage. we get ready to face the kansas city chiefs on sunday. that does it for "the fast that does it for "the fast forward."4/ rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine.
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i'm craig melvin. and this is dateline daytime on nbc. : ma'am. ok. we are-- robin owens: oh, god. oh, god. operator: ma'am. i just knew that she was gone.


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