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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 8, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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right now at 5:00, still in the dark. this morning thousands of pg&e customers still without power. it comes as parts of the bay area also in recovery mode after that powerful storm.
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a live report, when the power may be turned back on. high stakes. a high court is set to determine whether the state of colorado can exclude presidential candidate, donald trump, from its ballot. plus -- >> only one team leaves happy. >> eyes on the prize. our countdown super bowl, and the way the niners are prepared to take on kansas city. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this thursday. i am marcus washington. i am laura garcia. we are going to check in with mike and the commute in a minute, but first let's check with the meteorologist, kari hall. it's cold out there. we have a few more showers that will be moving through, and we are still seeing very active
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weather further to the south, and a couple spotty showers to our north. that's going to be coming in and as we go throughout the day we are watching out for that. our temperatures are now in the 30s. we are just one degree above freezing right now in santa rosa. it's 33. bundle up. we will have more cold mornings like this going into the weekend, but i was talking about a slight chance of rain, and we will see that in time for the evening commute, first starting along the coastline and then into the peninsula, and gradually winding down tonight and that's it. we will talk more about the weekend coming up. mike, you were checking out a crash on the nimitz. >> yeah, it's not completely clear but the commute should be all right. we have these crashes, and this one just happened on southbound 880. on the over crossing, there's slowing. a crash reported in the middle lane in the last ten minutes, so we are seeing slowing.
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highway 4, a little slowing showing up as the crew is clearing, and we just got word from caltrans that cleared from 84. those crews overnight must be really cold. back to you. >> thank you. the waiting game to get the power back on keeps going. >> it has been so stretched out for people. ginger conejero saab joins us this morning. what are we hearing from pg&e. >> reporter: good morning to you. we just heard from pg&e moments ago, and we got the latest numbers of customers affected and we are still looking at over 12,000 customers that still don't have the lights on, and progress is still being made. the last number we got at 10:00
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last night, there were 15,000 customers without power. there are more lights, definitely more lights on now. customer in sonoma county have been trying to get by without heat and lights and in some cases water. pg&e had the power back up in the rural area in sonoma county, and then a car slammed into a pole and a power went out, so there's no electricity or water. >> if the pump goes out for the wells, some places could be in trouble. >> reporter: to go back to some of the numbers. just moments ago pg&e releasing their latest numbers of outages, still more than 12,000 pg&e customers are without power. the numbers have significantly
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improved on the peninsula yesterday morning, and the number was around 6,100, and this morning it's down to just over 1,000 here. north bay numbers still significant at 8,100 customers without power, and is that down from over 16,000 yesterday morning. let's switch gears a bit and we will take a look at this sinkhole in san francisco that caused some headaches on the roads yesterday. it opened up near the intersection of 14th and guerrero over in the mission in san francisco. public works crews say the hole is about eight feet deep, and they are not sure if it was triggered by the weekend's heavy rain. we may still see or feel the impacts of the storm in the days to come, maybe something like a sinkhole, so you want to be cautious of that, especially if expecting wet weather.
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pg&e customers may feel the affect in your pocket, and there's good news because if you are without power for 48 hours consecutively, you could see the credit on your bill, and if your food goes bad during that time you can go on the website and file for reimbursement, and those are some problems where we can move forward to what we have been experiencing. >> a lot of people will be thankful for that. >> thank you, ginger. and then vivian gomez pleaded not guilty last summer to involuntary manslaughter, and practicing medicine without a license. she's accused of flying from florida to give silicone insections to a woman from antioch, and those injections
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led to her death inside a hotel room. and then talking about a recent firing due to posts on social media. the posts were 12 years ago and described as bigoted and derogatory, and the unnamed officer was with the force less than a year. in a statement the department says, in part, quote, racism and bigotry are completely contrary to our core values and hate speech will not be tolerated in any circumstances. the department launching a review of its own hiring practices. and then a landmark case regarding former president trump. at issue is whether colorado can exclude trump from their 2024
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presidential ballot. colorado's supreme court kicked the gop frontrunner off the state's republican ballot, citing trump's role leading up to the attack on the capitol. and the 14th amendment bars anybody that engages in insurrection in holding office. even if the high court rules against the former president, he will not be immediately disqualified from running. the issue will return to individual states. meanwhile, super bowl lviii is quickly come into focus for the 49ers. let's give you a live look at allegiant stadium. this is where the niners will take on the chiefs this sunday, but right now the niners are hanging out nowhere near the strip, and instead they are getting down to business. this is at unlv's practice
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center, and the head coach realizes there's nothing they can do about the soggy conditions there. >> we are here and practicing on it, and everybody has their preferences and we will deal with how the it is. >> the chiefs are practicing in the raiders practice field as they are considered home team. a live look at i-80 in kingvale where snow has been falling in the sierra. you will need chains from i-80 in kingvale to the donner lake interchange. and chains are required on highway 50 right now. crews were out making sure drivers were safe and had the chains to make it through. one truck driver said the roads
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were cleared until he reached i-80 and then the headaches started. >> we had no problems going down the 5 for seven hours, and then we got to the 80 and now we are at the 6,000-foot level on the 80 and now you need chains. we have them but we don't have the bungee cords for them. >> oh, no, got to come prepared. a lot of work to put them on, too. >> that snow is a good thing for that area, right? >> it is. it has been a huge boost to the sierra snowpack. if we look at what is going on now, if you are headed there and throughout the weekend, things are quieting down so we are hopefully going to seat roads getting cleared soon, but you want to bring the tire chains just in case. on january 1st our sierra snowpack on average was only 28% of its normal amount. well today we have seen a huge boost. we're at 75% of normal with the
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best of it in the northern sierra that is now 83% of its usual amount, so the average snow depth now at about 21.3 inches, and the central sierra snow lab has reported that in the last seven days they have had over 55 inches of snowfall, so yes, it has been great to see that big boost there. we are going to see things drying out for a while so we will continue to monitor the snowpack, and we will talk about a slight chance of bay area rain coming up. mike, you are saying that now you have a second crash along 880? yeah, i don't see any problems, so it might be just over the hill where we can't see the traffic flow, but you see plenty of traffic slowing on the live camera and we don't see a sensor change. we will track that coming down to where there is still slowing. no longer in the middle of the freeway but now on the slow lane. southbound 880 around the
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hacienda over crossing so watch for that. caltrans says the crew is clear from highway 4, and the distraction of clearing could be slowing the area. and then manzanita park and ride are doing maintenance, so it's not for flooding, just maintenance. lower on the peninsula, a smooth drive into the south bay. still have the slowing from the earlier crew on highway 87. we will watch that, but there's activity on the nimitz. coming up on "today in the bay," stock markets hitting new highs, but more companies moving out of the bay area. we introduce you to a young 49ers fan turned social media celebrity. his incredible story of resilience. keep it right here. keep it right here. you're wching "today in the at
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ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes.
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and beauty is something we can create... right now... at floor & decor. [dry dog food pouring into metal bowl] i was made for sport. i used to have bounce. and, unlike nutrish whole health blend, i contain nothing that would help your dog live a happy, healthy life. i mean, i used to smell like the can. helping dogs dog healthy. good thursday morning. right now at 5:14, we are taking a look at union city and what to expect. it's a cold morning. we are in the upper 30s here, and it's all clear. we do have sunshine for most of the morning into the afternoon, but you may have a stray shower later today. i'm watching out for that and looking ahead to the weekend. more coming up in a few minutes. here the san mateo bridge moving smoothly and taillights away from hayward, and getting to the hayward interchange might be an issue. there's slowing from an earlier
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crash that has not made it to the shoulder, and we will track the nimitz which has the most activity but there's a build all around the bay. happy thursday. good morning to you. nvidia, to understand what is going on in the valley, always watch nvidia. the chipmaker's overall value, it's market capitalization is now almost as big as amazon. that's huge. this company is vista outdoor, and it's the parent company of campbell back and it's moving camelback's headquarters out of the bay. there will be a big hearing in washington today over drug prices. it's the senate health committee, the one that senator bernie sanders sits on.
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the fundamental question, senators and for that matter americans have, why is the price of a drug higher in the united states than it is in, say, canada or mexico for the same drug? one federal study says on average 2 1/2 times higher. disney has bought its way into a share of epic games. the maker of fortnite. it's worth $1.5 billion, and marks disney's biggest investment in video games in the company's history. disney says taylor swift's eras tour movie will be on disney. and we don't know anything about a movie show wrote -- >> she's got a lot on her plate.
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>> she does. >> never board, taylor. >> we will see it if she makes it to the super bowl. we will see. the super bowl broadcast, straight from bikini bottom. spongebob characters will be announcing the show alongside the human announcers. it has all the nickelodeon whackiness and characters and slime. i got a chance to venture under the sea and speak with the characters of the show and they say they are excited to let loose. >> we get to do the biggest sports event in the country with a license to be goofy. >> but from what i heard, it sounds like they actually have a little studying to do before the big game on sunday. how much does spongebob and patrick and sandy know about
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football? >> what's the point? >> patrick, patrick, you have five points. >> you can watch the super bowl straight from bikini bottom this sunday. it's going to be on nickelodeon. will be a fun way to watch it with the kids. and speaking of the 49ers, cooper coda, and she's about to turn three years old. he lives in new jersey, and he is three years old, and he recently got a liver transplant, and his parents started posting videos of cooper cheering on his favorite team, and his love of the 49ers comes from them. >> we were watching the eagles game in the hospital and, you know, that was the first time he ever said let's go niners was in the hospital before the eagles game, and i couldn't be prouder as a dad. >> the question is did he do the clap after that?
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with a big audience, cooper inspired a lot of other fans just in time for the super bowl. let's go niners! >> let's go cooper, too. what a cutie. >> yeah, niners fans of all ages, and we are going enjoy the storm this weekend. yeah, it will be chilly but we are going to enjoy some sunshine. we do have one last wave of rain that will be coming in today and it still looks pretty sloppy for southern california with that rain moving in, and we can see once again some of the showers just to our north. as we take a look at our temperatures, this is going to be cooler than what we typically see with morgan hill today only making it up to 55 degrees. 57 in east san josé. we are also going to see mid to low 50s for the inland east bay with concord hitting a high of 55 this afternoon. hayward looking at 57 degrees.
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mid-50s for redwood city, and mateo, 57. 56 in the mission district. the outer sunset today, 55 degrees. also 55 in napa and in sonoma. we talked about the slight chance of rain and it comes in around 3:00 to 4:00 this afternoon, just kind of springs up after a mostly sunny day. we will see this coming through the peninsula as well as the north bay, and then over towards the east bay into the tri-valley. we are going to see that one last chance before things clear out tonight and then the cold air will be settling in. our next several mornings will start out in the mid to upper 30s. we are looking at much more sunshine for the weekend. sunday is looking great. 62 degrees -- i wish it was 72. it will be in the 60s in the next few days, gradually warming up but at least we are not talking about 50s for all of the bay area. mike, you are seeing that it's still slow for drivers in concord? >> yeah, we are looking at the
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overall commute and things are looking smoothly, and highway 37 is reporting at speed. there's a late construction pickup, and westbound highway 4 as you are coming over towards concord, we just now see the sensors turning toward the yellow zone and getting better so i think they finely cleared those crews. antioch and pittsburg, we have the building on the east side as it cleared from the west side. we will track that. heading to 242, vasco still moving good, and only 18 minutes there, and we are seeing a little more slowing southbound on 880. chp is there, and i don't know about the tow truck, but the volume builds off the castro valley, so there is slowing heading towards the san mateo
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bridge. south of there everything is clear. back to you. >> thanks, mike. 5:22, and coming up next on "today in the bay," "nbc bay area responds." >> resort fees are all over the map. we think there are tricks to great party, carlene. we think there are tricks to help you avoid paying
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you must have blown your budget. not exactly. you have great wine, name brand snacks, tons of meat. and where did you get this imported cheese? hello? grocery outlet bargain market getting ready to watch your team play the big game? or still sad they didn't make it? either way, scan to save big.
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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5:25 for you this morning. spring break is right around the corner and if you are planning a hotel stay, plan for the resort fees. >> that's right, and chris chmura wants to help avoid them even if you are already booked. here's how. >> our first trick is to check your rate. we recently saw a hotel in honolulu where west coasters could book a special rate without a resort fee. you had to click more rates and then scroll down to see it. poke around while booking. pro tip. if you already have a reservation, you are not locked into a rate with a resort fee. many hotel reservations can be resized until the week you arrive, so check to see if you can change the rate now to save money on your vacation. second, comparison shop for package deals. s loyal members. and many hotels do not charge resort fees when you are redeeming their points. >> always learn something new. >> that, you do. the top stories we are following today, including sickness on a ship. more than 100 passengers falling ill on a cruise ship that ill on a cruise ship that stopd here inpe
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ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. beauty drops our jaws. dilates our eyes.
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and beauty is something we can create... right now... at floor & decor. the quarterback gets ready. steps up... hands off the ritz to the running back. ooh ritz! he spins outside. what do you got there? avoids pressure. gimme! stretches... ...and brings it home! ( ♪♪ ) right now at 5:30, a brazen theft caught on camera as nervous apple employees try to stand back. new details emerging about a bay area video going viral. it's the most important political supreme court, bush versus gore. everything you need to know about today's battle over the ballot. a live look in las vegas where a lot of fans are headed there ahead of super bowl sunday. we will take you to the strip for a closer look at the growing
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buzz. this is "today in the bay." thursday morning, 5:30 right now. thank you for starting your day with us. i am laura garcia. i am marcus washington. let's get you caught up with what is going on with the forecast now, and meteorologist, kari hall, looking at what to expect today. >> it's all clear, and we don't have an issue with the morning commute, but it may come back for the evening commute. we are watching out for a chance of lingering showers today. it's a cold start. we are also watching out for the coastal flood advisory, and we will have that continuing for the next few days as we get the king tides returning to the bay area. we will also have more chilling mornings ahead, but the weekend staying dry. for the most part, dry today in gilroy with the temperatures going from 40 to low 50s, so it's going to be very much like winter for today. we will have more cool weather, but once again much more of that sunshine. mike, you are starting with
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the drive through walnut creek. >> yeah, we are watching the build on the map. no slowing at the scene, but we are seeing more traffic towards 24. the arrow shows good recovery, but it's slower than we would like because the slowing keeps building. contra costa county does show a good pace for the rest of the drive. highway 37 in the north bay just starting slowing out of vallejo. no metering lights registering at the bay bridge, and the drive is smoother towards hayward and 880. so the south bay build just started. back to you. >> thank you, mike. it's 5:32 right now. today the u.s. supreme court will consider whether states have the power to keep donald trump off their ballot. >> scott mcgrew is joining us. scott, the 14th amendment says
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those that insight or lead an ininsurrection cannot hold office. >> well, did the writers mean to include the president or exclude him? who decides what an insurgeon see is? you will a court in the state of colorado found that trump did lead an insurrection and he cannot be on that ballot. both decisions are on hold pending the supreme court's ruling. okay, key point, the supreme court today is not ruling on whether trump incited an
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insurrection. the supreme court doesn't decide guilt or innocence, and a court in colorado already ruled trump incited an insurrection, and the court will consider who is the amendment about and how do we decide what a insurrection is. it just says don't insight an insurrection, the same way it says you have to be 35 to be a president. it doesn't expand on the idea, and it just says you have to be 35. the justices, if they say he can be excluded, some will say that's hurting democracy. to do that, they will have to find a way to get around the 14th amendment's language that says no person that took an oath
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of the constitution should hold any other office. and good to remember, this looks like a liberal versus conservative fight, but some of the more conservative judges may decide against trump. it's going to be soon when they announce that decision. >> thank you, scott. now to a breaking news update for you out of southern california. the bodies of five missing marines have been found after their helicopter crashed near san diego. it was reported missing after leaving an air force base in nevada. the marines were conducting a training flight and the helicopter last pinged in the rugged area of east san diego county. crews searched into the night on tuesday and found the helicopter yesterday morning.
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investigators now say that helicopter seemed to have crash landed. at the time of the crash, the conditions were a mix of rain and heavy snow but it's unclear if severe weather played a role in the crash. new video going viral this morning of a thief targeting an east bay apple store. a tiktoker posted this video yesterday. you can see a masked man ripping devices from the table and he stuffs in his pants. apple store workers are trained not to engage with robbers. on his way out, you could see a patrol car in front. police later clarified the car was not manned but instead serves as a ghost car. as far as we know police did not make any arrests. a relaxing time on a luxury cruise ship was anything but more than 100 passengers traveling from san francisco to hawaii. those passengers onboard the
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queen victoria of canard cruise lines docked tuesday and left last night, and it's part of a 3 1/2-month voyage around the world. 128 passengers and 25 crew members reported feeling ill, and the cause is a mystery. the symptoms include diarrhea and vomiting. >> it introduced like covid, and -- >> sanitization. >> they elevate the level, and they don't let people in the bistro handle anything themselves, and it's all served, and people were recovering within a couple days of the symptoms. >> a cruise lines spokesperson said they immediately activated
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their enhanced health care. this morning he's calling it the calm before the storm. >> you want the skinny now? it's thursday here in las vegas. this is when the real stuff actually begins. the airport will be packed today and all the fans coming in from the bay area and kansas city and everywhere else. let's show you the strip, though, last night. it's still chilly here. cold and blustery in las vegas. it's 40 to 45 degrees, and don't get used to this. there's not many people on the strip. beginning tonight you will see a lot more people, and i don't care if it's cold or not and everybody is coming in for the big game. guys, we will send it back to you and we are counting down to kickoff. i wish it was happening already, but we have a another few days to go. >> another few to go. you are right. and here in las vegas, 49ers
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fans are stocking up on gear at the team store. there were two flights from san josé to las vegas yesterday, and tsa lines were filled with fans dressed in red and gold and some did not have tickets, they are just going for the vibe. >> yeah, we go every year, and this year is the year to go especially with the 49ers going. >> we are likely to see more fans flying out today and tomorrow. >> if you are driving to vegas, mike will have places you can fill up for a low price in just a minute. >> until you get out of town. >> you go to vegas without tickets, and what are you going to do? what is there to do in vegas? >> i will tell you after the show. >> okay, marcus. they do have cold weather, and you saw them bundled up with hoodies and lots of layers. overnight temperatures there will be in the upper 30s for the
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weekend. yes, very chilly, and only making the recovery into the mid-50s. it looks good with the sunshine there, and of course, lots going on. if you are staying here in the bay area, we also have a lot going on. celebrating the lunar new year, and this saturday you will be able to go meet our own mike inouye out there, and temperatures will head up to 60 degrees with a lot of sunshine. don't forget we are also approaching fat tuesday, so there will be mardi gras celebrations, and this one in san francisco at north beach will have a second line. temperatures are going to be in the mid-50s there with a mix of sun and clouds. napa will have the lighted art festival and the lantern parade on saturday. looks great for that. temperatures in the low 60s but dropping quickly as we see it coming down to about 38 degrees. of course we have a lot of super bowl celebrations going on around the bay area. san josé will see temperatures in the low 60s as we head
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towards sunday. and san francisco, it will be about 59 degrees to partly and mostly cloudy, but all the jumping and cheering will keep you warm. mike, you have a look at gas prices. >> if you are heading to landfall, congratulations, consider picking up somebody while out of town. let's check vallejo, it has your best in the state, 3.39 is the best chance, easy express on tennessee street. out of the south bay, morgan hill, $3.99 or less if you use safeway points, and then easy trip travel plaza on tracy avenue, $4.03.
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you can follow on we are all sharing prices. let's go out to the roadways where there's a smoother drive, and san josé, typical slowing on the 101. we have a hazard and maybe a stall, 17 towards the summit. no slowing showing up but we are watching for crews heading out there. coming up on "today in the bay," a person suspected of stealing a chp cruiser, that person back on the streets and now she has done it again. we will tell you where and why she might have been out. it's never too early to strike gold in paris, or even silver or bronze. what is ahead of the summer olympics. and then the wife of san francisco 49er, unveils her new design
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss.
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call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ the time is 5:44. let's head over to castro valley. at 8:00 it's still chilly, in the low 40s but at least it will be sunny. the sunshine doesn't do a lot to warm us up today. we are headed for the mid-50s, and there will still be a slight chance of rain. we will talk about the weekend, coming up. over here, we know the bay
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bridge is about to start filling up, and the metering lights turned on only moments ago. we are showing the build out of the east bay, and we will check on the slowing on highway 4 coming up. >> thank you, kari and mike. in a story you will only see on nbc bay area, a serial car theft accused of stealing a chp cruiser is accused of doing it again. >> we have more on why she was still out on the streets. kris? >> that's what the latest victims in vallejo want to know. two weeks ago that suspect was seen ditching a stolen chp cruiser and running off, and now she remains booked and in custody today. she's behind the robbery of a vallejo home, tvs and thousands dollars of tools and also the family's two cars. the husband and wife are in a bit of shock, especially because that suspect, the 27-year-old is
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known in that neighborhood. guerrero is booked in the san francisco county jail, and when we find out when she will be released, we will bring that to you. >> thank you. six months away from the 2024 summer olympics in paris, and we are getting a first look at the prizes, 18th century jewelry house giving us a look of the medals up for grabs. the committee required the medals to feature nike, the greek goddess of victory. pretty cool.
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nbc bay area is your home for all things olympics. we will bring you live coverage from the city of lights throughout the game. speaking of games, you may not be able to make it to vegas to see the niners in the super bowl, but how about attending a super-sized watch party? oh, yes, and it's happening here. the 49ers are organizing a watch party in thrive city. the signups are opening today and the niners' spokesperson telling us, they are sponsoring international watch parties, one in mexico and one in the uk. >> it's an opportunity for us to be the world champion, and the fans are fired up and it's our second time in the last five years, and it's a west coast
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super bowl. >> that's what i'm talking about. tomorrow morning we are teaming up with the "today" show again. yes, this is to host that niners pep rally. this is at the lot at city center bishop ranch in san ramon. dress up in all your gear because you want to be seen, because the "today" show and "today in the bay" will be there. you can call your friends and say i will be on the "today" show and on "today in the bay." >> that's right, all the red and gold. the niners are getting their game faces on in vegas, and here at home some fans are getting their game nails going. more customers are asking for red, gold, footballs and rhinestones on them to give them the vegas skwraoeub.
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>> we go all out with the 49ers design, yes, and it's exciting for the football game. >> are they coming in after the games with their nails crashed or what? >> yeah, a lot. a lot of them have no nails. a lot of them have one or two broken nails and they say it's because they were nervous from the last game. >> they keep coming back, too. let's hope the super bowl is not a nail-biter. 13, you know if you are a niner fan, it's not for taylor swift, it's her favorite number, 13, and she's so superstitious, and our niners broad purdy, his jersey is number 13. kris sanchez is asking fans
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who want to show off their niner nails to send photos. check it out. >> always fun. >> nails just a small part of the super bowl lviii fashion angle. >> let's talk about the budding fashion star designer, kristen juszczyk. she's already gone viral for her custom creations, and we have seen them on taylor swift and simone biles wearing them, but now she is revealing her puffer vests, the first of which will be auctioned off for the national best cancer foundation. that's cool. she's telling "today" it started as a personal struggle because she was unable to find anything she wanted to wear. >> i always just have been wanting to wear something unique, and i had a moment where i was like, i can't find it out there to buy, so the only option
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is to create. >> and that she did. it's the wife of chief's quarterback, brittney mahoney. as for whether brittney or even taylor will be wearing the custom outfits for super bowl sunday, you will have to wait and see. >> i love it, because it's modernizing, and not just the typical jersey, the guy clothes we have to wear, right? >> yeah, you always steal the guy clothes. i'm going to wear this. >> oh, yeah, that, too. >> i was wearing my husband's 49ers jersey last time and put it on with tights, and i wanted to tie it up and do something with it, and -- >> no! >> no! >> just wanted to make it cute.
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perfect. >> now kristen is helping you out. >> looking forward to that being affordable at ross. >> that may take a while. it's cold, and not only are we watching out for the cold weather but also the coastal flood advisory that will be in effect. it's not due to storms or rain. this is because of the gravitational pull of the moon, the astronomical high tides. we will see that for the next few days, and some of the low-lying areas with the king tides will see flooding over the next few days. let's check in on the rain. after 24 inches of rainfall for the water year in santa rosa, we are now at a surplus, and we have four inches above what is normal for this date. oakland was at a big deficit for rainfall before this, but now we are catching up. concord, just lacking an inch
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and three quarters. we're catching up. currently we are starting out with the temperatures in the 30s, and it's a cold start. 55 in los gatos. for the east bay, we will see a high of 53 in livermore and 56 in walnut creek. along the coast, half moon bay once again watching out for a very small beach today because of the higher than normal tides. we will see temperatures in the upper 50s for san francisco. north bay temperatures in the mid to upper 50s as well. so we talked about this. the rain coming in for today. most of the day is going to be clear, but all of a sudden we will start to see the clouds bubbling up and then scattered showers developing around 4:00 to 5:00. most of it tapering off shortly after sunset, and then we are back to the dry conditions with sunshine in the forecast for the weekend. it will be chilly each morning for the next few days. we will start out in the upper 30s and our highs will reach
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into the upper 50s, low 60s, gradually getting warmer through the beginning of next week. san francisco is also going to have chilly temperatures. lots of layers needed as it will definitely feel like winter. mike, you are watching the roads and the issues developing? >> this shot feels like the bay bridge. we filled in all the lanes now, and no major issues although we have seen crashes pop up -- oh, let me check that. we are showing typical slowing across the bay bridge, and highway 4 was sorted out and we will talk about in that a second. but we got a report, 101 at the railroad, there's a crash and it will take a while to clear. a roadside fire in novato reported but i don't see any structures involved. there's a smoother drive on
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highway 4 where we had the earlier overnight crews and additional slowing. drive times are building for highway 4 and 880, and vasco is 30% longer than a short time ago because of the volume coming out of contra costa county down towards 580. no surprises. that's a typical pattern. over here near hayward, not a lot of slowing. watch southbound 880 passing hacienda. and the southbound, we do have north 101 showing the typical pattern, and the first rush easing up a bit. back to you. >> thank you, mike. the people living in the area of martinez refinery may notice flaring today and over the next few days. now, it's been happening at times already this week as a result of workers temporarily shutting down one of the
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processing units. contra costa health promising to send out alerts the minute conditions change. much more ahead on "today in the bay," including a sinkhole opening up in san francisco. we will look at the work under way to make repairs. plus a landmark day in washington. the supreme court set to hear arguments about former president trump's eligibility to appear on the ballot and how that could shape the 2024 election. you can watch us whenever you would like on roku or other streaming platforms. a lot more ahead on this thursday morning. 5:56. you're watching "t you're watching "t od
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